When I get my first period, test. When do girls' periods start? Prevention of early menstruation

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The onset of menstruation indicates the maturation of a girl’s body and the possibility of conceiving a child. Most adolescents experience menarche between 11 and 14 years of age. Too early or late menstruation can be caused by impaired physical development, congenital pathologies, or concomitant chronic diseases.

Physiological processes

Menarche - what is it when girls get their first period, what precedes it? 2–3 years before the onset of menstruation, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, the uterus and mammary glands begin to grow, the pelvis becomes wider, and a waist appears. Secondary sexual characteristics also include hair growth in the pubic and armpit areas, and white vaginal discharge. The sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, which causes acne and seborrhea. These are harbingers of menarche in girls.

Gradually, the uterus enlarges, and the blood supply to its inner surface (endometrium) improves. Hormonal effects cause monthly cyclic transformations of the mucous membrane. There is a rejection of functional cells that come out along with the blood, and new ones are formed in their place. After this, the restoration and growth of a new layer of the endometrium begins.

Beginning of menstruation

When do girls start menstruating, at what age does it happen? Menarche appears after the development of secondary sexual characteristics, most often this occurs at 12–14 years, but there may be deviations up or down.

When menstruation begins depends on hereditary predisposition, concomitant diseases, hormonal levels, degree of physical development, nutrition, and body fat mass. In adolescents of asthenic physique, with developmental delays, and suffering from congenital diseases, menstruation begins at 14–16 years of age.

The main signs of the first menstruation in girls:

  • aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • frequent mood swings, tearfulness, irritability;
  • poor appetite;
  • slight swelling of the abdomen;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • headache;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina.

Before menstruation begins, the mother tells the girl about the first symptoms and what should happen, teaches her to use sanitary pads, and explains the peculiarities of personal hygiene during this period. Watching the teen YouTube channel “The Story of My First Period” may help.

Features of menstruation in girls

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How do girls’ first periods go, how long do they last? Menarche most often lasts 3–5 days, but blood loss is allowed for up to 7 days. The first time menstruation is usually heavy, the next month there may be delays or premature discharge, this is normal. The menstrual cycle normalizes a year or two after menarche, puberty ends completely by 15–17 years. On the first and second days, menstruation is the most intense, then the intensity of the discharge gradually decreases.

What does menstruation look like and how do you know when it starts? A characteristic symptom is the appearance of blood on underwear. The color of the discharge may be dark red or brownish. The first time your period comes is heavy, but in adolescents this process can occur individually. On average, up to 150 ml of blood is released during the entire period of critical days.

If the signs of menstruation in girls manifest themselves as too intense pain, a general deterioration in well-being, delays of more than 3 months occur, blood loss lasts longer than 7 days or less than three, an unpleasant odor appears, you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate disruption of the ovaries, hormonal levels, and the presence of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.

Early menarche

What time do girls' periods begin, and why does menarche occur at ten years of age? In some cases, spotting appears much earlier than expected and can begin at 8–10 years of age. These girls experience early development of secondary sexual characteristics and are significantly ahead of their peers.

Menstruation at 10 years of age and earlier can be caused by the following reasons:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • excessive estrogen production;
  • dysfunction of the adrenal glands, ovaries;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland: tumor, injury, infection;
  • obesity;
  • heat in the summer months;
  • unfavorable social living conditions.

If girls' first periods begin at age 10 or earlier, you should consult a pediatric gynecologist. In some cases, the cause may be a hereditary predisposition, and this does not apply to pathology. But to accurately determine the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination with a doctor.

Late menstruation

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At what age do menstruation begin, why do girls over 14 years old not menstruate? Delayed menarche is caused by past illnesses, chronic illnesses, hormonal imbalances, insufficient fat fiber, and ovarian dysfunction. Adolescents who do not have periods at 14 years of age usually lag behind their peers in development, have a thin physique, and secondary sexual characteristics are absent or appear delayed. The girl is similar in build to a boy, her breasts do not grow, and her pelvis does not expand.

Teenagers often ask the question: why don’t I have my period? Reasons why girls' first menstruation may be too late:

  • heart defects;
  • diabetes;
  • hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis;
  • congenital pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • chronic diseases of the lungs and liver;
  • Schweer syndrome;
  • Ullrich-Turner syndrome;
  • gonadotropin deficiency;
  • congenital anomalies of the genital organs;
  • treatment with hormonal drugs.

A girl’s late periods can be triggered by stress, changes in climatic conditions, or an unbalanced diet. The main signs of delayed maturation include the absence of secondary sexual characteristics up to 12 years and menstruation - up to 15 years.

Period test

When the first period begins, how can this be determined? To find out what time menarche should appear, you need to take a period test.

Questions to answer:

  • How many years?
  • Is there hair in the armpits and pubic area?
  • When did the mammary glands begin to grow?
  • How tall is the girl?
  • How much does a teenager weigh?
  • Is there white vaginal discharge?

If most of the answers are positive, the girl’s age is eleven to fourteen years old, her body weight is 40–45 kg, then her period should come soon. If your breasts began to grow more than 2 years ago, hair has appeared on your genitals for a long time and menstruation has not begun, you should consult a doctor. Having periods at 11 years old is a normal indicator of a girl’s development.

Hygiene products for girls

At what age the first period begins and what it looks like at the age of 13, the mother explains to the girls; you can also find out useful information on the Internet (channel “The History of My First Period”), many medical sites cover this topic. During the period when spotting begins to appear, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

When menstruation arrives, girls are advised to use special pads for teenagers. These products have a convenient shape, good absorption, and, most often, bright packaging. Aloe vera extract is added to the materials, this prevents skin irritation and eliminates allergic reactions. Such well-known brands as Kotex, Always, Naturella produce a special series for girls.

Pads should be selected taking into account the intensity of bleeding, and should be changed at least every 3-4 hours. At night, it is recommended to use special night series products that have greater absorption.

Real stories of first periods

There is a YouTube channel on the Internet called “The Story of My First Period.” On this portal, girls of different ages talk about how they started menstruation, share their experiences and give advice to those who are faced with a problem and do not know what to do.

The teenage channel “The Story of My First Period” has many subscribers and millions of views. Here we discuss possible irregularities in the menstrual cycle in girls, the causes of early or late periods, possible delays, etc. The channel “The Story of My First Period” tells real life events.

What is menarche, what time should it start and what symptoms do it present? Such questions arise in every girl during adolescence. To prevent the onset of the menstrual cycle from becoming a surprise and causing fear in the child, mothers should explain in advance what happens during menstruation and how hygiene procedures should be performed.

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When do girls' periods start?

Every mother of a young princess is concerned about when her daughter will get her first period. Usually it falls on the mother’s shoulders to tell her daughter about the physiological characteristics of the female sex, as well as explain what menstruation is and how it proceeds.

In this article, we will tell you about when girls' periods most often begin, and by what signs you can suspect their imminent onset.

When should girls get their periods?

Typically, menstruation in teenage girls begins at 12-14 years of age. However, all children have different physiology, and some may start their periods earlier, while others may start later. The normal age range for the onset of the first menstrual flow is considered to be from 10 to 16 years. If your daughter’s period started too early, or at 17-18 years old she still doesn’t have it, this is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

The first menstruation usually lasts about 3-5 days. In some cases, critical days may be slightly delayed, but the discharge should not last more than a week. Most often, the first periods are not heavy, but still give the girl a lot of discomfort.

The next period can begin in 28-30 days. However, in most cases, young girls have irregular periods for a long time, and the interval between spotting can be up to 6 months. Gradually, a girl’s menstrual cycle should shorten, approaching the ideal “lunar” value of 28 days. If, after two years after the start of the first menstruation, the cycle has still not returned to normal, the girl should consult a doctor.

How can you tell when a girl's period starts?

You can determine the time when girls start menstruation by the following signs:

  1. You will be able to notice the very first signs of your daughter’s puberty several years before the onset of her first period. The girl's figure becomes more feminine and rounded, the sebaceous and sweat glands begin to work in full force. Most teenagers develop acne at this age.
  2. A few months before the onset of the first menstruation in girls, the nature of vaginal discharge changes. Most often, mothers notice abundant leucorrhoea on their daughter’s panties, which does not have any foreign odor. Also, the discharge may be viscous and transparent. If you notice yellowish discharge on your child’s underwear that has an unpleasant odor, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps they indicate the presence of some infectious disease of the genitourinary system.
  3. Finally, 1-2 weeks before the approach of menstruation, a girl may experience changes in her condition such as frequent mood swings, discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness and malaise, headache and dizziness, vomiting and nausea.

Test for girls “When will your first period start?”

Today, on popular Internet sites, as well as in various women's magazines, you can find a test to determine the time when girls start their periods. The result of such tests is most often based on the girl’s answers to questions such as:

  1. How old are you?
  2. At what age did your mother start getting her period?
  3. What is your weight and height?
  4. How long ago have your breasts started to get bigger?
  5. Is your pubic hair and armpit hair growing?
  6. Have you noticed white discharge on your panties?

Such tests can be quite accurate, but do not forget that each person is individual, and the time when a girl begins her first period depends on many factors.

How to find out when your first menstruation will begin

The waiting period for your first period is quite strange. On the one hand, you may be worried and looking forward to the onset of “these days,” but on the other hand, you may be terribly nervous or even afraid, not knowing what exactly to prepare for. The best way to relieve stress and dispel doubts that plague you is to find out what to expect from your period and how to behave. But first of all, this will help you find out the approximate time of the onset of your critical days. If you want to know more about the signs that your period is approaching, this article is for you.

Steps Edit

Method 1 of 3:
Look for signs Edit

Did you know that the average age for girls to start menstruating is 12-13 years old? As a rule, it is at this age that average girls first encounter this phenomenon, so if you are younger, then you should wait a year or two - and your time will come.

  • The age of onset of menstruation (or menarche, as doctors call it) is determined at the genetic level, so it is not possible to speed up or slow down this process. When it happens, then it happens, what can you do? Ask your mom or older sister what age they started menstruating, chances are yours will start around the same time.
  • If you are already 16, but you still haven’t had your period, perhaps you should contact your gynecologist and find out why you still don’t have them. But there may also be normal deviations, which your obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you about.

Notice an increase in breast sensitivity and volume. This is one of the primary signs of puberty in females.

  • Your breasts can grow very quickly or quite slowly. In fact, all this is purely individual. One side of your breasts may grow faster than the other, this is completely normal, don't worry, they will become about the same over time.
  • Sensitivity and pain in the mammary glands are a consequence of their rapid growth. Over time this goes away. At this time, you should start wearing bras with cups for additional support and fixation of the breasts. Visit a lingerie store with your mom or sister to measure and find the right size.
  • Menstruation may begin soon after breasts begin to grow, but due to the individual characteristics of the body, this moment may occur two years later. But at least you will already know that you are on the right track!

Pay attention to hair growth. Another sign of puberty and the approach of the first menstruation is the growth of pubic and armpit hair.

  • Pubic hair is always coarser and darker than on the head. You may also notice that barely noticeable blond hairs are growing on your arms and legs. You can shave your pubic area if you prefer.
  • Once your armpit hair begins to grow, you may notice that you start to sweat a lot and smell unpleasant. You can solve this problem by showering more often or using a quality deodorant. Subsequently, you need to start shaving your armpit hair.

Keep an eye on the discharge. You may notice the appearance of white, yellowish discharge on your underwear 1.5 years before the onset of your first period. They can become more abundant and noticeable a week before the first critical days, so be on the lookout!

  • Sometimes the discharge can stain your underwear, so you will need panty liners. These are small, replaceable, moisture-absorbing strips that are attached to the laundry. They are quite thin, which means you won’t even feel their presence.
  • Although in most cases it is completely normal to have a discharge, if it becomes too heavy, you feel itching or discomfort in the vaginal area, or it smells bad, it could be a sign of a vaginal infection. If you notice such signs in yourself, contact your gynecologist.

Method 2 of 3:
Find out what to expect Edit

Find out what the menstrual cycle is. You may have heard a lot about this term and have a good understanding of its meaning. But do you know what exactly happens in your body during your period? When you understand why all this is happening to you, the changes in your body will become clear to you.

  • When a girl reaches puberty, her ovaries begin to produce small eggs, one per month. The egg travels through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. The uterus produces a thin layer of epithelium made of blood and tissue to prepare itself to receive a fertilized egg.
  • If the egg is fertilized (due to the union, the male sperm connects with the egg, it will attach to the walls of the uterus, which will act as a nest. This is the beginning of pregnancy.
  • If the egg remains unfertilized, the so-called corpus luteum with nutrients will separate from it, and it will tear into pieces before reaching the uterus. When this happens, the walls of the uterus, covered with epithelium, will begin to peel off and leave the body through the vagina. This leads to menstrual bleeding.

Find out how much blood you will lose. During your first period, you may mistakenly think that you are bleeding, but in fact, there is no reason to worry - you will lose no more than a glass of blood.

  • The average girl, to be precise, will lose 4-6 tablespoons of blood during menstruation, which is actually not that much.
  • This blood is mixed with particles of the detached uterine wall and other fluids.
  • Your periods may not be heavy the first time. On the contrary, the discharge is somewhat watery, with small patches of blood. Their intensity will increase as the cycle stabilizes.

Find out when to expect your period and how long it will last. The length of the cycle and the duration of menstruation vary, since each girl's body is unique, but in general, periods come once a month and last from three to seven days.

  • Don't rely entirely on them being monthly as your cycle length may vary from others. For most, the cycle lasts 25-30 days, but sometimes this period can be 21 days or more than 35 days. This is absolutely normal.
  • Your body will get used to the cycle gradually. After your first period, they may stop for a month or two and then start again. This is also not a deviation - the cycle is just beginning to establish itself, and it will become more regular as you grow older.
  • Stress, a strict diet and exercise can cause periods to be delayed or temporarily stop. This is no longer normal, you should visit a doctor and consult about weight and stress factors.
  • The duration of your period will always be from three to seven days. The abundance and color of discharge can vary greatly on different days.

Watch for mood swings and pain. In addition to bleeding itself, there are a lot of side effects that you will have to deal with before and during your period.

  • First, about a week before your period starts, you may experience mood swings for no reason. You can laugh and then cry, be sad and be happy for absolutely no reason. This side effect is caused by hormonal changes and may worsen or disappear with age. To calm your nerves, DO NOT eat chocolate or other goodies!
  • Secondly, you may experience discomfort from pain in the lower abdomen, before and during menstruation. This is normal, but causes discomfort depending on the severity of the pain.
  • There is no need to suffer and suffer - a little painkiller will help improve the situation. Also, placing a heating pad or a bottle of warm water on your stomach will help you feel better.
  • You can get rid of menstrual cramps with regular exercise, drinking plenty of water and rest.

No need to be nervous. While much of this may be alarming, there is no need to worry. Getting your period is a normal part of growing up.

  • Don’t forget, absolutely every woman on the planet went through this and survived. This is a completely natural thing that can be controlled if you approach it wisely.
  • If you still feel anxious, try talking to an adult woman in your community: your sister, your mother, or the school nurse. They have already encountered all this and will be able to give you food for thought.

Method 3 of 3:
What to do if your period starts Edit

Decide for yourself whether you want to use tampons or pads. A good way to prepare for your first period is to have pads or tampons in your purse. It is very important to understand the difference between these hygiene products so that you can decide for yourself which one is best for you.

  • During your first period, it is recommended to use sanitary pads as they are easier to use and cause less discomfort. Also, the presence of so-called wings allows you to attach them to your underwear, which means they will not move while moving. It will be a little unusual at first, but soon using them will become commonplace for you.
  • Tampons are small and compact, and are more convenient to use than pads if you know how to install them. But at first they can cause discomfort, since they need to be inserted into the vagina, but not everyone knows how to do this correctly. Tampons are suitable for active girls who play sports, in particular swimming, since you can swim with them.
  • Regardless of what you choose for yourself - pads or tampons, they must be changed every three to four hours, depending on the abundance of discharge. Tampons, for example, generally should not be worn for more than 8 hours, since otherwise you increase the risk of developing a serious disease - toxic shock syndrome.

Prepare yourself. The easiest and most reliable way to do this is to put pads or tampons in your bag and carry them with you all the time. You can also take a change of clothes with you (for example, a pair of jeans) in case you get dirty.

  • If you're lucky, your period will start while you're at home or in your sleep. Unfortunately, no one will give you guarantees. Therefore, your period may begin at school or even in the “epicenter”. And regardless of the circumstances, you can carry hygiene products with you,
  • Place tampons and pads in a small cosmetic bag that will fit in any bag, whether you're shopping or hanging out with friends. You can take this purse and go to the toilet if you need to. After all, no one will guess.

Don't feel embarrassed if you put a stain on your pants. It needs to be washed as soon as possible so that it does not get into your clothes.

  • If this happens, don't panic. Tie a sweater or jacket around your waist and walk like this until you change clothes. If you've been smart about your preparation, you should have spare clothes on hand.
  • If this takes you by surprise, go to the school nurse and tell her what happened, and then ask her to call home. You can ask your mom or dad to bring you a change of clothes or pick you up from school. Don't worry, they will understand.
  • Advice for the future: you should not wear light or white things during menstruation, as well as shortly before their expected start. Instead, wear dark pants, skirts or shorts - if you get a stain, it won't be noticeable.

Mark the date when your period starts. This is one of the most important things you need to do during your first period. Record the date and time in a notepad. This will give you an idea of ​​when to expect your next period. But, as mentioned above, at first the menstrual cycle may be unstable and irregular.

  • Make notes with the start dates of your menstruation, this will help you calculate your cycle and its periods. You can also record the degree of abundance of discharge, as well as the length of critical days.
  • These things are very important for a number of reasons. Let's just say they will help you plan your life ahead. For example, you are going to a party that will be held in five weeks, and you know that around this time your period should begin. This means that you will never buy or wear a white dress, because you are afraid of getting it dirty.
  • This information will help you decide which pads or tampons to buy, as they vary in size, thickness, and ability to absorb waste. For example, if menstrual bleeding is heavy, you will need pads with a higher level of absorption, but if, on the contrary, it is weak, then everyday thickened pads will also come in handy. You must use the products that are necessary for absorption. No more and no less...
  • Your first period is an important event in any girl's life - it's the day you become a woman, a day you might want to remember for the rest of your life. This may help your daughter understand in the future when this happens to her.

Tell your mom that you have started your period, there is no need to make a secret of it, and live through this frightening and at the same time exciting period of time alone. Share this with your parents or older sister.


There comes a time in every girl's life when her body changes. The figure becomes more feminine, breasts begin to form, and with it the menstrual cycle, the first periods appear. All these processes are interconnected, so it is very important to explain and prepare the girl for these important metamorphoses. As a rule, the onset of puberty occurs at 11–14 years of age, but each organism is individual, so critical days can go either later or earlier. In any case, many girls are very worried about the wait. The body often sends clues that will help you predict when your first period will begin. To be prepared for this moment, you can take a simple test to determine the onset of menstruation.

Test for girls for the appearance of their first menstruation

Experts have developed simple tests for girls that help determine when their first period will begin. If a girl is wondering when should I get my first period, she should first answer the following:

  • How old are you?
  • Are your breasts growing?
  • Do you have hair in your armpits and pubic area?
  • Have you noticed clear or whitish vaginal discharge?
  • Do you experience frequent mood swings?

If the test is passed by a girl of approximately 12 years of age, and all questions are answered positively, then, most likely, the first menstruation will not take long. You need to prepare for this event, carry a sanitary pad with you so as not to get confused at the crucial moment.

Usually a couple of years before the onset of menstruation, the hormone estrogen begins to activate. Under its influence, the uterus and mammary glands grow, the pelvis expands, and a waist appears. The girl's figure begins to take on feminine shape. From now on, you should prepare for the onset of menstruation.

Very often, the onset of menstruation is influenced by the girl’s weight, hereditary characteristics, and the presence of hormonal disorders. Therefore, despite the set of typical signs of approaching menstruation, each organism has individual indicators, and tests can give an erroneous result.

Signs of the appearance of the first menstruation

As a rule, menstruation is accompanied by certain unpleasant sensations. Girls' first periods are no exception, so it is very important to warn about possible symptoms:

  1. There is nagging pain and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen.
  2. Frequent mood changes are a harbinger of the first menstruation.
  3. The abdomen may swell.
  4. Increased sensitivity of swollen mammary glands.
  5. Signs that your period is approaching may include headache and weakness.
  6. Bloody vaginal discharge.

The first menstruation is a very important moment in the life of every girl. Mothers should prepare them for this event, explain why this happens, talk about the features of personal hygiene these days and how to use sanitary pads correctly.

What should your first period look like?

Menstruation is manifested by bloody vaginal discharge, which should be dark red or brown in color. The first menstruation is not characterized by increased intensity, but there are exceptions. Girls who encounter this phenomenon for the first time may be scared, but this is a normal manifestation of the first menstruation. The volume of discharge sometimes reaches 150 ml, which does not pose a danger if the girl’s well-being remains within normal limits. But if, with heavy bleeding, you feel dizzy, your face turns pale, or you faint, you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to do if your first period starts

If a girl already knows that significant changes in her life and some associated inconveniences await her soon, she should monitor her well-being. Before the onset of the first menstruation, there is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, mood swings, breast swelling, and the appearance of leucorrhoea in the underwear.

All these signs indicate that you need to be prepared for menstruation at any time, carry a pad and a change of underwear with you. What to do if you get your period for the first time?

  1. There is no need to panic, this is completely normal.
  2. First of all, you need to go to the toilet, change your underwear and attach a pad to clean panties.
  3. If you suddenly don’t have a pad on hand, you can put toilet paper folded several times in your panties. At school, there will probably be hygiene products in the nurse's office, so it's worth asking her for help.
  4. During your first period, you may experience discomfort in the lower abdomen that is difficult to tolerate. In this case, you should always have means to eliminate pain symptoms with you.
  5. You can apply a heating pad with cold water to your stomach. This will soothe the pain and reduce the intensity of menstruation. You need to be very careful not to overcool the internal organs.
  6. If critical days suddenly overtake you and a brown stain appears on your clothes, you can tie a sweater around your waist to hide the trouble, and remove traces of blood with cold water at home.

You should not be ashamed of such phenomena. You can safely turn to a nurse, a teacher, a friend for help, but best of all, your mother. Any woman will understand this problem, as she faces it every month.

How long does menstruation last?

As a rule, the first period lasts from 3 to 5 days. But due to the unstable initial cycle, this period may vary. However, exceeding a week period may indicate pathology or hormonal imbalances, so you should consult a doctor. The next menstruation should ideally begin in 28–30 days, but in the first stages of the formation of the cycle, such accuracy rarely happens.

Regardless of the age at which the first menstruation began, the cycle may be unstable throughout the year: menstruation is either delayed or comes earlier than expected. This hormonal behavior is considered normal at first, as the normal cycle is being set up. But if after 2 years the menstrual cycle has not stabilized, you should consult a doctor and get tested for sex hormones.

Hygiene products for girls during menstruation

There are different hygiene products that women use during their periods. But not all of them are suitable for girls during their first critical days.

For girls, sanitary pads are best. They have a special adhesive surface that should be glued to your underwear. The soft, smooth surface comes into contact with the body and absorbs all secretions. Pads come in different sizes, depending on how much liquid they can absorb. Typically, the number of droplets shown on the packaging indicates how much secretion they can absorb.

The gasket must be changed at least every 3-4 hours, even if it is not yet completely saturated. Blood is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, which can lead to inflammation.

More attention should be paid to personal hygiene. It is advisable to cleanse the external genitalia of menstrual blood after each pad change. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the mucous membrane.

There are special gaskets for night time. They are large in size and able to absorb a lot of liquid. They can be used to avoid night leaks.

Theoretically, from the first menstruation you can use tampons. But for a girl it is better to first learn how to use simpler means, such as pads. During the first menstruation, you can use tampons only in the smallest sizes, change them at least every 3-4 hours. If wearing one pad for a long time can lead to the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, then a tampon, being in a warm, humid environment, further contributes to the development of bacterial diseases.

During menstruation, you should avoid swimming in bodies of water, since the uterus during this period is not protected from the penetration of dangerous microbes. If you have any questions regarding menstruation, you should first contact your mother, who will tell you how best to cope with your menstrual period without risk to your health.

Opinion of gynecologists

Doctors say that tests that determine the onset of the first menstruation are arbitrary. It all depends on individual characteristics. Hereditary factors, nutrition, lifestyle, previous gynecological diseases - all this can significantly affect the formation of a girl’s cycle. Often, the first critical days come earlier for those who play sports or are overweight, while girls with asthenic physique wait longer for their periods.

The cause of premature menstruation, when it occurs at the age of 8, may be hormonal imbalance, diseases of the thyroid gland, disruption of the ovaries, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland. At the same time, if by the age of 15 a girl has not yet had “those days,” this is a reason for concern, since such a phenomenon may indicate pathologies and delayed sexual development. In both cases, genetic predisposition may be the dominant factor, therefore, to know for sure, you should consult a gynecologist who will help identify the problem and suggest ways to solve it.

It is very important to have support during this period. The mother must warn her growing daughter about what is about to happen to her and what needs to be done. You should also teach the girl to take care of hygiene and monitor her well-being. As for special hygiene products, doctors recommend using pads first. Although many experts do not see any obstacles to using tampons at such a young age, pads will still be more reliable. To be sure, you can use pads with greater absorbency, while tampons should be the smallest.


Growing up as a girl is a responsible process. It is important to properly prepare her for this event, because when faced with menstruation for the first time, a girl may be afraid of bleeding. It is necessary to explain to her that this process is associated with the main female ability - to bear and give birth to a child. There is no need to be embarrassed to ask your mother or older girlfriends for advice, because menstruation is a natural process and every woman experiences it. First period tests can give an approximate start, but much depends on individual factors. You should learn to listen to your body, which gives clear clues, and in case of any deviations, immediately consult a doctor.

The onset of the first period is an important event in a girl’s life, the approximate time of which can be predicted using a test. The appearance of regula indicates puberty and the ability of the reproductive system to conceive. They appear at the age of 11-14 years, but it is impossible to determine the exact time of occurrence, despite the existence of tests, since each organism is individual. When menstruation appears, the child experiences strange sensations that should not be feared.

Online test for girls' first periods

It is difficult to answer when menarche will come. Puberty is associated with individual factors, which together provide a holistic picture of adolescent development. To find out when your period begins, you need to take a special test to determine menarche online. To do this, enter the information when answering the test, after processing you will receive an approximate date. The online test is convenient to take.

Test for the beginning of the first menstruation

An important sign of the onset of adulthood is the onset of menstruation. To understand how long the wait is left, the girls take a test. Using the test, young ladies get an answer when their first period will begin. This is what teenagers look forward to. Most teenagers want to grow up quickly so they can wear beautiful clothes, put on makeup, and relax in the evenings with friends. But the main indicator of the body’s maturation is menstruation. It is worth noting that you should not rely entirely on the test result.

Test questions:

  • age;
  • the presence of hair in the axillary and pubic area;
  • when did your breasts begin to enlarge?
  • presence of leucorrhoea.

The test may contain questions related to changes in psychological state. If all the answers in the test are positive and the girl is 11 or more years old, then her critical days will begin soon. If breast enlargement began several years ago and the presence of armpit and pubic hair is noted, but there are no critical days, then it is better to consult a doctor to find out the reason why the critical days do not begin.

Signs of the appearance of the first menstruation

With the advent of menarche, changes occur in the body, associated not only with appearance, but also with the level of sex hormones. To understand when menstruation will begin, passing one test is not enough; you need to carefully monitor the teenager’s condition.

Girls' first periods

Symptoms of the onset of menstruation:

  • stretching in the lower abdomen;
  • decreased appetite;
  • the breasts should look swollen;
  • mood changes;
  • leucorrhoea;
  • headache.

Important! Some girls experience swelling in the lower abdomen before menstruation. If this phenomenon is not accompanied by painful symptoms, then there is no reason to worry. If you feel any discomfort, be sure to see a doctor.

First periods - what are they like?

When a teenager starts menstruating, it frightens him because he has to deal with new and unusual sensations. At this moment, the role of the mother is important, she will reassure the child, explaining that this is a normal phenomenon, there is no danger and no reason to worry. Prepare your child in advance, take the test together, talk about possible sensations. Explain that on such days girls use sanitary pads and carefully observe personal hygiene.

Critical days may be accompanied by:

  • slight dizziness;
  • the appearance of rashes on the face and body of a teenager.

The discharge can be of different consistency; there is a viscous leucorrhoea, which should not be alarmed, since the reproductive system has not fully matured. Bleeding is profuse the first time and lasts for at least 3 days, but the next month there may be no bleeding at all. However, if your period is accompanied by sharp sensations in the lower abdomen, a deterioration in your health, or comes earlier than the expected date in the test, then consult a gynecologist.

What to do if you get your first period

Menstruation is not a surprise, since it is preceded by characteristic signs in the state of the body. Also, girls often know the expected time of their period by taking a test. When menarche begins, there is no need to panic, as it may come earlier or later than the time indicated in the test. It happens that the date completely coincides with the test result.

First menstruation

What to do when your period appears:

  • wash thoroughly and regularly;
  • use a sanitary pad;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • wear underwear only made from natural materials.

When your period appears, you may experience slightly aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back; in this case, take pain relief products to get rid of discomfort and continue doing your usual activities.

How many days does the first period last?

The first period, as the test shows, generally lasts from 3 to 5 days. It is not uncommon for menarche to take 7 days. No pathology is observed, since the organisms of all adolescents develop individually and depend on genetic predisposition and metabolic processes. Sometimes it happens that menstruation lasts only 2 days. There is no need to panic or get upset, since the reproductive system has not yet fully matured, and the hormonal background has not been established.

Important! Although tests to determine the onset of menstruation indicate that it lasts from 3 days, you should not completely trust the numbers, since the indicated values ​​​​are conditional.

Intimate hygiene products for girls on critical days

During her first period, a girl should pay special attention to her body, since bleeding can easily cause infection. To prevent the development of pathologies, intimate hygiene should be carefully observed:

  • use new pads and tampons;
  • wash with a special product;
  • wash only with warm water;
  • After completing the procedure, use a clean towel intended only for this purpose.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene will allow the girl to easily cope with the onset of menstruation and protect the body from the development of inflammatory processes. In addition, thanks to daily washing, the teenager will feel fresh and comfortable throughout the day.

To determine the time of your period, you need to monitor your health and also take a test. However, the test, like the doctor, will not tell you the exact date of appearance, since each organism is individual and characterized by its own characteristics. When menarche appears, a teenager should not be afraid, as this is a normal physiological process.

Test for girls' first periods - video

When girls start menstruating, it means that a new and interesting stage of growing up is opening up for them. It will be accompanied by unfamiliar sensations and experiences. To ensure that such an event does not come as a surprise, you need to be able to recognize the signs of imminent menstruation and know how to prepare for it.

When and how do menstruation begin?

Statistics show that modern girls get their periods much earlier than previous generations. Nowadays, it is considered normal for girls to experience their first menstruation between the ages of 11 and 15. When menstruation begins before 10 years of age, we can talk about the early development and maturation of a girl. If the delay in menstruation lasts up to 16 years, this means that the teenager is lagging behind in sexual development.

The arrival of the first menstruation depends on how physically developed the girl is, on hereditary predisposition, balanced nutrition, region of residence, as well as illnesses suffered in childhood. The appearance of early menarche can be triggered by hormonal imbalance, excessive physical exertion for the child’s body, as well as a lack of nutrients. There are cases when girls have their first menstruation at 18-19 years old. Of course, this situation should be discussed with a gynecologist. Sometimes the doctor recommends hormone therapy, since the reasons for such a long-term delay are the following factors:

  • insufficient development of the ovaries;
  • failure of the pituitary gland;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • emotional and mental disorders;
  • other individual reasons.

There are some signs that allow you to recognize the approach of your first menstruation. The girl's physical condition and emotional mood changes noticeably. The most visible signs of this process are the following:

  • physical changes occurring in the girl’s body. The figure takes on a more feminine and rounded shape;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • thickening of pubic and armpit hair;
  • slightly enlarged external genitalia;
  • activation of sweat and sebaceous glands. Leads to excessive sweating of the child, to the appearance of acne on the face, chest and back;
  • the appearance of dandruff, which the child did not have before. Hair roots quickly become dirtier and greasy;
  • headache;
  • sudden mood swings, touchiness and tearfulness;
  • constant feeling of fatigue and indifference, aggressive behavior for no reason.

And although information about what critical days are can be gleaned from the Internet, the main role in familiarizing the girl with the upcoming changes in the body should belong to her mother. Therefore, it is important to maintain a trusting relationship so that a teenage girl can always turn to a loved one with questions that interest her.

What you need to know and what to take care of

In order for the first menstruation to go as smoothly as possible for a girl, the mother needs to prepare as much as possible for this event. What to do:

  1. Purchase special sanitary pads for teenagers. They are more convenient and comfortable to use at this age. There are also tampons on sale that can be used without harm to the hymen from the very first menstruation. However, the opinion of gynecologists regarding the use of tampons at such an early age is ambiguous.
  2. Have gentle painkillers in your first aid kit that can be used to relieve pain in your child.
  3. Have a short conversation with the girl about the importance of maintaining hygiene. No one can predict at what age menstruation should begin with 100% probability, but by explaining to the girl in advance about the possible negative consequences of non-compliance with hygiene, you can avoid the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process.
  4. Purchase a special women's calendar or install an application on your phone that records the beginning and end of critical days. And although it takes about a year or even more to establish a cycle, you need to get used to marking the days of the beginning and end of menstruation now.

During the first menstruation, the use of pads is more preferable than tampons, since in this case it is possible to observe the first discharge of blood, its color, consistency and smell.

Test to determine at what age menstruation begins

For a teenage girl, blood before her period was a sign of trauma or injury. Therefore, you should prepare the child in advance and approximately explain the mechanism of bleeding.

A small test when girls' first periods begin will help determine how ready the child's body is for further growing up. So, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. How old is the girl? In most cases, menstruation begins between 11 and 14 years of age. If the girl has reached the specified age, you should talk to the child and explain what changes are occurring in her body.
  2. At what age did her mother have her first menstrual flow? As a rule, the onset of menstruation for mother and daughter coincides.
  3. Is there hair in the pubic area and armpits? These signs that your period is approaching can appear several years before your period begins.
  4. When did breasts begin to grow and form? A slight swelling or increase in the size of the mammary glands also occurs 1-2 years before the first menstruation.
  5. Is there white discharge? Approximately six months before the first menstruation, leucorrhoea (a special physiological discharge) begins to be released from the vagina. The color of the discharge can be yellowish or almost transparent with a sour odor.

By answering the above questions one by one, you can roughly understand when your period should start. This process depends on the characteristics of the girl’s body. Therefore, if there is a slight delay in the first menstruation, do not worry or worry. Perhaps the child’s body needs time and then everything will happen naturally.

Contraception after the start of menstruation

It is impossible to predict at what age girls begin menstruation, but the conversation about contraception should not be postponed. The onset of menstruation does not mean that the body is ready to bear a child. This process indicates that conception can now occur. Although a conversation on such a sensitive topic may cause some discomfort and embarrassment for the mother, it must take place.

When menstruation arrives, if a teenage girl has sexual intercourse without contraception, she may become pregnant. But it is impossible to bear a healthy child without harming your own body at such a young age. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the girl’s safety by visiting a consultation with a gynecologist who will help you choose the most suitable means of contraception (condoms, hormonal drugs).

Discussing issues related to sexual contacts does not mean that a girl or girl can enter into an intimate relationship from that moment on. The choice of partners should be taken very responsibly, which should also be explained to a growing girl.

Folk remedies for pain relief

When very young girls menstruate, the question arises of how to reduce pain without the use of potent analgesics and antispasmodics (tempalgin, no-shpa, solpadeine). If you turn to traditional methods for help, the most effective painkillers are:

  1. Elecampane root. One teaspoon of root is brewed with boiling water and left to infuse for 1 hour. It is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  2. Infusion of horsetail. Take 3 times a day until the pain disappears.
  3. Celery root. 2 tablespoons of root are poured into a glass of clean and cold water. Leave for two hours, after which you need to strain the mixture and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  4. One tablespoon of knotweed, centaury, cinquefoil, and horsetail herbs is sufficient to infuse for 1 hour. The resulting infusion is taken to eliminate pain, one small sip throughout the day.
  5. Infusion of strawberry or raspberry leaves. Wild berries are known for their healing properties, so they make an excellent pain reliever.

At what age girls begin menstruation and how severe the pain will be largely depends on genetic predisposition. For example, if a mother had severe pain, nausea and fatigue during her first menstruation, most likely the same will happen to her growing daughter.

Medicines and folk remedies


  • tempalgin;
  • no-shpa;
  • Solpadeine

Folk remedies:

  • elecampane root;
  • infusion of horsetail;
  • celery root;
  • infusion of knotweed, centaury, and cinquefoil herbs;
  • infusion of strawberry or raspberry leaves.


It is necessary to monitor the menstrual cycle from a young age, because the regularity of menstruation is one of the main indicators of women's health. Many women do not know the exact date of the start of their cycle, although this knowledge will help, at a minimum, to prevent an “unpleasant surprise” at the most inopportune moment, and at most, it will help protect against unwanted pregnancy when using the calendar method.

First of all, pay attention to premenstrual “beacons”. These are signs by which you can determine the likelihood of menstruation in the near future. Your own sensations are your helpers: pay attention to whether the mammary glands have enlarged, whether they have become. At the same time, nagging pain in the abdomen may occur, and the likelihood of a bad mood, as they say, increases. For some women, drowsiness, lethargy and physical weakness are also harbingers of menstrual periods. Monitor your individual condition!

Another indicator is discharge. Pay attention to their presence on your underwear. Copious white, yellowish or brownish discharge appears about a week before.

You can determine the start date of menstruation using a calendar. You should note the first day of your period and add 28 days to it. This will give you the approximate start date of your next period. Please note: this method is effective only if your periods are regular and without errors.

Another way is ovulation. It occurs in the middle of your cycle and represents the release of an egg from the follicle, as well as an increase in the amount of female hormones. The female body reacts to such a hormonal explosion by increasing the temperature by approximately 0.5-0.7 degrees. Therefore, make friends with a thermometer and monitor your condition. Please note: you need to use the thermometer in the morning, and you need to insert it into the anus and hold it for about 10 minutes. Do not forget to write down your observations; the notes should contain the date, thermometer and day of your period. Before ovulation, the thermometer readings will be 36.4-36.6 degrees, after which they will increase to 37.1-37.5 degrees. You need to count 12-16 calendar days from ovulation. The number you arrive at when calculating will indicate the day of your period next time.

Related article

Menstruation is a process accompanied by discomfort. The symptoms of menstruation vary from woman to woman. Some people do not feel the changes occurring in the body at all, but for others this is a whole problem that complicates their usual way of life.

Girls' first menstruation

Basically, the first (regula) in girls occur between the ages of 11 and 16 years. Approximately two years before the onset of the first menstruation, a girl's behavior, mood and physical condition undergo significant changes. Her figure takes on rounded shapes and becomes more feminine.

The roots of the hair on the head quickly become fat, and some girls develop dandruff. The work of the sebaceous and sweat glands increases, as a result of which acne may appear on the skin. The external genitalia also increase slightly in size, and the hair on and in the armpits becomes coarser and darker.

Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) becomes abundant 3-4 months before the first appearance. They can be liquid, viscous, clear or white, and with or without odor. During this period, a girl may experience frequent headaches, a feeling of apathy, resentment, and aggression for no apparent reason. Some girls may experience nagging pain in the lower abdomen immediately before bleeding appears.

Signs of menstruation in a woman

The second and all subsequent monthly periods will depend on the length of the woman's menstrual cycle. This allows you to calculate the beginning of the next regulations. A normal menstrual cycle is considered to be a cycle of 28 to 35 days, starting from the first day of menstruation.

Speaking about the signs that precede the appearance of regula, we can note other manifestations associated with certain sensations of a woman. It is curious that these signs manifest themselves differently in all women, but may not appear at all.

One of the most common signs of your approaching period is chest pain. Women's breasts 1-2 weeks before menstruation slightly increase, become more sensitive and “heavy”. Sometimes a woman experiences pain when touching her breasts.

A few days before the start of menstruation, acne may appear on the face, which usually goes away immediately.

Delayed menstruation is the most characteristic, universal and common. In the overwhelming majority of all cases, women begin to suspect that conception has occurred precisely because of the absence of the next menstruation on time. But the opposite cases also often happen: when a woman who is almost sure of pregnancy suddenly begins to menstruate. Is it possible to check the real picture, and will a pregnancy test during menstruation show a true result?

Is it possible to take a pregnancy test during your period?

Let's start with the most important and exciting thing: you can take a test during your period. Moreover, menstrual bleeding does not affect its plausibility. As you know, a pregnancy test responds to the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin hormone), which first rises in the blood and then begins to increase in the urine. In this regard, a blood test for hCG levels is considered the most informative in the early stages of pregnancy.

If you resort to a home test, then remember that the probability of a true result is higher, the longer the pregnancy, and besides, different tests have different sensitivity. Therefore, if the test shows a negative result, then it makes sense to verify its veracity by conducting another test a week later.

Please also note that pregnancy tests are also false negative: such “errors” are influenced by many different factors. And, by the way, menstruation can also affect the result if the test is carried out in violation of sterility rules. But the fact of the onset of menstruation does not change the test result.

So, for a pregnancy test to be true, it is necessary to carry it out after a missed period (and in our case, after it starts) in the morning, using the first portion of urine. Try not to drink a lot of liquid at night so that the concentration of hCG is quite high. And be sure, when doing a pregnancy test during menstruation, toilet the genitals and insert a tampon into the vagina to avoid blood getting into the urine vessel (which should also be sterile clean).

But it is best to wait until your menstrual bleeding ends to test, or repeat the pregnancy test after your period.

Pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome?

Now let's try to figure out why you suspected pregnancy during your period?

Undoubtedly, in some cases a woman has more than compelling reasons to suspect pregnancy. But very often, worries arise completely unfounded. Premenstrual syndrome leads us astray. The chest becomes full, sore and becomes overly sensitive to irritation. The mood becomes quite changeable: we either cry over trifles, or laugh for no reason. Often there is a headache, drowsiness, fatigue, weakness... Changes in appetite and taste preferences make you even more inclined to think about pregnancy. But suddenly our periods begin - and we don’t know what to think. Of course, you want to find out the state of things as early as possible, but just don’t rush to conclusions. Early signs of pregnancy may be symptoms of premenstrual syndrome - many of them are exactly the same.

Can I get my period during pregnancy?

However, it is also possible to have periods during pregnancy. Doctors call this phenomenon fetal ablution or color pregnancy, and there is a lot of rather contradictory information on this matter. But it is absolutely certain that in the first months of pregnancy, bleeding similar to menstruation can be observed on days when the woman previously had her period. True, doctors assure that this discharge is somewhat different from menstrual discharge: it is not so abundant. Women often do not see any differences.

Be that as it may, if during your period the thought of pregnancy arises in your mind, then under no circumstances should you rush to conclusions. Nobody forbids you to take a pregnancy test on menstruation days. But to make sure the result, be sure to repeat it in a week, and for greater reliability, visit a gynecologist.

If you were confident that you were pregnant, but suddenly started bleeding or spotting, then immediately go to the hospital: it could be a possible miscarriage. May everything be fine with you!

Especially forElena Kichak

Every mother of a young princess is preoccupied with the question of when her daughter will begin. Usually it falls on the mother’s shoulders to tell her daughter about the physiological characteristics of the female sex, as well as explain what menstruation is and how it proceeds.

In this article, we will tell you about when girls' periods most often begin, and by what signs you can suspect their imminent onset.

When should girls get their periods?

Typically, menstruation in teenage girls begins at 12-14 years of age. However, all children have different physiology, and some may start their periods earlier, while others may start later. The normal age range for the onset of the first menstrual flow is considered to be from 10 to 16 years. If your daughter’s period started too early, or at 17-18 years old she still doesn’t have it, this is a reason to visit a gynecologist.

The first menstruation usually lasts about 3-5 days. In some cases, critical days may be slightly delayed, but the discharge should not last more than a week. Most often, the first periods are not heavy, but still give the girl a lot of discomfort.

The next period can begin in 28-30 days. However, in most cases, young girls have irregular periods for a long time, and the interval between spotting can be up to 6 months. Gradually, a girl’s menstrual cycle should shorten, approaching the ideal “lunar” value of 28 days. If, after two years after the start of the first menstruation, the cycle has still not returned to normal, the girl should consult a doctor.

How can you tell when a girl's period starts?

You can determine the time when girls start menstruation by the following signs:

  1. You will be able to notice the very first signs of your daughter’s puberty several years before the onset of her first period. The girl's figure becomes more feminine and rounded, the sebaceous and sweat glands begin to work in full force. Most teenagers develop acne at this age.
  2. A few months before the onset of the first menstruation in girls, the nature of vaginal discharge changes. Most often, mothers notice that there is a lot of moisture on their daughter’s panties that does not have any foreign odor. Also, the discharge may be viscous and transparent. If you notice yellowish discharge on your child’s underwear that has an unpleasant odor, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Perhaps they indicate the presence of some infectious disease of the genitourinary system.
  3. Finally, 1-2 weeks before the approach of menstruation, a girl may experience changes in her condition such as frequent mood swings, discomfort in the lower abdomen, weakness and malaise, headache and dizziness, vomiting and nausea.

Test for girls “When will your first period start?”

Today, on popular Internet sites, as well as in various women's magazines, you can find a test to determine the time when girls start their periods. The result of such tests is most often based on the girl’s answers to questions such as:

  1. How old are you?
  2. At what age did your mother start getting her period?
  3. What is your weight and height?
  4. How long ago have your breasts started to get bigger?
  5. Is your pubic hair and armpit hair growing?
  6. Have you noticed white discharge on your panties?

Such tests can be quite accurate, but do not forget that each person is individual, and the time when a girl begins her first period depends on many factors.

When girls start menstruating, it means that a new and interesting stage of growing up is opening up for them. It will be accompanied by unfamiliar sensations and experiences. To ensure that such an event does not come as a surprise, you need to be able to recognize the signs of imminent menstruation and know how to prepare for it.

Statistics show that modern girls get their periods much earlier than previous generations. Nowadays, it is considered normal for girls to experience their first menstruation between the ages of 11 and 15. When menstruation begins before 10 years of age, we can talk about the early development and maturation of a girl. If the delay in menstruation lasts up to 16 years, this means that the teenager is lagging behind in sexual development.

The arrival of the first depends on how physically developed the girl is, on hereditary predisposition, balanced nutrition, region of residence, as well as illnesses suffered in childhood. The appearance of early menarche can be triggered by hormonal imbalance, excessive physical exertion for the child’s body, as well as a lack of nutrients. There are cases when girls have their first menstruation at 18-19 years old. Of course, this situation should be discussed with a gynecologist. Sometimes the doctor recommends hormone therapy, since the reasons for such a long-term delay are the following factors:

  • insufficient development of the ovaries;
  • failure of the pituitary gland;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • emotional and mental disorders;
  • other individual reasons.

There are some signs that allow you to recognize the approach of your first menstruation. The girl's physical condition and emotional mood changes noticeably. The most visible signs of this process are the following:

  • physical changes occurring in the girl’s body. The figure takes on a more feminine and rounded shape;
  • thickening of pubic and armpit hair;
  • slightly enlarged external genitalia;
  • activation of sweat and sebaceous glands. Leads to excessive sweating of the child, to the appearance of acne on the face, chest and back;
  • the appearance of dandruff, which the child did not have before. Hair roots quickly become dirtier and greasy;
  • headache;
  • sudden mood swings, touchiness and tearfulness;
  • constant feeling of fatigue and indifference, aggressive behavior for no reason.

And although information about what critical days are can be gleaned from the Internet, the main role in familiarizing the girl with the upcoming changes in the body should belong to her mother. Therefore, it is important to maintain a trusting relationship so that a teenage girl can always turn to a loved one with questions that interest her.

What you need to know and what to take care of

In order for the first menstruation to go as smoothly as possible for a girl, the mother needs to prepare as much as possible for this event. What to do:

  1. Purchase special sanitary pads for teenagers. They are more convenient and comfortable to use at this age. There are also tampons on sale that can be used without harm to the hymen from the very first menstruation. However, the opinion of gynecologists regarding the use of tampons at such an early age is ambiguous.
  2. Have gentle painkillers in your first aid kit that can be used to relieve pain in your child.
  3. Have a short conversation with the girl about the importance of maintaining hygiene. No one can predict at what age menstruation should begin with 100% probability, but by explaining to the girl in advance about the possible negative consequences of non-compliance with hygiene, you can avoid the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process.
  4. Purchase a special women's calendar or install an application on your phone that records the beginning and end of critical days. And although it takes about a year or even more to establish a cycle, you need to get used to marking the days now.

During the first menstruation, the use of pads is more preferable than tampons, since in this case it is possible to observe the first discharge of blood, its color, consistency and smell.

For a teenage girl, blood before her period was a sign of trauma or injury. Therefore, you should prepare the child in advance and approximately explain the mechanism of bleeding.

A small test when girls' first periods begin will help determine how ready the child's body is for further growing up. So, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. How old is the girl? In most cases, menstruation begins between 11 and 14 years of age. If the girl has reached the specified age, you should talk to the child and explain what changes are occurring in her body.
  2. At what age did her mother have her first menstrual flow? As a rule, the onset of menstruation for mother and daughter coincides.
  3. Is there hair in the pubic area and armpits? These signs that your period is approaching can appear several years before your period begins.
  4. When did breasts begin to grow and form? A slight swelling or increase in the size of the mammary glands also occurs 1-2 years before the first menstruation.
  5. Is there white discharge? Approximately six months before the first menstruation, leucorrhoea (a special physiological discharge) begins to be released from the vagina. The color of the discharge can be yellowish or almost transparent with a sour odor.

By answering the above questions one by one, you can roughly understand when your period should start. This process depends on the characteristics of the girl’s body. Therefore, if there is a slight delay in the first menstruation, do not worry or worry. Perhaps the child’s body needs time and then everything will happen naturally.

Contraception after the start of menstruation

It is impossible to predict at what age girls begin menstruation, but the conversation about contraception should not be postponed. The onset of menstruation does not mean that the body is ready to bear a child. This process indicates that conception can now occur. Although a conversation on such a sensitive topic may cause some discomfort and embarrassment for the mother, it must take place.

When menstruation arrives, if a teenage girl has sexual intercourse without contraception, she may become pregnant. But it is impossible to bear a healthy child without harming your own body at such a young age. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the girl’s safety by visiting a consultation with a gynecologist who will help you choose the most suitable means of contraception (condoms, hormonal drugs).

Discussing issues related to sexual contacts does not mean that a girl or girl can enter into an intimate relationship from that moment on. The choice of partners should be taken very responsibly, which should also be explained to a growing girl.

When very young girls menstruate, the question arises of how to reduce pain without the use of potent analgesics and antispasmodics (tempalgin, no-shpa, solpadeine). If you ask for help, the most effective painkillers are:

  1. Elecampane root. One teaspoon of root is brewed with boiling water and left to infuse for 1 hour. It is recommended to drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  2. Infusion of horsetail. Take 3 times a day until the pain disappears.
  3. Celery root. 2 tablespoons of root are poured into a glass of clean and cold water. Leave for two hours, after which you need to strain the mixture and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  4. One tablespoon of knotweed, centaury, cinquefoil, and horsetail herbs is sufficient to infuse for 1 hour. The resulting infusion is taken to eliminate pain, one small sip throughout the day.
  5. Infusion of strawberry or raspberry leaves. Wild berries are known for their healing properties, so they make an excellent pain reliever.

At what age girls begin menstruation and how severe the pain will be largely depends on genetic predisposition. For example, if a mother had severe pain, nausea and fatigue during her first menstruation, most likely the same will happen to her growing daughter.

Medicines and folk remedies


  • tempalgin;
  • no-shpa;
  • Solpadeine

Folk remedies:

  • elecampane root;
  • infusion of horsetail;
  • celery root;
  • infusion of knotweed, centaury, and cinquefoil herbs;
  • infusion of strawberry or raspberry leaves.