What chronicles of ancient Rus' exist? Chronicle history of the Slavs - the search for the lost truth

Great philosophers have often repeated that people who do not know their past have no future. You should know the history of your family, your people, your country, if only so that you don’t have to make the same discoveries and make the same mistakes.

Sources of information about past events include official state documents, records of religious, social, and educational institutions, preserved eyewitness accounts, and much more. Chronicles are considered the most ancient documentary source.

Chronicle is one of the genres of Old Russian literature, which existed from the 11th to the 17th centuries. At its core, it is a sequential presentation of significant events in history. The records were kept by year; in terms of volume and details of the presentation of the material, they could vary greatly.

What events deserved mention in the chronicles?

Firstly, these are turning points in the biography of Russian princes: marriage, the birth of heirs, the beginning of a reign, military exploits, death. Sometimes Russian chronicles described miracles occurring from the relics of deceased princes, such as Boris and Gleb, the first Russian saints.

Secondly, chroniclers paid attention to describing celestial eclipses, solar and lunar, epidemics of serious diseases, earthquakes, etc. Chroniclers often tried to establish a relationship between natural phenomena and historical events. For example, defeat in a battle could be explained by the special position of the stars in the sky.

Thirdly, ancient chronicles told about events of national importance: military campaigns, attacks by enemies, the construction of religious or administrative buildings, church affairs, etc.

Common features of famous chronicles

1) If you remember what a chronicle is, you can guess why this genre of literature received such a name. The fact is that instead of the word “year” the authors used the word “summer”. Each entry began with the words “In the summer,” followed by the year and a description of the event. If, from the chronicler’s point of view, nothing significant happened, then a note was written: “There was silence in the summer of XXXX.” The chronicler had no right to completely omit the description of a particular year.

2) Some Russian chronicles begin not with the emergence of the Russian state, which would be logical, but with the creation of the world. In this way, the chronicler sought to fit the history of his country into universal human history, to show the place and role of his homeland in his modern world. Dating was also carried out from the creation of the world, and not from the Nativity of Christ, as we do now. The interval between these dates is 5508 years. Therefore, the entry “In the summer of 6496” contains a description of the events of 988 - the Baptism of Rus'.

3) For work, the chronicler could use the works of his predecessors. But he not only included the materials they left behind in his narrative, but also gave them his own political and ideological assessment.

4) The chronicle differs from other genres of literature in its special style. The authors did not use any artistic devices to decorate their speech. The main thing for them was documentation and information content.

The connection between the chronicle and literary and folklore genres

The special style mentioned above, however, did not prevent chroniclers from periodically resorting to oral folk art or other literary genres. Ancient chronicles contain elements of legends, traditions, heroic epics, as well as hagiographic and secular literature.

Turning to the toponymic legend, the author sought to explain where the names of the Slavic tribes, ancient cities and the entire country came from. Echoes of ritual poetry are present in the description of weddings and funerals. Epic techniques could be used to depict the glorious Russian princes and their heroic deeds. And to illustrate the life of rulers, for example, the feasts they organize, there are elements of folk tales.

Hagiographic literature, with its clear structure and symbolism, provided chroniclers with both material and a method for describing miraculous phenomena. They believed in the intervention of divine forces in human history and reflected this in their writings. The authors used elements of secular literature (teachings, stories, etc.) to reflect and illustrate their views.

Texts of legislative acts, princely and church archives, and other official documents were also woven into the fabric of the narrative. This helped the chronicler to give the most complete picture of important events. What is a chronicle if not a comprehensive historical description?

The most famous chronicles

It should be noted that chronicles are divided into local, which became widespread during the times of feudal fragmentation, and all-Russian, describing the history of the entire state. The list of the most famous is presented in the table:

Until the 19th century, it was believed that “The Tale of Bygone Years” was the first chronicle in Rus', and its creator, monk Nestor, was the first Russian historiographer. This assumption was refuted by A.A. Shkhmatov, D.S. Likhachev and other scientists. “The Tale of Bygone Years” has not survived, but its individual editions are known from lists in later works - the Laurentian and Ipatiev Chronicles.

Chronicle in the modern world

By the end of the 17th century, the chronicles had lost their historical significance. More accurate and objective ways of recording events have emerged. History began to be studied from the standpoint of official science. And the word “chronicle” acquired additional meanings. We no longer remember what a chronicle is when we read the headings “Chronicles of life and work N”, “Chronicle of a museum” (theater or any other institution).

There is a magazine, a film studio, a radio program called “Chronicles,” and fans of computer games are probably familiar with the game “Arkham Chronicles.”

Long before the formation of Kievan Rus, the ancient Slavs had one of the largest state formations, which, according to scientists, existed from 1600 to 2500 thousand years and was destroyed by the Goths in 368 AD.

The chronicle of the ancient Slavic state was almost forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history and set as their goal to rejuvenate the history of Rus', to show that the Slavic peoples were supposedly pristine, not stained by the actions of the Russians, Antes, barbarians, Vandals and Scythians, whom the whole world remembered very well . The goal is to tear Rus' away from the Scythian past. Based on the work of German professors, a domestic historical school arose. All history textbooks teach us that before baptism, wild tribes lived in Rus' - pagans.

Russian way to heaven

Did you know that in ancient times the greatest peak of Europe and Russia - Elbrus - was called Mount Alatyr, which, like the famous Smorodina River and the Kalinov Bridge, turned out to be not a fairy-tale, but a very real landmark of the Elbrus region? It also turned out that by trusting the epic landmarks, you can find... the road to heaven.

16 centuries ago, beyond the ridges of the Ciscaucasia, there was a civilization whose level of development was comparable to Greco-Roman antiquity. That country was called Ruskolan.

Its capital was the city of Kiyar, or Kyiv Antsky, founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani. The prosperous country was ravaged by the Goths, who were brought to these lands by King Germanarich. Although he himself was killed at the beginning of the war, it was his son who brought the matter to a victorious end. For many years he tormented Ruskolan with raids, until the prosperous and fertile lands were completely devastated.

The ruler of Ruskolani, Prince Busa Beloyar, was crucified to a rock on the bank of the Terek, and people loyal to him were walled up alive in a crypt. This happened on the day of the vernal equinox in 368. Facts prove that Bus Beloyar and his country are not a myth. In the 18th century, 20 km from Pyatigorsk, in one of the ancient mounds on the banks of the Etoka River, a necropolis and a monument erected in honor of the Slavic prince Bus were discovered. The name of Bus Beloyar is mentioned in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

Gothic maidens at the edge

Seas of blue live.

Playing with Russian gold,

Busovo time is being sung.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"


Ruskolan is one of the large state formations of the Slavs in the Azov region, which existed 16 centuries ago, whose history is completely forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history for Peter I.

The state of Ruskolan was located behind the ridges of the Ciscaucasia, on the territory that later became part of the Great Budgaria of Kurbat: from the Kuban and Terek, a pastoral plain, indented by wide river valleys and ravines, gradually rises to the Forward Range. The forest rises along them almost to the foot of Elbrus. In the valleys there are dozens of ancient settlements, where no archaeologist's shovel has ever sounded. On the banks of the Etoko River, the grave of the legendary Prince Ruskolani Bus Beloyar has been preserved.

This land is the origin of the Slavic people who called themselves Cherkassy, ​​known from Cherkasy lanes in Moscow, the cities of Cherkassk and Novocherkassk. Judging by Vatican sources, Cherkassy was inhabited by Pyatigorye and the Tmutarakan principality, and is now known as “Cossacks”.

The word “Ruskolan” has the syllable “lan”, which is present in the words “hand”, “valley” and means: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable “lan” was transformed into land. Sergei Lesnoy in his book “Where are you from, Rus'?” says the following: “With regard to the word “Ruskolun”, it should be noted that there is also a variant “Ruskolan”. If the latter option is more correct, then the word can be understood differently: “Russian doe.” Lan - field. The whole expression: “Russian field.” In addition, Lesnoy makes the assumption that there was a word “cleaver”, which probably meant some kind of space. It is also found in other verbal environments.

The ruler of Ruskolani was Bus from the Beloyar family. In the Gothic and Yaart epics he is mentioned under the name Baksaka (Bus-Busan-Baksan), in the Byzantine chronicles - Bozh.

Ruskolan fought with the Goths of Germanarich. In this war Germanarich was killed and his place was taken by his son. As a result of the many-year war, Ruskolan was defeated, and the ruler of Ruskolan, Bus Beloyar, the last elected prince of the Rus, was crucified by the Goths, as evidenced in the Gothic, Nart and Russian epics…. According to some sources, Bus, like Prometheus, was nailed to the rocks on the banks of the Terek, and his entourage was buried alive in a rock crypt. According to other sources Bus and his closest assistants were crucified on crosses.

Bus Beloyar was crucified, according to the tablets of the Book of Veles, by Amal Vend. This was Vend from the Amal family, in whose veins Venedian and German blood merged.

This happened on the day of the vernal equinox in 368. The surviving princes tore Rus' into many small principalities, and against the decisions of the veche, they established the transfer of power by inheritance. Avars and Khazars passed through the lands of Ruskolani. But the territory of Ruskolani, Tamatarkha, Tmutarakan, Taman were still considered Slavic principalities.

In the fight against the Khazar yoke (V-VIII centuries), Rus', which almost never had a permanent army, had only one way to win: to unite, but each of the hereditary princes sought to do this under their own leadership. Until one was found, elected from the Wends (Vends, Wends, Vins, Vens) prince, who himself proclaimed himself to be the follower of Arius and Trojan, for which he received the name from the people: Prince Samo. He not only united the Slavs, but under his skillful leadership (which lasted 30 years), Rus' defeated almost all of its enemies and regained the lands lost due to civil strife. However, after his death, Ruskolan fell apart again. The next attempt to unite the Slavs and restore veche rule and the selectivity of the princes was made by the Novgorod elect: princes Bravlin I and II. However, the people united and talentedly controlled by them, after their departure, again divided into clans, and again fell into a state of tug of war for power.

Ruler of Ruskolani Bus Beloyar

Bus Beloyar is the Grand Duke of Vedic Rus', heir to the throne of Ruskolani - Antia. Born April 20, 295 AD. According to the Vedic calculation of time - 21 Beloyars, 2084 of the Trojan centuries.

Caucasian legends say that Bus was the eldest son. In addition, his father had seven sons and one daughter.

According to various signs that occurred at the birth of Bus, the wise men predicted that he would complete the Svarog Circle.

Bus was born, just like Kolyada and Kryshen. At his birth, a new star also appeared - a comet. This is mentioned in the ancient Slavic manuscript of the 4th century “Boyanov Hymn”, which tells about the star Chigir - the eel (Halley’s comet), according to which, at the birth of the prince, astrologers predicted his great future:

About Bus - the father of the young sorcerer,

about how he fought, defeating enemies,

sang the sorcerer Zlatogor.

Zlatogorov's hymns -

truly you are good!

He sang like Chegir the star

flew in the fire like a dragon,

shining with green light.

And forty wise men and sorcerers,

looking into the hundred years, we saw clearly,

that the sword of Yar Bus is glorious to Kyiv!

The Beloyar clan originated from the combination of the Beloyar clan, who lived near the White Mountain since ancient times, and the Ariya Osednya clan (Yar clan) at the very beginning of the Beloyar era.

The power of the Ancestors of Bus Beloyar extended from Altai, Zagros, to the Caucasus. Bus was the throne name of the Saka and Slavic princes.

Bus, his brothers and sister were born in the sacred city of Kiyara - Kyiv Antsky (Sar - city) near Elbrus, founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani. The Magi taught Busa and the brothers the wisdom of the Ants from sacred books that were kept in ancient temples. According to legend, these temples were built many thousands of years ago by the wizard Kitovras (who was also known to the Celts under the name Merlin) and Gamayun at the behest of the Sun God. Bus and the brothers were initiated. At first they walked the path of Knowledge, they were novices and students. Having passed this path, they became witches - that is, those in charge, those who know the Vedas perfectly. Bus and Zlatogor, named after the Golden Mountain of Alatyr, rose to the highest degree, to the degree of Pobud (Buday), that is, the awakened and awakening, spiritual teacher and evangelist of the will of the Gods.

The great cultural act of the prince-magician was the reform and ordering of the calendar. Bus improved the already existing calendar, based on the “Star Book of Kolyada” (Kolyada - gift, calendar). We still live according to the Busa calendar, because Many Christian holidays (to put it mildly) are borrowed from the past and used to have a Vedic meaning. Having given a new meaning to the ancient holiday, Christians did not change the original dates.

And these initial dates had astrological content. They were tied to the dates of passage of the brightest stars through the prime meridian (direction north). From the time of Bus to this day, the dates of celebrations in the folk calendar coincide with the star dates of 368 AD. The Busa calendar merged with the Orthodox folk calendar, which determined the way of life of Russian people for centuries.

Prince Bus not only defended Ruskolan, he also continued the ancient tradition of peaceful trade relations with neighboring peoples and great civilizations of that time.

Bus left a great legacy for the Russian people. These are the Russian lands that were defended then, this is the Bus calendar, these are the songs of Bus’s son, Boyan, and his brother, Zlatogor, which have come down to us as folk songs and epics. From this tradition grew the “Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

Bus laid the foundation for the Russian national spirit. He left us a legacy of Rus' - earthly and heavenly.

Death of Bus Beloyar

The year 368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. This is a milestone. The end of the era of Beloyar (Aries) and the beginning of the era of Rod (Pisces). The Great Day of Svarog, which is also called the Year of Svarog, has ended.

And now wave after wave of foreigners are coming to Rus' - Goths, Huns, Heruls, Iazyges, Hellenes, Romans. The old one stopped and the New Kolo of Svarog began to rotate.

The Night of Svarog has arrived (Winter of Svarog). The Invocation of Vyshnya - Kryshen, or Dazhbog, must be crucified. And power at the beginning of the era passes to the Black God (Chernobog).

In the era of Pisces or in the era of Rod (according to the songs - turning into Pisces), the collapse of the old world and the birth of a new one take place.

In the era of Aquarius, which awaits us ahead, the Roof pours onto the Earth from a bowl filled with honey Surya, Vedic Knowledge. People are returning to their roots, to the Faith of their Ancestors.

According to Caucasian legend, the Antes were defeated because Bus Beloyar did not take part in the general prayer. But he did not do this, because he understood the inevitability of defeat, the night of Svarog came.

On the same night that Bus was crucified, a total eclipse occurred. The Earth was also shaken by a monstrous earthquake (the entire Black Sea coast shook, there was destruction in Constantinople and Nicaea).

In the same year, the court poet and educator of the emperor’s son, Decillus Magnus Ausonius, wrote the following poems:

Between the Scythian rocks

There was a dry cross for the birds,

From which from the body of Prometheus

Bloody dew oozed.

This is a trace of the fact that in those years they talked about the crucifixion of Bus in Rome.

In the minds of people of that time, the images of Prometheus, Bus and Christ were combined into one whole.

The pagans in Rome saw in Busa the crucified Prometheus, the early Christians saw in him the new incarnation of Christ the Savior, who, like Jesus, was resurrected on Sunday. The date of Bus's resurrection is considered to be March 23, 368.

The Slavs, who remained faithful to the ancient Tradition of their Ancestors, saw in Busa the third descent of the Almighty to Earth:

Ovsen-Tausen paved the bridge,

not a simple bridge with railings -

star bridge between reality and navyu.

Three Vyshnya will ride

among the stars on the bridge.

The first is the Roof God,

and the second is Kolyada,

The third will be Bus Beloyar.

“The Book of Kolyada”, X d

Apparently, the symbol of the cross itself entered the Christian tradition after the crucifixion of Bus. The Canon of the Gospels was established after the 4th century and was based incl. and on oral traditions that then circulated among Christian communities, incl. and Scythian. In those legends, the images of Christ and Bus Beloyar were already mixed.

Thus, the canonical Gospels nowhere say that Christ was crucified on the cross. Instead of the word “cross” (kryst), the word “stavros” is used there, which means a pillar, and it does not speak of crucifixion, but of pillaring (in addition, in the Acts of the Apostles 10:39 it is said that Christ was “hanged on the tree"). The words “cross” and “crucifixion” appear only in translations from Greek. It is likely that the distortion of the original texts during translation, and then the iconography (for there are no early Christian crucifixes), was influenced by the Slavic-Scythian tradition. The meaning of the original Greek text was well known in Greece itself (Byzantium), but after appropriate reforms in the modern Greek language, unlike the previous custom, the word “stavros” took on, in addition to the meaning of “pillar,” also the meaning of “cross.”

The bodies of Bus and other princes were removed from the crosses on Friday. Then they were taken to their homeland. According to Caucasian legend, eight pairs of oxen brought the body of Bus and other princes to their homeland. Bus's wife ordered a mound to be built over their grave on the banks of the Etoko River, a tributary of Podkumka (30 kilometers from Pyatigorsk) and erected a monument made by Greek craftsmen on the mound. The fact that there was once a large city in the Pyatigorsk region is evidenced by two thousand mounds and the remains of temples at the foot of Mount Beshtau. The monument was discovered in the 18th century and back in the 19th century, on the mound one could see a statue of Bus with ancient words written on it:

O-oh haie! Wait! Sar!

Believe! Sar Yar Bus - Gods Bus!

Bus - God's Rus' will come! -

God Bus! Yar Bus!

5875, 31 lute.

Now the statue is in the storerooms of the Historical Museum in Moscow, and now no one says that it belongs to Bus (although many scientists spoke about this in the last century). No one risks translating a runic inscription...

Bus's wife, in order to perpetuate the memory of Bus, ordered the Altud River to be renamed Baksan (Busa River).

The transformation of Bus took place forty days later on Faf-mountain, or White Mountain Alatyr. And so Bus Beloyar, like Kryshen and Kolyada, ascended the White Mountain (Elbrus) on the fortieth day and became the Pobud of God's Rus', sat down at the throne of the Most High.

Scientific research. A fairy tale.

In addition to the mention of Kiyar the Ancient, the capital of the Ruskolan state, historians' studies speak of the Temple of the Treasury of the Sun, located in the Elbrus region, on the top of Mount Tuzuluk, on the territory of the state. The foundation of an ancient structure was discovered on the mountain. Its height is about 40m, and the diameter of the base is 150m: the ratio is the same as that of the Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings of antiquity.

There are many obvious and not at all random patterns in the parameters of the mountain and the temple. In general, the observatory-temple was created according to a “standard” design and, like other Cyclopean structures - Stonehenge and Arkaim - was intended to determine the most important dates in world history. In such observatories, the Magi determined the end and beginning of the zodiacal eras. In the legends of many peoples there is evidence of the construction on the sacred Mount Alatyr (modern name - Elbrus) of this majestic structure, revered by all ancient peoples. There are mentions of it in the national epic of the Greeks, Arabs, and European peoples. For example, according to Zoroastrian and Old Russian legends, this temple was captured by Rus (Rustam) in the second millennium BC. e. The temple of the Sun is also mentioned by the geographer Strabo, placing in it the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece and the oracle of Eetus. Detailed descriptions of this temple and confirmation that astronomical observations were carried out there were found. The Sun Temple was a real paleoastronomical observatory of antiquity. Priests with Vedic knowledge created such observatory temples and studied stellar science. There, not only dates for farming were calculated, but, most importantly, the most important milestones in world and spiritual history were determined.

This information interested modern researchers, who in the summer of 2002 organized the scientific expedition “Caucasian Arkaim-2002”. The expedition members decided to expand the data about the Sun Temple obtained by the 2001 scientific expedition. Based on the data obtained as a result of topographic and geodetic studies of the area, recording astronomical events, the expedition participants made preliminary conclusions that are fully consistent with the results of the 2001 expedition, based on the results of which in March 2002. a report was made at a meeting of the Astronomical Society at the State Astronomical Institute in the presence of employees of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Historical Museum, and a positive conclusion was received.

But the most amazing discoveries were hidden on the ancient mountain roads along which heroes, heroes and Narts (a fearless people of mighty warriors, called upon to cleanse this world of everything that bothers people) walked to the sacred country of Iriy - the Slavic paradise. According to ancient legends, in order to get to Iriy, it was necessary to cross the Valley of Death, cross the Kalinov Bridge and defeat the “Navi dragons” guarding the path from the kingdom of the dead to the fertile lands. The legendary Valley of Death is hidden behind the Chatkara Pass, whose name translates as black. Even the sand here is black! And the plateau itself resembles a gloomy refuge for trolls: the lifeless desert is crossed by a frozen lava flow, in which the Kyzylsu River, the Red or Fire River, has cut its channel. But it has another name, derived from the word “smaga” (fire): Currant - the river of death, separating Yav and Nav, the world of the living - and the world of the dead. Fairy tales say that the only way to cross Smorodina is through the Kalinov Bridge, where the battles between the heroes and the fire-breathing guardians of the kingdom of the dead took place. Imagine - such a passage really exists! Where Kyzylsu breaks through a frozen lava flow and falls into a gloomy gorge with the Sultan waterfall, a water-washed lava plug has formed, hanging like a narrow ribbon over the very abyss!

And next to the Kalinov Bridge there is a giant stone head. This is the son of the god of the underworld and the guardian of the Kalinov Bridge. Behind the ominous rocks and dead lands, surrounded on all sides by inaccessible mountains and bottomless cliffs, lies the vast Irahityuz tract, sparkling with greenery and strewn with flowers, and the Irahitsyrt plateau, which means “The Highest Pasture”, or “Field of the Highest”. Or heavenly lands. The chain of amazing coincidences does not end there! Because someone walking along the path of fairy-tale heroes can drink water from the rivers Adyrsu and Adylsu, which translated means living and dead...

Should we trust textbooks that have been rewritten more than once even in our memory? And is it worth trusting textbooks that contradict many facts that say that before baptism, in Rus' there was a huge state with many cities and towns (Country of Cities), a developed economy and crafts, with its own unique Culture.

Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov fought alone against the German professorship, arguing that the history of the Slavs goes back to ancient times.

The ancient Slavic state RUSKOLAN occupied lands from the Danube and the Carpathians to the Crimea, the North Caucasus and the Volga, and the subject lands captured the Trans-Volga and South Ural steppes.

The Scandinavian name for Rus' sounds like Gardarika - a country of cities. Arab historians also write about the same thing, numbering Russian cities in the hundreds. At the same time, claiming that in Byzantium there are only five cities, the rest are “fortified fortresses.” In ancient documents, the state of the Slavs is referred to as Scythia and Ruskolan. In his works, Academician B.A. Rybakov, the author of the books “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs” 1981, “Paganism of Ancient Rus'” 1987, and many others, writes that the state of Ruskolan was the bearer of the Chernyakhov archaeological culture and experienced a heyday in the Trojan centuries (I-IV centuries AD. ). To show the level of scientists who studied ancient Slavic history, let us cite who Academician B.A. was. Rybakov.

Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov headed the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 40 years, was director of the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician-secretary of the Department of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the Czechoslovak, Polish and Bulgarian Academies of Sciences, emeritus professor of Moscow University. M. V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honorary Doctor of the Krakow Jagiellonian University.

The word “Ruskolan” has the syllable “lan”, which is present in the words “hand”, “valley” and means: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable “lan” was transformed into the European land - country. Sergei Lesnoy in his book “Where are you from, Rus'?” says the following: “With regard to the word “Ruskolun”, it should be noted that there is also a variant “Ruskolan”. If the latter option is more correct, then the word can be understood differently: “Russian doe.” Lan - field. The whole expression: “Russian field.” In addition, Lesnoy makes the assumption that there was a word “cleaver”, which probably meant some kind of space. It is also found in other verbal environments. Historians and linguists also believe that the name of the state “Ruskolan” could come from two words “Rus” and “Alan” after the names of the Rus and Alans who lived in a single state.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov had the same opinion, who wrote:

“The same tribe of Alans and Roxolans is clear from many places of ancient historians and geographers, and the difference is that Alans are the common name of an entire people, and Roxolans are a word derived from their place of residence, which, not without reason, is derived from the River Ra, as among ancient writers is known as Volga (VolGa).”

The ancient historian and scientist Pliny places the Alans and Roxolans together. Roksolane, by the ancient scientist and geographer Ptolemy, is called Alanorsi by figurative addition. The names Aorsi and Roxane or Rossane from Strabo - “the exact unity of the Rosses and Alans asserts, to which the reliability is increased, that they were both of the Slavic generation, then that the Sarmatians were of the same tribe from ancient writers and are therefore attested to have the same roots with the Varangian-Russians.”

Let us also note that Lomonosov also refers to the Varangians as Russians, which once again shows the fraud of the German professors, who deliberately called the Varangians a stranger, and not a Slavic people. This manipulation and the birth of a legend about the calling of a foreign tribe to reign in Rus' had a political background so that once again the “enlightened” West could point out to the “wild” Slavs their denseness, and that it was thanks to the Europeans that the Slavic state was created. Modern historians, in addition to adherents of the Norman theory, also agree that the Varangians are precisely a Slavic tribe.

Lomonosov writes:

“According to Helmold’s testimony, the Alans were mixed with the Kurlanders, the same tribe of the Varangian-Russians.”

Lomonosov writes - Varangians-Russians, and not Varangians-Scandinavians, or Varangians-Goths. In all documents of the pre-Christian period, the Varangians were classified as Slavs.

“The Rugen Slavs were called for short the Ranas, that is, from the Ra (Volga) River, and the Rossans. This will be more clearly demonstrated by their resettlement to the Varangian shores. Weissel from Bohemia suggests that the Amakosovians, Alans, and Wends came from the east to Prussia.”

Lomonosov writes about the Rugen Slavs. It is known that on the island of Rügen there was the capital of the Rugians, Arkona, and the largest Slavic pagan temple in Europe, destroyed in 1168. Now there is a Slavic museum there.

Lomonosov writes that it was from the east that Slavic tribes came to Prussia and the island of Rügen and adds:

“Such a resettlement of the Volga Alans, that is, Rossans or Rosses, to the Baltic Sea took place, as can be seen from the evidence given above by the authors, not just once and not in a short time, as is clear from the traces that have remained to this day, with which the names of cities and rivers are honored must"

But let's return to the Slavic state.

The capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, was located in the Caucasus, in the Elbrus region near the modern villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi. Sometimes it was also called Kiyar Antsky, named after the Slavic tribe of Ants. The results of the expeditions to the site of the ancient Slavic city will be written at the end. Descriptions of this Slavic city can be found in ancient documents.

“Avesta” in one place talks about the main city of the Scythians in the Caucasus, near one of the highest mountains in the world. And as you know, Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in the Caucasus, but also in Europe in general. “Rigveda” tells about the main city of the Rus, all on the same Elbrus.

Kiyara is mentioned in the Book of Veles. Judging by the text, Kiyar, or the city of Kiya the Old, was founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani (368 AD), i.e. in the 9th century BC.

The ancient Greek geographer Strabo, who lived in the 1st century. BC. - early 1st century AD writes about the Temple of the Sun and the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece in the sacred city of the Russians, in the Elbrus region, on the top of Mount Tuzuluk.

In the legends of many peoples there is evidence of the construction on the sacred Mount Alatyr (modern name - Elbrus) of this majestic structure, revered by all ancient peoples. There are mentions of it in the national epic of the Greeks, Arabs, and European peoples. According to Zoroastrian legends, this temple was captured by Rus (Rustam) in Usenem (Kavi Useinas) in the second millennium BC. Archaeologists officially note at this time the emergence of the Koban culture in the Caucasus and the appearance of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes.

The temple of the Sun is also mentioned by the geographer Strabo, placing in it the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece and the oracle of Eetus. There are detailed descriptions of this temple and evidence that astronomical observations were carried out there.

The Sun Temple was a veritable paleoastronomical observatory of antiquity. Priests who had certain knowledge created such observatory temples and studied stellar science. There, not only dates for farming were calculated, but, most importantly, the most important milestones in world and spiritual history were determined.

The Arab historian Al Masudi described the Temple of the Sun on Elbrus as follows: “In the Slavic regions there were buildings revered by them. Among the others they had a building on a mountain, about which philosophers wrote that it was one of the highest mountains in the world. There is a story about this building: about the quality of its construction, about the arrangement of its different stones and their different colors, about the holes made in the upper part of it, about what was built in these holes for observing the sunrise, about the precious stones placed there and the signs marked in it, which indicate future events and warn against incidents before their implementation, about the sounds heard in the upper part of it and about what befalls them when listening to these sounds.”

In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the Temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the Elder Edda, in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient Germanic sources, in the Book of Veles. If you believe the legends, near the city of Kiyar (Kiev) there was the sacred Mount Alatyr - archaeologists believe that it was Elbrus. Next to it was the Iriysky, or Garden of Eden, and the Smorodina River, which separated the earthly and afterlife worlds, and connected Yav and Nav (that Light) Kalinov Bridge.

This is how the Gothic historian of the 4th century Jordanes talks about two wars between the Goths (an ancient Germanic tribe) and the Slavs, the invasion of the Goths into the ancient Slavic state, in his book “History of the Goths”. In the middle of the 4th century, the Gothic king Germanarech led his people to conquer the world. He was a great commander. According to Jordanes, he was compared to Alexander the Great. The same thing was written about Germanarakh and Lomonosov:

“Ermanaric, the Ostrogothic king, for his courage in conquering many northern peoples, was compared by some to Alexander the Great.”

Judging by the evidence of Jordan, the Elder Edda and the Book of Veles, Germanarekh, after long wars, captured almost all of Eastern Europe. He fought along the Volga to the Caspian Sea, then fought on the Terek River, crossed the Caucasus, then walked along the Black Sea coast and reached Azov.

According to the “Book of Veles,” Germanareh first made peace with the Slavs (“drank wine for friendship”), and only then “came against us with a sword.”

The peace treaty between the Slavs and Goths was sealed by the dynastic marriage of the sister of the Slavic prince-tsar Bus - Lebedi and Germanarech. This was payment for peace, for Hermanarekh was many years old at that time (he died at 110 years old, the marriage was concluded shortly before that). According to Edda, Swan-Sva was wooed by the son of Germanarekh Randver, and he took her to his father. And then Earl Bikki, Germanareh's adviser, told them that it would be better if Randver got the Swan, since both of them were young, and Germanareh was an old man. These words pleased Swan-Sva and Randver, and Jordan adds that Swan-Sva fled from Germanarech. And then Germanareh executed his son and Swan. And this murder was the cause of the Slavic-Gothic War. Having treacherously violated the “peace treaty,” Germanarekh defeated the Slavs in the first battles. But then, when Germanarekh moved into the heart of Ruskolani, the Antes stood in the way of Germanarekh. Germanarekh was defeated. According to Jordan, he was struck in the side by the Rossomons (Ruskolans) - Sar (king) and Ammius (brother). The Slavic prince Bus and his brother Zlatogor inflicted a mortal wound on Germanarech, and he soon died. This is how Jordan, the Book of Veles, and later Lomonosov wrote about it.

"Book of Veles": “And Ruskolan was defeated by the Goths of Germanarekh. And he took a wife from our family and killed her. And then our leaders rushed against him and defeated Germanarekh.”

Jordan. “History of the Ready”: “The unfaithful family of Rosomons (Ruskolan) ... took advantage of the following opportunity ... After all, after the king, driven by rage, ordered a certain woman named Sunhilda (Swan) from the named family to be torn apart for treacherous leaving her husband, tied to fierce horses and causing the horses to flee to different sides, her brothers Sar (King Bus) and Ammius (Zlat), taking revenge for the death of their sister, struck Germanarech in the side with a sword.”

M. Lomonosov: “Sonilda, a noble Roksolan woman, Ermanarik ordered to be torn to pieces by horses because her husband ran away. Her brothers Sar and Ammius, avenging the death of their sister, pierced Yermanarik in the side; died of a wound at one hundred and ten years old"

A few years later, the descendant of Germanarech, Amal Vinitarius, invaded the lands of the Slavic tribe of Antes. In the first battle he was defeated, but then “began to act more decisively,” and the Goths, led by Amal Vinitar, defeated the Slavs. The Slavic prince Busa and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths on crosses. This happened on the night of March 20-21, 368 AD. On the same night that Bus was crucified, a total lunar eclipse occurred. Also, a monstrous earthquake shook the earth (the entire Black Sea coast shook, there was destruction in Constantinople and Nicaea (ancient historians testify to this. Later, the Slavs gathered strength and defeated the Goths. But the former powerful Slavic state was no longer restored.

"Book of Veles": “And then Rus' was defeated again. And Busa and seventy other princes were crucified on crosses. And there was great turmoil in Rus' from Amal Vend. And then Sloven gathered Rus' and led it. And that time the Goths were defeated. And we did not allow the Sting to flow anywhere. And everything worked out. And our grandfather Dazhbog rejoiced and greeted the warriors - many of our fathers who won victories. And there were no troubles and many worries, and so the Gothic land became ours. And so it will remain until the end"

Jordan. "The story is ready": Amal Vinitarius... moved the army into the territory of the Antes. And when he came to them, he was defeated in the first skirmish, then he behaved more bravely and crucified their king named Boz with his sons and 70 noble people, so that the corpses of the hanged would double the fear of the conquered.”

Bulgarian chronicle “Baraj Tarikha”: “Once in the land of the Anchians, the Galidzians (Galicians) attacked Bus and killed him along with all 70 princes.”

The Slavic prince Busa and 70 Gothic princes were crucified in the eastern Carpathians at the sources of the Seret and Prut, on the current border of Wallachia and Transylvania. In those days, these lands belonged to Ruskolani, or Scythia. Much later, under the famous Vlad Dracula, it was at the site of Bus’s crucifixion that mass executions and crucifixions were held. The bodies of Bus and the rest of the princes were removed from the crosses on Friday and taken to the Elbrus region, to Etaka (a tributary of the Podkumka). According to Caucasian legend, the body of Bus and other princes was brought by eight pairs of oxen. Bus's wife ordered a mound to be built over their grave on the banks of the Etoko River (a tributary of Podkumka) and in order to perpetuate the memory of Bus, she ordered the Altud River to be renamed Baksan (Busa River).

Caucasian legend says:

“Baksan (Bus) was killed by the Gothic king with all his brothers and eighty noble Narts. Hearing this, the people gave in to despair: the men beat their chests, and the women tore out the hair on their heads, saying: “Dauov’s eight sons are killed, killed!”

Anyone who has carefully read “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” remembers that it mentions the long-gone Time of Busovo.

The year 368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. According to Slavic astrology, this is a milestone. On the night of March 20-21, turn 368, the era of Aries ended and the era of Pisces began.

It was after the story of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, which became known in the ancient world and the story of the crucifixion of Christ appeared (borrowed) in Christianity.

The results of the expedition to the site of the capital of the ancient Slavic city of Kiyara in the Elbrus region.

Five expeditions were carried out: in 1851,1881,1914, 2001 and 2002.

In 2001, the expedition was headed by A. Alekseev, and in 2002 the expedition was carried out under the patronage of the State Astronomical Institute named after Shtenberg (SAI), which was supervised by the director of the institute, Anatoly Mikhailovich Cherepashchuk.

Based on the data obtained as a result of topographic and geodetic studies of the area, recording astronomical events, the expedition members made preliminary conclusions that are fully consistent with the results of the 2001 expedition, based on the results of which, in March 2002, a report was made at a meeting of the Astronomical Society at the State Astronomical Institute Institute in the presence of employees of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, members of the International Astronomical Society and the State Historical Museum.

A report was also made at a conference on the problems of early civilizations in St. Petersburg.

What exactly did the researchers find?

Near Mount Karakaya, in the Rocky Range at an altitude of 3,646 meters above sea level between the villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi on the eastern side of Elbrus, traces of the capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, were found, which existed long before the birth of Christ, which is mentioned in many legends and epics of different peoples of the world, as well as the oldest astronomical observatory - the Temple of the Sun, described by the ancient historian Al Masudi in his books precisely as the Temple of the Sun.

The location of the found city exactly coincides with the instructions from ancient sources, and later the location of the city was confirmed by the 17th century Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi.

The remains of an ancient temple, caves and graves were discovered on Mount Karakaya. An incredible number of ancient settlements and temple ruins have been discovered, many of which are quite well preserved. In the valley near the foot of Mount Karakaya, on the Bechesyn plateau, menhirs were found - tall man-made stones similar to wooden pagan idols.

On one of the stone pillars the face of a knight is carved, looking straight to the east. And behind the menhir you can see a bell-shaped hill. This is Tuzuluk (“Treasury of the Sun”). At its top you can actually see the ruins of the ancient sanctuary of the Sun. At the top of the hill there is a tour marking the highest point. Then three large rocks, hand-cut. Once upon a time, a slit was cut in them, directed from north to south. Stones were also found laid out like sectors in the zodiac calendar. Each sector is exactly 30 degrees.

Each part of the temple complex was intended for calendar and astrological calculations. In this, it is similar to the South Ural city-temple of Arkaim, which has the same zodiac structure, the same division into 12 sectors. It is also similar to Stonehenge in Great Britain. It is similar to Stonehenge, firstly, by the fact that the axis of the temple is also oriented from north to south, and secondly, one of the most important distinguishing features of Stonehenge is the presence of the so-called “Heel Stone” at a distance from the sanctuary. But there is also a menhir landmark at the Sun Sanctuary on Tuzuluk.

There is evidence that at the turn of our era the temple was plundered by the Bosporan king Pharnaces. The temple was finally destroyed in IV AD. Goths and Huns. Even the dimensions of the temple are known; 60 cubits (about 20 meters) in length, 20 (6-8 meters) in width and 15 (up to 10 meters) in height, as well as the number of windows and doors - 12 according to the number of Zodiac signs.

As a result of the work of the first expedition, there is every reason to believe that the stones on the top of Mount Tuzluk served as the foundation of the Sun Temple. Mount Tuzluk is a regular grassy cone about 40 meters high. The slopes rise to the top at an angle of 45 degrees, which actually corresponds to the latitude of the place, and, therefore, looking along it you can see the North Star. The axis of the temple foundation is 30 degrees with the direction to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The same 30 degrees is the distance between the axis of the temple and the direction to the menhir, and the direction to the menhir and the Shaukam pass. Considering that 30 degrees - 1/12 of a circle - corresponds to a calendar month, this is not a coincidence. The azimuths of sunrise and sunset on the days of the summer and winter solstice differ by only 1.5 degrees from the directions to the peaks of Kanjal, the “gate” of two hills in the depths of pastures, Mount Dzhaurgen and Mount Tashly-Syrt. There is an assumption that the menhir served as a heel stone in the Temple of the Sun, similar to Stonehenge, and helped predict solar and lunar eclipses. Thus, Mount Tuzluk is tied to four natural landmarks along the Sun and is tied to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The height of the mountain is only about 40 meters, the diameter of the base is about 150 meters. These are dimensions comparable to the dimensions of the Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings.

In addition, two square tower-shaped aurochs were discovered at the Kayaeshik pass. One of them lies strictly on the axis of the temple. Here, on the pass, are the foundations of buildings and ramparts.

In addition, in the central part of the Caucasus, at the northern foot of Elbrus, in the late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century, an ancient center of metallurgical production, the remains of smelting furnaces, settlements, and burial grounds were discovered.

Summarizing the results of the work of the expeditions of the 1980s and 2001, which discovered the concentration within a radius of several kilometers of traces of ancient metallurgy, deposits of coal, silver, iron, as well as astronomical, religious and other archaeological objects, we can confidently assume the discovery of one of the most ancient cultural and administrative centers of the Slavs in the Elbrus region.

During expeditions in 1851 and 1914, archaeologist P.G. Akritas examined the ruins of the Scythian Temple of the Sun on the eastern slopes of Beshtau. The results of further archaeological excavations of this sanctuary were published in 1914 in the “Notes of the Rostov-on-Don Historical Society.” There, a huge stone “in the shape of a Scythian cap” was described, installed on three abutments, as well as a domed grotto.

And the beginning of major excavations in Pyatigorye (Kavminvody) was laid by the famous pre-revolutionary archaeologist D.Ya. Samokvasov, who described 44 mounds in the vicinity of Pyatigorsk in 1881. Subsequently, after the revolution, only some mounds were examined; only initial exploration work was carried out on the sites by archaeologists E.I. Krupnov, V.A. Kuznetsov, G.E. Runich, E.P. Alekseeva, S.Ya. Baychorov, Kh.Kh. Bidzhiev and others.

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Long before the formation of Kievan Rus, the ancient Slavs had one of the largest state formations, which, according to scientists, existed from 1600 to 2500 thousand years and was destroyed by the Goths in 368 AD.

The chronicle of the ancient Slavic state was almost forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history and set as their goal to rejuvenate the history of Rus', to show that the Slavic peoples were supposedly pristine, not stained by the actions of the Russians, Antes, barbarians, Vandals and Scythians, whom the whole world remembered very well . The goal is to tear Rus' away from the Scythian past. Based on the work of German professors, a domestic historical school arose. All history textbooks teach us that before baptism, wild tribes lived in Rus' - pagans.

This is a big Lie, because history has been rewritten many times to please the existing ruling system - starting with the first Romanovs, i.e. history is interpreted as beneficial at the moment to the ruling class. Among the Slavs, their past is called Heritage or Chronicle, and not History (the word “Summer” preceded the concept of “year” introduced by Peter the Great in 7208 from S.M.Z.H., when instead of the Slavic chronology they introduced 1700 from the supposed Nativity of Christ). S.M.Z.H. - this is the Creation / signing / of Peace with the Arim / Chinese / in the summer called the Star Temple - after the end of the Great World War (something like May 9, 1945, but more significant for the Slavs).

Therefore, is it worth trusting textbooks that, even in our memory, have been rewritten more than once? And is it worth trusting textbooks that contradict many facts that say that before baptism, in Rus' there was a huge state with many cities and villages (Country of Cities), a developed economy and crafts, with its own unique Culture (Culture = Kultura = Cult of Ra = Cult of Light). Our ancestors who lived in those days had a vital Wisdom and worldview that helped them always act according to their Conscience and live in harmony with the world around them. This attitude to the World is now called the Old Faith (“old” means “pre-Christian”, but previously it was called simply – Faith – Knowledge of Ra – Knowledge of Light – Knowledge of the Shining Truth of the Almighty). Faith is primary, and Religion (for example, Christian) is secondary. The word “Religion” comes from “Re” - repetition, “League” - connection, unification. Faith is always one (there is either a connection with God or there is not), and there are many religions - as many as there are Gods among the people or as many ways as intermediaries (popes, patriarchs, priests, rabbis, mullahs, etc.) come up with to establish connection with them.

Since the connection with God, established through third parties - intermediaries, for example, priests, is artificial, then, in order not to lose the flock, each religion claims to be “Truth in the first instance.” Because of this, many bloody religious wars have been and are being waged.

Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov fought alone against the German professorship, arguing that the history of the Slavs goes back to ancient times.

The ancient Slavic state of Ruskolan occupied lands from the Danube and the Carpathians to the Crimea, the North Caucasus and the Volga, and the subject lands captured the Trans-Volga and South Ural steppes.

The Scandinavian name for Rus' sounds like Gardarika - a country of cities. Arab historians also write about the same thing, numbering Russian cities in the hundreds. At the same time, claiming that in Byzantium there are only five cities, the rest are “fortified fortresses.” In ancient documents, the state of the Slavs is referred to as Scythia and Ruskolan. In his works, Academician B.A. Rybakov, the author of the books “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs” 1981, “Paganism of Ancient Rus'” 1987, and many others, writes that the state of Ruskolan was the bearer of the Chernyakhov archaeological culture and experienced a heyday in the Trojan centuries (I-IV centuries AD. ). To show the level of scientists who studied ancient Slavic history, let us cite who Academician B.A. was. Rybakov.

Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov headed the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 40 years, was director of the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician-secretary of the Department of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the Czechoslovak, Polish and Bulgarian Academies of Sciences, emeritus professor of Moscow University. M. V. Lomonosov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honorary Doctor of the Krakow Jagiellonian University.

The word “Ruskolan” has the syllable “lan”, which is present in the words “hand”, “valley” and means: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable “lan” was transformed into the European land - country. Sergei Lesnoy in his book “Where are you from, Rus'?” says the following: “With regard to the word “Ruskolun”, it should be noted that there is also a variant “Ruskolan”. If the latter option is more correct, then the word can be understood differently: “Russian doe.” Lan - field. The whole expression: “Russian field.” In addition, Lesnoy makes the assumption that there was a word “cleaver”, which probably meant some kind of space. It is also found in other verbal environments. Historians and linguists also believe that the name of the state “Ruskolan” could come from two words “Rus” and “Alan” after the names of the Rus and Alans who lived in a single state.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov had the same opinion, who wrote:

“The same tribe of Alans and Roxolans is clear from many places of ancient historians and geographers, and the difference is that Alans are the common name of an entire people, and Roxolans are a word derived from their place of residence, which, not without reason, is derived from the River Ra, as among ancient writers is known as Volga (VolGa).”

The ancient historian and scientist Pliny places the Alans and Roxolans together. Roksolane, by the ancient scientist and geographer Ptolemy, is called Alanorsi by figurative addition. The names Aorsi and Roxane or Rossane from Strabo - “the exact unity of the Rosses and Alans asserts, to which the reliability is increased, that they were both of the Slavic generation, then that the Sarmatians were of the same tribe from ancient writers and are therefore attested to have the same roots with the Varangian-Russians.”

Let us also note that Lomonosov also refers to the Varangians as Russians, which once again shows the fraud of the German professors, who deliberately called the Varangians a stranger, and not a Slavic people. This manipulation and the birth of a legend about the calling of a foreign tribe to reign in Rus' had a political background so that once again the “enlightened” West could point out to the “wild” Slavs their denseness, and that it was thanks to the Europeans that the Slavic state was created. Modern historians, in addition to adherents of the Norman theory, also agree that the Varangians are precisely a Slavic tribe.

Lomonosov writes:

“According to Helmold’s testimony, the Alans were mixed with the Kurlanders, the same tribe of the Varangians-Russians.”

Lomonosov writes - Varangians-Russians, and not Varangians-Scandinavians, or Varangians-Goths. In all documents of the pre-Christian period, the Varangians were classified as Slavs.

“The Rugen Slavs were called for short the Ranas, that is, from the Ra (Volga) River, and the Rossans. This will be more clearly demonstrated by their resettlement to the Varangian shores. Weissel from Bohemia suggests that the Amakosovians, Alans, and Wends came from the east to Prussia.”

Lomonosov writes about the Rugen Slavs. It is known that on the island of Rügen in the city, destroyed in 1168. Now there is a Slavic museum there.

Lomonosov writes that it was from the east that Slavic tribes came to Prussia and the island of Rügen and adds:

“Such a resettlement of the Volga Alans, that is, Rossans or Rosses, to the Baltic Sea took place, as can be seen from the evidence given above by the authors, not just once and not in a short time, as is clear from the traces that have remained to this day, with which the names of cities and rivers are honored must"
But let's return to the Slavic state.

The capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, was located in the Caucasus, in the Elbrus region near the modern villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi. Sometimes it was also called Kiyar Antsky, named after the Slavic tribe of Ants. The results of the expeditions to the site of the ancient Slavic city will be written at the end. Descriptions of this Slavic city can be found in ancient documents.

“Avesta” in one place talks about the main city of the Scythians in the Caucasus, near one of the highest mountains in the world. And as you know, Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in the Caucasus, but also in Europe in general. “Rigveda” tells about the main city of the Rus, all on the same Elbrus. Kiyara is mentioned in the Book of Veles. Judging by the text, Kiyar, or the city of Kiya the Old, was founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani (368 AD), i.e. in the 9th century BC.

The ancient Greek geographer Strabo, who lived in the 1st century. BC. - early 1st century AD writes about the Temple of the Sun and the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece in the sacred city of the Russians, in the Elbrus region, on the top of Mount Tuzuluk.

Our contemporaries discovered the foundation of an ancient structure on the mountain. Its height is about 40 meters, and the diameter of the base is 150 meters: the ratio is the same as that of the Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings of antiquity. There are many obvious and not at all random patterns in the parameters of the mountain and the temple. The observatory-temple was created according to a “standard” design and, like other Cyclopean structures - Stonehenge and Arkaim - was intended for astrological observations.

In the legends of many peoples there is evidence of the construction on the sacred Mount Alatyr (modern name - Elbrus) of this majestic structure, revered by all ancient peoples. There are mentions of it in the national epic of the Greeks, Arabs, and European peoples. According to Zoroastrian legends, this temple was captured by Rus (Rustam) in Usenem (Kavi Useinas) in the second millennium BC. Archaeologists officially note at this time the emergence of the Koban culture in the Caucasus and the appearance of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes.

The temple of the Sun is also mentioned by the geographer Strabo, placing in it the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece and the oracle of Eetus. There are detailed descriptions of this temple and evidence that astronomical observations were carried out there.

The Sun Temple was a veritable paleoastronomical observatory of antiquity. Priests who had certain knowledge created such observatory temples and studied stellar science. There, not only dates for farming were calculated, but, most importantly, the most important milestones in world and spiritual history were determined.

The Arab historian Al Masudi described the Temple of the Sun on Elbrus as follows: “In the Slavic regions there were buildings revered by them. Among the others they had a building on a mountain, about which philosophers wrote that it was one of the highest mountains in the world. There is a story about this building: about the quality of its construction, about the arrangement of its different stones and their different colors, about the holes made in the upper part of it, about what was built in these holes for observing the sunrise, about the precious stones placed there and the signs marked in it, which indicate future events and warn against incidents before their implementation, about the sounds heard in the upper part of it and about what befalls them when listening to these sounds.”

In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the Temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in, in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient Germanic sources, in. If you believe the legends, near the city of Kiyar (Kiev) there was the sacred Mount Alatyr - archaeologists believe that it was Elbrus. Next to it was the Iriysky, or Garden of Eden, and the Smorodina River, which separated the earthly and afterlife worlds, and connected Yav and Nav (that Light) Kalinov Bridge.

This is how they talk about two wars between the Goths (an ancient Germanic tribe) and the Slavs, the invasion of the Goths into the ancient Slavic state by the Gothic historian of the 4th century Jordan in his book “The History of the Goths” and “The Book of Veles”. In the middle of the 4th century, the Gothic king Germanarech led his people to conquer the world. He was a great commander. According to Jordanes, he was compared to Alexander the Great. The same thing was written about Germanarakh and Lomonosov:

“Ermanaric, the Ostrogothic king, for his courage in conquering many northern peoples, was compared by some to Alexander the Great.”

Judging by the evidence of Jordan, the Elder Edda and the Book of Veles, Germanarekh, after long wars, captured almost all of Eastern Europe. He fought along the Volga to the Caspian Sea, then fought on the Terek River, crossed the Caucasus, then walked along the Black Sea coast and reached Azov.

According to the Book of Veles, Germanareh first made peace with the Slavs (“drank wine for friendship”), and only then “came against us with a sword.”
The peace treaty between the Slavs and Goths was sealed by the dynastic marriage of the sister of the Slavic prince-tsar Bus - Lebedi and Germanarech. This was payment for peace, because Hermanarekh was many years old at that time (he died at 110 years old, but the marriage was concluded shortly before that). According to Edda, Swan-Sva was wooed by the son of Germanarekh Randver, and he took her to his father. And then Earl Bikki, Germanareh's adviser, told them that it would be better if Randver got the Swan, since both of them were young, and Germanareh was an old man. These words pleased Swan-Sva and Randver, and Jordan adds that Swan-Sva fled from Germanarech. And then Germanareh executed his son and Swan. And this murder was the cause of the Slavic-Gothic War. Having treacherously violated the “peace treaty,” Germanarekh defeated the Slavs in the first battles. But then, when Germanarekh moved into the heart of Ruskolani, the Antes stood in the way of Germanarekh. Germanarekh was defeated. According to Jordan, he was struck in the side by the Rossomons (Ruskolans) - Sar (king) and Ammius (brother). The Slavic prince Bus and his brother Zlatogor inflicted a mortal wound on Germanarech, and he soon died. This is how Jordan, the Book of Veles, and later Lomonosov wrote about it.

“The Book of Veles”: “And Ruskolan was defeated by the Goths of Germanarakh. And he took a wife from our family and killed her. And then our leaders rushed against him and defeated Germanarekh.”

Jordan. “History is ready”: “The unfaithful family of Rosomons (Ruskolan) ... took advantage of the following opportunity... After all, after the king, driven by rage, ordered a certain woman named Sunhilda (Swan) from the named family to be torn apart for treacherously leaving her husband, tied to fierce horses and prompting the horses to run in different directions, her brothers Sar (King Bus) and Ammius (Zlat), avenging the death of their sister, struck Germanarech in the side with a sword.”

M. Lomonosov: “Sonilda, a noble Roksolan woman, Ermanarik ordered to be torn apart by horses for running away with her husband. Her brothers Sar and Ammius, avenging the death of their sister, pierced Yermanarik in the side; died of a wound at one hundred and ten years old"

A few years later, the descendant of Germanarech, Amal Vinitarius, invaded the lands of the Slavic tribe of Antes. In the first battle he was defeated, but then “began to act more decisively,” and the Goths, led by Amal Vinitar, defeated the Slavs. The Slavic prince Busa and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths on crosses. This happened on the night of March 20-21, 368 AD. On the same night that Bus was crucified, a total lunar eclipse occurred. Also, the earth was shaken by a monstrous earthquake (the entire Black Sea coast shook, there was destruction in Constantinople and Nicaea (ancient historians testify to this. Later, the Slavs gathered strength and defeated the Goths. But the former powerful Slavic state was no longer restored.

“The Book of Veles”: “And then Rus' was defeated again. And Busa and seventy other princes were crucified on crosses. And there was great turmoil in Rus' from Amal Vend. And then Sloven gathered Rus' and led it. And that time the Goths were defeated. And we did not allow the Sting to flow anywhere. And everything got better. And our grandfather Dazhbog rejoiced and greeted the warriors - many of our fathers who won victories. And there were no troubles and many worries, and so the Gothic land became ours. And so it will remain until the end"

Jordan. “History of the Goths”: “Amal Vinitarius... moved the army into the borders of the Antes. And when he came to them, he was defeated in the first skirmish, then he behaved more bravely and crucified their king named Boz with his sons and 70 noble people, so that the corpses of the hanged would double the fear of the conquered.”

Bulgarian chronicle “Baraj Tarikh”: “Once in the land of the Anchians, the Galidzians (Galicians) attacked Bus and killed him along with all 70 princes.”

The Slavic prince Busa and 70 Gothic princes were crucified in the eastern Carpathians at the sources of the Seret and Prut, on the current border of Wallachia and Transylvania. In those days, these lands belonged to Ruskolani, or Scythia. Much later, under the famous Vlad Dracula, it was at the site of Bus’s crucifixion that mass executions and crucifixions were held. The bodies of Bus and the rest of the princes were removed from the crosses on Friday and taken to the Elbrus region, to Etaka (a tributary of the Podkumka). According to Caucasian legend, the body of Bus and other princes was brought by eight pairs of oxen. Bus's wife ordered a mound to be built over their grave on the banks of the Etoko River (a tributary of Podkumka) and in order to perpetuate the memory of Bus, she ordered the Altud River to be renamed Baksan (Busa River).

Caucasian legend says:

“Baksan (Bus) was killed by the Gothic king with all his brothers and eighty noble Narts. Hearing this, the people gave in to despair: the men beat their chests, and the women tore out the hair on their heads, saying: “Dau’s eight sons are killed, killed!”

Anyone who has carefully read “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” remembers that it mentions the long-gone Time of Busovo.

The year 368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. According to Slavic astrology, this is a milestone. On the night of March 20-21, 368, the era of Aries ended and the era of Pisces began.

But let's return to the Slavic chronicle. The discovery of an ancient Slavic city in the Caucasus no longer looks so surprising. In recent decades, several ancient Slavic cities have been discovered in Russia and Ukraine.

The most famous today is the famous Arkaim, whose age is more than 5000 thousand years.

In 1987, in the Southern Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, during the construction of a hydroelectric power station, a fortified settlement of the early urban type, dating back to the Bronze Age, was discovered. to the times of the ancient Aryans. Arkaim is five hundred to six hundred years older than the famous Troy.

The discovered settlement is an observatory city. During its study, it was established that the monument was a city fortified by two wall circles inscribed within each other, ramparts and ditches. The dwellings in it were trapezoidal in shape, closely adjacent to each other and located in a circle in such a way that the wide end wall of each dwelling was part of the defensive wall. Every home has a bronze casting stove! But according to traditional academic knowledge, bronze came to Greece only in the second millennium BC. Later, the settlement turned out to be an integral part of the ancient Aryan civilization - the “Country of Cities” of the Southern Trans-Urals. Scientists have discovered a whole complex of monuments belonging to this amazing culture.

Despite their small size, fortified centers can be called proto-cities. The use of the concept “city” to fortified settlements of the Arkaim-Sintashta type is, of course, conditional. However, they cannot be called simply settlements, since the Arkaim “cities” are distinguished by powerful defensive structures, monumental architecture, and complex communication systems. The entire territory of the fortified center is extremely rich in planning details; it is very compact and carefully thought out. From the point of view of the organization of space, what we have in front of us is not even a city, but a kind of super-city.

The fortified centers of the Southern Urals are five to six centuries older than Homeric Troy. They are contemporaries of the first dynasty of Babylon, the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and the Cretan-Mycenaean culture of the Mediterranean. The time of their existence corresponds to the last centuries of the famous civilization of India - Mahenjo-Daro and Harappa.

In Ukraine, in Tripolie, the remains of a city were discovered whose age is the same as more than five thousand years. It is five hundred years older than the civilization of Mesopotamia - Sumerian!

At the end of the 90s, not far from Rostov-on-Don, in the town of Tanais, settlement cities were found, the age of which even scientists find it difficult to name... The age varies from ten to thirty thousand years. The traveler of the last century, Thor Heyerdahl, believed that from there, from Tanais, he came to Scandinavia, led by Odin.

On the Kola Peninsula, slabs with inscriptions in Sanskrit that are 20,000 years old have been found. And only Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, as well as the Baltic languages ​​coincide with Sanskrit. Draw conclusions.

The results of the expedition to the site of the capital of the ancient Slavic city of Kiyara in the Elbrus region. Five expeditions were carried out: in 1851,1881,1914, 2001 and 2002.

In 2001, the expedition was headed by A. Alekseev, and in 2002 the expedition was carried out under the patronage of the State Astronomical Institute named after Shtenberg (SAI), which was supervised by the director of the institute, Anatoly Mikhailovich Cherepashchuk.

Based on the data obtained as a result of topographic and geodetic studies of the area, recording astronomical events, the expedition members made preliminary conclusions that are fully consistent with the results of the 2001 expedition, based on the results of which, in March 2002, a report was made at a meeting of the Astronomical Society at the State Astronomical Institute Institute in the presence of employees of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, members of the International Astronomical Society and the State Historical Museum.

A report was also made at a conference on the problems of early civilizations in St. Petersburg.

What exactly did the researchers find?

Near Mount Karakaya, in the Rocky Range at an altitude of 3,646 meters above sea level between the villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi on the eastern side of Elbrus, traces of the capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, were found, which existed long before the birth of Christ, which is mentioned in many legends and epics of different peoples of the world, as well as the oldest astronomical observatory - the Temple of the Sun, described by the ancient historian Al Masudi in his books precisely as the Temple of the Sun.

The location of the found city exactly coincides with the instructions from ancient sources, and later the location of the city was confirmed by the 17th century Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi.

The remains of an ancient temple, caves and graves were discovered on Mount Karakaya. An incredible number of ancient settlements and temple ruins have been discovered, many of which have been preserved quite well. In the valley near the foot of Mount Karakaya, on the Bechesyn plateau, menhirs were found - tall man-made stones similar to wooden pagan idols.

On one of the stone pillars the face of a knight is carved, looking straight to the east. And behind the menhir you can see a bell-shaped hill. This is Tuzuluk (“Treasury of the Sun”). At its top you can actually see the ruins of the ancient sanctuary of the Sun. At the top of the hill there is a tour marking the highest point. Then three large rocks, hand-cut. Once upon a time, a slit was cut in them, directed from north to south. Stones were also found laid out like sectors in the zodiac calendar. Each sector is exactly 30 degrees.

Each part of the temple complex was intended for calendar and astrological calculations. In this, it is similar to the South Ural city-temple of Arkaim, which has the same zodiac structure, the same division into 12 sectors. It is also similar to Stonehenge in Great Britain. It is similar to Stonehenge, firstly, by the fact that the axis of the temple is also oriented from north to south, and secondly, one of the most important distinguishing features of Stonehenge is the presence of the so-called “Heel Stone” at a distance from the sanctuary. But there is also a menhir landmark at the Sun Sanctuary on Tuzuluk.

There is evidence that at the turn of our era the temple was plundered by the Bosporan king Pharnaces. The temple was finally destroyed in IV AD. Goths and Huns. Even the dimensions of the temple are known; 60 cubits (about 20 meters) in length, 20 (6-8 meters) in width and 15 (up to 10 meters) in height, as well as the number of windows and doors - 12 according to the number of Zodiac signs.

As a result of the work of the first expedition, there is every reason to believe that the stones on the top of Mount Tuzluk served as the foundation of the Sun Temple. Mount Tuzluk is a regular grassy cone about 40 meters high. The slopes rise to the top at an angle of 45 degrees, which actually corresponds to the latitude of the place, and, therefore, looking along it you can see the North Star. The axis of the temple foundation is 30 degrees with the direction to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The same 30 degrees is the distance between the axis of the temple and the direction to the menhir, and the direction to the menhir and the Shaukam pass. Considering that 30 degrees - 1/12 of a circle - corresponds to a calendar month, this is not a coincidence. The azimuths of sunrise and sunset on the days of the summer and winter solstice differ by only 1.5 degrees from the directions to the peaks of Kanjal, the “gate” of two hills in the depths of pastures, Mount Dzhaurgen and Mount Tashly-Syrt. There is an assumption that the menhir served as a heel stone in the Temple of the Sun, similar to Stonehenge, and helped predict solar and lunar eclipses. Thus, Mount Tuzluk is tied to four natural landmarks along the Sun and is tied to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The height of the mountain is only about 40 meters, the diameter of the base is about 150 meters. These are dimensions comparable to the dimensions of the Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings.

In addition, two square tower-shaped aurochs were discovered at the Kayaeshik pass. One of them lies strictly on the axis of the temple. Here, on the pass, are the foundations of buildings and ramparts.

In addition, in the central part of the Caucasus, at the northern foot of Elbrus, in the late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century, an ancient center of metallurgical production, the remains of smelting furnaces, settlements, and burial grounds were discovered.

Summarizing the results of the work of the expeditions of the 1980s and 2001, which discovered the concentration within a radius of several kilometers of traces of ancient metallurgy, deposits of coal, silver, iron, as well as astronomical, religious and other archaeological objects, we can confidently assume the discovery of one of the most ancient cultural and administrative centers of the Slavs in the Elbrus region.

During expeditions in 1851 and 1914, archaeologist P.G. Akritas examined the ruins of the Scythian Temple of the Sun on the eastern slopes of Beshtau. The results of further archaeological excavations of this sanctuary were published in 1914 in the “Notes of the Rostov-on-Don Historical Society.” There, a huge stone “in the shape of a Scythian cap” was described, installed on three abutments, as well as a domed grotto.

And the beginning of major excavations in Pyatigorye (Kavminvody) was laid by the famous pre-revolutionary archaeologist D.Ya. Samokvasov, who described 44 mounds in the vicinity of Pyatigorsk in 1881. Subsequently, after the revolution, only some mounds were examined; only initial exploration work was carried out on the sites by archaeologists E.I. Krupnov, V.A. Kuznetsov, G.E. Runich, E.P. Alekseeva, S.Ya. Baychorov, Kh.Kh. Bidzhiev and others.

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1339 In the summer of 6847. Great Prince Ivan Danilovich went to the Horde. That same summer, Prince Alexander Mikhailovich Tverskoy went to the Horde, and sent his son Theodore as ambassador. Toe In the winter, Tuvlub, the Totar army, went to Smolensk, with him Prince Ivan Korotopolii. And the Great Prince Ivan Danilovich sent many to Smolensk, according to the Tsar’s word. And they stood a lot near the city. And, without taking the city, they moved away and the volosts fought.

1340 Toe In the spring, Prince Semyon Ivanovich and his brothers went to the Horde. Toe In the autumn, Prince Semyon Ivanovich came out and began his great reign in Volodymyr and Moscow.

1341 In the summer of 6849. Tsar Azhbyak died and Tsar Zhenibek died in the Horde, and killed his brethren.

1342 In the summer of 6850, Metropolitan Theognast went to the Horde to the new king Zhenibek for the payment of ceremonies.forged.

1353 In the summer of 6861. That same summer, Ivan Ivanovich and Prince Konstyatin of Suzdas went to the Horde about the great reign.

1358 In the summer of 6866, Prince Ivan Ivanovich left the Horde for his great reign.

1359 In the summer of 6867. King Zhenibek died, and his son Berdebek reigned over the kingdom with his guardian Tuvlubiy and killed 12 of his brethren. That same year, Murat, Tsar Alexei, was in the Horde and became a metropolitan and suffered a lot from the filthy totars; and by the grace of God the most pure Mother of God came healthy to Rus'. Toe During the winter, the princes of Rusti came to the Horde to Tsar Berdebuk: Prince Andrei Kostyantinovich and all the princes of Rusti with him.

1361 In the summer of 6869. The Rusti princes went to the Horde to King Kidar. And King Kidar was killed by his son Temir the Master and swept away by the entire Horde. And Prince Andrey Kostyantinovich fled from the Horde. And the princes of Orda attack him. And God help Prince Andrey. And Tsar Temir ran across the Volga, and with Mamai the whole Horde. At the same time, the princes of Rostov were robbed in the Horde and released to Rus' naked.

1362 In the summer of 6870. Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and Prince Dmitry Kostyantinovich of Suzdal, having spoken about the great reign of Moscow, sent his boys to the Horde. And Tsar Murat received a letter from Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich for the great reign. And Prince Dmitry Kostyantinovich was in Pereslavl at that time. The great prince went to war against him. He fled to Suzzdal, to his estate in Suzzdal.Toe In the winter of Epiphany, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich came to Volodymyr and began his great reign. The next summer, an ambassador from the Horde came to him. That same summer, Prince Dmitry Kostyantinovich came to Volodymer for his great reign, buying with him a Tsar’s ambassador named Ilyak and with him three hundred Totarins. The Great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich gathered together many people and drove Prince Dmitry to Suzhdal, and then to Nizhny Novgrad. That same summer, Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich expelled Prince Dmitry Galitsky and Prince Ivan Starodubsky from his reign, and those princes came to Nizhny Novgrad to visit Prince Dmitry Kostyantinovich.

1363 In the summer of 6871, Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich marched with his brothers to Suzhdal.

1368 In the summer of 6876. That same summer, Great Prince Dimitri Ivanovich went to Tver and Tver. And Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich Tverskoy fled to Lithuania. Toe In the winter, Prince Olgird of Lithuania went with his army to Moscow, and Prince Semyon Kropiva and Prince Ivan Starodubskaya and all the commanders swept him away with force, and stood near the city for three days, did not take the city, burned the settlements and fought the volosts. Toe During the same winter, Prince Volodimer Andreevich took the city of Rzhev.

1371 In the summer of 6879. Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich Tverskoy left the Horde for the great reign of Moscow and wanted to sit down in Volodymyr. And he didn’t like the spring. Prince Mikhail of Tver sent his army to Kostroma and fought in Mologa and Uglich. That same summer, the Naugorod Lyapuns plundered Yaroslavl and Kostroma. That same summer, Grand Duke Dimitrey Ivanovich sent his governor, Prince Dimitrey Volynsky, and with him howled a lot against Prince Olga of Ryazan. The people of Ryazan, in their pride, do not want to take sabers and spears with them, but want to have belts and pinions. And the Poltsy on Skornishchevo were scattered, and they were slaughtered fiercely. And God help Prince Dmitry of Volyn, governor of the Grand Duke of Moscow. Oleg ran past Ryazan into the field. Great Prince, place Prince Volodimer Pronskago in Ryazan.

1372 In the summer of 6880. Prince Olga of Ryazan gathered many and drove Prince Volodymyr Pronsky from Ryazan, and he sat down in Ryazan. That same summer, Prince Mikhailo Aleksandrovich Tverskoy brought the Lithuanian princes in secret with many forces: Prince Kestutya, Prince Andrei of Polotsk, Prince Dmitry Vruchsky, Prince Vitoft Kestutyevich and many other princes and with them the Poles, and Zhomot, and Zholnyryans, and Poido Sha to Pereslavl, Posad Pozhgosha, and the boyar, they led a lot of people in full. And the Pereslavians of Lithuania were beaten, and many drowned in the river in Trubezh.

1373 In the summer of 6881, Prince Olgird of Lithuania assembled many people, and with him in the Duma, Prince Mikhail Tverskoy, and went to Moscow. Hearing the Great Prince Dimitrey Ivanovich, he gathered many howls and marched from Moscow against Olgird, having first driven out Olgird’s guard regiments, and met up at Lyubutzk. The wallpaper has shelves and if the enemy happens to be deep between them, it’s tough, you can’t fight with a regiment, step down. And they stood for a long time, and Olgird made peace with the Grand Duke, and became weary.

1375 In the summer of 6883. That same summer, Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich of Tverskoy sent his ambassador to Moscow to Grand Duke Dimitry Ivanovich, and sent his own apostates to Torzhek, and the ambassador’s army to Uglich. Hearing this, the Great Prince Dimitrei Ivanovich gathered a lot and went to Tver, and with him Prince Dimitrei Kostentinovich, his father-in-law, Suzdal, Prince Volodimer Andreevich, Prince Boris Konstantinovich Gorodetsky, Prince Semyon Dimitrievich, the Grand Duke's brother-in-law, Prince Andrei Fe Dorovich Moscow, Prince Vasilei Konstantinovich Rostovsky, Prince Ivan Vasilyevich and his brother Prince Alexander Smolensky, Prince Vasilei Vasilyevich and his son Prince Roman Yaroslavsky, Prince Fyodor Mikhailovich Belozerskaya, Prince Vasilei Romanovich Kashinsky, Prince Fyodor Mikhailovich Mozhaiskaya, Prince hz Andrei Fedorovich Starodubskoy, Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Belozerskaya , Prince Vasily Mikhailovich Kashinskoy, Prince Roman Semenovich Novoselskoy, Prince Semyon Konstantinovich Obolenskoy and his brother Prince Ivan Turavskoy. And all those princes serve Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich with their regiments. And the prince went to Tver in the month of Maya on the 29th day, fighting on all sides. The foot soldiers took up arms to plunder and took the city of Mikulin, and completely led the Mikulin people. And all the forces came to Tver and burned the settlements. At the same time, the Naugorodians came with much force to Tver, according to the word of the Grand Duke, and built two bridges on the Volga, abusing their old offense. And Prince Mikhail shut himself up in the city. I rolled up to the city, and made a sign, and lit the archery. And the people of Tver were quenched and the turs were cut to pieces, and they themselves fought quite hard. Here Prince Semyon Bryansk is killed. And the prince stood for a great month, beating every day. And the whole land was empty. And Prince Mikhailo, waiting for Totar and Lithuania, did a lot of harm to himself. And, seeing his inexhaustibility, he sent Bishop Euthymius and his boys to beat the Grand Duke with their foreheads. And the great prince, despite the bloodshed and destruction of the city, made peace with Prince Michael with all his will, as he wanted, and retreated fromTver September on the 8th day. That same summer, the boyar of Naugorodtskoye Prokopeia 70 attacked the river, brought peace to Ustyug, and plundered Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod.

1378 In the summer of 6886. From the Horde Arpash Saltan went to Novugrad to Nizhny in the strength of the great. Having heard this, Prince Dmitry Kostyantinovich Suzhdalsky, father-in-law of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, and sent word to Moscow, calling for help. And Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich went with many forces. And there would be no way to lead the saltan to Arpasha. And Prince Dmitry Kostyantinovich sent his children, Prince Ivan and Prince Semyon, with many forces against the Totars in the field. And I’ll go across the river for Piana, “Arpasha,” they said, “stands on Volchei Voda.” They made a mistake and started drinking honey, fishing, and playing in the wasteland. And the proverb has been nicknamed to this day - “stand drunk across the Drunken River.” And at that time of depravity, the Mordovian prince Alabuga came with an army unknown from Mamaev's horde against the Russian princes and killed Prince Mikhail, and Prince Semyon and Ivan Danilovich drowned on the river. Prince Dmitry, having made a mistake, did not lay down the siege, and after a small escape to Suzhdal with the princess. That same summer, Totarov took Pereslavl Ryazan.

1379 In the summer of 6887. Prince Mamai of the Horde sent the army of his prince Bichig to Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich. The Great Prince gathered together many people and marched against them. And they met by the river near Vozha. Totarov crossed the river and rushed towards the Russian shelves. The Russian prince was hit in the face by them, and from the right country, Timofey Vasilyevich Okolnichei, and from the left country, Prince Danilo Pronskoy. And that hour the Totars ran away, and the great prince chased them across the river to Vozha, and the Totars sank into the river countless times. And the great prince overtook the carts and Totar tents in the field and caught a lot of goods, but they did not see any other carts, the darkness was great then. And then they caught a lot of wealth and returned to Moscow.

AND So, maybe there was silence for many summers, but not very much. There is still a civil war going on in Rus'. According to custom, the princes wet each other, attracting both Tatars and Lithuanians. Novgorodians, Tver, Vladimir, Ryazan... They all burn each other, rob, and take them away. And the Horde? It's similar there: Tsar Zhenibek, and beat his brethren.King Zhenibek died, and his son Berdebek reigned with his guardian Tuvlubiy and killed 12 of his brethren. And King Kidar was killed by his son Temir the Master and swept away by the entire Horde. And Tsar Temir ran across the Volga, and with Mamai the whole Horde. In general, it’s a complete mess, or ZAMYATNYA:

1361 PSRL. T-34. MOSCOW CHRNICALER In the summer of 6869 Prince Dmitry Ivanovich of Moscow went to the Horde to see Tsar Khydyr, and left the Horde before the mess. That same summer, Grand Duke Dmitry Kostyantinovich and his elder brother Prince Andrey, and Prince Kostyantin of Rostov, and Prince Mikhailo of Yaroslavl came to the Horde, and with them there was great confusion in the Horde. King Khydyr was killed by his son Temir-Khozhin and took over the kingdom on the 4th day, and on the 7th day of his kingdom, his temnik Mamai was crushed by his entire kingdom, and there was a great rebellion in the Horde. And Prince Ondrei Kostyantinovich at that time left the Horde for Rus', and on the way the prince hit him with a retaliation, God help Prince Andrei, he will come healthy to Rus'. And Temir-Khozha ran across the Volga and was quickly killed there. And Prince Mamai came beyond the Volga to the mountainous country, and the whole Horde was with him, and the king with him was named Avdulya, and the 3rd king of the east was Kildebek, the son of King Chyanibek. You beat a lot of people, then you end up killed yourself. And other princes shut themselves up in Sarai, calling themselves king Amurat. And Bulak-[Te]mir, the prince of the Horde and Bulgarian, took all the cities along the Volza and Ulysy, and took away the entire Volga route. And the prince of Ardyn Tagai, having taken away the country of Naruchyadsk for himself, remained there. There is a great hunger in them and a lot of confusion, and I will not stop fighting and killing myself by God’s permission for them. Then in the Horde you robbed the princes of Rostov.

D and this is not the same Horde that was under Batu. Everyone there has already converted to Islam. Instead of the election of the tsar, there was a forceful seizure of power by different parties, attempts to establish hereditary power. Certain parts of the Horde begin to show separatism. In addition to the title tsar, the chronicles begin to sound soltan, prince. That is, the Soltans and princes themselves begin to do whatever comes into their heads. The Russian component disappears completely, dissolving in the Kipcha environment, except for those who went to Russia.

T However, the Horde office is still working, and princes regularly visit there, as is customary. Naturally, with gifts and military reinforcements, receiving diplomas. It is no longer clear what the Horde actually is. Already every soltan -prince and his horde. So Mamai’s horde loomed on the horizon. Thus, the patronage of the Horde in relation to Rus' is replaced by the usual relations of vassalage. And attempts to confirm it.

T How Rus' is attacked:

1378 In the summer of 6886. From the Horde Arpash Saltan went to Novugrad to Nizhny in the strength of his greatness.There were opportunities to repel this attack if the Russian army had not gotten too drunk.Nothing is said about the fate of Novgorod. Apparently Arpasha Saltan drank with the princes.

D more: And at that time of depravity, the Mordovian prince Alabuga came with an army unknown from Mamaev's horde against the Russian princes and killed Prince Mikhail, and Prince Semyon and Ivan Danilovich drowned on the river. Prince Dmitry, having made a mistake, did not lay down the siege, and after a small escape to Suzhdal with the princess. That same summer, Totarov took Pereslavl Ryazan.And here is the prologue of the Massacre of Mamayev.

1379 In the summer of 6887. Prince Mamai of the Horde sent the army of his prince Bichig to the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich. And here is the battle on Vozha, where Dmitry Ivanovich defeated Mamai’s army, commanded by Bichig. And Dmitry Ivanovich defeated Mamai’s army without any doubt that he did not defeat the army of the king of the Horde. That is, the king of the Horde is a sovereign in relation to whom Dmitry Ivanovich is a vassal. And in relation to Mamai there is no vassalage. It's just an enemy and nothing more. Mamai is not a king. This is a renegade. He fled from the king of the Horde to the Black Sea steppes and to the Crimea. There this separatist created his horde.

T Thus, the impending battle on the Kulikovo Field is not a battle with the Tatars at all -Mughal yoke for the liberation of Rus'. No way! This is a battle against a certain army that has nothing to do with the Horde. This is just an aggressor from the south and the war is not at all liberating in nature. Now let's see what the battle was like.

1380 In the summer of 6888.The filthy Horde prince Mamai went as an army to the Russian land against the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, and with him all the dark princes of the Horde and with all the Totar forces, and also a hired army Besermeni, Armenian, Fryazi, Cherkasy, Brutasy, Mordovians, Cheremis and other many powers. And the Lithuanian prince Jagailo, with all his Lithuanian strength and husk, went to his adviser Mamai to help the Grand Duke and with him, alone, Prince Oleg Ryazansky, and Mamai to the aid.

The accursed Mamai became proud with great force, imagining himself as a king, and saying: “We are going to Rus', and we will consume the Russian land, and we will destroy the faith, we will burn the churches, we will flog the Christians and completely dissolve them. And there will be no Christian faith, as under Batu there was Christianity in the past.” And combine your strength and gain strength ten hundred thousand.

Hearing that word and praise of Mamaev, the Great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich and the ambassador sent letters throughout the city of his reign to all the princes and bolyars, and governors, and boyar children, and ordered them to quickly go to Moscow. And he himself went to the cathedral church to the Most Pure Mother of God and to the tomb of the great, St. Peter the Metropolitan and prayed with tears to the all-merciful Savior and His Most Pure Mother and St. Peter, asking for help for Poganov Mamai. And bless him, Metropolitan Cyprian.

And he went to the Monk Sergius, abbot, and he blessed him to go to Mamai and gave him two monk brothers to help: Peresvet and Oslyabya. And the great prince went with all his might to Kolomna, and Vladyka Euthymia of Kolomensky blessed him to go against those who were repugnant for the Christian faith, and all the princes, and the governor, and all his people, bless him, and let him go, and see him off. And Vladyka Euphemia commanded all churches to sing prayers for the Grand Duke and for all his people.

The great prince exude his howl one hundred thousand, and the princes who serve him are those 2000 . And the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich went with all his might to the river to the Don.

Prince Andrey Olgirdovich of Polotsk heard this and sent the message to his brother, Prince Dmitry Olgirdovich Bryansky, loudly: “Let’s go, brother, to the aid of Grand Duke Dmitry of Moscow. The filthy Mamai is coming to the Russian land, he wants to captivate Christianity, like Batu.” And, having heard, Prince Dmitry Olgirdovich Bryansky was glad to come. And the two Olgirdovich brothers came to the Grand Duke for help, and the forces were with them 40 000 , and reached the Grand Duke at Don. The Great Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, with his brother and Prince Volodimer Andreevich, traveled across the Oka River and came to the River Don. Olgirdovichi immediately reached. And the great prince greeted and kissed the princes of Lithuania.

The rotten Mamai sent to the Grand Duke to ask for a way out, and expecting to see the Grand Duke Jagiel of Lithuania and Prince Olga of Ryazan, the Christian enemy. At the same time, a blessed letter arrived from the holy great miracle worker Sergius, the abbot of the Trinity minister, who sent an elder to the Grand Duke with the bread of the Mother of God, saying: “Great Prince, fight with the filthy Mamai, God help you, the holy Trinity and the holy martyrs of Russia, princes Boris and Gleb . And don’t expect strength on yourself.”

At the same time, the Lithuanian princes of Volyn came with a governor named Dmitry Bobrok, a man who was sensible and full of reason. And the speech to the Grand Duke: “If you want to fight hard, then we will be transported across the Don to the Totars.” And the great prince praised his word. And they crossed the Don of September on the 7th day. The Grand Duke ordered Dmitry Bobrokov to organize and organize the regiments, he also organized the regiments.

And the filthy Mamai went to the Don with all his might. On the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the 8th day in the second hour, the Russian regiments marched with the filthy on the Nepryadva River near the Don. And the slaughter was great. The blood flows more quickly, but a horse can’t gallop from a human corpse. Great forces attacked the Russian regiments ninety miles, and a human corpse at 40 versts. And the battle was from the second hour until the ninth. And the fall of the Grand Duke of strength two hundred fifty thousand, and there are no Totar numbers. The accursed Mamai ran away, and the Grand Duke's forces chased him to the Mechi River. And many Totarov drowned in the river, and Mamai himself was chased away by the forest. The strength of the Grand Duke will return.

The great prince fought with the totara and will not be found alive. And the princes began to cry for him. Prince Volodimer Andreevich said: “Brothers, princes and bolyars and boyar children! Let’s look for the body of our sovereign, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, and whoever finds the body of the Grand Duke will be among our leaders.” And many princes and bolyars and boyar children were scattered through the oak grove to deceive the sovereign. And two sons of the boyars of Kostroma jumped away a mile away, and the name of one was Sobur, and the other was Grigory Kholpishchev, and ran over the sovereign, sitting under a birch tree under the cut, wounded, very bloody, in a single gray hair. And having gotten to know him, I recited to him: “Rejoice, Sovereign Prince Dmitry Ivanovich.” He looked at them: “Oh, dear squad! Whose victory? They said: “Yours, Grand Duke, a hundred on the bones of the Totars are your princes and bolyars and governors.” Grigorei Kholpischev ran with the news to Prince Volodimer Andreevich and to all the princes and bolyars and told them: “Long live the Great Prince!”

Radi, once upon a time, mounted a horse, ran over the sovereign, sitting in an oak grove, bloody, and Sabur standing over him. And all the princes and bolyars and the whole army bowed to him. And he washed him with warm water and put him in the ports. And she rode on horses, and stood on Totar bones under the black sign, and captured a lot of Totar wealth: horses and armor, and returned with victory to Moscow.

Then the prince of Lithuania Jagailo was not quick to help Mamai and ran back, not by hearing God’s help to the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich. And he didn’t reach Mamai 30 miles. At the same time, the murdered princes, and the governor, and the boyars, and the children of the boyars: Prince Fyodor Romanovich and his son Prince Ivan Belozersky, Prince Fyodor and his brother Mstislav of Turov, Prince Dmitry Manastyrev, the elders Alexander Peresvet, his brother Oslebya and many other princes and boyars Orthodox and all sorts of people. And the great prince stood over the Russian people and bones for eight days and ordered the boyars to put them in logs, and to bury many people. And the people of Ryazan, playing dirty tricks on the Grand Duke, crossed the bridges on the rivers. Then the Grand Duke wanted to send an army against Olgird of Ryazan. He ran to a distant place with the princess and from the Bolyars, leaving his patrimony, and the Ryazan people finished off the great prince, and the great prince installed his governors in Ryazan.

1381 In the summer of 6889. Damned Mamai still gathered a lot of strength and went to Rus'. And a certain king named Takhtamysh came out from the eastern country from the Blue Horde with many forces. And may he be right with Momai. And Tsar Tokhtamysh recaptured him, and Mamai ran and ran to Kafa. And there you were a certain guest from Fryazen, and you told many that you had done a lot of evil to Christianity. And there I killed him. And Tsar Tokhtamysh is sitting on the Horde.

Chronicles are ancient Russian writings; they described events year by year, described the life of ordinary people and the princely court, copied legal documents and church texts. They covered different periods for description. In some, the description came from biblical events, and in others, from the settlement of lands by the Slavs. The emergence of the state and the adoption of Christianity are described. They described all the historical events that occurred in Ancient Rus'. Each period described in them, of course, contains elements of ideology and propaganda of unification, descriptions of the merits of the princes. In addition to historical events, there is a description of the state policy and the way of life of the Slavs.
Unlike European chronicles, which are written in Latin, Old Russian chronicles are written in Old Russian. What made them accessible, since in Ancient Rus' there were many men and women trained to read and write, and there were also many very educated people.

Chronicle centers in Ancient Rus'

Various methods of keeping and writing were used in the chronicle. Here, for example, we used lists. These are rewritten copies of ancient chronicles. Changes were made for various reasons. If the prince changed, then it was necessary to glorify the deeds, describe the events of past years in a new way, making changes, taking into account new events. This was also done to introduce religious aspects into the writing.

The concept of “corpora” or “consolidated chronicles” is also used. The chronicle of Ancient Rus' is a description of what is happening chronologically. The description takes place from the point of view of the ruling class; the entire process of chronicling was under the control of the authorities. Ideology played an important role.

Kiev-Pechersk Monastery - the center of chronicle writing

This place has always been the main shrine and pride. It was here that many of the brightest and most worthy people lived, dressing as monks, after cutting their hair, moving away from the bustle of the world and the blessings of life, completely devoting themselves to the affairs of God. This is not only a shrine, but also a center of enlightenment. And later - the main concentration of chronicle writing. It was within these walls that the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” was compiled and recorded for a long time. And the monk Nestor, who created this and a number of other significant works, lived here, doing many holy deeds, for 41 years. He, together with other monks, compiled a scripture about the Old Russian Church, described all the important church events and gave a description of its features in Rus'. After his death, his incorrupt body was transferred and still rests in the cave of the Lavra.
The Vydubetsky Monastery also plays a special role. Within the walls of the Vydubetskaya shrine, Hegumen Matthew was engaged in maintaining the Kyiv vault, in which he chronolized events in the period 1118-1198. Gave them a very accurate description and disclosure, without distorting the facts. This work is also one of the written monuments, which plays an important role in the study of the history of our ancestors. It became a logical continuation of the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years.”

The Kiev model of keeping formed the basis for the creation and application of principles in writing chronicles. This is where the rules and methods are based.

What were the names of the centers of chronicle writing in Ancient Rus':

  • Novgorod
  • Vladimir-Suzdal
  • Galicia-Volynsky

Novgorod Chronicle Center

Novgorod was the largest city with a developed structure, so it became a center for chronicling. A description of the city can be seen in the “Tale of Ancient Years” for the year 859. In the 11th century, Yaroslav the Wise, having ascended the throne, did not stay in Kyiv; his court spent 10 years in Novgorod. All this time the city was considered virtually the capital of Rus'.

Compilation began in the 11th century with the writing of the first Novgorod Chronicle. In total, four of them were created, but the rest were written later. It included:

  • Brief description of “Russian Truth”
  • Brief description of the legal collection
  • Description of ongoing events and processes

Vaults were also built here, led by the mayor Ostromir. But history has not left us any information about him.

Vladimir-Suzdal Chronicle Center

The Vladimir Church is the place where the monks were engaged in keeping chronicles. Chronicle collections, the earliest of those that have come down to us, there are two of them, compiled from 1177-1193, describe the “Chronicle of Pereyaslavl Russian”. They covered politics, church life, and described life and main events at the princely court. Everything was presented and interpreted from the point of view of the church. Only at the beginning of the 12th century did chronicles begin to be written at the princely court.

Galicia-Volyn Chronicle Center

For these lands, the confrontation between princely and boyar power has always been a big problem. The chronicles were created at court, so the main idea when writing was strong and fair princely power, and the complete opposite - boyar power. Perhaps the chronicle was written by warriors. They described events as separate fragments and descriptions. They stood on the side of the princely power, so the idea of ​​fighting the boyars, a negative description of their desire for power, runs through the chronicle.

The Galician-Volyn Chronicle dates back to a later period, approximately 1201-1291. She entered the Ipatiev Vault. Later it was drawn up in the form of a chronology; before registration it consisted of parts:

  1. Galician Chronicle, compiled in Galicia in 1201-1261.
  2. Volyn Chronicle, compiled in Volyn 1262-1291.

Main feature: church events and way of life were not described.

The first ancient Russian chronicle

The oldest Russian chronicle was called “The Tale of Bygone Years.” Created in the 12th century. This is a consistent chronological description of events on the territory of Rus', the place of creation is the city of Kyiv. It was redone an unknown number of times, but no fundamental changes were made. In any case, this version is officially considered correct.
Contains descriptions up to 1137, but dates back to 852. Consists of a large number of articles of different nature. And each one contains a description of a specific year. The number of articles coincides with the number of years described. As a rule, each section begins with a phrase in the form: “In the summer of such and such” and then there is a description, excerpts from important documents or in the form of legends. It got its name because of the phrase that appears at the beginning - “The Tale of Bygone Years.”

The oldest chronicle, the most ancient Russian chronicle, “The Tale of Bygone Years,” which has survived to this day, was rewritten by the monk Lawrence and dates back to the 14th century. The original chronicle, unfortunately, is lost forever. Now later versions have been found with various modifications by other authors.
At the moment there are many versions of the history of the chronicle. If you believe them, then it was completed in 1037, and the author is still the monk Nestor. It was even rewritten under Nestor, because he made changes there to add Christian ideology, and additions of a political nature were also made. Ideology, even in those days, was an important tool for strengthening princely power. Other versions say the date of creation is 1100. It is generally accepted that the oldest Russian chronicle of the beginning of the 12th century. is "The Tale of Bygone Years".

The distinctive feature is that it contains a structured description of events and does not try to interpret them in one’s own way. The Will of God came first; its existence explained many events. The cause-and-effect relationship was not interesting and was not reflected in the work. The genre of the Tale of Bygone Years was open; it could include anything, from various legends to weather reports. The chronicle had legal force on a par with the set of officially accepted documents.

The purpose of writing the first ancient Russian chronicle, called “The Tale of Bygone Years,” was to clarify the roots of the Russian people, the philosophy of Christianity and a description of the valiant princely power. It begins with a story and discussion about the origin and settlement. The Russian people are shown as descendants of Noah's son, Japheth. The basis to which most of it is subordinated consists of legends about the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, about wars and brave heroes. The ending consists of battle stories from the princes' obituaries.
“The Tale of Bygone Years” is the first important document that described the history of Rus' from its very beginning. It played a very important role in further historical research and is a very important source of knowledge about our ancestors.

Old Russian chroniclers

Nowadays, information about chroniclers is collected bit by bit. The centers of their writing were, as a rule, temples. Chroniclers of Ancient Rus', names: Nestor and Hegumen Matthew. These are some of the first chroniclers; others appeared later. Initially, chronicles were written almost everywhere only in churches, and later at princely courts. Unfortunately, nothing is known about the life of Jehumn Matthew, except that he was engaged in chronicle writing at the Vydubetsky Monastery.

We know little more about Nestor the chronicler. While still a seventeen-year-old teenager, he received monastic rank from Theodosius of Pechersk. He came to the monastery already a literate and educated person; there were many teachers in Kyiv who could teach him. In addition to “The Tale of Bygone Years,” Nestor left us a lot of works, one of them: “The Biography of Theodosius of Pechersk,” which he often saw as a novice. In 1196, he witnessed the destruction of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In his last works, he raised topics about the unity of Rus' with Christianity. Death overtook the chronicler at the age of 65.


Chronicles, summary chronicles and chronicle lists have only partially survived to this day, which help in studying the history of the ancient Slavs, political events, and the way of life of both the common people and the princely court.