What flowers are best to plant? What flowers to plant in the garden and how

Most people who start a dacha understand perfectly well that it should not only be a place to work and grow crops, but also a corner where you can take a break from the noisy city and enjoy beautiful views of nature and the site.

Almost every amateur gardener is well aware that one of the foundations of landscape design of a summer cottage is flowers. At the same time, you need to understand that beautiful flowering flower beds, of course, can be made with your own hands. However, in doing so, you need to be guided by certain recommendations and principles. Otherwise, you risk getting just a motley set of colors, which will be quite tasteless and dull.

Let's see how best to create certain compositions, and also consider the main varieties of perennial and annual flowers for the garden with names in photos and pictures.

Flower garden design

It must be said that the owners of plots prefer flowers for their dachas that do not require movement and are unpretentious to the weather, not only in May, June, July and August, but also in early spring. However, even before this, you will need to understand several important things, including such as choosing the right and suitable place for flower beds and flower beds, so that different plants fit well together in design. Now let's look at the main types of flower beds that you can choose for your summer cottage and garden.

By the way! Arches made on the site are also a very successful option for a flower garden.

Beautiful country flower beds

If we consider the types of flower beds for flowers in the country, then among the most common of them are the following:

  • Diamond-shaped.
  • Round (the most common).
  • Figured, the shape of which often depends on the surrounding topography.
  • Strict square.

If we consider the height of the flower beds, then I would like to mention, first of all, flat and raised above the ground. Moreover, they do not rise by that much: a maximum of 0.2 meters. The edges of such flower beds can be additionally decorated using various finishing materials, including silicate and ceramic bricks, natural stone, and sidewalk curbs.

Original multi-level mixborder

Specialists in landscape design and planning call mixborders a special type of flower beds in which several flowers and other plants of different heights are used. It is traditional to arrange mixborders against the background of any flat structural or decorative element, be it a brick fence or a plank fence.

Such flower beds may change somewhat throughout the season, as some flowering plants are gradually replaced by new ones. The planting scheme for such flower beds can include both perennials and annuals. Moreover, decoration can be done using a combination of these two types of colors.


If we talk about lawn-type flower beds, it should be noted that they are, at first glance, a somewhat unorganized planting. It rather resembles a forest clearing or a small area of ​​natural meadow. On the other hand, the beauty of a lawn flower garden lies precisely in its natural beauty. Perfect for lovers of wildflowers (cornflowers, white and red clovers, immortelle, forget-me-nots, poppies, daisies). The peculiarity of such a flower bed is that all these flowers are very unpretentious and require practically no care.

Flower arches

The basis in such cases is special artificial structures made of wood or metal. As a rule, you need to plant different types of climbing plants. Examples include: climbing rose, decorative bean, clematis, ivy, virgin grapes, and so on.


This type of flower garden is a special strip of flowers, usually not wide (from 30 cm to one and a half meters). They can be placed along paths and parking lots, along the perimeter of the house (along the blind area) or next to the terrace. As a rule, when decorating a ridge, annuals are used, which form peculiar stripes. Shades can be used either contrasting or complementing each other. The height of plants can be either small or medium.

Perennial flowers for the garden

When thinking about what flowers to plant in the garden, consider this option. According to their growth, these flowers are divided into three main categories: low-growing, medium-growing and tall. Let's briefly look at each of them.


Unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden include several popular species. These are, first of all, large-flowered flax, oak sage, cinquefoil, soft mantle, gypsophila paniculata, geranium, gentian, dwarf phlox and some others. They do not require strict daily care and can be safely recommended for planting in a summer cottage. They can be used when arranging flower beds or mixborders.

Medium height

If we talk about the growth of such plants, then it is, as a rule, 0.3-0.8 meters. They are quite universal, and such a significant difference in size makes them suitable for almost all types of flower beds.

Noting the names of medium-sized flowers for the garden, I would like to highlight the following types:

  • Day-lily.
  • Rhodiola rosea.
  • Yarrow.
  • Astilbe.
  • Monarda double.
  • Cornflower.
  • Paniculate Phlox.
  • Peony (choose later varieties).


This group of perennial flowers for the garden includes several of the most popular names. Their height starts from 80 centimeters, which, on the one hand, somewhat limits the possibilities of their planting, and on the other hand, on the contrary, makes them more unique compared to their lower counterparts. Popular types:

  • Tricyrtis purple beauty.
  • Stock rose.
  • Helenium hybrid.
  • Vasilisnik.
  • Veronica longifolia.
  • Willow sunflower.

Remember! Such plants can be used for flower beds, as well as for flower beds.

The use of perennials in a summer cottage is justified for many reasons. One of them is that setting up a beautiful, well-formed flower garden, especially a mixed border, can take a lot of time. Often we are talking about several years. Therefore, perennial plants will come in handy precisely for such cases.

Rules for caring for country flowers

Despite the fact that most garden flowers do not require the same amount of care as more finicky garden plants, their cultivation requires following certain rules. In addition, it is advisable to pay attention to reviews and advice from experienced gardeners.

Most gardens or summer cottages grow flowers that bloom twice a season. So, such plants need to be pruned after the first flowering. You need to trim the stem at a height of 0.1 meters, if we are talking about lupine, Lychnis chalcedony, larkspur, catcat, leopard, terry cornflower, sage, balsam tansy. The only exception is the small petal. This plant is pruned by 1/3 and then fertilized.

An interesting feature is possessed by those plants whose flowers and leaves can reach large sizes and, accordingly, have considerable weight. Such plants need to be supported with supports. As a rule, a rod made of metal, wood, or even bamboo from an old fishing rod can act as a support. To create additional support, the flower stem is tied to a rod. To do this you will need a piece of ordinary rope.

Bushy plants that like to grow wide also need special structures that could act as additional support. To do this you can:

  1. Put together a frame from small-section wooden boards.
  2. Drive in several small posts and tie them with strong cords.
  3. Use special supports that can be purchased at the appropriate supply store for summer residents and gardeners.

It is necessary to pay special attention to solving such a problem as pruning old, dry or wilted leaves and other parts of the flower. If the plant has already faded, it must be trimmed or completely removed when weeding the flower garden. Not only does this make the flowerbed ugly, but it also takes away, to one degree or another, the strength and energy of the plant, which could be used for its restoration or subsequent flowering.

When thinking about care, we often would like to know which flowers are the most unpretentious in the conditions of a summer house and suburban area. So, among the many flowers for the garden, we can highlight the following:

  • Annuals. Sylvia, calendula, petunia.
  • Perennials that love shade: tulips, ferns, snowdrops, clematis, lilies of the valley, kirkazon, tenacious.
  • Perennials that prefer sun: bellflower, mallow, lupine, lily, carnation, peony.

As we have already noted, a very important condition for maintaining and planting certain country flowers is their unpretentiousness. It is this circumstance that should be taken into account before choosing which flowers to plant at the dacha, since landscaping a dacha plot is not so simple, and one would not want all the work to be wasted.

It so happens that in some publications, especially in specialized magazines, from time to time hidden advertising of one or another new-fangled variety may appear. This is done in order to increase the sale of flower seeds of certain varieties. Perhaps they look attractive. However, given the difficult conditions, as well as the lack of opportunity to regularly care for flowers in the country, buying such seeds or ready-made seedlings is not always justified.

What to choose for the garden: perennials or annuals?

Click to enlarge the picture:

Both subgroups of colors have certain advantages. It cannot be said that some of them are better, and some, on the contrary, worse. Simply, they are designed for slightly different tasks.

So, if we are talking about annual plants, then we can definitely say: in those cases when the flowerbed needs to be decorated as soon as possible so that the first results become visible, then it is definitely necessary to make a choice in favor of planting annuals. The first of them begin to bloom a little more than a month after planting. The flowering cycle of many of these plants is quite long, and they will delight you from spring until the time when the first frost occurs.

On a note! It is worth noting that the flowering period of a significant number of perennials is usually very short.

Don’t forget about the advantage of annuals for the garden, as the opportunity to experiment a little. The fact is that sometimes a flowerbed may not work out the first time, especially for inexperienced gardeners. But there is no need to be upset: it helps to gain valuable experience. In addition, already this same year you can plant new flowers, which will most likely be more successful.

Speaking about the advantages of annual flowers, we must not forget about the advantages of perennials. Of course, their growth and formation does not occur as quickly as in annual plants. In addition, they usually require more careful care. On the other hand, having grown such a plant once and caring for it properly, you can enjoy its beauty for several years.

Remember! In addition, we must not forget that you will be forced to sow annual flowers every year.

Annual flowers for a long flowering period

Let's analyze the most popular of the wide list of annuals that grow in summer cottages.


First of all, let's look at zinnias, which also have an alternative, popular name - majors. They have a characteristic thick stem. Zinnias are known, among other things, for their excellent immunity, which makes it immune to many diseases. In addition, they are resistant to drought conditions, so nothing bad will happen if you water no more than once every 7 days. However, if possible, it is still better to water them regularly. A wide range of colors will delight lovers of variety in colors.


One of the favorites of all our summer residents is marigolds. Their beauty is easily explained due to the variety of shades: from yellow to terracotta and even brown. They are often planted along borders, making a kind of “path”. They do well both with frequent rain and with infrequent watering.

Be careful not to plant marigolds in shady areas as this may result in lack of color. Try to provide the marigold flower garden with enough sunlight.


The variety of shapes and beautiful appearance makes you immediately fall in love with petunia. At the same time, it is not as forgiving as marigolds or zinnias in terms of resistance to dry weather. So, if you are unable to provide your petunias with regular watering, it is better to refrain from planting this flower.

Of course, there are other annuals for the garden. However, their list is truly huge, and it is simply impossible to consider even a small part of them in one article. Therefore, we have mentioned only the most common of them.

Common Perennials

The most popular among all types of perennial flowers in the country are peonies and dahlias. There are various ideas on how to decorate your garden with these noble plants.

By the way! Any specialized online store offers a huge selection of any flower seeds.

Reproduction of the mentioned perennial peonies is carried out using tubers. The flowering period begins in July. The color range, on the one hand, is not very wide, but on the other, it is simply chic, since it includes such rich colors as pink, burgundy and white. Outside the flowering period, the bush itself can also perform decorative functions.

As for dahlias, they bloom later, starting in late August and early September. Common colors: yellow, purple, red and white.

Clematis are also an excellent choice. They can additionally decorate a fence, arch or. Their small flowers will decorate any cottage. They bloom from June to October.

What you need to know about bulbous flowers

Almost all bulbous flowers are perennials. One of them is crocus. Already in March it begins to appear from under the melting snow. As a rule, flowering begins simultaneously with the appearance of the first leaves. On the other hand, it cannot be said that crocus has a long flowering period.

Remember! Most bulbous perennials have a short flowering period.

An absolute hit among flowers propagated using bulbs are tulips. When compared with crocuses, it should be noted that tulips are a little more picky about the conditions of care. But with their wide range of colors they can fascinate literally everyone.

In addition to unpretentious crocuses, as well as slightly more capricious, but beautiful tulips, you need to remember about other perennial bulbous flowers, which have long become a kind of “classic” in dachas. We are talking, first of all, about hyacinths, lilies and daffodils. Moreover, in addition to the fact that they are all a real decoration for any country flower garden, all such flowers have a wonderful aroma.

Growing flowers in flowerpots

Some examples of flowers with names and photos are presented here (click to enlarge):

Flowers placed in flowerpots are not always a substitute for more traditional flower beds. Hanging pots or flowerpots can perfectly complement flower beds that are more familiar to us. They can become a particularly interesting option in cases where there is not much free space on a summer cottage for arranging flower beds. Flowerpots of various shapes are, among other things, a very practical solution. In addition, to change the overall composition you will only need to replace one or two pots or swap them around. What flowers can be planted in flowerpots at the dacha?

The first thing that comes to mind is geranium. In addition, lush pelargonium is a rather unpretentious flower. Also worthy of attention are double and semi-double asters, which, by the way, love plenty of sun.

Often those flowers that seem to be more common in flower beds can be grown in flowerpots. Examples include dahlias or pansies, as well as some varieties of violets and asters. They can be used to decorate a place next to a bench, next to a porch, near a terrace. For greater convenience, it is sometimes customary to place flowerpots on stands, especially when it comes to voluminous and bushy types of flowers. Other examples (photos are clickable):

Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when we buy the first plant we like, without thinking about what conditions it needs to be created for growth and development, when it will bloom, etc. But this is wrong.

First you need to analyze the place where you would like to plant an ornamental plant or create a flower garden, whether it will be in the sun or in the shade, determine the desired flowering time and other parameters.

And only then should you start searching for the right instance that will meet most of the parameters. We will tell you how to choose the right flowers for your garden.

We select plants depending on life expectancy and desired flowering period

Of course, you should understand that it is simply impossible to sort out the entire existing range. It is very extensive and every day new varieties and varieties appear, obtained as a result of crossing and hybridization.

Therefore, we will present only the most popular decorative types. And having understood the main essence of the correct selection, you will be able to choose beautiful flowers for your garden yourself.

First, let's look at popular species depending on their life expectancy. There are three groups:

  • annuals;
  • biennial;
  • perennial.

First group- these are those plants that go through a full life cycle in one season. Biennials go through this cycle in two years, with flowering occurring in the second year of life. If you have chosen plants from these two groups, you must be prepared for the fact that you will have to plant them annually.

However, a big plus is the large number of seeds with which they reproduce, which will allow you to create massive patterns in flower beds, a long border or a lush ridge.


Ageratum with blue star flowers, cute pansies and daisies, various begonias, colorful mixtures of snapdragons, are perfect for these purposes. Decorative beans and sweet peas will look beautiful along fences and retaining walls.

And who doesn’t know zinnia and aster, as well as the bright caps of Drummond phlox flowers? The combination of all these plants will allow you to create beautiful flower arrangements every year.

Well, if you don’t have time for annual plantings, then perennial plants– this is the choice of very busy people or for lazy summer residents. These are alyssum, lush bright panicles of astilbe, low periwinkles, spreading in a green blanket with blue flowers. A large number of varieties of perennial aster will not leave any summer resident indifferent.

The leathery leaves of bergenia will become a bright accent. Tender hosta and large buzulnik leaves will decorate the area. Also pay attention to heuchera, geranium, gypsophila, dicentra, saxifrage, cornflower, foxglove. Clematis are very decorative, but they require a lot of care. Of the succulents – young ones, different types.

Perennials also include our favorite bulbous plants: irises, daylilies, daffodils, hyacinths, muscari and others.

The next important criterion is the flowering period, on which the decorative effect of your composition depends. It’s a lot of work when some plants bloom, when others have faded, replacing them. As a result, the flower garden blooms and changes all the time, pleasing the eye.

In early spring in April, many bulbous and small-bulbous plants bloom: lilies of the valley, muscari, tulips, hyacinths, irises, crocuses. In May, anemones, daisies, forget-me-nots, colorful primroses, and phlox appear in all their glory.

Then summer comes, and in June begonia, bells, tobacco, escholzia, dicentra, unpretentious marigolds and others bloom. Many of them bloom all summer. In July you will be pleased with the flowers of ageratum, verbena, calendula, clarkia, zinnia, celosia, sage, astilbe, irezine, lavender and many others. In August, canna, goldenrod, chrysanthemums, chistets, freesias, and cyclamen begin to bloom.

Flowers of the golden season of autumn– these are asters, well known from childhood, chrysanthemums continue to bloom.

What flowers should I plant in my dacha depending on the microclimate of the area?

Every plant is a living organism. Some like a lot of sun, others will not survive without a lot of moisture, others need partial shade or shade. Therefore, in order for your plants to be healthy and always feel comfortable, you should select them depending on the microclimate of the site.

Most annual and biennial plants prefer sunny, open locations.


What will grow in shade and partial shade? Among the perennials you can plant aquilegia, bergenia, periwinkle, dicentra, heuchera, broadleaf bell, hosta, fragrant violet and others.

Very often found in the country and low wet areas. There is no need to rush to cover them with soil; there are plants for such places: astilbe, buzulnik, bergenia, iris, ferns, hostas, peonies, phlox, bathwort, anemone, daylily.

Lack of moisture in dry areas is tolerated by cornflower, saxifrage, alyssum, spurge, young, lupine, sedum, stachys, flax, and kermek.

Choosing plants of the right height

When creating a multi-tiered composition or even a border, an important factor that cannot be ignored is the height of an adult plant.

If you need low copies, then pay attention to Chinese astilbe, alyssum, periwinkle, pinnate carnation, saxifrage, Carpathian bellflower, juvenilia, fescue, some types of sedum, primrose, violets, hosta, Drummond phlox, chickweed and others.

Average height have cornflower, gaillardia, gypsophila paniculata, dicentra, marigold, daylily, lupine, cornflower, peony, yarrow, cyanosis, physalis, heuchera.

Tall plants make wonderful backdrops for shorter ones.. They can also be used as tapeworms. These are New England and New Belgian aster, tall varieties of delphinium, Siberian iris, hybrid daylily, echinacea and others.

The selection of assortment for the dacha should be approached competently and responsibly. If at first you don’t quite succeed, don’t be discouraged. Over time, you will gain experience, and choosing the right plant that would meet all the parameters you set will not be difficult.

The topic of floriculture is alien and indifferent to those who are not able to understand and feel the soul of these lovely creations of nature, the enchanting and silent harmony of color.

True connoisseurs of the music of flowers need only look at this natural masterpiece to imagine with their hearts and personally create the magic of unearthly perfection, combining style, shape, color and sound together.

Unpretentious spring flowers

Inexperienced gardeners are concerned with the question - what unpretentious flowers should be planted at the dacha, so that with the onset of the first warmth, they will announce the arrival of Spring with their blossoms, filling the soul and heart with joy?

After all, the arrival of heat, especially in the Russian central zone, is often delayed. The seeds of annual flowers have not yet been thrown into the ground. And perennials are just beginning to break through the unheated soil.

But there is no need to be upset - bulbous crops have already formed future buds since the fall and with the onset of spring they will color the flower beds with a rainbow spectrum.

In the first thawed patches, with the gentle rays of the spring sun, white, blue, yellow and striped corollas will appear on your site - this is how they bloom.

These primroses will delight their owners all spring, and then they retire until the next favorable time.

They vary significantly in height - from seven to fifteen centimeters.

When choosing a place for planting, you need to take into account that these are sun-loving individuals. A warm and well-lit secluded place is their favorite corner. Light partial shade near trees and shrubs that have not yet blossomed is also suitable.

Planting of bulbous firstborns is carried out in traditional times - in August and September.

Without a doubt, the owners of a country estate will receive the highest aesthetic pleasure when planting crocuses in groups. During flowering, they will appear in all their splendor, effectively decorating flower beds.

A festival of colors of incredible beauty with large white flowers and blue stripes will delight you until the onset of summer. The inflorescence can have a blue or blue color. The height of the stem can reach 20 centimeters.

Like many bulbous plants, Pushkinia prefers good lighting or light shading.

They look harmonious and impressive with small daffodils, broken hearts and a motley carpet of sedums.

From the beginning of April to the end of May, low - up to 20 centimeters, tender flowers bloom. Their stems are crowned with graceful inflorescences that figuratively resemble bells.

Mouse hyacinth, also called muscari, is rightfully included in the TOP of the most unpretentious garden crops.

Once you plant a bulb under the crown of a tree or, for example, next to a lilac bush, you will welcome spring with this amazing flower for many years.

You can renew or thin out muscari with the onset of summer - in June. But only when you see that the blue flower and its elongated leaves have faded.

A small reminder - during the period of vital activity, the plant needs additional soil moisture. At this point, the troubles are practically over, leaving only the advantages: excellent proximity to other flowers and unpretentious care.

It’s hard to imagine a country “residence” without these flowers, striking in their delicacy and simplicity. Perhaps it is they, except perhaps tulips, that are the hallmark of spring.

Agree that the spring scent of narcissus is difficult to confuse with other crops.

From the beginning of April until the last calendar days of spring, this small fragment of the sun delights with its beauty.

The plant can grow up to 60 cm - it all depends on the chosen variety.

Again, their color depends on the variety. It can be simply white, without losing its tenderness and grace, as well as with a long or short crown, which is framed by fringe.

The place for growing daffodils should be rich in minerals - this is ideal. In addition, they are very unpretentious to lighting. And they feel comfortable both in bright sun and in a slightly shaded place, hiding under the crown of budding trees.

Narcissus is a harmonious flower. It cohabits and decorates, growing with bergenia, tulip, various garden plants, dicentra and other plants.

Over time, they form a snow-white carpet with yellow splashes, which looks very impressive.

As necessary, it can be thinned out by transplanting the bulbs to another location. But it is advisable to do this after a decrease in their vital activity - somewhere in the beginning of summer.

The daffodil tolerates frosty winters relatively calmly. But if in the spring you notice some bare areas, then in the summer they can be planted with young bulbs.

Daffodils in the photo:


Avid gardeners consider the tulip to be the king of home decorative crops. Others, on the contrary, due to the extremely few requirements on his part regarding care, are classified as “commoners.”

The number of varieties, shapes, and colors is so great that true fans of this delightful creature grow only it, allocating its own zone for each variety.

Believe me, tulips blooming is a truly mesmerizing experience. Those who have been to the tulip parade in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea understand what we are talking about.

After all, by skillfully selecting varieties in accordance with the time of their flowering, you can create a fairy tale for a long time both on an alpine hill and in a wonderful flowerbed near the house. After all, the tulip releases its first color in March, and the latest varieties delight lovers of this beauty before the onset of summer.

Just as the varieties vary, so do the stem sizes. They can reach 50 centimeters.

In order for a fairy-tale picture to appear in the spring, you need to take care of this beauty in the fall. It is better to plant and renew the bulbs in September, placing them in loose, fertilized soil.

Important advice. During the flowering period, occasionally check the condition of the plants. If they are affected by a fungus, remove the flower immediately, as this disease cannot be treated.

Variety of tulip varieties in the photo:

During the active period, tulips need good watering, which should be limited in the summer, when the bulbs are resting.

There is no doubt that early bulbous primroses are long-awaited and desired. They are bright and unpretentious. By looking at the photos of varieties and reading the names, you can choose the most unpretentious flowers for your garden. But the trouble is that their foliage is not able to maintain its decorative effect for a long time and decorate your home for a long time.

You need to think in advance about planting other plants next to them.

Lily of the valley

This is, if you like, an axiom or a classic of the spring flower bed. They replace the first wave of flowering. May is their month. Thanks to their good root system, they easily endure winter. In spring, tubular leaves first emerge from the ground, and then stems with surprisingly delicate, fragrant white bells grow from the inside - up to 20 in number. And the flower itself can reach thirty centimeters.

After a bright phase, which lasts until early summer, red berries appear.

Here you need to protect children from eating them - the berries are very poisonous.

The undoubted advantage of lilies of the valley is their unpretentiousness. They thrive in both shade and sun.

- This is a surprisingly versatile creation, equally suitable for both open sunny lawns and shady corners.

This is one of the representatives of shade-tolerant plants. These ground cover household members can grow as shrubs, instantly and unpretentiously growing into the ground.

From mid-spring, they will decorate your home with greenery and bright colors of incredible diversity: blue, turquoise, pink, white, purple or a mixed palette of all these shades.

This name is known to few amateur gardeners. The appearance of this beauty gave another, more sensual and dramatic name - a broken heart.

After hibernation, having bravely endured the winter cold, dicentra blooms its foliage with the first rays of the spring sun, and in May it blooms with white, pink or two shades of inflorescences, surprisingly, without exaggeration, resembling tiny hearts.

The active life period reaches two months. And what’s surprising is that under the soft transparent shadow the color saturation is higher than in the open sun. In such conditions, the inflorescence retains its beauty longer.

The plant, which can reach a meter in height, will provide a wonderful green backdrop for your other pets after shedding its “broken hearts.”

May is the most favorable month for Brunnera to appear under the canopy of trees, along artificial ponds and paths, in all its heavenly beauty. It is precisely this heavenly, soft blue color that the flowers of this amazing natural creation appear before your eyes.

The height of the plant is relatively small - up to 50 centimeters.

Brunner will be a wonderful addition to any of your locations. It can fit into any landscape and created composition.

Not requiring daily attention, the plant reproduces well by dividing the bush.

Summer luxury

  1. Sunny side or slight shading.
  2. Soil with good moisture absorption.
  3. Good watering.
  4. Moderate fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. Planting (separation) of bushes at least once every five years.
  6. Flowers can be used to create cozy areas, or bushes can serve as borders.

Viola or pansy

The second name is more familiar. The charming, unpretentious simplicity of these small plants leaves no one indifferent.

The spectrum and number of shades is simply amazing - these are yellow, sky blue, blue with red spots, white like snow, velvety black, lilac, purple colors and different variations of their mixtures.

They are very undemanding to themselves, but it is still worth creating the minimum conditions for their living comfort. Plants do not like lowlands, where moisture lingers for a long time. Their regular diet is ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. But manure, especially unrotted manure, should be excluded from feeding.

If you want to extend the flowering period, then regularly pick out the resulting seed boxes, because the process of their ripening will require a lot of additional strength and energy.

Clusters of soft pink flowers attached to a thick stem, and rounded shiny foliage - this is how it can be briefly described.

Your work will be appreciated if you maintain soil fertility. In this case, the growing area should not be heavily shaded. The shortage of solar energy will significantly shorten the bright period in the life of this culture.

You need to remember minimal attention to the plant, especially in spring.

During the period of awakening, the flower is very sensitive to fungi. Therefore, treatment with protective drugs will be very useful.

Where will the culture take root better and look more impressive? These are rocky locations in garden plots, flower beds where groups of different species are planted, borders and (rectangular flower beds).


Colchicum is the middle name of Colchicum. It convincingly resembles a crocus. But its flowers are slightly larger and endowed with a delicate aroma. The bulb of this individual is very prolific and can form up to four inflorescences.

The short flowering period, which is just over three weeks, is compensated by the beauty it creates, albeit short-lived.

The crop is quite undemanding both in terms of fertilizing and lighting, as well as in soil composition.

Colchicum looks advantageous not only on alpine hills, but also in flower beds with long-term flowering. Yes, simple flower beds are also suitable.

captivated gardeners with its unusual bright color and size of leaves, which create a fabulous background on the site.

In addition, its long flowering period and absolute unpretentiousness have brought it into the category of the most sought-after representatives of the decorative community.

He is comfortable both in the shade and in the sun. But too bright rays can discolor greenery.

It needs moderate watering, but the soil will need to be saturated with minerals. Organic matter and mineral fertilizers should be applied in spring and early autumn.

When preparing a perennial for winter, it is worthwhile to mulch (cover) the soil with peat, after cutting off the stems to the very roots. But there is no need to cover the rhizomes with soil - it tolerates frost well.


Gardeners call this flower. This perennial has an erect appearance, consisting of shooting stems. Just by looking at a photo of a loosestrife, you can immediately fall in love with this beauty, decorated with bright yellow or red flowers.

A significant part of loosestrife varieties, such as common, dotted, lily-of-the-valley (cletro-shaped), and coin-like, love the sun. Only some prefer the darkened coziness.

Almost all varieties of lysimachia are capable of growing in one place for up to 10 years. However, it needs to be thinned out periodically by cutting the base rhizome.

Minor care includes:

  1. Fairly moist soil.
  2. Regular watering.
  3. Fertilizing with combined mineral fertilizers once a month.

When preparing for winter, there is no need to cover the flower. It is enough to cut off the dried stems at the root.

Gazania is called the South African chamomile not only by landscape designers, but also by avid flower growers. This is due to some similarity in shape and amazing colorful painting. This is where the natural artist did his best work.

The Gazania genus includes almost forty varieties. But in cold winter conditions, not everyone is able to fulfill the mission of perennials.

Suitable for them:

  1. Rock gardens.
  2. Decorative flowerpots.
  3. Area for curbs.
  4. Hanging boxes.

All the flower needs is more sun and an open area. They are unpretentious to water. Even in dry summers, minimal watering is required.

Turf with sand is the optimal soil for them.

The long-lived perennial plant looks like a flowering shrub. It is covered with small pink and white inflorescences, creating the presence of a delicate haze.

Wherever the flower is planted, it will look advantageous in any place, be it a distant recreation area, a wall, a hedge or a stylized alpine slide.

The perennial ornamental crop, having increased resistance to winter cold, is extremely painful when it comes to “moving” to another place. Therefore, carefully consider the layout of your territory in advance. Well, if there is an emergency need for replanting, then treat the roots with nutritional stimulants.


This garden perennial miracle needs no special introduction. Both his beauty and love for him have no boundaries.

But believe me, beauty requires some attention to itself. Therefore, it is worth considering that gladiolus loves an open area, moderately illuminated by the sun. This stately beauty does not like drafts and excessively wet soil.

But in regions with an arid climate and high temperatures, you need to select shaded corners for growing it.

In temperate climates, even light shading can delay the appearance of flowers and cause a deterioration in appearance.

Sandy loam soil that loves should be saturated with organic additives, preferably to a depth of 30 centimeters.

These qualities make it possible to plant survivors in the most problematic areas. A minimum of light and attention are the biggest requirements that a flower makes for its care.

Rocky hills and slopes, the base of a fence, the lower part of tree trunks around the circumference - such zoning will be ideal for a long-lived beauty.

She is not afraid of planting and transplanting. They can be produced painlessly throughout the entire summer season.

The initial seed planting of this perennial is carried out in March. Designers advise to sow densely so that the flower bed turns out bright and lush.

In this case, it is advisable to use seeds of different varieties, such as:

  • Lilac spiral;
  • South Stream;
  • Pink Sunset;
  • Summer morning;
  • Morpheus;
  • Lavender Obelisk;
  • Pledge of Youth;
  • Karavan et al.

After sowing, the seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil up to 0.5 cm.

Regular moistening and loosening of the soil is extremely desirable for delphinium. It is worth knowing that moderate and proper watering prevents the formation of diseases such as powdery mildew.

The variety of dacha flower beauties is so great that definitive recommendations would be inappropriate. Exclusive taste, minimal knowledge about species and varieties, love and gentle care - these are the necessary qualities that will help turn your dacha or country house into an amazingly fairy-tale world.

Flowers that plant themselves

The video below is a review of flowers for the dacha, ideal for a “weekend garden,” so to speak, “for the lazy.” All these crops reproduce well by self-sowing, tolerate transplantation well if necessary, and, of course, are beautiful.

Very often, gardeners wonder which flowers are best to plant in their dacha to decorate the area? Which flowers to prefer - annual or perennial, how to choose from the whole variety of seeds of beautiful plants those that will decorate the site. Today I will describe (very little by little) some of them that we plant in flower beds, in garden beds, as well as near pergolas and trees.

Viola (pansy)

Violas are one of those flowers that (due to their unpretentiousness and beauty) many enjoy growing. This plant can be either annual or biennial. Annuals bloom from the third decade of June until the end of September, and biennials bloom from the end of May until almost the first frost. Their flowers have many shades and can be either one or two colors.

Viola welcomes well-lit areas, not ignoring semi-shaded areas. This plant loves moisture, is responsive to organic fertilizers (especially manure) and to regular loosening of row spacing.

When propagating viola by seeds (you can also use seedlings), we sow them immediately in open ground, starting from the time the soil warms up until the end of June. It is better to protect the shoots that appear after a couple of weeks from direct sun. At the beginning of autumn, we transplant the seedlings into flower beds, keeping a distance of 20 centimeters between seedlings. Sheltering the viola for the winter is not required at all.

We sow annual pansies at the beginning of spring for seedlings, and in the first or second decade of May we plant the finished seedlings in the place chosen for them in the country house.


Blooming irises are a rainbow of different colors in flower beds. There are a significant number of varieties. Some varieties are propagated by bulbs, while others, which have thick rhizomes, are propagated by dividing the latter.

The place for planting these flowers should have sufficient lighting and be protected from wind and drafts. But shaded places will not be an obstacle to their flowering. Irises prefer loamy and sandy soil for planting. But in soil that is too moist, only the marsh type of these plants grows well. Iris flowering season: May-July (swamp, not double variety).

You can replant two weeks after the end of flowering, cutting off the green parts shorter, during the summer and before frost.

We prepare beds for spring planting of irises by mixing soil with humus and compost. As soon as the ground in the dacha thaws, we plant the bulbs in open ground. The holes for them: radius 20 cm and depth 16 cm. If we are working with a rhizome, then we make a hole slightly larger than its size. We lay it down, straightening the roots and straightening what remains of the leaves upward. After filling it with soil, water it.

The technology for planting iris in autumn with rhizomes is completely no different from summer and is carried out from late August to mid-October. It is better to cover bearded plant species with branches (straw), protecting them from freezing.

We reproduce and rejuvenate these flowers early in the spring and at the end of August. To do this, we clear the prepared bushes of soil, remove broken and dead parts, and trim the leaves. We divide the rhizome into several parts, disassembling it into planting material.

Basic plant care in the country: weeding, loosening, frequent watering. It is necessary to fertilize during the season. Irises are pruned after flowering and before the first frost.


Bluebells that love sunny places also grow well in partial shade. The groundwater level in the area where these flowers are planted should not reach their roots - bells do not like excessive soil moisture.

Before planting flowers, we fertilize and dig up the soil, add organic fertilizers. We replant with bushes either in autumn or spring. We take the bush along with the soil without damaging the root system. We add water to the holes before and after planting.

Bells with a strong root system can be planted in early April, and weaker bushes are planted only when there is no longer any threat of frost. In the fall, they are planted no later than the first ten days of October so that the bushes take root before the onset of cold weather. Bells, like other flowers, are responsive to timely watering, weeding, loosening the soil, and fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Lily (daylily) Middendorff

(Sometimes, in local terms, saranki)

This type of lily grows in the shade, so we plant it under fruit trees. The soil for planting is fertile and loose. Daylilies reproduce either by bulbs or scales. Can also be propagated by seeds. They are planted in mid-summer, and the first shoots appear only in spring. Such lilies begin to bloom only two or three years after germination. Flowers are planted in country flower beds or garden beds (but preferably in the shade).


Peonies are perennials that grow in bushes. The color range is different - from white to dark burgundy. These are fairly unpretentious plants that usually bloom in June.

By dividing the bush. We divide bushes that have reached the age of 5 years. Similar reproduction occurs from the beginning of August to the first ten days of September. First, we trim the foliage of the bush, then carefully dig it out (we try not to damage the rhizome). Then carefully divide the main root (a sharp knife helps!) into parts. We transplant each one into a hole, having prepared it in advance.

The place for planting peonies on the site should be sunny and fairly open. We dig holes using the bayonet of a shovel and fill them with a mixture (peat, humus, river sand and soil). You can also add a little ash, superphosphate and vitriol (preferably iron).

We carefully plant peonies in the prepared holes, but do not bury the plant buds below 4 cm from the soil surface. Sprinkle the top of the rhizome with the remaining soil and mulch with peat. After planting, flowers require watering (quite abundant), and during the season - regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, as well as timely removal of weeds. Usually transplanted peonies begin to bloom 3-4 years after planting. Or maybe not at all, and here's why.

Balsam tall and low growing

We grow this annual flower of one and the other height in open ground with seedlings. For seedlings, we usually sow balsam seeds in the third ten days of February in boxes with slightly acidic soil prepared in advance. After planting the seeds, moisten the soil abundantly and, leaving it in a warm place, cover it with glass (film) so that seedlings appear faster.

After almost all the seeds have sprouted, we plant the seedlings. Usually the seedlings grow strong by the end of April.

You can also grow this flower from cuttings. After cutting them, we grow them at home in pots from late winter or early spring. We plant seedlings grown from seeds or cuttings in an open flowerbed (late May-early June), when frosts on the soil subside.

Garden balsam is a tall, completely unpretentious plant that grows well in a country flower bed next to many other flowers (gypsophila, phlox). The best place for cultivation is western or eastern slopes. Due to the fact that balsam does not tolerate excessive moisture in the soil, coolness and drafts, we exclude its planting in lowlands. It is better to fertilize the soil with humus or compost before planting seedlings.

Every 3 days after planting, we water the plant; it is better to add moisture in the evening (we do not water in rainy weather). A couple of times a month we fertilize the flowers with potassium and nitrogen fertilizers at the same time. We protect the health of balsam by spraying it against pests and diseases.


Chamomiles are perennial plants for any garden. The soil in the area where these flowers grow best is neutral or alkaline, well fertilized and loose. They love a lighted place, protected from drafts. Chamomile can be grown in one place for 6 years, and then transplanted to another place of residence.

Chamomile can be grown from seedlings. In this case, we plant the seeds in prepared boxes in the third ten days of March, after the appearance of a couple of true leaves, we pick the seedlings. We plant seedlings in open soil in the second ten days of May. You can also plant the seeds directly into the flowerbed in the third decade of May, water them and cover them with film. The first shoots appear a couple of weeks after planting.

Reproduction is also done by dividing the bushes. A similar procedure is carried out once every 4 years, in the third ten days of August to mid-September.

Caring for chamomile is extremely simple; to do this, you should regularly loosen and water the flowers, free them from weeds, and also thin out their bushes. Before winter, the above-ground part of the plant should be trimmed, leaving only 4-5 cm above ground level. Chamomiles bloom practically all summer and early autumn (from the beginning of June to the 2nd decade of September).


The flower is grown mainly using the seedling method. To do this, we sow verbena seeds using boxes with moistened, loose soil (the first ten days of March). After sowing, I recommend covering the boxes with plastic bags until the first shoots. As a rule, after two weeks the seeds germinate, after which we remove the film and place the boxes on windowsills in direct sunlight. As soon as real foliage appears, we plant the plants in the soil, where we add humus and wood ash.

The third ten days of May - transplantation into open ground, the distance between flowers is about 30 cm. It is better to water after planting in the country in the evening. For better rooting, we press the plants to the ground with pins and hill them up a little.

We choose a place for verbena in sunny areas with fairly loose soil. Not very fertile loams are also quite suitable. It is resistant to drought and tolerates light frosts on the soil well. In fertile soil, verbena only grows and practically does not bloom. The beginning of flowering is June.


Very beautiful and quite unpretentious flowers. There are several varieties of these plants. They are most often grown by seedling method. You can plant petunia seeds for seedlings both in the third ten days of February and in early March. It takes several days for seedlings to appear. After the first true foliage appears, a dive is required.

To plant petunias in open ground, prepare the soil. Sandy or loamy soils are best suited, to which organic fertilizers should be added (except manure, in order to avoid fungal diseases).

The flowerbed in which these flowers will grow at the dacha should be well lit during the day and protected from drafts. Planting of seedlings should be done in the third ten days of May (after the spring frosts have ended). It is better to carry it out in the evening or when it is cloudy outside. We plant along the outer edge of the flowerbed, or over its entire area if it is small. The plant blooms until late autumn.

Caring for petunias consists of fairly frequent watering and fertilizing with liquid organic fertilizers with the addition of potassium minerals. We begin similar feeding of seedlings a week after planting. Next, complex fertilizers are required every ten days until approximately the end of August.


These perennial flowers, with many species, decorate any area. These plants are planted with bulbs, and it is necessary to carefully select the planting material - the bulbs should not have damage or signs of rot. Before planting lilies, carefully dig up the soil and add humus or fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium. For acidic soil, adding lime or wood ash will help.

We plant the bulbs (August-September) at a distance of a quarter meter from each other. It is advisable to grow lilies in open, well-lit areas. Basically, these flowers do not require covering before frost. And for covering you can use sawdust, hay or old branches. As soon as the snow clears, all insulation must be quickly removed. The next year the lilies bloom.

They are also planted in spring. But, at the same time, separately from those specimens that were planted in September, since in the spring, during care, these flowers are watered more and more often than those planted in the fall. Care consists of fairly frequent watering, loosening the soil around the flowers, and removing weeds. To prevent pests, we mulch the soil with ash.


Another perennial flower for decorating a summer cottage or any other area is gladiolus. Now it is very difficult to name at least an approximate number of its varieties. And their colors are also varied.

When planting and caring for gladioli, we remember that:

  • We do not plant them in one place for more than two seasons, the place should be sunny (it is advisable to exclude shade), with a slight draft (from infection with fungal diseases), we plant the “babies” in front of the adult bulbs (for their sufficient lighting),
  • we replant them, preferably, on different soils (if the soil in which these flowers grow is sandy, then it is necessary to spray the plants with fertilizers),
  • we purchase gladioli bulbs adapted to the local climate,
  • Watering should be done abundantly, but once every 7 days. Only in extreme heat can you moisten the soil every day after 7 p.m., combining this procedure with loosening and removing weeds. You can also spud gladioli,
  • Bulbs require lower temperatures and humidity when stored in winter, which determines how they will grow and bloom in the next season.


We grow these perennial flowers on any type of soil, the main thing is that it needs to be constantly loosened. River sand or peat should be added to loam or other dense soil to prevent the tubers from tearing. A day or two before planting, we take the dahlia tubers out of the basement and, if propagation is necessary, divide them (don’t forget to treat the cuts with ash). There should be three tubers in one part; in the future they will give several strong stems.

If you strictly follow the agricultural techniques for growing these flowers, then we get dahlias from the basement (cellar) three weeks before planting them in the ground. Pour sawdust into a wide container, into which we place the tubers. Cover the top with a covering non-woven material. Every few days we water the sawdust. It is advisable to install the container in a sunny place. We plant dahlia tubers in the ground when the frost on the soil ends.

Taking into account the demands of flowers on moisture, we water more often. To avoid rapid evaporation of moisture, mulch the soil near the plantings. We water the plants only in the evening, when the heat subsides. We cut off fading flowers to stimulate the growth of new ones. For excellent flowering, we form dahlia bushes into four or five trunks.

They require regular feeding to help them fight diseases and pests. At the beginning of summer, we spray the leaves with urea or mullein solution. We do foliar feeding (preferably once a week) when there is no rain or the weather is cloudy.

Phlox (annual and perennial)

Phlox (in different regions) bloom on the site from May to the last ten days of September. This is quite possible if you know how to grow such flowers correctly. These perennials can be propagated either by cuttings or layering, or by dividing the bushes. But we grow annual phlox from seeds.

As soon as the ground warms up, you can make beds and sow annual seeds (maintaining 30 cm) in them. We scatter them over the garden bed (keeping them 30 cm apart), without sprinkling them with soil, but simply covering them with any covering material. When the first shoots appear, we remove the material.

But you can grow such phloxes with seedlings. The seeds are planted in boxes (beginning of March). After the first shoots appear, you need to organize regular watering, lighting and room temperature. As soon as the shoots appear, we dive. After this, you should not keep the plants in direct rays, avoiding burns on the foliage.

We plant these seedlings on prepared beds in the middle (or a little later) of May, leaving a distance of about 20 cm between seedlings. Annual phloxes are quite resistant to cold snaps and drought, not tolerating overheating of the soil, but loving lighting. These flowers grow best in partial shade. The main thing in caring for phlox is to let them grow quietly. We loosen the soil around the flowers and lightly hill them up in the middle of summer. At the end of spring we feed with liquid organic matter, and at the beginning of summer we feed with mineral fertilizer with potassium or phosphorus.

Mallow (rose)

Mallow is a perennial plant. After planting it with seeds in the spring, in the current season it only grows, turns green and gains strength. We will enjoy flowers only in the next warm summer season.

Its seeds are quite large in size, so it is very convenient to sow them (0.5 m between them) immediately in a permanent place. We plant mallow, like other flowers, either with seeds directly into the soil or with seedlings. Very often, self-seeding occurs in the ground directly with the plant, with new seedlings appearing there the next year. We propagate by seeds and cuttings. The latter is used when propagating hybrid species.

There is mallow - a biennial. It grows in the first year, blooms profusely the next season, then produces seeds and dries up. When these flowers grow on fairly fertile soils, they require feeding once or twice per season. If the soil is depleted, then fertilizing is required once a decade.

Before the onset of frost (in areas with harsh winters), first-year mallows can be covered with straw, branches or other covering material to prevent freezing. After the snow melts and the ground warms up, we remove the covering material and free the plants.


Mirabilis (and better in a group) will nicely decorate any flower bed. A plant with a lush bush, covered with both numerous buds and open flowers. Their colors are different - from white to lilac. Mirabilis inflorescences look like fragrant tobacco. Flowers bloom closer to dusk (as well as in rain and cloudy weather), and close only at dawn.

In our country, even when protected from frost, the roots of these plants freeze. Those who wish can dig them up in late autumn and store them in the sand. And in the spring, move it to the dacha again.

You can also start from seeds by immediately planting them at home in separate cups at the end of April. The soil should preferably be neutral, watering should not be too frequent. You can plant flower seeds directly in a nursery directly on the site, covering it with a special film (non-woven material, plastic bottle). In this case, we plant the seeds at the end of April.

We plant seedlings in open soil after the threat of spring frosts has completely passed. This plant welcomes only sunny, well-warmed soils. The soil itself should be fertile and loamy. Mirabilis has good drought resistance and is very easy to care for.


Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, liatris is quite cold-resistant. Therefore, we sow its seeds (in this case, the full formation of the plant occurs only in the 2nd or 3rd year) or tubers immediately in open ground (late April or mid-October). This flower is not demanding of sunlight; it can also be planted in the shade.

The plant does not like stagnant water, so it is desirable to have a drainage system in the flowerbed. The soil should be moderately acidic, light and loose. Liatris needs regular feeding during and after flowering.


I end the review with a wonderful kobeya. This plant is valued for its excellent climbing. It grows and blooms for only one summer season. The flower loves open fertile lands, which are illuminated by the sun's rays throughout the day. It also feels good in partial shade, but in the shade and in a draft it practically does not grow. Young plants die in the cold, while adults can withstand even light frost.

We grow kobeya using seedlings (and nothing more!), we plant the seeds from mid-February to mid-March. The day before planting, soak the seeds in water or some kind of growth stimulant. We immediately plant the seeds in individual cups, since kobeya does not take well to replanting. The first shoots appear a couple of weeks after sowing. After the true leaves appear, we transplant the seedlings into wider cups. To do this, generously moisten the soil with them and carefully pull out the seedlings along with the soil.

We move flower seedlings into the flowerbed (flower bed) only at the end of May and only under various types of shelters, which we remove when consistently warm weather sets in. We dig planting holes for kobei at a distance of half a meter. Fill the hole halfway with fertile soil. We carefully remove the seedlings from the cups along with all the soil, carefully lower them into the hole, dig in them and water them.

Usually these flowers are planted next to trees, or special supports are placed - pergolas, around which the kobeya will curl. It requires moisture, which requires regular watering. First, it requires nitrogen fertilizers, and when flowers form, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

As soon as the first shoots appear, we feed the plants with humate. And after planting in open ground, we fertilize the soil weekly. Usually mineral and organic types of fertilizers are alternated. Be sure to spray for pests.

Look like that's it. Although there is more decorative cabbage, very good fern complete with something, perennial rudbeckia, ...., if anyone suddenly likes it.

Photo of flowers at the dacha