Calorie content of white cabbage. How many calories are in stewed cabbage

As soon as you ask yourself the question: “How many calories are in stewed cabbage?”, be sure to remember that there are close to 100 types of this vegetable in the world. And there are no less recipes for its preparation, for which culinary experts have dubbed cabbage the “queen of vegetables.” And nutritionists support them. True, for a different reason. Cabbage is rich in fiber and vitamins, it is a natural antioxidant, and it is also low in calories. But not in any form.

But only fresh, regardless of the variety. Its calorie content varies from approximately 16 to 42 kcal per 100 g. Calorie content of the most popular types:

  • Brussels sprouts – 33.5 kcal;
  • broccoli – 34 kcal;
  • cauliflower – 28.4 kcal;
  • – 27 kcal;
  • kohlrabi cabbage – 42 kcal;
  • – 16 kcal;
  • red cabbage – 24.1 kcal;
  • savoy cabbage – 28.2 kcal;
  • – 24.9 kcal.

So what's the deal with stewed cabbage? This is a complete independent dish. Therefore, everything here depends not so much on the type and variety of cabbage, but on the components of the dish. After all, not only water and cabbage are used for cooking. You can add anything you like here: fried onions and carrots, meat, broth, spices, etc. The calorie content of vegetables increases due to oil and frying. Meat, as a rule, contains fats, which also increase the energy value of the dish. As a result, the calorie content of fresh cabbage increases by an average of 3 times.

How to calculate the calorie content of stewed cabbage?

  1. To do this, weigh each ingredient separately and calculate its calorie content using the table. For example, for cooking you need 150 g of carrots. According to the table, the energy value of 100 g of carrots is 33 kcal. Then for 150 g it will be: (150*33)/100 = 49.5 kcal.
  2. Now add up the calories of all components and get the total calories.
  3. Separately weigh the container in which the dish is being prepared.
  4. Weigh the finished dish and subtract the weight of the utensil. This way you will know the weight of the finished dish.
  5. All that remains is to divide the total calorie content by the total weight of the finished dish, and you will get the calorie content per 1 gram. To find out the energy value of 100 g of stewed cabbage, multiply this number by 100. If you want to find out the calorie content of one serving of a dish, divide the total calorie content by the number of servings.

Important! Despite the fact that the calorie content of water is zero, be sure to take it into account when calculating your total weight.

Having once calculated the calorie content of stewed cabbage according to the usual recipe, you do not need to do it again every time after the next preparation. The final figure will change slightly even if you do not strictly follow the recipe.

For those who don’t have time to count the calorie content of stewed cabbage, the table shows the average indicators for ready-made dishes.

Name Calorie content per 100 g, kcal
Stewed cabbage with chicken 154,84
Stewed cabbage with beef 158,52
Stewed cabbage with pork 144,53
Stewed cabbage with mushrooms 119,79
Stewed cabbage with carrots 40,00
Stewed cabbage with potatoes 124,99
Stewed Chinese cabbage with ginger 36,76
Stewed cabbage in tomato 99,30
Stewed cabbage with oyster mushrooms 61,15
Stewed cabbage with minced chicken 102,20
  1. Fry the onion with grated carrots until golden brown.
  2. Boil the chicken fillet separately. Pour light broth over the cabbage instead of water. This will give the dish a richer taste.
  3. Divide the boiled fillet into several pieces and add them to the cabbage at the very end of cooking.

This way, you will fry a minimum amount of ingredients, the dish will not be lean, but at the same time it will remain light and low in calories. Bon appetit!

You can seriously discuss the calorie content of stewed cabbage only if you stewed it yourself. Or watched the process, recording and weighing. On the Internet, on a site focused on tasty, but not healthy food, you can find two dozen recipes for this cabbage of varying calorie content. Someone first fries vegetables with onions on vegetable oil, without measuring it, but simply pouring it into the pan. Someone does the same thing, but with butter. Others do not use oil, but fill the cabbage with a mixture of tomato paste and flour with sour cream. In general, as many people as there are, so many opinions. The calorie content of the standard “canteen” version of this dish is 122 kcal per 100 g, mainly from fats and carbohydrates. “Lite” options may vary. It also makes no sense to memorize any single table value. Nowhere is it disclosed exactly how much of the notorious oil and flour was added to the “tabular” cabbage. However, some versions of this dish are considered terribly healthy.

The content of the article:

If you take the “Healthy Lifestyle Recipe”, in which shredded cabbage and 1 onion are first simmered in water, and then a spoonful of sugar-free tomato paste is added, and everything is stewed until tender - this is a very healthy dish. First of all, the volume of vegetables is large, and the caloric output is no more than 40 kcal per 100 g. This is so low because no oil is added during cooking. This is the main complaint about this recipe. For many people, this cabbage resembles the notorious Bonn soup. It seems that the soup is healthy, and it’s hot... but you don’t get enough of it, and that’s all.

However, these are the vegetables that are recommended for those who want to lose weight through a diet. Most often, such a dish appears in a simple “fist, fist and palm” layout. That is, a fist-sized portion of vegetables (in this case, cabbage), an equal-sized portion of grains, and a palm-sized portion of protein sources. Cabbage is one of the cheapest vegetables and its consumption contributes not only to health, but also to significant savings.

The fiber in cabbage can:

  • increase the volume of the food bolus and save a person from the eternal pangs of hunger that haunt everyone who suddenly decides to lose weight through a diet;
  • eradicate digestive problems and help relieve constipation. By the way, it is cabbage that is recommended to supporters protein diets in order not to suffer from constipation and not to experience too slow digestion;
  • slightly slow down the absorption of simple carbohydrates. So stewed cabbage is good for everyone who strives, for example, to eat more apples as part of their low calorie diet.

Fiber can, of course, be eaten fresh, but frankly speaking, we don’t have many dishes that contain few calories and a lot of fiber and are hot and familiar at the same time.

One small problem - stewed cabbage is often touted as a source of vitamins and minerals. But it all depends on the cooking time. However, water-soluble vitamins are sometimes lost and many people experience problems with vitamin deficiency when switching to “only cooked” foods. For the most part, stewed cabbage only contributes to a healthier diet when it is properly prepared.

It is often said that stewed cabbage is the best choice for a person who has forgotten his lunch at home and wants to try catering food. Actually In fact, this is not always fair.

In general, strict supporters of a healthy lifestyle classify everything that is not prepared independently into the broad category of “harmful and questionable food.” A public catering dish called “stewed cabbage” is usually not good. And they buy it only because it is cheap and in the belief that cabbage is still better than potatoes or overcooked pasta.

By and large, the “very bad” things about it are:

  • some chefs actually left the USSR along with their kitchen utensils. A cast-iron blackened frying pan on which olija is sizzling - dark sunflower oil with smell, bowls of chopped onions and shredded cabbage, flour with tomato paste under the “cheapest” brand. This is not the author’s imagination, but a completely normal process of preparing cabbage from a technological point of view. Yes, first it is fried in oil along with onions. It turns out “vegetables plus 200 kcal, on average.” Then it is poured with a “mash” of tomato paste, flour and water. In some cases, add a little more oil. The product is stewed, and there is no expectation that it is a healthy product. The culprit is pre-frying. Who knows what kind of catering you will come across, but legends about “machine oil” in which pies are first fried, then - potatoes, and then - whites, let's say, are not always legends, but sometimes such a semi-legal way to save money and steal more oil home. So carcinogenic oil, overcooked a hundred times, may very well be found in your cabbage. How to distinguish such a dish? The vegetables will be darkened, almost brown, interspersed with onions that have been fried too much.

Another harmful dish is homemade cabbage from the “what was in the refrigerator, that’s what I put in” series. Usually, for some reason, sausage is cut into such cabbage, and often smoked (some comrades believe that this is how we get a dish of German cuisine. In fact, from vegetables we get a thermonuclear mixture with artificial liquid smoke, a bunch of superheated oil and fats of unknown origin from sausage. And this, in fact, does not add protein. Usually half a jar of mayonnaise or some kind of 1000 Islands sauce is poured in there and the result is something indigestible.
So, food that even remotely fits this exaggerated description is harmful. It causes the liver to work harder, and the gallbladder to literally overflow with bile. Regular consumption of such wonderful foods and dishes can cause pancreatitis in even a relatively healthy person. Such vegetables are also of no use to digestion, so if you really want fatty junk food, you don’t have to torture yourself by frying vegetables and then stewing them. A sandwich with sausage and mayonnaise will do all the work for you.

So, cabbage is harmful if it is too full of excess fats and seasoned with flour dressing. But there is one more product, so to speak, of home cooking. This is cabbage cooked in water and a small amount of vegetable oil. But initially - not just ordinary cabbage, but the most salted or pickled cabbage. A large amount of salt is far from decorating a “traditional recipe” with a lot of vegetable oil. Such dishes in the diet can provoke an increase in blood pressure and seriously worsen cardiovascular health.

Different sources give different figures - from 36 kcal to 181, this is if with smoked sausage. It is completely unrealistic to calculate the BJU. But the vast majority of healthy eating guides will indicate that stewed cabbage is a source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins C, E, A, B1, PP and the healthiest product. Here, as they say, trust, but verify.

Approximate calorie content of dishes with stewed cabbage:

  • with chicken – 154.84 kcal;
  • with beef – 158.52 kcal;
  • with pork – 144.53 kcal;
  • with mushrooms – 119.79 kcal;
  • with carrots – 40.00 kcal;
  • with potatoes – 124.99 kcal;
  • with ginger – 36.76 kcal;
  • in tomato – 99.30 kcal;

Cabbage is the basis of many diets - it is an affordable and simple product. The most delicious and varied way to prepare this vegetable is stewing, which preserves both the vitamin and dietary properties of the product. The calorie content of stewed cabbage is minimal, which means it can be safely included in the weight loss menu.

In addition, such a dish will improve metabolism, and the plant itself is considered an excellent preventative against vascular diseases.

The cabbage white beauty contains such useful elements as calcium, glucose, potassium, folic acid, phosphorus, as well as vitamins B and PP. The vegetable is distinguished by its abundance of vitamin C. A couple of centuries ago, the leaves of the plant were used to treat bronchitis, pneumonia and liver diseases.

Everyone knows that the vegetable has anti-inflammatory properties, because it is not without reason that its leaves are applied to a sore spot to relieve pain. With its composition, white cabbage will please the cardiovascular system, improve kidney function and become an excellent remedy that will stimulate the production of bile.

Before determining how many calories are in stewed cabbage, let us immediately note that we are talking about a white vegetable. After all, there can be several varieties of a product - Savoy, Peking, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts. Each type has its own calorie content per 100 grams.

We will look at the energy value of the usual and simple white cabbage. The number of calories will directly depend on the cooking method and the presence of additional ingredients.

Let's look at the value of the product, based on the calculation that per 100 grams of dish there are 70% cabbage, and 30% other products:

  • Vegetable stewed with carrots – 40 kcal.
  • Product with mushrooms – 112 calories.
  • Product prepared with the addition of tomatoes or tomato paste – 99 kcal.
  • Stewed vegetables with potatoes will contain 124 calories.
  • Cabbage without adding vegetables, stewed with a spoon of vegetable oil – 50 kcal.
  • Product without additives – 40 calories.

Considering how many calories are in stewed cabbage with the addition of vegetables, one can note that the dish is truly dietary. Of course, the minimum energy value will be contained in food that is prepared only with the addition of water, without oil and other ingredients. But you will quickly get tired of the taste of such a dish.

To eat a minimum of calories and have fun, you can cook the vegetable with carrots and add a spoonful of vegetable oil. 100 grams of such a dish will contain only 45 kcal.

There is another way to prepare a product with tomatoes and onions, which will be distinguished by its ease and unusual taste.

To prepare a serving for two days you will need:

  • fresh cabbage;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • soy sauce;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Chop the white cabbage plant, pour 200-300 ml of water into the pan, add oil. Chop all the vegetables and place them in a saucepan. Mix everything, add 2 teaspoons of soy sauce and simmer until tender over low heat. 100 grams of such food will contain no more than one hundred calories. To reduce the energy value, you can omit the oil.

Can you add meat to a stew?

The question of the nutritional value of a dish with vegetables has been resolved; there remains one more point that you will probably want to clarify - how many calories will be contained in stewed cabbage if you add a little meat to it.

In fact, the fat content of a meat dish will depend on the proportions and energy value of additional ingredients. Here you should also be guided by the 70/30 principle and give most of the space in the pan to the white cabbage beauty.

The calorie content of a dish with meat in this case will be:

  • 102 kcal if you use minced chicken;
  • 150-155, if you prepare a stew with white chicken meat;
  • 145 kcal - this is what 100 grams of a dish with the addition of pork will contain (without fat);
  • You'll get about 160 calories by adding beef.

If you cook vegetables with pork, try to remove as much fat from the pieces as possible. Otherwise, you will get not a dietary, but a very nutritious meal with a calorie content of 180 units. It is best to choose chicken fillet or minced meat - 100 grams of such a stew will not harm your figure, but will allow you to enjoy the taste.

On the dietary side, the stew will be a great way to lose a couple of extra pounds. But remember, if you are on a cabbage diet, it is best to prepare the product by adding vegetables and a little oil. You should also supplement your diet with dairy products - low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese, whole grain cereals (oatmeal is great), honey and white chicken meat.

To support your immune system and provide your body with essential vitamins, use apples, grapefruits, oranges and kiwis as snacks. This way you can support your body and lose excess weight.

The basis of many diets is cabbage. At the same time, stewing is considered the most diverse and simplest way to prepare it, since this preserves its dietary properties and vitamins. Stewed cabbage has minimal calorie content, and therefore it can be safely included in the menu when losing weight. In addition, the dish helps improve the metabolic process and warns against vascular diseases. The unique product contains folic acid, calcium, potassium, glucose, vitamins PP and B. The composition of the beautiful white cabbage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, and also stimulates the synthesis of bile.

Vegetable calorie content

Stewed cabbage contains more calories than fresh cabbage, except for the one that is stewed in water. The exact figure can be derived if you know the recipe. As a rule, during the creation of a dish, vegetable oil, onions, mushrooms and other products are added. White cabbage perfectly satisfies hunger and does not provoke heaviness in the stomach. To ensure complete nutrition, on the advice of nutritionists, you should not limit yourself to such food for more than a week.

The Beijing variety is considered the lowest in calories, and therefore it is often added to salads, sandwiches and baked goods. You can also stew other types: kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts.

Calorie counting of stewed cabbage

Before preparing a dish, you need to take each component separately and calculate how many kcal it contains separately.

Let's give an example: you take carrots (150 grams). According to the table with the energy value of products, it is clear that 100 g of vegetables contains 33 kilocalories. Then in 150 g there will be 49.5 (150 * 33/100).

After a similar manipulation has been carried out with each ingredient, it will be possible see total calories. To find out the weight of the finished dish, you should weigh the container separately, and at the end of cooking, simply subtract its weight. The total calories are then divided by the weight of the dish to get the calories per gram.

Important to remember! Even though water has no calories, it still counts when calculating your total weight. If you calculate the calorie content of a familiar recipe once, then you won’t need to do it all the time. Those who don’t have time to sit over calculations can use general calorie indicators:

  • cabbage stewed with carrots – 40;
  • dish with mushrooms – 112;
  • product with tomato paste or tomatoes – 99;
  • stewed cabbage with potatoes and onions – 124;
  • cabbage without other vegetables with vegetable oil – 50;
  • product without any additives – 40.

Taking into account the calorie content of stewed cabbage with vegetables, the real dietary value of the dish is noted. The minimum energy value is noted in the dish without any additives, including oil and water only, but its taste quickly becomes boring.

Is it allowed to add meat to stewed cabbage?

After solving the issue with the nutritional value of the dishes, it remains to clarify how many kcal there will be in such a dish? In fact, the fat content of stewed cabbage with meat will increase the calorie content. However, during cooking it is necessary that the cabbage takes up more space in the pan.

In this case The calorie content of the dish will be:

  • 102 kcal when adding minced chicken;
  • 150-155 – if you stew vegetables with chicken;
  • 145 kcal – if you cook vegetables with pork;
  • 160 is provided by beef.

Cooking a dish with pork requires maximum removal of the fat layer.

What are the benefits of stewed cabbage?

It has long been considered a vegetable of beauty, and therefore masks were made from it for beautiful skin. Eating cooked white cabbage is no less beneficial: it is enriched with vitamins B2 (supports energy exchange and skin elasticity) and PP (strengthens the wall of blood vessels). In addition, 200 g of vegetables contains ascorbic acid in the amount of the daily requirement. It has a positive effect on intestinal motility, and undigested fiber particles help cleanse the intestines.

Diet based on stewed cabbage

Nutritionists highlight a seven-day effective diet based on the consumption of this dish. The power supply diagram is as follows:

This diet allows you to lose up to three extra pounds without fasting or special restrictions.


We must not forget that the vegetable also has its negative sides. It increases acidity, and therefore the vegetable prohibited for gastritis with high acidity. For the same reason, cabbage should not be included in the diet of patients with ulcers, diabetes mellitus and impaired renal function. Pregnancy is a contraindication for use. Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts should limit the vegetable when gaining weight, as it increases intestinal motility and reduces protein absorption.

People who watch their figure are usually interested in the calorie content of a product. This article will tell you what raw cabbage has energy value. You will also learn about the calorie content of other types of this vegetable. It is definitely worth mentioning the energy value of stewed cabbage (calories will also be indicated).

Cabbage: what is it?

This vegetable is quite popular among people. Some people prefer white cabbage, while others like Brussels sprouts or Chinese cabbage. It is worth noting that this vegetable is one of the first to be given to infants as complementary foods. This is explained by the fact that cabbage is recognized as a hypoallergenic dish, which contains a large amount of useful substances.

Cabbage is grown in the ground. Depending on the variety, the vegetable may have some preferences. Thus, classic white cabbage is quite picky and grows in almost all regions and conditions.

What are the benefits of cabbage?

How many calories are in cabbage? Most often this question is asked by the fair sex, who love to eat delicious food, but at the same time want to maintain their figure. In addition to its low energy value, this vegetable has many advantages.

Cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps restore the body's protective function. The vegetable also boasts a high content of dietary fiber. So, cabbage helps improve digestion and regulate bowel movements. However, it is worth remembering that the product can increase gas formation. If everything is fine with the balance of microorganisms in your intestines, then this phenomenon will not cause you any discomfort. But for babies whose intestinal flora has not yet been formed, such a product can cause considerable pain.

How many calories are in cabbage?

Depending on what type of product you prefer to eat, the energy value of the dish may be different. Of course, fresh vegetables have more vitamins, dietary fiber and fewer calories. Stewed, fried and boiled dishes acquire additional energy value during cooking. Especially if you add additional ingredients. Let's try to figure it out and answer the question of how many calories there are in cabbage.

White vegetable

The most popular cabbage is the white cabbage variety. So, this product can be fried, stewed, pickled, added to salads and boiled. So, how many calories are in cabbage?

Fresh white cabbage, which is not seasoned with anything, has an energy value of 27 kilocalories per 100 grams. If you prepare a salad from this vegetable and season it with mayonnaise, the calorie content of such a dish increases significantly. On average, this type of salad has about 400 kcal per 100 grams. In the case when you want to make a salad, but at the same time reduce the energy value, choose low-fat yogurt or olive oil as a dressing. In this case, the calorie content of the vegetable will range from 50 to 300 calories.

Stewed cabbage has the following calories: per 100 grams of product there are 26 kcal. This suggests that during cooking the energy value decreases. Why is this happening? If you cook cabbage using the method of stewing in a small amount of water, then the juice evaporates from it. Due to this, dietary fiber increases and calorie content decreases. However, when adding oil, carrots, tomatoes and other ingredients, the dish will have an energy value of 70 to 500 calories.

Boiled cabbage (prepared for borscht or cabbage rolls) has an average of 23 calories per 100 grams. Fresh cabbage again loses to this version of the dish. But remember that when you add broth, meat and other ingredients, the energy value increases rapidly.

The calorie content is as follows. The energy value of the dish is about 18 kcal per 100 grams. This reduction is due to the pre-treatment that the product undergoes.

Red cabbage

The second most popular type of this vegetable is In a fresh product you can find about 24 kcal. When preparing salads, the same rule applies: the higher the energy value of the dressing, the higher the calorie content of the final dish.

Marinated cabbage (red cabbage) has very low calorie content. On average, from 100 grams of product you will get about 12 kcal. It is this variety that most housewives use to prepare winter twists.

Cooked red cabbage similarly reduces its energy value. Cabbage stewed according to all the rules contains approximately 20 kcal. If the product was cooked, then its value is 22 calories.

With additional processing and mixing with other ingredients, the energy value always increases.

Chinese cabbage

This type of vegetable is less popular, but it has a more delicate taste than its representatives. Most often used for preparing salads, omelettes and various baked goods. It goes well with seafood. If you want to get a minimum of calories, but maximum pleasure from food, then choose this variety and cook it with squid or shrimp.

The calorie content of Chinese cabbage is 15 kcal. This suggests that this type can be consumed without any restrictions. However, remember the main rule: the more calories in the ingredients that make up the dish, the higher the energy value of Chinese cabbage.


What calories does cauliflower have? Fresh product is not suitable for consumption. Despite this, it is worth saying that it contains about 30 kcal. After heat treatment, the vegetable has an energy value of 27-29 calories.

Cauliflower is the preferred first food. Kids learn this dish very well.


This type of cabbage is consumed raw and processed. However, the second option is more preferable. Thus, raw broccoli contains approximately 28 calories. If you cook the product, you will get an energy value of 23-27 kcal.

This type of vegetable is often added to omelettes and casseroles. In this case, the calorie content increases in proportion to the amount of additional ingredients.

Brussels sprouts

If you cook the Brussels variety of vegetable, then by stewing or boiling you will get a value of about 35 calories.

Brussels sprouts can also be roasted. In this case, the energy value becomes even greater. In such a dish you can find up to 60 calories, given that it was prepared without oil or additional ingredients.

Kohlrabi cabbage

The most rare type of cabbage is the kohlrabi variety. Externally, the vegetable looks more like a radish or turnip. It is practically never used. The only exceptions are the favorite raw foodists.

So, in its original form, the vegetable contains about 42 calories. When heat treated, this type of vegetable practically does not change its energy value. Stewed or boiled kohlrabi contains from 40 to 43 calories per 100 grams.

What type and method of cooking cabbage is the lowest in calories?

Based on the above, we can conclude that the most dietary product is stewed or boiled Chinese cabbage. However, such a dish is prepared very rarely. Except for those who know the secrets of this vegetable and watch their figure.

Many nutritionists suggest a person lose weight through a cabbage diet. To do this, you will need a list called “Low Calorie Foods.” A table of these ingredients is presented in this article.

A little summary and conclusion

Now you know how many calories are in this or that. Try each of the options presented and choose the one that suits you best. Also study the table of these presented to your attention below. When preparing dishes, consider not only the taste of the vegetable, but also its energy value.

Try to eat healthy and as healthy as possible. Get all the vitamins and minerals you can from foods. Eat different types of cabbage and always be healthy and slim!