Medicinal properties of spicy cloves. Cloves: beneficial properties and contraindications

Perennial Experience has taught me how to use the plant in different areas of life. The healing properties of the plant are actively used medicine and cosmetology. Cooking also does not lag behind. Clove spice has earned its place of honor in the kitchen as seasoning, giving the dish an exquisite taste and aroma.


Do not confuse the carnation flowers we are used to and the plant from which it is extracted. famous spice. We are talking about a clove tree from the myrtle family. Unopened buds resemble cloves with a cap, which is why the spice began to be called cloves.

How and where it grows

The flower is extremely popular. It grows anywhere where there is a warm, humid climate: Africa, Indonesia, South America, India, etc.

Interesting! Care the plant does not require much effort, so the price of the spice is minimal.

What does it look like

The plant has more than one species, variety.

This tropical tree can reach a height of up to 20 m.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The buds of the clove tree contain a magical composition:

  • vitamins: B, A, C, E, K;
  • minerals;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • clove oil;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides, proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, lipids.

In 100 gr. Carnation flowers contain 323 kcal.

Application area

Thanks to a wide range of beneficial properties, usage Carnations have always been and remain at the peak of popularity in various industries.

In cooking. Clove seasoning: application

In the kitchen, cloves have become the queen of spices. What does it taste like this spice You can judge by adding it to a dish once - it’s hot, slightly tart, with a deep aroma. Spice Sold in stores in the form of dried buds or ground.

Dried The spice gives each dish a unique taste. It is often used in the wine and vodka craft, and is also used in compotes, mulled wine, etc. Often seasoning added to meat, fish dishes, broths, porridges.

The photo shows dried, ground spice

Cloves can be used in the preparation of sauces and marinades. It is used in the preservation of berries, mushrooms and other preserves. Bakery products also cannot do without this spice.

Use spice should be used carefully, otherwise you risk overshadowing the taste of the dish, because clove The aroma is very deep and full.

In folk medicine

Why is it useful? The list of cloves can take a long time. Treatment flowers are often used in folk medicine. Useful the composition helps to eradicate diseases, including worms, diabetes, pancreatitis, toothache, obesity, etc. Dried buds are excellent as an additional treatment and prevention of acute respiratory diseases.

The flower fights fungi, bacteria, viruses, provides excellent pain relief, and has wound-healing properties. Cloves treat warts, normalize the gastrointestinal tract, activate brain activity and improve memory, increase blood pressure, and stimulate blood circulation. Benefit for the body from this plant is enormous. But before you start treating yourself with this spice, necessary study contraindications so as not to cause harm health.

In cosmetology

Few people know what is useful cloves in cosmetology. In this industry, clove oil is most widely used. It is added to various masks for the face and hair.

Regular external use cloves can transform your appearance: acne will stop appearing on your face, your hair will grow faster, acquire a healthy shine and elasticity, and dandruff will disappear.

For hair- this is a real find. Cosmetic procedures can be performed at home. They are perfect as for women, so for men.

For weight loss

Properties of cloves can be used by people who want to lose weight. There are some factors that contribute to weight loss:

  1. Thanks to its special taste, cloves will add attractiveness to even the leanest dish.
  2. The spice promotes the production of gastric juice, which makes food digested much faster.
  3. The plant has diaphoretic properties.
  4. Regular consumption of cloves will help keep the body in good shape.
  5. Prevents diarrhea and bloating.

These spice properties They are very valuable, but you should not overuse cloves, otherwise you may harm your own health.

At home

Cloves are widely used in everyday life. For example:

  1. It does an excellent job of repelling mosquitoes. These insects do not tolerate clove smell. It is enough to apply a couple of drops of essential oil to your wrists and neck, and not a single harmful bloodsucker will attach itself to you.
  2. If you put dried carnation flowers in the closet or drop a drop of oil on your clothes, then you can forget about moths - they will never start there.
  3. Protects from envy and the evil eye, brings loyalty and wealth to the house.

How is the spice made, and what part of the clove tree becomes the spice?

Typically harvested from plants that are six years old. Unopened buds of the myrtle tree, which are collected and dried in the sun. Drying continues until a specific cracking sound appears when grinding it. The process is not very labor-intensive and does not require large expenses.

Collected buds

What group of spices does it belong to?

Cloves belong to the floral group of spices, ranking alongside saffron. These are one of the most aromatic and hot spices.

Useful properties and contraindications

The plant and spice can be not only useful. They have contraindications that you should be aware of.

Useful properties and contraindications of spices

Benefit and harm It is better to study spices in order to use the spice for the benefit of health.


  • childhood;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypertension.

Useful properties and contraindications of the plant

The plant itself also has medicinal properties and contraindications. Treatment must be based on knowledge. It is important to understand What are the benefits of cloves for the body? It is the unopened buds of delicate flowers that are a real treasury of healing elements. Carnation can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Therefore her application must be careful.

  • rejuvenates the body;
  • supports the normal functioning of internal organs;
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • relieves spasms;
  • brings the body into a state of tone, maintains vital energy;
  • kills harmful bacteria/viruses.


  • allergy;
  • young age;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • increased level of gastric acidity;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • heart problems.

Clove oil: properties and uses

Use essential oil has become very popular. Oil nails ki has interesting properties and received widespread application in industries such as:

  • cosmetology;
  • medicine;
  • perfumery;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • production of confectionery products.

Carnation oil

The properties of clove oil are difficult to overestimate, because it:

  • good for oily skin, relieves inflammation, fights acne;
  • helps maintain skin firmness and elasticity even in adulthood;
  • carefully cares for hair, accelerating its growth;
  • treats dermatitis, lupus, eliminates warts;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • relieves stress;
  • relieves toothache, fights caries;
  • heals wounds.

Tea with cloves

Cloves can not only decorate any dish, but also add an interesting note during tea drinking. Add cloves in tea and you will quickly cure your cough and nasal congestion will go away.

Tea cinnamon helps cleanse the body of waste/toxins, promotes active weight loss, reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. Just do not abuse the drink if you have hypertension and high stomach acidity.

Strengthens immunity

Tea with ginger is an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases.

Tea with cardamom It has a very spicy taste/aroma. Such an exotic drink carries like benefit, so harm. It is not recommended for people with gastritis, peptic ulcers, or nervous disorders. But its benefits cannot be overestimated. The drink treats colds, enhances potency, increases body tone, produces the hormone of joy, etc.

Attention! If the clove is of high quality, it will sink to the bottom of the cup. A bad clove will float horizontally in the water.

Traditional recipes with spices

Description of the recipe for diabetes

Take 20 dried buds, pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for a day. It is recommended to take the decoction 3 times a day, half a glass, 20 minutes before meals. Contraindication: personal intolerance.

For pancreatitis

Pour 20 buds with cold boiled water and leave for 10 hours. Drink a tablespoon three times a day, on an empty stomach.

Crush the cloves into powder. Every day before meals, eat a teaspoon of it and immediately drink a glass of water. Stick to treatment for three weeks.


Don’t be afraid to use the gifts of nature, but don’t forget about the rules for their use. Cloves will help preserve beauty, health, add an exquisite aroma to your dishes and give you a good mood!

Cloves are an aromatic spice and are present in almost every kitchen. Outwardly, these are dark sticks, small in size, one of the ends of which looks like a flower. The seasoning is characterized by a bitter, rich taste and has healing properties that help in the fight against many diseases.

The spice variety (fragrant) is popular in folk medicine thanks to its composition. At home, various healing potions are prepared from it.

Spice is not a flower, but a spice

How to prepare an infusion

One of the options for preparing the spice is infusion. To prepare:

In the evening, the remaining flowers are re-filled with boiling water. The resulting infusion is drunk the next day.

Vodka tinctures are also prepared from the spice. There are several recipes for its preparation, let's look at the most common ones.

Recipe 1. It is necessary to pour 100 ml of vodka with 5 teaspoons of ground cloves. The mixture should be heated slightly and left to infuse for an hour. Take tincture 0.5 teaspoon.

Recipe 2. To prepare you will need 1 orange, half a lemon, a little cinnamon, 5 cloves and 300 ml of vodka. Peel the lemon and orange and chop finely. Mix everything and bring to a boil.

Leave the product to infuse for several hours. Before use, the tincture must be strained. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon.

Vodka tincture is suitable not only for oral use, but also for compresses

How to prepare balm

Spice balm also helps to heal effectively.
Cook only in dark glass containers. Ingredients: alcohol tinctures of peony, hawthorn, valerian, motherwort.

Pour 100 ml of the listed tinctures into a bottle, add 10 pcs. cloves, 30 ml Corvalol, 25 g mint tincture and 50 ml eucalyptus.

The bottle must be tightly closed and left to infuse for 14 days in a dark place. Periodically, the bottle of balm should be shaken well.

Scheme for taking the balm: stir 30 drops in 100 ml of water and drink before meals 30 minutes three times a day. Duration of treatment is 1 month. Afterwards, you need to take a break for a week and repeat the treatment.

Healing decoction

There are many ways to prepare the decoction. One of the cooking options is the following: pour boiling water over 30-35 pcs. cloves, let it boil and cook for another 2 minutes. Wrap the dishes with the broth. After 12 hours the decoction is ready.

The product is suitable for internal and external use.


One of the options for preparing medicinal remedies from spices is the preparation of medicinal oil. To prepare, boil 1 tbsp for a few minutes. a spoonful of sesame oil with 5-6 cloves. Consume oil recommended warm.

Medicinal tea

To prepare the drink, add 3 pcs to 500 ml of boiling water. cloves, grated ginger, 2 lemon slices, half a cinnamon stick, 1 tsp. black tea, 30 ml orange freshly squeezed juice.

Mix everything well and bring to a boil. Use the product as a tea leaves.

Tea itself has benefits for the human body.

Description and characteristics

The clove evergreen tree grows in tropical countries: Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Madagascar, Tanzania, Ceylon.

Spice characterized by the following effects:

  • diuretic;
  • antiseptic and antimicrobial;
  • analgesic and antispasmodic;
  • soothing and tonic;
  • wound healing;
  • sweatshop;
  • antivirus.

The spice is widely used in medicine.

The pharmaceutical industry produces about 60 medicines based on cloves.

  1. Essential oil.
  2. Balm.
  3. In capsules.

Each drug is accompanied by instructions describing the scope of application.

How to prepare and areas of application

It is also used in cosmetology and perfumery: it is part of many perfume compositions.

The spice has a pleasant smell, which is why it is used in perfumery.

In cooking seasoning added to soups, confectionery, meat and fish dishes, sauces, etc.

The buds of a six-year-old clove tree are suitable for preparing the seasoning. They are collected by hand, the flower stalks are removed, the buds are blanched in boiling water and dried.

Cloves have been known since ancient times. However, several decades ago she wasn't popular among seasonings and was replaced by coluria, which has similar taste qualities.

Not many people know that this seasoning has nothing to do with the flower. Clove trees cannot grow in our climate.

Translated from Latin, carnation means flower of Zeus.

Healing properties

The healing properties of the seasoning are explained by its rich composition of vitamins and minerals.

They join:

  • protein in large quantities;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • ash;
  • vitamins.

It also contains macro and microelements.

Benefits for women

During childbirth, the spice tones the muscles of the uterus. It also normalizes the menstrual cycle, stops uterine bleeding, and improves reproductive function.

Cloves ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: relieves pain, spasms, relieves flatulence. Effective for menopause, relieves nervousness, normalizes sleep.

Benefits for men

For men, it is useful for its tonic effect, increases potency, enhances libido, and improves reproductive function.

In addition, the spice effective for prostatitis: regulates blood circulation, negatively affects pathogens, relieves swelling, inflammation and soreness.

Spice treatment

Treatment is effectively prescribed for various conditions and diseases.

Cloves for colds

For colds use teas effectively from cloves. It is necessary to drink medicinal tea often.

For the treatment of digestive pathologies

The seasoning relieves spasms in the muscles of the stomach and intestines, normalizes digestion, and eliminates flatulence. It treats inflammation of the gastrointestinal system.

The plant often helps with stomach pain.

Helps to heal for nausea, vomiting and belching.

The spice is also effective for gastritis with low acidity, improves appetite, stimulates the synthesis of enzymes.

Antibacterial properties of seasoning

Cloves are characterized by antibacterial effects. Effective in the treatment of staphylococci, diphtheria, typhoid, anthrax.

The spice is used as anthelmintic. Decoctions are effective against roundworms and pinworms, opisthorchiasis and giardiasis.

Antiviral drug for ARVI

The essential oil contained in cloves protects the body from influenza and ARVI. It is recommended to use the seasoning for preventive purposes during epidemics.

Tea made from the spice will lower your body temperature.

For the treatment of oral diseases

This spice is used to prepare fillings and impressions. And also infusions and decoctions are effective relieve toothache, heal wounds due to stomatitis, relieve inflammation of the gums.

Cloves are found in medications for periodontal disease.

You can try to use it for periodontal disease, but it is better to consult a dentist

For arthritis

It is effective to wipe the affected joint a couple of times a day with a special mixture based on clove oil with the addition of massage oil.

Spice for diabetes

The spice also lowers cholesterol.

For headaches

Such pain is effectively treated with compresses: add cloves and salt to the milk until a thick consistency is formed. Mixture apply to the sore area of ​​the head.

Antioxidant properties

The spice is an effective means of preventing premature aging of the skin.

Extracts contained in the spice have an anti-carcinogenic effect and reduce the risk of malignant tumors.

From stress

Thanks to its pleasant smell, spice reduces the excitement of the nervous system. To do this, you can prepare healing tea:

Anti-dandruff remedy

To get rid of dandruff, you need to use the following remedy: grind several columns of spice, add 25 g of onion peels and pour in 100 ml of alcohol.

Leave for 14 days in a dark place. An hour before washing It is recommended to rub the product into the roots. Dandruff will disappear after a month of treatment.

For wound healing

Compresses are used effectively for bruises, abrasions and cuts. To prepare a compress: 2 tbsp. spoons of unground seasoning pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Leave to infuse for 2 days. Apply without straining.

Tonic properties

The spice will help you forget about problems with potency. For treatment, it is recommended to drink vodka tincture.

Has a tonic effect on the male body

Parkinson's disease

For prevention and treatment, the following remedy can be used effectively: 1 part cloves, 6 parts celery seeds, 1.5 parts nutmeg, 2 parts rue, 0.5 femur root. Grind all ingredients into powder.

Take 1 tsp. before and after breakfast.


For treatment, a special healing mixture is used: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cinnamon, cloves, musk root, black cumin seeds. Add honey and stir until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Take 0.5 teaspoon at night.

To strengthen bone tissue

The spice has been proven to be effective during periods of active growth, when the body needs calcium and phosphorus to create bone tissue.

Also in old age when, as a result of leaching of phosphorus and calcium, bone fragility decreases.

Antimutagenic properties of cloves

Biochemical compounds in the seasoning control mutagenic processes, prevent changes in the genetic composition of DNA and prevent mutations.

DNA control is one of the most important properties of a plant.

From insects

Clove spice, calcined in a dry frying pan, quickly will rid the apartment of insects.

For the treatment of nephritis

For uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding

The following infusion is effective: 250 ml of water and one dessert spoon of seasoning.

You should not self-medicate, it is recommended to consult a doctor so as not to harm the body.


Due to contraindications, pregnant women are prohibited from using the spice, as it can cause miscarriage. It is also not recommended to take cloves for nursing mothers or people with hypertension. Excessive consumption of spices can cause allergies and heartburn.

Pregnancy is a contraindication for any self-medication with folk remedies

Spicy will help strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, normalize weight, and regulate the functionality of the digestive system. However, it must be remembered that any remedy requires moderate consumption. To benefit from cloves, you need to take them in small doses.

People call the clove tree Syzygium aromatica. And in Latin it sounds like Syzygium aromaticum.


Cloves, which we often use for culinary purposes, are none other than the buds of the clove tree.

The tree itself is a tropical plant belonging to the myrtaceae class. The bark of the clove tree is dark gray in color. A large number of branches extend from the trunk, which are covered with dense green foliage. The oval leaves reach a length of about 25 cm. Interestingly, the upper side of the leaf is equipped with small glands.

During the flowering period, which is twice a year, the ends of the branches of the clove tree are covered with inflorescences, which are formed by semi-umbrellas. The flowers are equipped with double 1.5 cm perianths. The calyx of the flower is red. Four white petals with a pinkish tint form a corolla, from which fluffy stamens are visible. After flowering, oblong purple berries ripen on the clove tree. They are 2.5 cm long and slightly more than a centimeter wide.

The shape of a tree at a young age resembles a pyramid. As it matures, its branches begin to droop down. The height of the tree usually fluctuates around 12 m. Under favorable conditions, some representatives can grow up to 20 m. The lifespan of the clove tree is about 100 years. The entire tree is permeated with aromatic oil: leaves, bark, flowers.

Where does it grow?

Indonesia and the Malay Archipelago are the native places of the clove tree. Currently it grows in India, Sri Lanka, the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, and Tanzania. Moreover, Tanzania owns the lion's share in the production of the famous spice - 90%.

Method of making spices

When the inflorescences have gained strength, but have not blossomed, they are collected and dried. Peduncles are removed. Not every tree is suitable for harvesting. Only those older than 6 years. Drying does not require any special conditions. It is in this dried form that they reach us. The clove tree produces a rich harvest. In general, the cost of producing spices is low, which is why cloves are inexpensive.


Cloves have a very pungent taste. In this case, the pungency is contained in the petiole, and the aroma is contained in the cap. A quality seasoning has an oily feel. Especially the petiole. If you press it and drag it across a piece of paper, it should leave a meaty line.

If you need ground cloves, it is better to grind them immediately before use. Store-bought ground cloves are less fragrant.

Nutritional value and calorie content

100 grams of dry clove buds contain 323 kcal.

In terms of nutritional value, cloves contain:

  • Proteins – 6 g.
  • Fats – 20 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 27 g.

Chemical composition

  • Essential oils (about 20%), the lion's share of which belongs to eugenol (85%).
  • Tannins (20%).
  • Dietary fiber (about 35%).
  • Ash.
  • Water.
  • Vitamins (group B, PP, C, E, K).
  • Minerals (Mg, Fe, Cu, K, Na, P, Ca, Se, Mn, Zn).

Beneficial features

Cloves have many beneficial properties that are due to the presence of eugenol in its composition:

  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiviral (staphylococci, dysentery pathogens);
  • disinfectants;
  • diuretics.


  • Cloves increase stomach acidity, resulting in heartburn.
  • Increases muscle tone - this is harmful for a pregnant woman, as it can cause a miscarriage or harm the health of an unborn baby.


  • Children's age (up to two years).
  • High blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy.
  • A general state of overwork and a state of internal tension.
  • Cloves should not be used by people suffering from gastritis with high stomach acidity.


Both flowers and bark are used to make oil.

Clove oil is a very useful product to have at home. It's not that difficult to make it yourself. The main ingredients are olive oil (100 ml) and clove buds (1 tbsp). Put the composition on the fire, remove after boiling. Pour the cooled oil into a convenient container and use as intended.

Properties of clove oil:

  • Clove oil is a necessary remedy during cold epidemics. And if you were unable to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, clove oil would be the ideal remedy. Inhalations with its use will relieve cough.
  • For toothache, moisten a piece of cotton wool with clove oil and place it on the sore tooth. Relief will not take long to arrive.
  • Clove oil is added to basic massage oil. This composition has a beneficial effect on the condition of the patient with arthritis and arthrosis and will relieve pain and inflammatory symptoms.
  • Clove oil speeds up the healing process of wounds. It is enough to apply an oil lotion to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Fights acne.
  • Clove oil is used in aromatherapy. It perfectly relieves stress and nervous irritation.
  • The cosmetics industry cannot do without clove oil. It is added to various balms and creams, and flavored eau de parfum.


In cooking

  • One of the most widely known uses of cloves in cooking is in marinades and pickles. It is added when preserving cucumbers and tomatoes. Cloves are one of the most important ingredients in making homemade ketchup. Another advantage of this spice is its ability to enhance preservation. Try preparing a simple and aromatic tomato salad with cloves for the winter. Onions (half rings) and tomatoes (slices) are placed in jars in layers. If you took a 3 liter jar for cooking, then put 4 laurel leaves and 4 cloves on top. You can add peppercorns. Next, pour the marinade over everything. The marinade is prepared from water (liter), salt (3 teaspoons) and sugar (4 tablespoons). The marinade must be boiled in advance. Pour it over the tomatoes and onions and sterilize for 10 minutes. At the 8th minute, pour in 6 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and 4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar essence. Next, we roll up the hot jars with lids, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket until the next day.
  • Confectioners use a mixture of cloves, cardamom and cinnamon when making their masterpieces. It is used to flavor sweet pastries, various compotes and puddings, mousses and punches.
  • Cloves pair perfectly with black pepper. This mixture gives an indescribable aroma to meat dishes (pork, lamb). It is also used in the preparation of various sauces and complements the tender meat of turkey and chicken.
  • Using cloves you can prepare a fragrant and healthy tea drink. Just throw 3 clove buds into boiling water. After 10 minutes the tea is ready. It is very important not to boil the cloves, otherwise all the beneficial substances, including the aroma, will evaporate, and the dish will acquire a bitter taste.

The aroma of cloves is very rich and pronounced. In this regard, the spice must be added to dishes very carefully. Otherwise, it will simply interrupt the taste and smell of the dish. Cloves are added in ground form to sauces, and as a whole to main sauces. If you need to bake a meat tenderloin, you can simply stick a clove into a piece of meat.

In medicine

When losing weight

Since cloves are very rich in vitamin and mineral complex, they are useful and recommended for people on diets.

Another benefit of cloves is that it improves the process of high-quality digestion of food. Therefore, lovers of a slim figure can be sure that excess “fat” will not be deposited anywhere.

Drink delicious and aromatic tea with cloves and lemon. Moreover, anyone can cook it. To do this, cook sugar syrup from 3 teaspoons of sugar and 100 ml of water over low heat. Brew black tea (1 tablespoon per 2 cups of boiling water). The tea is infused for 5 minutes. Next, it is filtered and mixed with sugar syrup, the juice of half a lemon and 4 clove buds. After 2-3 minutes you can enjoy your drink.

At home

Blood-sucking insects do not like the smell of cloves. An aroma lamp using cloves will get rid of annoying mosquitoes.


Since the clove tree is an evergreen and heat-loving plant, it can only be grown in greenhouse conditions. It needs a positive air temperature of 17° to 25°. The clove tree propagates by petioles, seeds, or its branch can be grafted onto another tree. The seeds are planted in a mixture of sand and peat, simply scattered over the surface. They should be sprinkled with soil on top, then covered with film and wait for shoots, which should appear after 4 weeks. When the first two leaves appear, the plants are planted. In the future, the clove tree needs to be pruned and pinched, thus forming a crown.

If a cut petiole is used, then its cut must first be treated with root and then placed in a mixture of peat and perlite. Next, the petiole is covered with film. The soil for planting should be slightly acidic. Drainage and a hole in the pot are required. You can prepare the soil yourself. Mix one part of wet peat, coarse sand, humus, leaf soil and two parts of turf soil. It is optimal to place a pot with a tree near the southern windows. Excessive lighting should be avoided. The sun can burn the leaves.

Water the clove tree regularly. For irrigation you need to use water that has settled. In addition, the clove tree needs spraying. In winter, watering is slightly reduced and spraying is stopped. To feed the tree, mineral nitrogen and potassium fertilizers containing fertilizers are used, which are applied to the soil in the spring and summer; in winter and autumn there is no need to feed the clove tree. Transplantation is carried out in the spring. The plant must be protected from drafts.

Under natural conditions, seeds are germinated in nurseries. Plants are planted in a permanent place of growth at 4 years of age and specifically during the rainy season. To prevent the sun from damaging the tree, it is covered with a canopy or a plant is planted next to it that would shade the seedling. In the sixth year of life, the clove tree bears its first fruits. It produces the largest harvest starting from the age of 20. This period lasts 30 years. In general, the clove tree is used up to 60 years of age.

  • You can determine how high-quality the spice you purchased is by throwing it into water. The more essential oils a bud contains, the heavier it is. Floating and not sinking indicates low oil content.
  • The ancient Chinese were required to chew some clove buds before visiting the emperor. Fulfillment of this condition was an integral etiquette and tradition of those times.
  • Recent research suggests that cloves inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors. In the near future, scientists plan to develop a drug based on cloves that will cure blood cancer.
  • From cloves, French chefs came up with an original additive to soups and broths. Peel the onion and stick 5 whole clove buds into it. Then this “assembly” is lowered into a saucepan where the dish is prepared. The invention is called a nail-studded onion.
  • Cloves are used in magical rituals that get rid of enemies. A handful of clove buds are thrown in a deserted place against the wind. For the ritual to work, you need to leave without looking back.

Cloves – a spice, beneficial properties and contraindications, that’s what the article is about today. Every home has a jar of spice from the buds of the clove tree in the kitchen, but not everyone understands how cloves are beneficial for the body, believing that this spice has no benefit other than a pungent taste in culinary dishes. It's not like that at all. Cloves are widely used in medicine, pharmacology, dentistry, folk recipes, and how useful the spice is, and how to use it correctly in different cases, read below.

Clove spice: description of where it grows

Clove is a spice that is the buds (buds) of the clove tree, a plant of the myrtle family, has a bright aroma and a strong pungent taste.

The homeland of the clove tree is the Southeast part of Asia, where these trees have always been grown without sharing their seeds with other peoples of the world. Currently, the spice is grown not only in Asia; clove trees can be found in Brazil, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Guinea. In all these states, cloves are grown, collected, processed, sold and used for their intended purpose - in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology.

Cloves, spice, photo:

Why is it useful?

How is clove beneficial for the body? This question worries many, and we will answer it. Scientific studies have shown that the exotic spice can solve a number of health problems. If you use clove tinctures and teas, and constantly add the spice to your dishes, it will affect the body:

  • - analgesic and sedative effect;
  • - antiseptic and healing effect;
  • - antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

Unopened flowers of the clove tree give the body a refreshing and rejuvenating effect, support the functioning of organs normally, remove excess fluid, relieve spasms, give tone and vitality.

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Clove seasoning, medicinal properties

The properties of spice on the human body are simply priceless. In many countries of the world, including the homeland of this seasoning, it is included in the list of medicinal plants on the basis of which medicines are produced. Traditional healers also use cloves in their recipes, claiming that this spice can heal the body from the inside, give youthful skin, strength to hair, and a healthy complexion.

The medicinal properties of cloves are as follows:

  • — Cures viruses, and serves as a preventive measure for pathogens such as diphtheria bacillus, staphylococcus, etc.
  • — Has an anthelmintic effect, kills and removes helminths (worms) from the body.
  • — Prevents the spread of tuberculosis, destroys the tuberculosis bacillus.
  • — It is an antispasmodic, analgesic, bactericidal, diuretic, anticarcinogenic and wound healing agent.
  • — Cloves are effective for flu, colds, and sore throat.
  • — Increases the production of gastric juice, promotes good digestion.
  • — Used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colon, rectum and liver.
  • — Relieves inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, toothache, has a good dental effect - quickly heals wounds after dental treatment, prevents the proliferation of dangerous bacteria in the mouth.
  • — Thanks to the eugenol content in the spice, cloves help fight the growth and development of cancer cells.

Many people are wondering if cloves are a spice, is it good to chew it? Let's just say that dried clove buds are a wonderful alternative to mint gum. Cloves neutralize harmful bacteria present in the mouth after eating, plus eliminate bad breath. Traditional healers recommend chewing the spice for a sore throat or toothache. They claim that this action quickly relieves pain and saturates the body with useful vitamins and microelements.

Medicinal uses of cloves

The spice clove is widely used in medicine. It produces tonic and relaxing, antiseptic and analgesic, strengthening and other medicines. A lot of ointments, tinctures, and medicines with clove spice are produced. All of them can cure specific diseases, have a preventive effect, or simply encourage and improve the health of the body.

Traditional recipes:

For diabetes

Traditional healers actively use clove buds in recipes against the symptoms of diabetes. The spice, as experts note, regulates sugar levels, affects the patient’s weight loss, and neutralizes the effects of the harmful substance histamine.

For diabetes, take cloves as follows:

  • Take 20 buds of the spice, pour 250 milliliters of hot water, close the lid, leave for a day. Then the tincture is filtered and taken orally a few minutes, but not less than 10, before meals, half a glass (75-85 ml, depending on the person’s body weight) three times a day.

For pancreatitis

Traditional medicine advises taking clove tincture for pancreatitis. This tincture can cure even the chronic form of the disease, the main thing is to follow the correct diet during illness and use the remedy.

  • To prepare a medicine for pancreatitis, pour 20 clove buds into 100 ml. boiled cold water (note, the water should be cooled, not hot) and let the products brew for about 10 hours. Next, the product is filtered and taken three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. The first dose of medication is best taken on an empty stomach. The course of such treatment can last several months.


Cloves are also used to improve women's health; the spice is effective in treating a number of very serious gynecological diseases.

  • To improve the tone of the uterus, you need to pour a tablespoon of dry, unopened clove flowers with a glass of boiling water, close the product and leave for 3 hours in any dark place, but not in the cold. Drink a tablespoon of the cooled drink 20 minutes before meals (morning, evening and lunch). The course of such therapy will depend on the woman’s health and the condition of the uterus.

For women, blood vessels

The spice clove has a very positive effect on the female body, it normalizes the functioning of the genital organs of representatives of the better half of humanity, improves the condition of blood vessels, brain function, minimizes uterine bleeding, normalizes menstruation, increases the libido of women, increases the sexual satisfaction of women, and is a stimulant for women. time of birth.

During menopause, cloves improve mood, normalize sleep, and relieve nervousness and irritability.

To prevent health, women should take infusions from the spice, one spoon every day before bed or before dinner.

Throat treatment with cloves

Cloves help with sore throat, a recipe for which there are only positive reviews is described below.

  • So, treatment of sore throat with cloves. To do this, make a tincture by pouring a glass of boiling water over 4 buds of the spice or a teaspoon of clove powder. After an hour and a half, the medicine is ready, it needs to be filtered and then used to gargle. The prepared amount of medicine is enough for one rinse. It is recommended to rinse the mouth with a sore throat as often as possible, preferably four or five times a day.

If the sore throat progresses, gargle with this infusion and take it orally in small sips of 50 ml. every two hours throughout the day.

On a note! You shouldn’t brew a lot of spice at once; it’s better if the tincture is fresh, just prepared; the effect of the product is almost doubled after 18 hours of storing the medicine.

Tea with cloves

A few words about the spiced tea drink. This drink, if replaced, can replace regular black or green tea for a person, and at the same time bring a good healing effect to the body.

Tea with cloves, beneficial properties:

  • - general strengthening effect;
  • - helps normalize blood pressure;
  • - improves brain function and memory;
  • - invigorates, energizes;
  • - stimulates mental abilities;
  • — increases performance, relieves fatigue;
  • - prevention of ARVI.

How to brew healing tea

  • Anyone can prepare tea with spices at home and you don’t need any skills at all. You need to take 2-3 small unblown clove flowers, put them in a cup, pour freshly prepared boiling water and leave for 3 minutes. The tea is ready, you can drink it with honey, baked goods, adding lemon to the cup. Experts do not recommend adding sugar to this tea.

How to store seasoning

The clove spice can be found in two forms - in buds or ground. Each of these products is good in its own way, but you need to know that cloves are stored longer in buds and retain their beneficial healing properties longer. Meanwhile, if stored improperly, the product can not only lose its beneficial qualities, but also lose its spicy aroma. How to properly store seasoning at home?

Dried clove buds should be stored in a glass container that is tightly closed and in a cool, dark place. Sun rays and increased heat should not enter the jar. A good option for storing cloves is a pantry on the balcony or a refrigerator.

Contraindications, possible harm

Cloves, benefits and harm... We have already talked about the benefits of the spice, we will tell you about the harm that can occur when consuming the spice.

  1. It is worth remembering that clove buds are a powerful stimulant, and therefore the spice should be excluded from the diet of children under three years of age.
  2. It is not recommended to use cloves in tinctures to treat illness for pregnant women; this can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the condition of the woman carrying the child. It is important to know that the spice has abortifacient properties, and in the early stages it can cause miscarriage.
  3. Spicy hot spice is also contraindicated for hypertensive patients. In its pure form and in tinctures, cloves can significantly increase blood pressure in a very short time.
  4. And lastly, harm from cloves can occur if you have an existing individual intolerance. There is no need to include or use spice-based medications in the menu for allergy sufferers and those who have noticed symptoms of an allergic reaction to flowering plants and spices.

I would like to add, when deciding to use a folk remedy based on herbs, first consult a doctor, follow the principle of “do no harm,” and you can only benefit from cloves.

Watch the video - clove spice: beneficial properties and contraindications

Clove spice is the unopened dried flower buds of the clove tree. It is one of the common seasonings found in Asian countries such as India, Indonesia, Pakistan, East Africa and others. Since ancient times, it has been a popular flavoring agent for various culinary dishes. Many people know it as one of the ingredients in gingerbread dough or mulled wine. But few people know about the medicinal properties of clove tree buds.

Clove spice description where it grows

It belongs to a family of plants called Myrtleaceae, genus Syzygum. It is an evergreen tree growing in tropical and subtropical climates. The Moluccas Islands are considered its homeland. According to scientists, it was from there that it came to India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and other regions.

The clove tree itself is a shrub or low tree with leathery, elliptical, dark green leaves.

It blooms with small purple-red flowers collected in half-umbrellas. From a botanical point of view, the fruit is considered a false berry.

Flowering occurs twice a year, giving a good harvest each time. The collected buds are dried in the sun until the smell appears. Drying stops when the buds lose 50 percent of their moisture content. When grinding such buds, a characteristic cracking sound is heard.

The seasoning was brought to Europe by Arab traders in the fourth century. But only in the seventh and eighth centuries it began to be used as a food preservative. Although the cost of growing and producing cloves is not very high, traders, in order to maintain high prices, kept the origin of the spice a strictly secret.

Only in the Middle Ages did the Portuguese discover the growing region, and from the 17th century the Dutch gained main control over the clove growing areas. They destroyed plantations of the plant on other islands in order to control the price and maintain control over production and sale.

But in the 18th century, the French managed to export clove seeds and seedlings from the Moluccas to their territories in Mauritania.

Today, the largest suppliers of the spice are Indonesia, Tanzania and Madagascar.

What are the benefits of clove spice?

Despite their small size, clove buds are rich in many beneficial substances. It contains:

Vitamins: K, C, E, group B;

Minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sodium, selenium and others;


Essential oil;


Fiber can prevent constipation and improve bowel function,

Vitamin C will help strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin K is important for normalizing blood clotting.

Manganese is an important element for maintaining brain and skeletal function.

Antioxidants are compounds that reduce the oxidative effect of free radicals, thereby preventing the development of certain chronic diseases.

A special place is occupied by the presence of essential oil in the buds. More than 50 percent of it is a compound called evengol, which can also act as an antioxidant.

Together with other biochemical substances, evengol gives cloves many properties, including:




Clove spice medicinal properties

In addition to their pleasant aroma, cloves are known for their powerful medicinal properties. The earliest recorded use of cloves for medicinal purposes dates back to 240 BC. Local peoples use all parts of the plant for treatment: buds, stems and leaves of the plant.

It has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine in India and China.

The main medicinal properties of this spice include the following:










It is used for diseases associated with the respiratory system, infections of the digestive system and urinary tract.

One of the few scientific studies conducted has shown that essential oil is effective against bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci.

Cloves are believed to have a slight antihistamine effect. Tea prepared with cloves was used to treat hay fever, nasal congestion and sinusitis.

It has a positive effect on the nervous system, reduces tension, anxiety, and relieves anxiety.

The presence of tannins imparts astringent properties, which can be very beneficial for diarrhea.

The analgesic properties of evengol are used for pain of various origins, including dental pain.

Although no studies have been conducted, it is believed that this property of the spice can be used to prevent premature ejaculation.

Medicinal uses of cloves

Antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties are of great interest to scientific medicine. Few tests so far have shown that it may be useful in the fight against early-stage lung cancer.

These same properties are ideal for protecting organs from free radical damage, especially the liver.

One of the serious diseases is diabetes, a disease in which the amount of insulin produced by the body is insufficient or not produced at all. Since controlling blood sugar through diet is the starting point for these patients, the inclusion of foods that can control glucose is of particular interest. Research has shown that cloves may have an effect on blood sugar control.

Cloves use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, cloves have been used for a variety of ailments, including hernia and diarrhea. It was chewed to prevent bad breath, against bloating and to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in general.


Oral diseases;

Muscle and joint pain, including pain from arthritis and injuries;

For eye diseases;

Low blood pressure;

Poor digestion and liver dysfunction.

It improves digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes, reduces gas formation, stomach irritation, dyspepsia and nausea. Clove buds should be crushed, mixed with honey and taken for digestive disorders.

In gynecology, it is used to stabilize the menstrual cycle.

To overcome the desire for alcohol, you need to put two buds of cloves in your mouth and hold them in your mouth without chewing or swallowing.

There is no scientific evidence to support health benefits for many uses. But it has a centuries-old history of use among many peoples. One way to do this is to chew one or two buds.

For toothache, essential oil is often used, which should be dropped onto a cotton pad and placed on the sore tooth or gum.

You can rub the gums around the sore tooth with ground cloves.

For respiratory diseases, colds, and flu, cloves are added to tea. It is also used as an expectorant for coughs with phlegm.

Clove oil is used to rub and massage sore joints for rheumatism and arthritis.

For wounds and bruises, apply compresses with oil, after diluting it with carrier oil.

To get rid of headaches, grind a few buds and mix with rock salt. Add this mixture to a glass of milk. It will quickly and effectively reduce headaches.

To relieve headaches in climbers, drink 2 cups of clove tea before climbing. This tea will thin the blood and improve oxygen delivery to the brain.

In Asian countries, cloves are considered an aphrodisiac and prevent early orgasm in men.

A mask with cloves, honey and a few drops of lemon juice can help treat acne. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes and then wash off.

Instead of store-bought mouth freshener, use cloves. Infuse the buds and other herbs, such as rosemary or mint. This rinse aid will prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria and eliminate unpleasant odors.

To make a homemade natural air freshener for your home, boil an orange peel with a few cloves, cool and pour into a spray bottle.

To refresh and add a pleasant smell to your linen closet, place the buds on the shelves, wrapping them in fabric.

Clove infusion

For treatment in folk medicine, not only whole or ground clove buds are used, but also infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, and in the form of tea.

To prepare the infusion, take several bottles (about 0.5 teaspoon) and brew a glass of boiling water. Cover with a saucer and let sit for one hour.

The infusion is drunk for digestive disorders, flatulence, bloating, and low blood pressure, 1/2 teaspoon three times a day.

You can use it as a lotion for:

Add to water when taking baths and gargling for colds.

Cloves for asthma

Pour 6 buds of spice into 30 ml of water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cool slightly and add no more than one teaspoon of honey. Drink this decoction three times a day.

For vomiting and nausea

Mix ground cloves on the tip of a knife with a small amount of natural honey (about 1 teaspoon) and keep in your mouth until the whole mixture dissolves.

Alcohol tincture of cloves

To make an alcohol tincture, you need to pour 25 buds with 250 ml of vodka and leave for a week in a dark place.

The tincture is used for rubbing or in the form of compresses for pain in muscles and joints, neuralgia. After use, the sore spot should be wrapped in a warm scarf or scarf. The compress can be kept for 30 minutes to one hour.

Headache tincture

A tincture of cloves in dry red wine will help with headaches. To prepare it, pour 100 grams of buds with one liter of wine and leave for one month and a half. Shake the bottle periodically during the infusion process. Strain the finished tincture and drink 30-50 ml. it will help cope with insomnia.

How to store cloves

Cloves can be bought in buds or ground. The buds retain their freshness and beneficial properties longer. Unfortunately, if stored improperly, it can lose its aroma and properties. Therefore, store it in a tightly closed container in a cool, dark place. If storing in a glass jar, make sure it is not exposed to sunlight.

Use of cloves in cooking

Cloves have a unique aroma that is different from other spices. It cannot be confused with any other. It is widely used in the food industry, adding to flour products, sauces, ketchups, alcoholic drinks, and various seasoning mixtures.

It should be used in very small quantities, since in large doses it will overwhelm the aroma of other herbs and spices.

In a home forge it is added to:

Homemade syrups;

An orange stuffed with buds is a traditional decoration for the Christmas and New Year's tables in many countries.

Contraindications for use

Cloves in large quantities are contraindicated for high blood pressure. Clove oil should be handled with extreme caution. If undiluted, it can cause burns and irritation to the skin. Always dilute it with a carrier oil.

The use of essential oils during pregnancy, breastfeeding and small children is prohibited.

Cloves may slow platelet activity, which may interfere with the action of anticoagulant medications. It is phototoxic. Therefore, do not go out into the sun immediately after using the oil.

In large quantities it is contraindicated for:

Exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;

Exacerbation of gastritis, especially with high acidity.

People with mental disorders and individual intolerance should be treated with special caution.

If you adhere to these rules and take all precautions, then this spice will become not only a culinary seasoning, but also a medicine.