Clotrimazole or zalain which is better. Inexpensive and effective suppositories for thrush in women

Features of the development of candidiasis lie in several aspects: localized damage to the mucous membrane and the creation of favorable conditions for the addition of a secondary infection. The most effective and at the same time safe pharmacological form is vaginal suppositories for candidiasis. The medicinal substance of suppositories penetrates deeply into the affected tissues, has a detrimental effect on Candida fungi, relieves inflammation without having a negative effect on other organs and systems.

For the treatment of candidiasis in women, as well as other vaginal infections, modern pharmacology has a wide selection of all kinds of antifungal and antimycotic drugs. These are ointments, gels and suppositories against thrush for topical use, as well as tablets and capsules for systemic use. Prescribing the latter allows you to cope with the advanced chronic form of thrush, using the drugs simultaneously with other methods of treatment.

In clinical practice, it is believed that suppositories for thrush are effective and safe medicines. But it is possible to say which of them is better only after receiving an answer to a bacteriological smear analysis. The drug to which the pathogen strains are most sensitive will be the most effective. If the causative agents of the primary uncomplicated form of thrush are sensitive to a fairly large number of drugs, then the causative agents of chronic recurrent genital candidiasis are highly resistant and resistant to the effects of many drugs.

Practicing gynecologists never tire of repeating that a frivolous attitude towards thrush, independent diagnosis and self-medication ultimately leads to a chronic course of the disease and severe microflora disorders.

Thus, the recently popular douching with antiseptic solutions is particularly alarming. Gynecologists unanimously say that this is a very harmful and dangerous method. In addition to the fact that candida does not react in any way to such solutions, which means that thrush will only progress, the irritating effect on the affected areas of the mucous membrane aggravates the situation by severe imbalance of the microflora (see).

If a woman values ​​her health and the health of her partner, she must put aside false shame and immediately consult a doctor as soon as the first feeling of discomfort appears. Only a specialist can adequately assess the situation, diagnose thrush, treatment, medications, their dosage and dosage form. Moreover, even an experienced specialist, before deciding on a treatment method, will collect an anamnesis, determine the degree of the clinical picture and conduct tests for the sensitivity of fungi.

Features of using suppositories for thrush

If such a safety measure is not excluded, then the woman’s infection will be repeated regularly with every unprotected intercourse, despite all treatment measures.

Be sure to exclude all sexual contacts for the entire period of treatment and increase the requirements for personal hygiene.

Diagnosis of candidiasis begins with taking a medical history. All questions asked by the doctor are important to determine the cause that caused the hurricane proliferation of candida (see). The patient’s task is to answer all the doctor’s questions as frankly as possible, even if they seem to her not to be related to the disease. Only by accurately establishing the cause and eliminating all negative factors can adequate treatment be carried out and completely get rid of it.

Candida does not like to be alone; in 99% of cases, along with their reproduction, other infections from the STD group appear. These may be diseases such as:

  • gardnerellosis (see),
  • gonorrhea,
  • mycoplasmosis.

Depending on the form of the disease and the degree of damage, the course of treatment can last from a single dose of the drug to several months of daily procedures. Primary genital candidiasis with minor symptoms when seeking help early, is easily treated with a single administration of long-acting suppositories. And the chronic form of thrush with large areas of spread of Candida colonies requires the simultaneous use of oral medications, topical medications and auxiliary procedures.

  • Candles for thrush should not be placed during menstruation. If the course of treatment falls during this period, suppositories with the active substance Iodine - Povidone or Sertaconazole - Zalain, Betadine and Iodoxide are prescribed.
  • Single use drugs – Lomexin and Zalain.
  • Drugs prescribed for administration no more than 3 times per treatment course are Livarol, Pimafucin and Ginopevaril.
  • For long-term treatment regimens, drugs such as Irunin, Polizhmnax, Iodoxide, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole, Macmiror, Ginezol are prescribed.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is the exclusion of negative external influences, these are:

  • tight-fitting underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • strict adherence to personal hygiene;
  • daily change of bed linen and towels;
  • exclusion from use of aromatic pads, tampons and perfume liquids for intimate hygiene.

Antifungal drugs produced in the form of vaginal suppositories differ in composition, activity, duration of administration, contraindications and side effects. Below is a description of medications used in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. Before deciding which suppositories for thrush are more suitable than others, you need to know all the information about them in order to prevent the development of allergies or negative side effects.

The most effective suppositories for thrush

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Zalain (Sertaconazole)

A product made on the basis of imidazole and benzothiophene.

Use during pregnancy Assessed by the attending physician depending on the expected benefit and possible harm to the fetus. According to clinical studies, it has not been established that there is a negative effect on the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

If we take into account that the drug is intended for a single dose and its local administration, then it cannot cause serious harm to either the mother or the fetus.

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Side effects Allergy, .
Method of application Before inserting the Zalain suppository, a thorough hygienic procedure is carried out; the suppository is inserted lying on the back, deep into the vagina. Installed once. Repeated administration is possible only if there is no effect, and not earlier than after a week. Zailan can be placed regardless of the presence of menstruation.
Advantages Prolonged action, one suppository is enough for the entire course of treatment. Increased influence on pathogen colonies. Independence from the menstrual cycle during use.
Flaws High cost, there is only one candle in the package, the price of which, depending on the regional surcharge, ranges from 380 rubles. up to 480 rub.
Livarol (Ketoconazole)
Advantages A highly effective drug that has a strong effect on fungal colonies. Does not cause allergies. Prescribed for primary thrush that does not have complications or concomitant infection.
Flaws With a long course of taking the drug, pathogens develop resistance to it.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of Livarol; the first months of pregnancy are not recommended for use at all, then with great caution.
Side effects Skin rashes, allergic urticaria, vaginal hyperemia, irritation
Features of application One suppository is administered at night, to the maximum depth. The course of treatment for primary thrush is up to five days. In the chronic form of candidiasis, the number of injections increases to 10 days.
Price Levarol is available in packs of 5 suppositories, the cost of which is 365 rubles, and in packs of 10 suppositories, the cost of which is 455-515 rubles.
Irunin (Itraconazole)

The drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets.

Features of application Tablets against thrush are taken before bed, lying in bed on your back. One tablet is administered every evening for one or two weeks.
Advantages effectively destroys Candida colonies in chronic forms of thrush and in cases where the fungi are resistant to most antifungal agents.
Contraindications Do not use in the first months of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. In the last months of pregnancy, treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.
Side effects Skin rashes, burning sensation, sometimes itching. The occurrence of these reactions does not require discontinuation of treatment, since everything resolves on its own.
Price A package costs 300 rubles, each package contains 10 tablets.
McMiror complex

A combination drug whose active ingredients are Nifuratel and Nystatin.

Advantages Approved for use at any stage of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Features of application Macmiror candles are placed just before bed, one at a time, lying in bed. After setting the candle, it is advisable not to get up for about an hour. The course of treatment is up to 8 days.
Side effects Occasionally, itching or rashes on the skin may occur, which disappear within 24 hours without stopping the product.
Contraindications Hyperreaction to candle components.
Price The package contains 8 suppositories, the cost of which, depending on the regional markup, ranges from 421 rubles. up to 499 rub.

Pharmacological drugs: Candibene, Candide B 6, Yenamazole 100, Antifungol, Candizol, Kanesten.

Advantages Affordable price with sufficient efficiency.
Flaws A large number of side effects that appear more often than with other drugs. Candida strains quickly develop resistance to the active substances of these products.
Features of application Place candles before bed, one at a time, for a week.
Side effects Pain during sex, frequent urge to urinate, headaches, symptoms of cystitis, abnormal discharge, itching and burning sensation, attacks of pain in the lower abdomen.
Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the products, throughout pregnancy and lactation.
Price The prices for these drugs do not exceed 70 rubles. per package.

Pharmaceutical forms: Ginesol-7 and its analogues - Mycozon, Daktarin Gynodactanol.

Effective suppositories for candidiasis in women in primary and chronic forms. Available in packages of 3 and 15 suppositories with a dosage of 50 mg and 150 mg of the active substance.

Primafungin, Pimafucin (natamycin)
Polygynax, Terzhinax (nystatin)
  • Polygynax composition: nystatin, polymexin B, neomycin;
  • Terzhinax composition: nystatin, ternidazole, neomycin, prednisolone.
Features of application The drugs are prescribed with great caution in combination with probiotics and eubiotics, as they actively affect the state of the microflora. Two suppositories are prescribed per day for 2 weeks.
Advantages Candida is not able to develop resistance to nystatin, so the drugs are effective for treating severe chronic forms of candidiasis. Affordability.
Flaws Severe side effects, duration of treatment, twice daily administration.
Side effects Nausea and possible vomiting, loose stools, pain in the lower abdomen, fever and chills.
Price Nystatin – 55 rub.; Terzhinan – 219 rub. – 339 rub.; Polygynix – 349 rub. – 449 rub.
Iodoxide, Betadine (povidone-iodine)
Advantages The use of suppositories does not depend on the menstrual cycle. Effective against concomitant bacterial infections.
Side effects Redness of the mucous membrane, hypersensitivity to the drug.
Contraindications Thyroid diseases, poor kidney function, individual intolerance, pregnancy, especially the first months.
Features of application Acute period of primary candidiasis - 2 times a day, duration 7 days; chronic form of thrush - once a day, lasting 14 days.
Price Iodoxide – 249 rubles; Betadine - from 220 to 350 rubles, depending on the number of suppositories in the package.
Lomexin (Fenticonazole)

Release form – vaginal capsules in a soluble shell, dosage 600 mg. and 1000 mg.

Features of application Lomexin capsules are intended for single administration. For special indications, three doses of 600 mg are possible. or two doses of 1000 mg.
Advantage A highly effective, long-acting remedy for genital candidiasis.
Contraindications The entire period of pregnancy, during menstrual bleeding, and in case of hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug.
Side effects Mild irritation of the mucous membrane, skin rashes, erythema, urticaria.
Price The cost depends on the number of capsules in the package: 1 capsule 1000 mg – 329 rubles; 2 capsules 600 mg. — 449 rub.
Fluomizin (dequalinium chloride)

The drug is available in the form of tablets for vaginal administration. It is used as an antiseptic for the treatment of diseases in gynecology such as:

  • Preoperative period,
  • Genital candidiasis,
  • Bacterial vaginosis,
  • Candidal vaginitis.

In addition to vaginal suppositories, capsules and tablets, ointment forms of antifungal drugs are also used to treat candidiasis:

  • Clotrimazole,
  • Econazole,
  • Isoconazole,
  • Fenticonazole,
  • Butoconazole.

After completing the course of treatment with antifungal agents, it is imperative to undergo a course of therapy to restore the vaginal microflora. To achieve this goal, drugs are prescribed that help restore the normal concentration of lactobacilli in the vagina:

  • Bifikol (oral tablets),
  • Laktozhinal, Acylak (capsules for vaginal administration),
  • Vagilak (vaginal suppositories).

Antimycotic suppositories for chronic thrush are the most convenient and simplest preparations. Any female disease that is associated with the genitourinary organs requires modern treatment, since reproductive function depends on it. When infection is in an advanced form, the risk of childlessness, as well as other serious complications, increases.

Features of the disease

Thrush is caused by fungi such as Candida, which is why in medicine the disease is called candidiasis. Gynecologists say that to cure the disease it is better to use vaginal suppositories. Agents that act locally are characterized by fewer side effects, since the active substances are not absorbed into the blood, but kill pathogenic bacteria on the affected mucous membrane, and the inflammatory process is stopped and other symptoms of thrush are eliminated. Let’s clarify which suppositories are more effective for chronic thrush.

Why does the disease form?

The formation of the disease is provoked by Candida fungi. The majority of female representatives are carriers of this fungus. With favorable microflora in the mouth, intestines or vagina, the fungus does not appear and is completely harmless. If the slightest disturbance in the balance of defense occurs, the fungus actively spreads throughout the body.

Factors affecting the development of candidiasis in females are as follows:

  • Stressful condition, nervous breakdown;
  • Eating low quality foods;
  • Carrying a child;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Chronic diseases.

Stressful state


The formation of a fungal infection is necessarily accompanied by characteristic symptoms that you need to know about. Candidiasis in women is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Irritation of the infected area;
  2. Pain during sexual intercourse and urination;
  3. Vaginal discharge, similar in appearance to curd mass;
  4. Itching of the genitals inside and outside.

How to treat

When female representatives are diagnosed with candidiasis, different methods are used to treat it, for example:

  • Dietary nutrition is prescribed;
  • Medications are used;
  • Alternative medicine is used;
  • Healing by cleansing the intestines.

Treatment of candidiasis with medications is widespread. Thanks to them, it is possible to quickly and reliably get rid of the symptoms of the disease, as well as return the microflora in the reproductive organs to normal.

Similar medications are suppositories, creams and tablets. Thanks to the use of specialized medications, it is possible to cure candidiasis in both the initial and chronic forms.

Antimycotic suppositories for chronic thrush have shown excellent results; individual suppositories can also be used to treat pregnant women.

When visiting a gynecological clinic, a female representative will receive the necessary recommendations regarding the frequency of use and dosage of the drug, which are determined by the stage of the diagnosed disease. Often, complex therapy is used to treat chronic diseases, and the medications used must act specifically on the source of infection.

Effective and inexpensive

Among the inexpensive and effective suppositories that are used to treat chronic candidiasis are the following.

One of the very first cheap antimycotic drugs for candidiasis. The active ingredient is nystatin, which is characterized by fungicidal activity against Candida yeast fungi and quickly eliminates the symptoms of candidiasis. The fungus does not develop resistance to this medicine; for this reason, Nystatin is prescribed for the repeated development of thrush, as well as for an illness that occurs in a chronic stage. Such suppositories are used according to medical recommendations twice a day, the duration of treatment ranges from 10 days to 2 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include hypersensitivity to the components, as well as pregnancy.

During treatment, the following side effects may occur: abdominal pain, stool upset, nausea, vomiting and chills. For this reason, women more often use new complex drugs based on nystatin - these include suppositories Terzhinan and Polygynax. These medications are characterized by fewer side effects, but they can cause the development of dysbiosis. For this reason, at the end of the course of therapy, it is recommended to use suppositories containing lactobacilli.

One of the inexpensive vaginal suppositories that are used for thrush, they are characterized by a wide spectrum of action. The active component of the drug, clotrimazole (secondary imidazole), helps fight both yeast fungi and other pathogenic bacteria (dermatophytes, dimorphic fungi). The drug is often prescribed for the complex treatment of vaginal infections (thrush, vulvaginitis).

Clotrimazole is used to treat candidiasis for six days, one suppository before bedtime. The suppository is contraindicated for pregnant women (especially up to 3 months), during the lactation period, as well as in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the medication. During treatment, side effects may occur such as itching, burning, headache, discomfort in the lower abdomen, and frequent urination. The main disadvantage of this medication is that the fungus quickly gets used to the active ingredient, which leads to a significant decrease in the effect.

Ketoconazole (similar to Livarol)

An antifungal drug with a wide range of functioning, based on the active ingredient of the same name. Shows good results both in the fight against fungal microflora and staphylococci and streptococci. These suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of thrush in the acute or chronic stage. They are also used as preventive measures to prevent other fungal infections in the vagina that form during antibiotic therapy and disrupt the microflora in the genitals.

Recommended to use 1 candle during the day. The course of treatment is 3-5 days. The drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and those with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In some cases, allergies, hyperemia and itching in the vagina may occur.


Doctors have been using many inexpensive medications for candidiasis for many years; for this reason, pathogenic fungi have developed resistance to some drugs.

However, pharmaceuticals do not stand still and more and more drugs are appearing with fewer side effects. They are better accepted by the body and give better results in the treatment of candidiasis. Nowadays, there are even suppositories for vaginal use, which bring the desired effect after a single use. Among them are the following suppositories.

An effective antimycotic agent for one-time use. The package contains one candle, which is recommended to be used at night. The only contraindication to the use of Zalain is hypersensitivity. Suppositories are prescribed even for pregnant women, nursing mothers and during menstruation.

Suppositories are recommended to treat thrush and vulvovaginal candidiasis. In rare cases, side effects may occur, such as itching and burning, which go away quickly and without outside help. The big advantage is the high effect and the likelihood of curing the symptoms of candidiasis in one day, as well as the use of suppositories during menstruation. The only drawback is the high price of the drug.


Suppositories for candidiasis in the form of a capsule for one-time use. The drug is characterized by antimycotic and antimicrobial properties. The active ingredient of the drug is fenticonazole. Suppositories are characterized by effective destruction of pathogenic bacteria, without absorption into the blood and without side effects.

If signs of the disease persist after using the suppository, another capsule is administered three days later. The medicine is well tolerated and in rare situations, irritation may occur for a short time.

These suppositories are contraindicated for pregnant women and for those with an allergic reaction to the components of the medication.

Another modern one an antimycotic drug with few restrictions on use. Suppositories are prescribed to pregnant women, and they are well tolerated by patients. Rarely, side effects may occur in the form of minor irritation. The only limitation to the use of suppositories is an allergic reaction to the active ingredient - natamycin. Also, candles are not used during menstruation. Treatment with this drug lasts three days; this therapy allows you to completely cope with the symptoms of thrush.


A product with many analogues, such as Mycozon, Ginezol, Klion D-100 and others. All of them are combination medications that are based on the antimycotic component miconazole and the antibiotic metronidazole. Quite popular among these drugs are tablets for vaginal use Klion D, which quickly cope with even advanced candidiasis. The tablet is moistened in water and inserted into the vagina at night. The course of therapy is 10 days.

Drugs whose active ingredient is miconazole are used in the treatment of candidiasis and mixed vaginitis. They are produced in two dosage forms: suppositories and tablets for vaginal use. This group of drugs has a large number of restrictions on use: hypersensitivity, childbearing, breastfeeding, liver disease, vaginal herpes, allergies to components.


An antimycotic agent based on nystatin and nifuratel. The package contains 8 suppositories for vaginal use. They are administered once a day at night. The only contraindication is individual intolerance. Suppositories can be used to treat thrush in pregnant women. In rare cases, itching or rashes on the skin may occur. The medicine has one drawback - its high cost.

The active component of the product is povidone-iodine, which is characterized by disinfectant and antiseptic properties and the effective destruction of many bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoan microorganisms. Suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of mixed vaginitis, thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

The drug is characterized by many restrictions on use. It is contraindicated if the functioning of the thyroid gland is impaired, there is increased sensitivity to iodine, there is thyrotoxicosis, renal failure, while carrying a child and breastfeeding. During therapy, allergies and local hyperemia may occur. These suppositories can be used during menstruation. Usually prescribed for the treatment of candidiasis, 2 suppositories per day for 10-14 days.

Treatment of candidiasis with the use of suppositories should be carried out exactly according to the instructions for the medicine. If there is no improvement a few days after starting use, you should consult your doctor so that he can adjust the treatment or prescribe a more effective drug.

Treatment of pregnant women with suppositories

During pregnancy, the expectant mother's body undergoes changes in preparation for motherhood, and the amount of hormones also changes. At this time, the woman’s immune system deteriorates and many chronic ailments worsen, including frequent recurrences of candidiasis.

During this time, many medications are prohibited because they can harm the developing fetus by interfering with proper formation. Particular care should be taken when treating in the first three months of pregnancy. Although there are suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis, which can be used even in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. These medications include:

  1. Natamycin;
  2. McMiror;


At the end of the first trimester, after mandatory consultation with a specialist, the following antifungal medications may be prescribed:

  • Rumizol;
  • Gyno-Pevaril;
  • Terzhinan.

Suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis during the lactation period are selected so that the active ingredient does not penetrate into mother's milk. These are suppositories that are characterized by low systemic absorption: Pimafucin, Zalain, Macmiror and others. The main thing is that they must be prescribed by a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of suppositories

A positive aspect of using suppositories for the treatment of thrush is their rapid therapeutic effect. The local remedy, when it comes into contact with the vaginal mucosa, quickly kills the causative agent of fungal infection and eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis.

The main advantage of these drugs – minimal absorption of the active components into the blood, due to which systemic side effects are practically not formed. Another advantage is that modern medicines, which are intended for one-time use, allow the signs of the disease to be eliminated after the administration of one suppository.

The disadvantage of local therapy is the inconvenient use of suppositories; there is the possibility of leakage, as a result of which the underwear gets dirty. In addition, during treatment it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse. Some suppositories help only with mild candidiasis, and for severe infection, additional use of antifungal agents in tablet form is necessary.

In addition, if you use combination medications that contain an antibiotic, dysbiosis in the vagina is possible. For this reason, the course of treatment should end with the additional use of suppositories with lactobacilli to restore the microflora in the vagina.

Proper Use

The main requirements for using vaginal suppositories are as follows:

  1. It is better to introduce suppositories at night, so that you don’t have to get up later;
  2. Suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis should be inserted deep into the vagina;
  3. To avoid leaks, protect your underwear with a pad;
  4. During treatment you will have to completely abandon sexual contacts;
  5. A course of treatment for vaginal thrush should be completed by both the female representative and her sexual partner;
  6. When treating candidiasis, do not use underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  7. When treating candidiasis, avoid alcohol, spicy and salty foods;
  8. Do not combine suppository therapy with other medications unless prescribed by a specialist.

If you follow the above tips, you can get the best therapeutic result, quickly get rid of thrush and prevent a possible relapse of the disease.

The disease can develop due to hormonal imbalance in the body, due to infections or during pregnancy.

Thrush has become a huge problem in the lives of many women, each of them at least once felt its manifestations. The symptoms of thrush are difficult to miss. One of the main ones is cheesy discharge, which has an extremely unpleasant odor. Very often they cause itching and burning. Also, if you have thrush, you may experience discomfort during intimacy.

Every woman wants to find the most effective remedy to combat this disease. It is best to choose cheap and effective suppositories for thrush, which are as safe and easy to use as possible.

The main advantages of candles

The most effective method in the fight against thrush is the use of suppositories. They do not cause any harm to the female body. When used, they have a local effect, as a result of which the symptoms of the disease disappear very quickly. Suppositories for thrush are cheap and effective, and have virtually no cases of side effects in women who have used them. There are two types of substances in suppositories for thrush:

  • (aimed at fighting the fungus that causes thrush).
  • Special ingredients designed to help restore the natural flora of the vagina.

In the pharmacy you can find a great variety of suppositories for thrush, but not everyone is helped equally well by the same drug. Before purchasing, it is very important to carefully read the composition and properties of the drug. Modern antifungal agents are usually used once. But in some situations, a course of treatment or repeated use may be required to consolidate the result. The main advantage of suppositories is that they can be used for a long time, as they do not have side effects. Many people are interested in the question of what cheap and effective suppositories exist for thrush and what their price is. Having studied the reviews of doctors, we can identify several brands of candles.

"Nystatin" (price 60-80 rubles)

These are popular cheap and effective suppositories for thrush. Due to the fact that the fungus does not show resistance to the components of this drug, Nystatin quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease. After using the drug, a long-term positive effect is observed. Best of all, inexpensive and good suppositories for thrush "Nystatin" help with the chronic form of this disease. This drug is used in the most advanced cases. With long-term use of Nystatin, this may occur due to the fact that the drug affects not only pathogenic, but also natural flora. The product must be used up to three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of Nystatin are: pregnancy, especially in the later stages, and intolerance to the main components of the drug, which occurs rarely. The main side effects occur in rare cases, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea.

(price 35-60 rubles)

The course of treatment with the drug most often lasts no more than 10 days. These suppositories must be used twice a day. The greatest effectiveness of treatment is achieved by constant use of the drug throughout the entire course. If you use candles regularly, bacteria do not have time to develop resistance to them. Due to this, complete recovery occurs.

One of the side effects is the manifestation of sensitivity to certain components of the drug. Sometimes a negative effect on the functioning of the hematopoietic organs is possible. With excessively long use and overdose of the drug, a mild form of renal or liver failure may occur; therefore, it is necessary to use suppositories in accordance with the instructions for use. One of the disadvantages is the narrow focus of the action of these candles. They are ineffective in the fight against microorganisms resistant to acidic environments, so it is best to use these cheapest and most effective suppositories for thrush after consultation with a specialist, according to test results. When using this drug, it is better to avoid work that requires high concentration of attention, as well as from driving a car.

Suppositories "Pimafucin"

Famous antifungal drug. These are effective. "Pimafucin" is prescribed to pregnant women due to the fact that they are the safest for both the woman herself and the fetus. Their basis is the substance natamycin. "Pimafucin" has a local effect, destroying the cells of pathogenic fungi.

Candles "Klion-D 100"

The effect of the drug appears after a short period of time after the first use. These suppositories kill a huge number of different types of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, they do not have a negative effect on the natural microflora of the vagina, which means they do not cause dysbacteriosis. With constant use, this drug helps to heal completely even in advanced cases. Side effects occur extremely rarely. Mostly this is discomfort in the area of ​​insertion, less often - pain in the stomach. Contraindication for use is the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Candles "Livarol"

A drug that acts quickly and does not cause side effects. Very rarely, irritation or rash occurs. With frequent use, the activity of the drug decreases. "Livarol" is not used during pregnancy.

Candles "Lomexin"

Quite popular. Contraindications for use are pregnancy and breastfeeding. As a side effect, the occurrence of allergic reactions, irritation and redness is possible. The main advantage of these candles is their high efficiency.

"Clotrimazole" (price 30-60 rubles)

Everyone knows suppositories for thrush, cheap and effective. The photo is presented above. Unfortunately, they often cause side effects (burning sensation, abdominal pain, discharge). The use of this drug is contraindicated at the beginning of pregnancy and during lactation. "Clotrimazole" is a course of treatment lasting 6 days.

Candles "Iodoxide"

Do not use if you have kidney or thyroid diseases. Pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications for the use of this drug in the treatment of thrush. The duration of treatment is usually about two weeks. The main side effect is the appearance of an allergy to the components of Iodoxide.

Miconazole suppositories

This drug is contraindicated for people with liver disease and diabetes. During pregnancy and lactation, these suppositories are also contraindicated. Side effects may include abdominal pain or vaginal itching.

Suppositories for thrush, cheap and effective, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When a pregnant woman experiences symptoms of thrush, the most important thing for her is that the remedy chosen by the doctor is safe not only for herself, but also for the baby. In this case, candles will be the best option in the fight against this disease. They are absolutely harmless; in rare cases, side effects may occur.

Suppositories for thrush can be used not only during pregnancy, but also All suppositories have a local effect, thereby minimizing the risk of the drug getting into the milk. Very often, drugs for thrush are prescribed by doctors before childbirth to ensure the safety of the child during childbirth and to protect him from pathogenic microbes entering the body. To do this, the woman is examined and, if there are symptoms of thrush, an effective drug is prescribed, most often these are suppositories.

When fighting thrush during pregnancy, an integrated approach is very important due to the fact that bearing a child greatly undermines a woman’s immunity. The most effective in this case will be “Pimafucin” and “Makmiror complex”. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the use of more aggressive drugs is prohibited due to their ability to be absorbed into the blood. In extreme cases, the doctor may prescribe Nystatin or Clotrimazole. Many doctors highlight the complex action drug "Terzhinan", which is used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and has the most effective effect in the treatment of thrush when other means do not help. Apply based on risk/benefit ratio.

To choose cheap and good suppositories for thrush, it is important to take into account the severity of the symptoms and the presence or absence of pregnancy. If possible, you should initially try the most gentle drugs. If they do not help, you can choose other suppositories for thrush, cheap and effective. Reviews from patients indicate that a different drug is suitable for each individual case.

Rules for using candles

How to use candles correctly:

  • suppositories must be inserted as deep into the vagina as possible;
  • It is best to administer suppositories at night, so that you have the opportunity to lie down and rest;
  • During treatment it is necessary to exclude sexual relations;
  • during treatment you should wear loose cotton underwear;
  • treatment is necessary not only for the woman, but also for her sexual partner;
  • suppositories for thrush, cheap and effective, are incompatible with alcohol and other drugs;
  • Before starting to use candles, you should consult your doctor.


Antifungal suppositories are effective drugs for the treatment of thrush in women. They bring good results, since the active substance penetrates directly to the location of the pathogen. This therapy option is also more convenient for women. The infection itself is associated with the proliferation of microscopic fungi on the vaginal mucosa. Tablets for this disease are less effective than antifungal suppositories.

What are antifungal suppositories

This is the name for a number of medications of a certain form that are intended to treat candidiasis in a short time. Recovery is achieved through deep penetration of the active component into the mucous membrane. There are two forms of such drugs:

  1. Vaginal suppositories for thrush. In gynecology, they are intended for the treatment of candidiasis in women. Thanks to the lactobacilli in the composition, the drugs restore the microflora in case of vaginal dysbiosis and protect against recurrent candidiasis.
  2. Rectal suppositories. This variety can be used in case of thrush in women or during menstruation. They are also approved for use for thrush in men. Method of application: rectal. Such antifungal suppositories are injected directly into the rectum.

Mechanism of action

The main properties of suppositories against fungus are the destruction of the pathogen and the restoration of microflora. Most drugs in high concentrations exhibit a fungistatic and fungicidal effect. The first is to destroy the membrane of the fungus and suppress its reproduction, and the second leads to its death. This mainly occurs due to the suppression of stearin biosynthesis in the pathogen cell. Anti-fungal suppositories for women are highly effective. It manifests itself in the following:

  • reduce pain and burning in the vagina;
  • eliminate cheesy discharge;
  • relieve inflammation.

Benefits of suppositories for treating fungal infections

There are several undeniable advantages of using this form of medication for thrush. The main advantage is that the active substance goes directly to the site of active fungal growth. When applied topically, the effectiveness of the drugs is significantly higher compared to systemic agents. Other benefits of antifungal suppositories:

  • some modern remedies help after a single dose;
  • due to low absorption, local drugs rarely cause side effects;
  • quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease;
  • more often they contain two main components at once - one kills the fungus, and the other restores the vaginal microflora.

Candles for thrush in women - features of use

An important condition for recovery is that therapy should also be carried out with the sexual partner. Suppositories should be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina. This will allow the drug to completely dissolve. It is better to use the medicine before bedtime. If the procedure occurs in the morning, then after it you need to lie down in a horizontal position for at least 20 minutes so that the antifungal suppository can spread normally throughout the vagina. Instructions for administration are as follows:

  • wash your hands without using detergents;
  • lie on your back, pull your legs to your chest;
  • After inserting the applicator, push the suppository deep into the vagina and remove the applicator;
  • if there is no applicator, insert the drug with your fingers as far as possible;
  • remain in a lying position for 20 minutes.

Treatment of candidiasis at the initial stage

For mild forms of thrush, local treatment is recommended, for which antifungal suppositories are used. This is explained by the fact that systemic drugs with antimycotic effects have more side effects. At the initial stage of the disease, the use of these remedies is not advisable, because you can cope with less aggressive medications. Other features of the treatment of acute thrush:

  1. Local treatment in this case can be replaced by a single dose of Flucostat, Mikomax, Diflucan, Diflazon, Mikosist tablets.
  2. If thrush is discovered for the first time and it is an independent pathology without bacterial complications, then the use of antifungal suppositories Polygynax or Terzhinan is not recommended. The basis of these agents is nystatin, a substance with a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. In case of thrush, this component destroys the microflora, which only complicates the situation and can lead to bacterial vaginosis.

The use of suppositories for chronic thrush

Treatment of chronic candidiasis has its own distinctive features. The main one is that systemic drugs for oral use are added to local remedies. The suppositories used are the same as in the case of acute candidiasis. Other features of the treatment of chronic thrush:

  • treatment lasts several months, sometimes including therapy against concomitant diseases;
  • for mixed urogenital infection provoked by trichomoniasis, candidiasis or gardnerellosis, Neo-Penotran Forte suppositories are used;
  • after antifungal therapy, treatment is prescribed with agents that restore healthy microflora - Bifidumbacterin, Acylact.

How to choose effective and inexpensive suppositories for thrush

Antifungal suppositories differ in their main component. Each of them can be active against certain fungi. For this reason, it is important to identify which pathogen caused the thrush. A culture test prescribed by a doctor helps determine it. The study identifies the pathogen, resistance and sensitivity of the fungus to drugs. This is the only way a doctor can prescribe a medicine that will be effective for a particular patient. There are two categories of antifungal suppositories, differing in composition:

  1. Single-component preparations. Suppositories from this category exhibit only an antimycotic effect - they contain one substance with an antifungal effect. These products are Pimafucin, Livarol, Gino-Pevaril, Zalain, Ginezol 7, Hexicon, Klion-D.
  2. Combined means. Antifungal suppositories from this group include several active components. Such suppositories are prescribed for mixed vaginal infections, for example, complicated by bacteria. Terzhinan can be used against this pathology. They contain an antifungal component, an antibiotic and a glucocorticoid hormone. Other combination drugs - Flucostat, Polygynax, Klion, Nystatin

The best suppositories against thrush in women

Based on the descriptions of antifungal suppositories, they can be rated. It includes drugs that are the best in terms of a combination of high efficiency, low price and minimal side effects. It can take a long time to understand this issue, but only a specialist can determine a medicine that will help based on the results of bacterial culture. The best is a remedy that is known to be effective and at the same time less toxic, so as not to aggravate the situation with an already disturbed microflora.

The active component of Lomexin is fenticonazole. This substance has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureu, Streptococcus spp.), fungi Candida spp. And Trichomonas vaginalis. Other features of Lomexin:

  1. How to use. One capsule is inserted into the vagina before bedtime.
  2. Duration of the course. If necessary, administer another suppository after 3 days.
  3. Side effects. Erythema, urticaria, local irritation, itching, burning.
  4. Contraindications. Includes pregnancy, allergies, menstruation, lactation and childhood.


The basis of this drug is a derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene - sertaconazole nitrate. Antifungal activity applies to fungi of the genus Candida, and antibacterial activity applies to microorganisms Streptococcus and Staphylococcus. Features of using Zalain:

  1. Dosage. A single insertion of a suppository into the vagina before bedtime.
  2. A course of treatment. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 7 days.
  3. Side effects. They are contact dermatitis, burning and itching in the vagina.
  4. Contraindications. Only hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to the components of the drug. During pregnancy, can be used only as prescribed by a doctor.


The basis of the drug is the antifungal antibiotic natamycin. It affects yeast-like fungi, dermatophytes, and yeast.

  1. How to use. Once a day, insert the suppository into the vagina, preferably before bed.
  2. Duration of treatment. Depending on the symptoms, 3-6 days.
  3. Side effects. Burning, skin irritation.
  4. Contraindications. In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  5. During pregnancy and lactation. Can be used, the drug is non-toxic.

Ginesol 7

This drug contains miconazole. The substance exhibits antifungal activity against dermatophytes and yeasts, and antibacterial activity against gram-positive microflora. When treating with Ginezol 7, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. Application. Administer one antifungal suppository before bed in a horizontal position.
  2. Duration of treatment. Until symptoms disappear completely, but not more than 14 days.
  3. Side effects. Itching, burning and skin rash may occur.
  4. Contraindications. Include pathologies of the renal system, pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, microcirculation disorders.


The composition of the drug includes the main component ketoconazole, which acts as an antimycotic from the imidazole-dioxsolane group. This substance exhibits activity against dermatophytes and yeast-like fungi. Therapy with Livarol is carried out taking into account the following points:

  1. How to use. The suppository must be released from the contour packaging and inserted intravaginally in a supine position.
  2. Duration of treatment. Depending on the severity of symptoms, 3-5 days.
  3. Side effects. Possible burning and irritation in the genital area, dizziness and nausea are not excluded.
  4. Contraindications. Do not take in case of intolerance to the components of the drug and during pregnancy.


Terzhinan contains several active substances: ternidazole and neomycin, nystatin and prednisolone (hormone). Thanks to this combination of components, the medicine belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic agents. The drug is effective against Trichomonas, anaerobic microorganisms. To use Terzhinan correctly, you should know the following:

  1. Dosage. One suppository once a day by insertion into the vagina.
  2. A course of treatment. Is 20 days.
  3. Side effects. Local reactions in the form of allergies, itching, burning and irritation.
  4. Contraindications. Allergic reaction to the components of the drug, age less than 16 years, pregnancy in the 1st trimester.


Itraconazole is the basis of Irunin. The substance exhibits antimycotic activity against fungi Candida, trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, Aspergillus. Brief instructions for using Irunin:

  1. Application. Introduce one piece before bed in a horizontal position.
  2. Duration of treatment. Is 7 days.
  3. Side effects. Reactions from the digestive system, nervous system and circulatory system may occur.
  4. Contraindications. Includes lactation, pregnancy, allergy to itraconazole.

Nystatin suppositories

The main component of nystatin suppositories is a polyene antibiotic with antifungal activity - nystatin. It is effective only against fungi of the genus Candida. Main characteristics of the drug:

  1. Mode of application. Insert 1 piece deep into the vagina in the morning and evening.
  2. Duration of therapy. Is 14 days.
  3. Side effects. Suppositories can cause allergies, itching and burning.
  4. Contraindications. Only under 18 years of age.
  5. During pregnancy. Can be used only in exceptional cases when the benefit outweighs the possible harm to the fetus.

The drug is based on povidone-iodine, which is effective against Staphylococcus aureus, many fungi, viruses and protozoa. The use of Iodoxide is carried out taking into account its following characteristics:

  1. Dosage. Every day, 1 piece intravaginally.
  2. A course of treatment. It takes 14 days.
  3. Side effects. Local manifestations – allergies, itching, hyperemia.
  4. Contraindications. Includes thyroid adenoma, thyrotoxicosis, Dühring's disease, treatment with radioactive iodine, hypersensitivity to the drug.
  5. While expecting a baby. The period of 2 and 3 trimesters of pregnancy are relative contraindications.


The active component of Fluomizin, dequalinium chloride, exhibits an antimicrobial effect against streptococci, Candida fungi and a number of other gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms. Before use, you must study the following basic characteristics:

  1. How to use. Before going to bed, insert one suppository into the vagina.
  2. Duration of treatment. To avoid relapses, the full course is 6 days.
  3. Side effects. Local reactions are possible in the form of mucosal hyperemia, irritation, burning and itching in the vagina.
  4. Contraindications. These include ulcerative lesions of the cervix, allergies to drug components, and the period before the onset of sexual activity.

How much do antifungal suppositories cost?

Antimycotic suppositories can be in different price categories. The cost depends on the specific drug, where it was purchased and the manufacturer. Approximate prices for Moscow are shown in the table:

Name of candles

Active substance

Price, rubles





Ginesol 7









Nystatin suppositories




Devalinium chloride






Antibiotic econazole

Candidiasis suppositories during pregnancy

Thrush very often occurs during pregnancy. The reason is reduced general and local immunity. During pregnancy, many medications are prohibited, so it is important to choose a safer one.

Among the candles are:

  • suppositories with natamycin - Pimafucin, Primafungin;
  • Viferon suppositories, but only from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  • combined vaginal suppositories based on nifaturel and nystatin - Macmiror complex;
  • in the 2-3 trimester - Clortrimazole, Nystatin, Ginofort, Gino-Pevaril, Terzhinan (note that the latter contains a hormone).

Suppositories for thrush are the most convenient way of local treatment of vaginal candidiasis in women. The effect of vaginal suppositories is due to the deep penetration of the active antifungal substance into the mucous membrane, which destroys the pathogen, eliminates inflammation, and reduces inflammation.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of different ones - these are both suppositories for local treatment and medications for oral administration, which are prescribed by a doctor for severe forms of candidiasis, for chronic thrush as part of complex therapy.

Which suppositories are best for thrush? There is one answer to this question - these are those drugs to which the candida fungus is sensitive based on the result of bacterial culture and determination of the resistance, resistance or sensitivity of the pathogen to a specific drug. Because in chronic, often relapsing cases, it may not be effective due to the development of drug resistance in fungal agents.

Uncontrolled, independent treatment of thrush leads to both the development of chronic candidiasis and disruption of the vaginal microflora. Moreover, many women actively practice this, which is not acceptable, since it only provokes further progression of the disease, further disrupting the vaginal microflora. Only the attending physician, based on the patient’s medical history, clinical picture, and taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen, prescribes an adequate treatment regimen. Even if symptoms disappear, clinical recovery is considered to be the absence of fungi according to laboratory data over the next 3 months.

Rules for using suppositories against thrush

In the absence of therapy with a regular partner, a ping-pong effect occurs when a woman, after treatment, is again subjected to a fungal attack during unprotected sexual intercourse.

During therapy, you should either abstain from sexual intercourse or use condoms. Suppositories are inserted deep into the vagina at night to improve absorption of the drug.

When a woman is diagnosed with vaginal candidiasis, she and her doctor should analyze it, since without eliminating or minimizing the provoking factors, thrush can occur again and again.

Very often, candidiasis indicates the presence of other sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.) as well as the development of gardnerellosis ().

Depending on the intensity of the symptoms, acute or chronic process, treatment may differ in the course of therapy, in some cases it is enough to use 1 suppository, but in case of a chronic process this is not enough and longer treatment is required.

  • Vaginal suppositories should not be used during menstruation, with the exception of Povidone-Iodine (Iodoxide, Betadine) and Sertaconazole (Zalain).
  • The following suppositories can be used for 1 suppository: Zalain, Lomexin
  • 3 suppositories each - Livarol, Gino-pevaril, Pimafucin.
  • 5-14 suppositories each - Macmiror, Clotrimazole, Ginesol, Iodoxide, Nystatin, Polygynax, Terzhinan, Irunin.

During treatment, you should not wear synthetic, tight-fitting underwear, you must follow all the rules of intimate hygiene, change towels and linen daily, do not use chemicalized, scented pads, toilet paper, or intimate hygiene fluids, which only worsen the condition.

The best suppositories for thrush - Livarol, Pimafucin, Zalain, Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Lomixin, Macmiror - pros and cons of use

Sertaconazole - Zalain

Zalain(price 1 soup. 480-520 rubles, prices 2018)

It is a derivative of benzothiophene and imidazole.

Use during pregnancy: There is no sufficient data on the potential harm to the fetus during breastfeeding. But given the one-time method of use and the lack of systemic action of Zalain - during pregnancy, lactation, it is possible to use it in a situation where the expected benefit for the woman is higher than the possible risk for the child.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Side effects: allergic reactions that do not require discontinuation of the drug.
Mode of application: 1 suppository for thrush is inserted into the vagina at night once; if symptoms persist, re-use is possible after a week. Before use, wash the external genitalia with neutral soap. Can be used during menstruation.
Advantages and disadvantages: The advantage of using Zalain for thrush is the one-time administration of the drug, high efficiency, the ability to use during menstruation, the disadvantage is the high price.

Ketoconazole - Livarol

  • Livarol (price 430 rubles for 5 pcs. 600-800 for 10 pcs.)
  • Ketoconazole 230-400 rub.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, 1st trimester of pregnancy, in the 2nd-3rd trimester with caution.
Side effects: irritation, redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching. Skin rash, urticaria.
Application: In a lying position, 1 suppository is inserted deeply into the vagina for 3-5 days, for chronic thrush for 10 days.
Pros and cons: The advantage is the rapid effect, virtually no allergic reactions. It is most often prescribed when a diagnosis is first established; with frequent or prolonged use, drug resistance occurs in the pathogen.

Itraconazole - Irunin

Irunin - vaginal tablets 10 pcs. 300-320 rub.

Contraindications: 1st trimester of pregnancy, in the 2nd-3rd trimester with caution, hypersensitivity, lactation period
Side effects: itching, burning, skin rash that does not require discontinuation of the drug.
Application: at night for 7-14 days.
Pros and cons: An effective remedy for recurrent thrush and resistance to other antifungal agents, the disadvantage is that it cannot be used in the 1st trimester.

Nystatin + Nifuratel

(price 680 rubles for 8 pcs.)

Pregnancy: approved for use
Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Side effects: very rarely itching, skin rash
Application: Intravaginally, 1 suppository 8 days before bedtime.
Advantages and disadvantages: The main advantage of the possibility of therapy during pregnancy, the disadvantage is the high price.

  • (30-60 rubles 6 pieces),
  • Candide B6 (70 r), Antifungol, Kanesten,
  • Candizol, Yenamazol 100, Candibene.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity, it is strictly forbidden to use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, while breastfeeding
Side effects: burning, itching, vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, headache, cystitis, frequent urination, pain during intercourse.
Mode of application: for 6 days, 1 suppository deep into the vagina at night.
Advantages and disadvantages: The advantage is that these are inexpensive suppositories against thrush, the disadvantage is frequent side effects, the rapid development of resistance in fungal agents.

Miconazole - Klion D, Neo-Penotran

Ginezol 7 (280-300 rubles), Gyno-dactanol, Daktarin, Mycozon (cream).
Combination drugs that contain, in addition to miconazole, metronidazole.

  • Klion-D 100 (price 330 rub.),
  • Neo-Penotran (14 pcs. 700 rub.),
  • Metromicon-Neo (14 pcs. 300-350 rub.)

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, with caution during pregnancy 2-3 trimester, lactation (suspend feeding during treatment) for diabetes mellitus, impaired liver function, herpes
Side effects: Only at the beginning of treatment there may be a feeling of discomfort, burning, itching, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain.
Mode of application: for 6-7 days, 1 suppository at night, you cannot drink alcohol during treatment.
Pros and cons: quick effect, wide spectrum of activity, does not cause dysbacteriosis, effective for frequent relapses of thrush, the disadvantage is the danger of use during pregnancy and feeding a child.


Gyno-pevaril(3 pcs. 420 rub. 15 pcs. 800 rub.), Ifenek

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy (1 tr.), since it penetrates into the systemic bloodstream, in 2-3 with caution, breastfeeding should be stopped during feeding.
Side effects: local irritation, rash, itching.
Application: suppositories 50 mg. within 14 days, even after the symptoms disappear, the course must be completed. Suppositories 150 mg. - within 3 days, if after 7 days the culture test gives a positive result, the course of treatment should be repeated.
Advantages and disadvantages: effective suppositories for thrush.

Natamycin - Pimafucin

Effect on the fetus: approved for use during pregnancy
Contraindications: increased individual sensitivity
Side effects: slight irritation
Mode of application: for 3-6 days, 1 suppository.
Advantages and disadvantages: The advantage of Pimafucin for thrush is that it has no effect on the fetus, which is why it is prescribed during pregnancy.

(30-60 rubles)
Complex preparations containing nystatin:

  • Polygynax (nystatin, neomycin, polymyxin B, price 6 pcs. 350 rub., 12 pcs. 600 rub.),
  • Terzhinan (prednisolone, neomycin, ternidazole, nystatin - 6 pcs. 360 rubles, 10 pcs. 450 rubles), but their use is fraught with the development of dysbacteriosis.

Contraindications: pregnancy of any stage, individual sensitivity
Side effects: chills, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea
Mode of application: 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 10-14 days.
Pros and cons: The disadvantage of nystatin suppositories against candidiasis is the long course, use 2 times a day, and the presence of serious side effects. The advantage is that they are cheap; candida does not become resistant to nystatin, so it is often prescribed for chronic, recurrent candidiasis.

Povidone-iodine - Iodoxide

(10 pcs. 300 rub.), Betadine(price 7 pcs. 400 rub., 14 pcs. 500 rub.)

Contraindications: thyrotoxicosis, thyroid adenoma, with caution in case of renal failure, in case of individual sensitivity, not recommended during pregnancy, contraindicated in the 1st trimester, in the 2-3rd trimester and during lactation - with caution.
Side effects: allergic manifestations, local hyperemia
Mode of application: For acute vaginitis, 2 times a day for a week, 1 suppository, for chronic vaginitis, 1 time a day for 2 weeks, regardless of the phase of the menstrual cycle.
Pros and cons: can be used during menstruation, used in complex treatment for bacterial vaginosis.

Fenticonazole - Lomexin

(fenticonazole, price 1000 mg. 1 piece 400 rub. 600 mg. 2 pieces 600 rub.)

Contraindications: pregnancy, cannot be used during menstruation, if you are hypersensitive to the components of the suppository.
Side effects: mild symptoms of irritation that go away on their own and do not require discontinuation of the drug, allergic reactions - rash, urticaria, erythema
Mode of application: capsule 600 mg. are administered once; according to indications, if symptoms persist, use may be continued for 3 days. Capsules 1000 mg. administered within 2 days.
Advantages and disadvantages: effective remedy, cannot be used during pregnancy.

Dequalinium chloride - Fluomizin

Fluomizin - vaginal tablets 6 pcs. 560 rub. - antiseptic in gynecology (bacterial vaginosis, candidal vaginitis, sanitation before childbirth and operations)

Contraindications: ulcerative lesions of the cervix and vagina, girls before sexual activity, pregnancy 1-2 trimester - no data on the safety of use
Side effects: symptoms of irritation, allergic reactions - rash, urticaria, erythema
Mode of application: capsule at night, for 6 days, stop treatment during menstruation, continue after.

In addition to suppositories, it is possible to use creams with antifungal drugs:

  • Clotrimazole - Candide (with applicator 80 rubles), Clotrimazole cream 120 rubles, Kanizon 80 rubles.
  • Econazole – Ecodax cream 140 RUR
  • Isoconazole - Travogen cream 500-700 rub.
  • Fenticonazole - Lomexin cream 600 rub.
  • Butoconazole - Gynofort cream with applicator 600-700 rub.

For chronic recurrent thrush, it is necessary to take antifungal drugs orally:

  • Fluconazole 40-50 rubles (and more expensive analogues Flucostat, Mikomax, Mikosist, Diflucan)
  • Tinidazole 30-70 rub.
  • Ketoconazole – Mycozoral 460 RUR
  • Itraconazole - Irunin 320 rubles, Itrazol 380 rubles, Orungamin.

After antifungal therapy, the doctor may prescribe medications to normalize the vaginal microflora, that is, create conditions for the growth of lactobacilli in the vagina:

  • Vagilak 2 times a day (suppositories with bifidobacteria) for 5-10 days.
  • Laktozhinal, Acylact (lactobacteria) vaginal capsules for 1-10 days.
  • For oral administration - Bificol 10 days.

Advantages and disadvantages of using suppositories for thrush

Advantages of using topical medications for candidiasis in women:

  • When the drug is administered to a place where fungi actively multiply, the effect of local treatment appears much faster, especially when using modern effective drugs such as Livarol or Zalain.
  • Modern antifungal agents can be used once.
  • Because systemic absorption of topical medications is low, the incidence of side effects is reduced, unlike oral therapy.

Disadvantages of local treatment:

  • Local treatment causes some inconvenience to a woman - it stains her underwear and limits her sex life.
  • A positive effect from such therapy is possible only in mild forms of thrush, but when the course of the disease is more severe and prolonged, local therapy should be supplemented with the use of. Therefore, it is often necessary to repeat the course of treatment after a certain time.
  • When using combined antimicrobial drugs, such as Terzhinan, Polygynax, a common side effect is vaginal dysbiosis, which then requires additional treatment, for example, the use of suppositories with lactobacilli - Lactonorma, Acylact, Lactobacterin, Ecofemin or Vagiflora.

Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy

Very often, thrush occurs in women during pregnancy due to a physiological decrease in immunity, and many drugs either categorically cannot be used, or reliable studies of safety for the fetus have not been carried out. Among the entire selection of local drugs, the following suppositories are approved for use:

  • Suppositories - Pimafucin, Primafungin (active ingredient Natamycin).
  • Combined drug - Macmiror complex (active ingredients Nystatin and Nifuratel).
  • In the 2-3 trimesters Clotrimazole, Nystatin (low effectiveness) or the ancient remedy Borax in glycerin (Sodium tetraborate in glycerin), Pimafucin, Gino-Pevaril, Ginofort (vaginal cream), all these drugs are used during pregnancy with caution if there is a potential risk for the health of the mother exceeds the risk for the child.

  • Some doctors prescribe a combination drug - Terzhinan (prednisolone, neomycin, ternidazole, nystatin), but the instructions for it indicate that from the 2nd trimester it can only be used when assessing the potential benefit to the mother and harm to the fetus, since it has undesirable side effects and contains a hormonal drug - prednisolone.