When maternity capital is canceled for a second child. When will maternity capital be canceled and for what reasons

The abolition of maternity capital, in the light of recent legislative changes, is a very exciting issue for Russian citizens. A large percentage of the population does not have the opportunity to independently, without state assistance, acquire housing. In addition, for many people, such social benefits are a very important support for the education of children, not to mention families with children with special needs. That is why rumors about the abolition of maternity capital cause considerable concern.

The truth is that at the state level, the need to stop the issuance of funds under the maternity capital program has indeed been repeatedly discussed. And also repeatedly the period of validity of this benefit was extended. Disputes around maternity capital arise in connection with the reduction in spending budget funds and the stabilization of the economic situation in the country. However, it is impossible to leave citizens without any support at all, as this will cause a wave of discontent throughout the country. Therefore, today we are talking about options for replacing one social program with another.

If maternity capital is canceled without replacement, then it is unlikely that such an amendment will have the support of the majority at the legislative level.

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What does practice say?

Not so long ago, it was about the termination of payments under the maternity capital program for children who were born on January 1, 2017. That is, state assistance should be paid to families in which a second or subsequent child is born in 2016. The same rule applies to adopted children.

The indexation of maternity capital payments increases annually, and the funds received are not considered an item of family income, therefore they are not subject to taxation. It is not difficult to conclude that such state assistance for families is a significant support, but it is a considerable loss for the budget. Of course, if the payments go to pay for education in public institutions or for pension savings, this is great, however, as practice shows, certificates are used to purchase housing. That is, banking institutions are financed, as well as non-state construction companies.

And yet, the Ministry of Finance believes that with the redistribution of funds that go to the payment of maternity capital, taking into account social projects, it will increase child allowances and compensation for preschool institutions, thereby saving the state budget.

Extension of payments

There is a bill that will allow extending maternity capital payments until 2025. Supporters of this proposal are convinced that this social benefit is aimed at increasing the birth rate in Russia, reducing the number of orphans, preserving family values ​​and provides such an important opportunity for young families to gain independence. Due to the fact that there is no consensus at the government level, the final decision will be made taking into account more than one edition and addition to the current law. The purpose of such changes is to improve social programs, but not to the detriment of the economy.

It is unlikely that employees of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance, who have been advocating the abolition of maternity capital since 2017, will retreat from their convictions and support the bill to extend the term. However, despite this, they still have to give in. Therefore, wondering when maternity capital will be abolished, it can be noted that, according to the latest data, the law that will extend the state program of social assistance to families with children, that is, the maternity capital program, until December 31, 2018 inclusive, was finally adopted.

Dates and reasons for cancellation

In connection with the changes adopted to date, children who are born or adopted from January 1, 2019 are not entitled to financial assistance from the state in the form of maternity capital. At the same time, families who have time to receive a certificate will be able to use it in 2019 in the same manner as before.

Possible reasons for cancellation Explanation
Deficit in the budget of the Pension Fund The financial resources that the Pension Fund annually allocates for the payment of maternity capital are very significant. There is a danger that in the future the Pension Fund will not be able to support large families due to its insolvency
Fraud Many cases have been recorded when citizens, using an illegal scheme, issued a certificate and tried to cash out funds, while becoming victims of fraudulent organizations and losing material assistance. In addition, the system of responsibility for such actions is imperfect and ineffective.
Complaints from citizens On significantly limited opportunities in the use of maternity capital
Lack of legislative acts to regulate the process of obtaining assistance In this regard, it is almost impossible to effectively control costs, hold accountable and resolve disputes.

The implementation of the program to provide social assistance to families who have given birth to more than one child started on 01/01/2007, and, according to recent changes in legislation, will last until 12/31/2016.

That is, families in which mother, father and children are citizens of the Russian Federation, and the dates of birth of children fall within the period of birth from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2016, have the right to receive such social benefits.

Thus, it can be summarized that the action of this social assistance is coming to its logical conclusion.

However, the certificate for the use of this social benefit is not limited in time by a certain moment of receipt, and it is possible to use it at any convenient time and after the expiration of the deadlines specified in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 256-FZ of December 26, 2006.

Thus, the only action associated with the acquisition of this social benefit is the need for the birth or adoption of a second baby at the specified time period.

Extension of maternity capital

According to changes in the law, the issuance of maternity capital certificates related to the birth or adoption of a second and subsequent child will be terminated by the end of 2017.

Thus, since the functioning of the program is limited to December 31, 2016, after the expiration of this term, payments will be made exclusively on previously issued certificates.

However, there is still a possibility that the government of the Russian Federation will take the necessary measures to prolong the term of this program, because it has already given 6 million Russians the opportunity to improve their living conditions, pay for their children's education, and form the funded part of the mother's pension.

At the moment, the prolongation of the term of the operation of the program "Maternity Capital" is seen as possible only as:

  • housing project, that is, the sums of money received by such categories of families will be used to improve housing conditions;
  • or only in certain regions. This is relevant to the subjects of the federation, recognized as the most in need of modernization of demographic characteristics.

When will maternity capital be cancelled?

The proposals sent by the Ministry of Finance to the Government of the Russian Federation were to stop issuing certificates to married couples with two or more children born after December 31, 2016.

It is characteristic that the amount of maternity capital as of 2015 is 452,000 rubles, and it is forbidden to tax it on income.

However, despite the expected public outrage at the cancellation of this social program in 2016, the Ministry of Finance is confident that the allocation of 67% of the total amount of MC payments to other social projects will help save budget funds in the amount of 100 billion rubles annually.

Among these are the following:

  • increase in benefits for the birth of a child by 2 or more times;
  • an increase in compensations that provide attendance at preschool institutions.

However, a number of deputies are ardent champions of human rights. Proposals were put forward to extend the program until 2015, that is, for another 10 years.

This proposal was based on the fact that the Concept of Demographic Development of the Russian Federation is designed for completion in 2015.

And in the next 10 years, women will enter childbearing age, whose birth fell under the 90s, which were characterized by a low birth rate, the cause of which was the difficult socio-economic situation of the post-Soviet states.

And this is an omen of a decrease in quantitative indicators of fertility due to the small number of potential mothers.

Therefore, according to experts, the end of the program in 2016 is an omen of a new round in its development.

Among the main reasons for the cancellation of the MC program are the following:

  • Budget deficit of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. A characteristic feature of the MC program is the annual allocation of a significant part of the funds for the MC itself. And the lack of social security, expressed in monetary terms, may be a provoking factor regarding the inability of the Pension Fund to provide material support to all who are in dire need in the future. It is this fact, as analysts point out, that limits the restoration of the solvency of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  • Distribution of various fraudulent schemes, the purpose of which is to obtain MK. And this is a factor in the depletion of the financial reserves of the pension authorities.
  • Difficulties in implementing the receipt of the MK itself for ordinary citizens, which requires modernization of the legislative framework itself.
  • Restrictions on the ability to spend funds of the MK itself, which causes acute indignation on the part of the recipients of such. In particular, the impossibility of spending these amounts on the treatment of seriously ill children.

Cancellation result

  • savings in budgetary funds by an amount that exceeds 100 billion rubles annually;
  • a tangible increase in child benefits;
  • an increase in the amounts of compensation that ensure visits to kindergartens;
  • the introduction of other methods that contribute to the demographic growth of the population;
  • increase in social support measures for families that are in need and have many children;
  • a decrease in prices for real estate objects, which will be provoked by a decrease in demand for the latter, since the fixed assets of MK were used specifically for its acquisition.

Maternal capital - latest news and fresh gossip

In April, the government approved a proposal for independent spending of MK funds in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

This amount can now be cashed out and spent on the necessary family needs, and at the same time, no reporting on the nature of the investment of this amount of money needs to be presented anywhere. Thus, on May 5, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation began accepting applications for the payment of 20,000 rubles from the total amount of the MK.

A bill has also come into force that allows spending MK funds on a down payment on mortgage loans before the child reaches the age of three. Previously, this measure was not available.

The issue of a ban on settlements on loans with microfinance organizations is also being considered. It is planned to introduce a certain “age limit” for the latter, which, according to preliminary reports, will reach three years.

Is there a hurry to spend the received maternity capital?

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation refuted the information that appeared in the media that. What MK should definitely spend in 2016. It was clarified that disposing of MC funds and obtaining a certificate for the latest in time is not a limited action.

Thus, the information that has sounded on this occasion in the media is far from reality.
In accordance with the Federal Law, in order to obtain a certificate for MK, it is necessary. For the second child to be born or adopted before 12/31/2016.

However, the very receipt of a certificate and the disposal of funds on the basis of this certificate are not limited by time.

Therefore, do not rush to dispose of the funds received maternity capital.

The validity of the certificate can only be terminated in the event of the death of its owner or in the event of termination of rights to such social benefits. Such conditions are - the deprivation of parental rights of the certificate holder for MK, as well as the commission of an intentional crime in relation to the child.

You can spend funds in only three ways: to educate a child until the latter reaches the age of 25, to pay the first installment on a mortgage loan, to accumulate a mother's pension (however, the last measure may be canceled).
Thus, do not rush to dispose of the funds provided by this social benefit. It is worthwhile to approach this issue very carefully and competently and not rush, because this is a very important moment in the life of any family.

Since the beginning of 2017, many of our readers have been asking questions about whether it is true that the maternity capital program will be canceled and when exactly will this happen? The reason for this is rumors that the President announced his intention to stop issuing this payment to families in the future.

The program is really designed for several years, or rather until the end of 2021. If the child is born before December 31 of this year, his family can count on receiving the payment. But if he is born already in 2022, then the program will not apply to him.

Recall that this program of state assistance to families was developed at the end of 2006, and was launched in 2007. Initially, the amount of the payment was 250 thousand, but every year it was indexed to the official inflation rate, with the only exception being the current year.

To date, the amount of state assistance for families where the second or subsequent child appeared (was born or adopted) is 453.026 rubles. Note that funds are issued only once for a family, i.е. if you have already received MK for the 2nd child, it will not be possible to receive it again when the third child is born.

The money is provided in the form of a certificate, the right to receive it is confirmed by the Pension Fund of Russia. In the same place, on his accounts, this amount is stored, and if you want to spend your savings, you will need to apply with a corresponding application to the PFR department.

Where can MK funds be sent:

  1. To improve living conditions, and if we are talking about obtaining a mortgage, then you do not need to wait until the child turns 3 years old,
  2. On the social adaptation of children with disabilities,
  3. To pay for a child's education
  4. To increase the future pension of the mother.

There were initiatives that concerned the possibility of sending MSCs to pay for a consumer loan or to buy a car, but they were never accepted. Cashing out the certificate is prohibited by Russian law, if such fraud is revealed, you will be obliged to return 453 thousand rubles to the state through the court.

But over the years, the law may change. and the disbursement period may be extended. So, for example, there was an initiative to stop issuing both in 2018 and 2025, although it was not accepted. Whether the program of mat.capital will be extended - here the opinions of analysts are divided, because. the costs in this area are very high, and the budget may not be able to sustain them, although there are already significant improvements in increasing the birth rate.

In addition, now there are also alternative payments, the so-called regional maternity capital. It is possible that when the state MK is canceled, similar programs will appear, even more beneficial for parents.

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Since 2007, the demographic program "Maternity Capital" has been implemented in Russia. It is aimed at financial support for families with two or more children. However, since 2019, two years before the official end of the state subsidy program, the issue of closing this article of the federal budget has been discussed.

Key points

The state allows the funds of maternity capital to be spent on solving the housing issue, any child in the family, and creating a funded part for parents.

In 2019, it became possible to use mother capital for the socialization and adaptation of children with.

Over the years of implementation, more than 6.5 Russian families received certificates for mother capital. The popularity of the program is undeniable.

Indeed, thanks to the amount of the subsidy, thousands of certificate holders have actually improved the living conditions of the whole family and managed to provide children with a quality education.

What it is

Maternity capital is a special program that allows you to provide real effective material assistance.

The presence of two children in a family does not make it a large family, but nevertheless represents a serious financial burden on parents today.

In addition, a mother who is raising two small children is forced to leave her job, interrupt her career.

She cannot sufficiently use her professional skills either for career growth or for ensuring the material stability of the family.

In such conditions, the state subsidy is a real help to the family.

In order to participate in the program, the family must fulfill several conditions:

Not only mothers can apply for a subsidy. The certificate will also be issued to the father if the mother is either raising a child.

If the child was left without parents, then the certificate can be issued (remade) for him. Along with their own parents, they receive the right to state support and.

The amount of mother's capital was subjected to annual indexing up to the year of the official end of the program. That is, in 2019, indexation was not carried out, the amount of payments remained at the level of 2019.

If in the first year of implementation the state paid 250 thousand rubles to families, then in 2019 the amount was 453 thousand rubles.

Indexation was carried out by the state to preserve the real market value of the subsidy. Smaller sums could not provide any significant assistance to the family, especially with or housing.

For a certificate for mother capital, in the event of a right to receive it, you must contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The main document proving such a right is the birth certificates of at least two children.

One of the minor children brought up in the family must be born after January 1, 2007. When adopting a minor, the rule applies - the court decision must enter into force after the specified date.

The annexation of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol to Russia increased the burden on the Russian budget - citizens of the returned territories received equal rights with all citizens of the Russian Federation.

During the transitional period, the Ukrainian system of encouraging the birth rate was in effect. Since 2019, the peninsula has completely switched to the Russian procedure for obtaining mother capital.

By 2019, certificates were issued to almost all Crimean families who had every reason to take part in the program.

The amount of transfers under the certificate fully corresponded to Russian accruals. Moreover, payments were made not from 2019, but on a general basis - for the entire period of the program, that is, in 2007.

The amount of maternity capital can be spent in four main target areas:

Housing is the most pressing issue. Most often, the certificate is used to expand living space. In this case, not only the purchase of an apartment or house on a mortgage is allowed.

You can use mother capital to cover part or the balance of debt on a previously taken mortgage, as well as building your own home.

The program allows not only building a house from scratch, but also expanding the living space of an existing house through its full or partial reconstruction. Another option is to buy an apartment in a house under construction.

What is regulated

The federal law:

Initially, the law was designed for ten years. The program was expected to end in 2019.

Over the past ten years, the law has been supplemented more than once by special resolutions of the Government. The most important for parents in terms of the use of real money are the following.

Government Decree:

The federal law:

Will maternity capital be canceled

Despite the fact that the state subsidy program was designed for ten years, proposals for its closure arose much earlier than planned.

So, in 2019, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation made a proposal to close the program early.

Minister Aleksey Ulyukaev suggested that the state budget should save about three hundred billion rubles a year by canceling the issuance of certificates.

According to the head of the ministry, the subsidy program does not affect the birth rate in any way, but only shifts the timing of the birth of children planned by parents.

However, the budget optimization plan proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development was rejected.

Moreover, a year before the end of the program, in 2019, the President of Russia separately raised the issue of the importance of the ongoing social program.

Putin stressed that over the years of state support measures, certificates have been issued to 6.5 million owners.

An unexpected proposal was made - to extend the implementation of the socio-demographic program for another two years, that is, to complete the issuance of certificates not in 2019, but in 2019.

Despite the difficult internal political financial situation, the Government supported this initiative.

Despite this, experts consider the closure of the program almost inevitable. Another question is when the maternity capital for the second child will be cancelled.

Today, there are several reasons why the program may be closed.

What could be the reasons

The main reason for suggesting early closure of the program at the time was the assumption that it was ineffective.

More substantive are the following reasons for the possible cancellation of the issuance of certificates, called by experts:

Indicators Description
Active distribution of fraudulent schemes which are used for illegal cashing of funds from the state budget. The pension fund is under real attack, its cash reserves are rapidly emptying, and ways to extract social money by illegal means are multiplying. A more perfect mechanism should be developed to effectively prevent malicious facts of fraud and withdrawal from the state budget of funds allocated for social needs.
Complicated program implementation procedure the abundance of formalities and time delays, the complicated scheme for issuing money through the lines of intended use, the practical difficulties associated with receiving money upon the acquisition of housing - all this cannot but irritate certificate holders. It is urgent to develop new norms that will be understandable to people and will really facilitate the procedure for managing funds.
Federal budget deficit which annually sends huge sums to pay the mother's capital. It is problematic to allocate funds at the request of certificate holders, and in the future it will become even more difficult to provide real assistance by ensuring timely payment. The solvency of the state is steadily declining, and the suspension of the program could contribute to its restoration
The big problem of the law on state support is a limited list of acceptable earmarked funds. This moment causes the most active criticism from certificate holders. This is not about the possibility of acquiring a car for the whole family, although such needs really belong to the category of very, very relevant. There is no possibility in the law to use the amount of the state subsidy for the treatment of a serious illness of a baby. In part, this issue has been resolved by the appearance of an amendment on social adaptation and rehabilitation at the expense of maternity capital.

When it might happen

By a special decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the deadlines for the end of the maternity capital program were shifted by two years. Moreover, plans have been developed for further indexation of the amount of MK.

In 2019 and 2019, the program will have a number of features:

Indicators Description
Issuance of certificates to employees of the Pension Fund will continue to be held at the place of a newborn or adopted baby. The deadline for eligible participation in the program today is the last day of December 2019
More than 807 billion rubles will be additionally allocated from the state budget for the implementation of the program
Indexation from 2019 is planned to be carried out in accordance with real inflation the value of which will be revealed at the end of the period (at the end of the year)
It is expected that in 2019 the state will issue approximately 830 thousand certificates and in the last year of the program - about 810 thousand more. In general, the plans of the Russian government are to provide certificates to participants in the maternity capital program for about one and a half million families

Will the amount of MK be indexed in the last two years of the program?

The government has included the following figures in the future budget:

Such a clear planning of the federal budget makes it possible with a high degree of probability to answer the question in what year maternity capital will be abolished. Most likely, this will happen in 2019.

It is possible that the program will continue after December 31, 2018, but there are no prerequisites for this yet. This item of expenditure is too expensive for the budget.

What will be in return

If the Government nevertheless decides to completely close the Maternity Capital program, will the Russians be offered something in return?

Such assumptions are not without foundation. Indeed, throughout the discussion of the issue, various options for replacement were expressed.

The most likely option is the introduction of targeted assistance to especially poor families.

Compared to the current program, this is undoubtedly a step backwards:

Experts are wondering whether the number of asocial families will increase due to the introduction of new grounds for materiel capital.

Among the possible options after the cancellation of the MK, the following items can be listed:

It is possible that separate measures will be developed to encourage families who decide to replenish through childbirth or adoption.

Video: will maternity capital be canceled

Special nuances

At the government level, it has been repeatedly noted that in the event of the abolition of subsidies for Russian families under the maternity capital program, additional social measures will be introduced.

Allowing to compensate parents or guardians of two, three or more children for the costs of their maintenance. However, it is not clear what kind of assistance is involved.

No law that would be discussed at the Government level regarding the replacement of the demographic program of the MC with any other form of family support at the expense of the federal budget has yet been proposed.

The guarantee of the state is preserved to issue funds according to the certificate received earlier at any time:

Indicators Description
It doesn’t matter at all whether the state subsidy will be applied before 2019 or later state guarantees do not have an urgency, and therefore the certificate holder retains the right to receive the amount of state support at any time until the child reaches the age of 23
Citizens retain the full right to both receive a certificate and dispose of its amount without any reference to the expiration dates of the Maternity Capital program such a right is guaranteed by the basic Federal Law-256, which unequivocally affirms the right of a family in which a second natural or adopted child appeared after January 1, 2007, to dispose of the assigned amount of state subsidies at any time
The certificate can be obtained by the child himself if his parents before applying for state support. However, if the child is over 18, they must be a full-time student at a university or college at the time of application.

Interestingly, the deputies of the State Duma put forward proposals to extend the subsidy program for families with two children until 2025.

The basis for this proposal is the encouraging results of the program:

The extension of the issuance of certificates for maternity capital until 2019 means that a million (at least) Russian families have the opportunity to improve their living conditions in connection with the birth or adoption of a second minor child.

Certificates will be issued for all babies born until December 31, 2019.

The Ministry of Finance and independent experts from the NRU propose to abolish maternity capital and revise the country's pension system, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes.

According to the current Federal Law No. 256 "On Additional Measures to Support Families with Children", parents who have a second child no later than December 31, 2018 will receive maternity capital. Moreover, the certificate itself can be obtained even after this date. And then what, will maternity capital be canceled or will the program continue to operate?

Ministry of Finance on the abolition of maternity capital

In fact, a clear answer to the question of the abolition of maternity capital can be obtained no earlier than 2018, and now it remains only to make assumptions based on the words of the Ministry of Finance. At the moment, the Ministry of Finance plans to completely terminate the Maternity Capital program after 2018, since, firstly, its main goal of increasing demographics in the country has been achieved. And secondly, every year more and more children are born, therefore, the amount spent on the program is growing in huge leaps. And according to the Ministry of Finance, after the abolition of maternity capital, the country will be able to save more than 1 trillion. rubles.

The opinion of some deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the abolition of maternity capital

However, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation are against the abolition of maternity capital. They intend to defend their positions and hope that the program will continue until 2025. The State Duma of the Russian Federation also proposed its own additions regarding the expansion of the scope of maternity capital. Since 2016, it can be used only in four areas - improving housing conditions, investing in the mother's future pension, educating children, as well as social adaptation of disabled children and their integration into society. So, the deputies propose to introduce the possibility of investing maternity capital into a special account in order to receive monthly dividends through the interest paid. There was also an opinion that financial assistance should be provided not after the birth of a child, but already after the mother's pregnancy.

"Direct line with Vladimir Putin", the question of the abolition of mat. capital

During the special program "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin", which took place on April 25, 2013, Maria Leonidovna from the Perm Territory asked a question: “What will happen to the maternity capital program after 2016?”. The President clarified this problem:

"... The program is really designed for the period until 2016 inclusive. What does this mean? This means that families, mothers who had a second child in this period of time, until 2016 inclusive, are eligible to participate in the Maternity Capital program ".

We initially and consciously chose this particular period, because we must be absolutely sure that the federal budget will cope with the obligations that it has to pay this maternity capital. By the way, as we promised, it is regularly indexed...

... What will happen after 2016? I believe that in one form or another we will have to continue programs to support the birth of children in our country, but they must be more targeted, they must be more targeted. What will these forms be? I don’t know yet, so those who plan their families and want to have a second or third child should be sure, in any case, that until 2016 inclusive, “maternity capital” will work as a program, and people who will have a second and subsequent children, they will receive this money the way Masha does, for example.

Those. Despite the fact that this program made significant adjustments to the country's budget, Vladimir Putin was still of the opinion that it needed to be extended. And it really was extended until the end of 2018. According to experts, in the future, when considering the issue of further extension of the program, it is necessary to make several changes so that it does not affect the federal budget so negatively.

First, it is worth providing financial assistance only to those families that really need it. For example, for parents with medium and low incomes, maternity capital will be very necessary. But for people with high incomes, this amount will not play a significant role.

Secondly, maternity capital should be more competently concentrated in different regions. Indeed, for the same Moscow, 450 thousand rubles is just 1-2 sq.m. real estate, while for some villages this amount is real wealth.

Political move

In addition to all of the above, there is an opinion that they want to cancel maternity capital not with the aim of terminating the program, but with the aim of carrying out some kind of political move. And it is possible that the Ministry of Finance deliberately voices such a negative option so that in the future the president will happily announce that a way out of even the most inevitable situation has been found.

For now, we can only guess maternity capital will be canceled after 2018 or will it be extended. But there is hope for the second option, which is reinforced by the recently drafted bill on