Skin diseases are afraid of folk remedies. Skin diseases and their treatment with folk remedies Treatment of skin diseases with folk remedies at home

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According to the World Health Organization, more than 20% of the world's population suffers from skin diseases. At the same time, the number of patients increases every year. The most common ailments are dermatitis of various origins, eczema, acne (acne) and psoriasis. Many of them are chronic, relapsing and difficult to treat. Despite the development in dermatology of quite effective methods of traditional therapy for diseases such as rosacea, demodicosis, psoriasis, none of them leads to a complete cure, but only temporarily keeps the disease under control. In addition, in some cases, the effectiveness of using the same method decreases over time, and the doctor has to look for a new method each time.

Like most sciences, medicine throughout its existence has developed in two ways: from the whole to the particular and from the particular to the whole. The first path involves an in-depth and detailed study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of individual organs, while the increasingly narrow specialization of doctors often leads to a loss of skills in working with the body as a whole. The second way, based on ideas about the integrity of the body, is aimed at searching for the root causes of diseases and eliminating the internal causes of their development. Our official medicine often fights not with the disease itself, but with its manifestations and symptoms, trying to suppress them. So the queues for cosmetologists for patients with rosacea and demodicosis are growing, who were sent there by dermatologists who forgot that the human body is a single whole and there is an inextricable connection between its parts. In addition, psoriasis, eczema, rosacea and demodicosis are diseases of unknown origin, i.e. the causes of their occurrence may be problems with hormones, the nervous system, the gastrointestinal tract, and the immune system - and doctors Often there is only one answer to all this: such and such an ointment and such and such tablets. It is possible to cure these ailments, from which many have suffered for years and decades, only by approaching therapy comprehensively - this means that treatment should not only be systemic and local, but also include many methods of physiotherapy and oriental medicine, and even psychotherapy - yes, yes, it gives a very good effect for rosacea, psoriasis and eczema.

This book presents 28 ways to cure skin diseases - both traditional and alternative. All methods are supported by information about clinical studies conducted at various institutes, all recipes are tested on themselves and are based on real stories of people who were cured of them. Yes, some are helped by mud therapy, others by mesotherapy, and others by simple fasting or a raw food diet. Yes, the cure will not come right away, with a snap of your fingers, but it is definitely waiting for you ahead. Try to go from simple to complex - start with yoga, homeopathy, Sytin's moods, juice therapy, Edward Bach's flower essences. It is important to try everything in the fight against the disease, clearly move towards your goal, without retreating a step, and believe in success. And you must agree that 28 methods are much more than they can offer you at the district clinic. Praemonitus praemunitus - as they say, forewarned is forearmed. So, let's go.

Part 1
Causes of skin diseases

Rosacea, demodicosis, psoriasis and eczema are diseases whose genesis is not clearly defined. All of these ailments can occur for many different reasons.

1. Hormonal disorders

Hormones are substances that are produced in the body by specialized cells or organs and affect the activity of other organs and tissues. Hormones are involved in the regulation of all vital processes - growth, development, reproduction, metabolism. When shifts occur in the hormonal system, this negatively affects many systems of the body, including the excretory system.

As you know, rosacea mainly affects women in the premenopausal and menopausal periods. The results of a survey conducted at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and the Department of Dermatovenereology of St. Petersburg (Mozharova M.V., Raznatovsky K.I.) showed that the majority of patients had reduced hormonal function of the ovaries - in particular, a decrease in estradiol levels was observed in blood. In addition, the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland was manifested in a sharp increase in FSH and LH, and the level of cortisol was also increased. Also in the pathogenesis of rosacea, the involvement of changes in the metabolism of sex steroid hormones (H. Aizawa and M. Niimura) and adrenal insufficiency (H. Ritter and J. Wadel) was found.

When examining patients with demodicosis, 67% indicated the presence of hormonal dysfunctions.

One of the reasons for the occurrence of psoriasis may also be problems in the functional state of the gonads - an exacerbation of the disease has been noted during menstruation and during breastfeeding.

Hormonal imbalances in the body can trigger the appearance of eczema.

2. Reduced immunity

Antibodies or immunoglobulins are special proteins that are found in human blood and are used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects - such as bacteria and viruses. When the level of antibodies for some reason increases or decreases, a person has problems with immunity, which means the risk of getting sick increases. Allergies occur as a common reaction to problems with the immune system.

There is evidence that immune system disorders may be a cause of rosacea. Thus, patients showed a significant increase in the level of immunoglobulins of all three classes: A, M, G - regardless of the duration and stage of the disease. Deposits of immunoglobulins and an increase in the absolute number of “total” and “active” rosette-forming cells and a decrease in the number of T-suppressors were also detected. In addition, in patients with rosacea, single antinuclear antibodies and antibodies to collagen IV extracted from lymphocytes were detected, which is regarded as immune disorders that developed due to chronic damage to connective tissue by solar radiation.

One of the theories for the occurrence of psoriasis is the immune theory. It has long been noted that the disease often occurs when the body is exposed to provoking factors, for example, foci of infection (chronic tonsillitis and others), which contributes to a serious disruption of immune processes. Psoriasis is defined as a systemic disease, manifested in the form of immune-dependent dermatosis (Yu.K. Skripkin, 1993; A.M. Shutina, 1995).

Allergy is interpreted as a pathological immune reaction, which is accompanied by damage and inflammation of body tissues, therefore, in the pathogenesis of eczema, the main importance is given to immune changes. For example, in patients with eczema, dysgammaglobulinemia is noted - the level of IgG, IgE is increased and IgM is decreased, the number of functionally active T-lymphocytes is reduced, the total number of T-cells is insufficient, the ratio of helper and suppressor subpopulations is changed, which is why the level of B-lymphocytes is increased .

3. Slag-laden body, polluted liver and blood

In the modern world, it is difficult to find time for proper nutrition - we often snack on the go, without even thinking about the usefulness of the food entering the body. Our unhealthy diet with a lot of sugar and fat causes metabolic disorders, which in turn leads to the appearance of pimples, blackheads, boils and various skin diseases. In addition, slagging of the body due to poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the quality of food taken - additives, artificial colors and flavors, GMOs - all this contributes to the development of putrefactive and fermentation processes in the body. The body, in particular the liver, ceases to cope with the flow of toxins, and self-poisoning occurs. Various skin formations appear - warts, moles, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea. The body signals us about internal dirt.

Numerous studies have revealed a correlation between rosacea and hepatopathy or cholecystopathy - for example, F. Auer found metabolic disorders in the liver and plasma protein composition in most patients with rosacea.

One of the theories of the occurrence of psoriasis (J.O.A. Pagano, 2001) is an autoimmune disorder associated with intestinal diseases. Due to disruption of the intestines, toxins immediately enter the bloodstream, and the liver ceases to cope with the cleansing function, resulting in psoriasis as an external manifestation of the body’s attempt to get rid of internal toxins.

4. Stress

We all know how destructive stress is to the body. Our body reacts so sensitively to negative emotions that we can already forget about some experience or suffering, and the body responds to us with rashes, itching and skin diseases.

Previously, mental factors were considered one of the main causes of rosacea. Many patients experience a high degree of neurasthenia and depression, emotional disorders, vegetative neurosis, excessive emotionality, and vulnerability.

According to one theory, psoriasis also appears as a result of functional disorders of the nervous system - for example, it has been noted that the disease occurs or recurs after mental and physical injuries, concussions, and burns. This theory is indirectly confirmed by the fact that after the use of medications aimed at normalizing the functions of the central and autonomic nervous system, patients with psoriasis experienced an improvement in their condition.

It is also believed that one of the possible causes of eczema is disorders of the nervous system. Animal studies have shown that after severe mental trauma there is a possibility of functional changes in the skin. In addition, the role of the nervous system in the pathogenesis of eczema is indicated by the possibility of its occurrence after damage to peripheral nerves. Indirect evidence can also be the beneficial effect that is observed when using hypnotherapy, sedatives and electrosleep.

Since the metabolic products produced by worms are foreign to the human body, i.e. allergens, the likelihood of eczema occurring is high.

6. Tick

Demodex folliculorum is a small mite with an elongated worm-like body, 0.15–0.4 mm long. It was first discovered in 1841 by Berger in the earwax of the human auditory canal. They live on the skin of the face (nasolabial fold, cheeks, nose, chin), eyelashes, ears, scalp, neck, meibomian glands, skin follicles.

7. Hypovitaminosis

The word “vitamins” itself comes from the Latin vita - “life”. Without vitamins, normal functioning of the body is impossible.

Hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency leads to various painful conditions. Thus, in patients with rosacea and demodicosis, a deficiency of vitamin B is often found. The connection of rosacea-keratitis with hypovitaminosis B 6 and B 12 has also been reliably proven. Vitamin K and C are prescribed to strengthen capillaries and blood vessels.

With psoriasis, vitamin metabolism is also impaired. In patients, the content of vitamin C is reduced. Vitamins A, B 6, B 12 are also insufficient in the blood. There are similar shifts between the contents of copper, zinc and iron.

There are cases of eczema arising from poor nutrition, deficiency of proteins and B vitamins. In addition, many patients have vitamin A hypovitaminosis.

8. Problems with blood vessels

Another theory for the occurrence of rosacea is vascular pathology. Rashes with this disease are localized mainly over the inactive muscles of the face. Under a microscope, abnormalities of the capillary endothelium are detected in these places on the skin. It is assumed that blood and lymphatic vessels are not initially involved in the inflammatory process. Meanwhile, research shows that dysregulation of the brain's influence on the blood vessels of the facial skin plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of rosacea. Due to these disturbances, the redistribution of blood flow slows down and venous stasis (blood stagnation) occurs in the area where rashes most often appear. The area where the facial vein drains also includes the conjunctiva, which explains the frequent involvement of the eyes (rosacea keratitis) in this disease.

9. Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori) is a gram-negative bacterium that infects various areas of the stomach and duodenum, in particular, it is the cause of chronic active gastritis type B.

There are conflicting data regarding the correlation of detection of the bacterium in patients with rosacea. For example, in 1992, Schneider M. A. et al. detected antibodies to H. pylori in only 49% of patients. In 2000 (A. E. Rebora et al.) of 31 patients with rosacea, H. pylori was found in 84% of cases. In 2001 V.P. Adaskevich et al identified Helicobacter in 18 of 20 patients with rosacea. Research (Arifov S.S., Babajanov O.A.), conducted on the basis of the Tashkent Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, showed that out of 28 patients with rosacea, Helicobacter pylori infection, determined by specific immunoglobulins to the Helicobacter pylori antigen using the ELISA method, was found in 15 patients. It is worth noting that of these 15 patients, 7 suffered from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and 8 did not. In addition, in the control group, which included patients with other dermatoses, Helicobacter was found in only 3 out of 14 patients.

Part 2
28 New Treatments for Skin Diseases

Chapter 1
Traditional medicine

Dermatology as a branch of traditional medicine involves an integrated approach to the treatment of diseases such as demodicosis, rosacea, psoriasis and eczema. As a rule, the general treatment regimen for all these ailments looks like this: local treatment - creams, ointments, gels, systemic treatment - antibiotics, antihistamines, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy and immunotherapy, as well as appropriate therapy when various concomitant diseases are identified. However, local doctors often do not approach the treatment of these ailments seriously and comprehensively enough, and people are forced to suffer from illnesses for years.

Pyrethorin is contained in 4% permethrin cream from LMP.

In addition to physical therapy for demodicosis, consultations are prescribed for the examination and treatment of concomitant gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to take vitamins and correct immunological and neurological disorders - with the use of appropriate medications.

At the initial stage of the disease, it is advisable to use lotions from a 1-2% solution of boric acid, 1-2% solution of resorcinol, adrenaline, as well as lotions from various herbs (chamomile, linden blossom, yarrow, celandine, horsetail, sage, rose petals, string , St. John's wort, marshmallow root) and tea. In the absence of papules and pustules, it is recommended to massage the face to enhance lymphatic drainage and relieve swelling. Local treatment also includes ointments with ichthyol, naphthalan or metronidazole, the drug Skinoren or other drugs based on azelaic acid.

As systemic therapy, tetracycline antibiotics and macrolides - erythromycin, oleandomycin - are indicated. The starting dose of tetracycline and oxytetracycline is about 1000-1500 mg per day 3-4 times a day. Then the dose is reduced to maintenance - 250–500 mg per day. The initial dose of doxycycline is 200 mg/day, maintenance dose is 100 mg, minocycline is 100 and 50 mg, respectively. Treatment with tetracyclines usually lasts for 10–12 weeks. Therefore, it is advisable to prescribe maintenance therapy in the form of antihistamines, probiotic and prebiotic medications. Erythromycin is prescribed 500–1500 mg per day, roxithromycin - 150 mg twice a day, clarithromycin - 150 mg twice a day. The mechanism of action of antibiotics for rosacea is not completely clear. Studies back in 1958 (R. Aron-Brunnetiere et al.) showed that when treated with chloromycetin and aureomycin, regression was observed in 90% of cases.

Metronidazole preparations, such as Rosamet, are widely used in external therapy for rosacea. Treatment with Rosamet lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. It is also common to prescribe synthetic retinoids - isotretinoin or roaccutane, but the drug has too many side effects.

Good clinical results have been shown by therapy with the drug "Eglonil", which is prescribed for asthenic and asthenodepressive conditions, as well as somatic disorders of a neurogenic nature. (M.V. Cherkasova and Yu.V. Sergeev). This is explained by the fact that the early stages of rosacea are often associated with psycho-emotional factors.

An essential part of the complex treatment of rosacea and demodicosis is vitamin therapy - it is recommended to take ascorutin for 2-3 months, repeating the course after 2-3 weeks.

Also, taking into account neurogenic factors, it is advisable to take B vitamins - B 1 and folic acid, multivitamins. In addition, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed - interferon preparations, Likopid, Kemantan, Glyciram, sodium nucleinate, Polyoxidonium and others.

Psoriasis is treated in combination with systemic and external therapy, physiotherapy, vitamin therapy and immunotherapy.

Local preparations include ointments and creams with salicylic acid, sulfur, urea, dithranol and glucocorticoid creams and ointments - they are prescribed, as a rule, in the progressive stage. When an exacerbation occurs repeatedly, it is advisable to use fluoridated drugs - Betamethasone, Vipsoral - or non-halogenated glucocorticoid ointments. Recently, the prescription of “Calcipotriol”, a synthetic analogue of the most active metabolite of vitamin D3, which has anti-inflammatory and immunocorrective properties, has become widespread. It is worth remembering that ointments become addictive, so they must be alternated regularly.

Systemic therapy for psoriasis consists of taking aromatic retinoids - “Etretinate”, “Acitretin”. It is also recommended to take Cyclosporin A, a cyclic polypeptide with an immunosuppressive effect. The drug is usually prescribed to patients with severe forms of psoriasis, when conventional therapy does not have the desired effect or there are contraindications to other treatment methods.

Vitamin therapy is indicated in the form of taking vitamins A, B and C, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Therapy for eczema also includes systemic therapy, external therapy, physiotherapy and vitamin therapy.

External therapy is prescribed depending on the clinical picture of eczema: if there are weeping rashes, lotions from a solution of silver nitrate, tannin, as well as gels - “Dimetindene” and “Fenistil”, solutions of “Furacilin”, “Dioxidine”, methylene blue, potassium permanganate are indicated , chlorhexidine, 0.5% resorcinol, 2% boric acid. The crusts are coated with aniline dyes - “Fukortsin”, brilliant green.

For the exudative form, aerosols of Polcortolone, Oxycort, Oxycyclosol, Panthenol, Aekol, and Levovinizol are used. In addition, the following ointments are prescribed: boron-tar, boron-naphthalan, 5% ASD, zinc, ichthyol, sulfur, salicylic. Steroid ointments are used: Belosalik, Beloderm, Celestoderm-B, Lokasalen, Diprosalik and others.

Systemic therapy involves taking calcium preparations - calcium chloride and calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate solution intravenously, hemodez solution 200–400 ml drip. Antihistamines are also prescribed - parenteral administration of clemastine, diphenhydramine, chloropyramine in combination with oral H1-histamine receptor blockers. In severe cases, it is advisable to take corticosteroids - a solution of betamethasone (Diprospan), Prednisolone.

If eczema occurs with the involvement of a purulent process, it is necessary to take antibiotics - enhanced and antistaphylococcal penicillins, cephalosporins of the first and second generations, aminoglycosides, macrolides, fluoroquinolones. In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, indomethacin, diclofenac) and angioprotectors - xanthinol nicotinate, pentoxifylline, dipyridamole are prescribed.

Immunocorrective agents are also prescribed - interferons, solutions of Splenin, Humisol, Plazmol, Imunofan, immunoglobulin, Myelopid, Lykopid, Kemantan, Glyciram, sodium nucleinate, Diucifon, Dimocyphon, Avlosulfone, dapsone.

Vitamin therapy consists of taking vitamins B 1, B 6, B 12, B 15, A, E, C, calcium pantothenate, and folic acid. It is recommended to prescribe gastrointestinal enzymes and biostimulating drugs - tincture of Eleutherococcus, aloe, ginseng, aralia, pantocrine.

Chapter 2

There is an opinion that all diseases arise due to psychological inconsistencies and disorders in the soul, subconscious and thoughts of a person. Even in Ancient Greece, the idea of ​​the influence of the soul and spirit on the body was widespread. One of the first to use the term “psychosomatic” was the doctor Johann Christian Heinroth in 1818.

Psychosomatics considers diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea and eczema as psychosomatic. The first attempt to explain skin diseases as having a psychogenic nature was made in 1681 by T. Siedenchen, who described angioedema as a manifestation of hysteria. D. Turner connected rosacea and severe stress in 1726 - the patient was in shock after the death of her husband. Nowadays, research results show that 25–50% of patients with rosacea experience mental trauma that preceded the development of the disease (M.V. Cherkasova, 1997; A.M. Lalaeva et al., 2003). V.P. Adaskevich (2000) reports a connection between stress and exacerbation of rosacea in 67% of cases. 25–60% of patients with psoriasis experience psychogenic effects of varying severity before exacerbation or manifestation of the disease (M. Gupta, A. Gupta, 1998). In 76% of people suffering from dyshidrotic eczema of the hands and 70% of patients with atopic dermatitis, the primary role of stress in the manifestation or exacerbation of the disease was noted (R. Griesemer 1979).

German doctor and psychotherapist Rudiger Dahlke believes that all skin diseases arise from a person’s desire to isolate himself from the world and limit his contacts. For example, a skin rash indicates that some emotions or desires are trying to get out - in adolescence, growing sexuality is suppressed by a person as something new, unknown and frightening. With psoriasis, the protective function of the skin is transformed into a shell, with the help of which a person separates himself from the world, fences himself off on all sides and does not want to let anyone in or out. This suggests that the person is afraid of damage, afraid of being offended. Itchy skin indicates that something is irritating a person, that the problem was not addressed properly and now it “itches.” Itching is something that cannot leave a person indifferent, some kind of strong emotion.

To understand the cause of the disease, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do you limit yourself too much from the world around you?

2. How are things going with your contacts?

3. Is there a suppressed desire for intimacy hidden behind your rejected action?

4. What exists inside of you that wants to break through the border to be noticed?

5. What really prevents you from living in peace?

6. Are you dooming yourself to isolation?

Dahlke argues that once you realize that a skin problem is the result of your fear or repressed emotions, it is absolutely wrong to try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Try to enjoy the fact that you feel fear or a desire to hide, since your aggression or fear of intimacy and contacts will not disappear if you look in their direction for a long time with a dissatisfied look.

Dahlke advises accepting yourself as you are. He claims that there are no dangerous phenomena and character traits: any phenomenon is neutralized by the opposite, and in isolated form any manifestation will be dangerous. Thus, peace exists only when there is a balance of forces. Harmony and balance are the key to solving problems and achieving happiness. A disturbing symptom disappears only when the patient becomes indifferent to it. Indifference shows that a person has realized and accepted the phenomenon or feeling. If we cannot understand something, we just need to accept it and love it, because it is something that realizes what is missing in us. Treatment has nothing to do with “recovery” at all, since recovery occurs only in our head and our consciousness. As one of the methods of healing and achieving harmony, Dalke recommends a system of guided meditation, which promotes deep emotional and physical relaxation, a state of absolute calm, and the disappearance of psychological barriers and anxiety. These meditations are effective in treating many physical ailments, including skin ones.

Psychologist Irina Malkina-Pykh also believes that our thinking affects how we experience stress and determines behavior related to maintaining health. Numerous studies and observations confirm that thoughts have a physical effect on all major organs through the autonomic nervous system, as well as the endocrine and immune systems.

One of the causes of skin diseases can be considered internal conflict, difficulties in establishing contact and communication. Thus, acne in adolescence indicates an unconscious fear of communicating with the opposite sex - that is, when an internal conflict arises, consciousness “runs away” into illness.

An important aspect is the effect of suggestion. It is noted that people suffering from skin ailments, from childhood, are strongly attached to external beauty and cleanliness, which is instilled in them by their parents. Often parents set the condition that if the child is dirty, then they will not love him. As a result, the principle of holistic psychology is triggered: a person is deprived of what he is too attached to - i.e. beauty.

Another reason may be “elements of organic speech,” when the disease is the physical embodiment of the phrase. Thus, the expression “I’m allergic to it” or “I can’t digest it” can turn into real symptoms.

In addition, Malkina-Pykh identifies as a reason - an attempt to be like someone - while a person demarcates himself from his body and does not accept it. Self-punishment can also become a “trigger” when a person behaves differently from how he was raised and begins to experience a feeling of guilt for which he seeks punishment.

The most serious source of illness is, as a rule, traumas in the past - long-forgotten childhood traumas, repressed, but still affecting a person. Such injuries can resurface at any time and with many years of remission.

Another important reason may be alexithymia - a person’s inability to express their emotions. Such people usually suffered in childhood from the suppression of emotions by their parents for educational purposes: for example, “men don’t cry,” “only ill-mannered children laugh,” “girls don’t behave like that.” As a result, the person becomes unable to perceive and verbally express his feelings.

It is well known that stress can both cause and aggravate diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. The body, which is in a state of stress, releases histamines into the blood, which causes a rash or small pimples and itching.

Malkina-Pykh notes that most people suffering from skin diseases are characterized by problems in their relationship with their mother. Because babies initially perceive the world around them through tactile sensations, through the skin. Thus, the child could suffer from an infantile mother who shows hostility towards him, a mother who is reluctant to touch him, reluctant to care for him, and constantly abstains from skin contact with him.

On the other hand, the child could, on the contrary, suffer from manifestations of exaggerated tenderness. Many patients say that it was customary in the family to hide from children both quarrels and anger, as well as joyful changes in life. The meaning of life and faith were usually not mentioned at all in such families.

One of the methods of psychotherapy that could help patients with skin diseases, Malkina-Pykh calls gestalt therapy, namely, exercises for self-awareness, for identifying the background and cause, for analysis, for remembering, for awareness of one’s body and emotions, for verbalization, self-integration, retroinflection and projection, introjection. All these exercises make a person think about the cause of his illness, promote awareness of the cause of the illness, awareness of what is happening and its acceptance.

Chapter 3
Homeopathy and homeosiniatry

Modern homeopathy was founded by the German physician Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), who described all the basics of homeopathy in his treatise “The Organon of the Medical Art.” The main principle of this type of therapy is that homeopathic medicines cause effects in the body that are similar to the manifestations of the diseases for which they are synthesized. “Similia similibus curantur,” which translates to “Like is cured by like.” In addition, from the point of view of homeopathy, small doses of substances that cause symptoms of the disease are much more effective than large doses, i.e., there is an accumulation effect.

To treat rosacea in homeopathy, the following substances are used: in solutions - Arnica (arnica montana), Lachesis (poison of Lachesis mutus or surucucu, a very poisonous snake living in South America), Sanguinaria (Canadian sanguinaria), Nux vomica (chilibuha, vomiting nut) ; in peas - Carbo animalis (animal coal), Calcarea silicata (lime silicate) and Sulfur (sulfur).

Homeopathy treats eczema with: Alumina (calcined alumina) tablets, Arsenicum album (arsenic), Barium carbonicum (neutral barium carbonate), Calcium carbonicum (preparation from the middle layer of oyster shell), Graphites (graphite), Kalium arsenicosum (acid arsenic potassium ), Phosphorus (phosphorus), Sepia (cuttlefish), Silisea (hydrous silicic acid), Sulfur (sulfur),

Weeping rashes with serous discharge are treated by homeopathy with: Arsenicum album, Dulcamara (sweet bitter nightshade), Kreosotum, Natrium muriaticum, Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy) or Sarsaparilla (sarsaparilla). Weeping rashes with mucopurulent secretion: Anacardium orientate, Antimonium crudum, Calcium carbonicum, Graphites, Lycopodium, Mezereum.

Homeopathy recommends treating psoriasis by starting with medications that correct existing organ failure and are excreted through the liver or kidneys. For symptoms of liver and gallbladder disorders, Berberis aquifolium (barberry) or (greater celandine) is prescribed. For symptoms of kidney damage - Berberis vulgaris (barberry) or Solidago virga aurea (golden rod, goldenrod). For severely irritated skin and acute itching, use Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy) or Fumaria (fumaria).

Then medications are prescribed for psoriasis itself. Depending on the type of miasm (in homeopathy, when it was not yet known about infections and microorganisms, it was customary to call the hypothetical infectious agent that caused the disease), substances, as well as symptoms of the disease, were divided into 4 types: psoric, tuberculinic, sycotic and luesinic . To find out the nature of the disease, doctors took into account the patient’s physical constitution, his activities, habits and lifestyle, age, sexual function, temperament, etc. Thus, in the treatment of psoriasis, psoric drugs will be: Calcium carbonicum, prescribed for pityriasis peeling, Graphites ( graphite) - for dense peeling, Sepia (cuttlefish) - when cracks form, Silicea - for rough, easily suppurating skin; as well as sulfur. Tuberculin drugs in the treatment of psoriasis are Phosphor (phosphorus), Tuberculinium nosodes, especially Tuberculinum Koch or Rest. Sycotic - Acidum nitricum, Lycopodium, Natrium sulfuricum, Thuja. Luesinic - Arsenicum album, prescribed for small-lamellar peeling; Arsenicum iodatum - with large scales; Hydrocotyle - for the formation of plaques with severe itching; Mangan (manganese acetate) when localized on the extensor surface of the joints; Petroleum - for peeling, mainly in winter.

Also in the treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and eczema, “Psoriaten” ointment, containing a matrix tincture of the Mahonia aquifolium plant (Magonia subfolia) and “Iricar” ointment, which is based on a matrix tincture of the plant Cardiospermum halicacabum (cardiospermum halicacabum - a tropical liana from the family) can have a good effect. sapindaceae).

Tests conducted at the St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after. Academician I.I. Mechnikova (Lalaeva A.M., Piryatinskaya A.B., Guseva S.N., Danilov S.S.), showed that out of 42 patients with eczema, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis who received external ointments, remission was observed in 82% of cases - with complete disappearance of rashes. Improvement was noted in 16% of patients.

The concept of homotoxicology - a synthesis of homeopathy, naturopathy and official medicine - was developed by the German doctor Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg. He founded the Heel company in 1936 (HEEL, from the first letters of the expression Herba est ex luce, which is translated from Latin as “Plants came from the light”). Homeopathic medicines developed by Reckeweg based on extracts and extracts from plants, animal organs, and sterilized microorganisms are used in homeosiniatry.

Homeosynia is a method of injecting homeopathic remedies into acupuncture points using a medical syringe, which were known in ancient China. This method enhances the effect of treatment from homeopathic remedies.

Thus, in the treatment of rosacea in home medicine, it is recommended to use the following drugs: Cutis compositum and Traumeel S at points V13, V40, GI4, GI11, Hepar compositum at points F13, F14, V18. To get rid of keloid scars - Coenzyme compositum (Coenzyme compositum) at points VB34, GI11, RP4, RP6, RP10. Psoriasis in homeosiniatry is treated with Cutis compositum, Traumeel S (Traumeel C) at points V40, R24, GI4, GI11, Coenzyme compositum (Coenzyme compositum) at points IG4, VG13, F5, Psorinohel N at points TR5, VG41. Eczema - Cutis compositum at points GI4, GI11, V13, V40, Coenzyme compositum at points P7, R7, Lymphomyosot at points E36, GI4, GI11, Solidago compositum C at points V23, R2, R7 and Hepar compositum at points V18, F2, F13, F14, RP9, RP10.

Chapter 4
Blood purification

The human body contains 5–6 liters of blood, which performs the most important function of all liquids - it transports substances to carry out metabolic processes in cells, tissues and the body. When the blood is contaminated with various toxins and wastes, metabolic processes and cell cleansing are disrupted. Problems with metabolism manifest themselves, among other things, in the form of skin rashes, so for diseases such as psoriasis, rosacea, eczema, etc., it is important that the blood is clean.

Medical methods of blood purification include autohemotherapy, plasmapheresis and ultraviolet irradiation of blood, which we will consider in a separate chapter, as well as hemosorption and intravenous laser blood purification (ILBI). In addition, there are many folk remedies for blood cleansing.

Autohemotherapy consists of administering intramuscularly or subcutaneously a small amount of the patient’s own venous blood. The blood protein products released during the breakdown process are irritants to the systems of the diseased body, as a result of which it begins to produce antibodies. Thus, autohemotherapy dramatically increases immunity, therefore in dermatology it is used as one of the components of complex treatment of rosacea, psoriasis, demodicosis and other dermatoses.

So, T.E. Filichev noted the high effectiveness of the combination of intravenous calcium chloride with autohemotherapy in the treatment of patients with acne, rosacea, toxicoderma, and sycosis. Patients were injected intravenously with 8–10 ml of a 10% calcium chloride solution, and then, without removing the needle, 10 ml of blood was drawn and injected into the buttock. The course of treatment consisted of 8–12 procedures performed at intervals of one day. Also, in the group of patients with rosacea (Fedotov V.P., Dzhibril V.A., 2004), who received treatment in the form of autohemotherapy 2-4-6-8-10 ml every other day, a significant prolongation of the duration of remission and a decrease in the number of complications were noted and improving the quality of treatment compared to traditional therapy for this disease.

In the treatment of psoriasis (A.I. Abramovich, 1984), treatment was carried out in the form of intravenous administration of the drug Essentiale, 5 ml in 5 ml of autologous blood. The course of treatment was 20 days. Of the 40 patients who underwent this treatment, in 31 the progression of the process stopped, infiltration, redness and peeling disappeared. In all patients, the period of remission extended to 10–12 months.

A contraindication to autohemotherapy is nephritis.

Also, in some cases, patients with rosacea, psoriasis, demodicosis and acne are prescribed hemosorption. This method involves passing the blood through a filter, which collects toxin molecules, and then returning the blood through an IV back into the patient's blood. This method purifies the blood without removing plasma or introducing auxiliary fluids. It is recommended to repeat the procedure at least three times.

Over the past 20 years, the method of intravenous laser blood irradiation (ILBI) has found widespread use in dermatology. The average course of ILBI ranges from 10 to 15 procedures. The method involves irradiating blood directly into the vascular bed through an optical waveguide with waves of 450 nm (blue laser) and 630 nm (red laser). As a result, photoreceptors on the surface of the blood are excited, which sets in motion a number of biochemical reactions. The effect of laser irradiation of blood has no analogues with traditional drug treatment. ILBI has analgesic, antiviral, antibacterial, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, detoxification and immunostimulating effects.

Studies conducted among 56 patients with rosacea (D.I. Mavrova, Dobrinka Mavrova Clinic Kharkov, 2009), who received irradiation with a semiconductor laser with a wavelength of 0.63 microns every other day for 2 weeks, showed that after the first procedures, redness and infiltration decreased significantly, cyanosis, telangiectasia, and swelling disappeared. The general condition of the patients also improved significantly. After the first ILBI procedure in patients with the erythematous form of rosacea, the effectiveness of treatment was observed in 80% of cases, in the papular form - in 50% of cases, in the pustular form - in 30% and in patients with the infiltrative-productive form - in 10% of cases. Complete clinical recovery was achieved in 85.4% of patients, and improvement occurred in 14.6%.

In patients with true and microbial eczema, the use of ILBI shortened the treatment period by a week and doubled the duration of remission.

Therapy of patients with eczema and atopic dermatitis using this method (S.A. Isakov) showed clinical remission in 62.5% of cases and significant improvement in 34.4% of patients.

This method is also used in the treatment of psoriasis. So, E.P. Burova and co-authors irradiated blood with a defocused GNL beam, observing a positive effect in 12 out of 14 patients. Intramuscular injections of 1 ml of aevit (D.A. Shakhmatov, A.P. Rakcheev) simultaneously with ILBI for 20–25 days showed significant improvement in 60% of patients - the number of rashes decreased, pain decreased and joint function was restored.

A promising direction is also a non-invasive version of laser irradiation of blood - percutaneous laser irradiation (PLI). Thanks to this method, the likelihood of contracting HIV, hepatitis and other infections is completely eliminated. PCI imparts energy to the blood equivalent to that of 1–2 mW ILBI. This type of low-intensity laser irradiation has found application, in particular, in the complex therapy of psoriasis. It has a sedative, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, when treated with PCLO, clinical remission was observed in 45.8%, and significant improvement in 25%; improvement occurred in 29.2% of cases.

At home, blood can be purified using enterosorbents. These drugs do not affect the composition of the blood in any way, but absorb toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, removing them from the body naturally. Enterosorbents help remove bacteria, pathogenic flora, dead cells, waste, and toxins. The course of cleansing is usually 7–10 days. This procedure will improve the body’s condition and metabolism, and increase immunity. The most famous and easily accessible sorbent is activated carbon.

Alcohol tincture of garlic is also used to cleanse the blood. It is believed that in this way you can clear blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. To prepare the tincture, take 350 g of chopped garlic and 200 ml of medical alcohol. The garlic must be squeezed out and the resulting juice mixed with alcohol and left in a dark place for 10 days. Strain and leave for another 3 days. The tincture should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals, dissolved in milk. Start the intake with 1 drop and increase the number of drops with each dose to 15. Then with each dose you need to reduce the number of drops to 1. From the 11th day, take 25 drops of the tincture until it runs out. Here are a few more recipes from traditional medicine that cleanse the blood:

1) take a nettle decoction for 2 weeks - pour 2 tbsp. spoons of dry herbs with 2 liters of boiling water; Drink between 3 and 5 p.m.

2) Joy Gardner advises cleansing the blood with red foods: beets, grapes, red cabbage, blackberries, cranberries, cherries.

3) in the summer it’s good to make a dandelion tincture: mince the roots, leaves or flowers, squeeze, mix the resulting juice at the rate of 1 liter of juice per 1 glass of vodka. Consume with honey and lemon juice.

4) take yarrow decoction three times a day - 3 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour a liter of boiling water, leave in a thermos and drink half a glass before meals.

5) take 1 tbsp three times a day. l. infusion of dill seeds (1 tbsp), dry ground valerian root (2 tbsp) and 2 cups of honey. Pour the mixture with 2 liters of boiling water, leave for a day and drink 30 minutes before meals.

6) take 1 glass of beet juice, left in the refrigerator, along with carrot juice, the amount of which should be gradually reduced. Course - 1 month.

7) dry ginger root - 1.5 g - pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat and add a pinch of ground black pepper. Then cool and add 3 tbsp. l. honey Take 1/3 cup with honey and warm water 30 minutes before meals, three times a day.

Chapter 5
Liver cleansing

The liver, as you know, is the largest gland in our body and a kind of filter. All blood entering the liver is purified from toxic substances that are formed in the body during metabolism or enter it from the outside. When a large amount of harmful substances accumulates in the liver, its main functions are disrupted, as a result, metabolism suffers, gallstones appear, and various diseases arise, including dermatological ones. Even if it has not yet reached the point of formation of stones in the liver, it still needs to be cleaned periodically, since for skin diseases the most important aspect of therapy is to strengthen the detoxification function of the liver. The essence of the cleansing process is the choleretic effect of the agents used, which allows you to get rid of stones.

In folk medicine, there are a large number of different recipes for enhancing the separation of bile and dissolving stones. Remember that any independent actions carried out without the supervision of a doctor can lead to an unfavorable outcome.

The most widely known way to cleanse the liver is with olive oil. To prepare properly, a few days before, eat only fruits and vegetables, drink juices, apple and beet juice will be especially useful. Also, the night before cleansing, go to bed with a heating pad on your right side so that the bile becomes more viscous and the stones pass painlessly. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 100-200 ml of olive oil heated to 3740 degrees, washed down with a small amount of juice or any other drink. To enhance the choleretic effect, you can add lemon juice to the oil. After taking the oil, lie down for a while without removing the heating pad. When all the stones are out of the body, it is better to limit yourself to drinking juices that day, excluding food intake.

Traditional medicine claims that this method of cleansing is dangerous, since large stones can block the bile duct, leading to rupture of the gallbladder and peritonitis. Doctors advise cleansing the liver with hepatoprotectors, which enhance the activity of liver cells and protect it from toxins. The most famous plant-based hepatoprotectors are allochol and karsil from milk thistle, and synthetic ones - essential.

Also popularly, the liver is cleansed with sorbitol. The technique consists of taking a glass of water before bed, in which a spoonful of sorbitol has previously been dissolved. Then you can go to bed with a heating pad on the liver area. The procedure is repeated for a week, and then carried out once every three days. Another way to cleanse the liver is with the help of choleretic herbs. On an empty stomach in the morning, drink half a glass of a warm decoction of herbs that enhance the secretion of bile - these are corn silk, immortelle, dandelion, lemon balm, calamus, oregano, chamomile, calendula, lingonberry, strawberry and blueberry leaves - and half an hour later another half a glass of decoction, in which you need to add a spoon of honey. Then lie on your right side with a heating pad for an hour and a half. Complete the procedure with deep breaths, do a few squats, and you can start breakfast.

Another way is to cleanse the liver using black radish. The juice is squeezed out of it and taken before meals, starting with a teaspoon and increasing the dose to half a glass. During the cleansing period, a vegetarian diet is assumed. You can also cleanse your liver with a melon diet. To do this, two weeks before the start of cleansing, exclude meat, fish, milk, sour cream, and flour products from the diet. Then, for two weeks, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., you can eat only melon and drink only green tea. It is forbidden to take melon and tea after ten in the evening. Then you should slowly and gradually return to your normal diet.

When cleaning with rosehip decoction, consume three tablespoons of dried berries brewed in half a glass of water. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink half of the decoction, adding sorbitol to it, then after half an hour, finish the rest of the decoction. Then you can have breakfast. The procedure is carried out once every three days, then weekly.

Ignatenko’s method involves cleansing the liver using calendula. To do this, you need to brew 4 tablespoons of calendula flowers with a liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drink this portion three times before meals for two weeks. Then begin taking a chilled mixture of olive oil and lemon juice - 100 g of each product. On the first day of cleansing, a light lunch is allowed, but dinner is prohibited. In the morning you need to do an enema, and then drink only water with lemon juice and honey for the whole day. The next day, do the enema again, after which you are allowed to eat dried fruits and steamed vegetables. It is recommended to repeat the procedure after 2 weeks.

Chapter 6
Bioresonance therapy

The first bioresonance therapy device was invented in 1977 by physician Franz Morel and engineer Erich Rasche. The principle of operation of this therapy is based on the fact that electromagnetic oscillations emanate from any organic tissue. When disturbances occur in the human body and he begins to get sick, then as a result of the action of infectious agents, new sources of vibrations arise, which are called pathological. If the body is able to independently cope and correct these pathological fluctuations, then the person recovers. When negative vibrations begin to predominate in the body, the person becomes ill.

Bioresonance therapy involves exposing a person to electromagnetic vibrations that resonate with the body. With optimal selection of the frequency and method of exposure, pathological fluctuations can be weakened and the disease can be eliminated. Therapy is carried out in two ways: endogenous and exogenous. In the first method of treatment, the characteristics of the patient’s body vibrations are read by a special device that processes them and separates pathological signals from physiological ones. Then, with the help of the device, vibrations are sent back to the body, while the device weakens pathological signals, and, on the contrary, strengthens physiological ones. When using the second method, electric or magnetic field generators affect the body with oscillations of a certain frequency, causing a strong response from the body and forcing it to work in the correct mode. In addition, you can record the physiological fluctuations of a healthy body on various media (for example, water) and use them also for treatment between sessions.

Bioresonance therapy is used in dermatology to treat diseases such as rosacea, demodicosis and psoriasis. Thus, according to research results, 18 patients with rosacea who underwent a complex course of treatment, including BRT for 1–2 hours 1–4 times a day, daily, showed positive dynamics. Clinical cure occurred in 14 patients.

Also, studies based on the Research Institute of Traditional Treatment Methods (SRI TML) of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Scientific and Practical Center of Traditional Medicine and Homeopathy (SPC TMG), conducted between 1997 and 2000, showed that out of 503 patients with various pathologies, including including eczema, rosacea and psoriasis, a positive effect was obtained in 95.2% of cases - the general condition of the patients improved, it became possible to reduce the doses of drugs in drug therapy, as well as completely or partially cancel other types of treatment, but with the need for long-term maintenance BRT .

Chapter 7
Ultraviolet irradiation of blood and plasmapheresis

The first scientific works on plasmapheresis appeared in 1915, and in 1928, the method of extracorporeal ultraviolet irradiation of blood was first applied to a woman in labor dying of sepsis), after which she recovered. In 1979 in Leningrad at the State Optical Institute named after. S.I. Vavilova Popov Yu.V. and Kukuy L.M. developed a device for ultraviolet radiation, which is used by doctors to this day.

The mechanism of action of irradiated blood on humans is complex and diverse, and there is still no single theory about the effect of this method on the human body. However, it is known that ultraviolet radiation in the blood kills microorganisms, increases immunity, and activates metabolism and oxidative processes. Cells begin to renew themselves faster, the activity of T- and B-leukocytes, complement and lysozyme increases, and the supply of oxygen to tissues and cells improves. The method also reduces blood viscosity and the formation of blood clots. Swelling is reduced and wound healing is accelerated. Purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and internal organs are indications for irradiation.

With UVB, a needle with a diameter of 0.8–1.2 mm is inserted into a peripheral vein. The blood enters the system with a transparent cuvette, and then into the apparatus, where it is irradiated with ultraviolet rays, and is reinjected. The course of treatment is 5–10 sessions lasting 40–60 minutes. Some dermatocosmetologists note a clinical effect in the treatment of demodicosis and rosacea after 2-3 procedures.

Plasmapheresis is used for dermatological diseases as a pathogenetic treatment mechanism, since it helps eliminate toxic products accumulated in the blood from the body. It significantly improves fluidity in the bloodstream and restores previously impaired microcirculation, improving metabolism.

As Professor N.N. Potekaev writes in his dissertation “Plasmapheresis in the treatment of severe forms of rosacea,” plasmapheresis is indicated for torpid forms of rosacea that are resistant to traditional methods of treatment. Two catheters are inserted into a peripheral vein: through the first, blood is taken and cleaned, and through the second, it is returned back. The procedure is carried out once every 2 days with a single removal of 600–700 ml of plasma. Plasma is replaced with 0.9% sodium chloride solution. The course consists of 7–10 procedures. After therapy, there was a significant reduction in rashes, skin cleansing and a prolonged remission phase.

Psoriasis is also an indication for plasmapheresis. In 1991 Potekaev N.N. used plasmapheresis in the treatment of refractory forms of psoriasis. The results showed that out of 18 patients, remission occurred in 10 patients, significant improvement occurred in 5 patients, and improvement occurred in 3 patients.

Contraindications for ultraviolet irradiation of blood are: oncological diseases, including blood diseases, mental illness, active tuberculosis, syphilis, AIDS (HIV), epilepsy, ongoing bleeding, hemophilia, intolerance to sunlight, UV radiation, taking drugs that increase photosensitivity. Plasmapheresis cannot be performed in case of multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis and hepatic rib dystrophy, severe anemia, hypoprotennemia.

Chapter 8

Ayurveda (translated from Sanskrit as “knowledge of life” or “science of life”) is a traditional system of Indian Vedic medicine, formed as a result of the fusion of Aryan and Dravidian cultures.

Ayurveda classifies all skin diseases according to three doshas - Vata, Kapha and Pitta. Thus, any disease can be correlated with one of the doshas. In Ayurveda, depending on heredity and lifestyle, one or two doshas predominate, the qualities of which are reflected in the skin. If your dosha is Vata, then the skin may be dry, sensitive and cool, while a person with Pitta dosha will have reddish, warm and slightly oily skin. Kapha dosha predominates - the skin will be tight, oily and cool. Special questionnaires have been developed to determine your dosha.

The general recommendations of doctors of this teaching for inflammatory skin diseases and rashes are to rub in ghee, aloz juice, and cilantro juice. Ghee must be placed in a copper vessel, diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1 and kept for a month, stirring periodically with a copper spoon. An analogue is the drug “Shatodhara Grita”. Also, a study conducted in 1994 confirmed the effectiveness of a mixture of seven herbs in the treatment of various skin rashes, which is taken both internally and externally - these are aloe, margosa, turmeric, hemidesmus, haritaki, arjuna and ash waganda. In addition, “sunder vati” tablets are recommended, which contain Indian gooseberry, Embelia currant, Cholarena fluffy and ginger. To get rid of acne, guggul extract is indicated, which in its actions is equivalent to the antibiotic tetracycline.

For rosacea, Ayurveda advises reducing the manifestations of the Pitta dosha, which predominates in this disease, and toning the Kapha dosha. Grenim, mumiyo, milk thistle, lecithin and Liuweidihuan wan are recommended as preparations. Patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids and cleanse themselves by washing - “Shankprakshalana”.

Ayurveda states that psoriasis is the result of an unequal balance between Vata and Kapha. Externally applied “Mahamarichyadi taila” (contains sesame oil and black pepper), “Raktavardhak” (mumiyo, sulfur, copper, tin, iron, “Triphala”), “Raktapo shak bati”, “Chandrakala” (syt, mica, sulfur , copper, sandalwood, withania soporific, cardamom) or “Arogyavardhini bati” (mumiyo, mica, iron, copper, “Triphala”).

Indian teaching refers to eczema as a disease caused by an excess of Kapha. For healing, the following drugs are recommended: Chyawanprash, Triphala (three myrobalans), Lecithin and the spice turmeric.

One of the main conditions for healing in Ayurveda is the balancing of the doshas, ​​which is achieved, among other things, by diet and lifestyle changes. Thus, patients with Pitta dosha and Pitta-type diseases need a diet that reduces the manifestation of Pitta dosha. It is recommended to exclude allergenic foods from the diet - tomatoes, peaches, strawberries, and dairy products. You should avoid exposure to the sun and heat, hot water, and baths. For external use, it is good to use coconut milk, cilantro and aloe juice. Herbs that improve metabolism, such as burdock or clover, are effective. Bitter herbs with a laxative effect, rhubarb or aloe, are also useful. Ayurveda advises drinking a herbal “antipyretic composition”, which must be taken with aloe juice or dandelion tea. To prepare it for 1 serving, take 1/4 teaspoon of anise, 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon of chamomile and 1 glass of water. Add herbs and spices to boiling water and cook for 1-2 minutes over low heat. Then leave the broth for 10 minutes, strain and add brown sugar or honey.

For Vata-type constitutions and Vata-type diseases, a Vata-reducing diet is used. Salty foods best reduce Vata dosha. Dried fruits, raw and frozen vegetables, dry baked goods (crackers, crackers), corn flakes, chips, yeast bread, fried meat, low-fat dairy products, cold drinks, refined sugar, as well as hot, astringent spices and seasonings are excluded. It is recommended to apply oil to the skin that has a soothing effect, such as sesame oil. Laxatives and enemas are also used. Among the medications, you need to take Triphala (5-10 g before bedtime), as well as Triphala guggul and myrrh tincture.

With a Kapha constitution, the diet is aimed at reducing Kapha. Spicy tastes are best for reducing Kapha dosha. It is forbidden to eat heavy, fatty and oily foods; it is undesirable to drink milk and eat cheese. In addition, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all types of processed fruits with sugar - preserves, jams, marmalade, soft yeast bread, fried meat and nuts. Oils are not used either internally or externally. It is recommended to use plantain, burdock and wintergreen seeds internally. Among the drugs used are “Gokshuradi guggul” and “Triphala guggul”, as well as a herbal “antipyretic composition”, which is consumed with warm water or ginger tea.

Chapter 9
Tibetan medicine and moxotherapy

Tibetan medicine, which appeared and spread in Tibet in the 5th–7th centuries, just like Ayurveda, regards skin diseases as part of a systemic lesion of the body, the cause of which is a violation of the constitutions of Bile, Mucus and Wind. Buddhist healers believe that the skin reflects the functioning of internal organs, therefore all rashes - ulcers, pimples, rashes, discoloration - are indicators of disturbances in the functioning of the body. Tibetan healers cure skin diseases using an integrated approach: they prescribe a diet, herbal medicines, and moxotherapy is used as an external influence. Not only the visible symptoms of the disease are eliminated, but, first of all, the root cause of the disease is eliminated, and the constitution of Bile, Mucus and Wind is brought into harmony.

In accordance with the ideas of Buddhist medicine, when the Bile constitution is overstimulated, the work of the liver increases, due to which bile penetrates the skin through the general bloodstream, causing the appearance of pimples, blackheads, moles, and papillomas. It is the predominance of Bile that causes diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatosis, and atopic dermatitis.

Disturbance of the constitution Mucus leads to the appearance of skin itching, pimples, abscesses and wounds that do not heal for a long time. Violation of the constitution Wind causes peeling of the skin and the development of seborrheic dermatitis and dermatitis of nervous origin.

Tibetan doctors treat skin diseases with the help of mumiyo, known for its healing properties for about 3 thousand years. So, for eczema, it is recommended to steam the limbs in a 5-6% mummy solution in a water bath. It is also necessary to take mumiyo internally. The dose is 0.2 g and the frequency of administration is twice a day. It is better to do this with sea buckthorn or currant juice. The course of treatment is 25 days, repeated after 10 days.

For acne, pimples and ulcers from lichen, Tibetan healers suggest rubbing a mixture of salt powder, white mustard, dry leaves of Japanese mulberry on cow urine and calamus. For skin diseases based on scabies, you can rub in a mixture of milkweed and clematis on yogurt, as well as soot, sorrel, salt, roots of Saussurea burdock, ash from the roots of Steller dwarf and wine starter in rancid oil.

In addition, Tibetan doctors also cure chronic dermatoses with moxotherapy - heating and cauterization of reflexogenic zones and biologically active points of a person with wormwood cigars. There are two methods of moxotherapy - contact and non-contact. The first time, the cigar is placed on a ginger, garlic or foil plate. In the second case - 1.5–2 cm from the skin. After the treatment session, the skin remains red for one to two days. The points that Tibetan medicine doctors cauterize are divided into two types: those that are detected by palpation - when pressure is applied, pain occurs or, conversely, pleasant sensations, as well as “vein beating.” Points of the second type are known only to specialists in Tibetan medicine.

Psoriasis, for example, is treated by heating the affected area with a wormwood cigarette using an iron with a gradual transition to the affected area. The procedure is carried out every day after 2-3 days. The course consists of 10–12 sessions.

Chapter 10
ASD faction

The miracle drug “Antiseptic Dorogov Stimulant” (ASD) was first obtained by heating river frogs in a vessel to very high temperatures. Back in 1941, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR V.P. Filatov created the doctrine of biogenic stimulants formed in every cell of the body under unfavorable conditions. In the fight for survival, the cell releases biogenic stimulants, which, when taken orally, increase human immunity. Currently, ASD is produced by distilling meat and bone meal.

In general, the history of the creation of ASD is quite mysterious. It is known that in 1943, at the request of the Soviet leadership, scientists began searching for a means to protect people and animals from radiation. The secret work was supervised by L.P. Beria himself. Candidate of Medical Sciences, veterinarian A.V. Dorogov, having conducted experiments on frogs, presented the results of his work, and already in 1948 the drug ASD was officially approved for use in veterinary medicine, and in 1951 ASD was approved by the USSR Pharmaceutical Committee for the treatment of skin diseases in humans and testing for other diseases. Despite the fact that there were many attacks on Dorogov, he was even accused of alchemy, there is information that the miraculous elixir was used by members of the Politburo and their families.

It is known that thanks to this drug, Beria’s mother herself was cured of last-stage uterine cancer with metastases to the lungs and liver. However, in 1953, after the death of Stalin, Dorogov and his ASD began to be attacked by official medicine, which saw the elixir as a threat to the domestic pharmaceutical industry. In addition, Dorogov insisted on registering the drug under his own name, which was an unheard of display of arrogance and vanity. It is said that this is the reason why it was never registered for humans. In 1955, Dorogov was accused of bribery, and in 1957 he was found dead - according to various versions, he died from carbon monoxide asphyxiation in a car or from a fatal head wound near his home. In any case, his death still remains a mystery.

As for the action of ASD, the drug stimulates gastrointestinal motility, improves digestion and absorption, improves tissue trophism, normalizes metabolism, and is low-toxic. On the Internet you can find dozens and hundreds of testimonies of patients who were cured with the help of the elixir from a wide variety of diseases; the fraction is especially effective, as can be concluded from the reviews, in the treatment of demodicosis, rosacea and psoriasis. However, the drug is currently approved by official medicine for use exclusively in veterinary medicine. If you decide to start self-treatment with ASD, remember that there are no data on contraindications or side effects of this medicine, since it has not undergone clinical trials and is not registered as a treatment for humans.

During therapy with ASD, the intake of products containing alcohol is strictly prohibited. ASD-2 is taken orally, diluted with boiled chilled water in a ratio of 1:20. ASD-3 is used externally only. It is especially noted that the bottle should not be opened, since upon contact with air it loses its properties. It is recommended to remove the circle from the aluminum cap and then use a disposable syringe to draw the required dose.

If you experience nausea or discomfort in the stomach while taking the drug, you should slowly drink 1 glass of kefir 10–15 minutes after taking the ASD. Also, in some cases, after using the fraction, an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees may be observed, in this case it is recommended to stop taking the drug for 1-2 days and then continue by reducing the dose. Another side effect of using ASD can be pain in the kidneys, so in between courses you need to drink kidney tea. Please note that when treating ASD, it is necessary to carry out control blood and urine tests 1-2 times.

To treat skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea and demodicosis, ASD-2 should be taken according to the following scheme: dilute 1–2 ml of the drug in 0.5 cups of boiled water, drink for 5 days in a row, then do it for 2– 3 days break. Take only on an empty stomach, at the same time use ASD-3 as a compress. Compresses from ASD-3 diluted in a ratio of 1:20 in vegetable oil are applied until the symptoms of the disease disappear. If redness is observed during use of the drug, treatment is stopped for 3 days. It is especially worth noting that in the treatment of chronic skin diseases, exacerbations often occur, in which therapy is repeated. If you want to carry out treatment under the supervision of a specialist, you should contact Olga Dorogova, this is the daughter of the inventor of the drug, she conducts consultations in one of the Moscow clinics.

Even doctors from the Institute of Dermatology talk about the miraculous properties of this drug, but they do not officially prescribe it...

Chapter 11

Humanity has been using leeches for healing for about 3 thousand years. The discoverer of this method is considered to be the Greek Nikander from Colophon, who lived in 200130. BC e. However, paintings on the walls of the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs testify to the use of hirudotherapy earlier. Leeches were used by Hippocrates, Galen and Avicenna.

At one time, these useful animals were on the verge of extinction due to their popularity - and now they simply do not exist in nature, they are listed in the Red Book. But they have learned to breed them in captivity, which is successfully done in hirudological factories. The effect of hirudotherapy is complex, consisting of several factors: reflex, mechanical and biological. So it is great for healing skin diseases.

How are these unsightly looking worms treated? The fact is that when a leech bites, negative pressure arises at the site of the bite, due to which blood flows to the damaged tissues. Prolonged bleeding after a bite helps reduce local inflammatory swelling and venous congestion. In addition, the secretion of the salivary glands of the leech has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, defibrosing and bacteriostatic effects.

Thus, when bitten, over 100 different biologically active compounds penetrate into the human blood. Known leech secretion proteins are hyaluronidase, collagenase, bdellin, eglin, apyrase, kininase, cholinesterase, hirudin and others. Hirudin, for example, reduces blood viscosity, improving blood microcirculation and reducing facial swelling. Hyaluronidase breaks down hyaluronic acid molecules, destroying intercellular cement, and collagenase actively breaks down pathological collagen, which causes scars to form, which helps smooth them out, and fibrotic connective tissue softens.

Thus, leech bites restore microcirculation in the skin and activate lymphatic drainage and regeneration, as a result of which the skin turns pink, becomes soft, elastic, firm and smooth, and facial scars smooth out and gradually disappear.

3-8 leeches are placed in the area of ​​inflammation. The first sessions are carried out daily, then every other day. The duration of the course is determined by the prevalence and severity of the process. It is noted that hirudotherapy can be used at any stage of the disease. For example, leeches were administered to patients with rosacea in the acute and subacute stages, as well as during the rehabilitation period. Sessions were carried out weekly, in a course of 5–10 procedures. Already after the first procedure, there was a noticeable reduction in redness on the face, in addition, health and sleep improved. Doctors noted the maximum clinical effect after 6–7 procedures.

For psoriasis, methods of placing leeches with and without bloodletting are used. One course, conducted twice a year, requires 100–150 leeches. Clinical observations (S.E. Musina and V.F. Korsun, 1998) on the use of hirudotherapy in 26 patients with psoriasis showed that this method of treatment can be used along with other traditional methods and means of therapy, especially in the torpid course of the disease. Positive results were observed in almost all patients.

The therapy has a number of contraindications: pregnancy, increased bleeding - hemophilia and hemorrhagic diathesis, severe anemia, cachexia, allergy to leeches, mental disorders and physical exhaustion.

Chapter 12

Until the end of the 18th century, folk medicine was not separated from traditional medical medicine, based on old postulates passed down from generation to generation. Now that evidence-based medicine is dominant, “traditional medicine” is considered a teaching based on witchcraft and is regarded as something dangerous and outdated. Meanwhile, in folk medicine there are many recipes, truly proven over centuries, that can help, including people who have been trying to get rid of dermatological diseases for many years.

Thus, various anti-inflammatory lotions, lotions and masks are used to treat rosacea. When swelling and redness appear, cold lotions of yarrow infusion (1:10), string (1:30), chamomile flowers (1:15) and parsley (1:10) are recommended.

It’s good to wipe your face with 5% propolis tincture every day for a month at night. In the morning, the resulting film is removed with a cotton swab soaked in vodka. Then the course is repeated, but using a 10% tincture.

Masks are also effective for treating rosacea. For example, with aloe juice - the plant juice is diluted with warm water (1:1), gauze wipes are soaked in it and applied to the face for 20 minutes. This procedure must be carried out at intervals every other day. In total you need to make 20 masks. Aloe juice can be replaced with cabbage juice. Masks with infusion (1:20) of rose hips are also effective. To do this, napkins are soaked in warm infusion and changed 6-7 times within 20 minutes. The course consists of 20 masks at intervals every other day.

In addition, herbal decoctions are very helpful when taken orally. For example, 2 tbsp. l. a collection of nettle leaves, horsetail grass and young burdock stems, taken in equal quantities, pour 0.5 liters of water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Take half a glass of decoction 4 times a day. Also effective is taking burdock root tincture - 20 drops three times a day or garlic tincture - 15-20 drops three times a day.

Demodectic mange in folk medicine is well treated with a decoction of black currant berries. For this, 2 tbsp. l. dried berries, pour 0.5 cups of water, bring to a boil and cook over very low heat for 10 minutes. Then leave the broth for 10–15 minutes, soak gauze pads in it and apply to the affected areas for 15–20 minutes. You can also use fresh currant puree.

A clay mask also works great for demodicosis. Dilute the clay with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and add a few drops of iodine. Apply to affected areas and let dry. The procedure must be done regularly.

In folk medicine, kerosene is also successfully used to treat skin ailments. So, for purulent, long-term non-healing wounds, it is recommended to mix 1 liter of sunflower oil, 30 ml of freshly squeezed celandine juice and 100 ml of purified kerosene and leave for 7 days. The resulting mixture, which must be thoroughly shaken before each use, is soaked in a gauze pad and applied to the affected areas twice a day for 2 weeks.

One of the patients, a patient with demodicosis, shared the following recipe: she lubricated her face with purified kerosene for two weeks, while simultaneously taking a decoction of birch leaves for giardiasis. Decoction of 1 tbsp. l. crushed birch leaves, picked on July 7, brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Using this method, she achieved complete recovery.

Kerosene also helps with psoriasis - a mash of nut-kerosene extract, birch tar and fish oil (1:3:2) is applied to the affected areas daily for 2 weeks.

Garlic compresses also work well for demodicosis: peel 5-6 cloves of garlic, chop into a paste, add 1/2 tsp. sunflower oil, mix and apply the mixture onto a sterile bandage folded in half, apply to the affected skin, cover with a bag or film, and secure. After 30 minutes, remove the compress, rinse the skin with boiled water and tar soap and dry gently with a well-ironed towel. One of the women suffering from demodicosis offers the following recipe: lubricate the skin with garlic pulp 4 times a day for a week. She warns that this procedure is accompanied by skin burns, so it can only be recommended as a last resort.

Here is another popular way to get rid of demodicosis: put a village chicken egg with its shell in a jar and pour vinegar essence so that it completely covers it, close the lid and leave in a dark place for 9 days. Drain the vinegar and crush the egg in the same jar. Apply the resulting ointment to the mite-affected hairy parts of the body.

Daily lotions twice a day have an effective effect on demodicosis. Before the procedure, the skin must be disinfected with tincture of calendula or eucalyptus. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over crushed juniper berries and leave for 6 hours, strain and use for lotions. An infusion of buckthorn bark is also suitable: 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the bark, simmer covered for 5 minutes, leave for 4 hours, strain. You can also use wormwood infusion: 2 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 hours, strain. In addition, an infusion of elecampane roots cleanses the skin well: 1 tbsp. l. pour dry roots into a glass, simmer over low heat for 7 minutes, leave for 4 hours and strain. For demodicosis, it is good to wash your face with a decoction of chamomile and mint, taken in equal quantities, poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes.

For the treatment of psoriasis, traditional medicine offers the following recipes: Golyuk solidol ointment and hellebore-solidol ointment.

The ointment of the traditional healer Golyuk is prepared from: egg white 5.0–6.0, flower honey 3.0–3.2, baby cream 0.8–1.0, medical grease - the rest (90–91). After the plaques disappear, an ointment of the following composition is used: egg white 5.0–5.5, honey 2.0–2.5, baby cream 1.5–2.0, crushed celandine 1.0–1.3, medical grease - the rest (89–90.5). At the same time, 2–4 ml of Aralia and Eleutherococcus tinctures are taken orally.

Treatment lasts 2–3 months and is not prescribed during an exacerbation period.

Hellebore ointment is prepared as follows: put 250 g of fat grease in a wide bowl, pour 2-3 tsp into the hole in the middle. hellebore water (Lobel tincture), mix and store in the refrigerator, keep away from children, since hellebore water is poisonous.

Another ointment recipe: 1 liter of sour cream, 300 g of beeswax, 300 g of sulfur, 300 g of horse sorrel root, 150 g of oleoresin, 50 g of vitriol, 2 tbsp. l. burdock ash, 200 g of oregano, 50 g of celandine, 150 g of honey, 100 g of black buckthorn bark, beef fat. Boil the mixture to 1/3 of the original volume, strain, and cool. Lubricate the affected areas, do not wash off for 2 days, and on the third day wash with laundry soap. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times, then take a break for 10 days. If necessary, repeat the course.

Also, for psoriasis and eczema, it is good to drink a decoction of the following herbs: 1 tbsp. l. lingonberry leaves, 1 tbsp. l. nettle leaves, 1 tsp. swamp valerian root - all in a glass of boiling water. Boil the root for 10 minutes over low heat, add the rest of the herbs and leave for 10 minutes. Strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. twice a day on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 15–20 days.

Chapter 13

The beneficial effect of cold on the body has been known to mankind since ancient times. Abu Ali Ibn Sina in his “Canon of Medical Science” described that swimming in cold water strengthens the body. About a hundred years ago, the German doctor Sebastian Kneipp, suffering from pneumonia, took a swim as a last resort in the icy Danube and recovered. After an incident that happened to him, he introduced the concept of “cryotherapy” or cold treatment into official medicine. However, cryotherapy in its modern form appeared in the 70s of the last century, when the Japanese scientist Toshima Yamauchi first used a mixture of liquid nitrogen vapor and air to treat rheumatism, thanks to which about 80% of patients recovered.

Cryotherapy is most often done using liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which in the liquid state is minus 196 degrees. When it comes into contact with air, it immediately turns into a gaseous state, heating up to minus 70–50 degrees. Cryotherapy is carried out using various methods, depending on which it causes different effects in the skin: either freezing, destruction and death of tissue, or a sharp narrowing of blood vessels. When the cold stops affecting the skin, the blood vessels immediately dilate, which causes significant blood flow, and as a result, an improvement in the supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the skin. In addition, nitrogen has a powerful bactericidal effect, and as a result of its action, bacteria and viruses die.

With cryomassage in the skin, there is an improvement in lymphatic drainage, cellular metabolism and regenerative processes are activated. In addition, due to short-term exposure to low-temperature gas on the skin, the immune system is mobilized and the production of endorphins is restored.

For demodicosis, the course of cryotherapy procedures is about 15–20. Liquid nitrogen is used in the form of extinguishing and deep freezing of areas of inflammation. The applicator is moved over the affected skin surface 2-3 times for 5-10 minutes, treating each area for 3-5 seconds until the skin whitens slightly. After the end of the session, persistent redness appears.

Treatment with nitrogen deeply freezes the areas affected by demodicosis, the skin on which then exfoliates naturally, promoting the formation of new, clean and healthy skin. In addition, mites cannot tolerate cold, so cryomass soot has a detrimental effect on them, without affecting the hair follicles and surrounding tissues. Treatment usually lasts up to 1.5 months. Many cosmetologists advise carrying out procedures daily.

When treating rosacea, cryotherapy is indicated regardless of the stage of the disease, and the intensity depends on the form of rosacea and skin type. The most gentle method would be shading, as in the case of demodicosis. Nodular and pustular elements are frozen separately. After the procedure, pronounced redness is observed, which can last from several hours to a day, which ends on the 3rd day with lamellar peeling.

According to the observations of specialist L.A. Palchikova from the Vitalong Medical Center in Tolyatti, when treating patients with psoriasis using cryotherapy, patients with a mild form of the disease underwent a course of general cryotherapy, consisting of 10 procedures daily. Patients with severe and moderate diseases - 14–20 procedures. In 60% of patients with a mild form of psoriasis, cure occurred within a month, and 62% of patients with moderate and severe forms of psoriasis achieved complete remission in 1–3 months.

Contraindications to cryotherapy are: thin transparent skin with manifestations of rosacea, allergies to cold, elevated body temperature, heart failure, hypertension, previous stroke or myocardial infarction and severe liver and kidney diseases.

Chapter 14

Electrotherapy is the use of electricity for therapeutic purposes. Even in ancient times, people treated paralysis and rheumatism with the help of the electrical action of amber and discharges of electric fish. In dermatology, electrotherapy is used in the form of electrocoagulation, microcurrent therapy, darsonvalization, ultratonotherapy, interference currents, and electrophoresis.

For rosacea, electrocoagulation is used to destroy telangiectasia, as well as papular and papulopustular elements. Depending on the severity of the disease, from 20 to 100 procedures are required. Patients with erythematous and limited papular stages of rosacea achieve complete clinical cure with this method.

Microcurrent therapy is also used in the treatment of rosacea, which activates metabolic processes inside cells, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues and improves microcirculation. E.S. Pankina (2008), having conducted research, recommends using microcurrent therapy in lymphatic drainage mode for the treatment of erythematous and papular stages of the disease. A 20-minute session is prescribed as a course 2-3 times a week. Total - 8–10 procedures. The successful use of microcurrents in the treatment of rosacea was reported by Fedotova M.A., Gorbunov Yu.G. (Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg), performing 10 procedures three times a week on 14 people. Experts noted that improvement occurred after the first or second procedure; after 4–5, redness and swelling decreased, and after 5–6, papules disappeared.

Suvorov A.P., Grashkina I.G., Myasnikova T.D. (1991) recommend the use of endonasal zinc electrophoresis for monotherapy of rosacea. In addition, electrophoresis in the treatment of this disease is used with 1–2% ichthyol or 1% copper sulfate solution. The drugs are administered over 20 minutes, at intervals every other day. The course consists of 15–20 procedures.

Electrophoresis is also used in the treatment of demodicosis. Demodicosis of the eyelids Rozko T.E. (2003), having conducted research at the Department of Eye Diseases of the Kemerovo State Medical Academy and at the Kemerovo Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital, recommends treatment with electrophoresis of a 0.5% metrogil solution using a specially invented device containing positive and negative electrodes, which are connected to DC source. 171 people were treated with the new device, while the complete disappearance of clinical signs of demodicosis was noted within 24 hours, and clinical recovery occurred in 96% of cases.

Interference currents are effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Results of the study (2009) at the department of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov under the guidance of Professor Potekaev N.N. showed that current therapy leads to clinical remission in 75.5% of cases, and the condition of 15.1% of patients significantly improved. Thus, a positive clinical effect was observed in 90.6% of patients. It is recommended to carry out treatment twice a day, every day, with intervals between treatments of at least 8 hours. The course lasts for 3–8 weeks, and in torpid cases its duration increases to 12 weeks.

Psoriasis and eczema are also treated using the Ultraton-amp-2int device, designed to apply supratonal frequency currents. For eczema, the procedure is carried out during the period of subsidence of acute inflammatory manifestations and the absence of weeping and fresh rashes with a mushroom-shaped electrode without pressure on the underlying tissue at a power that is defined by the patient as a feeling of pleasant warmth. The duration of the procedure is 10–20 minutes, sessions are repeated daily or every other day. The course of 10–15 procedures is recommended to be repeated after a month. For psoriasis, the procedure is recommended daily for 3-5 minutes on the affected area. The impact is carried out using a labile technique. The course of treatment is 10–20 procedures. As a result of therapy, the progression of the disease stops, inflammation in the inflammation site decreases, itching, pain, and skin tightness decrease.

Chapter 15

Phototherapy involves exposure to bright light at specific wavelengths for a specific time. Infrared light in short pulsed waves enters the middle layers of the skin, where vascular disorders develop, and eliminates them. Clinical trials confirm the high effectiveness of phototherapy in the treatment of rosacea and other dermatological diseases, in particular demodicosis. A correctly conducted course of phototherapy allows you to get rid of increased tick activity for a long time.

The method is based on the principle of exposure to intense pulsed light, which, when it hits the skin, heats the vessels to high temperatures, as a result of which they stick together. At the same time, the surrounding tissues are not damaged, and the skin becomes lighter. In addition, phototherapy helps reduce the work of the sebaceous glands, and accordingly the number of rashes also decreases. Some patients note a decrease in itching after the first procedure. Pulsed light stimulates the production of one’s own collagen, so patients’ skin redness not only disappears, but its texture is evened out and scars are smoothed out. The skin becomes smooth, firm and elastic.

It is recommended to carry out a course of 3–5 procedures lasting 20–25 minutes once or twice a month. After sessions, side effects may occur: peeling, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, hematomas, but all of them are reversible.

Thus, according to a clinical study conducted by dermatocosmetologist O.N. Safina of the Evalar Center in Biysk in 2008, 14 patients received from 4 to 6 phototherapy sessions. 90% of patients reported a 90% reduction in hot flashes and improvement in skin texture, 95% had a decrease in redness, and 68% had a decrease in the number of rashes.

O.Yu. Olisova, I.Ya. Pinson from MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov conducted research on the use of phototherapy for psoriasis. It turned out that the progressive stage of vulgar and exudative psoriasis is not a contraindication for this treatment method. Patients received selective phototherapy 5 times a week and the dose was increased if there was no redness. The course of treatment consisted of 20–30 procedures, and their therapeutic effectiveness reached 85–90%.

It also reported the treatment of 236 patients with psoriasis using a two- and three-times-a-week irradiation technique after determining the minimum photoerythemal dose (MED) in the back area outside the lesions. The research results showed that 28 patients with palmoplantar psoriasis were cured, 7 had a significant improvement, 3 patients with psoriatic erythroderma had a significant improvement, and one patient had an improvement. Clinical cure was observed in the vast majority of patients - 92%.

The British Journal of Dermatology published the results of a 2010 study conducted by University of Amsterdam dermatologist Ellan Brenninkmeijer. He used an excimer laser with ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 308 nm to treat patients with eczema. The results of the experiment showed that laser therapy reduces the symptoms of eczema and can be considered a suitable option for treating this disease.

Chapter 16

The mesotherapy method was first described by the French doctor Michel Pistor (1924–2003), who gave an anesthetic injection to a deaf man suffering from bronchospasms near the ear, after which he began to hear.

Mesotherapy is carried out by introducing medications into the skin with syringes, as well as special devices - mesoinjectors. Mesotherapy is widely used in a variety of fields of medicine; in dermatology it is recommended for the treatment of acne, atopic dermatitis, eczema, pustular diseases, scars, and demodicosis.

The principle of mesotherapy is that mini-stresses and microdamages are the main factor in stimulating the body's repair systems. Tissue damage causes fibroblasts to intensively produce and secrete growth factors and glycosaminoglycans, resulting in the formation of new vessels, thickening of the dermis, improving its blood supply and hydration.

Michel Bicheron's theory of microcirculation explains the effect of mesotherapy by improving local blood circulation. As is known, in the focus of inflammation, impaired microcirculation is accompanied by impaired tissue trophism, which manifests itself in the form of a pain symptom, which in turn worsens microcirculation. A painful stimulus during mesotherapy leads to the release of endogenous analgesic substances and “cuts” the knot of local pathological reactions. This treatment method relaxes the smooth muscle walls of blood vessels, stimulating blood flow.

When treating rosacea, mesotherapy is carried out taking into account the visceral cutaneous zones of the reflex projection, since in acute and subacute conditions injections into the facial skin are too aggressive. The emphasis is on drugs that strengthen the vascular wall and improve microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant drugs are also included. All areas are injected using the classical technique, individual papules and pustules, biologically active points, as well as the cervical and upper thoracic regions.

Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy Zavadsky N.N. conducted clinical studies in the treatment of patients with psoriasis using mesotherapy. The experiment involved 97 people who were administered vero-methotrexate 10 mg (1 ml), diluted with saline to 3–5 ml; 1 time per week, 4 procedures; diprospan 1 ml (betamethasone 7 mg with extended action), diluted with saline to 3–5 ml, once; repeated administration of diprospan (if necessary) - no earlier than after 1 month. If the face was affected, injections were made behind the ear on the scalp. The results showed that almost all patients had a decrease in rashes, and after 1-2 courses, a fairly stable result was achieved in most patients. The period of remissions also lengthened.

Chapter 17
Ozone therapy

Ozone was discovered in 1840 by the Swiss chemist Christian Friedrich Schönbein. In 1857, Werner von Siemens created the “perfect magnetic induction tube,” with which the first technical ozone installation was constructed, and a century later, physicist, chemist and mathematician Joachim Hanzler came up with a medical ozone generator that allows precise dosing of the ozone-oxygen mixture. Ozone itself is toxic, but medical ozone does not contain toxic nitrogen oxides. For treatment, a gas mixture consisting of 5% pure ozone and 95% oxygen is used.

Ozone therapy improves blood circulation in tissues, improves blood flow and microcirculation, as well as the supply of oxygen to cells. The gas mixture has an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, promotes rapid healing of wounds. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect, destroying viruses, bacteria and fungi. Also, the oxygen-ozone mixture stimulates redox processes, the immune system and quadruples its phagocytic protective function.

Ozone therapy has proven itself in the treatment of demodicosis and rosacea. Ozone, being a strong oxidizing agent, effectively destroys pathogenic microorganisms, while they do not develop resistance to the substance, as is the case with antibiotic therapy. Ozone has a beneficial effect on humoral and cellular immunity, providing an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to reduce the treatment time for patients with demodicosis and rosacea several times.

Thus, it was noted that patients underwent a course of 10 BAGOT procedures (twice a week), and at home they used specially prepared ozonated oil, applying it at night. The gas mixture was used in increasing concentrations, starting from 10 mg/l to 40 mg/l. The oil was produced by bubbling purified refined olive oil with an ozone concentration of 60 mg/l in an ozone-oxygen mixture. Already after 3–4 procedures, all patients showed a marked improvement in skin condition, and after 1.5 months clinical recovery occurred, confirmed by the absence of mites in control scrapings.

Also, in addition to puncturing foci of inflammation, local application of gauze lotions with ozonized water with an OM concentration of 10–15 mg/l is carried out.

To treat rosacea, an oxygen-ozone mixture is administered subcutaneously from 2–3 weeks of treatment after an exacerbation of inflammatory phenomena. The course is 3–10 procedures 1–2 times a week. In patients with rosacea, after ozone therapy, swelling of the face, congestive hyperemia, as well as small telangiectasias disappeared, and papules resolved faster. In addition, the likelihood of relapse was reduced. To remove stagnant spots and restore skin color, maintenance oxygen-ozone therapy is performed 2-3 times a month, followed by lymphatic drainage massage.

Conducted by specialists of the Vitebsk Regional Clinical Dermatovenerological Dispensary V.E. Spiridonov, Yu.A. Lovchinovskaya, V.V. Salarev. Observations of 112 patients with psoriasis and eczema showed that ozone therapy in complex treatment stopped the inflammatory reaction and reduced peeling and infiltration. Cure or “significant improvement” occurred in all patients with exudative erythema and pyoderma, in 69.2% of patients with psoriasis, in 78.2% with atopic dermatitis and in 88.4% of patients with chronic eczema.

Contraindications to ozone therapy are: early period after various, including internal bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke, hyperthyroidism, tendency to convulsions, acute alcohol intoxication, thrombocytopenia, decreased blood clotting and allergy to ozone. Women interrupt treatment during menstruation.

Chapter 18

Traditional yoga speaks of the existence of seven main energy centers - chakras, corresponding to the seven nerve plexuses. The channels of the human subtle energy system correspond to the peripheral autonomic nervous system - sympathetic and parasympathetic. The left channel or ida carries the energy of our desire. He is responsible for the past. The unconscious draws information and images from this channel, where everything that happens in the process of evolution is stored, as well as everything that comes out of the unconscious mind of people. The right channel or pingala carries the energy of action and is responsible for the future. The collective superconsciousness receives everything that is dead, that has happened due to overly ambitious, future-oriented individuals, aggressive animals or plants. It is believed that excessive “departure” to the right or left channel leads to negative psychological and physical consequences, in particular, to skin diseases. Skin rashes occur, from a yoga point of view, due to problems with the excretory system - when it stops removing what it should.

Asanas and pranayama affect the endocrine system, increasing blood supply to tissues and organs, which leads to their full functioning. Also, performing exercises gives the effect of “internal hydraulic massage” - yoga represents the human body as an interconnected system of cavities filled with various liquids and gases; in the process of performing asanas, the volume of these body cavities and the pressure in them changes, blood flow changes and metabolism is corrected.

Among the asanas affecting the endocrine system are: Setu Bandhasana - bridge pose, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana I - pigeon pose, Valakhiliasana, Bhujangasana I, Bhujangasana II - snake pose, Shirshasana, Chaturanga Dandasana staff pose, Nakra sana - crocodile pose, Adho Mukha Svanasana - one of the dog poses, Lolasana - earring pose, Tolasana - scales pose, Simhasana - lion pose, Maha mudra, Yoganidrasana, Pash chimottanasana. Remember that all exercises are performed only on an empty stomach, and the effect does not come from regular exercise for a long time - about 3 months or more. You shouldn’t wait to get rid of skin problems after the first sessions.

The “agni-sara-dhauti-kriya” or “cleansing by internal fire” exercise also perfectly increases vitality and is indispensable in the treatment of any ailments. It consists of three parts.

Part 1. Starting position: stand on slightly bent legs, tilt your torso slightly forward to relax your abdominal muscles. Place your palms on your stomach. The index fingers are placed horizontally on the navel line, the middle fingers are almost touching on the vertical center line of the body. Exhale deeply, then press with all fingers, except the thumbs, on the middle part of the abdomen, pressing it inward. Do up to 18 presses, then inhale and sit quietly. You need to do 6 such approaches. Holding your breath should be comfortable - even if you don’t manage to do all 18 presses the first time.

Part 2. Starting position: stand up, straighten up, put your hands on your belt, lower them under your chin and press them to your chest. Inhale, at the same time strongly drawing your stomach in, lifting the diaphragm, and contracting the muscles of the perineum and anus, pulling them into yourself. Stay in this state for a few seconds and then completely relax all your muscles, exhaling calmly. Keep your chin pressed to your chest at all times. Do 5–10 approaches.

Part 3. Starting position: the same as in part 2, inhale, then exhale deeply. Bend forward, parallel to the floor, place your hands on your knees. At the same time, press your chin to your chest and contract the muscles of the perineum and anus. Fix the position for 3-5 seconds, then, without straightening, relax your stomach and, sharply lowering the diaphragm, push your stomach forward, then pull it back just as sharply. Do quick retractions and protrusions of the abdomen. The total number of such cycles in one approach should be increased to 18, approaches - 6. Do the second approach in the same way as the first, but without pressing the chin to the chest. The third and fourth - like the first and second, respectively, only tilt your torso at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. The fifth and sixth are like the first and second, only keep your torso vertical.

Chapter 19

The Chinese art of acupuncture or acupuncture has been around for about 2,000 years. In accordance with the ideas of this teaching, the vital energy “qi” flows in the human body along 14 channels - meridians. In acupuncture, 360 points are stimulated along these channels.

Acupuncture provides reflex correction of functional systems at almost all levels of the central nervous system and affects the activity of the neurohumoral regulation system. Thus, acupuncture has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, therefore it is widely used in the treatment of chronic dermatoses - demodicosis, rosacea, psoriasis and others.

Acupuncture is carried out using special needles made of medical steel - they are longer than ordinary sewing needles and very thin, so inserting them into the skin is almost painless. The needles are used only once, screwing them into the skin, sometimes to a depth of 8 cm.

As noted in the work of Olisova O.Yu., Bondareva G.I., Dodina M.I. from the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the 1st Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, when treating the erythematous stage of rosacea, patients were prescribed 2 courses of acupuncture of 10 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks. The patients were treated with the 2nd version of the inhibitory method of corporal points, local and general (for example, G21, 20, 15, 12; T12, 14, 11, 20; F1, 23; VB41; TR5, 14; R6, 15, 16, 17, etc.) and auricular (adrenal point, Shen Men, endocrine gland point, etc.), corresponding to areas of the pathological process. In all patients, reflexology therapy contributed to a more rapid relief of the “exacerbation reaction.”

According to research by Dr. Florian Pfaeb, an employee of the Technical University of Munich, acupuncture relieves itching in patients with atopic eczema. It was found that a reflexology session performed a few minutes after the patient’s skin was exposed to an allergen (pollen or saprophyte) relieved itching. In addition, when patients were repeatedly exposed to the allergen, the immune response from the skin was calmer after acupuncture, i.e. acupuncture also has a preventive effect.

When treating generalized eczema using reflexology, the same points are indicated as for itching. Thus, when eczema is localized on the scalp, the following points are stimulated: shuai-gu (56 Gv), tai-yang (61 Gv), qiang-jian (7 Gv), cheng-ling (18 G2). When the process is localized on the legs, the following are affected: yang-lingquan (300 Np1), feng shi (303 Np1), tzu-san-li (314 Np2), yin-ling-quan (328 Np3), san-yin-jiao ( 333 Nb4), wei-zhong (356 Np6), kun-lun (367 Np6), xue-hai (329 Np3). When eczema is localized on the ears: ting-gong (35 Gu), jiao-sun (40 Gu), i-feng (43 Gu). If the back is affected: da-zhu (109 C1), da-chang-shu (123 C1), jian-liao (86 C), shen-zhu (97 C), ming-men (105 C), chang-qiang ( 108 Ss). When localizing the process on the hands, the following points are stimulated: qu-tze (253 P3), da-ling (249 P3), he-gu (258 P4), shou-san-li (264 P4), nei-guan (250 P3), (250 Р3), (265 Р4), le-que (232 Р1), wai-guan (281 Р5). When localized on the chest: xuan-ji (148 Gy), tan-zhong (152 Gy), zhong-fu (167 Gy3). If the abdomen is affected: guan-yuan (188 Zhs), yin-jiao (185 Zhs), sy-man (199 Zh1), cheng-man (204 Zh2). When eczema is localized on the face: i-feng (43 Gu), yang-bai (28 Gg), sy-bai (32 Gg), da-ying (65 Gg), ting-gong (35 Gu). If the neck is affected: tian-tu (66 Shs), da-zhui (95 Ss), tian-ding (71 Shs).

In one session, acupuncture is performed at 5–6 points, which are selected depending on the location of the disease. In addition, points are taken according to the affected segments. In the acute stage, the first version of the excitatory method is used, in case of a chronic disease, the first version of the inhibitory method is used. Every day it is recommended to make superficial injections at the site of the lesion with strong irritation. In total, 3–4 courses of treatment are required, lasting 2 weeks. The break between courses should be 10–12 days.

For the treatment of patients with psoriasis (E. D. Tykochinskaya, 1979), points on the midline of the head and back, as well as segmental ones in the limbs and local ones in the affected area - He-gu (258 Rnt; 1.5) are predominantly stimulated by the first or second version of the inhibitory method ), Qu-chi (265 Rnt), Zusan-li (314 Nsp), Wei-chung (356 Nsp). Using the second version of the exciting method, the points Zhi-bian (147 C2b), Xue-hai (329 Nvp), Ge-shu (115 C1b), Pi-shu (118 C1b), Yin-ling- quan (328 Nvp), San-yin-jiao (333 Nvs), Shou-san-li (264 Rnt).

Contraindications to acupuncture are: tumors, fever, chronic infections (tuberculosis, brucellosis) in the acute stage, organic diseases of the heart, kidneys, severe exhaustion, drug addiction, age under 3 years and over 75 years, second half of pregnancy, acute infectious diseases, respiratory decompensation , blood circulation, acute mental agitation, intoxication, acute pain syndromes.

Chapter 20
Metal therapy

One of the oldest methods of medicine is metal treatment, which was subsequently used quite limitedly, since the physical nature of the therapeutic effect was not clear. Aristotle and Galen knew about metal therapy. Bürg was the first to make a scientific attempt to apply this type of therapy. He treated patients with hysterical attacks by applying brass. He also used metals to save people from anesthesia, paralysis, spasms, vomiting, neuralgia and other diseases. Bürg noticed that patients with the same disease were affected by different metals, deciding that patients had their own idiosyncrasy for metal. He believed that to get rid of the disease, metal must coincide with idiosyncrasy. Thus, in 1856 he was awarded a silver medal of the Hygienic Society for the treatment of cholera convulsions with metals.

Galvanic effects in metal therapy were studied by the French physiologist P. Regnard. He established that different metals have different conductivities, causing different deflections of the needle on the instrument, and selected currents from a chemical current source that gave the same deflection of the needle. It turned out that the effect of external current on patients was similar to the effect of metal plates.

Research by Safonova N.M. at the Institute of Balneology in Sochi they showed that when copper, gold, zinc and lead come into contact with human skin, the current flows from the metal to the skin, and when silver and tin come into contact, on the contrary, from the skin to the metal. She also began using copper disks for skin diseases. In the process of studying the method, it turned out that the body attracts metal in a sore spot, and when it is not needed, it rejects it.

In metal treatment, the metal is first applied for one to two days to test for allergies and the patient's reaction. It is also important to establish the root cause of the disease, otherwise the application of metal to the secondary focus - the one that is bothering you at the moment - may not have an effect or the disease will worsen. The metal is applied to patients of any age for several days, followed by a break of up to 5 weeks, and then treatment continues. It is necessary to apply plates or coins to active points of the skin where pain is most felt.

Tin and also lead are suitable for the treatment of skin diseases. The antiseptic and cleansing properties of silver are well known - it also has a beneficial effect on the skin. In addition to jewelry, silver plates are used externally, which are secured to problem areas with a bandage or adhesive plaster. Remember that before use, any metal must be cleaned - for this, in accordance with Ayurveda, it must be heated and treated with oil, milk or grain gruel. Then you need to feel the metal, interact with it and turn to it for help.

You can also use water with silver ions for treatment, which you can buy or you can make yourself. To do this, silver items are placed in a vessel with water, left for 10–12 hours, then the jewelry is removed, and water is taken three times a day, 2 teaspoons. This water destroys all pathogenic organisms and improves immunity. Doctors recommend bathing infants in it to prevent dermatitis and eczema. It should be noted that sometimes with an increased content of silver in water, argerosis can occur - a disease in which silver is deposited in tissues and organs. Symptoms of the disease are a grayish-green or bluish tint to the skin and mucous membranes.

In the reflexology room in clinic No. 2 in Kaliningrad near Moscow, this method was successfully used for 17 years. The operating principle of metal therapy is that with any impact on the skin - pressure, injection, current - there is an effect on the sympathetic system, the magnitude of which depends on the metal, its area, the place of application and the time of the session. Doctors have found that the therapeutic effect is achieved when the effect corresponds to the minimum wave of excitation, which is individual for each patient and for each disease. The minimum is found using the galvanic skin reflex (GSR) method according to the Ferri method. Specialists from a Kaliningrad hospital reported successful treatment of neurodermatitis and eczema in children using metal therapy. On average, the course of treatment is 9–10 procedures.

Chapter 21

Hydrotherapy or hydrotherapy was first mentioned in the ancient Indian Vedas in 1500 BC. Hydrotherapy refers to the use of water for therapeutic and preventive purposes - this includes irrigation (irrigation), baths, showers, treatment with thermal waters (balneotherapy), and enemas. It is known that water has a higher heat capacity than therapeutic mud compared to other thermal therapeutic agents: 1.0 at a temperature of 16 °C. Water absorbs 2 times more heat than therapeutic mud and has good thermal conductivity (for example, the thermal conductivity of water is 28–30 times higher than that of air). Hydrotherapy, or hydrotherapy, is the external use of water at various temperatures for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Procedures for hydrotherapy can be: cold - then the temperature of the water used is below 20 degrees, cool with a temperature of 20–33 degrees, lukewarm - 37 degrees, warm - 38–39 degrees, hot - 40 degrees and above and the so-called indifferent - 34 -36 degrees.

The greater the difference between the water temperature and body temperature, the greater the effect of baths. Patients with rosacea do not want to take very cold or very hot baths, so dermatologists recommend that they use thermal water sprays to reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of pathological scarring. Many patients note that their condition improved significantly after using sprays from well-known cosmetic companies specializing in the production of products based on thermal waters.

For other diseases in dermatology, sulfide or hydrogen sulfide, radon, as well as carbon dioxide mineral waters and siliceous thermal baths are most often used. Treatment with thermal waters reduces the number of relapses in patients with chronic dermatoses by two to three times. In addition, it is possible to achieve a high degree of rehabilitation.

When treating patients with non-acute inflammatory dermatoses (for example, torpid psoriasis, neurodermatitis, chronic eczema), carbon dioxide baths are used. Contraindications to them are: previous myocardial infarction, as well as nephritis and nephrosis.

For the treatment of chronic dermatoses in a stationary or regressive stage - such as eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatosis, scleroderma, lichen planus, urticaria, ichthyosis - patients are prescribed hydrogen sulfide baths with a concentration of free hydrogen sulfide from 30–40 to 100–150 mg/l. The procedures last 5–10 minutes. The course is 10–15 baths, with an interval of 1–2 days. Contraindications are tuberculosis, liver and kidney diseases and thyrotoxicosis.

For eczema, urticaria, progressive psoriasis, neurodermatitis, pruritus, it is recommended to take radon baths, which well reduce the acute inflammatory course of the disease due to a decrease in the permeability of skin vessels and a vasoconstrictor effect. The duration of the procedure is 5–15 minutes. Contraindications to such baths are cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms and erythroderma.

Chapter 22
Therapeutic fasting

Periodic abstinence from food to get rid of an illness or for moral reasons has a long history. The beneficial effects of fasting on the body were known to doctors and philosophers of Ancient Greece, India, and Tibet.

Our body experiences a state without water and food as stress, which, according to F.Z. Meerson (1981), is the initial stage of the body’s adaptation to extreme conditions. Many diseases of modern man arise precisely because of a violation of the body’s adaptation to external and internal environmental conditions, so fasting can be regarded as a preventive measure for improving adaptive capabilities.

The therapeutic effect of fasting is the stimulation of reparative processes, the death of “sick” cells, and the removal of toxins. Indications for fasting are numerous diseases, including skin allergies, which include neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.

In domestic medicine, therapeutic fasting in hospitals is called fasting-dietary therapy (RDT - the term of Yu.S. Nikolaev). RDT is divided into three main periods: preparatory, loading and recovery. In the preparatory period, a comprehensive examination of patients is carried out, the necessary consultations with specialists are prescribed, and foci of chronic infection are sanitized. The fasting and recovery periods vary depending on the type of therapeutic fasting, which can be complete, absolute, combined, or stepped.

Complete therapeutic fasting is fasting without restricting water intake. In the preparatory period, bowel cleansing is also carried out, the patient goes to bed without eating dinner. In the morning he is prescribed a saline laxative - 40–50 g of magnesium sulfate dissolved in 200 ml of warm boiled water. After this, food intake stops. The fasting period is calculated individually, depending on the age, condition of the patient, and well-being. It is recommended to achieve a “ketoacidotic crisis”, which in most patients is observed on days 7–9. On average, fasting lasts 12–14 days, but in the presence of psoriasis, for example, it is advisable to increase the period of abstinence to 18–21 days. A longer restriction is impractical due to the fact that it is poorly tolerated by patients. During the fasting period, patients take at least 1–1.6 liters of boiled water or weakly brewed tea, not sweet, preferably green, daily. You can also drink a decoction of mint or rose hips.

During this time, smoking, drinking coffee and alcohol are strictly prohibited. Most medications are discontinued from the first days of fasting. Every day, patients are prescribed enemas with 1–1.5 liters of water at room temperature, a circular shower, and a Charcot shower. Patients are recommended to have an active daily routine, preferably spending a lot of time outdoors. Night sleep should last at least 8-9 hours, you need to sleep in a well-ventilated area. Signs of the end of the fasting period are: the appearance of a feeling of hunger and dreams about food, complete cleansing of the tongue from plaque, the absence of feces in the washing water after the enema, the persistent disappearance of symptoms of the disease. During the recovery period of RDT, a gentle, hypoallergenic diet, split meals, and a gradual expansion of the diet with the exclusion of table salt are recommended for persons with skin allergies.

With absolute or “dry” fasting, food and water are completely excluded. From a physiological point of view, the body does not experience a fluid deficiency during complete fasting, since for every kilogram of fat that is broken down, up to 1 liter of endogenous water is released every day, and losses due to the evaporation of moisture from the skin and diuration are insignificant. So, the water deficit in a fasting body does not exceed 0.5–1 liters per day. Typically, patients are prescribed short-term absolute fasting, lasting from 1 to 3 days. Laxatives and cleansing enemas are usually not prescribed before and during absolute fasting. This type of fasting is also successfully used for those suffering from skin allergies. It is also worth noting that the effectiveness of absolute fasting is higher than complete fasting (V.A. Zakirov, 1989). It is believed that 3 days of absolute fasting correspond to 7–9 days of complete fasting. It is important to remember that “dry” fasting for more than 3 days is undesirable.

Chapter 23
Juice therapy and raw food diet

For the first time, the German scientist Eugen Heun proposed treating diseases with juices in 1951. The theory was founded by the Englishman Norman Walker, who lived for almost 100 years on vegetable and fruit juices and nuts. Juice therapy gained popularity after the publication of books by the Austrian healer Rudolf Breuss, who created a new method of treating cancer based on fasting and drinking juices. According to Breus, he managed to cure 40 thousand cancer patients with this method.

We all know that freshly squeezed juices are healthy, but their biggest advantage is their rapid absorption by the body. Juice, unlike fruits and vegetables containing fiber, is absorbed in just 10–15 minutes, thereby relieving the digestive system of unnecessary work. Juice therapy perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, saturates it with vitamins and nutrients, and activates metabolism.

The juice treatment method involves taking 1–1.5 liters of fruit and vegetable juices per day. The course can vary from 7 to 70 days, depending on the improvement of symptoms and the person’s well-being. Juices should be freshly squeezed and it is better to drink them within the first five minutes after preparation. At the beginning of juice therapy, it is recommended to take unmixed juices. You can add lemon or rhubarb juice to berry juices, but it is better not to mix juices from stone fruits (cherries, cherries, plums, cherry plums) with other juices. In addition, when preparing a mixture of juices, you should observe their certain compatibility: for example, pears and radishes, apples and carrots, apples and tomatoes, pineapple and celery, orange and radish.

After starting juice therapy, toxins begin to be eliminated from the body, therefore, to help it cope with this flow of harmful substances, it is necessary to regularly cleanse the intestines and liver.

Juice therapy is usually well tolerated by the body. But there are a number of contraindications for this treatment method. So, if you are allergic to pollen, you should not drink juice from green wheat shoots. During exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease and enteritis, you should not drink carrot juice. You should also be careful with tomato and citrus juices - in addition to allergies, they can disrupt the acid-base balance in the body.

Another way to cleanse the body and normalize metabolism can be a raw food diet. When eating a raw food diet, the consumption of food that has undergone heat treatment (cooking, stewing, frying, etc.) is completely excluded; in addition to raw vegetables and fruits, it is allowed to eat dried fruits and cold-pressed vegetable oils. You can also eat raw sprouted cereals, which are prepared by soaking the seeds in water for a day and keeping them in a humid air environment for several days.

Proponents of a raw food diet, as arguments in favor of this approach to nutrition, note that heat treatment of food at a temperature of 40–45 degrees destroys enzymes, as a result of which the natural digestion process slows down, and also destroys a number of vitamins and microelements, which makes their absorption difficult. In addition, as a result of thermal processing, new chemical compounds arise that are not found in living nature and often negatively affect humans - carcinogens, trans fats, etc. It is also worth noting that thermally cooked food is not completely digested in the stomach, and part of it remains to rot in the digestive system, which promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

A raw food diet is useful for various diseases, as it perfectly cleanses the body. Treatment with such a diet gives good results for skin diseases, in particular eczema, rosacea and psoriasis. On the Internet you can find many reviews of patients with these ailments, who, after switching to a raw food diet, were almost completely cured - for example, they reported that after 2-3 weeks the redness went away, pimples and plaques disappeared.

However, when switching to a raw food diet, it is worth remembering that if you have a duodenal ulcer, consuming most raw vegetables is contraindicated, especially zucchini, carrots, cabbage, beets, cucumbers and turnips, as well as green salad. In addition, zucchini should not be eaten if you have kidney disease. For ischemia, hypertension and tachycardia, it is undesirable to consume large amounts of bell pepper. Beets, potatoes and turnips should not be eaten in case of diabetes and obesity, and in case of urolithiasis, gout and exacerbation of chronic colitis, spinach and green salad are excluded.

Chapter 24

Apitherapy is a method of treating various diseases using live bees, as well as their metabolic products: honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, bee bread, wax and poison. Apitherapy was known in Ancient Egypt, Greece and China. Mention of healing after consuming honey and other bee products is found in the Vedas, the Bible and the Koran. In Rus', bee stinging has been used since ancient times and was considered a traditional method of treating many diseases. However, the first scientific substantiation of apitherapy in medicine occurred in 1894 - it was then that Professor Lukomsky of the St. Petersburg Academy of Forestry proposed treating rheumatism and gout with bee venom.

Bee venom is produced by special glands, which are modified glands of worker bees and queens. When a bee stings, it injects 0.2 to 0.8 mg of venom containing pheromones, toxins, enzymes and biologically active amines. In small doses, the poison causes various physiological reactions that normalize disturbed homeostasis. In addition, bee venom has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunostimulating, antiallergic, absorbable, decongestant and protective effects.

Propolis, which bees collect from various parts of plants, has powerful bactericidal properties. It destroys fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoa, improves immunity, relieves pain and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

There is evidence of a cure for demodicosis by bee stings. The poison can be administered either by live bees or by syringe. First, a sting tolerance test is carried out by placing the bee on the lower third of the forearm, after which the sting is removed after 10 seconds. The patient then takes blood and urine tests and blood glucose tests the next day. After receiving the results, another sting is done, but the sting is removed after a minute and repeated tests are carried out. After the bite, redness, swelling and itching appear - this reaction can last for several days. If the tests are normal and there are no side effects from the treatment - nausea, headache, deterioration in health, then after 5-7 days you need to do the tests again and begin treatment, which should only be carried out by a qualified apitherapist. Every day the number of bees for perching increases to 18–20, and the number of procedures ranges from 9 to 21. Sessions lasting 10–15 minutes are done every other day, three times a week.

It is also known that propolis is a good remedy for treating rosacea. Its 5–10% alcohol tincture is prescribed after severe inflammatory phenomena have subsided. Treatment begins with weaker concentrations, since some patients develop intolerance to the drug in the form of itching and exacerbation of inflammation. In this case, treatment must be stopped immediately. Propolis is applied daily to the affected areas of the skin without rinsing. A film forms on the face, which is washed off in the morning with a cotton swab dipped in vodka. The first month of the procedure is done every day, and during the second month - every other day.

In the book “Apitherapy” G.S. Kozhukharya (1981) describes a method of treating bee stings for patients with psoriasis. Over the course of 10 days, stings are made from 1 to 10 per session, and the sting is removed after 5–10 minutes. Then a break is taken for 3–4 days and then the course is repeated again, but with the number of bees increased by 3 times. In just two courses, 180–200 stings are carried out. Good treatment results are reported.

K. Braileanu treated chronic eczema, epidermophytosis, hyperkeratotic fungal eczema, chemical fungal dermatitis and neurodermatitis with 10 and 20% propolis ointments. As a result, the itching in patients decreased and the skin process improved.

In 1985, Fang Chu successfully treated psoriasis with propolis by giving patients tablets containing 0.3 propolis for 2–3 months. Complete cure was observed in 37 out of 160 patients, and relapse in those who recovered occurred in 16 cases.

Contraindications to such therapy are: type 1 diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under five years of age, various neoplasms, Addison's disease, hepatitis and tuberculosis, acute and chronic infectious diseases, intolerance to bee venom, vaccinations (not earlier than a month after during vaccination), failure of internal organs (cardiac, vascular, respiratory, renal and hepatic).

Chapter 25
Mud therapy (peloidotherapy)

Pelotherapy or mud therapy has been known to mankind for at least 5 thousand years. Treatment with silt from floods of the Nile River in Egypt was reported by Claudius Galen in the 2nd century BC.

Mud liquor or solution has a complex chemical composition and contains minerals, salts and mineral substances. The solution also contains various peptides, low molecular weight proteases, gammalinolenic acid, nucleic acids, compounds of humic acids with iron, phenols, hydrocarbons, cellulose, enzymes, lignins, antibiotic analogues, phytohormones and vitamins.

There are several types of mud depending on its composition. Their application affects the receptors of the skin and mucous membranes, reflexively affects the nervous, endocrine and vascular systems, due to which a functional, microcirculatory and metabolic shift occurs in skin cells, tissues and organs, which, first of all, is manifested by an improvement in cellular nutrition. The trophic effect helps resolve the inflammatory process - accelerates the resorption of decay products, reduces adhesions and scars.

Therapeutic mud also affects the immune system, increasing it as a result of stimulating the function of the adrenal cortex and increasing the synthesis of catecholamines. Also, the warmth of the mud has an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Applying mud enhances peripheral circulation, blood supply, relieves swelling, and enhances lymphatic drainage. Mud liquor penetrates deeply into the skin, nourishing it, as a result of which it becomes more elastic and elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, scars are softened and smoothed out. All these properties of mud are widely used in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, urticaria, acne, rosacea and demodicosis.

Thus, when treating rosacea with peloid therapy, the symptoms of peeling, redness and infiltration completely disappeared in 92.5% of patients, and hyperpigmentation disappeared in 96.3% of cases. (candidate of medical sciences Tarkina T.V., Alma-Ata). In addition, all patients experienced stable remission.

Mud therapy using silt sulfide and hill mud, peat, sapropels has a good therapeutic effect on reducing the symptoms of psoriasis. Liquor acts on psoriatic lesions as an anti-inflammatory, absorbable and analgesic. It is recommended to apply mud at a temperature of up to 40 degrees for 10–30 minutes every day or every other day for a month. Many patients report stable remission after treatment.

In Russia, mud therapy is practiced in the sanatoriums and boarding houses of Staraya Russa in the Novgorod region, Yarovoe in the Altai region, Karachi in the Novosibirsk region, Uchum in the Krasnoyarsk region, Anapa in the Krasnodar region, Sadgorod in Vladivostok and others. Patients also reported good results after staying at the Sergievsky mineral waters in the Samara region, Saki in the Crimea and at the Dead Sea in Jordan or Israel.

Contraindications to peloidotherapy are: acute inflammatory diseases, malignant tumors, myomas and fibroids, ovarian cysts, blood diseases, bleeding, tuberculosis, hypertension, ischemia, varicose veins, endocrine diseases, atherosclerosis, epilepsy, infectious diseases and pregnancy.

Chapter 26

Magnetotherapy is one of the areas of physiotherapy based on the effect of a low-frequency alternating magnetic field on the human body. Russian specialists have developed a number of devices for magnetic therapy, which is indicated for rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and other dermatoses.

It is known that this method of treatment has an analgesic effect, relieves spasms, promotes the activation of repair and regeneration processes, and also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates swelling, improves microcirculation, peripheral circulation and lymph flow, improves the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine system and restores immunity. Magnetotherapy increases the diameter of capillaries, due to which the speed of blood flow in them increases, which, in turn, leads to improved metabolism and nutrition of tissues, and restores impaired functions.

Doctors of the central Cheboksary hospital (K.M. Volkova, M.P. Vinokurova, L.V. Semenova) observed 21 patients with stage 2 rosacea in 2009. Patients were offered to undergo treatment using the AMT-02 Magniter device. The impact was carried out contactally on the forehead area with an alternating and pulsating magnetic field, and the induction value was 10–30 mT. The procedure was applied for 10 minutes and for 5 minutes on the cheek area. Improvement in clinical signs of the disease was noted in 16% of patients.

Magnetic therapy is also used in the treatment of the progressive stage of psoriasis. Its action (Zuev A.V., Moscow, 2003) accelerates the transition to the stationary and regressive stages without further prescription of medications. In patients with psoriatic arthritis who received magnetic field treatment in combination with drug therapy, improvements occurred in 91.5% of cases. In addition, studies conducted in the clinic of skin and venereal diseases of the Siberian State Medical University on the effects of a traveling magnetic field using the domestic device "AMO-ATOS" and the attachment "GOLOVIE" on 55 patients with psoriasis showed that the average length of stay of patients in the hospital was 7 ,3 days less than in patients who underwent traditional drug treatment.

According to the same clinic of skin and venereal diseases of the Siberian State Medical University, magnetic therapy was also used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. 60 patients under observation reported a significant reduction or complete disappearance of itching by the end of the first week of therapy.

One of the developments of our scientists in the field of magnetic therapy was the Reich chamber - a special chamber within which a special electromagnetic environment is formed. The chamber in which a person is placed, dressed in cotton clothes, consists of several alternating layers of metal and dielectric. The duration of the procedure ranges from 25 to 35 minutes. Treatment is carried out daily for 10–15 days. As studies have shown at the Department of Dermatovenereology and Dermato-Oncology together with the Department of Hyperbaric Oxygenation of the M.F. MONIKI. Vladimirsky (Tretyakova E.I., Sukhova T.E., Groznova A.A., Kiselev S.O., Osenovskaya E.N.), after a course of treatment in the Reich chamber, the average duration of which was 9 sessions, out of 62 patients atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema and urticaria, 4 patients with lichen planus, 7 patients with psoriasis, 13 with scleroderma and 6 with other dermatological diseases (cutaneous lymphoma, Raynaud's disease, Kaposi's sarcoma, erythema multiforme exudative, prurigo, pruritus nodosum ) a positive effect was observed in 99.6% of cases.

Contraindications to magnetic therapy are: thrombophlebitis, vasculitis and increased bleeding, pregnancy, the presence of a pacemaker, circulatory insufficiency, hypotension, ischemia, systemic blood diseases, metal parts in the affected area (pins, plates, prostheses, etc.), as well as chronic dermatoses in the acute stage.

Chapter 27
Sytin's healing moods

The SOEVUS method (verbal-figurative, emotional-volitional control of the human condition), invented by Doctor of Sciences, Academician of the International Academy G. N. Sytin, can also be successfully used for healing from various skin diseases. Our thoughts are material, therefore self-persuasion according to Sytin’s method is an excellent example of how a person’s mental and somatic state is regulated by speech. SOEVUS consists of listening or reading special moods, which in their form are similar to the conspiracies of our great-grandmothers. Thus, in Sytin’s method, two techniques are used at once, which increase the degree of suggestion and which are characteristic of ancient conspiracies: tautological repetitions of certain words and rhythmic repetition of sounds and their combinations. Research by psycholinguists has shown that one of the important parameters of suggestion is the sound organization of texts, since sound affects the analyzers of our feelings. Suggestibility increases with repeated repetition of the same idea, text, thought. Also, suggestibility is increased by the rhythm of the text.

The SOEVUS method is not limited only to the treatment of diseases; it can be used to heal and rejuvenate the body. If drug therapy is carried out in parallel, then the use of moods can strengthen the nervous system, increasing the effectiveness of treatment. Among the numerous moods there are texts that specifically influence individual organs and systems. In addition, SOEVUS will help people in difficult, crisis situations, since it is programmed with general attitudes: for luck and stability in business and life.

Sytin's moods are texts with positive statements that create cheerful images of health and youth in a person. The formula also contains phrases that stimulate the will and suppress doubts, which contributes to better assimilation of attitudes. Texts help manage well-being and performance using vivid images. In addition to the direct healing effect, SOEVUS develops will and self-education, awakens internal strength, and forms an active life position.

Under the influence of specially composed texts that carry a charge of energy and vigor, a person’s idea of ​​himself and his health gradually changes, as a result of which corresponding changes occur in the body. Carefully selected words in Sytin’s mood contribute to the emergence of positive emotions after reading the text, which are maintained even after the end of classes. Even one lesson has an effect that is recorded by devices for a whole month.

In the first days of reading the moods, classes should begin with a special introductory text. You can either listen to the recordings or read them out loud or to yourself. Sytin advises walking actively when listening to the mood, and also making an effort to memorize the text. In addition, it is useful to read or listen to those passages of moods that a person most likes several times. For healing from skin diseases, the academician published a separate book, “Skin Health.” It contains such moods as rejuvenation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, healing of men's skin, healing of women's skin, healing of psoriasis, allergies, eczema, general mood for skin health and others. Classes last about 25-40 minutes 1-2 times a day for two weeks. Then there is a break, after which classes resume.

The texts of the sentiments can be found on the official website of the academician, as well as on other Internet sites.

Chapter 28
Bach Flower Essences

No matter what illness a patient has, we can overcome their main cause if we can identify and overcome the mental disorder,” is the belief among adherents of Dr. Bach’s treatment method. Flower essence therapy is named after its founder, the English physician Edward Bach, who studied homeopathy and herbal medicine for many years. According to Bach, flower essences cause changes at the energetic level in the body's chakras and subtle bodies, and some of them directly affect the physical body. Essences, due to their subtle vibrational qualities, transport energy quanta with a specific frequency, which interact with the molecular structure of the body.

Bach created 38 flower essences - burdock, aspen, beech, cornflower, cornflower, cherry plum, chestnut bud, chicory, clematis, wild apple, elm, gentian, gorse, heather, holly, honeysuckle, hornbeam, balsam, larch, mimosa, mustard, oak, olive, pine, red chestnut, rock rose, mountain water, diwala, star of Bethlehem, sweet chestnut, verbena, grapevine, walnut, violet, white chestnut, wild oats, wild rose and willow.

12 flower essences are called “doctors” and are used for 12 mental states of a person, which, according to the supporters of this therapy, have the most negative impact on health: cowardice, phobias, self-doubt, indecisiveness, timidity, life in a world of illusions, complacency, internal anxiety , exaggerated concern for others, overwork, impatience and exaltation. The remaining 26 essences are called "helpers".

The raw materials for the essences are collected in certain places and forests in Wales, which Bach indicated. The flowers are placed in a glass vessel with spring water and kept in the sun for three hours. The water is then diluted with alcohol to make it last longer. Apply essences internally drop by drop or externally.

In order to choose the appropriate essence for healing, it is necessary to formulate the psychological problem that needs to be solved. Then fill out the “Situation Questionnaire”, which reflects the negative feelings experienced by the person at the moment. After this, fill out the “Character Questionnaire”, which reflects the negative aspects that interfere with life. And then fill out the “Checklist”, answering the question what causes the greatest concern. After summing up the results, you need to carefully re-read the description of the colors chosen in the test and choose an essence, carefully considering your choice.

Bach stated that the 38 flower essences he created are a holistic system that corrects absolutely all negative emotional states existing in the world, which is aimed not at suppressing, but at neutralizing any negative feelings that, as we discussed above, can become triggers, triggering many diseases, including skin diseases. Many followers of this teaching around the world say that this system really works. Here is a list of Dr. Bach's 38 essences and their main properties:

This system is complemented by the rescue elixir RescueRemedy. 3-4 drops of this magical remedy help to quickly cope with nervous shock or anxiety and quickly relieve emotional tension in any stressful situation. And most importantly, RescueRemedi prevents the occurrence and eliminates the consequences of stress.


This concludes our review of the latest methods of treating skin diseases. Once again I would like to emphasize that rosacea, demodicosis, psoriasis, eczema and other skin diseases are not a sentence with which you are forced to live for many years, but a diagnosis that can be cured, as evidenced by numerous stories of people’s healing.

Don’t let the disease take over you, learn to tame it, become its master, not its slave. And be sure to look at life with a positive and good mood - this is the main condition for getting rid of the disease. Yes, and illness is not a reason to give up cosmetics, which, of course, will not cure, but will significantly improve the condition of your skin and slightly increase your self-esteem. Many cosmetic companies have special products, for example, for those suffering from rosacea - these are Rosaliac from La Roche-Posay, Roseliane from Uriage, Avene products, Apaisance from Lierac, Sensibio from Bioderma. All these products are well suited for skin affected by demodicosis.

And, of course, do not forget about precautions: if you have rosacea and demodicosis, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, in particular, red wine is absolutely contraindicated. In addition, you should refrain from hot drinks and liquids and, conversely, drink ice-cold drinks, which have a cooling and vasoconstrictor effect on the blood vessels. You cannot take hot baths, showers, steam your feet, or wash your face with hot water. You should avoid rich, hot, spicy foods, as well as tomatoes, spinach, eggplant, yeast, liver and some types of cheese, especially Parmesan. Tanning is also contraindicated, and daily year-round use of sunscreen with a high protection factor - UPF 25 or higher - is mandatory. It is also not recommended to take vasodilator drugs such as nicotinic acid and its derivatives, amyl nitrite, mithramycin and nifedipine.

We hope that the recommendations in this book will help you recover from skin diseases. You can write about treatment results and methods that are not included in the book at

Treatment of skin diseases can be carried out not only with the help of medicines, but also with the use of traditional medicine. Since ancient times, people have used various plants and substances to treat diseases of any organs and systems.


There are various types of traditional medicines used for skin diseases.


An infusion is a liquid medicine that extracts beneficial substances from raw materials by water. Basically, the stems, leaves, and flowers of the plant are used to prepare the folk remedy. Sometimes they take rhizomes, berries, and rough stems. The folk remedy is prepared in enamel or glass containers, or a stainless steel container is used; a lid is required.

The raw materials are poured with boiling water, brought to a boil, and left in a thermos for a certain time - from half an hour to half a day. The resulting infusions should be stored in a cool, dark place for no longer than three days. For skin ailments, it is better to prepare a fresh remedy every day.


This is a folk remedy in liquid form. The raw materials are poured with alcohol or vodka and left to infuse for a certain time in a dark place. Unlike infusions, this medicine is taken drop by drop, in small quantities. It is better to purchase tinctures at pharmacies; at home, preparation should be strictly according to the recipe.


It is a folk remedy in liquid form. The main difference from the infusion is the longer heat treatment of the raw materials. Hard parts of plants - roots, bark, stems - are often used for preparation. They are poured with water into containers and placed on fire. Cook the folk medicine over low heat for five minutes to half an hour, depending on the recipe.

Such remedies are taken for skin diseases in most cases in a cooled and filtered form. The broth cannot be stored for a long time, maximum in a cool place for up to two days. It's better to cook fresh every time.

In case of skin diseases, much attention is paid to folk remedies used externally. These medications help relieve inflammation and reduce symptoms of the disease. They enhance the regeneration of the skin, accelerating the healing process.


Prepared from plants or other substances using wine, alcohol or vodka.


A liquid product containing water, alcohol, and plants. Often used in cosmetology, for skin inflammation.

To prepare, mix the raw materials with vodka in a certain proportion and infuse for the time specified in the recipe. Then the resulting product is diluted with water 2-3 times. Wipe the skin with the resulting lotion.


Natural plant juices contain many beneficial substances. A similar product is prepared using a meat grinder, grater, or juicer. The resulting pulp is squeezed out several times. In certain cases, juices are diluted with water. The product is used for compresses and lotions for skin diseases.


Decoctions, infusions, juices can be frozen. Ice is used to wipe the inflamed areas of the skin for various diseases.


To make it, you need to mix ready-made infusions or decoctions with a base - oil, lard, petroleum jelly. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and cooled. Lubricate damaged skin areas.


Healing baths help relieve inflammation throughout the body. A certain amount of raw material is added to a bath of water. The duration of the procedure should not exceed fifteen minutes.

Thus, traditional medicine can be used in the treatment of skin diseases. It should be remembered that any product must be prepared strictly according to the recipe to avoid side effects. Before use, it is better to consult a specialist.

Diseases and treatment

There are different types of skin diseases. The choice of folk remedy depends on the diagnosis, symptoms, and condition of the patient.



  1. Celery root is thoroughly crushed and the juice is squeezed out. Take 2 small spoons half an hour before meals. The remaining cake can be used as a compress on inflamed skin areas.
  2. Clary flowers are steamed with boiling water, left for thirty minutes, and filtered. Drink a folk remedy for illness, half a glass up to five times a day.
  3. Take a bath with the addition of nettle decoction. You can use a nettle broom in a bath.
  4. Taking small pieces of licorice root has a positive effect on this disease.
  5. Inflammations are lubricated with St. John's wort oil.




Traditional methods:








However, there is always a method of traditional medicine that will help cope with such a problem.


  • Crushed dandelion root is mixed with butter. Apply the product to the mole.
  • Willow ash. The resulting willow ash is added to vinegar. The mixture turns out to be similar to thick sour cream. Use 2-3 times a day.

Bruises and hematomas



For such a skin disease, you can use the same recipes as for removing warts.


  • The crushed one is added to any fatty cream. Apply to a bandage or gauze, secure it to the papilloma with a plaster. Leave for three hours, rinse thoroughly.
  • Triple cologne is poured to the top into a glass jar filled with dandelion flowers. They insist for two weeks. Apply to the formation five times a day.
  • Cut aloe leaves are fixed on the skin growth, and the application is left overnight.
  • More details about.





  • Apply the egg film to the sores with the sticky side. Leave until completely dry.
  • Twenty-five grams of birch buds are poured into a glass of seventy percent alcohol. Leave for a couple of weeks, strain and wipe the damaged areas. Helps quickly cope with the disease.
  • Crushed calendula flowers are added to half a glass of vodka. They insist for fourteen days. The product is rubbed into the wounds.
  • Thirty grams of chamomile are steamed with boiling water and boiled for about ten minutes. Cool, moisten a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the inflamed areas of the skin layer.



  • Finely grated potatoes are applied to skin inflammations and fixed with a gauze cloth.
  • Ten grams of cornflower flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water. Drink 100 ml before each meal. Perfectly relieves itching in case of illness.
  • Pour the same amount of birch buds into a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for twenty minutes. Used to wipe inflamed areas of the skin.
  • Add 50 ml of cranberry juice to two hundred grams of petroleum jelly and mix. Lubricate the affected areas.
  • Five tablespoons of ground nettle flowers are poured into 200 ml of boiling water. Take half a glass chilled three times a day.

There are quite a lot of traditional medicine recipes for skin diseases. It is worth remembering to be careful when using such drugs to avoid allergic reactions.

To prevent skin diseases from occurring, it is necessary to follow hygiene rules, treat various diseases in a timely manner, and do not overexpose yourself to the sun.

How to cure with folk remedies - video

Ecology of health: As long as the biochemical processes in our body proceed normally, the skin remains healthy. But if the biochemistry of the body goes wrong, for example, due to poor nutrition, improper breathing or stress, then toxins begin to accumulate in the body, and the body tries to remove some of them through the skin - this is how acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and other skin diseases arise. . The visible manifestations of this process depend on the type of constitution.

As long as the biochemical processes in our body proceed normally, the skin remains healthy.But if the biochemistry of the body goes wrong, for example, due to poor nutrition, improper breathing or stress, then toxins begin to accumulate in the body, and the body tries to remove some of them through the skin - this is how acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and other skin diseases arise. . The visible manifestations of this process depend on the type of constitution. Skin diseases are divided into six categories:

Sebaceous gland disorders: seborrhea (Vata or Pitta imbalance); acne, whiteheads, papular acne, steatoma and excessive oily skin (manifestations of Kapha imbalance).

Sweat gland disorders: increased sweating, prickly heat and red rash (Pitta disorder); decreased sweating (Vata disorder); sweat with an unpleasant odor (imbalance of all three doshas).

Pigmentation: dark (Vata disorder); brownish or red (Pitta disorder); whitish (Kapha disorder).

Allergic skin diseases: psoriasis (Vata disorder); dermatitis (Pitta disorder); eczema (Kapha disorder).

Infectious skin diseases(fungal, bacterial or viral), associated with weakened immunity (depletion of ojas), can occur on any skin.

Changes in tissue growth: dandruff (Vata or Pitta disorder); warts, rosacea and birthmarks (Pitta imbalance); cysts and tumors (Kapha imbalance).

Cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing: external skin care routine. Combat common skin diseases

What to do?

    Cleanse, nourish and moisturize daily skin with herbs and oils.

    Treat problem areas of the skin with herbal remedies, including a solution of lavender essential oil in almond oil - good againstomicrobial, soothing, and also helps prevent scarring.

    Stick to a diet, calming the excited doshas.

    Drink aloe vera juice diluted with water every morning on an empty stomach.: This will help cleanse the blood of toxins.

    Every night before going to bed, drink a cup of warm milk with 1 teaspoon of ghee.: This is a good remedy for constipation.

    Drink more water during the day.

    Actively solve your personal problems to avoid “undigested” emotions that create toxins.

    Perform daily self-massage sessions to reduce the negative effects of stress.

    Exercise for half an hour every day, but don't overexert yourself.

    Lead a balanced lifestyle consistent with your constitution.

What not to do?

    Do not squeeze or pop deep pimples..

    Avoid overindulging in refined, canned and processed foods, fried foods, sugar, chocolate, seafood and red meat.

Below you will find tips on how to relieve most common skin problems using external remedies. All these problems are associated with our behavior, which in many cases turns out to be the cause of their occurrence.

As already mentioned, “undigested” emotions, tension and stress, which disrupt hormonal balance and weaken the immune system, are, along with undigested food, main factors for the accumulation of toxins in the body and therefore main causes of skin problems.

Psoriasis, for example, is aggravated by anxiety and restlessness, rosacea - by anger and frustration, eczema - by a wide variety of stress, depending on the person’s constitution, and papular acne - by depression, the inability to get rid of old grief and, in general, any emotional attachments.

Significant factors in the occurrence or aggravation of skin diseases also include the abuse of “dead” (refined, canned and overly processed) food, sugar, chocolate and candies, fatty and fried foods, salt, seafood and red meat; weak digestive fire and problems eliminating waste (such as constipation); lifestyle and habits that disturb the balance of the doshas; hormonal changes; hereditary factors; lack of physical activity; lack of rest; and, finally, improper external skin care.

Nevertheless, An occasional bout of dry skin, a temporary rash on the skin or the appearance of pimples is completely natural(albeit annoying at any age) flow of life element.

At different periods of the menstrual cycle or following, for example, weather changes, hormone levels can repeatedly increase and decrease, even within a month. Our diet and our activities also change from day to day. All this entails natural minor shifts in the balance of the doshas, ​​leading to mood swings and even changes in appearance.

Ayurveda teaches us to recognize these subtle shifts and be able to correct them in time before a small imbalance develops into a serious illness. Generally speaking, the presence of a temporary imbalance does not necessarily mean illness: you can be completely healthy and, at the same time, feel some imbalance. However, imbalance can lead to illness if not addressed early.

One of the fundamental principles of Ayurveda is that whatever happens in any part of the body happens in the whole body. There are no isolated diseases. Any physiological or mental symptom of imbalance indicates that the entire body-mind system is out of balance.Keep this holistic approach in mind as you read about treating skin conditions.

It is possible that you are not experiencing any serious problems at the moment. For example, your skin may not be dehydrated, but you may have dry, chapped lips. And although this trouble does not pose a threat to life and does not cause any noticeable inconvenience at all, it is worth paying attention to: it indicates that your Vata level is elevated. By taking simple measures to eliminate this minor symptom, you will automatically get rid of other symptoms of excess Vata.

On the other hand, if you ignore the early signs of imbalance and continue to live a lifestyle that arouses Vata, sooner or later the symptoms of Vata disorder will increase as the increased dosha begins to spread to vulnerable tissues and organs.

In our example with dry lips, for example, cracks on the soles of the feet may occur, nails and hair become brittle, the scalp begins to dry out, dandruff and premature wrinkles appear. If the imbalance is not corrected at this stage, toxins will continue to accumulate in the body, which over time can accelerate the process of cell breakdown and cause typical Vata diseases such as psoriasis and dry eczema, which in severe form can cause a devastating blow to the body.

Below we provide a list of symptoms of imbalance of each of the three doshas as they worsen. Symptoms of the disorder usually appear not individually, but in groups, as the body-mind system reacts to the imbalance as a whole:

    Vata: slight dry skin, dry lips, excessive dry skin, cracked skin on the feet, brittle nails, dry scalp, brittle hair, dandruff, psoriasis, dry eczema, wrinkles on the forehead, age spots on the skin, dark circles under the eyes.

    Pitta: mild skin sensitivity, broken capillaries, whiteheads, rosacea, burning sensation on the skin, burning on the feet, burning in the eyes, nosebleeds or minor bleeding from acne, dermatitis (dry and flaky skin around the eyebrows), burning skin scalp, true eczema throughout the body, urticaria, allergic reactions, the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, warts, changes in skin pigmentation.

    Kapha: slightly increased oiliness of the skin, acne, enlarged pores, excessive oiliness of the skin and hair, the appearance of white itchy dandruff-like spots on the scalp, papular acne, urticaria with itching and weeping, swelling of the ankles and feet, weight gain, swelling under the eyes , cellulite, cysts and tumors.

Even if you already suffer from a skin condition, simple daily skin care routines can improve your condition. But keep in mind, if the symptoms have spread widely throughout the body, this means that a lot of toxins have already accumulated in the body and the excited doshas have penetrated deep into the tissues.

In such a situation, no external therapy (neither chemical, nor “live”, Ayurvedic), taken by itself, will be able to eliminate the internal causes of poisoning of the body. External symptoms may subside, but as soon as you stop treatment, they will return - quickly and, most likely, in full.

To restore balance in conditions of illness or premature aging, it is necessary to cleanse and nourish the body from the inside and, first, undergo pancha karma (“five actions”) under the guidance of a specialist - a special cleansing procedure, or at least cleanse the body at home.

Without prior internal cleansing, any substance you try to “feed” your skin and body, even a pure natural one, will be recognized by the body as toxic, and it will try to get rid of it as waste. It's like pouring clean water into mud: the mud will remain mud.

But even internal cleansing is only a temporary remedy. If you do nothing to change the lifestyle that has led you to imbalance, very soon new toxins will begin to accumulate.


Cotton wool.

Aggravating factors: dry scalp, harsh shampoos, improper rinsing of the hair, poor nutrition of the hair and scalp due to metabolic disorders, anxiety, restlessness, circulatory disorders, the use of hot spices, chemical medications and stimulants.


    After regular shampooing, rinse your hair with a herbal infusion of burdock, arnica or horsetail.

    Mix the yolk of 1 egg, half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a pinch of natural camphor. Apply the mixture to the scalp. After 10 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water.

    Massage the scalp with warm oil 2-3 times a week.

    Nutritional supplements: 400 units of vitamin E and 15-20 mg of zinc daily.

Premature graying

Pitta and Vata.

Aggravating factors: anxiety, anger, frustration, anxiety, sudden shock, mental fatigue, stress, early menopause, thyroid problems, deficiency of copper, zinc, folic acid, pantothenic acid.


    Prepare an infusion of sage and walnut leaves (2 teaspoons each). Apply a small amount of infusion to gray areas of hair every day.

    Take nutritional supplements: horsetail, nettle, alfalfa, fenugreek pressed into tablets; biotin; vitamin E; lecithin; kelp, silicon. Eat a diet rich in proteins and minerals and include nuts in your diet.

Hair loss

Doshas out of balance: Vata, Pitta or Kapha.

Aggravating factors: stress, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol or drugs, overusing shampoo or using a hair dryer too often, prolonged exposure to the sun.


    Prepare a medicinal ointment to stimulate new hair growth. Mix a pinch of ground black pepper or half a teaspoon of ground fenugreek with a cup of coconut milk (the liquid inside the coconut). Rub the mixture into the scalp with light movements and wrap your head in a plastic bag. After half an hour, wash off the mixture with a mild shampoo. Perform this procedure daily before going to bed or whenever you wash your hair.

    Every night before bed, when combing your hair, moisten your hair roots with a small amount of coconut oil, adding 2-3 drops of lavender and rosemary oils.

    It is also good in this case to perform a headstand every day. But first, consult your doctor.

    To improve blood circulation, massage your scalp regularly. Use cooling, softening oils.

    Prepare herbal oil by evaporating 1 part dried hibiscus flower infusion to 4 parts coconut oil. Rub into your scalp to stimulate hair growth.

    Hair loss can also be caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands due to hormonal imbalance: excess oil clogs the pores. In this case, wash your hair more often and when massaging your head, use only light oil with the addition of 2-3 drops of rosemary or lavender essential oil.

Folds on the forehead

Doshas out of balance: Vata and Pitta. (If you have a habit of furrowing your brows, wrinkles will appear on your forehead even if there is no imbalance.)

Aggravating factors: anxiety, agitation, severe dehydration, excessive consumption of sugar or protein foods, the habit of frowning, the use of alcohol-based skin astringents, the abuse of lemon, tomato or cucumber juice.


    Pour some water into your palm, add 3 drops of essential oil that balances Vata, and wipe your forehead with this solution daily - this is a good remedy for moisturizing the skin.

    Prepare a moisturizing massage oil using apricot kernel, avocado, sesame or almond oil and adding 2 drops sandalwood oil, 2 drops geranium oil and 1 drop each lemon oil and cardamom oil. Using horizontal movements of your fingers, rub the oil into your forehead. Perform facial exercises daily: alternately gently stretch and contract the forehead muscles, holding them for 3 minutes in each of these positions.

    Apply a firming mask twice a week. Make a paste of a teaspoon of corn or potato starch with 2 teaspoons of aloe vera juice or egg white. Apply the mask to your face and lie down for 30-40 minutes. Then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

    Apply an exfoliating enzyme mask once a week. Apply pineapple or papaya pulp to your face and leave for 10 minutes. Then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

Early wrinkles

Doshas out of balance: Vata and Pitta.

Aggravating factors: dryness (lack of fat), dehydration (lack of water), stress; exposure to sun, wind, heat or cold, too hot or too cold water; excessive physical activity, too frequent travel; abuse of alcohol, coffee, tobacco, sweet or spicy foods; sudden weight loss; taking hormonal medications; diabetes; lack of purpose in life, lack of love in personal relationships; hereditary factors.


    Make a special mask twice a week. Mix and make a paste with a tablespoon of sandalwood powder, 1 drop of natural camphor oil, 3-4 drops of lotus oil and 2 teaspoons of water. To form a protective layer on the skin under your eyes, gently rub a few drops of facial oil made with sandalwood or rose oil into these areas of the skin. Then apply the prepared paste to the rest of your face. Close your eyes, place damp cotton swabs soaked in rose water on your eyelids and lie there for 10-15 minutes. Then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

    Prepare a decoction of a tablespoon of dry geranium and a cup of water. Regularly lubricate your face with this decoction using a cotton swab.

    Take vitamin E and primrose oil. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.

Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, dryness and eye fatigue

Dosha out of balance: Pitta.

Aggravating factors: old age, stress, anxiety, insomnia, alcohol abuse, dehydration, strabismus.


    Avoid chemical makeup removers and thick, heavy eye creams. Remove makeup with a cotton swab dipped in simple vegetable oil.

    Wear sunglasses in bright daylight and try not to read in the dark. Never look directly at the sun.

    Twice a day, pinch the skin above your eyebrows, starting from the bridge of your nose and moving towards your temples. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

    Blink, cover your eyes with your hands, perform eye massage and eye baths.

Dark circles under the eyes

Doshas out of balance: brownish circles - Vata, gray-green circles - Pitta.

Aggravating factors: anemia, poor health, lack of sleep, circulatory disorders, anxiety, hormonal imbalance, menstrual disorders; abuse of fried, frozen and canned foods, beans, peanuts, salad.


    From time to time, lie down on an inclined surface and lie for 5-10 minutes with your legs elevated.

    Soak two cotton balls in cold milk, rose water, fig juice or mint leaf juice. Place the tampons on your eyelids and lie there for 5-10 minutes.

    Apply crushed mint leaves to the skin around your eyes and lie there for 5-10 minutes.

    Before going to bed, gently massage the skin around your eyes with saffron or almond oil.

Swelling of the eyelids

Dosha out of balance: Kapha.

Aggravating factors: high blood pressure, liver and kidney problems, problems with waste elimination, weak digestive fire, fluid retention, lack of sleep, hormonal changes.


    Place black tea bags soaked in warm water, cotton swabs soaked in an infusion of dry hazel leaves or celery juice, or gauze bags with raw potatoes (1 teaspoon of grated potatoes per bag) on ​​your eyelids. Lie down with your eyes closed for 20 minutes.

    Use your ring finger to gently massage the area under your eyes.pressing on one point and gradually moving from the inner corner of the eye to the outer when massaging the upper eyelid and vice versa when massaging the lower. This massage promotes the drainage of lymphatic fluids.

    Take 1000 mg of vitamin C daily and eat black raisins and figs.

Dry lips, wrinkles or cracks on the lips

Dosha out of balance: Cotton wool.

Aggravating factors: smoking, alcohol and drug use, cold, dryness, dehydration, old age, tendency to talk too much, habit of licking lips. (Vertical folds above the upper lip are a sign of unsatisfied sexual desire.)


    Lubricate your lips with vitamin E oil solution, unsalted butter or ghee whenever your lips feel dry. You can mix 2 tablespoons of avocado oil with 5 drops of rose oil and 5 drops of sandalwood oil and use this mixture for the same purpose.

    Melt 9 teaspoons of lanolin with a teaspoon of castor oil in a water bath. Remove from heat, add 3-5 drops of rose oil and let the mixture harden. Apply it to your lips over lipstick: this mixture sets the lipstick, moisturizes your lips and gives them shine.

    Every evening, massage your lips, lubricating them with sesame oil and glycerin (2-3 drops of glycerin for 2 tablespoons of oil).

    Take water into your mouth and rinse the inside of your lips for a minute.

Miliaria and prickly heat

Dosha out of balance: Pitta.

Aggravating factors: Sun.


    For prickly heat: prepare an ointment from a teaspoon of sandalwood powder, a pinch of natural camphor and whey (or low-fat yogurt). Lubricate your entire body before taking a bath or shower.

    For prickly heat: mix equal parts of sandalwood, sweet pea and coriander powders, add a pinch of nutmeg and 2-3 drops of vetiver essential oil. Prepare an ointment with rose water. Apply the ointment to your body. After a few minutes, rinse off in the shower or bath (the water should be at room temperature). Dry your skin by patting it with a towel and sprinkle your entire body with sandalwood powder. If you don't have time to treat with ointment, simply sprinkle sandalwood powder on your body after showering.

    To get rid of itching, soak a teaspoon of cumin seeds and a teaspoon of coriander seeds in water overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion and drink.

Sudden rash or hives

Dosha out of balance: Pitta.

Aggravating factors: allergies.


    Mix an infusion of dry camphor basil leaves with any pitta-balancing herbal oil and apply on the rash. You can simply apply ice to the skin.

    To get rid of itching, lubricate your skin with sandalwood oil.

Warts and other skin growths

Doshas out of balance: Cotton wool; Pitta and Kapha.

Aggravating factors: warts are of viral origin. But the accumulationtoxins and impaired excretory functions affect all types of skin formations.


    Every night before going to bed, rub a little castor oil into the warts and then scrape off the top layer of skin.

    Bandage cotton wool soaked in fresh pineapple or lemon juice to the wart - it will gradually dissolve.


Dosha out of balance: Pitta.

Aggravating factors: Sun.


    To whiten the skin, rub cottonseed oil or pumpkin seeds ground with olive oil into it.

    A good natural bleach is a mixture of yogurt and honey (2-3 drops of honey per teaspoon of yogurt). Apply the mixture to the skin and wash off after half an hour.

White spots and leucoderma

Reason for imbalance: This disease is most often inherited. Aggravating factors: Small white patches on the skin can occur due to stress or excess salt. Leucoderma - large white spots - is most often inherited.


    Internal cleansing of the body.


    To alleviate external symptoms, regularly lubricate stains with margosa and bakuchi oils.

Age spots

Doshas out of balance: Vata or Pitta.

Aggravating factors: old age, cold weather.


    At each change of season, conduct a course of internal cleansing.

    Massage regularly with saffron oil or oilsbalancing Vata.


Dosha out of balance: Kapha.

Aggravating factors: excess fat secretions.


    To soften the skin and make it easier to remove blackheads, dissolve in a cup (250ml) water a pinch of Epsom salts and wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in this solution.

    Apply a mask of grated fresh parsley to the problem area of ​​the skin. Lie down for 10-15 minutes, then carry out the usual procedures for cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing your facial skin.


Description: silvery scales that appear primarily on the scalp, but can also appear anywhere else. The disease is chronic and is accompanied by increased dryness and irritation of the skin.

Doshas out of balance: Vata and Pitta.

Aggravating factors: liver dysfunction, anxiety, stress, feeling of lack of ground under your feet.


    Take baths with the addition of horsetail decoction (you can put a gauze bag of herb in the water).

    After a bath (preferably at least twice a day), lubricate problem areas of the skin with margosa oil and ghee or karanja oil.

    Perform self-massage daily (see Chapter 8).

    Do hatha yoga or other static exercises until you feel yourself sweating slightly (this helps flush out toxins from the body and helps manage stress).

    Take primrose oil, fish oil (cod liver is good), lecithin, vitamin E and zinc.

Dry patches on the skin

Lubricate your skin with a mixture of sandalwood oil and castor oil (10 drops per 2 tablespoons).


Description: There are three types of eczema. Dry patches (dry eczema). Wet, inflamed red patches with a burning sensation (true eczema) usually, although not necessarily, appear in the joint area. Purulent, weeping patches (weeping eczema) or dry itchy patches usually, although not necessarily, appear around the eyes and eyebrows, on the nose or on the scalp.

Doshas out of balance:

    Cotton wool (dry spots).

    Pitta (wet, inflamed, red spots with a burning sensation).

    Kapha (moist pus or dry itchy spots).

Aggravating factors: poor diet, excess toxins in the blood, constipation, stress, undigested emotions, excessive exposure to the sun or salt water.


    Mix margosa, brahmi and basil oils in equal parts and lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

    Mix Vi teaspoon natural camphor, 2 teaspoons zinc oxide and 7-8 teaspoons corn or potato starch. Treat the affected areas of the skin with the mixture.

    Apply a water compress made from an infusion of rose petals, nettles and a pinch of natural camphor.

    Cut an aloe leaf and squeeze the juice directly onto the skin.

    Apply coconut oil to the affected area and add a few drops of chamomile, geranium, juniper or lavender essential oil.

    Take baths with nettle decoction, adding natural camphor.

    At night, massage your feet and scalp with Brahmi oil.

    Take 1 to 2 teaspoons of fish oil or primrose oil, 800 units of vitamin E, 30 mg of zinc, plus a daily dose of B vitamins and lecithin daily. Avoid salt, sugar, heavy fats, onions, garlic, radishes; eat more carrots and honeydew melon.

Natural Cortisone Therapy

Take a soothing bath by adding licorice root tea to the water. Such baths help with eczema and psoriasis.

Papular acne

Description: h extremely oily skin, enlarged pores, acne, large purulent pimples, formation of scar tissue.

Doshas out of balance: Pitta or Kapha.

Aggravating factors: abuse of sweet or fatty foods, vegetable oils, red meat, seafood, coffee, alcohol, tobacco; emotional stress, emotional attachments (inability to let go of the past), inactivity, possessiveness, depression and lack of purpose in life.


    Cleanse your skin with exfoliating herbal powders.

    Take steam baths with rosemary or eucalyptus essential oil.

    Take a hot bath once a week to detoxify the water by adding Epsom salts or a mixture of ground ginger and rock salt.

    Three times a week, do half-hour sessions of intense exercise to work up a good sweat. After your workout, take a shower.

    Lubricate acne with a natural softening lotion. Once or twice aApply a special “mask” to the affected area of ​​skin for a week. For herTo prepare, mix half a teaspoon of ground cumin, a teaspoon of coriander and a few drops of water. Lubricate the blackheads; After 20-30 minutes, wash off the ointment.

    Apply a mixture of red sandalwood, margosa and lodra powders to your face weekly.

    Do not squeeze out large inflamed blackheads that are difficult to remove. Apply boiled onion pulp to them 2-3 times a day or at night: this will open them up faster.

    Eat more fiber (bran, fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains). Drink fresh carrot, beet, and apple juices. Drink herbal teas made from burdock, echinacea, margosa or turmeric to help eliminate toxins. Instead of teas, you can drink 1/2 glass of warm water every hour. In the morning, take aloe vera gel: 1 teaspoon if you have a Pitta constitution, 2 tablespoons if you have a Kapha constitution.


Description: cr a sore rash on the nose or cheeks (possibly very sensitive or with a burning sensation), increased oiliness of the skin in the bridge of the nose, ruptured capillaries, roughening of the skin on the nose.

Dosha out of balance: Pitta.

Aggravating factors: anger, frustration, disappointment, anxiety, excessive ambition, stress, difficult circumstances, unsatisfactory or mutually hostile personal relationships, excessive activity, hot weather, exposure to the sun; consumption of hot hot spices, sour fruits, fermented foods, tomatoes, seafood, canned foods, carbonated water, flour confectionery, chocolate and other sweets, pizza or deep-fried potatoes; use of antibiotics and harsh chemical cleaning agents.


    Do not apply foundation, astringents or harsh products to the skin. Use only natural emollients.

    Wash your face with milk with the addition of white sandalwood, manjishta and margosa powders.

    Soak a towel in a cool herbal infusion of comfrey or nettle and apply a damp compress to your face.

    Apply fresh cilantro and mint, ground in a mixer with a small amount of water, on your face. Lie down for 10-15 minutes, then wash off the mask. For very dry skin, redness or a burning sensation, lubricate your face with a softening lotion of ghee mixed with a water extract of dried margosa leaves or margosa oil.

    Take 10,000 units of beta-carotene, 1,000 mg of vitamin C, 15-20 mg of zinc, 400 units of vitamin E, and a daily dose of vitamin B complex daily. Take herbal teas from burdock, golden seal, echinacea, margosa, or turmeric to help remove toxins, or drink a glass of water (room temperature) every hour. Drink aloe vera juice in the morning.

Cuts and wounds

To stop bleeding, heal a cut and protect against infection, sprinkle pure turmeric powder on the wound. To prevent infection and scarring, place 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil on the wound.


Doshas out of balance: Kapha or Vata.

Aggravating factors: weak agni, poor digestion, water retention, excess fat.


    Follow a Kapha-pacifying diet.

    After breakfast and lunch, take Vi teaspoon trikatu 56, and in the morning - 4-6 medohara pills.

    Drink 6 cups of aloe vera juice early in the morning every day to help eliminate toxins.

    Massage the abdomen and thighs with any warming oil (for example, bergamot or rosemary oil).


Dry skin and cracked feet

Doshas out of balance: Vata or Pitta.

Aggravating factors: cold weather, dehydration.


    Massage your feet at night with Brahmi oil (for Vata skin types), castor oil (for Pitta skin types) or cashew nut oil (for all skin types). After the massage, put on your socks and go to bed.


To soften and then gently scrape the callus, soak cotton wool in fresh pineapple or lemon juice and bandage it to the callus.

Fungal diseases, unpleasant odor and burning sensation on the skin of the feet

Doshas out of balance: Pitta.

Aggravating factors: heat, physical activity.


    Make a foot deodorizing powder: Mix 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) powdered orris root, 2 ounces (4 tablespoons) arrowroot and 20 drops lavender or rose oil. Pour the powder into your shoes or directly onto your feet.

If there is a burning sensation, massage your feet with sandalwood oil, unripe mango juice or mango leaf juice.

Proper skin care is the first necessary step towards achieving beauty., and the sooner you start regularly following the recommendations prescribed here, the faster you will achieve improvement and stop early aging.

But remember that the main medicine lies deep in the depths of your body and mind. Ayurveda will help you get there through many of the other therapeutic methods described in this book - diet and massage, breathing exercises and meditation techniques. I really hope that you will try at least some of these methods to achieve balance. But there is no need to rush: learn new techniques at a pace that suits you.

A. Blaze “Absolute Beauty”

Good day, dear blog visitors! Irina and Igor are with you again. Skin allergy is a disease that occurs due to contact with an irritating substance. An allergic reaction manifests itself to chemical, physical, and biological factors.

Before considering options for solving the problem, and how to treat skin diseases at home, it is necessary to find out the causes, first signs, and types of the disease.

Types of infection

Dermatitis is divided into several types, each of which is characterized by certain symptoms and requires an individual approach to treatment.

The most recognizable variants of the ailment include the following:

  • Dry dermatitis. Characteristic of older people. A distinctive feature is seasonal exacerbation and long-term course.
  • Allergic and contact. The main reason for the appearance is an external irritant, for example, animal hair, household chemicals, medications. It is enough to stop contacting the irritant, and the disease will go away in 1-2 days. Contact also occurs due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Seborrheic. There are dry and oily types of skin irritation. The second subtype is caused by a huge number of purulent rashes. Seborrheic dermatitis requires complex and complete therapy.
  • Oral allergic reaction occurs as a result of the use of specific cosmetics. Redness along the contour of the lips, sometimes a rash on the bridge of the nose and eyelids is a symptom of the disease.
  • Atopic dermatitis– a sign of an untreated allergic disease. But sometimes it can wake up due to stress, hormonal imbalance, or improper care of delicate skin for a long time.
  • Infectious- a consequence of smallpox, measles, scarlet fever, postoperative infection.
  • Ear and fungal infection epithelium occur as a result of fungus, ear injury, or waterlogging of the skin.

Symptoms and causes

Of course, the first clear indicator of incipient dermatitis is redness and itching. The more intensely the skin nerve endings are irritated, the more intense prurigo manifests itself.

Redness or erythema is observed in the acute form of the disease. The edges of the irritated, reddened area are unclear, and swelling is also observed. It is important to note that with chronic dermatitis, erythema does not always appear.

Eczema depends on the type of allergy manifested. Often localization is in moving parts of the body, head, face, groin area, sides. Peeling and excessive dryness of the skin are also signs of an incipient disease.

The main causes of allergies can be factors and substances that at first glance are the safest.

  • Mechanical impact on the skin area, its squeezing and friction for a long time;
  • High and low temperatures;
  • The influence of ultraviolet, radioactive and x-ray radiation;
  • Contacts with household chemicals and low-quality cosmetics;
  • Seasonal plant pollen, animal hair;
  • Eating and digestive disorders;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • Taking antibiotics and novocaine-containing drugs;
  • Insufficient amounts of vitamin A and E.

Medication and folk treatment

If you notice signs of dermatitis, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will prescribe the necessary tests to determine the cause of the disease and prescribe medications. Typically, for allergies, antihistamines are used, detoxification therapy, and hormonal ointments for topical use are used.

Often a special diet and the use of sedatives of plant origin are prescribed.

In addition to drug intervention, there are frequent cases of using traditional medicine for skin ailments.

Medicinal infusions of chamomile, string, celandine, oak bark, bay leaf are an indispensable option for the prevention and treatment of the disease. The use of baths, lotions, and rubdowns helps get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Aloe leaf juice. The plant is doused with boiled water, placed in a dark place at a cool temperature for 10 days, then crushed into small pieces and the juice is squeezed out. The affected area of ​​the epidermis is wiped with infusion a couple of times a day.

Glycerin mixture. Glycerin ointment and whole milk are mixed in equal proportions. Add rice starch to make a paste. The product is applied before bedtime. In the morning, remove any remaining cream.

A mixture of white clay, zinc and powder will dry the cover well. Take all components in equal proportions, add olive oil to obtain an ointment.

A composition of 5 g of valerian, 20 ml of golden mustache plant juice, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 20 g of baby cream will relieve irritation and soften the skin. Rub onto affected areas for relief.

Fresh potato juice has an excellent effect on inflammatory processes of the epithelium. Peel the potatoes, grate them on a fine grater, roll them into balls, wrap them in a napkin and secure them with a bandage on the affected area. Leave for two hours. Then replace with new mass.

The strongest antioxidant is vitamin C, which is what blackcurrant leaves are rich in. A tablespoon of the plant is poured with 400 ml of boiling water and infused for 6 hours. Strain the broth. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.

Tar soap will be an indispensable assistant in eliminating dermatitis disease. However, it is worth considering the type of skin disease so as not to cause even greater harm to health.

When treating dermatitis, you can use proven traditional methods in combination with medications. In any case, you should not self-medicate. Before you begin to eliminate the pathology, you must consult your doctor.

This guide can also help you “How to get rid of allergies. Breathe freely without drugs!” .

Prevention is easier than cure. That is why we must not forget about the basic rules:

  • adhere to a healthy diet;
  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • do not overuse cosmetics, especially during hot periods;
  • use protection when in contact with chemicals;
  • humidify the air.

How do you prefer to deal with skin ailments? Share your methods in the comments. See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor

Our skin performs many functions: it protects internal organs from mechanical damage and exposure to chemicals, cleanses from poisons with the help of sweat and sebaceous glands. It takes part in the general metabolism - water, mineral, nitrogen, carbon, vitamin... Skin is the mirror of our body. Beauty is first and foremost health. You can and should be beautiful and look young! This compact book will tell you how to achieve this. It contains simple recipes of traditional medicine, using which you can easily get rid of all skin problems. These recipes are based on the recommendations of ancient healers and have been tested by people for centuries. You will learn how, without having expensive cosmetics on hand, you can maintain elasticity and freshness of your skin, strong nails and a healthy glow for many years. By skillfully combining traditional and scientific medicine, you can achieve an amazing effect. Often, expensive medications or various types of surgical interventions are used to care for the skin and treat skin diseases. However, folk remedies are safer, much cheaper and most often much more effective.

A series: Pocket Healer

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by liters company.

Treatment of skin diseases

An abscess is a purulent inflammation of tissue caused by the penetration of pyogenic microorganisms into the body - streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, etc. They penetrate through damaged skin or mucous membranes. An abscess or abscess forms at the injection site. These microorganisms spread from the purulent focus that has arisen in the body through the blood and lymphatic vessels to neighboring tissues or distant organs (brain, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.), where an abscess can also form. Microbes cause purulent inflammation in the tissues, followed by their destruction and the formation of a purulent cavity. The breakthrough of pus into the surrounding tissues leads to the spread of purulent inflammation - phlegmon occurs. When pus penetrates into a closed cavity (thoracic or abdominal), peritonitis and purulent pleurisy can develop. To prevent an abscess, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

● Apply a paste of fresh peach leaves to the wound surface of the abscess.

● Horsetail grass – 30 g, heather grass – 30 g, goldenrod grass – 40 g (for baths). For abscesses and difficult-to-heal wounds, you can make compresses from the following decoction: 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of water (boiling water), cook for 15 minutes.

● For lung abscess, take blue cyanosis in the form of an extract, 15 drops 3 times a day, and also in the form of a decoction at the rate of 6 g of roots per 200 ml of water, 3-5 tbsp. spoons a day. In some cases, an infusion is also used, at the rate of 3 g of roots and 8 g of grass per 200 ml of water, 1 tbsp. spoon 3-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days.

To prevent the irritating effect of cyanosis, the infusion is taken after meals.

● To treat abscess and gangrene of the lungs, you can use an infusion of coltsfoot leaves. Pour a tablespoon of leaves into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and strain. Take a tablespoon 4-6 times a day.

● Drink a breast mixture, which consists of: coltsfoot leaves - 20 parts, mullein flowers - 10 parts, anise fruits - 10 parts, marshmallow root - 40 parts, licorice root - 15 parts, iris rhizome or orris root - 5 parts. The collection is brewed like tea, 1 tbsp. spoon for 2-3 glasses of water.

● Collection: coltsfoot leaves – 40 g, plantain leaves – 30 g, licorice root – 30 g. 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain and drink warm, 0.5 cups per serving.

● For lung abscess, you can use a decoction of istoda. 10 g of istod roots are crushed to 3 mm, poured with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:30, boiled for 30 minutes, cooled for 10 minutes and filtered. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

● For lung abscess, prepare an infusion of the root of the four-leaved bell (whorled bell) at a single dose of 1–5 g.

● Apply fresh plantain leaves, crushed into pulp, to the site of the abscess - 2-3 times a day for 2-3 hours.

● In the form of infusion, decoction, powders or pills, take odorous turmeric root twice a day. The product relieves pain well and stops bleeding. For one dose, 2–5 g of dry product is enough.

● Drink a decoction of aspen buds 2-3 times a day; you can also take a 20% tincture of young aspen bark for abscesses - 30 drops 3 times a day after meals.

● Taking 1 tbsp is very effective. spoon of a mixture (in equal parts) of coltsfoot leaf juice and honey. You need to take this remedy 3 times a day before meals.

● Horsetail herb – 40 g, chamomile flowers – 40 g, St. John’s wort herb – 40 g. 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes. Warm decoction is used as compresses for difficult-to-heal wounds and abscesses.

● Treating an abscess with propolis ointment can be very successful. Preparation: Place 100 g of some animal fat (unsalted) in a metal bowl and heat in the oven until boiling. Then cool slightly and add about 10 g of powdered propolis, stir thoroughly and heat in a water bath for about a quarter of an hour. Filter through one layer of gauze and let cool. As a base for preparing the ointment, you can also use vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, corn, etc.

● For severe abscesses and boils that do not go away for a long time, it is recommended to undergo a course of preventive treatment with tincture, infusion or decoction of golden mustache. If the boil or abscess does not go away for several days, it is necessary to interrupt treatment with the golden mustache and consult a doctor. Consultation with a specialist is also necessary if the skin around the abscess or boil turns red and becomes painful to the touch, as well as when there is enlargement of the lymph nodes and an increase in body temperature. The maturation of boils and superficial abscesses is promoted by cold lotions made from whole leaves of the golden mustache. Leaves measuring at least 20 cm are thoroughly washed, dipped in boiling water for 30 seconds, then cooled, wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. For complications caused by abscesses or furunculosis, along with drug therapy, it is recommended to conduct a course of treatment with alcohol tincture of the golden mustache. Golden mustache tincture: one part chopped golden mustache, two parts vodka. Leave in a dark place for two weeks. Take 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 40 minutes before meals for 10 days. Then take a break for a week and repeat the course of treatment.

● If there are abscesses on the gums, then 2 times a day it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity with a decoction of golden mustache with the addition of salt (1/2 teaspoon of salt per 1 cup of decoction).

A general inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands of the skin, which leads to inflammation and red pimples on the face and neck. Most people suffering from acne are between the ages of 12 and 25. However, men and women in their 30s and 40s can also be affected. There are many ways to treat this disease.

● Prepare an infusion of dry chamomile and calendula (boil and keep in a steam bath for about 25 minutes). Next, 1-2 tablets of furatsilin should be crushed and mixed with the cooled broth. Gently apply the mixture to your face and leave it on overnight. If you do such night masks regularly, then within a week your facial skin will take on a noticeably healthier appearance.

● An excellent folk remedy for acne is “live” draft beer. More precisely, not the drink itself, but its foam. It is applied to the face as a mask for 15–20 minutes.

● Another effective recipe for an anti-inflammatory mask for acne-prone skin: grate a sour apple and horseradish, then mix them in equal parts. Apply to face for 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm boiled water. It is advisable to use this mask daily.

● If you don’t have time at all, but you still want to get rid of acne unbearably, here’s a tip for you “on the move”, which will take you literally seconds. Once or twice a day, wipe your face with a piece of raw pumpkin. It is only important that you cut off this piece immediately before use, because with prolonged contact with oxygen, many useful substances that the product could boast of oxidize and lose their beneficial power.

● It’s not for nothing that many ladies and girls adore white lily flowers. It turns out that they not only caress the eye with their delicate beauty, but also have medicinal potential. Place fresh white lily petals in a clean glass vessel and fill with vodka. Leave for at least two weeks. Next, you should wipe your face with this infusion every evening before going to bed.

● An extremely effective folk remedy for treating acne is a mask of mumiyo with honey. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 5-10 g of mumiyo in a teaspoon of boiled water. Next, stir 1-2 teaspoons of honey in a water bath and add it to the mumiyo. The mask is applied for 20–25 minutes, washed off with warm boiled water.

● For the treatment of acne, among folk remedies you can also find modern products that our grandmothers were unlikely to deal with. But these days they are more than accessible and many people successfully use their beneficial properties. For example, ginger. Just a storehouse of magical substances! To prepare an effective anti-acne remedy from ginger, you need to grate it on a fine grater (2-3 medium roots), add the juice of half a lemon and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Mix thoroughly and eat this paste throughout the day, every time after meals. You can drink tea without sugar. In addition to the fact that ginger will help clear the skin of acne vulgaris, it is also an excellent preventative against flu and colds.


Warts are composed of dead cells in the top layer of skin and are a viral disease of the epidermis. They can appear anywhere, but most often occur on the hands and face. Children and young people get sick more often. The pathogen is transmitted through direct contact with a patient and through household items. The disease can be caused by minor skin injuries, sweating, etc. Warts can be common, flat, or plantar. Common warts are dense, grayish or skin-colored nodules (there may be several of them together) with a diameter of 3-10 mm with a rough surface, protruding above the skin level. They usually appear on the back of the hands and fingers. Flat warts (juvenile) are flat nodules (usually several of them) with a diameter of 0.5–3 mm, usually round in shape, skin-colored or yellow-brown, with a smooth surface. They occur more often on the face and back of the hands, less often on the forearms. Plantar warts appear in areas of greatest pressure from shoes. Externally, these horny layers resemble a callus, differing from it in the reddish papillary growths in the center under the layers. Plantar warts are painful and make walking difficult.

● Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: a decoction of the herb St. John's wort (2 tablespoons of dry herb per glass of boiling water) 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

● Infusion of common burdock (4 tablespoons of dry raw material per glass of boiling water) 1/4-1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

● Infusion of sage leaves (2 teaspoons of leaves per 2.5 cups of boiling water) 1 tbsp. spoon every 2-3 hours.

● Infusion of lemon balm (1 tablespoon of herb per glass of boiling water - daily dose).

● Infusion of calendula officinalis flowers (1 tablespoon of flowers per glass of boiling water) 1 tbsp. spoon of infusion 3 times a day.

● Infusion (2 tablespoons of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water) or decoction (1 tablespoon of flowers per glass of water) of peeled chamomile, 1–5 tbsp. spoons 2-3 times a day.

● Infusion of wormwood (1–2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water), a dessert spoon of infusion 3 times a day, 30–60 minutes before meals.

● Infusion of plantain leaves (2 tablespoons of dry leaves per glass of boiling water) 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day or plantain juice 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 15–30 minutes before meals.

● Decoction or infusion of burdock root (1 teaspoon per 2.5 cups of boiling water) half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

● Decoction of leaves (2 tablespoons of dry leaves per 1 liter of water) or berries (1–2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water) of blueberries, 1–3 tablespoons each. spoons 3 times a day.

● Eucalyptus globulus tincture, 15–20 drops 3 times a day.

● Infusion of medicinal fume (1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water) half a glass 4 times a day.

● Infusion or decoction of lungwort herb (2 tablespoons of dry raw material per glass of boiling water) one glass 2 times a day.

● Infusion or decoction of wheatgrass root (2 tablespoons of dry raw material per 1.5 cups of boiling water) a glass 2-3 times a day.

● Mix horseradish juice and table salt 1:1 by weight. Gently rub the mixture into the warts.

● Take 10–20 g of horseradish root juice or root gruel per day. Rub the same juice onto warts several times a day. The course of treatment is up to 1.5 months.

● Apply fresh onion juice frequently to warts every day.

● Mix garlic pulp and honey 2:1 by volume. Apply the mixture in a thick layer to the warts and leave overnight, strengthening the ointment with an adhesive plaster.

● Carefully cut out the core of the onion, cover it with coarse salt, and close. Rub the resulting liquid onto warts morning and evening.

You can rub the warts with a cut part of a garlic clove.

● Warts are removed with fresh juice or ointment prepared from garlic juice and lard 1:1.

● To remove plantar warts, use a preparation made from linseed oil “Linetol”. Plantar warts can be treated with flaxseed oil.

● Apply crushed blue cornflower seeds to the wart, cover with a silver plate, and wrap with cotton cloth. Take off as soon as itching or tingling begins. After this, wipe the affected area with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Make compresses at least 6 times a day.

Water bubbles on the skin

Sometimes water blisters appear on the skin. The blisters release fluid under the outer layer of skin, resulting in local damage. The blisters should be kept clean and should not be punctured to avoid infection.

Tight shoes or rowing activities, for example, if you are not used to them, can lead to the formation of blisters or water bubbles due to skin friction. They are also inevitable after prolonged exposure to the sun with bare skin.

The reasons for the appearance of water bubbles are in most cases quite clear, but figuring out some other reasons is a little more complicated. In particular, this may be the result of the body's reaction to some medications. Then a rash in the form of blisters may appear on individual areas of the skin or throughout the body.

There are also a number of infections that can cause these blisters, ranging from athlete's foot and herpes (called fever) to shingles (the adult version of chickenpox).

Finally, contact with certain things or plants that cause allergic reactions, such as poison ivy, can cause entire colonies of blistering skin rashes.

Regardless of the reasons, all these formations have much in common. They arise as a result of the separation of the superficial layers of the skin from the deeper ones. Fluid accumulated between the layers of skin forms a water sac.

You should contact your doctor:

– if you have recently started taking a new drug (even if it is a drug from which you have never had complications before);

– older people or people with diabetes after blisters suddenly appear on the feet or ankles;

– in case of blisters that do not heal after a day or two, as well as in case of their suppuration, redness of the skin around them, fever or pain;

– when blisters appear, the size of which exceeds 5 cm in diameter;

– when blisters form around the mouth;

– when blisters of unknown origin appear.

Treatment methods for water blisters vary. The choice of treatment for blisters depends on the number of blisters and the reasons for their occurrence. Here's what to keep in mind.

If possible, do not violate their integrity. It is better to leave an unopened blister as it is, since the healing of the skin underneath will be much more favorable. When the skin is washed with this liquid, it feels better.

If you have to walk a lot and a large bladder bothers you greatly, in this case you can make an exception and empty it of liquid. Doctors do this with a sterile syringe. If you yourself want to be a doctor, to sterilize the needle, hold it in a flame or treat it with alcohol. Then carefully make a hole at the top of the bubble, squeeze out the liquid and apply a bandage. There is no need to open the bubble completely. Save the skin on the burst blister. If it does tear, apply the skin back to the damaged area so that it is under natural protection. After this, apply a drop of antibiotic cream to the wound and cover it with a piece of cloth. Do not use plastic dressings.

Get rid of pressure and friction. The best way to prevent blisters on your feet is to apply adhesive tape. The same can be done with calluses and growths on the heels that have not undergone medical treatment. It is necessary to apply a bandage to areas where friction occurs and change shoes. When applying a bandage, you need to cover a slightly larger area than the bubble itself, and try not to press its top.

Protect small bubbles from damage. Small opened blisters should not be covered with sticky bandages. You need to use Vaseline gauze, which is then covered with a regular gauze bandage. Blisters, for example after sunburn, can be treated with “preparation H”, which speeds up healing.

Blisters that occur after taking medications and due to infectious diseases should be seen by a doctor (in fact, you should see a doctor for any bubble that is of unknown origin or that persists for more than a week). In such cases, a change in drug or prescription of antibiotics may follow if it is an infection.

Herpes is a viral disease of the skin and mucous membranes with a characteristic rash of grouped blisters. Most often, herpes manifests itself in the form of so-called cold sores on the lips - small, fluid-filled blisters with a diameter of 2-3 mm each. These bubbles appear quickly, within a few hours. Quite often this is preceded by itching or burning in the corresponding area of ​​the skin. The contents of the vesicles are initially transparent, but after 2–3 days they become cloudy and fester. On the 4th–5th day of illness, the blisters dry out or open and serous-hemorrhagic crusts form in their place. On days 7-10 they fall off, leaving behind a reddish-brown spot, but this gradually disappears. Sometimes several new lesions form simultaneously or with an interval of 1–2 days, usually located somewhere nearby. Herpes can occur on any part of the skin, but most often on the lips, nose, genitals, and buttocks. In some people, the disease recurs, often returning to the same place, causing the patient both physical and mental suffering. Hypothermia, stressful situations, sometimes injuries, febrile diseases that occur with an increase in body temperature (which is why this disease is sometimes called fever) contribute to the occurrence of herpes. It should be remembered that the development of this contagious disease can be prevented when its first symptoms appear - tingling and burning around the lips.

The principles of treatment depend on the location of the vesicular lichen. Drugs from the group of adaptogens can be used as agents that promote the production of the body's own interferon. Herbal antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed.

● Tincture of high aralia, 30–40 drops 3 times a day.

● Tincture of high zamanikha, 30–40 drops 3 times a day before meals.

● Tincture of ordinary ginseng, 20 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

● Alcohol extract of Eleutherococcus senticosus, 20–40 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a month.

● Infusion of lemon balm (2 tablespoons of herb per 2.5 cups of boiling water - daily dose).

● A decoction of the herb St. John's wort (2 tablespoons of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water) half a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

● Infusion of common burdock (for a glass of boiling water, 4 tablespoons of dry raw materials) half a glass 3 times a day.

● Infusion of sage leaves (2 teaspoons of leaves per 2.5 cups of boiling water) 1 tbsp. spoon every 3 hours.

● Infusion of calendula officinalis flowers (1 tablespoon of flowers per glass of boiling water) 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

● Infusion of wormwood (1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water) a dessert spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

● Decoction of rhizomes with roots of elecampane (2 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials per half a glass of water) 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

● Infusion of plantain leaves (2 tablespoons of dry leaves per glass of water), 1 tbsp. spoons 4 times a day or plantain juice 1 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 15–30 minutes before meals.

● Infusion (2 tablespoons of dried flowers per glass of boiling water) or decoction (1 tablespoon of flowers per glass of water) of peeled chamomile, 1–5 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

● A decoction or infusion of burdock root (1 teaspoon per 2.5 cups of boiling water) take half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

● Eucalyptus globulus tincture, 15–20 drops 3 times a day.

● Infusion or decoction of sandy sedge root (1 teaspoon of raw material per glass of boiling water) half a glass 4 times a day.

● A decoction of leaves (2 tablespoons of dry raw materials per 1 liter of water) or berries (2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water) of blueberries, take 3 tablespoons. spoons 3 times a day.

● Infusion or decoction of lungwort herb (2 tablespoons of dry raw materials per glass of boiling water) a glass 2 times a day.

● Infusion or decoction of wheatgrass root (2 tablespoons of the plant per 1.5 cups of boiling water) a glass 3 times a day.

● Infusion of medicinal fume (1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water) half a glass 4 times a day.

● To ease the course of herpes, use a mixture of the following composition: 2 teaspoons of calendula oil are mixed with 3 drops of golden mustache oil and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil. The mixture is stored in a dark glass bottle and applied to the affected area 3 times a day. For 30 minutes after lubrication, avoid direct sunlight on this area.

● Sores that occur with herpes are smeared with a decoction or juice of the golden mustache 2 times a day. In addition, rapid healing is facilitated by applying an ointment prepared from the leaves of this plant to the affected areas. The ointment is applied 2 times a day for 3 minutes.

For the ointment, squeeze the juice from 6 leaves of golden mustache and mix with 20 g of butter.

● When the first symptoms of herpes appear, it is recommended to apply a damp leaf of golden mustache or a swab moistened with an alcohol tincture of this plant to the sore spot for 10 minutes.

● Compresses made from fresh blackberry leaves are useful.

● Cut the raspberry branches, rinse with boiled water, cut into pieces 1-2 cm long, then chew them well and apply this paste to the affected area on the lips.

Fungal skin diseases

They are caused by plant microorganisms – fungi. In fact, fungi are widespread in nature, but only a small part of them are pathogenic (that is, capable of causing disease) for humans and animals. Infection with fungi occurs either from a sick person or animal, or through various items that were used by patients, or animal care items. In addition to the contact of pathogenic fungi on the skin, favorable factors are also needed, such as increased sweating, sweat chemistry, a person’s age, the condition of the endocrine glands, etc. Infectious and chronic diseases, reducing the body’s reactivity, changing the chemistry of sweat, the condition of the skin and hair, also affect on the occurrence of the disease.

Clinical manifestations of fungal skin infections are very diverse. Most often they have the appearance of round, inflamed spots, the surface of which is covered with grayish-white scales. Sometimes a slightly raised ridge is visible along the edge of the hearth, also with scales and crusts. The foci can merge with each other, forming a vast zone of polycyclic outlines. Patients are bothered by itching, which either increases or decreases. Usually the disease begins acutely, but then becomes chronic and can last for years. When the skin of the scalp is damaged, hair damage is added to the described picture (most often they break off spontaneously at the root). Sometimes the disease occurs with severe inflammatory phenomena.

When the skin of the feet is affected by fungi, quite often the disease begins with the appearance of a group of bubbles the size of a pinhead to a small pea. They capture the lateral and plantar surfaces of the feet, interdigital folds and then open, leaving extensive painful erosions. Most patients experience severe itching.

The most common fungal skin diseases include athlete's foot and ringworm.

● For athlete's foot, before going to bed, lower your feet for 10 minutes in a bowl of warm water, to which 2 drops of calendula and golden mustache oils have been added.

● You can apply gauze soaked in a decoction of golden mustache to your feet for 7 minutes.

● Alcohol tincture of callisia, which is diluted with water (1:3), and applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day.

● A mixture of tinctures of calendula, oregano and golden mustache. To prepare it, 2 drops of calendula, 2 drops of oregano and 3 drops of golden mustache are diluted with 3-4 tbsp. spoon of water and lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the resulting mixture 2 times a day.

● To relieve itching, which often occurs with almost all fungal diseases, use a mixture of 100 g of honey and 1 tbsp. spoons of golden mustache infusion. The mixture is applied to gauze and applied to the itchy area.

● For actinomycosis of the skin, a 10% oil solution of thyme is used, which is used to fill widely opened abscess cavities. At the same time, thymol is administered orally at a dose of 0.5 g 3 times a day for 2 days, then take a break for one day and treat again.

Thymol is contraindicated in cases of cardiac decompensation, liver and kidney disease, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and during pregnancy..

● Vishnevsky ointment. Ingredients: tar 3 parts, xeroform 3 parts, castor oil 100 parts. Used in the treatment of wounds, long-term non-healing ulcers of various etiologies, bedsores, and fungal skin diseases.

● Wilkinson's ointment. Ingredients: calcium carbonate 10 parts, purified sulfur 15 parts, liquid tar 15 parts, naphthalan ointment 30 parts, green soap 30 parts, water 4 parts. Prescribed for the treatment of scabies and fungal skin diseases.

● Henna in the form of powder, 10% ointment and paste. Henna powder is poured with boiling water, a paste is obtained, and mixed with alum or bile. Henna is mixed with mercury and oil.

● Grind the pumpkin fruit pulp through a sieve, mix with powdered gold (on the tip of a knife) and apply to sore spots.

● Place a small piece of gold foil on the bottom of an enamel bowl and pour 2 tbsp on top. spoons of wild rosemary herb, pour 5 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, close the lid tightly and leave for 12 hours on a hot stove, strain. Lubricate sore spots with chilled paste.

● Healing “golden” baths: Put 100 g of dry or 600 g of fresh (any) herb in a small container, pour 2 liters of “golden” boiling water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes, strain and pour into the bath. The water temperature should be 36–38 °C. Duration of reception is 20 minutes. After taking a bath, you need to do a “golden” rubdown, which should be prepared in advance: dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of “golden” water. a spoonful of table salt and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar. Dip a hard sponge into the solution and, starting from the tips of your toes, wipe your body with light massage movements. At the end of the procedure, rub yourself thoroughly with a hard terry towel.

● For porous skin with blackheads and a tendency to develop inflamed pimples, baths made from an infusion of the following mixture of herbs are very useful: 50 g of linden blossom, 50 g of oregano herb, 25 g of chamomile flowers, 10 g of pine needles and 10 g of young juniper shoots. Pour the mixture into 2 liters of “golden” water, strain and pour into the bath. The water temperature should be 36–37 °C. The procedure takes 15–20 minutes.

● To relieve tension before going to bed, soak your feet in a warm solution: 1 tablespoon of table salt per 2 liters of “golden” water. By the way, this liquid is an excellent preventative against fungal diseases.

● To relieve tension, prepare the following bath before bed: dissolve half a briquette of pine needle extract in 1 liter of cold “golden” water, pour into the bath and take it for 10 minutes. Water temperature 34–35 °C. This procedure should be done immediately before bedtime. It is better not to do the “golden” rubdown, but leave it for the morning shower.

● Apply one glass of grated pumpkin fruit pulp mixed with silver powder (5 g) to sore spots 5-6 times a day.

● For furunculosis and fungal infections of the skin. Silver concentration 30–35 mg/l, heated solution. Rinse affected areas of the body. A solution of this concentration also helps well in the treatment of various injuries to the skin - cuts, abrasions, burns. In these cases, it is used for lotions, compresses and rubbing.


Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that can result from an infection or a substance that comes into contact with the skin. There are several types of dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis, also called allergic, or childhood eczema, is caused by the body's predisposition in some people to react to certain substances. This is one of the most complex types of disease in its course, which usually affects from a very early age throughout life. It manifests itself as redness and inflammation of areas of the skin with severe itching and a rash of small blisters filled with liquid. Starting on the scalp, with age it can spread to the folds of the arms, legs or the skin of the neck and further along the body. Irritated areas of the skin can become sites of infection, which aggravates the course of the disease.

This type of dermatitis is the most common, treatment of which with folk remedies, especially in young children, can give amazingly effective results. It is recommended to use bath decoctions alternately, changing them every day.

● A decoction of chamomile helps. 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 12–15 minutes, strain, add to the bath when bathing.

● Use a decoction of string. Prepare a decoction of crushed leaves of the string: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of leaves per glass of boiling water is boiled for 10–15 minutes over low heat. Strain and add to bathing water.

● Infusion of birch buds alleviates the disease. Pour 4 tbsp into a warm liter thermos. spoons of birch buds, pour boiling water, leave for 5-6 hours. Strain and add to bath water.

● Use a decoction of oak bark. Pour boiling water over young oak bark at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon in a glass of water, boil for 15–20 minutes over low heat, strain and add to bath water.

● Make lotions from pumpkin. Apply fresh pumpkin pulp or tampons soaked in fresh pumpkin juice to the affected areas of the skin. Hold for 15–20 minutes, repeat 3–4 times a day. Instead of pumpkin, you can use potatoes or aloe vera (agagave), alternating them every few days.

● Propolis oil helps very well if eczema is complicated by infection. Mix crushed propolis with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4, heat in the oven until the propolis is completely dissolved (about 45 minutes), then carefully pour into a bottle (a wax residue remains at the bottom), use 1-2 times a day, applying to eczema oil-soaked swabs.

Seborrheic dermatitis - This is most often the body’s reaction to one of the types of yeast fungus, expressed in peeling areas of the scalp and severe itching. Antifungal agents play an important role in the treatment of this dermatitis, since when the irritant disappears, the reaction to it also disappears.

Almost every second person experiences dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis to one degree or another. Treatment with folk remedies for this disease may vary depending on whether you have oily or dry seborrhea.

● Herbal decoction of chamomile, calendula and plantain. Mix equal parts of chamomile flowers, calendula and plantain leaves. 4 tbsp. Pour spoons of the mixture into a thermos, pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning after washing, rub into scalp and do not rinse.

● Herbal decoction of elecampane, burdock and St. John's wort. Mix elecampane root, burdock root and St. John's wort in equal proportions. 4 tbsp. Pour spoons of the mixture into a thermos, pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning after washing, rub into scalp and do not rinse.

● Apply onion pulp. Grate or chop one medium onion with a blender, add 1 teaspoon of burdock oil and apply to the scalp after washing. Put a rubber cap or plastic bag on your head and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. Instead of onions, you can use a large head of garlic.

● Use a decoction of oak bark. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of young oak bark into a glass of boiling water and leave overnight in a thermos or in a water bath for 4 hours. Then add 1 teaspoon of honey and rub into the scalp after washing, leaving for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. Repeat 3-4 times a week. This remedy is used only for oily seborrhea.

● Garlic and nettle gruel helps. Grind the head of garlic, add an equal amount by weight of fresh nettle leaves and 2 tbsp. spoons of linseed oil. Apply the paste to the scalp and leave for half an hour, putting a plastic bag or cap on top. Prepare a decoction of birch leaves (4 tablespoons per liter of boiling water), which you need to wash off the pulp. This recipe is used in cases of dry seborrhea.

Oral dermatitis occurs most often in women who use cosmetics and appears as scaly, papular areas of skin near the mouth, nose and eyes. It is caused by increased sensitivity of the facial skin to certain substances included in cosmetic products, and begins with slight redness of the irritated areas. If the cause of its occurrence is not eliminated, then after some time cyanosis and swelling of these areas develops, nodules, pustules and dilated blood vessels appear, the skin becomes rough and becomes covered with bumps.

Oral dermatitis is a reaction to the components of some cosmetic products. Treatment with folk remedies consists of rubbing the skin with decoctions and washing.

● Herbal decoctions of calendula and celandine help. Boil crushed calendula flowers, celandine herb, St. John's wort or yarrow for 10 minutes in a water bath at the rate of 4 tbsp. spoons into a glass of water, after cooling, wipe the affected areas of the skin.

● You can make an herbal mixture. Mix 15 g of calendula and chamomile flowers, plantain and sage leaves, elecampane root, 20 g of St. John's wort herb. Brew 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, use to wipe the face, and also take a third of a glass orally 3 times a day before meals.

Diathesis is characterized by a person’s predisposition to certain diseases. Diathesis can be hemorrhagic, in which low blood clotting is observed and bleeding occurs. For hemorrhagic diathesis, seaweed is contraindicated.

When there is a metabolic disorder in the body, uric acid salts are formed in excess - this is uric acid diathesis. Exudative diathesis occurs mainly under the influence of food allergens (eggs, milk, oranges, etc.)

Traditional medicine in the treatment of diathesis gives the following advice.

● Stinging nettle leaves – 25 g, lemon balm leaves – 25 g, sage leaves – 25 g, white birch leaves – 25 g. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, set aside and strain. Drink a glass of infusion in the morning and evening.

End of introductory fragment.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Skin diseases. Healing with folk methods (Yuri Konstantinov, 2015) provided by our book partner -