Summary of the role-playing game “School” in a preparatory group for school. Summary of the role-playing game in the preparatory group

Summary of the role-playing game in the preparatory group "School"

Integrated areas: socialization, communication, cognitive development.

Area "Socialization":

Develop a positive attitude towards school;

Develop school-relevant skills;

To develop the child’s interest in the schoolchild’s new social position.

Area "Communication":

Develop partnerships between the child and peers and adults;

Strengthen your knowledge of school rules.

Region "Cognitive Development":

Develop cognitive processes and mental functions: memory, thinking, attention, imagination, listening to a task;

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper;

Strengthening forward and backward counting skills.

Materials and equipment: school supplies, cards, briefcase, board, bell, task cards, number cards, notebooks.

Progress of the game:

Guys, let's say hello, but not easily, but in different ways.

Educator: - Guys, look what is drawn in the picture?

Children's answers: school, students going to school.

What do they have in their hands? Briefcase.

Educator: That's right, this is a school bag. And in our group we have a briefcase? Let's see what's in it (children in a circle take out their school supplies, name them and tell what they are for).

Educator: There are many objects, but how can they be called in one word?(School supplies) Can you play with them? Do you want to play with school supplies?

Memory game"What changed?"

Children's answers.

Educator: Correct. Well done. Guys, where might we need school supplies?? (answers) . And why are they called that?(answers).

Guys, in a few months you will go to school. What do you know about school? What school rules do you know?? (children's answers).

Educator: Well done! You know a lot about school. Have you been to a real school? And we played school? you want to play a game" School " ? What will we need for this?(Children's answers).

Educator: We need to build a school, or rather class. What might we need?(answers) Yes, we will need tables, chairs, blackboard, school supplies. Available at school students and teacher. What kind of students? Which teacher? Who will be the students and teacher?(answers) We build together with children"school".

Educator: Now close all your eyes and on the count of three you all turn into students! One, two, three - we are students.

I have a bell in my hands,

The lesson begins.

Educator: - guys, let's prepare our workplace(children prepare pencils, notebooks, worksheets)

Let's leave our self-indulgence behind

let's start studying

The bell rings, class begins mathematics

numbers are bored

and they went for a walk

and let's be naughty

(choose a number, move to the music)

Well, put the numbers in a row(line up in order)

numbers are bored

and they went for a walk

and let's be naughty

Now put the numbers in reverse order.

Educator: 12345 - we continue to play.

Logic game "Completing the Circuits"

Educator: Let's check what happened. Children exchange cards and check each other.

Educator: Well done and you completed this task.

The bell rings.

Turn. A game "Ocean is shaking"

The bell rings and second period begins.

Educator: Now we have a writing lesson. At school, children write dictations. You and I also know how to write dictation, but only graphic dictation.

1. We begin to draw the first pattern. Place the pencil at the highest point. Attention! Draw a line: one cell down. Do not lift the pencil from the paper, now one cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. Then continue drawing the same pattern yourself.

2. Now place the pencil on the next point. Get ready! Attention! One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell up. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell down. One cell to the right. One cell up. One to the right. Now continue drawing the same pattern yourself.

Educator: Well done! You also did a good job with this task.

Educator: So that we don’t sit too long at our desks, I suggest we play, take the chips and go out onto the carpet. Guys, how can you divide into companies?(answers) . And in our situation now, how can we divide into companies?(chips) . I have a very difficult task for each company. You will solve a puzzle and write the answer on the mat. You will make letters from different objects.(material on the table). The company that can cope faster will give a sign(claps)

Children complete the task.

Educator: Now look at the picture. Guys, in the picture the children are going to school, what mood do you think they’re in?

Children glue smiley faces onto the pictures.

The bell rings, our school day is over.

Farewell ritual “I wish you at school...” ( Every child wishes something for a friend)

KOU "Special (correctional) primary school - kindergarten No. 301" Omsk


conducting a role-playing game

in the preparatory group


Compiled by the teacher:

Klimova V.V.

Omsk 2012

Target: Development the desire of children to take on the roles of adults, to display various actions of people in the game.

1) To consolidate children's knowledge about the circus and its workers.

2) Exercise the ability to understand an imaginary game situation and act in accordance with it.

3) Teach children to independently negotiate with each other in the game.

4) Cultivate friendly relationships, the desire to play in a group of peers.

Roles: ticket takers, buffet workers, circus director, performers (clowns, animal trainers, magician, acrobats, juggler, equestrian, motorcyclist).

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations about the circus. Conversation on children's personal impressions of visiting the circus. Reading the works “Girl on a Ball” by V. Dragunsky, “Circus” by S. Marshak. Conversation about famous circuses of the world: Animal Theater named after. V.L. Durova, Yuri Kuklachev's Cat Theater, Cirque du Soleil (Canadian circus), “Heavenly Show from China” (circus from China), “Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus” in the USA. Watch a video of one of the best circuses in the world: Cirque du Soleil (Canadian circus). A conversation about the history of the circus (the origins of circus art and its development). Production of attributes for the game (tickets, posters, garlands, flags, etc.). Listening to the song “Circus” by V. Shainsky. Decorating the group: creating a dome, hanging garlands, balloons, posters.
Game material: poster, tickets, costume elements, attributes (spouts, caps, whistles, soap bubbles, “ears”), garlands, flags, inflatable balls, attributes for circus performers (rope, hoops, balls, magician’s wand, lolly horse, scooter , interactive animal toys: a parrot and a dog), makeup, cosmetic sets, overalls for ticket takers, buffet workers, etc.

Progress of the game:

Children are included in the group. The teacher meets them:

– Hello, I was really looking forward to seeing you today because I had prepared a surprise for you.

Shows the circus module-dome and sits down with the children under it on the round carpet.

- Guys, where do you think we are? That's right, at the circus. How many of you have been to a real circus? What did you like most about it? (Children’s answers, their impressions of visiting the circus.)

– That’s how much joy and celebration a circus performance brings us. Let's imagine that we are in the circus. How quiet it is here now. Our arena is empty and there is no one under the dome. Now close your eyes and imagine that the lights come on, the music sounds, circus performers gather in the arena and the performance begins...

– Now open your eyes and tell us what each of you saw and imagined. (Children's answers.)

– Yes, the circus is magic, it’s a fairy tale... So, why do we love the circus? Children: For the holiday, for the cheerful mood, for miracles, for fun, for joy.

– Why do you think we need a circus big top today?

Children: Maybe we can play circus today?

Right. I suggest you try yourself as a circus performer. What do we need for this? That's right, assign roles.

What circus performers do you know? (Children's answers). (Distribution of roles). Guys, what is the name of the person who announces numbers in the circus? That's right, entertainer.

-I will act as compere.

- We also need to choose a cashier, a controller and a barmaid.
Well, the roles are distributed, the artists go to prepare for the performance, all the other circus workers go to their jobs.

The rest of the guys get the roles of spectators. What do you need to do to get into the circus?

Children: Buy tickets.
Right. Now you go to the box office to purchase tickets, and then you can take your seats in the auditorium.
The song “Circus” by V. Shainsky is playing in the background.
Cashier engages the audience by reciting the verse:
Here! Here! Quicker!

We'll have a circus here!

The show will begin

Fun now!

There will be different animals here,

Gymnasts, strongmen,

We call parents and children:

Hurry to our circus!

Spectators take their seats in the hall.
The bell rings.


Come on, come on,

Dear viewers!

A performance awaits you

To everyone's surprise!
Our festive circus program is opened by the famous clowns: Klepa and Shlepa! Please welcome them!
There is applause. Two clowns run out from different directions to the music:

1. They come out playing with their fingers near the nose.

2. Sit on the floor, legs spread, roll the ball to each other.

3. One invites the other to sit down and places a squeaky toy on his chair. The other sits down, the toy squeaks.

4. The second clown treats the first one with candy. The first clown takes it, unfolds it, it’s empty. He gets upset.

There is applause.

Entertainer: Let's applaud our clowns! Now meet me
Ballerina on a tightrope

Like a light feather

And dances and spins,

And at the same time he is not afraid!

Rope dance

There is applause.

Entertainer: Applause friends!

Today the circus is fully assembled:

Chinese magician, juggler,

Participates in the program -

He juggles balls.
The juggler shows his number.
Entertainer: Applause for the juggler! We continue our show
A magician appears on stage and performs tricks to the music
I'm holding a cylinder in my hands,
I'll show you hocus pocus:
From a cylinder, like from a cannon,
Curls fly out.
Entertainer: Wow! What wonderful tricks! Your applause!

Who is this brave man?

He smiled at me!
Dzhigit, rider Ali-Bek
On a red horse.

A rider jumps onto the stage. He rides a horse on a stick (does 2 laps to the music)
Entertainer: Applause friends! The next issue of our program features a famous motorcyclist!
I'm circling the streets -
I buzz very loudly.
With wind, snow and rain
The motorcycle has been familiar for a long time.

A motorcyclist rides onto the stage on a scooter (does 2 laps to the music)
Entertainer: That's speed! Your applause! And the final number of our program is trainers Milena and Arina.
The tamer holds a whip.
Why don't the animals run?
From this without looking back? -
Yes, there is sweet sugar in your pocket!

Room with a dog and a parrot (interactive)

Entertainer: Applause to our artists!

The time for parting comes,

But let's not be sad goodbye

We are always happy to meet again.

The Circus of Miracles says goodbye.

And nothing will interfere

To meet friends again.

The circus is moving around the world,

But it will still come back to you!

All the artists come on stage to the song “Circus” by V. Shainsky. They bow 3 times and go backstage, the audience leaves the hall.

Reflection after the game:

- Did you like being circus performers? And why?

How did you feel when you were in the arena?

Guys, can anyone become a real artist? Why?

Who would like to become an artist when they grow up?

Usually, a good artist is driven solely by the need to express himself - to show what lies inside, but is breaking out.

To work hard, to try, to do everything for others, and not for oneself - this is the life credo of any circus performer.

Manual summary

role-playing game


in the preparatory group

I. Objectives:

- Expand, clarify and specify children’s knowledge about school.

- Create your own gaming environment. To contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots.

- Instill in children a desire to learn. Instill respect for the work of teachers and the work of school employees. Strengthen forms of polite address. Develop friendship, the ability to live and work in a team.

- Activate vocabulary: school supplies, recess, bell, teacher's room.

II. Preparing for the game:


Making attributes

Enrichment with impressions

Teaching gaming techniques


Production together with the teacher:

Pencil cases

Small notebooks - sketchbooks

Magazine for the teacher - notebook for the director - pointers

Conversation about school using illustrations.

Excursion to school.

Looking at the painting "Teacher" from the series "Who to be?"

Didactic game “Collect a briefcase”

Reading to children the works of S. Marshak “The First of September”, Aleksin “The First Day”, V. Voronkova “Girlfriends Go to School”, E. Mashkovskaya “We Play School”.

Learn the song “What They Teach at School”

Riddles about school.

Teach how to lay out school supplies at the workplace at the beginning of the lesson.

Lead a lesson, treat students politely, draw, assign homework.

The driver must be taught how to drive safely and follow the rules for transporting children on board a school bus.

The cooks set the table beautifully and prepare impromptu food.




Game actions

Speech figures



Pointer, magazine, globe, blackboard, chalk, pens, books, teacher's table and chair, cards with numbers and letters.

Conducts lessons, grades, calls to the board, asks questions.

Hello children.

Today in class we will study...

Lesha, please come to the board...

We opened our notebooks and wrote...

Sit down, Katya, five.

Tomorrow, Misha, let the parents come to school.

Goodbye children.



Notebooks, textbooks, albums, pencil case, briefcase, pens, pencils, student's desk and chair.

They listen to the teacher, answer the teacher’s questions, complete tasks given by the teacher, and help each other when difficulties arise.

Hello, Lyubov Vladimirovna.

Hello Makar...

I can't figure out how to write. Help me please.

May go out?


School director (head teacher)

Glasses, notebook, pen.

Attends the lesson, makes notes in his notebook, and gives advice to the teacher.

Hello children.

Do you mind my being in your lesson? I would like to give you some advice...




Bell for ringing.

Monitors the cleanliness of the premises and rings the bell.

Who threw the candy wrapper? Left behind again. The bell has already rung, and you are just going to class.



Apron, headscarf, dishes, table with food.

They prepare lunch, wash the dishes, and lay out the food.

Hello. What do you want for lunch? Please take. Bon appetit. To your health. Goodbye.



Steering wheel, cap, soft module.

Drives the bus

We sat down, fastened our seat belts, and let’s not play around. Don't forget your other shoes on the seat. Don't be late tomorrow, I'll leave without you. Goodbye.

Related stories



Bag, glasses

Brings the child to school, talks with the teacher about his child. Picks up the child from school.

Hello, Lyubov Vladimirovna. How does my son behave in class? Thanks for the advice. Goodbye.

  1. Playing space diagram

III. Progress of the game.

Guys, look what a colorful book has appeared in our library. What kind of book do you think this is? How did you guess?

That's right, this is a primer. You will use this book to study in school. What grade do they start at school? Do you want to study in first grade? Let's imagine ourselves at school, as if we were already first graders.

The teacher reads a spell.

Fly, fly petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle!
As soon as you touch the Earth,
To be, in our opinion, led! We want to be in school and be first-graders!

Here we are at school! Children, go to class. What are the professions of the people who work at the school?

Let's distribute who will be who, what roles you will choose.

School employees have many professions; we will choose the right one for everyone. I will also play with you, and I will have the role of director, sinceThere is no school without a director. I will be responsible for the work of the entire school.

How many lessons will we have today?



Mathematics and drawing.

Who will be the math teacher?

Irina expresses a desire to be a mathematics teacher.

And the teacher offers Polina to become an art teacher because she draws well. Each school has a canteen, and Dinara and Sabrina wanted to be cooks to feed us during recess. The teacher reminds the children that there is a school bus at school. Misha wanted to become a driver. Arina was entrusted with the role of technician because she is very responsible. Arina will give calls for lessons and be responsible for the cleanliness of the premises.

Each of the children takes his place. The bell rings.

In the classroom, there are school supplies on the desks.

Teacher Irina enters the classroom and begins the lesson mathematicians . The director enters the classroom and asks permission to attend the lesson.

In a mathematics lesson, children solve problems, examples and write them down in notebooks, ask questions and answer the teacher’s questions. - Your hands have worked hard, your fingers are tired, let's do some finger exercises.

We chop cabbage

We are three carrots.

We salt the cabbage

We are mashing cabbage.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher gives homework. The bell rings for recess. The teacher explains that you can rest. During recess, you don’t need to run around and freak out, but you can go to the cafeteria and have a snack.

During the "lesson" the "cooks" imitate cooking and set the tables for breakfast.

The “students” go to the dining room, sit down at the tables, and have an impromptu meal. The cooks invite school employees to the table. They sit down at another table.

The imitation breakfast lasts no more than five minutes.

After breakfast, the cooks put the dishes back and take off their aprons.

The technician rings the bell for the next lesson.

Drawing lesson begins . Teacher Polina explains that today they will draw their family and invites the children to take out their pencils and get to work.
While the children are making drawings, quiet, calm music is played in the group.The teacher announces the end of the lesson and offers to place the drawings in the creativity corner. Children come up to the screen and place drawings.The teacher tells the children how good their drawings are and that everyone has completed the task. The lesson ends on the bell. Children put supplies into toy briefcases.

The teacher reminds that, just like in a real school, some students will be taken home by the school driver on his bus.

The teacher asks to talk about the safety rules that must be followed in order to avoid getting into trouble.

Where is it allowed to play?

How to cross the street correctly?

How to behave on the bus?

How to get around the bus?

What other rules of safe behavior on the street do you know?

Children's answers.

Well done guys, you all know the rules of safe behavior and I hope you will follow them. Well, now we can safely go home by bus.

Some mothers come to school to pick up their children to take them home. They approach the teacher and find out information about their child. Thank the teacher and help your child get ready. Children and mothers say goodbye to the teacher.

A school bus waits for classes to end in the schoolyard. Children enter the transport and take their seats. The driver reminds everyone to buckle up and not mess around while driving.

The audio recording “Bus” plays.

The driver at the final stop reminds you not to forget anything and not be late for the bus in the morning.

At the end of the journey, the teacher repeats the spell:

Fly, fly petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle!
As soon as you touch the Earth,
To be, in our opinion, led!

We want to be back in our kindergarten, in our group.

IV. Game over.

Game over. Let's remember what interesting things we did today? What game did we play? Did you enjoy playing? What roles did you play in the game? What did your characters do?

V. Game Evaluation

Well done guys, we have an interesting game, thank you for playing! The teacher thanks the children for a good game:

Misha was a very careful driver - he drove the bus well. Irina was a very good mathematics teacher and taught the children how to count correctly. All the students in the drawing lesson tried very hard and drew their family. Our cooks worked hard and prepared us a delicious breakfast.

The teacher says that he also really liked the game, and would like to play this game again sometime.

Sarapulova Victoria Stepanovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MDOU No. 1
Locality: Cheremkhovo city, Irkutsk region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Summary of GCD role-playing game: "Family. We are waiting for guests. Shop"
Publication date: 17.02.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 1


Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group

Role-playing game:

"Family. We are waiting for guests. Shop".

Position: teacher



Enrich children's gaming experience, expand the plot of the game, lead children to create

own game plans.


1 To form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together; encourage

children creatively reproduce family life in games.

2 Learn to prepare the environment for the game, select substitute items and attributes.

3 Form positive relationships between children.

4 Correct children’s coherent speech, visual and auditory attention.

5 Cultivate a desire to take care of loved ones, a sense of pride in your family.

Vocabulary work:

Please take it, thank you for your purchases.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction and looking at illustrations on the theme “Family” by A.L.

Barto “Younger Brother”, E.A. Blaginina "Grandmother"

Playing out problematic situations: “Mom rushes to work and doesn’t have time to finish

household chores”, “The child does not want to go to bed on time”

Building furniture, watching the video “Family on a Walk”,

didactic game “Who needs what for work?”,


Counter, cash register, models of fruits and vegetables, children's dishes, oven, TV (view

video film “My Family”, recordings – sounds of cars on the road, bell, children’s song

“My whole family is nearby”), ready-made dough, a children’s oven, a doll, substitute toys.


“Cognition”, “Music”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”


Progress of the game:

I Introductory part(children walk in to quiet music):

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

I'll look at your faces, who should I make friends with here?

So you and I smiled and became friends.

Q: Guys, you hear music, listen carefully to the song.

The song plays: “About family”

Educator: Who do you think this song is about? (about dad, mom, daughter, son, grandfather,

grandma) In a word, about whom? (about family), Who are grandparents? (Dad’s parents

or mothers), Who can play in the game - mother, grandmother, father, grandfather, son? What kind of work

does mom, dad, son, daughter study at home? Do you want to play? What time do you think

the game we will play? (children's answers)

Game plot: Our grandparents will live in the village, and the house will be located

here, and dad, mom and son live in this apartment (the teacher explains that in each

There is a family tradition - grandparents come for the weekend) Grandmother

can call on the phone and say that they are coming for the weekend, whatever they want

visit them. Mom and dad are preparing for their arrival. (Mom is baking a pie, dad is going to get

shopping at the store, and my son helps his mother around the house). Grandparents do the same

they get ready, they take gifts (sweets, treats), grandfather prepares the cars for the trip.

II Distribution of roles-Teacher: Where do you think we should start the game? Right,

First, let's distribute the roles, who will be dad, mom, grandfather, grandmother, son,

seller. And you yourself can agree among yourself and choose a role for yourself. (Arises

situation - two children choose one role and agree among themselves: Let me be

dad, and you'll be grandpa, and in the evening we can play some more, then you'll be dad, and I'll

grandpa, okay.)

Teacher: asks the children: Is there something missing for the game, what? (not in the store

scales), no phone, what to do? (children find substitute objects for the game) But I have

Do we have any glasses, a scarf, or a cap left? Do we need them for the game? (for the role of grandmother, headscarf

and glasses, cap and beard for the role of grandfather)

The most important condition of the game: what words do we say when we communicate with each other?

family, store, when we meet guests? (“please”, “thank you”, “please” and

III Progress of the game: The phone rings: Grandma - Hello daughter, how are you?

business, what are you doing? We are going to come and visit you, we miss you.

Mom: Hello mommy, everything is fine with us, come, we will be waiting for you.

We are getting ready to meet our grandparents. Mom says there isn't enough in the house

groceries and asks to go to the store. And he asks his son to help restore order.

Dad goes to the store to do some shopping.

Dialogue between buyer and seller:

P: Please, hang me 3 apples (the seller puts them in a bag and weighs them

Can you tell me what candy to buy?

Seller: Buy these sweets, delicious with apple filling.

Dad: How much do they cost?

Seller: five rubles (the seller packs, weighs and serves to the buyer,

punches at the checkout.

Please charge 10 rubles (the buyer pays by card) And I can pay


The seller thanks the buyer for the purchase. Please take the check and card.

Thank you for your purchase, we will be glad to see you, come to us again.

At this moment another buyer (teacher) comes in and talks rudely to

the seller, and the first buyer: “Why are you rude, behave indecently,

Apologize to the seller, you can’t behave like that. The second buyer apologizes and

buys groceries.

After going to the store, he returns home and helps around the house: Washing fruit, together

set the table.

Dad: Where are our napkins? Offers to help set the table.

Mom: Well, everything is ready, grandparents will arrive soon.

Grandmother and grandfather conduct a dialogue with each other on the road (phonogram of car noise on

road), arrive (phonogram of car signal) and approach the apartment. (phonogram


They greet each other: “Hello, our relatives, how we miss you. (help

undress) Son, invite your grandparents"

They invite you to come in and wash your hands: “Wash your hands and go to the kitchen, wash your hands,

“Sit down at the table.” Mom takes the pie from the oven, cuts it, and pours tea. "Help yourself,

take fruits, sweets, try the pie. Mom says: “Son, I’m so tired, pour some water.”

please tea, look after your grandparents.

The grandmother asks her grandson about his studies and friends. They praise what a helper he is, how he has grown and

Mom: Tell us how you got to us, weren’t you tired on the road?

Grandmother, grandfather: We arrived well, there are few cars on the road.

Mom: Did you like the pie? Son, please heat it up, the tea is cold. (pie

very tasty, praise mom)

Dad offers to watch a film about his family, which was filmed several years ago,

where the son is very small. Come sit down on the sofa, and we'll clear the table,

Dimochka, son, give grandma some glasses, she doesn’t see well. (Watching a movie, between

family members are having a dialogue-discussion)

Grandfather: It will soon get dark, it’s time for us to go home, they say goodbye.

III Analysis. Bottom line.

Educator: Did you like the game? (children's answers) What do you think ours was like?

family? (friendly, caring) Zhenya, who did you like in the game? How did you play? Why? (y

every child) Why? (mom was a caring, good housewife, dad helped mom,

grandmother, grandfather - friendly, kind, salesman - polite, son - assistant, obedient,

Kind). Would you like to play this game again?

Educator: A wish for the children.

At the end, the children offer to treat the guests present. (The child turns to

teacher: We have a lot of guests, and it’s customary to treat guests, let’s treat them? They’ll take it

a tray with a candy bowl is offered to the guests: Help yourself, please.

Summary of the game-lesson in the preparatory group “Visiting Fun.”

Educational area: "Cognition".

The summary contains Russian folk games, riddles, and artistic expression. The summary is built taking into account the traditions of the Russian people.

Educational area "Cognition":

Software tasks:

Expanding knowledge about the culture and life of the Russian people;

Consolidating knowledge about Russian folk games, proverbs;

Introduction to medicinal plants and making sachets;

Development of logical thinking.

Educational field "Physical education":

Software tasks:

Development of physical qualities, enrichment of motor experience;

Ability to participate in Russian folk outdoor games;

Educational area "Health":

Software tasks:

Preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health;

Ensuring physical activity during folk games;

Educational field "Socialization":

Software tasks:

Development of gaming activities;

Fostering respect for Russian folk customs, games and traditions;

Fostering respect and love for nature.

Educational field "Communication":

Software tasks:

Development of oral speech.

Methods of organization : sitting on chairs (conversation), standing in a circle (game), standing at the table (making sachet).

Equipment: music center, audio recording: with Russian folk melodies, with birdsong; 2 tables, 2 tablecloths, 4 coasters, spoons, jars with herbs, pictures with Russian folk games and amusements; medicinal plants; goat cap, crown, satin ribbon for playing; sachet bags.

Vocabulary work: outskirts, herbalists, sachets.

Preliminary work :

    Conversation about the culture and life of the Russian people;

    Introduction to Russian folk games, proverbs about health;

    Conversation about medicinal plants;

Progress of the game-lesson.

Motivational - organizational stage

The children are going to visit. Fun meets the children. She invites them to plunge into the atmosphere of distant antiquity, to remember the life of our ancestors, how they lived, how they were treated, what Russian folk games they played. The desire to participate determines the purpose of the work ahead.

Search stage

To learn more about the culture and life of the Russian people, about Russian folk games, proverbs, and traditions, Zabava invites you to visit us.

Practical stage

Making riddles.

Fun makes riddles about Russian folk games:

1. I don't see anything
Even your nose.
There's a bandage on my face
There is such a game

It's called... (Zhmurki).

2. Ay, lyuli, ah lyuli,

We intertwined our hands.

We raised them higher

It turned out beautiful!

It turned out not simple,

Golden Gate…. (Stream).

3. I’ve been sitting in the grass for a long time,
I'm not going out for anything.
Let them look, if you're not too lazy,
At least for a minute, at least all day... (Hide and seek).

4. They sent us a hundred rubles.

Buy what you want,

Black, don't take white,

Yes and no - don't say! (Fanta).

5. Under enemy fire

The soldiers stand boldly.

What if they get shot down?

They get up again. (Towns).

6. Burn, burn clearly,

So that it doesn't go out.

Stay at your hem

Look at the field

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing... (Burners)

Russian folk game "Zarya - zaryanitsa"

Fun invites children to play outside the outskirts.

Children stand in a circle, holding their hands behind their backs. The driver - dawn walks behind the players in a circle with a ribbon or handkerchief and says:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
I dropped the keys.
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
Let's go get some water!

With the last words, the presenter carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of you.

He quickly takes the tape and turns his back to the presenter:

And to the words:

One - two - not a crow,

Run like fire!

Both run in different directions in a circle, who will return to their place faster. Those who did not have time become the driver - dawn.

Runners should not cross the circle, and players in the circle should not turn around.

Conversation “About Nature”

The fun tells children that in the old days, the Russian people treated the surrounding nature with love and reverence and protected it. People affectionately called the river fast, the sun red, the grass silk. The forest has always played a huge role in the life of the Russian people. Since ancient times, Russian people have used the forest for various needs. In the forest, people found useful herbs that they used for treatment. Plays the game "Green Pharmacy". Makes riddles about medicinal plants:

Inconspicuous among the grasses,

She has a calm disposition.

Who is proud of usefulness? -

Fragrant... (Oregano).

He looks so much like a rose, except he's not as pretty

But are its fruits suitable for everyone to eat? (Rose hip).

Seeds are like claws
Yellow-red flowers.
Helps with throat
Who doesn't know them? (Calendula).

He produces sheets

Wide latitude.

Kept on strong stems

One hundred rough, tenacious fruits:

If you don't get around them -

You will find them all on yourself. (Burdock).

The plant is prominent, but the name is offensive. (Burdock).

On a slope, in a meadow, barefoot in the snow,

Are the first flowers yellow eyes? (Coltsfoot).

If the stem is broken off,

It's hard to wash your hands!

Yellow juice in leaves

In small flowers -

That juice is for good, clean deeds,

What kind of weed? (Celandine).

The grass is very fragrant,

Fragrant leaves.

Collect quickly

And make some tea! (Mint).

A herb that even a blind person can recognize? (Nettle).

I went to the meadow in the morning

I found the weed I needed:

Small, yellow flower

He is not bright, not tall,

Any ailment can be cured.

What is this? - (St. John's wort).

The Russian people were treated with herbs, and composed many proverbs and sayings about health. Fun plays the game “Say the Word”:

In a healthy body... healthy mind.

Where there is health, there is... beauty.

Eat garlic and onions - the disease will not take over.

If you want to be healthy... toughen up.

If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy... beware.

Cleanliness is the key... health.

Take care of your dress again - and your health... from a young age.

Get ready for the journey for your health... go.

Round dance game “A goat walked through the forest”

The fun invites children to play the round dance game “A Goat Walked Through the Forest.”

We start the game, walk in a circle, holding hands and perform the movements according to the text.

The goat went through the forest, through the forest, through the forest - they walk in a circle, holding hands;

Look for a princess, a princess, a princess - they walk in a circle, holding hands;

A goat walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest - they stopped facing in a circle;

Found herself a princess, princess, princess - the goat chooses her princess,

puts it on her head

crown and brings it to the middle

Let's goat jump, jump, jump - all the participants in the game are jumping;

And we jump with our legs, we jump, we jump - everyone performs the movement,

according to the text;

Let's goat, let's go around, let's go around, let's go around - everyone is spinning;

And you and I will become friends, we will become friends, we will become friends - they turn to each other

face each other and hug.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Solving the crossword puzzle.

Fun tells the children that many years ago the first pharmacies appeared in Russia, where they sold medicinal herbs. And in ancient times, special people collected medicinal herbs...

And they will find out what they were called by solving the crossword puzzle.

1. Like pine trees, like fir trees, but in winter without needles.

(The tree is somewhat similar to a Christmas tree. It has soft long spines).


2. The long-legged sisters came out into the meadow in a flock.
Their eyelashes are like snow and their eyes are like the sun. (Chamomile).

3. What is my name - tell me, I often hide in the rye,
A modest wildflower, blue-eyed... (Cornflower).

4. Golden and young became gray in a week,
And after two days my head went bald... (Dandelion).

5. A doctor grew up by the road, along a meadow path.

He is a pharmacist for you and me. Guess who he is? (Plantain).

6. The red berry attracts everyone,

It conquers with its taste and benefits,

In the summer Alina collects in the garden,

A delicate delicacy, a miracle -... (Raspberries).

7. Ask the calf and the lamb: there is no tastier flower in the world,
It is no coincidence that it is called red porridge for its taste and color. (Clover).

Having solved the crossword puzzle, we learned the key word - herbalist.

“Herbalists” were people who collected medicinal plants.

The herbs were collected early in the morning, when the sun had not yet risen. The herbs were then dried and mixed together. A bunch of dried grass was kept tied in a rag or linen bag. Nowadays it's called sachet.

Educational story “What is a sachet”

Sasha has French roots. In this country, several centuries ago, this was the name given to pillows sprinkled with perfume, or bags with herbs sewn into them. Such bags decorated the living rooms and bedrooms of the richest houses. However, every self-respecting girl wanted to have a sachet in her room, because this interesting little thing not only pleases with its appearance, but also spreads a pleasant aroma. Sachets were also used for medicinal purposes. Healing herbs were placed in a bag and placed next to the person. The smell of plants could calm, relieve insomnia, and help with colds. The Sashas, ​​of course, were not only in France. The secret of the sachet was also known to our great-great-grandmothers. They did not know such a word, but they collected fragrant medicinal herbs and made pillows from them on which they slept, covered in meadow or forest aromas . Sachets can be filled not only with herbs, but also with flower petals, spices and citrus fruits.

Reflective-evaluative stage