How to summon Slenderman in real life? How to call Slenderman? Who is Slenderman and where did he come from? Experiences and real facts of the challenge.

Monsters under the bed and in the dark closet are a thing of the past. A real nightmare these days is a tall, thin and faceless man with unnaturally long arms, dressed in a decent suit, by the way. Slenderman (Thin Man) - here he is, a monster that strikes terror into the hearts of people! But fear not, because wikiHow is here and ready to teach you how to stop being afraid of Slender Man.


We think logically

  1. Know that you will break it. Yes, Slenderman is over two meters tall - but he is as thin as... a stick. He's the same Thin Human! He is, to put it bluntly, a jerk. And at school, most likely, it was not sweet for him. Accordingly, if he suddenly appears, you have every chance of knocking him out!

    • Come up with names similar to the name “Thin Man” - well, for example, “Fat Guy”, “Seductive Girl” or “Pear-Shaped Incomprehensible Something”. So are you really going to let some awkward Thin Man scare you?!
  2. Think about Slenderman's past. What do we know about him? That's right, not enough. Well, he wears a suit every day. Who wears a suit every day? Or someone who has an extremely high paying job, or Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother. Let's look at both options:

    • Slenderman has an excellent education and a great job. Well, you can come up with a lot of things here. He's probably partial to politics, flies first class, doesn't eat processed foods, doesn't watch TV, and listens to audiobooks. So, we found out something about Slenderman, and this is already a step forward! People are afraid of the unknown, and if you know that, for example, Slenderman did not vote for the future president in the last elections, then he becomes a less creepy figure.
    • Slenderman is almost like Barney Stinson. Well, perhaps his life circumstances just happened that way. After all, the guy has no face! He wants to be loved, but he has no face! Yes, my own mother will not tolerate this without difficulty! Be human, Slenderman also needs love and understanding!
  3. Think about the fact that he is mortal. He's Thin Human. Accordingly, he hopes, dreams, fears, worries, wants, strives - in general, like any of us. It is quite possible that many of his wishes remain unfulfilled. Why, a man wanders through the forests, he doesn’t even have anyone to exchange a word with! Not too terrible a fate, eh? Maybe he has been praying for death every day for many years?

    • Slenderman will die. If you believe that he is alive, then it will happen. He is not the same age as the pharaohs; he will not be able to pursue you forever. Maybe he even gets sick several times a year... After all, he is the same as all of us... well, with certain reservations.
    • Names ending in “-men/man” are usually of Germanic origin. Maybe he can be fascinated by a conversation on topics related to Germany? Just not about “grandfathers fought” and not about Nazism - the ending “-men/man” is also characteristic of Jewish surnames. Of course, they didn’t see him in the synagogues, but that doesn’t mean anything.
  4. Imagine him hugging. How many people can Slenderman hug at once? Do you think it would be cool to be in a group of 12 people hugging at the same time? After all, what a connection this is, eh! His hands can unite you all, give you all his warmth - isn’t that wonderful?

    • And it's more than likely that there aren't enough hugs in Slenderman's life. After all, they are afraid of him! So the next time you imagine Skinny Man, think about how you hug him. He will be moved, guaranteed!
  5. Think about how he experiences the world. He has no eyes, nose, mouth or ears. Accordingly, he does not see, hear or smell you. He doesn't breathe on you. Now imagine yourself in the middle of a wild forest: without weapons, with a blindfold over your eyes, with your nose and ears cut off, with a gag in your mouth. What, the feeling of power and strength just overwhelms you? That's it... even squirrels are more dangerous!

    • Let's say he still has some kind of sixth sense. Maybe he sees dead people, can teleport, etc. This is all cool, of course - a sixth sense. But he still doesn’t have the other four.
  6. Think of Slenderman as a squid. Probably, if you fry his hands with onions and butter... Not in the sense that you are a cannibal, no. Just in case you had to eat it... Look up how to cook squid dishes. You don't have to eat it, it just might be... interesting.

    • If you ever get close enough to Slenderman to cut off his hand, let it not be in vain.

    Let's act

    1. Research the topic. He's not real, so what is everyone afraid of? After all, it was invented back in 2009. Author - “Victor Surge”, location - “Something Awful” forums. There is an opinion that the author's name is Eric, he lives in Japan. Who knows, what if he has a little mermaid girlfriend and lives in a boat? It's creepy!

      • Slenderman was... part of a competition, the point of which was to come up with something creepy and supernatural. And people drew, wrote, created... Slenderman was a figment of one person’s imagination, and then hundreds of other people simply picked it up and began to develop the theme.
    2. Be objective. The traces of Slenderman in history... are hardly more than zero. Yes, many people believe that he is real - but this is not so. In addition, there are about 7 billion people living in the world, the planet is simply huge. Based on this, evaluate the chances that Slenderman will come to you.

      • What is so special about you that Slenderman would start waiting for you on the doorstep? Nothing, unless you treated him with milk and cookies yourself. In the end, Slenderman is a fiction, an image. Just like, in general, Father Frost or Santa Claus.
    3. Use it as a portal. With the ability to teleport, Slender Man can become a natural superhero! All you have to do is be nearby, grab it and move to another place! Teleportation is cool! In fact, he might even teach you how to teleport yourself!

      • And if you learn to teleport, then fame will not take long to arrive. Slenderman will be your ticket to the world of Fame and Money. And you yourself decide how you will use your newfound powers.
    4. Use it like a TARDIS. Slenderman can not only teleport, but also move through time. And who among us knows how to travel in time? That's right, TARDIS!

      • The only question is whether he moves back or forward in time. Physicists believe that traveling “backward” is impossible, but even Stephen Hawking believes that traveling “forward” is possible. However, if Slenderman does not obey the laws of physics, then he can “go back”.
    5. Find the source of those creepy sounds already! Sitting in the corner and trembling with fear, expecting a monster to appear in front of you any minute - this is not our method. Instead, get up and go explore. Maybe your mouse is scratching behind the baseboard? Or does a branch hit the glass? In general, there is no need to attribute all strange sounds to monsters.

      • In essence, Slenderman makes no sounds. He makes noise. But what is making noise then is another question. Maybe aliens?
    6. Act like he is your best friend. Why not? Imagine that you are bosom friends, that now you are throwing such a party that... ahem... This will at least puzzle Slenderman and pleasantly surprise him - after all, he is most likely not often treated with such warmth and cordiality.

      • If anything, Slenderman is probably watching his figure, so don’t take anything high in calories! Of course, as a courtesy, offer him anything, but keeping low-calorie alternatives on hand just for Slenderman is a good idea.

    Control your emotions

    1. Face your fears. Yes, you will have to do this, because if you do not find the courage to take such a decisive step, then you will continue to suffer from fear. It's unlikely you'll meet Slenderman, so remind yourself that real fear is fear itself. Do you know that Slenderman does not exist, but are you still afraid? You're screwing yourself over. What are you really afraid of? Do some self-reflection. Maybe you're afraid of formal suits? Tall people? Skinny people? What is the reason?

      • Yes, it’s easy to say, but in reality everything will be much more complicated. A notepad will serve you well in this difficult task. Write down your thoughts there. When did you start to be afraid? What is the reason? Which is more scary for you, in the morning or in the evening? By isolating patterns from your behavior, you will get closer to solving the problem.
    2. Deal with your fears by facing them directly. Let's say you're afraid of spiders. How to deal with this? Sit in a cramped room at a distance of three meters from the spider. The spider will get closer and closer, nothing will happen to you, you will get used to it, the fear will go away - the scheme is approximate, but on the whole it is correct. You can get used to everything, so what...

      • This is called “decompensation” - and it works! So go ahead and sing. If you meet Slenderman, don't run away from him screaming. Sit next to him, look at him, calm down and catch yourself thinking that you are... bored with him. That's it, the fear is gone!
        • Start small. Let's say, decompensate for 5 minutes on Monday, 10 on Tuesday, 15 on Wednesday, and so on.
    3. Calm down. Panic will not help solve the problem. Panic will make you run from Slenderman, and this will not help solve the problem. What to do? Calm down and don’t make sudden movements, don’t run headlong, etc. A calm body means a calm mind, and a calm mind knows no fear.

      • Breathe slowly and deeply. It slows the pulse, calms and relaxes. If you can control your breathing, then the anxiety will pass.
    4. Get stronger. Yes, most of the article was about making fun of Slenderman. But if you are really afraid of him, then jokes will not help. In this case, you need to become stronger. You're not afraid of what Slenderman is, not what he can do to you. Are you afraid of what he represents in yours eyes. If you change this image, then the fear will disappear. Yes, you can do it.

      • Do you know anyone who has a severe fear of heights, clowns, or closed spaces? Do you know those who are not afraid of this? Fear is like devastation, in the head and nothing more. If you imagine Slender Man sleeping curled up in the fetal position and sucking his finger in his sleep, you will begin to gain control over your fear. And one day you will forget about fear.
    • Find images of Slenderman. See, he's not that scary, especially if you imagine him, say, taking a photo of himself. Wearing dark glasses indoors. On iPhone. Stretching out his lips like a tube.
    • Tell yourself what will protect you from fear. For example, “my dog ​​loves me and will protect me.”
    • Leave the house and go to the forest. What, you say, the nearest forest is a hundred kilometers away? Well, that means it’s the same amount of time before Slenderman. If there is a forest, then go there with a friend. Are you afraid of the dark? Don't go into the forest at night. And be careful, there may be bad people in the forest People.

We are often frightened by the horrors of big cities. The darkness lurking in city slums, in dark basements, attics and underground utility tunnels. Maniacs and murderers, brownies and modern versions of sorcerers and shamans. But what about the darkness beyond the city? In the depths of the dark forests, where no one will hear your calls for help. And no one will have time to come to the rescue, even if you call (and often mobile phones do not work at all in some remote areas). That's where Slenderman lives. Where you can’t get away from him, you can only hide and hope to somehow outwit your pursuer. It is impossible to fight him. And this is exactly the fear that you don’t need to face. Don't look - not even because you're afraid of it. Just because you want to live.

Network horror

Initially, Slender appeared as an “Internet legend” - a modernized version of “urban legends”, usually born in the tales of students and simply young residents of big cities. Well, with the development of the World Wide Web, it is quite logical that a good part of modern folklore has moved to the Internet, moreover, now very interesting new stories are emerging here. As for Slender, it is known that he was invented by Eric Knudsen, a visitor to the Something Awful forum, in 2009. Moreover, the character was originally created precisely as a kind of “stylization” of well-known and popular urban legends. However, Slender turned out to be an unusually tenacious guy: having burst into the vastness of the World Wide Web, he turned into a real Internet meme, and now he is becoming a cosplay character, stories are written about him, videos are made (both scary and quite funny) and even computer games are created .

Slenderman was brought to life by the Create Paranormal Images competition, held on Something Awful. The competition involved creating supernatural and even scary things from ordinary photographs using a graphic editor - in essence, a competition for the skill of photomontage. The first two black-and-white photographs of Slenderman, taken by Erik Knudsen and posted on the forum, showed the character chasing several children. According to legend, the photographs were found in the Stirling city library, which suffered a fire, but these photographs survived. They were made in 1983, on the day of the disappearance of 14 children. Moreover, the photographer, Mary Thomas, went missing in 1986. Who would have thought that, based on just two black and white photos, an entire horror universe would emerge in the style of “A Nightmare on Elm Street” or “Friday the 13th,” with a very stylish and memorable central villain?

Slender immediately attracted the attention of visitors to the Something Awful forum, and the appearance of a photo with him caused an unprecedented stir. So its creator continued to post new materials about the “disappearing children case.” Children's drawings, a police report, and new photographs were added - the character became more voluminous, and visitors were greeted with interest by new facts about Slenderman. And after the publication of new materials, the character finally broke out of the forum that gave birth to him and began to rapidly gain popularity on the World Wide Web.

Even now, stories and tales are written about Slevder, in which various versions of the history of its origin are expressed and rather terrible events are described. Some fans, who are well aware that the Thin Man is a fiction, still believe in the possibility of his existence. There are even testimonies of people who allegedly encountered Slenderman in dark forests.

Who are you, Mr. Slender?

Slenderman’s appearance can hardly be called ordinary, despite the fact that there are noticeable attempts to convey the “ordinariness” of the character. So, this villain wears a formal suit, tie, jacket and trousers - it seems like most ordinary people. What is unusual is the appearance of the character himself. This is a very tall, skinny creature with long arms and legs that can bend almost arbitrarily. It has pale skin, it is also often depicted as “faceless”, and sometimes certain “appendages” of unknown purpose grow from Slenderman’s back (in some stories he is also armed with long claws on his fingers). The Thin Man hunts people. He usually does not kill, but kidnaps people, most often children (although murders are also known to be committed by Slender). Usually, those who were taken by the Thin Man are never found again. Because what he does with them is still a mystery.

Nothing is known about the origin of Slender. Despite the large number of hypotheses that are expressed in various projects dedicated to this character, it is worth knowing that not a single hypothesis is official - and there is no official version. Where he came from and what he needs is unknown, this makes him even more interesting.

Slender is very persistent. Like Jason Voorhees, he pursues his chosen victim for a long time, without being distracted or swerving - and usually he does not walk or run, but moves using teleportation over short distances. And it is impossible to fight him, he cannot be taken with any weapon known to people. All that the one whom Slender has chosen as a victim can do is run and hope to escape persecution. Some even succeeded. And sometimes missing people, presumably abducted earlier by Stender, were found impaled on trees in the forest. It is quite possible that they died this way as a result of trying to get away from Slender - for example, people tripped, fell and were pierced by tree branches.

Among the abilities of the Thin Man are “lengthening” one’s own limbs at will, teleportation over short distances, the ability to erase human memory (many of those who encountered it subsequently forget about it), as well as strong capabilities in the field of telepathy. Slender Man also senses when someone is looking at him, and anyone who looks at him or even thinks about him too often thereby attracts the attention of the Thin Man. Slender loves to look into the windows of houses, and it does not matter on what floor these windows are located.

By the way, Eric Knudsen claims that Slender and the original story about him were invented by Eric himself, from beginning to end. However, in the folklore of some countries there are descriptions of monsters similar to Slenderman who also kidnap children. In addition, a certain similarity can be traced with the character of the Stephen King story “The Man in the Black Suit” and with the Tall Man, the main antagonist of the Phantasm series of horror films. However, these characters still do not have enough in common to allow us to talk about plagiarism.

Nightmare show

The rise in popularity of the character continued with the appearance of the web series “Marble Hornets”, which also tells about the world of Slender. The show, which aired on YouTube on June 20, 2009, quickly gained popularity and acquired a huge number of fans. To date, there are already more than 90 episodes of the series about the Thin Man. But it seems that the project has now been completed - the last episodes date back to mid-2014.

As you might guess, the series was filmed in a pseudo-documentary style and showed us the adventures of ordinary people who encountered Slenderman. It is based on the film “Marble Hornets”, which schoolboy Alex Krali filmed to get a test at his educational institution. However, filming was quickly stopped - according to Krali, “it became impossible to work.” While looking through Alex's notes, his friend Jay begins to notice some very strange phenomena on them. After Jay begins his investigation, he encounters a strange and dangerous creature - Slenderman (in the series he is also called the “Operator”). In addition, in “Marble Hornets” it is stated that when the Thin Man appears, video cameras begin to behave very strangely, and sometimes even refuse to work in their usual mode, rather working in the style of a “photo camera”.

The series frightens with classic moves: sharp scary sounds, the appearance of Slender as a vague silhouette, scenes of violence in which the main characters fight each other (it was in the series that the concept of “proxy” was introduced - this term refers to people who have become weak-willed servants of Slender) . Hot on the heels of “Marble Hornets,” other series appeared, copying the style of the first web show. They were also filmed in the style of web diaries, and some of them offered different versions of the origin of Slender Man.

“Marble Hornets” looks quite interesting both thanks to the main antagonist and thanks to the interesting atmosphere. The entire series is posted in English on YouTube; in addition, there is already a Russian version with a “single-voice” translation. True, at the moment only fifty episodes have been translated - about half of the web series.

In addition to “Marble Hornets,” there are several other web series about Slender. There are also short films, and the first full-length film about the Thin Man has already been announced.

Survival Horror

Probably, Slender is one of the very few Internet memes that were able to make their way into the world of computer games. In 2012, Parsec Productions studio released the project Slender: The Eight Pages, intended for free distribution on the Internet.

The main character of this game is the girl Kate, who had to escape into the forest after Slenderman appeared in her house. The game, like Marble Hornets, is stylized as amateur filming: Kate has a video camera with which she films what is happening to her. The forest is surrounded by a fence, but inside the play space Kate walks quite freely, studying the objects she encounters along the way. As she travels, the girl collects notes left by kidnapped children and avoids meeting with Slenderman, whom it is better not to look at, because he senses it and notices the victim.

The second project about Slender - the game Slender: The Arrival - was released in 2014. Released by the same studio and a sequel to Slender: The Eight Pages, The Arrival is already a commercial project for which players have to pay. In return, they receive new “bonuses”, such as significantly improved graphics and a rather interesting story.

The game is both a prequel and a continuation of the previous project. We again see the house where the girl Kate lived from Slender: The Eight Pages. We learn that Slender has previously attacked the inhabitants of this house, who lived there even before Kate bought the house. But this time the main character is the girl Lauren, who comes to the house in search of her friend Kate (the latter, as we remember, ran away from Slender into the forest in the first game). In style, the game is very similar to the previous one: Laurel is also armed with a video camera and also collects Notes of missing children. But besides her and Slenderman, there are many other characters here, and the Thin Man is far from the only villain. In general, the game has a completely recognizable atmosphere, an interesting soundtrack, but the story campaign is too short. It also introduces some new elements to the world of Slender - we learn, in particular, that this character likes to “play” with his victims, as well as a little about the past of Slender and the future of some of those he catches. I must say, the future is completely bleak.

Nothing is known yet about whether “Slender 3” will ever appear in the gaming world. Also, nothing is known about a possible full-length film - but if it ever appears, we would still like to see a good expensive horror, and not another stylization of an amateur video. Slender has an excellent video heritage, even if it develops independently, but cinema is still a slightly different art.

As we see, even simple online folklore can be quite viable. Erik Knudsen created an original universe, an interesting villain and a powerful brand, without Kicksiarter or other similar services. All he needed was to simply make the correct montage of several photographs and ultimately offer the public exactly what they might like. This is how a new interesting villain was born - Slender. We still hope that the creator will not abandon his brainchild and Slenderman will definitely appear in many other new works of art.

Slenderman (“Skinny Man” translated into Russian) is one of the most famous characters of “scary” Internet folklore. Presumably, it was invented in 2009 by a certain Erik Knudsen, who published two black and white photographs depicting children being pursued by a mysterious creature on the Something Awful forum. The photographs seemed very realistic to Internet regulars and quickly attracted the attention of the virtual public.

The character was so loved by Internet users that he quickly turned into the hero of numerous stories, video games, TV series and films. However, here’s what’s interesting and strange: although the fictionality of Slenderman is not seriously hidden by anyone, there are many individuals who claim to have encountered this monster in person, or simply firmly believe in its reality. People study this urban legend, go on expeditions in search of the monster and find, as they claim, evidence of the existence of the Skinny Man in the form of photographs and videos.

Slenderman's appearance is very unusual. He appears to be a very tall man with disproportionately long limbs that can bend at any angle. The entity's head is completely covered with pale skin - hair, ears, eyes, nose and mouth are completely absent. The skinny man is always dressed in a funeral suit with a black jacket and tie and a white shirt. It is believed that countless black tentacles sometimes emerge from the monster’s back, capable of becoming infinitely long. With the help of them, the entity allegedly catches its victims.

What is Slenderman capable of?

Slenderman is a kidnapper. Most often, he kidnaps children, and they are never found again. Who this is - a ghost, an evil spirit, an alien, a mutant or a fiend of hell - is unknown. The Skinny Man's intentions are completely unclear, and such uncertainty makes him doubly terrifying. A dangerous entity appears in forests, fields, abandoned buildings and other empty places, lying in wait for its victims. If you notice him standing in the distance, even kilometers away from you, you will no longer have the opportunity to escape or resist the monster.

The symbol of Slenderman is a circle crossed out with a diagonal cross. They say that such signs appear near the habitats of the Skinny Man, and you can avoid an unenviable fate only by immediately leaving when you see such a drawing. Many eyewitnesses report seeing ominous symbols on trees in the forest, on walls in abandoned structures, and on the ground. Of course, it is logical to assume that they are simply drawn by fans of this urban legend, but who can know for sure...

Slenderman is considered an excellent telepath. In this regard, he does not necessarily have to chase his victims. The monster can manipulate people nearby and force them to walk into its trap on their own. Kidnapped children usually experience nightmares several days before their disappearance and attempt to leave the house in an unconscious state. Some of them, whose relatives do not keep an eye on them, succeed in this, and they disappear into the night without a trace.

A skinny person affects electronics, so if in a deserted place far from civilization you experience noise in your headphones or interference on the screen of your video camera, then you should probably get out of there quickly. If you photograph or film the monster, it will not let you escape. Seeing it with your own eyes is also signing your own death warrant. You can walk two steps away from Slenderman masquerading as a tree and calmly go home without noticing him. But if you realize that there is something strange in front of you and see this figure as a thin giant, you will be in trouble.

The evil entity can shorten and lengthen its body and limbs. In terms of movement, the Skinny Man appears to be inactive. He can stay in one place for a long time at a considerable distance from people, waiting until he is noticed. Slenderman rarely walks or runs, but he instantly teleports from one point to another, so it is almost impossible to hide from him. However, many witnesses claim that they were able to safely escape from the monster's possession after they spotted it or even captured it on camera.

Perhaps the image of the Skinny Man was borrowed from somewhere. For example, in Slavic mythology there is a thin and long spirit pole (from the word “pole”). This evil spirit walks at night and looks into people's windows, warms itself near the stove corpses and scares people, and also commits minor dirty tricks. From a distance, a pole often resembles a large dry branch on the roof of a house. However, this spirit is practically harmless to humans.

In German folklore, you can find a character named Grosmann (Tall Man), who is something of an evil fairy, but in appearance he is very similar to Slender Man, except that he has a face with two large round eyes. In Grosmann, the Germans frightened the children who went for a walk in the forest without permission. According to myths and legends, the Tall Man lived in the Black Forest and dragged naughty children into the wilds of the forest, where he devoured them.

And in Japanese myths there are nopperapons - tall supernatural creatures whose faces turned into smooth purple balls at night.

Photos and videos of Slenderman

On April 12 of this year, the attention of Internet users was captured by a photo taken, judging by the timecode, on January 22, 2009. The photograph shows a teenager looking into a winter forest, where a tall, dark figure with a pale face lurks among the snow-covered trees. Needless to say, many regulars of the World Wide Web immediately issued a verdict: the children took pictures of the Skinny Man.

The story behind this photo is that several American children from Minnesota skipped school and instead went to have fun in the woods. At a certain moment, one of the truants took out his phone and decided to take a photo of his friend. However, as soon as the photographer pointed the camera at his friend, he noticed a thin giant in dark clothes between the trees and told his friends about it in horror. The children immediately rushed away from there, but the photographer managed to photograph the creepy stranger.

The video below, obtained late last year, also caused quite a stir. It shows a British cyclist speaking into a traffic camera. The young man leaves a message for someone and leaves, after which a tall, thin figure separates from one of the trees in the background and begins to walk on the ground. It is noteworthy that the sound on the recording at this moment is noticeably loud. When the cyclist returns to the camera, the supposed Slender Man is still crossing the field in the background.

Many people have thought about the following question: could the Skinny Man, originally invented by someone, become real due to the large number of people who believed in his existence? After all, the human mind is capable of more than that. Thought, as we know, is material, and the thoughts of many people, directed in one direction, can have a colossal impact on reality. This is how, those in the know say, world religions were born...

Slenderman is a faceless creature that from a distance looks like a man in a tuxedo with a red tie. This creature mainly lives in forests or near rivers. The Slenderman himself kidnaps children, knocks on people's doors and windows at night, that's his activity. They say that if you meet a Slenderman and at the same time see his face, the person who saw him will be overcome by such fear that he will simply fall into a stupor and will not be able to move. In this case, the Slenderman will give this person his hug, after which the poor fellow will disappear forever from the borders of the human world.

The Skinny Man is described as wearing a black suit, like the infamous Men in Black (i.e., a funeral suit). How his name literally screams! He is very thin, capable of stretching his limbs and torso to incredible lengths. Setting traps for their victims. When he holds out his hands to the victim, she falls into some kind of hypnotic state in which she is absolutely helpless, and, despite her fear, she cannot help but come closer and accept his embrace. He can also turn his fingers into tentacles, as well as grow them from his back to move around, similar to Doctor Octavius ​​from the Spider-Man series. His ability to stretch also has something in common with the comics - Mister Fantastic from the Fantastic Four has a similar ability. What he does with his victims - either he eats, or kills, or takes him to some hidden place or even dimension - is unclear, because no bodies or even traces have ever been found by which he could be identified location.

His history is unknown, since there was no one to give any specific information about who or what he is and where he came from, but the meaning of his existence is quite clear. He literally has to kidnap children (which gives another point to the fact that he eats people), and witnesses have spotted him right before a child (or sometimes children) disappear. Apparently it prefers wooded areas, preferably in a climate where there is frequent fog, making it easier to hide. It is worth noting that children see it more often, while adults almost never notice it. Very often before being kidnapped. A child experiences strange nightmares about the Skinny Man. Of course, parents write them off as simple imagination.

Although the Skinny Man is considered a fiction, eyewitnesses have made numerous claims about it. Most often it appears at night, near forests or rivers. Also, his “hobby” is to peek into the windows of houses (which is permissible with his abilities), and from time to time he chased cars on forest roads. The Skinny Man (or even Skinny People) most often appeared in various parts of Norway, Japan and America.

And now, information from Lurkomorye.

Slenderman (Slender man, Slandy, Mr. Slim, Slenderman, Thin Man, Skinny Man, Stick Man) is an amusing creation of the collective network mind, a creature that has gained considerable fame in the vastness of the American and not so Internets.

Slenderman stands out against the background of hundreds of other creepy characters in that they did not immediately try to pass off his existence as the truth. It first appeared in 2009 on the Something Awful forum in a thread in which users came up with demons, monsters, mutants, ghosts and other evil spirits. On June 10, someone named Victor Surge wrote a remarkable post in which he described the story of the Thin Man, providing it with photographs that were allegedly taken by a pair of missing photographers in 1983 in a place called Sterling City, the day that 14 children disappeared in this very town. Subsequently, the user posted new photographic materials and fascinating details of their appearance.

Development of the legend.

Of course, the matter did not stop there. On June 24, the Slenderman story was posted on 4chan, where it gained relatable content and acquired fans. It turns out that Slendy is perfectly visible in many photographs with the presence of a dark forest, poor quality, a little imagination and Photoshop skills.

In parallel with the forchanm, a blog is being posted on YouTube, posting videos allegedly filmed in attempts to catch, or at least learn more about, the mysterious creature. Some time later, other users, inspired by the new trend, decided to make multi-part YouTube pseudo-documentaries exploiting the urban legend. While the creator of MarbleHornets, Troy Wagner, had at least an approximate relationship with cinematic hardware, the followers were the most naked enthusiasts and, in general, often schoolchildren, but nevertheless they produced such good blatant copies as (a pretentious detective plot, Slenderman with realistic tentacles, Nazi experiments , the charismatic heroine hero Noah Maxwell and the charismatic secondary villain-nigraus The Observer), (again the charismatic Glaverorea-Petrosyan, doll in memory, someone with a puppet fetish, a non-fingered arg-component and a lot of high-quality Slenderman), suddenly suitable series, washed off, washed down. schoolboy Evan Santiago. Around this time, the story of the Thin Man ceases to be truly fictional, since there are a sufficient number of freaks on the Internet who foam at the mouth and prove that they saw Slendy or creatures similar to him in real life long before 2009.

Typically, the Thin Man is depicted as a very thin and tall anthropomorphic creature. He has pale skin and no face, and is dressed in a formal black suit with a red tie and a white shirt - clothes that are customary to wear to funerals. He has unusually long arms that have no joints and can bend in different directions. Some sources indicate that his arms can change their length, while others even claim that Slenderman is able to dispose of his body at his own discretion - change the length of the torso and limbs, grow additional arms and even tentacles. Has an unpleasant tendency to appear in places where it is most difficult to track - in dense twilight forests and foggy swamp areas, although the range of its appearances is not limited to these places. The main activity is kidnapping for an unknown purpose. A number of sources are inclined to believe that Slendy preys primarily on children, abducting adults only if they were careless enough to see him or capture his presence on photo and video cameras, or even draw him. The goals of kidnapping are unknown, because none of its victims ever showed up to tell the world about their kidnapper, and at the scene of the incident, as you might guess, no traces of the presence of Skinny or his victims were found. Some sources are inclined to baselessly claim that “previously, victims were found in forests, impaled on the tops of trees, and their organs were removed, packaged in plastic bags and squeezed back into the body,” but in fact, Slender is in no hurry to dispel the aura of mystery and understatement in any way about the victims, so contributing to the extraction of bricks. Those who have seen him usually describe him as a silent, grim figure standing in the rain/fog/shade of trees, watching the observers. Impressionable individuals, once they have seen a photo of Slendy, tend to see this character in other photos, especially with disgusting quality and/or forest areas present, thereby only fueling general interest in the phenomenon and increasing the degree of inadequate hamster paranoia.

Russian Slenderman.

One day I was sitting at night, working. It was already approaching morning (approximately 3:30). Then I hear several knocks on the window. It was as if someone had knocked with their fist. A little freaked out by this, I slowly walked up to the window. There was no one there, but there was something in the yard. At first I thought it was a person, but this crap was too high. It stood motionless for some time, so I managed to take the camera and start taking pictures, which, by the way, was problematic, since the camera was always focusing on the reflection in the glass. In general, I managed to take a photo of it standing. Then it moved towards the wall and began to climb up it. Moreover, it did not look like a person or a spider. I still didn’t understand how many limbs it had, although when it stood I was sure there were 4 of them. It climbed along the windows towards the roof, where it disappeared from view. While I was filming, I was covered in cold sweat, because I was afraid that it would creep in my direction, I also live on the 8th floor and go to the entrance to smoke, and there it’s a stone’s throw from the door to the roof. It was scary as hell. For another month after that I lived with the curtains drawn and was afraid to go into the entrance. But now I’ve somehow calmed down, nothing special happened over the past year. So it goes.