When will the solar eclipse occur? Eclipse calendar

What is a Solar Eclipse?

A solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that occurs on Earth when the Moon moves in its orbit between the Earth and the Sun. This occurs on a new moon when the sun and moon are in conjunction with each other. If the Moon were just a little closer to the earth, and its orbit was in the same plane and circular, then we would see eclipses every month. The Moon's orbit is elliptical and tilted relative to the Earth's orbit, so we can only see up to 5 eclipses per year. Depending on the geometry of the Sun, Moon and Earth, the Sun may be completely blocked (obscured), or it may be partially blocked.

During an eclipse, the Moon's shadow (which is divided into two parts: dark umber and light penumbra) moves across the earth's surface. Safety note: Never look directly at the sun during a total solar eclipse. The bright light of the sun can damage your eyes very quickly.

Types of Solar Eclipse


A total solar eclipse occurs when the Moon completely covers the solar disk. During a total solar eclipse, the narrowest part of the path where the sun is completely blocked and the moon casts its dark shadow (called total umbra) is called the “zone of totality.”

Observers see this path as a darkened sun (often described as a “hole in the sky”) with the ghostly glow of the solar corona traveling into space. The phenomenon is called “Bailey's rosary” and often appears when sunlight filters through valleys on the surface of the Moon. If the sun is active, observers may also see solar prominences, loops, and flares during the eclipse. A total solar eclipse is the only time when it is safe to look directly at the sun. All other solar observations (even partial phases) require special solar filters to avoid damaging your eyes.

A total solar eclipse is not always visible from Earth. In the past, the Moon was too close to the earth and during an eclipse it completely obscured the disk of the Sun. Over time, the lunar orbit has changed by a little more than 2 cm per year and in the current era, the situation is almost ideal. However, the Moon's orbit will continue to expand, and perhaps in 600 million years, total solar eclipses will no longer occur. Instead, future observers will only see partial and annular eclipses.


When the Moon is further in its orbit than usual, it cannot completely cover the disk of the Sun. During such an event, a bright ring of sunlight shines around the moon. This type of eclipse is called an annular eclipse." It comes from the Latin word “annulus”, which means “ring”.

The "ring" period during such an eclipse can last from 5 or 6 minutes to 12 minutes. However, although the Sun is mostly covered by the Moon, when sunlight is bright enough, a ring-shaped glow occurs during which observers will never be able to look at the Sun directly. This event requires eye protection throughout the eclipse.


A partial solar eclipse occurs when the Earth moves across the lunar penumbra as the moon moves between the Earth and the sun. The Moon does not block the entire solar disk, as seen from Earth. Depending on your location during a partial eclipse, you may see anything from a small piece of the Sun to almost a total eclipse.

To view any eclipse, it is safe to use a filter, or use an indirect viewing method, such as projecting the rays through a telescope onto a white sheet of paper or cardboard. Never look at the sun through a telescope unless it has an appropriate filter. Blindness and severe eye damage can be caused by improper observation techniques.

Facts About Solar EclipsesDepending on the geometry of the Sun, Moon and Earth, there can be from 2 to 5 solar eclipses per year. The totality occurs when the Moon completely covers the sun, so that only the solar corona is visible. A total solar eclipse can occur once every 1- 2 years. This makes them very rare events. If you lived at the North or South Pole, you would only see a partial solar eclipse. People in other parts of the world may experience partial, total, annular and hybrid eclipses. The longest total solar eclipse can last 7.5 minutes. The eclipse path is typically about 100 miles in diameter and can cast a shadow over an area of ​​Earth's surface of about 10,000 miles in length. Almost identical eclipses occur every 18 years and 11 days. This period of 223 synodic months is called saros. During a total solar eclipse, the air temperature can quickly change, immediately becoming colder and the immediate surroundings becoming dark. At the moment of a total solar eclipse, the planets in the sky can be seen as points of light.

The period from 2018 to 2033 was chosen because... it is quite interesting in relation to solar eclipses visible from the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. During these years, 14 solar eclipses will be observed from the territory of our country, which include two total eclipses, two annular eclipses and 10 partial eclipses. Particularly interesting will be the annular solar eclipse on June 1, 2030, the band of the annular phase of which will pass through the entire country from west to east from Crimea to Primorye!

It is worth noting that, for example, in the period from 2034 to 2060 (twice as long), only two total and three annular solar eclipses will be observed in our country! The difference is obvious, so we can say that Russians and residents of the CIS are lucky with solar eclipses in the next fifteen years.

How do solar eclipses occur? The cause of solar eclipses is our celestial neighbor the Moon. The apparent diameters of the Sun and Moon as seen from Earth are approximately the same. This means that the Moon, moving in its orbit, at some point can completely (total eclipse) or partially (partial eclipse) cover the Sun (during the new moon phase).

A total solar eclipse is the most spectacular and spectacular astronomical phenomenon! If night falls in the middle of the day and stars become visible in the sky, this is very impressive! Unfortunately, the visibility of such a phenomenon extends only to a small area where the lunar shadow falls. But as the lunar shadow moves, it forms a narrow strip on the Earth’s surface (on average about 200 kilometers wide). The length of such a strip is several thousand kilometers, but this is still not enough for a total eclipse of the Sun to be seen by all residents of the hemisphere of the Earth facing the daylight. Total solar eclipses can occur every six months, but due to the peculiarities of the Moon's movement in its orbit, they most often occur only once a year.

More information about the possibility of solar eclipses can be found, for example, in the book “Total Solar Eclipse of March 29, 2006 and Its Observation” (link at the end of the article).

Total solar eclipses can be observed from the same locality on average only once every 300 years. This makes it necessary to travel into the visibility range of the eclipse. A total solar eclipse is accompanied by a partial solar eclipse, which is visible on both sides of the total eclipse band, where the lunar penumbra falls. The farther from the central line of the eclipse, the less the disk of the Sun will be covered by the Moon. But the width of the stripe of a partial solar eclipse is much greater than that of a total eclipse, so partial eclipses can be observed from the same observation point much more often. Thanks to the large territory of our country, we can observe solar eclipses more often than residents of countries with a small territory.

There are only partial eclipses, when the shadow of the Moon passes above or below the polar regions of the Earth, and only the lunar penumbra falls on our planet, showing the appearance of a damaged Sun. An annular eclipse is different in that the Moon completely sets on the disk of the Sun, but cannot completely cover it due to its smaller apparent diameter (when the Moon is near its apogee, i.e. the point of its orbit farthest from the Earth). As a result, the solar ring around the dark disk of the Moon is visible from Earth.

It should be noted that a total eclipse in the European part of Russia will only be observed in 2061. If you look at the map of the bands of total and annular eclipses over 20 years, you can see how rare total solar eclipses are, even for such a large country as ours.

The next total solar eclipses in 2019 and 2020 will be observed in Chile and Argentina. Therefore, those who want to see this wonderful phenomenon as soon as possible need to prepare for a transatlantic flight!

But let’s return to the eclipses of the period 2018 - 2033 described here, and consider them in more detail.

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Solar eclipses in Russia and the CIS in 2018 - 2033

(world time)

The 2018 solar eclipse will be a partial one. It will occur at the new moon on August 11, and the eclipse band will cover the northeastern part of our country with a maximum phase of 0.736 in Chukotka. Residents of North America, Scandinavia and China will also see private phases. The duration of the eclipse will be slightly less than 3.5 hours. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Leo.

Another solar eclipse of 2019 will be annular. It will occur at the new moon on December 26, and a strip of the annular phase will pass through the Indian and Pacific oceans, crossing Arabia, southern India and Indonesia from west to east. The maximum duration of the annular phase will reach 3 minutes 40 seconds at a phase of 0.97. Residents of the southern regions of our country, countries of Africa, Asia and Australia will see private phases. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Sagittarius.

The 2020 solar eclipse will be annular. It will occur at the new moon on June 21, and the ring-shaped phase will pass through Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Asian continent. The duration of the ring-shaped phase at the maximum of the phenomenon will reach only 38 seconds with a phase of 0.994. In this case, the thinnest ring of this eclipse will be observed. In Russia and the CIS, the eclipse band will cover the entire southern half of the country. The maximum phase of about 0.7 can be observed in the Central Asian CIS countries. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Taurus.

The 2022 solar eclipse will be a partial one. It will occur at the new moon on October 25, and the eclipse will cover the western half of Russia. The maximum eclipse phase of 0.861 will be available for observation from the territory of our country in Siberia. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Virgo.

The 2026 solar eclipse will be total. It will occur at the new moon on August 12, and the band of total eclipse will pass through the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, Western Europe and Russia. A total eclipse will be observed in Taimyr (the duration of the total phase is 2 minutes), and a partial eclipse will cover the Far North of the country. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Leo.

The 2029 solar eclipse will be a partial eclipse. It will occur at the new moon on June 12, and the eclipse will pass through the Arctic Ocean, as well as across North America and the Far North of our country. The maximum eclipse phase of 0.458 will be available for observation from North America. In Russia, the smallest phases of the eclipse will be visible (about 0.2 or less). The eclipse will occur in the constellation Taurus.

The 2031 solar eclipse will be annular. It will occur at the new moon on May 21, and the annular eclipse with a maximum phase of 0.959 will pass through the Indian Ocean, as well as across Africa, India and Indonesia. On the territory of our country, the eclipse will be observed in its southern part with small phases (Central Asian CIS countries). The eclipse will occur in the constellation Taurus.

Every person has observed a solar eclipse at least once in their life or at least heard about it. This phenomenon has attracted attention for a long time...

Every person has observed a solar eclipse at least once in their life or at least heard about it. This phenomenon has long attracted attention - at all times it was considered a harbinger of misfortune, some peoples perceived it as God's wrath. It really looks a little creepy - the solar disk is completely or partially covered by a black spot, the sky darkens, and sometimes you can even make out stars on it. This phenomenon causes fear in animals and birds - they gather in flocks and seek shelter. Why does a solar eclipse occur?

The essence of this phenomenon is quite simple - the Moon and the Sun line up in one line, and thus our earthly satellite blocks the star. The Moon is much smaller than the Sun, but because it is much closer to the Earth, a person observing a solar eclipse will see it covering the entire solar disk.

A solar eclipse can be total or partial, depending on how much the Moon covers our star.

On average, 2 to 5 eclipses occur on Earth annually.

Sometimes you can observe a rare astronomical phenomenon - the so-called circular eclipse. At the same time, the Moon appears smaller than the Sun, and covers only its middle part, exposing the solar atmosphere. This type of eclipse is extremely valuable for researchers of the processes occurring on our star. It makes it possible to better view the upper layers of the Sun. In particular, such eclipses have greatly helped in the study of the solar corona. It happens that the Moon appears larger than the Sun, then the disk is so blocked that even the rays emanating from it are not visible from the Earth. This variety of eclipses is explained by the fact that the lunar orbit has an elongated ellipsoidal shape, so at different times of the year it is further or closer from the Earth.

Scientists have long found the answer to the question of how and why a solar eclipse occurs., saving humanity from prejudices towards this phenomenon. Moreover, it can now be predicted. This made it possible to take a fresh look at many historical events. Thus, chroniclers, describing battles and other important events, often mentioned that a solar eclipse occurred on that day, without giving the exact date. Now, thanks to the calculations of modern scientists, these dates have been restored.

Since ancient times, lunar and solar eclipses have been considered a sign from above. Some peoples were afraid of such a phenomenon and expected the end of the world, while others were confident that something positive would happen soon. Astrologers began to study what a solar eclipse is quite a long time ago. It was found that this is the most common natural phenomenon, which does not happen so rarely.

What is it?

Today every elementary school student knows what a solar eclipse is. The Earth moves around the Sun, and the Moon moves around our planet. The full or partial obstruction of the solar disk by the moon is called an eclipse. The Earth, Moon and Sun become one line. It is worth noting that an eclipse can only occur on a new moon. That is, when the Moon cannot be seen at all from the Earth.

It is not always possible to see a total eclipse. The overlap of the solar disk depends on which orbit it moves in a certain period of time. Most often, a partial eclipse can be seen. People who are busy with their business and in the sun may miss the natural phenomenon altogether. Visually, a partial eclipse is similar to twilight. During the day it may become only a little darker outside. It may look like it will rain soon.

Astrologers have long been able to calculate how many solar eclipses occur per year on average. This phenomenon is not so rare and is repeated 5-6 times. Most often, the sun is covered by the moon by no more than 70%. At the same time, it is not possible to observe a natural phenomenon from all points of the globe. In addition, the eclipse may not last long. Complete occlusion of the solar disk can last no more than 10 minutes.

What is a lunar eclipse?

This beautiful natural phenomenon can be observed not only during the daytime. At night, everyone can see a lunar eclipse from time to time. It represents the overlap of the lunar disk with the shadow of the Earth. Most often, a total eclipse can be observed in that part of the planet where the Moon is above the horizon at the time of the natural phenomenon. During an eclipse, the Earth's satellite does not disappear completely. Observers can see the outline of the moon colored bright orange. This is due to the fact that even at the moment of an eclipse, the Moon continues to reflect the sun's rays with even greater intensity.

Lunar eclipses occur much less frequently than solar eclipses. This phenomenon can be observed no more than twice a year. Complete overlap of the earth's satellite's disk is quite rare. People do not attach great importance to a lunar eclipse. Most often this goes unnoticed. In fact, everything that happens in nature affects human health and behavior. Therefore, it is better for hypersensitive people to prepare in advance for such a phenomenon as a lunar eclipse.

Types of lunar and solar eclipses

Identical eclipses are repeated quite rarely. Depending on what part of the celestial body is covered by shadow, partial and total eclipses are distinguished. During a total solar eclipse, twilight occurs only at a certain point on the globe. At this time, happy observers can only see the outlines of the solar disk. This phenomenon is considered quite rare and unique. Much more often, an incomplete solar eclipse occurs, when the moon covers only a small piece of the solar disk. This natural phenomenon can no longer be called unique. It is worth noting that the same eclipse can be total and partial for observers from different parts of the planet.

Lunar eclipses can also be total or partial. If a satellite falls completely into the Earth's shadow, it is not lost from view. The outline of the moon can still be observed. At the same time, the night celestial body acquires a bright hue. The sun's rays continue to illuminate the moon. A partial eclipse is the obstruction of a celestial body on only one side. This phenomenon is very similar to the new moon. In most cases, people are not even aware that there is an eclipse in the night sky.

The influence of a solar eclipse on humans

Any natural phenomena affect the general condition of the human body. Hypersensitive people are especially affected. They may feel a deterioration in their health a few days before the onset of the eclipse. Older people may experience headaches, general weakness, and chronic diseases may worsen. Many people have to limit their activity and pay more attention to their health. Hypersensitive people should check in advance when the next solar eclipse will be. On the day of a celestial phenomenon, it is advisable to stay at home. It is also not recommended for completely healthy people to go outside.

Pregnant women are sensitive not only to solar, but also to lunar eclipses. Doctors advise not to be exposed to the rays of the heavenly body during a natural phenomenon. This is fraught not only with pathologies of fetal development. When two luminaries are at the same point, their energy has a strong impact on a person. At best, a young pregnant woman will feel a severe headache, and at worst, premature labor may begin. Meanwhile, people have noticed since ancient times that children born at the time of a solar or lunar eclipse have good health and achieve success in life.

Psychologists also consider the influence of a solar eclipse on humans. It is believed that during such natural phenomena, the mind and emotional sphere of people are too vulnerable. During eclipses, you should not solve complex problems. And people who suffer from mental disorders should not be left unattended. It is during lunar or solar eclipses that suicides most often occur.

How to properly observe a solar eclipse?

Although this unique natural phenomenon has a negative impact on human health, it cannot be ignored. A solar eclipse is truly very beautiful. But in order to observe it without harm to health, you should follow some rules. Under no circumstances should you look at the celestial body without protective devices. Many people do not know how to observe a solar eclipse correctly and use a telescope or binoculars for this purpose. With the help of these devices you can only see the celestial body at a closer distance. But first of all, you need to take care of eye safety.

You should also not view the eclipse through sunglasses or smoked glass. These things do not fully protect against direct rays. If you look at a celestial body for a long time, you can get a retinal burn. How to watch a solar eclipse correctly? In order to see a unique celestial phenomenon without harm to health, it is necessary to use special solar filters. You can purchase them in specialized photo and video equipment stores. Without a protective device, one can only observe the complete blocking of the celestial body. The effect of a solar eclipse on the eyes at this moment is minimal. But only a true professional can determine visually whether there is complete overlap of the solar disk or only partial.

You can use solar filters on their own or together with binoculars. The second option is more preferable for those who want to see all the details of the eclipse. Those who want to capture the moment in a photo or video should also not forget about filters.

The influence of eclipses on nature

Few people know that celestial phenomena affect not only human health, but also nature. The weather can change dramatically in the weeks or days before the eclipse. Frosts often begin in warm May, and warm days suddenly appear in winter. But such changes in nature are absolutely harmless. But an eclipse can provoke more dangerous changes in nature. These include tsunamis and hurricanes. It has long been noted that during lunar and solar eclipses the activity of the World Ocean increases several times. Every ship captain should know when the next solar eclipse will be. This is the only way to avoid tragedy. It is not recommended to plan long trips by sea on the day when a natural phenomenon is expected to occur.

The most dangerous changes in nature occur where a total lunar or solar eclipse can be observed. Scientists all over the world are studying. Today they have managed to find out what a solar eclipse is and when it will happen next time. The schedule of celestial events is scheduled for decades in advance. Thanks to the hard work of astrologers, many natural disasters can be avoided and protected from tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes.

Solar eclipse 1999

One of the most striking solar eclipses occurred on August 11. Almost all residents of Europe could observe the complete overlap of the disk of the celestial body. The observers in Bucharest were the luckiest. Such a natural phenomenon could be seen for the first time in the 20th century. The total eclipse did not last long. People could observe the unique phenomenon for no more than three minutes.

Observers were only able to partially see the solar eclipse in Moscow. The solar disk was blocked by only 70%. Despite this, there were many who wanted to see the unique celestial phenomenon. And this is no coincidence. After all, national television channels began reporting that a solar eclipse would occur several weeks in advance. Entrepreneurs also did not lag behind. Special disposable glasses appeared on sale, with which you could look at the sun without harming your eyesight.

A solar eclipse had a limited time. However, everyone was able to see how the moon overlaps the solar disk. This action was truly unique. Some artists even described the natural phenomenon in their works. For example, Elena Voinarovskaya wrote a whole poem called “Sun, don’t disappear.” The eclipse is also described in the first part of the famous work “Day Watch”.

A unique eclipse of the 21st century

The younger generation already knows very well what a solar eclipse is. But many schoolchildren had not previously been able to see how this phenomenon occurs. The situation was corrected in March 2015. On this day, a natural phenomenon occurred that will be remembered by many for a long time. On March 20, residents of the CIS countries were able to see the solar eclipse. Astrologers note that the most difficult period was from March 16 to April 8. The influence of a solar eclipse on humans at this time was most powerful. People with chronic diseases experienced an exacerbation of their ailments. But there was also a positive side. An eclipse is a time when a huge amount of energy is released. Those who used it wisely managed to make successful transactions and make the necessary contacts.

The inhabitants of the planet could observe the total eclipse in the Arctic and the north Atlantic Ocean. On the territory of Russia, the process could best be seen in the city of Murmansk. The solar eclipse in Moscow began around 13:00. It could only be partially observed. Many residents of the metropolis did not even pay attention to the fact that the Sun hid behind the Moon. It was possible to see the eclipse only with the help of special devices.

When will the next eclipse be seen?

Scientists have long studied the nature of various celestial phenomena. When and where will the next solar eclipse be? You can find out about this now. During the entire 21st century, 224 solar eclipses should occur. Only 68 of them will be complete. But annular eclipses deserve much more attention. This is exactly what the 1999 solar eclipse was like. The next one, which residents of Europe and the CIS countries will be able to watch, will happen on February 26, 2017. This year, on August 21, there will be a total eclipse, the duration of which will be only 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

What should you keep in mind?

Those who want to witness a unique natural phenomenon should prepare in advance. A solar eclipse has a limited time. Therefore, you should find out in advance the exact hours of its occurrence. You can always hear about a total or partial eclipse in the news or find out on astrological sites. Information is provided several weeks before the onset of a natural phenomenon.

An eclipse can have an impact on your health. The eyes are the first to suffer. You should not look at the sky without special protective devices. On March 20, only those who had protective filters could see the solar eclipse. You can purchase them today without any problems in a specialized store.

All the inhabitants of our planet dream of seeing such an incredible spectacle as a solar eclipse. This event is very rare and its every appearance arouses genuine interest of the masses. In the article we will look at what this phenomenon is, analyze the advice of astrologers and decide on the dates of solar eclipses.

and why does it happen

A solar eclipse is one of the most anticipated astronomical events. It is observed when the Moon, passing between the Sun and the globe, covers the star from the inhabitants of our world. The shadow cast by the Moon on the Earth is small in size relative to our planet, and therefore cannot envelop its entire area at once.

Based on the amount of the sun's surface covered, the following are distinguished:

  • Time of total solar eclipse. When the observer is in the lunar shadow, the eclipse of the sun will cover the entire solar disk, and in the darkened sky only the so-called solar corona will be visible.
  • A partial eclipse is so called because only a fraction of the solar circle will be closed to viewers in the penumbra region. Accordingly, this event will be visible only from that part of our planet that falls under the lunar shadow or is adjacent to this darkened area (this approximate zone is called the penumbra).
  • Annular solar eclipse. In 2017, this variant was observed by residents of the south pole. It is observed when the Moon at the time of the eclipse is located at a great distance relative to our planet and its shadow does not reach the Earth. In this situation, it will be visible how the Moon moves in the center of the solar circle, but its diameter is less than the size of the solar disk, and, accordingly, the Sun will not disappear completely, but will look like a bright ring with a dark spot in the middle. The sky darkens slightly, it’s impossible to see.

In a situation where the eclipse is seen from different points on the Earth (in the lunar shadow) as both total and annular, it will be classified as total annular or hybrid.

Solar eclipses of the 20th century were especially interesting to science. Thanks to this phenomenon, scientists were able to explore the surroundings of the Sun, which is impossible under normal conditions. And since 1996, the SOHO satellite has been helping with this. Before the beginning of the 20th century, the chromosphere was explored during eclipses and several comets were observed.

Dates of solar eclipses 2018

This will occur three times in 2018.
On 02/15/2018 at 16.30 Moscow time there will be a partial solar eclipse, which will be visible in South America and Antarctica. Russians will not be able to admire the phenomenon.
On July 13, 2018 at 06.02 Moscow time, another partial eclipse will take place; it will be visible in Tasmania, southern Australia and eastern Antarctica.
On August 11, 2018 at 12.47 Moscow time, a partial solar eclipse will take place at 12.47 Moscow time. This time, Russians (central part, Siberia, Far East), as well as residents of Kazakhstan, Mongolia, northeast China, Scandinavian countries, Greenland and the northern part of Canada will have the opportunity to see this unusual phenomenon with their own eyes.

Features of the eclipses of the coming 2018

According to astrologers, each new eclipse affects a person in a special way, which is due to the unique position of the planets and stars relative to each other, the Sun and the Moon at the time of the phenomenon. Having calculated the influence of the interactions of celestial bodies, astrologers have made recommendations regarding human actions at the time of solar eclipses in 2018:

  • During the next solar eclipse on February 15, 2018, a person may involuntarily manifest or intensify the desire for not the most kind and noble deeds. Therefore, on this day you should most carefully control your emotions, words and actions, and try not to get drawn into conflict.
  • Eclipse July 13, 2018. Any endeavors on this day are doomed to failure.
  • Eclipse on August 11, 2018. You should be careful about making important decisions on the day of the eclipse, or better yet, postpone it altogether. A person will be overcome by absent-mindedness, attention to detail will weaken, as a result of which on this day one can lose sight of important nuances and, having made any decision, subsequently regret it.

Solar eclipses 2019

In 2019, as in 2018, earthlings will be able to admire the solar eclipse on the following dates:


Both doctors and specialists in such areas as astrology and esotericism urge not to treat the phenomenon of a solar eclipse as something catastrophic and destructive for humans. Before an upcoming astronomical phenomenon, you should not radically change your lifestyle or lock yourself at home in anxious anticipation. But nevertheless, before the date of the solar eclipse, activities aimed at improving overall well-being will not be superfluous: walks in the fresh air, moderation in diet. You should also postpone less urgent matters and concerns in order to avoid additional emotional and physical stress in the run-up to the eclipse. This “unloading” regime will allow you to relieve the anxiety and nervousness that is characteristic of a person during this unusual period.

Among astrologers and esotericists, it is believed that a solar eclipse is a moment of purification; at this time, the most successful ventures will be those related to getting rid of everything that burdens a person or harms his health.

During future events, as well as during solar eclipses in 2017, you should keep in mind:

What not to do during eclipses

According to esotericists, the period of the nearest solar eclipses is extremely unfavorable for any undertakings.

These days have the following features:

  • It is believed that on the day of the eclipse there is a high probability of committing rash acts.
  • It is not advisable to schedule large financial transactions, marriage registration, or signing important documents on this day.
  • You should be careful about carrying out planned medical procedures on this date; if possible, it is better to postpone the procedure to another day.
  • It is not recommended to use psychotropic substances.
  • They also advise not to take information “to heart”; you should try to abstract yourself and assess the situation objectively.

In order to prepare for a natural phenomenon in time, you need to plan the necessary things in advance and compare what you have planned with the list of solar eclipses .

The influence of eclipses on humans

Medical scientists are of the opinion that the astrological phenomenon does not have a significant impact on a person's physical health, regardless of where the solar eclipse was visible. Since this phenomenon is quite short in duration, it simply does not have time to seriously interfere with the biochemical processes of the body.

However, this amazing natural phenomenon has traditionally caused the world's population a feeling of anxiety and concern, since this event is relatively rare and is subconsciously perceived by humans as alien. People experience similar discomfort when they find themselves in an unfamiliar, hostile environment. A particularly pronounced feeling of anxiety occurs in people with high meteosensitivity, with manifestations of vegetative dystonia, in anxious and suspicious individuals, in people with depressive disorders.

It has been noticed that during the eclipse the frequency of suicidal manifestations increases slightly. Therefore, doctors recommend that people with the above personality traits start taking sedatives in advance when the date of the eclipse approaches. And on the day of the phenomenon, if possible, protect yourself from additional experiences and stress.