Eye drops for a 5 year old child. Eye drops for children: we treat correctly, without dangerous ideas

Every parent strives to find and study all the information about medications when a child develops a disease, including eye problems. The doctor prescribes eye drops for children over one year old and newborns, depending on the symptoms. It is important to understand what the doctor prescribes and the specifics of the medications.

What problems are treated with drip medications?

If one of the following symptoms occurs, consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary:

  • lacrimation;
  • purulent discharge;
  • cataract;
  • foreign object in the eye;
  • pain in the orbit;
  • enlargement of blood vessels in the organ of vision.

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes acceptable therapy. Most pediatric eye drops developed for sore eyes are intended for use from birth. They have a long-term therapeutic effect and rarely provoke the development of side effects.

Indications for the use of drops for infants:

  • barley;
  • keratitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • all forms .

Medications should be selected only by the attending physician, based on the patient’s age category.

Why products are not suitable for adults

Medicines for children do not contain aggressive additives or microparticles that can cause irritation of the visual organ.

Some drops for adults contain hormonal substances. When treating the disease with such drugs, the child’s condition may worsen (redness, lacrimation, eye irritation appears). This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of a child’s eye is more susceptible to allergic compounds than that of older people.

Taking all the circumstances into account, treatment should be carried out as prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Understanding the types of medications

Types of medicinal drops for the treatment of pathologies of the visual organ:

  1. Therapeutic. Used to treat myopia, strabismus, glaucoma, ptosis, nystagmus.
  2. Antiviral. Rids the body of viral microorganisms. For newborns, there are good eye drops with an active compound called interferon. This substance helps strengthen the child’s immunity and produce antibodies.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drops. They are used for eye inflammations caused by bacteria, infections, microbes, allergens, and viruses.
  4. Antihistamines. Eliminates increased tearing and redness of the eyes. Antiallergy medications block histamine cells to stop the reaction.
  5. Antiseptic. It has a disinfecting effect for any eye pathologies.
  6. Antibacterial. Indicated for eye diseases of infectious, viral or bacterial etiology. As a rule, sulfonamides or antibiotics of stronger progression are prescribed.

Medicines for different ages


List of drops for newborns:

  1. Albucid. Has antimicrobial properties. In the maternity hospital it can be used as a prophylaxis for blenorrhea in infants. The active component (sulfacetamide) eliminates bacterial diseases in the body. For children under one year of age, a 20% solution is used.
  2. Tobriss. A good broad-spectrum antibiotic. Dispensed by prescription. Allowed to use from two months. Store at room temperature without direct sunlight.
  3. Vitabact. Antiseptic drug. Used for dacryocystitis. Therapy is carried out for at least 10 days. Dosage: 1 dose two to six times a day.
  4. Oftalmoferon. Combined medication. It has a regenerating, antiviral, anesthetic, antimicrobial, antihistamine effect.

These drops are often prescribed to the eyes of a child under 1 year of age.

After the first year of life

After one year of age, not only the eye drops listed above are used for young children up to the first year, but also other drugs:

  1. Phloxal. Has an antimicrobial effect. The medication is prescribed for chlamydial infections, conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, and barley. The advantage is rapid action (about 10–15 minutes), the duration of the therapeutic result is 4–6 hours. Course duration is 5–7 days.
  2. (from 24 months). An antihistamine is indicated for the treatment of allergic diseases such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis. Instill 1–2 drops about four times a day.
  3. Tobrex. Antibacterial medicine. Indicated for barley, conjunctivitis, endophthalmitis, keratitis, blepharitis, keratoconjunctivitis. The duration of the course is no more than 7 days, 1 dose 2 times a day. Based on the severity of the inflammatory process, the doctor may prescribe a different dosage.

After 4 years

Drops for inflammation and redness for children over four years of age:

  1. Opatanol (after three years) Used for conjunctivitis of an allergic nature. Shake the bottle before use. Place one drop into the conjunctival sac twice a day.
  2. Kromosol (after five years). Antihistamine drug. Instill four times a day, the time interval is no more than 6 hours.
  3. . Long-acting antiallergic agent. Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribed for the treatment of seasonal and non-seasonal conjunctivitis of allergic origin, as well as as prophylaxis (prescribed for treatment from 4 years of age, for prevention from 12 years).
  4. Lecrolin. It has antiallergic, membrane-stabilizing properties.

Contraindications for children's drops for infants and older children include individual intolerance to the substances of the drug.

Side effects of medications are minimized; they can cause a slight burning sensation or redness after instillation.

The exact dosage prescribed by the ophthalmologist should be followed.

Effective options, according to pediatricians and parents

The table shows the most effective drops for children and infants.

Name Short description Approximate cost, rub
Atropine Prescribed for inflammation and eye injuries, arterial spasms in the retina. Children under 7 years of age are prohibited from using. 53
Tobrex The medicine is an antibiotic. Suitable for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, iridocyclitis, barley, endophthalmitis. Can be used after reaching one year of age. 162
Levomycetin Has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. Prescribed for conjunctivitis, barley, keratitis, episcleritis, blevaritis, scleritis, keratoconjunctivitis. Not for use on newborns. 40
Albucid Prevents the proliferation of germs and bacteria in the mucous membrane of the eye. Indicated for blepharitis, purulent corneal ulcer, blennorrhea, keratitis. 55
Phloxal It is considered a bactericidal antibiotic. Suitable for the treatment of barley, keratitis, chlamydial infection, dacryocystitis, viral conjunctivitis, meibomitis, corneal ulceration, bacterial conjunctivitis. 139

Correct Application

After identifying an eye pathology in a child and visiting a doctor, parents need to learn how to properly instill children's eye drops. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before the procedure.
  2. Use separate sterile wipes for each eye to dry it and any leaking tears.
  3. Do not touch the eye or skin with the pipette, and do not place it on an undisinfected surface. For this case, you can use a sterile bandage, gauze or paper napkin.
  4. Do not touch the device used for instillation to purulent discharge or the surface of the eyelid.
  5. Pull back the lower eyelid slightly and drop the medicine into the corner of the eye.
  6. Under no circumstances should the dosage be increased. This can cause irritation and dryness of inflamed eyes.
  7. It is recommended to carry out the procedure delicately but quickly.

As a preventive measure, the child’s body should be supported with vitamins and minerals. In order to strengthen the membrane of the organ of vision, you should consume dairy products, as well as vegetables, fruits, and berries that are rich in vitamins A and C.

A large number of medications for children do not cause discomfort when instilled, and possible negative effects are eliminated quickly enough. Use only as directed by an ophthalmologist.

Date: 03/03/2016

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Inflammatory processes in a child's eyes occur quite often. In this case, eye drops for children are needed, the choice of which every mother should approach with special responsibility. Often the occurrence of inflammation and infection of the eyes in children is explained by their way of understanding the world. After touching something dirty, the child can then rub his eyes with his hands. In this case, the infection enters the mucous membrane of the eye and causes inflammatory processes.

Eye diseases in children

Most often, conjunctivitis occurs in children. This disease has its own characteristic symptoms. Among them it is worth noting:

  • tearfulness;
  • edema;
  • soreness;
  • burning.

The main symptoms may be accompanied by dry skin around the eyes and purulent discharge from the eyes. Pus may be discharged throughout the day. Every parent wants to rid their child of such discomfort as quickly as possible. Eye drops prescribed by your doctor can help with this. It is strictly not recommended to self-medicate and prescribe medications on your own.

This may backfire and cause complications. The eye is a complex system in the human body. Improper treatment of the infection can lead to deterioration of vision or its complete loss. Treatment is prescribed by an ophthalmologist on an individual basis. Only in this case, the baby’s vision and general health will not be at risk.

Eye drops for children can be bought at any pharmacy. Such drugs are sold at a reasonable price. This or that drug will be suitable depending on the reasons that caused the disease. Inflammatory processes can be caused by the following reasons:

  • a viral infection causes viral conjunctivitis;
  • streptococci, staphylococci and other types of bacteria cause bacterial conjunctivitis, in which the inflammatory process begins due to the active proliferation of bacteria;
  • if the disease is accompanied by a runny nose, then it is possible.
  • a disease caused by the first two causes can be contagious.

Parents whose children have been prescribed eye drops should not worry too much. Having studied the features of various types of medications, you can be convinced that they are harmless to the health of children.

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Types of eye drops

If a child has bacterial conjunctivitis, the doctor will prescribe medications with antibiotics. Typically, one of the following drugs is prescribed:

  1. Tobrex. The active ingredient of the drug is tobramycin. This is an antibiotic that acts locally. Its concentration is 0.3%. Eye drops for newborns are also quite suitable. The product does not cause a burning sensation, so the instillation procedure does not cause anxiety in children. This drug is prescribed when external symptoms occur, which are caused by bacteria sensitive to the active substance.
  2. Levomycetin. A very popular drug for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the eye mucosa in young patients. Its active ingredient is chloramphenicol. Its content in the medicine is 0.25%. This local antibiotic has a fairly wide spectrum of action. The drug has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. May cause allergic reactions, so use with caution. The drug can be used only from 4 months. It can cause side effects: dermatitis, diarrhea, nausea.
  3. Tsipromed. This is a solution of ciprofloxacin 0.3%. This antibiotic has antibacterial and antiviral effects.
  4. Albucid. This is the most budget option. The active ingredient is sulfacetamide.
  5. Phloxal. Can be used from birth. Has a bactericidal effect. It contains ofloxacin 0.3%.
  6. Oftalmoferon. A very effective remedy for viral conjunctivitis. It contains diphenhydramine and interferon.
  7. Aktipol. The active ingredient of this drug is para-aminobenzoic acid. Its concentration in drops is 0.07%.
  8. Poludan. A drug containing polyriboadenylic acid.
  9. Cromohexal. A very effective drug for allergic reactions that cause eye inflammation. Often prescribed for the treatment of chronic conjunctivitis.
  10. Allergodil. The drug contains vasoconstrictors and azelastine. The effect after use occurs after 10-15 minutes, can be used only after 4 years.

Eye problems can occur even in very young children. Various redness and inflammation easily appear as soon as the baby rubs his eyes with dirty hands, and this happens often. Staying in bright sunshine, salt water in the sea, high temperature during a cold, an infectious disease, allergies (food or other irritants) can affect the condition of the eyes. A child tolerates such diseases very poorly, and the younger he is, the worse his reaction. It is extremely difficult to convince a baby not to touch his eyes, especially if they itch, hurt and irritate him in every way. In this condition, it is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible to avoid the development of various complications.

Children should always use eye drops after consulting a doctor or after receiving direct instructions from him in this regard. Before you start giving anti-inflammatory drugs to your child, you need to find out the nature of the eye disease.

In most cases, inflammation and redness of the eyes are caused by conjunctivitis. Red mucous membranes, swollen and inflamed edges of the eyelids, swelling, severe itching, pain in the eyes, a painful reaction to bright light, a feeling of sand, discharge of pus and itchy crusts that form along the eyelash edge - all these symptoms greatly disturb the baby and force parents to take adequate measures faster. But in order for the medicine to work and not cause harm, it must be suitable for the child’s age and be directed against a specific problem.

The main causes of red eyes are the following diseases or conditions:

  1. Mechanical irritations. Most often, the child “rubs” his eyes with his hands or a foreign body gets into them - an eyelash, a grain of sand, and so on.
  2. Allergic reaction. It can manifest itself both in food and in many other substances - plant pollen, house dust, animal hair, aerosols, and so on.
  3. Bacterial infection. For children, this is the most common form of eye inflammation associated with dirt getting into them. With this form of infection, parents usually have to give their children special antibacterial drugs containing various agents that inhibit the growth of bacteria and kill them (antibiotics).
  4. Fungal infection. It occurs less frequently than other forms, but requires special treatment and the use of specific antifungal drugs.
  5. Viral infection. To treat it, you need to drip special antiviral anti-inflammatory drugs, since drops with antibiotics are not only absolutely useless for this type of disease, but can also cause harm, causing the active development of a quietly dormant fungal infection.

The easiest way to deal with mechanical eye irritations. Sometimes it’s enough just to wash your eyes, make a cool or warm compress with tea, drip children’s “Albucid” - and not a trace will remain of an extremely unpleasant condition.

You should not abuse even the familiar and seemingly safe and harmless “Albucid” - it also contains an antibiotic (sulfacetamide) in small quantities.

Types of drops used

All children's drops must be prescribed by a doctor after examining the little patient. Moreover, the younger the child, the more strictly this rule must be followed.

If an eye disease is caused by an allergy, the doctor usually prescribes a comprehensive treatment: antiallergic drops and taking special tablets. All drugs are selected strictly according to the age of the small patient. Among antiallergic drops, the most popular and effective are the following:

  • "Allergodil." The drug contains azelastine and substances that constrict blood vessels. It has a quick effect - redness goes away within 15 minutes. The product can only be applied to children over 4 years old.
  • "Opatanol". Contains loratadine, a new generation antiallergic agent that works well in drops.
  • "Cromaohexal", used for children's chronic allergic conjunctivitis.
  • "Lecrolin." Inexpensive quality product.

To treat viral eye infections, specific antiviral drugs are used, used as prescribed by a doctor:

  • "Poludan."
  • "Aktipol".
  • "Ophthalmoferon". This drug with leukocyte interferon and diphenhydramine is especially effective against various viral eye infections in children, but it should be used exclusively according to medical prescription.

The largest group is represented by antibacterial drugs that have anti-inflammatory effects on eye redness and inflammation of the conjunctiva. They promote rapid clearance of pus, as this is due to their main active ingredient - an antibiotic. These medications should be taken strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the dosage and duration of treatment. This large group of drugs includes the following:

  • "Floxal". Suitable for newborns and infants. Contains ofloxacin.
  • "Normax". The drops contain the antibiotic norfloxacin.
  • Oftaquix. Contains levofloxacin at a concentration of 0.3%.
  • "Tsipromed". This is an analogue of Floxal drops.
  • "Tsiprolet". The drug contains the antibiotic ciprofloxacin.
  • "Levomycetin". The most famous antibacterial drug in drops for children. Contains chloramphenicol.
  • "Tobrex". This medicine contains the antibiotic tobramycin.

Each type of drops is prescribed by a doctor strictly individually, depending on what type of microorganism caused the inflammation and its resistance to drugs.

The most popular means

Typically, antiviral drugs are prescribed to a child much less frequently than anti-inflammatory drugs. Since redness and inflammation in babies occur mainly due to dirt or as a result of a cold, most often parents have to deal with and administer antibacterial drugs to their children. The most effective and frequently prescribed of them are the following:

  • "Tsiprolet". This is a very effective modern drug in drops containing 0.3% ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. "Tsiprolet" is used to treat bacterial infections caused by a wide range of bacteria sensitive to this drug. The drug is prescribed to children only by a doctor, strictly according to the prescribed dosage. It is forbidden to use "Tsiprolet" in the presence of a viral infection. Long-term use or individual sensitivity to it can lead to itching, dry mucous membranes and increased irritation. Store “Tsiprolet” unopened for no longer than 30 days.
  • "Levomycetin". This is one of the “oldest” and well-known antibiotic drops. This is a broad-spectrum drug. It has a good effect when used against microorganisms sensitive to it. "Levomycetin" is the cheapest and most accessible drug. It is prescribed from the age of four months. However, the product must be used with caution - “Levomycetin” sometimes causes allergies or causes itching.
  • "Tobrex". At the moment, Tobrex is one of those drops that does not cause a negative reaction even in the smallest and most capricious children. This is due to the fact that the drug does not provoke a burning sensation, and the child only feels the ingress of “water”. Tobrex contains tobramycin, which is effective against most pathogenic microorganisms. Tobrex is prescribed even to newborn children. Like all other antimicrobial agents, Tobrex must be used exactly according to the instructions, as it can cause an allergic reaction.

Rules for eye drops

After parents have discovered redness in their baby’s eyes and consulted a doctor, it’s time to learn how to properly administer anti-inflammatory drugs to their child. There is nothing particularly complicated here, you just need to remember simple rules:

  1. Do not touch eyes or medications with unwashed hands.
  2. To wipe the eyes and flowing tears, use disposable paper napkins, with separate ones for each eye.
  3. Do not touch the tip of the dropper or pipette to the eye or skin, and do not place it on the table so that it touches a non-sterile surface. Use paper napkins or a piece of sterile gauze or bandage.
  4. When treating inflammations, especially purulent ones, do not touch the secretions or the surface of the eyelid with a pipette or dropper.
  5. You need to drip baby drops into the corner of your eye, slightly pulling down the lower eyelid.
  6. Never exceed the dosage, especially if it is antibiotic drops. This will not speed up recovery, but may cause dryness and irritation in the baby’s already sore eyes.
  7. Do not irritate the child, do everything softly, delicately, but quickly and persistently.

Most modern eye drops do not cause severe discomfort when instilled, and possible unpleasant effects pass quickly enough. The baby gets relief and soon forgets about his eye problems.

Conjunctivitis of various etiologies is a fairly common disease in children. In almost every family, parents can encounter this disease. Children of all ages get sick. Prescribing the correct treatment is a necessary condition for quickly eliminating the adverse symptoms of the disease.

How is it developing?

The development of the disease begins after exposure to a certain external factor. There are more than a hundred reasons that lead to the development of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Manifestations of the disease, as a rule, are similar - even with different types of pathogen. Treatment is prescribed strictly after the cause has been established.

Conjunctivitis in pediatric ophthalmological practice most often occurs when:

  • Various infections. In most cases these are viruses or bacteria. Once in the body, they multiply very quickly and cause an inflammatory process. Spreading through the bloodstream throughout the body, pathogenic microorganisms provoke inflammation in many internal organs. The conjunctiva, well supplied with blood, quickly becomes involved in the inflammatory process, and characteristic symptoms of the disease appear.
  • Traumatic eye injuries. Children, especially younger ones, often taste the world around them. It is very easy for a child to get an eye injury. The mucous membrane in babies is too vulnerable to any traumatic damage. It quickly becomes damaged and conjunctivitis occurs.
  • Allergic reactions. Conjunctivitis is one of the main symptoms of allergies. Upon contact with an allergen, the mucous membrane of the eye becomes inflamed, and classic symptoms of conjunctivitis appear. Allergic conjunctivitis, which occurs due to individual hypersensitivity, can occur throughout the year. All it takes is for the allergen substance to enter the body.
  • Chronic diseases of the middle ear and nasopharynx. Babies with chronic otitis media or sinusitis may also develop conjunctivitis. This is due to the peculiarity of the blood supply to the organs on the face. The proximity of anatomical zones increases the likelihood of conjunctivitis. In such cases, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease that provoked the inflammatory process.

After exposure to an external cause, an inflammatory process starts in the body. Reaching the mucous membrane of the eyes, biologically active substances affect the cells and provoke the appearance of symptoms characteristic of conjunctivitis:

  • lacrimation;
  • sensation of a foreign body or “sand” in the eyes
  • severe redness of the eyes;
  • suppuration (with bacterial forms of the disease);
  • pain when opening the eyes;
  • photophobia and increased sensitivity to sunlight.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis occur rapidly, causing severe anxiety and discomfort in the baby.

Children try to open their eyes as little as possible and blink more often. Children become more capricious, their appetite and sleep suffer. Habitual favorite activities no longer bring positive emotions.

To eliminate the adverse manifestations of the disease, prompt treatment is required.

Basic principles of treatment

Conjunctivitis is a rather dangerous disease. Purulent forms of the disease are relatively severe and require prompt and correct treatment. The prescription of medications is carried out by an ophthalmologist after examining the child and conducting additional examinations. Treatment of purulent conjunctivitis requires the use of antibiotics.

Any form of inflammatory eye disease involves the following therapeutic measures:

  • Mandatory adherence to daily routine and rest. D To quickly restore a child’s body, proper sleep is required. Children under five years old should sleep at least 10 hours a day. Daytime naps are recommended for sick children. During such rest, the mucous membrane of the eyes recovers and heals faster. In the first days of illness, it is better to close the curtains in the room. It is much more comfortable for a child with acute conjunctivitis to be in a dark room.
  • Hygiene procedures. Inflamed eyes should be washed out. To do this, you can use warm boiled water. You can also do such rinses using a decoction of chamomile or furatsilin. You should wipe your eyes in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. This will prevent you from causing an infection and will remove all remaining eye discharge. The procedure is prescribed for 10 days 3-4 times a day.
  • Prescribing medications. The choice is made by the doctor. It is not recommended to select the medicine yourself. If used incorrectly, instead of a positive effect, the baby may experience adverse side effects. Medicinal ointments and children's eye drops are used to treat conjunctivitis. When treating severe forms of bacterial infections, injections or antibiotic tablets are prescribed. The dose, frequency and duration of the course are chosen by the attending physician.
  • Limiting walks in the first few days after the onset of conjunctivitis symptoms. The bright rays of the sun can further injure the damaged mucous membrane and increase lacrimation. It is better to walk after the inflammatory process has subsided. In the summer, try to cover your baby's face from bright sunlight.

What eye drops are used?

Various medications are used to treat conjunctivitis. The ability to use different forms of drug release helps to quickly cope with the adverse manifestations of the disease and speed up recovery. Most often, doctors prescribe eye drops.

They may be different in composition. For infectious conjunctivitis, drops with a bactericidal effect are prescribed. The drug may have a detrimental effect on certain types of bacteria. If it kills several different forms of pathogenic microorganisms at once, then the medicine has a wide spectrum of action. These drops include Tobrex" Using the medicine will help cope with the symptoms of most infectious conjunctivitis. As a rule, it is prescribed for a period of 5-7 days.

Albucid is used for babies from the first days after birth. This drug fights various types of staphylococci. It is even used in maternity hospitals (to prevent gonorrhea in newborns). The medicine is time-tested and has a minimum of side effects. Used in a course (as prescribed by a doctor).

Eye drops containing antibiotics are also very successfully used in the treatment of various inflammatory eye diseases. Doctors may prescribe Ciprofloxacin. This drug also has a broad spectrum of action against many pathogenic microorganisms. Prescribed in a course of up to 7 days. Longer use is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor. Such eye drops are not prescribed to children under one year of age.

If conjunctivitis is viral in nature, then it is recommended to prescribe special antiviral drugs. This could be Ophthalmoferon eye drops. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of various forms of viral eye diseases. You can also use "Oftan Ida". However, it should be remembered that these medications should not be used for children under two years of age.

When purchasing eye drops, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. It is strictly prohibited to use expired medications! Note which eye drops need to be stored in a refrigerator. Typically, such drugs are warmed to a comfortable temperature before instillation.

All opened medicinal eye drops must be stored for the period specified in the instructions. After this time, they should not be used.

The use of eye drops in the treatment of conjunctivitis is an important therapeutic procedure. A course of use of such medications allows you to get rid of all the adverse manifestations of the disease in a fairly short time and promotes rapid recovery.

How and with what to treat conjunctevitis in children - see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

The health of the baby is the most important thing for every parent. However, sooner or later the child still faces various diseases. Ophthalmological problems occur quite often in children. They will help to cope with them. For a child, such drugs should be selected by a specialist, taking into account the etiology of the disease. The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection of drops for treatment

When can you not do without eye drops?

Inflammatory eye pathologies in children are quite common. The disease can be identified by its characteristic symptoms: tearing, redness. Every parent wants to rid their baby of such unpleasant signs. However, it is not recommended to take any medications without the help of a specialist.

Eye drops for a child can be prescribed for the following pathological conditions:

  • conjunctivitis (allergic, bacterial, viral);
  • keratitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis.

Some drops can be used for meibomitis (barley). Drugs are selected depending on the age of the small patient.

Drops for infants

Eye diseases occur even in newborn babies. Parents should know that self-medication and the use of traditional methods in this case are unacceptable. Only a specialist can prescribe suitable therapy after examining the child.

“Tobrex”, “Albucid”, “Levomycetin”, “Floxal” are popular eye drops for newborns. They are used for a bacterial infection that initially affects one eye and after some time spreads to the other. In this case, abundant purulent discharge is observed. The bactericidal effect of such drugs extends to staphylococci, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, streptococci, and chlamydia.

Antiviral eye drops for newborns are effective against adenoviruses and herpes viruses. The pathological condition is characterized by fever, sore throat, runny nose, and damage to one eye. Effective antiviral drops are drugs such as Oftalmoferon, Florenal, Tebrofen. In addition to antiviral, they also have immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and regenerative effects.

Antiallergic drops

Itching, redness, watery eyes and swelling of the eyelids indicate development. In children, a similar condition is not uncommon. Various allergens cause pathology.

In this case, children's eye drops should have an antihistamine effect. Such drugs include Allergodil, Cortisone, Lecrolin, Opatanol.

Tobrex drops

For purulent-inflammatory processes in ophthalmology, Tobrex drops are used. For children, this remedy can be used from the first days of life. The active ingredient in the composition is the antibiotic tobramycin, which is active against Klebsiella, Staphylococcus, Proteus, Gonococcus, Streptococcus, and Enterobacteriaceae.

The product can only be used for pathologies caused by a bacterial pathogen. Tobrex drops do not have a harmful effect on viruses. For infants, the product can only be used under the supervision of a physician. Indications for prescription are the following diseases:

  • conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology;
  • meibomite;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis.

How to use drops?

The exact dosage and frequency of use of the drug is calculated by the doctor. This usually depends on the severity of the disease. The age of the baby is also taken into account. According to the instructions, newborns can instill the drug 1 drop up to 5 times a day. Tobrex can be used for no more than 7 days. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may develop during the use of the product.

Before use, the drops are warmed to room temperature. After opening the bottle, the product can be stored for no more than 28 days. You should not replace one medicine with another on your own, even in the absence of positive dynamics. To do this, you need to consult a doctor again, who will select a more effective remedy.

Side effects

Tobrex for children should be used according to the regimen recommended by a specialist. This will help avoid the development of side effects of the drug. Some parents complain that their child has redness and swelling of the eyelids after instilling the drug. Newborns may develop hearing loss.

Levomycetin eye drops

Drops for children "Levomycetin" are used for bacterial infections. The drug has an antimicrobial effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Based eye drops are a strong antibiotic, and therefore should not be used to treat children without a doctor’s prescription.

Eye drops for a child can be prescribed for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and keratitis of bacterial etiology. The duration of treatment with the drug is usually 7-10 days. However, the specialist can change the treatment regimen.

Children should instill 1 drop of the drug into each eye no more than three times a day. For convenience, you can use a pipette. It is important not to touch the affected eye to avoid spreading the infection. The product is not used to treat babies under 4 months of age.

Contraindications and side effects

Children's eye drops "Levomycetin" are used in pediatric practice with extreme caution. The antibiotic can cause serious side effects: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, deterioration of kidney function, and the development of a fungal infection. It is not recommended to increase the dosage of the drug on your own.

The instructions for the drug indicate that the drops are not prescribed for the treatment of children under 3 years of age. However, experts still use Levomycetin in the form of eye drops in a minimal dosage. Many years of experience show that the active substance is well tolerated by children.

It is forbidden to use drops in case of hypersensitivity to chloramphenicol, liver or kidney failure, hematopoietic disorders and fungal infections.

"Albucid" for children

The drug "Albucid" has a wide spectrum of action and is active against many pathogenic agents. For children, 20% eye drops are used. It is recommended to instill this remedy in babies in the first minutes after birth to avoid the development of blenorrhea, a disease caused by gonococcus.

The main active ingredient is sulfacetamide. The substance has a powerful antibacterial effect. Drops can be used for gonorrheal eye damage and purulent inflammation.

You can put this product in your child’s eyes up to 5 times a day, 1-2 drops. If the dynamics are positive, the dosage is gradually reduced. The duration of use of Albucid is 10 days.

Features of application

Eye drops for children are not used in cases of hypersensitivity to sulfonamides and renal failure. According to the instructions, Albucid cannot be used during treatment with drugs containing silver.

Albucid drops cause side effects only in rare cases. This can be determined by symptoms such as redness, swelling of the eyelids, and itching. They usually go away over some time. Many parents use drops to treat rhinitis of bacterial origin in children.