Buy a good dog to guard your home. Guard dog breeds: for a house or apartment, selection criteria

Dog breeds today delight us with their diversity, satisfying any of our needs: dogs for hunting, for searching, and even for communication. We previously published an article with a description. But not everyone wants or can have a giant dog. What breed of dog should I choose so that the animal is no larger than a country house and no smaller than a hamster? In this article: medium-sized dog breeds.

Which dog breeds are definitely not suitable for a summer cottage?

  • hunting dog breeds

They are good hunters, but not watchmen. At their dachas, where many people keep chickens or other small animals, they are also not averse to hunting. They are either friendly or indifferent towards people. So none of them are watchmen.

  • rescue dog breeds

Their size is impressive, but guarding skills are definitely not their strong point. They were created to help people, so they are genetically very good-natured and completely incapable of showing anger towards people.

  • fighting dog breeds

They are heroes in battles with other animals (they were bred for this purpose), but they behave almost familiarly with people.

  • boston terriers

These dogs are good guard dogs, but are completely unsuited to living on the street: they are afraid of drafts and often catch colds.

  • "hairless" dog breeds

Dogs with a small amount of fur simply cannot survive outside in the cold. He may have enough anger towards intruders, but in winter such dogs are taken from the house, and the territory of the dacha will be without a guard all winter.

Of course, if you try hard, you can train these dogs to be guard dogs, but you will need to go through a special course of professional training with them, and often there is no time for this. It is better to focus on those dog breeds that are naturally given to be good guards for the dacha.

What is important to consider when choosing a four-legged watchman

Those who are interested in medium-sized guard dog breeds express their desires very simply: so that the animal does not take up all their free time, so that it does not scare their grandchildren and sometimes bark at strangers. Dog handlers identify 4 qualities that medium-sized dog breeds must have to protect a dacha:

  1. the ability to live on the street (a dacha needs a watchman, not another warm sofa cushion) and feel good in the autumn-winter period
  2. watchman abilities (a watchman is not the same thing as a security guard; a watchman notifies the owner of the approach of a stranger, scares him away, but does not get into a fight)
  3. balance (a dog at the dacha should be not only a watchman, but also a member of the family; with family it should be calm and balanced)
  4. lack of hunting instinct in relation to other animals in the country (if this quality is not present, the dog will not be able to carry out guard duty in the country)
  5. trainability (this quality must be inherent in all guard dogs in order to understand the owner at a glance and be ready to carry out his command)

Another factor is small size. Because giant dogs will need hectares of land to have a place to burn off their energy. And in the country, as you know, every centimeter of land is important. Medium-sized dog breeds are versatile. They are compact in build and do not need much space, but at the same time, they are able to serve no worse than their large relatives.

Animals weighing 12.7-25 kg and height up to 40-57 cm are considered medium in size. Small breeds of dogs are convenient and economical to keep. They are often called “family” dogs, because they manage to be friends with all family members.

Medium-sized dog breeds with ideal watchdog qualities:

Giant Schnauzers

Skillful watchdogs: they know how to guard and love to watch, they sense strangers even from a distance. Unpretentious, active, brave. They are easy to train. They are lenient towards children. Very loyal to their owners.


This breed is a smooth-haired breed. But Rottweilers have a developed undercoat. In regions where there is no extreme cold, these dogs will be able to perform guard duty. Vigilant, attentive, distrustful of strangers, somewhat stubborn.


Small guard dogs. Fearless and active energizers. These “biting” ones are capable of attacking even an angry raccoon, which in its rage is more terrible than an unarmed person. They work like an alarm.

Thai Ridgebacks

These long-lived dogs were bred in Asia centuries ago. At first, dogs guarded trade caravans. Their guard qualities have been preserved to this day. Sociable, quick-witted, independent, smart.

Miniature Schnauzers

They have excellent security and watchdog qualities. They are distinguished by loyalty and affection to their owners. Friendly, curious, hyper-active, playful, freedom-loving, need training.

Collie (longhair)

This ancient Scottish dog breed has its own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In the beginning, the dogs were used as a herding breed. But later the dogs developed guard skills. Ideal as “family” dogs.

Kerry Blue Terriers

Irish hunting dogs. Despite its decorative appearance, it has strong guard instincts. Prevents rat infestation. Active, patient, loving, playful, loyal to children's cuddles.

Mallorcan Mastiffs

Very adequate sensitive dogs. They are able to assess the situation, distinguishing in a split second who is a friend and who is an enemy. Loyal, hardy, reliable bodyguards and watchmen. They get along well with everyone in the household.


Incredibly smart dogs. In past centuries, they ran ahead of carriages with English nobility, clearing the way. Later they began to be used to accompany firefighting vehicles. Very developed guard qualities.

American Bulldogs

Quite massive, strong, strong. Able to withstand even large dogs. They vigilantly, efficiently and zealously guard the possessions of their owners, have a hunting sense, patience, and dexterity.

Akita inu

This medium-sized dog breed is of Japanese origin. In their historical homeland, dogs are considered a symbol of prosperity and health. Beautiful, with the character of a Rottweiler, zealous guards of their territory.

Medium-sized guard dog breeds are the best option for ordinary summer cottages. They often work better than any security system. Herding ducklings? Please! Babysitting? Scare away a wild animal? Do a farm tour? Should you join us for a walk in the forest? Warn about danger? Medium-sized dog breeds - guarding your well-being!

Residents of the private sector primarily see a four-legged pet as a protector of the family and the owner’s property. We will tell you in our article which dog is best to get to guard a private home. A breed suitable for guarding a private home must meet the following specific criteria:

  • medium-large or large size;
  • wool suitable for a dog to live outdoors all year round (thick undercoat);
  • wary attitude towards strangers:
  • the pet should not trust strangers;
  • easy care and maintenance;
  • good learning and training abilities;
  • endurance and powerful strength;
  • indifference towards other animals.

Before getting a dog to guard a private home, you need to study special literature on this issue so as not to make a mistake with your choice. Not every breed is suitable for this important mission. Rescue dogs or hunting breeds are unlikely to be suitable for this mission.

Guard dogs for a private home

German Shepherd defending territory

In order not to be mistaken about which dog is best to bring into a private home, you need to carefully study the breeds and determine what exactly a four-legged friend is needed for. Most often it is purchased for protection.

Since the animal will spend a lot of time outside, it needs a powerful undercoat to protect it from winter cold, endurance, strength and high learning abilities.

General rules for choosing a dog for a private home:

  1. You should not have hunting dogs. Friendliness will not allow them to become reliable guards, and their hunting instinct will be a threat to other pets.
  2. Fighting breeds are bred specifically for fighting. It is dangerous to develop the aggression necessary for protection in them, so they are also not suitable.
  3. Rescue dogs such as the Labrador or Newfoundland, despite their intimidating size, are very friendly. You can have them if there are small children in the family. They will become loyal friends and protectors, but are unlikely to be ferocious guards over a vast territory.

It is important to determine the size and gender of the animal. Large dogs require more attention. They need regular physical activity and training to tame their temper and teach them to obey all the owner’s commands. The bitch is easier to train, she has a gentle character. The male dog is more stubborn and needs more rigorous training.

Below are dog breeds that were specifically created to serve as guard dogs.

The best breeds for guarding a private home


Alabai is an ancient breed, distinguished by its loyalty to its owner and is a reliable protector of the family and home. Her large athletic build allows her to stand up for her assigned area in any situation.

Alabais have a large head with a powerful lower jaw, small drooping triangular ears that need to be cropped, a short neck and a massive chest. Dogs' paws are strong and very strong. The thickened tail is usually trimmed. The height of an adult animal at the withers is about 70 cm, weight is from 50 to 65 kg.

Alabai requires strict proper upbringing so that he cannot feel superior to a person, otherwise his presence in the house will bring many problems.

The guard breed is aggressive towards other people's dogs and always warns uninvited guests about itself with a loud growl.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

According to many experts, this is one of the best guard breeds. Her main qualities are courage, determination and courage. Caucasian Shepherds are incredibly smart, so they can make their own decisions in difficult situations. At the moment of danger, they do not show aggression, but attack without warning.
These loyal, fearless dogs have an alert, independent nature. They strive to constantly control the territory, are suspicious of strangers and respond well to training, which must begin as early as possible.

These dogs need a free enclosure and regular exercise so they can burn off their energy. The weight of the Caucasian Shepherd is on average 45-50 kg, height at the withers is up to 70 cm.

Moscow watchdog

She knows no fear, so she never retreats before the enemy. A powerful, strong animal is a worthy option for protecting a private home and its surrounding area.

The character of Moscow guard dogs is softer than that of Alabais or Caucasian Shepherds. With proper upbringing, they become not only excellent guards, but also reliable friends of all family members.
Thick wool allows them to feel comfortable in the cold and protect their territory in cold climates. Moscow guard dogs need free space. On a short chain they are too aggressive and sullen.

The height of the animals reaches 69 cm, weight varies from 45 to 70 kg. The breed is suitable for people who are willing to devote significant time to training a dog.

Tibetan mastiff

This is an ancient and rare breed that originated in the Himalayan mountains. Initially, she guarded only Tibetan monks and nomads. The first representatives of animals were brought to the West in the middle of the 19th century.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a tall, powerful dog with a muscular neck and a thick mane covering the withers. She has a wide, square head, triangular floppy ears and expressive eyes. The paws are strong and strong, the fluffy tail is curled behind the back. Its long fur and beautiful mane make it look like a lion.
Tibetan Mastiffs are smart, quick-witted and stubborn. They love to assert their independence, so owners need to devote a lot of time to training so that the dogs do not become uncontrollable.

While guarding the house, they constantly check the territory and bark loudly and gutturally if they feel a stranger approaching.


The short-haired, lean breed can often be seen in police service. These faithful, graceful animals are moderately aggressive, balanced, have a stable psyche and are excellent for guarding a private home.

In case of danger, they, without hesitation, rush to the aid of the owner and protect him, not sparing his life. If you spend significant time training Dobermans, they turn into good bodyguards.

These dogs cannot be kept in an enclosure 24/7. They need human interaction, walks and games. Exercise is necessary to maintain endurance.


These large oversized dogs are designed to protect people and their property. They are harmoniously built and capable of moving with lightning speed, leaving no chance for attackers to escape.
Boerboels are not characterized by unmotivated aggression and excessive malice. They are loyal to children and pets. Like many guard breeds, these dogs have an independent, stubborn disposition and strive for dominance. Therefore, they need a firm hand and quality training.

Cane Corso

The Italian breed is an ideal guardian of a personal plot. He easily distinguishes friends from enemies and shows aggression only when it is necessary.

The Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) feels comfortable in a large enclosure, but must be allowed out into the yard regularly. To avoid surprises, the owner should acquire a high, impenetrable fence.
Dogs of this breed begin to be trained from early childhood in order to achieve complete obedience. The owner must be the unconditional leader for the Cane Corso, then the animal will know its place and become a devoted protector and guard.

Black Russian Terrier

The breed was specially bred for service, so its protective qualities are inherent in it at the genetic level. She has excellent reactions, observation and courage.

Black Russian Terriers are loyal and quick to train dogs. They need a decisive and strict owner who will show not only firmness, but also love towards them. Animals are extremely suspicious of strangers, so from childhood they must be taught to obey and follow commands so that they do not create trouble for the owner.


Regardless of what breed of dog you choose to bring into your private home, do not forget that any of them requires attention and training. The animal must understand and follow all orders. To achieve this, it is advisable to contact an experienced dog handler to have your dog undergo an obedience and protection course.

Happy owners of a country house will definitely come to the conclusion that they could use a dog. Not a pet dog, but a good guard dog.

Behind this conclusion the question arises - which dog to choose. There are many of them, each has advantages and disadvantages.

The dog must be...

A dog for a private home must have a thick undercoat, otherwise the family risks losing it in the first winter - live outside in a kennel in the cold. If you plan to move the animal indoors for the winter, then be prepared that in the summer it will rush to the soft sofa in the living room.

The ideal guard dog is one whose ancestors have been guarding sheep, cows and other animals for centuries. It is in their blood not to allow strangers into the territory that she will consider her own. There are many guard breeds, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

External security line

Dogs with thick undercoat and lush hair will successfully guard the perimeter and yard territory at any time of the year. Not just any dog ​​- certain breeds are preferred. Dogs with genetically inherent protective properties are well suited.

East European and German Shepherds.

Handsome, smart. Both breeds will perfectly guard the house and yard.

The height of VEO is 65-75 cm at the withers (males), the German is 60-65 cm. These dogs perfectly distinguish between members of the family where they live and strangers who have entered the protected area. Metis (crossbreeds with these breeds) are just as smart, and will guard the house no worse than purebreds. In addition, any mestizos are always more viable than purebred “aristocrats”.


  • balanced;
  • perfectly amenable to training;
  • service for them is the goal and meaning of life;
  • high intelligence;
  • balanced psyche;
  • does not tolerate a change of owner very hard;
  • They distinguish well between friends and strangers (not only people, but also animals).


  • distrustful of strangers; they are merciless towards those who are considered enemies.
  • If you find any other shortcomings, please let me know.


The breed is native (not bred artificially), and was used to guard herds and trade caravans. And, of course, the owner’s home.



  1. natural ability to protect;
  2. thick coat;
  3. fearlessness.


  • "one owner" dog. Others will not be able to “sit on her neck.”
  • The owner will have to make an effort and devote a lot of time to training for the first couple of years.
  • frequent attempts to dominate.

OKD courses are desirable, otherwise problems with the dog's controllability may arise in the future.

An excellent guard who doesn’t even need to bark - the dog will smile (the average weight of a male is 60-70 kg, height at the withers is up to 75 cm) or yawn, revealing snow-white scary fangs - anyone will no longer have the desire to get to know each other better.


  • magnificent wool. Dogs can easily endure European winters (but still line the inside of the doghouse with felt);
  • distrust of strangers;
  • absolute fearlessness.


  • viciousness (breed trait);
  • disobedience - dogs are difficult to train;
  • love of freedom;
  • every Caucasian will try to become the leader of the pack. The owner’s task is to stop these attempts immediately.

A well-bred Caucasian will be an ideal defender of the home and his “pack” - the owner’s family. He will not chase chickens and domestic cats, if any.

It is clear from the name that the dog is a watchman. To breed the Brali Saint Bernard breed (which, in principle, should not harm people) and the Caucasian Shepherd Dog (a stranger - “atu” him). No one knows which genes will prevail in a dog weighing 70 kilos or more.


  • good security guard;
  • loves children;
  • unobtrusive;
  • devotion to the owner and family members.


  • dogs are stubborn;
  • from time to time they try to become a “leader”. This is called "attempting to dominate."
  • Moscow watchdog crossbreeds often have an unstable psyche.
  • without orders and without remorse, he will attack the violator of the territory.

Internal security line

If you think that the house is large enough to accommodate a four-legged guard, then the list of good guard dogs expands.

All of them, for one reason, cannot live in the yard. They have short hair, in the Russian climate their entire life is until the first frost.

Living in the house, these dogs will successfully protect you and everything that you have acquired through back-breaking labor: if a stranger appears in the yard, they will let you know about it earlier than any alarm system.

The ancestors of this breed are Molossian Great Danes, and they were bred for gladiator fights. The dog is large, height at the withers is 65-70 cm.


  • absolute devotion;
  • fearlessness;
  • a clear division between “us” and “outsiders”;
  • silence. You won't hear any senseless barking from him;
  • love children.


  • “a dog of one owner” - dogs selflessly serve their owner. If you give a dog away, sell it, throw it away, it will suffer for the rest of its life. Don't betray them!
  • the dog can attack the “intruder” without a command;
  • laziness. Not in security. In physical exercise, and the dog needs it.

Bred in Germany, they often work in the police of different countries. Great sense of smell. Height at the withers is about 70 cm (males).


  • easy to train;
  • loves children;
  • good protective qualities;
  • high intelligence;
  • Quite peaceful.


  • increased aggressiveness as a result of improper upbringing;
  • tend to “sort things out” with strange dogs;
  • Early socialization is required - it is very important for Dobermans to communicate with family members;
  • Males are generally less stubborn than females.

The breed is ancient, a group of Molossians. Rottweilers worked to drive and protect herds of large horned animals. They were often harnessed to carts, hence the second name - “butcher’s dog.”

The height of males at the withers is from 60 to 70 cm.


  • loves children, but it is better not to let them get close to too young ones. The dog can accidentally cause injury in the game;
  • He doesn’t train too quickly, like VEO or a Doberman, but he remembers what he remembers.
  • are often intolerant of dogs of the same sex. And restraining an adult Rottweiler straining from its leash is impossible even for a man.


  • “one owner dog”;
  • after a year and a half they make attempts to dominate - stop immediately and firmly;
  • they jealously guard not only the territory of the yard, but also their bowl and the place where they are;
  • Early socialization is desirable.

Important! A poorly behaved dog is a disaster for owners and others.

Which breeds are not suitable for protection?

Those that, in principle, are not suitable for protection and those that can cause harm to the owners themselves.

The first include St. Bernards, many hunting dogs, Newfoundlands and Labradors - due to their good nature. Sled dogs (huskies and malamutes) are not ideal guard dogs.

The latter can be dangerous both for strangers and for family members. These are Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls, Tosa Inu, and American Bandogs.

What dogs should “beginners” not get?

If you are getting a dog for the first time, then know that there are breeds that are “too tough” for you.

  • alabai;
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Rottweiler;
  • Cane Corso.

Raising them requires experience. Before you take a serious dog into your home, get a small or medium-sized dog - you will gain the necessary experience in communicating with pets.

Training of guard dogs

If you are not a dog trainer, take the time to take your dog through a general training course (general training course). The simplest commands (“sit”, “lie down”, “come to me”, “no”) can be learned at home; it is interesting and fun to teach a puppy. But you are taking a dog for protection, so further training and “sharpening” under protection, the ability to obey the owner in any situation is better to take place at school. After a year or a year and a half, it is almost impossible to correct the animal’s character. A unquestioning Obedience to the owner should be the basis in the education of these dogs. A dog weighing nearly 70 kilos, eager to fight, cannot be restrained even by three adult men.

And a good dog handler will teach you how to stop a dog’s attempts to “become the leader of the pack.”

Ideally, in addition to OKD, your dog (together with you) also completes the PCS (protective guard service) course. Then you can safely remove expensive security alarms, video cameras and other crap. They are not competitors to your learned security guard.

Long walks with good physical activity are necessary:

  • Caucasian Shepherd;
  • alabayam;
  • will be useful for Germans and VEO (East European Shepherd);
  • Cane Corso. It's good for these lazy people to run.
  • the dog will be happy to walk outside with his beloved owner, feel the pride of a well-executed command, and receive affection and treats from the “leader of the pack.”

Don't yell at dogs or hit them! This will not help them complete the command. If the dog is not brought up, it is his misfortune and the fault of the owner.

Important! Large dogs weigh a lot. Do not force your pet to take on too high hurdles during training - you can damage the hock joints. And in general, joint diseases are the scourge of large dogs.

Large dogs eat a lot. This is a case where size matters. A big dog is a big bowl. This is the financial side of the issue of maintaining a four-legged guard.


A well-trained collie will guard the house better than a Cane Corso that has not been trained since its infancy.

If you live in a private house, are thinking about how to protect it from uninvited visitors, and at the same time love dogs, then the solution is obvious.

You need to get a dog to guard your private home. However, you can’t take any one and expect it to start working instead of an alarm!

You won’t expect any protective qualities from a funny English terrier or an active husky and will only be disappointed!

But a correctly chosen and raised animal will become an excellent protector and a wonderful friend.

Content Rules


At first glance, it is easier to have a dog in a private house than in an apartment building: here it definitely won’t bother anyone. But it’s still worth asking about the law: Ch. 3 tbsp. 10 hours 2 This law of the Russian Federation states that dogs in the private sector can be kept on a free-range basis.

However, the entire perimeter of the territory in this case is fenced. Otherwise, the dog will have to be tied up and walked only under human supervision. The booth or enclosure must be located on the territory of your private home; placing it outside, behind a fence, is illegal. In this case, neighbors will have every right to file a complaint.

It is also mandatory to have a warning sign at the entrance to the site indicating that a dog lives there. If you live in a house in which several families live and which is located on a separate plot with a fenced area, then you also need to have the consent of all residents of this house.


Having dealt with the legislative part, you need to make sure that the dog is comfortable. If an animal is bred to guard the house, then it is logical for it to live mainly on the street. It is ideal to build a large kennel for him, in which the dog could sleep and hide whenever he wants.

Important: When building a booth, you need to take into account the size of the dog: the animal must stand quietly in it and lie down with all its paws extended.

It is up to the owner to decide whether to keep the dog on a chain or not.. The same applies to . It is a common belief that to protect your home, it is enough to buy a large breed animal and put it on a chain or in an enclosure.

But in many countries, a law has long been introduced on keeping a dog on a chain: this has a very negative impact on the psyche and health of the animal.

Over time, this will become a problem for the owner: from loneliness and the stress it causes, the dog can become aggressive and uncontrollable. Getting a dog that you can only let off the chain at night, and then with caution, is not the best idea for protection.

A dog kept in the yard of a private house needs socialization and even walking just as much as a pet dog. While she is still a puppy, it is worth going to different places with her more often, introducing her to other animals and people, so as not to end up with a wild animal later.

Important: While the guard dog is small, you need to teach it to respond adequately to all family members; it will not be able to automatically understand where strangers are and where they are. If there are children and elderly people in the family, and there is no time to take care of the animal, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​guarding the house with a dog and install an alarm system.

If you still decide to keep your dog in a non-free-range environment, you should not skimp on the length of the chain so that the animal can run and exercise. The same applies to the enclosure: the living space “one meter by one meter” is not suitable for guard dogs, which are usually quite large. And, in any case, once a week the dog will need to be let off the chain and taken for a walk so that it can warm up well and communicate with its owner. Otherwise, the dog may become depressed.


Another question that is often asked: Should I take my dog ​​indoors for the winter? One of the criteria for choosing a guard dog is a good coat. So, if the animal has a warm shelter, it is well-fed and has gained wool before winter, there will be no problems. The dog will winter well outside, performing its functions. It is worth checking the ears and paws; if they are warm, there is no need to worry. If there is no confidence that the dog is well prepared for winter, it would be more humane to take a friend into the house.

Important: You need to immediately decide where the dog will spend the winter. Taking an animal into the house during extreme cold, and then throwing it outside in the thaw is a sure way to catch a cold. In warm weather, the dog may begin to shed, plus he will already get used to the warmth.


A dog living on the street in a private house requires a more careful diet than pets living in apartments. You need to take two things for granted:

  1. A guard dog will need to eat a lot and eat well, and the basis of its diet should be meat. Keeping a guard hungry “to make him angrier” is inhumane to the dog and simply dangerous: at some point the aggression will be directed at the owner.
  2. In winter, a dog will eat much more food than in the warm season. This is explained by the fact that the animal’s body will compensate for the energy spent on warming itself. Energy required in winter is approximately 20% more– rations will also increase.

If you plan to feed your dog dry food, you need to choose those that have the additives “Performance”, “Active”, “Energy” or “Sport” in their names. They contain substances that provide energy and the ability to quickly restore strength.

It is much more difficult to prepare regular nutritious food for a guard dog. The opinion that such feeding will cost less than dry food is wrong. The diet should contain complete pieces of meat (beef), porridge in broth, bones, animal fat, vegetables, vitamin-mineral complexes for dogs, high-energy feed additives, etc.

So there will be no savings. Therefore, when getting a guard, you need to carefully calculate whether it is possible to feed him. Well, remember that a well-fed animal will respond to you with love, affection and will not let strangers get within range of a cannon shot.

Which one is better to get?

Many people, thinking which breed is the best for protecting property, family and children, choose the most evil and aggressive ones. No, this is the wrong approach.
Which dog is ideal for guarding a private home:

  • courageous, without hesitation to come to the defense;
  • large or medium-large size;
  • well trained;
  • faithful;
  • with thick, warm wool, allowing you to winter outside;
  • distrustful of strangers;
  • unpretentious in maintenance, hardy;
  • indifferent to other animals.

To understand which breed to choose, you need to consider that all family members will need to interact with it. So it is worth maintaining a balance between the protective qualities and skills of the dog, and the safety of the family. Let's consider which breeds can be taken into a private home with children.

For home and children protection: with photographs, names and descriptions

When choosing guard dogs for a country house with children, proceed from the main thing: which breed will be better for the child.
Here are the top 6 best security guards for a private or country house:

Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)

A large short-haired dog, originally bred in Italy as a guard dog. In Europe today this breed is used to guard jewelry stores and luxury boutiques, and it also serves as an indicator of prestige.

The main character trait of the Cane Corso is a clear division of those around them into “us” and “strangers”. At the same time, the animal is balanced, it will not just attack or bite, but, sensing an invasion of its borders, it attacks without hesitation. Selflessly devoted to the owner and his family, they are especially kind to children.

It’s hard to imagine that this baby will grow into a stately defender!

In our opinion, the best guard breed for a home where a family with children lives and protection! Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, even though the cane is big, but unlike many other large breeds, it is well aware of its strength, so kids can be allowed to play with them. The animal will not knock the child down or scare him. For a Cane Corso, the worst punishment is the crying of a baby under his protection.. It is not very demanding in maintenance, but in winter this breed will require a warm booth.

Giant Schnauzer

The largest variety of schnauzers, another excellent guard for a private country house. This dog, without hesitation, will rush to protect its owner. He loves to play, including with children, and usually becomes a good companion for them.

Suitable for both a child, replacing his nanny, and a teenager, becoming a friend. Easy to train, the level of intelligence is almost equal to a German shepherd. Perhaps the only serious drawback of the Giant Schnauzer is the need to regularly comb it and generally care for its coat.


Hungarian Kuvasz

The breed is not very well known, yet it is an ideal protector. Outwardly, kuvasz looks like a huge, fluffy white cloud, but those who want to profit from your goods will not find this cloud affectionate! This is an excellent companion dog that will not show unnecessary seriousness, but will give a serious fight when necessary.

The breed is easy to train, intelligent, but requires strength of character: if you do not get obedience from the puppy, the Kuvasz will sit on your head. This animal gets along well with children and is unlikely to play, but whoever decides to offend your baby will 100% be in trouble. There is a significant “but” - this animal will quickly get bored on a chain.

German Shepherd

A universal breed that will suit even the most demanding dog breeder. Playful, active, smart and large enough to become an excellent defender.

It’s better not to look into the yard of these beauties without asking!

The “German” is quite affectionate with children, remembers commands well and enjoys playing with his owner. The dog will require a lot of activity, care and attention. She will behave very aggressively towards intruders, but for the family she will become a reliable friend.

Dogue de Bordeaux

The main difference is its strong grip, which will stop any robber or attacker. In 1896, veterinarian Pierre Mengem published a short book on the Dogue de Bordeaux, standardizing the breed. Characteristic features are a large skull, a round muzzle, and limbs of medium length. Height is about 60 cm, weight is 40-50 kg. The character is wayward, sometimes arrogant.

Nevertheless, loves children very much, considers them his peers, obeys the owner and his family. Loves to chase cats and gets along well with other dogs. Adaptation to new conditions occurs easily and quickly.

Newfoundland or St. Bernard

Despite their popularity as guard dogs, we will immediately warn you: these breeds are not considered guard dogs. They were bred as rescue dogs, so they are not capable of harming people. But not everyone knows about this, and the impressive appearance of such a “bear” wandering around the site will scare away ill-wishers.

Just toys

But this breed will definitely not try to dominate the owner and will treat all family members equally affectionately. However, if there is a child in the house, it is worth explaining to him how not to play with a large dog.

Saint Bernards
Business pies

Another advantage: both breeds are very attentive, alert and intelligent. If someone else approaches the house, they will immediately warn you about it. In addition, their maintenance is possible only in a private or better country house

Yards for country housing

Which dogs should you choose to guard your country house? These dogs are ideal for living in a yard, so it is best to keep them outside. But here are street guard dogs with photos that will do an excellent job of protecting the owner’s house and property, but will require careful training and limiting their communication with other family members and suburban street keeping:

Moscow watchdog

It was very popular in Soviet times, but even now it is excellent for a large country house. With proper upbringing, she is so kind and affectionate that even a child can cope with her, calm and balanced.


Strong, powerful, highly trainable dog. This is a reliable bodyguard for the whole family, moderately calm, of solid size and distrustful of strangers. It is possible to raise a Rottweiler near children, but you will need to control the situation: do not allow the child to torment the animal, and do not allow the puppy to show aggression.

Under no circumstances should you scold a child in front of your dog.: This will lower his status in the eyes of the animal. The advantage of the breed is its endurance and devotion. If you once explain to an animal who is included in the “friend” category, he will tirelessly defend them.

You cannot keep a Rottweiler on a chain, this will have a bad effect on its development and psyche!

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

This breed is one of the first that comes to mind when thinking about who to get to protect the home. And this is the right choice. The breed was bred for herding sheep and protecting private territory, and has still retained all its qualities. Decisive and respectable in size, Caucasians will scare away from your home not only people with bad intentions, but also just passers-by.

Therefore, having such an animal, you need to be sure that you can dominate him. If you manage to build a relationship in which the owner will be the main one, then you will not find a better and more devoted defender.

But contact with children is allowed only under supervision: Caucasians, despite their terrifying appearance, love to play. But if an adult is able to control these games, then such a “carcass” will simply knock a child off his feet and frighten him.

Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog is a formidable guard breed, but at home it is an easy-going, easy-to-manage, good-natured, cheerful pet that treats children especially well and patiently. Modern dogs of this breed are more affectionate than their descendants and need people more.

Imaginary dog

This breed is very happy when working.. It doesn't matter whether it's guarding sheep, running around the countryside or protecting your family, the main thing is that the Pyrenees felt needed. It will be boring in the house, but outside, in the yard, it will be quite relaxed and interesting. The main thing is to give him enough attention, just like any other dog! When kept outdoors, the coat becomes very thick and beautiful.


Another very large, ancient breed that requires serious training. To climb into the area where the alabai roams, you need to be crazy: this the animal will defend the territory to the last. They are extremely unkind to strangers and animals, so anyone who wanders onto the site will be in danger.

At the same time, the breed will require a respectful attitude from the owner. Even small Alabai will fight for seniority and, most likely, will need to take special courses to train them.

Alabai treat children calmly, they can even make friends, and over time, Alabai will get used to being in the neighborhood with any other animal - but will show that he is in charge.


Another guard breed, bred specifically for this purpose. A beautiful, short-haired, strong, large and very difficult dog. The dog's height is quite high - from 80 cm, weight - 50-60 kg. The character is aristocratic, but only in relation to strangers. Very easy to train. Loves active games, walks, jogging. Does not attack cats if you wean him from this in childhood.

When starting this breed, you need to take into account that there is a lot of ferocity in its genes. This will have to be suppressed in the animal from puppyhood, devoting all his free time to training in the first year of life.

A Doberman is definitely not suitable if there are children living in the house, because there is a possibility (and a high one) that they will not get along. Otherwise, these are dogs that are loyal to their own and angry towards strangers, who are constantly on the alert. It is worth considering that in winter the Doberman will have a hard time outside: you will have to build a warm booth or take it into the house.

Which ones are absolutely forbidden?

If the St. Bernard, although he is not a guard dog, does a good job of protecting the area, then a number of breeds are not suitable for guarding in any case. This:

  • Hunting. Firstly, these breeds were bred with a friendly or indifferent attitude towards people, so they will not be able to attack a person. Secondly, the hunting instinct of such a dog can greatly harm other animals that, as a rule, are in the household: chickens, rabbits and even cats.
  • Fighting. Breeds such as the bull terrier, stafford, and pit bull were originally intended to participate in fights with other dogs. Purposefully developing aggression in them is very dangerous.
  • Breeds without undercoat. Winter will be tough for these breeds. So, if the yard must be protected in winter, there is no point in using them.
  • Small breeds. Miniature dogs are sometimes paired with a big guard so that they bark to notify that someone has arrived. But they don’t make much sense: they won’t be able to do anything precisely because of their size.

Important: Recently, the husky breed has become very fashionable. It is worth knowing that these dogs are also due to their characteristics. They are very good-natured and joyfully greet everyone, both their own and strangers. Attempts to train a husky to be a guard will weaken the dog’s nervous system and make it uncontrollable.

How to properly raise a watchman?

    You need to raise a guard dog from childhood. It is necessary to instill respect for all family members. It is a mistake to think that the animal will independently begin to recognize and love all the family. In this case, a strict rule is observed: There is only one person feeding the dog, and that is the owner.. This is done so that in the future thieves will not be able to feed the animal - and so that she understands who to obey in the first place.

    It is forbidden to expand the social circle of guard animals too much. The dog must clearly understand: its primary task is to protect its owner and his family. Guests and friends should not be allowed to pet, much less feed, the puppy.

    At the same time, guard breeds are required socialize: they learn to react calmly to other animals, cars, and unfamiliar situations. The owner’s task is to walk the dog, including outside the yard.

    The most important and common mistake in raising a guard dog is complete dominance of the owner.. This animal will protect you in the future, and it will need the ability to quickly make decisions and navigate different situations. If you completely suppress the will of a dog, it will grow up scared and will not be able to do this.

    Guard dogs are instilled with self-confidence, a sense of superiority over strangers, and a winning instinct. It’s worth reading about special games that develop a feeling of victory in a dog, or taking it to a dog handler. Then, as an adult, she will not be afraid to fight.

Useful video

Informative video about guard dog breeds for protecting a private home:


Well, now you have all the necessary information about guard dogs. Let's summarize:

  • German and Caucasian Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers and Alabais will perfectly preserve their owner’s home;
  • The Rottweiler, Giant Schnauzer, Kuvasz and Cane Corso will also cope with the same task, but at the same time they will become affectionate companions for the child;
  • Fighting and hunting dogs cannot be owned to guard the site, just like huskies. Miniature breeds are best left for city apartments;
  • A guard dog requires careful upbringing from childhood; it cannot be kept on a chain all the time. The owner should not completely dominate her, but it is imperative to explain who is in charge.

What breed protects your property? Brag about your dedicated defender in the comments!