Laser for treating herpes at home. Laser blood purification reviews for herpes

Laser treatment of herpes on the lips (adults and children) at the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center

Herpes– a viral disease that is characterized by vesicular rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

Every living thing on this planet is sick herpes with the exception of the simplest microorganisms. In total, more than 80 types of virus have been discovered to date. herpes. A person can get sick due to 9 viruses herpes. The most common - herpes virus first type. This herpes popularly called "cold on the lips" ABOUT herpes virus type 1 and the fight against it will be discussed in this article.

Nine out of ten people carry herpes virus.Most often a virus "cold lips" those. herpes virus of the first type, enters the human body in childhood. Infection occurs through contact, herpes virus from one person should, upon contact, reach susceptible areas of the body of a healthy person. The virus then penetrates the skin or mucous membranes and penetrates the nerve endings. Along the course of the nerve, the virus penetrates the nerve ganglion, which is located in the skull. In the nerve node herpes virus is in a dormant state. The very fact of having a virus in the body is not something to be afraid of. The human body coexists perfectly with a large number of viruses and bacteria, both beneficial and harmful. Problems arise when the body behaves “wrongly” in relation to these neighbors. The body behaves incorrectly when its protective immune forces are reduced.

Activation of “cold lips” can occur for two reasons:

The first reason is a decrease in the human body’s immunity.

The second reason is injury to the lips, mucous membranes, oral organs, and gums.

Sometimes these reasons act together.

Decreased immunity is the first reason for the activation of “colds on the lips”

Stress, general illnesses, heavy physical labor, complex psychological stress, fears, dissatisfaction with life, fatigue, ultraviolet radiation and much more can lead to the fact that the body’s strength cannot cope, and herpes virus"wakes up." Along the nerve endings, it again descends from the nerve ganglion to the skin and mucous membranes, most often affecting the lips.

Trauma to the lips, gums, and mucous membranes of the oral cavity is the second reason for the activation of “cold lips”

Here it is necessary to make a reservation that if the immune system is in good shape and the body’s defenses are not exhausted, then the second reason may not work. That's why we put trauma as the second reason for activation "cold lips"

Typical injuries to the lips and mucous membranes, which can lead to the activation of “cold lips”

- Lip tattoo Permanent lip makeup. The trauma to the lips during permanent makeup is so great that even a healthy immune system is not strong enough to protect it. Herpetic lesions can be extensive. Appearance herpes after lip tattooing can deteriorate the quality of permanent makeup. For people who have "cold on the lips" As a preventive measure, it is recommended to take a course of antiherpes drug during tattooing.

- Dental treatment. During long-term dental treatment or during frequently repeated visits to the dentist (when a person undergoes complex treatment or dental prosthetics), microtraumas of the lips, mucous membranes, and gums inevitably occur, which can lead to activation herpes virus.

Stages of development of “cold lips”. When activated, herpes goes through four stages:

1. "The stage of first signs." A place of different sensitivity appears on the lip. Nothing can be seen with the eyes yet. There may be pain, itching, numbness, tingling or pinching of the lip, etc.

2. "The stage of visible manifestations" . The skin on the lip turns red, then very quickly bubbles filled with white liquid appear. There may be one or several bubbles. Sometimes they merge into large clusters. Bubbles herpes very painful.

3. The “ulcer” stage. Bubble herpes ruptures, liquid flows out of it. At the site of the herpetic vesicle, an ulcer first forms. This is the most contagious period. Also during this period herpes causes maximum discomfort to a person, because very painful and causes aesthetic discomfort.

4. "Crust" stage. A crust forms at the site of the ulcer, which upon contact is easily damaged and can bleed. This is the final stage of manifestation herpes on the lips. After the crust disappears, pigmentation may remain on the skin. This pigmentation in most cases completely disappears after a few days.

Treatment of herpes virus type 1 - “cold sores”

Herpes virusremains in the human body for life. To date, there are no ways to completely “drive” the pathogen out of the body. "cold lips"

There are a number of people, about 5%, who are not susceptible to herpes virus, and do not get sick with it under any circumstances. The reason for this unresponsiveness is unknown.

Treatment of herpesat the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center is to influence "cold lips" energy of laser radiation.

Our center uses

Laser radiation from our laser with a wavelength of 810 nm leads to the destruction of viruses in huge quantities. The wavelength is very important. There are different types of dental lasers that use different wavelengths. Accordingly, the effect of laser radiation on tissue is different. The most modern and safe laser today is considered to be a laser with a wavelength of 810 nm. Under its influence, viruses and bacteria die and the body’s own tissues are not injured. This effect is also used to sterilize dental canals. In this case, the laser action has shallow penetration. A virus “sleeping” in a nerve node in the skull will not be killed by a laser, because it just won't reach him. But on the lips and in the oral cavity, millions of viruses die under the influence of a laser.

The effect of a laser beam is effective at all stages of herpes development:

At the first stage - the “stage of first signs” - the use of a laser allows you to remove pain and extinguish the activation of the herpes virus in the bud.

At the second stage - “stage of first visible manifestations” - using laser to treat herpes allows you to stop further development "cold lips" Herpes on the lips immediately goes to the fourth stage of the crust and begins to heal.

At the third stage - the “ulcer” stage - the use of a laser at the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center can reduce the likelihood of infection of others and relieve pain and inflammatory manifestations of herpes.

In the fourth period – the “crust” stage - laser radiation gives the effect of biostimulation and sterilization. Faster healing occurs.

About laser treatment of herpes In short, we can say this: the use of a laser allows herpes to disappear in 2-4 days and makes its course painless and mild.

Treat herpes only with laser possible only in simple cases herpes. Laser treatment of herpes does not cancel treatment aimed at stimulating the body's immune forces. In some cases laser treatment for herpes may replace taking antiviral drugs or reduce their dose.

In cases of frequently recurring herpes, the extent of herpetic lesions, or a form of herpes that cannot be treated, it is necessary to undergo a detailed diagnosis, because herpes may be a symptom of something more serious immunodeficient states. If necessary, specialists of the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center refer for accurate diagnosis to specialized Herpetic centers for complex treatment of herpes. During the passage herpes treatment, drug-related, mainly antiherpes(such as Zavirax) and taking immunostimulating drugs, you can also use laser treatment for herpes. In this case, treatment proceeds faster.


At the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center, the following specialists treat herpes with laser:

Borisova Yu.A. pediatric dentist.

Cost of laser treatment for herpes: one visit - treatment of one lesion - 350 rubles. Sometimes a single exposure is enough, sometimes you have to treat herpes with laser two or three times. It is extremely rare that there is a need for processing herpes more times.

Examples of herpes treatment at the Dial-Dent center in photographs:

Male 37 years old. Herpes - “cold on the lips.”

One-time treatment for herpes. The procedure time is 5 minutes. The cost of laser treatment for herpes is 500 rubles.

One day after laser treatment herpes on the lips.

No pain

Redness has decreased

No swelling

Repeated laser treatment of the herpes lesion. The procedure time is 5 minutes. The cost of laser treatment for herpes is 500 rubles.

In two more days.

Complete absence of symptoms.

No further procedures were carried out.

Woman 38 years old. Herpes on the lips. Stage – visible manifestations “Bubbles”.

Sharp pain upon contact with the lip

Aesthetic discomfort

One-time treatment for herpes. The procedure time is 5 minutes. The cost of laser treatment for herpes is 350 rubles.

One day after treatment herpes with laser.

No pain

Redness has decreased

No swelling

Herpes quickly moved into the last stage of “crust”

Repeated laser treatment of the herpes lesion. The procedure time is 5 minutes. The cost of laser treatment for herpes is 350 rubles.

In two more days

Significant improvement. There is no pain or swelling.

No further procedures were carried out. Complete healing is expected in two days.

Herpes is a viral disease that is a blistering rash that appears on both the skin and mucous membranes. Experts note that people suffering from herpes during the active phase of the virus can easily infect others with it through household items, any close contact or by airborne droplets. There are about 80 types of herpes in nature. The most popular among them is herpes simplex type 1, which causes a blistering rash on the lips.

People call it “cold” or “fever” on the lips. Herpes is invariably accompanied by weakness, general malaise and severe itching, virtually depriving a person of a normal life. Only comprehensive treatment that combines medications and modern laser methods, which have been successfully used in our Medikstardent dentistry for many years, will help return everything to “normal” as quickly as possible.

Signs of herpes

It is better to start treating herpes in the mouth, like any other disease, at an early stage of its development. This way you will not only reduce the risk of infecting other people with it, but you will also very soon return to a healthy appearance. The restoration of normal well-being, by the way, will not take long either.

Herpes is a unique disease, the symptoms of which vary from person to person. For example, in a child, “fever on the lips” is often not even noticeable, but in adults, the disease can immediately progress to the stage of herpetic gingivostomatitis. However, there are a number of signs, the presence of which indicates the onset of the disease:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • High body temperature;
  • Increased fatigue, loss of strength;
  • Painful sensations when eating and drinking;
  • Inflammation of the soft tissues and gums around the resulting ulcers;
  • The appearance of noticeable watery bubbles of white or yellowish color with a diameter of up to 3 mm.

In children, the appearance of herpes is most often indicated by sleep disturbances, excessive irritability and vomiting after eating.

Benefits of Laser Treatment for Oral Herpes

Laser radiation is the latest treatment method, which has already become one of the most effective in most areas of medicine. Cases with herpes on the oral mucosa are no exception. Our Medikstardent dental center offers you to get rid of the symptoms of this unpleasant disease at the earliest stages of its onset.

The American Picasso diode laser from AMD Lazers, which we have been successfully using for many months, has repeatedly shown its effectiveness not only in Russia, but also abroad. Practice shows that it can easily and painlessly relieve all symptoms of herpes in just 2-4 days.

The miraculous effect of the laser is explained by its unique wavelength of only 810 nm, which allows it to quickly destroy viruses without causing the slightest harm to surrounding tissues. Did you notice “bubble fever” only at the second stage, and decided to contact us already at the third or fourth stage? It’s okay, because laser equipment is equally effective at any stage of herpes development, quickly healing virus-infected tissue.

Prices for laser treatment

The cost of laser treatment for herpes on the oral mucosa or lips at our Medikstardent dental center is considered one of the most affordable in Moscow. It is calculated individually and depends on how long the laser exposure to the affected area is required. In most cases, complete recovery for patients is ensured by 1-3 procedures, each of which will require only 5-10 minutes of time.

Dear clients, we ask you to find out the exact prices from the clinic administrator by calling the numbers listed in the “Contacts” section or in person.

To date, there is no medicine that completely destroys the herpes virus.

What can help in the treatment of herpes?

When treating herpes at home, special antiherpetic ointments have proven themselves to be effective. The use of such ointments shortens the course of exacerbation of the disease.

As we wrote above, high immunity can cope with the herpes virus, and with good immunity, herpes will be in an inactive state. What should you do to boost your immunity? Let's try to briefly list what increases immunity or prevents it from declining.

The first thing that is necessary to maintain immunity is a healthy lifestyle.

In short, this is:

  • limiting or completely eliminating alcohol consumption;
  • complete nutrition, rich in vitamins, minerals and all necessary substances;
  • good dream;
  • active lifestyle, physical education;

The second is the exclusion of overload, hypothermia, stress, injury, severe restrictive diets and other factors that lead to exhaustion of the body.

The third is boosting immunity with the help of special nutritional supplements and medications.

The fourth thing you can do to boost immunity is to use special devices that restore immunity by influencing the body from the inside - at the cellular level.

We will talk further about devices that can increase immunity.

Milta laser devices for the treatment of herpes

Milt laser devices affect the human body using three natural factors:

  • light laser radiation,
  • infrared LED radiation
  • magnetic field.

All these three types of effects, combined in one device, cause acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues, improvement of blood flow, strengthening of cell walls and increasing their resistance to viruses.

By affecting only a certain area of ​​the body, the beneficial effects of the device also extend to the entire body.

The use of Milta lasers in the treatment of the initial stages of the disease interrupts its development. In advanced states of the disease, Milta devices promote faster healing.

The best results in the treatment of herpes can be obtained with the combined influence of Milta devices and antiherpetic ointments.

For the treatment of herpes, the Milta BIO device with a power of 0-10 W is ideal.

If you want to order a Milta device, or simply ask a question about this device, call us!

Expansion of the range of laser devices

We have expanded the range of laser devices we offer.