Who are bachelor, specialist and master? Bachelor, Master and Specialist = higher education

? More recently, this question did not concern applicants entering universities in our country. But the time has come, and the options for higher education have diversified: now there are specialist, master’s, and bachelor’s degrees. To make an informed choice, you need to know how one option differs from another and how they are beneficial for the future life of yesterday’s schoolchild.

Bachelor's and Master's degrees - “foreigners”

Until 1996, domestic universities only trained specialists. With rare exceptions, the duration of the educational program in which students studied was 5 years. Thus, there was only one level of higher education - a specialty.

The foundations for the emergence of different formats of the “tower” were laid in 1996, when Russia adopted the law “On higher and postgraduate professional education.” It was then that the reform of the educational system began in order to bring it to pan-European principles.

A degree appeared bachelor's, appropriate programs were developed and admission of applicants began. Despite the fact that a bachelor's degree allows a period of study from 4 to 6 years, the vast majority of Russian programs were focused on a four-year period of study.

Reducing the duration of study looked both tempting and dubious, so those entering universities had a natural mistrust and question: Is a bachelor's degree a higher education or not?? Although bachelor's degree programs were taught in higher education institutions, many students still considered this level of study to be something akin to secondary vocational education. Naturally, the prestige of bachelor's degrees was incomparable with specialist diploma.

In 2003, the Russian Federation signed the Bologna Declaration of June 19, 1999, and domestic universities also opened master's programs. This step brought the domestic education system even closer to the European one, but the choice for students became more complicated.

European education system. What is the difference between a master's degree and a bachelor's degree?

In the European education system, such levels as bachelor's and master's degrees have existed for a long time - and both of these educations are higher. But What is the difference between a master's degree and a bachelor's degree?? The difference is, first of all, in the training programs: more complex programs are being developed for master’s degrees, and accordingly, the duration of study is lengthened.

If between qualifications difference between master and bachelor consists of training programs, what additional knowledge can a master expect? Basically, this is more in-depth knowledge in the area of ​​specialization chosen by the student. Under the master's program, the student will acquire knowledge that will allow him to further continue theoretical scientific work in the chosen direction, and not just work in his specialty. During a shorter period of study, a bachelor receives only that level of knowledge that will be useful to him in professional (and not scientific) activities.

Thus, the European education program has a clear division of training: for those who will practice the acquired knowledge in the workplace ( bachelors), and those who, after graduation, will continue scientific activities ( masters).

Such a consistent system, adopted by domestic practice, has formed the opinion that the bachelor’s qualification is less prestigious.

This is partly true, since, based on the provisions of Article 10 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, we can conclude that a bachelor’s degree is a higher education of the first level out of 3 existing ones.

But in fact, the difference between a specialist, a bachelor’s and a master’s degree lies not in the quality of education, but in the purpose of obtaining it - a bachelor’s degree is aimed at studying basic disciplines exactly to the extent that is necessary for work in the specialty.

That is, the current education system allows the applicant to choose the format and duration of study that will be more convenient for him. But why then does the specialty still exist and what is its difference?

How does a specialty differ from a bachelor's and master's degree?

Firstly, the deadline. A specialty is a traditional form of domestic education lasting from 5 to 6 years. Bachelor's degree is a form of education borrowed from the European system, in which the training course lasts, as a rule, 4 years. Master's training lasts an average of 6 years. All of these are types of higher education, although there are certain nuances.

Secondly, these are programs in which future masters, bachelors and specialists are trained. And most importantly, What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree? in this regard, it is an orientation towards the practical side of learning.

In the near future, due to the expected changes to the Bologna Declaration, specialties will cease to exist, and the dilemma “ specialist or bachelor" will cease to be relevant. However, at the moment the specialty exists. Few universities retain it as one of the levels of education in some areas, and graduate specialists still retain the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

And the opportunity to enroll in graduate school is what distinguishes a specialist from a bachelor. In order to continue studying and scientific activity, a bachelor's degree is not enough for a student - he needs to complete a master's degree or a specialty with in-depth courses. Otherwise, a bachelor’s graduate will not be able to enroll in graduate school.

Therefore, a specialty, if we do not delve into the details of reforming the domestic education system, can be considered simply a legacy of the past, a transitional form that should disappear after the final transition to a Europeanized two-level system.

Specialist, Bachelor or Master - which diploma is better?

The future student must answer this question for himself. The prestige of “testimonials” about higher education in Russia is gradually giving way to the understanding that education, first of all, should have practical benefits (and practicality is the main thing, What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree?).

Thus, the answer to the question " Is a bachelor's degree a higher education or not?? will be definitely positive. Confirmation - the federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which lists 3 levels of higher education:

  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty and master's degree.

Their graduates receive, respectively, degrees specialist, bachelor and master, difference between which lies in the degree of specialization, and not in prestige or level of education.

In Europe, as in some other countries of the world, there is a two-level system of higher education, and domestic universities graduate bachelors and masters into adulthood and professional life. Previously, students could receive not only a bachelor's degree, but also a specialist's degree. But what is the difference between a bachelor and a specialist, and why do modern students become masters? What are the pros and cons of each degree?

Origin of the concepts “bachelor” and “specialist”

The bachelor's degree began to be awarded in the Middle Ages in some European countries. At that time, university graduates who had reached a certain level or degree became bachelors. The word “bachelor” itself (bacca lauri) most likely appeared as a result of the presentation of a laurel fruit at an official ceremony to graduating students. In our country, after a bachelor's degree, students entered specialists, but quite recently the countries of the post-Soviet space abandoned this intermediate degree. Therefore, domestic universities will no longer graduate certified specialists, and students can receive a master’s degree after a bachelor’s degree. Therefore, the main difference between a bachelor and a specialist lies precisely in the very specifics of training, the first is an academic degree, and the second is a qualification.

Differences in training bachelors and specialists

In order to obtain a bachelor's degree, you must study for at least 4 years. A student can become a specialist only after 5-6 years of study, depending on the specifics of the specialty being acquired. During the training process, bachelors study broad-profile subjects, and specialists in their final years study narrow-profile disciplines. Therefore, specialists receive a diploma in their specialty, while bachelors are content with a diploma of general higher education. It is noteworthy that both of them can enroll in a master's program. But at the same time, a bachelor, enrolling in a master’s program, can pass a competition and study on a budgetary basis. But a specialist will be able to study only on a paid basis, since this education is automatically considered a second higher education.

Advantages and disadvantages

But what are the downsides to getting a bachelor's degree? Specialists, just like bachelors, receive higher education and their diplomas allow them to find a job in their profession. At the same time, students who have received a bachelor's degree can think about another specialization and enroll in a master's program in another similar specialty. Specialists can theoretically go through the same procedure, but this training will cost them a lot of money.

The bachelor's degree is unified, and our students can use it to enter any educational institution abroad by passing certain exams. But in our country, most employers have a negative attitude towards a bachelor’s degree. And this is a significant disadvantage, because when applying for a job, many graduates may receive a justified refusal. Yes, there is a diploma, but many tend to perceive such higher education as incomplete. In European countries, many more doors will open for our students, since foreign employers are not against accepting promising bachelors into their companies and training them “to suit themselves.”

Therefore, before deciding where to go or work after receiving your diploma, you should think about future prospects, plans, and pitfalls. Some people dream of working abroad, while for others it will be enough to get a good job in their own city. But it is worth remembering that in the vastness of our country it is better not to rely on “good” employers and forget about miracles. It’s better to immediately enroll for a master’s degree and already receive a completed education that no one can find fault with.

Today anyone who wants and knows how to learn can get a higher education. However, not all graduates understand all the intricacies of the educational process and often do not understand the nuances of the terms used. That is why we will now explain how a bachelor’s degree differs from a master’s degree.

About education levels

There are six main levels of education, among which there is also higher professional education, which will be discussed now. It, in turn, is divided into three stages:

  • 1st degree, or qualification “bachelor”.
  • 2nd degree, or “specialist” qualification.
  • 3rd degree, or Master's qualification.

Who are bachelors?

Before you begin to understand how a bachelor's degree differs from a master's degree, you need to understand what these terms mean. So, a bachelor's degree is a basic, that is, the main level of higher completed education. The duration of study may vary depending on the form of study (full-time, part-time), but is always at least four years. The training program in this case should cover not only specific disciplines (according to the specialty being acquired), but also general education ones, covering all existing areas of knowledge. That is, as a small conclusion, I would like to note that the bachelor receives fundamental training, in which there is practically no narrow profile.

It should also be noted that the bachelor’s diploma obtained as a result of training gives a person the opportunity to practice professionally. But at the same time, there is also the opportunity to continue learning further.

Who are masters

When considering bachelor's and master's degrees, the difference in terms is what needs to be talked about. But first you need to understand who the masters are. Thus, a master's degree is a level of higher education. But the second or third - this can be debated for a long time. In our country, the “specialist” degree still exists. And it is simply unreasonable to write off all specialists. But a master's degree is still a step above a specialist. It should also be noted here that in European practice there is no “specialist” degree. After the bachelor's degree, a student who wishes to continue his studies immediately enters the master's program. Our training is more extensive.

A master's degree can be obtained after two and a half or three years of study (of course, not counting the bachelor's degree). The peculiarity of the master's program is that the groups here are much smaller, the information is narrowly specialized, and the program is aimed not at general education disciplines, but at specific ones, special for a particular specialty. Also, the program should include practical training and writing scientific papers, most often articles.

Main similarities

So, bachelor's and master's degrees. There is a difference here, of course. But there are also many similarities.

  • Both bachelor's and master's degrees can be obtained through full-time or part-time study.
  • Both degrees provide the opportunity to work according to the qualifications obtained.
  • Upon completion, you need to write a final paper. However, in the master's program it will be much more difficult.
  • Any of these degrees can be obtained from a higher education institution.


It's time to figure out how a bachelor's degree differs from a master's degree. It should be noted that there are very, very many differences here.

  1. First of all, at a bachelor’s degree, a student studies general education disciplines from a variety of fields of knowledge. In the master's program, the training is narrowly specialized.
  2. Quite often, out of ignorance, applicants ask the question: “What is higher: a bachelor’s or a master’s?” Masters, of course. The duration of their studies is six years or more. Bachelors study for four years or more.
  3. Having received a bachelor's degree, a student has the right to enroll in a master's program. Otherwise, a person will not become a master.
  4. Bachelors can engage in professional activities. Masters also have the right to teach.
  5. A bachelor does not have the right to enter graduate school. Admission is open to masters. But, of course, after the successful completion of the competition.
  6. Upon completion of training, a bachelor writes a final thesis, and a master writes a master's thesis. This is something akin to initial scientific work.
  7. The training time also varies. You can get a bachelor's degree in at least four years, a master's degree in six or more.

"Folk" features

When understanding how a bachelor’s degree differs from a master’s degree, you also need to consider unofficial aspects. That is, how people treat them to one degree or another or when applying for a job. So, for some reason in our country bachelors are considered undereducated. That is, this degree is popularly called incomplete higher education. But here it should be noted that in Europe bachelors work in all structures. Masters are already considered research assistants there.

About the pros and cons of a bachelor's degree

Why is a bachelor's degree so good? The student receives a diverse education, taking into account specific disciplines. The training period is four years, so you can start your working career a couple of years earlier. Having a bachelor's degree, you can enroll in a master's program at any foreign university and continue your studies there. But still, there is one big disadvantage: in our country, bachelors are reluctantly hired, giving preference to specialists or masters. Employers often believe that it is impossible to obtain a sufficient quality education in 4 years.

About the pros and cons of a master's degree

Having understood what is higher - a bachelor's or a master's, you need to consider all the pros and cons of this degree of study. And first of all, we will talk about the time spent on mastering the disciplines. Masters study for an average of six years. During this time, you can receive a high-quality education, mastering specific disciplines especially well. Also, masters often enroll in graduate school, wanting to engage in scientific activities. In addition, masters have the right to teach, which also attracts many students. But it should be noted that our master’s and the European master’s are slightly different. The preparation there is more in-depth, especially when it comes to scientific activities. So it can be very, very difficult to transfer a domestic diploma to a European diploma. With a bachelor's degree, things are much simpler.

Bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees are levels of professional higher education that differ in content and duration of study. To master bachelor's or specialist's programs, you must have a secondary general education, for master's programs - higher education. Unlike bachelor's and specialist's programs, master's programs can be taught not only by universities, but also by scientific organizations.

Bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees as levels of professional higher education

Currently, in the Russian Federation, in particular, the following levels of professional higher education have been established (clauses 2, 3, part 5, article 10 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ):

  • bachelor's degree;
  • specialty, master's degree.

Moreover, each of the bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs belongs to an independent type of the main professional educational program of higher education. Admission to training is carried out separately for each of these programs (clause “b”, clause 2, part 3, article 12, part 5, article 69 of Law No. 273-FZ).

Persons with appropriate education are allowed to master these programs. Thus, for bachelor’s or specialist’s programs it is necessary to have a secondary general education, for master’s programs - higher education of any level (Parts 2, 3 of Article 69 of Law No. 273-FZ).

About the features of specialty, bachelor's and master's degrees

A specialty is an education system familiar to the Russian Federation. Specialists are trained for professional activities in a particular industry. The period for obtaining the first higher education is, as a rule, five years. However, many universities have switched to the Bologna (two-level) education system, which involves the preparation and graduation of bachelors and masters (Section IX of the Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016 - 2020, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 N 2765-r ).

A person who intends to obtain his first higher education at a university that has switched to the Bologna education system enters a bachelor's degree program. Subject to successful completion of the final certification, he is awarded the qualification “bachelor” and issued a diploma indicating that he has a higher education (clause 2, part 5, article 10 of Law No. 273-FZ).

Bachelors can continue their studies and obtain a master's degree. It is not necessary to enroll in a master's program at the same university. Admission to master's programs is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations. Conventionally, a bachelor's degree can be characterized as a basic higher education, and a master's degree as a further specialization (Parts 3, 5, 6 of Article 69 of Law No. 273-FZ).

Unlike bachelor's and specialist's programs, not only universities, but also scientific organizations can carry out training in master's programs (clause 4 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated April 5, 2017 N 301).

A significant difference between a bachelor, specialist and master is the duration of study, which is established by federal state educational standards. As a rule, to obtain a specialist’s diploma, students study for five years, a bachelor’s diploma for four years, and a master’s diploma for two years (part 4 of article 11 of Law No. 273-FZ; clause 3.3 of the Standard, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 12, 2016 N 1173; clause 3.3 of the Standard, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 7, 2014 N. clause 3.3 of the Standard, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 17, 2015 N 827).

Related questions

What is incomplete and incomplete higher education? >>>

What is the difference between bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees?

Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (clauses 2, 3, part 5, article 10) determines that higher education in Russia is divided into the following levels: bachelor’s and specialist’s degrees, as well as master’s degrees.

In this article we will tell you What is the difference between bachelor, specialist and master? Law No. 273-FZ (clause “b”, clause 2, part 3, article 12, part 5, article 69) says that training in the programs of each of these levels is conducted separately for each program. In other words, each program – master’s, specialist’s and bachelor’s – is a separate type of professional education program.

Who can get education in bachelor's, master's and specialist's programs

According to Law No. 273-FZ (Parts 2 and 3 of Article 69), to obtain education in a bachelor’s and specialist’s degree program, you must have a general secondary education. Admission to master's programs is open to persons with higher education at any level.

Specialist educational program

The specialty was the name given to the standard program of higher education, which was formed during the Soviet era and has all the features characteristic of higher education of that time. Thus, the training period for specialists is five years and specialists are trained for professional activities in each individual sector of the economy.

If a university has switched to the Bologna system, then only those graduates who entered training before the transition will receive a specialist diploma. After this point, the university will graduate only bachelors and masters.

Educational program for bachelor's and master's degrees

The first stage of higher education in the Bologna system is called a bachelor's degree. A student enrolled in this program will receive a bachelor’s qualification upon graduation from the university, which will be indicated in his diploma.

The duration of study for the primary higher education program (bachelor's degree) is four years. A bachelor's diploma confirms the higher education of its owner (see Law No. 273-FZ, clause 2, part 5, article 10). This degree is a basic higher education. To obtain a specialization, the following higher education degree is required - a master's degree.

It should be clarified that persons with a bachelor's degree can continue their studies at a master's degree at any university, including another. When entering a master's program, a student undergoes a competitive selection process.

The Bologna education system is very different from the system adopted in the Russian Federation in the 80s. For this reason, a specialty in its program level is not equal to a bachelor’s degree, and also not equal to a bachelor’s degree and subsequent master’s degree. The difference between these degrees is visible even in the duration of study: if a specialty degree is completed in five years, then a bachelor’s degree takes four, and a master’s degree takes two, which must be counted after four years of bachelor’s degree (Law No. 273-FZ, Part 4, Article 11).

Since to obtain a bachelor's degree you only need to study for four years, many employers who once studied for five years believe that bachelors are under-educated specialists. However, a bachelor's degree provides all the grounds for occupying positions as technical specialists, as well as for continuing education to the next level - a master's degree.

Is a bachelor's degree a higher education or not (how is it different from a specialist)?

Is a bachelor's degree a higher education or not? ? More recently, this question did not concern applicants entering universities in our country. But the time has come, and the options for higher education have diversified: now there are specialist, master’s, and bachelor’s degrees. To make an informed choice, you need to know how one option differs from another and how they are beneficial for the future life of yesterday’s schoolchild.

Bachelor's and Master's degrees - “foreigners”

Until 1996, domestic universities only trained specialists. With rare exceptions, the duration of the educational program in which students studied was 5 years. Thus, there was only one level of higher education - a specialty.

The foundations for the emergence of different formats of the “tower” were laid in 1996, when Russia adopted the law “On higher and postgraduate professional education.” It was then that the reform of the educational system began in order to bring it to pan-European principles.

A degree appeared bachelor's, appropriate programs were developed and admission of applicants began. Despite the fact that a bachelor's degree allows a period of study from 4 to 6 years, the vast majority of Russian programs were focused on a four-year period of study.

Reducing the duration of study looked both tempting and dubious, so those entering universities had a natural mistrust and question: Is a bachelor's degree a higher education or not?? Although bachelor's degree programs were taught in higher education institutions, many students still considered this level of study to be something akin to secondary vocational education. Naturally, the prestige of bachelor's degrees was incomparable with specialist diploma.

In 2003, the Russian Federation signed the Bologna Declaration of June 19, 1999, and domestic universities also opened master's programs. This step brought the domestic education system even closer to the European one, but the choice for students became more complicated.

European education system. What is the difference between a master's degree and a bachelor's degree?

In the European education system, levels such as bachelor's and master's degrees have existed for a long time - and both of these educations are higher. But What is the difference between a master's degree and a bachelor's degree?? The difference is, first of all, in the training programs: more complex programs are being developed for master's programs - accordingly, the duration of study is lengthened.

If between qualifications difference between master and bachelor consists of training programs, what additional knowledge can a master expect? Basically, this is more in-depth knowledge in the area of ​​specialization chosen by the student. Under the master's program, the student will acquire knowledge that will allow him to further continue theoretical scientific work in the chosen direction, and not just work in his specialty. During a shorter period of study, a bachelor receives only that level of knowledge that will be useful to him in professional (and not scientific) activities.

Thus, the European education program has a clear division of training: for those who will practice the acquired knowledge in the workplace ( bachelors), and those who, after graduation, will continue scientific activities ( masters).

Such a consistent system, adopted by domestic practice, has formed the opinion that the bachelor’s qualification is less prestigious.

This is partly true, since, based on the provisions of Article 10 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, we can conclude that a bachelor’s degree is a higher education of the first level out of 3 existing ones.

But in fact, the difference between a specialist, a bachelor’s and a master’s degree lies not in the quality of education, but in the purpose of obtaining it - a bachelor’s degree is aimed at studying basic disciplines exactly to the extent that is necessary for work in the specialty.

That is, the current education system allows the applicant to choose the format and duration of study that will be more convenient for him. But why then does the specialty still exist and what is its difference?

How does a specialty differ from a bachelor's and master's degree?

Firstly, the deadline. A specialty is a traditional form of domestic education lasting from 5 to 6 years. Bachelor's degree is a form of education borrowed from the European system, in which the training course lasts, as a rule, 4 years. Master's training lasts an average of 6 years. All of these are types of higher education, although there are certain nuances.

Secondly, these are programs in which future masters, bachelors and specialists are trained. And most importantly, What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree? in this regard, it is an orientation towards the practical side of learning.

In the near future, due to the expected changes to the Bologna Declaration, specialties will cease to exist, and the dilemma “ specialist or bachelor" will cease to be relevant. However, at the moment the specialty exists. Few universities retain it as one of the levels of education in some areas, and graduate specialists still retain the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school.

And the opportunity to enroll in graduate school is what distinguishes a specialist from a bachelor. In order to continue studying and scientific activity, a bachelor's degree is not enough for a student - he needs to complete a master's degree or a specialty with in-depth courses. Otherwise, a bachelor’s graduate will not be able to enroll in graduate school.

Therefore, a specialty, if we do not delve into the details of reforming the domestic education system, can be considered simply a legacy of the past, a transitional form that should disappear after the final transition to a Europeanized two-level system.

Specialist, Bachelor or Master - which diploma is better?

The future student must answer this question for himself. The prestige of “testimonials” about higher education in Russia is gradually giving way to the understanding that education, first of all, should have practical benefits (and practicality is the main thing, What is the difference between a bachelor's degree and a master's degree?