An easy way to lose weight. Allen Carr - the essence of the book "an easy way to lose weight"

Allen Carr is a man who managed to turn his method of getting rid of nicotine addiction into an “empire” of clinics for those who want to quit smoking. However, the enterprising Briton does not stop there, and following the anti-smoking technique, he publishes the book “An Easy Way to Lose Weight,” which becomes a bestseller.

What is it, an easy way to lose weight, in Allen Carr's vision? The author emphasizes that in his methodology a huge part is devoted to psychological work with the subconscious: some reviews directly state a certain hypnotic effect of the book, which “gives instructions” for losing weight. However, those who think about a magical method like the 25th frame will be completely wrong - Allen Carr's easy way to lose weight does not involve passive participation, but, on the contrary, forces you to actively work on your habits and addictions.

Psychological aspects of the book “The Easy Way to Lose Weight”

For those who sincerely want to lose weight, Carr has developed several psychological recommendations that are designed to make a person’s path to proper nutrition easier.

Here are the main ones:

1. Try to imagine yourself as a thin person, with a toned, athletic body and a beautiful, slender figure.

According to Allen Carr, it's easier to lose weight if you have specific motivation. In his book, he convinces people that after trying to eat differently and feeling lightness and energy, none of them will want to return to their old habits;

2. Open your mind and listen to yourself.

An easy way to lose weight is to open your mind to new information and remove old stereotypes. Since childhood, we have been convinced to eat food that does not bring energy to the body, but, on the contrary, takes it away. After a hearty lunch, you just want to lie down, but according to the laws of nature, everything should be different - food should give strength and promote active human activity. Modern food is completely contrary to this natural rule, and therefore completely useless from the point of view of vitamins and nutrients. An easy way to lose weight, and Carr is confident of this, is to be aware of the harmfulness of many foods;

3. The “plastic bucket” philosophy.

In the book, the author compares the human body with two things: a plastic waste bin and an expensive car of a prestigious brand. If a person eats surrogates and refined foods, eats a lot of meat, fatty, high-calorie foods and because of this moves little and gets fat, then this attitude towards one’s body is similar to using a trash can - are we really worried about the safety of the bucket and its normal appearance?

A completely different approach is taken by those who imagine their body as an expensive supercar from which they need to “blow away the dust.” You won’t fill such a car with cheap gasoline and use it mercilessly, or, on the contrary, keep it in the garage. If the body is full of energy, then the quality of life changes - after achieving certain results, when a person understands how to lose weight, Allen Carr is sure that he will not want to become a “plastic bucket” again.

From the psychological component of the book, let's move on to more prosaic questions: in order to lose weight, one suggestion is not enough; a diet correction is also necessary. Is there an easy way to lose weight, as the author promises?

Allen Carr's nutrition rules: how to lose weight without dieting

If you start flipping through a book looking for nutritional rules, then most likely your search will not be successful. The book "The Easy Way to Lose Weight" is written in an easy, accessible style without any statements, only with recommendations. However, an attentive reader will certainly find what the author wanted to convey: what foods should be eaten and which ones should be avoided, how much food you need to eat in order to feel good and not gain weight, as well as other essential attributes of proper nutrition.

Having analyzed the methodology, we will highlight Allen Carr’s basic rules on how to lose weight without dieting, but with the right approach to food:

  • Vegetarianism. Despite the fact that Carr does not insist on any kind of nutritional system, the call for vegetarianism is clearly visible in the book. The author writes about the harmfulness of meat foods and the inability of our body to absorb protein products;
  • Fruit for breakfast. According to Allen Carr, the best food for humans is fruit. They are useful because they contain vitamins, nutrients (carbohydrates), fiber, taste good, are easily digestible, and in addition, fruits do not need to be heat treated;
  • The simplest and most natural food possible is, according to Allen Carr, an easy way to lose weight and get healthier. In the book, the author reflects on the harm caused by refined processed foods that lack nutritional value. According to Carr, a person can lose weight and be healthy only if he eats the simplest food without long-term heat treatment. It is better to eat a salad of 2-3 vegetables or fruits than a complex gourmet dish;
  • Milk is as harmful as animal food. The author advises anyone who wants to use an easy way to lose weight not to consume dairy products, explaining their widespread use as a dietary stereotype. As evidence, he cites studies (still disputed) that the enzymes necessary for the digestion of milk are produced in the human body only up to three years. Milk cannot be consumed longer than this period, as this creates a huge burden on the digestive tract;
  • The right combination of products. An easy way to lose weight is to eat fruits only with fresh vegetables, or even better, eat them separately. Try not to combine proteins and carbohydrates (or minimize their simultaneous consumption). Salads can be combined with both protein foods (boiled meat or fish) and carbohydrates (cereals, whole grain pasta, etc.).

It cannot be said that the book provides scientifically based information. Most of it is just the author's point of view, and many nutrition experts may disagree with it.

An easy way to lose weight: reviews

It is not surprising that a book with such a big name aroused great interest. It was read by more than one and a half million people, which is certainly proof of a well-thought-out sales strategy.

However, judging by the reviews, an easy way to lose weight is not effective for everyone: firstly, not every person agrees with the author’s postulates, and secondly, the narrative style is quite alien to our perception. Still, the book is aimed at a Western reader, and people from post-Soviet countries are perplexed by the abundance of repeated headings, many introductory phrases and Carr’s endless repetition that you can lose weight easily and without effort.

But still, as reviews indicate, Allen Carr’s easy way to lose weight works, although not on the same scale as his method of getting rid of nicotine addiction. For some people, the book helped them lose excess weight (there are reviews of weight loss of 5, 8, 15 and even 23 kg) and keep themselves in shape, despite relaxations in their diet.

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Allen Carr

An easy way to lose weight

Anne Emery, Ken Pimblett, John Kindred, Janet Caldwell and a squirrel


Research in the field of medicine constantly expands our understanding of the occurrence and development of diseases. However, we still do not know how to use the knowledge we already have to fight numerous diseases and avoid premature death (which we so often have to face). People started talking about the dangers of smoking back in the days when the connection between the mortality of doctors and their addiction to smoking was first discovered. It turned out that lung cancer is almost always associated with smoking.

Physicians have long had a responsibility to encourage patients to quit smoking and lead a healthy lifestyle in general. Unfortunately, many doctors do not have enough time and energy for this work. The authority of doctors is not as great as the influence of cigarette advertising, aimed primarily at young people.

I was introduced to Allen Carr by a patient who one day surprised me with a message about the existence of an easy way to quit smoking. Since then, I have recommended Allen Carr's THE EASY WAY to Quit Smoking to all my patients and have seen amazing success with the technique. Interest in it prompted me to personally explore the features of this approach.

Having helped many people who wanted to quit smoking, Allen Carr transformed his experience into an effective technique that is also useful for those who want to get rid of excess weight - a lot of people are now concerned about this problem. Having studied Allen Carr's approach to such a serious issue, I was surprised to find myself almost involuntarily drawn to adopt his wisdom. Positive results were not long in coming: now I can move more easily, for example, on the tennis court, I feel more alert and healthy. I am sincerely glad about this change, although before I was not at all worried about a few extra pounds around the waist. Your acquaintance with Allen Carr's book will be a revelation, a true discovery; you will see for yourself how simply the problem of excess weight can be solved.

Dr MICHAEL BRAY, MBBS Chemistry, Lecturer, College of General Practitioners

An easy way to lose weight

This book, strictly speaking, should be entitled "The easy way to weigh exactly what you want." But such a name would be too long.

If nothing human is alien to you, then you are very likely worried about being overweight. However, please note: my method, which I will henceforth call “THE EASY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT,” is equally effective for those who want to lose weight and those who want to gain weight. Observing WEIGHT - and this is the essence of the matter - is of secondary importance compared to the main purpose of the method. This goal is extremely selfish and simple - just ENJOY LIFE!

But how can you enjoy life if you constantly feel lethargic, tired and deprived, worried and tormented by remorse for the damage and suffering you have caused to yourself, both mental and physical - all these consequences of excess weight?

You probably already know that I became famous a few years ago for developing not only a simple but also an enjoyable way to quit smoking, suitable for any smoker. I am now considered an internationally recognized expert in nicotine addiction recovery. Smokers who have used my method and understood how it works call me and my students the only real experts in this matter.

I later discovered that the same method (with one notable exception) is no less effective in eliminating any addictions that are primarily psychological in nature, including alcoholism and addiction to other types of drugs. Many would-be experts on such addictions consider the main problem to be addiction to certain substances and the physical symptoms that accompany abstinence from them. Therefore, they are trying to solve the problem chemically - by selecting substitutes. In fact, the problem has a simple and easy psychological solution.

It is well known that today a billion-dollar business is built on the problem of combating obesity. Every week another celebrity advertises a videotape, a book or exercise machine, a set of exercises or a completely new diet that will miraculously solve your weight problems. I am convinced that there is a very close physical and psychological connection between smoking and nutrition, and the similarities between quitting smoking and losing weight are even more striking. Both the smoker and the dieter suffer from a feeling of impending schizophrenia. In their brains there is a constant struggle between “for” and “against” with varying degrees of success. The smoker's arguments, on the one hand, - “It’s a dirty, disgusting habit, it’s killing me, costing me a fortune and enslaving me,” with another - “This is my pleasure, my support, my company.” A dieter convinces himself: “I’m fat, flabby, unhealthy, I look terrible and I feel even worse.” And then he objects to himself: “But how I love to eat!” Therefore, you have the right to assume that I simply got involved in a profitable business and am now cashing in on my own reputation.

I assure you, this conclusion is infinitely far from the truth. On the contrary, for a long time, the notable exception in my work that I mentioned earlier was weight management. For years I was of the opinion that my method was not suitable for weight tracking - but, as it turns out, I was wrong.

And I could very well get rich from my reputation in other ways. I received dozens of offers to advertise a variety of products, including those for weight loss. And I rejected all these offers, and not because I am fabulously rich and do not need additional financial income: I simply value my reputation and am ready to defend it as fiercely as a lioness protects her cubs. Plus, I've never seen an ad featuring a famous person that didn't look fake. I officially declare: “THE EASY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT” is not an advertisement of other people’s ideas. Just like “THE EASY WAY TO QUIT SMOKING” - this is my method. I was confident in the effectiveness of the smoking cessation method even before I tried it. You will soon see that “THE EASY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT” will work before you finish reading this book.

Most people gain weight when they quit smoking, but I lost almost 13 kg in six months. I combined regular physical activity with the F-Plan diet. I understood that I couldn’t do it without willpower and discipline, and yet this process gave me pleasure. In the early stages, it is very similar to volitional attempts to quit smoking. If your determination is unshakable, a sense of self-satisfied masochism prevents you from giving in to temptation. While losing excess weight was the main goal of my life, everything went like clockwork. The trouble was that, as with the volitional method of quitting smoking, my determination gradually began to weaken: using any excuse, I abandoned both exercise and diet, and the weight began to grow again.

Especially for those who are familiar with my method of combating smoking, I want to clarify one common misconception. Many people have the impression that this technique is based on willpower and positive thinking (yes, I am a strong-willed and positive thinker). But that's not true. I trained myself to think positively and developed willpower long before I developed this method. Something else surprises me: why so many smokers, whose willpower was clearly inferior to mine, managed to quit smoking solely by volitional means, but I could not.

My positive thinking is dictated by common sense. Thinking positively means leading a simpler and more enjoyable life. But this didn’t help me either quit smoking or get rid of at least ten extra pounds!

Positive thinking implies the attitude - “I know that I am being stupid, so with the help of willpower and discipline I will pull myself together and put an end to stupid behavior.” I have no doubt that this tactic has helped many people quit smoking and start watching their weight. One can only be happy for them. But for me personally, it has always been ineffective and, most likely, for you too, otherwise you would not be reading this book now.

No, I did not continue to smoke because of weak will or negative thinking. Getting rid of the habit was prevented by confusion, permanent schizophrenia, which relentlessly haunts smokers until they quit smoking. On the one hand, they hate being smokers, and on the other, without a cigarette they are unable to enjoy life and cope with its challenges.

Who said that there must be many good people? This statement was invented by lazy people who are unable to achieve exquisite relief on their bodies.

Download Allen Carr's book “The Easy Way to Lose Weight” for free in fb2, epub, pdf, txt and doc on Book Search using the link below.

The problem of excess weight is a modern disease, which is accompanied by various complications. It directly affects the health of the nation, contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases and a decrease in physical activity, which entail other human health problems.

Fatty foods, sedentary lifestyle, irregular diet, stress are the main precursors of obesity. Millions of people around the world are desperately trying to get rid of excess weight. Do you want to get your figure and health in order? will help you Allen Carr and his book "The Easy Way to Lose Weight."

You can also download the book “The Easy Way to Lose Weight” for iPad, iPhone, Android and kindle.

What is this book about?

The desire to get your body in order is understandable. A slim, athletic figure gives self-confidence, ensures the health of the whole body, and often solves problems in your personal life. Today, there are many methods for losing weight, which include a diet seasoned with a series of grueling physical exercises. But, unfortunately, not always and not everyone manages to achieve the desired result.

Allen Carr in The Easy Way to Lose Weight reveals the secret of simple weight loss without sacrificing yourself to a beautiful figure. The technique developed by the author helps to get rid of excess pounds without much tightening. The main condition that Mr. Carr puts forward is self-control and a complete change in the principle of one’s diet.

What useful things can you learn from this book?

From the book “The Easy Way to Lose Weight” by Allen Carr, you will learn how easy it is to free yourself from those annoying calories that prevent you from living a full life. The author offers his own methodology, guided by which you:

  • Learn how to satisfy your hunger without overeating;
  • Learn to enjoy healthy food;
  • Review your daily diet, balancing it correctly;
  • Force yourself to love various types of vegetables and fruits that you have not eaten before;
  • Master the art of harmonious weight loss in order to improve your body's health.

Allen Carr will tell you how to trick your brain and enjoy healthy foods that will help you create the body you want.

The book “The Easy Way to Lose Weight” is intended for all those who are desperately struggling with extra pounds. Also, people who are trying to monitor their diet will learn a lot of interesting information about healthy food and its consumption from this book.

Allen Carr

An easy way to lose weight

Anne Emery, Ken Pimblett, John Kindred, Janet Caldwell and a squirrel


Research in the field of medicine constantly expands our understanding of the occurrence and development of diseases. However, we still do not know how to use the knowledge we already have to fight numerous diseases and avoid premature death (which we so often have to face). People started talking about the dangers of smoking back in the days when the connection between the mortality of doctors and their addiction to smoking was first discovered. It turned out that lung cancer is almost always associated with smoking.

Physicians have long had a responsibility to encourage patients to quit smoking and lead a healthy lifestyle in general. Unfortunately, many doctors do not have enough time and energy for this work. The authority of doctors is not as great as the influence of cigarette advertising, aimed primarily at young people.

I was introduced to Allen Carr by a patient who one day surprised me with a message about the existence of an easy way to quit smoking. Since then, I have recommended Allen Carr's THE EASY WAY to Quit Smoking to all my patients and have seen amazing success with the technique. Interest in it prompted me to personally explore the features of this approach.

Having helped many people who wanted to quit smoking, Allen Carr transformed his experience into an effective technique that is also useful for those who want to get rid of excess weight - a lot of people are now concerned about this problem. Having studied Allen Carr's approach to such a serious issue, I was surprised to find myself almost involuntarily drawn to adopt his wisdom. Positive results were not long in coming: now I can move more easily, for example, on the tennis court, I feel more alert and healthy. I am sincerely glad about this change, although before I was not at all worried about a few extra pounds around the waist. Your acquaintance with Allen Carr's book will be a revelation, a true discovery; you will see for yourself how simply the problem of excess weight can be solved.

Dr MICHAEL BRAY, MBBS Chemistry, Lecturer, College of General Practitioners

An easy way to lose weight

This book, strictly speaking, should be entitled "The easy way to weigh exactly what you want." But such a name would be too long.

If nothing human is alien to you, then you are very likely worried about being overweight. However, please note: my method, which I will henceforth call “THE EASY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT,” is equally effective for those who want to lose weight and those who want to gain weight. Observing WEIGHT - and this is the essence of the matter - is of secondary importance compared to the main purpose of the method. This goal is extremely selfish and simple - just ENJOY LIFE!

But how can you enjoy life if you constantly feel lethargic, tired and deprived, worried and tormented by remorse for the damage and suffering you have caused to yourself, both mental and physical - all these consequences of excess weight?

You probably already know that I became famous a few years ago for developing not only a simple but also an enjoyable way to quit smoking, suitable for any smoker. I am now considered an internationally recognized expert in nicotine addiction recovery. Smokers who have used my method and understood how it works call me and my students the only real experts in this matter.

I later discovered that the same method (with one notable exception) is no less effective in eliminating any addictions that are primarily psychological in nature, including alcoholism and addiction to other types of drugs. Many would-be experts on such addictions consider the main problem to be addiction to certain substances and the physical symptoms that accompany abstinence from them. Therefore, they are trying to solve the problem chemically - by selecting substitutes. In fact, the problem has a simple and easy psychological solution.

It is well known that today a billion-dollar business is built on the problem of combating obesity. Every week another celebrity advertises a videotape, a book or exercise machine, a set of exercises or a completely new diet that will miraculously solve your weight problems. I am convinced that there is a very close physical and psychological connection between smoking and nutrition, and the similarities between quitting smoking and losing weight are even more striking. Both the smoker and the dieter suffer from a feeling of impending schizophrenia. In their brains there is a constant struggle between “for” and “against” with varying degrees of success. The smoker's arguments, on the one hand, - “It’s a dirty, disgusting habit, it’s killing me, costing me a fortune and enslaving me,” with another - “This is my pleasure, my support, my company.” A dieter convinces himself: “I’m fat, flabby, unhealthy, I look terrible and I feel even worse.” And then he objects to himself: “But how I love to eat!” Therefore, you have the right to assume that I simply got involved in a profitable business and am now cashing in on my own reputation.

I assure you, this conclusion is infinitely far from the truth. On the contrary, for a long time, the notable exception in my work that I mentioned earlier was weight management. For years I was of the opinion that my method was not suitable for weight tracking - but, as it turns out, I was wrong.

And I could very well get rich from my reputation in other ways. I received dozens of offers to advertise a variety of products, including those for weight loss. And I rejected all these offers, and not because I am fabulously rich and do not need additional financial income: I simply value my reputation and am ready to defend it as fiercely as a lioness protects her cubs. Plus, I've never seen an ad featuring a famous person that didn't look fake. I officially declare: “THE EASY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT” is not an advertisement of other people’s ideas. Just like “THE EASY WAY TO QUIT SMOKING” - this is my method. I was confident in the effectiveness of the smoking cessation method even before I tried it. You will soon see that “THE EASY WAY TO LOSE WEIGHT” will work before you finish reading this book.

Most people gain weight when they quit smoking, but I lost almost 13 kg in six months. I combined regular physical activity with the F-Plan diet. I understood that I couldn’t do it without willpower and discipline, and yet this process gave me pleasure. In the early stages, it is very similar to volitional attempts to quit smoking. If your determination is unshakable, a sense of self-satisfied masochism prevents you from giving in to temptation. While losing excess weight was the main goal of my life, everything went like clockwork. The trouble was that, as with the volitional method of quitting smoking, my determination gradually began to weaken: using any excuse, I abandoned both exercise and diet, and the weight began to grow again.

Especially for those who are familiar with my method of combating smoking, I want to clarify one common misconception. Many people have the impression that this technique is based on willpower and positive thinking (yes, I am a strong-willed and positive thinker). But that's not true. I trained myself to think positively and developed willpower long before I developed this method. Something else surprises me: why so many smokers, whose willpower was clearly inferior to mine, managed to quit smoking solely by volitional means, but I could not.

My positive thinking is dictated by common sense. Thinking positively means leading a simpler and more enjoyable life. But this didn’t help me either quit smoking or get rid of at least ten extra pounds!

Until the early 80s of the last century, hardly anyone had heard the name of a successful businessman Allen Carr. People first started talking about him after he wrote a book dedicated to a new method of giving up.

The method was tested many times and gave positive results, and its author became famous. Deciding not to stop there, he began developing a similar method for weight.

The main requirements that Carr made for his work were simplicity and maximum health benefits. We can’t say that everything worked out right away, but as a result of long work, the book was finally published Alena Karra "Easy way to lose weight"(in the Russian version “Easy way to lose weight”).

In fact, this is another method that involves separate nutrition, eating healthy foods and avoiding “bad” foods. But there are some peculiarities in this method. Let's take a closer look at what Allen Carr offers us.

An easy way to lose weight: surrogates

The author uses this term to designate everything that is harmful to humans. This includes everything that has been processed in some way, everything that cannot be eaten without any additives, and all culinary delights that contain huge amounts of carbohydrates, but do not provide our body with the necessary energy.

More specifically, everything you fry, boil, can, etc. is not suitable for food. Various desserts, sweets, baked goods too. Moreover, the author also classifies as surrogates many products that we are accustomed to consider completely natural and even necessary.


Allen Carr in his book he insists that meat is completely unnecessary for humans; moreover, it is harmful to health and does not provide even a small amount of the energy that is usually attributed to it.

The author explains that our stomach does not contain enough acids and enzymes to digest meat, which, according to the developer of the method, should be eaten raw. But cooked meat is also hard on the stomach, which means it slows down digestion. And since we cannot eat it without adding salt and pepper, or even adding sauce, it means that this food is not natural and is not healthy for the body.

Milk and dairy products

Here we are left with no choice either. Milk, as Carr writes, is digestible only by young children, who have a special enzyme in their stomach that processes milk. After a certain age, children, and especially adults, are no longer able to digest it normally, which, again, harms the stomach.

At first glance, it seems that after such strict restrictions all we have left is vegetarianism: nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, cereals, grains. By the way, the author also did not forget about fish and added it to the list of surrogates.


This is another product that we should not consume when buying ready-made complexes in pharmacies. The point is that the author easy way to lose weight suggests placing the main emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables, which means that we will receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals from plant foods per day.

However, everything is not so simple and at the same time not so terrible. On the one hand, difficulties arise even with permitted food, because, for example, the cereals and cereals that we buy in stores have already been processed: they have been peeled, flattened or steamed, or even completely ground into fine flour.

On the other side, Allen Carr's easy way to lose weight allows us to consume up to 30% of surrogates per day, provided that the rest of the diet consists of products. That is, if you are not going to join the ranks of vegetarians, you will be able to afford animal proteins and something tasty and useless within the norm of 30%.

How to determine which group what you are about to eat belongs to? Alan Carr offers a simple and uncomplicated method: everything that you can simply take and eat is healthy, everything that requires processing, flavorings and similar tricks are surrogates.

An easy way to lose weight: basic rules

As you can see, the food system still provides us with a choice and does not force us to give up our usual (surrogate) food altogether. But the effect of such nutrition is unlikely to be noticeable if you do not follow the basic rules.

Rule one. Never overeat. Try not to put too much food on your plate and eat slowly, chewing it well. Then the brain will have time to give you a signal in time that you are already full.

Rule two. Don't snack. There is no need to eat anything else between main meals, says Allen Carr. If you are tormented by a feeling of hunger 2 hours after a hearty, healthy lunch, it means that you simply have nothing to do. If you are hungry because you haven’t eaten for a long time, and the opportunity to have a full lunch is not expected in the near future, you can have a snack, but only with healthy fruits, and not chips or chocolate.

Rule three This applies specifically to fruit consumption. Allen Carr suggests eating only fruit for breakfast and nothing else. Thus, you can be sure that you will definitely have time to eat the required 70% of healthy food in a day. In addition, fruits are also liquids that the body needs.

The next point regarding fruits is their separate use from everything else. The fact is that if food of another type enters the stomach along with sweet fruits, putrefactive processes begin that cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. So if you ate fruit, you shouldn't eat anything else until your next meal.

Rule four. All other products can be combined with vegetables. This is a healthy and healthy combination; vegetables are digested together with meat and pasta.

But it is better not to combine meat and pasta (proteins and carbohydrates) together, as they are poorly digested when they are in the stomach at the same time. However, if you really want to, you can break this rule, but then you need to take very little protein and carbohydrates, and add the rest with vegetables. That's what it is fifth rule.

Rule six. Do not eat many different types of foods at one meal.

Rule seven. You can only eat one type of surrogate per meal.

An easy way to lose weight: drinks

The most healthy and natural drinks, claims Allen Carr, is pure water (preferably mineral) and freshly squeezed juices from vegetables, fruits and berries. Coffee and tea, the author assures, cannot be considered natural and healthy, despite their plant origin, because they are completely impossible to drink without sugar or other additives. They have a bitter taste and in their “original” form do not bring pleasure.

Alcohol is also, of course, harmful. However, if desired, these drinks can be included in the diet in small quantities within 30% of the norm for surrogates.

Also author easy way to lose weight believes that it is absolutely not necessary to pour a huge amount of liquid into yourself. To quench your thirst, one glass of water or juice is enough, because during the day, if you eat right, you will eat a sufficient amount of juicy fruits.

In conclusion, I would like to note that this easy way to lose weight has many positive reviews, despite the fact that Allen Carr destroys many ideas and postulates on which more than one generation of people was brought up. So, I think if you haven't tried anything like this yet, this method is well worth experimenting with.

And don't forget about weight control. The author does not encourage daily weighing, but once a week it is recommended to step on the scale to enjoy the results.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady