What is the likelihood of contracting HIV through sexual intercourse? How is HIV transmitted? If you have unprotected sexual intercourse with someone infected with HIV.

1. During unprotected sexual contact with someone who is HIV-infected or has AIDS. HIV infection can occur when blood, semen, or vaginal secretions of an infected person enter the blood of an uninfected person: either directly or through mucous membranes. What is HIV infection? The low average risk of contracting HIV after a single contact is not a reason to be complacent.

Different routes of infection predominate in different countries and regions (homosexual, heterosexual, injection drugs). At the end of 1996, the US Centers for Disease Control registered 52 cases of occupational HIV infection among health care workers throughout the epidemic in the country.

Factors that increase the risk of contracting HIV through sexual contact

At the same time, a large number of lymphocytes, especially those that serve as a target for HIV (T-4 lymphocytes), reach the surface of the mucous membrane. When a woman has unprotected sexual intercourse, a large amount of the virus contained in the man’s seminal fluid enters the body.

Risk of HIV infection

In addition, HIV is found in higher concentrations in seminal fluid than in vaginal secretions. The information and entertainment portal www.u-hiv.ru will be of interest to people living with HIV and professionals working in the field of HIV/AIDS.

The risk of contracting HIV for both men and women increases if the partner has cervical erosion.

Today there is not a single 100% reliable means of protecting against infection, but research shows us how and to what extent the risk can be reduced. HIV in the inserting partner during vaginal sex is explained by the presence or absence of sexually transmitted diseases, which facilitate the penetration of the virus into the bloodstream.

The likelihood of a woman contracting HIV from a man through sexual contact is approximately three times higher than that of a man from a woman.

This is indirectly evidenced by the average higher life expectancy of men than women in countries with a high prevalence of HIV. South Africa for example, or any country. In other countries where HIV is not so common, women live longer. With vaginal sex, the risk for a man is always lower than for a woman.

For example, sex with an HIV-infected woman who is in the thermal stage (with a huge viral load), during her period, and who also has a whole range of STDs and STIs... Do you want to say in one place the worst option, and in all others the best?

The single-layered epithelium of the rectum is easier for the virus to overcome than the stratified epithelium of the vagina, so the risk of HIV infection is much higher during anal sexual intercourse. The high incidence of AIDS among homosexual men is explained not only by a higher risk of HIV transmission, but also by a larger number of sexual partners.

The literature describes cases of HIV infection during kidney transplantation, as well as artificial insemination with sperm from infected donors. Sexual intercourse is not the most dangerous way of transmitting HIV in terms of the likelihood of infection. The degree of risk of infection depends on the type of sexual contact (vaginal, anal, oral, mixed), their number with one or more sexual partners.

A characteristic feature of recent times is the constant increase in the percentage of cases of HIV infection as a result of heterosexual contacts. Of this number, in 913 cases (39.1%) infection occurred as a result of transmission of the virus from mother to child, in 551 (23.6%) - through blood transfusion, in 113 (4.8%) - during the treatment of hemophilia.

This route of HIV transmission is common among intravenous drug users, as a group of drug addicts often shares a syringe and needle that are not treated in any way. 3. From an HIV-infected or AIDS-infected mother to a child. It is impossible to become infected by sharing utensils and toilets with HIV-infected people, by swimming in the same pool with them, by saying hello and hugging. HIV is not carried by insects. Only knowledge (about the routes of transmission and prevention of HIV infection) and the skills of a particular person can protect him from infection.

The risk is very high with anal intercourse (sexual intercourse through the anus) without protective measures, for both men and women. A woman's discharge may also contain HIV. Our advice: Avoid getting semen or vaginal secretions into your mouth. Sexual intercourse through the mouth only with a condom. With blood and plasma transfusions, despite very effective precautions, there is a minimal risk of infection.

The risk of contracting HIV during anal intercourse is much higher than during vaginal intercourse, since there is a high probability of injury to the mucous membrane of the anus and rectum, which creates an “entry gate” for infection.

There is no risk from insect bites. The virus spreads through contaminated blood transfusions; when using dirty needles for injection; during bisexual and heterosexual contacts. The proportion of infections attributable to heterosexual contact with a partner who is not at risk constitutes the smallest proportion of all cases of infection. Can you get HIV through oral sex?

Proportion of HIV infections by different modes of transmission

In addition to HIV tests, a friend should also undergo tests for gonorrhea - in some places in Thailand, up to 100% of prostitutes and 50% of all other women are infected with it. HIV is an abbreviation for “human immunodeficiency virus.” This is not harmless to the host and in most cases, when viruses are introduced, a certain disease (viral infection) develops.

If semen containing HIV enters the mouth, infection can occur. No one is immune from HIV infection. Any person, man or woman, at any age, regardless of place of residence and religious beliefs, can become infected.

Based on statistics, we can say that men are infected with HIV more often than women. This is due to the profession, position and lifestyle to which representatives of the powerful are exposed throughout their existence.

What is the percentage of a man who gets HIV from a woman and vice versa?

The rate of HIV infection in men is much higher than in women. This is due to the fact that, according to statistics, they are more likely to inject drugs and have more casual sexual relationships. These two factors are the main causes of HIV in men. However, it is easier for a woman to become infected with a retrovirus from her partner due to anatomical features. This difference is justified by the fact that during sexual intercourse, seminal fluid enters the vagina, while sperm containing the pathogen spread a huge number of viral units throughout the pelvis, which equates the risk of infection to 100%.

What is the likelihood of contracting HIV in men?

Transmission of a retrovirus is possible through any contact with an environment that may contain a pathogen. Of course, there are situations with a higher probability of infection, and there are times in which the risk is almost zero.

Life situations with a high probability of infection through sexual contact with an infected person:

Transmission of HIV from woman to man: risk at home

Everyday and medical situations in which there is a small chance of contracting immunodeficiency:

Can a man get HIV from a man by sharing household items?

The probability of contracting HIV in men in such a situation is zero, since the virus is not located on the surface of the skin, and for its penetration an entry gate is needed - injuries, wounds. Infection when using cutlery alone for eating food is also impossible. Although it is believed that saliva retains the virus for some time, this transmission mechanism has not been confirmed by scientific research. It is also worth noting that the likelihood of HIV transmission from a woman to a man through kissing is minimal. Theoretically, this is only possible if both partners have significant damage to the oral mucous membranes.

The rate at which the infection progresses and subsequent therapy depends on how a man becomes infected with HIV. Therefore, you should not neglect prevention and periodic testing for immunodeficiency.

Many people believe the myth that the likelihood of contracting HIV from a single unprotected contact is minimal. For this reason, they lead a carefree, sexually, lifestyle, and during one-time intercourse they ignore contraceptives.

Actually this is not true. It is during a single contact that the immunodeficiency virus is transmitted much more often than through other routes of infection.

The number of HIV-infected people is increasing every day. An untested infected person with whom sexual contact occurred is a carrier of immunodeficiency, and is one of the main reasons for contracting the virus. Such contact can result in disastrous consequences not only for health, but also for life.

According to survey statistics, most patients not only do not remember their partner’s last name, but even their first name. This factor indicates that most people do not believe in the likelihood of infection through unprotected contact that occurred only once, and do not want to realize the danger that threatens not only their health, but also that of some others.

Specialists and scientists in the field of medicine who study immunodeficiency have concluded that the chances of becoming infected with HIV, as well as not being infected, are approximately the same. Of course, the risk of acquiring an infection is higher.

It may be worth considering whether unprotected sexual intercourse is so important, as it increases the chances of contracting HIV, and AIDS will naturally follow.

When HIV infection occurs, a person’s gender plays an important role.

To this day, there is constant debate among scientists about whether the risk of contracting HIV is the same for both females and males during a single sexual intercourse.

Some experts are of the opinion that yes.

But others have a completely different point of view. They believe that an unprotected act is more dangerous for a woman. One of the main reasons is even the slightest damage to the vagina and uterus. For example, with erosion.

An open wound allows infection to enter the bloodstream immediately. After this, the spread of infection throughout the body can no longer be avoided.

Many people mistakenly assume that during the menstrual cycle with unprotected contact, the risk of infection is almost impossible.

Women are more at risk of contracting any disease that is sexually transmitted. All this happens due to ulcers and erosions that are located on the external and internal areas of the genital organs. This factor increases the likelihood of contracting HIV, the consequence of which is AIDS.

We also must not forget that in women, the immune system greatly reduces its activity during any infectious diseases that can only be contracted through sexual contact. This situation further increases the chance of acquiring the immunodeficiency virus.

Although the percentage of HIV infections in men is slightly lower, this does not mean that the safety of unprotected sexual intercourse is guaranteed. Every male representative should remember this and always take precautions.

It should be borne in mind that the presence of immunodeficiency in the sperm of an infected man is much greater than in the secretion secreted by the vagina. This is another reason why the fair half of humanity is more susceptible to developing a disease such as AIDS.

For a man, unprotected one-time contact with an infected partner is no less dangerous when the following factors are present:

  • during the menstrual cycle;
  • in the presence of erosion or any other damage;
  • if there are any other diseases, the infection of which occurs only through the genitals.

For men, the pressing question is what is the likelihood of contracting HIV, AIDS, if interruption of sexual intercourse is used for contraception.

An equally common question is whether it is possible to become infected with HIV if you deviate from traditional sexual intercourse, or whether it is possible to acquire the infection during other types of sexual contact?

Scientists say that with a single anal intercourse without using contraception, the likelihood of becoming HIV-infected is much greater than with traditional sex. HIV transmission lies in the mucous membrane of the anus and passage, which are covered with a large number of microcracks and ulcers. It is not safe to experience this type of sex for the first time.

The reason in this case lies not only in the first penetration, but also from such influencing factors: poor nutrition, constipation, hemorrhoids, proctitis or other similar problems.

When sperm lands on a damaged surface, its penetration into the blood occurs much faster, and immunodeficiency cells immediately begin an active spreading action.

For this reason, the percentage of HIV and AIDS infection among homosexuals is much higher than in other cases.

At first glance, it seems that the safest is oral sex. But that's not true. Although minimal, there is a risk of contracting the immunodeficiency virus.

In this case, the threat of infection increases for the receiving partner. The reasons for this are damage to the oral cavity:

  • the mucous membrane is damaged as a result of the slightest injury:
  • after tooth loss or extraction if there is an open space for infections;
  • for gum diseases.

Having information about the acquisition of immunodeficiency during a single sexual intercourse is not enough. By taking all necessary precautions, you can not only not risk your health, but also protect yourself completely. But, in no case should you give in to passionate impulses and ignore contraception.

If you always remember that contraceptives, in the form of a condom, protect against HIV infection almost one hundred percent, then during a one-time contact there is practically no possibility of becoming infected.

After one-time sexual intercourse with an unreliable partner, in order to reduce the likelihood of acquiring the immunodeficiency virus, it is worth contacting specialists to prescribe certain medications designed to reduce the risks of infection.

In most cases, after a course of treatment, everything ends well. You just need to contact no later than the third day. The duration of the prophylaxis itself is approximately a month. Then a re-examination is done. If the infection is still present, special medications are prescribed to prevent the rapid spread of the virus in the body.

But you shouldn’t have much hope that earlier medical intervention will be able to completely protect against HIV.

You should never forget to take safety precautions. The best option is to lead a sexual lifestyle with only one reliable partner.

People become infected with HIV because of their behavior, not simply because they belong to risk groups. Everyone has the opportunity to become infected with HIV, but no one is inevitable.

Behavior that increases the likelihood of contracting HIV.

HIV is transmitted through body fluids. Behavior that brings the body fluids of an HIV-infected person into contact with a healthy person increases the risk of infection, for example:

1. Unsafe sexual behavior:

is one of the most common causes of HIV infection.

— during sex, HIV can penetrate through wounds and abrasions on the penis, vagina, and anus.

- abrasions and wounds more often occur during anal or rough or dry sex or sex with a teenager.

2. Unsafe drug use:

common syringe, common spoon.

3. Sex while drunk

- a drunk doesn’t understand what he’s doing, neglects safety measures, has sex with just anyone, is insensitive to pain (rough sex).

4. Delays in taking antiretroviral therapy and AIDS pills -> increasing the amount of virus in the blood - > increasing the risk of infecting other people.

Biological risk factors:

There are a number of factors that contribute to the penetration of HIV into the body.

  • the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.).
  • the structure of the vagina, anus (narrow, with formations, irregular structure, conducive to injury).
  • viral load (the amount of virus in the blood - the more, the higher the likelihood of a healthy person becoming infected with HIV).
  • the state of the immune system of both partners - if reduced - the virus is greater in the patient and is more easily transmitted to the healthy.
  • state of the barrier function of the skin, mucous membranes (abrasions, tears reduce the barrier function),
  • genetic characteristics of the virus itself (different strains (~species, varieties) of the virus have different abilities to infect, different aggressiveness, speed of movement, ability to infect cells).

​Psychological risk factors:

Individual psychological characteristics influence the risk of HIV infection:

  • personal (impulsivity, ardor, sexual and physical violence in the past, abstinence, ability to control oneself, risk-taking, pedantry (constantly and correctly putting on a condom, for example)),
  • attitude towards HIV/AIDS,
  • imitating someone's sexual behavior
  • communication style, communication with a sexual partner,
  • mental disorders,
  • depression.

With any method of spreading AIDS (sexual, blood, vertical), HIV transmission occurs only as a result of contact of a healthy person with biological fluids containing the virus of a patient with HIV infection or AIDS:

  • blood,
  • sperm,
  • vaginal secretion,
  • tissues or organs.

The most dangerous is contact with blood - the probability of infection of the recipient even after a single transfusion of infected blood is more than 90%.

Second placeaccording to the “efficiency” of infection vertical, or transplacental (from woman to fetus), transmission of HIV: the probability of a child becoming infected from an infected mother ranges from 11% to 70%, on average about 30%(this is evidenced by the results of recent observations of French doctors on more than a thousand children).

During sexual intercourse the likelihood of HIV transmission is significantly lower. The results of the epidemiological analysis confirm that the probability of a healthy woman becoming infected from an infected man is approximately 2 times higher than the probability of a man becoming infected from a woman:
among stable sexual partners, this probability is 11% for men and 20% for women.

Probability of HIV transmission during one sexual encounter small from 1:100(1%) to 1:1000 (0.1%).

The use of condoms significantly reduces the possibility of HIV transmission through sexual contact.

At single “blood” contact through shared injection equipment (syringes and needles contaminated with the blood of an HIV-infected patient), the probability of HIV transmission is slightly higher than with a single sexual contact and is from 1:100 (1%) to 1:200(0.5%).

Finally lowest chance of infection in case of accidental needle pricks - about 0.3%, i.e. less than 1:300.

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With a single contact, it is transmitted more often than it seems to many people interested in this problem. This disease is progressing all over the world at tremendous speed. The number of infected people is growing every year, and, according to statistics, HIV infection most often occurs through single contact with an untested partner. This situation emerges as a result of surveys of infected people. It turns out that some of the infected cannot always name the names and last names of casual partners with exact certainty. This indicates an immoral lifestyle and an inability to keep the situation under control. And in some cases, also about alcohol abuse. It is important to know the likelihood of contracting HIV from a single contact in order to be aware of the dangers of casual relationships and unprotected sex.

Is there a high probability of contracting HIV after one contact?

The myth that it is impossible to become infected with HIV the first time is as ridiculous as the statement that it is impossible to get pregnant after the first sex. Of course, you can get an unpleasant diagnosis just by having unprotected sex. What is the probability of contracting HIV from one contact with an infected partner?

Medical experts, as well as scientists studying the immunodeficiency virus, have concluded that the chances of becoming infected and the chances of not becoming infected are approximately equal. In other words, the chance of becoming infected with HIV in one contact is approximately fifty percent. The risks of becoming infected are extremely high. It is worth noting that infection occurs in just a few minutes. But after this, the quality of life changes significantly. And also its duration is reduced.

HIV infection in one act: risks for women

Disputes among scientists about whether the risk of contracting HIV after a single contact is the same in women and men continues to this day. Some experts suggest that the risks are approximately equal. Others believe that a woman, as the receiving partner, risks about thirty percent more. If we talk about whether it is possible to become infected with HIV after 1 contact, it is necessary to take into account the accompanying factors that significantly increase the risk of infection. In women, this is primarily damage to the vagina or uterus. These include erosion. Open injuries, which often bleed, lead to the fact that male ejaculate ends up not just on the mucous membrane of the internal genital organs, but directly into the bloodstream. In this case, infection is almost guaranteed. Increases risks and menstruation. Non-pathological bleeding leads to the fact that sperm, which contains high concentrations of immunodeficiency virus cells, mixes with the blood. At the same time, some men are perplexed as to how infection could occur during such periods. Forums and special groups on social networks are full of stories about someone who became infected with HIV the first time, despite having unprotected contact with a girl during menstruation.

Sexually transmitted diseases in women also increase the risk of infection. Their owners have to deal with problems such as ulcers and erosions on the internal and external genital organs. And their presence increases the risk of getting HIV after one time, or rather, unprotected contact. In addition, the immunity of women with sexually transmitted diseases is significantly reduced, which also increases the chances of getting the immunodeficiency virus.

HIV at 1 contact: risks for men

In men, the chances of becoming infected after one time are still somewhat less. However, this information should not be taken as a challenge to fate. Representatives of the stronger sex should, if possible, minimize the risks of infection through casual contacts, or better yet, eliminate them completely. The percentage of HIV infection after a single contact in men is still high. And this is despite the fact that male sperm contains a larger number of immunodeficiency virus cells than the secretion secreted by the vagina. Therefore, in cases where the receiving partner is a woman, the risks increase significantly. However, men who have sex with a woman without using barrier contraception also have an increased likelihood of developing AIDS (infected with HIV) during one-time contact if the infected partner is menstruating, has erosions or other injuries, and has concomitant sexually transmitted diseases way.

Many men are also interested in the question of what is the likelihood of contracting HIV from one contact with an infected partner if they use interrupted sexual intercourse as contraception. The risks in this case are high for both men and women. After all, the secretory fluid released from the vagina also contains virus cells. And they are also present in the sperm, which is released during sexual intercourse until the orgasm is obtained by the introducing partner. Therefore, interrupted sexual intercourse should not be considered as a reliable protection against the immunodeficiency virus.

What types of sex can you get AIDS from the first time?

The likelihood of getting HIV after one sexual act is high if we are talking about traditional sex. What about other methods of intercourse? The answer to this question is also of interest to many.

Scientists have found that during anal sex without a condom, the risk of infection increases. The fact is that the mucous membrane of the anus and anus is covered with microcracks and ulcers. Even if this is the very first sex in this way. The point here is not only in penetration into the rectum, but also in poor nutrition, hemorrhoids, constipation, proctitis and other similar problems. Once on a surface covered with cracks and other damage, sperm quickly penetrates into the blood, where HIV cells begin to show activity. Therefore, HIV is transmitted very often through single sexual contact, through anal sex.

It is worth noting that intercourse in this way is most often practiced by representatives of sexual minorities. Among gay men, the immunodeficiency virus is most common. Cases where after one sexual act a homosexual becomes infected with HIV are not uncommon.

Oral sex also poses a risk in terms of transmission of the immunodeficiency virus. But if we compare it with the threat of infection during anal or traditional intercourse, then the risks in this case are minimal. At the same time, for the receiving partner, during a single sexual act, the risk of contracting HIV through the oral route increases significantly if there are lesions in the oral cavity. They can occur as a result of injury, tooth extraction or loss, as well as gum disease.

It is not enough to know whether it is possible to become infected with HIV and AIDS the first time. It is extremely important to follow safety precautions to eliminate this risk. You should not give in to impulses of passion and practice sexual intercourse without using barrier contraception. You should always remember that a condom reduces the possibility of infection by ninety-eight percent. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get HIV as a result of one sexual act using a condom.