Whoever actively uses bee pollen strengthens his nerves and heart. Bee Pollen: Nature's Effective Help Why pollen is useful

What is and what does bee pollen look like? Why is it useful? How much, how and for what diseases to use bee pollen?

Bee products are known for their valuable nutritional and medicinal properties. While many people are well aware of honey, propolis and royal jelly, they are successfully used in folk medicine and cosmetology, bee pollen is not so popular. But in vain! Find out for which diseases and how it should be used.

What does bee pollen look like: photo

Returning to the hive, bees - collectors bring with them not only nectar, but also pollen. This product, rich in biologically active substances, is intended for feeding offspring.

Flower pollen is the male germ cells, it is contained in the anthers that surround the flower pistil. In fact, these are grains in a double elastic shell formed by fiber. Inside these grains are two nuclei and protoplasm.

The bee carries pollen in "baskets" on its paws.

IMPORTANT: Forager bees have recesses in the lower legs of their hind legs - “baskets”. It is in them that pollen is transported. There she huddles into tight lumps. Because of this method of transportation, it is also called bee pollen.

To collect pollen, beekeepers have developed a special technology: they install a fine mesh on the hives. Flying into the hive, the foraging bees cling to the net and shake off some of the pollen. The rest of the pollen goes to the larvae, from which they grow faster and larger. Experienced beekeepers brag about the "harvest" of pollen from one family of insects - up to 40 kg per year.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to distinguish between bee pollen and pollen. The latter is "preserved" by the bees themselves: treated with honey and bee enzymes. Perga is also very useful, the least allergenic product of beekeeping.

The chemical composition of bee pollen: vitamins, trace elements and amino acids

The variety of plants visited by bees explains the incredibly diverse composition of bee pollen. It has everything from vegetable proteins and free amino acids to hormones.

IMPORTANT: Interestingly, the balance of pollen composition is the merit of the bees themselves. At a time, they fly around plants that have individual feeding properties. For example: oak and plum - proteins, willow - vitamin C, dandelion - lipid components, etc. In the "baskets" of the hind legs, the pollen of these plants mixes and turns into an amazing protein, vitamin and energy cocktail. Pollen collected from several plants is called polyfloral.

Polyfloral multi-colored bee pollen.

The composition of bee pollen includes:

  • water - up to 20 percent
  • proteins - up to 35 percent
  • amino acids - up to 5 percent
  • carbohydrates - up to 40 percent
  • fats (saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids, terpenes, steroids) - up to 7 percent
  • flavonoids - up to 25 percent
  • catechins - up to 0.1 percent
  • nucleic acids - up to 4.5 percent
  • hormones
  • vitamins (the vitamin composition of bee pollen can be seen in the table in the figure)
  • minerals - potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, others

VIDEO: BEE POLLEN and its extraordinary health benefits

Flower bee pollen: useful properties and contraindications for men, women and children

IMPORTANT: Treatment with bee pollen and other bee products is called apitherapy.

  • accelerating growth
  • strengthening immunity
  • restorative
  • stimulating intellectual activity
  • antibacterial
  • anti-inflammatory
  • wound healing

As a natural remedy or dietary supplement, bee pollen is recommended for a wide range of conditions:

  • in the postoperative period to restore the body
  • during convalescence from various diseases
  • people with high physical and mental activity
  • with poor appetite
  • with sleep disorders
  • with depression
  • with nervous exhaustion and diseases of the nervous system
  • to improve immunity
  • to stabilize the hormonal background
  • with diabetes
  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels (VSD, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, myocardial dystrophy, coronary heart disease, others)
  • in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, constipation, diarrhea)
  • to increase libido in men and women
  • in diseases of the male genitourinary system (prostatitis)
  • with obesity
  • with allergies

IMPORTANT: Bee pollen, like other bee products, is a strong allergen. Individual tolerance of the pollen is quite common, manifested by a violent reaction of the body, ranging from sneezing and redness of the eyes, ending with Quincke's edema and anaphylaxis. Without consulting a doctor, it is absolutely impossible for adults, and especially children, to take it.

Bee pollen is also contraindicated:

  • people with bleeding disorders
  • pregnant women
  • nursing mothers


Bee pollen for children: dosages

Due to a possible allergic reaction, bee pollen is not recommended for children under 4 years of age. If the child goes to kindergarten or school, the bee product will be very useful for him:

  • compensates for nutritional deficiencies in the body caused by rapid growth, seasonal beriberi, stress associated with study, illness, etc.
  • will help to form the child's immune system, which is especially important for preschoolers and younger students who often get sick
  • stimulates the mental activity of the child, which helps him to succeed in school

The daily dose of bee pollen intended for children of different ages depends on their weight. So, it is:

  • for children 4 - 7 years old - 4 g
  • for children 8 - 12 years old - 8 g
  • for children 12-16 years old - 12 g

IMPORTANT: It is also easy to calculate how much to use the pollen using this or that traditional medicine recipe. The weight of a child is 4-2 times less than the weight of an adult. Accordingly, the dose indicated in the recipe must be divided by 4, 3 or 2. For example, if an adult needs to consume 1 teaspoon of pollen at a time, the dose for a child of 4-7 years old will be 0.25 teaspoon, for a child of 8-12 years old - 0.3 tsp, for a child 12-16 years old - 0.5 tsp.

Bee pollen during pregnancy: benefits and harms

The question of the possibility of using bee pollen by pregnant women is very twofold. On the one hand, a useful bee product would help them support the body during the stressful period of bearing a child, would supply both the mother and the baby in her womb with the substances necessary for life. On the other hand, as a product - an allergen, it is not advisable for pregnant women to use pollen:

  • even if previously a woman did not have an allergy to honey, propolis, bee bread, pollen, during pregnancy, due to total changes in the body, it can manifest itself
  • significantly increases the possibility of having children with atopy in mothers who are fond of the use of products - allergens during pregnancy

How to take flower pollen to strengthen immunity?

Before considering how and in what form you can use bee pollen to increase immunity, you should find out what is its maximum dose for adults:

  • to maintain the body - 5-10 g per day
  • during the treatment of any disease - up to 30 g per day

IMPORTANT: The duration of the course of taking bee pollen for immunity is 2 weeks. At this time of the day, an adult should consume it in the amount of 15 g.

Here are some ways:

  1. As mentioned above, pollen has a hard shell. To get the maximum benefit from the product, soak it in warm boiled water for 1 hour, and then consume it with this water. So, for immunity, an adult should take 5 g or 1 teaspoon of pollen, filled with 20 ml of water, three times a day.
  2. You can make an immunostimulating cocktail. It's cooked in a blender. To prepare 1 serving, put 0.5 ripe banana, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of bee pollen into the bowl, and pour 200 ml of milk into it. Shake a cocktail. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Miracle remedy is not suitable for people with cow's milk protein intolerance.

bee pollen for colds and coughs

Bee pollen and honey are remedies that can help with a cold:

  • reduce the titer of pathogenic bacteria
  • strengthen immunity
  • enveloping the throat, relieve its inflammation
  • relieve cough and ease coughing

For colds, it is recommended to take this remedy 3 times a day: mix 1 teaspoon of pollen with 1 teaspoon of honey, knead in your mouth and keep until completely absorbed. Then the remedy will be absorbed through the oral mucosa and will act as efficiently as possible.

How to take bee pollen for men with prostatitis: a recipe

  • overweight
  • with reduced libido
  • with prostate problems
  • over the age of 50

To relieve inflammation and pain relief for prostatitis and prostate adenoma, men are recommended to consume 1.5 teaspoons of pollen mixed with the same amount of honey three times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, it is repeated after a two-week break.

Bee pollen: how to take and how much in diabetes

Honey is a very valuable food product, but due to its sugar content, it is categorically contraindicated for diabetics. But they can and need bee pollen as a medicine:

  • pollen dose for diabetics - 1 teaspoon per day
  • take it between the first and second breakfasts
  • course of treatment - 30 days
  • break between courses - 1.5 months

bee pollen for gastritis

For the treatment of gastritis, pollen is taken simultaneously with the collection of medicinal herbs. Treatment is carried out 20 minutes before meals. A single dose of pollen is 1-2 teaspoons.

  1. For gastritis with low acidity, mix 1 teaspoon of orange peel, calamus roots, wormwood herb, centaury herb. All this is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and insisted in a thermos. Prepared from evening to morning.
  2. For gastritis with high acidity, take 1 teaspoon of highlander herb, St. Pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist in a thermos in the evening.

bee pollen for pancreatitis

With inflammation of the pancreas, bee pollen is used in this way:

  • 1 teaspoon in the morning pour 0.25 cups of warm boiled water
  • after 3-4 hours, half an hour before lunch, take pollen with water
  • enhances the effect of pollen herbal collection (dill seeds, chamomile, mint, hawthorn)

bee pollen for anemia

Pollen can be used to treat anemia (anemia). This bee product:

  • contains iron, copper and cobalt
  • promotes the synthesis of heme (a component of hemoglobin)
  • promotes the synthesis of a hormone called erythropoietin, which regulates the formation of hemoglobin

In order to increase hemoglobin, pollen is taken for three weeks:

  • method of administration - resorption in the oral cavity or thorough chewing
  • dose - 1.5 teaspoons
  • time of admission - 1 hour before meals

pressure bee pollen

Bee pollen normalizes blood pressure, that is, it has the ability to both increase it and lower it.:

  • hypertensive patients should consume a beekeeping product in the amount of 1 teaspoon three times a day strictly before meals (for 1 - 1.5 hours)
  • hypotensive patients, on the contrary, should take pollen after meals, also three times a day, mixing in equal amounts with honey

How to take flower bee pollen for women with fibroids?

  • pollen is absorbed
  • you can't drink anything
  • eat at least half an hour after pollen treatment

IMPORTANT: To reduce the tumor, in addition to taking pollen, it is also necessary to undergo the full range of therapeutic measures prescribed by the doctor.

Bee pollen for infertility: a recipe

Bee pollen is an effective remedy for male and female infertility because:

  • affects the viability and motility of spermatozoa
  • stabilizes female hormones
  • relieves inflammation in the pelvic organs of men and women

Pollen male and female infertility is treated for 1 year according to the scheme: 1 month of admission - 1 month of break. The maximum dose for an adult is taken - 30 g, it is divided into three doses. Use pollen with water or mix with honey and dissolve.

Bee pollen in oncology - benefits and harms: how to take?

Many experts in traditional and traditional medicine consider bee pollen indispensable for cancer patients:

  • the product helps to cope with intoxication
  • it is a source of energy for the patient
  • proteins and vitamins are needed by cancer patients to maintain vitality
  • pollen improves blood counts in patients undergoing chemotherapy

IMPORTANT: The body of a person with oncology functions a little differently. If he did not previously have an allergy to bee products, it may appear during the illness. Therefore, he should take pollen with great care and under the supervision of a doctor.

bee pollen for psoriasis

Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases that is almost impossible to treat. But there are ways to reduce its symptoms.
As a supportive agent, patients with psoriasis can use flower pollen. She is:

  • enhances the body's detoxifying abilities
  • stabilizes the body's immune response
  • enhances the effect of pharmacological drugs for the treatment of psoriasis

Bee pollen: how to take and how much for hay fever

Bee pollen is an amazing product. It is known that it is impossible for those who suffer from hay fever. But at the same time, pollinosis is also treated with it.

IMPORTANT: Bee pollen is processed with bee enzymes and contains quercetin, a histamine neutralizing agent.

Bee pollination is a means of combating hay fever.

To combat allergies, you need to take 0.5 teaspoons of pollen per day:

  • with water
  • dissolve or chew
  • add to yogurt, kefir

Bee pollen in sports, bodybuilding

A person involved in sports and gaining muscle mass should think about introducing into their diet a natural anabolic of plant origin - pollen, which:

  • contains vegetable proteins and amino acids
  • is a source of energy
  • increases physical endurance
  • reduces recovery periods between workouts

An energy cocktail for athletes is prepared from 50 g of pollen and 250 g of honey. Beekeeping products are mixed and infused for 5 days. Eat 1 tbsp. spoon twice a day before meals.

A cocktail for an athlete is a tincture of honey and bee pollen.

How to use bee pollen for weight loss?

To lose weight, you need to eat 1 teaspoon of bee pollen every morning on an empty stomach. Of course, adjusting your diet and including sports in your life is also necessary. But taking pollen will speed up the process of parting with extra pounds, since the product:

  • normalizes the process of digestion
  • speeds up metabolism
  • suppresses the feeling of hunger
  • energizes for sports
  • Helps manage stress associated with diet and lifestyle changes

Bee pollen in cosmetology: a recipe for a face mask

In home cosmetology, bee pollen is used to make masks that moisturize and nourish the skin, slow down the aging process, relieve inflammation and even out the color.

To prepare a universal caring mask, take:

  • chicken egg - 1 pc. (you only need protein)
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • bee pollen - 1 teaspoon

The components are mixed and installed on the skin of the face for 10 minutes, then washed off with a decoction of chamomile or running water without soap.

VIDEO: How to eat less? How to rejuvenate the skin? The answer is bee pollen.

How to store bee pollen at home and its expiration date?

Within 2 years, bee pollen does not lose its properties, and if it is diluted with honey, the shelf life will increase to 5 years.

IMPORTANT: After the expiration of the storage period, the pollen does not deteriorate, but begins to lose its beneficial properties. It is not harmful, but its therapeutic effect is reduced.

Pollen storage conditions:

  • closed container
  • darkness
  • temperature around +20 degrees
  • humidity not more than 75 percent

VIDEO: Pollen

Flower pollen is an important element of the reproduction of each flower, which "in combination" plays the role of a very useful biological substance for the human body. It helps to treat even the most serious diseases, improves mood and increases the desire to live, so few people are surprised that many people are interested in data on how to properly use pollen. For all its benefits and harmlessness, improper use of this product can lead to the loss of its healing properties, but before talking about the rules for its use, you need to pay attention to its composition.

Chemical composition of the product

If you believe the scientists who were engaged in biological research of this substance, then it includes almost 250 useful substances - vitamins, trace elements, fats, organic compounds, and so on. It turned out to be impossible to determine the exact composition of flower pollen in practice due to the fact that it is unstable, it can change and curl depending on where it was collected, from which flowers or trees, and even on whether it was raining outside at that time. . But you can definitely say that this the product consists of a large amount of vitamins that belong to group B (pyridoxine, thiamine, and so on), and these are substances that are catalysts for almost two dozen chemical reactions that occur every second in the human body.

You can always buy bee pollen in Ukraine from Us, at the family apiary "Merry Hornet" by phone:


They improve brain activity, activate the work and recovery of neurons, improve the immune system, and also catalyze at least two types of metabolism - protein and carbohydrate. It is due to the high content of vitamins B that the use of flower pollen for children is considered especially useful, because the child’s body, like no other, needs to be nourished with these vitamins, because they can improve their appetite (and it is very difficult for children to make them eat normally), normalize sleep patterns and prevent the development of anemia, which sometimes occurs against the background of an unbalanced diet.

In addition, pollen grains also contain carotenoids (it is because of them that it has a yellow tint) - provitamins A and C (the body uses carotenoids as a raw material component to produce those components that it needs). They improve the condition of the liver, and also protect cells from malignant degeneration (that is, the regular use of flower pollen helps to avoid the development of oncology). Moreover, these substances (according to one study from Harvard University) reduce the risk of ischemia by 50%, which is very relevant in modern times.

Also, pollen grains contain many protein components and amino acid residues that are involved in the regeneration and formation of new cells, improve the protective functions of internal organs. Proteins perform building functions and are used by the brain to generate energy, so you should not neglect the use of products that are part of them. Well, it is impossible not to tell about the rich polymineral composition of this product, since it contains magnesium, selenium, zinc, iron, chromium and other minerals, which together improve the functioning and condition of the whole organism, normalize blood composition and prevent the development of chronic diseases.

So the reception of flower pollen helps not only to treat diseases, but also to prevent their occurrence. Its effect becomes especially noticeable when taken regularly in the elderly, whose body begins to slowly lose ground - chest pains, weakness appear, mood disappears and something “new” hurts every day.

Gerontologists (people who deal with age-related health problems) were able to prove that daily intake of this remedy (although studies were conducted using bee pollen, its difference from pollen will be described below) helps to reduce the risk of developing all “senile” diseases by 50% ( osteochondrosis, heart disease, atherosclerosis and so on). The main thing is to know the rules of how to properly take pollen, because half of the result obtained depends on the dose of its intake and even time.

What is the difference between bee and flower pollen?

As you know, there are two products in the world, based on bee pollen, and they are both created by nature. The first product is collected by a person at the moment when the flowering of plants begins, and the second product is collected by bees and brought to their hive in order to conserve it (turn it into bee bread or bee bread) and use it to feed young individuals.

Many do not understand the difference between flower pollen and bee pollen, and these gaps in education must be filled in, because these substances, although very similar in composition, are still different in their healing properties. Pollen grains are called pollen grains, which bees collect from flowers, moisten them with salivary enzymes, and then use them for food. So, the benefits of pollen, which is processed with salivary enzymes, are many times greater than the benefits of the product that a person collects on his own. Besides, many people suffer from pollen allergies (hay fever), so they cannot afford to use this product, and bee pollen does not contain allergens, so it is not dangerous for adults or children.

Also, flower pollen reviews provide information that it is most often sold in the form of gelatin-coated capsules. And even though gelatin is considered a fairly safe substance, it is still not completely absorbed by organisms and excreted through the liver, which in itself contradicts the main principles of traditional (alternative) medicine.

Ways to use pollen grains

Talking about how to use pollen, you need to say that there are two main ways to take it:

  • in its natural form - granules or powder;
  • mixed with honey or other substances.

When used in its natural form, it must be remembered that each grain of this product is coated, so it is desirable to process it before it enters the stomach. How? You can dissolve a small amount of this product in a glass of boiled water (it will not dissolve completely, but the shell will soften, which will improve its bioavailability) or hold it in your mouth for a while so that salivary enzymes act on it. The second method is unpleasant, but correct and not suitable for everyone, because the grains have a slightly bitter taste and it is not so pleasant to swallow them. Therefore, it would be more correct to mix it with liquid honey before taking pollen, and then take it on an empty stomach for 30 minutes before meals, dissolving in the mouth.

Few people are involved in the preparation of mixtures of this product, because the mixture of pollen product and honey, although it has strong healing properties, looks very unappetizing in appearance. Some advise mixing a small amount of this substance with butter and spreading it on bread or simply dissolving it in your mouth, but beekeepers say that you can get the most benefit from taking this product in its pure form.

Dosage and timing

It is worth figuring out how to use pollen correctly, because this substance exhibits high biological activity and, if used incorrectly, for example, can become a catalyst for the formation of excess fat. It is best to take this remedy on an empty stomach, because it starts the metabolism and speeds up the digestion of food (in this case, it will even be useful for those people who want to lose weight). As for the dosage, for adults and children it will be slightly different:

  1. adults can eat one spoon (tea) of this product per day (this is for treatment) or half for prevention;
  2. as for how to take flower pollen to children, children under 6 years old can be given 2-3 grams of this substance per day (the tip of a knife or a teaspoon), for everyone else - the daily dose should not exceed half a spoon (especially active it can only be given to babies in the morning, as the evening intake can prevent the baby from falling asleep).

You can order pollen with honey by phone:

Everyone should decide for himself whether to buy pollen or bee pollen, but according to legend, bees became inhabitants of the earth in order to maintain human health, which means that everything they touch takes a little of their healing power. You can try both products, and then choose the most worthy. There is always a choice!

Svetlana: “The whole family took pollen grains last fall to avoid infectious diseases. No one got sick, now I found out that bee pollen is even more useful than its counterpart, I will try.

Bee pollen today is included in the list of the most useful bee products, and is also an integral part of apitherapy. But, before you start taking this product, you should learn a few very important points, because from improper use you can not only not achieve benefits, but, on the contrary, harm the body.

As we remember, bee pollen is still the same flower, only processed by the salivary glands of insects. In the people it is called obnozhki. The advantage of this type of product is that, in addition to all plant components, the bees “invest” their strength in it to feed their own offspring. Moreover, bee pollen is less allergen for humans. But even though it has a number of advantages over ordinary flower pollen, it is also important to take it correctly.

Methods of reception

Today, a bee useful product can be found in two forms, depending on which the method of administration also depends. The first is the pollen collected and prepared by the bees, which is dried and packed. It is taken in pure dry form or dissolved in water.

Another way is pollen drenched in honey (usually May or acacia). In this case, according to domestic and foreign apitherapists, the flower product retains twice as many healing substances. The fact is that over time, the obnozhka loses its properties. Six months after collecting up to 25% of useful components, a year later - up to 70%. With the help of honey, pollen is preserved, as it were, remaining a valuable and healing product for a long time.

Pure or dissolved?

Many who are going to take pollen ask in what form it is better to use it. Let's say right away that the obnozhka is best used in its pure form by resorption. Under the action of saliva, all the most useful components are released from small yellow peas and quickly absorbed into the body through the mucous membrane. Thus, getting inside in an already dissolved form, useful substances react faster. Another way - in the form dissolved in water is also acceptable, but is considered less useful. It is usually allowed only when, for various reasons, a person cannot eat bee pollen in its pure form.


This method of administration is also less common and is considered a kind of sophistication only for those who cannot tolerate the bitter and specific taste of pollen. To prepare various mixtures, the pollen is first ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state, and then honey and butter are added. The result is an excellent tonic with good absorption. You can also use jam or raspberry jam instead of butter.


All apitherapists tend to agree that an adult should consume no more than 32 grams of bee pollen per day. This is just the amount when our body can cope well with all the components and assimilate valuable amino acids. For an adult, as a preventive measure per day, the daily norm of the pollen will be 12-15 grams, which is about a dessert spoon with a slide. For medicinal purposes, the daily dosage can be up to 20-25 grams, rarely up to 30. This is easily explained by the fact that in addition to pollen, we also get various amino acids from other foods.

What time of day should I take the product?

It is best to take this bee product in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. At this time of day, you can immediately use the entire daily dose of the drug or divide it into two parts. The second can be applied at about twelve o'clock or before dinner for 30-40 minutes. Obnozhki should be carefully dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved. In this case, you can not drink water after taking the drug. Any liquid can be drunk only after 20-30 minutes. Also, do not take pollen after six in the evening at night, as this product is very exciting on the nervous system and can cause insomnia.

What time is it?

As a prophylactic, bee pollen should not be taken for more than a month. It is best to do three small courses of 2-3 weeks per year. The first course - in December to support immunity, the second - in January, as the prevention of influenza and SARS, and the third - in April to maintain vitamin balance in the body. The course of treatment for various diseases is specified with an apitherapist and usually lasts an average of 20 days.

For immunity

Bee pollen is considered one of the main products that help replenish the body with vitamins and increase immunity. It contains all the most necessary components that the body needs for normal operation. So, the first thing to do is start drinking half a teaspoon of bee pollen three times a day (20 grams in total). Do this course for one month. It is also very useful to prepare the following healing mixtures.

herbal decoction recipe

Its preparation instructions are very simple. We will need: pollen - pollen, chamomile flowers, flower honey.


  • Prepare an infusion of medicinal chamomile flowers (two tablespoons per glass of water);
  • Pour a teaspoon of pollen and three tablespoons of honey into a warm broth.

Drink this remedy twice a day, one glass. Complete the course for a week.

honey mixture

It is very useful during the flu and cold season to apply the following mixture. Mix two glasses of honey of any kind with a glass of pollen, mix and use one tablespoon three times a day for a course of three weeks. Already after the first week you will feel a surge of strength, vitality and good health. The instructions for this drug are offered by many apitherapeutic reference books.


Therapeutic daily dose of bee pollen for children is calculated depending on age. So, for example, children from three to five years old can consume no more than 4 grams per day, from six to twelve - 8 grams, from twelve and older - 12 grams. Recall that one teaspoon of pollen contains five grams, in the dining room - 15 grams. Before giving it to children, an allergy test should be carried out. Slightly dissolve a handful of pollen with saliva and attach to the back of the hand. If there is no redness and itching, you can safely take it.

  • Buy a natural product collected by bees only from trusted sellers;
  • If you buy pollen in capsules, then open the gelatin shell and drink in its pure form;
  • Suck on the skirts like a lollipop;
  • To improve the taste, only honey can be added;
  • After taking the pollen, do not eat or drink for half an hour;
  • Do not use at night.

If you follow all these simple but important rules and follow the recommended dosage, a unique beekeeping product will bring many benefits.


Pollen has always had a reputation as a mysterious powder with truly magical properties. Remember the fairy tales, the Tinker Bell fairy, who, with the help of her sparkling pollen, helped Peter Pan fly! Or Thumbelina, abandoned by the Maybug and living all summer on a nutritious diet of dew and pollen ... Bee pollen, the beneficial properties and use of which are at the height of fashion today, you fly - alas! - will not help. But it will support the immune system, give strength and provide an excellent mood in conditions of chronic stress. And she's so yummy too!

Bee bread or bee bread?

On health websites and women's forums, it is called bee pollen, manufacturers put it on sale under the name "flower pollen", and for hardworking bees, this is real bread. Without extra calories and, but very vitamin and nutritious. And the official name of the healing bee powder is obnozhka.

Such a playful name is the purest truth. Bees collect and bring home pollen according to a well-established pattern. When the insect flounders heartily in the next flower, all the pollen remains on the shaggy skin. Workers moisten it with saliva (at the same time they check the quality), roll it into balls and attach it to the hind legs. And in the native hive, the matter remains small - they rubbed the leg against the leg, the crop was harvested.

In bees, pollen is a high-quality universal food product. For small larvae, it replaces infant formula - they grow on pollen in 2-3 days. For young bees, flower food helps to produce royal jelly for the uterus. And the drones feast on pollen grains for very specific purposes - to support their bee-male function.

Benefits for adults and children

A modern city dweller is very sensitive to various vitamins, dietary supplements and medicinal products of nature. How else to be in a fast-moving metropolis? There are only continuous stresses around - traffic jams in the morning and evening, deadlines at work, terrible news during breaks, and at night from all this - insomnia. Even going out for a breath of air at lunchtime is scary, the streets are full of exhaust fumes and factory smog. So without natural support for our immunity and mood, there is simply nowhere ...

And what could be more natural and tastier than a bee assortment? Honey, toffee honeycombs, and bee pollen - the beneficial properties and contraindications of all these delicacies have been known for a long time, but their healing power only grows stronger over the years. And although honey and propolis are not inferior to bee powder in terms of usefulness, pollen has one major advantage - it is absolutely hypoallergenic.

Even if every blooming May turns into torture for you, and a lilac branch or a bouquet of wild flowers - into a personal enemy, you can eat the pollen without problems. All flower allergens under the action of bee enzymes (that same saliva!) are destroyed almost completely. This is confirmed by reviews - even with obvious hay fever, pollen does not cause any frightening symptoms.

But let's be more specific. The uniqueness of the product is indisputable, now get acquainted - bee pollen, useful properties:

  • Aligns the daily routine - in the morning you wake up cheerful, fresh, ready for work and defense, and in the evening you easily fall asleep without any nightmares.
  • Normalizes immunity and helps to resist seasonal viruses.
  • Enhances visual acuity, increases eye hydration (note to office workers!).
  • Strengthens the heart and vascular walls, returns the heart rhythm to normal.
  • In children, it improves brain activity, helps the natural processes of growth and development.

The bee secret of male and female health

Do you think that the main bee superheroes, the drones, are just enjoying the bee? Is the legendary royal jelly made from flower powder? Furry insects understand better than anyone what bee pollen is, its properties and uses, for whom it is most useful.

As part of the obnozhka - the richest complex of all possible useful components. Amino acids, unsaturated fatty acids, plant hormones, vitamins (group B, PP, C) and trace elements. In the first places - calcium, sulfur, potassium and phosphorus, even zinc. Zinc is one of the main building blocks of men's health. Regular "bee" courses increase male strength, protect against infertility and prostate adenoma.

Zinc helps to maintain not only internal health, but also external beauty. No wonder ladies love bee pollen so much - it maintains skin health and restores elasticity and shine to hair (and this is already zinc in the company with sulfur). And the calcium in bee bread strengthens bones and nerves, helping to cope with women's daily stress.

Plant hormones in bee pollen are a real gift from flowers and meadow herbs. In nature, these substances are responsible for the growth, flowering and life cycle of plants. In our lives, they help to even out the female cycle, smooth out the symptoms of PMS, ease menopause and prolong female youth.

The danger of bee pollen

What's the harm, you ask? After all, it is said that bee pollen is not just a medicinal, but also a hypoallergenic product. But not everything is so simple. Bee pollen, benefits and harms, how to take and dose the product - all these points are very individual.

When buying bee pollen for your family or advising pollen to fellow colleagues, be sure to consider the three main dangers of this vitamin miracle:

  • At the slightest sign of intolerance, immediately finish the "bee" experiments. Intolerance is not like a typical allergy - it can appear either immediately or after 2-3 courses of pollen in a row. Reviews on health websites say that it is very easy to overeat pollen. If you are already sick of the smell of medical balls, and after each dose comes nausea - that's enough. Switch to regular vitamins or seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Carefully measure the right dose and do not take pollen longer than the prescribed period. An overdose of vitamins and minerals does not bring anything good, and you definitely cannot avoid going to the doctor.
  • Never feed colorful bee balls to babies. Pollen is not a simple vitamin, it is a food supplement with a powerful healing effect. Such a vitamin explosion can significantly harm a fragile organism. For the same reason, you should not get involved in the pollen during pregnancy. In such a crucial period, it is better to limit yourself to natural vitamins - in products. And those prescribed by the doctor.

Where to find and how to choose?

Honey and all kinds of bee products have been firmly seated on the top lines of the health products rating for several years now.

Honey shops, specialized stores, Internet portals - bee pollen is found everywhere, photos show transparent jars with small uneven multi-colored granules. Do not confuse! Sometimes the manufacturer collects the granules in transparent capsules - it's more convenient to dose the puff.

The different colors of the balls are an indicator that the bees have worked hard and collected a bunch of different colors. You can even arrange a small guessing game with the children - which pollen belongs to which flower?

If the granules are yellow or orange - this is nutritious buckwheat, if white -. Pollen of greenish and golden tones was collected from sunflower, and red pollen from pear. The brightest, brown and chocolatey one is sweet clover!

Among all honey products, obnozhka is noticeably different and has a democratic price. Trusted manufacturers have only 300-400 rubles for bee pollen - the price is for 100 gr. It is better to choose pollen from large companies that have long established themselves in the market. Be sure to read reviews about the company, evaluate the entire range, compare prices. The best option is a product of special honey regions, the same Altai Territory.

How to use bee pollen?

What is bee pollen, how to take and how long does the treatment course last?

Chemists and physicians have long found out; in order for the pollen to bring the body as much benefit as possible, it does not need to be washed down with water. Therefore, the best way is to dissolve a teaspoon of bee granules half an hour before meals. Twice a day is enough - before breakfast and a late lunch (or afternoon snack). After 6 pm, pollen is not allowed - it is a powerful energy drink, and bee doping will simply not let you sleep peacefully.

Children often refuse to dissolve dubious granules, so here you can go for a trick - shake up the pollen in 1-2 tablespoons of water, swallow and drink some water. But the most important thing is to strictly observe the dosage and course - 2-3 weeks.

  • For children from 3 to 5 years - half a teaspoon per day. Before 3 years, it is better not to arrange bee therapy for a child.
  • From 5 to 12 years old, a teaspoon of pollen per day is enough for a child.
  • After 13 years, the maximum dose is 2 teaspoons per day. Adult men are allowed 2.5 tablespoons of pollen.

But if the miraculous bee pollen has settled in your house, its use will not be limited to some therapeutic techniques “inside”. Be sure to make a nourishing mask with a puff - in winter, such a flower spa treatment will saturate frozen skin with vitamins, soften and remove dryness.

Face mask with bee pollen

We take half a teaspoon of pollen, add fresh yolk, a tablespoon of liquid honey (can be melted in the microwave) and 2 tablespoons of flour. Leave for 10-20 minutes, and then carefully wash off the sticky mixture with warm water.

Bee pollen: how to take and from what? - each supporter of a healthy diet decides this issue for himself. And herbalists add: if possible, it is better to drink three courses of pollen a year. In January, to protect yourself from the flu and seasonal colds, in April, to eliminate spring beriberi, and in October, to prepare immunity for the harsh Russian winter.

Bee pollen is a unique and beekeeping product that is widely used in the treatment of various diseases, with virtually no contraindications.

It can be chocolate, red, brown, orange or golden.

However, regardless of the color, this product is always very useful for the human body.

Bee pollen: composition, how to use

Pollen has a floral-honey aroma and sweet taste, and also has a truly unique composition: over 150 mineral and bioactive elements, hormones and enzymes are contained in it, and each of them is very useful for the human body, regardless of age and gender.

The protein found in pollen, in terms of its bio- and energy value, is far ahead of milk protein, which is considered to be the most nutritious.

The amount of all kinds of fats, fat-like substances and fatty acids is amazing: phospholipids, phytosterols, lauric, stearic, oleic, linolenic acids. Each of these fats is part of prostaglandins, which help regulate hormone activity and help remove excess cholesterol from the body.

Pollen also contains many phenolic compounds - phenolic acids and flavonoids. These compounds have a number of different properties, of which the following should be highlighted:

    strengthening of capillaries;

    elimination of the inflammatory process;

    removal of cholesterol from the body;

    normalization of redox processes;

    stimulation of bile production;

    prevention and delay in the development of tumors.

Bee pollen: what are the benefits for the body?

Bee pollen is very useful during the treatment of an emaciated organism, anemia, as well as during the rehabilitation period after serious illnesses. Also, this remedy can increase immunity, increase blood hemoglobin, so it is very often used during an influenza epidemic or simply to strengthen a weakened body.

This product is also able to improve mood, save a person from depression and despondency.

For people who are very sensitive to weather changes, pollen is simply an indispensable tool, because it helps to improve their general condition and help them endure adverse weather conditions.

Pollen is very useful for combating the manifestations of senile sclerosis, as it is able to normalize blood lipids responsible for the occurrence of sclerotic plaques.

Hypertension patients also worth paying attention to this amazing product, as it is able to quickly and gently reduce pressure in comparison with similar synthetic drugs.

For women who want to keep their figure in good shape, pollen will be just a necessary product. It's no secret that lack of food leads not only to the loss of adipose tissue, but also muscle mass. If you eat pollen during the diet, you can prevent the breakdown of proteins. Pollen perfectly helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, as it can not only increase blood pressure, but also remove headaches and dizziness.

It is also very useful for:


  • heart disease;


    myocardial dystrophy.

Also, this tool can improve the work of some phytotherapeutic drugs. If you take them in combination in the postoperative period, you can speed up the process of tissue repair, this is especially effective during operations on the liver. The greatest effect in complex treatment can be achieved in the treatment of chronic respiratory diseases.

People suffering from allergies do not need to be afraid to consume pollen, because it is absolutely harmless to them. The fact is that bee pollen, unlike flower pollen, is processed by the secretion of bee glands, while destroying allergen compounds.

Such pollen can be stored for a long time, but not more than two years, because after this period it begins to gradually lose its beneficial properties.

Benefits of bee pollen for athletes

Bee pollen is a herbal remedy that has the ability to influence muscle growth, that is, to work as a natural anabolic. This product is very popular among athletes who seek to increase their own muscle mass.

What is the benefit of pollen for athletes?

This natural product is able to improve energy flow, increase fatigue threshold, overall performance and endurance. These properties are simply necessary for people who are fond of weightlifting and martial arts. Also, bee pollen can rejuvenate the skin, normalize bowel function, activate the immune system and increase intelligence.

This product contains a high concentration of the most useful amino acids, which at the same time are not addictive. The effect of its use lasts for quite a long time. The recommended dose for people involved in sports is 0.3 g per 1 kg of body weight, taking into account a balanced diet.

How to use?

Pollen should be taken half an hour before meals so it is better absorbed. In this case, it is better to hold the product under the tongue for some time until it is completely absorbed, and not immediately swallow it, since digestive juices can seriously weaken the beneficial effects of pollen.

The product can be taken both as an independent unit and in combination under the guise of various therapeutic mixtures, for example, with honey. A mixture of honey and pollen can improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lungs, the entire muscular system, increase the flow of oxygen and normalize the main blood parameters, namely hemoglobin and red blood cells.

This mixture is prepared as follows: 50 g of bee pollen are mixed with 250 g of honey and left for 5 days. After this period, you need to start taking 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

At the same time, one should not forget that pollen, like any bioactive agent, in addition to being beneficial, can also harm the body. Excessive abuse can upset the balance of vitamins in the body, which can lead to undesirable consequences, so be sure to take a long break between treatments.

Effects of bee pollen on men and women

The most useful pollen is for women who monitor their appearance, figure and skin condition. Pollen can also help prepare the female body for an upcoming pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. At the same time, it must be remembered that the use of pollen in conjunction with fasting, as the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body can be disturbed, which is especially dangerous for a weakened body.

For men, bee pollen can help fight "male" diseases, namely adenoma, infertility and sexual inferiority. It is well known that pollen, as a product of beekeeping, can have a good effect on male sexual functions, thereby increasing potency.

Bee pollen for children: good or bad

This bee product contains a huge number of different substances that are very useful for the child. Pollen, like other bee products, helps the child's fragile body and stimulates his work, having a positive effect on his immune system, brain activity, sleep and general physical condition.

Bee pollen: what are the health risks?

Despite the huge number of useful properties, bee benefits can also be harmful, so before starting treatment, make a preliminary visit to a specialist.

This product can cause the most serious harm due to individual intolerance. Since bee pollen is of plant and animal origin, accordingly, it contains a protein alien to the human body. As a result, a person who is hypersensitive to a foreign protein may develop a rash and itching on the skin after taking the product.

Also pollen consumption can be harmful for babies, so it prohibited for breastfeeding mothers. As mentioned above, the abuse of this product can lead to vitamin and mineral imbalances in the body. Therefore, from time to time you need to take breaks in treatment.

It is also worth limiting the consumption of bee pollen to people diagnosed with diabetes or obesity, as the product contains a large amount of fructose and glucose.

Summing up, it is worth saying that bee pollen, with rare exceptions, is a very useful product, as it contains a huge amount of various vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for the human body.

For women, the product will help maintain their former youth and beauty, for men - to fight various male diseases and increase potency. Bee pollen will be useful for children as a general developmental product that can strengthen their immunity and increase brain activity.

At the same time, one should not forget that the product is useful only in moderation; if it is abused, problems with the vitamin-mineral balance in the body may occur. Also, bee pollen is prohibited for people with diabetes or individual intolerance.