What is the most beautiful eye color? What eye color is the most beautiful What eyes are the most beautiful according to experts.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, they attract and fall in love with themselves. Even an ordinary face is transformed by a piercing, mysterious look. But what is the most beautiful eye color? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, but men and women have a definite opinion on this matter.

The most unusual eye color

The most beautiful eye shade, according to men

Representatives of the stronger sex are attracted to different types of appearance. Some like gentle and romantic blondes, someone is crazy about passionate brunettes. According to sociological surveys, opinions, as expected, were divided.

Blue was recognized as the most romantic color. In particular, a cold, greenish tint. This color of the iris is characteristic of the Nordic type of appearance. And northerners, according to men, are a classic example of a sophisticated girl.

Lovers of passionate natures indicated their favorite brown eye color. These "mirrors of the soul" contain a lot of pigment that protects the retina from direct sunlight. For this reason, a similar color of the iris is characteristic of southerners. The image of Penelope Cruz, Salma Hayek or Monica Bellucci immediately pops up in memory.

According to the man, the main thing is not the color of the retina, but the depth of the look, mystery and the ability to flirt with one stroke of the eyelashes.

What eye color is the most beautiful, according to women?

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are more attentive and demanding on eye color. Although there is no consensus on this issue, women love to speculate on this topic.

Girls prefer unusual colors of the iris - light green, blue-blue, golden brown. Therefore, among the buyers of colored contact lenses, there are much more women than men.

Light greens are associated with witchcraft and mystery. Hence such a love for the eyes of the color of the sea wave. Moreover, such a shade of eyes is rare.

Blue-blue - this is tenderness, wisdom, kindness. Polls have shown that women love brunettes with deep blue eyes.

Oddly enough, you can tell a lot about a person by looking into his eyes. No wonder they say: "The eyes are the mirror of the soul." Knowing certain information, you can easily determine the character of a person, his weaknesses and virtues. To date, the most beautiful has not been installed. All of them are unique, not like others and have their own characteristics. Scientists deciphering and studying this information cannot unequivocally state what this or that eye color means. Let's look at some general points about this.

For some eyes - blue. Experts believe that this includes extraordinary romantics, dreamers who rely on feelings and are guided by them, tend to fantasize and succumb to emotions. As a rule, women with love attention, courtship, romance. They are very vulnerable, and you can expect frequent mood swings from them. It also happens that as a result of experiences, girls fall into depression. Unfortunately, the most beautiful eye color, according to many, also belongs to the coldest. Often such people are not capable of deep feelings, they are guided only by a fleeting passion. Representatives of this group are over-irritable, capricious and angry. But mostly young people have generosity, purposefulness, perseverance and conscientiousness.

Another type of people are those who believe that green is the most beautiful eye color. Their owners, as a rule, are assertive, purposeful, demanding and stubborn. In appearance, these are independent, strict and correct people, but in fact they are gentle, sympathetic and sweet people. They do not tolerate lies, pretense, although they themselves are cunning and insidious. If such people fell in love with someone, then in a relationship they are faithful and caring. They are considered neat, persistent and authoritative people. They do not require everyone's attention, but simply need respect.

Often, when answering the question of what is the most beautiful eye color, brown is called. In fact, the owners of such eyes are very interesting people who are passionate, impulsive and energetic people. By nature, these are clear leaders who have an imperious and quick-tempered character. There are also attacks of aggression. But in most cases, charm and warmth on their part bring all conflicts to naught. People of this type are decisive, fearless, easily forgive insults and quickly forget scandals. They have such qualities as sociability, wit, confidence.

The last type of people that we will look at are people with They are very smart, hardworking and inquisitive. This type is distinguished by its realism, practicality, reliability and patience. Such people always keep secrets, and never betray loved ones. Honesty, kindness and responsiveness are the main positive qualities of gray-eyed. As a rule, such people have great willpower, courage, and sometimes they are jealous. Summing up, it is impossible to say unequivocally which eye color is more beautiful. All of them are magnificent and irresistible in their own way.

All people on the planet are individual and have their own personal eye color, which is transmitted either by inheritance or through genetic changes. At the same time, many are interested in the question of the structure and why exactly one or another shade arises in a person. Next, consider the various tones and the reasons for their appearance, subsequently determining the most beautiful eye color.


The iris itself consists of two layers, in which there are pigments. Based on how exactly they are located, the color and shade depend. It is also worth adding that the shell fibers, the amount of melanin (produced by the body) and blood vessels play an important role. Despite the fact that the eyes have a large number of shades, there are still several primary colors.

Most of the population have brown eyes. But green is considered one of the rare ones. Many claim that the most beautiful eye color cannot be determined, because they are all unique in their own way, but you can try to do it.

So why green?

In the event that a person produces an insufficient amount of melanin in the body, then his eyes turn green. But this color has become rare for a completely different reason. The Holy Inquisition of the 12th-19th centuries was to blame for everything. Due to a misconception about the origin of green eyes and red hair, all girls with such data were equated with witches and burned at the stake.

This color is obtained by mixing the yellow outer shell and the blue background.

It is thanks to this that the shell takes on such a color, which in the modern world is considered the rarest.

Moreover, based on the intensity of the shade, there can be a large number of options for this color. The rarest is emerald green. Therefore, the most beautiful eye color can be considered green.

rare eyes in the world

Often the owners of this color are the Germans, Scots and the eastern and western peoples of Europe. At the same time, it will not be uncommon to meet green eyes in a Turk, because 20% of the population have this particular color. And in Iceland, even 80% have the rarest or blue tint.

At the same time, residents of the Middle East, South America and Asia are practically not born with such eyes.

What eye color is the most beautiful?

Naturally, the concept of beauty is a very subjective thing, and if we talk about the most beautiful eyes and their representatives, then in this case albinos were lucky, who have completely black, purple, amber and red colors.

Even among these tones there is the rarest. It even has a separate name for the mutation "origin of Alexandria". When a person with such changes is born, his eye color does not initially change, only after a while it becomes purple.

This mutation does not affect vision. Rumor has it that Elizabeth Taylor had the most beautiful eye color. Photos of that time, unfortunately, cannot confirm this, since the possibility of technology at that time could not always convey all the shades.

Among natural eyes, the color of which was not caused by a mutation, green is considered the most beautiful, and pure black is in third place.

The most beautiful eye color, according to men

In fact, it is very difficult to find out the most beautiful eye color, according to the stronger sex. The problem is that few men fall in love at first sight. Most of them prefer to evaluate the beauty of a girl in a complex way, along with her eyes. Color does not play the most important role. But it is worth considering them separately for a more comprehensive understanding, because any eyes can be successfully complemented with the right make-up and wardrobe.

As for this eye color, these will be relevant to brunettes and fair-haired. There are some men who, in response to the question, what color of eyes is the most beautiful, the answer is immediately ready - brown. They find them fascinating. In fairness, it should be noted that such eyes are considered more expressive precisely because they have a large iris, which makes them as expressive as possible. Along with this, the whiteness of the eyeball is also emphasized. Thus, brown eyes appear large and expressive.

According to other men, the most beautiful eye color for girls is blue. In fact, only some shades deserve such a title. In men, they are associated with the purity of the sky. In turn, the other half of the stronger sex, on the contrary, considers them faded, inexpressive and mediocre. The most interesting are the results that scientists have obtained by conducting research. In fact, most blue-eyed men match women with exactly the same color. Some, of course, are skeptical about such conclusions and say that distrust of their partner is to blame, because both blue-eyed parents will have a child with this eye color.

As for the green-eyed ones, they are still out of competition.

How can you change eye color?

  1. The easiest and most common way is colored contact lenses.
  2. With the skillful use of makeup and depending on the mood, the eyes can fade or, conversely, become brighter. You can also emphasize their color with the help of clothes.
  3. You can change the shade of the eyes with the help of eye drops that reduce pressure (Bimatoprost, Latanoprost, Unoprostone, Travoprost).
  4. Color change with surgery.
  5. Laser eye correction.
  6. Some even resort to meditation and self-hypnosis. Despite the fact that there is no official evidence of the performance of this method, there are a large number of positive reviews.

In any case, it is worth remembering that there can be no general concept of beauty, and each individual has his own personal idea of ​​​​this. It is important to understand that for a person, the best and prettiest eyes in the world will be those with which he is in love. It will not depend on their color, nor on their shade, nor on their size. Therefore, in order to find out which eyes are the most beautiful, you should first look at your soulmate, and the answer will come by itself.

As you know, the eyes are the mirror of the soul, and then their color is a frame for this mirror. People give very great importance to the color of the eyes, many believe that it is he can tell about a person, reveal his character etc. Today we want to figure out what is the most beautiful eye color and whether there is an ideal shape and color that could dictate fashion and influence the appearance of a person.

Eye color opinions

For different cultures and peoples, the most beautiful eye color is the one that was gifted by nature. For example, it is unlikely that you will meet a gypsy who will say that green or blue eyes are much more attractive to her. For all swarthy peoples, the most beautiful color will be black and dark brown. The same can be said about natural blondes, to whom nature itself has bestowed blue or green eyes, and which suit them perfectly.

The psychological meaning of eye color

People who have black eye color, are energetic persons, they are proactive and restless in nature. Black eyes speak of love and passion. Such people very purposeful, practically no obstacles can stop them on the way to the adored object.

Eye holders hazel color endowed with wit, attractiveness and sensuality. Such people have a huge temperament, they are very quick-tempered, but they quickly move away and forgive insults. Astrologers say that such people can easily find a common language with strangers, they are extremely sociable. brown-eyed people very amorous, however, they can, as quickly as they light up, also sometimes cool down quickly.

blue-eyed people- these are sensual, very emotional and romantic natures. They are capable of reckless and reckless love, sometimes the course of their actions is extremely unpredictable. By the way, these people have a heightened sense of justice, they will always prove the truth, even to their own detriment. The main shortcomings of such people are arrogance and arrogance. People with blue eyes are not always able to feel someone else's problem, they are conflicted, like to argue and always rush things.

Eyes of the beautiful blue color can often hide deceit. People with blue eyes are purposeful and not too sentimental. It is almost impossible to pity them with tears, sometimes they are seized by causeless depression or bouts of intense anger. However, such changes in mood are quite rare, usually blue-eyed people have a calm personality.

Eye owners gray color pretty smart and determined. They do not use the "ostrich method" of solving problems at all. On the contrary, such people are used to solving everything without delay. Gray eyed people sensitive and inquisitive, such people are interested in absolutely everything. It is believed that gray-eyed people are lucky - they are lucky both in love and in work.

Owners beautiful green eyes- These are the most gentle people. They always sincerely and ardently love, they are distinguished by special loyalty to those whom they have chosen. Among men, green-eyed ones are often real knights and gentlemen. Friends love them for their kindness and reliability, while enemies hate them for their firmness and adherence to principles. People with green eyes are good listeners and interlocutors. And in general, green-eyed people are the most prosperous people, they are stable, but at the same time they have a rich imagination. They do great in leadership positions.

Why do people want to change their eye color?

Thanks to the advent of colored contact lenses, changing the color of the eyes has become very easy. It was the increased availability of such a product that stirred up the fashion for changing (sometimes daily) the color of the iris. Many have decided that since it's so easy, why not give it a try. However, there are laws of color and principles of color compatibility, which many people know absolutely nothing about. Therefore, in an effort to get the most beautiful eye color dictated by fashion trends, many often choose something that does not suit them at all. As a result, people with bright purple or blue eyes that cannot be called beautiful walk the streets, often there is just a contrast between appearance and eyes. In this case, the eyes simply play the role of a bright spot, and do not complement the appearance of a person. Therefore, deciding to change the color of the eyes, you should choose a shade closer to your own. After all, it is not for nothing that nature presented you with just such an eye color - this means that for you it is he who is the best.

The same goes for eye color, well, what color is the most beautiful? Probably, the question is rather stupid, the answer to it suggests itself: “Mine, of course!”. And he is absolutely correct. Indeed, in the eyes of any color there is a secret, its own beauty and depth.

They can only be classified somehow, perhaps the most positive of each description can be chosen. So let's think, and in such a way that later everyone runs to the mirror and begins to look at the most attractive eye color with curiosity.


It is no secret that blue eyes are the most attractive color for a huge number of people. Why? Yes, everything is simple, the sky, the water. The answer is in this! Everything lies in human psychology. Both the sky and water are associated with calmness, stability, confidence and harmony, and this, in ordinary life, is so lacking. Therefore, we trust people with blue eyes, we just want to trust them. Most of the owners of a light blue iris also have blond hair, which affects the image of a person very positively.

The beauty of blue eyes is in their sincerity and calmness. This is the key point! And it doesn’t matter what hair color nature has awarded you.


The gray color is conducive to communication in a businesslike manner, and all because it is cold, this is its charm and beauty.

With an interlocutor with gray eyes, there is no doubt that communication will be clear and understandable. Such people know a lot about business, and will not play around or drive around the bush. This is their charm and beauty.

People with gray eyes can also have any hair color. True, depending on what they are wearing, gray-eyed people are perceived differently. Therefore, for business meetings, it is better to choose a formal suit so that the gray color of the eyes becomes even more expressive.

The beauty of blue eyes is in their sincerity and calmness. This is the key point! And it doesn’t matter what hair color nature has awarded you.


It is the color of young foliage, emeralds and swampy areas, it is charged with positive energy. Many owners of such eyes are endowed with bright red hair, which once again proves their main purpose - to bring joy.

The beauty of these eyes, probably, is in the ability to create a holiday even on especially gray days.

Green eyes, moreover, are able to attract and bewitch, an emerald look is very beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and graceful! For a girl, especially. A well-chosen makeup greatly enhances the effect of such a look.


Such people are stable and solid! Communication with them gives a feeling of solid ground under your feet. And all from the fact that brown is the color of the earth, on which to be calm and confident. The beauty of brown eyes is precisely in this. However, it is worth remembering about passion. Dark eyes are a storm of passions, fiery feelings and emotions. The beauty of brown eyes is in their darkness. Such a look is so penetrating that few people are able to resist its magic and charm.

Actually, these are the most common colors of the iris. Of course, there are also their shades: yellow, amber, blue, violet. All of them have their own special beauty.

Therefore, if you still have not answered your question, what eye color is the most luxurious, just go to the mirror and all doubts will disappear. The main thing to remember is that it is your color that is the best. And if you want some changes for the time, then just use special lenses and try on a different image.