How to remove chubby cheeks and create beautiful cheekbones.

The face and neck are the main external indicators of a person's age. Sagging cheeks and fat folds in the submandibular area are classic aesthetic defects. Often such problems arise in people who are overweight or as a result of sudden weight loss, as well as in the process of natural aging.

Some people decide to come to terms with the problem, others take radical measures and go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, while others improve their appearance using simple techniques. Let's find out how to remove a double chin and sagging cheeks at home.


This problem is relevant for men and women, and not necessarily above average age. Causes of facial oval deformation:


    The problem arises due to the physiological features of the structure of the maxillofacial region.

    Natural aging of the body and aggressive environmental influences also provoke deformation of the facial contour. It loses its elasticity, becomes less elastic, floats, jowls and fat folds appear.

    Weight fluctuations

    If a person begins to gain weight rapidly, then fat reserves are deposited on the lower part of the face. And a sharp decrease in body weight threatens loss of skin turgor.

    Hormonal balance is disrupted

    During menopause, when metabolism slows down, muscle hypotonia appears, which is reflected on the contour of the face and neck.

    Thyroid dysfunction

    This is a dangerous medical problem that requires prompt medical attention.

Exercises for an ideal oval face

It is worth doing gymnastics for the face from the age of 25, until the facial muscles atrophy and deep wrinkles and sagging cheeks appear. Daily exercises will not take much time and will help maintain a youthful face for a long time. Moreover, the effect of such gymnastics lasts longer than from Botox injections.

Video of effective exercises on how to remove a double chin

With the help of exercise, the production of complex proteins such as collagen and elastin is activated, oxygen metabolism improves, the skin becomes elastic, young and fresh, and the oval of the face is tightened. To maintain results, perform a set of exercises daily.

Gymnastics to combat double chin:

Train daily for 30 days. After completing the full complex, you will notice results that subsequently need to be consolidated. To do this, it is recommended to perform the exercises twice in 7 days. This way, you will also improve your previous results.

Many are fighting for the ideal oval face with the help of face building. This is a system of exercises for the facial muscles, which is based on force resistance.

It is forbidden to pull or knead the skin with your hands during the exercise, so as not to stretch it.

Daily workouts take no more than 12 minutes. The best time to exercise is in the evening, after you have cleansed your face of makeup.

Cheek exercise video

A set of exercises to combat double chin and jowls:

    From the fat fold

    Make a fist with your hand and press it to your chin. Use your lower jaw to apply pressure to your fist, but your head does not move. Stay in this position for at least 22 seconds. The number of repetitions is from 4 to 5 times.

    From sagging cheeks

    Using the ring, middle and index fingers of the right hand, which lie on the right cheekbone, we provide resistance to the muscles involved during a smile. To do this, you need to forcefully smile with the right corner of your lips, overcoming the pressure of your fingers. Execution time - 15 seconds. After this, the muscles need to be completely relaxed and the exercise repeated on the left side. Number of repetitions - 4 times.

Self-lifting for an ideal oval face:

    Double chin

    Smile with closed lips and clenched teeth. Press the roof of your mouth with your tongue, increasing the tension to the maximum. Stay in this position for 3 seconds. The number of repetitions is from 6 to 18. If the fold on the neck has formed for a long time, perform the exercise 2 times a day.

    Saggy cheeks (jowls)

    Keep your lips closed, teeth clenched, smile without opening your mouth, and lower your lower lip as low as possible. Use your fingers to hold the corners of your lips so they don't droop. Continue to pull your lip down, tightening your chin more and more for 4 seconds. Repeat 6 to 18 times.

    To maintain cheek elasticity

    Pronounce the sound “A” loudly, but do not open your mouth too much. Tension is concentrated in the lower cheek area, bring it to maximum in 3 seconds. Repeat 6 to 16 times a day.

Additional measures

To achieve good results in a short period of time, it is necessary to solve the problem comprehensively. Therefore, you should adhere to these rules:

  • Do the exercises regularly.
  • Eat less salt and sugar, which cause facial puffiness.
  • Eat calcium-rich foods that help you lose weight.
  • Drink only nectars, they are lower in calories (especially vegetable ones).
  • Eat 5 times a day at the same time, portions should be small.
  • Eat oranges, grapefruits and sour apples.
  • Half an hour before meals you need to drink 150 ml of purified water without gas.
  • Do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
  • Sleep on your back and only on low pillows.
  • Don't slouch.
  • Straighten your head and shoulders while sitting.
  • Smile and laugh more often, throwing your head back, this strengthens your facial muscles and improves your well-being.
  • , swimming, or exercise is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Watch the amount of calories, do not exceed the allowed maximum of 1200 kcal.

To visually reduce chubby cheeks, use a dark shade of powder or foundation.


Those with dry and sensitive skin types should perform exercises only after applying a care product (nourishing cream, vegetable oil).

First you need to look in the mirror, and then, when the exercises are performed automatically, you can do without it.

Facial gymnastics is a safe procedure, but it also has contraindications. Similar exercises prohibited in such cases:

  • Facial nerve neuropathy.
  • Earlier than 2 years and 6 months after facial plastic surgery.
  • With a persistent increase in blood pressure (from 150/90 and above).
  • An injured jaw, head or damaged spine are serious contraindications.
  • Couperosis on the face or acne.

People who inherit chubby cheeks or a double chin will have a much harder time dealing with them than those who have the same problem due to weight fluctuations.

How to maintain the elasticity of the oval face?

Face masks


Suitable for dry and combination skin types. Mix egg white, cucumber juice with pulp (but without seeds) and 10 g olive oil. Apply to face and neck and rinse after 15 minutes. Tightens and whitens age spots. Frequency - 2 times a week for 90 days.


10 g of fresh dill juice is mixed with 25 g of ground oatmeal and 10 g of olive oil. Apply to the problem area, rinse after 20 minutes. Frequency - once every seven days.


Mix 10 g of wheat germ extract, 20 g of grape juice with 50 g of kaolin. Apply evenly onto the skin, rinse after 15 minutes.


Mix 25 g of ground oatmeal, 1 egg white (pre-beaten) with 20 g of warm honey. Massage the mask onto your skin, rinse off after 20 minutes.


Daily facial massage gives excellent results, which makes the skin tightened and youthful, and the facial contour gradually brings it closer to ideal.

Apply nourishing cream or vegetable oil to clean skin. This will make the massage easier and the skin will not be injured. Use the fingers of both hands to move 10 times from your nose to your temples. This will warm up the skin and improve blood flow in the area.

Then move to the forehead, it needs to be smoothed from bottom to top. All movements should be smooth and easy.

After this, you need to move to the chin, using your fingertips, move from its center to the ears. This way you will form a clear oval face.

And finally, use the back of your hand to massage your neck and submandibular area from bottom to top.

Such The massage should be performed daily in the morning for 30 days.

Lubricate your face with ice cubes made from purified water or herbal infusions.

Chinese pinch massage is an excellent prevention of double chin and sagging cheeks. It requires daily execution for 6 - 12 minutes. Each exercise is performed 4 times. The pinches should be light and pleasant.

Basic exercises:

    Pinch your chin with both hands from its center and gradually move towards your ears. The pinches come one after another.

    Raise your head and throw it back. Start pinching with both hands first the center of the submandibular region (under the chin), gradually moving up to the ears.

    Using the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, simultaneously smooth your chin from the middle to your ears.

    This exercise uses the same three fingers, but now on each hand in turn. Smooth your neck from the ears to the bone. When moving your hand, turn your head in the other direction.

Only with an integrated approach and daily training can you see results and even get rid of a pronounced double chin or jowls. An active lifestyle, giving up bad habits and proper nutrition will do the trick. Extend your youth and beauty!

People with round cheeks want to get rid of them for various reasons. Some people don’t like the general appearance of their face, others follow fashion trends, and others consider round cheeks a sign of fullness. How to get rid of cheeks without resorting to plastic surgeons for help? First you need to identify the true reasons for their occurrence, and then consider possible solutions.

Causes of round cheeks

Heredity. You will have to work hard to get rid of chubby cheeks at home.

Wrong diet. Large amounts of fatty and salty foods retain water in the body, so the face swells.

  1. Cosmetologists have developed a number of exercises that will help reduce the size of your cheeks through simple manipulations. The effectiveness of the method has been proven more than once; the skin is tightened and nasolabial folds are smoothed.
  2. It is recommended to regularly use cosmetics that can tighten the skin in the problem area. Gels, creams and serums are auxiliary means; they will not completely get rid of large cheeks, but will help to quickly eliminate them along with other procedures.
  3. Get into the habit of using cosmetic ice made from medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile flowers, mint, celandine, linden flowers). In the morning, wash your face with cold water, then wipe your cheeks with ice.

Massage to reduce the roundness of the cheeks

Massage will give the best results if the procedure is done along with sets of exercises.

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of honey and heat it slightly in the microwave. Dip your fingertips into the jar, start tapping them on your cheeks, waiting until the honey begins to stick. Do a honey massage until your cheeks turn red. Wash your face with cold water and dry your skin with a hard towel.
  2. Wipe your face with lotion, then use a nourishing cream. Start pinching your cheeks, moving towards your cheekbones and chin. Carry out the procedure every other day.
  3. Take a hot bath, turn on the shower and run strong water pressure on your cheeks. It is recommended to use a contrasting water massage; it will not only smooth out wrinkles and reduce cheeks, but also tighten the face. If possible, perform simple manipulations daily.
  4. Buy a facial massage glove at any cosmetics store. Massage the chin and cheeks, but do not stretch the skin. The permissible number of uses is 1 time every 5 days.
  5. An excellent effect is achieved using a hot and cold cycle alternately. Take two towels, soak one in cold water, and dip the other in hot (but not boiling) water. Roll them into tubes and tap them on your cheeks one by one for 15 minutes, changing the temperature.

Exercises aimed at reducing cheeks

These methods will not only make your cheeks smaller, but will also help you get rid of the hated double chin. For best results, perform the complex every day 2 times for a month.

  1. Sit up straight and tilt your head back strongly. Pull your jaw out and stick out your bottom lip. Start moving your cheekbones and try to cover your upper lip with your lower lip. Perform the manipulations 25 times.
  2. Keep your head straight, tense your cheekbones, then relax. Do this 45 times.
  3. Lie on your back with your face relaxed. Now clench your teeth sharply to tighten your cheekbones. Try to stick out your lower lip as much as possible. Pull it forward first, then down. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
  4. Tilt your head up, turn to the left, rest your chin on your shoulder. Straighten your head, tilt it back again, but now lower your chin onto your right shoulder. Repeat the procedure 20 times on each side.
  5. Stand up straight so that your whole body and neck are tense. Stick out your lower lip and open your mouth. Do the exercise 50 times.
  6. Hold a thin, long object between your teeth; a felt-tip pen or marker works well. Say A, E, E, I, O, Z in turn. Pronounce the letters for about 20 minutes without a break. Don't like the method? Use words that contain the most of these letters (milk, porridge, apple and others).
  7. Sit on the edge of a chair so that your neck, shoulders and back are tense. Lower your chin onto your chest and move it towards your left shoulder along your chest. Fix your head for 5 seconds, return to the starting point. Repeat the steps, pointing your chin towards your right shoulder. Do 20 times on each side.
  8. Laughter is the best cure for chubby cheeks! Smile with all 32 teeth, because when you laugh, most of all muscle groups on your face are activated, and their number sometimes reaches 80. In addition to reducing the volume of your cheeks, the skin is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, a double chin is eliminated, and the oval of the face acquires beautiful contours.

The masks have an excellent lifting effect, which helps tighten the cheeks and reduce their volume.

Egg mask
Beat 1 egg with a fork, apply to your cheeks and cover them with cling film. Leave for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day.

Egg mask with honey

  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.
  • honey - 30 gr.

Beat the yolk, pour in the oil and add honey. Bring the mixture to homogeneity, apply to the cheeks, neck, chin, leave for half an hour. Make a mask every other day.

Egg mask with cucumber

  • egg white - 1 pc.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.

Peel the cucumber, but do not remove the seeds. Rub it on a fine grater or grind it in a blender, add whipped egg white and butter. Apply to your cheeks and lie down to rest for 40 minutes. Repeat the procedure 5 times every 10 days.

Egg mask with corn flour

  • corn flour - 40 gr.
  • egg white - 1 pc.

Pour the flour into the pre-beaten egg white. Apply the mixture to your cheeks and leave for 1 hour. If possible, make a mask daily.

Oatmeal mask

  • oatmeal - 50 gr.
  • baby cream - optional
  • baked milk - 40 ml.

Mix the ingredients to a viscous consistency, apply the mixture only to the cheeks. Leave for 40-60 minutes, rinse with melt water. Carry out the procedure 3 times a week.

Oatmeal mask with dill

  • dill - 20 gr.
  • corn oil - 30 ml.
  • oatmeal - 30 gr.

Chop the dill and mix it with oil. Combine the mixture with oatmeal and apply to the skin of your cheeks. Leave for at least 1.5 hours, remove with a tissue and wash with cold water. The course of the procedure lasts 2 months and gives excellent results if used weekly.

Tomato mask

  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 25 ml.

Remove the skin from the tomato and mash it with a fork without removing the seeds. Pour in the oil, apply to the cheeks and leave for 20 minutes. Use daily or every other day.

Blue clay mask

  • blue clay - 50 gr.
  • natural grape juice - 30 ml.
  • corn oil - 20 ml.

Dilute the clay with warm water according to the instructions, stir in juice and oil. Cover your cheeks and wait 25 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week.

Homemade herbal lotions have beneficial effects when used daily. Prepare the product yourself and replace your regular facial toner with it.

Chamomile lotion

  • chamomile flowers - 50 gr.
  • celandine - 10 gr.
  • calendula officinalis - 10 gr.

Pour 300 ml of hot water over the herbs and leave for 24 hours. Strain through cheesecloth or a kitchen sieve, pour into a dark container and store in a dark place. It is recommended to use the herbal lotion daily in the mornings and evenings.

Peppermint lotion

  • rosemary essential oil - 5 drops
  • grapefruit essential oil - 5 drops
  • rose essential oil - 5 drops
  • mint - 20 gr.

Steam the mint in boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Add oil to it and pour into a closed container.

Citrus fruit lotion

  • grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed) - 200 ml.
  • lemon juice (freshly squeezed) - 30 ml.
  • orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 10 ml.
  • vodka - 30 ml.

Mix the ingredients and pour into an opaque container. Leave for 5 days at room temperature.

Tired of struggling with round and big cheeks? You will soon get rid of them! Do not forget about the daily set of exercises, and then do a massage. Choose mask recipes and apply them according to the instructions. Replace your regular lotion with a homemade concoction that is very easy to make. Follow a daily routine and get rid of bad habits!

Video: how to get rid of sagging cheeks

Elastic, plump cheeks in women are considered a sign of freshness and health. But many women with a round face dream of thin, aristocratic cheekbones and wonder: how to get rid of cheeks? In most cases, the fullness of the cheeks depends on the distribution of subcutaneous fat and the structure of the skull, but sometimes it can be caused by poor nutrition or weak muscles. Before you begin to solve the problem, you must clearly understand what caused it and choose the best methods for dealing with full cheeks.

Choosing the right makeup and hairstyle

You can quickly give your face the desired shape with the help of small cosmetic tricks. To visually highlight your cheekbones and make your cheeks appear smaller, you will need matte blush in light and dark shades that matches your skin tone. The light tone should be applied to the cheekbones, and the cheeks themselves should be covered with a darker shade. Gently blend the blush so that the transition is not noticeable.

To make your face appear more elongated, you need to choose an appropriate haircut. For chubby girls, it is best to choose hairstyles where vertical lines predominate; they will distract attention from full cheeks. This type of face looks great framed by “torn”, asymmetrical strands. Avoid straight parting - it will only highlight imperfections. It is also worth paying attention to cascading haircuts. .png" alt="haircuts for full faces" width="450" height="180" data-srcset=" 768w, 1170w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Exercises to get rid of full cheeks

If you want to get rid of full cheeks on your face forever, and the above tricks do not suit you, you should pay attention to special exercises:

  1. Sit up and straighten, stretching your neck and spine so that you feel a slight tension. Alternately turn your head left and right.
  2. Puff out your cheeks and begin to gently press on them with your palms.
  3. Tightening your facial muscles, pronounce the letters “a”, “o”, “u”, “s”.
  4. Pull in and puff out your cheeks.
  5. Inhale air through your mouth through pursed lips, and then exhale it through the left or right corner of your mouth.

For maximum effect, finish these exercises with light self-massage.

Watch the video with detailed instructions on face-building for the cheeks and cheekbones; the proposed exercises will tighten the cheeks and return a clear contour to the face:

Folk remedies for round cheeks

You can also achieve emphasized cheekbones using folk remedies - at home you can easily prepare compresses, lotions, and masks suitable for this purpose.

First of all, pay attention to all kinds of compresses from decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, rose or yarrow. These plants contain enzymes that have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and, therefore, improve metabolic processes. Instead of compresses, you can use the same decoctions.

It will also help you in the fight against full cheeks. salt compress, the base for it is prepared from three tablespoons of iodized salt dissolved in a glass of warm water.

You can slightly reduce the volume of your cheeks using egg mask. Lightly beat one raw egg with a fork, add a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of olive oil. Leave the resulting mask on your face for 20 minutes.

As lotion for washing Use chilled sage infusion.

Regular use of these products will lead to the fact that in just a month your face will acquire a clearly defined contour, and your cheeks will be noticeably smaller.

Radical methods

If the long wait for the result does not suit you, you can resort to the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Patients with large excess subcutaneous fat on the face may benefit from mesotherapy. During this procedure, special drugs are injected into the dermis - lipolytics, which quickly break down fat. However, remember: the presence of subcutaneous fat guarantees you the absence of profound age-related changes until old age. Passion for mesotherapy can lead to premature appearance of wrinkles. .png" alt="mesotherapy for full cheeks" width="300" height="194"> !}

Another reason for the appearance of full cheeks is Bisha's lumps. These fat deposits are clearly visible in infants, but with age they usually become less noticeable. But in some cases, infantile roundness remains in adults. Bisha's lumps can be removed in any clinic plastic surgery, the operation takes only 40 minutes and can be performed under local anesthesia.

For people whose roundness is due to the special structure of the skull, surgeons may offer chin correction. After installing the implant, your face will be more elongated and with pronounced cheekbones.

However, plastic surgery requires not only courage, but also large financial investments. And thanks to the tips below, you can maintain skin tone and slightly adjust the shape of your face without much effort and expense:

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You yourself have the right to choose: whether to get rid of your small shortcomings or turn them into advantages. But if you decide to reduce the fullness of your cheeks, you now have a large number of methods in your arsenal, both home and cosmetic.

A lot of modern girls and women today want to have an ideal slim figure and beautiful appearance. In fact, they look up to famous top models. In order to change their appearance, without thinking about the consequences, ladies go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Others simply suffer from flaws in appearance, putting up with what fate has presented. And still others are actively and purposefully trying to get rid of them using simple and accessible methods. Saggy or too thick cheeks on people's faces are an unpleasant problem. But you can also get rid of it with effort, diligence and optimism. So, what exactly should you do to lose weight in your cheeks? What methods can be used to reduce them?

Causes of thick cheeks

The main reason for roundness in this area of ​​a person’s face is heredity. Unfortunately, defeating such a weighty argument is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. If you inherited chubby cheeks, then most likely you will have to regularly work on reducing them with the help of special exercises and a balanced diet.

In addition to the innate predisposition, “wrong” food has a great negative impact on the growth of the cheeks. And this becomes noticeable on the face when all parts of the body have already acquired unwanted fat deposits.

So, how can you get rid of fat in this area?

How to reduce fat cheeks

Fat can be quickly removed here only by surgical intervention - liposuction, that is, the release of fat deposits in the desired part of the body. But you should know not only that this is a very expensive method of fat removal, but also that it is completely unpredictable, which is fraught with disappointment and various disorders of a person’s emotional state.

It should be taken into account that fat cheeks will not lose weight too easily with exercise. This is due to the difficulty in motor activity of the facial muscles, as well as the fact that the body burns the fat layers on the cheeks last. Therefore, a balanced diet and special exercises can only slightly correct the size of your cheeks.


Doing these exercises will help reduce the roundness of your cheeks. You need to repeat them every day:

  1. Puff out your cheeks as much as possible, hold them in this position for five seconds, then exhale quickly.
  2. With your mouth wide open, without raising your face, look up with your eyes and blink tirelessly for one minute. Repeat this exercise five times throughout the day.
  3. Gradually release air from your puffed out cheeks in small bursts.
  4. With heavily inflated cheeks, move the air from left to right and vice versa. This exercise will help you quickly solve your problem.
  5. Press your cheeks with your hands and smile. In this case, the fingers should not allow the corners of the mouth to rise up.
  6. Keep your head strictly straight, try to lower the corners of your lips and strongly tense the muscles of your cheeks and neck.
  7. Holding a pencil between your teeth, begin to write words or entire sentences in the air. For example: I want to have a beautiful thin face.
  8. Purse your lips and start singing all the vowels of the alphabet.
  9. Leaning your head forward slightly, turn it towards your right and left shoulders, strongly stretching your chin.
  10. Intensely slap the palms of your hands on your face in the problem area.
  11. Firmly squeeze and unclench your cheek muscles.
  12. Sit on a chair, tilt your head back, move your chin so that your lower lip can capture your upper lip.
  13. Stand straight, cross your arms over your chest, grab yourself by the shoulders. Start stretching your neck up to the “extreme point”, then inhale deeply, counting to ten, exhale and return back to the starting position.

You should do these exercises not only until you achieve results, but constantly so that there is no return to your previous roundness.

Massage and masks

Masks and massages can really help remove fullness. Their regular use will increase and maintain skin turgor for a long time:

  1. Cleanse your face thoroughly. Apply rich cream. Lightly pinch your cheeks, starting from the chin and moving towards the cheekbones. Get a massage once a week.
  2. Using a special massage mitten, lightly massage your cheeks, being careful not to stretch the skin. This massage can be done twice a week.
  3. While taking a bath, direct a strong stream of water alternately onto your cheeks. You can make the water jet contrasting. Contrast washes every morning every day.
  4. Do a facial massage using steamed natural honey. With your fingertips moistened with honey, lightly tap the surface of the skin of your cheeks until there is slight redness. Massage can be done once a week until the effect is achieved.
  5. Rub your cheeks with ice cubes in a clockwise direction.
  6. Do not forget to cleanse your facial skin before starting any procedure. Once completed, apply the cream that best suits your skin type.

    We also suggest using masks to reduce the roundness of the cheeks:

    1. Add one teaspoon of honey and one dessert spoon of olive oil to one egg yolk. Mix the ingredients. Apply the mixture to your face with a special brush for twenty minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Course: twice a week for two months.
    2. Mix one tablespoon of crushed oatmeal with one tablespoon of Baby formula, pour in a little warm milk and stir everything again until it becomes thick sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face, neck, and décolleté for twenty-five minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Apply cream. These masks can be made weekly for two months.
    3. Beat the egg white a little and apply to your face for twenty minutes. Wash off the lifting mask. Take advantage of contrasting water procedures. Apply nourishing cream.

    Masks perfectly tighten the facial skin, give it a fresh, healthy look, and also have a rejuvenating effect.

    Herbal infusions

    Various infusions of medicinal herbs have a remarkable effect on the appearance of your cheeks:

    1. Pour three tablespoons of crushed chamomile flowers (you can use celandine, sage) with a glass of boiling water. Cover the broth tightly with a lid. Let it brew for several hours. Strain. Use the infusion daily as a facial lotion.
    2. Dissolve three tablespoons of iodized salt in half a liter of water. Use a hot compress solution (dip a terry towel in the saline solution and apply it to your face for a few minutes), then be sure to cool your face with ice cubes.
    3. Pour three tablespoons of St. John's wort and chamomile flowers into two glasses of boiling water. Let the broth sit for eight hours. Strain. Wipe your face, neck, and décolleté area daily.

    There are little tricks that also help reduce naturally plump cheeks and more:

    1. Perform a massage after finishing exercises, and apply masks before bed.
    2. Minimize your intake of salty foods, as they retain fluid in the body, which can also be retained in the cheeks.
    3. Introduce foods high in calcium into your diet. Its use will help you get rid of excess weight.
    4. Dilute natural juices with water.
    5. Try to eat small meals at least five times a day at regular times.
    6. Give preference to oranges, grapefruits, apples.
    7. 30 minutes before meals, drink a glass of plain still water.
    8. Limit your alcohol intake.
    9. Try to sleep lying on your back.
    10. Go jogging, ride a bike.
    11. Powdering them with a darker powder will help make your cheeks visually smaller. Likewise with using foundation.

    For those who inherited plump cheeks, it will be difficult to fight them. Those who have grown them as a result of excessive eating will find it easier to get rid of thick cheeks.

    So, regardless of the reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks, you should not sit idly by. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to try hard. With the help of proper nutrition, special exercises, sports, massages, masks and herbal infusions, you will undoubtedly achieve the desired result.

Today on the weight loss portal “Lose Weight Without Problems” we will talk about how to remove cheeks in a week. Rosy, chubby cheeks decorate babies, but cause unwanted aesthetic problems for adults. But sagging cheeks do not add beauty. What can you do to make your facial skin firmer?

We outline an action plan

First, let's immediately find out what caused the appearance of too thick cheeks. If the issue is heredity, which is very difficult to fight, then you will have to show persistence and patience in order to. You can learn more about this from other articles on our site.

Sometimes only plastic surgery can help in this case, although it is worth trying other means before deciding on this extreme measure.

If your cheeks are rounded due to excess weight, then the task “How to remove chubby cheeks in a week” becomes much easier.

In any case, you will need to make every effort, and also apply:

  • diet;
  • special exercises;
  • cosmetic and corrective measures.

What you shouldn’t do is apply various weight loss creams to your face. This is fraught with irritation and the appearance of acne.

How to remove cheeks in a week with diet

You can make your cheeks become smaller by revising your diet in a short time. After all, the face of most women loses weight first.

But in order to avoid the effect of a haggard and haggard face, dark circles under the eyes, you should take into account some nuances. You choose a diet to suit your taste, but at the same time follow the basic principles:

  • not to starve;
  • divide food into 5-6 servings;
  • chew solid food thoroughly (a kind of exercise for the muscles);
  • Before meals, drink a glass of plain water.

From now on, your menu should not contain sweet, rich, fatty, or fried foods. Avoid fast food, fast food, sweet soda, and ice cream.

Eat as much as possible vegetables, fruits, seafood. Porridge cooked in water (you can add a little olive oil), lean meat and fish will help you stay full and will not add extra calories. Fermented milk products and milk (1%) are also good. Cottage cheese containing calcium is very useful.

If you want to get rid of too round cheeks in a week, be sure to give up not only sugar, but also salt, which retains excess fluid in the body.

Exercise for chubby cheeks

If you have an extremely negative attitude towards sunken, sagging and flabby cheeks, in parallel with the diet, follow a special a set of exercises for facial muscles.

If you want to remove your cheeks in a week, make it a rule to do gymnastics several times a day.

Regular training will return a beautiful contour to the face, make the skin elastic, smooth out facial wrinkles and gravitational folds. If you don't see the effect right away, keep working anyway.

Important little things

If you sleep on a high pillow, be sure to change it to a lower, almost flat one. During the day, try to keep your head straight with your chin slightly raised. Watch your posture. In addition to the healing effect, this also gives a visual effect - your cheeks will appear smaller.

Do face massage. It, like exercise, should be done several times a day. Lightly patting the problem areas with your palms and fingertips helps to remove chubby cheeks within a week.

Before the massage, make compresses: apply a wet towel soaked in a warm herbal infusion (chamomile, calendula, sage) to your face for half an hour.

Don't forget about face masks. Choose those that give a tightening effect: egg-honey, white clay (focus on your skin type). You can purchase a ready-made film mask and use it several times a week.

You can correct your cheeks with the help of a skillful makeup. Correctly applied blush will help you create a more aristocratic look.

The same applies to hairstyles. For chubby cheeks, give preference to smooth hair, and for saggy cheeks, give preference to curls and curls.

In the fight called “How to remove cheeks in a week” almost all means are good. The main thing is that they do not cause harm to health.