Treatment of a runny nose for a 1 year 10 month old baby. How to quickly cure a runny nose in a child at home

When a one-year-old child develops a cough and runny nose, parents begin to worry and fuss. The baby is capricious and does not sleep well at night. A clogged nose prevents the baby from breathing and eating normally. Colds require urgent treatment.

Causes of a runny nose

Experienced mothers know how to treat a runny nose in a one-year-old child, but when the first-born child grows up in the family, the parent experiences anxiety and confusion.

The situation gets worse and often repeats itself during the cold season. The reasons why a one-year-old child develops a fever and runny nose are quite common:

  • poorly formed immunity;
  • infection and viruses;
  • reaction to an allergen;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • insufficient hygiene.

Before treating a runny nose in a one-year-old child, it is necessary to find out due to what circumstances he developed it.

Diseases associated with runny nose

Children's colds entail such unpleasant symptoms as fever, chills, stuffy nose, red throat, cough, snoring.

If your baby shows signs of a cold, he should be shown to a doctor. A correct diagnosis will help cure the baby from possible diseases.

Typically, a runny nose occurs with infectious diseases of the respiratory tract such as:

  • rhinosinusitis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and nasal mucosa;
  • laryngotracheitis - inflammation of the larynx and upper tracheal mucosa;
  • nasopharyngitis - inflammation of the sinus mucosa;
  • coryza.

Focus on the child

It is not difficult to notice the first symptoms of a runny nose. The baby begins to sniffle, becomes capricious, and opens his mouth slightly to improve breathing. He becomes moody. Appetite and sleep are disrupted, and characteristic mucus appears from the nose. The child's cheeks take on an unnatural red color. This occurs due to the moisture of the nose, the mucus from which children smear on their face with their palms.

Parents notice changes in behavior and are concerned about their one-year-old child.

The aspirator is a constant assistant

A severe runny nose is an unpleasant problem, but it can be solved. Timely treatment of a runny nose in a one-year-old child will quickly alleviate his condition and prevent the aggravation of the disease.

A baby's clogged nose is filled with thick mucus, and it is difficult for the little person to get rid of it on his own. For such cases, parents need to purchase an aspirator at a pharmacy kiosk, with which they can free up the nasal sinuses. Reviews confirm that almost every family has such suction devices.

The following tips will tell you what to do with a runny nose in a one-year-old child. They were collected based on feedback from parents and doctors:

  1. Don't leave the problem to chance. Every day the mucus will thicken and dry out in the nasal area, which will worsen the child’s well-being. A runny nose will not go away on its own, and the baby’s breathing will be significantly difficult.
  2. You can cure snot with a saline solution prepared yourself. The solution is made from clean warm water and sea salt. Drop 1-2 drops into each nostril.
  3. Before treating a runny nose in a one-year-old child, consult with your doctor which medications are best to instill in the nasal canals. Strictly adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions. Children's bodies are very sensitive to medications, and too much medication can be harmful.
  4. While sleeping, place a small cushion under the baby's head. This will prevent mucus from stagnating in the baby's nose.
  5. Don't skip walking outside. A stream of fresh air can make a child's breathing easier.
  6. Observe the thickness and color of the discharge. If drops of blood appear in the mucus, contact your pediatrician immediately.

Necessary actions

A severe runny nose in a one-year-old child requires immediate treatment and medical consultation. It is necessary to create a suitable environment at home that will help the baby quickly cope with the disease.

Before treating a runny nose in a one-year-old child, regardless of the nature of the illness, take the necessary measures in your home:

  1. Ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning. The source of dust is the root cause of rhinitis and allergic reactions.
  2. Avoid sudden fluctuations in room temperature.
  3. Eliminate all kinds of flavorings. If possible, remove from the house everything that may be a source of allergies and inflammatory processes.
  4. Do not use aromatic oils to rub your baby's body.

Medical supplies

How to treat a runny nose in a one-year-old child? The main components are cleansing and moisturizing.

Pharmacies provide many medications aimed at combating such an unpleasant phenomenon as a runny nose.

You can cope with swelling and stuffiness of the nose by using several medications:

  • antiviral;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • moisturizing;
  • decongestants.

List of medications

Few parents know how and how to treat a runny nose in a one-year-old child. In such cases, you should consult a pediatrician or pharmacist.

The following medications will help get rid of snot and stuffy nose in your baby. They are the best, according to parents:

  1. "Viferon" is an excellent remedy that helps with runny nose and inflammatory processes, and copes with viral diseases.
  2. "Vibrocil" is a medication whose effectiveness is related to the duration of the disease.
  3. "Bioparox" (it has been discontinued in Russia, but can be purchased in Ukraine and Belarus) is a medicine aimed at eliminating the runny nose and combating bactericidal diseases.
  4. "Aqua Maris" is a solution for rinsing the nasal sinuses, which contains sea salt.
  5. "Fluimucil" (in drops), "Mukodin" remove viscous secretions from the nasal canals and make breathing easier.
  6. "Zyrtec", "Zodak" - antihistamine drops that help cope with a runny nose due to allergies.

It is important to use multiple medications. Rinsing the nose will make the baby's breathing easier, but will not save him from further progression of the disease.

Honey and onions will relieve suffering: folk remedies for the runny nose

If a one-year-old child’s runny nose does not go away, parents can turn to traditional medicine. Grandmother's funds helped children of many generations.

Many parents use folk recipes and know how to quickly treat a runny nose in a one-year-old child. Positive feedback from parents can be heard about the following methods offered by traditional medicine:

  1. Beetroot is a good medicine. Wash the nose of a small child with beet juice three times a day. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, relieves leakage and improves the baby’s well-being.
  2. Garlic juice will help cope with a runny nose in a one-year-old baby. A few cloves are grated on a fine grater. Add a drop of olive oil to the resulting mixture. Insist for 24 hours. The next day, filter the pulp through gauze and drop the resulting medicine into the child’s nose twice a day.
  3. An effective remedy for the common cold is obtained by mixing honey with an onion. A teaspoon of onion juice is combined with a spoon of honey. The child is given a spoonful of medicine before meals. It is suitable if the baby is not allergic to honey.
  4. Many grandmothers will tell you how to treat a runny nose in a one-year-old child using aloe. Agave leaves are crushed and filtered through linen cloth. Place 1-2 drops of the resulting juice on the baby’s nose. The product is effective and safe even for treating snot in one-month-old babies. Used only fresh. Cannot be stored.
  5. A weak infusion of chamomile is a proven and effective remedy for a runny nose in children. 1 tsp. Chamomile inflorescences are brewed in a mug of boiling water and cooled to 36 degrees. Place 3-5 drops into the child's nose. The product has anti-inflammatory properties and helps speed up recovery.
  6. A decoction of oak bark is often used to rinse the sinuses. It has a vasoconstrictor effect and is an antimicrobial agent.

Infusions of herbs such as yarrow, calendula, thyme, linden, mint, currant and raspberry leaves are successfully used to rinse and instill the nasal canals.

Additional events

Before treating a runny nose in a one-year-old child, pay attention to certain aspects and make corrective changes:

  1. Your baby's daily diet should be enriched with foods containing vitamins C and D and antioxidants.
  2. Rinse your baby's nose daily and use an aspirator.
  3. Give more liquid, fruit juices and compotes, tea with lemon.
  4. Limit contact with strangers for a while. Avoid crowded places.
  5. Monitor the cleaning of the house and air humidity; a dry room complicates the course of the disease.
  6. Don't walk in windy conditions.
  7. Do not ignore your child’s complaints about the condition of his nose and difficulty breathing.
  8. Don't let the mucus dry out.
  9. Use spout and rinse sprays made with sea salt.
  10. Do not rush to treat your child with antibiotics. Strong drugs can harm the baby’s fragile immune system. Reviews from parents confirm that they use antibiotics only when necessary.

The use of medicines based on aromatic oils can damage the mucous membrane of the baby’s sinuses. Among medications, choose gentle, water-based medications.

Prevention comes first

Experienced parents know: it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

To prevent a small child from being susceptible to colds and attacks from microbes, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Frequent hand washing prevents contracting viral infections. It is important to accustom your baby to simple observance of the principles of personal hygiene, especially after a walk, visiting the toilet and public places.
  2. Using alcohol-based wet wipes is an excellent solution for parents who walk with their child away from home. Wipe your child’s palms and face after playing in the sandbox, traveling on public transport, visiting the playground, or when in contact with animals.
  3. Disinfect surfaces in your home and children's room. Wipe dust accumulation areas daily with a damp cloth.
  4. Ventilate the premises.
  5. Temper your child, stick to proper nutrition. Don't forget about the mandatory water procedures.
  6. Use oxolinic ointment as directed when visiting a store, clinic, or crowded places.
  7. Keep your baby away from people infected with a particular disease, even if they are your friends and relatives.

Attentive attitude, care and timely reaction of parents will help the baby to remain healthy and in a good mood.

Maternal immunity protects the baby’s body only for the first few weeks, and then its protection disappears. Their own system takes a couple of years to form, which makes young children vulnerable to various viruses and bacteria. Rhinitis is a common phenomenon and can bring a lot of trouble to both the baby and the parents. To avoid possible complications, you need to know how to treat a runny nose in a 1-year-old child.


With rhinitis, the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity become inflamed, and snot begins to be released more intensely. Gradually, they completely close the airways and prevent them from working normally. A runny nose in a one-year-old child is complicated by the fact that the baby cannot independently clear the nose of accumulated mucus.

Conventionally, pathology can be divided into three types. Each of them has different causes and requires specific treatment. Rhinitis can be:

  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • vasomotor.

The infection is caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria. When a pathogen enters the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, the body tries to fight it. At first the child experiences discomfort, then abundant liquid mucus appears. In the absence of the necessary treatment, it thickens and acquires a yellowish or greenish tint.

The method of treating rhinitis largely depends on the cause of its occurrence.

Allergic rhinitis is caused by dust, wool, pollen, cosmetics, household chemicals and food. Upon contact with an allergen, the mucous membrane swells almost instantly; rhinitis is usually accompanied by sneezing. With prolonged exposure to the irritant, the runny nose becomes chronic, which significantly complicates treatment.

Rhinitis of the vasomotor type usually occurs in a child without fever, but is caused by narrowing of the nasal cavity and dilation of blood vessels. This happens against the background of endocrine pathologies, under the influence of stress or unfavorable environmental factors. The cause may also be an abnormal structure of the nasal septum.

Often a baby develops a runny nose after hypothermia, which weakens the already fragile immune system. Foreign bodies also cause excessive mucus secretion, which the child can accidentally inhale or insert into the nasal passage.


It is quite rare for a one-year-old child to develop snot on its own. In most cases, they are one of the signs of some disease. With rhinitis, the following accompanying symptoms are noted:

  • redness of the eyes;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • loss of appetite;
  • change in voice timbre.

With an infectious disease, an increase in body temperature is possible.

Expressing his concern, the child often touches his nose. This is how he tries to get rid of unpleasant feelings and attract the attention of his parents.

Due to clogged nasal passages, the child cannot breathe normally, which negatively affects appetite and behavior: the baby becomes nervous, irritable and capricious. Symptoms intensify in the evening and interfere with normal sleep.

Treatment of a runny nose in a one-year-old child

Only a doctor can select the optimal methods for treating a runny nose in a 1-year-old child. If symptoms of rhinitis appear, it is advisable to consult a specialist as soon as possible. But parents can provide first aid themselves. One of the main tasks is timely cleansing of the nasal passages.

It’s not easy to explain to one-year-old children how to blow their nose correctly. If they cannot do this on their own, parents need to take on the task themselves. An aspirator can be used. The simplest option is a soft bulb that sucks out mucus from the nasal passage.

For additional cleansing, saline solution is used. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself: add 10 grams of table or sea salt to a liter of boiled water at room temperature. 2-3 drops are injected into each nostril to thin the snot.


To treat a child at home, only children's medications are allowed to be used; adult medications are not suitable. The medications used constrict blood vessels, relieve swelling and stop the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane. The dosage is determined by the attending physician individually based on the clinical picture of the disease.

The following remedies help with a runny nose:

  • decongestants: Aminocaproic acid;
  • antiviral: Interferon, Viferon;
  • moisturizing: Aquamaris, Aqualor;
  • antibacterial: Isofra, Nazol Kids, Bioparox, Pinasol;
  • vasoconstrictors: Tizin, Otrivin Baby, Nazivin, Vibrocil.

In order for your baby to sleep normally, it is important to know how to help your child at night. Immediately before laying it down, you need to rinse the nose with saline solution, and then drip the medicine. Breathing should be normal throughout sleep.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

The main way to combat allergic rhinitis is to isolate the source of the problem. If the reaction to the irritant is strong, it is recommended to give Cetirizine, an antihistamine available in tablet form. In case of severe nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drops are used, after which it is advisable to moisturize the mucous membrane with Dolphin, Aqualor or Aquamaris.

Folk remedies and recipes

It is allowed to use folk remedies for the runny nose, but it is better to use them in the initial stages of rhinitis. If there is no result within 2-3 days, you should resort to traditional medicine to reduce the likelihood of complications. It is impossible to fully replace pharmaceutical drugs with traditional recipes.

In the initial stages of rhinitis, freshly squeezed beet juice sometimes helps. A cotton swab is moistened with it, which should be used to treat the mucous membranes. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the runny nose goes away. This method is effective if the baby does not have allergies.

Garlic is suitable for treating a severe runny nose in a one-year-old child. Two cloves are crushed and mixed with a spoon of vegetable oil. You need to infuse the product overnight. The pulp is squeezed out, and the garlic-oil juice is used drop by drop in each nostril 1-2 times a day. This method is a good prevention of complications of rhinitis.

Aloe is also effective. One fleshy leaf is cut off and washed with running water. Juice is squeezed out of it and dripped into each nostril of the child three times a day. The procedure should continue for as long as the runny nose lasts.

Preventive measures

To avoid health problems, you need to adhere to some prevention methods. It is necessary to protect the baby from hypothermia: dress him according to the weather and not get carried away with excessive hardening procedures. If a child suffers from allergic reactions, hygiene in the home and diet are of particular importance.

Air is very important for proper breathing. It must be sufficiently moist, and special humidifiers are used to improve the quality. An alternative is a bowl of water to which you can add a few drops of essential oil with a delicate, pleasant scent. Ventilation is carried out regularly.

A runny nose in a 1-year-old child occurs less often with good immunity. To strengthen it, various vegetables and fruits are included in the baby’s diet. Physical exercise and moderate hardening are also of great importance.

The nose is an area where cleansing, warming, moisturizing and retention of pathogens occurs. The insufficient immunity of young children and the presence of tighter, winding nasal passages, which retain mucus to a greater extent, lead to the development of a runny nose.

Due to the transition of a child's runny nose into sinusitis, otitis media, etc., you need to know how to quickly cure snot in a child.

Weak immunity is the main cause of snot in children, whose body cannot itself resist pathogenic bacteria.

Other causes of runny nose in children:

  • strong temperature difference;
  • the influence of allergic irritants (animal hair, dust, pollen, etc.);
  • infections;
  • colds strengthened by viruses;
  • diseases with circulatory disorders (kidney disease, heart disease);
  • climate changes accompanied by temperature fluctuations;
  • the use of drugs that lead to a decrease in the functionality of the nasal mucosa.

Types of runny nose

Medicine identifies 7 basic types of runny nose:

  • vasomotor- refers to chronic diseases, manifests itself in response to infections, alcohol, strong odors, dust, etc.
  • caused by allergens- vasomotor subtype;
  • infectious origin- isolate viral and bacterial. The most unreliable is bacterial, as it accompanies diseases of measles, influenza, etc.
  • medicinal- reaction of the mucous membrane to vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • as a result of injury, unsuccessful surgical intervention;
  • hypertrophic- as a result of exposure to dust and harmful gases, the nasal turbinates and mucous membrane increase;
  • atrophic or foul runny nose- crusts and purulent discharge with a pungent odor appear in the atrophied mucous membrane.

Stages of a runny nose

Otolaryngologists distinguish the following stages of a runny nose with its inherent symptoms:

  1. Initial or reflex stage. It appears when exposed to temperature fluctuations and external stimuli. Signs of the initial stage:
  • dry nose;
  • itching and burning;
  • headache;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • sneezing.

It is difficult to identify these signs in children, except in cases where body temperature rises to 37.5 degrees. Important! The duration of the initial stage varies among different people from several hours to several days.

  1. The second stage or catarrhal. Duration 2-3 days. Signs:
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa and turbinates;
  • discharge of clear liquid;
  • inability to breathe through the nose;
  • lack of smell;
  • presence of lacrimation;
  • change in voice timbre.
  1. Third stage. It occurs on the 5th day of the disease with the addition of a bacterial infection, which is accompanied by the viscosity of yellow or green discharge with a pungent odor. This is due to the presence of inactive bacteria and leukocytes. The third stage is final. By the end of it, relief comes and breathing becomes freer.

The duration of the condition directly depends on the immune system. With high body resistance, a runny nose lasts 3 days and ends in the initial stages.

Otherwise, the disease lasts up to 4 weeks and is accompanied by elevated body temperature. Incorrect treatment leads to a chronic form of the disease.

Diagnosis of a runny nose

Diagnostics is complex:

  • laboratory diagnostics: blood test during hospitalization of children under 3 years of age, in uncomplicated cases - detection of leukogram, immunofluorescence of prints from the nasal mucosa - detection of viral antigens and respiratory viruses, isolation of mycoses - PCR of swabs from the throat or nose;
  • instrumental methods: in difficult cases, performing rhinoscopy to detect edema and hyperemia;

  • differential diagnosis: during prolonged treatment, to exclude the non-infectious nature of the disease, anamnesis, examination by a doctor, endoscopy of the oral cavity, fiberoscopy, ultrasound scanning.

How to clear snot from a newborn's nose

Due to the narrowness of the nasal passages in a newborn, any amount of mucus interferes with full breathing through the nose. Sneezing is the only available way to clear the nose for a small child.

Other methods can only be implemented with the help of adults. If you do not clean the nose, the child will not be able to sleep, suckle, etc. In addition, mucus in the nose causes inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Before cleansing your nose, you need to moisten it with saline or a special product (Aquamaris, Aqualor). To moisturize, drop 2 drops of the product into the nostril; after a certain period of time, the crusts in the nose will become soft and can be easily cleaned without additional effort.

Sprays intended for adults are not suitable for small children. This is not due to the composition, but to the force of splashing, due to which the solution gets from the nasopharynx into the ear.

At home, you can prepare a saline solution yourself: stir 5 g of salt in 1 liter of boiled water.

Means for cleaning the nose of a small child:

  • cotton wool bundles- a simple cleaning method: a cotton swab is soaked in saline solution and the nasal cavity is cleaned with gentle movements in a circle. Performed 3-4 times a day according to the established schedule.
  • small enema(syringe No. 1) or nasal aspirator: collecting mucus from a completely wrung out state. The air is squeezed outside the nasal passage, otherwise the mucus will end up in the middle ear. After each procedure, thoroughly cleanse with warm water;

  • nasal suction or nasal suction- a tube with a mouthpiece on one side and a cone-shaped nozzle on the other. The nozzle is placed in the child's nose, the mouthpiece is inserted into the adult's mouth. A valve prevents mucus from entering the mouth of the sucker. Blow the collected mucus out of the device. The nozzle is disposable and is not intended for reuse;

  • electronic devices for special purposes- gentle suction of mucus by inserting the tip into the child’s nasal passage. The mucus is collected in a special container on the device.

Violation of the safety procedure for cleansing the nasal passages in young children leads to the following negative consequences:

  • bleeding- there is a high possibility of damage to the nasal passages due to careless introduction of cleansing agents into the nostril or careless removal of mucus;
  • ear disease- fluid getting into the ear and causing inflammation.

Important! When cleaning a child’s nose, it is prohibited to use oil solutions, cotton swabs, sprays, and reduce the use of vasoconstrictors to a minimum.


Rinsing is used both to quickly cure snot in a child and to maintain hygiene. During the procedure, dust particles are removed, the nasal mucosa is moistened to prevent cracks, and the feeling of discomfort is reduced, especially during the heating season. In addition, rinsing is the prevention of colds.

Children's habit of picking their nose can be overcome by timely rinsing the nose.

How to quickly cure snot in a child? Rinsing is a great way to get rid of snot quickly
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • channels are impassable;
  • otitis;
  • neoplasms on the mucous membrane;
  • nosebleeds.

For children's noses, drops and sprays are used, including a soft shower. The jet is not used for children under 3 years of age. Pharmacy medications are preferable to those prepared at home, as they are safer and the dosage of the medication is clearly calculated in them.

Cleaning agents:

  • boiled water- flushes out mucus without any therapeutic effect. Possible daily use;
  • medical saline solution- use every day using a pipette. It is preferable to use preparations containing natural sea salt;
  • sea ​​salt solution- saturates the nasal mucosa with moisture, accelerates regeneration processes, relieves swelling and inflammation, antiseptic.

Important! Salt solutions made at home have harmful effects by introducing additional pathogens, including infection.

  • isotonic drops and sprays- antiseptics based on sea salt, similar in composition to blood plasma. Such drugs are considered by experts as the most effective and comfortable for quickly treating snot in a child.

Pediatricians warn against using herbal infusions, miramistin solution, soda, iodine, etc. for rinsing the nose in children.


Inhalations are the safest and fastest way to cure snot in both children and adults, which involves inhaling steam saturated with herbs or medicines. This method treats a runny nose, moisturizes, restores the nasal mucosa and destroys germs.

Using a nebulizer simplifies the inhalation process by distributing beneficial elements into the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is important to use non-allergenic drugs. Using a nebulizer, inhalation solutions penetrate the bronchi and lungs. When purchasing a model, make sure that it is used with decoctions and mineral water.

Inhalations based on saline solution are the most safe. This composition facilitates the removal of pathogenic microorganisms from the respiratory tract and their treatment.

The rule for carrying out the inhalation procedure for newborns: it is done only if it is prescribed by a pediatrician. For older children, the nebulizer will not cause harm and makes the treatment procedure easier.

Tips for inhalation:

  • the device is used only an hour after eating or physical activity;
  • the procedure is prohibited at elevated temperatures;
  • oil compositions during inhalation lead to complications of the disease, as well as pneumonia;
  • do not talk during the session;
  • carefully read the instructions for use of the drug for age restrictions;
  • the course of treatment includes 6-8 sessions lasting 10 minutes.

Warming up

Warming is used for viral or bacterial diseases.


  • heat;
  • purulent nasal discharge;
  • protractedness of the disease.

Warming achieves the greatest effect at the first manifestations of the disease (the appearance of mucus, dry nose, etc.) without increasing the temperature. Otherwise, the procedure leads to negative consequences. If you have a long-term illness with suspected complications, this procedure cannot be used.

You can quickly cure snot in a child by warming it up if you do it at least 5 times a day, combined with rinsing and inhaling the nose. During warming up, blood circulation in the nasal cavity improves, which leads to reduced swelling and improved breathing.

To cure snot, you can warm up the nose, combining it with rinsing and inhalation

The optimal raw material for heating is heated salt placed in bags (or socks). During the procedure, take a horizontal position without a pillow and place salt on the nasal sinuses for a quarter of an hour.

Another way is to heat it with hot hard-boiled chicken eggs wrapped in cloth. The safest method, which promotes better heat penetration, is heating with a blue lamp. Its effectiveness is due to its ease of use, including when the child is sleeping. Warm up twice a day for 5-30 minutes depending on the age of the child.

Pharmacy remedies for runny nose for children

Preparations for infants are aimed primarily at rinsing. Aqua Maris is an effective remedy for children under 1 year of age.


  • sea ​​water;
  • iodine is a natural antiseptic;
  • calcium and magnesium - reduce the amount of mucus;
  • zinc and selenium - produces interferon.

The drug is available in the form of a spray and drops. The spray is not recommended for small children. For them, 4-5 drops per day are enough.

Aqualor, Dolphin, Salin, etc. have an antiseptic effect.

You can quickly cure snot in a young child with a medicine such as protargol or an analogue of Collargol, 2 drops twice a day. Silver in the composition has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and drying effect.

  • Nazivin drops- a vasoconstrictor that reduces swelling and makes breathing easier. Do not use for more than 5 days.
  • Drops Nazol Baby- relieves swelling, spreading a vasoconstrictor effect on the child’s body. Do not use for more than 3 days.
  • Drops Otrivin Baby- relieves swelling, improves breathing. Use no longer than a week.

For older children, it is advisable to use saline solutions in the form of a spray. These include: Aqualor Baby, Aqua Maris, Physiomer, etc.

Vasoconstrictor drugs include:

  • Vibrocil- also has an antiallergic effect. It comes in the form of drops, spray, gel.
  • Tizin- for children from 2 years old, works in just a minute.
  • Nazol Kids- for children over 6 years old, has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Polydexa- for children over 2 years old, used for allergic rhinitis 1 time per day.

The antibacterial agent Isofra is prescribed in a course of 7 days, 3 injections per day. Bioparox is a herbal antibacterial preparation for children over 12 years old. Important! Cannot be used if you have allergies.

Often, adults have no choice but to quickly cure their child of snot with the help of pills. These drugs are antiviral in nature: Arbidol, Remantodin, Groprinosin. They are effective only at the beginning of the disease.

At the initial stage of the disease, Cetrin and Loratadine are taken. In the later stages - Claritin, Diazolin, Erius.

For children over 3 years old, homeopathic preparations are used:

  • Cinnabsin- has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. Used for sinusitis and runny nose.
  • Coryzalia- reduces inflammation and nasal congestion, has anti-allergic properties.
  • Allium Flail- anti-cold and anti-allergic drug in the early stages of the disease.
  • Gelzemin- plant-based anti-infective drug. Can be used for fever, weakness and headache.

Treatment of a runny nose with traditional medicine


Treatment of a runny nose in a child according to Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky is confident that it is necessary to avoid dryness in the nasal cavity, since pathogenic microflora multiply there.

In this regard, it is important:

  • cleansing, rinsing and moistening the child’s nose;
  • humidity control, ventilation and wet cleaning in the room.

Vasoconstrictor drugs, from his point of view, do not help in the treatment of a runny nose, but only slightly alleviate the condition with subsequent deterioration. Instead of this group of drugs, oil-based drops Ectericide are used. For infants, the doctor advises to drip purified olive or Vaseline oil once every 3 hours.

Drinking plenty of fluids is an important aspect of treating a runny nose. The doctor recommends maintaining the temperature in the patient’s room at 18 degrees with 70% humidity, opening the windows and washing the floors. The absence of elevated body temperature is an indicator of the patient's walking.

To make breathing easier, it is necessary to artificially clean the nose with an aspirator, after first rinsing the nasal sinuses with saline solution. Saline solution, purchased at a pharmacy or homemade, is indicated for any type of runny nose.

How to cure a persistent runny nose in a child

A persistent runny nose is characterized by thick purulent discharge caused by bacteria. This leads to sinusitis or otitis media.


  1. Clearing the nose of purulent discharge using an aspirator.
  2. Rinsing the nose with saline using a syringe without a needle: pouring the solution into the nostril of a child who is leaning over the sink, and pouring it through the same nostril, otherwise a complication in the form of otitis media is possible. After rinsing, blow your nose or suck out the mucus with an aspirator. Rinse 3 times a day
  3. Use of antiseptics: miramistin, isofra, chlorhexidine, etc.
  4. If the previous treatment did not help within a week, then physiotherapy is prescribed. At home, it is carried out using the “Sun” device and analogues.

Complications if left untreated

A runny nose that is not treated or treated incorrectly leads to complications:

  • sinusitis- disease of the paranasal sinuses;
  • otitis- ear disease;
  • bronchitis.

Another complication of a long runny nose is chronic rhinitis, which manifests itself in three degrees of complication. The highest degree is chronic atrophic rhinitis, which is characterized by dry nasal cavity, nosebleeds and difficulty clearing mucus from the nose.

The described complications demonstrate the importance of how to quickly cure snot in a child and not delay timely medical care.

Video about the treatment of runny nose in children

Runny nose and treatment from Dr. Komarovsky:

Treatment of runny nose in children:

For an adult, a runny nose is not a big problem. In most cases, we know that the snot will go away quickly; it is important to regularly blow your nose and instill vasoconstrictor medications to ease breathing.

A common runny nose caused by a viral infection goes away in 5–7 days. For a one-year-old child, everything is not so simple. Typically, children at 1 year old cannot yet blow their nose on their own (with rare exceptions), and it is still difficult for them to switch to mouth breathing if their nasal passages are congested.

Therefore, they have a hard time withstanding a common runny nose.

  1. The baby becomes whiny and irritable.
  2. Difficult nasal breathing prevents the child from eating and sleep is disturbed.
  3. A runny nose irritates the delicate skin around the mouth and nose, causing a burning sensation.
  4. In the absence of timely treatment, complications may develop in the form of otitis media and sinusitis.

Before treating snot in a child, you should consult a pediatrician.

Most often, the appearance of snot in a child aged 1 year is associated with an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Snot appears suddenly, it is liquid and transparent. This is how the child’s body tries to cope with viruses by washing them away from the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

Before fluid appears from the nose, dryness and burning in the nose and sneezing may occur. This indicates a viral attack of mucosal cells.

There is no need to treat a runny nose of a viral nature, and there is no specific remedy against viruses that cause respiratory diseases.

Also, a bacterial runny nose can appear when you have scarlet fever, measles or diphtheria. Treatment of these diseases should be immediate and only under the supervision of a doctor.

With a bacterial runny nose, the snot becomes yellowish or green in color, becomes thick, and is difficult to separate. A bacterial runny nose can be cured with the help of antibacterial drugs.

Another common cause of snot in a child is allergies. Allergic rhinitis is not associated with viruses or bacteria, but occurs in response to the presence of an allergen (allergens) in the baby's life. This type of runny nose manifests itself as a profuse flow from the nose. The liquid is transparent, viscous.

More often it occurs together with allergic conjunctivitis. The production of a large volume of snot during a runny nose is aimed at washing away allergens from the mucous membrane. As soon as contact with the allergen stops, the runny nose disappears.

Treatment of snot for allergies comes down to identifying the allergen and excluding it from the child’s environment.

In this case, snot will be released only from the nostril in which the foreign object is located. They may be transparent at the initial stage, with an admixture of pus and blood in the future, especially if the object has sharp edges and damages the mucous membrane. Treatment in this case should be carried out by an otolaryngologist.

Using instruments, he will remove the object and prescribe additional therapy if necessary.

Most pediatric doctors say that it is not advisable to treat snot in a 1-year-old child with medications. And this makes common sense. A runny nose is a protective reaction of the body aimed at neutralizing and eliminating viruses or other agents that provoke this disease.

The composition of snot is water, mucin protein and salts. The liquid state allows you to wash away viruses from the surface of the mucosa and create a protective film on it. Mucin can have a destructive effect on the viral cell membrane. Therefore, the more viruses, the more snot is produced and the thicker it becomes.

1. The air that a sick child breathes should be moist and cool. This will help avoid drying out the mucous membranes. To do this, you need to ventilate the room more often, turn on the humidifier, or hang wet diapers around the room.

The mucous membranes of our body are designed in such a way that in order to carry out their functions they must always be moist. When drying out, the protective functions of the mucous membrane weaken, which facilitates the introduction and proliferation of viruses in the cells of the body.

  1. Moisturizing is required directly by the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

    A great way to fulfill this condition is to irrigate the nose with saline solution. To prepare the solution at home, you will need a liter of boiled water and a teaspoon of salt (table or sea), which must be mixed and instilled into each nostril, 1-2 drops several times a day.

  2. Regularly clearing the nose of snot and crusts.

    If a child of 1 year already knows how to blow his nose, then, as necessary, you need to ask him to “blow” the snot into a napkin or sink.

Many parents do not know how to properly “blow” their child’s nose. Under no circumstances should you pinch your baby’s nostrils with a handkerchief or napkin.

This will create high pressure in the nasal passages and mucus will enter the ear canals, which can cause inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media).

If you blow your nose into a tissue, it is better to use disposable ones and throw them away immediately. When using tissue handkerchiefs, the viruses along with the secretions remain there for a long time, and they may re-enter the mucous membranes.

If you don’t want to prepare solutions for moistening your nose yourself, you can purchase ready-made ones at the pharmacy. Usually these are drops based on sea water. These include Aqualor Baby, Salin, Aquamaris, etc. They can be used for a long time, the drugs are absolutely harmless and do not cause side effects.

It is important to remember that children under 2 years of age cannot be treated with nasal sprays for a runny nose! Even if you bought the drug in the form of a spray, unscrew the spray mechanism and draw up drops with a pipette!

In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Otrivin Baby, Naphthyzin, Tizin, etc.). They must be used with caution. Drugs in this group can dry out the nasal mucosa, which makes it vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Vasoconstrictor drops are addictive. Treatment with them should not exceed more than 5 days.

For viral infections, the doctor may prescribe drops with an immunomodulatory effect: Grippferon, Nazoferon, Derinat. Their action is aimed at increasing the body's defenses in the fight against viruses. However, there are very contradictory reviews among doctors regarding the effectiveness and appropriateness of their use.

Treating your baby's snot with antibacterial drops is strictly prohibited! Antibiotics are used only in case of bacterial rhinitis; for other types they will only cause harm!

If you follow simple rules, you can prevent the appearance of snot or reduce its occurrence to a minimum.

  1. Strengthen and strengthen your baby's immunity from the first months of life.
  2. Dress your child according to the weather. Do not dress your baby too warmly and vice versa. Particular attention should be paid to shoes. The child's feet should not sweat or get cold.
  3. During seasonal ARVI epidemics, do not appear with your child in crowded places.
  4. Moisten the nasal mucosa with saline solution during the heating season and during outbreaks of respiratory infections.
  5. Before going outside in cold weather, lubricate your nasal passages with Oxolinic ointment.
  6. Make sure your baby is eating properly.

Treating a runny nose in infants is vital. To do this, you do not need to have a full first aid kit of medications or spend a lot of money on their purchase. Most often, treatment comes down to creating a favorable environment for the patient and nasal hygiene.

When the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, a runny nose appears. Rhinitis is very often observed in children, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Parents should remember that snot does not always indicate an inflammatory process.

Possible causes of snot in a child

Snot is secreted by glands of the mucous membrane. Their main function is to protect against the penetration of harmful microbes and bacteria. The mucus secreted is quite liquid and sticky and bacteria settle on it. Mucus also contains substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogens.

A common cause of snot is ARVI. The virus is transmitted primarily by airborne droplets during travel on public transport, through contact with sick children, etc.

A runny nose may appear due to hypothermia, as secretion production increases to protect the body.

There is such a thing as allergic rhinitis. ARVI symptoms are not observed. Snot appears when an irritating agent comes into contact with the mucous membrane. This can be plant pollen, wool, dust, etc. Once inside, antibodies are produced, which is why a runny nose occurs.

Other causes of snot in children:

  • Injury
  • Enlarged adenoids
  • Foreign body on the mucous membrane
  • Incorrect position of the nasal septum
  • Insufficient indoor humidity
  • Dehydration
  • Polyps
  • Adenoiditis

A runny nose may appear with prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs. It is impossible to treat a runny nose with such remedies; they are intended to make breathing easier.

A common cause of snot is enlarged adenoids. During this process, nasal discharge is green. In rare cases, snot appears due to improper development of the nasal septum. For some reasons, the development of the nasal bones is disrupted in childhood. In this case, surgical intervention is indicated to eliminate snot.

Main infectious diseases of the respiratory tract in children

Colds and flu are common contagious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. After the incubation period, similar symptoms appear in a 1-year-old child: runny nose, redness of the throat, possibly headache and fever. The key difference between the two similar infections is that the flu is more severe and sudden in onset compared to the common cold.

Common respiratory tract infections in children

Disease Cause Symptoms
Nasopharyngitis, acute runny nose and other manifestations of rhinovirus infection (ARVI), in which inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat occurs Viral or bacterial infection A severe runny nose occurs in a 1-year-old child and moderate rhinorrhea in older children, redness of the throat, swelling of the mucous membrane, fever (38–40°C)
Laryngotracheitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx and upper trachea Hypothermia, colds, polluted air Dryness, sore throat, burning and pain when swallowing, hoarseness, runny nose, dry cough
Rhinosinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses Hypothermia, upper respiratory tract infections, abnormalities in the structure of the nose, dental diseases, adenoiditis, allergies Copious nasal discharge, difficulty breathing, runny nose that does not go away for more than 10 days

If your baby has a cold, he may develop a fever, like the flu. This is a feature of the fight against infection of an unformed organism. It is necessary to give an antipyretic agent at temperatures above 38°C. Pediatricians recommend suppositories or syrups with paracetamol, which begin to act within 20–30 minutes.

Features of the fight against a runny nose in a baby

Parents in this situation need to do the following:

  1. Carry out wet cleaning of the premises at least twice a day to eliminate germs, viruses and dust. You should also humidify the air from a spray bottle in the warm season and by placing wet sheets or towels on hot radiators in winter. It is much more convenient to use a special humidifier. It helps to constantly maintain humidity within 60%, which is very helpful during recovery, and also prevents the emergence of new problems - colds, allergies, peeling skin. Modern devices allow you to add aromatic oils, and then the inhaled air becomes healing.
  2. Difficulty breathing leads to the child experiencing a lack of oxygen. Therefore, the room where it is located must be thoroughly ventilated. In case of viral infection, this measure reduces the concentration of infection in the surrounding air.
  3. At the age of one, the baby still does not know how to blow his nose, so snot should be removed using various devices: a small bulb or an aspirator.
  4. The snot should not be allowed to stagnate. This problem needs to be solved by rinsing the nose with a saline solution, which you can do yourself (take one teaspoon of salt for 0.5 liters of warm boiled water). The solution is instilled into the nose in a lying position. For one procedure, it is enough to pour half a pipette into each nostril. And then remove mucus from the nose using the same aspirator. Ready-made special rinsing solutions can be purchased at the pharmacy. This procedure is contraindicated if the child has ear problems.
  5. If swelling is severe, you should consult a doctor, who may recommend vasoconstrictors. They will facilitate nasal breathing, prevent stagnation and improve outflow. It is especially important to pay attention to the instructions when purchasing such a drug. The medicine must be age-appropriate - not every similar drug is suitable for treating such a young patient. It is not recommended to use sprays for a child at this age. The duration of treatment with vasoconstrictors should not exceed 5 days.
  6. A good alternative to drops is hypertonic saline solution. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Treating with it is much safer, since it effectively relieves swelling, but does not dry out the mucous membrane and is not addictive.
  7. If your baby's snot has turned green, the doctor will recommend treating rhinitis with topical antibacterial agents or oral antibiotics.
  8. As nasal drops for a child, you can use beetroot or carrot juice diluted in half with water. It contains natural antibacterial agents that can help fight infection.

What to do if you have a runny nose as a result of an allergic reaction? If the reason for the snot is an allergy, then you should try to protect the baby as much as possible from exposure to the allergen.

Such rhinitis must be treated with antihistamines, and in addition, it is necessary to exclude from the child’s menu all foods that can contribute to allergization of the body.

If your baby has snot, this may be a sign of a certain disease. But which one? – a doctor will help you figure this out, identify the cause and prescribe effective therapy. A child’s immunity at this age is still imperfect, so an advanced pathological condition can lead to serious problems.

What is the treatment for runny nose in children? Pediatricians give several useful recommendations on how to cure a runny nose in a child with maximum safety for his body.

If you notice a severe runny nose in a one-year-old child, do not put off visiting a doctor. It is impossible to delay treatment for a long time due to the risk of developing adenoids and other unpleasant complications.

A 1-year-old child will not be able to get rid of mucus on his own. The parents’ task is to clean the baby’s nasal passages from time to time using an aspirator:

  1. You can purchase this item at any pharmacy.
  2. While sleeping at night, place a small cushion under the baby's head. This action will ensure that mucus does not build up in the nasal passages, and the baby will breathe better.
  3. In children under 1 year of age, the body is very sensitive to any medications. Give your baby only those medications prescribed by the doctor. Do not exceed the dose prescribed in the instructions. Otherwise, you risk only aggravating the situation of your son or daughter.
  4. Do not allow the baby's nose to become clogged with mucus and dry there. in a one-year-old child it is possible by instilling sea salt solutions into the nasal canals. Vitamins A and E will also help cope with the problem.
  5. If a child has nasal congestion, walking will not have a negative effect on him. But it’s better to hold off on active games.

Monitor the color and nature of the mucus discharge. If you notice snot with blood in your child, make an appointment with a doctor immediately.

Cleansing and moisturizing a child's nose with a runny nose

The development of infectious and allergic rhinitis is promoted by dry air and nasal passages. A runny nose in a 1 year old child is caused by dust mites and other strong allergens. Certain foods, odors, and medications often become irritating factors. Skin tests and other tests for allergens will help to recognize the nature of the disease. Help in this case should be different than for ARVI.

Drops and sprays help quickly cure a runny nose in children:

  • antiviral, immunomodulatory (“Viferon”, “Interferon”);
  • antibacterial (“Bioparox”, “Isofra”, “Pinasol”, “Nazol Kids”);
  • vasoconstrictors (“Otrivin Baby”, “Tizin”, “Vibrocil”, “Nazivin”);
  • moisturizers based on sea salt (“Aqualor”, “Aquamaris”);
  • decongestants (“Aminocaproic acid”).

For sinusitis, rinsing the nose and using drops makes breathing easier, but without treating the underlying disease, the runny nose will not go away.

A ready-made saline solution from a pharmacy successfully replaces drops for the common cold in children over 1 year of age based on sea water. You can buy a bottle of isotonic sodium chloride solution at the pharmacy and drop it into your nose with a pipette. Salt has a detrimental effect on microbes and reduces swelling of the mucous membrane. The solution effectively cleanses and moisturizes the nasal passages and prevents them from drying out.

Vasoconstrictor medications for the common cold are in demand to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane due to allergies and acute respiratory viral infections. Rhinitis in children is aggravated by underdeveloped nasal passages. It is recommended during periods of exacerbation of allergies and at the height of a cold to drip vasoconstrictor drugs into the nose twice a day. Addiction occurs, which is why such drugs are used for no longer than 3–5 days.

Treatment of runny nose in children with folk remedies at home

Rhinovirus infection goes away within 5–8 days, during which time children need good care. Maintaining bed rest at high temperatures, hygiene, and proper diet reduce the risk of complications. The use of antipyretics is required for fever; other symptoms of ARVI often disappear without the use of strong medications.

What to do when children have a runny nose and cough:

  • enrich the menu with products with antioxidants, vitamins C and D, probiotics;
  • clean the nose well using a nasal aspirator and rinsing;
  • give water more often, chicken broth, tea, juice, fruit drink;
  • use nasal spray or drops based on sea salt;
  • limit contacts with other children and adults;
  • do not rush to give medications, especially antibiotics;
  • Do not go for a walk if you have a fever.

The air in the children's room should not be dry. It is recommended to use a humidifier or place a bowl of cold water near a heat source.

An infectious runny nose in a 1 year old child can be treated using folk remedies. Infusions of medicinal plants are used to relieve symptoms and treat rhinovirus infection, tracheobronchitis, and adenoiditis. Add honey to herbal tea, but not more than half a teaspoon for children aged 1 to 2 years.

Effective remedies for runny nose and cough from the arsenal of traditional medicine:

  • chamomile or linden tea with mint, rosehip;
  • infusion of sage and lavender;
  • lemon juice with sugar;
  • echinacea tincture;
  • aloe juice

The lemon is immersed in boiling water for 10 minutes to remove the bitterness, after which the juice is squeezed out and mixed with two tablespoons of sugar. Give the child two sips of syrup in the morning and evening. For a compress, squeeze the juice from fresh lemon and add water. Soak a clean napkin and rub the child’s temples and forehead to improve the general condition of a fever.

Very often, parents of one-year-old babies prefer to use folk remedies for runny noses.

Indeed, herbal medicines made at home can be a worthy replacement for pharmaceutical drugs, but they must be used with great caution so as not to harm the baby, and before starting such treatment you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

Most often, herbal drops are used for children aged 1 year. There are several proven folk recipes for treating runny nose in one-year-old babies:

  1. Aloe drops. To prepare a medicine from an indoor flower, you need to cut off 1-2 lower leaves of the plant, rinse them under running water and cut them into small pieces, from which the juice should be squeezed. The resulting liquid is diluted with clean boiled water at room temperature in a ratio of 1:2. The medicine is administered 2-3 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril. To achieve a better effect, it is recommended to add honey to the product, but only on condition that the baby is not allergic to this product.
  2. Carrot and beet juices. To obtain a healing remedy, you need to squeeze the liquid out of a fresh vegetable and also dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. These drops are used in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  3. Parsley drops. Fresh herbs must be chopped in a blender, wrapped in cheesecloth and squeezed out the juice. The medicine is dripped twice a day, 2-3 drops into each nasal passage.
  4. Water infusion of propolis. Grind 50 g of the substance and pour in 0.5 cups of water, cover with a lid and leave in a water bath for an hour. The finished product should be poured into a dark glass container and stored in the refrigerator, warming to room temperature before use. You can instill the infusion 3 times a day. It is recommended to dilute the product slightly with water to avoid burning in the nose.

Although rhinitis in one-year-old babies is not considered a serious disease, the treatment of this disease should be treated very carefully and be sure to consult with a doctor about the possibility of using a particular medication or folk remedy. If parents know how to treat a runny nose in a child who is barely one year old, the disease will go away quickly and without consequences.

To cure a runny nose in a child, you need to consider the form in which the disease occurs. If rhinitis is at an early stage and is accompanied by mild, clear discharge, many parents manage to cope with it with regular rinsing. As already mentioned, ordinary saline solution is best suited for such procedures, but special preparations based on sea water - Aquamaris, Aqualor, Rinostop Aqua, etc. - are no less effective.

Preference should be given to those products that are intended specifically for one-year-old babies. They are equipped with a convenient tip, with which the pressure of the supplied jet is automatically adjusted. This provides protection against damage to the delicate mucous membrane and accidental release of medication into the ear canals.

Many children experience nasal congestion when they have a runny nose. To relieve swelling and make it easier for the child to breathe, it is recommended to instill vasoconstrictor drops based on phenylephrine, xylometazoline or oxymetazoline into the nasal passages. Otrivin Baby, Nazol Baby, Nazivin are used for runny nose in one-year-old babies.

If prescribed by a doctor, your baby can be given topical antiviral drugs (Grippferon, Interferon). It must be borne in mind that these drugs are powerless. A severe runny nose in a child, accompanied by thick white, yellowish or green discharge, requires the use of antibacterial drops (Isofra, Sialor, Albucid).

If all of the above remedies do not help eliminate a severe runny nose in a one-year-old child, we may be talking about sinusitis - a serious inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses. Sinusitis requires mandatory use of antibiotics, so you need to see a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and get a prescription for the drug Amoxiclav or its equivalent.

A runny nose is a very common symptom of a cold in children 2 years old. Many parents are familiar with the situation when, after treatment for a runny nose, it appears again. The reason may be that the previous rhinitis was not completely cured, or the immune system is very weakened, so it reacts to every irritant in this way.

First aid

What is the best treatment? To get the maximum result from the treatment of runny nose in children 2 years old, you must adhere to certain rules. This is the only way you can overcome the disease in a short period of time.

Firstly, you need to refuse to attend kindergarten for 2-3 days. Thus, you can slow down the disease at the initial stage of development. Otherwise, this symptom will become chronic, and treatment will be much more difficult.

For the first 2 days, provide the child with bed rest. The pillow should be placed under the head and shoulders. Then he will feel comfortable, and the accumulated phlegm will begin to separate faster. And this will greatly improve the baby’s nasal breathing.

When a child has a cold, he or she must drink as much fluid as possible. Prepare him a drink from jam, currants, cranberries. Such fruits contain large quantities of vitamin C, and it is known to perfectly eliminate colds and infectious diseases. In addition, such drinking has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens the child’s body’s defenses. Patients aged 2 years must be allowed to drink up to 1 liter of liquid per day.

If after 2 days the baby’s runny nose does not go away, then you should give him warm mineral alkaline water. The advantage of this treatment is that in an alkaline environment, pathogenic microorganisms die very quickly. By drinking plenty of fluids, it is possible to improve the discharge of nasal mucus and reduce the intoxication of the body that occurs against the background of redness from bacteria and viruses.


Such measures for the treatment of cough in children 2 years old are considered the most effective. Thanks to them, it is possible to evenly distribute the medicinal substance deep into the nasal mucosa. The result of this treatment is rapid and effective distribution of the drug over the surface of the nasal epithelium. The recovery process after inhalations occurs very quickly.

To carry out inhalations, you can use a special device, thanks to which it is possible to turn the medicinal solution into an aerosol under pressure. The name of such a device is a nebulizer; through it you can spray inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibacterial medications. Nebulizer medications for runny nose are listed here.

Application of drops

As a rule, during the treatment of a runny nose in children 2 years old, vasoconstrictor drops are used. They should not be used for more than a week. Consider only the most effective for children of this age:

  1. Vibrocil. This medicine is approved for use in infants. The duration of therapy is no more than a week. The resulting effect is achieved in 2-3 minutes and lasts for 6-8 hours. You need to drip 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. Here you can read the instructions for using Vibrocil nasal drops. It is advisable to blow your nose thoroughly before using the medicine or clean your nose strip with a salt solution, as well as Aquamaris. Read how to properly rinse the nose of a 2-year-old child.
  2. Nazol Baby. These drops should be used very carefully and for no more than 3 days. The resulting effect lasts about 6 hours. Children aged 2 years should use 2 drops in each nostril. The pipette should be wiped dry after use.
  3. Polydexa. Polydexa nasal drops for children is a nasal spray that can be used by patients after reaching 2 years of age. The course of therapy is 5-10 days. The resulting effect is achieved in 3 minutes and lasts 8-9 hours. Instructions for use suggest one spray into each nasal passage. The number of doses per day is 3 times. But the use of such medicine is prohibited for children suffering from renal failure.


To prevent illness in a child during the most tender period of his life, it is worth using simple preventive measures

It is important to take care of the hygiene of the nasal passages and oral cavity. Any stagnation of secretions is a breeding ground where pathogens can develop

It is also necessary to maintain cleanliness and order in the children's room, and frequently ventilate the room. A child may begin to sneeze and cough due to common dust or foreign odors. At a very tender age, you should not use aromatic products, including healthy oils.

The baby's body is very vulnerable to climate changes. He has to get used to a completely new environment, and this is in the context of the formation of many vital systems. So doctors do not recommend flying with a newborn to other countries. And don’t forget about such simple and accessible methods as hardening and charging. By strengthening the baby’s body from birth, you can count on it to cope with any infections faster.

Preventive measures are:

  • strengthening the immune system (hardening, healthy eating, taking vitamins, walking in the fresh air);
  • the use of antiviral drugs for the purpose of prevention during an influenza epidemic;
  • maintaining a healthy microclimate in the apartment (regular wet cleaning, ventilation).

If a child is allergic, then it is necessary to get rid of everything that can cause an allergic reaction.

A runny nose in children of a younger age group is not a harmless problem. It cannot be ignored. Due to discharge and nasal congestion, the baby is forced to breathe through the mouth, and for some children, inhaling cold air a couple of times is enough to cause pneumonia.

Prevention of runny nose in children should include a set of measures aimed at both activating local protective mechanisms in the child’s upper respiratory tract and strengthening the immune system as a whole.

In order for the nasal mucosa to fully realize its protective properties, it is important to prevent an increase in the viscosity of the mucus and the formation of crusts in the nose.

  • It is necessary that the air that the child breathes is always sufficiently moist and cool. Regulate the temperature in the room - the higher it is, the less moisture remains in the air; you can also use various evaporators and humidifiers.
  • It is important that the child consumes enough fluid - dehydration leads to drying out of the mucous membranes.

Physiological norm of fluid intake for children

  • In addition, in order to prevent mucus from thickening and to prevent the appearance of crusts, it is recommended to instill saline solution into the child’s nose daily (during periods of increased risk of illness, this can be done several times a day).
  • Ensuring optimal physical activity: walks, outdoor games, sports help to activate the child’s body’s defense mechanisms.
  • Hardening helps to use all the body's reserves in the fight against infectious diseases. You can read more about hardening here.
  • Balanced nutrition: an intermittent diet limiting or eliminating protein-rich foods helps improve the functioning of the immune system. It is recommended to practice protein-free diet regularly, especially during periods when the risk of respiratory infections is especially high. This is the autumn-winter period, as well as spring, when weakening of the immune system is observed.
  • Vibroacoustic therapy: the use of Vitafon devices is an effective way to prevent runny nose in children. When used regularly, this method helps cleanse the body from damaged cells, decay products and waste products (waste), which activates the defenses of the immune system, normalizes the functioning of the liver, kidneys and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all parts of the immune system.

When it comes to allergic rhinitis, the best way to prevent it is to eliminate allergens: regular wet cleaning and maintaining an optimal microclimate in the room (if the allergen is house dust). Use of protective equipment or change of place of residence - if we are talking about an allergy caused by pollen.

Prevention of vasomotor rhinitis is the competent use of vasoconstrictor drugs (no more than 5-7 days).

Preventive measures also include a competent approach to antibiotic treatment. Their unauthorized use and non-compliance with treatment regimens weaken the body’s defenses and increase the risk of developing infectious diseases, including the runny nose in children.


There is often a situation when parents get carried away with searching for one or another remedy that will provide treatment for a runny nose in children quickly and effectively, and forget about the simplest and most effective measures that can significantly alleviate the child’s condition and activate their own defenses. These include cleaning, humidifying and cooling the air in the room where the child is, rinsing the nose, proper drinking regimen, and diet.

Parents often ask if it is possible to bathe a child with a runny nose. In most cases, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity in a baby is not a contraindication to bathing. On the contrary, contact with water helps to reduce the viscosity of mucus and soak the crusts.

You should refrain from bathing when the child has a runny nose and a temperature of 38 degrees or higher, when the child’s general condition is suffering. In this case, it is recommended to wipe with cool water.

The answer to this question depends, first of all, on the cause of the disease. If a child has an allergic runny nose caused by house dust and the elements it contains, a walk in the fresh air will bring relief. If the allergy is caused by plant pollen, then walking can lead to an exacerbation of symptoms. Also, if inflammation in the nasal cavity is associated with ARVI, then while walking it is better to avoid contact of the patient with other children.

Also the answer to the question “can you walk with your child if you have a runny nose?” depends on the child’s condition and weather conditions. If you have a high temperature, lethargy, or weakness, it is better to stay at home. You should not go outside when the air temperature outside is below zero, there is wind or other unfavorable weather conditions.

How long does a child's runny nose last? The average duration of the disease, when it comes to inflammation occurring against the background of a viral infection, is 5-8 days. This is due to the peculiarities of the immune response: this is the period required for the production of interferons and antibodies (substances responsible for protecting the body from infection).

If during this time the child’s runny nose does not go away, what to do? It is imperative to consult a doctor so that he can help determine the causes of the protracted course of the disease. These may be developed complications, for example, the addition of a bacterial infection and the development of sinusitis and otitis media.

A persistent runny nose in a child may be evidence of an allergic process - in this case, an examination by an allergist and determination of the cause of the disease is indicated.

Also, if a child’s runny nose does not go away for a long time, this may be a sign of a violation of the regulation of vascular tone, including that associated with the use of vasoconstrictor drugs - vasomotor rhinitis.

In most cases, this procedure is not the best remedy for a runny nose for children. Just like mustard plasters, thermal procedures for the feet are aimed at stimulating reflexogenic zones. They cannot be used in the acute period of the disease, at elevated temperatures. But they can be effective in the recovery period of treatment of diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, when there is a need to increase blood flow in the affected organ by stimulating active points on the foot.

When looking for an answer to the question “how to cure a child’s runny nose at home,” you should not consider such a procedure as warming up the feet: this disease, with proper treatment, which we discussed above, goes away quickly enough and does not require active rehabilitation measures.

When a child develops a runny nose, a number of measures can be taken to support his defenses and prevent the development of the disease. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure the full performance of the functions of the nasal mucosa, which is responsible for protecting the nasal passages from infection.

First aid for a child with a runny nose is to ensure the correct microclimate in the room: the sick person should breathe moist, cool and clean air. It is also important to provide your baby with enough fluids and put saline solution into the nose.

How to cure an incipient runny nose in a child? Another set of measures should be aimed at strengthening the body's defenses. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to switch the baby to a protein-free diet, which reduces the load on the lymphatic system and liver.

It is also recommended to include vibroacoustic therapy in the treatment of a runny nose in a child at the initial stage: the use of Vitafon devices activates the body’s defenses, has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, and reduces the toxic load on the body.

Why does a child’s runny nose not go away for a long time? The cause may be the development of chronic inflammation in the nasal cavity, changes in the mucous membrane (thickening or thinning).

If a child has a frequent runny nose, the cause may be allergies, impaired vascular tone associated with abuse of vasoconstrictor drugs and other factors.

Also, if a child has a long runny nose, the cause may be a deviated nasal septum, an injury to the nose, overgrowth of the adenoids, etc.

In any case, to understand how to get rid of a runny nose in a child, you need to see a doctor to undergo a comprehensive examination that will help determine the cause of the disease and select effective treatment.

A runny nose in a one-year-old child is not a rare occurrence; it often occurs against the background of an acute viral respiratory infection. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa refers to the pathology of the upper respiratory tract, acts as an independent disease or is combined with more advanced infections, such as bronchitis.

If a child is 1 year old with a runny nose, it is better to read the recommendations before treating him. Most adults are accustomed to independently preventing and treating a runny nose, but snot in a one-year-old child can affect the general health of his fragile body. Improper treatment increases the risk of complications and spread of the inflammatory process to the pharynx or lower respiratory tract.

How dangerous is a runny nose for a 1 year old child?

If your baby's runny nose is not treated, the following unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • a decrease in the body’s protective functions due to the active development of microbes on the mucous membrane;
  • difficult blood circulation and oxygen deficiency;
  • sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • irritability and tearfulness;
  • the influence of harmful particles in the nose after the accumulation of mucus on the ciliary epithelium;
  • development of complications against the background of a prolonged runny nose (bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis);
  • respiratory dysfunction.

How to identify a runny nose in a one-year-old child?

The inflammatory infectious process has three main stages. If it is recognized in time, the treatment of any runny nose in a one-year-old child will be reduced.

Reflex stage

Vasoconstriction occurs in the nasal mucosa. Discomfort manifests itself in the form of dryness and burning. The child does not show any complaints due to his age. Parents should be wary of constant sneezing and rubbing their nose with their hands. The initial stage can last several hours depending on the strength of the immune system. Already during this period it is necessary to take preventive measures.

Catarrhal stage

The vessels of the mucous membrane swell and expand, the inner surface turns red. In a child, the skin in front of the openings in the nose becomes inflamed and swollen. Clear, flowing mucus is released from the nasal cavity. The expansion of the capillaries leads to lacrimation and congestion. The catarrhal stage is observed from 2 to 5 days.

Last stage

The mucus thickens as much as possible and becomes difficult to separate. The addition of a bacterial infection changes the composition of the discharge. They acquire a yellow or greenish tint. Usually, with timely treatment of a runny nose in a 1-year-old child at this stage, complications do not arise. After a few days, the snot disappears completely, and the child can breathe freely.

Warning: the photo may be unpleasant to view.

Reflex stage Catarrhal stage Last stage


In case of any deterioration in the child’s condition and suspicion of complications, consultation with a pediatrician and even hospitalization is recommended. If the temperature rises or the nose begins to bleed, self-medication is prohibited.

  1. In some cases, a runny nose without additional symptoms indicates teething. The inflammatory process in the gums affects the nasal cavity. Parents can use traditional treatment methods to relieve symptoms and restore breathing.
  2. It is prohibited to treat snot with pus in a one-year-old child through heating or steam inhalation. The process may indicate developing sinusitis, and temperature effects aggravate its course.
  3. If there is heavy discharge, the baby should not be in a hot room. Too dry and warm air negatively affects the inside of the nose. The mucous membrane dries out and the capillaries become brittle. This increases the risk of nasal bleeding.
  4. Potent vasoconstrictor drugs are dangerous for the baby. Their frequent use causes the opposite effect and addiction. Subsequently, after instillation, a violation of the olfactory function occurs.
  5. When using folk remedies, you should not use aggressive products (onions and garlic). Their active components and tannins can burn delicate mucous membranes.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to wash the baby’s nose with a strong stream from a syringe or other devices. The powerful pressure can damage the thin membranes connected to the eardrums.

How to safely and quickly cure a runny nose in a one-year-old child?

Many approved drugs are used to treat snot in a 1-year-old child. They are developed taking into account the characteristics of the child's body. There are also effective folk remedies that help cure a runny nose. But any independent use of medications or home recipes requires prior consultation with a pediatrician.

Harmless pharmaceutical products

If there is a strong flow of mucus from the nose, only children's drops can be used for the age of 1 year. The structure of the baby’s nasal passages at this age does not yet allow the use of sprays.

Popular drugs for the common cold for children 1 year old

  • The drug consists of specially treated sea water. It contains natural mineral salts. Aqua Maris is used for various types of runny nose - acute, chronic, prolonged and allergic. Thanks to the use of sea water, the nasal mucosa is maximally moisturized, cleansed and prepared for further treatment. The drug has no age limit, it is safe and rarely causes an individual reaction.
  • The drops are made from water from the Adriatic Sea. They contain natural purified ingredients, and preservatives and dyes are excluded. Sterile water contains the necessary set of microelements. Aqualor cleanses the nasal mucosa, eliminates inflammation, and increases local immunity. The drug is used in the treatment of the runny nose and its complications - sinusitis and adenoiditis.
  • Made from a sterile solution with salts. The drug is used to cleanse and improve the condition of the nasal mucosa. After use, the reaction of local immunity improves. There are no aggressive impurities in Otrivin; its composition is the most natural for the body. With its help, when you have a runny nose, you perform daily hygiene of the nasal cavity.
  • Designed to constrict blood vessels during severe runny nose. Phenylephrine quickly relieves internal edema, which stabilizes the child’s breathing. Nazol is successfully used for colds, flu and acute respiratory infections. The use of drops is allowed from birth, but no more than three days after the first nasal instillation. The vasoconstrictor drug requires a strict dosage.
  • Vibrocil. Phenylephrine and dimethindene have a rapid vasoconstrictor effect. For better hydration and softening, it contains lavender oil. Vibrocil is intended to relieve swelling during severe nasal flow and facilitate breathing with any type of runny nose.

It is prohibited to use drops with antibacterial action unless indicated. In most cases, children have a viral infection that requires immunomodulatory and symptomatic treatment.

Traditional methods safe for one-year-old children

How to treat a common runny nose in a 1 year old child if it started suddenly and there are no proven medications at hand? To do this, many parents turn to proven traditional medicine.

Salt rinsing

If you have a severe runny nose, it is important to clear the airways of excess mucus by rinsing with salt. Add 3 grams of ordinary table salt to 100 ml of boiled warm water and mix well. To avoid damaging the delicate mucous membrane, the solution is administered carefully. A small pear-shaped enema is then used to suction out the nasal secretions. After this procedure, the child will breathe much easier.

Aloe juice has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. But undiluted, it is as aggressive as onions. Fleshy leaves are suitable for treatment. They are doused with boiling water and the juice is squeezed out. Dilute it only with boiled water in a ratio of 1:20. It is recommended to drip the nose at least 5 times a day, 1 drop. In case of any reactions in the child, stop using the product.

The regular raw or boiled root vegetable has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Its juice does not irritate the mucous membrane and does not cause a sharp constriction of blood vessels. For greater effect, add a drop of liquid honey to a teaspoon of beet juice. But it can only be used if the baby has no reaction to honey.

Many plants have a calming and antiseptic effect. Sage and chamomile have proven themselves well in the treatment of colds. Dry herbs, ground into powder, are brewed as tea. Drop into the nose 3 times a day, and then remove the soaked mucus from the nasal passages using a rubber bulb.

To cleanse a child's nose, saline solution is used through a special aerosol device. Small particles envelop the nasal mucosa and prepare it for further treatment. Inhalations are carried out through a mask to use the mouth and nose at the same time.

Prevention of runny nose in babies at 1 year of age

  1. The room where the child plays and sleeps should be wet cleaned daily. Timely removal of dirt and dust particles promotes better functioning of the nose and prevents the entry of bacteria.
  2. Ventilation must be done twice a day. The optimal temperature for a child to sleep does not exceed 23 degrees Celsius. You can leave the window open in the room. The baby is put to bed in warm pajamas if it is a cold season.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, walk daily. Clothes should not restrict movement or be too hot. If the weather is too windy or rainy, you can go out with your child to the balcony or other protected area.
  4. Preventive aromatherapy can be performed twice a week. Essential oils are used for this. Just boil a pan of water, add 2 drops of eucalyptus, spruce or juniper oil. The air in the room will be humidified and saturated with particles of medicinal essential oils.
  5. At night, the nose near the passages is lubricated with oxolinic ointment. It is an excellent antiviral and antimicrobial agent.

Your pediatrician will advise you on how to properly treat a runny nose in a one-year-old child. If the snot does not go away for a long time at home, this may indicate the development of complications. In this case, continuing folk and drug therapy on your own is not recommended.