Klimenko German Sergeevich biography. German Sergeevich Tonkov

Head of the Department of Psychological Support of Professional Activities, St. Petersburg State University, Dr. psychol. Sciences, prof., honored. scientist of the Russian Federation. Nikiforov German Sergeevich (b. 02.22.1940, Leningrad) - Russian psychologist, specialist in the field of psychology of professional activity. Doctor of Psychological Sciences (1979), Professor (1981), Head. Department of Psychological Support of Professional Activities (since 1989), full member of the Academy of Humanities (since 1994), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (since 1999). Chairman of the specialized council at the St. Petersburg State. University for the defense of doctoral dissertations in specialty 19.00.03 (work psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics), as well as 19.00.01 (general psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology) since 1997. He is a member of the Academic Council of St. Petersburg State University (since 1995), a member of the editorial board of “Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University” (series: philosophy and social-psychological sciences) since 1985. Graduated from the Faculty of Electro-Physics of the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute named after. V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) in 1963, worked as an engineer, then as a senior engineer. In 1966, he entered full-time targeted graduate school in the department of ergonomics and engineering psychology of the Leningrad State University. university. After successfully completing his postgraduate studies, he worked as a teacher at St. Petersburg State University (since 1969). Areas of scientific research: problems of professional activity. namely, the reliability of professional activity, the psychology of professional training, the mechanisms of mental self-regulation, the psychology of management, the psychology of professional health. The topic of the candidate's dissertation is “Experimental research into the reliability of a human operator in the process of receiving information” (1969), the topic of the doctoral dissertation is “Psychological foundations of self-control” (1979). G. S. Nikiforov made a major contribution to the development of the theoretical and practical foundations of human psychology as a subject of mental self-government. For the first time in domestic and foreign psychology, he developed the doctrine of self-control as a fundamental psychological mechanism. Under his leadership and with his personal participation, methodological and theoretical-practical issues of his proposed concept of psychological support for professional activity, which determined the formation of a new scientific direction in the field of practical psychology, are being developed. Gives courses of lectures at St. Petersburg State University and other universities: “Work Psychology”, “Reliability of Professional Activity”, “Engineering Psychology”, “Psychology of Management”, “Psychology of Health”. 28 candidates of sciences were prepared. G. S. Nikiforov published 96 scientific works, including monographs: Self-control as a mechanism of reliability of a human operator (L., 1977); Human self-control (L., 1989); Reliability of professional activity (St. Petersburg, 1996). He is a scientific editor and co-author of collective monographs: Psychological support for professional activity (St. Petersburg, 1991); Psychology of Professional Training (St. Petersburg, 1993); Psychology of Management (St. Petersburg, 1997); Health Psychology (St. Petersburg, 2000); workshops: Psychology of professional activity (St. Petersburg, 2000); Psychology of management and professional activity (St. Petersburg, 2001).

Businessman and talented Internet entrepreneur German Klimenko has created many successful projects on the domestic Internet. His catalog of websites List.ru became the basis for the creation of a large global company, Mail.ru Group. Successful blog services include the Liveinternet platform and the Mediametrics news aggregator. Klimenko's interests in business have always been diverse: financial, auditing, legal services, real estate, advertising. German Sergeevich showed talent in many areas and achieved high results. In 2016, the entrepreneur was faced with a new difficult task. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin appointed Klimenko as his advisor on Internet development issues.


The Internet has long ceased to be just a source of information and a means of communication and entertainment for millions of people. Big business and big finance are concentrated in the modern virtual space. The Internet itself has become a promising area of ​​business, actively attracting multimillion-dollar investments into network projects. At the same time, the modern Internet is one of the powerful means of disseminating information and shaping public opinion. The influence of online communities on politics is growing around the world. Government authorities are trying to study, control, and influence the processes occurring in the network. In Russia, over the past few years, many events have been held aimed at bringing representatives of the Internet and government structures closer together. A significant event in 2016 was the assumption of the post of Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on Internet issues by German Sergeevich Klimenko. The entrepreneur’s business included various assets: from land plots and financial companies to popular Internet projects. But it was his IT activities that brought Klimenko wide fame.


Klimenko German Sergeevich was born on December 7, 1966 in Moscow. The entrepreneur talks a little about his childhood. He studied well, was a diligent child, and was fond of sports. I dreamed of serving in the army. Good grades and excellent physical preparation allowed the young man to fulfill his dream. He easily became a student at the prestigious Red Banner Military Engineering Institute named after A.F. Mozhaisky in St. Petersburg, where he acquired a promising profession as a programmer. After graduating from university in 1988, the young officer went to Kamchatka for further service.

The young man reacted negatively to the information about the long-distance assignment. But subsequently, the ambitious Klimenko became one of the best officers of the unit, highly appreciating the experience acquired during his military service.

G. Klimenko about the benefits of the “army” experience: “I have a very good idea of ​​how everything works in our state - I served in the army...”

In the early 90s, irreversible and serious changes began in the country. The planned socialist economy was replaced by free economic relations and greater opportunities for enterprising people. The success story of German Klimenko begins in these turbulent times.

In 1995, Klimenko graduated as an economist at the Higher School of Economics. He decided to leave the armed forces and, under the patronage of his mother, was hired at a branch of Staratelsky Bank in Irkutsk. He began his civil service as a programmer. Herman built a successful career in the banking industry. Thanks to his knowledge and ideas in the field of automation of banking accounting, he was quickly noticed by management and appointed to the position of deputy director of the branch. Then there was the Rossiysky Credit bank, where German Sergeevich headed the Cheryomushki branch for four years.

In the crisis year of 1998, he decided to take advantage of the favorable market situation and become a co-owner of the bank. Klimenko acquired a stake in Quota Bank (since 2014, Ivy Bank), as he himself said, inexpensively. In the future, German planned to sell his share to his partners for 40 million rubles. But in May 2017, Ivy Bank’s license was revoked.

For your information: Klimenko G.S. married, has 4 children. He transferred the business to his eldest son Yuri in connection with his entry into the public service.

Offline business

German Sergeevich showed his entrepreneurial abilities early. The scheme of the first business was simple and in tune with the times. He organized several exchange offices for the purchase and sale of MMM securities. These simple financial transactions allowed the novice businessman to earn his first serious money.

Klimenko has a special flair for in-demand services on the market. Thanks to him, he promptly organized the audit company “RK-Audit”, which continues to function successfully. He opened Legal Agency LLC, which provided exotic services at that time: opening accounts in foreign banks and registering offshore companies. A businessman invested money in real estate. In particular, I bought an old pioneer camp located on 2 hectares of land in the Tula region. Klimenko was a co-owner of Quota Bank for a long time, which he led for eight years, starting in 2000. German Klimenko’s company “Vysotka” was actively involved in supplying computers to universities and official institutions in the capital.

By the way: What brought German Sergeevich into the IT business was the need to advertise the services of his offline companies.

Online business

One of the businessman’s first projects on the Internet (1998) was the List.ru website catalog and the top.list.ru statistical service. The project was so successful that just 12 months later it was sold for $1 million to Yuri Milner. The high quality of the resource is evidenced by the fact that Milner created the world-famous Mail.ru Group company on the basis of List.ru.

In 2003, German Klimenko launched a new project - the Liveinternet blogging platform, as well as a statistics service of the same name. Although the idea was taken from Livejournal.com, which was popular at that time, after some time Klimenko’s blog platform became the most popular on the domestic Internet. With the development of social networks, popularity began to decline, but the statistics service remained relevant.

Klimenko’s biography includes many interesting projects, including:

In 2014, the businessman launched a new project - Mediametrics, an aggregator of news from social networks. The resource is successfully developing and gaining popularity among users.

In 2014, German Klimenko assumed the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the AllinOne Network company, which develops medical Internet projects. German Sergeevich actively supports the idea of ​​remote diagnosis and sale of medicines.

From businessmen to politicians

The year 2015 was significant in the career of German Sergeevich Klimenko. With the support of Vyacheslav Volodin, he founded the Internet Development Institute (IRI). Klimenko was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the new institute. One of the main goals of this organization is to build a dialogue between the authorities and the Internet community.

As the head of Iran, Klimenko was introduced to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

A fateful event for the entrepreneur occurred on December 22, 2015 at a meeting of the President of the country with IT businessmen. During the conversation, Vladimir Vladimirovich suggested that Klimenko take over the government’s supervision of issues related to the development of the Internet in Russia. It was an offer that could not be refused. Klimenko himself calls the process of making this decision difficult.

“If the President calls, I’ll go.”

Already on January 4, 2016, the corresponding Decree was signed on the appointment of G. S. Klimenko as Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on Internet development issues.

They say that Klimenko was pointed out to the President as a potential adviser by the creator of Yandex, Arkady Volozh, who was also present at the meeting in the Kremlin.

Having become an official of such a high rank, Klimenko transferred the business to his son, reserving the right to control the process. “I’m an adviser!” - German Sergeevich jokes.

Klimenko's appointment caused a storm of emotions in the professional community. There are many reviews and opinions, both positive and negative. This reaction is partly caused by the provocative statements of the aspiring politician himself.

A negative reaction from representatives of the domestic Internet was also caused by the immediate transformation of an apolitical businessman into a statesman with a strict pro-state position.

G. Klimenko about Google:“At least I will definitely get rich. We will displace Google and all its services. I have a statistics service, Yandex has a search service, that’s great. Google is taking away our income, and if it doesn’t exist, we will earn heroically.”

The first steps of a novice politician

Such a powerful onslaught from the media and former colleagues became a test for the official. Politics is a special art. At first, Klimenko remained just as open, assertive, sincere and emotional in his statements and actions. But the word politician differs from the word businessman in the strength of the public reaction it evokes. A businessman expresses a personal opinion or the opinion of a group, a government official expresses the opinion of the authorities.

Over time, Klimenko became more restrained and consistent, but German Sergeevich’s position remained the same.

Klimenko German Sergeevich advocates mainly for restrictive and prohibitive measures:

  • increased taxes for foreign IT companies;
  • import substitution of “software” in government agencies;
  • creation of a Russian messenger for officials;
  • introduction of state regulation of resources on the network.

He also believes that “our country must be prepared to be disconnected from the world Internet.”

G. Klimenko on the ban on Kaspersky Lab products in US government agencies: “It seems to me that in many ways this is a mixture of paranoia and business interests.”

One can have different attitudes to the opinion and position of the adviser to the President of the Russian Federation on the problems of building relations between the authorities and the Internet community.

German Sergeevich is an extraordinary person, a successful businessman and a talented IT entrepreneur. He was deservedly included in the “Magnificent Twenty of Runet” from 2004 to 2009.

Simply by becoming a high-ranking government official, he ceased to belong to himself. He is a representative of the authorities, this is his choice and his responsibility.

German Sergeevich Klimenko is an adviser to President Vladimir Putin on Internet issues, a successful IT entrepreneur. He owns several large Internet resources, including the Internet statistics and blogs service Liveinternet.ru, as well as the news aggregator Mediametrics.

Childhood and family of German Klimenko. Education

German Klimenko spent his childhood in Moscow. The politician talks very little about his parents. It is known that his mother grew up in an orphanage, later received a position at the Moscow ZIL plant, then served on the board of the Promstroibank of the USSR. In her free time, the woman played chess and participated in federal level championships. It was she who instilled in her son such qualities as fortitude and assertiveness.

During his school years, German Sergeevich was a calm, well-mannered child, and attended the pentathlon section. After receiving the certificate, the future politician entered the St. Petersburg Military Engineering Red Banner Institute named after. A.F. Mozhaisky, where from 1983 to 1988 he mastered the specialty of a software engineer. Subsequently, the young man decided to get a second higher education - in 1995 he received a diploma in economics at the retraining faculty of the Higher School of Economics. German Sergeevich also planned to graduate from the Faculty of Law, but due to lack of finances he was able to study only two courses.

Career of German Klimenko

Immediately after graduating from a higher military educational institution in 1988, German Klimenko went to serve in the Kamchatka town of Elizovo. The purposeful young man quickly achieved success in the military field and became the best officer of the unit. However, in 1993, he chose to change his field of activity, taking a position as a programmer in a branch of the Irkutsk Staratelsky Commercial Bank. A few years later, the politician took the post of deputy director of the branch.

Since the mid-90s, German Klimenko’s career has seen a rapid rise. In 1995, he founded the audit company RK-Audit, and a year later - the legal agency Legal Agency LLC. During the same period, German Sergeevich moved to the position of deputy branch director at the Russian Credit bank, where he worked until 2000, after which he served as manager of the Quota bank for eight years.

At the same time, his IT business began to develop successfully: German Klimenko created the Internet service Liveinternet with its own platform for blogging (online diaries). In April 2009, he launched the MediaTarget contextual advertising system based on the Liveinternet service. In July 2010, the first rating of Facebook pages in Russian was created.

German Klimenko on the development of Runet

In 2013, under his leadership and on his initiative, the Association for the Development of Electronic Commerce (AVEC) was created. In 2014, Klimenko launched a program that “sorts” news by popularity on social networks – Mediametrics. In the same year, he headed the board of directors of AllinOne Network.

At the beginning of the same 2014, German Sergeevich became a member of the Club of Leaders of the Russian non-profit organization "Agency for Strategic Initiatives", the chairman of the supervisory board of which at that time was Vladimir Putin.

In February 2015, Klimenko headed the Internet Development Institute. The main goal of the organization was to establish interaction between the IT industry and the authorities and ensure the long-term development of the Russian segment of the Internet.

German Klimenko was repeatedly awarded by the International Union of Internet Activists. From 2004 to 2010, he was one of the Magnificent Twenty of Runet. German Klimenko himself considers the Internet business to be a kind of “black hole”, because such simple, at first glance, projects require large investments, but in the end they can bring meager profits.

Interview with German Klimenko: How to become a millionaire on the Internet

Personal life of German Klimenko

Little is known about the personal life of German Klimenko. The politician was married twice. He got married for the first time while studying at the Higher School of Economics. In his marriage, he had two children: a boy and a girl, two years apart. In 2000, the family broke up because the wife could not understand her husband’s actions: he voluntarily left the Russian Credit bank due to disagreement with the forced dismissal of his bank’s employees. A few years later, Klimenko married for the second time. This marriage also gave him two children.

The eldest son, Yuri Germanovich, followed in his father’s footsteps - he graduated from the Higher School of Economics, and the eldest daughter, under the influence of her father, chose the path of a cultural scientist. But, as German Sergeevich himself stated, he does not make decisions for his children, but only helps and guides them.