What dogs are the most biting. A dog can bite: the most dangerous dog breeds in the world

10 most biting dog breeds.

Any dog ​​can bite - that's a fact. However, some dogs are more likely to do this than others.

10 Doberman Pinscher
Dobermans have long been used as guard dogs - and not by chance: these dogs are good protectors, and instinctively understand when their owner is in danger. But even when the owner is not threatened, Dobermans can be aggressive - to other dogs and strangers.

9 Cocker Spaniel
When getting a spaniel, it is worth remembering that some of them are prone to a genetic disease that manifests itself in "rage syndromes" and is characterized by sudden attacks of dogs on their owners. If a cocker develops this disease, then the only way out, unfortunately, is to euthanize the animal.

8. Papillon
Despite its small size and cute appearance, this stylish decorative dog bites hard and often. In relation to children, Papillons are especially aggressive, because they get irritated very quickly and do not tolerate bullying. In addition, they are ardent possessive and jealously protective of their owners, which can lead to attacks on outsiders.

7 Pitbull
At home, a pit bull can be a trusting dog and a good-natured family favorite, but outside of his personal territory, in relation to other dogs and strangers, he shows strong aggression. It is believed that this dog can distinguish friends from enemies, but, nevertheless, small animals (cats and rabbits) are prey for them, and this should not be forgotten.

6. Chow-chow
Adult Chow Chows are not trustworthy dogs, especially when it comes to children and strangers: they are very irritable and prove their right to food and territory with aggression. In addition, they are by nature good protectors and will not allow anyone to come close to their owners.

5. Rottweiler
The Rottweiler can be aggressive towards other dogs; given its power, this can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Moreover, the Rottweiler is always fiercely protective of its owner - as soon as the dog feels that he is in danger.

4. Giant Schnauzer
Not only are Giant Schnauzers aggressive (to strangers and, especially, to other dogs), they are also quite large, which makes them twice as dangerous as any of the breeds mentioned above. Moreover, this service breed requires special training, and, accordingly, it needs special control.

3. Jack Russell Terrier
Terriers do not tolerate rough handling in any form and will fiercely resist anything that goes against their personal desires. They are especially dangerous for young children, who can show a certain self-will in games with four-legged pets.

Dogs are considered to be man's best friend. But this is not always confirmed in practice. To feel that these animals can be not only friendly, it is enough to be barked at them just once, not to mention cases of injury. For those who are interested in the rating of the most aggressive dogs, a top 10 has been compiled, from which you can find out which breeds are best to keep your attention on the alert.

Aggressive and dangerous breeds are not always the same. Anger, hatred and determination may well be possessed by those animals whose teeth and claws can inflict injuries of the same plan as domestic hamsters. But when huge weight and terrifying fangs join the hostility, the prospects for communicating with such a dog are quite frightening, especially if he suspects a person of encroaching on his personal territory or intending to offend the owner.

The purity of the breed and proper upbringing is a guarantee that the family in which the Giant Schnauzer appears receives another attentive, caring and sociable household, devoted to the owners until the last breath. Associated with the same love that he can show towards his own is the aggression shown towards strangers.

Representatives of this breed have an excellent memory for faces, so they remember even those people who very rarely come to the house. But to an ill-wisher who has climbed into the yard or given reason to think that his intentions are not pure, the Giant Schnauzer will set a lesson that will never be forgotten. It is this quality that allows him to perfectly perform protective guard duty. Aggressive attacks can be excessively manifested if the pet is raised incorrectly: the animal is offended, an insignificant amount of attention is paid to it, or an inconsistent line of behavior is chosen. Therefore, the Giant Schnauzer gets to the first place of the top parade.

Most people find Chow Chows to be very good-natured and treat them almost the same as they treat plush toys. But not everything is so clear with this breed.

Genetic analyzes carried out showed that Chow Chow evolved from an ordinary wolf at the dawn of the appearance of various breeds. Dogs were used for guarding and hunting, but despite many centuries spent in a domesticated state, they retained wolfish distrust and independence, arrogance and excessive pride.

Their relatives cause the greatest aggression in them, which often causes fights or conflicts on the grounds during walks. The owner must have enough patience and tact to learn how to smooth out these unpleasant moments and bring up a decent model of behavior. Chow-chows get to the second position of the top parade.

doberman pinscher

Doberman Pinschers are excellent watchmen who can scare away a thief or bandit with a loud sudden bark. Natural instinct makes these dogs able to determine those moments when the situation becomes really dangerous. It is very difficult to restrain a pet in this case, he must feel firm control and rigid frames.

To keep the Giant Schnauzer from unnecessary hostility, you will need long-term special training conducted under the guidance of an experienced dog handler. For this, the Doberman Pinscher is placed on the third step of the top 10.

pit bull terrier

This breed falls into both the ratings of the most dangerous and the list of the most aggressive. Along with an unbending will, these dogs have a huge passion, in the heat of which they cannot stop. Despite the fact that in the family circle the pit bull is able to be a gentle and attentive companion, his attitude towards other dogs and strangers is completely different.

Owners should not forget about these features of pit bull terriers, next to which one should never lose vigilance, since a cute pet can turn into an angry car in the blink of an eye. This puts the pit bull in fourth position on the top parade.


In the middle of the top parade, a dog settled, which is widespread throughout the world - the Rottweiler. Aggression is combined in it with lethal power and fighting qualities honed over the centuries. In fact, the breed was bred in order to come to the aid of loved ones in case of mortal danger, destroying everything in its path.

The owner of a Rottweiler can always be calm about his well-being, but the well-being of passers-by can be at risk if the dog suddenly seems that they are preparing to attack. Other pets can cause the same attack of anger, therefore, a Rottweiler is categorically not suitable for independent walks with young children who are unable to restrain the impulse.

Huskies have been very popular in recent years. They give the impression of balanced and calm dogs. However, under certain circumstances, animals can have a completely different character, fearlessness, perseverance and disobedience will prevail in it.

Aggression is manifested in representatives of this breed when they are raised incorrectly, treat pets irresponsibly, or simply do not take care of them. Often hostile behavior is a sign of insufficient socialization of the animal and the unwillingness of a person to communicate with his friend. In this case, the huskies get out of control, destroying things around them and attacking living creatures. For this, the Huskies are placed in sixth place in the top 10.

In seventh place is the Papillon, which has a more than modest size. Despite the fact that this dog looks cute, in fact, its teeth and claws can cause serious damage. Representatives of the breed are especially aggressive towards young children, as they do not accept games and often perceive children's laughter as ridicule.

In addition, papillons are very loyal, and if it seems to them that the owner is in danger, they will fearlessly engage in battle with rivals that are several times larger in size.

Jack Russell Terrier

The top three is opened by the Jack Russell Terrier, who is trying to compensate for his small parameters with huge aggression. Like most terriers, this dog defends its dignity and perceives any encroachment on it with hostility.

If a Jack Russell Terrier is offended by a child at least once, he will hate children with all the fibers of his soul and try to avenge old grievances to any of them. For this reason, you should not leave a small slut unattended.


It is hard to imagine that this miniature dog can be seriously afraid. But in a small body fits a disproportionate amount of anger and aggression, which she takes out on all strangers. To suffer from the teeth of a representative of this breed is much easier than to be bitten by any fighting dog. For this, the Chihuahua took its place in the top three of the top 10.

For many, it is a complete surprise that the dachshund has become the most aggressive dog in the world. Nevertheless, representatives of this particular breed are considered by most cynologists and dog breeders to be the most irritable and hostile.

To confirm this opinion, many surveys and studies were conducted, showing that every fifth dachshund bit passers-by at least once in their life, and every twelfth attacked their owners with serious aggression. Other pets cannot be compared with such indicators. Based on this, one can only be glad that small teeth and claws of dachshunds cannot inflict deep wounds.

Having found the breed of his dog in this list, any of its owners will be clearly outraged and will not agree with the author, because this is his favorite and he is not dangerous. But you should not throw accusations - not everyone can train their beast perfectly. And how many abandoned dogs that can really cause harm from resentment!

There are different versions of the top list, but these breeds are found in almost all..

bull terrier

They are called the gladiators of the dog world. With a Greek profile, small in stature, but very powerful. It's hard to predict what this jock will do. There have been quite a few incidents when a dog of this breed attacked the owner during training. And the jaw of bull terriers is famous for the fact that it is almost impossible to unclench it.

Previously, they were used for fights with bulls. But if you really love the boule, you can get a small copy of them - a miniature bull terrier. The growth of dogs of this breed is about 30 centimeters, and their strength is many times less.


Mix of dog and wild wolf. Such dogs are very beautiful and majestic - they are dominated by wolf genes, so natural instincts can wake up at any moment. The wolfhound's teeth are designed exclusively for killing, not just biting. This breed is most suitable for the military, and the life expectancy of such a dog is up to 40 years.

About these dogs, the breed was even filmed the film "Dogs for Special Purpose". Because of the danger of finding such a dog, generally speaking, it is problematic: it is too dangerous. True, 15 years ago in Russia a species was bred in which only 20 percent of the wolf.

pit bull

Pit bulls are called American Staffordshire Terriers and Pit Bull Terriers. They were bred to protect against bears and wild boars, so they are more dangerous to other animals than to people, although the muscular appearance of these dogs inspires fear in many. If you offend a pit bull, then you can be seriously injured

Most dog breeders claim that it was the media that turned these breeds into monsters. But they are dangerous only for other people's cats and dogs. Such pets will endure their pets and play with everyone.


Known as the "Devil's Dog". Banned in many countries due to frequent talk of numerous murders allegedly committed by representatives of this breed. Such cases really happened when the dog fell into the hands of beginners who could not give the necessary education. The owner of a Doberman must be firm and decisive, otherwise this breed will not obey at all.

Often it all depends on whether the dog is purebred. As a rule, it is an aggressive Doberman crossed from different breeds.

Tosa Inu

Photo: nature world

The Tosa Inu, also known as the Japanese Mastiff, is the only Japanese dog with fighting qualities. But what .. This breed was bred for a very long time, the dogs participated in the battles. As we know, the Japanese are very fond of bringing everything to perfection and the Tosa Inu turned out to be an invincible fighter. Even in a fight, these dogs kept cool: they did not bark, did not cry, and did not turn around. This is where the danger lies - the dog attacks coldly and without warning.

american bulldog

Translated into Russian, the name of the breed sounds like "bull dog". It is said that fighting an American Bulldog is like fighting a creature that has the body of a python and the jaw of an alligator. They were originally bred to fight bulls. In the 19th century, these dogs were kept on a farm to herd a herd of wild boars, but then the owners of fighting clubs noticed them and, naturally, they wanted to get unique ones who were ready to fight to the death.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

The only officially registered breed of South Africa. Despite the fact that they do not look powerful, this is a unique breed, bred in order to drive lions away from the body shot by the owner. That is why dogs are fearless, but they cannot stand strangers.


The breed is rare and very loud. One barking of a Boerboel is already frightening. These dogs were used to bait predators during hunting. They are also born guards, but they are constantly trying to expand the territory of their attention on their own, which is good for the owner. But for others, not so much. Almost all the murders they committed were due to the negligence of the owners, who did not muzzle the pets during the walk.

Gul Dong (Pakistani Bulldog)

The breed is known for its aggression. It is more difficult to raise the rest of them correctly, since ghoul dongs are difficult to train. These dogs are also called Pakistani Bulldogs. They are loyal to their owners, but do not get along well with children.

Dogo Canario

Banned in Australia and New Zealand due to a number of fatal attacks. In 2006, in Florida, the dog killed his own mistress. When attacked, he is unable to stop. But again, it all depends on your upbringing.

There are still a lot of breeds that are treated with suspicion. Each country has its own. Opinions differ. For example, if in one country a dog is considered kind and popular, in another they are afraid of it. Of course, any dog ​​can be a true friend, a good guard and never offend anyone. But it all depends on so many factors: only on you and your patience, the dog's psyche and its gene pool. No wonder they say that the most dangerous breed is a bad owner.

The appearance of a dog in the house is a great joy and an equally great responsibility for the owner. A puppy requires care and attention just like a child. But, unlike a person, a dog has its own habits, instincts, skills laid down by nature.

Depending on the age of the dog, the reasons for unwanted behavior may also be different. A dog is a predator, with teeth and claws, it shows its emotions and feelings with the help of its mouth and teeth.

A puppy in the house appears on average at the age of 1.5 months to 3.5 at this time the dog's teeth begin to change. Changing teeth is a slow process and very painful for a puppy. The puppy tries to relieve the itching and pain in the gums by tasting all the surrounding objects, including the hands and clothes of the owner. At a later age, from about 6 months, when the period of puberty begins, the young dog tries to establish its place in the owner's family, tests its strength, its position in the pack.

An adult dog can bite for a variety of reasons.:

  • Fear. When a dog is afraid, it is normal behavior to defend itself by using its teeth. Animals, like people, have different personalities and different temperaments. In fear, for example, with excessive punishment, the dog may bite, experiencing extreme stress. The survival mechanism comes into play, and the dog can seriously injure a person.
  • Aggressiveness. As already mentioned, all developed animals are different in character, even puppies from the same litter have very different types of temperament. Stronger individuals can show aggression, with such an animal you need to start training and an obedience course earlier - if time is lost, only an experienced dog handler can help extinguish the aggressiveness of the dog.
  • Pain. During an illness or after an injury, with a physical impact on a sore spot or organ, the dog instinctively tries to remove the source of pain and the only way it can achieve this is with its teeth. The stronger the pain, the stronger the bite will be. The slightest pressure, intensification of painful sensations, closes the dog's jaws more strongly on the limbs of the doctor or even the owner.
  • Nervous breakdown or overexcitation. Nervous disorder is a painful condition that is stopped after consultation with a veterinarian, with medication. Overexcitation may appear after a long, very active game, and, having played, the pet does not notice that it hurts.
  • Jealousy, desire for attention. A dog is a social animal and is very emotionally dependent on a person. Often, when the owner's attention is completely focused on another animal or activity, the dog will try to turn the owner's attention to itself using its teeth.
  • Desire for food. Food aggression is probably one of the most common types of aggression faced by many owners. This behavior is absolutely natural for the animal, because food is the basic instinct of the dog, necessary for survival.
  • Lack of upbringing. If a dog lives in a human society, it is necessary to accustom it to certain rules in force in the team. Dog training can begin as early as 3 weeks of age. This is ideal, but in any case, the sooner you start teaching the puppy the rules of behavior in society, the faster he will learn and feel more confident in different situations.

The rules of behavior should be taught to any dog, regardless of breed or size. The sooner dog training begins, the faster and better the dog will learn to live in human society, without causing inconvenience to others.

Wrong upbringing. An incorrectly chosen method of raising a dog can only worsen the situation and lead to the appearance of pet aggression, and aggressiveness will require serious adjustments with the dog handler.

Under no circumstances should you hit your dog. Loud screams and physical violence in almost 100% of cases will lead to the manifestation of aggression in a pet.

Prevention of inappropriate behavior

The sooner you start training a puppy, the less problems will arise with an adult dog. The puppy absorbs all commands like a sponge and everything that the pet has learned at an early age will remain with him for life - this applies to commands and the rules of life with a person.

You can not treat the dog as a child or as an equal. A dog, no matter how much the owner loves it, is a predator and it is necessary to treat the pet just like an animal. Excessive care can make a big monster out of a small dog, and a real threat to a person and even the owner out of a large one.

If a puppy bites

The puppy is not yet aware of how much power it has, and it can unconsciously bite harder than it should according to the situation. Yes, and the change of teeth delivers a lot of unpleasant moments, and the dog, in an attempt to relieve itching, can bite hard and often.

How to wean biting from childhood

It is at the milk age that it is easiest to stop the undesirable behavior of the dog.

  • You can not play with the dog with your hand. Only with toys or using treats, but in no case should you encourage games with hands, feet or clothes - such behavior is fixed quickly and for a long time.
  • If the puppy grabs his arms or legs, hangs on clothes, you need to strictly and loudly enough give the forbidding command “fu!” or "no!" (if the dog already knows these commands) or simply scream, make an unpleasant sound and stop the game. Any attempts by the baby to resume play or capture attention should be ignored.

Very soon the puppy will understand that the cessation of the game and the unpleasant sound is connected with the bite and will stop this behavior in order to continue the game.

  • Another effective method of conflict-free dog training is attention switching. As soon as the unwanted behavior begins, the puppy's attention needs to be switched with a toy. If the dog already knows some commands (even just a nickname or the command “come!”), You can replace the toy with a treat, which is given immediately after the puppy has responded to the nickname or completed the command.

How to stop biting strangers

Causing injuries or mutilations to a person for the owner of a dog may threaten with administrative liability, as well as compensation for material or moral damage. Therefore, it is very important not to miss such a moment of raising a puppy as socialization.

As soon as the puppy's quarantine after vaccinations ends and it can be taken out into the street, it is imperative to acquaint the pet with all the diversity of the surrounding world. An adult dog should normally walk down the street, not be afraid of the sounds of cars, be able to ride in transport, not be afraid of people. First of all, aggression towards strangers means fear or stress from unknown, and therefore frightening smells.

Even an adult dog can be taught to calmly perceive passers-by. Under no circumstances should you hit or yell at a frightened animal, this only increases stress and reinforces destructive behavior. If the dog reacts negatively to a stranger, you need to give a forbidding command. After stopping aggressive behavior, you need to praise her and encourage her with a treat or a game. If the pet did not respond to the order, you can give it any command (for example, "sit"), this should distract the dog from the irritant and switch to the owner.

If the dog does not respond to commands, you need to divert attention with a treat, as soon as the dog abstracts, immediately praise and give food.

The next time the pet responds calmly to a stranger without a restraining order, it should be praised and rewarded with a treat.

Learning to bite correctly

  • To unleash the potential of service dog breeds, the owner of the service dog can take a course in guard duty. In the process of training, the dog handler will teach you how to grip correctly and bite the dog.
  • Only a dog handler can teach you how to bite properly. A dog can cause significant damage to human health, so all actions related to the capture and retention must be carried out under the guidance of an experienced instructor!
  • Protective guard service begins only after passing the obedience course or the general training course - the dog must quickly respond to the owner's command.
  • Protective guard service helps insecure, cowardly or, conversely, too aggressive dogs. The dog learns to bite on command and release at the command of the owner or in the absence of resistance from the detainee.

An adult dog bites, what to do

Often, if the problem of aggressiveness is already in an adult dog, the help of an experienced instructor is required. The cynologist will observe the behavior of the dog, find out the conditions of detention and upbringing, based on his experience, data received from the owner, he will select a method for correcting behavior individually for a particular case.

Techniques for influencing the dog

There are only two methods of influencing a dog:

  1. Method of physical impact. This is a variant of negative training that includes wearing strict collars, parphos, strangleholds, electro-shock collars. Negative training can be effective for an aggressive dog with a strong character and temperament, but the application of this method of training should be only under the guidance of a cinematographer- starting from correctly dressed corrective ammunition, ending with the frequency and strength of the impact on the dog. Incorrect application of this method can lead to increased aggression of the animal.
  2. positive reinforcement method. Training is based on encouraging the correct execution of the command with mild correction of undesirable behavior. Using this option, various treats, toys, active praise to encourage behavior and ignoring or exposure to a simple collar to correct behavior are used.

If the dog bites in the game

As with a puppy, the same rules apply to an adult dog. As soon as the predator begins to bite the hands, the game should stop abruptly with a loud cry or a forbidden command. Subsequent attempts by the animal to resume play should be ignored by the owner until the dog understands the causal relationship between the bite and stop play.

Interesting video: how to wean a dog from biting

How to show host authority

A dog is a pack animal and obeys a certain hierarchy. Living next to a person, the pet enters the family and builds its own “levels of significance”.

  • The dog obeys, using certain postures, expressing certain behavior. Demonstration of the belly is the main trigger of submission, the dog seems to say - "you are the boss, I trust you."
  • If the pet is trying to demonstrate dominance, you need to press the dog to the ground, gently and briefly, or turn the dog on its back, scratching its stomach. Thus, the owner demonstrates that he is stronger, restoring his authority.
  • You can, on the contrary, not press the dog to the ground or floor, but lift it up a little so that the pet loses its balance. Of course, this method is suitable only for not very large animals.
  • To consolidate the hierarchy, you need to train the dog as often as possible to execute commands for exposure and distraction, then problems with the hierarchy will not arise.

obedient breeds

The division into obedient and naughty breeds is very conditional - representatives of different breeds differ greatly in character and mental development within the species. However, there are certain breeds of dogs that are more prone to learning, and therefore distinguished by obedience.

They are mostly service breeds.:

  • German and Belgian Shepherds;
  • Collie;
  • Rottweilers;
  • Sheltie;
  • Sennenhunds;
  • Giant Schnauzers;
  • Healer;
  • Dobermans;
  • Border Collie.

In addition, retrievers and poodles are distinguished by enviable obedience and a desire to please the owner.

So that the dog does not bring disappointment to its owner, you need to start training and socialization as soon as the four-legged friend appears in the house. e. The more neglected the behavior, the longer the training is delayed, the more difficult and longer it will be to correct the destructive behavior. Raising a dog is a complex and long process, the result of which will be joy and pleasure for the entire dog life.