Card file of observations during a walk in the younger group. Organization of observation in junior groups of dows

Observation is an integral part of the development and formation of a child’s personality; it must be competently organized by the teacher in order to achieve the best results. The ultimate goal of this event should be the formation in a preschooler of a clear understanding of the characteristics of objects in his environment, the causes of the occurrence of certain natural phenomena, and the ability to explain the structure or structure of the simplest everyday processes. In the process of organized observation in a preschool educational institution, children develop communication and social skills, improve memory and concentration, develop a positive emotional attitude towards natural objects, and respect for people’s work.

Theoretical aspects of organizing observations in preschool educational institutions

Observation in a preschool educational institution is a specially organized activity, a targeted perception of objects of living and inanimate nature, as well as those created by man under the guidance of a teacher. In this case, various senses of preschool children are used: vision, hearing, smell, tactile sensitivity. During the observation, the intellectual development of children occurs, ideas about the world around them are formed, which is the main goal of organizing this process in kindergarten.

In preschool age, the child has a clearly expressed need to know everything, and observation is designed to satisfy it.

During observation, children learn about the world around them in all its diversity.

Tasks of organizing observations in junior groups of preschool educational institutions:

  • attracting children's attention to the object, examining it;
  • identification of sensory features of an object (using various analyzers);
  • imitation of movements and sounds made by the object of observation;
  • establishing signs of difference between one object and another;
  • formation of a positive, caring attitude towards animals and plants.

Classification of observations

Observation can be organized in various forms:

  • By location:
    • Location on;
    • in a group room;
    • in the forest, field, etc.
  • By number of children:
    • individual (1–4 people);
    • group (5–10 children);
    • collective (the whole group).
  • Due to the following:
    • random;
    • planned;
    • as an answer to a child's question.
  • By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process:
    • episodic;
    • systematic.
  • By duration:
    • short-term (from 5 to 15 minutes);
    • long (over 15 minutes).
  • By the nature of observation of the same object:
    • one-time;
    • multiple, or cyclic.
  • By place in the loop:
    • primary;
    • secondary;
    • final, or final.
  • By the nature of the objects:
    • observation of inanimate objects (vehicles, sand, stones, wind, air, sun, sky, trees, plants);
    • observation of animate objects (people, animals, birds, fish, insects).

Age characteristics of younger preschoolers

When thinking through the organization and management of observations of children, the teacher should take into account the age, specific development and level of cognitive activity of children aged 1.5–4 years. Babies' attention is unstable; they are attracted to bright, moving objects. Therefore, it is better to organize the first observations with pupils of the younger group on animals rather than plants.

The attention of younger preschoolers is attracted by moving objects

The teacher should remember that at the age of 3, children are not yet recommended to observe the sky, since they have not fully developed a sense of balance. It is also necessary to observe safety measures, because a child may inadvertently try to touch a poisonous plant or be too “active” in observing tree branches.

In general, children 2–3 years old have their own characteristics in organizing observation, because some at this age hardly speak or speak very little. In this case, you need to use lighter versions of the words: “top-top” - goes, “kach-kach” - swings on a swing, “am-am” - eats, “kup-kup” - bathes, “boom” - fell, etc. Also, when observing, you can use the technique of finishing words in familiar nursery rhymes and poems. For example, when watching birds, you can ask children to finish the last word in a line of poetry:

Birdie... (birdie),
Here's... (water)!
Here you go... (crumbs)
On my... (palm)!

Use speech imitation. After each name of a tree, vehicle, type of bird, etc., motivate the children to repeat the words after you, so they will remember them faster. When conducting a quiz in the first junior group, the teacher answers his own questions, and the children repeat.

Organization of observations in the first junior group of kindergarten

Observations can be carried out with all the children together, with separate subgroups, or individually. For some, the teacher develops attention, for others, it stimulates interest in living nature. It is useful for children to remember the shape and properties of individual objects in their environment. To describe objects of observation, use phrases consisting of words well known to the child.

Observations can be carried out with small subgroups of children so that each student has the opportunity to become familiar with the object in detail

Table: file of observations in the first junior group

Subject Goals Progress of observation
Watching the dog
  • Learn more about such a pet as a dog;
  • instill a desire to take care of dogs;
  • develop knowledge about dog habits.
A dog is man's friend. She has a body, a head, legs, and a tail. She is faithful to her master and always protects him from enemies. She can follow commands, eats bones, and runs after the ball.
Ask which of the children has such a pet and how they care for it.
Bird watching
  • Learn the habits of birds, observe their behavior;
  • develop a desire to feed birds in cold times.
Before starting your walk, grab some bread crumbs. Try to feed the birds, observe the birds’ reaction to the child’s movements. If the baby jerks his hand sharply, the bird gets scared and flies away.
Cat watching
  • Learn more about an animal such as a cat;
  • find out more about her habits.
Pay attention to the appearance of the cat, how soft and fluffy it is. It is also worth noting that with sudden movements she runs away, as she is afraid of a person, and with smooth movements she approaches him.
Bird watching
  • Compare birds such as a dove and a sparrow;
  • clearly identify their similarities and differences.
Please note that:
  • the sparrow is small and the dove is big,
  • the sparrow jumps and the dove runs,
  • the sparrow is brown and the dove is gray,
  • The sparrow is afraid of people, but the dove is used to them.
Tit watching
  • To consolidate knowledge about the appearance and habits of tits;
  • develop a desire to feed them during the cold season.
Before your walk, take some seeds and lard. Explain to the children that these birds really need food, they love seeds and lard, and feeders are hung for them in winter.
Observing the work of a janitor Understand the tasks of a janitor. Notice what exactly the janitor removes: debris, leaves, dried branches. What he does it with: a rake, a broom and dustpan, or a wastebasket.
Watching the wind Understand the impact wind has on the environment. Notice that when there is a gust of wind, the leaves move, tree branches sway, and the pinwheel spins. All light objects rise from the ground and fly away.
Watching the water Observe the properties of water. Pour water from one container to another. Note that when drops fall on clothing, a stain remains, which later dries. Water can be warm or cold.
Watching leaves in autumn Remember all the colors that leaves can be painted. Go for a walk in the fall and collect green, yellow and red leaves. Explain how leaf color changes during this time of year.
Watching the snow Understand the properties of snow, observe its reaction to various external stimuli. Go for a walk in the winter season, try to catch a snowflake, notice that it immediately melts on a warm palm, try to examine it from close range, blow on it, try to catch it with a glove.

Example of a note “Observing the snow”

The observation summary allows you to formulate the main theses of the observation organization.

  • Encourage children to enjoy watching the snow.
  • Clarify their ideas about snow, talk about its features and properties.
  • Activate children through verbal reactions.
  • Give them a sense of inspiration and develop their imagination.
  • To cultivate a sense of beauty, enjoyment of the creation of nature.


  • snow,
  • rake,
  • mittens,
  • sled,
  • skis,
  • shoulder blades.

Children in a group sit in a circle. The teacher conducts a mini-quiz:

  • What's so white falling from the sky? (Snowflakes).
  • What will happen if many, many snowflakes gather in a big pile? (Snowdrift).
  • What can we make from snow? (Snowman, snowballs).
  • What happens if a snowflake falls on your palm? (She'll melt)
  • What does snow feel like? (Fluffy, soft, cold!)

V.: Well done! Now let's go outside and look at the snow for ourselves.

Children observe the change in the state of snow when exposed to it:

  • sculpt,
  • crumpled,
  • trampled,
  • blowing
  • digging with a shovel
  • catch with bare hands and a mitten.

Physical exercise “Blizzard”. Children spin around, imitating the movement of snowflakes. If the teacher says “blizzard” - the children run, “silence” - they freeze.

Temporary observation plan

The time plan allows you to correctly distribute the types of children’s activities. Direct observation in the younger group takes from 3 to 10 minutes.

Snow theme

  1. Indoor snow quiz - 5 minutes. Discussion of the properties of snow (fluffy, soft, cold), its reaction to external stimuli.
    • Game “Blizzard” (task: teach children to run and freeze when given a signal).
    • Game “Snowballs” (task: make a snowball and hit the target with it).
  2. Individual work - 5 minutes. Continue working outdoors, inviting each child to build their own snowman.
  3. Group activity - 4 minutes. Indoors, invite children to draw what they observed outside: snowflakes, a snowman, a blizzard, snowdrifts, snowballs.

Theme "Autumn"

Autumn is an exciting time of year for kids.

Autumn is an unforgettable time of year for children, so you need to focus their attention on changes in nature.

  1. Quiz about autumn indoors - 5 minutes. Discussion of the distinctive features of autumn (birds fly away, it gets colder, it rains often).
  2. Game activity - 4 minutes.
    • Game “Chestnuts” (task: collect as many chestnuts as possible on the ground).
    • Game “Leaves” (task: to teach children to move quickly, imitating the movement of falling leaves, and to respond to the teacher’s signal). Children run around the playground, imitating the movement of falling leaves. If the teacher says “silence!”, the children freeze, “leaf fall” - they spin.
  3. Individual work - 5 minutes. Continue working in the fresh air, each child collects his own bouquet of fallen leaves.
  4. Group activity - 4 minutes. Indoors, invite the children to draw what they observed outside: colorful leaves, trees with almost fallen leaves, birds flying away, a gloomy sky.

In the process of joint activities, kids make new friends

Video: playing with water in the first junior group Video can’t be loaded: Games with water in the first junior group of preschool educational institution No. 44 in Baranovichi (

Organization of observations in the second junior group of preschool educational institutions

Children aged 3 to 4 years differ from the previous group primarily in that they show much more desire to communicate and explore the world around them. They strive to communicate more with their peers rather than with the teacher. It is easier for them to play, draw, sculpt with children, and their speech develops faster. During this period, differences between children in physical and intellectual development begin to become noticeable, so it is especially important to find an individual approach to each student.

Bird watching instills in children a caring attitude towards birds

The teacher should take into account that children who did not go to the first junior group often get sick and have a harder time adapting to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

Table: file of observations in the second junior group

Subject Goals Progress of observation
Tree watching
  • Understand the distinctive features of certain types of trees,
  • remember the main components of a tree.
Walk with children in the park and show the differences between birch, oak, rowan, ash, maple, etc. Tell where the trunk, roots, crown, branches, leaves are, which of these trees squirrels can live on.
Ant watching
  • Find out why ants exist, what benefits they bring,
  • develop children's ecological worldview.
Tell what an anthill is, how ants work, carry twigs together, how difficult it is for them to build their anthill and therefore it cannot be destroyed. Compare the flow of ants with people on the street.
Cloud watching
  • Develop children's imagination, curiosity,
  • open the mind.
Watch the clouds, how they move quickly in a sharp wind and stand still on a windless day. For each cloud, come up with associations of animals and fairy-tale characters.
Monitoring the unloading of a machine with products
  • Introduce children to the work of a loader,
  • expand their vocabulary.
Observe the shipment of products, tell which boxes contain eggs, which contain milk, bread. Tell them that the boxes are heavy and it’s not easy for the movers to carry them. But these products are fresh and they are used to prepare food for children.
Roadway surveillance To consolidate knowledge about the roadway and safety measures when staying near it. While near the road, note the wide variety of cars, the purpose of cars and trucks, tell how important the traffic light is, and also that when there is ice, it is difficult for the driver to control the car.
Observation of early spring Note the most important features of early spring. Notice that the sun has appeared, the birds are returning, the snow is melting, icicles are dripping, the first grass is visible, a strong wind is blowing.
Excursion to the forest
  • Explain that in the forest there are insects, animals, birds, plants and trees that need each other;
  • explain the importance of preserving the diversity of forest flora and fauna.
Take a walk through the forest, note the diversity of wildlife, tell them that mushrooms and berries grow there and can be picked. Try to convey the beauty and uniqueness of the forest. Listen to the birds singing.
Observing the swelling of buds on trees Strengthen knowledge about living nature. In early spring, go to the tree, carefully touch the buds, explain that leaves will appear from them later. Tell that if there are no buds and the branch is dry, then it needs to be carefully broken off.
Excursion to the store
  • Tell us about the seller’s work;
  • Find out what departments the store is divided into.
Take the children to the nearest store, watch the seller at work, take them around the store, show them the difference between the dairy department and the vegetable department, etc.
Watching the sun Expand children's horizons, develop their ideas about phenomena related to the sun. Observe the rainbow, explain why it appears, show the sunbeams, explain where they come from, let the children try to catch them.

Example of a note “Observing the roadway”

  • To form a clear idea in children of how busy the highway is during rush hour.
  • Introduce students to a variety of cars.
  • Reinforce knowledge of how to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.
  • Introduce flickers, how they work and why they are needed.
  • Give an idea of ​​how difficult it is for a driver to drive and why he should not be distracted.

The teacher conducts a quiz with the students:

  • Children, at what light can we cross the road? (On green).
  • And on what occasion should we under no circumstances do this? (On red).
  • What does the big truck carry? (Products, furniture, etc.).
  • What will help the driver see you in the dark? (Flickers).
  • What are the names of cars in which a lot of people are traveling? (Bus, trolleybus, tram, minibus, etc.).
  • Why shouldn't the driver be distracted from the road? (Because the car is traveling at high speed).

It is important that after observation children have the opportunity to draw what they saw.

The teacher draws cars and tells where the steering wheel, pedals, seats, seat belts, engine are, and the children watch.

Physical exercise. If the teacher says “red”, the children sit, “yellow” - they stand up, “green” - they walk back and forth, pretending to be pedestrians.

Temporary plan of observations in the second junior group

In the second younger group, the time devoted to direct observation increases slightly.

Theme: “Excursion to the forest”

  1. Indoor forest quiz - 10 minutes. Discussion of the forest as a habitat for flora and fauna (what animals, birds, insects live there, what plants and trees grow).
    • Game “Forest Dwellers” (task: to teach children to quickly respond to signals). When the teacher says “squirrels,” the children begin to run quickly, “bunnies” jump, “birds” imitate the flight of birds, and “trees” freeze in place.
    • Game “Leaves” (task: to teach children to distinguish the leaves of different trees). The teacher collects pine needles, chestnuts, oak leaves, poplar fluff, etc., and the children must say which tree it belongs to.
  2. Individual work - 7 minutes. Children independently collect bouquets from a variety of tree leaves.
  3. Group activity - 6 minutes. Indoors, invite children to draw what they saw outside: colorful leaves of different types, trees, paths, benches, etc.

Topic: “Observation of early spring”

  1. Quiz about spring indoors - 10 minutes. Discussion of spring (which birds arrive first, which animals wake up from hibernation, which plants appear first from under the snow).
  2. Play activity - 10 minutes.
    • Game “Spring Miracles” (task: teach children to quickly respond to signals). When the teacher says “snowdrops,” the children begin to quickly squat and stand up like snowdrops, “bears” imitate the gait of a bear, and “kidneys” curl up into a ball and sit still.
    • Game “Icicles” (task: find the longest icicle on the territory of the kindergarten before they melt).
  3. Individual work - 7 minutes. Children independently remove dirty snow with shovels.
  4. Group activity - 6 minutes. Indoors, invite the children to draw what they saw outside: thawed patches, the first buds on the bushes, snowdrops, dripping icicles, remaining caps of snow.

Video: observing snow in the second junior group

Long-term planning of observations in junior kindergarten groups

Drawing up a long-term plan for the year will help preschool teachers organize observations of living and inanimate nature objects, weather phenomena with young pupils. The plan must take into account the characteristics of the climate and area where children live.

When drawing up a long-term plan, the climatic features of the region should be taken into account

Table: long-term observation plan for the first junior group

Month Observation object
September Observing sand, studying its properties:
  • loose,
  • dry,
  • when water is added it becomes solid,
  • easily carried by the wind.
October Observing the fish in the group’s aquarium, feeding them.
November Observing water, studying its properties:
  • warm,
  • cold,
  • hot,
  • if it freezes, it turns into ice.
December Observing snow, studying its properties:
  • cold,
  • fluffy,
  • soft,
  • if it's frosty, the snow is loose,
  • It's getting warmer and snow is falling.
January Ice Observation:
  • slippery,
  • you can ride carefully,
  • may crack
  • if it melts, it becomes water.
February Observe soap bubbles, teach children to blow soap bubbles on their own.
March Spring observation:
  • snow is melting,
  • the birds are flying,
  • the sun shines often,
  • The wind's blowing.
April Insect observation:
  • flies,
  • chafers,
  • study of their structure.
May Watching dandelions transform from a yellow flower to a white one.

Table: long-term observation plan for the second youngest group

Month Observation object
September Observing the sun and sky:
  • find the sides of the horizon,
  • observe that when the sun shines, people put on hats,
  • note changes in weather with the presence or disappearance of clouds,
  • compare the blueness of the sky in summer and autumn.
October Wind and Rain Observation:
  • strong, gusty, light, cold wind;
  • note the types of rain: short, continuous, shower, light rain, oblique and direct.
November Bird watching:
  • finding differences and similarities between pigeons,
  • sparrow
  • black,
  • how they react to people, how they move,
  • sounds made, dimensions, coloring.
December Supervision of snow removal:
  • the snowplow, how it drives, the driver controls it, the brushes sweep away the snow,
  • the snow is removed by a street cleaner, he cleans the snow along the edge of the sidewalk with a shovel, pours it to the curb,
  • offer to help the children.
  • Snowfall observation:
    • snowflakes fall on fur, on hats, mittens,
    • children look at snowflakes and come up with associations);
  • for snowballs: they don’t mold well in cold weather, well in above-zero temperatures;
  • for the clothes of passers-by in the cold season: warm boots, down jackets, scarves.
February Observation of older children in another area:
  • children carefully slide down the slide,
  • don't push
  • keep in line.
March Observing changes in nature:
  • melted snow,
  • streams flow
  • thawed patches,
  • the first grass appears
  • the sky periodically becomes lighter,
  • daylight hours increase,
  • people don't dress so warmly.
April Tree Observation:
  • find familiar trees on the site,
  • notice their differences, similarities,
  • Do they bend too much in the wind?
  • Is the crown lush?
May Monitoring the transport that arrives at the kindergarten: remember the ambulance, fire truck, police car, truck that brings food, who unloads it and how, what food it brings.

Observing the environment is an important aspect of children's development. Walking in the fresh air strengthens the body, and contemplation of various natural phenomena broadens one's horizons. Studying the properties of plants and animals instills in preschoolers a careful and caring attitude towards the world around them, observing man-made objects forms ideas about life in society. The main thing is to competently conduct observation, implementing the teaching, educational and developmental goals of methodological work with children.

Software tasks:

1. Introduce children to the appearance and behavioral characteristics of a rabbit (an animal with white fluffy, soft fur, long ears; large, red eyes; sharp teeth; short tail; hind legs longer than the front; moves by jumping; gnaws vegetables and branches).

2. Give children knowledge about how to care for animals (feed 2 times a day, clean the cage).

3. Give children knowledge that a rabbit is a pet: it lives near people, people take care of it; Warm scarves, hats, and mittens are knitted from rabbit fluff.

4. Teach children to observe an animal, use words denoting the signs and actions of an animal.

5. Develop further interest and caring attitude towards animals.

Organization of educational activities: seat children in a semicircle. Prepare food for the rabbit: cabbage, carrots, beets, aspen branches. Fence off the space to allow the rabbit to move around.

Material for educational activities:

  • painting with a picture of a rabbit,
  • rabbit,
  • rabbit basket,
  • 2 napkins,
  • vegetable dish,
  • vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets).

Progress of educational activities:

Educator: Guys, look where we have come. How many, many flowers are there in our hall. Let's see how beautiful they are.

Guys, what is this under the napkin, do you want to see? Come, sit down on the carpet (I open the napkin). Oh, what is this?

Children: (cabbage, carrots, beets, grass).

Educator: That's right, guys, listen carefully to the riddle:

A ball of fluff,

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots /rabbit/

That's right, rabbit.

Guys, look at the picture and tell me who is shown in it?

Children: rabbit.

Educator: Guys, a rabbit is a pet, it lives near people, people look after it, feed it; Warm mittens, scarves, and hats are knitted from rabbit fluff.

Do you like to visit? (Yes).

Guys, before you go on a visit, please tell me how we should go?

Children: don't push anyone, walk quietly.

Educator: That's right, guys, you and I will walk along the path, you can't push anyone, don't lag behind, so as not to get lost.

Guys, look who it is?

Children: rabbit.

Educator: Tell , What does a rabbit have?

Children: ears, paws.

Educator: Right.

Yes, a rabbit has legs, the back ones are longer than the front ones. The rabbit pushes off with its hind legs when jumping. And he holds food with his front paws when he eats. Look how small his tail is, like a lump. And the ears are long.

Guys, what kind of fur does a rabbit have?

Children: soft, fluffy.

Educator: Do you want to see how a rabbit eats? (I put carrots, cabbage, grass in the cage)

The children are watching him.

Listen to how he gnaws carrots, cabbage, and beets. What does he chew on?

Children: teeth.

Educator: And the rabbit's teeth are sharp. He chews food, and the food crunches on his teeth. You cannot put your hand into the cage, because the rabbit may bite.

Guys, the rabbit is already tired, let's leave him and go to the mat.

Please tell me who we went to visit?

What does the rabbit have?

What paws?

What does it eat?

Where does he live?

Who is looking after him?

Guys, let's turn into rabbits and show how a rabbit jumps, how it somersaults, how it cleans its paws. Well done, now you and I will go outside and continue playing there, and let the rabbit rest.

1 CARD FILE OF WALKS “AUTUMN” (second junior group)

2 AUTUMN Card 1 Examination of dry sand Purpose: To introduce children to such a component of inanimate nature as sand. Observation: Looking at a small handful of dry sand on white or black paper. The teacher gives each child the opportunity to examine, using a magnifying glass, and touch the sand by touch. What color is the sand? (Yellow or dark brown). What is sand made of? (Consists of small grains of sand). Consider sand from different sandboxes. What do grains of sand look like? (They are very small, round, translucent, depending on the type of sand, hard, uneven, different colors). Does sand fall easily? (Easy) What can you call sand? (Loose). Literary word Sandbox, sandbox, All the kids are in the sand. I want to build a house, Fun game. River sand, small, good for Easter cakes. The little white cook bent over his mold. But Andryusha and Vasenka, the guys, are taking them everywhere in their little red cars, sand back and forth. Mystery. The kids really need him, He’s on the path in the yard, He’s at a construction site and on the beach, And he’s even melted in glass. (sand) Didactic game “What will I build from sand” - children tell what can be built from sand. The goal is to teach how to write sentences on a given topic. Outdoor game “Cucumber, cucumber.” The goal is to teach children to walk in a flock on tiptoes, correlate words and actions, and run without pushing. Progress of the game. The child (“mouse”) sits (“sleeping”), the children walk quietly and read the poem: Cucumber, cucumber, Don’t go to that end, The mouse lives there,

3 He'll bite your tail off. The “mouse” is catching up with the children. Labor in nature Cleaning sand from debris. Individual physical exercises Jumping on two legs while moving around the sandbox.

4 AUTUMN Card 2 What did autumn give us? Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the plant world, to clarify what grows where. Observation: The teacher invites the children to look around and say what autumn has given us. (Sun, sky, clouds, leaves, flowers, vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, etc.). Name 3 4 fruits, their size and color. Check their smell and taste. Artistic word Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn! It's good that you came. We, autumn, will ask you: What did you bring as a gift? E. Blaginina Riddles Yellow, but inside it is white, Will give a bunch of green arrows. Just cut him and tears will come out of his eyes. (Bow) Same as a fist, round side. You touch it smoothly with your finger, and you bite it sweetly. (Apple) White, crumbly, tasty and always on the table. (Potatoes) They dried out in the hot sun and burst out of the pods... (peas). The scarlet itself is sugar, the caftan is green, velvet. (Watermelon) The yellow chicken is sulking under the melon. (Pumpkin) They grow in the summer, and fall off in the fall. (Leaves) Ermoshka sits on one leg, He wears a hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage) Round, not a ball, With a tail, not a mouse, Yellow as honey, But the taste is not the same. (Turnip) Didactic game. “Call it in one word.” choose generalizing words for the given examples. The goal is to consolidate generalizing words: vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers. Finger game. “The hostess came from the market one day.” The hostess came from the market one day, “walking” with her fingers. The hostess brought home from the market Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas. They bend one piece at a time. Parsley and beets. Oh!.. Cotton. So the vegetables started a debate on the table about who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth. Potato? Cabbage? Carrot? Peas? Bend one finger at a time. Parsley or beets? Oh!.. Cotton. Meanwhile, the hostess took a knife and with this knife began to chop Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, bending one finger at a time. Parsley and beets. Oh!.. Cotton. Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot Boiling, boiling in steep boiling water. Palms folded crosswise. Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, Bend one finger at a time. Parsley and beets. Oh!.. Cotton. And the vegetable soup turned out to be quite good! They "eat" soup. Y. Tuvim Outdoor game “At the Bear in the Forest” The goal is to teach how to act according to the words of the text, to develop speed and dexterity. Progress of the game. Children approach the “sleeping bear” with the words:

5 I take mushrooms and berries from the bear in the forest! The bear got cold, froze on the stove! With the last words they run away from the “bear”. Labor in nature. Collect and dry beautiful leaves for crafts. Individual physical exercises Walk along the leaves, stepping firmly on the paved path. AUTUMN Card 3 Observing the sun Purpose: to introduce children to the phenomena of inanimate nature: changes occurring with the sun, with the concept of “length of day”. Observation: Maintain a joyful mood in children before a walk on a sunny day, note that the sun is not at all hot, it does not warm as much as in the summer. Ask the kids: “Where is the sun? What is it like? Extend your palms to the sun's rays and play with the sunbeams. Draw the attention of older children to how the area is illuminated: where there is more sun in the morning, afternoon, evening. Artistic word The sun looks out the window, Looks into our little room. We clapped our hands. We are very happy about the sun. And Barto the Sun examined the earth, Each ray left a trace. There is no more important thing in the world than giving warmth and light. V. Nesterenko Riddle. The golden apple rolls across the sky, smiles in the morning, and the rays in a smile are very hot. (Sunny) Didactic game. “Tender words” - form nouns using diminutive suffixes. Game "Vegetables". The goal is to develop coordination of words with movements, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech. One evening in the garden, children walk in a circle, holding hands, in the center of the circle is a blindfolded driver. Turnips, beets, radishes, onions They decided to play hide and seek, but first they stood in a circle. They made the calculations right there and then: They stop and turn the driver around. One two three four five. You better hide, hide deeper, Well, go look. V. Volina They run up, crouch, and the driver searches.

6 Outdoor game “Burners” The goal is to teach to follow the rules of the game, to develop dexterity and speed. During the game, children stand in a column in pairs. There is a line in front of them with a driver on it. They say in chorus: Burn, burn clearly, So that it doesn’t go out, Look at the sky The birds are flying, The bells are ringing! Children from the last pair run along the column (one on the left, the other on the right), joining hands at the beginning of the column. The driver tries to catch one of the pair before the children hold hands. Labor in nature Clear the sandbox of leaves. Individual physical exercises Jump over a path of leaves. AUTUMN Card 4 Observing the sky and clouds Goal: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the phenomena of inanimate nature. Clarify the concept of “cloud”. Observation: Invite children to look at the sky, note what it is like (clear, blue, warm or gray, low, gloomy). Note that the sky is covered with gray, low, heavy clouds. Find the darkest clouds in the sky. Explain that such clouds are called clouds. What did the clouds do? (They covered the sun.) Invite older children to look at the clouds hanging low above the ground and characterize the weather condition. Activate your vocabulary with the words “cloudy”, “gloomy”, “cold”. Literary word A cloud covers the sky, glitters, The wind howls in the field, The rain drizzles... A. Pleshcheev It’s autumn after all! The sun is paler, the sky is colder. E. Blaginina The sky was breathing autumn, the sun was shining less often, the day was getting shorter... and Pushkin Riddles Fluffy cotton wool is floating somewhere. The lower the cotton wool, the sun is not

7 The closer the rain comes. (Cloud) A blue sheet covers the whole world. (Sky) Didactic game. “What sky?” - children look at the sky and describe it. The goal is to teach how to select relative adjectives. Outdoor games "Bubble". The goal is to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider or narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words. Progress of the game. Children stand in a circle and say: “Blow up, bubble, Blow up, big, Stay like that, Don’t burst.” Pooh! increase it, break the circle at the last words and crouch. "Day Night". The goal is to develop speed, agility, and spatial orientation skills. Progress of the game. Children are divided into two teams “day” and “night”. At the signal “Day!” the children of this team run away, and the other one catches up with them. At the signal “Night!” vice versa. Labor in nature Collect natural materials. Individual physical exercises Throw the ball up and catch it. AUTUMN Card 5 Observing the wind Purpose: to concretize and consolidate children’s knowledge about the wind. Learn to determine the strength of the wind. Observation: With children of younger groups, listen to how leaves, paper ribbons rustle in the wind, and pinwheels spin. Why do the ribbons rustle? You can throw fallen leaves and watch them spin and fly far away. With children in windy weather it is good to watch how the clouds move. To determine the strength of the wind, you can invite them to play with a pinwheel or plumes. Notice that the wind has become colder. Determine whether the wind is strong or weak by how it affects the plants (a weak one slightly shakes leaves and small branches, carries falling leaves slightly to the side; a strong one shakes large branches, tears leaves from trees, sweeps fallen leaves along the ground). Why are trees acting so restless? Artistic word The mournful wind drives

8 A flock of clouds reaches the edge of heaven, The broken spruce groans, The bare forest whispers dully. N. Nekrasov It’s windy, it’s windy, Is the whole earth ventilated? The wind scattered the leaves from the branches around the world... I. Tokmakova Riddle. Snorts, growls, breaks branches, raises dust, knocks people off their feet, you hear him, but you don’t see him. (Wind) Didactic game. “What wind?” - children talk about the wind, describe it. The goal is to teach how to select relative adjectives. Finger game. "Autumn". The wind through the summer forest, The wind counted the leaves: Here is oak, Here is maple, Here is carved rowan, Here is from a golden birch tree. Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree The wind threw it onto the path. Outdoor game "Planes". The goal is to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving. Progress of the game. Children pretend to be airplanes and move around the playground. Labor in nature. Collect leaves scattered by the wind. Individual physical exercises High jumps on the spot. AUTUMN Card 6 “What blooms on our site in early September?” Goal: To teach children to find and correctly name flowering plants on the site. Observation: What is blooming in our area? What flowers did you plant in the spring? Why did we plant flowers on the site? Which flowers do you like best? Why? Inspection of the site, finding flowering plants, determining their names.

9 It is noted how beautiful the area with flowering plants is. Children admire flowers. They name what is beautiful in each plant. Artistic word. “Flowers” ​​Bluebell and gillyflower, Dahlia, golden ball, Cornflower, chamomile, asters, Lily of the valley with a wonderful smell, Poppy, tulip, fragrant tobacco, Golden dandelion, Rose, mallow and iris. Forget-me-not and narcissus, remember well what the flowers are called. Riddles The elegant sisters greet guests all day and treat them with honey. (Flowers) What are the flowers called when you hold them in your hand? (Bouquet) Pure statement. Did Lilliputians love lilies? Didactic game "Which flower?" describe the proposed flower. The goal is to develop the ability to select adjectives and enrich your vocabulary. Finger game "Flowers" Our scarlet flowers Elbows are pressed to each other, hands are closed in the shape of a boat. The petals are blooming. In front of the face, then opened in the form of a bowl. The breeze breathes slightly, the brushes make movements clockwise and counterclockwise. The petals are swaying. Our scarlet flowers The hands tilt to the right and left. They close the petals, quietly fall asleep, shake their heads. V. Volina Outdoor game “Catch the fungus”. The goal is to practice running in all directions with dodging, to develop spatial orientation skills. Progress of the game. Between the soft spruce paws Rain, drip, drip, drip. Where the twig has long since dried up, Gray moss, moss, moss! Where the leaf stuck to the leaf, a mushroom grew, a mushroom, a mushroom. Educator: “Who found him, friends?” Children: “It’s me, me, me!” Children “mushroom pickers” (stand in pairs facing each other, holding hands) catch “mushrooms” (enclose in their circle).

10 Labor in nature Collecting early seeds in a flower garden. Individual physical exercises Walk along the leaves, clearly stepping on the paved path AUTUMN Card 7 Observation of insects in autumn Purpose: Systematization of ideas about the behavior of insects in autumn. Observation: Where did the grasshoppers that were chirping in the grass go? Why are there no ladybugs visible? Where are all the beetles and butterflies? (They hid). Who or what were they hiding from? (They felt cold.) Where did they hide? (In the cracks of tree trunks, in the crevices of houses). What are they doing there? (They fall asleep). Find places where insects are hiding so as not to die during the long cold winter (Under the bark of trees, in fallen leaves). Collect dry leaves from the ground and sift. Conclusion: There are many different living things in leaves. Consider them. Artistic word “Ladybug” The ladybug deftly spread its wings, and the ladybug took off. “It’s not good to fly for a long time, we need to land quickly.” “Ant” An ant got lost in the fluff of old poplars: “Have the clouds really descended from above?” “Fly” A fly sat on the window A fly looked through the glass: “What a free otherworldly Life.” Didactic game. “What can insects do?” The goal is to develop imagination, the ability to express one’s thoughts, and activate verbs in children’s speech. Outdoor game "Planes". The goal is to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving. Progress of the game. Children pretend to be airplanes and move around the playground.

11 “The sea is rough.” The goal is to develop imagination, the ability to express the intended image in movement. Progress of the game. After the words: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, sea figure, freeze in place!” the children freeze in their intended image, the driver tries to guess. Labor in nature Collect large garbage. Individual physical exercises Learn to walk on a limited surface while maintaining balance. AUTUMN Card 8 Observation of dew Purpose: To introduce children to such a natural phenomenon as dew. Observation: Why is the grass wet? What is this moisture and where did it come from? What is this phenomenon? (Dew) How was dew formed? (It appeared because the earth, grass, leaves began to cool after sunset. And the air above the ground was still warm. Transparent water vapor, which is always in the air, touches the cooled earth and settles on the grass in tiny droplets). Where does dew fall the most? (Most dew falls in lowlands, near rivers and ponds) In what weather does it appear? Clear or cloudy? (In cloudy weather there is no dew; it appears only in clear skies). Does anyone need dew? Is it useful? (Dew is needed and useful for plants just like rain. Birds and insects drink its droplets from the grass). Literary word “Dew” It’s good to drink dew in the forest in the morning. Tilt the flower and take a sip of the bell cup, the daisy saucer. Didactic game “On which flower does the dew lie?” describe the proposed flower. The goal is to develop the ability to select adjectives and enrich your vocabulary. Finger game “Flowers” ​​Our scarlet flowers Elbows are pressed to each other, hands are closed in the shape of a boat. The petals are blooming. In front of the face, then opened in the form of a bowl.

12 The breeze breathes slightly, The brushes make movements clockwise and counterclockwise. The petals are swaying. Our scarlet flowers The hands tilt to the right and left. They close the petals, quietly fall asleep, shake their heads. V. Volina Outdoor game “Catch the ball” Purpose: to develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, to run in a straight direction. Progress of the game: The teacher rolls the ball along the path and invites the children to catch up with it. Then the teacher goes to the other side and rolls the ball again, the children catch up. The game is repeated 2-3 times. Game option: you can prepare balls according to the number of children. The teacher puts the balls in the basket and invites everyone to catch the ball, take it and bring it. Labor in nature Clear the sandbox of leaves Individual physical exercises Learn to walk on a limited surface while maintaining balance. AUTUMN Card 9 Variety of autumn leaves Purpose: to show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. Expand the new concept of “leaf fall.” Observation: Remind the children that autumn has come. The whole ground was covered with leaves, everything around was yellow. That's why autumn is called yellow and golden. Draw the children's attention to how one leaf flies to the ground, the other spins, spins and slowly falls to the ground. Clarify that the leaves are light, so they fly to the ground slowly. The wind blew, and many leaves rustled to the ground - this was leaf fall. Examine the leaves of different trees with older children. Please note that the surface of the leaf blade of leaves from different trees is different (birch is rough, maple is smooth, etc.). Literary word Leaves are falling, falling - Leaves are falling in our garden. Yellow, red leaves curl and fly in the wind... M. Iveisen Autumn. It's frosty in the morning. Yellow leaves are falling in the groves. The leaves around the birch lie like a golden carpet. E. Golovin

13 In the morning we go into the yard Under our feet, the leaves rustle like rain, And they fly... they fly... they fly... E. Tutneva Riddles Gold coins fall from a branch. (leaves) They grow - they turn green, If they fall, they turn yellow, If they lie there, they turn black . (Leaves) Didactic game. “Recognize a tree by its leaf.” Target. Fix the names of the trees. Finger game “Autumn Bouquet.” One, two, three, four, five, Let’s collect leaves. We will collect birch leaves, rowan leaves, poplar leaves, aspen leaves, oak leaves, and take an autumn bouquet to Mom. Outdoor game "Falling Leaves". The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about the color and size of autumn leaves. Reinforce the concept of “leaf fall.” Progress of the game. Children choose a leaf for themselves and name which leaf they chose in size and color. Children run and wave their arms: Falling leaves! Leaf fall! Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves. Yellow leaves are flying!. Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning! Beautiful actions are performed by children with red leaves, red leaves!. Sit down! They sat down and froze. They don't move. A light breeze came and blew. Blowing. The leaves rose and scattered. scattered in different directions. Spinning, spinning! They're spinning. Leaf fall! Leaf fall Leaves are flying in the wind! The breeze has died down, and yellow and red leaves slowly fall to the ground again. The game is repeated 2-3 times. "Catch a leaf." The goal is to develop the ability to jump in place as high as possible. Progress of the game. Children try to catch a leaf hanging on a branch or flying through the air. Labor in nature Collect a bouquet of autumn leaves. Individual physical exercises: Jump into and out of a circle made of autumn leaves. AUTUMN Card 10 Getting to know trees Purpose: to clarify the concepts of “tree”, “bush”. Explain how to distinguish a tree from a bush. Reinforce the concepts of “smooth”, “prickly”, “long”, “short”, “thick”, “thin”.

14 Observation: Pay attention to the trees, bushes, show the trunk, branches, leaves. Trees have thin and thick trunks. How to find out? Invite the children to collect twigs, examine them and determine whether they are long or short, thick or thin, and what they look like. Notice that there are few leaves left on the trees. Invite older children to look at the seeds of trees and shrubs. Compare them with each other, determine which tree they come from. Study the cones of coniferous trees: spruce, pine or larch, compare them, peel back the scales of the cones, examine the seeds. Determine which of the two cones is heavier. Compare a pebble and a cone, determine the surface. Show the rowan, let the berries taste. Offer to answer why the rowan is still elegant. Ask what the berries taste like. Tell them that bullfinches love these berries. Artistic word Between the thinning tops, blueness appeared. Bright yellow foliage rustled at the edges. A. Tvardovsky Riddle In spring and summer, everyone saw him dressed, And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing. (Forest) Didactic game. "Find a tree." The teacher names a tree on the site, and the children find it. The goal is to consolidate the names of the trees. Finger game “The gray bunny is sitting.” Outdoor game “catch the fungus”. The goal is to practice running in all directions with dodging, to develop spatial orientation skills. Progress of the game. Between the soft spruce paws Rain, drip, drip, drip. Where the twig has long since dried up, Gray moss, moss, moss! Where the leaf stuck to the leaf, a mushroom grew, a mushroom, a mushroom. Educator: “Who found him, friends?” Children: “It’s me, me, me!” Children "mushroom pickers"

15 (stand in pairs facing each other, holding hands) catch “mushrooms” (enclose in their circle). Labor in nature Pruning dry branches from bushes. Individual physical exercises Walk along the leaves, carefully stepping on the paved path AUTUMN Card 11 Observing rainy weather Purpose: to introduce the most typical features of late autumn rainy weather. Clarify the name and purpose of the clothing items. Observation: In rainy weather, observation from the window. Offer to listen to the rain knocking on the windows, watch how the water flows in streams, what puddles are on the paths. Note what the weather is like (rainy, cloudy), that it rains often, cold, drizzling, and that puddles have formed on the ground. In rainy weather, invite children to look at the ground: it has become dark, compacted, sticky, and wet. Pay attention to people’s clothing (raincoats, rubber boots, umbrellas in their hands). Why do people dress like this? Literary word The rain is jumping along the path towards us on a long wet leg. Look in the puddle, look! He blows bubbles. 3. Alexandrova Boring picture! The clouds are endless, The rain keeps pouring down, Puddles by the porch...and Pleshcheev Rain, rain, what are you pouring, Won’t you let us take a walk? (Russian folk nursery rhyme) Riddles It makes noise in the field and in the forest, But it doesn’t get into the house. And I won’t go anywhere while he’s walking. (Rain) Didactic game. “Come up with a sentence” - children make up sentences with the word “rain”. The goal is to teach how to make sentences with a given word. Finger game. "The rain came out for a walk."

16 One, two, three, four, five, Strikes on the knees with the fingers of both hands. The left one starts from the little finger, the right one starts from the thumb. The rain came out for a walk. Random blows. He walked slowly out of habit, “walking” with his middle and index fingers. Why should he rush? Suddenly he reads on the sign: They beat rhythmically with their palms, then with their fists. "Do not walk on the grass!" Rain sighed softly: “Oh!” They clap their hands frequently and rhythmically. And left. The lawn is dry. Rhythmic clapping on the knees. Outdoor game “Fishing Rod” The goal is to teach how to jump rope. Progress of the game. The driver in the center of the circle leads the jump rope; the children must jump over it; those who do not have time become the driver. Labor in nature Spray indoor flowers. Individual physical exercises Walk along a winding path made of jumping ropes. AUTUMN Card 12 “Getting to know autumn flowers” ​​Purpose: To introduce children to the names of the flowers marigold (calendula), cosmos, nasturtium. Reinforce the concepts of “tall low” (flower), “short long” (stem) Observation: Draw children’s attention to autumn flowers growing in flower beds, find out which flowers are familiar to children, and introduce them to new ones. Ask how plants should be treated (do not tear, do not trample). Reinforce the concepts of “color”, “height”, “length”. Help the children identify the main parts of the plant, invite them to hold their finger and name “stem, leaves, flower” Artistic word. My garden is fading every day, it is dented, broken and empty. Although the Nasturtium is still blooming luxuriantly, the firebush is still blooming in it. (A. Maikov) Riddles. Dressed up sisters greet guests all day and treat them to honey. (Flowers) Didactic game "Which flower?" describe the proposed flower. The goal is to develop the ability to select adjectives and enrich your vocabulary.

17 Finger game “Flowers” ​​Our scarlet flowers Elbows are pressed to each other, hands are closed in the form of a boat. The petals are blooming. In front of the face, then opened in the form of a bowl. The breeze breathes slightly, the brushes make movements clockwise and counterclockwise. The petals are swaying. Our scarlet flowers The hands tilt to the right and left. They close the petals, quietly fall asleep, the outdoor game “Weave a wreath!” The goal is to teach children how to dance in a circle. Material: wreaths with flowers and ribbons. Progress of the game. Children, choosing a wreath headband, name the flower and its color. The teacher says that flowers (children) have grown in the clearing. Everyone together selects flowers by name. A breeze blew, the flowers began to play around and scattered across the clearing. A girl comes and says. “Weave a wreath! Curl, wreath! Children should form a circle. Together with the teacher, the kids dance in a circle and sing any song. The game is repeated 2-3 times. Labor in nature Collect plant seeds. Individual physical exercises: Jumping on two legs while moving forward around a flower bed. AUTUMN Card 13 What is air Purpose: To introduce children to such a component of nature as air and its properties. Observation: What do you and I breathe? Let's first take a deep breath and then exhale. What do you think we inhaled? (Air) But what is air? Has anyone seen him? (We don't see him, but he is always around us). Why don't we see him? Why do we call it invisible? (The air is light, invisible). How to prove that we are breathing? Place your palm first to your mouth, then to your nose and breathe. What do you feel? (Your breath makes your palm warm.)

18 Literary word The air in the room is autumn - humid, cold, mushroomy. He takes the smells of summer plants with him. There is autumn air in the room - the place is no longer warm. The shadows of birds flying away quietly slide across the glass. Mystery. It passes through the nose into the chest, And the way back goes, He is invisible, and yet we cannot live without him. (Air) Didactic game. “What kind of air?” - children talk about air, describe it. The goal is to teach how to select relative adjectives. Finger game. "Autumn". The wind flew through the forest, The wind counted the leaves: Here is oak water, Here is maple, Here is carved rowan, Here is from a golden birch tree. Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree The wind threw it onto the path. Outdoor game. "Aircraft". The goal is to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving. Progress of the game. Children pretend to be airplanes and move around the playground. Labor in nature Cleaning the area from leaves. Individual physical exercises Jumping on two legs while moving forward around the sandbox.

19 AUTUMN Card 14 Inspection of the kindergarten site Purpose: To draw children's attention to the changes that have occurred in nature with the flowers, trees, and shrubs known to them. Observation: Is there a lot of greenery on the site? Colors? Find it. Is the property a home for anyone? For whom? What does this house have for the living inhabitants of the site? (The site is home to many plants and they grow and feel good, because there is everything for their life: nutritious soil, a lot of moisture, sunlight and warmth.) And for children it is pleasant and healthy to walk in a clean, beautiful site. Therefore, you need to take care of the site. Now let's look and see how many insects we have on our site? How many were there in the summer? How are they behaving now (in the fall)? Comparison with summer. Artistic word "Autumn Artist". Autumn tied a colorful apron and took buckets of paints. Early in the morning, walking through the park, I circled the leaves with gold. Didactic game "Find the tree." The goal is to recognize trees by characteristics: shape, location of branches, color and appearance of bark, leaves, flowers. Finger game. “House of five floors” This house has five floors: On the first there lives a family of hedgehogs, On the second there lives a family of hares, On the third there is a family of red squirrels, On the fourth there lives a titmouse with its chicks, On the fifth there is an owl - a very smart bird. Well, it’s time for us to go back down: On the fifth there is an owl, On the fourth there is a tit, Squirrels on the third, Little hares on the second, On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them later. Outdoor game “Find your house” Goal: to develop the ability to navigate in space, to run around one by one as a group.

20 Progress of the game: Children sit in houses (circles are drawn) along one side of the site. “Let’s go for a walk,” says the teacher. Children disperse in groups or alone, wherever they want. At the teacher’s signal “home”, everyone runs to their house. The game is repeated 3-4 times. If at the beginning the children are not oriented enough in space, you can allow them to run into any house. Then the rule is introduced - only occupy your own house. Labor in nature Harvesting and drying plant leaves for a herbarium. Individual physical exercises: Jump into and out of a circle made of autumn leaves. AUTUMN Card 15 Observing the weather Purpose: To introduce a set of signs that characterize the weather. Observation: Invites to look at the sky and say what color it is, what is on it (clouds, clouds, sun), is it raining? Determines the weather based on the state of the sky (cloudy, sunny, cloudy, rainy). Next, they determine whether there is wind (they look for signs by which it can be detected). Gives another definition of weather: windy (quiet). Temperature features of the weather are discussed next. Draws children's attention to their clothing, its correspondence to the weather and season, and invites them to define the weather (warm, cool, very warm, a little cool, cold). Summing up. Artistic word “Autumn” Flocks of birds fly away, beyond the blue sea, All the trees shine in a multi-colored dress. The sun laughs less often, There is no incense in the flowers, Soon Autumn will wake up and cry awake. Didactic game “Guess by description”. The goal is to teach how to compose a descriptive story, develop attention, coherent speech, and find similarities and differences. Exercise “How does water make noise?” The goal is to consolidate the pronunciation of the sounds [s], [w]. The teacher invites the children to remember what sound water makes when oozing from

21 taps. Children pronounce the sound [s]. Then the children remember what sound the waves make when they rush onto the shore, the sound [w]. Finger gymnastics “The rain came out for a walk.” One, two, three, four, five, Hit the knees with the fingers of both hands. The left one starts from the little finger, the right one starts from the thumb. The rain came out for a walk. Random blows. He walked slowly out of habit, “walking” with his middle and index fingers. Why should he rush? Suddenly he reads on the sign: They beat rhythmically with their palms, then with their fists. "Do not walk on the grass!" Rain sighed softly: “Oh!” They clap their hands frequently and rhythmically. And left. The lawn is dry. Rhythmic clapping on the knees. Outdoor game “Catch the ball” Purpose: to develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, to run in a straight direction. Progress of the game: The teacher rolls the ball along the path and invites the children to catch up with it. Then the teacher goes to the other side and rolls the ball again, the children catch up. The game is repeated 2-3 times. Game option: you can prepare balls according to the number of children. The teacher puts the balls in the basket and invites everyone to catch the ball, take it and bring it. Labor in nature Help in cleaning the group's area. Individual physical exercises: Throw the ball up and catch it AUTUMN Card 16 Observing the departure of birds Purpose: To notice that there are fewer birds. Determine the cause. Observation: Are there flies, mosquitoes, butterflies now? Where are they? Does anyone eat them? (Birds) What do these birds eat now? (These birds have nothing to eat now). How can they live without food? What are they doing? (They are getting ready to fly to warmer climes) How do they behave? How do you notice this? (Gathering in large flocks, they quickly rush through the air, practicing before flying, then they sit on the wires and chirp, as if talking to each other about a long journey) In a few days will we see them? (In a few days we won’t see them anymore, they will fly away). Artistic word - Bird, we feel sorry for your sonorous songs! Don't fly away from us, wait.

22 - Cute babies! From your side The cold and rain drive me away. Over there in the trees, on the roof of the gazebo, so many friends are waiting for me! Tomorrow you will still sleep, children, and we will all rush south. There is no cold there now, no rain, the wind does not tear leaves from the branches, the sun does not hide in the clouds there. Didactic game “Guess the bird by description.” The goal is to teach how to write a descriptive story and develop coherent speech. Outdoor game “Birds and Chicks” Purpose: to exercise children in running in all directions, to teach them to follow the teacher’s commands. Progress of the game: “I will be a bird, and you will be my chicks,” says the teacher, drawing a large circle (you can make a circle from a cord). “That’s how big the bird’s nest is! Come into it!” Children enter the circle and squat down. “Let’s fly, fly, little chicks, look for grains,” says the teacher. The chicks jump out of the nest and fly all over the room, the mother bird flies with them. At the signal “let’s fly, little chicks, go home,” the children run in a circle. The game is repeated several times. “Birds, one! Birds, two! The goal is to teach children to perform movements and count. Progress of the game: How many legs, eyes, wings does the bird have? Birds, one! Put one leg forward. Birds, two! Pull out the other leg. Hop, hop, hop! They jump on both legs. Birds, one! They raise one hand. Birds, two! They raise their other hand. Clap! Clap! Clap! They clap their hands. Birds, one! Cover one eye with your hand. Birds, two! Close the other eye. That's it, they've flown away! They open their eyes, run, flap their wings, chirp, squeak. The game is played 2 3 times. Labor in nature Harvesting leaves and seeds of plants to feed birds. Individual physical exercises Hitting the ball off the ground. AUTUMN Card 17 Observing fog Purpose: To introduce children to such a natural phenomenon as fog.

23 Observation: How do you think fog is formed? (Warm and moist air rises from the heated earth and meets cooler air. Water vapor from the air turns into tiny droplets of water. These droplets are so small that they do not fall, but hang in the air until the wind drives them away or the sun dries them) At what time of year does fog often form? (Especially frequent and dense fogs in autumn). What time of day is it often foggy? (In the morning) Is it warm or cold on a foggy morning? (It’s damp and cool outside on a foggy autumn morning) Are houses clearly visible in the distance? The road? Trees? (Visibility is very poor in thick fog) Artistic word “Fog” Forest in your pocket, Fields in your pocket Grandfather hid the Fog. He hid the haystacks and haystacks, and the lawns and meadows. Grandfather Fog even hid the sun in his pocket. Mystery. Gray-haired grandfather at the gate All our eyes are obscured. (fog) Didactic game Hello, golden sun! (Hands up.) Hello, the sky is blue! (Hands up, slightly apart, as if we want to hug the sky.) Hello, light breeze! (We shake our arms from side to side.) Hello, little flower! (We squat slowly, then stand up.) Hello, morning! (Right hand to the side.) Hello, day! (Left hand to the side.) We are not too lazy to say hello! (We hug ourselves with our arms.) Outdoor game “My funny, ringing ball” Goal: develop agility, discipline, patience, practice running. Progress of the game: The adult throws the ball, the child, on the command “Catch the ball!” runs after him. An adult rhythmically reads a poem by S. Marshak: My cheerful ringing ball, Where did you start galloping? Red, blue, blue, Can't keep up with you! I smacked you with my palm, you jumped and stomped loudly,

24 You jumped into the corner and back fifteen times in a row. Labor in nature Removing bulbs of faded plants (gladioli, dahlias) from the ground Individual physical exercises: Throw the ball up and catch it List of used literature: 1. Teplyuk S.N. Walking activities with kids. For working with children 2-4 years old. M.: -Mosaika-Sintez, Ulanova L.A., Jordan S.O. Methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old. SPb.: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2008

Card file of observations during a walk in the younger group.

1. “Little fluffy cat” Observation of the cat.

Goal: consolidate knowledge about domestic animals.

2. “Ambulance” Observation of the operation of an ambulance.

Goal: To convey to children the essence of the work of an ambulance and its importance.

3. “Hello, Autumn.” Observation of surroundings.

Goal: talk about the first signs of autumn.

4. “Our flowerbed” Observation of plants.

Goal: To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

5. “Weather in autumn” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: Explain to children the features of autumn weather.

6. “Sparrow” Observation of animals.

Goal: To teach children to respect birds.

7. “Truck” Monitoring of trucks.

Goal: to convey to children the features of trucks.

8. “And in our yard” Observation of the surroundings.

Goal: Tell children about the kindergarten courtyard.

9. “In the flowerbed” Observation of plants

Goal: Learn the names of flowers. To develop an aesthetic attitude towards nature.

10. “On a rainy day” Observation of inanimate nature.

Purpose: Explain how to walk in the rain, walk on the veranda, people walk with umbrellas.

11. “Insects” Observation of animals.

Purpose: Describe how insects hibernate.

12. “Janitor” Observation of the work of others.

Purpose: Talk about the work of a janitor. Offer to help collect leaves.

13. “Our site” observation of surroundings.

Goal: Explain to the children that we are walking in our area, that each group has its own area.

14. “Polar. Maple" Observation of plants.

Goal: To teach children to distinguish trees in the kindergarten yard. Strengthen your knowledge about trees.

15. “Weather” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: To teach how to distinguish weather conditions.

16. “Flight” Observation of animals.

Goal: To tell children how birds prepare to fly to warm countries.

17. “Truck” transport surveillance.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about trucks, tell them about the principle of operation of a truck.

18. “Leaves” Observation of objects.

Goal: to teach to distinguish leaves by size, shape, color.

19. “Leaf fall” Observation of plants.

Goal: To draw children's attention to brightly colored trees.

20. “Wind, you are a mighty wind” Observation of inanimate nature.

Purpose: To draw children's attention to how the wind blows. Offer to listen to the sound of the wind.

21. “True Friends” Observation of animals.

Goal: Explain to children about the role of dogs in the household.

22. “Gardener” Observing people at work.

Purpose: To talk about the work of adults in flower beds and beds in the autumn.

23. “Autumn Leaf” Observation of the surroundings.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about autumn leaves, to collect leaves for fakes.

24. “Vegetables” Observation of plants.

Goal: To generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables.

25. “White-maned horses” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: To develop attentiveness, observation, imagination.

26. “Birds” Observation of animals.

Goal: talk about the preparation of birds to fly to warm countries, explain why they fly away.

27. “Driver” Observing people’s work.

Goal: Talk about the work of drivers.

28. “What autumn gave us” Observation of the environment.

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables and make riddles.

29. “From roots to crown” Observation of plants.

Goal: To introduce children to the structure of trees.

30. Drop of Rain" Observation of inanimate nature.

Purpose: Show raindrops on leaves and grass. See how they shine, explain why this happens.

31. “There on the Branch” Observation of animals.

Goal: Tell about the birds that fly to the site, how a dove differs from a sparrow.

32. “Janitor” Observing people’s work.

Goal: To teach how to distinguish the work of a janitor: sweeping, collecting, etc. Offer to do the work yourself.

33. “We are playing” Observation of the environment.

Purpose: To talk about the rules of behavior on the site, safety measures when playing on the site’s equipment.

34. “Guess which tree the leaf is from” Observation of plants.

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about trees and develop observation skills.

35. “Drip-drip” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: Develop observation skills. How does it start to rain? What sky, what drops?

36. “Winged Friends” Animal observation.

Goal: to tell what birds live in our area.

37. “Feeders” Observation of people’s work.

Goal: Hang feeders and feed the birds.

38. “Character” of Autumn” Observation of the environment.

Goal: To develop observation skills, to teach them to distinguish the characteristic signs of autumn.

39. “Bird food” Observation of plants.

Goal: To talk about the plants that birds eat.

40. “It shines, but does not warm” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: Tell why it is getting colder, how sunny it is in November.

41. “House for the winter” Observation of animals.

Goal: Explain to children where insects spend the winter and where they look for houses.

42. “In the rain” Observation of people.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge of how to dress in the fall.

43. “On the path to kindergarten” Observation of the environment.

Goal: To teach children to formulate their thoughts about what they saw.

44. “The leaves have flown away” Observation of plants.

Goal: to draw children's attention to the empty tree crowns.

45. “Breeze” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: To teach how to distinguish between the presence or absence of wind.

46. ​​“How animals prepare for winter” Observation of animals.

Purpose: To tell how animals prepare for winter: they gain fat, change color, and prepare for hibernation.

47. “Winter Dream” Observation of people at work.

Goal: Teach children how to cover flowers in flower beds for the winter, tell them how plants overwinter, and offer to do the work themselves.

48. “Where is the grass? » Observation of surroundings.

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about autumn, autumn signs. Summarize children's knowledge.

49. “Dry grass” Observation of plants.

Purpose: To tell what happened to the grass, flowers and plants: they withered, but in the spring they will definitely grow.

50. “Cold rains, first snowflakes” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: To expand knowledge about the first snow, to tell that snow and rain happen.

51. “We are surrounded” Observation of animals.

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about birds remaining for the winter. Feed the birds.

52. “Car” Observation of transport.

Goal: To become familiar with the general word “Car” and what types of cars children know.

53. Excursion-observation to the site of the senior group.

Goal: To tell children about games and fun for older children.

54. “Maple” Observation of plants.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about trees, what other trees do children know.

55. “Moon” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: Show children the moon, tell them that it gets dark early outside.

56. “Cat” Observation of animals.

Goal: to help children independently formulate a story about the pets living in their families.

57. “Clothes” Observation of people.

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about the types of winter clothing.

58. “First Ice” Observation of the surroundings.

Goal: Explain why water freezes.

59. “Where, what tree? » Observation of plants.

Goal: To teach to distinguish trees by trunk and branch.

60. “Cold, frost” Observation of inanimate nature.

Purpose: To familiarize children with the first signs of winter.

61. “We fed the sparrow” Observation of animals.

Goal: To teach children to behave quietly when near birds, to feed the sparrows.

62. “Who cleans the yard of snow?” Observation of people’s work.

Purpose: To talk about the work of a janitor in winter.

63. Excursion “In Search of Land” Observation of the surroundings.

Goal: To talk about the winter dress of the earth.

64. “Where is the grass, where is the flower?” Observation of plants.

Goal: To form children’s basic knowledge about the growth and development of plants.

65. “Snowflakes” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: To introduce children to the properties of snow, to activate children’s vocabulary.

66. “Dogs” Observation of animals.

Goal: To familiarize children with safety rules when interacting with various animals.

67. “Clean paths” Observation of people’s work.

Goal: Teach children to clear snow from paths.

68. “It’s snowing” Observation of the surroundings.

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about the winter season.

69. “What kind of tree grows?” Observation of plants.

Goal: Activate children's vocabulary, consolidate knowledge about trees.

70. “Frost and Sun” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the winter season.

71. “Man’s Friend” Observation of animals.

Goal: To help children write a story about a dog.

72. “People and Frost” Observation of people.

Goal: Talk about the effects of winter weather on humans.

73. “Winter Mood” Observation of the surroundings.

Goal: To develop observation and attentiveness.

74. “Like a fluffy blanket” Observation of plants.

Purpose: To explain to children how different plants and flowers sleep under the snow.

75. “What a wind in winter” Observation of inanimate nature.

Goal: To expand children’s vocabulary by explaining the characteristics of the winter wind.

76. “Dove, brave bird” Observation of animals.

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about birds.

77. “Road” Observation of transport.

Goal: To tell children about how cars drive in the winter.

78. “New Year’s toys” Observation of the environment.

Goal: Make tree decorations with the children in the ice area, decorate the trees.

79. “Branches” Observation of plants.

Goal: Tell children what tree branches can look like in winter.

80. Watching the snow

Goal: to continue to introduce children to the natural phenomenon of snow..

81. Observation “Footprints in the snow”

Goal: to continue training in identifying tracks in the snow: children's, adults, bird and animal tracks.

82. Watching a bullfinch
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about bird habits and their appearance;

83. Watching icicles

Objectives: to introduce various natural phenomena; show the diversity of water states in the environment.

84. Signs of early spring

Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the time of year; study the signs of early spring.

85. Observation of birch and spruce

Goals: expand children's understanding of trees; cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature.

86. Observing the work of the janitor

Goals: continue to foster respect for the work of adults; learn to come to the aid of others.

87. Observing the swelling of buds on trees

Goals: to consolidate the ability to understand the dependence of objects and phenomena in nature; evoke joyful feelings.
88. Bird watching in spring

Goals: to introduce the life of birds in spring; cultivate love and caring attitude towards birds.

89. Observation of thawed patches and green grass
Goal: to consolidate the ability to understand the dependence of phenomena in nature.
90. Observation of plants and shrubs.
Objectives: to reinforce the idea that any tree and shrub is a living being; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

91. Watching the Christmas tree
Goals: to consolidate the ability to find and describe a given tree;
learn to distinguish a tree from a group of others based on external features.
92. Watching insects
Goal: to form realistic ideas about nature.

93. Transport surveillance
Goal: expand knowledge about transport.
94. Bird watching
Goal: expand knowledge about birds flying to the kindergarten site.
95. Watching the dog
Goal: expand knowledge about the animal world.
96. Observation of the state of nature
Goals: to form an idea of ​​the state of nature in spring (warmth, a lot of green grass, flowers; butterflies and beetles fly; children are lightly dressed and play with sand and water);
97. Excursion to the forest
Objectives: to introduce spring natural phenomena in the forest (leaves on trees bloom, anthills come to life, first flowers appear); – show that the forest is a “multi-story building”,

98. Watching the sun
Goals: to form the idea that when the sun is shining, it’s warm outside; - maintain a joyful mood.

99.Spring in the life of forest animals

Goal: to expand ideas about how life comes to life in the forest in spring: trees begin to grow, animals (bear, hedgehog), insects that slept in winter wake up; everyone makes their nests, burrows, and breeds offspring.

100. What does a ladybug eat?

Goal: to tell that the bug is a predator, eats very small insects (aphids).

101. Excursion “Green kindergarten”

Goals: to develop a caring attitude towards plants; consolidate ideas about plants.

102. Observation of trees and bushes
Goal: to develop a caring attitude towards plants.

Card number 1 summer

Observation. We watch the birds flying to the site. Draw children's attention to how birds move: they walk, jump, fly. As they peck at food, they drink water from a puddle.

P/Game “Cat and Sparrows”

The goal is to develop agility, speed, and reaction.

Progress of the game: The driver (cat) is selected. The cat is sleeping, the sparrows (the other children) are jumping around and flapping their wings. The cat woke up - the sparrows scattered in different directions. The cat catches up with the one he caught, who becomes the driver.

C\R game "Shop"

Work. Wipe the bench from dust with a damp cloth

Card number 2 summer

Observation. Watching the sun. Encourage children to notice how bright and cheerful the sun can shine. Induce in children a feeling of joy, a desire to express their attitude in words, facial expressions, and gestures. Expand your vocabulary of adjectives - bright, radiant, cheerful.

After observing, play with the sunbeams (near the wall of the veranda) using a mirror. Read the poems:

The sun is shining for all the animals:

birds, bunnies, even flies,

dandelion in the grass,

white seagull in the blue,

even the cat on the window, and of course me.

C/Role-playing game “Shop”

P/Game “Hen and Chicks”

GOAL: Development of attention, dexterity, speed.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: On one side of the site there is a “chicken coop” where the “chickens” (children) and the “hen” are placed. To the side there is a “big bird” (one of the kids). The "hen" leaves the "chicken coop", crawls under the rope and goes in search of food. She calls the “chickens”: “Ko-ko-ko”, the “chickens” crawl under the rope at her call and walk with her on the platform (“pecking grains”: bending down, squatting, etc.). When an adult says: “A big bird is flying!”, the “chickens” run home.

Work. Sweep the veranda.

Card number 3 summer

Observation. My grass is silky - observing the grass. Develop in children the idea that plants need warmth. Expand the child’s vocabulary (grass, green). Be careful with green grass. During observations, the teacher reminds children that running on the lawn and tearing up grass is prohibited. The folklore text is used: small children trampled me, playfully...

P/Game “Zhmurki”

It is carried out on a flat place free of obstacles.

Goal: Develop coordination, hearing, imagination.

The driver is blindfolded. Children stand in a circle and begin to clap in turns. Whoever the driver reaches first, he leads.

C\R game "Shop"

Card number 4 summer

Observation. Reinforce ideas about trees. Show the changes that occur with the trees in the summer; instead of flowers, berries (rowan, bird cherry) appeared. Pay attention to the different shapes of the leaves.

C/Role playing. “Captain and Passengers” Purpose: To tell who the captain is and what duties he performs on the ship. We choose a captain and set off on a journey along the river.

P/Game. "Bees"

GOAL: Development of dexterity.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Children pretend to be bees, run around, waving their winged arms, “buzzing.” An adult appears - a “bear” - and says:

Teddy bear is coming

The honey will be taken away from the bees.

Bees, go home!

"Bees" fly into the "hive". The “bear” waddles towards the same place. "Bees". The “bees” flap their wings, chasing away the “bear”, “fly away” from him, running around the room. The "bear" catches them.

Work. Collect dry twigs and stones from the area.

Card number 5 summer

Observation. Red sundress, black polka dots - watching a ladybug. To develop in children basic ideas about insects - a bug crawls, flies, is red with black polka dots, and has antennae on its head. Foster a humane attitude towards small animals. You can observe a ladybug on a leaf, on your palm, and watch how it flies away with its wings spread. You can use a magnifying glass.

P/Game “Teddy Bear”

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Children sit in a circle, one of them is in the center of the circle. Adult says:

Come out, Mishenka, dance, dance.

Paw, paw, Misha, wave, wave.

And we’ll dance around Mishenka,

Let's sing a funny song, sing it!

We will, we will hit our hands, we will hit them!

There will be, Mishenka will dance for us, we will dance!

The “bear” dances in the center of the circle, the children clap their hands.

C\R game "Chauffeur"

Labor Washing the table and benches

Card number 6 summer

Watching the rain. Developed presented. about rain - rain maybe small, quiet, and maybe strong, frequent rain pouring from a cloud. Enrich and act on the vocabulary of adjuncts. Encourage students to notice connections between weather and clothing. Help express holy impressions in games and drawings.

C/Role play “Planting a vegetable garden” Show children how to make beds, how to plant some seeds. Remember what vegetables grow in the garden.

P/Game “Sunshine and Rain”

Work. We remove weeds from the flower beds.

Card number 7 summer

Observation. Dandelion observation. To develop in children basic ideas about blooming dandelions. Encourage children to learn basic concepts about dandelions in bloom. Encourage children to recognize and name dandelions. Develop a vocabulary of adjectives (yellow, golden, like the sun) and cultivate a sense of sympathy and respect for the plant.

Girls and boys!

Don't pick dandelions!

Among the houses, among the cars -

Cheerful, meadow

Don’t rush to grab it in your palm -

A flower like you is alive!

P/game “There lived a goat with my grandmother”

Goal: Exercise in running, walking, crawling.

The children stand in a circle, the teacher says, “There lived a goat with grandma. He had legs like this (put his legs forward), his hooves were here (squat, show), etc. (horns, tail). The goat wanted to take a walk, and he went through the mountains, through the valleys (they get on all fours and disperse throughout the entire area). The grandmother calls the goat home. “Go goat home, otherwise the wolf will eat you.” The teacher pretends to be a wolf and invites the children to run away from it.

Work. Sweep the veranda

Card number 8 summer

Watching the Christmas tree. Develop an idea about the uniqueness of the spruce - its needles do not fall off, it remains green even when it’s cold, the Christmas tree is bold, brave, and is not afraid of autumn. cold. Arouse admiration for the Christmas tree, which was not afraid of the cold, awaken a feeling of admiring its beauty. read the verse:

Let the leaves swirl in the sky and the cold is near,

I will never lose my green needles!

Just look at my forest outfit,

Just come talk to me.

Ask what we will tell the Christmas tree. Offer to play hide and seek with toys near the Christmas tree.

P\Game "Carousel"

Barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, and then

Everybody run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't run,

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two,

The game is over!

Work. We water the flowers.

Card number 9 summer

Observation. Continue to learn to distinguish insects from other living creatures. The insects are small, live in grass, in the ground, in the bark of trees, feeding on grass, leaves and nectar.

C\R game "Shop"

P\Game “Cat and Mice”

GOAL: Development of coordination of movements.


One day the mice came out

See what time it is.

One two three four,

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing sound -

The mice have run away!

The adult claps his hands, the child “mouse” runs into the “hole”, and the “cat” chases him.

Work. My street toys

Card number 10 summer

Observation. Rain, rain, moreover - watching the spring rain. To develop in children elementary ideas about rain - the rain is heavy, the rain is pouring, the rain is dripping drip-drip, the rain has passed. Everyone is happy about the rain - the grass, the flowers, and the trees. Continue to develop observation skills 9after the rain the ground is wet - the rain has wet it)

The rain is pouring down from above,

grass and flowers are welcome,

happy maples, poplars,

Glad the wet ground.

If possible, watch from the window passers-by who are walking quickly, hiding from the rain under an umbrella.

P/Game. "Day Night"

A beholder is selected using a counting table. The beholder says: “”, the children walk, jump, run, the beholder says: “night”, the children freeze. The one who moved lost.

Work. Sweeping the veranda

Card number 11 summer

Observation. Show the features of windy weather in summer. The wind blows - branches and trees sway, leaves rustle. A strong wind blows; branches break and fall to the ground. To develop in children sensory perception and emotional response (joy, surprise): the wind is blowing warm, gentle, invite them to listen to how it rustles in the young foliage. Invite the children to “look” for the wind (trees sway, grass moves, sways). Arouse children's interest in this natural phenomenon. After observation, give the children sultans and pinwheels and invite them to play with them.

P\Game “At the Bear in the Forest”

The driver is selected and turns away. The children recite a poem: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep, everything growls at us.” After these words, the children run away, and the presenter-bear catches. Whoever gets caught is the bear.

C\P game “Shop”

Work. We pull out weeds in flower beds

Card number 12 summer

Observation. Show the properties of water. The water heats up in the sun and becomes warm. Plants are watered with water, birds drink water from puddles. When the water is clean, it is transparent. Water flows, it can be poured from one vessel to another.

C\P game “Shop”

P\Game “Geese-swans”

A leading wolf is selected and stands in the middle of the field. Children stand in one line at a distance of 5-10 steps from the wolf and recite the rhyme: “Geese, geese, ha gaga, do you want to eat?” Yes Yes Yes. Well, fly home. The gray wolf is under the mountain, sharpening his teeth, drinking water, not allowing us passage. Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings.” After the words, all the children run to the other side, and the wolf catches them. The one who is caught becomes a wolf.

Work. Wash outdoor toys.

Card number 13 summer

Observation. Show that summer rain can be different. In summer there is warm rain. After the rain, a rainbow appears in the sky. Trees, houses and ground are wet after rain. The rain passed and puddles appeared. You can walk through warm puddles barefoot.

P\Game “Paper snowballs”

Two teams throw paper balls at each other until an adult says: “Stop!” Children who throw snowballs after the word “Stop” leave the team. The team with the most children left wins.

C\P Game "Chauffeurs" Labor. Collect all paper lumps

Card number 14 summer

Observation. Show the properties of sand. In the morning, the sand is watered so that it is moist and the air in the area is fresh. Dry sand crumbles, but wet sand can be used to make Easter cakes. You can draw on wet sand, but if you step on it, it will leave a mark.

C\R Game "Chauffeurs"

P\Game. "Sunny bunnies"

GOAL: Development of dexterity.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: An adult makes sunbeams with a mirror and says:

Sunny bunnies

They play on the wall

Lure them with your finger

Let them run to you!

Then on the command: “Catch the bunny!” - the child runs and tries to catch the “bunny”.

Labor Removing faded flowers and dried leaves

Card number 15 summer

Observing passers-by in summer clothes and children's clothes. To develop children's basic understanding of clothing items. Activate children's vocabulary (dress, sundress, T-shirt, shorts, panties, socks, Panama hat) Develop sensory perception of the color of clothing (Kolya has a yellow T-shirt, Anya has a red sundress)

P\Game "Bubble"

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst out.

Work. We sweep the veranda and wipe down the bench.

Card number 16 summer

Observation. We watch the ants. Tireless ants work, carrying sticks, blades of grass and straws into their home. The anthill is like a big house, there are bedrooms, children’s rooms, and many corridors

S\Rigra.”Builders” Tell children about the profession of builder. Show how to build a house from sand, stones, dry twigs. Invite the children to build their own houses.

P\Game "Bubble"

Goal: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider or narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst out.

Work. We collect stones and dry twigs from the area

Card number 17 summer

Observation of leaves. To develop in children the ability to make independent observations, to bring the kids to the conclusion: the wind is blowing, the leaves are making noise. To cultivate a sense of respect for objects of living nature (we do not break green twigs, we do not tear leaves). This observation is carried out repeatedly; children can be asked to find a large and small leaf, smell the fragrant aroma of freshness, etc.

P\Game “Don’t touch me”

Children arrange objects randomly on the playground. On command, they begin to run, but so as not to collide or touch objects. The child who hits the object is eliminated from the game. The game continues until the last player remains. He is the winner.

C\R game "Hospital"

Work. We wash the table and benches.

Card number 18 summer

Observing a white dandelion. To develop in children a basic understanding of the life of a dandelion during its flowering. To evoke a desire to admire the flying fluffs, the snow-white heads of flowers, to evoke an emotional response to an interesting phenomenon (blow on a dandelion - the fluffs fly). Make a riddle: there was a flower like a yolk, but now it’s like a snowball.

P\Game. “Cat and Sparrows”

Draw a circle in the sand. In the center of the circle is a cat. Children are sparrows. They jump around in circles, tease, jump into the circle when the cat doesn’t see them, and try so that she doesn’t catch them. As soon as the cat catches three sparrows, the role of the cat passes to another child.

C\R game “Builders” Tell children about the profession of a builder. Show how to build a house from sand, stones, dry twigs. Invite the children to build their own houses.

Work. We weed the garden bed. Loosen with small rakes

Card number 19 summer

Observation. Expand your understanding of trees. Show how deciduous trees differ from coniferous trees. Show that some trees have berries instead of flowers.

C\R game "Chauffeurs"

P\Game “Bees and Bear”

Children run (fly) around the playground, flapping their “wings”. From time to time the leader says: “Bees, bees, fly to the hive, take care of the honey from the bear!” As soon as the bees hear these words, they must quickly run away from the bear and fly into the hive (circle). The bear catches up with the bees. After the bees have flown into the hive, they turn to the bear and buzz angrily at him. The game repeats itself.

Work. We sweep the veranda, wash outdoor toys.

Card number 20 summer

Observation. We watch the work of a janitor. In the morning, the janitor waters the flowers so that they don’t wilt, waters the paths and sand to remove dust. After watering, it's easy to breathe outside.

P\Game “Mice and Cat”

Description: children sit on benches or chairs - these are mice in holes. In the opposite corner of the room sits a cat - a teacher. The cat falls asleep (closes his eyes) and the mice scatter throughout the room. But then the cat wakes up and starts catching mice. The mice quickly run away and hide in their places - minks. The cat takes the caught mice home. Afterwards the cat walks around the room again and falls asleep again.

Work. We collect leaves and flowers for the herbarium.

Card No. 1 (spring)

Observation. Draw the children's attention to the fact that the sun has begun to appear in the sky more often. Its rays shine brighter, everything around sparkles, the snow sparkles in the sun and begins to melt.

P/Game « Shaggy Dog"

Goal: to teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher.


Here lies a shaggy dog,

Your buried nose in your paws,

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And let’s see: “Will something happen?”

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Card No. 2 (spring)

Observation. The sun is heating up more and more, benches, fur coat sleeves, and tree trunks are heating up from the sun's rays. The sun is working, warming, calling for spring. Spring is coming, bringing warmth.

P/Game"My funny ringing ball."

Progress of the game:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you!

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Work. Collect take-out materials and toys.

Card No. 3 (spring)

Observation. Look at the sky: was it like this in winter? What changed? The sky turned blue. White light clouds appeared, floating slowly, slowly, admiring the children from above. Spring is coming!

P/Game « Sparrows and the cat"

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Work. Collect removal material and clear it of snow.

Card No. 4 (spring)

Observation. The wind is becoming warmer (gentler), compare it with the winter, cold wind. The clouds move faster the stronger the wind.

C\R game "Chauffeurs"

P/Game « Catch me"

Description: Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room. The teacher invites them to catch up with him and runs in the opposite direction. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. When they run up, the teacher says: “Run away, run away, I’ll catch up!” The children return to their seats.

Work Clear each other's clothes of snow.

Card No. 5 (spring)

Observation. Watch the growth of icicles. Why do icicles grow? Offer to listen to the drops. In frosty weather there is no drop.

P/Game“The gray bunny washes himself”

The goal is to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with it.

The gray bunny is washing his face, apparently getting ready to visit.

I washed my nose, my tail, my ear, and wiped it dry.

S\Rigra.”Builders”. Tell children about the construction profession. Show how to build a house from sand, stones, dry twigs. Invite the children to build their own houses.

Work. Feed the birds. Collect takeaway material.

Card No. 6 (spring)

Observation. During the day it becomes warmer and streams flow through the yard. Watch how water flows from high places to the bottom.


The goal is to coordinate speech with movement.

Sunshine, sunshine, golden bottom

Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out (round dance)

A stream ran through the garden, a hundred rooks flew in (run, “fly”)

And the snowdrifts melt, melt (squat)

And the flowers are growing (stretching on tiptoes, arms up).

S.R. A game"Shop"

Work. Using a spatula, make a “path” for the stream.

Card No. 8 (spring)

Observation. Make a connection between sunlight, heat and snowmelt. See on which side of the roof the snow melts first (in the sun or in the shade).

P/Game « The little white bunny is sitting"

The goal is to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with it.

The little white bunny sits and wiggles his ears,

Like this, like this, he moves his ears.

It's cold for the bunny to sit, we need to warm his little paws,

Clap, clap, clap, you need to warm your little paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand, the bunny needs to jump,

Hop, hop, hop, the bunny needs to jump.

Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and ran away.

Work. Feeding the birds.

Card No. 9 (spring)

Observation. Notice that craters have melted around the trees, and the first thawed patches have appeared on the hillocks. Show the places where the snow melts faster. Why?


Progress of the game. Children stand in a column, holding each other, and move on command.

S.R. A game"Builders". Tell children about the construction profession. Show how to build a house from sand, stones, dry twigs. Invite the children to build their own houses.

Work. Feeding the birds. Loosening snow with shovels.

Card No. 10 (spring)

Observation. During the day it becomes warmer, streams flow through the yard. Watch the streams.

P/Game"Streams by the lake."

S.R. A game"Chauffeurs"

Work. Measure the depth of the puddle in different places with a spatula or stick.

Card No. 11 (spring)

Observation. Pay attention to how the snowdrifts settle, streams of water flow from under the snowdrifts and every day they become more and more, puddles form, which are pulled together by thin ice in the morning.

P/Game"Streams by the lake."

The goal is to teach them to run after each other in small groups and stand in a circle.

Progress of the game. Children are divided into teams, using the signal “streams!” they run after each other, at the signal “lake!” stand in a circle.

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Feeding the birds

Card No. 12 (spring)

Observation. Why do puddles freeze in the morning and thaw in the afternoon? What kind of water is in the puddles? Why can't you walk through puddles? Pay attention to the fact that the sky, clouds, etc. are reflected in the puddles.

P/Game"Swan geese".

The goal is to teach the runner to dodge and develop spatial orientation skills.

Progress of the game:

Geese, geese! - Ha-ha-ha! Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes!

Bread and butter? - No! What do you want? - Sweets!!!

- The gray wolf under the mountain won’t let us go home!

One, two, three - run home!(The geese are running, the wolf is catching up)

S.R. A game. Shop.

Work. Collect pebbles, twigs, sticks from the area (you can launch them into a puddle, noting whether they sink or float, float or get stuck.

Card No. 13 (spring)

P/Game « Birds once! Two birds!

The goal is to teach children to perform counting movements.

Progress of the game.

How many legs, eyes, wings do birds have?

Birds, one! Birds, two! Hop, hop, hop!

(put out legs in turn, scout on both legs)

Birds, one! Birds, two! Clap! Clap! Clap!

(raise hands, clap)

Birds, one! Birds, two! That's it, they've flown away!(closing

eyes running)

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Feed the birds, crumble bread for them.

Card No. 14 (spring)

Observation. Pay attention to the fact that after winter sleep every tree comes to life. Watch the sap flow from the birch tree.

D/Game“Find a tree,” the teacher calls the tree, the children find it.

The goal is to consolidate the names of the trees.

P/Game"We are funny guys"

The goal is to teach walking and running in all directions in a limited area. Develop speed and agility.

Progress of the game:

We are funny guys, we love to run and play.

One, two, three, four, five - well, try to catch up with us.

(the trap catches the children)

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Feed the birds, collect old leaves.

Card No. 15 (spring)

Observation. Examine the buds on the branches. Explain to the children that some trees wake up earlier, others later. Talk about the benefits of kidneys.

P/Game"Cat and mouse."

The goal is to teach how to imitate the sounds made by mice and cats, and how to run easily like mice.

Progress of the game. They choose a cat, the rest are mice.

On a bench by the path, a cat has laid down and is dozing

(mice run and squeak)

The cat opens its eyes and the mice catch up with everyone: Meow! Meow!

(the mice run away)

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Clear the ground of old leaves.

Card No. 16 (spring)

Observation. Look closely at the leaves that have appeared on the birch - wrinkled, sticky, accordion-like, dark green. On poplar - shiny, sticky, dark green. Touch the leaves, find similarities and differences.


The goal is to teach them to run quickly in different directions without colliding with each other.

Progress of the game.

The little dog won't catch up with us, the little dog won't catch us.

We know how to run fast and help each other out!

The children run away with their last words. Anyone who has been insulted should stop.

S.R. A game Shop

Work. Plant a tree or shrub.

Card No. 17 (spring)

Observation. Pay attention to the thawed areas, green grass has already appeared there. Offer to run your palm over the grass - it is soft.

P/Game « Kittens and puppies"

Description: Children are divided into 2 groups. 1 – kittens, 2 – puppies. The kittens are near the gymnastics wall, the puppies are on the other side of the site. The teacher offers to run lightly and gently. When the teacher says “puppies”, group 2 of children climbs over the bench, they run on all fours after the kittens and bark. Kittens, meowing, climb onto the gymnastics wall.

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Work. Use a rake to clear the area of ​​last year's grass.

Card No. 18 (spring)

Observation. Pay attention to the blooming willow with fluffy, terry-like earrings. A blooming willow is a sure sign

P/Game"By the Bear in the Forest"

A “bear” is selected and sits to the side. The rest, pretending to pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket, approach the “bear”, singing (saying): The bear is in the forest...

The children run away and the “bear” catches them. The first one caught becomes the "bear".

S.R. A game"Chauffeurs"

Work. Make a cake out of sand.

Card No. 19 (spring)

Observation. Show children how dandelions, the first spring flowers, turn bright yellow on fresh green grass. Consider the parts of the plant: stem, leaves, flower.

P/Game"Catch the Sparrow"

Children stand in a circle and choose “sparrow” and “cat”. "Sparrow" in a circle, "cat" - outside the circle. She tries to run into the circle and catch the "sparrow". Children are not allowed.

S.R. A game Travel by ship

Work. Collection of remote material

Card No. 20 (spring)

Observation. Observe the work of the janitor. What is he doing? For what?

P/Game « Mother hen and chicks"

Description: Children are chickens, the teacher is a hen. On one side of the site there is a fenced area - this is the home of chickens and hens. The hen goes in search of food. After a while, she calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko.” At this signal, the chickens run to the hen and walk around the area with her.

After all the children run up to the hen and run around the playground, the teacher says: “Big bird!” All the chickens are running home.

S.R. A game"Pilots"

Work. Help the janitor clean the area

Card No. 21 (spring)

Observation. Observe the work of adults while planting seedlings and sowing seeds in the garden and flower beds. Ask what the flowers are for. Consider seeds of different colors.

P/Game"Sun and Rain."

S.R. A game"Aircraft"


Card No. 22 (spring)

Observation beyond the snow into the thaw. Introduce children to the properties of wet snow. Show kids that they can make snowballs and figures from wet snow. Show buildings made by older children. Nurture children’s friendly attitude towards each other and cooperation skills. Accompany the observation with practical actions: children try to sculpt, check, learn. Immediately after observation, the children, together with the teacher, make snowballs, pies, and a house out of lumps from the snow. Offer substitute toys to play with in order to complement and decorate your buildings with them.

P/Game"Sun and Rain."

The goal is to teach children to walk and run in loose areas without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on a signal. Progress of the game. At the signal “Sunshine!” children run around the playground to the signal “Rain!” hiding in houses.

Work. Help the teacher loosen the ground when planting, make furrows

Card No. 1 (winter)

Observation. White fluffy snow. To develop in children general ideas about snow (cold, falling from the sky, from a cloud, many, many snowflakes flying, melting on the palm). Activate vocabulary - snow, snowflake, spinning. Learn to admire the beauty of snowfall and snow-covered alleys.

White fluffy snow

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

Invite children to fly and spin like snowflakes.

P/Game « Two Frosts"

Two cities are marked on opposite sides of the site. In the middle of the site are the Frost brothers: Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost. Children begin to run from one “city” to another. Frost catches them. The one they manage to catch is considered frozen.

Work. Bird feeding. Hang feeders and feed the birds daily

Card No. 2 (winter)

Observation. U clarify the names of the birds that feed on the feeder and fly near the site; teach children to distinguish birds by two or three characteristic features: sparrows are small, and crows are large.

P/Game"Flies, swims, runs."

The teacher names an object of living nature to the children. Children must depict the way this object moves.

S.R. A game"Aircraft"


Card No. 3 (winter)

Observation behind the freshly fallen snow. To develop in children the ability to notice unusual things in nature: freshly fallen snow, its whiteness, temperature. Arouse interest in snow as an unusual material - traces remain in the snow, you can draw on it. Showing children how snow flies away with the wave of a hand, teaching them to find traces of people and their own, traces of a dog, a bird, not necessarily all at once - you can wait until the next observation. Learn to use snow seals. Learn to notice beauty in your surroundings. After observation, children can be offered non-sharp sticks and signets for independent drawing in the snow.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

P/Game. " Snow targets"


Card No. 4 (winter)

Observation. Develop a desire to help birds in winter. Watch how birds fly to the feeder if a person feeds them with grains and crumbs.

P/Game"Hares and the Wolf"

Hares hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

They pinch the grass, eat it,

Listen carefully -

Is there a wolf coming?

After the last words, the wolf runs after the hares, they run away to their homes. The wolf takes those caught to itself.

Work. Clean the snow off the benches with shovels. Clean the feeders, add food

Card No. 5 (winter)

Observation. Pay attention to the beauty of the winter landscape (it’s white all around, the snow sparkles in the sun, the sky is blue). Mark what kind of sun it is (dim, bright, covered by clouds). Remember what it was like yesterday.

P/Game"My funny ringing ball."

The goal is to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken. Progress of the game:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you!

Work. Clean the feeders and add food.

Card No. 6 (winter)

Observation. In windy weather, watch low and fast moving clouds and swaying tree branches. Pay attention to how the wind lifts snow from the ground and carries it to another place. Explain that this is a blizzard.

P/Game « Snow targets"

Make targets out of snow. Show children how to make snowballs and throw them at targets.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

Children use molds to make various toys out of snow and assign the roles of sellers to buyers.

Work. Clean the feeders, add food

Card No. 7 (winter)

Observation. Admire the calmly falling snowflakes and the snowdrifts glistening in the sun. Examine the snowflake on the sleeve of the coat. Ask why the snowflakes on your hand melt. Introduce the properties of snow: light, cold, white. In warm weather or a thaw, the snow is sticky and can be sculpted from it; in cold weather, loose snow cannot be sculpted.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

Children use molds to make various toys out of snow and assign the roles of sellers to buyers.

P/Game. " By the bear in the forest":

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

And the bear sits

And he growls at us.

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Collect snow with a shovel

Card No. 8 (winter)

Observation. Introduce children to the property of water turning into ice. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of ice (hard, brittle, smooth, slippery).


Goal: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider or narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst out.

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Clear the area of ​​the site from snow.

Card No. 9 (winter)

Observation. Draw the children's attention to the work of the janitor. His shovel is wide, why? Invite the children to help clear the snow from the area.

P/Game « Snow targets"

Make targets out of snow. Show children how to make snowballs and throw them at targets.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

Children use molds to make various toys out of snow and assign the roles of sellers to buyers.


Card No. 10 (winter)

Observation. Pay attention to vehicles standing nearby or passing nearby. Remember what other vehicles the children saw on the city roads. Remember the purpose of different types of ground transport.

P/Game « Snow targets"

Make targets out of snow. Show children how to make snowballs and throw them at targets.

S/R Game."A toy shop".

Children use molds to make various toys out of snow and assign the roles of sellers to buyers.

Work. Clear the sidewalk or area of ​​the site from snow.

Card No. 11 (winter)

Observation. Note that the trees have shed their leaves for the winter. Explain that on frosty days the branches of trees and bushes are very fragile and break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, or knocked on the trunk.

S/R Game."Confectionery".

Children make cakes from snow.


Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Rake the snow to the trunks of the bushes on the site.

Card No. 12 (winter)

Observation. Where are the leaves? tree observations. Develop ideas about regular recurring phenomena - it’s cold, the trees are sleeping. Connect with the concept of the time of year, without encouraging children to repeat. Reinforce ideas about the structure of a tree - trunk, branches without leaves, perhaps already in the snow. Read the verse. "The poplar sleeps in elegant sparkles..."

P/Game Throwing snowballs into a snow basket.

S/R Game."Confectionery".

Children make cakes from snow

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. "Repair" of snow structures.

Card No. 13 (winter)

Observation. Show children the tracks of birds, dogs, and cats in the freshly fallen snow. Ask who else might leave traces.

P/Game Game"Shaggy Dog"

S/R Game."Confectionery". Children make cakes from snow


Card No. 14 (winter)

Observation for the dog. To develop in children general ideas about a dog - barks, wags its tail. Show the functional significance of a dog's fur - children have fur coats, and a dog has fur. To form in children the prerequisites for empathy for pets - the dog frolics, runs, she loves to walk just like children. Fix the names of animal body parts, remember what the cubs are called. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals.

P/Game"Shaggy Dog"

The goal is to teach children to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, and run, trying not to get caught by the catcher.

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Collect carry-out material and clear it of snow.

Card No. 15 (winter)

Observation. Pay attention to the clothes of passers-by and children. Find out what kind of clothing it is, according to the season, whether it is warm or not. Why? Fix the names of the parts of clothing.


The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind a friend, making difficult turns, maintain balance, not interfere with a friend and not push the person running in front.

Progress of the game: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

S/R Game “Shop”


Card No. 16 (winter)

Observation behind the trees in the frost. To cultivate in children aesthetic feelings from the beauty of the surrounding nature. Encourage kids to independently search for elements of an object, highlight them (frost on a bush, on a mountain ash, on a birch tree) to show the relationship, the same type of frost and snow - cold as a snowball, melts like a snowball. Learn to reflect these impressions in speech. In the evening, “in your ear”, invite the baby going home to show his mother the beautiful trees. It is recommended that the mother ask the child or be “surprised” when she sees frost.

P/Game « Mice and cat"

Goal: to teach children to run lightly, on their toes; navigate in space, change movements at the teacher’s signal.

Description: children sitting on benches are mice in holes. There is a cat sitting in the opposite corner. The cat falls asleep and the mice run away. But then the cat wakes up and starts catching mice. The mice quickly run away and hide in their places - minks. The cat takes the caught mice home. Afterwards the cat walks around the room again and falls asleep again.

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Collect carry-out material and clear it of snow.

Card No. 17 (winter)

Observation for passers-by in winter clothes, as well as for children’s clothes. To create the prerequisites for the development in children of aesthetic taste, curiosity, and interest in what is happening around them. Show a variety of winter clothing items. Activate their names in speech - hat, fur coat, mittens, felt boots, their quality characteristics - fur, warm, fluffy. Support children's desire to independently observe and tell an adult about the winter clothes of passers-by.


The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind a friend, making difficult turns, maintain balance, not interfere with a friend and not push the person running in front.

Progress of the game: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Clear the sidewalk or area of ​​the site from snow.

Card No. 18 (winter)

Observation. Examine icicles with children. What are they like? Icicles grow quickly in warm, sunny weather. Ask the children what icicles are made of. There are more icicles on the sunny side of buildings.

P/Game « Sparrows and the cat"

Goal: to teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, to dodge the catcher, to quickly run away, and to find their place.

Description: children stand on high benches (10-12 cm) placed on the floor on one side of the playground - these are sparrows on the roof. A cat is sleeping on the other side. The teacher says: “The sparrows are flying out onto the road” - the children jump off the benches and scatter in different directions. The cat “meow-meow” wakes up and runs to catch the sparrows that are hiding on the roof. He takes those caught to his place.

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Collect carry-out material and clear it of snow.

Card No. 19 (winter)

Observation. Experience turning water into ice. Freeze water in large and small molds, determine where it will freeze faster. Make colored ice from colored water.

P/Game. " Hares and the wolf"

Description: One child is a wolf, the rest are hares. They draw circles for themselves - houses on one side of the site. The wolf is in the ravine - on the other side of the site.

Hares hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

They pinch the grass, eat it,

Listen carefully -

Is there a wolf coming?

Work. Clean the feeders, add food . Clean each other's clothes from snow.

Card No. 20 (winter)

Observation for the birds at the feeder. Continue to develop in children general ideas about birds - they fly, peck, have wings, a tail. Learn to distinguish between a sparrow and a crow and name them. To foster a desire to take care of them, to evoke an aesthetic response. If several species of birds fly to the feeder at once, compare them by size, color, method of movement, and watch how they peck. Invite the children to pour millet and sunflower seeds into the feeder themselves.

P/Game «S/R Game."Shop"

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Clear the sidewalk or area of ​​the site from snow.

Card No. 21 (winter)

Observation. Draw the children's attention to the frost on the trees. Tell me how it appears.

P/Game « Hares and the wolf"

Description: One child is a wolf, the rest are hares. They draw circles for themselves - houses on one side of the site. The wolf is in the ravine - on the other side of the site.

Hares hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow.

They pinch the grass, eat it,

Listen carefully -

Is there a wolf coming?

C/Role-playing game “Chauffeurs”

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Clear the sidewalk or area of ​​the site from snow.

Card No. 22 (winter)

Observation. Watch how a tractor removes snow. Why does he remove snow from the road? Who controls it? What parts does a tractor have?


The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind a friend, making difficult turns, maintain balance, not interfere with a friend and not push the person running in front.

Progress of the game: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

C/Role-playing game “Chauffeurs”

Work. Clean the feeders and add food. Clean each other's clothes from snow.

Card No. 1 autumn

Observation. Pay attention to the autumn flowers growing in the flower beds, find out which flowers are familiar to children.

P/Game “Hang a wreath.”

The goal is to teach children how to dance in a circle.

The teacher says that flowers (children) have grown in the clearing. A breeze blew, the flowers began to play around and scattered across the clearing. A girl comes and says: “Weave a wreath!” Curl, wreath! children should form a circle. Everyone dances together and sings any song. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

C/Role-playing game “Chauffeurs”

Work. Collect plant seeds.

Card number 2 autumn

Observing passersby in autumn clothes. Develop the prerequisites for observation and interest in the relationship between natural phenomena and human life. People wear warmer clothes - jackets, hats, and the number of clothing items increases - gloves, scarves. Ask why we and passers-by dress this way. When considering the names of items of clothing in speech, consolidate the names of the primary colors. Plan this observation again in rainy weather, draw attention to umbrellas, waterproof shoes, raised hoods. Consider children's clothing. Conduct didactic exercise in the group. “Let’s dress the doll for a walk” by picking up the items of clothing that we observed.

P/Game “Hang a wreath.”

The goal is to teach children how to dance in a circle. A breeze blew, the flowers began to play around and scattered across the clearing. A girl comes and says: “Weave a wreath!” Curl, wreath! children should form a circle. Everyone dances together and sings any song. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Work. Collect plant seeds. Sweep the gazebo.

Card number 3 autumn

Observation. Remind children that autumn has come. The whole ground was covered with leaves, everything around was yellow. That's why autumn is called yellow and golden. Draw children's attention to how the leaves fall to the ground. Clarify that the leaves are light, so they fly slowly.

P/Game “Catch a Flower” The goal is to develop the ability to jump in place as high as possible. The course of the game is that children try to catch a leaf hanging on a branch or flying through the air.

C/Role-playing game “Chauffeurs”

Work. Collect a bouquet of leaves.

Card number 4 autumn

Observation of the phenomena of the first frosts. Develop sensory ways of understanding natural phenomena - the nature of the surface, the temperature of the ice. Show frost on the grass, brick wall, fence mesh. To evoke a feeling of surprise and admiration for the uniqueness of natural phenomena. Form the premises of logical conclusions - associate the freezing of water in puddles with cold weather. Let them frolic, jump in small frozen puddles, listen to the crunching, rustling, tinkling of flying pieces of ice.

C/Role-playing game “Ship Voyage”

One evening in the garden

Turnips, beets, radishes, onions

We decided to play hide and seek

But first we stood in a circle

(Children walk in a circle, holding hands, in the center is a blindfolded driver)

Calculated clearly right there:

One two three four five.

(they stop and turn the driver)

Better hide, hide deeper,

Well, go look

(squat, driver looks)

Work. Collect beautiful leaves for crafts.

Card number 5 autumn

Observation of autumn leaves. To develop in children the ability to observe leaf fall, to lead children to an independent conclusion - the leaves are falling because it has become cold. Activate verbs in speech - fall, fall, fly around. To evoke an aesthetic response to the beauty of autumn trees, to create a mood of affectionate sympathy for trees losing their leaves.

P/Game “Where have you been?”

Legs, legs, where have you been?

We went to the forest to pick mushrooms

(walk in place)

How did you pens work?

We collected mushrooms

(squats, picks mushrooms)

Did your eyes help?

We looked and searched

(Look from under the arm, turn left, right)

Work. Collection of natural materials for crafts.

Card number 6 autumn

Observing the cloudy sky. Developed Elementary ideas - clouds fly high, high, clouds are large, they can change shape and color. Encourage you to notice the simplest relationships - the presence of wind and the movement of clouds. Cultivate interest in this natural phenomenon, develop imagination (they catch up with each other, as if they were playing, collided, changed shape, who they became similar to, etc.) Offer games with pinwheels, run around with pinwheels given by older children.

C/Role-playing game “Confectionery”

P/Game"Paths". The goal is to teach children to run arcs behind a friend, making difficult turns, maintain balance, not interfere with a friend and not push the person running in front. Progress of the game: Various winding lines are drawn on the playground, children run along them.

Work. Sweep areas illuminated by the sun

Card number 7 autumn

Observation. Invite the children to look at the sky, note what it is like (clear, blue, or gray, gloomy). Note that the sky is covered with gray, heavy clouds. Find the darkest clouds in the sky. Explain that such clouds are called clouds. What did the clouds do? (blocked the sun)

P/Game “Bubble” The goal is to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words. The course of the game is for the children to stand in a circle and say: “Blow up the bubble, blow up big, Stay like that, but don’t burst.” POOH" they increase it, break the circle at the last words and crouch.

Work. Mark sunlit areas

Card number 8 autumn

Observation. Listen to the leaves rustling in the wind, watch how the clouds move in windy weather. Notice that the wind has become colder.

C/Role-playing game “Ship Voyage”

P/Game “Bees”

GOAL: Develop agility.

PROGRESS OF THE GAME: Children pretend to be bees, run around the room, waving their winged arms, “buzzing.” An adult appears - a “bear” - and says:

Teddy bear is coming

The honey will be taken away from the bees.

Bees, go home!

The "bees" fly to a certain corner of the room - the "hive". The “bear” waddles towards the same place. "Bees" say:

This hive is our house.

Get away from us, bear!

The “bees” flap their wings, chasing away the “bear”, “fly away” from him, running around the room. The "bear" catches them.

Card number 9 autumn

Observing flowering plants in the autumn flower bed (list). To develop children's ideas about plants: flowers are not only very beautiful, they are alive, growing, enjoying the sun. Demonstrate to children the dependence of plant life on heat and light: if you take a flower in a group, it will live in the warmth for a long, long time. To develop in children the ability to feel beauty and express their attitude through facial expressions, gestures, and words. immediately after observation, a bush of flowers is dug up for planting in a group.

P/Game “Fishing Rod”

Work. Collect marigold seeds.

Card number 10 autumn

Observation of autumn leaves. Develop sensory perception and emotional response (admiration, joy) to the variety of colors, shapes and sizes of fallen leaves. Encourage them to recognize and name leaves, rowan trees (like feathers), birch trees, and find the trees from which they flew. After observation, collect the leaves into bouquets - the largest, the smallest, yellow leaves, red leaves

C/Role game "Cooks"

Making “food” from wet sand and treating friends.

P/Game “Catch the fungus”

Progress of the game:

Work. Collect and arrange natural materials into boxes.

Card number 11 autumn

Observation. Pay attention to people’s clothing (raincoats, jackets, boots, umbrellas in their hands). Why do people dress like that? Clarify the name and purpose of the clothing items.

P/Game “Catch the fungus”

The goal is to practice running in all directions with dodging, to develop spatial orientation skills.

Progress of the game:

Between soft spruce paws, rain drip, drip, drip.

Where the twig has long since dried up, gray moss, moss, moss.

Where the leaf stuck to the leaf, a mushroom grew, a mushroom, a mushroom.

Educator: “Who found his friends?” Children: “It’s Me, Me, Me!”

Children “mushroom pickers” stand in pairs facing each other, holding hands, and catch “mushrooms” (enclose in your circle)

Work. Collect leaves scattered by the wind

Card number 12 autumn

Observation. Draw the children's attention to the janitor. Ask what the profession of a janitor is for. The goal is to introduce children to working professions and emphasize the importance of work for everyone.

C/Role-playing game “Janitors”

Play the rhyme:

The janitor gets up at dawn,

The porch is being cleaned in the yard.

Janitor removes trash

And sweeps away the paths.

P/Game “Fishing Rod”

The goal is to learn how to jump rope.

The course of the game is that the driver in the center of the circle leads the jump rope, the children must jump over it, those who did not have time become the driver.

Work. Make a broom out of dry grass.

Card number 13 autumn

Observation. Ask what the profession of a janitor is for, what tools are used in his work. Show the janitor's tools, various operations and their appropriate sequence to achieve the goal.

P/Game “On a Level Path”

The goal is to teach how to walk in a column one at a time and perform movements in accordance with the text.

Progress of the game:

On a smooth path, on a smooth path

Our legs walk, one-two, one-two.

(“spring” on two legs moving forward)

Oh, stones, oh, stones, thump, they fell into the hole.

(to squat)

One-two, one-two, we got out of the hole


C/Role-playing game “Chauffeurs”

Work. Collect large trash

Card number 14 autumn

Observation. Clarify changes in inanimate nature occurring on earth. Pay attention to the protruding blades of grass that remain from the annual grass. The flowers have bloomed.

C/Role-playing game “Chauffeurs”

P/Game “We are funny guys.”

The goal is to teach children to walk and run loosely in a limited area. Develop speed and agility.

Progress of the game;

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us!

One, two, three - catch it!

The trap catches the children.

Work. Collect flower seeds.

Card number 15 autumn

Observation. Pay attention to the white coating that has covered the entire surface of the earth and grass - this is frost. It melts from the sun, the soil becomes hard.

P/Game “My funny ringing ball”.

The goal is to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Progress of the game:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you! Labor. Remove dry grass with a rake.

Card number 16 autumn

Observation. Teach to distinguish the characteristic features of the appearance of animals. When you go out for a walk, you can see pets (cats, dogs) passing by. Fix the names of body parts, notice that the fur has become thicker. The summer coat sheds, and the animal is covered with thicker, warmer fur.

C/Role-playing game “Chauffeurs”

P/Game “Mice dance in a circle.”

The goal is to teach children to move in accordance with the text, change the direction of movement, and navigate in space.

Progress of the game - the driver is chosen as “Vaska the cat”, the rest are “mice”. The “mice” do not obey, they run and squeak, and the “cat” catches the “mice.”

Quiet the mouse, don't make noise, don't wake up the cat Vaska!

Vaska the cat will wake up and break up your round dance!

Vaska the cat woke up and the round dance began!

Work. Sweep the veranda.

Card number 17 autumn

Observation. Ask to find common signs and differences between a cat and a dog. Find out whether children are afraid of animals or not. Is it possible to get close to them, and why? Why you shouldn't tease dogs.

P/Game “Cat and Mouse”.

The goal is to teach how to imitate the sounds made by mice and run easily like mice.

The course of the game is to choose “cat”, the rest of the children choose “mouse”.

On a bench by the path

The cat has laid down and is dozing

(“mice” run out of the house, running around squeaking)

Coca opens her eyes

And the little mice catches up with everyone:

"Meow! Meow!” Labor. Collect trash

Card number 18 autumn

Observation. Draw the children's attention to the ruffled crows, magpies, and jumping sparrows. Tell that birds fly closer to people, hoping to find more food. Invite children to feed the birds and watch the birds peck at the food.

C/Role-playing game “Shop”

P/Game "Train"

The goal is to teach children to walk and run after each other in small groups. First holding hands, then not holding hands. Teach to start moving and stop when given a signal.

Progress of the game. Children stand in a column, holding each other, and move on command. Labor. Feed the birds.

Card number 19 autumn

Observation. Remember that there are wintering and migratory birds. Pay attention to preparing birds for departure. Young birds fly away first, while the hardier ones remain.

P/Game “Migration of Birds”

The goal is to teach children to run wildly without bumping into each other, and to act on a signal.

The course of the game is that the “bird” children gather together in a gazebo.

At the signal “LET FLIGHT!” “Birds scatter all over the site. At the signal "STORM!" - fly to the gazebo.

Work. Feed the birds.