Do-it-yourself compressor from a cooler from a computer. Making a simple compressor for a smoke generator

Home-smoking is a very common type of food preparation, and often homemade devices are created by amateurs. The typical composition of such smokehouses is a smoking chamber, a smoke generator and a compressor.

The compressor is needed to create the ejection effect. Namely: the air supplied by the compressor to the smoke generator creates a directed air flow, due to which a vacuum is created in the wood chips smoldering chamber, the smoke enters the smoking chamber, mixing with the air flow. The device has two functional purposes:

  • Ejection effect and creation of draft in the smoke generator
  • Directed supply of air-smoke mixture into the smoking chamber

It should be noted that the compressor is needed both in the case of an electric heating element of the smoke generator, and with an open source of smoldering wood chips.

Types of compressors for a smokehouse

In order to choose it correctly, it is initially worth considering the design solutions of this device:

  • From a computer cooler

It is suitable for cold smoking of a small amount of products. Performance can be adjusted with a potentiometer, and as a power source, you can use a phone charger, computer power supply or high-capacity batteries.

Briefly about the manufacture, the fan, which is also a cooler, must be placed in the receiver, which will be a source of a slight overpressure. A plastic bottle or canister will be an excellent solution for these purposes.

  • Aquarium Compressor for Smoke Generator

A device that can be connected immediately without any structural manipulations. It is enough just to connect the hose, which is often included in the kit, and plug the plug into the 220V network. An important nuance is the presence of regulation of the air supply to the smoke generator. More expensive models are standardly equipped with such an adjustment, but if the existing supercharger does not have this possibility, then use a standard throttle or pinch. When selected, the optimum air flow rate is between 3 and 10 l/min.

Their performance will allow you to work effectively with a large volume of products and more efficient smoke generators. In this case, a two-hundred-liter barrel or an old refrigerator will become a smoking chamber for smoking.

If you want to create a more versatile product, you can make an automatic system by connecting a compressor to a receiver. An excellent receiver will be a DN 100 pipe with steel plugs on the sides and welded fittings for air inlet and outlet, condensate drain and pressure switch. The pressure switch can be connected to the receiver, while setting the maximum and minimum pressure limits, which in turn will give signals to the air blower control device. The logic is as follows: the pressure in the receiver is equal to the minimum (which is set on the pressure switch) - turn on the compressor, the pressure is equal to the maximum - turn it off. Thanks to such a system, the supercharger will live longer, since with constant operation, the life resource is reduced very quickly. To supply air from the receiver to the smoke generator, use a throttle and a pneumatic hose.

The main advantage of such a system is that once having pumped up the receiver with a volume of 10 liters to 5 bar, with a smoke generator consuming 5 l / min, the air supply is enough for 10 minutes of operation until the next compressor is turned on.

  • Piston industrial type

This device has already implemented the above control system, and all that remains for you is to buy a filter, throttle and air hose. Since most of these devices have an oil lubricated piston pair, it is possible for oil to enter the receiver. The filter perfectly copes with such a problem, and the throttle will allow you to fine-tune the air supply.

How to choose a compressor for cold smoking

If you do not want to create the device yourself, you can purchase it in the store. Depending on the volume of the finished product, the device is selected. Based on the previous section, the following selection criteria can be defined:

The supercharger must provide continuous air supply for a long time, it must be provided for air supply regulation, it must be economical in terms of power consumption and maintainable.

Operating Rules and Precautions

Although the product is functionally simple and seems to be a safe device, you should not forget about the operating rules and safety measures:

  • The compressor for a cold smoked smoke generator consumes electricity, therefore, electrical safety rules must be observed.
  • It is necessary to use it at a remote distance from the smoke generator, as a source of smoldering. These measures are due to fire safety.
  • When using the receiver, remember the rules for working with pneumatic equipment and pressure vessels.

As you can see, the compressor is not a complicated product, it will not be difficult to pick it up. You can either buy it or make your own. Homemade compressors, as a rule, are more technologically advanced and versatile, since a craftsman can initially foresee all the nuances. As an example, you can make an automatic system with a receiver and a pressure switch with your own hands to make the smoking process more efficient.

Traditional Russian cuisine is unthinkable without cold-smoked delicacies. Fish, poultry, meat, vegetables processed in this way not only have an attractive aroma and wonderful taste, but are also stored for a long time. In order for such products to appear in your refrigerator, you will have to acquire a smokehouse with a smoke generator. And if you have the skill and tools, try to make them yourself. Additionally, it is worth making a compressor for a smoke generator with your own hands.

Device device

When smoked at home, they get environmentally friendly delicacies. After all, no harmful components or preservatives are used during processing. When the cold smoke formed during the smoldering of chips or sawdust passes through meat, fish or lard, pathological microorganisms are destroyed. Due to this, the food acquires excellent taste properties, and its shelf life is significantly extended.

To take advantage of such a device, you will need the following elements of its design:

  • Smoking chamber.
  • Smoke generator.
  • Smoke generator compressor.

The smoking chamber is an extremely simple system. It can be made from any container, the main thing is a suitable volume. On the recommendation of experienced people, for this purpose, you can use a primitive frame made of boards, a barrel, or even a frame from an old refrigerator. Those who care about aesthetics and functionality should pay attention to options assembled from bricks.

It is good when it is possible to pump smoke into such a chamber in a natural way. But for this you need to build a fire. It is not always possible to organize this at home. The smoke generator is an efficient and compact alternative to a real fire. The design includes a combustion chamber and a chimney. Electric heaters are used to burn fuel in it.

The fuel combustion chamber used to generate smoke can be of any volume. But the smaller its dimensions, the more frequent fuel filling it requires.

The thick smoke generated in the chamber is fed into the smokehouse thanks to the compressor. It is an air blower. Permissible power - up to 5 watts. A craftsman to assemble such a pump can use a plastic bottle and a small fan, for example, from a window hood. An excellent and affordable option is an aquarium compressor for a smoke generator. Another solution is to purchase off-the-shelf hardware.

Compressor characteristics

The operation of this apparatus is based on the principle of compression and movement of a gaseous medium - air, steam. The smoke generator compressor plays a special role in the functioning of the entire system. The quality of the finished product will directly depend on the pressure of the smoke, which in turn is associated with the regulation of the air supply. Pump power also affects fuel consumption, which depends not only on the dimensions of the smoking device.

To understand which compressor is needed for a smokehouse smoke generator, the following requirements will help, which it must meet:

  • The need for continuous operation for quite a long time. It will take at least 24 hours to process blanks by cold smoking, and sometimes more, depending on the size of the semi-finished product.
  • Economical in terms of energy consumption and the need for spare parts. It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased with the need to purchase expensive replacement parts for not the most sophisticated equipment.
  • Possibility of adjusting the air supply. This factor affects the taste and safety of the future delicacy.

The device itself serves to generate a constant air flow with low pressure. At the same time, an injection effect is created. Technicians who love smoked meats may be tempted by the idea that air can be pumped through any pump. After all, even a device with not the highest power ratings is able to provide the pressure necessary for a modest smokehouse.

The efficiency of the system is largely due to the volume of the combustion chamber. If it is about 3 liters, then a performance of 1-2 m 3 / min will be quite sufficient. In this case, a fan whose power does not exceed 100 watts is enough. A more powerful air blower will be required for a larger chamber volume.

Device types

Of course, each user chooses a compressor for a cold smoked smoke generator based on their capabilities and abilities. So, inventors successfully assemble functional devices literally from improvised means. With a fairly simple design, this will not require serious investment and effort.

On the forums you can find an interesting solution - the adaptation of a refrigeration pump. According to user reviews, the solution justifies itself in practice. It is possible to use an automotive unit. It has solid power (12 W), but there are also disadvantages. Such a device heats up quickly, in addition, it will have to mount a rectifier.

Another widely used option for home craftsmen is an aquarium compressor. Someone uses the old one, others buy a new one in pet stores. It is inexpensive (the cost does not exceed 1000 rubles) and serves, most often, regularly.

If you decide to use a device lying around on the farm, please note that you need an active device. Your option is a pressure compressor equipped with a piston group. But a water filter with an injection air capture is not at all the same.

If you decide not to take risks and choose a ready-made compressor for a smoke generator, you can buy it both in online stores and on private ad sites. There is a wide range of models with a capacity of 9 l / minute to choose from in the price category of 2000-2500 rubles. A kit with a smoke generator will cost about 4,000 rubles (depending on the power of the unit).

Do-it-yourself block assembly

If the purchase of finished products is not your option, then creating workable equipment is actually not difficult. It is worth paying attention to the simplest, but very effective way using a cooler from a computer. By choosing such a budget solution, you can count on energy savings.

In addition to the talent of the craftsman, you will need a small set of components:

  • Any sealed container up to 10 liters. For example, a plastic canister or a used gas cylinder.
  • Computer fan, which is selected according to the size of the device.
  • Fittings and tees (water pipes will do).
  • Pipe with a diameter of 25 mm.
  • Variable resistance resistor.

You can't do without tools. To assemble a compressor with your own hands for a smoke generator, you need to stock up on a soldering iron, a jigsaw, a drill, a gas wrench, bolts and a screwdriver.


  1. To begin with, cut a hole in the selected vessel according to the size of the cooler. Insert it into the slot and fix it with bolts. The landing should be as tight as possible. To achieve greater structural strength and reduce the noise load, you can install the equipment on the narrow side of the vessel.
  2. Insert the outlet pipe into the neck. Alternatively, make an additional hole. Careful sealing is essential to avoid air leakage.
  3. Connect a flexible hose connected to the smoke generator to the nozzle. In the manufacture of a high-power device, rigid air ducts will be needed.
  4. To increase the power of smoking, choose a more powerful cooler or install an additional one.
  5. A variable resistance resistor is mounted to control the speed of the compressor for the smoker smoker.

Advice. Some may find it tempting to use a portable pump to inflate mattresses, boats, tents. Not worth it. This device has a lot of power. As a result, chips or chips will burn through too quickly. In addition, such a pump is not designed for continuous operation.

Buy a compressor for a smoke generator or dare to assemble it yourself, the money spent or effort will definitely pay off. Such a useful thing will definitely come in handy in a private household. In addition to the preparation of fragrant smoked meats, the smoke generator will find its application in fumigating plantings - garden and berry crops, garden trees.

Calculating the power of a cold smoked smoke generator is not an easy task even for competent engineers. There is no single methodology. For the manufacture of homemade smokehouses, a variety of improvised materials are used. A variety of containers and structures are adapted for smoking cabinets - from weapon and tool safes to old refrigerators and cabinets of furniture walls.

Compressor for a smoke generator from a cooler

The fan unit for the smoke generator is not structurally difficult. Maybe on the video it does not look very presentable, but in terms of functionality it exceeds most of the purchased designs. The compressor for a cold smoked smoke generator must meet several mandatory characteristics:

  • the possibility of long-term continuous operation (up to 7-8 hours) in a given mode;
  • low power consumption;
  • the presence of performance adjustment;
  • availability and low price of components;
  • maintainability.

With such requirements for the quality of the design, it seems impossible to make a full-fledged compressor for a smokehouse smoke generator of the required power at home. But this is not at all the case, with minimal skills in working with a tool and knowledge of the theoretical foundations of electrical engineering, it is possible to build a working fan unit for a smoke generator in a few hours of unhurried thoughtful work.

Units, parts and tools

For this you will need:

  1. fan (cooler) from the computer;
  2. a plastic canister for oil, coolant, building fluids or other sealed containers with a capacity of about 10 liters;
  3. plumbing tees and fittings;
  4. variable resistance resistor;
  5. pieces of polypropylene or metal (copper, aluminum, stainless steel) tubes 20–25 cm long, 25 mm in diameter;
  6. bolts 2 - 3 mm in diameter.

Of the tools you will need a jigsaw, soldering iron, screwdriver, drill, gas wrench.


To develop a sequence of operations, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of a compressor for a smoke generator. Its main task is to create a constant flow of air of low pressure, which, however, can form an injection effect in the smoke generator.

The efficiency of such a flow depends on the volume of the combustion chamber of the smoke generator. If it is not more than 3 liters, then a capacity of 1 - 2 m3 / min will be enough. This can provide a fan with a power of up to 100 - 300 W (heat dissipation). With a larger volume of the camera and fans need more powerful.

Standard sizes of axial computer coolers are 40X40, 60X60, 70X70, 80X80, 92X92, 120X120. Fans of maximum dimensions should be selected for a high efficiency smoke generator. Their current requirement is negligible, but the performance is quite sufficient.

Compressor from a cooler, power supply and canister

It should be noted that only axial type fans are suitable for the compressor unit, preferably in a housing. Radial ones are less productive and it is inconvenient to install them.

The fan is installed in the slot of the canister, made according to the dimensions of the body with an electric jigsaw, and fixed with bolts. The connection must be strong and as tight as possible. This will eliminate unwanted vibrations during operation. You can install the fan on any of the sides of the canister, but it is better to do it on one of the narrow ones. Although this worsens stability, but its strength is higher and the noise from the operation of the device will be lower.

A canister or other container is needed to equalize the pressure of the air flow, acting as a kind of receiver. The output flow is characterized by a sufficiently high speed stability and constant power.

The outlet pipe is installed in the neck or a specially made hole. The main requirement is that it must be sealed and prevent air leakage past the flexible hose leading to the smoke generator. In some designs, a rigid air duct is used, which is attached to the generator housing using threaded connections. Such a solution has the right to life in high power designs.

If during the testing process it was not possible to achieve the proper performance of the compressor, you can add a second fan, replace the existing one with a more powerful one, or replace the canister with a smaller one.

Speed ​​control

The revolutions, and, consequently, the compressor power, are regulated using a variable resistance resistor included in the fan power supply system. Installing it is not a problem even for a student.

Some fans are designed for fixed operating modes L, M and H, which are controlled using a PWM (pulse width modulation) system. It is not difficult to assemble a circuit on transistors yourself if you have some skills in working with a soldering iron. But for a cold-smoked home smokehouse, an ordinary resistor is enough.

Real cold-smoked delicacies can be made at home. This will help purchased in the store or assembled with your own hands. But so that the preparation of delicacies does not turn into unpleasant consequences, you need to clearly understand the technology of operation of all components of the device, in particular, the compressor.

Which smoke generator to choose for smoking depends on the volume of processed raw materials. If you decide to equip a mini-smoker at home, you will need an industrial version. It is a permanent high performance machine. It is designed for cooking a large number of smoked meats at a time (from several tens of kilograms). It provides all the technologies for creating dishes from different raw materials and smoke parameters.

industrial generator for cold smoking can be purchased in specialized stores or on the Internet. There you can also choose household installations designed to cook up to fifteen kilograms of delicacies per session. These are portable devices, it is easy for them to find a place in the house, simply by putting them in a drawer or in a closet. Such designs do not require a large consumption of wood chips and sawdust, and in terms of smoke quality they are in no way inferior to industrial counterparts. The main differences are size and performance.

home smoke generator with an electric element, as well as used in industrial enterprises, involves long work, because the cooking process can take more than a day.

For uninterrupted operation, the device must have certain technical characteristics:

  • Powered from a 220V outlet and consume no more than 4 kW of electricity per day;
  • Have an adjustment toggle switch so that the device can turn off when the desired temperature is reached;
  • The heating element should be approximately 1 kW;
  • The volume of the sawdust bin is not less than 1.5 kilograms, so that work can last up to one and a half days;
  • The optimal chamber size is 1 cubic meter, in which future delicacies will be well saturated with fragrant smoke.
The smoke generator must be equipped with an automatic shutdown system in the event of a malfunction.

The main elements of the device are a chamber, an ejector, a compressor (pump) and raw materials for smoke. Modern devices are equipped with additional structural devices, for example, temperature sensors. The smoke generator works on the following principle: the air flow generated by the compressor takes fragrant smoke from the combustion chamber and sends it to the smokehouse. At the same time, the combustion product cools down to the 19–25 degrees required for the preparation of smoked meats.

They differ in their design features. But all of them can be divided into two groups depending on the method of heating.

Heating source Principle of operation
open fire The simplest option: a small metal box is taken, sawdust is poured inside it. An outlet with a corrugated pipe for smoke removal is built into its upper part. The design is installed on an open fire, under the influence of which the sawdust smolders. The use of compressors is usually not provided here. Despite the apparent simplicity of the device, it has certain disadvantages: it is almost impossible to control the emission and temperature of the smoke, as well as pour sawdust. Yes, and it is difficult to provide a long process of cold smoking, open fire must be constantly monitored.
electrical element It also uses a container with a smoke outlet, but an electric element is installed inside. If the smoke base is heated using electricity, it is recommended to build in a temperature sensor that turns off the device when the desired temperature is reached. You can regulate the process of burning wood chips using an electronic control unit. The fan unit will help to pump air. Such a device does not need the constant attention of a smoker, it is only necessary to periodically add sawdust or wood chips.

When using electrical equipment for smoking, especially homemade, you must follow all safety regulations when working with electrical appliances.

What compressor to install?

A compressor is a device designed to compress and move air, gas or steam.. In the device of the smokehouse, such a device is an important detail. After all, the pressure of smoke depends on the adjustment of the air supply, and, therefore, the quality of the future delicacy. Sawdust consumption is also related not only to the size of the smokehouse itself, but also to the compressor power.

The compressor used in cold smoked smoke generators must meet certain requirements. He must:

  • work continuously for quite a long time;
  • be economical in terms of electricity consumption and the purchase of replacement parts;
  • have the ability to regulate the incoming air.

The principle of operation of this device is based on the fact that it generates a constant flow of air of low pressure and at the same time can create an injection effect. Many home smokers are sure that any pump can supply air. Indeed, for the operation of a small smokehouse, a pressure of 0.81 atmospheres is required, and even not the most powerful apparatus can give it. Efficiency largely depends on the volume of the combustion chamber. If it does not exceed three liters, a capacity of 1–2 m 3 / min is enough. To ensure it, a fan with a power of up to 100 watts (heat dissipation) is sufficient.

The larger the volume of the chamber, the more powerful the compressor is needed.

Some successfully use an aquarium compressor, the power of which is about 5 watts. More advanced inventors use a computer cooler mounted in an empty plastic container, for example, from soda, as an air pump. Someone adapted a 12 watt car appliance. But this heats up quickly and requires the installation of a rectifier. A good option is to use the device from an old refrigerator. And the easiest is to buy a ready-made compressor and continue assembling the smoke generator. Moreover, its price in online stores is not so great. A design with characteristics of 220V, 9 liters / min can be purchased for 1500 rubles.

How to assemble a fan assembly with your own hands

If you still decide to make a smoke generator compressor with your own hands, you should choose the simplest and most effective method by converting a computer cooler. This option is preferable to the finished aquarium due to energy savings and budget. In addition, the computer fan can be selected according to the size of the device.

The manufacturing technology of such a device

You will need:

  • computer cooler
  • a plastic canister or other sealed container of about 10 liters;
  • water tees and fittings, as well as a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm;
  • screwdriver and bolts;
  • variable resistance resistor;
  • jigsaw;
  • soldering iron;
  • drill;
  • gas key.

Assembly technology

  1. The cooler is inserted into a hole cut according to its dimensions in the canister wall with an electric jigsaw, and fixed with bolts. It should “sit down” in the slot as tightly as possible. It is better to install the device on a narrow edge of the tank, this will provide greater strength and reduce noise pollution.
  2. An outlet pipe is inserted into the neck or into an additionally made hole. It must also be carefully sealed to avoid air leakage. A flexible hose will go from it to the smoke generator itself. Sometimes rigid air ducts are also used, especially if the smoking device is of high power.
  3. Does the device smoke insufficiently efficiently? Attach another cooler or replace it with a more powerful fan.
  4. It is very important to equip the compressor device with a speed controller. When operating at full capacity, the appliance may produce too much smoke. To control this, you need to include a variable resistance resistor in the power system.

If this circuit is difficult for you, you can make the device using a simpler technique:

  1. Take a plastic bottle from mineral water or lemonade from 1 to 5 liters.
  2. You need to make a hole in the bottom (or remove it completely).
  3. The computer cooler is inserted into the hole so that it can blow air into the bottle.
  4. The plugs on the fan wiring are cut off (the device will operate on battery power).
  5. A hose leading to the smoke generator is hermetically fixed on the neck of the bottle.
With these methods of assembling the compressor, you can also use an unnecessary fan from a conventional window hood with your own hands.

A smoke generator in the household is a useful thing. In addition to preparing smoked meats, the site owners use the device assembled by their own hands to fumigate trees, protect plantings, especially tomatoes, peppers and berry crops, from frost.

Smoking, as a method of food preservation, has been known for a very long time. Today, it has not lost its relevance, and not so much because of the long shelf life, but because of the taste that the product acquires. In this article, we will talk about how to make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands.

Traditional cold smoke smokehouse

Regardless of the type of smoking, the source of smoke is a fire. With cold smoking, the main thing is that the smoke is cold or warm, but not hot. The maximum temperature is about +40°C. To do this, a fire is bred a few meters from the smoking cabinet, a pipe is laid between them - a chimney. Passing along this path, the smoke cools down to acceptable temperatures.

The installation of a chimney is a lengthy process. The smoke path must ensure normal heat removal and must be airtight at the same time. To create a chimney, you can use a standard metal chimney (but not made of galvanized steel), but in order for the smoke to cool better, it is advisable to bury the pipe in the ground. All in all, not an easy task. That is why they prefer to make a hot-smoked smokehouse - fewer problems - they installed a barrel over the fire and smoke ...

But there is a simple smoke generator for cold smoking, which will cost literally several thousand. But to work, you also need the ability to handle it. Everything else can be bought on the market or in a hardware store. If you have all the components, you can assemble a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands in an hour or two.

A simple do-it-yourself smoke generator for cold smoking

If you do not need production volumes, you can make a small and uncomplicated smoke generator from a metal pipe. A body is made from a pipe, into which sawdust or shavings are stuffed. The shavings are lit from below, the smoke rises up, where it is discharged with the help of a welded pipe into the smoking chamber. To increase traction, a low-power compressor is connected in the upper part of the case - with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters / min. That is, you can use an aquarium compressor or a unit from an old refrigerator. If there is a choice, then the aquarium is preferable, since they can regulate the intensity of the smoke output.

At the outlet of this smoke generator, the smoke is slightly warm. The source of ignition is very small, the fire spreads slowly, the resulting smoke slowly rises through the sawdust. It cools down, the sawdust dries up. In general, everything works perfectly.


For the body of the smoke generator, you can use:

  • round pipe with a diameter of 80-90 mm;
  • profiled pipe with a side of 80 mm or more.

The larger the cross section, the more sawdust can be placed inside, the longer the smoke generator for cold smoking will work on one tab.

The length of the pipe is 60 cm or more. Optimally - about 1 meter. Again, the larger the pipe, the more fuel can be laid. On the other hand, a smoke generator that is too large is inconvenient to fill and clean, as it turns out to be heavy and bulky.

Cold smoked smoke generator - one of the options

You will also need a 3/4 inch pipe - a piece of 30 centimeters or more. Tube 1/4 inch or so. Its length is selected already in the finished state, but 20 cm should be enough.

Still need a grid. It can be any metal mesh with a cell of 2-3 mm or a plate with frequent holes. For the legs, find small pieces of bar/rebar/metal strip. Some designs do without them, but with them the design is more stable.

You also need a compressor with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters / min, preferably with the ability to adjust performance. Aquarium compressors meet these requirements. And you need a fitting so that you can connect the pipes from the compressor through it.


We will describe a smoke generator for cold smoking based on a profile pipe with a cross section of 100 * 100 mm. With a round pipe, the process is almost the same, but it is more difficult to weld pipes, if you have little experience in welding work, it is better to use a profiled (square) pipe.

  • At a distance of 2 cm from the bottom edge of the grinder, we make cuts on two opposite sides.
  • We cut out a square from the grid, slightly larger than the pipe section. We insert it, fixing it in opposite cuts.

  • On the other side, weld a piece of 3/4 inch pipe.

  • Strictly opposite, it is necessary to weld a fitting for connecting the compressor. It must be positioned so that its center coincides with the center of the already welded three-quarter pipe.
  • Now we take a thin tube. It must be inserted into the fitting, it must pass through the body and enter the tube opposite by 1 cm. No more, but no less. Air from the compressor enters through this tube. By creating thrust, it stimulates combustion. By adjusting the power of the compressor, the intensity of the smoke output is regulated.

  • We make a cover. From a piece of metal we cut out a square, slightly larger in size than the section of the body pipe. We make a hole in the center, install the handle. Preferably wooden. Although the smoke is not hot, but the body is heated by the "bonfire" that burns in the lower part. Such a cover is not very convenient, as it flies. Having outlined the contour of the pipe, we retreat from the resulting line a couple of millimeters and weld a strip of metal 1 cm wide or so. This cover doesn't come off.

  • From below, where the mesh is fixed, we weld four pieces of rod / reinforcement. These are legs.

That's all. Homemade smoke generator for cold smoking. Ready. It can be experienced. For ease of use, you can still weld the legs. And remember that coals and ashes will spill out through the grid, so you need to install a smoke generator for cold smoking on a non-combustible site.

How does it work

Dry shavings are laid in the pipe. You can use sawdust, but then a spring is put on a thin tube located in the upper part, which reaches the mesh itself in length. The condition and quality of the spring is not important. Its diameter is important - about 2 cm. Why is it needed? For activation of combustion and normal smoke output.

When the case is filled with sawdust, they lie tightly, making it very difficult for smoke to escape, the air suction is very weak, everything barely burns. The spring is also needed to activate combustion. Smoke comes out through it, a draft is created (from the grid - through the spring - to the outlet pipe.

Set fire to the bookmark from below - through the grid

After filling the body with sawdust, they are set on fire from below. This can be done with a gas burner by tilting the smoking smoke generator on its side. When the chips start to burn, put on the lid, turn on the compressor. If the shavings/sawdust are dry, the stasis smoke begins to actively enter. That's all. You made a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands.


The design described above is fully functional. But it has many shortcomings, not very convenient. Based on the results of its use, improvements and improvements were made.

Adjustable traction

One of the main drawbacks of the described design is the poor regulation of the combustion intensity. It can be slightly changed by adjusting the compressor capacity. An adjustable blower can be added to the design. It can be done according to the principle of the gate:

Everything, the adjustable damper is ready. Turn it, adjust the intensity of air intake, adjusting the intensity of combustion.

Ash pan

Another drawback is that ash wakes up through the grid. You can put the smoke generator on a metal plate, but you can make an ash pan. By the way, the gate can be made in an ash pan. This will be more correct, since the air suction can be almost blocked, which cannot be achieved with a gate in the housing - air enters through the grid.

Ash pan - a small container slightly larger than the body

The ash pan is made from a piece of pipe with a slightly larger cross section than the pipe on the body. If you don't have one, you'll have to weld it. The bottom is welded to a piece of pipe, a thin strip of metal is welded to the body along the perimeter. The body is inserted into the ash pan (the legs are also welded to it).

Condensate collection

During the operation of the smoke generator for cold smoking, condensate is released. This complicates life, especially if the temperature outside is low. You can solve the problem by making a collector for condensate. For this:

With such a device, a significant part of the condensate is in the tank. The problem is not so acute.

The simplest smoke generator from an electric stove

If you need smoked meats “right now”, you can use a very simple method: you need an electric stove, a barrel without a bottom or a piece of large diameter pipe, a wire mesh with a cell of at least 10 * 10 cm, a sheet of plywood or iron. Still - sawdust and "object of smoking".

Such a cold-smoked smokehouse is usually placed on the street, in the backyard. It is necessary to clear the patch of vegetation, install an electric stove. On it - a metal container (which is not a pity to throw away). Sawdust is poured into the container.

In the upper part of the barrel / pipe, departing from the upper edge of 10-5 cm, we drill four holes. They are located diametrically or opposite each other. We put pins in them. You can use metal rods, you can use sticks. The choice depends on the weight of the products to be stacked or what is available. The rods themselves can be arranged crosswise or as two parallels, located approximately 1/3 of the diameter of the smokehouse body. On top of this support we lay a grid, with products attached from below. We cover the smokehouse with plywood or a sheet of metal.

Turn on tiles. After a while, the sawdust starts to smoke. The time of "work" on one tab depends on the amount of sawdust poured, but on average it is 3-5 hours. Then you have to set aside the body, add sawdust, put everything in place. Difficult, uncomfortable and fraught with "accidents". But the design is very simple, it is a "camping" option, which does not imply amenities.

Another disadvantage is to regulate the intensity of the smoke with a mono tile regulator, but doing it in this form is inconvenient - again, you have to move the case. You can get rid of these shortcomings if you make a door below. With its help, it will be possible to regulate the air flow and change the sawdust.

Smoke generator for cold smoking

If a higher capacity installation is required, a simple stove is brewed. It can be made from the same large-diameter pipe or a rectangular case can be welded from metal. Weld the door, make a chimney fixed at an angle. That's all the difficulty. It is also necessary to divide the internal space with a horizontally fixed metal sheet into two parts. The bottom is bigger, the top is smaller. A fire is kindled below, sawdust is poured onto the sheet. Further, the process is known.

A pipe is laid from the stove chimney to the smoking cabinet. It should have an upward slope, albeit a small one. At the same time, the entrance to the cabinet should be located at the bottom - so that the smoke envelops all products. Therefore, the cabinet is installed on a dais, legs, pedestal. To save space, you can install the smoke generator stove under the cabinet by welding the structure from a metal corner.

Smoke generator - freestanding stove

But with this design, the smoke can be too hot. Additional measures are needed to cool it down. As an option - find a pipe of a larger diameter, put it on the main chimney. Install the cooler so that the air flow is directed into the gap between the pipes.

Another option is to do something like a water jacket, getting hot water while smoking. But where to put it is the question. Although, warm water in the household is always useful.

A smoke generator for cold smoking of this type is more expensive - metal or a thick-walled pipe, plus a chimney. Moreover, it is better not to make a chimney from galvanized steel - zinc is not the metal that is good for health. Asbestos should not be used either. Firstly, it does not remove heat well, and secondly, it is even more harmful than zinc. Therefore, the choice in this regard is small - order pipes made of black steel or buy stainless steel. Here everyone decides for himself.

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