Karos technical support.

Unique in its beauty and design of the surrounding world, rich and unique throughout the entire gameplay. You can list the advantages for an infinitely long time, but what you see, even if you are a sophisticated person, will amaze you with its greatness. And there is nothing surprising, because this is a client online game Karos, a beautiful universe, with the world of Azmar located in it.

After reading it, you have the opportunity to become an active participant in the resistance fighting to restore peace and order. You need to make your choice and decide on which side, of the existing races, you will begin your fight against evil and injustice. And there is plenty to choose from, because at this stage you will see four developed races participating in the fight, each of which is divided into seven constantly developing classes.

Karos– this is a world unsurpassed today in terms of the graphic design of the game, with unique and colorful levels and local locations. The beauty and richness of the landscapes is so realistic that from time to time it absorbs and seems to spill out, beyond the edges of the monitor. All the graphic splendor of the game is accompanied by musical support, always exactly corresponding to the place and time, harmoniously allowing you to merge with the game and make it as realistic and exciting as possible.

But the most important thing is that the mmorpg online game Karos is constantly evolving and becoming better and more diverse. Every day more and more werewolves and monsters appear and actively enter into hostilities, the landscapes of combat operations are constantly changing and improving. The amount of resistance is also growing every day, as daily the ranks of fighters for peace Azmar new members join.

It should be noted that all the delights of battles and heroic achievements in the struggle for peace and tranquility, as well as participation in this heroic saga, are completely free. Therefore, dear wanderer, do not miss the opportunity to engage in battle with monsters and monsters in the world of fantasy. And who knows, maybe you are the one who can bring an advantage to the side of good and return peace and prosperity to the beautiful world of Azmar!

Main gameplay features:

  • The graphics are of the highest level, allowing you to completely immerse yourself in the online game process.
  • The ability to gain additional superiority during combat by capturing objects (mines, mines, etc.).
  • Joining forces to defeat or blockade fortified areas and castle structures, allowing you to control entire areas of Karos.
  • Development of your own character in the class chosen by the player to a high level.
  • Innovative implementation of the cutting-edge fetta system, thanks to which a revolution was made in the field of online games.
  • The plot is full of secrets and mysteries, which will not let you get bored and will constantly create intense interest in the game.

The developer of this game is Nikita Online, so if you played

Karos: The Beginning is a free-to-play MMORPG set on the planet Azmara. The key point of the game is the confrontation between the forces of Light and Darkness and their struggle for the magical substance of Flett. Choose one of four races of defenders of the Cafernel Federation and fight for the future of your native lands. Don't let the dark lord's minions revive your master.


  • Mounted sacred animals turn into shoulder armor when inactive.
  • Flett's unique system, obtained from defeated monsters. Using this matter, you can create powerful armor and weapons that can develop in parallel with your hero.
  • Four races of warriors of light: in the future, each player gets the opportunity to have a narrower specialization - a profession.
  • Large-scale sieges of castles and capture of mines. Use assault weapons and win battles. The reward is additional sources of resources.
  • Existing PvE dungeons are divided into normal and difficult. The first are suitable for inexperienced users; to complete the second you will need tactical knowledge and a trained team.
  • Regular game updates add new locations, vehicles, equipment and increase the maximum character level.

About the game:

Karos is a living classic of the MMORPG genre, published in 30 countries. Over the past four years, the Russian-language version of the game has been the first in the world in terms of audience size: the magical planet Azmara (this is the name of the virtual world of Karos) is inhabited by more than 4 million Russian-speaking users.
Obviously, such long-term success cannot be explained either by cool graphics or powerful advertising. Indeed, the secret here is completely different: Karos is simply truly masterfully made.
A huge number of professions and classes, battles between factions and guilds, raids into dungeons, a developed crafting system - the Karos developers have implemented a gentleman's set of MMORPG mechanics almost flawlessly. At the same time, the game also has original discoveries - for example, Flett's magical energy system.
Karos is an easy-to-learn yet challenging-to-master game that will appeal to both new and experienced MMORPG fans.


  • Free-to-play game (F2P) with the ability to exchange in-game money for premium currency (currency auction): you can buy premium items without investing real money!
  • Unique Flett system: along with experience, the player gains points of Flett's magical energy, which can be invested in the development of special Flett skills or in enchanting objects, the characteristics of which will then grow along with the character's level.
  • Large-scale battles between factions and guilds for castles and mines that bring income to the conquerors.
  • 4 races, 7 classes, 42 professions and 12 unique super skills for each class.
  • An advanced crafting system that allows players to craft some really cool gear on their own.
  • A variety of PvE and PvP modes - from 1 on 1 duels to mass siege with an almost unlimited number of participants.
  • Constant large-scale updates.
  • Regular prize events from the administration and 24/7 technical support.

About the game

Karos is currently available in 30 countries around the globe. But it is Russia where this game has gained a living MMORPG classics status. Over the last 4 years Russian Karos has consecutively outdone all the foreign versions of the game in terms of audience: Asmara - the title’s fictional universe - is now inhabited by more than 4 million Russian users.
Neither state-of-the-art graphics, nor even the most aggressive promotion could sustain success of that magnitude. Speaking of the real result-driving force, for Karos it actually boils down to how masterfully the game is tuned by its developers.
The multitude of game professions and classes, epic battles between guilds and factions, dungeon raids, elaborate crafting system and other necessities essential for a modern MMORPG found their flawlessly neat execution in Karos. At the same time it is hardly possible to charge Karos developers with lack of original ideas while there is, for instance, the Fletta system in the game.
Karos is one of those games which are easy to learn and are hard to master so it can be equally enjoyed by both novice gamers and warworn vets.


  • F2P with an opportunity to trade in-game money for premium shop currency (Money Auction).
  • Unique Fletta-system: along with experience a player gains magical Fletta-points which can be invested in development of Fletta-skills or used to enchant items in some really special way. The Fletta-enchanted items increase their stats following the character’s levelling progress.
  • Epic battles between factions and guilds for total dominion over castles and mines which can generate significant income for the conqueror.
  • 4 races, 7 classes, 42 professions with 12 unique superskills for each class.
  • With the advanced crafting system a player can create some really wear-worthy equipment.
  • Various PvE and PvP modes: from face-to-face duel to devastating siege with unlimited participants.
  • Constantly issued large-scale updates.
  • Ongoing in-game events and 24/7 support service.