How I controlled the exam. Who is a public observer?

This article was written for parents of future ninth- and eleventh-graders who will take the final certification in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam in the new year 2018. What does this have to do with parents? Despite the fact that they are no less worried than their children and would really like to know how this terrible test goes.

What is offered to parents?

There are two options that give parents the opportunity to attend the final certification. The first of them is the “Exams for Parents” campaign. It usually takes place in February (as in 2017). Parents of graduates of the 9th and 11th grades are invited, who, in a reduced amount of time, solve the same tasks (also in a shortened version) as the children took the exam in Russian or mathematics (to choose from). The form is exactly the same as and for the real exam: entry only with a passport, without personal belongings and phones, under the supervision of organizers and public observers. After such an event, many parents knew exactly what their children would have to go through and satisfied their curiosity: “Would I be able to pass the Unified State Exam?”

How to get?

Usually the school invites several parents of graduates to take part in this event. As a rule, heads of municipalities, ministries and other departments are also invited, and the media are present. You can ask the school administration to notify you of your participation in this event if it takes place at that school.

Who is a public observer?

If you were unable to attend the event, then there is another option, although you will not participate in the exam itself. This is a public observation.

The main function is to ensure that everything is legal. So that no one cheats, so that no one wanders around the PES unaccompanied (the exam point), so that no one uses the phone in classrooms and recreation areas, and so on. You will learn all your functions when you take the test to obtain your Public Observer ID.

Who can become a public observer?

Any competent adult citizen. The exception is parents of graduates who will take the exam in the same PPE. For example, your child is taking the Unified State Exam at school No. 23. A parent wants to become a public observer. But he will be able to stay in any school except No. 23, since there he will be an interested person.

The application can be submitted in the spring (from March) through the child’s school or by contacting the city/district education department (if you are not a parent). There you will have to fill out an application, take a test (remotely via the Internet) and then come back to receive a public observer certificate.

It will look something like this. In our region it was like this (I apologize for the quality and shabby appearance, since it is genuine and lay forgotten for two months until today). I was a public observer at the Unified State Exam, and for the Unified State Exam it looks the same.

Reverse side:

What does a public proctor do during an exam?

During testing, you will learn how the exam procedure works, what should be there and what should not be there. You can also familiarize yourself with the methodological recommendations given on the official website of the Unified State Examination.

Here are the answers to common questions about public observation on the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

When does the exam start and end?

All PPE organizers (working in and out of classrooms) must be in place before 8 a.m. At 9 o'clock the start of students begins. At 10 o'clock the last instruction for students begins, assignment packages are issued, and the exam itself begins. The end of the exam is when the last participant leaves the room. During this time, a public observer may remain in the building.

When should the public observer arrive?

Any time the exam is still in progress. He can come at the very beginning, see how the students are being launched, and attend the briefing. Can also observe during the exam itself. He can also leave at any time he sees fit.

What documents does a public observer need?

Identification document, public observer ID.

At the PES itself they will give you a report of public observation, in which you need to note the time of arrival and departure and comments.

What comments can be written in a public observation report?

That concerns the actual conduct of the exam. For example, you should not write such comments, since they do not depend on the exam organizers (from practice): the floor in the classrooms creaks, children have nothing to do from the moment they enter the classroom until the first instruction (20 minutes), etc.

If you notice that the organizers are helping students, one of the students was using the phone, etc., then in any case you need to notify the head of the teaching staff about this. They will draw up acts themselves. If the violations are not serious for the examination itself, then you don’t have to write anything down, and if you have any comments, then express them orally. After all, for every minor remark, the organizers will have to write an explanatory note.

Is the public observer paid?

No. It is worth noting that only teaching staff (teachers, social workers, educators, etc.) are paid for conducting the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, but for some reason nothing additional is provided for the head of the PPE, the organizers of non-teaching staff, they supposedly have a normal working day . This is for information.

Can a public invigilator carry personal items during the exam?

No, only a passport, a public observer ID, a public observation certificate and water/food. All other items must be left in the personal belongings storage area.

How many exams can one public observer attend?

As much as he asks to record. At least for all that are held during this period of passing the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination. The main thing is that they do not fall out on one day.

If you have any more questions, write in the comments. I will definitely supplement the article with them. All the best to you!


School graduates these days take the Unified State Exam (USE). This week they took an exam in the compulsory Russian language, as well as computer science and information and computer technology (ICT), history and biology.

In general, outsiders are not allowed to take the Unified State Examination. But the RIA Novosti correspondent still managed to attend the exam and observe the students as a public observer.

Voluntary, social, useful

For the third year in a row, at the beginning of April, I received an unobtrusive offer from my son’s class teachers (the first was in elementary school, the second in middle school) to participate as an observer at the Unified State Exam from my parents. I refused twice for objective reasons - my vacation fell right on the dates of the exams, but then I decided - why not “observe”?

We must understand that the “observer” is a voluntary social load. In order to receive the appropriate certificate, you need to write an application, attach three photographs of yourself or photocopies of them and wait for your candidacy to be “approved” by the local educational regulatory authority.

A certificate may not be given if you are a minor, or are related to organizations engaged in educational activities (work or supervise), or if one of the immediate relatives of a potential observer is taking the Unified State Exam this year and may end up exactly where you will be "observe".

About two weeks before X-Day, I was asked to come to school for instruction and receive an “observer” certificate. The head teacher drew my attention to the fact that the key word in the phrase “public observer” is the second word. I cannot disrupt the course of the Unified State Examination or the consideration of appeals; I can only be present at the exam site and inform the organizers of any violations.


It fell to me to fulfill my civic-parental duty at school No. 42 at the Unified State Examination in history. The start of the exam, as throughout the country, is scheduled for 10.00 (local time). You need to arrive no earlier than 30 minutes before the start.

In the hall on the first floor I noticed a table crowded with graduates. A man and a woman were checking the data on schoolchildren’s passports with the data on the lists. About ten parents sat nearby. Someone was already sending their child off with parting words, and someone was whispering in his ear: “Come on, daughter - no feathers or fluff to you.” There is no particular excitement visible in the eyes of the schoolchildren - everyone is in a good mood and smiling.

I go to the office of the Unified State Exam organizers to take off my outerwear and receive an observation report in exchange for my ID. The document contains my data and questions - “Was the fact of the graduate’s use of communication devices recorded,” “Did the teacher provide assistance to the graduate during the Unified State Exam,” and others. Opposite each item, I must check the box “Yes”, “No”, “Did not attend”.

A woman in a police uniform sits at the table in the “organization room” and writes something. Her presence, unlike when I took my final exams, is now mandatory. At several classrooms - on the day of the Unified State Exam they are called PPE (examination point) - graduates crowd and look for “their” office.

On the door of each PES there is a list indicating who is taking the Unified State Exam in that office. Opposite each of the 15 names is a row and a desk that the graduate should occupy. The child has no right to sit where he wants. Entrance to the office is strictly based on your passport. Personal items - handbags, phones - are stored on a separate table - for “personal items”.

Readiness No. 1: chocolates are unpacked, lemonade is open

Five minutes before the start of the Unified State Exam. Children look around the office, unpack and break into pieces the chocolates they brought with them, and open bottles of lemonade. This must be done strictly before the start of the exam - so as not to rustle or distract anyone during the exam. In addition to dry rations, the exam organizers will ask children to leave only their passport (open) and a pen and pencil on the corner of the table.

They offer me to sit on a chair in the far right corner by the window. The chair can be rearranged if desired, but I like it here - the classroom is clearly visible, and the view from the window is beautiful.

No right to choose

“Guys, I ask everyone to pay attention! We were allowed to begin the exam. Now I will read out to you the instructions, which you have probably already been introduced to several times, but, nevertheless, the rules require this,” says the organizer.

It takes about 15 minutes to get instructions on what is and is not allowed on the Unified State Examination. Particular attention is paid to the clause on responsibility for using a cell phone during the Unified State Exam and on the inadmissibility of posting test materials (CMM) on the Internet. Otherwise, the Unified State Exam results will be canceled, and the graduate will not be able to retake the Unified State Exam this year.

No one is in a pre-fainting state, the guys look quite calm. They are given individual packages with CMMs, where they need to fill out their data, school number, and so on in the boxes on the registration sheet. Afterwards, the start time of the exam is written on the board - 10.15 (local time) and end time - 13.45 (local time), a total of 3.5 hours.

“For some reason, there is no wall clock in this office, so after every hour I will inform you that an hour has passed and how much time is left until the end of the exam... I wish you good luck,” says the organizer.

Deathly silence reigns as the schoolchildren begin to complete their assignments. I catch myself thinking that there is no feeling of joy in the air for the one who was lucky with the ticket. Now everyone has 40 identical questions - CMMs, in an individual hermetically sealed package. Today's graduates don't understand what it's like to choose a lucky exam card from a pile on the teacher's desk.

After enduring 15 minutes of seriousness, graduates begin to behave more naturally. One of the boys is the first to not stand the tension - he cracks the joints on his hand, the sound reflected from the walls seems incredibly loud and piercing. Here others come to life - someone begins to look around, someone tries to turn around and whisper something to their neighbor.

However, having caught the organizer’s stern gaze on themselves, they again lower their gaze to the tasks. Some people try to eat away their anxiety with chocolate or drink a sweet drink.

An hour later, when each graduate has drunk half of the drink they brought, one by one they begin going to the toilet. Before leaving, everyone hands over their CTs to the teacher, and upon returning they give them to him.

There is no convoy. But the rule applies: you can go to the toilet only after the person who has just returned has sat down at the desk. One of the organizers is on duty in the corridor; he makes sure that the graduate’s route is strictly from the training center to the toilet and back. By the way, it is not the responsibility of the “observer” to check toilets for the presence of cheat sheets. This is what the organizers of the PES do.

Sometimes my nerves get the better of me

After two hours I decide to leave the PPE. I quietly go out, trying to find the main organizer, to whom I need to give a piece of paper with my notes in the observation report that I have not noticed any violations.

“You know, he (the main organizer) is busy. The girl alone there became ill, he is now working with a doctor in a separate office with her,” they tell me.

Another organizer clarified that the graduate most likely felt ill from excitement, “but the doctor sees no obvious reasons why the child could not continue the exam.” I wonder if I need help, but they tell me that there is a health worker for this.

Already leaving school, in the hall I see the same excited and already pretty tired of waiting parents. I understand that I feel like a completely happy person - my exams are long behind me and they passed more brightly, freely and with faith in “Lady Luck”.

Results will come later

Afterwards, when I arrived at work, I called the regional Unified State Examination information processing center to find out how everything went and what would happen to the girl who had become ill. The head of the center, Boris Ilyukhin, told me that the girl nevertheless completed the Unified State Exam along with all the schoolchildren. Information about violations and removals from the Unified State Examination will appear a little later.

Natalya Brusnitsyna.

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According to Part 4 of Art. 14 of the Law on Basic Guarantees of Citizens' Electoral Rights, on voting day, from the moment the precinct election commission begins its work and until its members sign the protocol on the voting results, observers sent by public and electoral associations, candidates, as well as foreign (international) observers have the right to be present at polling stations. ) observers. Thus, within the meaning of this law, an observer can be understood as a representative of any public organization, even one not participating in the election campaign.
In accordance with the Laws on the elections of the President and deputies of the State Duma, on voting day, each electoral association, each electoral bloc, each candidate registered in a given single-mandate electoral district, and each officially registered candidate for the position of President has the right to appoint one observer to the relevant precinct election commissions , who has the right to be in the voting premises from the beginning of voting until the end of the preparation of documents on the voting results and to receive certified copies of these documents.
The powers of the observer must be certified in writing by the candidate, public or electoral association, electoral bloc, whose interests he represents, indicating his last name, first name and patronymic, place of residence, as well as the number of the polling station to which he is sent. This document is valid only upon presentation of a passport (identity card replacing it). No prior notification is required to send an observer to a polling station.
If they have these documents, observers have the following rights:
- get acquainted with the voter lists;
- be present during voting both inside and outside the voting premises (this is especially important to exclude the possibility of falsification of voting results);
- be present during the counting, announcement of the number and cancellation of unused ballots before opening the ballot boxes;
- make sure that the stamps and seals on the ballot boxes are intact;
- be present during the counting of votes directly by members of election commissions with the right to casting votes without interruption until the voting results are received and be notified of the voting results;
- to be mentioned when drawing up the protocol of the precinct election commission as an observer;
- demand from the precinct election commission a certified copy of the protocol on the voting results (in this case, the precinct election commission is obliged to provide a copy of this protocol);
- contact the precinct commission with suggestions and comments;
- appeal the actions (inaction) of the precinct election commission to the territorial election commission.
Observers' comments and suggestions must be considered by the chairman, and, if necessary, by the full composition of the precinct election commission.
Other actions may be considered as interference in the activities of the precinct election commission. Thus, an observer has no right to violate the secrecy of voting or try to influence the will of the voter. In this case, the observer is immediately removed from the voting premises. The decision on this is made by the precinct election commission.
The legislation does not provide any advantages for a foreign observer compared to his Russian counterpart.
10.2. Mechanisms of government influence and control.

TOPIC 11. State bodies organizing and conducting elections in the Russian Federation.

11.1. Status and powers of election commissions of the Russian Federation.

11.2. The procedure for forming electoral bodies.

11.3. The procedure for organizing the work of election commissions.

Related information:

  1. Administrative legal relations are social relations regulated by the norms of administrative law that develop in the field of management
  2. Administrative and legal relations. Administrative legal norms, exerting a regulatory impact on public relations in the field of public administration

To ensure that the exams are held fairly, this year in all Belgorod holding points and in the regional information processing center, video surveillance operates only in online mode (previously, recordings from some points were not broadcast in real time). At every point suppress mobile communications. These and other subtleties should be monitored by public observers.

I began to remember what I knew about the final certification of schoolchildren. It turned out that it was not much. I myself took the Unified State Exam only in Russian and mathematics. This was the year when the new format was just being introduced as an experiment. And an observer without special knowledge is essentially useless. A solution was found: distance learning on the website helped fill the gaps. The course started at the end of March and lasted until the end of May.

The program suggested that I take a preliminary test, which I did not fail to do, hoping that perhaps I wouldn’t have to study. But I was too arrogant. The computer asked questions like, “What form is used to file appeals?” – with answer options “PPE-02”, “2-AP”, “1-AP”, “PPE 18-MASH” And "PPE-03". Or he suggested choosing from federal laws, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science and government regulations a document that regulates the operation of the information system for the State Inspectorate.

I was unable to pass the test with the required number of points, so I had to study materials designed for five academic hours. After that, I passed the final test the first time and they sent me a certificate by email stating that I had successfully completed the training.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

No relatives

With a sense of accomplishment, I went to the Belgorod Regional Center for Educational Quality Assessment on Kutuzova, 19, which accredits public observers. They greeted me very politely and first of all asked me what organization I belonged to and whether I was a student? I replied that I had expressed my desire on my own. The faces of the center workers showed slight surprise. Apparently, few such volunteers come to them.

“Observers at the Unified State Exam are often members of public organizations and representatives of political parties who seek to be active, especially during election campaigns. Also, regions often involve students in this,” explained "BelPress" Executive Secretary of the Commission for the Development of Science and Education of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Yuri Sedin. “In general, there are no statistics on the main areas of activity of public observers.”

In the application for accreditation, I was nevertheless asked, in addition to my full name, passport data and telephone number, to indicate the organization of which I am a representative. I wrote " housewife“so that I, as a representative of the media, would not be treated in any special way. They also warned about the restriction: the mother or other relatives of the student undergoing the final certification cannot be present at the exam, since they have a personal interest. When a person submits an application, family ties are subsequently checked. I don’t have any relatives who are eleventh graders, so there were no problems with this.

The employee who accepted the application also suggested that I enter my email address there so that I would not have to go to the center a second time and pick up the public observer ID in person.

No one asked me for a certificate of completion of training. True, the distance course is not required. This year, 101 people from the Belgorod region registered on the training site, while in total more than 600 observers, which is almost twice as much as in 2015.

Three working days later they called me back and informed me that the certificate was ready. But they still didn’t want to send it by email. I had to go to Kutuzov to pick up the document.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

Student Observers

I chose the first compulsory subject this year - Russian language. More than 43 examination points in the region took it 7 thousand people. Another 4.5 thousand people ensured the conduct of the Unified State Exam. These include public observers.

Armed with a notepad, pen, ID and passport, on May 30 I went to school in Maiskoye, where children from several settlements in the Belgorod region were supposed to sit at their desks. At the entrance, my data was recorded in a log, after which I and other observers were taken to the office where we left our things. Then I walked into the auditorium, already filled with controllers. There were at least 20 of them, among whom several young men in blue T-shirts with the inscription “Corps of Public Observers” stood out.

“We work with students of higher educational institutions,” explained the coordinator of the regional corps Anatoly Zaitsev. – Since December, an information campaign has been launched in universities, after which any interested student can express a desire to conduct public control on the Unified State Exam by filling out a special form. After this, the guys attend a training seminar and undergo testing. Those who eventually score the required number of points become public observers. This year there are 33 of them. They control 23 schools in the region. There are also about 50 more student public observers from the Kursk region working in the region.”

Nothing to complain about

Observers were given a special form, which they filled out during the exam, noting violations.

“Nine classrooms on two floors are used for the exam, and our headquarters is on the third floor, where you can ask questions that interest you. You can leave at any time by marking the end of observation,” said the head of the exam point Svetlana Kozlova.

It turned out that not everyone got a place in the classrooms - one observer was assigned to each.

“The rest of us are not allowed to enter the classrooms. You will prevent children from taking the exam, and they can then appeal about this,” explained a member of the examination committee Olga Kireeva.

I didn’t get a specific office, and I went to keep order at the entrance to the examination point, where the children were just starting to enter. Most of them did not look scared at all - the guys were joking and laughing, and irritation on some faces only appeared when the eleventh graders began to be checked using hand-held metal detectors. Only one young man from time to time folded his hands in a prayer gesture and repeated: “Oh-oh-oh-oh!”

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

Nothing prohibited was found on the schoolchildren. The question was raised by the canister of medicine found on one of them, but the guy was still allowed to pass. Another person's metal detector detected chewing gum in a foil package, and two young smokers had packs of cigarettes found in their pockets.

The children went to the classrooms, and I went to check the points on the paper given to me with reality: for example, whether there is a telephone connection and a safe for storing examination materials at the headquarters, whether there is a room for medical workers, whether the stands with reference information on the subject being taken are closed. Among others, there was a clause stating that premises not used for the examination should be closed and sealed. I went to the floor where the exam did not take place at all, but even there everything turned out to be sealed.

There was nothing to complain about on any point. I still quietly wandered along the corridors, looking into the open doors of the classrooms, in which children with a concentrated look were solving exam tasks. Having found no violations there either, I left with a feeling of satisfaction.

Those who still want to try themselves as public observers this year still have time. Children will only take the latest Unified State Exams in chemistry and physics June 20. After this, from the 22nd to the 30th there will be reserve days, when exams are taken by those who could not do it earlier for valid reasons, for example, illness or due to the coincidence of exams in different subjects on the same day.

Although online training is over, you can read the information materials on the website yourself. You can be accredited as public observers no later than three working days before the exam.

Anna Bessonova