How to summon Slenderman in real life? Could Slenderman be real? (8 photos).

If you ask a person what fictional horror characters he knows, then each will have his own set of answers. Almost everyone knows Freddy Krueger, Boogeyman and many others. All these characters do not really exist, but they are used to scare children so that they behave well. Particularly popular heroes acquire new facets, being reflected in literature or cinema. However, it is worth noting that most of these characters were invented quite a long time ago. Nowadays, people are not particularly eager to create something terrifying and stunning in the imagination, because given the rapid progress, there is little that can actually frighten.

People play computer games, watch horror films, read books by authors such as Stephen King, and they are no longer the target of a scary story. Or is this not quite the case? In fact, just five years ago the incredible happened - Slenderman was invented - a character who suddenly gained incredible popularity. Some even believe in him, fear him and tell scary stories about him. But how did Slenderman come about?

The history of Slenderman

Each fictional character has its own story: how he was born, how he acquired all the details, whether he was invented by a specific person or is the result of collective folk art. All these elements are very interesting because they can tell a lot about the hero himself. And the story of how Slenderman came to be is truly impressive.

In 2009, a competition was held at one of the Western forums, in which participants had to take any photograph and process it using a graphic editor, adding certain supernatural effects. One of the competition participants approached the task very creatively and even created a story about his character - a tall man with disproportionate arms and legs, and most importantly - with a completely white face, without signs of eyes, nose or other organs. This project turned out to be a real masterpiece, which in a relatively short time went beyond the forum where the competition was held and became famous throughout the world. This is the story of how Slenderman came to be. You will be surprised, but it doesn’t end there.

What does Slenderman do?

Now you know how Slenderman appeared, you have a little idea of ​​what he looks like. But what's terrible about it? What is he doing that makes people all over the world afraid? Slenderman is an evil entity that preys on young children, turning them into proxies, that is, into his puppets. If it gets close enough to a person, it will kill and mutate them so that the proxy's appearance is no less terrifying. At the same time, Slenderman can teleport, so it is very difficult to hide from him.

Nobody ever thinks about how to summon Slenderman, because he always comes on his own. This monster seeks out children who are lost or run away from home in order to kill them. As you can see, this story can also be used to scare little ones, but do not forget that it took its origins from the Internet, and its main goal was to win a competition. What mattered in this case was human influence.

Character development

Slender Man, also called Thin Man, Slender Man, and even the Operator, is not a complete character. Its peculiarity is that its creator does not have any copyright on it. The Thin Man is indeed a kind of urban legend, but instead of a city here, the whole world is on the Internet. Every person who knows about Slenderman can add something of his own to his image, and he will have his own understanding of this hero. Some additions receive quite wide publicity and become an almost inseparable aspect of the perception of Slenderman. For example, people constantly say that it is impossible to count the number of Slender Man’s limbs, that he can have tentacles growing out of his back, with which he reaches out to his victim. This element was not invented by the original creator of the Thin Man, but it stuck and became an important part of his image.

Someone comes up with stories about how to summon Slenderman, but they, in turn, are not particularly popular. The Thin Man is someone who is very much feared, so few people want to communicate with him. But if you are one of those who would like to meet this creature face to face (so to speak, given the fact that Slenderman has no face), then you do not need to know how to summon Slenderman. All you have to do is go into the forest alone, because that's when this monster appears. The whole phenomenon is that the Thin Man is a fictional character. You can find the forum where it first appeared. Absolutely everyone here knows that it does not exist, they know the history of its origin. But still, there are those people who really believe that Slederman exists, that one should be afraid of him, and when meeting him, do not hold your gaze on him, turn around and run.

First appearance in games

Naturally, such a character as Slenderman could not stay away from popular culture. Nowadays you can hear everywhere about computer games where this character is present, for example in Minecraft. Slenderman does not appear there in his full form. But this incarnation will be discussed later.

Now it’s worth paying attention to 2012, when a game entirely dedicated to the Thin Man first appeared on computer screens. It was called Slender: The Eight Pages - created by independent developers. In this game you play as a girl, Kate, who ran away from home. Of all the equipment you only have a flashlight and a video camera, which greatly simplifies the gameplay. Its whole point is to escape from Slenderman in the forest by collecting eight notes scattered throughout the territory. The action takes place in silence and calm until you find the first of the notes - then ominous music begins to play, and at any moment the figure of the Thin Man may appear in front of you.

The image in the video camera informs you of its approach, which begins to pick up interference. The stronger the interference, the closer Slenderman is, which means you need to be extremely careful. If you get too close to the monster, the game will end. If you stare at it too long, the game will end. All you have to do is constantly look around, and if you notice Slenderman, turn around and run away. This is the only way you can be saved. The more notes you find, the louder the music plays and the higher the likelihood that you will encounter the Thin Man. This game scared more than one of the toughest gamers, so we can easily say that in the same popular Minecraft project, Slenderman is unlikely to be so terrifying.

Full-fledged game project

It is worth noting that the game described above is a project of independent developers who wrote it themselves and released it themselves. But there is already a 2013 game called Slender: The Arrival, which was developed by another company that bought the rights to this series. The game is a direct continuation of the first part, only now it has a full-fledged plot, various game events, several levels and interesting bonuses.

So, this time you will have to play as Lauren, Kate's friend, whose story has been slightly rewritten. Now Kate is a victim of Slenderman, she agreed to meet with Lauren, but when she arrived, she was not at home. A little investigation indicates that Kate was obsessed with the Thin Man, saw hallucinations with his participation, all the walls of her room were covered with notes and notes about a creature called Slender Man. Photos, drawings, strange symbols - all this is very suspicious. After reading one of the notes, Lauren hears a scream and goes in search of her friend. Naturally, she only has a flashlight and a video camera with her - a classic set for this series.

In this game you will see Slenderman, a photo of whom you have most likely seen more than once, but now he will be improved - the same tentacles that were discussed earlier will be added, and some other interesting features. In the first chapter you will not meet this monster, but you will find the boy who started it all - he got lost, because of this, from his father, then his father locked himself in the basement and set fire to the house, on the site of which Kate’s housing was built. The boy, by the way, is a proxy, so if you get too close to him, he will rush at you, hit you with his claws and run away. You need to go into the forest.

Repeating the first part

On the one hand, this project is a continuation of the original version, and on the other, it is a kind of remake. "Slenderman" (for computer), released in 2012, contained only one location - the forest, in which the action took place. In this project, the forest is only one of the levels, but its essence remains the same. First, you need to find several notes with tips on what to do next, after which a repetition of what was completed a year earlier will begin - the search for eight drawings, with the discovery of each of which the tension will increase, as well as the likelihood of an unwanted meeting with Slender. The principle remains the same - constantly look around, and as soon as you see a monster, turn around and run. When you have all the necessary notes in your hands, a video will begin in which Lauren will run away from the Thin Man, fall into the quarry and lose consciousness in the park. She will no longer have any doubt that Slenderman exists, but this will not make her life easier.

Transition to the mine

Unlike the original game, you will continue your adventure in a new location - now you need to get into the mine through a tunnel. In the mine you will find instructions for using the elevator - to activate it you need to turn on the generators. However, everything is not so simple - as soon as the first generator supplies electricity, the terrible Slenderman will keep you company. Moreover, the proxy will start hunting for you along with him - the horror is that this proxy will turn out to be Kate. But there is nowhere to retreat, so you need to activate all the generators while running away from Slender. This method is not effective with your ex-girlfriend, since she is very fast and will instantly overtake you if you try to hide. You will be able to withstand two claw attacks. After the first one, you'll start to limp, but if you don't move for a while, Lauren will get better.

So how to deal with Kate? Proxies are afraid of bright light, so if you shine a flashlight on it, it will hide for a while. When you activate all the generators, the elevator will start working and you will be able to exit the shaft. As you can see, this project is the standard of the Slenderman (3D) game. So far, no other similar project has been released that would describe this phenomenon so completely and vividly. It combines logical tasks, action, and most importantly, an atmosphere of horror.


The next chapter of the game is told from Kate's point of view. It starts when Lauren walks into the house and starts watching a video about how obsessed her friend was with Slender Man. When you gain control of Kate, you need to close eight windows and doors to protect yourself from Slender Man, but all these attempts are useless. The thin man gets to you, and you have to jump out the window and run into the forest that you, as Lauren, passed through in the second chapter.

Last level

You play as Lauren again. The game is nearing completion, but it has several endings at once. When you enter the radio tower, you will see the corpse of a man - most likely Keith, with whom they recently discussed hallucinations and Slender Man. The battery in your flashlight runs out, and the voice recorder you find near the man’s body records an argument with Kate, after which a terrible scream is heard. Suddenly everything goes quiet, the sound of a door opening, footsteps are heard, and the camera begins to ripple - that’s where it all ends.

But this is not the only ending - there is also an option in which you see the same boy you met at the very beginning enter the room. He attacks you, after which you lose consciousness. You wake up in a dimly lit basement, a boy won’t let you get out of it, so you need to find a few notes that shed light on everything that’s happening. Once you read them, you will be able to notice that the exit is clear. Having got out, you will find yourself in the same burnt house where you found the boy at the beginning of the game, but this time Kate is sitting in the corner and crying. If you point your camera at her, there will be interference. But there is no other way out - you approach her, after which she attacks you and kills you, this becomes clear due to the fact that your legs are visible in the cell lying on the floor. Here's a story about a creature called Slenderman. You should definitely watch the trailer for this game before buying it.

Slenderman in Minecraft

As mentioned earlier, the Thin Man appeared not only in projects dedicated exclusively to him. In Minecraft, the Slenderman series, broadcast on YouTube, is extremely popular. Moreover, there is a creature in the game - the Wanderer of the End. It is very tall, with long limbs, black and in many ways resembles Slenderman. His behavior also suggests that the image was taken from this very figure. You can also download the Slenderman skin for your client to scare your friends and gaming partners.

Most internet memes are short-lived fads: created for momentary amusement and promptly forgotten. With Slenderman, or, as he is also called in RuNet, the Thin Man, the story is the opposite: in the USA, children with a knife attack their own people, under the impression of the ubiquitous anorexic demon. We remembered how the most terrible meme on the Internet was born.

The appearance of Slenderman

The Slenderman that children are afraid of today is a “rebranding” of German, Russian and Romanian folklore: a collective image recreated in 2009 by members of the Something Awful forum. Then the forum members were asked to create a monster that could claim the title of a new urban legend. The winner was a user under the pseudonym Victor Surzh: he processed two black and white photographs of children in a graphics editor, adding Slenderman to the photographs.

In a photo mockumentary, Surge attributed telepathic abilities to his creation, noting that the photographs were taken by photographers who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Surge continued to surround his hero with legends, fabricating several police reports and children's drawings of the Thin Man. Slenderman quickly left the Something Awful forum and began to conquer the Internet.

Slender Man is believed to be very thin and capable of stretching his already long limbs to almost any size. When Slender reaches out to the victim, she falls into a state of trance, but experiences a certain attraction to the Subtle One. He, in turn, turns his arms into tentacles, wraps them around the victim and either disappears with him or disembowels him, hanging the body on a dry tree branch. Something Awful wrote that Slenderman has an antagonist brother, Splendor: a merry fellow of the same appearance, but in a colored suit, who helps those who are lost get out of the forest.

Even at the stage of creating the monster, Something Awful had heated discussions about where the image of the Thin Man came from. Someone pointed out a certain similarity with the character of German fairy tales, the Tall Man (Der Großmann), a faceless scarecrow used to frighten hooligans. Someone recalled a Romanian fairy tale about Stella and Sorin - two girls who once saw a many-armed man, dressed all in black, whose limbs were long and boneless, writhing like snakes.

Fabricated children's drawings

Runet users remembered Longshanks (from the word “pole”) from Vladimir Dahl’s book “On Beliefs, Superstitions and Prejudice of the Russian People”: “very long and very thin, sometimes wandering around the streets at night, looking into the windows and warming his hands in the chimney; a pathetic crank, condemned to wander around the world for centuries without any purpose or position.”

There are analogues of Slenderman in Japanese fairy tales: the Faceless Man, whom Chihiro met in Miyazaki's Spirited Away. The director copied the image of a man without a face from Noperapona - a Japanese spirit that steals other people's faces. Instead of a face, Noperapon has smooth, egg-white skin. The creature lives on the side of roads and in forest thickets, hiding away from villages.

Surge, in turn, stated that Slenderman was a character he created, and the prototype for the visualization was the film “Phantasm” by American director Don Coscarelli. Be that as it may, the Thin Man meme turned into the plot of the web series “Marble Hornets”, and a little later formed the basis for the indie horror raft Slender: The Eight Pages - a super popular and very scary horror film, numerous downloads of which brought down the developers’ website.


How to summon Slenderman

For the most part, people are potential Darwin Award winners: we have spent thousands of years learning to avoid danger, and now we are again climbing cliffs, diving to the bottom of the ocean with sharks and experimenting with our own psyche. If the Thin Man can be fought, then perhaps there must be ways to summon him.


It is recommended to call Slenderman at three o'clock in the morning: a time designated in Catholic literature as the “hour of the devil” - if you remember, in Scott Derrickson’s film “The Six Demons of Emily Rose,” the Evil One visited the girl when the clock hands became parallel to the floor.


For the ritual you will need five sheets of paper (the number of spell steps), a pencil, a flashlight, playing cards, glue, thin tape and a blindfold. Find a multi-story building with an elevator, go up to the top floor of the building, turn on the flashlight and lay out the sheets of paper in front of you.


On the first of them, draw a tree, on the second - a face, on the third, glue any card of the spades suit, on the fourth sheet, draw yourself. Here it is very important to complete the distinctive sign that characterizes you: beard, red hat, glasses, etc. They say that even a small detail in clothing is enough. On the last floor, draw a multi-story building: the number of floors should match the real building in which you are located.


Hang a drawing of a tree on the first floor, a face on the second, a map of spades on the third, a self-portrait on the fourth, and a high-rise building on the fifth. After half an hour of waiting on the top floor of the house, take the elevator down and check the sheets: a hanged man will appear on the tree, all features will disappear from his face, the card will be replaced by another, the fourth sheet will be empty, and the fifth will be marked with a black cross. If a mark has been made, turn around - Slenderman is waiting for you.

How to fight Slenderman

In March 2014, Slenderman also appeared in the TV series Supernatural. A thin person is confidently turning into an almost tangible nightmare, and nightmares need to be fought - we have already told how during the zombie apocalypse, so now we consider it our duty to give some practical advice that will help you stop being afraid of Slender.

Slenderman can be broken over his knee, just like Nolan's Bane broke Batman. Because you are strong and he is subtle.



Make friends with Slenderman, gain his trust, and then hand over the Thin Man to the authorities.

Slenderman appeared in our culture for a reason: A thin man without a face is the embodiment of a person’s basic fears. The main markers in creating the image of a character in new Internet folklore are the strongest fear for one’s life and an equally serious fear of the unknown. From the point of view of the physiology of fear, the Slenderman character, although not unique, is very effective: according to the classification of Doctor of Biological Sciences Yuri Shcherbatykh, Slenderman fits into the classical concept of the nature of human fear, falling into the category of existential shock: fear generated by the human intellect and associated with questions about death, time, the meaninglessness of our existence, symbolism, the afterlife, etc.

Slenderman scares poor and rich, young and old, well-educated and stupid people. Thin Man - people’s unified ideas about everything bad that can happen to them.

Children and young people with excitement and enthusiasm retell fantastic stories about all sorts of extraordinary entities, most of which are the fruit of someone’s imagination. Internet memes don't last long. They are created for entertainment. The Thin Man (Slender Man) has a different fate. They believe in him and try to contact him. He gained unprecedented popularity. Due to the fact that the story of Slenderman is of such interest, we invite you to get to know it better.

What makes this character stand out?

Surely the story of Slenderman would not have caused so much talk if many real events had not been associated with it. The fact is that this image turned out to be “alive” and inspires confidence. In the USA, this has driven some people to real crimes. Thus, teenagers who were impressed by the story of Slenderman attacked loved ones, trying to commit murder. It was sometimes simply risky to be around children who firmly believed in the reality of the character. Young men and girls, impressed by the “exploits” of the Thin Man, changed their views on good and evil. Well, think for yourself: can an ordinary person in his right mind injure another? However, the history of Slenderman pushed them towards exactly this behavior. The hero, invented several years ago, became a real being in their imagination. They relied on his support and took their example from him. Nowadays the Thin Man only has more fans. Real stories mixed with fiction. What is true in them and what could not be is difficult to figure out. Especially if a person is more attached to the computer virtual world than to the real one.

How did Slenderman come about?

The history of the appearance of the image is actually simple. There is a forum called Something Awful. In 2009, its leaders decided to organize a competition. Readers were invited to use their imagination and come up with a creature that could take pride of place in urban folklore. A certain Victor Surge, a user of this system, turned out to be the most gifted inventor of terrible images. He came up with this character. And thanks to this, he won the competition. That’s the whole answer to the question “how did Slenderman appear.” The story is actually quite ordinary. It was created for entertainment. However, the new hero attracted the public's attention. Photos of it being painted for the first time went viral on the Internet. They caused a surge of enthusiasm among Victor’s competitors and other audiences. Everyone wanted to take part in the birth of a new hero.

The character acquires details

Scary stories about Slenderman began to appear like a hurricane. Its creator endowed this creature with supernatural powers. Thus, he wrote that the photographers who took the pictures (which he posted online) disappeared under unclear circumstances. Since the birth of Slenderman brought his creator triumph, he continued to work on his “biography”. It all started with a couple of pictures. He then posted a fabricated police report about the “real events” on the forum. Then drawings appeared depicting this character, allegedly made by child witnesses. The birth of Slenderman was completed in just a few days. The image left the alma mater of his native forum and began to roam the Internet, gaining a lot of fans and followers.

What is our hero like?

But it was not enough to just come up with an image. The story of the appearance of Slenderman could not be accepted by the public without exciting and terrifying details. So, the Thin Man has no face. This is due to a special legend telling about his incredible suffering. The author also needed to endow the hero with such traits that would make the blood run cold. He did an excellent job with this task. Scary stories about Slenderman really touch the soul. This character is known to be very thin. His weapons are his arms, which he can stretch very far. It is stated that they, like tentacles, can reach anyone whom the Thin Man wishes to punish. Through his limbs he influences his unfortunate victim. She falls into a state of trance, nevertheless experiencing a strange and unnatural attraction to the owner of the tentacles.

Make you believe in the Thin Man

Another task of the creator was to give “life” to his hero. It was necessary to come up with something that would attract readers to it. Naturally, the real story of Slenderman is too simple. Who wants to believe in a fictional character. Therefore, it was decided to tell the public about how someone met this character. Thus, the idea was presented that Slenderman could become an assistant in personal matters. This prospect interested the teenagers. Everyone knows that at this age there are many purely psychological problems. How to refuse a magical entity that can fulfill any request? This is exactly how Slenderman is perceived by fans. The history of the origin of the image in this case fades into the background. After all, I really want to believe that this character will help. Everyone wants a miracle! And fear only spurs this faith and is its catalyst.

Summon Slenderman

Much has been written about how to meet a Subtle Man. Here each author demonstrates the incredible wonders of his own imagination. Since this hero is a city resident, the methods of summoning him are related to buildings. They say a lift is needed. Slenderman prefers it in his movements. It is necessary to post a picture on a certain floor at night, and special signs on others. The adventure is not for the faint of heart! Therefore, it is worth calling on all your courage to help. It is alleged that the Thin Man is cruel and quick to kill. Although his power defies description. There are no barriers for him. But he helps only those who command his respect. So decide, is it worth getting involved with such a creature? You can also get yourself into trouble.

What attracts the Thin Man?

Slenderman is considered extremely unhappy. This is quite reasonable. It is pity that brings a person closer to others and creates trust. It is believed that he was once a real person. But he faced many trials. As a result, Slenderman distanced himself from his family and friends. He cultivated hatred in himself, for which the dark forces gave him supernatural abilities. That is, in fact, the authors of the legends wanted to humanize their hero a little. They say that he survived betrayal and betrayal. Such a story evokes sympathy among young and old, poor and rich. You want to communicate with such a creature, giving it human support and compassion. After all, if we think from this point of view, then the hero is no longer a murderer. He is just a victim of circumstances arranged by his insidious relatives. So, they claim that there is a real story of Slenderman, and his girlfriend played a fatal role in it.

The terrible events that created the Thin Man

You may ask, what happened to him? It is believed that Slenderman was an ordinary teenager. But his family did not love or accept him. One day he accidentally killed a girl whom he passionately loved. This made his head go blank. His mother and brother did not provide the guy with adequate support. Because of this, he went to wander around the city, looking for his lost loved one. The wanderings became the reason for the teenager acquiring incredible abilities. Everything described is a legend. She evokes genuine sympathy among teenagers experiencing their first timid feeling. It turns out that Slenderman is one of them. It is close to almost every young person. After all, as it turns out, the Subtle Man knows the problems that every reader (viewer) has to struggle with. So try to destroy such an image. It touches not only the imagination, but also the feelings of its admirers. Thus, they prolong his life.

The deep reasons for the popularity of Slenderman

The analysis of the appearance of this image seems very interesting. A thin person is characterized by the absence of a face. This clearly shows the fear of something unknown. People, unfortunately, for the most part do not feel protected. They fear for their lives and those of their loved ones. They are afraid of the unknown. These negative feelings were embodied in an Internet meme. Its popularity and vitality is natural, as it reflects the experiences of many people. They sometimes cannot discuss their internal problems with anyone and do not find sympathy from relatives and friends. And then a character turns up who can protect you from fears and help you cope with problems. Slenderman is a reflection of the inner fears and horrors of the townspeople. This led to its appearance and incredible popularity.

In this article you will learn:

Slenderman origins, history and games. Who is Slenderman? And who came up with it? Where can I meet a terrible character?


Thin Man, Slender Man, Operator- this character has many names. He is a popular online horror character. It was invented by Victor Serge (pseudonym) in 2009, while participating in a paranormal phenomena competition. The author created several photographs in which Slenderman was visible in the background. The anti-hero immediately became an urban legend, about whom stories were written, games, cosplays and fan art were made.


Slender is a very tall, thin, pale man. He has very long limbs that have no joints and can bend in any direction. The villain can also grow tentacles on his back. A thin man has no face. He is always dressed in a black funeral suit, white shirt and tie, which many take for some kind of agent.

Slender: The Eight Pages

This is the first Slenderman game in which the player will have to play the role of a woman, Kate, whose mother died and who wanted to sell the house, but she began to suffer from hallucinations in which she saw Slenderman. Seeing him at home, Kate ran into the forest of Oakside Park with a video camera. Her goal is to collect 8 notes written by children who were hiding from the Faceless One and disappeared. The villain himself will be on your heels, and the more notes are collected, the more often he will appear.

Slenderman view

Slender: The Arrival

In the second game, the player will have to be in the shoes of a certain Lauren, who arrived at the house of her friend Kate (the woman from the first game). Entering the house, the girl found a room hung with notes about the Thin Man, and then heard a scream in the forest. Grabbing a flashlight, Lauren hurried into the forest of Oakside Park. Pursued by Slenderman, she collected all of Kate's notes and hid from the faceless man and his assistant (a masked man) in the Cullman mine. Soon the girl found herself in a room where there was a TV, as well as Kate’s tape. After watching the recording, Lauren began to climb out of the trap. Having got out, she discovered that the forest was on fire. The girl reached the radio tower, where Slenderman caught her. (In the new version, the ending was changed, in which the heroine probably died at the hands of the distraught Kate, who was lured to her side by the Thin Man).


Thin Man can teleport. He is an excellent telepath, as he lacks many senses due to his faceless face. The villain can change the victim’s memory, manipulate it, and make it his “slaves” - Proxies (people under the influence of Slendy). Slendy sends nightmares and hallucinations to his victims. He feels when they are thinking about him and immediately tries to find these people and take them to him.

As soon as Slenderman gets close to electrical devices, interference begins.

The faceless can also lengthen his limbs, body and grow long tentacles.

Slender is characterized by low activity. Usually he just stands back and watches.

He grabs his victims with tentacles or hypnotizes them.


The villain lives in forests and empty buildings. He only attacks single individuals. Loves to knock on houses and look into windows.

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