Fishing cat, or civet cat. Civet cat fisher - what kind of animal? (15 photos) Habitat of the fishing cat

This is incredible! There are cats in the world that are not afraid of water. Not only are they not shy at the sight of the lake, but they also frolic in it with pleasure. Moreover, the reservoir for these animals is the main source of food. Who is this?! We present to your attention an Asian predator - the civet cat, or fish cat.

Where does the fishing cat live?

The fishing cat lives in Asian countries

You can meet an unusual lover of water treatments only in Asian countries: India, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka. It also lives on the island of Java. It prefers to hunt in the humid subtropics of the jungle, closer to open water bodies, and is not averse to walking through the swamp in search of food. In captivity, the wild fisher is kept in zoos in Europe and, naturally, Asia.

Description of the breed

In appearance, the speckled cat, as it is also called, is something between a Far Eastern cat and a civet. It is relatively small, but quite large relative to its domesticated furry relatives. The average weight of males is 15 kg, females - 10 kg. Inside the small body lies uncontrollable strength and power: according to rumors, in a fight with a fish cat, he always remains the winner.

The head of the animal is of interest: it is round with a massive lower jaw. The shape of the ears and nose is ideal for diving. The front toes are webbed, which is why the cat never retracts its claws.

The hunter’s exclusively terrestrial lifestyle also affected his gait: his body was squat with powerful short legs. Unlike other representatives of the cat fauna, the civet's tail is short and thick, and does not taper downward. He uses it instead of a rudder when swimming.

The camouflage gray-brown-black coat color allows the cat to remain unnoticed in the thickets of the tropical jungle.

Viverrid cat on the hunt

Wild cats feed mainly on river inhabitants: crustaceans, mollusks, frogs, and fish. In search of prey, civets wander through shallow water or wait for prey on the shore. When they discover a hunting object, they dive under the water with the speed of lightning - no one has ever managed to dodge the tenacious and strong paws of a predator.

Far from a body of water, they will not disdain birds and rodents, but catching agile animals is problematic for a cat clumsy on land. Cases have been recorded of hungry predators attacking sheep herds while feasting on newborn lambs.

Habits of a fish cat

Civets hunt river inhabitants

The civet cat has gained fame as a bully and rowdy. He can easily deal with both a pack of dogs and an enemy twice his size. From time to time he wanders into the village, where he is not averse to eating poultry, for which he is punished by angry local residents.

He doesn’t particularly like to climb trees, prefers to swim and walk in shallow water more and more. Leads a twilight lifestyle, resting in a shelter during the day. Each representative is assigned his own territory, entering which by others is fraught with beatings.


The search for partners and love games among civet cats take place in the fall. Usually after a couple of months of fun, sometime in January-February, the female gives birth to several tiny kittens, which she cares for until they are ten months old. In captivity, males help mothers raise their babies, but it is not known for certain how this works in the wild.

Civets and humans

Despite their cantankerous nature, wild predators are easily tamed, finding a common language with their owners. However, keeping a civet cat at home poses a number of difficulties.

  • The animal is a freedom-loving animal, it needs space - even in a country house it is cramped and uncomfortable.
  • A constant craving for water treatments will become a stumbling block - an ordinary bath is clearly not enough to satisfy wild hunting instincts.

They are fed, as in their natural habitat, fish, and sometimes they are pampered with chicken meat with bones. They don’t forget about vaccinations: they do the same as for regular pets.

Contact games with a strong animal are fraught with injuries, so it is better to use toys rather than hands for communication. The cats are quite obedient and not particularly mischievous, but do not tolerate shouting or violence.

During puberty, a person can become an object of desire or, conversely, a male enemy with whom it is urgently necessary to “have a heart-to-heart talk” and “sort things out.” It is difficult to resist the arguments of a sexually anxious animal, who also has incredible strength. As a result, sooner or later you have to give up your beloved, but still wild pet.

If you have money, getting a civet cat is not a problem. But it’s worth knowing that the species is listed in the Red Book, and keeping in captivity is punishable by law in many countries around the world.

Who else isn't afraid of water?

In fact, the civet cat is not the only one who loves to swim. For example, he is also not averse to frolicking in the bathroom with the owner. The Kurilian Bobtail, Turkish Van and African Soukok can confidently be included in this category of swimming fluffies.

For a striking example of a fishing cat hunting, watch the video:


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The civet fishing cat is a rather rare animal of the cat family. Leads an original lifestyle compared to many of its relatives. There are known successful cases of taming this wild cat - but all of them are rather an exception to the rule.

Mysterious beast from the mangrove forest

Asian fish cat, fishing cat, wiverina, speckled cat - all these are different names for one very interesting and unusual animal, secretly living in the humid mangroves of the Asian tropics and subtropics. The civet fishing cat belongs to a small, even endangered species of the cat family and in every possible way avoids close contact with humans.

The fishing cat is a unique representative of the cat world

Therefore, it is still almost unstudied - at least in its natural habitat, and we can only guess about its natural habits and characteristics from the behavior of those individuals kept in captivity. But how accurate such assumptions are remains a big question. The mysterious animal belongs to a small, isolated genus of oriental cats and in some respects differs significantly from its brethren in its extensive family.

Scientists distinguish two subspecies of fishing cats, differing primarily in their size. Smaller, more elegant and graceful individuals settle in Bali and Java. Representatives of the large subspecies are much more widespread - these animals live in the South and Southeast of Asia, in India, up to Sumatra and Malacca.

This cat prefers to walk by himself

Relationships with a person

Drainage and human development of wetlands where the fish cat prefers to settle is gradually displacing the animal from its original habitats. Illegal hunting for the civet cat continues - local residents shoot it for its beautiful skin, and often exterminate it in retaliation for the theft of small domestic animals.

In Eastern medicine, various parts of the body, bones and skin of a speckled cat have been considered medicinal since time immemorial and are still used to prepare medicine potions - and this is another article in the barbaric extermination of rare animals.

Local residents, despite prohibitions, catch wild cats in the wild

Despite the fact that the endangered species was listed in the International Red Book back in 2008, the natives do not stand on ceremony with this animal. It is caught in the wild and smuggled to other countries, where in recent years there has been a growing fashion for keeping exotic wild cats in private zoos. There is information about nurseries involved in breeding and selling fishing cats, but only a few of them operate within the framework of the law.

Features of the civet cat

The fishing cat has a difficult reputation. Large, strong males (they are often even twice the size of modest females) are distinguished by fearlessness, selflessly rushing into a fight, even if the opponent is clearly superior in strength. Eyewitnesses tell impressive stories - about, for example, how, having grappled with a leopard in the zoo, a civet cat killed him; or how a male single-handedly dispersed a huge pack of hungry stray dogs... One way or another, the habits of the animal are extremely interesting and deserve detailed study.

There are legends about the bravery of this animal.

The main feature of the species is its love of water and fish diet. Unlike the vast majority of cats, fishermen swim and dive superbly, and masterfully catch fish and other small creatures that live in bodies of water.


The fish cat is at least twice the size of an ordinary domestic cat. Males reach a meter in length and approximately sixteen kilograms in weight, females are much smaller - sexual dimorphism in the species is very pronounced. The grayish-olive coat with black spots and stripes ideally camouflages the fishing cat in its usual hunting grounds - reed thickets along the banks of small reservoirs.

The male in this pair is much larger than the female

Double-layer wool does not glare in the sun - it is matte and has a special structure, thanks to which it never gets wet through and dries almost instantly.

The cat has a strong muscular body, very strong paws, a thick and not too long tail. Between the toes of the front paws, membranes are arranged in a special way - they help the animal not so much to swim as to hunt, preventing the claws from being completely retracted during fishing.

This cat is endowed with a cute appearance

The massive head of a speckled cat is decorated with small, sensitive ears and huge, stunningly expressive eyes. The nose is uniquely designed - it is very wide and lacks a bridge, which allows a waterfowl cat to hold its breath for a long time without problems while plunging under water. The animal's teeth are strong and large, and its jaws are incredibly strong, like those of a pit bull.


Like most cats, fishermen love to sleep and eat. They choose quiet and secretive places for their lives; they are ready to go out in search of prey not only at night, but also during the daytime. Males clearly divide their territories of residence among themselves and, in case of urgent need, vigorously sort things out among themselves. They love to fight and know how to fight, but it usually doesn’t come to mortal combat - even when gentlemen fight for the attention of a beautiful lady.

Male fishermen try to solve their problems remotely

Often, conflicts between animals are resolved preventively and remotely - speckled cats are “talkative” and have a large arsenal of sounds that are able to perfectly convey the nuances of their moods. They meow and bark, hiss, crackle, growl and click - and yet they negotiate with each other at a distance; brutal massacres occur extremely rarely.

Video: wild cat goes for a walk


The basis of the species' diet is freshly caught fish, but cats willingly diversify their menu with other inhabitants of reservoirs: mollusks, amphibians, reptiles. They will not refuse to try other small game caught in their claws: rodents, birds and even insects. Protein food is the basis of an animal’s diet; An adult cat can eat up to one and a half kilograms of fish alone per day.

Fish is the civet cat's favorite dish

In search of food, animals can wander for a long time in shallow water, and sometimes even resort to tricks, luring gullible fish - cats plop their paws slightly and make ripples on the surface of the water, which gives the impression that a flock of insects has landed on the water. The fish swim closer, but instead of eating, they themselves become the prey of an insidious hunter.

Cats are good at climbing trees and can climb quite high in search of prey, but they still prefer to hunt on land and in water. Viverrid cats make raids on human dwellings very rarely - when the supply of natural food becomes very bad. Only hunger can force them to overcome their strong fear and go to people to get poultry for dinner or steal the catch from fishermen.

Asian cats can climb trees, but they don't like

Video: civet cat fishing


In zoos, male fishing cats show themselves to be caring parents - they help their girlfriends raise and educate their offspring. But there is no reliable information about how pairs of these animals behave in nature.

Most often, babies are born in late winter and early spring, but there are known cases of these cats breeding at other times of the year. A caring mother prepares in advance for childbirth and carefully equips the nest, choosing a secluded place for it in dense thickets.

Speckled cat is a very caring mother

Litters are usually not large, on average two or three kittens - they, as expected, are born completely helpless, blind and deaf. But they grow very quickly and by the age of three months they gobble up their favorite fish dishes with gusto, just like adults. The mother continues to take care of her cubs to one degree or another until they are nine months old.

Video: female with kittens

Role in the wild

It is not known for certain how long a wild cat lives in its natural habitat; its estimated lifespan is at least thirteen years. It plays a very important role in the ecological balance of the areas in which it settles. The civet cat constantly requires a considerable food supply, and its prey is primarily sick or weakened individuals, which helps to improve the animal’s habitat.

Cat-fisher - orderly of forests and reservoirs

The fishing cat is an active nurse not only of mangrove forests, but also of numerous warm bodies of water, along the banks of which he prefers to settle.

Other, even larger and stronger predators prefer not to mess with the brave fisherman - and he himself prudently tries to avoid tigers and bears. He has no natural enemies among animals; only man was, and remains, the main rival of this beautiful and interesting beast.

Video: fishing cat in its natural habitat

Charismatic appearance and funny habits attract more and more attention to the civet cat. Many exotic lovers began to express a desire to keep the animal as a pet after the website of the famous fishing cat named John Davis, who lived with his owners for three years in the most ordinary apartment in the city of Krasnoyarsk, was widely promoted on the Internet.

This is the most famous fishing cat from Krasnoyarsk - John Davis

This beautiful story ended, alas, predictably - the cute kitten grew up and turned into a strong, wayward male, who did not fail to claim his rights to leadership in the house. The loving owners could not, no matter how hard they tried, cope with him and were forced to return their pet to the wild.


A wild animal will never be able to become a “plasticine” pet, and the Krasnoyarsk story is a clear confirmation of this. But if it so happens that you want to take a risk and try again to tame an Asian cat, do not get a male, there is practically no chance of reaching an amicable agreement with him. Females of this species are much more docile.

Taming begins at an early age, no later than three months, until the kitten is able to naturally perceive a person as a member of its family. Contact must be established gradually, and in no case should you frighten the animal or put pressure on it. At the first stage, you should ensure that the cub learns to take pieces of food from your hands without any problems.

Taming and feeding a wild kitten will be simplified by your domestic cat

It is very important to feed your growing baby properly, otherwise he will get sick and may even die. In this case, ready-made dry food is a completely unsuitable option; you only need natural nutrition, or even better, live food. Only specialists can correctly prepare a diet for a wild kitten from nature, and already at this stage the risks of losing the animal are very high.

Aviary keeping is not suitable - if you want to get a truly tame pet, you will have to pay maximum attention to it and spend a lot of time communicating together. The fishing cat is very jealous and remembers insults well - this should also be taken into account. He may well find a common language with other cats and even with the dogs with whom he grew up in the house, but on occasion he will not deny himself the pleasure of hunting someone whom he considers weaker than himself.

The character of the “tame cat” is very complex

These animals are extremely intelligent and quick-witted, they very quickly perceive the rules of behavior in captivity and the hierarchy of their new pack. Usually, a fishing cat chooses only one owner, whom he considers the main one, and agrees to obey him. This stubborn cunning man can pointedly ignore the demands of the rest of the family members. But he can show serious jealousy, protecting the attention of his beloved owner from other household members - but such moments are sometimes fraught with serious danger.

The main problems when keeping a viverrid cat in captivity can arise when the animal enters puberty. Zoologists recommend castrating your pet in a timely manner; this will help stop manifestations of aggression and make the cat more manageable. But such measures will also not provide guarantees of unclouded coexistence of wild animals on the same territory as humans.

A compromise option is to keep the fishing cat not in human housing, but in a spacious enclosure at the zoo. For a comfortable life, an Asian cat will definitely need a large pool with constantly renewed water. From time to time it will be necessary to introduce live fish into the pool; Catching it is the best exercise for the animal. The fishing cat is very playful and loves all kinds of entertainment - there should always be toys in his pool, of which, of course, fish will also be in special demand.

A cramped cage is disastrous for an inquisitive, active and mobile wild cat - it needs a lot of space and impressions: sufficient territory for walking and several different shelters. If there are good living conditions and adequate nutrition, a pair of fishing cats will quite possibly be concerned about procreation and bring forth charming offspring.

These animals have a very strong immune system and good resistance to infectious diseases. However, before changing teeth, it is necessary to vaccinate the kitten twice with a complex vaccine and then repeat the vaccination annually. There are cases where Asian cats lived in well-fed and prosperous conditions of captivity for up to twenty years.

The charming appearance of the civet cat is deceptive, and it is better to observe its behavior and habits from a distance. Do not experiment with keeping wild animals in your home, do not try to turn them into harmless fluffies. Nature cannot be fooled, and the habits of a wayward savage can take over, creating a serious danger for all the inhabitants of your home.

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Viverrid fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus)- a species of medium-sized wild cat from the cat family (Felidae), a kind of oriental cat (Prionailurus).


The civet fishing cat is considered one of the largest species of the small cat subfamily (Felinae). He has a strong build and short legs. Its head is elongated and its tail is short, making up approximately one third of its body length. The fur is hard, brownish-gray in color with characteristic dark spots and stripes. The spots are located longitudinally throughout the body. Six to eight dark lines begin above the eyes and extend between the ears to the back of the head. These lines gradually break up into shorter stripes and spots on the shoulders. The fur on the belly is elongated, with characteristic spots, and the tail is ringed. The front feet are partially webbed and do not allow the claws to be fully retracted.

The ears are short and round, the back of which is black with a white spot in the center. Sexual dimorphism is highly pronounced, males are much larger than females.

Length: body 658-857 mm; tail 254-280 mm, hind leg 134-158 mm, ears 47-51 mm. Height at withers: more than 350 mm. Weight: 6.3-11.8 kg depending on gender.

One notable feature is the layered structure of their fur, which is important for adaptation to water. Next to the skin is a layer of short hair that is so dense that water cannot penetrate through it. As a close-fitting thermal underwear, this undercoat helps keep the animal's body warm and dry, even during cold fishing expeditions. The second layer of long hair, growing along with the undercoat, gives the cat a characteristic pattern and glossy shine.


The civet fishing cat lives in scattered areas of the eastern region. The species is found in the peninsular regions of India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan and the island of Java. Although the range is believed to include the island of Sumatra, there are no confirmed historical records of this and the presence of the species there has yet to be proven.


The fishing cat prefers wetlands such as marshes and swamps. They can be found in heavily wooded areas adjacent to rivers or near jungles. They are also found in scrub areas, reed beds and tidal areas of streams. Viverrid cats have been recorded in the Himalayan forests at an altitude of 1525 m. They have also been seen at an altitude of ~2100 m in the mountainous regions of Sri Lanka.


There is little information available about the breeding of angler's civet cats. Fishing cats breed once a year, during January and February. They were also spotted breeding in June. The gestational period is 63 days, after which 1 to 4 kittens are born. Cubs weigh between 100 and 173 grams at birth and gain approximately 11 grams per day. On the 16th day their eyes open. Meat is introduced into the kittens' diet on the 53rd day, and weaning from mother's milk occurs at 4-6 months. At 9 months, young individuals reach the size of an adult cat, and gain independence at 10 months. They probably become sexually mature shortly after this.

It has been observed that males in captivity help females care for their offspring and take part in raising kittens. It is unclear whether civet cats replicate this behavior in the wild.


The civet fishing cat lives on average 12 years in the wild, and more than 15 years in captivity.


Fishing cats contradict existing beliefs that they do not like water. Representatives of this species are strong swimmers and can travel long distances underwater. They often hunt fish while completely submerged in water. One report describes catching waterfowl, which involves cats diving underwater and grabbing the prey by the paws.


A fecal examination showed that about 76% of their diet was fish, with the rest being birds, insects and rodents. Grass was present in the diet in all months except the rainy season.

The civet fishing cat is capable of hunting large mammals, and has been observed devouring the carcasses of domestic animals (dogs, sheep, calves) and killed (Panthera tigris). These cats are believed to be nocturnal, but little information exists about their behavior in the wild.


The species' primary threat is considered to be destruction of wetlands (more than half of Asia's wetlands are threatened or endangered), as a result of human settlement, drainage for agriculture, pollution, overhunting and timber harvesting. Destructive fishing significantly reduces the main food supply of fishermen. They are also hunted for their meat and some body parts, and killed for attacks on domestic animals. Skins are sometimes found in Asian markets, but much less common than other cats.

Role in the ecosystem

There is no information regarding the species of fish that the civet fishing cat feeds on and its impact on the ecosystem. More research is needed into the actual diet of cats to better understand the role of this species in the ecosystem.

Economic significance for humans


These cats are hunted for various aspects of trade, however it remains unclear which parts of the cat's body are valuable for trade. Fishing cats are also important for educational and research purposes.


The civet fishing cat hunts domestic animals. However, research has shown that pets are not the primary source of food.

Security status

The civet fishing cat is listed as an endangered species according to the IUCN Red List, and is also listed on CITES Appendix II, and is protected by national legislation throughout most of its range. Hunting is prohibited in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand. In Bhutan and Vietnam, the species is unprotected outside protected areas.


It doesn’t really matter whether an Asian, American or wild fishing cat will live in the house, because it is more important to know everything about it and decide how appropriate this skillful fisherman will be in the house and whether it will be possible to cope with its temperament and provide the pet with everything it needs.

By the way, it’s easy to find out about an apartment for this and any other cat in the Sofia residential complex from Martynov on the corresponding website.

Fishing cat or civet cat

The civet fishing cat is a rather large, larger than a leopard cat, a member of the cat family. Lives mainly in southeast Asia: India, Indochina, Ceylon, Java, Thailand. They prefer to live in marshy areas overgrown with reeds, near ponds and streams. These cats have been in the International Red Book since 2008.

Is it possible to keep a fishing cat at home?

You can keep it at home, provided you have permission. But you need to understand that this is a wild animal and it needs space. Although he can get along with people, and even be affectionate sometimes. But in most countries it is illegal to keep civet cats at home.

Cat fisher breed: brief description and price, where and how to buy, how much it costs

This is a very large cat. It can weigh up to 16 kg, grows up to 120 cm in length, and the height at the withers is 40 cm. Females are smaller in size: their weight does not exceed 7.5 kg and their length is 70 cm. Anglers have a very strong body, they are stocky, with short legs and tail. The muzzle is large, wide, almost without a bridge of the nose, small low-set ears, a powerful jaw with sharp teeth, fangs can reach 3 cm in length. The color is gray-brown with black speckles, the coat is short and coarse. The tip of the tail is dark. Viverrid cats have membranes between their pads for better movement in the water.

Puberty occurs at the age of 2-3 years. These cats breed all year round, and most often there are 2-3 kittens in a litter.

It is necessary to buy kittens only in nurseries, at two months of age, after purchasing a permit. Such a kitty costs a lot in Russia; not everyone can afford the pleasure of 300 thousand rubles.

Is there a fishing cat in Russia or not?

There is no such cat in Russia. She is bought and kept only at home.

Viverrid cat at home care, nutrition, illness

- Feed the kitten from the moment of acquisition by hand so that it does not feel threatened in your presence;
- Play with them only with special toys, never with your hand;
- Don’t yell at him, because of his intelligence, he understands all voice commands;
- These cats have a great respect for fish, so feed them fish more often, and add uncooked beef and chicken with bones to their diet. These pussies eat up to 1500 grams per day. meat and fish;
— A domesticated fishing cat can get along with other animals, you just need to befriend them carefully;
— Perform water procedures daily;
- Provide the cat with a large space (the best solution is a large apartment, or better yet a country house;
- And lastly, you need to realize that this is a wild animal and a moment may come that you will have to part ways.

Be sure to vaccinate your pets just like other animals.

Is the fishing cat wild or domestic?

The fishing cat is a wild animal.

How does a fisherman cat hunt?

The cat, hiding, lies in wait for its prey on the shore. As soon as the fish swims close enough, it rushes into the water after it and with its powerful paw throws it ashore. If you can’t catch it right away, you can dive after it to any depth. Although it does not disdain crustaceans, frogs, and on land snakes, birds and small mammals.

The fishing cat (viverrid fishing cat) is reputed to be a great lover of fish and belongs to the genus of oriental cats. Found only in Asia (Indochina, Sumatra, India, Java, Ceylon, Vietnam). He is engaged in “fishing” on the banks of rivers flowing into the Indian Ocean and the coast of the ocean itself.

The living space covers the ebb and flow zone, where mangroves grow - plants with deep roots and high-mounted leaves. In the mangroves, the civet fishing cat hides from enemies, finds suitable prey and feels like a rightful owner.

Human encroachment on its habitat (deforestation, drainage of swamps, expansion of settlements, pollution of territories) negatively affects the population size. Currently, this predator is on the verge of complete extinction. Hunting for it is prohibited, and it is listed in the Red Book.


External resemblance to the family of viverrid mammals is reflected in the Latin name of the species (viverridae), and is expressed in a variegated pattern against a background of olive-brown color, identical to the body shape and short legs. The distant relationship of these animals, dating back to the last era of the Paleogene period, cannot be ruled out.

In size, the civet cat is almost twice as large as an ordinary domestic cat.

  • The length of the body reaches a meter, the height at the withers is 38–41 cm.
  • The weight of an adult male is 11 - 15 kg, females - 6 - 7 kg.
  • The tail is thick at the base, thin at the end, and not long.
  • The physique is strong, squat, clumsy at first glance, but the animal’s movements reveal strength, swiftness and a kind of grace.
  • The massive head almost merges with the body due to the short neck.
  • The facial part of the skull is wide, the jaws are powerful, with sharp long fangs.
  • A large nose with a wide, shortened bridge of the nose stands out on the muzzle in a pale pink color, surrounded on both sides by sparse fan-shaped mustaches.
  • The ears are small, semicircular in shape, with white edges inside and black behind.
  • The eyes are round, yellow-green. Pupils in the form of vertical lentils.
  • The paws are short, with webs between the toes; the claws are not fully retracted.
  • The coat is hard, coarse, short, with a matte sheen.
  • The main tone of the coat color is dominated by olive and light gray shades. The paws, sides and tail are covered with small, chaotically located black spots, and there are several ring-shaped stripes at the tip of the tail. On the head and back, the spots merge into longitudinal stripes. There are white markings around the eyes and behind the ears.

The fishing cat has two subspecies, differing only in size. Smaller individuals live on the islands of Java and Bali; larger animals are found in Sumatra, southern and eastern Asia, and India.

Lifestyle and nutrition

The animal lives in coastal swamps and cannot do without water. He loves and knows how to swim well, prefers to wander in shallow water rather than sit on the shore. It climbs trees reluctantly, climbing them only in case of emergency.

Among its natural enemies, it fears the leopard, but it may well enter into a fight with it. An adult cat marks its territory with urine and in every possible way declares its rights to the status of owner. In addition, he is a famous brawler and bully. Fights for any reason.

They go hunting at dusk, when fish approach the shore and crayfish, crabs, and shrimp become active. It waits for prey, sitting near the water. Uses cunning techniques to get the victim as close as possible. Most often, it presses on the surface of the water with its webbed paws, creating small ripples and imitating the movement of insects.

Sometimes it attacks passing fish from the shore. It catches it from the water with its paws, but can dive into the depths for prey. Webbed paws help them move quite quickly in water over long distances and dive well.

The civet fishing cat has an excellent appetite and can eat up to 1.5 kg of fish per day. The diet, in addition to its favorite food, includes snails, snakes, frogs, crayfish, crabs - the cat hunts them in shallow water. On occasion does not refuse small mammals and birds. There are known cases of attacks on larger animals coming to watering places. It can also feed on carrion.

Reproduction and care of offspring

Little is known about the reproduction of wild civet cats; the animal leads a very secretive lifestyle in nature. In captivity, the fishing civet cat can breed all year round. The relative peak of activity is observed at the end of February, beginning of March.

Pregnancy in a female lasts about 2 - 2.5 months (63 - 70 days). The male does not abandon the female and helps her prepare for the upcoming birth. Parents look for a secluded place, arrange and insulate the den.

As a rule, two or three kittens are born. The weight of the cub does not exceed 170 grams. The main food for offspring in the first three months is mother's milk. From the age of two months, parents accustom their babies to solid food. Once they reach nine months, kittens grow to adult size and can take care of themselves. The final formation of a sexually mature individual occurs by 15 months.

In the wild, the predator avoids humans, but does not show aggression without a special reason. A cat caught as a kitten can be tamed and get used to people. Quite often, the fishing cat is found in zoos in Europe. The animal is kept in specially equipped enclosures, has access to an artificial reservoir and living conditions close to its natural habitat.

The animal adapts well to a domestic lifestyle and, if you follow the breeders’ recommendations, can become a loving and devoted friend. It is better to choose a female. When she grows up, there will be less hassle and problems with her. Males that have reached sexual maturity begin to mark their territory and jealously protect their owners from strangers with the help of their claws and teeth. The consequences of such actions are dangerous and fraught with dire consequences.

Raising a kitten requires some effort and a special approach. The animal has a complex, conflicting character, however, it is very smart and intelligent. It is better to adopt a kitten from a nursery at two months of age. In order for the baby to quickly get used to the new home, he is hand-fed and surrounded with care and affection.

They are taught to use the tray and commands from childhood. Prohibitions are indicated in a calm and confident tone. Be sure to praise when everything is done correctly. The cat has an ambivalent attitude towards other pets, and gets used to them only when he grows up with them.

You can and should play with a kitten, but you should not use your own limbs.

An adult pet grows to a respectable size, but at heart it remains the same little kitten. Uses proven play techniques - bites, grabs arms and legs, may accidentally scratch or miscalculate the force of the bite. At best, after such games the owner will experience very painful sensations.

Before buying an animal, it is necessary to study not only the external description of the breed, but also the habits of the potential pet. The fishing cat's greatest passion is fishing. It’s cruel to deprive him of such pleasure. In an apartment, you can periodically set up a “pond” right in the bathtub and put floating toys into it. In a country house, you can equip a swimming pool for an artificial pond. The cat will be happy to swim there, and if you add live fish, it will also hunt.

The diet consists of fish and lean deli meats. The daily food intake is 1.5 kg. Vitamin preparations and various mineral supplements are added to food.


The animal is in good health, rarely gets sick and does not cause much trouble to the owner. Despite its natural immunity, the predator is subject to all vaccinations required for cats and observation by a veterinarian. If the male is not intended for breeding, he is castrated before the age of eight months.

With good care at home, it can live 20–25 years. In nature, life expectancy is limited to 12–15 years.

Buying a kitten

The animal is under state protection. Therefore, in order to buy a fishing cat, special permission is required. Only a few specialized nurseries are engaged in the legal sale and breeding of this breed. The increased demand for large breeds of cats, which has been observed recently, increases the cost of this most interesting and charming representative of the animal world. The price of a civet fishing cat starts at $10 thousand.

  1. The civet fishing cat has such powerful jaws that it is called the pit bull terrier of the cat world.
  2. The animal's white eye spots are clearly visible behind the ears in the photo. You can use them to determine what mood the civet cat is in. If the spots are not visible and the ears are pressed to the head, it is better not to touch the animal. In this way he demonstrates discontent and aggression.
  3. The animal presses its ears as tightly as possible to its head while swimming or diving to prevent water from getting into them.
  4. Thanks to the special shape of the nose, the predator can retain air after a deep breath, and water does not enter it during diving.
  5. The size of males is twice the size of females.