What exercises are needed to make the blow stronger. Fist and punch training

Impact force largely depends on the natural qualities of a person. Even among professional boxers, there are those who have a knockout blow, and there are those who are not “knockouters”, although they have a fairly powerful blow.
And yet, the impact force of an ordinary person who is fond of sports can be increased. To do this, there are several exercises that need to be performed as often as possible.

First of all, this is the well-known push-up with fists, which must be performed on a hard surface in several approaches. The number of push-ups should be selected individually, based on your own training. Bending and extending your arms at a fast pace is a kind of imitation of blows, which will help to significantly strengthen them.

The second way to develop punching power is to use weights when practicing punches or shadowboxing. Small dumbbells with a total weight of 2-3 kilograms are ideal for this purpose. Shadowboxing should be done over three rounds lasting three minutes each.

You need to rest for 1-2 minutes between rounds. At the same time, direct, side blows and blows from below are practiced. When your hands are strong enough, you need to train “series of blows.”
You can significantly increase the impact force when training with a light barbell or barbell from this barbell.

Hands with the barbell in the “chest” position are sharply thrown forward in front of you, and then return to their original position. You should know that this exercise requires initial preparation and thorough warm-up of the hands before performing it.

A kettlebell weighing from ten to sixteen kilograms will help increase striking power. You can perform a wide variety of exercises with it, such as: bench chest press; presses and jerks alternately with the left and right hand while standing; "eights".

It must be remembered that all exercises with a kettlebell must be performed in “extension”. “Bending” exercises increase the strength of the arms, but at the same time they stiffen them, which does not contribute to the development of sharpness and force of impact.

Exercises that simulate chopping wood are good for developing punching power.

You can “split wood” at home using a small sledgehammer and a tire, however, this exercise requires the strictest adherence to safety precautions. It’s better to do it outside, away from home furniture and other people.

Which muscles are more important for a striker? How to improve coordination, increase strength and impact speed?

Many of your physical aspects, such as coordination, strength, speed, depend on the muscles of the lower half of the body. While the more technical aspects of a striker - such as accuracy of strikes and defensive technique - depend on the upper body parts. Depending on what you consider most important to you, you can focus on developing strength, manual speed, endurance, or all three.

The key concept in effective punching training is understanding which muscles are used in boxing and the ability to develop them.

By “legs” in this case we are considering the calf muscles and lower leg. In boxing, all punches come from the ground. Since you are standing on the ground with your feet, it is from the entire force of the blow depends on the legs. In addition, do not forget that in The legs contain the largest muscles in the human body. This is why most punches in boxing are thrown using rotation and extension of the legs.

It is the legs that are responsible for the power in strikes. If you look at the great punchers in boxing history, you'll see that they didn't have as much chest and shoulder muscle development as they did leg muscles. Marcos Maidana, Manny Pacquiao, Thomas Hearns, Felix Trinidad. These names are just a few that came to mind first. They don't have bulging torso muscles, but they have cannon power hidden in their fists. Even Mike Tyson was more pumped up in his legs than in his upper body body parts.

The hips are the connecting link between the torso and legs. They also provide the lion's share of striking power through full-body rotation. Another important function of the hips is coordination. Since this part of the body is located in the center, the more developed the hips, the better coordination will be developed.

Abdominal muscles

These abdominal muscles are a whole set of powerful muscles that support the entire body weight. Every part of your body produces some amount of energy, but it is the abdominal muscles that allow you to combine it all into one force. In addition, these muscles are responsible for proper breathing and protection against blows to the body.

The back is a frame that holds all the muscles together and combines the forces that all parts of the human body produce. Another important fact that few people know is that the back is responsible for the recovery of the blow, that is, for the speed with which the hand will return to defense after the blow. Don't forget that when you work with a bag, your hands "push off" after impacts automatically. In a real fight, you will have to expend your energy on returning your arm, and without your back muscles you will get tired very quickly.

The shoulder girdle is very important for the endurance of a striker. If a fighter’s arms are too tired during a fight, then for the most part- these are tired shoulders. Consider this if you feel tired during a fight. In physical terms, this is explained by the relatively small muscles that “hold” heavy arms.

So if you want to throw more punches and still be able to hold your hands high enough, pay more attention to the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Hands are responsible for “transfer” impact force, i.e. it is the link between your energy and your opponent. By themselves, they are not responsible for the impact force - for this legs answer. Accordingly, it is much more important to have fast hands rather than strong hands. Triceps are responsible for the speed of direct blows, and biceps - for the speed of side and uppercuts. You've probably heard more than once from your trainer that you can't “clog” your muscles. This is absolutely correct, you just need to convey the energy and power that the legs and torso give out, and at the same time do it as quickly as possible.

The chest muscles are the connecting link between the shoulders, abdominal muscles and arms. Also, the chest muscles are responsible for the force of impact, which is generated in the upper body parts.

Small muscles.

The neck muscles are needed to resist impacts. The wrist muscles are needed to make a fist and increase impact force.

You will immediately think that you need to increase your total body weight (gain mass) in order to hit as well. But no. To increase the force of a punch, you need to understand what it is formed from. Let's talk about this.

Hack on your nose

Speed ​​alone is not enough to deliver a strong blow. You need to put in your whole weight, only then will there be a result.

Do not straighten your arm completely upon impact to avoid dislocating the joints. Strike from different angles.


  1. should be slightly wider than shoulder width;
  2. the heel rises first;
  3. When hitting, the foot must be turned in the direction of the movement of the hand;
  4. when striking with the right hand, the left foot is in place, and the heel of the right is raised and vice versa.

Other Features

  1. Your knees should be slightly bent and your body weight should be shifted forward.
  2. Turn your hips towards your opponent, simultaneously with the strike.
  3. Full body movement upon impact, with a close throw of the arm, is more effective.
  4. Never reach forward. Turn your body sharply.
  5. When swinging, do not move your hand back - your opponent will guess the maneuver.
  6. The fist must be clenched as tightly as possible upon impact.
  7. Exhale with each blow.

Watch the instructional video on how to punch correctly:

How to increase impact power: exercises

1. Stuffing the Ball

Find the heavy ball that boxers use in training. If you don't have one, use a basketball one. Do the following:

  • feet shoulder-width apart, body straight. Raise the ball high above your head. Hit the ball hard on the floor and catch it after it bounces. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times.

2. Jump Squats

1. Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides;
2. Squat down until your knees are level with your hips;
3. Jump up as much as possible, while raising your arms;
4. Repeat the jumps until you run out of strength (for a better effect, you can pick up dumbbells).

Leg muscles

Beginner, know this: to develop a strong punch, you need to start by developing your leg muscles. They play a big role when executing a shot. Squats with weights help to develop the muscles of the legs as much as possible.

Upper body muscles

As for the upper body, the triceps, back muscles and shoulders play a big role for a powerful blow.

Basic exercises that develop these muscle groups:

  1. pull-ups;
  2. fist push-ups;
  3. reverse push-ups;
  4. lifting the weight (forward, up).

Source: depositphotos.com

1. Use a wrist expander regularly. Buy the hardest implement and work alternately with both hands. Be sure to squeeze the expander sharply, applying all your strength. The exercise helps develop the interdigital muscles. As a result, the fist will begin to weigh more, and the force of the blow will accordingly increase.

2. Every day, jump rope with your hips high. Try to reach your chest with your knees.

3. Exercises with a sledgehammer are no less effective. Take a tool (it’s best to do this near the garage) and start hitting unnecessary tires. During the exercise, exactly those muscles that work during impact are activated.

If you want to figure out how to increase your punching power, you need to understand how exactly the power needed to deliver a devastating punch is generated. We will tell you about several techniques that will allow you to learn to hit clearly and confidently.

Points to remember

A powerful punch is obtained not only due to the high speed of the lunge, but also with the help of its own weight. If you can put the entire mass of your torso into your hand, the result will exceed all expectations. In order to avoid possible injuries in the form of dislocations, it is necessary to strictly follow the technique, taking precautions when performing exercises.

Meaning and position of feet

The feet play an important role in increasing the striking power of the hands. Their movement and position are subject to the following rules:

  • The feet should be positioned slightly wider than the shoulder girdle.
  • The leg is turned in the direction of the movement performed by the hand, while initially the heel is always raised.
  • When a strike is performed with the right hand, the right heel rises beforehand, and the left one stands motionless. And so on the contrary.
  • Remember that proper foot placement during a lunge greatly increases its power, but is not the only determining factor to consider.

To increase the power of your fist at home, you need training, but before you start, be sure to familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • During the attack, the knees should be kept slightly bent and the body weight should be shifted slightly forward.
  • At this time, the hips turn in the direction where the opponent is.
  • In close contact combat, increased pressure is facilitated by full-scale movement of the entire body.
  • You cannot stretch forward; body movements must be sharp and clear.
  • If you move your arm back when swinging, you give the opponent time to orient himself and predict the direction of the arm's movement.
  • When attacked, the hand is clenched as tightly as possible.
  • Every new element occurs with the exhalation of air.

Exercises to develop punching power

To increase the strength and speed of attack you need to exercise. A set of exercises contributes to achieving this goal:

Kick the ball

In order to perform this training, you need a sufficient amount of free space. Choose a heavier ball. The best one is the one with which boxing athletes train. The technique of performing the exercise consists of the following steps:

  • feet stand at shoulder width (maybe a little wider);
  • the body is straightened;
  • the ball is raised high above your head;
  • the ball is hit firmly on the ground and caught after it bounces.

Stuffing is done at least 15-17 times.

Jumping out of a deep squat

Repeat exercises that increase impact power as long as you can. Proceed as follows:

  • stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, and place your arms at your sides;
  • squat until your hips and knees form a straight line;
  • Jump higher and at the same time raise your arms.
  • you need to jump as high as possible, with maximum repetitions.

Those who are not new to the sport can double the effect by picking up dumbbells.

Training of the shoulder girdle, triceps and back

These muscle groups are far from the least important in training striking power.

You can train them with the following exercises:

  • You may have heard that push-ups increase punching power. It's true. Take a lying position and place your hands as close to one another as possible. The back remains straight without arching. Bend your arms and straighten them with maximum amplitude. In order to strengthen your hands, you can.

  • Pull-ups. When doing pull-ups, your hands hold the bar wider than your shoulders. To increase performance, you can hang a weight on your belt in the form of a strap with a barbell plate attached to it. The number of repetitions should be as much as your physical fitness allows.

  • Reverse push-ups. You can perform this type of exercise with a bench. Stand with your back to her, lean your elbows on your palms, and squat down slightly without arching your back. Lower and rise by bending and straightening your arms. For the desired effect, perform 3 sets of 20 times.

  • Kettlebell lifts will help strengthen your hands and develop your deltoids. Deltas are of great importance for the development of attacking movements. Above all, this is the equipment that exercises will help you build muscle.
  • Kettlebell raises forward. Spread your legs to the sides, and hold the projectile in a straightened hand between your legs. Bend your knee joints slightly. With a sharp movement, lift the weight forward so that a right angle is formed between the body and the projectile. At the same time, make sure that your back remains straight at the top extreme point. Perform 8 repetitions for each arm. When performed correctly, you should feel tension and trembling in your muscles.

  • Lifting the weight up. The execution is similar to the previous one, but lift the projectile above your head. We recommend 8 to 12 repetitions for each side.

  • Classic kettlebell lift. Place the apparatus between your spread legs. The hand is placed on top of it so that the hips remain slightly behind. A sharp upward jerk is performed, while the weight is thrown onto the shoulders, and then lifted above oneself with a push. Returns to the starting position. Perform 10 lifts on each arm.

  • Raises with a kettlebell from a seated position. Throw the weight over your shoulder and squat down. Extend your free hand forward to maintain your balance. Lift the weight above you, wait a second, lift your torso. Change your hand. Make sure your glutes and calves remain tight. Perform 5-10 repetitions on each arm, depending on your physical fitness and weight of the apparatus.

  • Working to overcome reverse resistance will help increase the force of your hand strike. Cut a piece of elastic from the tire, or buy a thick elastic band for exercise in the store. Fasten one end tightly to the wall behind your back, and take the other end in your hand. Perform “punching” movements forward, overcoming resistance and stretching the elastic band. Move your arm back gradually to avoid injury.
  • Two weights up. Throw both projectiles onto your shoulders. Take a deep breath into your lungs, jerk them above your head, and then slowly lower them. Tighten your abs while doing this.

To develop a strong blow, you can use the following methods and techniques:

  • . Choose the toughest one. Squeeze it sharply and with maximum force. This develops the interdigital muscles and forearms, which will make your fists stronger and stronger.

  • Jump rope every day. Jump by raising your hip as high as possible.
  • Take a sledgehammer and hit the old tires with it. This activates the right muscle groups and builds endurance.
  • If you are working in tandem with “paws”, then imagine that the target is a couple of centimeters further, try to punch through it. This is how you work for speed.
  • Don't neglect shadow boxing. This exercise will help you learn how to deliver sharp, unexpected blows, which at the same time are the most effective, since the enemy often does not have time to react.
  • An explosive blow develops a push-up on the palms of the hands, lifting them off the floor. Perform 3 sets of 10 times each.
  • If possible, use gloves when using a punching bag or similar exercise machine.

Interesting! There is an opinion that a lighter in a fist increases the force of a blow. In fact, opinions on this matter differ. Some believe that not only a lighter, but any ergonomically shaped object held in the hand, for example, a matchbox, can increase strength, while others insist that only a heavy metal lighter will help.

These exercises will help you train your endurance and make your tendons and muscles stronger. If you perform them comprehensively and systematically, the first results will become noticeable within 2 weeks. For a detailed study, watch a video of effective exercises.

Video: Impact force training from a professional

Physical strength and a strong blow are not identical concepts. A correctly placed blow can be taken by a completely inconspicuous-looking athlete. The main thing in a good strike is the correct technique. And you need to work long and carefully on this technique.

You will need
- metal sledgehammer;
- boxer paws;
- help from a partner;
- boxer paws;
- hand expander;
— rigidly fixed car tire;
- jump rope.
1. Constantly work with the wrist expander. Choose the stiffest one you can find and work alternately with both hands. Squeeze the expander sharply, with maximum force. This exercise will allow you to gradually completely get rid of subcutaneous fat on your hands and maximally develop the interdigital muscles. As a result, the weight of the fist will be greater and the blow will be stronger.
2. If you are not involved in professional boxing, but fight with your bare hands, be sure to include plyometric push-ups on your fists in your training. Take an emphasis lying on your fists, your feet resting on the floor only with your toes. Slowly lower your body down, trying to touch your chest to the floor. Then, with a sharp push, throw your body up and clap your hands under your chest at the moment of flight. Land strictly on your fists. These push-ups will develop the pushing power of both hands, and the knuckles will become rougher and less sensitive to pain when punching.
3. Perform exercises to develop a strong kick with your legs. Any blow begins with a kick. Approximately 40% of the force and sharpness of the blow depends on this movement.
4. Jump rope with a high simultaneous hip lift every day. Try to push off the floor sharply and strongly, jumping up so that your knees touch your chest.
5. The strength of the biceps plays the last role in the blow. Rather, on the contrary, strong flexors prevent you from delivering a truly knockout blow. Learn to strike with a relaxed hand.
6. A mandatory exercise for all boxers is training with a sledgehammer. Take a strong all-metal sledgehammer and use it to hit a car tire that is buried in the ground or otherwise firmly secured. This way you will achieve relaxation of the biceps and engage exactly those muscles that are necessary for striking.
7. When working with a partner on the paws, strike as if you were trying to pierce the paw through. It has been proven that just before reaching the target, the movement of the hand slows down slightly and the blow loses its force. Therefore, hit as if the target you are trying to hit is 10-15 cm further away.
8. The blow is carried out at the moment of making a rotational movement of the body and transferring the support from the right leg to the left. To put the full centrifugal force of your body into the blow, your fist must touch the target before you touch the floor with your left foot. Otherwise, most of the power of the blow will “go to the floor.”
9. The strongest blows are delivered very quickly, so that the enemy does not have time to see them and react. The best way to practice fast strikes is shadowboxing. Do this exercise every day for 10-15 minutes.
10. To avoid wasting the kinetic force of the push, make sure that the blow comes from the shoulder. The elbow and fist should move in the same plane.
11. Practice throwing a punch by clenching your fist with maximum force at the very last moment before making contact with the target. This will make the blow hard and dry. Until this moment, the hand should be practically relaxed. Practice this skill at a fast pace, alternating between punching and open palm strikes.