Treatment of chlamydia - drugs, treatment regimens for chlamydia. The choice of antibiotics for the treatment of chlamydia The most powerful antibiotics that treat chlamydia

Today, the problem of treating chlamydia poses great difficulties for many doctors and patients, since often after treatment with antimicrobial agents, after a certain time, this insidious disease manifests itself again.

The problem is that most patients have chronic urogenital chlamydia, drug treatment for which is often ineffective.

What is the danger of chlamydia?

Chlamydia trachomatis most often causes the following pathologies of the urogenital tract:

  • urethritis in men and women (over half of all non-gonococcal urethritis),
  • prostatitis and orchiepididymitis in men, cervicitis, salpingitis, endometritis,
  • Combined organ damage is often observed (for example, urethritis, arthritis and conjunctivitis in the Reiter's syndrome program).

At the same time, there is a fairly extensive list of laboratory methods for diagnosing chlamydia, although the most reliable methods today are immunoassays with monoclonal antibodies (venous blood is used) and PCR diagnostics (usually scrapings of the endothelium of the urogenital tract).

In the treatment of chlamydial infection, as well as in the treatment of other infectious processes, the primary tasks are eradication of the pathogen and getting rid of acute or chronic inflammation of the genitals and urinary tract, which reduces the quality of life. Fortunately, a urologist, gynecologist or venereologist does not have a goal to reduce mortality from chlamydia, since dying from a chlamydial infection of the urogenital tract is very problematic.

An intermediate goal may be to avoid the chronicization of chlamydia, reduce the number of relapses of the chronic chlamydial process, as well as reduce the number of articular and ocular complications of urogenital chlamydia. We can also talk about the desire to reduce the number of complicated or miscarried pregnancies due to chlamydia and to avoid post-chlamydial infertility in both women and men.

Choice of drugs for the treatment of chlamydia

With an active inflammatory process, a whole range of medications is required for a full course of treatment for chlamydia. The drugs used in treatment regimens are selected by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, clinical symptoms of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process and the results of all tests - immunogram, liver tests, general blood test, urine culture, PCR results, ELISA and other laboratory data.

Today, treatment standards do not require the use of immunostimulants or immunomodulators in the treatment of even complicated chlamydia. Drugs of these groups, with the exception of serious cytostatic drugs that have strict indications and are prescribed only after an immunogram, should not be used as drugs with unproven effects. The shamanism of a large number of urologists, venereologists or gynecologists in this area is more often explained by bonuses from pharmaceutical representatives or an attempt to lengthen and increase the cost of treatment for patients of paid clinics and medical centers.

All information about medications and treatment regimens is intended for informational purposes only. Treatment of chlamydia is prescribed only by a qualified doctor based on test results, taking into account the patient’s medical history, concomitant diseases, etc.

Chlamydia eradication tactics

Eradication is essentially ridding the body of an infectious agent. Chlamydia is an intracellular resident, which, in addition to its main form, can exist in the L-variant (vegetative), which is not capable of exiting the cell and reproducing without significantly suppressing the host’s immunity, escaping from the effects of antibacterial agents or physical influences (increased temperature). The best way to treat chlamydia is with drugs from three antibacterial groups: tetracyclines, macrolides and fluoroquinolones.

It is worth noting that before starting therapy, sowing chlamydial cultures to determine sensitivity to antibiotics is not advisable, since studies conducted in 2000 at the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after. D.O. Otta RAMS, St. Petersburg, Research Institute of Physico-Chemical Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Institute of Clinical Bacteriology, Uppsala University, Sweden, showed that laboratory-resistant strains retained their sensitivity to antibiotics in patients.

Antibiotics for chlamydia

Antimicrobial agents are the main ones in the treatment regimen for chlamydia. And as a rule, for chronic chlamydia, drug treatment consists of using a combination of 2 antibiotics. The duration of the course of treatment and individual dosage are determined by the attending physician depending on the type of disease and the dynamics of the inflammatory process.

When choosing an antibiotic for chlamydia, laboratory data to determine the sensitivity of the pathogenic microorganism to a specific antibacterial drug is indispensable. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement cultural methods of laboratory diagnostics with an antibiogram.

Name of the drug Treatment regimen for chlamydia


Doxycycline (Unidox Solutab, Dorix, Vibramycin, Vibra-Tabs). The Solutab form increases the bioavailability of the drug (that is, its penetration into tissues) by up to 93%.

0.1 twice a day for 7 days.


Erythromycin (Erythrocin) - approved for pregnant and lactating women 500 mg 4 times a day after 6 hours, 7 days
Azithromycin (, Zithromax, Hemomycin) 500 mg 2 tablets once
Josamycin (Vilprafen) and Clarithromycin (Klarbakt, Fromilid Uno) 750 mg 3 times a day every 8 hours 7 days
Spiramycin (Rovamycin) 3 million units every 8 hours 3 times a day, 7 days


Ofloxacin (Floxin, Zanotsin, Tarivid, Ofloxin) 300 mg twice daily after 12 hours, for 7 days
Levofloxacin (Tavanic, Glevo, Levostar, Flexid) 1 time per day after meals, 500 mg 1 time per day for 10-14 days, in complicated forms for more than 14 days.
Lomefloxacin (Lomflox) 400 mg/day for 10 days.
Sparfloxacin (Sparflo) 200 mg twice on the first day, 1 tablet on the second day
Ciprofloxacin (Cifran, Ciprobay, Cyprinol, Cipro-bid) 2 times a day, 500 mg for a week
Norfloxacin (, norbactin) 2 times a day, 400 mg. within 7-10 days;

In practice, preference is given to:

  • 15-membered macrolides, that is, Azithromycin
  • 16-membered macrolides, that is, Josamycin,
  • but resistant forms of chlamydia, especially chronic ones, are treated with fluoroquinolones.

But this will be second-line therapy, since it is not advisable to prescribe fluoroquinolones right away, remembering that soon there will be nothing to treat tuberculosis. And fluoroquinolones are reserve drugs. And commercial gain should not blind the eyes, and if it can be treated with a macrolide, then it should be treated with a macrolide. For pregnant women, the approved drug today is Josamycin (Vilprafen), which is preferred by European standards.

  • Regimen: Azithromycin 500 mg 2 tablets. once, Doxycycline 0.1 twice a day for 7 days.
  • Second row:
    • Erythromycin 500 mg 4 times a day after 6 hours 7 days
    • Ofloxacin 300 mg twice daily every 12 hours for 7 days
    • Roxithromycin 150 mg twice daily every 12 hours 7 days
    • Spiramycin 3 million units every 8 hours 7 days
  • For pregnant:
    • Erythromycin 500 mg every 6 hours 4 times a day for 7 days
    • Josamycin 750 mg 3 times a day every 8 hours 7 days, Spiramycin 3 million units every 8 hours 3 times a day 7 days

Both partners undergo therapy. In this case, tetracyclines can be used for the treatment of acute uncomplicated urethritis or cervicitis in previously untreated patients. Strains of chlamydia that are resistant to one of the tetracyclines also show resistance to other drugs in this group, that is, there is no point in changing drugs from one to another if they are ineffective within one group.

The criterion for cure will be negative PCR of scrapings of the urogenital tract 1.5-2 months after the end of therapy.


In order to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea and, after treatment of chlamydia, it is recommended to take probiotic preparations (see all prices and composition).

We remind you once again that only the attending physician prescribes a course of therapy; self-diagnosis and self-medication are not acceptable, this can harm your health.

Chlamydia (the main causative agent) is a sexually transmitted sexually transmitted disease. It is considered one of the most common diseases of this type (about 90 million people are infected per year). The structure of chlamydia trachomatis is similar to a common bacterium, so this dual nature often makes diagnosing the disease difficult. It affects the genitourinary system and appears after an incubation period (5–30 days) with a number of additional pathologies. Both men and women are equally susceptible to the disease.

First of all, you should remember that antibiotics for chlamydia will only work if you take them strictly according to the schedule, as indicated in the instructions and as advised by your doctor. If you skip a dose or stop treatment early, the disease is likely to reactivate. During therapy, it is necessary to avoid sexual contact, especially unprotected sex.

If, after correct and accurate treatment, the symptoms do not disappear or return, you need to contact your doctor again. It is advisable to be examined again after 4 months or 1 year after getting rid of chlamydia. This will help prevent the disease from returning and reduce the risk of further pelvic disease. There is no need to self-medicate or try to choose an antibiotic yourself. Is it dangerous.

Undesirable effects on the body

The most common side effects are nausea and vomiting. Tetracycline is most often well tolerated by adult patients. Possible damage to the digestive system, kidneys, liver and the development of pancreatitis. In rare cases, patients were found to have photophobia, unsteady gait, pigment spots on the skin, mucous membranes or teeth, and intracranial pressure.

Macrolides are considered one of the safest antibiotics in terms of side effects, but they have almost identical symptoms along with Tetracycline and its analogues. In rare cases, the following signs were found:

Fluoroquinolones, in addition to all of the above side effects, can also cause tendinitis (inflammation in the tendons) and tendon ruptures.

A side effect can occur both on the first and last day of taking the drugs. The risk increases when used together with steroids.

Types of drugs

Antibiotics for the treatment of chlamydia are divided into several subtypes:

  • macrolides;
  • tetracycline;
  • fluoroquinolones.

Macrolides- a class of antibiotics based on a macrocyclic lactone ring. They are positioned as the safest, most effective and efficient drugs for the treatment of this disease. This group includes natural antibiotics (Erythromycin, Spiramycin, Josamycin and Midecamycin) and semi-synthetic (Clarithromycin, Roxithromycin,) macrolides.

Contraindications include hypersensitivity. Spiramycin, Josamycin and Clarithromycin can be taken regardless of meals, the rest 1-2 hours before meals, depending on the instructions on the package. For better absorption, it is advisable to take erythromycin with a whole glass of water. This drug is considered the most effective in this group of drugs.

Tetracycline- a broad-spectrum antibiotic, including its use for a number of sexually transmitted diseases. The drug is released in the form of tablets, which are taken orally during or after meals 3-4 times a day. On average, the course of treatment lasts a week, after which the treatment continues for several more days for preventive purposes.

Tetracycline is not taken with dairy products, since they almost completely absorb all the substances necessary to get rid of the virus. It is contraindicated for fungal infections, liver and kidney dysfunction. Analogs of Tetracycline (included in the composition) are the following:

  • Metacycline (300 mg twice daily during or after meals);
  • Vibramycin (100 mg twice daily);
  • (200 mg twice daily);
  • (100 mg twice daily).

Fluoroquinolones (quinolones)- a group of drugs that is less effective and has a number of side effects. But they destroy well:

  • gonococcus (a microbe that causes gonorrhea and is most often sexually transmitted);
  • mycoplasma (more often in women);
  • gardnerella (in excess quantities cause diseases of the vagina and pelvic organs in women and genitourinary organs in men).

Fluoroquinolones include Ofloxacin, Abaktal, Maxaquin and Tsiprobay. To treat chronic chlamydia, complex treatment in the form of several antibiotics is often prescribed or other antibacterial drugs and types of therapy are additionally prescribed. Therefore, only the attending physician can tell you whether a specific ailment can be cured with a drug.

Antibiotics during pregnancy

During pregnancy, most antibiotics are contraindicated as they can have a negative impact on the further development of both mother and child. It is necessary to select a product whose molecules are too large and cannot pass through the placenta, but at the same time can rid the woman of pathogenic microorganisms. Since macrolide antibiotics are considered the safest, they are recommended to be taken during this period.

Chlamydia can be treated either with a single dose of an antibiotic or with complex treatment, where immunomodulators and enzymes will be prescribed. Several molecules will still cross the placenta, so therapy during this period should be longer, but carried out in short courses.

Russian doctors consider the following antibiotics to be the safest for treating chlamydia during pregnancy:

  1. Azithromycin (semi-synthetic macrolide).
  2. Erythromycin (natural macrolide).
  3. Josamycin (natural macrolide).
  4. Amoxicillin (group of aminopenicillins).

European scientists recommend similar treatment regimens, but exclude the use of Azithromycin and offer it only as an alternative. The fact is that it is not recommended for the treatment of chlamydia, but a number of scientists who conducted studies have proven that this particular drug most often successfully gets rid of chlamydia in pregnant women. At the same time, the drug caused practically no side effects and did not affect the further development of the fetus. Research into this type of therapy is ongoing.

During treatment, Viferon is often prescribed. This drug is indicated from the 14th week of pregnancy and is recommended for the treatment of premature babies, so there is no doubt about its effectiveness. Viferon prevents the further spread of the disease and restores the body's defenses. Does not cross the placenta and does not pass into breast milk.

Reading time: 11 minutes

The causative agent of the disease

The causative agent of chlamydia in men and women is the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It is immobile and lives inside cells. About a million people are infected with it every year, of whom more than half are men. The total number of cases is approaching a billion, and the male gender predominates. According to statistics, from 5 to 15% of people who are sexually active have chlamydia.

The infection is dangerous due to its manifestations and complications, these include:

  • prostatitis;
  • impotence;
  • inflammation of the testicle and its appendages;
  • narrowing of the urethra;
  • joint damage;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • pain in the pelvic area.

Another danger of chlamydia is the ability to transform into L-forms, i.e. into a sleeping state. In this case, taking antibiotics does not have a significant effect on the pathogen; the infection remains in the host’s body. When the immune system is weakened, the disease worsens.

There are 9 types of chlamydia, a third of them pose a threat to human health:

  1. Chlamydia trachomatis. Causes STDs.
  2. Chlamydia pneumonia. When ingested, it attacks the lungs, causing pneumonia, especially in children, young people and in crowded communities (nursing homes, schools, prisons, etc.).
  3. Chlamydia psittaci. Transmitted from parrots. Causes pneumonitis - a specific inflammation in the lungs.

All chlamydia can occur not only as a pronounced infectious process, but also subclinically, i.e. with few symptoms.


The causes of chlamydia infection can be:

  1. Absence of barrier methods during sexual intercourse with an “unverified partner.”
  2. Decreased protective reserves of the body (in immunodeficiency states).
  3. Latent course of the disease (without clinical signs) in a partner.

The mechanism of development of chlamydia in men

Due to this lifestyle of the microorganism, the symptoms of the disease are nonspecific at the beginning, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Clinical symptoms

Signs of chlamydia in men can be tracked by certain symptoms.

The disease is characterized by:

  1. Itching in the urethra.
  2. Burning, pain when urinating (urine may be cloudy).
  3. Light, almost colorless discharge from the urethra.
  4. Redness and slight swelling in the area of ​​the urethral outlet.
  5. Swelling, sharp pain, local increase in temperature in the scrotum area.
  6. Pain in the scrotum, rectum.
  7. Pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, and even in the lower extremities (along the sciatic nerve).
  8. Possible Reiter's triad: urethritis, conjunctivitis and arthritis. As a rule, one of the large joints is affected, most often on one side. (for example, knee, hip or ankle).
  9. Discomfort during defecation (typical for damage to the rectum and prostate).

Possible Reiter's triad: urethritis, conjunctivitis and arthritis. As a rule, one of the large joints (for example, knee, hip or ankle) is affected unilaterally. Often the patient is worried only about the joints and he turns to therapists and rheumatologists. Therefore, it is important to always remember that chlamydia can affect not only the urogenital tract, but also the joints.

Diagnosis of the disease

  1. Chlamydia can be detected using the following methods:
  2. PCR is the main analysis, sensitivity and specificity - 100%. Finds the DNA of the pathogen. Completion time: 2-3 days. For this purpose, a swab is taken from the urethra or a scraping from the pharynx.
  3. ELISA - determination of antibodies in the blood secreted by the body in response to the introduction of chlamydia. Appear 10-20 days after infection. The accuracy is no more than 60%, due to the fact that antibodies persist for a long time after treatment and it is not always clear whether this is a new round of disease or immune memory.
  4. The cultural method is the sowing of material obtained from a scraping or smear onto nutrient media. The most labor-intensive and expensive, results need to wait several days. Determines the sensitivity of chlamydia to antibiotics to select therapy.
  5. The immunofluorescence reaction is a complex method that requires experience and professionalism of the performer. The material obtained by scraping or smear is stained, after which the bacteria begin to glow under a microscope. Accuracy no more than 50%.

Early treatment

To effectively treat chlamydia in men, it is necessary to act on the causative agent of the disease.

In the primary acute process, good results were shown by antibacterial drugs from the group of macrolides (“Azithromycin”, “Clarithromycin”, “Josamycin”, “Midecamycin”) and tetracyclines (“Doxycycline”).

However, treatment with drugs from a number of tetracycline antibiotics has a number of disadvantages:

  1. A course of treatment for 1 week does not achieve the desired result. According to research, relapse of the disease occurs in 15-20% of cases with this treatment regimen.
  2. Extending the time of taking medications to 14 days is dangerous due to the re-development of infection in 15% of cases.
  3. Treatment for 21 days avoids relapses, as it affects 7 cycles of development of the infectious agent. However, such a long-term regimen is inconvenient for patients: violations in taking antibiotics often occur. Skipping pills or not using them regularly can lead to the development of chlamydia resistance to this drug. In addition, long-term use of drugs can provoke the development of fungal infections, as well as dysbiosis of the digestive tract. To prevent these complications, it is necessary to prescribe antifungal drugs (Nystatin, Levorin, Ketoconazole), as well as eubiotics (Linex).

Considering the above disadvantages of antibiotics from the tetracycline group, treatment with macrolides is the most convenient.

The drug Azithromycin (Sumamed) is especially effective.

Advantages of the drug « Azithromycin" :

  1. A convenient treatment regimen is a single dose of 1 g of Azithromycin.
  2. The effect of the drug lasts 10 days even after a single dose (this effect is created due to the half-life).
  3. A simple scheme ensures 100% compliance with the doctor’s recommendations.
  4. Azithromycin persists for a long time in tissues affected by the inflammatory process.
  5. Low percentage of side effects.
  6. The antibiotic affects intracellular pathogens due to the ability to accumulate inside cells (in particular, phagocytes). This is very important in the treatment of chlamydia, since chlamydia is completely dependent on the host cell.

Treatment of chronic chlamydia

The chronic form of the disease is much more difficult to effectively treat and is dangerous due to the occurrence of relapses.

Preference is also given to antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines and macrolides.

The following treatment regimens are effective:

  1. Continuous intake of Doxycycline 200 mg 2 times a day for 28 days.
  2. The pulse therapy method consists of prescribing tetracyclines 3 times for 10 days with a break of 7 days. This scheme makes it possible to influence resistant intracellular strains of bacteria, affecting all development cycles.
  3. Take Azithromycin 500 mg 2 times a day for 5 days (or 7 days for a long, often relapsing course of the disease).

Be sure to prescribe, along with the use of etiotropic treatment:

  1. Eubiotics (“Linex”, “Bifiform”)
  2. Anticandidal drugs (Nystatin, Fluconazole).
  3. Immunomodulators (“Polyoxdonium”, “Interferon-Alpha”).


Prevention will help to avoid chlamydia:

  • use of barrier contraception;
  • refusal of promiscuity;
  • annual routine examination of sexually active people, incl. - with non-traditional orientation;
  • in case of complaints or suspicion of illness, immediately contact a venereologist;
  • refusal of intimate relationships during treatment for chlamydia, otherwise you can infect your partner.

Consequences of chlamydial infection for men

In addition to pain in the affected organs and tissues, there are also long-term consequences:

  1. Chlamydial infection is the cause of male infertility in 30%.
  2. With a long course of the disease without proper treatment, the formation of chronic pelvic pain syndrome is possible.
  3. Chlamydia can cause erectile dysfunction (if the infection spreads to the prostate).

Chlamydial infection is very “insidious”, since in most cases it is practically asymptomatic or “masked” in the form of banal cystitis and urethritis. However, the consequences of this disease can be extremely serious.

Lack of timely treatment for chlamydia can cause irreversible changes in reproductive function (infertility development). For this reason, it is necessary to follow the principles of “protected” sexual intercourse, and if alarming symptoms occur, be sure to consult a doctor to prescribe competent and effective treatment.

Useful articles

Chlamydia is an infectious pathology caused by chlamydia and transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Antibiotics for chlamydia are the main treatment method.

Chlamydia is an infection that occurs when the pathogenic gram-negative bacteria Chlamydia enters the body. The most dangerous types of chlamydia for humans are:

  • Chlamydia psittaci - carried by birds, often leading to conjunctivitis.
  • Chlamydia pneumoniae - infection occurs through contact with an infected person, causes respiratory chlamydia and atypical pneumonia.
  • Chlamydia trachomatis - found only in humans, can cause a number of diseases, most often ocular and urogenital.

The latter type leads to infection when a large number of pathogens come into contact with the mucous membranes. In most cases it is transmitted sexually. In men, a clear clinical picture of the disease is recorded less frequently than in women.

Antibiotics in the treatment of disease

Before prescribing medications, it is necessary to exclude the presence of concomitant infections caused by decreased immunity due to exposure to chlamydia. Additionally, an analysis of the sensitivity of bacteria to the antibiotic is required.

Antibiotics for chlamydia in women and men are selected the same, the duration of therapy is from 14 to 30 days.

In the chronic form, a repeat course is often required after a period of time when the pathogens enter the active reproduction phase.

The need also arises if the dosage of the drug is insufficient during the first treatment: it does not kill bacteria and increases their resistance to the drug. Symptoms may subside for a while, creating a false appearance of recovery.

Later, the exacerbation will recur, but the previous remedy will be ineffective; a medicine with a different active ingredient is needed.

Effective drug classes

To combat chlamydia, antibiotics are needed that penetrate the cell. Three groups are used:


The choice depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the sensitivity of infections.

Amoxiclav ® for chlamydia

A representative of the penicillin group of semi-synthetic origin. Belongs to the group of inhibitor-protected penicillins (amoxicillin ® + clavulanic acid). It has a wide spectrum of action, but is ineffective against intracellular pathogens.

For chlamydia, it can be prescribed as an additional antibiotic only if a streptococcal infection is associated. However, Amoxiclav ® should not be combined with aminoglycosides. The drug is suitable for pregnant women, but a nursing woman should not take it: amoxicillin passes into breast milk in high concentrations.

Ofloxacin ® for chlamydia

The drug belongs to fluoroquinolones, its advantage: the sensitivity of strains resistant to other drugs. It has good bioavailability; the rate of absorption is not affected by food (with the exception of very fatty foods and milk).

It is not combined with antacids, as they negatively affect the absorption of the drug. If necessary, they can be taken a few hours after Ofloxacin ® .

To combat the infection, tablets or injections are prescribed, which have the same bioavailability and are interchangeable without changing the dosage. Compared to Ciprofloxacin ®, the drug is better combined with other medications and can be used in complex therapy. Not prescribed for children under 18 years of age, pregnant women and during lactation, as well as patients with liver kidney pathologies, individual intolerance to fluoroquinolones, etc.

Erythromycin ® in the treatment of chlamydia

It belongs to macrolides, is able to stop the proliferation of pathogens, and when consumed in high doses, accumulates in tissues and has a bactericidal effect.

It is highly effective against a number of pathogens and can be used as part of complex therapy, since it combines well with antibacterial agents of other groups. For chlamydia, it is used orally in tablet form.

Considered safe for pregnant women and children from birth. Disadvantages include frequent incidence of gastrointestinal adverse reactions and the requirement for four doses, which is more difficult to comply with.

At the moment it is rarely used, preference is given to another macrolide - azithromycin ®.

Ciprofloxacin ® in the fight against chlamydia

It has a bacteriostatic effect, stopping the proliferation of pathogens, and has a bactericidal effect.
It accumulates in tissues in high concentrations and is suitable for combating mixed urogenital infections.

Due to genomic mutations, there are cases of chlamydia resistance to ®. Like other representatives of the fluoroquinolone group, it has a damaging effect on the growth of cartilage tissue, therefore it is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is poorly tolerated by patients and often causes side effects from treatment.

Macropen ® for pregnant women with chlamydia

The drug belongs to macrolides and acts by disrupting the process of division and regeneration in pathogenic cells. It has a wide spectrum of action and is used for mixed infections, when other pathogens are detected along with chlamydia. They remain sensitive to ® for a long time.

The antibiotic is effective against mycoplasmosis and chlamydia; it can be used in pregnant women (at 20 and 30 weeks) and children over 3 years of age. Macropen ® in the form of a suspension is acceptable for therapy in newborns.

It is contraindicated in case of liver failure and individual intolerance. With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor the level of liver enzymes.

Klacid ® in the treatment of chlamydia

Macrolide type drug with clarithromycin ® as an active ingredient. It fights a number of diseases and is equally effective against intra- and extracellular pathogens. Rarely used in combination with other drugs, because it is incompatible with many drugs.

Contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. Prescribed with caution for liver pathologies. For children, the drug is prescribed in the form of a suspension.

Tetracycline ®

Rulid ®

It belongs to the new generation of macrolides, is active against most urogenital diseases, and equally effectively affects foci of infection of various locations. Its advantages: the ability to accumulate evenly in tissues and liquids, the possibility of once a day.

It is quickly absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration of the active substance is observed already 20 minutes after administration. Used when the disease is combined with ureaplasmosis. Contraindicated in nursing women, during pregnancy, and children weighing less than 40 kg.

Rules for taking antibiotics

The treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor must be followed. Also follows:

  • Take the medicine at the same time to maintain the desired concentration of the active substance in the cells. Its reduction can cause addiction in pathogenic microorganisms and increase their resistance.
  • Avoid alcohol, spicy foods, and follow a diet.
  • Avoid overexertion, which reduces the body's defenses.
  • Avoid sexual contact until complete recovery, otherwise re-infection is possible.
  • Treatment should be carried out simultaneously with a sexual partner.
  • Get re-tested after treatment.

Both partners must complete the course, even if one does not have acute symptoms. Therapy is often supplemented with antifungal and immunostimulating agents. If there are problems with the liver, hepatoprotectors may be prescribed to support it.

Alternative Treatment Options

In the fight against chlamydia, you can use anti-inflammatory herbs that have a bactericidal effect. But their effect is weak, and long-term use is required for possible recovery. If the body is severely weakened, medicinal infusions and preparations will be ineffective. Drug therapy can be combined with folk remedies, subject to consultation with a doctor.

When is it appropriate to use antibiotics?

Treatment should be immediate when a pathogen is detected. Chlamydia can be asymptomatic for a long time. More often, patients seek help in the acute phase of the disease, with pronounced symptoms.

The most dangerous is the chronic type, which is characterized by the transition of the pathogen to the L-form, which is insensitive to antibacterial therapy.

Chlamydia can cause such severe complications as Reiter's disease (urethritis, conjunctivitis, reactive arthritis), urethral structures, orchiepididymitis, chronic prostatitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, etc.

Over time, they can inhibit immune blood cells, leading to chronic inflammation of the pelvic organs, male and female infertility.

Antibiotics are used against chlamydia and in pregnant women to avoid complications (including fetal death) and possible infection of the child during childbirth. They are prescribed by a doctor after confirmation of the diagnosis by laboratory tests. In rare cases, it is possible to monitor a patient with a low level of antibodies in the blood, which depends on the progression of the disease. Therapy is most effective in acute forms of infection, when bacteria are most sensitive to drugs.

Chlamydia (Chlamydial infection) throughout its treatment requires careful attention to certain properties of chlamydia, which help cope with the disease.

What should antibiotics be?

In other words, any drug must have the ability to penetrate the cell body and fight the virus there.

Important! Along with chlamydia, the genitals are attacked by other microorganisms that can cause inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and genitals.

Considering that along with chlamydia there can be an associated infection, antibiotics are prescribed, which will have the same negative effect on all possible infections.

Currently, three main groups of antibiotics are used in medicine to treat chlamydia:

  • Tetracyclines.
  • Macrolides.
  • Fluoroquinolones.

All other drugs do not have sufficient ability to suppress the infection; in addition, they can, on the contrary, lead to the infection remaining in the same position and even becoming resistant to medications. The drugs are equally suitable if it is chlamydia in women or in men, there is no difference in action.

How to take tetracyclines

In addition to tetracycline, this class of antibiotics also includes doxycycline.

The drugs work great if the chlamydial infection is not advanced and not complicated.

Tetracycline is taken 4 times a day, at a dose of 400 mg. The course is designed for 7-15 days.

Doxycycline is taken 2 times a day, with the dosage set at 100 mg

Macrolide course

Here is a list of remedies that you can take much more, and among them it is worth noting:

  • Rovamycin.
  • Klacid.
  • Macropen.
  • Vilprafen.
  • Erythromycin.

Erythromycin is one of the most commonly used antibiotics in this series, but it can sometimes be difficult to tolerate by the body.

Rovamycin, unlike erythromycin, is a much calmer and safer antibiotic.

It has the ability to accumulate in high concentrations at the site of inflammation, and has a much lower toxic effect. In this regard, the drug is tolerated by the body more easily and without complications or side effects.

Taking Sumamed

Sumamed already after the first dose reaches the maximum concentration of the antibiotic at the site of inflammation, and remains at the same high level of concentration over the next 5 days.

To some extent, there is no better treatment for chlamydia than sumamed, especially considering that gonococcus also dies under its influence.

On the other hand, if you answer a simple question - then such treatment will not be required, but this is already a theory, and we need practice.

Such properties of the drug allow it to be used in a wider range, including for gonorrheal chlamydia, and even for the early stages of syphilis.

Taking sumamed is somewhat complicated by the following sequence:

  • The first dose is taken one hour before meals, or two hours after.
  • The course lasts 7 days.
  • The dosage is 500 mg of the drug.
  • A dosage of 250 mg assumes a course of 10-14 days, according to the same dosage regimen.

Important! Unfortunately, sumamed cannot cope with an aerobic infection of the genus Bacteroides, and this point can be attributed to the obvious disadvantages of the drug, which nevertheless has a more narrowly targeted effect.

Klacid against chlamydia

The course is designed for two weeks, the dose is 250 mg, taken twice a day.

It is necessary to take medications strictly according to the recommendations, since treatment of chlamydial infection can also affect other diseases, for example, it depends on it and which will not be complete without treatment for chlamydia.


Today in medicine there are a large number of antibiotics that quite successfully counteract chlamydia. And along with them, you can use them very effectively.

In this case, treatment must be prescribed by a doctor, as well as an antibiotic. Remember that treatment should always be carried out only on the basis of correct diagnosis!