Red star. Application of Vietnamese star balm

There are known medicines that do not lose their relevance for decades. New therapeutic drugs are being developed, and some of the old, proven ones remain at their best and are deservedly popular. Among them is Zvezdochka balm, also known under the names “Golden Star” and “Vietnamese Star”.

Composition of the balm

The product is considered effective because its composition, developed using Eastern technologies, is not only safe, but also contains a lot of useful substances. Instructions for use of Zvezdochka balm contain a list of the main components, which are mainly of plant origin:

  1. The lion's share consists of essential oils: camphor, eucalyptus, mint and others. Peppermint oil helps relieve pain and reduces the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Clove oil prevents germs from entering the body.
  2. Paraffin, beeswax and petroleum jelly are used to create a viscous consistency.
  3. Camphor is used as a disinfectant. It suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora.
  4. Menthol has a local cooling effect and analgesic properties. Relieves headaches.

Each component contributes its own beneficial properties, and in general the effectiveness of the balm is reduced to a local irritant, antiseptic and distracting effect. Its use is based on its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The product is available in several forms: as an ointment and a soft pencil for inhalation. Liquid balm Zvezdochka is also produced.

The medicine is more widely accepted in the form of an ointment, which is sold in aluminum jars of 4-5 g. It has a thick consistency, a yellowish tint and a slightly sharp, spicy smell. For external use.

The pencil has similar components and in appearance resembles a package of hygienic lipstick filled with viscous contents. The pencil is effective for nasal congestion. The procedure is carried out as follows: bring it to the nose and take 1-2 breaths at a time.

The pencil helps with headaches caused by a cold or low blood pressure. It is convenient to use in transport, at work, in public places. You can store and use as needed for a long time, since the shelf life is 4-5 years.

Therapeutic effect

Since the Vietnamese Star relieves inflammation and kills microorganisms, being a strong antiseptic, its spectrum of action covers various diseases:

  • prevention and treatment of influenza and colds;
  • inflammation of the respiratory system, for example, rhinitis;
  • preventive and therapeutic measures for problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • assistance in the treatment of radiculitis;
  • relief of muscle pain, positive effect on injuries and bruises;
  • help with toothaches;
  • treatment of fatigue and depression;
  • help with some skin problems;
  • relieving swelling of the feet and dry calluses;
  • relieving headaches.

The balm helps with insect bites and jellyfish touches, and treats seasickness. Aroma lamps with balm - prevention of colds and relaxation procedures.

Application rules and dosage

It is better to always keep an inhalation pencil with you. It is convenient to use it during the day as needed, since the effect is not very long-lasting. You need to inhale or sniff the product slowly, without bringing the stick to your nose (the smell is too strong). It helps treat a runny nose, which is important in the age of colds and allergies.

The balm is applied to the skin in a thin layer and gently rubbed in with massaging movements. Application 2-3 times a day will be sufficient. Excessive use of the product causes irritation. A reaction on the skin epidermis also occurs when it is used in large quantities, which can lead to burns.

In case of headache, the “oriental elixir” is applied to the temple and back of the head; during flu or colds - on the chest and back area; from rhinitis it rubs into the wings of the nose; applied to the area of ​​the insect bite. But these are only general recommendations.

Vietnamese balm works effectively when applied correctly - through acupuncture points. There are certain treatment points to which ointment is applied. They are massaged clockwise until the skin turns red. You need to know the locations of the points by reading the relevant literature or by contacting a chiropractor.

When relieving minor pain symptoms, you can cope on your own. But if you are undergoing complex treatment for a serious illness, then it is better for a specialist to apply the product to certain points.

The cost of the “Golden Star” is quite reasonable. Thus, a pencil for inhalation (1.3 g) costs 131 rubles. The price of a balm (4 g) is 82 rubles, a liquid balm in a bottle (5 ml) is estimated at 132 rubles. The cost of the medicine in different pharmacies and regions may vary, but not significantly.

When should you discard the balm?

Although the composition of the product is natural, it is quite “aggressive”, since essential oils have a pungent odor and can cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Therefore, some contraindications are known:

  • not applicable to children under 3 years of age;
  • should be used with caution during pregnancy;
  • prohibited in case of individual reaction to components;
  • not recommended for bronchial asthma;
  • do not apply if the skin is damaged;
  • not used for hypersensitivity.

The instructions for use state that the composition should not be applied to the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. Avoid contact of the product with the eyes.

Before use, we perform an allergy test by selecting a small area on the skin. If there is no itching, irritation or pain, the product is suitable for use. The balm is not used if an allergic reaction occurs.

Balm for colds

Since the range of diseases for which the “Golden Star” is used is quite wide, we will study its use using individual examples.

An asterisk for runny nose and colds is simply a magical panacea. The wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose, the edges of each nostril are massaged when the nose does not breathe and mucus is secreted. It is impossible to smear the inner surface (epithelium) for a runny nose, as a burn may occur on the mucous membrane. The ointment helps children well, but you need to take into account age and be sure to carry out an allergy test.

Balm Zvezdochka for a runny nose is the most popular remedy that is used quite widely. After massaging the nasal area over the balm, you can breathe for a minute. But it is better to use a pencil for inhalations - an asterisk for the nose, it is intended for this. The pencil is used as a prophylactic in case of hypothermia or suspected development of a cold.

The balm helps even against a strong and prolonged cough. When coughing, apply to the chest, neck and upper back. To warm up and sleep well, the procedure is best done at night. So its action will bring the desired result.

Inhalation with Zvezdochka balm will help with a dry cough and runny nose:

  • For a liter of hot, just boiled water, take a pea of ​​ointment;
  • bend over a container with a solution, covered with a towel;
  • breathe over the steam for 10 minutes: breathing should be measured between inhalation and exhalation.

It is dangerous to inhale too hot steam: the mucous membranes of the nose or throat are easily burned. Inhalation is not carried out for coughs that are paroxysmal in nature.

Use of balm for other pathologies

Using the balm, you can relieve a headache in 10 minutes. Lubricate the area of ​​the temples, the bridge of the nose, the center of the back of the head with the product and apply it behind the ears. If the pain is associated with a cold or low blood pressure, then help is guaranteed.

You can use the Star for joint pain, sprains or bruises. You need to proceed as follows:

  • the balm is rubbed into the sore spot;
  • the affected area is wrapped in a warm cloth;
  • the wrap is left for several hours to thoroughly warm the affected area;
  • for joint pain, the ointment is applied around the painful area and the place of pain is wrapped and warmed up,
  • for spinal pain syndrome, the product is applied pointwise along the spinal column.

After a few hours, the patient will feel relief. The balm is not used as the main medicine; it is part of complex therapy.

The Vietnamese “drug” is also indispensable for the bites of certain insects: bees, wasps, mosquitoes, midges. It is gently applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. This will relieve itching, pain and irritation of the skin. But when the bite site is scratched until it bleeds, when a wound has formed, you should not rub in the ointment: it will cause even more severe irritation.

The asterisk helps cure swelling and calluses on the feet. First, take a bath on steamed skin, apply the product to the sole if there are calluses, and to the ankle area if the legs are swollen. Contrast foot baths are effective for swelling, after which the ointment is rubbed into the skin of the ankle.

Help with fatigue and depression consists of inhaling the vapors of the “oriental elixir”. Essential oils calm the nervous system and bring a person into a state of balance. They often use an aroma lamp, adding a little balm to it. With this method, the effect will be more noticeable, since the smell of essential oils envelops a person and relieves all the anxieties that have accumulated during the day.

The asterisk is often used when going out to the open sea. When the sea is stormy and signs of nausea (sea sickness) occur, a jar of ointment or a pencil will come in handy. The temporal and occipital region are the places of application.

Opinions about the use of the product during pregnancy are very controversial, since the Vietnamese medicine contains many essential oils. It may not be a panacea for all pregnant women. Sometimes it causes unexpected reactions, so it can be used, but with caution. Due to its natural composition, it may be the only approved remedy.

“Vietnamese medicine” is a useful and universal remedy. Naturally, it will not solve all problems. But the ointment is very helpful in cases of sudden onset of a runny nose, colds, migraines, or unexpected irritation. Thanks to its small volume and undeniable benefits, it will always find a place in a handbag or home medicine cabinet.

About 20-30 years ago, Golden Star balm (Vietnamese Cao Sao vàng [Kao Shao Vang] English Golden star balm), or as it is also called, "Star", was a constant guest in the first aid kit of every resident of our country. Not many people know that this miraculous ointment contains: clove, cinnamon, mint and eucalyptus.

Let's look at the instructions for using Zvezdochka ointment, its composition and tips for use.

Now in more detail about the ingredients that make up “Zvezdochka”:

Oriental balm “Zvezdochka” is created from a combination of extracts of medicinal herbs and essential oils (used in traditional oriental medicine) and enhanced with formic acid. Formic acid has been used since time immemorial to relieve pain of various origins and heal many ailments.

  • Crystal menthol - 658 mg
  • Camphor - 124 mg
  • Peppermint oil - 258 mg
  • Eucalyptus oil - 65 mg
  • Clove oil - 5 mg
  • Cinnamon oil - 6 mg
  • Formic acid
  • Vaseline - 184 mg

❧ Crystal menthol

Menthol has a number of properties that make it possible to use in pharmacy: analgesic, antibacterial, analgesic, sedative, antispasmodic and antiseptic, antipyretic, expectorant and antianginal, causes reflex dilatation of coronary vessels, eliminates spasm of the bronchi and cerebral vessels.
Intended for the treatment of colds, rheumatism, for relieving muscle pain from fatigue, etc. Crystal menthol is an important component of “Zvezdochka” for colds of the upper respiratory tract, for headaches of a cold nature, for lumbago in the head, for migraines, as well as for neuralgia, arthralgia and myalgia.

The cooling effect of menthol on skin receptors can reduce irritation and itching, for example, with allergies. Helps reduce painful reactions, reduces inflammatory processes.
The analgesic effect of menthol is preceded by a feeling of cold, slight burning and tingling.

❧ Eucalyptus (eucalyptus oil)

It has long been proven that eucalyptus oil has a stimulating effect on the receptors of the mucous membranes, and in combination with other essential oils it is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. Eucalyptus essential oil helps well with inhalations - it quickly and effectively clears the nasal passages.

Thanks to eucalyptus oil, “Zvezdochka” stimulates sensitive nerve endings and is indispensable for headaches and colds. Its aroma helps tremendously - “bloodsuckers” cannot stand the eucalyptus smell.

Much has been written about the amazing properties of eucalyptus. This remedy has proven itself very well for headaches, coughs, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, insect bites, indigestion and abdominal pain.

❧ Peppermint (peppermint oil)

Peppermint essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of the mcntha piperita plant. It has a pronounced menthol smell with a herbal undertone.

Peppermint oil is an excellent adaptogen; it helps to normalize body functions and its resistance to external influences. It is recommended to massage some biologically active points with mint oil.
For colds, flu, and sinusitis, peppermint oil cleanses the airways well.

❧ Cloves (clove oil)

The antiviral and antibacterial properties of clove oil can only be compared with the best pine antiseptics. It is perfect for preventing the spread, speeds up recovery during viral and colds, and the properties of clove oil are effective both in the case of airborne diseases and.

It is also used to treat serious injuries - bruises, wounds, burns, furunculosis, acne, pustular lesions, cuts, scabies.

❧ Cinnamon (cinnamon oil)

The highest quality cinnamon oil is obtained from the young bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree (cinnamonum zeilanicum), which grows wild and cultivated in Sri Lanka, as well as in the Seychelles and Madagascar.

Cinnamon oil is one of the strongest antiseptics used in homeopathy. It gives an excellent effect not only in the treatment of colds, flu, viral diseases, but also some skin infections. The healing effect of cinnamon is manifested in stimulating blood circulation, which is especially useful for hypothermia, colds, diseases of the joints and spine.

❧ Formic acid

Natural formic acid contains large amounts of organic zinc components. And zinc is known to be an antioxidant and immunostimulant. It turns out that in its action, natural formic acid is similar to such widely used medicines as vitamin C or preparations with ginseng.

Formic acid has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, warming and penetrating tonic properties. Thanks to this component, Zvezdochka balm is used to relieve joint pain of various origins (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism) and provide a restorative and tonic effect on the structure of muscles and joints.

❧ Camphor

Camphor (camphor) is a solid volatile ketone with a characteristic pleasant odor. It has the ability to relieve various inflammations and warm.
Recommended for use for rheumatic pain, arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, inflammation of muscles and joints. When applied to the skin, it first cools the affected area and then heats it, increasing blood flow. Able to stimulate peripheral nerve endings, which, in turn, helps reduce pain.

Helps get rid of coughs due to colds and viral respiratory diseases and prolonged runny nose.

❧ Vaseline

Vaseline is a homogeneous, odorless, white or yellow, viscoplastic mass stretching in short threads.

Use of essential oils

Essential oils are successfully used in homeopathy for herbal treatment and, unfortunately, too rarely - in classical pharmaceuticals. Essential oils easily penetrate the skin and exert their effect by binding to the fats that make up the cells.
When you have a runny nose, it is customary to rub “Star” under your nose; for headaches - apply to temples; For mosquito bites accompanied by unpleasant itching, apply to the skin several times a day to speed up healing and relieve discomfort.

In Vietnam - where “Zvezdochka” comes from - this remedy is considered quite effective and is used for many diseases. But Vietnamese doctors use it taking into account acupuncture points - active points on the human body into which a small amount of balm is rubbed. Moreover, for each disease different combinations of points are used.

Instructions for use

When treating at home with Zvezdochka balm, you can use a simple method of rubbing the sore spot or acupuncture of certain points.

To rub, apply a small amount of balm to the skin and rub vigorously until completely absorbed.

Rubbing the drug with your fingertips into certain acupuncture points is especially effective. To do this, lightly spread the balm on the skin at a certain point and massage it without tension until the skin turns pink. This type of massage relieves pain and improves overall well-being.
However, it should be said that in cases of severe advanced diseases, such a massage as an independent, isolated method of treatment will not bring much effect, so it is best to include it in the general course of treatment.

Before using the balm, check if you are allergic to any of the components.

✅ When bitten by insects,, the balm is applied directly to the bite site. The sore spot cools down, and the pain and itching subside for a while. It should be remembered that the balm should absolutely not be used for various skin diseases, or applied to open wounds.

✅ If your head hurts, then you need to rub the “Star” balm into the temples and the skin above the eyebrows for 20 seconds with light pressure. But you need to be careful and make sure that the balm does not get in.

✅ For bruises, sprains or muscle pain, rub a thin layer of ointment into the sore spot.

✅ If you get seasick Then rubbing the ointment into the temples and the back of the head will alleviate the condition. The same should be done for insomnia or.

For toothache

Toothache is a symptom that requires a visit to the dentist. But a severe pain attack will also help relieve the Golden Star balm, which, of course, does not cancel a visit to the doctor when the pain passes. As a pain reliever, we would like to offer you the following acupressure massage.

Find a point located in the middle of the fossa under the cheek bone in front of the process of the upper jaw. Massage the point intensively counterclockwise for 1-2 minutes. Next, massage 3 more points.

To relieve pain, you can also massage the point indicated in the figure below. Pinch the lobe with your thumb and forefinger, lubricated with “Star” balm, and massage intensively. The pain should stop soon.

Runny nose and colds

“Star” helps a lot with a runny nose. However, first it would be good to find out what causes rhinitis, whether it is a manifestation of an allergy. If you are sure that you have a cold, and a bad one, then resort to the following effective remedy. Take a small amount of “Star” balm and rub your breasts with smooth movements, without touching the nipples. The procedure can be repeated several times (3-4 times) a day. For chronic colds, it is useful to rub your back and chest daily with a small amount of balm.

Of course, the Zvezdochka balm does not help against colds, but in combination with a massage of the back of the nose, it makes breathing easier when you have a runny nose. To carry out a massage according to all the rules, use your index fingers to find two symmetrical points where the back of the nose meets the cheekbones (when you press in these places, you will experience a bursting, slightly painful sensation). There are reflex zones here, the irritation of which cleanses the nasal passages.

Then apply a little balm to your fingertips and massage these points with rotational movements for 2-3 minutes, either increasing or decreasing the pressure. Repeat 5-6 times a day. Perhaps the runny nose will disappear on the second day.

For sore throat

Sore throat - it's fixable. The point marked in the figure is located slightly above the Adam's apple, in the crease of the neck at the level of the hyoid bone. Lubricate this area with the “Star” balm and massage intensively for 15-30 seconds.

You can completely cure the disease with just a few clicks.

ARVI and influenza

For Apply a small amount of the “Star” preparation to your index finger and rub into the skin around the nose, in the submandibular and occipital areas, where a large number of biologically active points are concentrated. Can be rubbed into the eyebrows.
Rubbing has not only a therapeutic, but also a preventive effect. After some time, the procedure should be repeated.

And the 6 points in the figure below help to effectively cope with the flu.

An important point located on the outside of the palm between the thumb and index fingers is very effective for increasing immunity and mobilizing the body’s internal forces in the fight against colds, but do not forget, it is contraindicated during pregnancy.

At the initial stage of the flu, the following procedure helps well: spread the “Star” balm on the foot, but not the whole foot, but only the heel and under the toes, big toe and above the toes. And then on the foot, from the big toe, you need to apply the balm to the heel.
Then you need to put on coarse woolen socks and walk around in them. In addition, you need to drink plenty of fluids; fruit drinks are very useful.

There is one known way to cure a cold in a short time. By the way, this remedy is already considered a folk remedy. It really helps a lot, as I have seen from my own experience. You need to rub the throat with “Zvezdochka” balm with light massaging movements, then tie a scarf around your throat and drink linden in large quantities all evening. The very next morning you will feel completely recovered.

Cervical osteochondrosis

For osteochondrosis, there is a good remedy - massage. However, the massage must be performed by a specialist. I want to offer a tool that is quite accessible to you. Use the drawing and find a point located on the back of the hand, between the metacarpophalangeal joints of the second and third fingers.

Rub the “Star” balm into the found point and massage for two minutes. This remedy helps with pain in the neck due to osteochondrosis.

This type of massage is especially useful for those who lead, who, for example, have to spend a long time at the computer.

Prevention and treatment of radiculitis

Lumbodynia is a paroxysmal, sharp pain in the lower back, most often caused by osteochondrosis of the lumbar intervertebral discs. It usually occurs suddenly after (bending the body forward or turning to the side).

Pain is relieved by physical rest and a horizontal position of the spine. A massage with the Golden Star balm also provides significant relief.

Find the point located in the center of the popliteal fossa, shown in the figure, and vigorously rub the “Star” balm into it. Next you need to massage other points. Perform an intensive massage of the points with the “Star” counterclockwise for 3-4 minutes.

Below is a picture that shows a point that also helps relieve pain from radiculitis (sciatica). This point is located in the depression between the outer ankle and the Achilles tendon at the upper edge of the heel bone. Massage the point intensively with the “Star” balm for 15-30 seconds.

Press it with the tip of your thumb in an inward and forward direction. At the same time, squeeze the shin with the remaining fingers on the opposite side.

✅ Knee pain. Use these points to relieve knee pain.

Correct choice of points

If the acupuncture point is chosen correctly, light and not sharp pressure on it with your fingertips causes a feeling of pain.

Acupressure is performed with one finger. Having determined the location of the point based on the description and drawing, press with a slightly bent finger. Gradually increasing the pressure, achieve mild pain and massage the point, making small amplitude oscillatory-rotational movements without moving the finger along the skin. Usually the point is pressed with the pad of the thumb or middle finger.
Do not press on the acupuncture point with your nails under any circumstances.

You can immediately rub the “Star” balm into the point, or you can perform a massage procedure with a dry finger, and immediately after the massage session, lubricate the point with a small amount of the Vietnamese preparation.

Inhalation with balm “Golden Star”

In addition, the balm is used for inhalation. Inhalations are done either using a special inhaler, or simply throwing a little ointment into boiling water and inhaling the aromatic steam.

Indications for use of inhalations

  • Acute and chronic diseases, and;
  • professional;
  • acute and chronic diseases of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses;
  • , respiratory, adenoviral infections in acute and subacute periods;
  • obstructive syndromes, laryngospasms, prevention of complications in the postoperative period.

Inhalations with “Zvezdochka” reduce hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi, thin and accelerate its evacuation, enhance the activity of the ciliated epithelium, helping to restore the normal state of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and reduce dryness of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract.

For flu, sore throat, or any inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to add a little “Golden Star” balm (an amount equal in volume to a match head) to boiling water (500 ml of boiling water), stir and, covered with a towel, inhale its vapors for 15-20 minutes. The essential oils contained in it dilate blood vessels, clear the airways and have a powerful bactericidal effect. This inhalation should be carried out 2 times a day - morning and evening. This method is especially effective in combination with massage of acupuncture points.

You can do the following inhalation - smear “Star” balm on the bottom of a tea saucer, sprinkle with soda and pour boiling water over it, inhale deeply.


It is good to use “Zvezdochka” for aromatherapy sessions. To do this, place a drop of balm in the aroma lamp, fill it with water and light the candle.
Volatile essential oils quickly evaporate and, when inhaled, enter the body, and also irritate the millions of sensitive cells lining the nasal passages. These cells send signals directly to the brain and influence emotions and neural regulation of the functions of all organs. Therefore, you should know that, for example, when inhaling the “Zvezdochka” balm, essential oils simultaneously affect both the physical and mental well-being of a person. The same thing happens if the balm is rubbed into biologically active points on the body.

I would also like to add that the essential oils that make up “Zvezdochka” are an unrivaled remedy for blood-sucking insects. Flies and mosquitoes are sensitive to odors. The aroma of cloves and eucalyptus especially repels mosquitoes. When used for protection, it is enough to lubricate exposed skin or place it on a fire source - in a fireplace, bonfire, on a candle or on a heated frying pan.
It is known that the smell of camphor, also included in the Golden Star balm, can repel not only mosquitoes, but also flies and even ticks.

Precautions and special instructions

Intended for external use only. Do not allow the balm to come into contact with the eyes, mucous membranes, or open wound surfaces.
After applying the ointment to the skin, a local increase in temperature and redness of the skin is observed, at the same time a feeling of warmth and burning appears, which gradually disappears within one hour. There should be no pain when applying the ointment to the skin. If pain, swelling or rashes occur on the skin, stop using the ointment and consult a doctor immediately.

There is evidence of the possibility of developing adverse reactions when using the balm. If allergic reactions occur, it is necessary to wash off any remaining drug from the skin with warm water and soap and stop using it for a while.
If the balm gets on the mucous membranes, remove the ointment using wet wipes and rinse with plenty of water.

Contraindications to the use of "Zvezdochka"⭐

  • Allergic reactions. It must be remembered that the Golden Star balm can cause an allergic reaction, because all its components are strong allergens. In particular, this may manifest itself as redness of the skin at the application sites.
    In order to prevent possible troubles, do a sensitivity test before using the balm. To do this, apply a small amount of balm to the skin of the wrist from the inside. If after a while you feel a burning sensation and itching, and the skin at the site of application of the ointment turns red, then immediately wash everything off and do not use this drug anymore. Most likely it is not suitable for you.
  • Childhood. Children and adolescents should also use the balm with caution. Moreover, it is completely prohibited for children under two years of age. And older children can only use the balm under adult supervision. The child may well want to taste the ointment, or accidentally rub it into his eyes.
  • Skin inflammation(wounds, boils). You should only keep in mind that, despite the minimum of contraindications, those who suffer from pustular skin diseases should still avoid using the “Zvezdochka” balm. Do not rush to use the balm even if you have damaged your skin - this will further aggravate the problem.
  • Pregnancy. Pregnant women also often use “Zvezdochka”, considering it absolutely safe for the unborn child. Of course, the balm cannot cause as much harm as synthetic drugs. There are no chemicals in the balm that are harmful to the baby. But it is still better to be careful.
    The fact is that the main contraindication to the drug is excessive sensitivity to the components of which it consists. As for a pregnant woman, it is sometimes impossible to predict the reaction of her body. So if you are in a position, then before using “Star”, just smell it, and if the smell seems sharply unpleasant to you, then it is better not to use it at all. Most likely, at the moment, this remedy is not suitable for you.

There is hardly a person in the CIS countries who has never heard of the miraculous “Zvezdochka” or the “Golden Star” balm. In Soviet times, such a substance was considered a panacea for almost all possible ailments. What about today? Let's look in this article at reviews of the “Golden Star” (Zvezdochka) balm, instructions for its use, analogues and prices for it in pharmacies across the country.

Features of the drug

Asterisk is known as an excellent antiseptic. In addition, thanks to its specific smell and “burning” effect, it is able to perfectly distract the patient from other worries and harmful thoughts.

According to ATC, this drug is listed under the code M02AX10, that is, it belongs to the category of so-called other drugs.


This product belongs to the combined category and includes:

  • camphor;
  • racementol (more than 50%);
  • oils:
  • carnation flowers,
  • leaves of twig-shaped eucalyptus,
  • Chinese cinnamon,
  • peppermint.

Asterisk in ointment form also contains petroleum jelly, beeswax and paraffin.

Dosage forms and prices

Gold Star is available in three dosage forms, namely:

  • Pencil for inhalation
  • Liquid balm (external use)

It is the latter form that is most common. The ointment is packaged in small metal round containers. The balm for external use is bottled in glass vials; the pencil is a plastic tube with a solid substance. The vessels are packed in cardboard packaging, one item at a time.

Prices in Russian pharmacies for Zvezdochka are moderate. So, in Moscow, on average, 1 jar of ointment will cost 104 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

An asterisk can have the following effect:

  • distracting;
  • antiseptic;
  • locally irritating.

We will tell you further about the indications for use and whether Zvezdochka (Golden Star) balm can be used during pregnancy.


This substance has proven itself in the treatment of acute respiratory viral diseases and accompanying ailments, including rhinitis and influenza. It helps with headaches and copes well with insect bites. Therefore, doctors advise treating skin areas with it after negative contact with.

  • Peppermint in the medicine significantly increases skin turgor and also helps relieve dermal irritation due to allergies. Also, its vapors can reduce and.
  • Camphor, having a beneficial effect on oily and porous skin, helps speed up the healing of pimples and pustules, as well as getting rid of acne.
  • Eucalyptus oil successfully fights acne and herpes.
  • Thanks to its aroma, cloves repel insects.
  • Cinnamon oil has an antifungal effect, helping to fight fungi on the skin.

Instructions for use

Balm-ointment is used only externally. It should be applied in a thin layer to the area of ​​skin requiring treatment, after which the substance should be lightly rubbed. The procedure should be carried out without tension, the massage is carried out until the dermis acquires a pink tint, and a feeling of warmth appears in this area.

Rubbed areas:

  • Back of the head, temples - .
  • Chest, back - flu, ARVI.
  • Wings of the nose - runny nose.
  • The location of the bite is insect bites.


The product is quite effective, but it also has a number of contraindications. So, you should refuse to lubricate your skin with Golden Star if:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

If there is excessive individual sensitivity to the components of the substance, it is also worth discontinuing its use, as well as in the case when the patient is under two years old.

Balm “Star” was created long ago by scientists in Vietnam. It is a complex homogeneous composition of essential oils from many plants. The use of Zvezdochka balm is recognized in both official and folk medicine for the successful treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. This drug is loved and widely used by people of several generations.

Composition of the balm

The substances included in “Zvezdochka” have virtually no negative effects on human skin. The exception is individual intolerance to the drug.

So, the balm contains crystalline menthol, oils: mint, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon, petroleum jelly, camphor.

Pharmacological properties

The widespread use of “Zvezdochka” balm is due to its actions and properties:

  • locally irritating;
  • antiseptic;
  • distracting.

Camphor and menthol irritate the nerve endings of the skin, cause a slight tingling and burning sensation, local anesthesia, and have antiseptic properties. Cinnamon, clove, and peppermint oils also have them. Cloves also protect against various infections. Cinnamon is used to treat the upper respiratory tract.

It is used as a powerful antiseptic for flu, colds, inflammation, cough, runny nose, bronchitis, and skin irritations. Increases the body's protective properties, repels insects, and relieves headaches.

Shows antiseptic properties. It has primarily antibacterial and antiviral effects. Used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections, cough, bronchitis, and runny nose. Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

What are the types

There are several different balms, and each of them is intended to treat certain diseases:

  1. Anti-cold.
  2. Universal.
  3. Anesthetic.
  4. Post-traumatic.
  5. Gentle.

Let's look at each type. So, “Golden Star” is a balm, the use of which is very common among people with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The anti-cold species is used for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory, respiratory diseases, and influenza.

Anesthetic balm is used to prevent and treat pain in muscles, spine, joints, injuries, sprains, bruises.

Universal - the name of this species speaks for itself. Used for colds, pain, insect bites (relieves itching).

Post-traumatic treats swelling due to bruises and injuries in athletes.

Gentle is intended for use on burns and skin irritations.

Balm “Star”: instructions for use

The ideal option is to apply it to active points. The most active place is the human ear. By lubricating certain points on it, a large number of diseases can be cured. The product also helps with depression, fatigue, stress, and strengthens the nervous system (rubbing the scalp, ears, back of the neck, temples). The balm will remove toxins from the skin and tighten it.

If an insect bites you, you need to apply balm to the area, and if it is very itchy, then around it. Lubricate every 2 hours. The balm is applied to the chin, temples, wings of the nose, the point between the fingers, index and thumb (on both hands), and on the upper lip for flu. If you suffer from a severe cough, you need to lubricate the pits under the collarbone, shoulder blades (both), temples, and under the chin.

If there is a runny nose, the balm is applied to the upper lip, wings of the nose (on both sides), and to the wrists.

In case of general malaise or cough, inhalation can be performed, provided that there is no elevated temperature. To do this, boil a liter of water, add a tablespoon of salt (preferably sea salt) and balm (a small pea). The head is covered with a towel. Breathe in steam for 10 minutes and close your eyes. After the procedure, immediately go to bed and drink herbal tea with lemon.

If your joints hurt, you need to rub the balm into their area around the perimeter twice a day (not even over the entire surface). Then cover the joint with a towel or tie it with cloth.

If your spine hurts, apply the balm to the sides of the spinal column.

“Star” will help soften and then remove dry callus. To do this, after taking a hot bath, you need to rub the balm into it every night at night.

If “Star” is applied after foot contrast baths in the evening on the sole, area of ​​the ankle joint, then it will help relieve swelling and relieve pain in the legs.


The use of “Zvezdochka” balm is very wide. It can be used in aroma lamps. To do this, you need to place a pea-sized balm there and light a candle. Place the lamp in the room where the whole family is gathered. It is better to use other oils with the balm. This will be a good prevention of respiratory diseases. However, aromatherapy cannot be performed if there are children under the age of five, asthmatics, pregnant women, and allergy sufferers.


There are three forms of the product: creamy, liquid, pencil (for inhalation). The method of using the drug also depends on them. The pencil is in a plastic tube and a cardboard pack. A tin can contains 4 g of balm, and a bottle of liquid balm contains 5 ml.

The ideal option is to purchase a cream and an inhaler pencil, which is very convenient to carry with you and take on a trip. It looks like lipstick. The screw cap prevents essential oils from drying out. By inhaling the vapor from the inhaler, you can relieve nasal congestion and prevent discharge at any time. The drug is also sold in liquid form. But this will be written about below. It is worth noting that the most common is the use of “Zvezdochka” balm in a creamy state.

Liquid balm “Star”. Instructions for use

This drug is a brown-red liquid. Transparent, with a specific smell (thanks to the essential oils included in the composition). The balm is bottled in branded miniature bottles, on the back of which there is a relief star.

The drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription. It is recommended to store the balm in dark places out of reach of children. Storage temperature is 15-25 degrees (in other words, room temperature). The drug is valid for 5 years.

The volume of the bottle into which the balm is poured is 5 ml. This includes (according to the instructions):

  • crystal menthol - 28 g;
  • peppermint oil - 22.9 g;
  • eucalyptus - 0.1 g;
  • cinnamon - 0.38 g;
  • clove - 0.46 g;
  • camphor - 8.88 g;
  • liquid paraffin.

The balm has an antiseptic, distracting, irritating (local) effect. It is used in complex therapy as a symptomatic remedy for headaches, flu, respiratory diseases, insect bites. The balm has general indications for use for all types. This was written above.

How to use “Star” liquid balm? Its use should be external only. Apply a thin layer to painful areas.

If you have a headache, rub it into your temples; if you have a runny nose, rub it into the wings of your nose. For colds, rub the chest and back area. Lubricate the insect bite site.

As for the use of “Zvezdochka” balm during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as the manufacturer indicates in the instructions, there is no such experience. Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe and use the drug for this group of people.

Using balm for a runny nose

Rhinitis is a common problem among both adults and children. You can buy a large number of vasoconstrictor drops at the pharmacy. However, it is not advisable to take them for a long time due to the possibility of addiction. Safer to use would be “Zvezdochka” - a balm, the use of which for a runny nose has been widespread for many years.

To treat rhinitis with a balm, it must be applied acupuncture to influence biologically active points of the body. This should be done several times a day (up to 6) and always at night.

To correctly identify active points, you need to press on a specific area. If you feel a lot of pain in such a place, this is it. This is where it is better to apply the balm with massaging movements.

For a runny nose, “Star” is applied:

  • on the earlobes;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • on the chin;
  • for whiskey;
  • on the wings of the nose;
  • above the upper lip.

Use for babies

Adults can safely use a remedy such as “Asterisk” (balm) for treatment. Use for children is also possible, but this must be done carefully. Children react more acutely to the effects of the oils included in the product.

Each package contains an insert. Don't ignore it and throw it away. For safety, it is better to familiarize yourself with the information it contains.

How can kids use the “Star” balm? Instructions for use for children are simple. When first used, apply a minimal amount. You need to make sure that children do not touch the balm with their hands, and not allow it to get into their eyes or mucous membranes. The product is not used for children under two years of age.

How to open a jar?

Oddly enough, this question comes up periodically. A special study was carried out, during which it turned out that the easiest way to do this is to place it on its edge, press it, and roll it lightly (like a car wheel). Option two is to carefully slide a knife under the lid and lift it up. Well, the main way is to hold the bottom of the jar with the fingers of one hand and twist the lid with the other. It can be easily removed in half a turn.

When not to use the product

There are a number of cases when it is better not to use the “Star” product (balm). Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as already mentioned, is undesirable. Also, it should not be used by children under two years of age, those with asthma, or those who are allergic to the components included in the composition. Applying the balm to wounds, cracks, ulcers, mucous membranes, and around the eyes is prohibited. To avoid burns, apply a very thin layer of “Star” to the skin.

Despite the widespread use of the balm for several generations of people, it also has side effects if the recommendations for use are not followed. As for the nervous system, there may be dizziness, overexcitement, headaches and even convulsions. Allergic reactions: itching, rashes, irritation, urticaria. Cases of increased frequency of bronchospasms have been recorded.

Non-hormonal natural antiseptic medicine.

Price from 180 rub.

Non-hormonal natural antiseptic medicine.

Application- acute respiratory infections, runny nose, cough.

Analogs- Orel, Vicks Active, Menovazin. You can find out more about analogues, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.

Today we’ll talk about the Zvezdochka balm. What is this product and how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?

What kind of balm

Balm “Golden Star” was developed by a Vietnamese scientist who introduced the drug to the world in the form of a whole complex of essential oils.

It is used to treat runny nose, both in traditional and folk medicine. Based on the product, inhalation measures are carried out for respiratory infections.

Active substance

Active components of the balm:

  • eucalyptus leaf oil;
  • peppermint oil;
  • camphor racemic oil;
  • levomenthol;
  • clove oil;
  • Chinese cinnamon oil.
Excipients give the preparation the desired thickness.

How it affects the body


Local irritant, distracting, antiseptic drug. Essential oils have their positive effects:


External use leads to the expansion of capillaries, reducing blood pressure. Stimulates blood supply and has a positive reflex effect on the brain center. Easily absorbed from the surface of the epidermis.


“Star” is used for many pathological conditions:

  • caused by overwork, stress and as a result of colds;
  • flu;
  • insect bites;
  • bronchitis;
  • insomnia;
  • toothache;
  • injuries and dislocations.
The area of ​​application of the ointment depends on the type of pathology. The remedy can be anti-cold, universal, analgesic, post-traumatic, gentle.


Hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

Skin diseases, wound surface of the application area, bleeding injuries.

The ointment should not be used by children under two years of age.

Whooping cough, bronchial spasm and bronchial asthma.

Directions for use and dosage

Apply externally to active points. The balm is lightly rubbed into the affected area.

“Star” for cough – where to apply:

  • the balm is applied pointwise to the subclavian space, chin area, temples and under the shoulder blades;
  • The product must not only be applied, but also massaged into these areas.

For a runny nose, apply to the wings of the nose. It is also recommended to inhale the vapors of the ointment for congestion or use the dosage form in the form of a pencil.

The asterisk for inhalation is used in its pure form, or in combination with inhalation agents. Add a tablespoon of sea salt and a couple of drops of liquid “Star” balm to 1 liter of boiling water. The procedure is performed at night. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapor for 10 minutes (it is recommended to close your eyes).

The medicine is used systematically to stop the pain. The course of treatment depends on the nature of the disease, age and symptoms.

Long-term use of the ointment does not lead to the development of dependence syndrome or overdose.

In childhood, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

For a number of reasons, “Zvezdochka” cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because the ointment has quite “caustic” fumes.

For the treatment of children, it is an indispensable drug, but it is worth taking into account the age of the young patient - at least two years.

Side effects

From the nervous system: dizziness, migraine, convulsions. The reason for this reaction lies in the individual characteristics of the body.

From the respiratory side: cases of development of bronchial spasms have been recorded when contraindications for use are not observed.

Allergic reactions: burning, redness, itching, sometimes even