Card file (preparatory group) on the topic: Card file of didactic games for educating the ecological culture of older preschoolers. Card file of didactic games for the preparatory group

The proposed didactic games of ecological content are easy to manufacture and can be used in working with middle and older children. preschool age. They have a clear structure:


Description of didactic material;

The methodology of conducting, and individual games - several options for conducting.


Target: introduce children to the concept of "food chain" and give an idea of ​​food chains in the forest.


The first option is planar: a set of cards with four illustrations each (for example, a forest - a plant - a herbivore - a predator);

The second option: - three-dimensional: four cubes of different sizes, on each side of which there are illustrations of a forest (forest - mushroom - squirrel - marten; forest - berries - hedgehog - fox; forest - flower - bee - bear; forest - acorns - wild boar - wolf; forest - birch - Maybug - hedgehog; forest - pine cone - woodpecker - eagle owl, etc.)

Methodology: at the first stage, children play together with the teacher, they start the game with any cube.

Educator:"It's a mushroom, where does it grow?" (In the forest.) “Which of the animals eats mushrooms in the forest?” (Squirrel.) "Does she have enemies?" (Marten.) Next, the child is invited to make a food chain from the named objects and explain his choice. Show that if one of the components of the food chain (for example, a mushroom) is removed, then the entire chain falls apart.

In the second stage, children play on their own. They are invited to make their own ecological tower.

At the third stage, competition games are organized: who will quickly make a tower, in which, for example, there is a hedgehog or a wolf.


Target: to form knowledge about the simplest bird food chains in nature, to consolidate knowledge about the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life.


The first option is planar: a set of cards of different colors (yellow, blue, red, black), simulating the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life; sets of three cards with various illustrations of plants and birds (for example, pine - pinecone - woodpecker).

The second option is volumetric - a set of seven cubes, where the first-fourth cubes are of different colors, indicating the conditions necessary for the life of plants and animals; fifth - plants; the sixth is bird food; seventh - birds (for example: mountain ash - rowan berries - bullfinch; spruce - fir cone - crossbill; oak - acorns - jay; algae - snail - duck; grass - grasshopper - stork).

Methodology: by analogy with the Ecological Tower "Forest". However, when drawing up a pyramid, it is necessary to pay attention to the following rules: multi-colored cubes are placed horizontally, and three cubes with illustrations of plants and animals are placed on this horizontal line vertically, one on one, in order to show food chains in nature.


Target: and their use by man, exercise in their recognition in the illustrations.

Material: a flat basket with a red-green cross on one side, a set of illustrations of medicinal plants (plantain, St. John's wort, chamomile, wild rose, nettle, etc.).

Methodology: the teacher makes riddles about medicinal plants for children. The child finds an illustration in the basket, names the plant and explains why it is called the “green doctor”. Similarly, you can play games with ecological baskets on the topics: “Meadow Flowers”, “Primroses”, “Berries”, “Mushrooms”, etc.


Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about various types of animals, their nutrition and habitat in nature.

Material: a tablet, on which two treadmills, start, finish and nine moves are depicted in a circle; in the center of the stadium there are six sectors with illustrations of animals: one is a starling, two are swallows, 3 is a bee, 4 is an ant, 5 is a bear, 6 is a squirrel. On separate cards - illustrations of food for these animals and their shelters (birdhouse, anthill, beehive, lair, hollow, etc.). The set also includes a dice to determine the move.

Methodology: two children participate in the game. With the help of a cube, they alternately determine the sector with the task and make three moves: the first is to name the animal, the second is to determine the food for this animal, the third is to name its refuge in nature. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.


Target: exercise children according to .

Material: a set of playing cards of 36 pieces, each painted on the back in green, and on the front - illustrations of various animals and plants, which are compiled in such a way that in the end there are 18 pairs (the animal is food for it).

Methodology: from two to six children take part in the game. Each child is given 6 cards. It is checked in advance whether there are any among them that can be paired. With the correct move of the child, the cards are postponed. The number of cards is constantly replenished to six until they run out. The winner is the one who first leaves the game or who has fewer cards left.


Target: to form, expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest, exercise in recognizing warning and prohibition environmental signs.

Material: a tablet with an image of a forest clearing with several paths on which warning signs are placed; silhouettes of children that can be moved along the paths; a set of prohibitory environmental signs in an envelope (for example, do not pick lilies of the valley; do not trample on mushrooms, berries; do not break tree branches; do not destroy anthills; do not make fires; do not catch butterflies; do not shout; do not turn on loud music; do not destroy bird nests, etc. .).

Methodology: the game can be played by a group of children who go to the forest for a walk. At the first stage, you should lead the children along the path, tell what is on it, put up appropriate environmental signs that help to follow the rules of behavior in the forest.

At the second stage, children travel on their own along forest paths, where various environmental signs are placed. Players must explain the rules of behavior in the forest using them. For the correct answer - a chip. The winner is the one who collects the maximum number of chips.


Target: fasten ; exercise in recognizing environmental warning signs.

Material: a set of triangular environmental warning signs depicting forest objects (lily of the valley, anthill, edible and inedible mushroom, berries, butterfly, cobweb, bird's nest, hedgehog, bonfire, birdhouse, etc.).

Methodology: children take turns playing the role of a forester, who chooses one of the environmental signs lying upside down on the table and introduces the participants in the game to the forest objects that this sign represents; tells how to behave in the forest, being close to these objects.

I. Komarova, N. Yarosheva

Ecological games can be used in work with children of middle and senior preschool age. Ecological games contribute to the acquisition of knowledge about the objects and phenomena of nature, form the skills of careful handling of the surrounding nature.

Suggested ecology games contain interesting facts about the life of plants, including medicinal ones, and animals, questions about nature that contribute to the development of curiosity. Most environmental games are aimed at consolidating children's knowledge about various types of animals and plants, conditions, their habitat, nutritional habits, as well as developing auditory and visual attention, thinking and memory.

Through ecological games, children get acquainted with the concept of "food chain", get an idea about the food chains in the forest.

Ecology games for preschoolers

Ecological game "GREEN CARDS"

Purpose: to train children in accordance with the simplest animal food chains in nature.

Material: a set of playing cards of 36 pieces, each painted on the back in green, and on the front - illustrations of various plants and animals, which are compiled in such a way that in the end there are 18 pairs (the animal is food for it).

Course of the game: from two to six children take part in the game. Each child is given 6 cards. It is checked in advance whether there are any among them that can be paired. With the correct move of the child, the cards are postponed. The number of cards is constantly replenished to six until they run out. The winner is the one who first leaves the game or who has fewer cards left.

Ecological game "Zoological Stadium"

Purpose of the game: to consolidate children's knowledge about different types of animals, their food, habitat in nature.

Material: tablet, on which two treadmills are depicted in a circle, start, finish and nine moves; in the center of the stadium there are six sectors with illustrations of animals: one - a squirrel, two - a bee, 3 - swallows, 4 - a bear, 5 - an ant, 6 - a starling.

Separate cards show illustrations of food for these animals and their shelters (hollow, beehive, den, anthill, birdhouse, etc.). The set also includes a dice to determine the move.

Game progress: two children participate in the game. With the help of a cube, they alternately determine the sector with the task and make three moves: the first is to name the animal, the second is to determine the food for this animal, the third is to name its refuge in nature. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.

Ecological basket

Aibolit Pharmacy"

Purpose of the game: to continue to form children's ideas about medicinal plants and their use by humans, exercise in their recognition in illustrations.

Material: a flat basket with a red-green cross on one side, a set of illustrations of medicinal plants (St. John's wort, plantain, nettle, wild rose, chamomile, etc.).

Game progress: the teacher makes riddles about medicinal plants for the children. The child finds an illustration in the basket, names the plant and explains why it is called the "Green Doctor".

Similar games can be played on such topics as: "Mushrooms", Edible-inedible mushrooms, "Berries", "Meadow flowers", etc.

Ecological game "LESNIK"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of human behavior in the forest; exercise in recognizing environmental warning signs.

Material: a set of triangular environmental warning signs depicting forest objects (anthill, berries, lily of the valley, edible and inedible mushroom, cobweb, butterfly, birdhouse, bird's nest, fire, hedgehog, etc.).

Game progress: children take turns playing the role of a forester, who chooses one of the environmental signs lying upside down on the table and introduces the participants in the game to the forest objects that this sign represents; tells how to behave in the forest, being close to these objects.

Ecological game "WALK IN THE FOREST"

Purpose: to form the correct attitude towards forest dwellers, to expand children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in the forest, to exercise in recognizing warning and prohibition environmental signs.

Material: tablet with the image of a forest clearing with several paths with warning signs; a set of prohibitory environmental signs in an envelope (for example, do not pick lilies of the valley; do not trample on mushrooms, berries; do not break tree branches; do not destroy anthills; do not make fires; do not catch butterflies; do not shout; do not turn on loud music; do not destroy bird nests, etc. .; silhouettes of children that can be moved along the paths).

Game progress: a group of children who go to the forest for a walk can participate in the game. At the first stage, you should lead the children along the path, tell what is on it, put up appropriate environmental signs that help to follow the rules of behavior in the forest.

At the second stage, children travel on their own along forest paths, where various environmental signs are placed. Players must explain the rules of behavior in the forest using them. For the correct answer - a chip. The winner is the one who collects the maximum number of chips.

Ecological game "BIRDS PYRAMID"

Purpose: to continue to form in children knowledge about the simplest bird food chains in nature, to consolidate knowledge about the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life.


The first option is planar: a set of cards of different colors (blue, yellow, black, red), simulating the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life; sets of three cards with various illustrations of plants and birds (for example, pine - pinecone - woodpecker).

The second option is three-dimensional: a set of seven cubes, where the first-fourth cubes are of different colors, indicating the conditions necessary for the life of plants and animals; fifth - plants; the sixth is bird food; seventh - birds (for example: spruce - fir cone - crossbill; mountain ash - rowan berries - bullfinch; algae - snail - duck; oak - acorns - jay; grass - grasshopper - stork).

Game progress: by analogy with the Forest Ecological Tower. However, when drawing up a pyramid, it is necessary to pay attention to the following rules: multi-colored cubes are placed horizontally, and three cubes with illustrations of plants and animals are placed on this horizontal line vertically, one on one, in order to show food chains in nature.


Purpose: to introduce children to the concept of "food chain" and to give an idea of ​​food chains in the forest.

The first option is planar: a set of cards with four illustrations each (for example, a forest - a plant - a herbivore - a predator);

The second option is three-dimensional: four cubes of different sizes, on each side of which there are illustrations of a forest (forest - mushroom - squirrel - marten; forest - berries - hedgehog - fox; forest - flower - bee - bear; forest - acorns - wild boar - wolf; forest - birch - Maybug - hedgehog; forest - pine cone - woodpecker - eagle owl, etc.)

Game progress: at the first stage, the children play together with the teacher, they start the game with any cube.

Educator: "This is a mushroom, where does it grow?" (In the forest.) “Which of the animals eats mushrooms in the forest?” (Squirrel.) "Does she have enemies?" (Marten.) Next, the child is invited to make a food chain from the named objects and explain his choice. Show that if you remove one of the components of the food chain (for example, a mushroom), then the whole chain breaks up.

In the second stage, children play on their own. They are invited to make their own ecological tower.

At the third stage, competition games are organized: who will quickly make a tower, in which, for example, there is a hedgehog or a wolf.

Game "Sun"

Target: continue to consolidate children's knowledge about animals and their habitat.

Material: a set of task cards and wooden clothespins of different colors.

The task card is a circle divided into 6–8 sectors. In each sector - a picture (for example: a mole, an octopus, a fish, a whale, a cow, a dog). In the center of the circle is the main symbol that defines the theme of the game (for example: a drop symbolizing water). The symbol helps children understand the task without the help of an adult.

Game progress. A drop is depicted in the center of the circle, the child must find animals for which water is a “home”, a habitat (the “Sorceress-Water” lesson block).

Didactic game "Find what to show"

Subject: Fruit.

Equipment: Arrange identical sets of vegetables and fruits on two trays. Cover one (for the teacher) with a napkin.

Game progress: The teacher shows for a short time one of the items hidden under the napkin and removes it again, then invites the children: “Find the same one on another tray and remember what it is called.” Children take turns doing the task until all the fruits and vegetables hidden under the napkin have been named.

Note. In the future, the game can be complicated by adding vegetables and fruits that are similar in shape but differ in color. For example: beets, turnips; lemon, potato; tomato, apple, etc.

Didactic game "Find what I'll call"

Subject: Fruits.

First option.

Equipment: Spread vegetables and fruits on the table so that their size and shape are clearly visible. For the game, it is better to take fruits and vegetables of the same size, but different colors (several apples), different sizes with a constant color.

Game progress. The teacher offers one of the children: "Find a small carrot and show it to everyone." Or: “Find a yellow apple, show it to the children”; "Roll the apple and tell me what shape it is." The child finds an object, shows it to the other children, tries to determine the shape. If the child finds it difficult, the teacher can name a bright distinguishing feature of this fruit or vegetable. For example: “Show me the yellow turnip.

Second option.
Vegetables and fruits are placed in vases of various shapes - spherical, oval, elongated. In this case, the shape of the vase should correspond to the shape of the object hidden in it. Children are looking for the named object. You can't look at all the vases.

Third option.
The game is equipped and played in the same way as in the first two versions. Here the task is solved - to fix the coloring of objects in the memory of preschoolers.
Fruits and vegetables are laid out (hidden) in vases of different colors in accordance with the color of the object.

Didactic game "Guess what you ate"

Subject: Fruits.

didactic task. Find out the subject with the help of one of the analyzers.

Equipment. Pick up fruits and vegetables that are different to taste. Wash them, peel them, then cut them into small pieces. On the table in the room where the children are sitting, the same objects are laid out for comparison and control.

Rules of the game. You can't look at what's put in your mouth. You have to chew with your eyes closed, and then say what it is.

Game progress. Having prepared vegetables and fruits (cut into pieces), the teacher brings them into the group room and treats one of the children, after asking him to close his eyes. Then he says: “Chew well, now tell me what you ate. Find one on the table."

After all the children have completed the task, the teacher treats all the children with fruits and vegetables.

Note. In the future, you can invite children to name the word taste sensations. The question should be asked in such a way that in cases of difficulty, children can choose an appropriate name to determine the taste: "How did it feel in your mouth?" (Sweet, sour, bitter).

Didactic game "What has changed?"

Theme: Houseplants

didactic task. Find items by similarity.

Equipment. Identical plants (3 - 4 each) are arranged on two tables.

Rules of the game. You can show a recognized plant only at the signal of the educator, after listening to its description.

Game progress. The teacher shows the plant on one of the tables, describes its characteristic features, and then invites the child to find the same on another table. (You can ask the children to find the same plants in the group room.).

The game is repeated with each of the plants on the tables.

Didactic game "Find a plant by name"

Subject: Indoor plants.

First option.

didactic task. Find a plant by word-name.

Rule. You can’t see where the plant is hidden.

Game progress. The teacher calls the indoor plant in the group room, and the children must find it. First, the teacher gives a task to all the children: “Who will quickly find a plant in our group room that I will name?” Then he asks some children to complete the task. If it is difficult for children to find the named plant in a large area of ​​​​the room among many others, the game can be played by analogy with the previous ones, that is, put the selected plants on the table. Then the search for a plant in the room will become a complicated version of the game.

Second option.
You can play a game using a toy that the teacher or one of the children will hide (see the game “Where did the nesting doll hide?”), But instead of describing the houseplant near which the toy is hidden, you can only give its name.

Didactic game "Find the same"

Subject: Indoor plants.

didactic task. Find items by similarity.

Rule. It is impossible to look at how the teacher swaps plants.

Equipment. 3-4 identical plants are placed on two tables in a certain sequence, for example, flowering geranium, ficus, fragrant geranium, asparagus.

Game progress. The teacher asks the children to consider well how the plants stand and close their eyes. At this time, he swaps the plants on the same table. And then he asks the children to rearrange the pots as they stood before, comparing their arrangement with the order of the plants on another table.

After some repetitions, the game can be played with one set of plants (without visual control).

Didactic game "Find a leaf, which I will show"

Subject: Trees.

didactic task. Find items by similarity.

Rule. Run (“fly”) on command is possible only for those who have the same stock in their hands as the teacher showed.

Game progress. During the walk, the teacher shows the children a sheet and offers to find the same one. The selected leaves are compared in shape, note how they are similar and how they differ. The teacher leaves each leaf from different trees (maple, oak, ash, etc.). Then the teacher raises, for example, a maple leaf and says: “The wind blew. The leaves flew like this. Show how they flew. Children, in whose hands maple leaves, are spinning, and at the command of the teacher they stop.

The game is repeated with different leaves.

Didactic game "Find the same leaf in the bouquet"

Subject: Trees.

didactic task. Find an item by similarity.

Rule. Raise the sheet after the teacher calls and shows it.

Equipment. Pick up the same bouquets of 3 - 4 different leaves. The game is played while walking.

Game progress. The teacher distributes bouquets to the children, the same leaves for herself. Then he shows them some leaf, for example, a maple one, and offers: “One, two, three - show such a leaf!” Children raise their hand with a new sheet of glue.

The game is repeated several times with the rest of the leaves of the bouquet.

Didactic game "Such a leaf, fly to me"

Subject: Trees.

didactic task. Find items by similarity.

Rule. You can run to the teacher only on a signal and only with the same sheet as the teacher has in his hand.

Equipment. Pick up leaves of oak, maple, mountain ash (or other trees common in the area) that are sharply different in shape.

Game progress. The teacher raises, for example, a maple leaf and says: “Whoever has the same leaf, come to me!”
Children examine the leaves received from the teacher, who have the same in their hands, run to the teacher. If the child is wrong, the teacher gives him his sheet for comparison.

Didactic game "Find a leaf"

Subject: Trees.

didactic task. Find the part of the whole.

Rule. You can search for a leaf on the ground after the words of the teacher.

Game progress. The teacher asks the children to carefully examine the leaves on a low tree. “Now try to find the same ones on the ground,” says the teacher. - One, two, three - look! Who found it, quickly come to me. Children with leaves run to the teacher.

Didactic game "Who will quickly find a birch, spruce, oak"

Subject: Trees.

didactic task. Find a tree by name.

Rule. You can run to the named tree only on the command “Run!”.

Game progress. The teacher calls a tree well known to the children, which has bright distinctive features, and asks to find it, for example: “Who will find the birch faster? One, two, three - run to the birch! Children must find a tree and run to any birch growing in the area where the game is being played.

Didactic game "Find a leaf, like on a tree"

Subject: Trees.

didactic task. Find the part of the whole.

Rule. You need to search on the ground only for the same leaves as on the tree indicated by the teacher.

Game progress. The game is played in the fall on the site. The teacher divides the group of children into several subgroups. Everyone offers to take a good look at the leaves on one of the trees, and then find the same ones on the ground.

The teacher says: "Let's see which team will find the right leaves faster." The kids start looking. Then the members of each team, having completed the task, gather near the tree whose leaves they were looking for. The team that gathers near the tree first wins.

Didactic game "Everyone go home!"

Subject: Trees.

Didactic game. Find the whole by its part.

Rule. You can run to your “house” only at the signal of the teacher.

Equipment. Leaves 3 - 5 trees (according to the number of children).

Game progress. The teacher distributes the leaves to the children and says: “Let's imagine that we went on a hike. Each group set up a tent under a tree. You have in your hands the leaves from the tree under which your tents are. We are walking. But suddenly it began to rain. "Everyone go home!" At this signal, children run to their tents, stand next to the tree from which the leaf is.

To check whether the task was completed correctly, the child is offered to compare his leaf with the leaves on the tree to which he ran up.

Note. The game can be played with leaves, fruits and seeds, or only seeds and fruits.

Didactic game "Find a tree by description"

Subject: Trees.

didactic task. Find an item by description.

Rule. You can search for a tree only after the teacher's story.

Game progress. The teacher describes the trees familiar to the children, choosing from them those that have subtle distinguishing features (for example, spruce and pine, mountain ash and acacia).
Children must find what the teacher is talking about.

To make it interesting for the guys to search by description, you can hide something near the tree (or on the tree) they are talking about.

Didactic game "Run to the house, which I will name"

Subject: Trees.

didactic task. Find an item by name.

Rule. You can’t stand near the same tree for a long time.

Game progress. The game is played according to the type of "Traps". One of the children is assigned as a trap, all the rest run away from him and save themselves near the tree named by the teacher, for example, near the birch. Children can run from one birch to another. The one who is caught by the trap becomes the leader.

When the game is repeated, the name of the tree ("house") is changed each time.

Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Theme: Housing

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the dwellings in nature of various species of animals (insects, amphibians, birds, animals).

Material: a tablet, on which various animals are depicted on one side, and their dwellings on the other, for example: a den, a hole, a beehive, a birdhouse, a nest. In the envelope on the back of the tablet there are arrows indicating the number of animals. Instead of arrows, you can draw labyrinths of multi-colored lines.

Game progress: Two or more children take part in the game. They alternately find the proposed animal and determine its dwelling with an arrow or with the help of a labyrinth. If the game actions are correctly performed, the child receives a chip. If the answer is incorrect, the turn passes to the next player. Whoever has the most chips by the end of the game wins.

Didactic game "Who eats what?"

Subject: Food.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about different types of animal nutrition (insects, amphibians, birds, animals) in nature.

Material: a tablet on which different types of food for various animals are placed in a circle. A moving arrow is fixed in its center; on the reverse side, cards with illustrations of the necessary animals are placed in the envelope.

Game progress: Two or more children participate in the game. Alternately, according to the riddle of the educator, the children find the corresponding picture with the image of the animal and, with the help of an arrow, indicate the type of food that it eats. For the correct answer - a chip. Whoever has the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Didactic game "Find your house"

Subject: Food.

Game progress:

Option 1. Children play one at a time. The child groups the cards with animals into colored fields depending on what they eat. After completing the task, the teacher checks the correctness of the solution and gives the player a penalty chip for each mistake. The one with the fewest wins.

Option 2. Children take turns taking one card with the image of an animal and find a house for it, based on their own knowledge about the nutritional habits of different types of animals. The winner is the one who collects more chips for the correct execution of the task.

Didactic game "What first, what then?"

Subject: Growth.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the main stages of growth and development of living organisms (plants, animals, humans).

Material: a set of cards on which the stages of growth and development of plants or animals (peas, dandelions, strawberries,
frogs, butterflies, etc.), as well as humans (infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity, old age).

Game progress:

Option 1. The child is invited to lay out the cards in the order of growth and development of a living being (for example, a cabbage butterfly: egg - caterpillar - chrysalis - butterfly) and tell what happened first and what then.

Option 2. The teacher lays out the cards, deliberately making a mistake in their order. Children must correct it and explain the correctness of their decision.

Didactic game "Let's help the plant"

Subject: Growth.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the conditions necessary for plant growth (water, light, heat, nutritious soil); exercise in determining the lack of certain conditions by the appearance of the plant.

Material: a set of cards depicting one of the indoor plants (for example, balsam) in good and bad condition (withered, yellowed leaves, light soil in a flowerpot, a frozen plant, etc.); four colored model cards depicting the conditions necessary for plants (yellow for light, red for warmth, blue for water, black for nutrient soil); four cards with a picture of a healthy plant and a simulation of the four conditions it needs.

Game progress:

Option 1. At the beginning of the game, children are introduced to the model cards of the conditions necessary for the growth and development of a plant. Then four cards are examined, showing the same plant in good condition, indicating the same models. Children need to explain the reason for the normal state of the plant.

Option 2. Model cards are laid out on the table in front of the child, and on the typesetting canvas, the teacher writes a story about the plant, for example: “The balsam grew in a pot on the window and rejoiced at the first spring sun. The sun's rays warmed more and more, and the water reserves in the soil became less and less. On Monday morning, the children noticed that the balsam leaves had turned yellow and drooped. What to do?" Invite the children to help the plant: select model cards depicting the conditions necessary for the plant. For the correct answer - a chip. The one who collects the most of them wins.

Didactic game "Forest - home for animals"

Theme: Natural community.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the forest as a natural community; to form ideas about the ecological tiers (floors) of a mixed forest and the place of animals in them.

Material: planar model depicting four tiers of mixed forest: 1 - herbaceous cover, 2 - shrubs, 3 - deciduous trees, 4 - coniferous trees. On each of the tiers there are special slots for attaching animal figurines. In the envelope on the reverse side of the tablet there are figures-silhouettes of various animals: insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals.

Game progress:

Option 1. Children play one at a time, and the rest check the correctness of the task - to settle all the animals on the "floors" depending on their habitat. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Option 2. Animal silhouettes are laid out on the table with the reverse side up. Children take turns taking one silhouette at a time, name the animal and determine its place in the forest. In this case, the child must explain the correctness of his own choice. For the correct answer - a chip. If the task is completed incorrectly, then the figurine-silhouette of the animal is placed on the table and the action is repeated by another child.

Didactic game "Ecological pyramid "Birds"

Subject: Birds.

Purpose: to form knowledge about the simplest bird food chains in nature; to consolidate knowledge about the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life.


1 option, planar: a set of cards of different colors (yellow, blue, red, black), displaying the conditions necessary for the growth of plants and animal life; sets of three cards with various illustrations of plants and birds, for example: pine - pinecone - woodpecker.

Option 2, volumetric: sets of seven cubes, where four cubes are of different colors, based on the conditions necessary for the life of plants and animals; the fifth shows plants; on the sixth - bird food; seventh - birds. For example: mountain ash - rowan berries - bullfinch; spruce - fir cone - crossbill; oak - acorns - jay; algae - snail - duck; grass - grasshopper - stork.

Game progress: Similar to the previous games. However, when drawing up a pyramid, it is necessary to pay attention to the following rules: multi-colored cubes are placed horizontally, and three cubes with illustrations of plants and animals are placed vertically on this horizontal line, one on one, to show the food chains in nature.

Didactic game "Walking in the forest"

Topic: Behavior in the forest.

Purpose: to form the right attitude towards forest dwellers; to expand children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest; exercise in recognizing warning and prohibition environmental signs.

Material: tablet with the image of a forest clearing with several paths with warning signs; silhouettes of children that can be moved along the paths; a set of prohibition environmental signs in an envelope (“Do not pick lilies of the valley”; “Do not trample on mushrooms, berries”; “Do not break tree branches”; “Do not destroy anthills”; “Do not make fires”; “Do not catch butterflies”; “Do not shout” ; “Do not turn on loud music”; “Do not destroy bird nests”, etc.).

Game progress:

The game can be played by a group of children who go to the "forest" for a walk. At the first stage, the children should be led along the "path", tell what is on it, put up appropriate environmental signs that help to follow the rules of behavior in the forest.

At the second stage, children travel on their own along the "forest paths", where various environmental signs are placed. The guys should explain the rules of behavior in the forest using them. For the correct answer - a chip. The winner is the one who collects the maximum number of chips.

Didactic game " Food chains in nature "

Purpose: to form children's ideas about food chains and the place in them of different species of animals.


Option 1: pictures cut into two parts, when compiled, a food chain is formed: an animal and the food it eats, both vegetable and animal.

Option 2: pictures cut into three parts, the food chain includes a plant, a herbivore or omnivore, a predator.

Game progress:

At the first stage cut pictures are presented in such a way that each has its own specific undercut, which differs from the others. According to it, children find parts of the corresponding picture, compose them correctly, get acquainted with the food chain, determine the place of the animal in it, for example: mushroom - squirrel - marten.

At the second stage cut pictures can have the same sub cuts. When compiling such pictures, children show greater independence in determining the place of the animal in the food chain.

Didactic game "Seasons"

Theme: Natural community.

Purpose: to form ideas about the models of the seasons in accordance with the length of daylight hours; show the relationship between daylight hours and phenomena occurring in nature in different seasons.

Material: four plates of different colors corresponding to the seasons (white, red, green, yellow), which show models of the length of daylight hours for each season; pockets for illustrations of natural phenomena characteristic of this season.

Game progress:

Children examine the tablets, determine the season of each in accordance with the color and trajectory of the sun in the sky: in summer - the largest trajectory, in winter - a small one; autumn and spring - equinox. Having determined the season, the children should put illustrations of the natural phenomena of this season into pockets and talk about them.

Didactic game "Ecological Chamomile"

Theme: Natural community.

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about characteristic phenomena in animate and inanimate nature in different seasons, their relationship and interdependence.

Material: four circles (centers of chamomile) of different colors (white, green, yellow, red) in accordance with the models of the seasons and a set of petals depicting various phenomena in living and inanimate nature at each season, for example: boats float in a stream in spring, lily of the valley blossomed, birds make nests, etc.

Game progress:

Four children play, each needs to collect chamomile petals of the corresponding season and talk about characteristic phenomena in both inanimate and living nature.

Didactic game "Enchanted letter"

Subject: Fruits and vegetables.

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the characteristic features of vegetables and fruits, their role in maintaining human health; introduce modeling as a way of forming a generalized idea of ​​vegetables and fruits.

Material: five tablets with models of the characteristic features of vegetables and fruits (color, shape, size, method of eating, place of growth); a set of subject-schematic drawings for the nastiness of vegetables and fruits.

Game progress:

Children consider subject-schematic models that reveal the characteristic features of vegetables and fruits.

Option 1. Based on the model samples of the characteristic features of vegetables and fruits, children solve the riddles-drawings of Dr. Aibolit to help him determine which vegetables and fruits are good for human health.

Option 2. Based on model samples, one child makes a riddle-description of a certain vegetable or fruit, the rest of the children guess and tell what role they play in maintaining human health.


Theme: Natural Community

Goal: develop thinking; educate positive moral qualities of the individual; to form the communication skills of children with native adults; update joint needs; develop a sense of mutual empathy.

Game progress:

Each family team receives a seven-color flower. The participants in the game think of seven wishes (parents help to write down the wishes of preschoolers): three wishes are conceived by a child for parents, three - by an adult for a child, one wish will be joint.

Parents and children exchange petals and select desire petals that are really pleasing to them. The team that has the most desired petals, where the alleged desires matched the real ones, wins.

Didactic game "TALK WITH THE FOREST"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children, to enrich speech with definitions; learn to relax.

Game progress:

An extraordinary journey awaits you. We will be transported mentally into the forest. (Children close their eyes, leaning on the backs of chairs, relaxed hands lie on their knees.) Around you in the forest are a variety of flowers, shrubs, trees, herbs.

Stretch your right hand forward and “touch” the tree trunk: what is it like? Now raise your hand and touch the foliage: what is it? Put your hands down and run over the blades of grass: what are they? Smell the flowers, draw in the air with full breasts and keep this freshness in yourself!

Expose your face to the fresh breeze. Listen to the forest sounds - what did you hear?

The children listen silently. Each child in the ear calls the teacher the sound or rustle presented to him.


Purpose: to activate the names of plants and their fruits in the speech of children; exercise in the practical assimilation of the constructions of the prepositional case and the agreement of nouns with the verb and adjective in gender, number, case.

Task 1. Recognize the plant by its fruits and complete the sentence.

Acorns grow on ... (oak).
Apples grow on ... (apple tree).
Cones grow on ... (spruce and pine).
Clusters of rowan grow on ... (rowan).
Nuts grow on ... (hazel).

Task 2. Remember the name of the fruits of plants and complete the sentence.

A lot has ripened on the oak ... (acorns).
Children took ripe apple trees ... (apples).
The tops of the fir trees were bent under the weight of many ... (cones).
On the scattered mountain ash, bright lights burned ... (clusters of berries).

Task 3. Draw a line from a plant to its fruits and make a sentence (carried out with subject pictures).

  • acorn bump bunches of berries
  • hazel apple oak
  • walnut apple tree

Task 4. The same with pictures of plants and their leaves.

Didactic game "GNOMES IN THE FOREST"

Purpose: by means of pantomime to depict characteristic movements in a certain situation, focusing only on the words of the teacher and their own ideas.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to put on the caps of the gnomes: “Today we will get to know the little magical men - the gnomes, and we will play with them!”

Gnomes live in the forest. Trees grow densely all around, all with thorny branches. The gnomes make their way with difficulty through the thicket, lift the branches, push them apart with great effort. Appeared in the forest in the light: the trees grow thinner and farther apart (the gnomes look around, choose their own way).

Now the gnomes easily slip between the trees (they are flexible, dexterous): where they will pass sideways, where with their backs ... But you need to bend down and crawl under the deck. Somewhere you have to tiptoe along a narrow path.

The gnomes went out into the clearing, and there the mouse was sleeping. The dwarfs quietly step over it, carefully so as not to step on it. Then they saw a bunny - and let's jump with it! Suddenly a gray wolf jumped out from behind the bushes and roared!

The gnomes rushed to hide under the bushes (under the tables) and sit there quietly!

The wolf went on his way, and the gnomes went home: tiptoe along a narrow path; now you have to bend over and crawl under the deck; where they will pass sideways, where the back is. The house is already close: the gnomes are trudging through the thicket with difficulty, lifting the branches, pushing them apart with great effort.

Oh, tired! You need to rest on your chairs! (Children sit down.)


Purpose: to develop auditory attention, endurance in children.

Rule: raise your hands only if a flowering object (plant, flower) is named.

Game progress: Children sit in a semicircle and put their hands on their knees.

Educator: I will name the objects, and ask: does it bloom? For example: “Does the apple tree bloom?”, “Poppy blooms?” etc.

If this is indeed the case, then the children should raise their hands up.

If I name a non-flowering object (tree, pine, house, etc.), then my hands should not be raised.

You need to be careful, as I will raise my hands both correctly and incorrectly. Whoever makes a mistake will pay a chip.

The teacher starts the game:
"Rose in bloom?" - and raises his hands.

Children answer: "Blossoms!" and also raise their hands.
"Pine blossoms?" - and raises his hands, and the children should be silent.

“Aulieköl audany әkimdіgіninің bіlimіm bоliminіnіn Chernihiv orta mektebi” ММ

State institution "Chernihiv secondary school of the education departmentakimatAuliekolsky district"

Systematized: Karpenko L.G.

Explanatory note.

“It is necessary that a child, starting from an early age, get used to evaluating his actions not only by their immediate effect, but also by their consequences, i.e. evaluate the present in the light of the future. Only with such an upbringing of the younger generation ... the future of mankind will be in serious hands."

MM. Kamshilov.

To awaken love for the environment, to instill a careful attitude to everything that is around us, to teach in an elementary way, to love all this, it is necessary to start from a very early age. Toddlers are very receptive to any information, and it is deposited in their memory for life, if it is presented correctly.

As you know, the best form in which children learn any information is play. The game is a kind of means of learning for the child

reality. Like any other games, didactic games on ecology perform a certain function. It is thanks to them that it becomes possible to form environmental knowledge in children, the norms and rules of interaction with nature, to cultivate empathy, activity in solving some environmental problems.

Many believe that children's didactic games on ecology will be a key factor in this matter due to their receptivity on the part of children and the high effectiveness of the process. And this is exactly what is new that deserves to join the processes of children's education, moving over time to the section of the classics.

The rules of the game are educational, organizing and disciplining. Learning rules help you understand what and how to do; organizers determine the order, sequence and relationships of children in the game; Discipliners warn about what and why not to do.

The teacher must carefully use the rules, not overload the game with them, apply only the necessary ones. The rules of the game established by the educator are gradually assimilated by the children. Focusing on them, they evaluate the correctness of their actions and the actions of their comrades, the relationship in the game.

The result of the didactic game is an indicator of the level of achievement of children in the assimilation of knowledge, in the development of mental activity, relationships.

Game tasks, actions, rules, the result of the game are interconnected, and the absence of at least one of these components violates its integrity, reduces the educational impact.

A lot of didactic games of ecological content have been developed, from simple to more complex ones. The task of the teacher is to select them according to age so that the child can cope with them independently.

I picked up games of natural history content with a summer theme. This card file can be used both as an independent manual and as an attachment to the ecological trail. The scheme of work with this file is simple. It is divided into several blocks corresponding to the areas marked on the ecological path and containing games on this topic. The games are selected in such a way that they can be played both in a group (when exploring a particular ecological trail) and on a walk while fixing the route.

Didactic games on the theme: "Trees".

    “Find the most beautiful leaf and tell us about it”

Rules of the game: Choose from the proposed leaves, the one you like the most and make up a short descriptive story.

Target - fix the names of colors, shapes, teach how to make compound sentences.

    “Look at the leaf, which tree it belongs to, name it”

Rules of the game: Identify the tree by the appearance of the leaf.

The goal is to fix the names of the trees.

    "Name it in one word"

The goal is to consolidate generalizing words: “fruits”, “trees”.

    "Sweet words"

Rules of the game: Form nouns using diminutive suffixes.

Target - formation of nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes.

    "Find a Tree"

Game rules: Find a tree by name.

The goal is to fix the names of the trees.


Rules of the game: Compare branches of different trees.

Target - find and name branches of different lengths and thicknesses.

    "Vice versa"

Rules of the game: Match the words opposite in meaning to the given ones.

The goal is to learn to select antonyms for words.

    "Say the phrase"

    "What's First, What's Later"

Rules of the game: Determine the sequence in which the tree grows, according to the proposed options, (blooming apple tree, seed, apples on an apple tree, sprout).

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about trees.

    "Who knows more words?"

Rules of the game: Name objects for a certain sound.

The goal is to find words with a certain sound at the beginning of a word.


Rules of the game: Determine the time of the year according to the named signs.

Target - develop attention, thinking, logic, speech.

    "When does it happen?"

Rules of the game: According to the descriptive story, determine the season. The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons, their characteristic features. Develop coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, endurance.

    "Who will name more actions"

Rules of the game: List the object's actions. (swinging, standing, growing, blooming, etc.)

    "Come up with an offer"

Rules of the game: Come up with sentences with a certain word.

    "It was - will be"

Rules of the game: Convert the verb in the past tense into the future tense.

The goal is to follow the correct use of words in the past, present and future tenses.

    "Guess the description"

Rules of the game: Write a descriptive story about the proposed tree without naming it.

    "Guess it"

Game rules: Children describe the proposed tree.

Target -


Rules of the game: Make sentences including numerals, adjectives and nouns.

Target - to form a lexical and grammatical structure of speech: agreement of quantitative numbers with nouns and adjectives.

    "Think of a Word"

Rules of the game: Match the words with the same root to the word suggested by the teacher.

The goal is to teach how to form single-root words.

    "Review and Describe"

Rules of the game: Consider and describe the plants proposed by the educator.

Target - consolidate children's knowledge about changes in nature in the spring. Learn to observe nature, to see the beauty of the landscape. Cultivate respect for nature.

    "Find a Tree"

Rules of the game: Recognize trees by features: shape, location of branches, color and appearance of the bark, leaves, flowers.

Target - to teach to describe an object without looking at it, to highlight essential features in it, to recognize a tree from the description.

    "Guess, we'll guess."

Rules of the game: Describe the tree, highlight the essential features in it, recognize the tree from the description.

Target - consolidate children's knowledge about plants growing in the garden, name their signs.

    "Good bad"

Rules of the game: Children talk on a given topic.

Target - develop coherent speech, the ability to speak in complex sentences, to see positive and negative qualities in one phenomenon.


Rules of the game: The teacher allows to settle in the "teremka" if the child calls what his fruit is, the leaf is similar to the fruit, the leaf named by the teacher, how it differs from it. "Knock Knock. Who lives in the teremochka? It's me, the apple. And who are you? - I'm a pear. Let me in. “I’ll let you in if you tell me how we are alike…”

    “What is it if it can…?”

Rules of the game: Given the named properties or functions, find as many objects as possible that perform this function or have these properties. “What is it if it can grow, bloom?” - “Tree, flowers, grass…”

The goal is to develop the ability to think.

    "What good am I doing?"

Rules of the game: Name the benefits that the object brings. "What is the use of a tree?" - “In the heat, it’s cool under him, shade. Insects feed on leaves. Also good for birds

you can make nests in a tree.

    "And what else?"

Rules of the game: According to the named properties or functions of the object, indicate what other properties or functions this object has. “The trees are getting leaves. And what

more?" - flowers, fruits, seeds ... "

    "Who got lost?"

Rules of the game: Determine an object that is not classified with the rest in the same group, and name the rest with one word. “Apple, poplar, lilac, birch, maple. Who got lost? - Lilac, because it is a bush. The rest are trees!

    "What would be?"

Rules of the game: The teacher offers to speculate “what would happen if the trees disappeared?”

The goal is the development of coherent speech.

    "What is it if he has...?"

Rules of the game: According to the named part, determine what kind of object it is.

The goal is to develop the ability to identify subsystem connections.

    "Children on a Branch"

Rules of the game: By the name of the fruit, determine on which tree it grows.

Purpose: To disassemble objects according to belonging to one plant. Finding your mate. Learn orientation in space.

    "Guess, we'll guess."

Rules of the game: Give a description in a certain order: first talk about the shape, then about the color. You can't name an item when describing it.

Purpose: Describe objects and find them according to the description. Guessing and guessing riddles about natural materials. Develop logical thinking and mindfulness.

    "We received a letter..."

Rules of the game: The educator announces to the children that they have received a letter from the why child, who asks for help to find out what benefits this or that tree brings.

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of trees, to teach briefly and clearly express their thoughts.

    "Journey Through the Seasons".

Rules of the game: According to the proposed signs, determine what season they belong to. For example: delicious and fragrant fruits have ripened in the garden. What time of year is this? (Answers of children).

Purpose: To introduce children to the changes that occur with trees at different times of the year.

    "Find a similar one."

Game rules: Find identical leaves, trees, bushes and name them.

Purpose: To exercise children in finding leaves by similarity, activate the children's vocabulary (names of trees: maple, poplar, apple tree, etc.), teach them to draw trees and their leaves separately, cultivate auditory attention.

    "What is good and what is bad?"

Rules of the game: Based on the given examples, determine whether it is good or bad. (If children break branches, is that good? They plant flowers, destroy nests ...)

Purpose: To teach children to describe what they see, to find the differences between good and bad, to cultivate kindness, diligence.

    "Find a tree by seeds."

Rules of the game: According to the proposed leaves, seeds and fruits of trees and shrubs, find the tree, the shrub to which they belong.

Goal: Find the whole by the part. Learn to navigate in space.

    "Let's call a fairy tale."

Rules of the game: According to the proposed work, determine what time of the year this fragment can be attributed to. What tree, fruit is mentioned in the work.

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the main features of different seasons.

    "Think of a lie."

Rules of the game: According to the model of the story, notice and name the elements of fiction. Then each child comes up with his own coherent story-fable of three or four sentences.

Purpose: To develop monologue speech, fantasy of children; help in the search for figurative expressions.

    "Visiting the pear."

Rules of the game: The game situation is created with the help of the question: where do we want to invite guests and tell how to get to it?

Purpose: to teach children to correctly describe the chosen path.

    "Local Radio".

Game rules: Find what is lost. (Fruit, leaf, twig).

Purpose: to develop coherent speech, observation, memory; to promote the manifestation of a sense of humor in children's speech.

    "Vegetable or Fruit"

Rules of the game: Name a vegetable, fruit and where they grow.

Purpose: to exercise children in describing vegetables and fruits; learn to recognize vegetables and fruits by color, shape, description.


Rules of the game: On a signal (hitting a tambourine), one of the children walks, pronouncing the names of trees (fruit trees, shrubs) for each step. Who made a mistake, sits down, and another participant continues the hunt.

Purpose: to check whether children know trees well.

    "Don't mix it up!"

Rules of the game: By naming, determine what type it belongs to: "trees", "shrubs", "fruit trees".

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of wildlife; learn to classify things.

    "It happens - it doesn't happen."

Rules of the game: According to the proposed model, make up a story about a natural phenomenon (for example: “Apples grow on a Christmas tree”). Determine if this is the case or not.

Purpose: to teach children to see the cause-and-effect relationships that exist in nature; improve the ability to compose stories with descriptive elements.

    "Throw the ball and trees, bushes call."

Rules of the game: An adult calls a general concept and throws the ball to each child in turn. The child, returning the ball to an adult, must name the objects related to this generalizing concept.

Purpose: expansion of vocabulary through the use of generalizing words, development of attention and memory, the ability to correlate generic and specific concepts.

    "I know three names of trees (shrubs)."

Rules of the game: The child, tossing or hitting the ball on the floor, says: One and two, and three, four - We all know in this world.

Purpose: to expand the vocabulary of children through the use of generalizing words, the development of speed of reaction, dexterity.

    "What happens in nature?".

Rules of the game: Educator: throwing the ball to the child, asks a question, and the child, returning the ball, must answer the question asked. What the cherry tree does is bloom.

Purpose: to consolidate the use of verbs in speech, agreement of words in a sentence.

    "What is it made of?"

Rules of the game: The teacher offers options: Jam from what? What is compote made from? What are dried fruits made from?

Purpose: to consolidate in the speech of children the use of relative adjectives and ways of their formation.

    "One is many."

Rules of the game: The teacher throws the ball to the children, calling the nouns in the singular. Children throw the ball back, naming plural nouns.

    "Merry Account".

Rules of the game: The host throws the ball to the child and pronounces a combination of a noun with the numeral “one”, and the child, returning the ball, calls the same noun in response, but in combination with the numeral “five” (or “six”, “seven”, “eight ""....).

    “What is higher and what is lower?”

Rules of the game: By the name of the trees and shrubs, determine which of them is higher, lower.

Purpose: To train children in the correct use of the degree of adjectives in speech when comparing the size of plants. Use your knowledge of the value in the game.

    "Let's pick fruit in the garden"

Purpose: to fix the names of fruits, to teach how to select fruits according to a certain attribute.

    «Shop «Fruits»

Rules of the game: Select fruits according to a certain attribute: shape, color, size, etc.

Purpose: to teach to express a request in one or two words: “Give something”, to fix the names of fruits, their colors, shapes.

    "Gardener and Trees"

Rules of the game: The child "gardener" names the tree on the site, the children find it.
Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about fruit trees.


Rules of the game: The teacher says: This eraser is green, like ... This tomato is red, like ... This lemon is yellow, like ... etc.

The goal is to develop the ability to compare.

    "Well no".

Rules of the game: All questions of the presenter can be answered only with the words “yes” or “no”. The driver will go out the door, and we will agree on which plant we will guess for him. He will come and ask us where it grows, what it is like, what it eats. We will answer him with only two words.

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of trees and shrubs.

    "Word game".

Rules of the game: Determine which tree, bush fits the description. (Lilac ... ranetka ...)

The goal is to develop the ability to compare. To consolidate children's knowledge of trees and shrubs.


Rules of the game: Move in accordance with the verbal instructions of the educator, while telling what they "face" on the way.

Purpose: To teach children to navigate on a limited plane, in accordance with verbal instructions. Strengthen counting skills by changing direction. Set up a sequential account. Develop eye muscles, attention, memory and concentration. Activate the dictionary with adverbs: right, left, up, down. Enrich the dictionary with nouns, adjectives, verbs, in accordance with lexical topics: fruit, berries, trees, bush. Cultivate ingenuity, interest, the ability to listen to the answer of a friend.

    "Where I live".

Rules of the game: Recall and name all the trees, shrubs growing at home in children.

Purpose: To teach children to freely use their knowledge about their native village, its originality.

Rules of the game: Move in different directions with a "train", holding in your hand the leaves of plants: poplars, birches, etc. The host calls the stops, for example, "cherry". The guys with bird cherry leaves get off the "train". The rest move on to the next stop.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to recognize trees by the shape of the leaf, color, to teach how to make compound sentences.

    "Trees, shrubs".

Rules of the game: The leader suggests when naming bushes, trees, while simultaneously performing different movements. If the bush - clap; tree - raise your hands up; fruit tree - put your hands on your belt.

The goal is to teach to classify objects. Develop coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, endurance.

Rose hip

Apple tree



Goof silver

    "What grows in the native land."

Rules of the game: The leader names trees, bushes. Children should mark with cotton those plants that grow in your area.

Apple tree, pear tree, wild rose, mimosa,
Spruce, saxaul, sea buckthorn, birch,
Cherry, cherry, pine, orange,
Fir, aspen, cedar, mandarin.

And now quickly:
Linden, aspen, chestnut,
Bird cherry, poplar, plane tree,
Oak, cypress and plum,
Ledum, currant, willow.

Didactic games on the theme: "Flowers".

1. "What flower?"

Rules of the game: Describe the proposed flower.

Purpose: To develop the ability to select adjectives, enrich vocabulary.

2. "Call it in one word."

Rules of the game: Choose generalizing words for the given examples.

3. "Tender words"

Rules of the game: Name affectionately.

The goal is to form nouns using diminutive suffixes.

4. "Find a flower"

Game rules: Find the flower according to the pattern.

The goal is to fix the names of the colors.

5. "Compare"

Rules of the game: Compare flowers by signs.

The goal is to find and name flowers of the same color, height.

6. "Name the plant"

Rules of the game: Find a flower according to the suggested signs.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish flowers, name them quickly, find the right flower

among the others.

7. "Say the phrase"

Rules of the game: Finish the phrase by answering the questions "What?", "What?", "What?", "What?".

The goal is to teach to agree on nouns and adjectives in gender, number and case.

8. "What's first, what's next"

Rules of the game: Compose in a certain sequence the seasons, certain signs. (Leaves, stem, bud, seeds).

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons.

9. "Who knows more words?"

Rules of the game: Name the flowers with a certain sound at the beginning, middle, end of the word. The goal is to fix the sounds and their position in the word.

10. "Seasons".

Rules of the game: According to the described state of the flowers, determine the season.

The goal is to develop attention, thinking, logic, speech.

11. "Who will name more signs"

Rules of the game: List the features of the object. (smell, bloom, fade, fragrant, etc.)

The goal is to expand vocabulary by selecting verbs.

12. "Come up with a proposal"

Rules of the game: Make up sentences with the word "flower".

The goal is to teach how to make sentences on the proposed topic.

13. "Guess the description"

Rules of the game: Write a story about a flower without showing it.

The goal is to teach how to write a descriptive story.

14. "Count"

Rules of the game: Make a sentence including numerals, adjectives and nouns.

15. "Review and describe"

Rules of the game: Consider and describe the flower proposed by the teacher.

The goal is to fix the names and signs of colors.

16. "Find a flower"

Rules of the game: Find a flower according to the description.

The goal is to teach children to recognize flowers by signs: the shape, color and appearance of the leaves.

17. "Guess, we will guess."

Rules of the game: Find a flower according to the description, a riddle.

The goal is to consolidate the knowledge of children about the flowers growing on the site.

18. "Good - bad"

Rules of the game: Discuss on a given topic.

The goal is to develop coherent speech, the ability to speak in complex sentences, to see positive and negative qualities in one phenomenon.

19. "What grows where?"

Rules of the game: By name, determine which flowers: meadow, indoor, garden.

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about garden, meadow, and indoor flowers.

20. "What good am I doing?"

Rules of the game: Children should name as many benefits as possible that the object brings.

The goal is to form the ability to identify the functions of an object, its additional resources.

21. "What else?"

Rules of the game: The teacher names the property or function of the object, and the children must indicate what other properties or functions this object has.

The goal is to form the ability to identify the functions of an object, its additional resources.

22. "Who got lost?"

Rules of the game: The teacher lists several objects, one of them is not classified with the rest in the same group. The child must identify this object, and name the rest with one word.

The goal is to teach to classify objects.

23. "What would happen?"

Rules of the game: The teacher offers to speculate “what would happen if the flowers disappeared?”

The goal is the development of coherent speech.

24. What grows where?

Rules of the game: Group flowers according to their place of growth: meadow, indoor, garden.

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about plants, develop the ability to establish spatial relationships between objects, group plants according to their place of growth, develop activity and independence of thinking.

25. The game "Who helps to preserve the beauty of flowers!"

Rules of the game: Children should tell as much as possible about flowers and the people who grow them.

Goal: Clarify ideas about the role of flowers in people's lives (flowers decorate and delight); about

the names of flowers growing in different places (field, meadow, forest, garden); about which

the time of the year there are especially many flowers and at what few; about people who grow garden

flowers (sow flower seeds or plant flowers in flower beds, lawns, beds, etc.),

take care of flowers, make bouquets of them, delight people with the beauty of flowers at any

season, especially in autumn and winter.

26. The game "What bouquet of flowers would you like to give to your mother (grandmother, sister, aunt, friend)!"

Rules of the game: Children talk about which, from which flowers and to whom they would like to give a bouquet.

Purpose: To cultivate attention, goodwill, willingness to bring joy to loved ones. To teach a polite form of communication, the ability to take into account the interests of another, to take part in a conversation, collusion for the game. Check and consolidate ideas about different materials. Draw the children's attention to the fact that the flowers and the vessel in which they are placed together create the overall beauty of the bouquet.

27. Game with throwing the ball "Throw the ball, call the flowers"

28. Ball game "I know the names of three colors"

Rules of the game: Name flowers when throwing, without repeating those already named.

Purpose: To fix the names of colors.

29. The game "One - many" We are wizards a little: There was one, but there will be many.

Rules of the game: The teacher throws the ball to the children, naming the flower in the singular. Children throw the ball back, naming the flower in the plural.

Purpose: fixing in the speech of children of various types of endings of nouns.

30. The game "Merry Account" How many of them - we always know. Well we all think.

Rules of the game: The child calls the name of the flower along with the numeral.

Purpose: to consolidate in the speech of children the agreement of nouns with numerals. Development of dexterity, speed of reaction.

31. "Gardener and flowers"

Rules of the game: The child "gardener" names a flower available on the site, the children find it.
Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about colors.

32. "Flower shop"

Rules of the game: Select flowers according to a certain attribute: by color, by size, etc.

Purpose: to teach to express a request in one or two words: “Give such and such a flower”, to fix the names of flowers, their color, to consolidate the ability to distinguish flowers, to name them quickly. To teach children to group plants by color, to make beautiful bouquets.

33. "Train"

Rules of the game: Move in different directions with a “train”, holding flowers in your hand. The host calls the stops, for example "chamomile". The guys with a chamomile flower get off the "train". The rest move on to the next stop.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors

34. The game "What grows in the native land"

Rules of the game: Children should mark with cotton those flowers that grow in your area.

Purpose: To develop attention, memory, speed of reaction, dexterity.

35. "Name it in one word" - choose generalizing words for the proposed examples.

Rules of the game: The teacher lists the names of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and the children call them a generalized word.

The goal is to consolidate the generalizing words: "vegetables", "fruits", "berries", "flowers".

36. "Tender words"

Rules of the game: The teacher calls the flowers, and the child pronounces their names affectionately. (rose - rosette, chamomile - chamomile, etc.)

The goal is to consolidate the ability to form nouns with the help of diminutive suffixes.

37. "Say the phrase"

Rules of the game: The child is invited to complete the phrase by answering the questions "What?", "What?", "What?", "What?".

The goal is to teach to agree on nouns and adjectives in gender, number and case.

38. "Come up with a proposal"

Rules of the game: Make up sentences with the word "flowers".

The goal is to teach how to make sentences.

39. "Guess the description"

Rules of the game: Children make up a descriptive story about the proposed flower without showing it.

The goal is to teach how to write a descriptive story.

40. "Guess"

Rules of the game: Children describe the proposed item.

The goal is to teach to describe an object without looking at it, to highlight essential features in it, to recognize the object from the description.

41. "Count"

Rules of the game: Children make up sentences that include numerals, adjectives and nouns.

The goal is to form the lexical and grammatical structure of speech: the agreement of quantitative numbers with nouns and adjectives.

42. "Look and describe"

Rules of the game: Children consider and describe the plants proposed by the teacher.

The goal is to consolidate children's knowledge about changes in nature in the spring. Learn to observe nature, to see the beauty of the landscape. Cultivate respect for nature.

Didactic games


ecological game "Benefit-harm"

Target: make it clear to children that in nature there are neither useful nor harmful, only necessary.

Stage 1

The first option: "Benefit - harm."

(topic: wildlife).

Children should stand in a circle. The teacher asks the question: “What is the use of a bee? ”, the children should take turns answering the question, without repeating the answers of their comrades. Then the task changes: “What is the harm from the bee? »

The second option: "Like - do not like."

(topic: non-wildlife).

Organization principle see option 1.

The third option: "Good - bad."

(theme: seasons and 4 elements: water, air, earth and fire). The principle is the same.

Stage 2

The teacher asks the question: “What would happen if all the bad qualities of natural objects disappeared, and everything around became good? "(the wolf became good - he stopped eating hares, there would be so many hares that they would gnaw all the bark on the trees, there would be fewer trees and many birds would have nowhere to live).

It turns out that if there is only benefit and no harm from everything, then life on the planet will change dramatically and may even die.

At the end of the game, the teacher must conclude that there are no harmful creatures, no useful ones, there is nothing superfluous in nature, everything is necessary.


ecological game "Owls and Crows"

Target: check and consolidate children's ideas about the world around them.

Children should be divided into two teams: "Owls" and "Crows". Those and others stand in a line opposite each other at a distance of 3 meters, behind their backs their houses, also at a distance of 3 meters.

The teacher gives the task:

Owls love the truth, Ravens love lies, so if I'm telling the truth, Owls should catch Ravens. "Crows" run away to their homes and vice versa.

Then the educator pronounces phrases of natural history content:

-bears love to eat tigers

-a birch has earrings in spring

-elephants can't swim

Dolphin is an animal, not a fish

Children must realize the correctness or incorrectness of the phrase, based on their knowledge on this topic, and themselves respond with their behavior (run away or catch up) to this phrase. It is advisable after each time to ask the children why they did one way or another, and after 2-3 phrases, change the players.


ecological game « We are all different."

Target: show the diversity of the natural world, its uniqueness, highlight the good qualities of any natural object.

The teacher gives the task:

Stand to the left, those who love the sea more, to the right, those who love the river more, and let those who like both remain in the middle.

The children are then asked the following questions:

Why do you like the sea?

Why do you love the river?

Why did you stay in the middle?

Task options: winter - summer,

chamomile - bell, rain - snow.

At the end of the game, the teacher must conclude that both are good, you just need to notice this good in nature. As a result of such games, it becomes difficult for children to choose what is better and they remain in the middle. However, this is not the purpose of the game.


ecological game « Find your tree

Target: provide an opportunity to learn about the environment, use the experience of direct communication with it (conducted in nature).

The teacher blindfolds one child, rotates around him several times and leads to some tree. The child must study this tree by feeling it.

During the study, the teacher asks leading questions:

Is it smooth or not?

Does it have leaves?

Do the branches start high from the ground?

Then the teacher takes the child away from the tree, confuses the tracks, unties his eyes and offers to guess "his" tree, using the experience gained while feeling the tree.

In the future, you can offer children games in pairs.


ecological game "Seasons"

Target: develop logical thinking and enrich the horizons of children with the concept of seasonal changes in nature.

The teacher names any object of the living world (living or plant) and invites the children to imagine and tell where and in what form this object can be seen in summer, winter, autumn, spring.

For example: MUSHROOMS.

In the summer - fresh in the forest, along the edges of the road, in the meadow, as well as canned in jars, dried, if left over from last year or cooked already this year.

In autumn it's the same.

In winter - only canned or dried, but can be fresh only if they are grown in a specially designated place.

In spring - see winter, but add mushrooms that grow in spring (morels).


ecological game "What changed"

didactic task. Find items by similarity.
Game action. Search for a similar item.
Rule. You can show a recognized plant only at the signal of the educator, after listening to its description.
Equipment. Identical plants (3-4 each) are placed on two tables.
Game progress. The teacher shows a plant on one of the tables, describes its characteristic features, and then invites the child to find the same on another table. (You can ask the children to find the same plants in the group room.)
The game is repeated with each of the plants on the tables.


ecological game "Find something to talk about"

didactic task. Find items according to the listed signs.

Game action. Guessing a plant from the description of signs.

Rule.You can name recognized vegetables or fruits only at the request of the teacher.

Equipment.Vegetables and fruits are laid out on the edge of the table so that they are clearly visible.

all children have distinctive features of objects.

Game progress. The teacher describes in detail one of the objects lying on the table, that is,

names the shape

vegetables and fruits, their color and taste. Then the teacher offers one of the guys: “Show on the table, and

then name what I said. If the child coped with the task, the teacher describes

another object, and the task is already performed by another child. The game continues until all children

do not guess the item from the description.


ecological game "Find the same"

didactic task. Find items by similarity. Game action. Children find changes in the arrangement of objects.

Rule.It is impossible to look at how the teacher swaps plants.
Equipment. 3-4 identical plants are placed on two tables in a certain sequence, for example, ficus, flowering geranium, asparagus, fragrant geranium.

Game progress. The teacher asks the children to take a good look at how the plants stand and close their eyes. At this time, he swaps the plants on the same table. And then he asks the children to rearrange the pots as they stood before, comparing their arrangement with the order of the plants on another table. After some repetitions, the game can be played with one set of plants (without visual control).


ecological game "Guess the plant from the description"

didactic task. Find items according to the listed signs. Game action. Search

subject according to the riddle-description.

Rule.You can show the plant only after the teacher's story at his request.

Equipment.For the first games, several indoor plants (2-3) are selected with noticeable

distinctive features. They are placed on the table so that all children can clearly see each plant.

Game progress. The teacher begins to talk in detail about one of the plants. First, he notes, for example, what

it looks like “a tree”, like “grass”), then asks to say if the plant has a stem. The teacher pays attention

children on the shape of the leaves (round, oval - like a cucumber, narrow, long), coloring of flowers (primary colors),

their number on the pedicel The first description is given at a slow pace, so that the children can see and

consider everything that the teacher says. Having finished the description, the teacher asks: “What plant am I talking about?

told?" Children point to a plant and, if they can, name it. You can invite the guys to find in the group

com here all plants similar to those described.


ecological game "Find a plant by name"

First option.

didactic task. Find a plant by word-name.

Game actions. The search for the named plant.

Rule.You can’t see where the plant is hidden.

Game progress. The teacher calls the indoor plant in the group room, and the children must find it. At first

the teacher gives the task to all the children: “Who will quickly find a plant in our group room that I will name?” Then

asks some children to complete a task. If it is difficult for children to find the named plant in a large area

rooms among many others, the game can be played by analogy with the previous ones, that is, selected plants

put on the table. Then the search for a plant in the room will become a complicated version of the game.

Second option.

You can play a game using a toy that the teacher or one of the children will hide (see the game “Where

did the nesting doll hide?”), but instead of describing the houseplant near which the toy is hidden, you can give

only its name.


ecological game "What's gone!"

didactic task. Name the plant from memory (without visual control). Game action. Guess which plant is missing. Rule. You can’t watch which plant is being harvested. Equipment. 2-3 plants well known to children from previous games are placed on the table.

Game progress. The teacher invites the kids to look at what plants are on the table, and then close their eyes. At this time, the teacher removes one plant. When the children open their eyes, the teacher asks: “Which plant is gone?” If the correct answer is received, the plant is put in place, and the game is repeated with another object. Note. The above games are recommended for children 3-4 years old.


ecological game "Describe, I'll guess"

didactic task. Find a plant according to the description of an adult.

Game action. Guessing plants by a riddle-description.

Rule.First you need to find a plant that will be told about, and then name it.

Game progress.The teacher describes one of the plants in the group room. The kids must find it

according to the description, and if it is familiar to them, then name it. Those plants, the names of which children do not yet know, are

the feeder calls himself.

In the description, generally accepted terms should be used: “leaf shape”, “flower color”, etc. This

help children identify the distinctive and common features of a plant.


ecological game "Find something to talk about"

didactic task. Describe and name the signs of the plant in response to questions from an adult.

Game action. Drawing up a "riddle" for an adult. Rules. It is impossible to name the hidden plant. Answer questions correctly.

Game progress. The teacher sits facing the children, with his back to the houseplants on the table. The teacher asks one child to choose and show the children a plant, which he will then have to recognize from the description of the children. The teacher asks them questions about the presence of a stem, the shape and color of the leaves (names shades of green), the surface of the leaf (smooth, non-smooth), whether there are flowers, how many of them are on the branch, what color they are. For example: “Does it look like a tree or grass? Is the trunk thick and straight? Are the leaves as big as a cucumber? Dark green, shiny? Having recognized the plant, the teacher names and shows it. The game can be repeated.


ecological game "Guess, we will guess"

First option.

didactic task. Describe items and find by description.

Equipment.3-4 plants are placed on the table.

Game action. Guessing and guessing riddles about plants.

Rule.Describe the plant without naming it.

Game progress. One child goes out the door. He is the leader. Children agree on which plant and what will be

speak. The driver returns, and the children describe their plans to him. Listening carefully to the story

the driver must name and show the plant.

Second option.

The teacher invites one of the children to describe a plant standing on the table. The rest should recognize the plant from the story and name it.


ecological game "Sell what I call"

didactic task. Find an item by name.
Game actions. Performing the roles of buyer and seller.
Rules. The buyer must name the plant, but not show it. The seller finds the plant by name.
Equipment. Pick up indoor plants, field and garden flowers. Unfold and place them on the table.
Game progress. One child is a seller, the rest are buyers. The buyers name the plants they want to buy, the seller finds them and issues the purchase. In case of difficulty, the buyer can name the signs of the plant.
Note. The last three games are recommended for children of the middle group.


ecological game "Find a leaf, which I will show"

didactic task. Find items by similarity.

Game action. Running children with certain leaflets.

Rule.Run (“fly”) on command is possible only for those who have the same stock in their hands as shown


Target: reveal children's knowledge about plant species.

Game description: invite children to consider illustrations depicting: birch, oak, maple, spruce, pine, poplar, linden ... (trees); chamomile, bluebell, cornflower, tulip, lily of the valley, roses ... (flowers); pumpkins, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, zucchini ... (vegetables); apples, pears, plums, oranges, lemons, bananas…(fruit); raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, blueberries ... (berries); ceps, mushrooms, chanterelles, champignon, fly agaric, false mushrooms ... (mushrooms) and call them in one word.

  1. Show and name the parts of the plant.

Target: reveal children's knowledge about parts of a plant.

Game description: invite children to consider an illustration depicting an apple tree and show, name its parts (root, trunk, branches, leaves, fruits).

3.Tell me where it grows.

Target: to reveal children's knowledge about the places of growth of certain types of plants.

Game description: invite children to consider illustrations depicting strawberries, mushrooms (forest), wheat, rye (field), chamomile, bluebell (meadow), apple tree, currant (garden), pumpkin, tomato (garden) and tell where it grows.

  1. Guess what tree.

Target: reveal children's knowledge about the varieties of trees.

Game description: invite children to consider illustrations depicting various types of trees and name them (illustrations: birch, oak, mountain ash, maple, pine, spruce, aspen, alder, elm, poplar, linden).

  1. Tell me, from which tree are the leaves and fruits?

Target: to reveal the knowledge and ability of children to identify trees by leaves and fruits.

Game description: invite children to consider illustrations depicting leaves and fruits of trees and name which tree they belong to (rowan leaf and brush, birch leaf and catkins, oak leaf and acorn, pine needles and cone).

  1. Compare the structure of a tree, bush, grass.

Target: to reveal the ability of children to find differences in the structure of a tree, bush, grass.

Game description: invite children to consider illustrations depicting a tree, bush, grass (bushes have no trunk, grass has no branches, trunk).

  1. Remember and name the necessary conditions for the life and growth of plants.

Target: to reveal knowledge about the necessary conditions for the life and growth of plants and the ability to care for them.

Game description: invite the children to consider illustrations depicting a well-groomed indoor plant and a dying one and name the reason for the death of the flower.

  1. What's first, what's next?

Target: reveal children's knowledge about the sequence of plant growth.

Game description: invite the children to look at the illustrations depicting the stages of plant growth and arrange them in the correct sequence.

  1. Guess what mushroom.

Target: reveal children's knowledge about mushrooms.

Game description: invite the children to consider illustrations depicting mushrooms and name them (illustrations: boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelles, fly agaric, pale grebe, mushrooms).

  1. Tell me what mushrooms you can not eat.

Target: to reveal the knowledge and skills of children to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones.

Game description: invite children to consider illustrations depicting mushrooms, find and name poisonous mushrooms (illustrations: porcini mushroom, fly agaric, honey mushrooms, pale grebe, chanterelles).

  1. Harvest.

Target: to reveal the knowledge and skills of children to find and name vegetables and fruits.

Game description: invite children to consider illustrations depicting: apples, tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, bananas, onions, strawberries, honey mushrooms, pears, peaches, peppers, plums, birches, bells, cabbages, zucchini, oranges, potatoes, turnips, lemons, peas, beets , raspberries, fly agaric. Collect pictures with the image of fruits in a red plate, and with the image of vegetables in a blue one.

  1. Find and name the berries.

Target: to reveal the knowledge and skills of children to find and name berries.

Game description: invite children to consider illustrations depicting: cabbage, chanterelles, raspberries, poplars, strawberries, apples, blueberries, cucumbers, currants, gooseberries, tulips, strawberries. Find and name pictures that depict berries.

  1. Guess riddles.

Target: to reveal the knowledge and skills of children about the plant world.

I grow in the ground in the garden,

Red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

many clothes,

And all without zippers. (Cabbage)

Who has one leg

And the one without a shoe? (Mushroom)

Above is green

red below,

It has grown into the ground. (Beet)

Ros ball is white,

The wind blew

The ball flew away. (Dandelion)

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,

Who undresses him

He sheds tears. (Onion)

Cheerful in the spring

It's cold in summer

Feeds in autumn

Warms in winter. (Wood)

All cast in gold

Standing in the sun. (Ear)


  1. What you need to know for grade 1. / T.I. Tarabarina, E. I. Sokolova, 2006
  2. Welcome to ecology! / Comp. O. A. Voronkevich, 2004
  3. "We". The program of environmental education for children / N.N. Kondratieva et al. 2004

Title: Educational games on ecology in the preparatory group about the plant world

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MADOU kindergarten "Cinderella"
Location: Sterlitamak city, Republic of Bashkortostan