League of legends new season. Long time no see: seventh preseason

This news article will be updated every time there is any new information or any changes in regards to LoL when does season 8 end. You can see updates at the bottom of this page when they are announced.

Riot will always announce in advance the exact LoL Season 8 End Date so players can finish Ranking Up for their Rewards. This will give players plenty of time to earn the rank they have been going for all season. In rare occasions, Riot will extend the LoL Season End Date. This normally never occurs however, this has happened in the past at least once due to server instability.

When does Season 8 End in League of Legends? This is the question everyone is asking. Since League of Legends season 8 began in January 16th 2018, Players went through a soft elo reset after the S8 started. Now players have either ranked back up or are still trying to achieve their dream elo before the LoL Season End.

LoL When does Season 8 End

LoL When does Season 8 end and how much time do we actually have left until the season end? The LoL Season End Date is usually around the fourth quarter of the year every time.

Season 1 Started in July 13,2010Ended on August 23, 2011
Season 2 Started in November 29, 2011Ended on November 12, 2012
Season 3 Started in February 1, 2013Ended on November 11, 2013
Season 4 Started in January 10, 2014
Ended on November 11, 2014
Season 5 Started in January 21, 2015Ended on November 11, 2015
Season 6 Started in January 20, 2016Ended on November 8, 2016
Season 7 Started on December 8, 2016Ended on November 7, 2017
Season 8 Started on January 16, 2018Ended on November 12, 2018
Season 9 Starts on January 23, 2019Expected To End on November 7, 2019

Riot will always give close to 1 months notice of the exact League of legends Season End date. This announcement is expected sometime during September and maybe early October. Since the LoL Season ended for the last 4 years in November its safe to say this year will be no different. This yearly pattern has helped both RIOT and players prepare for the League of Legends season end date, which mean RIOT will most likely stick to it this year as well.

Since the League of Legends Season End tends to always be in the later part of the year, this year confidently expecting LoL Season 8 End to be on November 10th.

What Happens After The LoL Season 8 End Date?

Two things will happen!


League of Legend players will begin to earn their Rewards! When Season 7 in League of Legends comes to an end, we will be notified threw the Client or their official website.

Shortly after players will begin to receive the Season 8 Rewards. This process can take up to 1-2 Weeks for every player in Leauge of Legends to receive their Rewards. You can learn about all the different types of rewards and how to unlock them in League of Legends.

Unlocking Rewards Before LoL Season 8 End Date

View all of the League of Legends Rewards.


All League players will enter preseason shortly after Season end in League of Legends. which is a bit different in terms of how the Ranked modes function. Here’s what you can expect and how to handle it.

During this PreSeason phase, RIOT makes huge changes to the entire game. This ranges from Map Redesigns and massive Balance Changes to Roles, Items and even ranking systems.

The elo you gain during this 1-2 month period does not count towards ranked rewards, but it is still worth noting that whatever MMR or rank you gain during this time, you will keep some of it when the next season start.

When season 9 starts in LoL there will be a soft reset , meaning that you will become unranked but your MMR will still reflect where you were before the reset, so if you were platinum in pre-season you will place higher in season 9 than if you were gold or silver.

Good news! You don't have to worry about all that. One thing you should note, if you hit a higher rank during pre-season that’s good in a way. When the actual season begins you’ll be able to do placement matches and place near the elo you were previously.

So if you’re wondering whether you should play during this phase. Yes, you should it’ll help you get better and place higher if you happen to reach higher rankings.

Pre Season Updates

Learn about Riots Upcoming Changes To League of Legends!


The League of Legends season 8 will end on the 10th of November 2018 and season 9 will start probably around the 16th of January 2019 that same year.

We will continue to keep this article updated with the latest news, so if there are ANY changes to LoL When Does Season 8 End date you will see it below in our Update Log.

LoL Season 8 End Updates:

June 2016 Update: The LoL Season 6 end date is still predicted to be the 11th of November 2016. With Riot’s recent announcement that Solo Queue will not be coming out after all, there is no reason why LoL Season 6 end date should be delayed.

July 2016 Update: Riot has confirmed the Ranked 5v5 team will be available for lol players again. They did mention some details regarding how the new 5v5 ranked will function. Most notably that 5v5 Ranked will only be active during certain time periods of the day, mostly during the busy peak hours of the day. Since we are nearing the LoL Season 6 end date, we don’t expect any delays to the Season 6 End due to Ranked 5v5.

October 2016 Update: Riot has confirmed the LoL Season 6 End date. The 2016 season wraps up at the end of day on November 7-technically this means 12:01 AM at midnight on November 8.

November 2016 Update: Riot has announced they plan to start Season 7 on the 8th of November 2016.

This year, you'll be able to excel in two competitive ranked queues in Summoner's Rift: Solo/Double and Flex. Each of them has its own rating and requires different skills from players. Prove yourself in both queues and receive additional rewards at the end of the season!

Ranked Flex Queue is now available in the Cursed Forest - queue alone or as part of a group and leave your name on the altars of the Shadow Isles.

While this year's preseason was shorter than usual, you'll begin your ranked journey in the 2017 season with a series of qualifying matches in both Singles/Doubles and Flex Queue. Your pre-season results will influence where you end up, but most of you will start with a lower ranking than you were at the end of last season.

With the start of a new season, there will be a new chance to get loot. Earn a grade of S- or higher—or have a partymate earn it—to unlock the Hextech Chest of the champion you played as. Just like last season, until the next reset you will only be able to get one chest per champion.

Do you want to show the whole world what a wonderful pentakill you made? Do you want to conduct a laboratory analysis of your movements through the forest? Can't wait to find out how long the enemy team spent in ambush at the Baron's lair? In the updated client, you can download replays on the post-game screen or in game history, so you can analyze the match or record highlights.

During the first week of the season, IP bonuses will apply to all games in the Ranked Flex Queue. You will earn 50% more IP when playing in flexible queue between 03:00 December 8th and 02:59 December 15th Moscow time. It doesn't matter if you're going the solo warrior route or participating in a five-man clown fiesta, you'll receive the same IP bonus either way.

By the way, due to the limitations of the IP bonus system, the game will state that single players are not participating in the promotion, but this is just a display error - you will still receive 50% more IP at the end of the game!

The opportunity to show everyone your position in the ranking at the end of the season and the Victorious Totem Skin for a purr-filled review. As promised earlier this year, Riot Games will also reward those who fought with honor. Read on for all the information.

Rank rewards

Victorious Graves + Chroma (Gold+)

  • The Victorious Graves skin, awarded to players who finish the season at Gold or higher, comes with additional color schemes that vary by queue.
  • Bilgewater's most dangerous criminal will show everyone that his years of masterful heists have not been in vain. He sports the best suit that gold can buy. His shiny, gold-plated shotgun and formal attire will distract enemies for a short while, making it easy to cause Collateral Damage.

Profile insignia (Bronze+)

  • The new insignia under the summoner's name will allow you to show off your rating from last season.
  • Your insignia will no longer appear around your summoner icon (yes, we had borders there), but rather right in the center of your profile page.
  • This souvenir will be with you throughout the next season - unlike the dream of finally getting the Victorious skin.

Icons and Frames (Bronze+)

  • A new set of summoner icons - one for each rank+queue combination - is on its way to adding to your collection. The traditional loading screen ranking frames are included with the icons.
  • You can earn up to three icons - one for each ranked queue. Don't forget that the rank of a challenger in the Cursed Forest is still the rank of a challenger, no matter what anyone says!

Victorious Totem Image (Silver ×2)

  • Earn Silver in more than one ranked queue to receive the 2017 Victory Totem.
  • We have revised the conditions for obtaining the Victorious Totem, and now it will only be given to those who play in multiple queues. While Victorious Graves still goes to Gold players, with Totems we want to encourage your Silver V mid laner to start using these things (at least for once

Honor Awards

Images of honor and totems

  • If you reach honor level 3 or higher during the season, you will receive a unique totem skin that depends on your level.variety).
  • These totem images have been carefully checked and tested. Studies have shown that when using them, the number of incidents of unsportsmanlike behavior is reduced by 389%.


. When will the season end?

The 2017 season ends on November 7 at 23:59 Moscow time. To count toward the final rankings, the last game must start before 11:59 p.m. However, the challenger's ranking is locked at 11:45 p.m., so if you want to climb higher, your last game must end by then.

. When does the 2018 season start?

. When will I receive my rewards?

All rewards will appear on your account within one month from the end of the season. Some rewards may appear earlier than others, so don't worry if you don't get them all at once.
I don't have Graves, but I plan to finish the season in Gold! Help!
If you don't have Graves and you get to Gold or higher, the champion itself will come with the skin.

. Are ranking frames awarded separately for each queue?

. Can I use frames received from previous seasons?

Unfortunately no. We must keep up with the times!

Full details are available on the 2018 preseason website.

. What will happen to my rank in preseason?

During the preseason, your rank will not go anywhere - you can still move up and down. But during the preseason, your rank will not decrease due to inactivity. When the new season begins, you will need to play 10 qualifying games, after which your new rank will be determined - based on MMR and qualifying success.

. Will I be able to receive these rewards?

As we said in August, some players will not receive seasonal rewards:
- If at the end of the season their account will be blocked or chat restrictions will be imposed on them.
- If their account was blocked for a week or more after 08/22/2017.
- If their account was blocked for boosting their rating during the 2017 season.
Players who have experienced fraud or whose account has been unfairly suspended will receive rewards this year.

. What about out-of-game rewards for challengers?

We listened to your feedback on last year's awards. Quality, check-in times, and shipping have been major sources of frustration, so we're reviewing the out-of-game rewards program for challengers to create something that's better quality and easier to ship around the world. Details will come later this year.

What reward will you receive?

Hello, summoners!

We'll be publishing several posts this week and next exploring our approaches to high-level game design and how they'll play out throughout the preseason and next season. You will find relevant discussions on the forums, but here I want to give you a small overview of the upcoming changes.

As the season ends, we're hard at work updating League of Legends. The preseason is a kind of lull before the upcoming competitive season, and therefore it is the best period of time for global changes in the balance and core mechanics of the game. Our design team has been very diligent in collecting player feedback throughout the year and overhauling some of the game's core systems. Overall, we want to seriously revamp League of Legends for the new season with deeper, clearer, and more satisfying gameplay.

How will we achieve this?

First, let me formulate our goals for the preseason:

  • Diversify gameplay and strategies regarding vision and totems.
  • To ensure that a player in any role and in any position feels the development of his character and the growth of his strength in proportion to the player’s skill.
  • Improve the flow of the game and reduce the snowball effect for teams.

For us, these goals define better competitiveness and greater enjoyment of the gameplay. In addition, we try to focus on systems that need improvement first.

What are we changing?

Our team will share all the details about each individual change in each of the systems. Here's a quick overview of what you can expect.

  • We'll tell you about totems, a map overview, and a new inventory slot. At the moment, the fight for visibility on the map is primarily a race for gold. We want to turn it into a deeper, more strategic part of the game. We'll be making a lot of changes in this regard - including adding a new inventory slot specifically for vision items, introducing a limit on the purchase of totems, and diversifying the totems themselves.
  • A lot will change in the jungle too: there will be new items for junglers who prefer to play in the ranger/mage style, an increase in gold/reward flow, a new fourth monster camp will be added that will provide clearer paths through the forest and diversify the strategy of the game, while simultaneously allowing more champions to effectively act as a forester.
  • We will make it so that support players playing in the double lane will start receiving more gold; We'll also add new items (and update old ones) so they have something to spend that gold on. Additionally, we will allow support champions to buff their utility skills rather than their damage to highlight their unique position on the battlefield.
  • Changes to the gameplay and mathematical model will reduce the snowball effect on teams. The rewards for towers and first blood, for the dragon and support in a series of kills will change, and even the bushes will change their location a little. All this will create conditions in which the player will always receive a reward for good play.
  • Finally, we'll cover off-game strategy, with a focus on runes and talents. The talents will be slightly reworked for the start of the new season, but we won't be making any significant changes. We don't want to affect the global balance of talent (although some of this will have to be done by refining certain roles), but we will try to achieve greater diversity. We will also focus on creating more dynamic and balanced rune combinations, as well as try to smooth out any rough edges and provide you with the most favorable experience developing "out-of-game" strategies.

More strategic options!

Tens of millions of players, with thousands of additional gold coins, items and abilities, will find tens of millions of combinations and strategies that our design team can't even imagine (despite many months of constant testing!) - and we really can't wait to see what you come up with . I will add that when it comes to the fundamentals of the game, we are very careful in selecting the problems that we are going to tackle first. The systems mentioned above, in our opinion, need revision more than others, but work on them can only be done in the off-season (that is, now). Of course, we still have other projects, and the list I provided is by no means a complete list of all the things we will be doing - it only covers those aspects of the game that will be updated in the near future.

Anyway, over the next couple of months we will be debugging new game systems - and this means a lot of rapid iterations and the need to adapt our game to new rules. There will be certain imbalances in the balance in the near future, but at the moment it is important for us to get all the necessary tools in order to balance the game before the start of the new season.

We'll be posting a few posts in the coming days with all the details, and the first one will be a story about totems and a map overview. See you!

Ranked games

As in previous years, your rank will be reset at the start of the season: a new rank will be calculated based on your current MMR, as well as the results of the 10 qualifying games.

At the Contender rank in the Singles/Doubles queue, the ban on playing in pairs will be lifted. We noticed that challenger players would often run into groups of two Master rank players, which reduced the overall competitiveness of the queue (despite our goals) and also penalized groups at the top of the Master rank for winning too often. We'll be watching closely to see how this change impacts the health of the queue in the coming weeks.

In addition, to receive rank rewards, you will now need to not only be at the desired rank, but also have Honor Level 2 or higher at the end of the season.


Just like your position on the leaderboard, your honor level resets at the start of the season. Players who previously held honor levels 3, 4, and 5 will have to start their ascension all over again. More details - Fight with honor and level up.

Players at Honor Level 3 and above will receive rewards at the end of the 2018 season.

...And so on

Once the season begins, you will be able to start earning Hextech Chests again for each champion by earning an S- or higher rating as you play.