Lg TV connection to the Internet via cable. How to connect your TV to a Wi-Fi network

Modern electronics manufacturers strive to make any product “smart,” which is confirmed, for example, by Smart-TV technology. Having learned from this article how to connect the Internet to an LG TV (webOS), you can not only watch regular television, but also launch your favorite movies and TV series online directly from the TV screen or surf web pages using the remote control. Including accessing VKontakte, Facebook and other popular resources.

There are two options for connecting LG SmartTV to the World Wide Web: wireless - WiFi and cable - LAN (Ethernet). Each method has advantages and disadvantages, so the choice of link type depends on the needs of the user. It is worth noting that a cable connection is suitable only for those who are planning to install smart television at the stage of renovation work in the room and are ready to delve into additional parameters. Today, Wi-Fi technology is the most popular.

Via network cable

This method is far from the most convenient, as it requires installation work indoors. If you already have a network cable in your apartment for a WiFi router from your provider, then you will have to install a second one: the flow of information over one Ethernet channel can be directed to only one device.

Another disadvantage of this method is that modern LG TVs do not support all network standards of domestic providers (among the incompatible ones, for example, PPPoE and L2T) - LV equipment simply will not see a wire connected to the Ethernet port that comes directly from the Internet provider.

For these purposes, a router is required, and it can already be used to authorize the PPPoE server. Don't be afraid, 99.99% that everything will work the first time.

If a cable connection is the only possible solution, then you should be prepared to manually set connection parameters (if DHCP is not running on the router). You will need to manually enter data such as the IP address and DNS server into the device’s memory. You may also need to tell your communications provider the MAC address of your television device: some providers use this code to identify the device in the system.

Please note that if there is only one LAN cable at home and it is inserted into the LG TV, then you will have to distribute WiFi to other gadgets from the Smart-TV. You can find out the compatibility of the device with local standards from the contract or by calling the provider (Dom.Ru, Rostelecom, MTS and others).

Via WiFi

Wirelessly connecting your TV to the Internet via a WiFi router will not only take less time, but also be more convenient from the point of view of everyday use. In some cases, it is convenient to use WPS technology to quickly synchronize devices; see the section below for more details.

The user does not need to run special wires around the apartment (called twisted pair) or buy additional accessories. All you need is a router connected to the network.

An exception to the rule is those LG TV models that do not have a built-in Wi-Fi module, but still support Smart-TV technology: you will have to purchase an external network module (for example, LG AN-WF100). This accessory is inserted into a USB port, pcmcia card (for older models) or C1 connector, and its synchronization with the device occurs automatically - no difficulties should arise for anyone. The cost of such a module is almost 4,000 rubles. You should not try to save money and buy a cheap analogue, since LG TVs are compatible only with adapters from this manufacturer.

Another option for the wireless method is the Ad-Hoc network, the creation of which does not require a WiFi modem. In this case, the TV connects directly to the computer (local DLNA server) and does not have Internet access, but the user gets the opportunity to broadcast any media files stored in the memory of the laptop/system unit to a large television screen.


When first launched, the new LV TV asks the owner for permission to automatically set up the connection. Practice shows that this notification is often ignored by the user due to the reluctance to waste time on an “unnecessary” function and the desire to quickly start the list of TV channels. If auto-tuning was not performed immediately, then the procedure for further connecting the TV to the global network will consist of the following steps:

  1. We launch the device and go to “Settings” using the “Settings” button located on the remote control.
  2. Go to the “Network” section (icon in the form of a globe) and the “Network Connection” subsection.
  3. Select the access source - WiFi wireless technology or LAN cable.
  4. We launch auto settings, in which you only need to enter the password for the WiFi router or press the WPS button on the router. When connecting with a cable, you must enter all the data yourself.
  5. Confirm saving the settings.

Attention! The location of buttons and menus, as well as the interface as a whole, differs greatly from model to model. We recommend that you look at the standard instructions to avoid force majeure.

After completing the algorithm described above, LG Smart-TV will be connected to the Global Network and you will be able to enjoy watching online content. If you need to set additional connection parameters (for example, register a static IP address or hidden SSID), automatically setting the parameters is not your way. For more details and details, see the Video at the end of the article.

Attention! Although manual setup provides the TV owner with advanced capabilities, this method is recommended for use only by advanced users who need additional protection of personal information and have at least minimal knowledge in the IT field.

Possible problems

If you have already connected the Internet to SmartTV, but the device’s connection to the network was suddenly interrupted for one reason or another, do not panic and immediately rush to the TV experts for help; you can fix such a problem yourself.

The first thing you need to do is understand at what stage of the wireless channel binding the failure occurred. To do this, you need to go to “Settings”, then to “Network Status”. You will see a chain of icons of all devices involved in the Internet connection. The presence of a red check mark next to one of the icons will indicate a “broken” part of the channel. The connection will be restored in one of the following ways:

  • if such a symbol appears opposite the TV itself, the problem is that the router access password is incorrect - just update the password in the corresponding webOS window;
  • when a checkmark appears next to the gateway, you will need to reboot the router;
  • The DNS malfunction is most likely due to an error in the MAC address - you will have to contact your provider with a request to update the code in the database.

Problems may occur due to a malfunction of the WebOS operating system. To update the software you need:

  • download the firmware file to your computer;
  • download the update to a flash drive (it must be formatted in FAT32);
  • insert the flash drive into the USB port of the TV;
  • go to “Software Update” and start automatic mode;
  • agree to install new firmware.

The system itself will find the required file on the removable disk and install it. After a successful update, repeat the connection establishment using the algorithm described in the previous section of the article.


So, you can connect the Internet to an LG smart TV in two ways: using a LAN cable or via WiFi wireless technology. Setting up the WebOS television operating system will proceed almost identically for both the first and second methods, and any user can overcome possible connection problems. If you have any other questions, we recommend watching the video instructions.


Most modern TVs are equipped with Smart TV technology. Thanks to it, you can connect to the Internet through the TV interface and watch high-quality films online. And even this is not the end, because with a camera and microphone, you can communicate through the Skype application. But for everything to work out, it is important to connect and configure Smart TV correctly.

Smart TV connection

To use all the features of Smart TV technology, you must connect your TV to the Internet. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • wireless connection using a Wi-Fi network;
  • connecting the TV and router using an Internet cable.

The best thing to do is to decide on the connection method before purchasing a TV. However, it is highly recommended to purchase devices that communicate with the Internet via Wi-Fi. This method of connecting to the network is much faster than an Internet cable, the circuit is much easier to connect, and you can avoid unnecessary expenses and laying cables around the apartment.

In any case, connecting Smart TV technology to the Internet is easy:

  1. Cable connection.

This is the simplest method, although not very practical. An Internet cable is taken and directly connected between the TV, modem and Ethernet port. The connection will be recognized instantly, after which you can start using all the conveniences of the Smart TV system on your TV: watch videos, download them, use Skype (if you have peripheral equipment).


  • moving devices is difficult and depends entirely on the location of the router and the length of the cable;
  • the slightest damage to the wire can cause a certain instability in the network or completely ruin the Internet connection;
  • over time, the cable sheath may crack, exposing the inside of the cable (increasing the likelihood of electric shock);
  • in some cases, it is not possible to lay the additional cable beautifully (under the baseboard or floor), as a result it will lie sloppily right on the floor.


  • the simplest connection diagram that you can think of (anyone can do it, even a complete beginner);
  • there is no need to understand the settings or otherwise configure the TV to receive the signal;
  • 99% of all faults are in the cable - after replacing it, the Internet appears again;
  • An Internet cable is purchased at a low price, and the entire connection procedure lasts no more than 1 minute.

One end of the LAN cable must be connected to the Ethernet connector on the TV with Smart TV technology, and the other end to an external Internet modem. The modem itself also connects to the Ethernet port in the wall (if this has not been done previously). Then the device will briefly recognize the new connection, and access to the Internet will appear. This ends the connection.

  1. Wireless connection.

To connect Smart TV via Wi-Fi, you must have a built-in Wi-Fi module in your TV. It is he who will “catch” the Internet from the router. If you don’t have one, you should purchase a special adapter (a small device that connects to a TV/computer), which will act as a connecting link. This adapter is connected to the USB port on the TV.

First, you need to make sure that the Wi-Fi router is working properly and is fully connected to the Internet. Next, after installing the adapter (not required if the module is built-in), you should select the appropriate section in the TV options and start the process of searching for available Wi-Fi connections.

It is important to pay attention to the name of the available Internet network. If it turns out to be a neighbor’s router, it can be turned off at any time. Therefore, you should be responsible in choosing available networks in order to have a constant and guaranteed connection to the Internet.

If you have a security code/password, you will need to enter it during the connection process. As soon as the connection between the TV and the Wi-Fi router is configured, the user will have full access to Internet resources and applications.

Also included with the purchased TV is always a user manual that contains comprehensive information on the rules for connecting, setting up and using Smart TV technology.

How to connect Smart TV to the Internet via a LAN cable and via Wi-Fi, see the following video:

  1. Connection via computer.

The use of Smart TV technology can be achieved via a computer. You can connect TV in 2 ways:

  • via the mentioned Wi-Fi.

However, an HDMI connection will not be able to provide Internet access. Thus, you can only watch movies on your computer using the TV as a monitor.

But when you connect to a computer through the Wi-Fi setting, the Internet will become available, as if you connect to a regular router (in fact, this is the same thing).

After all the procedures have been completed, all that remains is to finally configure the Smart TV.

Features of setting up LG TVs

Different TVs have different settings, so for Smart TV to work properly, it is important to configure the device to properly connect to the Internet.

TV models from the LG manufacturer often require registration in the Smart TV system. Without this, it will be impossible to install and use applications (as well as the rest of the TV’s functionality).

First you need to go to the main TV menu. Then in the upper right corner of the menu there will be a button to log in to your account. There you will need to enter your login and password, but since the account does not exist yet, you need to create it. This is why you need the “Create account/Register” button.

In the form that opens, you should create and enter a password, login, and also add an email address:

In any case, during the registration process you will need a smartphone or computer to log into your email and confirm the process of registering your profile online.

Connection features in Sony Bravia

The setup of Smart TV technology on Sony Bravia TVs is significantly different:

1. First of all, press the “Home” button on the remote control:

This will take the user to the main menu of the TV.

2. Then in the window that opens, select the icon with the image of a suitcase, after which the “Settings” menu will appear:

3. In the drop-down list, select “Network”:

4. As a result, several more items will appear, from which you should select “Update Internet Content”:

After these steps, the Internet will conditionally reboot, and the TV will tune to the desired network. This completes the Smart TV setup.

Setting up Samsung TVs

A user manual is supplied with the TV, which thoroughly explains the connection procedure, but not detailed Smart TV settings. This may be due to the fact that Samsung is completely confident that there will be no problems during the connection:

1. On the remote control you need to go to the Smart Hub menu:

2. To check the operation of Smart TV, just launch any of the available applications:

If it starts, then the technology is working successfully, and you can start enjoying all the benefits of the service.

What to do if you couldn't connect to the Internet?

But it’s hard to say what to do when various errors occur. Each malfunction has its own solutions, so it is impossible to determine actions that will certainly help.

However, you can try to fix the error in the most common way. Go deeper into the Smart TV settings and change them if necessary:

1. Select the “Menu” item, then “Network” and “Network Settings”:

2. A message will appear there that will prompt you to automatically try to set up the connection.

You shouldn’t immediately give up on this idea, because it is quite possible that the TV will be able to solve the problem on its own. Therefore, in the window you should click on “Start” to begin the automatic configuration process.

If the Internet can be configured, a corresponding message will appear. If not, an error message will pop up.

3. If it is impossible to establish a connection in this way, you need to go to the “Network Status” menu. It is located immediately under “Network Settings”:

4. In the new window, you need to go to the “IP Settings” item, and then select to automatically obtain an IP address:

5. If this does not help, then you will have to enter all the data yourself:

You can find out the IP address, subnet mask, etc. by contacting your Internet provider via a phone call. Also, if you have a computer and use the same Internet, you can go to the local connection menu and select “Information”. The window that appears will show all the data about the Internet network, but only the underlined ones will be of interest to Smart TV:

They should be entered into the TV menu in the sections of the same name.

After these steps, the connection to the Internet should be established, and you can start using Smart TV on your Samsung TV.

Identical steps for setting up the network can be carried out on any other models, since the difference is only in the location of the menu and the names of the sections. But no need to worry because they will be intuitive: “Network Settings” and “Network Settings” are the same thing.

To check Smart TV, you can launch any application or otherwise try to use TV functions that require the Internet. If it works, then everything is in order, but if not, you need to adjust it. Everything is very simple, the main thing is to understand the essence of the device’s operation and carefully read the user instructions.

In contact with

Or a modem and a wireless network adapter connected to the USB connector of the TV receiver.

You can purchase what you need separately in retail and online stores. The devices support IEEE 802.11A/B/G and N protocols. Manufacturers recommend the latter protocol. When using B or G, whose speed is much lower, playback may be accompanied by jerks.

Preliminary remarks

To connect to the network, the TV must communicate with a Wi-Fi access device (modem, router). If it supports the DHCP protocol, then a static IP address and DHCP can be used to connect to Smart TV.

You must select an unused one. If the frequency is occupied by another nearby device, this will cause interference and loss of connection.

The use of security systems other than those listed below is not supported.

According to the new Wi-Fi certificate specifications, modern TVs do not support 802.11N high-bandwidth mode and WEP, TKIP or TKIPAES encryption type.

If WPS is available, the network connection is made by pressing the PBC button or by entering a PIN code. The SSID and WPA key will be configured automatically.

Unless certified, the device cannot be connected to a television receiver.

Wi-Fi connection can be made in the following ways:

  • auto-configuration for devices not manufactured by the TV receiver manufacturer;
  • PBC (WPS);
  • auto-tuning using automatic network search;
  • manual installation;
  • SWL for Samsung devices.

The Wi-Fi adapter may not be recognized or work properly when connected to a third-party hub or USB cable.

Removing Interference

When connected via Wi-Fi, some channels may experience image distortion. This can be resolved by placing the adapter in a location free from interference:

  • via corner USB connection;
  • using an extension cord.

In the latter case, the wireless network adapter must be installed in an area where there is no interference from the tuner. Connect to it and to the port. Secure it in the upper rear part of the TV receiver case with double-sided tape.

How to connect a TV to Wi-Fi using auto-configuration

Samsung's auto-configuration feature allows you to pair your TV receiver with third-party wireless access points. If they do not support this function, then the connection must be made using PBC (WPS), automatic or manual configuration.

Before connecting your TV to Wi-Fi, you need to turn off SWL.

You can check whether your device supports Plug and Play at www.samsung.com.

Setup using automatic configuration

  1. Place an access point (AP) and a TV nearby and turn them on. Since download times may vary, you may need to wait about two minutes. Before connecting your TV to your Wi-Fi router, you need to make sure that the network cable is connected to the router port. Otherwise, auto-configuration will only verify communication with the access point, and there will be no confirmation of Internet connection.
  2. After a few minutes, connect the adapter to the TV. After this, a pop-up window will appear.
  3. After connecting, you should place the router in parallel no further than 25 cm from it.
  4. You need to wait until the automatic connection occurs. Otherwise, a window indicating a malfunction will appear on the screen. To try again, you need to reboot the router, disconnect the adapter, and start again from step 1. You can also choose another connection method: auto, manual or PBC.
  5. Place the AP in the desired location. If its parameters have changed, or a new access point is being configured, the steps must be repeated from the beginning.

How to connect a TV to Wi-Fi via PBC

If the access point has a PBC button, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Connect the TV receiver to the Wi-Fi adapter.
  2. Turn it on, press MENU on the remote control, use the ▲ and ▼ buttons to go to the “Settings” section.
  3. Select the “Network” menu item.
  4. Enter the type “Wireless”.
  5. Open the “Network Settings” menu item.
  6. Press the red button on the remote control.
  7. Within 2 min. hold down the PBC button on the access point. The television receiver will automatically receive the required settings and a network connection will take place.
  8. To exit, press the RETURN button.

Automatic network setup

Wi-Fi networks have an additional security system that requires connected devices to transmit an access code. This is the password (a word or a series of letters and numbers) entered during connection security setup. Using AutoConfig requires entering a password during the installation process.

To automatically install Wi-Fi Internet, you must:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 5 of the procedure for connecting to a network using PBC.
  2. Press the ▼ button to open the “Internet Protocol Settings” item, and then press ENTER. Go to “Auto” and confirm the entry.
  3. Go to “Select Network” and press ENTER. Searches for available Wi-Fi networks. Once completed, a list of them will be displayed.
  4. In the list, using the navigation buttons, select the desired network and press ENTER. If the router is hidden (invisible), then you need to open the “Add network” menu item and write down the name and password.
  5. When the Security/PIN window pops up, proceed to step 6. When the connection screen appears, proceed to step 10.
  6. Select "Security" or "PIN". For most home networks, the first option is suitable. The security screen appears.
  7. Enter your password. It must match the code entered with the modem.
  8. To do this you need to know the following:
    • numbers are entered using the numeric buttons on the remote control;
    • movement around the screen is carried out using navigation buttons;
    • the red button changes the register of the on-screen keyboard;
    • entering a letter or symbol is confirmed by pressing ENTER;
    • The last character is deleted using the green button on the remote control.
  9. When finished, press the blue button.
  10. You need to wait for the connection confirmation message to appear and press enter. The setup screen will appear again.
  11. To check the connection, select “Network Test”.

Direct connection

It is possible to communicate with a mobile device without the mediation of a router. This feature becomes available when SWL is disabled.

  • Direct connection to a new device
  1. Follow steps 1 to 6 in the setup section using PBC (WPS).
  2. Call up a list of devices and networks through the “Select network” menu item.
  3. Press the blue button on the remote control.
  4. The message “Direct Wi-Fi connection to your mobile phone or computer” appears. The network may have limited functionality. Do you want to change your network connection?
  5. Enter the SSID and security key on the connected access point.
  • Direct connection to an existing device
  1. You need to complete steps 1 to 6 to configure using PBC (WPS).
  2. Open the list through the “Select network” menu item.
  3. Enter the desired device.
  4. If a security key is required, write it down. If the network is not working properly, you should check your login and PIN code. An incorrect key may cause the device to not function properly.

Network settings

If other methods do not work, you must enter the network settings manually. You must first obtain connection information. To do this, on a computer running Windows OS, perform the following actions:

  • Right-click on the network icon at the bottom right of the screen.
  • Select “Status” from the pop-up menu.
  • Go to the “Support” tab.
  • After clicking the Details button, the network settings will be displayed.

Manual network setup

To enter network connection values ​​manually, you must perform the following operations:

  1. Perform setup steps 1 to 5 using PBC (WPS).
  2. Select “Internet Protocol Settings” and “Manually”.
  3. Go to the input field.
  4. Enter the IP address using the number buttons on the remote control.
  5. To move to the next field, press either the other arrow buttons to navigate down, up, or back.
  6. Enter the subnet and gateway mask.
  7. Go to the DNS input field. Enter the numbers as indicated above.
  8. When finished, press ▲ to select the network.
  9. After this press ENTER.
  10. Proceed to Automatic Setup Step 4 and follow further instructions.

SWL connection

This function makes it possible to connect modern TVs to an access point that supports PBC. It is possible to establish a connection without a Wi-Fi router.

Before connecting your TV to Wi-Fi, the access point must already be connected to the wireless network.

Normal operation of the adapter is only possible with USB port 1. Devices using the 2.4 GHz frequency are supported. 5 GHz frequency is not applicable.

Direct connection of the TV receiver to a PBC-enabled device is possible when SWL is set to "On" and the Wi-Fi adapter is inserted

To connect using SWL you need to do the following:

  1. Perform setup steps 1-5 from PBC.
  2. Select SWL and press ENTER to enable it.
  3. Open "SWL Connection".
  4. If the message “Hold down the PBC button of the connected device for 120 seconds” appears, you must follow these steps. For more detailed information, please refer to the operating instructions.
  5. Once the TV is connected to the network, the countdown window will automatically close. If the connection cannot be established, try again after 2 minutes.

Possible problems

A Wi-Fi connection may fail if the provider registers a permanent MAC address of the device and verifies its authenticity each time to prevent unauthorized access. Since the MAC address of the TV is different, the provider refuses to provide services and the connection does not occur. To solve this problem, you should contact your provider and find out if you can connect Wi-Fi to your TV. If so, you will need to know what action to take.

If your provider asks for a login and password to establish an Internet connection, then before connecting the TV via Wi-Fi, you must enter the required data.

Problems may occur due to the firewall. If this is the case, then you need to contact your provider.

Sometimes resetting the TV helps. To do this, open the menu item "Support", "Self-diagnosis" and "Reset". After entering the PIN and agreeing to the terms of the license agreement, the factory settings will be restored.

If you cannot connect to Wi-Fi Internet even after fulfilling the service provider’s requirements, you should contact specialists for help.

Modern plasma and LCD TVs with Internet access do more than just attract our attention in store windows. Today they are a bestseller on the market for such devices.

The emergence of smart TV technology

The most creative users strive to purchase this symbiosis of TV and PC. Work with the Internet environment is ensured by the now popular Smart technology, mastered by the main TV manufacturers (the list of the best-selling models in 2014 will be presented below). The pioneer in its development was Samsung. It was with her light hand that the term “Smart technology” became generally accepted. Samsung's proprietary operating system is called Tizen.

Currently, almost all new models from a number of manufacturers (Philips, Toshiba, LG) contain basic equipment that supports Smart TV.

Equipment manufacturing companies and their operating systems

Each corporation develops its own engineering solutions, offering the buyer TVs with Internet access and 3D, working with its own software.

For example, LG is developing the WebOS operating system (OS) purchased from Hewlett-Packard. This open source system is promising for developing new applications.

Internet access via the TV is made through a special LAN port via a Wi-Fi connection to the router or using WPS, One Foot Connection, Plug & Access technologies. For the successful operation of a Smart TV, a sufficient information transfer speed (from 10 to 20 Mbit/s) is important.

Smart TVs are now even more advanced

Users of regular TV receivers will probably ask: “TVs with Internet access - what is it?” The functions of such devices are an order of magnitude greater than those of a conventional TV receiver. This technology offers a new level of convenience for the consumer. Indeed, using entertainment Internet resources on a wide screen while relaxing on a comfortable sofa is clearly more convenient than, say, using a laptop on the same sofa. But rushing after smartphones to exploit the media capabilities of the World Wide Web, new TVs have not yet become budget devices.

Why do modern TV viewers prefer them? Hybrid technology, combining the media capabilities of a PC and the current offerings of modern digital television, has caused a breakthrough in the seemingly stable TV market. Users of new devices receive obvious convenience and benefits.

Indeed, televisions with Internet access are not tied to the hourly television program. Users find themselves in an advantageous position. Internet media resources provide them with the opportunity to get the information they need at any time convenient for them, as well as enjoy watching films or music selected to their taste.

New TVs provide obvious convenience to fans of social networks. They can alternately communicate with friends and discuss the video resources they are watching. Internet access through a TV equipped with a variety of interactive applications is multifunctional.

TVs with Internet access. Basic Concepts

Since Smart devices connect to the Internet and local networks, users should naturally have an understanding of the operating principles of modern gadgets.

Let's start with a brief description of Smart TV. This technology integrates television digital interactive service with Internet navigation capabilities. Thus, the TV has become “smart”. To do this, like a smartphone, it was given functions typical of a computer, equipped with its own operating system and applications. Accordingly, the operation of such a device is regulated by special standards:

- DLNA. Organizes the network connection of PCs, Smart TVs, mobile devices to the Internet via a modem or router. In this case, content recorded on one of the connected devices is played on another connected to it on the same network.

- Wi-Fi standard. It is also called the wireless standard. Internet-connected TVs use this standard either through a special built-in unit or through a USB adapter that supports Wi-Fi.

- Ethernet. Defines the wired connection of devices to the local network. At the same time, good performance indicators, noise immunity, and reliability are ensured.

- IPTV standard. This is an Internet TV protocol.

- HbbTV standard (European). Regulates the transmission of multimedia information over all kinds of communication lines, including Wi-Fi (broadband Internet connection, satellite, cable, terrestrial channels).

We also consider it correct to recall the interpretation of the term “broadband” (providing continuous high-speed downloading and uploading of data). This is a necessary way to connect a Smart TV to the World Wide Web.

Widgets - a convenient TV interface

Special programs turn TVs with Internet access into excellent navigators. A widget is a special graphic module that connects the user to a specific streaming video or media. For example, to exchange rates or to a TV channel. It should also be noted that the widget does not require large amounts of memory from the television device. How is this achieved? The graphical shell is placed by the manufacturer in the Smart TV. At the same time, the software is located and, accordingly, runs in the cloud.

Social networks, Skype

Modern manufacturers of this miracle of technology initially install Twitter, Facebook, and Google Talk widgets on their models (often they are combined in the Social TV menu item). The top TV channels, following the spirit of the times and setting up their own information portals on the World Wide Web, visualized with individual widgets, were not offended by the new technology.

TVs with Internet access, equipped with the popular Skype program, also perform the popular video calling function.

TV manufacturing companies and interface features

Now, having turned on the required widget, you can watch new clips on YouTube or check the weather forecast without leaving the TV.

Various manufacturers offer their own widgets, so we recommend that buyers choose a manufacturer based on personal tastes. For lovers of social networks, Samsung is more suitable. LG TV provides excellent viewing of collections of films and TV shows (Internet access is provided through the appropriate widgets). If you are serious about online trading, then Philips will allow you to use the international eBay auction online, where trading takes place across national borders.

It should be noted that the most popular widgets are provided to users on a paid basis.

Network capabilities of Smart TV

To further integrate television with the Internet, with functionality as close as possible to a PC, Google, Intel, Sony, and Logitech created the universal Google TV platform. Thanks to it, by connecting to the Google service, you automatically get access to YouTube; any TVs with Internet access LG and Samsung also support Google TV. The Chrome browser and Adobe Flash allow you to launch and enjoy games right there, right on Internet pages.

The Google TV platform can be built into the TV itself. Naturally, such a technique is less expensive, but free navigation on the Internet is worth it! You can pay for versatility. TVs with Internet access will provide worthy competition to PCs (they are presented in a wide range at M.Video and other retail chains).

User opinions

There are a number of Russian publications with sales ratings in the household appliances segment under consideration. At the same time, a thoughtful buyer is, of course, interested not in advertising, but in the sales practices of retail chains. The way users characterize their TVs with Internet access is also of interest. Reviews should be read, paying attention to functionality, stability, and shortcomings.

At the end of 2014, for example, the Russian federal-level retail chains Saturn and Media Markt most actively sold three models of Smart TVs with a diagonal of 46-47 inches. In this article we will limit ourselves to this rating. The price of Smart TVs with large screens, as you understand, is higher.

The Philips 47PFL6057T TV offers users 3D images and demonstration of Internet resources via a wired connection, as well as via Wi-Fi. It can interact with mobile gadgets. The device can work with Skype when a video camera is connected to the USB connector. The stereo image is output at a frequency of 600 Hz according to polar technology. 2D to 3D conversion is expected.

The UE 46ES5507 TV is positioned in the fifth line of TV equipment from Samsung. Its functionality can be expanded by purchasing applications from the Samsung Apps online store. Connects to Wi-Fi using an external adapter. Supports Wi-Di, DLNA technologies. Works with Skype.

The Toshiba 46ML963 TV connects to the Internet via wired Ethernet technology and wireless Wi-Fi. It shows users a 3D image and also supports image transformation from 2D to 3D. The device is capable of recording to a drive that is connected to a USB connector.

SMART - TV for the living room

Let us briefly describe other TVs with Internet access. Reviews for devices with a diagonal of more than 50 inches are impressive. Typically, appliances of this size and larger are an important element of the living room. Ideally, this is a family cinema with a convenient and friendly interface. By the way, almost all TVs with Internet access meet these criteria (2014 rating). When purchasing, the user is especially interested in the following:

Convenient and functional remote control with keyboard;

Powerful internet browser;

What widgets are initially available (including Skype, social networks);

Easy installation of additional widgets (carried out through the company’s online store);

Is there a built-in webcam?

Is it convenient to work with Wi-Fi (is it fast and convenient to restore such a connection);

Availability of USB outputs;

Working in movie search request mode (Your Video function).

Europeans' opinion. Best SMART TV of 2014

According to the European association of magazines EISA, specializing in the field of video and audio (which includes fifty publications from 20 countries), a clear leader was identified among Internet TVs in 2014. It was a 55-inch quad-core SMART TV Samsung UE55F8000. An impressive number of widgets are easily and clearly managed by the Smart Hub service. Samsung UE55F8000 is controlled using a video camera, remote control, and voice.

Users note that the 3D function works perfectly. According to reviews, the image looks especially impressive if you look at it in the dark: depth and texture appear. One cannot but rejoice at the volumetric and high-quality sound. Auto-adjusting screen brightness works well.

Perspective - gaming capabilities of smart TVs

In 2016, according to analysts at IHS iSuppli, the gaming capabilities of Internet-connected TVs will create significant competition for console applications. It is expected that profits in this market segment will reach 1.6 billion US dollars, and the number of units of equipment operating at consumers will be 800 million. SMART TVs represent a dynamically growing gaming market and are becoming attractive platforms for leading game companies.

Users of Samsung smart TVs prefer the games Catapult King, Slingshot Racing, Air Attack, Mini Motor Racing.

There are applications for both those interested in horoscopes and those engaged in self-education.


The advantages of TVs with Internet access are obvious. However, there is a factor hindering their advancement in the market. This is the price.

But the modern World Wide Web, interactive TV services, as well as developments by corporations in the field of Smart TV are already determining increased consumer demand for these household appliances. Cisco analysts claim that already in 2015, every tenth family will use Smart TVs, and by 2018, the share of “smart TVs” will amount to more than a quarter of the entire market - 26.8%.

This will change the status of television, which will no longer be positioned as a monopolist in the TV market of media resources and will be forced to compete for viewers with many other electronic resources.

Currently, “smart TVs” are gaining their share of the Internet market, actively competing with PCs and tablets.

Hello, dear friends! Time flies very quickly, and new TV models appear on the shelves of hardware stores every now and then. And if you recently purchased an LCD TV, then you probably heard that you can connect Wi-Fi to it. And indeed, such a possibility exists. In general, it’s worth admitting that the idea of ​​writing today’s article was suggested to me by my neighbor, who actually turned to me with a request to help connect his TV to the global Internet, since he is completely far from such things.

In general, we can say that we successfully connected the TV to it, although there was one nuance due to which some difficulties arose during the connections, but in general the procedure is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Therefore, in this material I will tell you in detail how to connect a TV to the Internet via a wifi router, you will also learn how this process generally works and what you will need to connect it. We will also look at the types of Internet connections for modern TVs. You definitely need to know this so that you have in mind in advance whether it is possible to connect the TV to the World Wide Web or not, for example, when purchasing it.

From the title of today's article it is clear that a router must be installed in your house or apartment. I already talked about the router in my previous articles, you can look at these articles:

or read this post as a note))

If this step is not completed, then you can try connecting the cable to the TV, but this is a topic for another article

I will show you how to connect the Internet to a TV via a wifi router using LG as an example. Rest assured that the process is identical on other popular brands - Samsung, Toshiba, Phillips, Sony, etc.

How to connect a TV to the Internet via a wifi router?

So, all modern TVs can be divided into several categories:

1. Models with built-in Wi-Fi module. This is the best option, since the module is already in the structure, meaning you do not need to install additional equipment. On such a TV, connecting to the Internet takes no more than 10 minutes.

2. TV with support for connecting a Wi-Fi adapter. Initially, such TVs cannot connect to a router, but you can purchase a separate adapter for them. After this, you will be able to use a wireless connection. Please note that different adapters are available for each model. That is why it is important to carefully study the instructions. The adapters look like this:

TVs without Wi-Fi, but with a network socket. Older models do not support an external adapter, and such TVs do not have a built-in module. You may find a connector for connecting the cable. Then you can implement the following scheme: connect the TV to a second router that operates in client mode. There is an alternative option, which involves connecting a cable to a LAN adapter, which can receive the Internet via Wi-Fi and distribute it via a cable.

I won’t talk about models without a LAN and Wi-Fi connector, although there are also craftsmen who connect the Internet to a TV with an HDMI connector. In this instruction, we will consider the option with a TV that initially has a Wi-Fi module. Once again, I repeat that the material will also be useful to those who already have a USB adapter.

Important! If you have not yet chosen a suitable TV for yourself, then when purchasing, make sure that the TV has a Smart TV function. It will make using the Internet even more convenient, and the built-in Wi-Fi module is definitely taken into account.

What do you need to connect your TV to the Internet?

We just have to prepare. The main component is a TV with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter or an external USB receiver. If you have the second option, then connect the adapter to the TV in advance. Next, you need to check if the router is working. The model of the device in this case is not important - it must be working.

If you don’t have a router, then there may be publicly accessible Wi-Fi networks without a password. Sometimes it is impossible to connect to them due to filtering by MAC address. This is why it is recommended that you have your own router and access to its settings. Then you can make changes if necessary. Everything is ready, then let's move on to the connection process!

How to connect a TV to the Internet via a wifi router: step-by-step instructions!

When we turn on the TV for the first time, it prompts us to connect to the Internet. Moreover, the system provides a choice - to do this via cable or Wi-Fi. Most likely, you ignored this point when you first started it, so I’ll show you how to connect the Internet through the settings. Also, you might not have seen this menu, which means the TV was turned on without you or in the store.

We start the TV and open the settings - press the “Settings” button on the remote control.

In the menu that opens, you need to find the “Network” tab, then go to the “Network Connection” section. If you have an English version of the menu, then follow the example from the screenshots:

After this, the system will show us a short instruction, I recommend that you read it. After that, click on the “Set up connection” button.

The TV will automatically search for available networks and give you the result. In my case, there are two connections available. If you need to enter the connection data yourself, then select “Manual setup”. Here you may have a question, in what cases might such a function be needed? You need to connect using WPS technology, enter a static IP address, or connect with a hidden SSID.

Using the virtual keyboard, specify the password, if present. Confirm your entry with the “OK” button. If the password was entered correctly. You will see a message stating that you have successfully connected to the Internet. Click “Finish” and move on. The system may prompt you to enter DNS and IP; I recommend leaving all indicators on “Automatic” and clicking “Finish”. As reviews from owners of TVs of other brands show, sometimes the system issues a network map - there is no point in describing this process, since it does not affect the operation of the wireless connection in any way.

Great, now all the functions of Smart TV are available to you. The screenshot below shows the icon responsible for turning on Smart TV. Also at the top of the screen you can find out if your computer is connected to the wireless Internet.

Possible problems when trying to connect the TV to the Internet via a wifi router

Sometimes when trying to connect to the wireless Internet, errors appear. They can be corrected as follows:

Unplug the TV and plug it back in. This is the simplest way, but sometimes it helps solve complex problems.

Did not work out? Then you should try resetting Smart Hub settings. Go to this section and go to “Tools”. You will find such a button on the remote control. Next we need to go to “Settings” and click on the “Reset” button. The TV may ask you to enter the PIN code “0000”. Next, you will need to agree to the terms, after which the reinstallation will begin.

If this does not help, then you should try updating all the TV software. You will find this feature in "Support". The system will prompt you to update over the network, but in some cases this cannot be done because you cannot connect to the Internet. In this case, you need to download the software on the Internet on your computer, and then use a flash drive to transfer it to the TV. I also suggest you watch the following video:

Well, dear friends, that’s actually all I wanted to tell you about in this article today. Concluding today’s article - how to connect a TV to the Internet via a wifi router, it will be necessary to note that the process is quite quick and simple. If you have a TV from another manufacturer at home, then I think that you will quickly get the hang of it with the help of my instructions. Don’t forget to write questions in the comments if you encounter any difficulties when setting up a wireless Internet connection. Together we will look for possible problems connecting the TV to the Internet.

I’ll also add that I tested the operation of Smart TV on the TP-Link TL-WR841N router. In addition to the TV, 5 more devices were connected to the router. The actual speed was about 2 Mb/s. This indicator was quite enough for me to fully use the functions of Smart TV. As an example, I can say that I watched a video from YouTube in HD format, and there were no noticeable slowdowns in speed.