Cats are reborn after death. Pets don't leave! Dog death from old age: symptoms and how to know that it is dying

Sorry in advance. Perhaps my problem will seem complete nonsense to you, but I ask you to show respect for my misfortune...

The day before yesterday I buried my little kitty. She was old, she was sick... My only consolation is that there is one more left, she is helping me, together we are experiencing a common grief, she has even lost her appetite. I accidentally came across these words:

“It will seem incredible, and yet miracles are possible: there is a chance to help a four-legged friend be reborn, undergo reincarnation. In any case, I succeeded - and more than once. Reincarnation can be initiated not only by a magician, but also by any person who loves his pet very much and does not want to put up with its “departure.” What is needed for that?

1. You must love your pet very much, treat him not as a toy or fun, but as a full member of the family, respect his feelings and desires. If love is true, you will definitely succeed!

2. Have cat or dog owners among your friends: you need animals that can give your departed pet a new body (give birth to puppies or kittens).

3. Mentally “book” the body for the reincarnated animal even before pregnancy. To do this, place your open palm on the head or belly of the “potential mother” and, affectionately stroking her, looking into her eyes, come to an agreement with her by solemnly saying (out loud or to yourself) the following words: “If you give birth to four puppies (kittens), then one of them is mine, the soul of my Sharik will move into it.”

4. The fourth condition: hang a photo of your pet on the wall and look at it more often, and also remember the best moments of your friendship.

If you follow these simple conditions correctly, expect a refund!

Take a closer look at newborn puppies or kittens as soon as they open their eyes and take their first steps - you will definitely recognize the one who has returned! From the very first days, such babies have a look like that of adult animals: they look as if they know some Secret, they look with curiosity: will their owner recognize them?

I was already going over a search plan in my head. But then, almost immediately, I came across a forum about the souls of animals, in which Kryon says that external similarity is not necessary at all and that you immediately need to look for a new animal, and I should also supposedly recognize it by its behavior... And we, when we were walking from the funeral of our News, we just met a cat in our yard who was running towards us, holding a month-old kitten by the neck. Is this really a sign??? But tell me, how is reincarnation possible if this baby was born long before our girl’s death??? Our grief knows no bounds, please advise what to do...

3 August 10 - Omkara

Hello Cat Soul

Sorry for the delay in answering: just at this time I had a similar situation - my favorite laptop died. I had to spend a lot of time trying to “reanimate” it, and then purchasing, assembling and mastering a new computer, as well as answering questions and messages that had accumulated during my forced “vacation”.

First I will answer simpler, so to speak, technical questions, and then I will move on to more significant things. You write: “...I immediately need to look for a new animal, and I also supposedly have to recognize it by its behavior...” If there is at least some logic in this instruction, then the author must have meant “taking into account the time required for development of an animal in the womb." The soul enters the womb at the moment of conception. You are right: a month-old kitten, born long before the death of your cat, could not possibly be the next incarnation of the soul that lived in her body. The time sequence must be observed: first the exit from the body (death), then the entry into the egg with the sperm, the period of embryonic development and, finally, a new birth. I once read in the news that a man somewhere in Central America declared himself to be the reincarnation of Pope John Paul II. Moreover, this man was born long before the death of this pope, from which it follows that, apparently, not everything is in order with him even with elementary logic.

Further. Of course, you may want this soul to incarnate again next to you in a cat’s body, but you need to understand that it may have completely different karma. The Vedas say that after staying in the bodies of representatives of the cat family, the soul receives a human body. Perhaps that soul was destined to live in a cat’s body for the last time (in this cycle of evolutionary ascent), and now it will be born in a human body (especially since the death was natural, which means there are no obstacles to further evolution associated with violent death) . And you will expect that she will be born to the neighbor's cat.

In another “instruction” you provided, it is written: “... you will definitely recognize the person who has returned! From the very first days, such babies have a look like that of adult animals: they look as if they know some Secret, they look with curiosity: will their owner recognize them? Maybe you’ll find out, anything can happen. Or maybe you’ll just imagine that you found out, but in reality you won’t have any way of knowing for sure whether the same soul has incarnated next to you again.

Now a more significant point. Unfortunately, you have entered so deeply into the “consciousness of a cat” (as opposed to the consciousness of God, which we try to teach in our School) that even when you see some random cat with a kitten, you think: “Isn’t this a sign?” Yes, this is a sign, there are no coincidences in life. But this is a sign that you have become so attached to the cat that you now think about it constantly (at least this was the case in early June, when you asked the question).

Why have you developed such an attachment to your cat that you never want to part with it? You seem to understand that each of us is a spiritual soul, not a body, and someone might think that your attachment to the soul that was in the body of your cat is spiritual, but in fact it is material, based on illusion. You are trying to take refuge in something that cannot be a real refuge. Loving a cat will not make you happy and will not help you avoid the dangers that this world is full of. Even if the same soul is with you in a new cat body, this still does not solve the problem of where you will go when you have to leave the body. Each of us is a child of God, and we need to develop a relationship with Him, only this is salvation. There must be wisdom. We offer people a path of wisdom that begins with an understanding of who we are and what our natural position and function is, our relationship with God. And then you can learn more and more about God from the Vedic scriptures and from holy teachers - there is a lot of information! Using this process sadhana-bhakti, The main focus of meditation on the names of God is to actually know God.

Therefore, we will not advise you to make efforts and try to help the soul that was temporarily in the body of your cat to reincarnate into a new cat body not far from you. You ask what to do. Recently I already answered this question, asked on a different occasion (“What did I do that the men I love leave me? How be? "), - read it. Essentially, the answer to all such questions is one - “Engage in self-awareness.” This is exactly what we try to teach on our website, and not only on it.

Understand that the soul of your deceased cat is a child of God, and He cares for it, just as He cares for you. Let her go further, where fate has destined for her. Why are you attached to this particular soul? Anyone else could have taken her place. This is simply material attachment, not based on knowledge, - temporary, like everything material. A new cat will appear, completely different, and you will become attached to it in the same way if you do not develop attachment to God, the spiritual world. Two months have passed since your question - perhaps the severity of your problem has already been removed. Time “heals” after all. But the stream of problems in this world related to birth, illness, old age and death is endless: one goes away and another comes. You need to finally start becoming wiser, otherwise you yourself risk ending up in a cat’s body. The Srimad-Bhagavatam describes in detail the story of Maharaja Bharata, who became very attached to a deer and as a result was forced to take birth in the body of a deer. Here's what he says about it A. C. Bhaktivedanta With you:

Even such an exalted devotee, who had already developed loving attachment for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, failed on the spiritual platform and fell down due to attachment to an animal. It is further explained in this chapter that due to his attachment to a deer, Maharaja Bharata had to take birth as a deer himself. If this happened even to Maharaja Bharata, then what about those people who are attached to their cats and dogs, but have not achieved anything in spiritual life? Because of their love for their four-legged friends, they will be forced to become cats or dogs themselves in their next life. If we do not develop love for the Supreme Lord, if we do not strengthen our faith in Him, we will certainly develop some kind of material attachment. They are the reason for our material slavery.

From the commentary to Srimad-Bhagavatam, 5.8.12

I am not at all advocating treating pets as a toy that can be thrown away at any time without regret, finding other fun. But if you develop a relationship with God, you will truly love all living beings. And this love will be based on knowledge. You will love them, but you will not need them, they will not be your refuge, because you will have a real refuge and a real master - God, the Supreme Personality, the most attractive and perfect.


A woman is very attached to her recently deceased cat and wants the cat's soul to return to her through reincarnation. The answer explains how such consciousness can threaten the woman herself.

Not “the woman will become a cat,” but the soul that is now in the female body can receive the body of a cat. The soul does not become anyone, it remains the same as always, but moves from one body to another, and mental abilities and how the soul perceives itself and the world around it depend on the type of body. We are not talking about the transformation of a body into a body (this, of course, does not happen), but about the formation of your personality, or soul, which is now in a female body, as in a spacesuit, “cat consciousness”. It is this consciousness at the moment of death that leads to the fact that the next body will be a cat. This means the loss of the human form of life. While in the human body, the soul has the opportunity to engage self-awareness - develop a relationship with God. All the great sages and spiritual masters say that this is the greatest value, and the loss of the human form of life is considered as a great misfortune. True authorities in spiritual science consider the transition to lower forms of life and the loss of the human mind (and with it the opportunity to develop a relationship with God) as a highly undesirable event.

26 March 13 - Svarog

My cat, who had been with me for 13 years, died on Sunday. I came across this question here from you. I perfectly understand the woman who asked it. Perhaps we simply cannot express our thoughts correctly. For me, my cat was a joy, a piece of warmth and happiness, we gave each other our love. And first of all, attachment to this, and then only to the body, where all this is embodied. Now all that remains are her bowls, food, basket, toys and things. The smell of her and the scratches from the claws on her hand remained. And the cat left. And it was as if a piece of my heart had been torn out. You are talking about communication with God. I asked and prayed as best I could for the preservation of her life and health, so that God would give her His love and protect her. And I can say that I was heard. Everything terrible was over and things were getting better. And suddenly they called and said that the cat was no more - her heart stopped and they could not resuscitate her. I understand that this is the will of God and His plan is impossible for us to comprehend. And I believe that God chose the best for her than I could give. But this faith is blind. And we ourselves, like small blind children, are trying to do something, tearing our hair out, here and there, it didn’t help, let’s do something else. And so on ad infinitum. Or maybe it was necessary to do something other than take him to different clinics and to different specialists. And not to perform an operation, but simply to pray with the right words in the right place. Maybe I went against the will of God all this time and through my actions doomed the kitty to torment and trials before death? The main thing is not these questions themselves, but the fact that I don’t know the answer. I’ll just “move on with my life.”

31 May 13 - Omkara

And this is just the death of a beloved animal. Can you imagine the death of a loved one? By the way, I advise you to read the article at this link. When my aunt's beloved husband died, it caused her incredible suffering. I gave her a printout of this article to read, and she appreciated it.

Buddhists say: “If you don’t want to experience suffering and pain, don’t get attached to anyone or anything.” But this is impossible, because it is the property of the soul to become attached to another soul. This is our nature, which cannot be canceled or suppressed.

So what should we do if we don't want to suffer? We Vaisnavas have a different solution - to become attached to God, the Supreme Soul. Not to ask Him to fulfill our will - “Don’t let my cat die,” “Don’t let my mother die,” “Don’t let my child die,” but to become attached to Him as a person. God is a person, and the most beautiful, the most attractive. Therefore His name is Krsna, which means "all-attractive." My spiritual master says that Krsna is more attractive than all the beautiful women, handsome men and cute children put together. And than all the cute cats. But the difference is that attachment to Krishna is a source of incomparable bliss, while attachment to people and animals of this world inevitably leads to suffering. Don't want to suffer anymore? (A reasonable person doesn’t want to.) Well, do something in terms of self-awareness and awareness of God. Start exploring this site, for example. Otherwise, the painful experience will be repeated again and again.

And there is no point in scrolling through all these options in your head. You can come up with hundreds of scenarios, but in reality only one is realized, because it is the one sanctioned by God. It bears the divine seal: “For fulfillment.” Man proposes, but God disposes. The one whom God wants to kill, no one can protect, and the one whom God wants to protect, no one can kill. What happens to a particular soul is the result of its personal karma, and we can only be instruments in its implementation. But we think that so much depends on our actions. Karma means action. What will happen to us depends on our karma, and what will happen to other souls is determined by their actions in the past (but not in animal incarnations, but in human ones; animals do not have “actions,” but only “behavior”) . If you think that you are to blame for something, you can ask for forgiveness, but do not forget that the entire course of events is controlled by God and only God. Is this answer not enough for you? If you know this answer, the pettiness of all other questions with their answers becomes obvious and all that remains is to develop a relationship with the Supreme Lord, who has many names, including Vishnu, Rama, Narayana and Krishna.

The article gives a general idea of ​​what can be considered a soul in pets, and presents the most popular points of view that provide answers to basic questions on this topic.

But we should not forget that every opinion is subjective and it is extremely difficult to say for sure and with one hundred percent certainty something on this issue, because we are considering a situation whose solution has not yet been presented or reliably proven by anyone.

Do dogs and cats have souls according to the Bible, psychic opinion, Orthodoxy, arguments

The Bible says that the soul is found in the blood of the earth's cattle (Genesis 9:1). Psychics say that cats and dogs have a soul; some of them believe that the soul separates from the body during sleep and then returns back.

Where does the soul of a dog go after death, Vedas

To answer the question of where the soul goes, you need to be sure of the existence of heaven and hell, because according to the majority, the human soul goes there. No one can say for sure about the existence of an afterlife.

The death of a dog in the house, if a person in the family is sick, has left the house, what does it mean?

The death of a dog in the house has long been considered a bad omen; expect trouble.

If a person is sick, the dog leaves home. You shouldn't wait for recovery.

Causes of death of a dog during pregnancy

- Large fruit.

- Poor circulation.

- Weak labor.

Sometimes there are situations when a pet, for some reason, painfully leaves this world. Serious illness, injury, poisoning or other reason. In this case, it is better to resort to euthanasia. Over time, grief is replaced by warm memories. It is impossible to let go of a beloved friend without worrying.

A dog has died, what to do next, how to explain to a child whether it’s worth getting a new one

This can be a real stress for a child; it is better to try to explain that the dog died and went to heaven, she will be fine there. Under no circumstances should you get a new pet right away, it will be a replacement. But a dog is not a toy; it cannot be forgotten on the second day after death. Bury the animal with the child, go to the grave with him.

Dog death from old age: symptoms and how to know that it is dying

The dog becomes less agile. He eats less. Sleep time increases. Lack of sexual activity. Changes in appearance, the coat becomes grey, some parts suffer from baldness. Teeth fall out.

Sudden death of a dog causes and symptoms

Sudden death can result from:

- Poisoning.
- Heart diseases.
- Pneumothorax.
- Collapse of the trachea.
- Foreign body in the throat.

Signs of dog death from poisoning

Depending on the toxic substance, signs may vary. Once in the body, the poison affects the central nervous system, organs, and skin. Most often, the dog falls, convulses, foams at the mouth, vomits, and grinds its teeth. They are too active, their consciousness is not clear, or, on the contrary, they are lethargic and depressed.

Can dogs sense the death of their owner?

There are many stories in which they tell how a dog, sensing the imminent death of its owner, began to behave differently, whine or warn in some other way. There are often cases when a dog saved its owner from death.

Esoteric dog soul

It is believed that the soul turns to dust.

Clinical death in a dog happens or not, from a tick bite, heart attack, heart failure, during and after childbirth, from anesthesia, rat poison

Clinical death happens.

If you do not provide help, death after a bite from an infected tick will occur within 3-7 days.

This story from our regression practice is quite unusual.

Our client is very connected to the spiritual world and completely trusts her intuition.

One day she received a mysterious message from her horse, the meaning of which the client initially did not understand.

Events took their course, and she became pregnant. But who is this child who wants to be born to her?

A past life dive should have cleared this up. A dramatic love story unfolds...

Connection with a horse from a past life

Our client came to us with the following request: “I know that I have connection with my horse from a past life.

During one walk, I received the following message: I will have a child if we - my horse and I - want to stay together.

At first I didn't think about it. I wasn't sure if the message was from my horse or from the spirit world.

Pregnancy was out of the question, since my copper contraceptive chain had shrunk several years ago and could only be removed surgically. And I am very afraid of surgery under general anesthesia.

Later there were other messages. In the end there was a small tumor, so I had to go to the gynecologist to have it removed.

Before the operation, I made an agreement: if a thread of the copper chain appears during the operation, it will be removed.

I secretly hoped that this would not happen, but the thread appeared, the tumor and the copper chain were removed.

Everything went smoothly and the scar healed quickly, to the surprise of my gynecologist.

Now my husband and I had to protect ourselves; thanks to modern inventions, this should not be a problem. We did this carefully, especially during ovulation. A month later it turned out that I was pregnant.

My question to you is: “Why does this child want to come to me so urgently?”

We went into a past life to find the answer to a question. We asked the spirit world to show us life in which it was connection with the soul of the unborn child.

A past life with a heartbreaking dramatic love story was revealed to us.

At the beginning of our journey, a little girl appeared who accompanied us along the way to the Heavenly Staircase and showed us the entrance to a past life.

And this past life was revealed to us...

A young woman (our client in a past life) fell in love with the son of a rich landowner. They secretly met regularly in a wild meadow near the lake.

She came on foot, and he came riding on his white horse. These were romantic meetings, and the relationship became more and more passionate.

And finally she became pregnant. Both admitted this to their parents. But the landowner had other plans for his son, and they did not include a wedding to a woman from a poor peasant family.

He brought a bag of gold coins to the parents so that the child would not need anything.

The young woman again went to their meeting place in the meadow and waited, as always, for her lover, but he did not come. She became upset and cried, feeling abandoned.

After some time, she saw her beloved's horse, but there was no rider. The horse led her to her beloved, who had an accident on the way: falling from the horse, he broke his head. He died in her arms.

She was not allowed to attend the funeral; she watched the ceremony from afar.

Because of everything that happened, contractions began. Too early - the baby died shortly after birth. The parents allowed her to bury the child in the yard.

While mourning the death of her child at the grave, she saw a landowner leading his son’s white horse along a nearby road. He took the horse to the butcher because he believed it was responsible for the death of his son.

The woman's further life was empty. She stayed with her parents and inherited the farm after their death. She spent her life alone and died at the age of 60.

Garden of the Soul and Lake of Healing

After viewing the past life we ​​visit a place in the spiritual world - Garden of the Soul and Lake of Healing. In this place we communicate with souls from a past life. Among other things, we will also find out whether these souls are present in real life.

The little girl was here from the very beginning and accompanied us to this garden. It was the soul of a girl from a past life who died shortly after birth. And this is the soul of the child with whom our client is now pregnant.

She desperately wants to see her parents, who couldn't get together at the time. Oh, yes, the man in a past life is now the client’s husband and the father of the child. These souls agreed to come together again in this life.

And then a white horse appeared, which felt guilty about the drama of my past life. She reared up when the snake appeared in her path. The rider fell and, unfortunately, fell on a stone.

The horse also saw that the woman had lost her child while she was being taken to the butcher. Even if it was an accident, the horse felt responsible for the tragedy, and it became the client's horse in today's life.

And the guilt that she felt will be completely removed with the birth of the child. For this reason, her message to her client was so decisive: “If we want to stay together, you have to have a baby.”

The horse knew which soul would certainly be reincarnated.

This story may sound to the reader like one of those funny romance novels, but what was special about this regression was the great intensity of the emotions experienced.

Animal Reincarnation: Recognizing Souls

After the session, the client also wrote a little more about the relationship with her horse:

“Even before I knew I was pregnant, my horse knew it. Suddenly she began to move at a slow pace in the forest, although she usually likes to run fast.

If I had contacted you sooner and taken a pregnancy test sooner, I would have saved money on the saddler and the vet, who, of course, couldn't find anything.

The horse came to me by accident. Her eyes were expressionless and deeply wrinkled, as if they had seen death. She was sold because she attacked her previous owner.

Afterwards I found out that the horse was going to be sent to slaughter if I had not bought it. What prompted me to buy a horse at that moment, I don’t know. My husband saw her for the first time and said: “You're crazy!”

He had never seen such a muscular horse with such creepy eyes. And she was ours. My husband was in shock.

When she was brought home, it was as if she had been replaced. It was a completely different horse: since then she has never bitten or kicked!

I ride her bareback and bareback and she's always nice to me. However, she does not allow anyone else to ride or lead her.

And what's special is that from day one this horse gallops towards me whenever I'm about to ride him. It `s very unusual. Even people who don't believe in reincarnation said: " You know this horse from a previous life.”

Equestrian connoisseurs will be able to feel these lines even more. It's so good that the horse was saved from the butcher! And this horse found its way to a man, where it had an important task.

By the way, the horse told us in the garden of the soul that the client should take good care of herself and the unborn child, because his soul definitely wants to be with his family.

We thank our client for allowing us to publish her personal story. We also want to encourage other people to trust their intuition and messages from the spirit world.

Translation by Tatyana Druk, editing by Natalia Butenko.

There are probably no other pets with which so many superstitions, signs, and secrets are associated, as with ordinary cats. Cats have nine lives, their strange unblinking gaze seems to see the invisible that is next to us. And how many superstitions are associated with an ordinary black cat!

Cats have lived with humans for many millennia. They were considered sacred animals in many countries and apparently not without reason. And at the same time, the cat always remains independent, as if it were she who chose her owner, and not vice versa. And maybe this really is true. At least Irina, the heroine of the next story, is sure of this.

Cat and its owner

Martha appeared in Irina’s life by chance. She came running to her dacha in the fall, when most summer residents had already finished their season and left for the city, for winter quarters. And then a small red cat, almost a kitten, which someone callous and ruthless chose to leave at the dacha, came to Irina.

Of course, the girl could not indifferently turn away from the animal, which looked at her with such hope, and took the cat with her. The cat sat on her shoulder all the way, as if afraid that Irina would change her mind.
Martha quickly got used to the new home and developed a truly tender relationship with Irina. Marta recognized only her new owner, followed her, went to sleep in her head, on the pillow, was sincerely sad when Irina left for work and was wildly happy when she returned.

This went on for many years and every cat owner knows how much joy and happiness their furry pets can give.

But a cat's life is short-lived and Martha grew old and died. That day became the darkest day in Irina’s life. The girl cried for many hours and could not believe that her beloved cat was no longer around.

Strange night

A few days later, Irina calmed down a little. She was already asleep when, through her sleep, she suddenly heard the familiar patter of paws on the parquet. Half asleep, she was not immediately surprised, because she was so used to these sounds. But then it dawned on the girl that she was alone in the apartment, and that there could be no cat in it.
She froze under the blanket, listening to the steps, but there was no fear. The footsteps approached the bed and died away. Then something heavy jumped at her feet.

Irina clearly felt the weight of the soft body on her legs. And the invisible cat carefully walked up the blanket.

The sensations were so real that Irina could not stand it and raised her hand and turned on the night light. She saw a completely empty blanket, on which a chain of dents clearly appeared, they could have been left by the small paws of a cat. Only then did fear come to Irina, the first thing she thought about was Martha, and that it was her ghost who visited her. She began to repeat to herself that this was unreal, that this could not happen. She assured herself that Martha loved her so much that even if it was her ghost, he would not harm her.

And the marks reached the stomach, stopped and suddenly disappeared.

Nothing more mysterious happened that night or subsequent ones.

They're coming back

And a few months later, Irina found the strength to get a new cat. She signed up for a purebred kitten, which was due to be born in the fall, and was preparing to receive a new pet.
But one day, leaving the store, she saw a young cat who ran up to her and began to circle around her feet. The cat followed Irina for more than a block, persistently singling her out from the crowd of other people. She followed Irina into the courtyard of her house and there the local cats, who did not like the appearance of a competitor, tried to attack her.

Irina could no longer bear this and took the cat home. Masha began to live with Irina and the girl often caught herself thinking that it was Martha who had returned to her in a new look. The habits of the two cats turned out to be too similar. Their characters were too similar.

Of course, this could be a mere coincidence, but if any animal is capable of reincarnation, it is probably a cat. Mysterious and unknown. A cat who decides for herself who to stay with and who to give her love to. Author Vladislava Pavlova.

Throughout a person’s life, a very important question concerns itself: is there life after death and where does our immortal soul go after the end of earthly existence? And what is this soul? Is it given only to people or do our beloved pets also have this gift? From the point of view of an atheist, the soul is a person’s personality, his consciousness, experience, emotions. For believers, this is a thin thread connecting earthly life and eternity. But is this true for animals?

Many cat lovers are interested in whether their furry companions have a soul? After all, in cats, like in no other domestic animals, you can see clear personality traits. They are independent and demanding, have a sense of self-esteem, understand the speech of their owners, have an individual character and experience vivid emotions. All this together indicates the presence of a soul. But where the cat's soul goes after death remains a mystery. Do we have a chance to meet our favorites in a better world? Let's consider different opinions, since neither scientists, nor religion, nor even psychics who penetrate into the secrets of existence can give an unambiguous answer to this question.

Does a cat have a soul, scientifically speaking?

Many of us are firmly convinced that modern science rejects the thesis of the existence of a soul as such even in humans, not to mention lower forms of life. However, science has recognized the existence of a human psyche, which reflects the surrounding reality and is a form of perception by the subject of the real world. But in ancient Greek, the word “psyche” means “soul.” In other words, having psychological characteristics, the subject, logically, also has a soul. In such a mysterious domestic animal as a cat, zoologists clearly record the presence of a psyche and its influence on the behavior of the animal. According to scientists, the soul of a cat, a person or another living creature is some kind of electromagnetic pulses, an energy clot, a special aura that does not disappear after the end of its earthly existence, but returns to the general energy field of planet Earth or even to the field of the Universe.

Scientists' opinion

So where do cats go after death, according to scientists? This energy clot, they believe, after being released from the body of a deceased cat, is transformed into a different energy form that nourishes all life on earth. As scientists believe, this new energy is held in this world by a powerful electromagnetic field, therefore the souls of cats do not move to another dimension, but remain next to us, existing in a different capacity.

Where do cats go after they die? Orthodoxy

In the religious canons, too, nothing directly answering the question could be found. The Orthodox Bible mentions many different animals and birds, but there is virtually no mention of the cat - only once in passing is it mentioned in Jeremiah 1:21. But this does not at all mean that the church has a negative attitude towards this amazing animal. It’s just that the Israelis were very irritated by the cult of cats in Egypt and their servile worship of this animal. But, despite this, the church is very favorable towards cats and considers them pure before God. They are treated with respect, they cannot be expelled from the church, they are even allowed to sleep on the altar.

However, theologians have not yet been able to come to a consensus regarding the possibility of the afterlife of animals, and it is still unclear where the cat’s soul goes after death. Heaven has been prepared for them, or is this place only for human souls - this is still being fiercely debated. On the one hand, Holy Scripture notifies that the souls of cats and people are two completely different matters and exist separately. With worthy behavior, a person goes to heavenly paradise, and the soul of an animal simply ceases to exist. Based on this statement, we can assume where cats go after death, ceasing to exist. The soul of a cat does not go anywhere, but dissolves in a common energy source to feed other souls living on earth.

But even here, not everything is so simple. For although the Holy Scriptures speak of the absence of paradise for animals, many saints are depicted in the vicinity of various animals and birds, even some descriptions of Heavenly Paradise contain mention of animals. Therefore, they have a place in heaven. The priests do not clearly state this, but clergymen do not stop researching this issue.

Opinion of Nectarius of Optina

Where do cats go after they die? In developing the discussion about the exceptional position of cats, we should mention the words of Hieromonk Nektary of Optina. He argued that all cats go to heaven in gratitude for the services of this animal during the Great Flood. According to legend, the mouse was going to gnaw the bottom of Noah's ark, which could destroy all living things remaining on earth, taken by Noah on the ark. But the timely intervention of the cat saved all the inhabitants of the ark from death, for which her descendants were awarded the eternal privilege of residing in Paradise. But this statement was neither confirmed nor refuted by the official church. At the moment, none of the church leaders have clearly answered the question of where cats go after death. Orthodoxy is unable to clarify this issue.

Perhaps other well-known religions will provide more clarity. Let's consider the points of view of the largest and most popular religious movements - Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam - and try to isolate the rational grain from very different positions.


According to Hindus, where do the souls of cats go after death? According to their belief, the soul of a cat, like any other creature, goes either to heaven or to hell - there is no other way. But where exactly the soul will go depends entirely on its karma. If the karma is light and positive, the soul, as a reward for its good deeds, settles in heaven, and the bad energy accumulated during life is punished by being placed in hell and eternal torment. In other words, there is the same heaven for humans and cats, since Hindus consider the soul not to belong to humans or animals. She can settle in any of 8.5 million different incarnations, becoming a plant, a stone, an insect, an animal, a person, the smallest microorganism, and even an inanimate (according to Christian canons) object. The answer of Hinduism is more clear - there is heaven, the soul of a cat, after being in heaven or hell, returns to this world again, only in a different capacity.

In Buddhism

Buddhists are also not concerned about where cats go after death, but for a completely different reason. A cat in Buddhism is also considered as just one of the incarnations, but not of the soul, since this religion completely denies its existence. According to Buddhism, instead of the soul, there is only a powerful stream of Consciousness, which takes the most diverse forms of both living beings and inanimate objects. Particles of this Consciousness are placed in a mortal shell and remain there until the physical shell becomes unusable.

For cats and other creatures, heaven or hell is a certain psychological state that everyone creates for themselves, choosing their own path in life. When asked where cats go after death, Buddhism answers that they are reborn and end up in one of the worlds - the world of hell, animals, hungry ghosts, people, lower deities of asuras, higher deities of devas. And the place of their future incarnation also depends on the purity of karma.

In Islam

Where cats go afterwards has its own interesting interpretation. In general, Islam is very loyal to animals in general and teaches its followers justice, tolerance and mercy towards the animal world. The world itself is highly revered, because the great prophet Muhammad himself allowed her to sit on his lap when he read his sermons, and also drank water with her from the same dish and even cut off his sleeve when the cat fell asleep on it - he did not want to disturb her.

However, according to the Koran, cats are not entitled to heaven, even though they have a soul, for this is a divine reward for thinking righteous people who choose the right path in life. Since the cat has no choice, she is not responsible for her actions and does not need Allah’s forgiveness. Their soul is mortal, and when the earthly path is completed, it turns to dust along with their bodily shell.

Beautiful myth

There is a beautiful myth that cat owners will love. It is believed that he came from Scandinavia, but no one knows for sure, although this touching legend has been translated into many languages ​​of the world and has enjoyed constant success. Loving owners of animals dear to them who have passed away from this world want to believe in a happy life for their pets in another reality, so they believe in it sacredly and hope to meet their pet after their death. The essence of the legend is as follows.

If an animal that was very loved by someone in earthly life dies, it moves to the Rainbow Bridge. This magical place has beautiful natural views, endless fields and meadows, hills and mountains. There, cats and other animals frolic in the open space, without problems with food, water, or sunlight. They feel warm and cozy there. Sick and old animals become young and energetic. Time does not matter to them, and they do not notice it if they are remembered here and continue to love them. And one day your pet will leave his comrades, seeing his owner on the Rainbow Bridge, and you will joyfully meet and finally reunite, never to be separated again. This greatly comforts the grieving owners of deceased animals and gives them hope for a happy afterlife.

Do cats have a soul and where does it go after death? Psychics' opinions

Today, more and more people have begun to trust people with special abilities - psychics, who often act as a connecting thread between the world of the living and the dead. Few people doubt that these people are endowed with special knowledge and superpowers, which is why people turn to them on various dark issues related to otherworldly forces. You can have different attitudes to the words of psychics. After all, very often various impostors and charlatans take advantage of our gullibility in such sensitive issues, but it is imperative to take their opinion into account in finding out the answer to the question of where the soul of a cat goes after death. Psychics believe that a cat is a special animal, capable of calmly moving from one world to another.

It is no coincidence that in chilling stories about witches and their reincarnation into black cats, information has been passed on from ancestors to descendants for centuries. And even though these stories are significantly embellished by the narrators, there is still some rational grain in them. Clairvoyants believe that life after physical death is inherent not only in human beings, but also in various animals. Their opinion will help us better understand where cats go after they die. Psychics are confident that these amazing animals, leaving earthly life, can make reverse transitions to our world and help their owners or pursue them, depending on their attitude towards the cat during their life together.

The feeling of cats at the moment of transition

Clairvoyants, communicating with cats who have completed their earthly journey, describe their feelings at the moment of transition. According to them, it was like rolling down a steep hill, and they did not experience any unpleasant sensations at that moment. Psychics claim that death is simply a transition from one dimension to another; these dimensions exist mostly in parallel, but sometimes they can intersect, and then dead souls can be next to us. We, of course, cannot see them, because our vision is not adapted to see energy bodies, but they can be felt, sometimes even stroked, with a full sense of reality.

If you believe in the existence of parallel worlds, it becomes clear where cats go after death. Psychics are not only confident of this, but also advise preparing your smaller brothers - pets - for the transition from our dimension to the neighboring one. They claim that cats understand human speech well, but they cannot answer. If your pet is on the verge of death, tell him what awaits him in a parallel life. About how good and fun he will be there, which of his departed relatives he will meet there and how joyful their meeting will be. Mention what you love and will remember and that when your time comes, you will meet in a better life. It will be easier for them to leave, and this will brighten up their anticipation of the meeting.

Cat owners' opinions on where their pets end up after death

Since humans have an inherent desire to believe in the best, avid cat lovers who dote on their pets are, of course, inclined to believe in life after death and in the opportunity to meet their cat in another, more perfect life. Since no one has yet been able to give an intelligible answer to the questions about whether cats have a soul and where it goes after their death, the opinion of the owners on this issue echoes the ideas of the religion that they profess. In any case, the choice is theirs, but each of them is convinced that they can still walk in the Gardens of Eden with their beloved cat, otherwise what is the point in all our earthly attachments?


Which of the options to accept and whether to take the word of religious figures or psychics is up to each of us to decide for ourselves. But it is always easier to experience the bitterness of loss when you are sure that the being dear to you did not dissolve in the depths of the universal energy, but remained an individual, and even if he is not here, then he exists in another world where you will meet sooner or later.