How to install 2 tariff electricity meter. A two-tariff meter is installed in Ivan Petrovich’s apartment, which allows you to take into account electricity consumption at different tariffs during the day and at night.

“I live in house No. 57 on Soyuznaya Street. At the end of 2012, a massive installation of apartment electricity meters took place in our house. Many residents, in order to save money, installed two-tariff meters, the cost of which is higher than single-tariff meters. The house is equipped with a single-tariff meter. We fill out receipts in which we indicate two meters (day and night), but we are charged at the daily rate, citing the fact that the common house meter has a single tariff. Help me find the truth. We contacted our management company "GUK No. 1", where they told us that the calculations were correct, and in order to calculate at two tariffs, we also need to install a two-tariff communal meter. However, we were not told about this before installing individual meters.” T. V. VOLKOVA (Kursk).

The specialists of the Kurskenergosbyt department of the Branch of IDGC of Center JSC - Kurskenergo answer: “According to paragraph 40 of the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on May 6, 2011 No. 354, the consumer Regardless of the chosen method of managing an apartment building, as part of the payment for utility services, it pays for both individual electricity consumption and consumption for general house needs. If an apartment building is equipped with a single-tariff metering device, and the apartments in it are equipped with two-tariff electricity metering devices, individual consumption is paid according to the installed two-tariff metering device, and general household needs are paid for using a single-tariff metering device.

Subparagraphs h) and i) of paragraph 31 state that the consumer has the right to decide on the installation of an individual, common (apartment) or room metering device that meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the uniformity of measurements, including a metering device whose functionality makes it possible to determine volumes of consumed utility resources differentiated by time of day or according to other criteria reflecting the degree of use of utility resources, even if such an individual or common (apartment) metering device differs in functionality from the collective (community) metering device with which an apartment building is equipped, and apply for performing actions to install such a metering device to persons carrying out the relevant type of activity, and also require the contractor to take actions to commission the installed individual, common (apartment) or room metering device, even if such a metering device differs in functionality from a common house device accounting, which is equipped with an apartment building. Consequently, the decision to install a one- or two-tariff communal metering device is made by residents.

According to paragraph 7 of the order of the FTS of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2004 No. 20-E/2 (as amended on December 26, 2011) “On approval of the Guidelines for calculating regulated tariffs and prices for electric (heat) energy in the retail (consumer) market ", the consumer independently chooses one of the possible tariff options to pay for consumed electricity. To switch to electricity metering differentiated by zones of the day (day-night tariff), the consumer must equip his home with a two-tariff electricity meter, and also notify the energy supply organization at least 10 days before the start of the billing month following the current one (sample application – Appendix No. 1) on the selection of the appropriate tariff option for making payments for electrical energy (with the introduction of appropriate amendments to the agreement with the specified organization in the prescribed manner).

As for the apartment building at the address specified in the application, of all the consumers of electrical energy living in this apartment building, only one of the tenants or homeowners contacted the Kurskenergosbyt branch of the branch of IDGC of Center, JSC - Kurskenergo with a notification of choice a two-zone “day-night” tariff, differentiating electricity metering by zone of the day (the so-called two-rate “day-night” tariff). This subscriber's electricity consumption is charged in accordance with the tariff plan he has chosen.

No notifications about the choice of a tariff that differentiates electricity consumption by zone of the day were received from the remaining residents of the specified house to the Kurskenergosbyt branch of the Branch of IDGC of Center, JSC - Kurskenergo, and therefore the power engineers have no legal basis for tariffing the consumed electricity according to tariff that differentiates electricity metering by day-night zones.

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It is not clear at what tariffs RSO will charge the management company for the electricity consumed by residents? Namely, the social norm?

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With two variables!

A two-tariff meter is installed in Ivan Petrovich’s apartment, which allows you to take into account electricity consumption at different tariffs during the day and at night. In January, electricity consumption during the day was 200 kilowatts (kW), and at night 20 kW. According to the receipt, Ivan Petrovich paid 640 rubles. In July, electricity consumption during the day was 20 kW, and at night 10 kW. According to the receipt, Ivan Petrovich paid 380 rubles. Calculate the daytime and nighttime electricity consumption rates. (The tariff is the price of 1 kilowatt of electricity)

A two-tariff meter is installed in Ivan Petrovich’s apartment, which allows you to take into account electricity consumption at different tariffs during the day and at night.

In January, electricity consumption during the daytime was 200 kilowatts (kW), and at night - 20 kW. According to the receipt, Ivan Petrovich paid 640 rubles. In July, electricity consumption during the daytime was 20 kW per hour, and at night 10 kW. According to the receipt, Ivan Petrovich paid 380 rubles. Calculate the daytime and nighttime electricity consumption rates. please help someone please I beg you I will be very grateful solve the problem using the equation

A two-tariff meter is installed in Ivan Petrovich’s apartment, which allows you to take into account electricity consumption at different tariffs during the day and at night.

time. In January, electricity consumption during the daytime was 200 kilowatts (kW), and at night - 20 kW. according to the receipt I paid 640 rubles. in July in the daytime it was 20 kW and at night - 10 kW. According to the receipt, Ivan Petrovich paid 380 rubles. calculate day and night electricity consumption rates

A two-tariff meter is installed in Ivan Petrovich’s apartment, which allows you to take into account electricity consumption at different tariffs during the day and at night.

In January, electricity consumption during the day was 200 kilowatts (kW), and at night - 20 kW. According to the receipt, Ivan Petrovich paid 640 rubles. In July, electricity consumption during the daytime was 20 kW, and at night - 10 kW. According to the receipt, Ivan Petrovich paid 380 rubles. Calculate the daytime and nighttime electricity consumption rates. (The tariff is the price of 1 kilowatt of electricity).

1. On average, a citizen of A consumes 120 kWh of electricity per month during the day, and 185 kWh of electricity at night. Earlier

A. had a single-tariff meter installed in his apartment, and he paid for all electricity at a rate of 2.40 rubles. per kWh. A year ago, A. installed a two-tariff meter, while daily electricity consumption is paid at a rate of 2.40 rubles. per kWh, and night consumption is paid at a rate of 0.60 rubles. per kWh. During 12 months, the consumption mode and electricity payment tariffs did not change. How much more would A. have paid for this period if the meter had not changed? Give your answer in rubles.

Which accounting is more profitable - two- or three-tariff?

The choice of meter depends on the conditions for using electricity in the apartment. For example, a three-tariff model is more suitable for people who spend a lot of time in an apartment and consume electricity during the semi-peak period (for example, family members who are not working or working from home). If active people live in the apartment, who spend most of their time outside the home and do not use electrical equipment during the day, then it is more advisable for them to purchase a two-tariff meter.

After what time should I replace the meter with a new one?

Each meter has a verification interval. For induction models this period is 8 years, for electronic models – 16 years. After the specified time has passed, the meter must be verified. If a specialist finds deviations from the norm, the device must be replaced. Many people prefer to immediately order a replacement meter after the calibration interval for the old device has expired. In many cases, this allows you to save significant funds during verification.

Which meter to install - electronic or induction?

  • Possibility of multi-tariff metering of used electrical energy;
  • Longer verification interval;
  • Compact dimensions;
  • Minimum error in electricity measurements due to a higher accuracy class compared to induction meters;
  • Possibility of determining the parameters of the electrical network (power consumption, voltage, phase-by-phase load current).

Is it possible to replace the meter yourself?

Replacing the meter yourself is possible. However, we recommend using the services of a specialist, since working with complex electrical appliances can be dangerous to human life and health. Only a specialist will replace the device in compliance with safety regulations. Please note that the meter must be sealed in order to accept it for calculations. To do this, you need to call a specialist to the site, who will check the device’s compliance with current requirements.

In case of independent replacement of a metering device (replacement with the involvement of third parties), strict compliance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation is necessary:

  1. Inform the servicing client office of Mosenergosbyt JSC in advance about the date and time of the planned meter replacement in order to take readings from the old meter and unseal it.
  2. After installation, contact the customer service office with an application to seal the new metering device and to draw up an act of putting the metering device into operation.

It is important to remember that independent dismantling of seals installed on electricity metering devices is strictly prohibited. In case of violation of the established procedure for replacing the metering device, a report on unmetered consumption is drawn up in relation to the consumer and penalties are applied.

How long will it take to install an electricity meter after submitting an application on the website?

After filling out the form on the website, our specialist will contact you within 2 business days to coordinate the time of execution of the application.

How to install a multi-tariff electricity meter and switch to a multi-tariff electricity metering system?

At your request, a multi-tariff electric meter can be installed in the apartment.

It provides differentiated metering of electricity consumption depending on the time of day. Externally, the meter looks almost the same as a single-tariff one. The only difference is that depending on the time of day it shows different indicators - accounting for each tariff is carried out separately.

You can install a multi-tariff electricity meter in any convenient way:

Installation of an electric meter is paid. The cost of this service includes:

  • electricity meter cost;
  • electric meter replacement;
  • preparation of documentation;
  • programming;
  • checking the correct programming of a single-phase multi-tariff electric meter with a built-in rater (if necessary);
  • sealing the electric meter.

For which categories of consumers is multi-tariff metering most effective and why?

First of all, connecting a multi-tariff electricity meter is beneficial for “night owls”, that is, those people who stay up long after midnight at the computer, TV, can do housework at night, etc.

Secondly, multi-tariff electricity meters in houses with “warm floors” are very profitable. In general, the larger the house and the more electrical equipment it has, the more desirable it is to use a multi-tariff meter. Savings increase in proportion to the amount of electrical equipment available.

Also, a multi-tariff electricity meter allows saving not only for night owls, but also for everyone else. When considering in your mind what advantages a multi-tariff meter can provide, do not forget that some electrical appliances work around the clock.

In the average apartment, almost a quarter of all electricity spent is not on the toaster or even on the TV, but on the refrigerator, which runs 24 hours a day. If you install a two-tariff meter in your apartment, then for 8 hours of that time the refrigerator will “eat up” 4 times less money than usual. If there is a three-tariff, then to the 8 preferential night hours you need to add those 7 that he will spend in the average tariff mode. And only 9 hours out of 24 will be paid in full. And this is only if we talk about the refrigerator. However, there is also electric heating, “warm floors”, night lighting of the area (if we are talking about a cottage), etc. Against the backdrop of simple mathematics, it is surprising that not everyone has yet installed multi-tariff meters at home, preferring to continue losing money on single-tariff ones.

Multi-tariff electricity meters are more profitable the more rational the approach to the use of electricity. For example, a washing machine can wash clothes itself at night by simply loading it and setting a timer. This is a considerable saving, and you don’t need to do anything special for this. Multi-tariff meters allow you to more fully control energy consumption.

How quickly do the costs of purchasing and installing a multi-tariff electricity meter pay off?

The cost of purchasing and installing a multi-tariff meter pays off on average within two years. But taking into account the annual increase in electricity tariffs, even less.

What types of counters are there?

Currently, in the housing stock of Moscow and the Moscow region, mainly two types of electricity meters are used - induction and electronic. Induction ones occupy a dominant position, as they were installed everywhere until the mid-90s. Today they are morally and physically outdated. Most of them do not provide the required level of metering accuracy and are not designed for modern levels of electricity consumption. In addition, their functionality is limited and does not allow for either multi-tariff energy metering or remote reading of the device. That is why only electronic metering devices are installed in all newly commissioned houses.

Among the huge selection of metering devices, each of them has special characteristics, and functionality also differs. Most of them are of interest only to specialists; for the consumer, “accuracy class” and “tariff” are important.

"Accuracy class"

The main technical parameter of an electric meter, indicating the level of measurement error of the device. Until the mid-90s, all meters installed in residential buildings had an accuracy class of 2.5 (i.e., the maximum permissible level of instrument error was 2.5%). In 1996, a new accuracy standard for metering devices used in the household sector was introduced - 2.0. This was the impetus for the widespread replacement of induction meters with more accurate electronic ones with accuracy class 2.0.


Until recently, all electricity meters used in everyday life were single-tariff, i.e., they metered electrical energy at one single tariff. The functionality of modern electronic meters takes into account electricity consumption by day zones and even by seasons. Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region have access to a multi-tariff payment system - the regional energy commissions of both regions have divided the day into zones with different tariffs. You can see the table with tariffs

What devices can be used to meter electrical energy?

To account for electrical energy, metering devices are used, the types of which are approved by the federal executive body for technical regulation and metrology and are included in the State Register of Measuring Instruments. Accuracy classes of metering devices are determined in accordance with technical regulations and other mandatory requirements that are established for the classification of measuring instruments.

When installing an electric meter, do you check its connection circuit?

Yes. The correctness of the meter's switching circuit is checked, and a seal from the energy supply organization is installed on the meter.

Is it possible to install a three-phase meter instead of a single-phase one?

First, you must contact the Moscow United Electric Grid Company OJSC (MKS - Branch of MOESK - Moscow, MOESK - Moscow Region) to obtain permission to increase power (the connected power of the current collectors must be more than 10 kW).

To install a three-phase meter, you must write an application at the client office of Mosenergosbyt JSC, attach copies of documents to it, after which you will receive technical conditions for replacing the meter. The meter is replaced in the presence of a representative of Mosenergosbyt JSC.

List of required documents:

  • certificate of ownership of an individual building or other document confirming the right to reside in this residential area;
  • certificate of admission to operation of the consumer's electrical installation, issued by Rostechnadzor;
  • permission to connect power, issued by the network enterprise MKS - a branch of MOESK or OJSC Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MOESK);
  • an act of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility, drawn up in the network enterprise MKS - a branch of MOESK (Moscow) or OJSC Moscow United Electric Grid Company (MOESK) (Moscow region);
  • a project (or single-line diagram) of power supply to a subscriber, agreed upon with Energosbyt in terms of organizing electricity metering and compliance of design solutions with technical conditions for connecting power to electrical networks and Rostechnadzor.

What is the calibration interval?

  • The term “interverification interval” (ICI) denotes the time period (in years) after which the electric meter must be verified.
  • If the device is not verified in due time, its readings are considered invalid: that is, they cannot be used to calculate electricity consumption.
  • Until the completion of the verification interval, the operation of the device is guaranteed within the error range that the manufacturer indicates in the electric meter passport.
  • For modern electric meters, the calibration interval can range from 4 to 16 years.
  • At the end of the verification interval, metrological verification of the meter is necessary, then it is sealed.
  • The date of verification is marked on the seal.
  • It is prohibited to operate unverified meters (Federal Law “On the Uniformity of Measurements”).

Consumed electricity (meter) is a familiar and mandatory item in any home, private or multi-apartment. Increasingly, in homes and businesses, outdated electric meters with a spinning disk are being replaced by a new generation electronic meter - a two-tariff electricity meter. Feedback from citizens who have already switched to separate metering of consumed electricity is quite contradictory.

An impressive portion of electricity consumers talk about a fairly quick payback for installing a two-tariff meter: they call it a period of 6 to 18 months. However, negative reviews are also found. The main complaint is that the two-tariff metering system did not justify itself and turned out to be less profitable than the energy supply companies claimed. Why does this happen, and to what extent can the installation of such a device as a two-tariff electricity meter be justified?

Two-tariff meter - what is it?

Electronic two-tariff refers to energy metering devices of a new generation. The functions of this type of meter allow you to keep separate records of consumed electricity based on the time of day when consumption occurred. Why is such a function needed?

Energy companies have long noticed the “zoning” of electricity consumption. The main “peak” of energy consumption traditionally occurs in the morning and evening - at this time, people, getting ready for work or returning home in the evening, use the maximum number of lighting fixtures and household appliances. The minimum occurs at night. Such “fluctuations” create inconvenience for energy companies, forcing them to work with additional load during peak hours. And it was precisely with the goal of somewhat “unloading” energy companies that multi-tariff and two-tariff metering schemes were invented.

Two-tariff accounting is that the day is conditionally divided into “day” and “night” time. In this case, electricity consumed “at night” is paid at a price lower than during the “day”. Thus, it becomes beneficial for citizens to slightly adjust the operating time of their home energy-consuming appliances.

For what periods of time is accounting kept using a two-tariff meter?

With a two-tariff electricity metering scheme, the day is distributed as follows:

  • Day zone - the period from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • The night zone, respectively, is from 23:00 to 7:00.

Who benefits from installing a two-tariff meter?

So, the two-tariff metering system offered by energy companies is, at first glance, quite simple and profitable. Electricity suppliers, “selling” electricity at night at a price lower than during the day, partially compensate themselves for this difference by slightly increasing the “daytime” tariff. Then why are all the owners of residential and industrial premises in no hurry to switch to two-tariff metering devices? There are several reasons. One of them is the usual Russian “running around with documents”, which not everyone has the time or desire to deal with. Another reason why property owners are most often afraid to install a two-tariff electricity meter is reviews from people who claim that the “day/night” tariff does not pay off or pays off very slowly.

What is the reason for the appearance of such reviews? The main thing that those who are just planning to install a two-tariff electricity meter should know: people’s reviews about the benefits and payback time of switching to such a metering scheme in different regions differ significantly due to the fact that the “day” and “night” tariffs set differ energy companies in each region. So, for example, in the Russian capital and region the price of a kilowatt for the urban population during the day is 5.57 rubles, at night - 1.43 rubles. Such a noticeable difference makes installing a two-tariff meter incredibly profitable.

Another example: if a citizen lives in the Volgograd region, for him the day/night ratio for 2016 will be 2.81/2.01 rubles. In this case, the difference is not so noticeable. And if we take into account that during the day a citizen “overpays” for electricity compared to a single-tariff scheme, the benefits of installing a two-tariff meter are quite dubious.

Therefore, before installing a two-tariff electricity meter, it is worth clarifying the difference between the day and night tariffs and deciding for yourself whether it is worth switching to a similar metering scheme at all.

How to install a two-tariff meter

The process of switching to a two-tariff system for metering consumed electricity is actually much simpler than is commonly believed.

The first step is to buy an electronic meter with the function of setting two tariffs. It is best to purchase the device directly from a specialist called to replace the old meter with a new one. If for some reason the owner of the premises wants to purchase a metering device himself, then this must be done exclusively in a store that specializes in the sale of metering devices.

The next step is to obtain a resolution from the energy supply company to replace (install) the electricity meter. Only after receiving this document can you call a specialist who will install the meter.

The mandatory final stage of installing a two-tariff meter is calling a specialist from the energy supply company. He must set up, adjust and seal the installed meter, and make the appropriate notes in the technical passport. In addition, the specialist can give the necessary instructions regarding the operation of the meter, the timing of verification and taking readings from the meter.

What documents are required to install a two-tariff meter?

To switch to a two-tariff metering system, you must provide the following package of documents to the energy supply company:

  • Passport.
  • Previously concluded agreement with the energy company; After the transition to two-tariff electricity metering, the contract is renewed.
  • Documents confirming ownership of the premises where the meter will be installed.
  • Application (form and sample application, as a rule, are provided by a specialist from the energy company).

Which metering device is better to choose for a residential premises?

What should you pay attention to when purchasing an electronic two-tariff meter?

Before purchasing, you need to make sure that the meter you are purchasing is approved for use in the Russian Federation (that is, this model is included in the state register) and, which is also important, complies with GOST.

It is imperative to check the completeness of the technical passport, the presence of the factory serial number in the passport, the date of manufacture, the calibration interval and warranty periods, the presence and integrity of all mandatory factory seals.

Another important indicator is the accuracy class. For private houses or a separate apartment, the accuracy of a class 2 device is quite acceptable; for a multi-storey building, class 1 is established by law.

Another question that people who purchase two-tariff electricity meters often ask: “Which is better - imported or Russian-made?” Until recently, preference was often given to metering devices manufactured in European countries. But today there are many Russian manufacturing plants that produce two-tariff electricity meters, reviews of which perfectly characterize their products. These include, for example, the Moscow Plant of Electrical Measuring Instruments, which supplies meters of the SOE-55 line, the Stavropol company Energomer, which produces metering devices with the same name, or NPK Incotex, a manufacturer of the popular brand of metering devices "Mercury". And this is not a complete list of Russian manufacturers that have proven themselves in this area.

It is best to decide on the choice of model with the help of a specialist from the energy supply company - he can tell you which models of metering devices are recommended for installation.

Single-phase or three-phase - what's the difference?

Another question that may arise during the installation of a two-tariff meter: purchase a single-phase or three-phase meter. The difference is that they are intended for installation in a room where the power supply is 220 V. These include an ordinary city apartment, a private residential or country house, a personal garage or a small retail outlet.

For electrical networks with a voltage of 380 V, a three-phase electricity meter is required. A two-tariff electronic meter that meets this requirement is suitable for large private houses and cottages, enterprises, large private or industrial garages, in short, for any room with increased electricity consumption.

The main advantage of a three-phase meter is that, unlike a single-phase one, it can fully operate both at a voltage of 380 V and in networks with a voltage of 220 V. Thus, a three-phase two-tariff electricity meter is in some way a universal option for most premises.

When to take meter readings

After the meter installation procedure has been completed completely, you need to figure out how to take readings from a two-tariff meter correctly and in a timely manner in order to avoid overpayment, penalties or incorrect charges.

Energy company specialists most often recommend taking monthly meter readings at the same period - the last days of the current month. This regularity allows you to control your electricity consumption and provide timely data to your electricity supplier.

How to correctly take monthly electricity readings

Readings from a two-tariff electricity meter are taken as follows:

  • It is best to keep a separate notebook (notepad) for the readings of the consumed electricity meter.
  • On the display of the metering device, the readings are indicated by the letter “T” and numbers 1-3. The time period “day” corresponds to the indicator “T1”, the night period is indicated on the display as “T2”. Both indicators are written down in the notebook.
  • Important! Not all numbers on the display are recorded, but only the meter readings indicating kW. Numbers separated by a dot (framed, highlighted in a contrasting color, etc.) indicate fractions of kW - this indicator is not fixed or the first digit after the dot is rounded.

according to a two-tariff meter

Calculation of electricity using a two-tariff meter is carried out as follows:

  • The previous T1 readings are subtracted from the T1 readings for the current month. The result obtained is multiplied by the price of kW at the “day” tariff.
  • The previous T2 readings are subtracted from the “T2” readings for the current month. The result obtained is multiplied by the price of kW at the “night” tariff.
  • If the energy supply company sends a separate receipt for each tariff, then the results are entered into the “day” and “night” receipts, respectively. If payment is made using a single receipt, the amount for the day and night rates is included in the general receipt and is summed up upon payment.

Fill out the receipt

If, for the convenience of the client, the energy supply company sends a monthly receipt with completed details and a ready-made calculation, then the only thing that needs to be supplemented with such a form is the electricity meter readings for the current month.

If the owner of the premises fills out the receipt independently, then it is not enough just to know how to calculate electricity using a two-tariff meter yourself; you need to fill out the payment receipt correctly and in detail:

  • All required fields are filled in on the receipt.
  • The column “Branch (name) of the bank, recipient account, personal account” indicates the details of the bank in which the energy supply company opened the account, the number of the personal and current accounts of the electricity supplier, code and microfinance organization. All this information is contained in the contract with the energy company.
  • The payer enters his data in the “Last name, initials, address” column.
  • The month for which payment is made is entered into the “Electricity” table. Next, fill in line by line: the current “final” readings “T1”, the previous readings “T1”, the “daily” tariff (kWh), the amount to be paid in rubles and kopecks. Similarly, in the next line, fill in the data for the night tariff “T2”: the current “final” readings of “T2”, the previous readings of “T2”, the “night” tariff (kWh), the amount to be paid in rubles and kopecks.

Please note that the article provides a standard receipt form. The form of payment receipt may vary slightly between different electricity suppliers. If questions arise when filling out, you should contact the energy supply company specialists for explanations.