Lottery horoscope for all zodiac signs. Lottery horoscope

Useful tips


Almost all Aries this month will experience some discomfort in relationships with partners. Mars, your home planet, will be in the opposite sign of Libra and will do opposition connections to your Sun. Therefore, nervous conditions, conflict and impulsive actions will not be uncommon.

The most unfavorable for personal life can be second two weeks of the month. Starting approximately from November 17, 2017, you should be more restrained and express your dissatisfaction with your partners not in such a harsh form. Otherwise you may seriously quarrel and even break up. This is especially true for those relationships that are not very strong.

Personal life will now take up a lot of time, so work and professional achievements there won't be much time. However, work can be a salvation if you see that you cannot yet make a decision regarding a partnership.

Overcoming and struggle– important characteristics of this month for you. Perhaps your somewhat depressed state right now is due to the weather, which always puts pressure on you: there is no brightness and cheerfulness, darker and gloomier days, prolonged downpours. In order not to fall into depression, learn to see the positives in what surrounds you, find pleasant activities and cozy company.

Attention those who were born during the period from March 26 to April 15 any year. This month you can more vividly experience everything that was stated above. Impulsive and sudden movements, increased aggressiveness and nervousness can greatly spoil the nerves not only of you, but also of those around you. Channel those negative energies of the month into a direction where they can become positive. For example, load yourself with activities that you enjoy and that you do easily and simply.

Stress level : high.

Areas of greatest activity : partnerships.


Your work this month will not be very successful: there may be unpleasant changes, new complex tasks that will not be easy for you to cope with, or you may even have to look for a new job. This will be especially relevant in the second half of the month.

Problems at work can also affect your health. In general, you should take great care of your health this month. Lead healthy lifestyle and do not take rash, impulsive actions. There may be accidents, injuries and accidents. There is a possibility of contacting medical institutions or private doctors or healers.

But your personal life will not bring you any special problems: you will be happy with the current situation. The exception is first days of the month, when lovers can do something for you unexpectedly upset. If you are single, you can make new pleasant romantic acquaintances if you wish.

Attention to those who were born May 2 or 3 any year. This month, everything that happens to you will seem unreal to you. These could be strange events or meetings with unusual people. Some hidden secret abilities may appear. A very good month for creative people.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : work, health, relationships with partners, personal life.


This month you will strive for relaxation and those activities that give you pleasure and after which you remain pleasant sensations. However, there will be no great successes in creativity or personal life yet.

You may quarrel with your lovers or there may be problems in your personal life. not the most pleasant surprises. However, you are not one of those who endure problems for a very long time, and very soon you will be able to breathe much easier. It will be easy for you to find something you like and take your mind off any sad thoughts.

At work, you may develop a love relationship, which may not have a very good effect on the performance of your duties. However, in general the work should give a satisfaction and should not bother you, although you may be a little distracted and more relaxed than usual. Only those who work with big money and whose work requires high accuracy of calculations should worry.

Attention those who were born during the period from 16 to 20 June any year. There is a serious crisis going on in your life right now. This crisis can occur in different areas of life, it all depends on the location of personal planets, but the general condition and well-being will be quite depressed. There may be health problems and inability to achieve your goals.

Stress level : short.

Areas of greatest activity : creativity, love, children.


This month your family life may be quite hectic and will bring a bit of excitement. First two weeks for a month everything will be quite calm, but closer to the new moon - November 17-19, 2017- be more attentive to your family. There may be a crisis in your relationship with them, there may be quarrels and disagreements, or someone close to you will make you worry due to health problems or because of events in their lives.

This month is good for love and creativity. If you are a creative person, expect inspiration, new interesting ideas and new creative plans. Now it is important not to miss the opportunity to show your talents and skills. In addition to people of creative professions, teachers, politicians, healers and anyone involved in the occult sciences can also be successful.

Overall this month will be successful, despite some problems. Thanks to Jupiter's favorable aspect to your Sun, many things will work out the way you want. You can easily solve any problems. Particularly good luck awaits those born on the following dates: from June 26 to July 4.

Attention those who were born during the period from June 26 to July 4 any year. You will be very lucky this month! You will not underestimate your capabilities and will be able to cope with all tasks more easily. You can try playing the lottery or gambling!

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : family, creativity, children, love relationships.

Astrological forecast for the best zodiac signs


This month may offer you many things to do at the same time. If you are not particularly afraid of workload, a lot of new people in your life and a lot of communication and meetings, then this month will be very successful for you. This month you have the opportunity collect a lot of information, which will be necessary and useful for further work.

Your family will also require a lot of time and attention from you. It is possible that one of the relatives need your help or support that you are happy to provide. The month is good for charity events. You can help someone close to you or even strangers. All this will then return to you with triple force.

Relationships with parents and children promise to be good, trusting, and there should be no quarrels. But things can happen to brothers, sisters, as well as people from your immediate circle misunderstandings, quarrels and even serious conflicts. You shouldn't trust people you don't know at all.

Attention those who were born during the period from 17 to 21 August any year. This month will be quite busy for you. Success awaits those who work hard and spend a lot of effort to achieve their goals. You will be able to feel that you are capable of much, you will have self-confidence and strength to accomplish everything you plan.

Stress level : short.

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with people from your immediate environment; family.


The financial side of life will worry you most now. This month could be like... a month of ups and downs. In your work, you will want to take the initiative, because this is how you can get the desired profit or promotion.

However, now you shouldn’t take on any very serious work or long-term projects. It's best to start something that can be complete quickly. A good time for some DIY activity. If your work is related to activities that require physical labor, then you can expect success.

In the second half of the month not excluded monetary losses and unexpected unexpected expenses. Theft and fraud are possible. It is better to avoid investing money, especially if you have any doubts. It is dangerous to borrow and lend money.

In addition to matters related to earnings and money, this month you will devote a lot of time to family and family issues. It is possible that you will have to resolve some paper issues related to your home, utilities, etc.

Attention those who were born during the period from 17 to 21 September any year. This month will not be too easy for you. It will be more difficult for you than other representatives of the Virgo sign to achieve your goals. Take care of your health, don’t overwork yourself, and don’t get upset if everything doesn’t go the way you want.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : money.


This month, Mars will move through your sign, bringing excitement and tension wherever you appear. It will be difficult for you to communicate with partners in the second half of the month, but still there is a lot now Depends on you and your personal decisions.

Now you may feel irritated, unnecessary fuss, impulsiveness. You will constantly hurry somewhere, but you may be late. It will also be difficult for you to sit still; you will always want to move and change types of activities.

To stay in shape and throw out accumulated energy, we advise you to go in for sports, or at least move more during the day. If you already lead an active lifestyle, it will be easier for you to cope with the accumulated unspent energy. There is a possibility of injuries and accidents due to your own fault. We advise you to carefully follow safety precautions.

Venus, the planet of money, will be visiting your house of finances this month, so you are now struggling with money. there shouldn't be any major problems. You can borrow/lend money, draw up financial documents, invest money in business, look for new sources of income.

Attention those born between October 18 and October 20 of any year. Serious changes are coming in your life now, which you perceive quite painfully. Drastic and unexpected events will no longer make your life the same. Humble yourself and accept everything with a calm heart, because any change is for the better.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity aimed at obtaining personal benefit; relationships with partners; money, finance.


This month it's time to remember yourself and your desires. Treat yourself to something nice now, whether it's a night out with close friends or a trip to the spa. Pleasant surprises They will also be waiting for you on your birthday, because most Scorpios will celebrate their birthdays in November.

On the other hand, you don’t want to be too visible right now. Even if you will actively communicate with friends, this could be long-distance correspondence or telephone conversations. During this period, your plans may go through changes. An interest in secret sciences and something secretive may suddenly arise. Unusual abilities may open up. Now it is important to rely on your intuition, which is usually very strong for Scorpios.

This is a good month to get your body in order. If your soul is uneasy, first of all, take care of beauty and health. Change your image, buy new clothes, get a manicure-pedicure, a new hairstyle, etc. You will be pleased with the results and feel much better.

In the end of the month Unpleasant surprises may await you. Beware of secret enemies and people who they are hiding something. On unfavorable days of the month, it is better not to do anything important, communicate with other people only when absolutely necessary. Take care of your health and don't risk it.

Attention those who were born during the period from October 28 to November 5 any year. This month you will experience a lucky coincidence of circumstances, which may come in handy. The beginnings of this month will be very successful. For you, this month can become a month of new goals and fulfillment of desires.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity aimed at achieving personal goals.

Astrological forecast for the sign


It is better to reduce friendly communication to a minimum this month. In the first half of the month friends will not hinder you from achieving your goals, but on the contrary, they will help and support you. But here in the second half of the month the risk of betrayal increases, quarrels and disagreements between you and those people whom you consider friends and like-minded people.

In the first half of the month your circle of friends can expand a lot. Conjunction of your home planet Jupiter and good Venus November 13, 2017 can significantly improve your mood and well-being. You can have a great time recharge yourself with positivity.

In the second half of the month You shouldn’t start new things. This period is more suitable for rest and solitude. Plans and projects planned for this period may be destroyed through no fault of yours. Friends and like-minded people may let you down.

There may be health problems. This month you it's dangerous to overexert yourself and taking on too many things. Women may experience unwanted conception.

It is better to limit communication only with your closest friends and relatives. Thoughts alone can be very positive. You may come up with some good ideas that you can easy to implement. A good time to take stock, dream and make plans, because in a month you will be celebrating your birthdays!

Attention those who were born during the period from November 27 to December 17 any year. Most Sagittarius will now feel a surge of strength and a sincere desire to do something new and noticeable. You cannot overwork and overestimate your strength. If you act clearly and clearly, without haste or impulsiveness, everything will work out well.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with friends and groups of like-minded people.


This month it will be difficult for you to achieve your professional goals, although the lion's share of activity will occur at work. If you have planned to do something for yourself this month, you shouldn’t limit yourself, but you also shouldn’t overwork yourself. Just remember that you shouldn’t go too far: doing your best can be in vain. Don’t be upset if some of your plans are disrupted for now, you just need to take this period calmly.

There may be disputes and disagreements with superiors or people who are high authorities. It's important now show subordination and do not flattery for trouble. In the first half of the month There may be many small trips and movements, processing of various papers, work with documents. But during the period of negative aspects, it is better to postpone serious matters, as you can make mistakes that will cost you dearly.

This month you may receive new interesting ideas, which you can share with your close friends. You can make plans and look into the future, even if it seems too distant to you. Time flies quickly, and what you plan today may determine what your life will become very soon.

Attention those who were born during the period from 14 to 16 January any year. You may experience sudden blows of fate and unexpected events that can significantly change your life. At best, now you can be the initiator of changes, which at first may seem very painful, but soon everything will fall into place.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : work, professional achievements.


This month you will be attract abroad: There is a chance to get pleasant travel experiences that you have probably been planning for a long time. Even if it seems to you that November is not a suitable month for travel, everything can change significantly, because there are warm countries in the world.

If you still prefer To stay home, you can safely take on learning something. This month you can gain very valuable knowledge that can be very useful to you in the future (especially for work and earnings). You can start learning foreign languages ​​or communicating with foreigners.

There is a slight increase in work this month (especially in the first ten days of the month). Despite the fact that you can relax at this time, gain impressions and knowledge for new things, work can bring pleasure a lot will work out. Schedule new projects for yourself. You can start new responsibilities or find a new interesting job.

At the end of the month it's worth

For a long time, humanity has used numerical values ​​as a method of predicting any events in the life of an individual or society as a whole. Everyone wants to guess lucky numbers and “grab” good luck, but not everyone is able to correctly understand what the signs bring and what their true meaning is.

Probably everyone has had to heard about numerology at least once. This science can tell everyone who is interested in numbers, their meaning and ability to influence one or another area of ​​human life. Numbers are of great importance to everyone. There are different categories to help you find answers to your question. We will consider the most important points that are probably of interest to everyone:

  • lucky numbers by date of birth;
  • numbers that will bring you winnings in the lottery;
  • favorable meanings for each zodiac sign;
  • signs of fate according to Feng Shui philosophy.

Operating with such categories has become popular not only among professional astrologers, but also among ordinary people. In principle, learning to use numbers correctly is not such a difficult science that anyone can master.

Lucky numbers by date of birth for the lottery

Each of us has our own number, which influences its owner throughout his life. Thanks to him, we can become successful, achieve something in life, earn good money and even learn how to calculate winnings in the lottery! How to choose exactly your number on a number line? The day, month and year of your birth will help with this.

You can take a chance and buy a lottery ticket. Only one question remains: will it be successful? Well, it’s not always possible to emerge victorious, because fortune is very changeable. But still worth a try. Be careful! Don’t overplay yourself, because sooner or later you may feel that you can no longer live without the lottery, and this game has become the meaning of every day you live.

The lottery doesn't stand still. In order to make it more interesting, of course, more and more modifications of the popular hobby are being invented. Today there are types in which all the numbers are known initially, while in others you need to look for them. In any case, you can use a little trick that will increase the likelihood that you win several times. In this case, you don’t have to guess anything, everything is extremely simple: add all the numbers of the day, month and year of your birth together. You don't even need a calculator for this. That's all - now you know your number.

With the help of one small number you can guide the further development of the situation. You can even win if you know your lottery luck number. For example:

Knowledge of such elementary issues is extremely important, because it is the fundamental basis for obtaining the necessary results.

Vibration numbers

Numerology also explains the peculiarities of the influence of a number on a person’s luck or destiny. There is a law that talks about certain vibration numbers. It's no secret that each of us has our own patron planet, a special cosmic connection, because we were born for unexplained reasons on this or that day. To find out which planet you are associated with, you just need to determine your number by calculating it by your date of birth.

Here are some examples to look at:

Experts say that you should always have your number with you. In this case, it will work when it is really needed. When you see your number, the connection becomes stronger and it receives strength, an energetic charge. Meanwhile, peace awaits you. Even in the most hopeless situation you can find a solution, remember this!

Are you worried about lack of confidence in your own abilities, the inability to look for the best side in everything? Help is very simple and always effective: you just need to have your number on you somewhere. You can embroider it on something, draw it, pin it. This will be both protection and an amulet of good luck and prosperity for you at the same time.

Luck according to zodiac signs

It would seem that astrology and numerology are something completely different and definitely cannot be combined in one article. This is understandable, because numbers and stars have different areas of study. But when it comes to luck, finding lucky talismans for a person, taking into account his horoscope, these sciences come together. It is thanks to their cooperation that we can find out everything that interests us.

Each of us is completely unique in our character, preferences and capabilities. Zodiac signs are also responsible for this “difference” of ours. Therefore, everyone has their own lucky numbers, depending on the zodiac. Now you can find out what will bring you good luck and maybe even winning the lottery:

However, you should not completely surrender yourself to the hands of numbers, because the lottery, as you know, is played in accordance with the theory of random numbers. It should be noted that even serious mathematicians with excellent knowledge of probability theory do not always become jackpot winners.

An important feng shui secret

Digital values ​​play a huge role in our lives.. In fact, much more depends on them than we can imagine. For example, the number of an apartment or car affects the comfort, mood, and well-being of their owner. In the teachings of Feng Shui there is also a separate branch relating to numbers.

All known numbers can be good or bad, white or black, those that bring good luck, and completely unlucky - there is no middle ground.

For example, number four is considered the worst. It brings panic, anxiety, a complete lack of luck. Four is a symbol of death. Some peoples fear it much more than the well-known unlucky 13.

The number that suits everyone and brings good luck to everyone is eight. It is responsible for your financial condition, so when it comes to winning, do not be afraid to choose 8. Eight also carries reliability, so for those who have problems in family improvement or running a business, it will become a lifeline.

Values ​​1 and 6 are also good. Both one and six symbolize prosperity and benefit. If you are solving important issues in the monetary sphere, these signs will definitely help you.

You shouldn’t trust your luck to two, because it’s an unlucky number. A symbol of impermanence, sharp changeability. The ambiguity of this number adversely affects any undertaking, so nothing good will come of it.

A value of 3 brings good luck and is therefore considered favorable. It is no longer responsible for the material, but for the spiritual. Under the cover of this number, everyone will finally be able to feel peace, tranquility and a surge of new strength. It has a very good effect on the creative sphere.

Five is considered a neutral point. This is the only sign that cannot be confidently attributed to white or black. It keeps balance.

Seven is considered a good value. This is a sign of stability, a symbol of teaching. Seven is the patron of new knowledge in any field.

Nine is a value that symbolizes moving up the ladder of achievement. Never be afraid to discover something new, especially under the influence of this sign.

Exact calculation by name

Each letter in the alphabet is located in its place and, accordingly, has its own number. Thus, you can count the numbers of the letters of the last name, first name and patronymic, add them up and get a number. This figure will indicate the owner’s character traits.

It would be appropriate to give the following examples:

It is important to understand that such calculations bring exclusively theoretical conclusions, which may not always have actual continuation. That is why a professional approach is important here.

So, luck really depends on some numbers. It is important to learn to distinguish their characteristics and use their abilities correctly. We must not forget that luck depends not only on what number a person was born under, but also on his actual actions. Any calculations using numbers cannot bring fame and fortune to someone who simply desires it. Such knowledge can only guide a person, suggest an area where one can look for luck.

Lucky numbers by date of birth for the lottery are a very slippery thing, but they may well suggest the time when you need to try your luck. Of course, anyone can win the lottery, even without using such a complex science as numerology, but a professional approach to such knowledge and deep study is a source of greater confidence that sooner or later luck will smile on a person!

Attention, TODAY only!

Very bright events await us all at the end of summer, as the stars promise us in August.

Everyone will get their own - someone will complete a novel, someone will win the lottery, and others, as the horoscope for August says, will have an incredibly exciting vacation.

The position of the luminaries will provoke in many a desire to express themselves or change something; perhaps, according to the forecasts of the lottery horoscope for August, you will simply give up the usual lottery forever, or discover a new game.

In any case, be confident in yourself, kind to others and, if possible, listen to the advice of astrologers in the new horoscope for August 2017.

As evidenced by the horoscope forecast for August, the life of Aries this month will be similar to an energetic dance. You won't have time for lazy rest, forget about it.

Seize your chance, handle things as best you can.

Get ready to play two different roles - a prudent and calm person at work and in society, and an individual seething with jealousy and passion in your personal life.

Career, finance

In the professional activities of Aries in August, the second half of the month will be the most productive - representatives of the sign will literally gush with bold ideas and develop vigorous activity. Aries has wonderful opportunities and a chance to improve his professional qualifications - your task is not to miss the moment. Try to communicate more with experienced and wise specialists, study all the new products in your field of activity and the necessary literature.

If you ride the wave of success, then luck will accompany you. You are capable of implementing any ideas, you will receive support and approval from management, and make useful, necessary contacts. It is likely that you will be promoted up the career ladder, which will have a positive effect on your wallet.

Financially, Aries is doing great in August. They have the necessary excitement, a sense of competition, which will help raise the prestige of any business they are involved in. This statement is especially relevant in relation to the lottery hobby.

Personal relationships, health

In August, passions will rage in Aries' personal life. Representatives of the sign will easily find a reason to quarrel with their loved one. Many situations will arise when you throw out absurd arguments to explain your own anger, and you yourself believe them. The worst thing is that the cause of your dissatisfaction will not always be the behavior of your significant other! Unpleasant situations in everyday life, at work, on the street, in a store can also be to blame, but you will pour out all your dissatisfaction on those who are closer to you.

But, as the stars say, a little later you will realize that you got carried away, try to soften the losses and ask for forgiveness.

If your relationship began not so long ago, then you will probably be jealous of your lover. As a result, a series of not very convenient and frank questions from the partner will follow. No matter how your pride is hurt, it is best to answer them truthfully. It is during this period that frankness will give you the maximum opportunity to get closer to your loved one and communicate with him in the same language.

In terms of health, Aries has no concerns in August. Avoid negative thoughts; anxiety and emotional stress can trigger headaches.

Favorable days are 6, 11, 17, 18, 23, 24; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 5, 13, 20, 26, 30.

Betting numbers –21, 28, 34, 48, 72 and 5

August 2017 will be a period for Taurus to realize themselves in the profession. Many of them will unobtrusively but confidently manage the situation at work. If the management comes up with a decision to add additional responsibilities to you, do not refuse, feel free to steer - the prospects are very favorable for you.

In your home environment, your task is to take care of comfort; in this case, you can easily correct the accumulated difficulties in relationships. But you should not feel sorry for yourself under any circumstances, no matter how circumstances favor it.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Taurus has one obligation - to work systematically, concentrate extremely, and pay attention to details. Emotions must be restrained and, if possible, not get involved in conflicts. If you get angry, you will most likely fail. But if you manage to be cool and restrained, then, with a high degree of probability, you will achieve your goal. At the final stage of the work, a thorough analysis of what has been done should be carried out and the result carefully checked. The danger of an error is high, there is a chance that you will find it and correct everything in time. Much now depends on your faith in your dream and the appropriate attitude. Do not give up in the face of difficulties - and success is guaranteed.

You can hardly envy the financial situation of Taurus in August, however, you will find an incentive to be active and you will have enough strength to implement the most heroic tasks. Just try not to get hung up on thoughts about making money, then you will get a positive result. This is especially true in a lottery game, otherwise you will perceive every loss as a personal tragedy.

Personal relationships, health

In August, Taurus will find their personal qualities very useful - stability and the desire for comfort and security. If you need a serious conversation with your chosen one, the stars give the go-ahead, you will be able to discuss a number of pressing issues and resolve them without the risk of a quarrel. It often happens that a randomly spoken word can change everything. You can turn a relationship with a loved one around with the help of an unexpected compliment or a good joke, remember this!

During this period, try to forget about your sobriety and practicality for a while, introduce an element of romance into the atmosphere of meetings with your loved one - visit places you have never been before, where you can forget about everything, surrendering to your feelings.

To avoid the risk of losing your health in August, you should avoid alcohol, and especially dangerous medications and drugs.

Favorable days are 1, 9, 12, 13, 17, 25, 29; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 3, 5, 15, 20, 26, 28.

Betting numbers - 11, 16, 43, 65, 68 and 14

The last month of summer will tempt Gemini with possible changes - in anything, for example, in their personal life or career. The horoscope for August does not advise completely relying on such promises; not every representative of the sign of Gemini really needs changes; it is better to listen to intuition, the voice of reason, and the recommendations of the stars.

Career, finance

As for the professional activities of the Gemini sign in August, during this period they should ask themselves the question - are the methods they use effective? They may find themselves wasting too much energy, causing the quality and quantity of work they complete to suffer. It is likely that the reason is that you perform too many responsibilities at the same time, and, from the point of view of others, it cannot be otherwise, and Gemini is increasingly worried about a feeling of vague dissatisfaction.

Try to find other, more advanced technologies and try to implement them. Be more rational with your working time. Do not try to enter into disputes with management, at this time you risk falling out of favor and losing your boss's position.

There is a possibility that you will get tired of everything and suddenly want to change your field of activity. But carefully consider all perspectives. To begin with, it is still better to find another job, and only in this case quit.

Financial issues will concern Gemini so much that they will be ready to make a deal with a speculative scent, which, however, does not promise any profit. Regarding the lottery hobby - do not use the services of unverified intermediaries, visit only well-established sites.

At the beginning of August, you can safely make important purchases; the time for shopping is the most favorable. Just be careful when purchasing a large volume of building materials - it is better not to take what is available, but to wait a while and buy the goods that suit you.

Personal relationships, health

August is an easy month to establish rapport with your partner. If you take care of the appropriate image and transform yourself, you will force your chosen one to experience a strong feeling towards you, which will push him to get closer.

If your unpleasant suspicions increase, you should not immediately start quarrels. Keep your emotions inside yourself, or immediately share them with your partner.

You shouldn’t beat the odds by having an affair with someone you are completely indifferent to. You will only make a difficult situation worse.

In terms of health, the digestive system can cause concern - follow a diet, watch what you eat.

Favorable days are 2, 10, 14, 17, 24, 29; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 5, 8, 20, 26, 27.

Betting numbers – 12, 25, 32, 45, 74 and 3

It is not recommended to enter into any conflicts during this period, much less intrigues at work. Let everything roll by inertia without your participation. It’s better to live in harmony with yourself and not think too much about what others think about you.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, everything will go awry for Cancers at the end of summer. And all because of the pessimistic pressure that suddenly fell on you. How to overcome troubles? Stick to a clear plan drawn up in advance. No matter how things turn out for you, work in accordance with this guidance and put aside thoughts of possible failure. Tip of the month - work to improve your image, establish new necessary contacts, carry out your professional responsibilities calmly and methodically. You should not join the fight for a new vacated position - you, alas, will not win this battle.

Try not to do anything that promises irreversible consequences - you need to be extremely fair with employees, public funds should not be spent without approval, things that have long taken root in the drawers of your office desk should not be thrown away on impulse.

The uncertain financial situation in August will undoubtedly weigh on Cancers. But you are strongly advised not to resort to speculation or other risky money matters. Your task is to save what you have. In this light, the lottery game should be played quite carefully, without unnecessary risk, without large-scale and extensive expensive bets.

Personal relationships, health

Cancer's personal life in August can only be successful if he forgets about ridiculous conventions and does not hide his feelings from his chosen one. Act according to the dictates of your soul and heart, without fear of seeming stupid and funny. In August, the stars will give you a meeting with an interesting person with whom it is impossible not to fall in love at first sight. Don’t hold back your emotions, don’t resist the inevitable!

Family Cancers will be even more inspired by their reliable rear and home comfort. The most important thing for them will be the realization that their family is the most wonderful, and all difficulties can be overcome through joint efforts. This axiom will be useful to you in a situation of a possible quarrel between you and the relatives of your other half.

Caution will not prevent Cancers from eating and taking medications; poisoning, attacks of gastritis, and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract are possible.

Favorable days are 3, 4, 13, 17, 25, 31; Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 5, 9, 11, 20, 27.

Betting numbers – 21, 38, 43, 63, 75 and 14

August 2017 will be remembered by Leos as the most wonderful time; their entire being will be filled with positivity. If you think of something new, then everything will work out for you both in your personal life and in business. Even if Fate itself challenges you, do not shy away from the inevitable. Now is a great chance not only to stay at the heights already achieved, but also to conquer new ones. You will only win! Just try not to offend your loved ones and colleagues in the heat of the moment, after a while they will remember this to you.

Career, finance

In the professional activities of Lviv, the key to success will be their eloquence. But don’t forget that sometimes language becomes your worst enemy. Try not to talk too much. Maintain smooth relationships with your colleagues, but don’t let anyone in on the nuances of your personal life. Some people may simply blab something about you that they shouldn’t, with details and embellishments. If rumors cannot be avoided, there is no need to make excuses, you are a Leo, and your royal silence will be proof that gossip is low for you.

In addition, the loyal attitude of your superiors towards you will allow you to boldly put forward original and constructive ideas and proposals. Demand more, dream the impossible, achieve the best. Now is the time when you will get everything you dreamed of and dreamed about for a long time.

Lviv's financial situation will also please you in August. The lack of funds due to recent expenses will quickly be replenished - a significant cash flow is coming. For some of you it will be a bonus, for others it will be payment for additional work, for some you will simply win the lottery. But try not to spend too much now, avoid friends who live in debt on a grand scale.

Personal relationships, health

In August, family Leos will temporarily plunge into the past, but they will have a chance to correct the mistakes they once made.

Your partner may suddenly remember old grievances, well, accept this situation with humility. Just don’t imagine that nothing is happening and don’t resist - it’s better to listen to your dear person and apologize and prove that you realized your guilt. A positive attitude will help improve relationships.

The stars have a surprise in store for lonely Leos. Someone you've liked for a long time will return your feeling. Openness and sincerity will make the first date a step towards further relationships.

In terms of health, Leos have nothing to fear. Perhaps troubles will come from your favorite animals.

Favorable days are 2, 6, 14, 17, 19, 29; Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 5, 10, 13, 20, 26, 27, 31.

Betting numbers – 5, 6, 15, 44, 50 and 8

Don't you think, Virgo, that you spend too much time at work? Ask yourself: is it worth the hassle? And remember, finally, that you have a family, home, relatives, traditions. Help your parents, improve your home, and take care of your loved ones. You turned out to be right that you relied on the understanding, support and help of your significant other. All this is more than enough to improve everything. The stars promise good luck!

Career, finance

In the professional activities of Virgos and representatives of creative professions, there is room for doubts and thoughts about choice: to continue to engage in creativity or to look for oneself in another field? Only the end of the month will bring an end to your painful thoughts about further activities. During this period, you can think about possible professional retraining. Decide on a direction and talk to management about paying for some of the costs that may be associated with advanced training.

In August, try not to forget about the people who have supported you recently. If they need your help, do everything you can and what depends on you.

Virgos will devote a lot of time to financial issues in August. Success will come to those who are persistent. This is especially true for those who like to play lotteries. Remember - many big wins came to patient and persistent players.

Personal relationships, health

The horoscope for August promises Virgos a successful personal life. Remember, however, that neither high feelings nor sexuality cancel out the ability to build relationships with a partner.

Lonely Virgos will be able to win the affection of the person they have liked for a long time. The chances of reciprocity are quite real! It's time to take a step forward, but it's too early to confess your love.

Compliance with measures in everything will allow Virgos to be cheerful and healthy in August 2017. There is a danger of food poisoning, therefore, be careful in your food, your digestive system is sensitive to low-quality products.

Favorable days are 3, 9, 17, 21,29, 31; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 6, 12, 14, 15, 23, 24.

Betting numbers – 20, 21, 28, 58, 70 and 6

For a long time, Libra has been struggling with their own habits and shortcomings, and it seems that in August the process will come to an end.

You are about to enter a new period of life, with serious obligations and opportunities. You will have to start a lot from scratch, first of all, from a professional point of view, but do not be afraid - the coming changes are for the better.

Don’t forget to devote time to your family and home; it is recommended to radically change your surroundings and update your interior.

Career, finance

In professional matters, the stars give a recommendation - take your time. Spend more time thinking about problems and making decisions. Now it is extremely important not to make a mistake in choosing. Having stepped into a new life for you, you cut off all the ways back. In each situation, try to see positive trends. Experience, even negative ones, always brings you closer to a greater understanding of yourself.

The end of the month is a favorable time to talk with your boss about improving your pay and possible career growth. Share your plans for the future and don't hide your strengths. Don't expect a quick positive response, but perhaps they will promise to think about it.

In August, Libra can count on a favorable financial situation. Luck will not pass you by. You can profitably use acquaintances, the patronage of important people, and the help of relatives. You can safely take risks in lotteries and gambling; the time is quite right for this.

Personal relationships, health

Libra's personal life until the middle of the month will be quite cloudless and beautiful, and later minor discord is quite likely, which, however, should not be feared.

For those who are new to a relationship, my advice is to avoid being too frank with your partner, because you don’t know him well yet and perhaps the time has not yet come to trust him completely.

The first days of the final month of summer are a great time for a new romantic acquaintance, as the horoscope for August tells us. But some effort is required from you: walk more often in green areas, in parks, go out into nature, lead the most active lifestyle, and even better - if possible, go on vacation.

Libras are not expected to experience any special health problems in August. But injuries are possible as a result of an accident. Be careful with vehicles, not only cars and motorcycles, trains can be dangerous for you.

Review your diet, eat more fruits and greens, even if you don’t really like such foods.

Favorable days are 6, 7, 18, 19, 23, 24; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 8, 9, 14, 15, 25, 26.

Betting numbers – 1, 18, 66, 69, 70 and 1

In August, Scorpios will be so carefree and lazy that they will begin to really irritate their loved ones. Try to figure out how to entertain your loved ones to avoid quarrels. Everything is suitable for this good purpose - picnics and trips to the cinema. Be patient, the difficult time of misunderstanding around others will soon end. In the coming days, love and harmony will reign in your home.

Career, finance

The main task of Scorpios in their professional activities will be planning and building a rational schedule in order to find time to communicate with loved ones. You should hardly be expected to work systematically during this period. Circumstances and some events will unsettle you and interfere with your current tasks. Try to at least do those things that do not require long concentration and complete immersion, take short breaks more often for relaxation.

An important warning from the stars: beware of ill-considered statements. You know how to speak forcefully and can easily convince others that you are right. But only well-thought-out words will produce the desired effect.

As for finances, it seems that Scorpios will have to be more economical. Don’t reassure yourself that your wallet is full today, don’t spend anything unnecessary now. You should not make any investments, even if you are promised tempting prospects. Do not lend money to anyone during this period. If you are able to cope with the excitement of your soul, temporarily stop playing the lottery, or reduce it to a minimum.

Personal relationships, health

Scorpio's personal life in August will be harmonious and serene.

Family representatives of the sign should direct their energy to loved ones. As much as you love your work, relegate it to second place. Carrying out household chores and communicating with your loved one, spending more time with him, will give you great satisfaction and joy.

If necessary, you can have a heart-to-heart talk with your partner; in August it is very easy to find mutual understanding.

Single Scorpios have a chance to test their charms on someone you're really interested in. It is quite possible that a new acquaintance will not lead to serious consequences, but as a pleasant adventure it will be quite suitable.

As for the health of Scorpios in August, you should be careful not to injure your hands. And drinking cold drinks can cause nasopharyngeal diseases.

Favorable days are 8, 9, 12, 21, 25, 31; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 10, 16, 19, 24, 29.

Betting numbers – 4, 14, 32, 37, 58 and 14

Sagittarius should not expect calm from August. Now only those who quickly react to the changing rules of the game and easily give up comfortable and familiar things will win. Take advantage of opportunities and don’t spare yourself, don’t be afraid of change. Such luck doesn’t happen often: you have a lot of strength, energy and intriguing ideas in reserve, and everyone around you is ready to support you and help you. Don't miss such a great moment.

Career, finance

To reach a new career height at the end of summer, the horoscope for August advises Sagittarius to neglect comfort and some habits. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, bringing ambitious hopes and aspirations to the forefront. Without pity, discard everything that will not bring you dividends. Feel free to step towards everything new and take care of hope. Try to live by the principle: fewer words, more deeds.

Even if you don’t move in the chosen direction too quickly, but move forward. Don't miss the chance given to you by the stars at the end of the month.

In conflict situations, take the side of your colleagues, and you will earn their favor, which will be useful in your future activities.

To improve your financial situation in August 2017, look for a part-time job, or invest money in a profitable business. You can even take a risk and contact your boss with a request for a salary increase. It’s a good idea to try your hand at lotteries, perhaps even change your preferences by replacing a boring game with a new one.

Personal relationships, health

In their personal lives, Sagittarius will suddenly have a suspicion that a loved one is moving away from them. If your fears are true, listen to your partner, look at things through his eyes, and perhaps you will be able to return to your previous relationship.

Be careful not to focus only on yourself. You should be more attentive to the affairs of a loved one, give him advice, show concern, and then you will return the previous, usual level of trust.

Lonely Sagittarius will find a new hobby in the last days of summer. Just don’t rush into serious decisions under the influence of impulse. It is likely that this relationship is not destined to last long.

In August, Sagittarius will be able to avoid health problems if they are more attentive and picky about nutrition. They often spoil their digestion by swallowing food in a hurry, without chewing, without checking the quality of the food and without following a diet.

Favorable days are 1, 2, 10, 15, 23, 29; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 3, 6, 18, 20, 22, 31.

Betting numbers – 7, 24, 31, 32, 44 and 1

The horoscope for August recommends that Capricorns not worry too much about some stagnation in business during this period. It’s better to honestly admit to yourself that it’s time to take a break. Capricorns did not even realize that they were subconsciously striving to get at least a brief respite. Calm down, and you can plunge into this state with a clear conscience.

August will give representatives of the sign a large number of unexpected surprises, as well as interesting acquaintances that will make your hearts beat faster.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Capricorns will be nervous and worried due to the feeling that everything is happening too slowly, as if someone is putting up barriers. The solution is simple; Capricorn must think carefully about the plan for further action and follow it steadily. Ask experienced people questions often and act on their advice.

In the middle of the month, Capricorn representatives will have the feeling that they are being carried adrift, and they cannot do anything to prevent this. Don't worry - it is during this period that your near future is formed, piece by piece. The stars promise you that everything will turn out great, trust them.

August is not the best time financially for Capricorns. Limit all money matters, don’t lend anything to anyone, and it’s better not to ask for anything yourself. Suspend all financial transactions. Lottery games should be stopped for a while - the time will come for profitable bets.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Capricorns in August, one desire will become important - they have worked hard and want to fully relax.

Family representatives of the sign will have a pleasant task - organizing a fun time for their family, especially the younger generation.

Lonely Capricorns will travel a lot, perhaps to picturesque and romantic places.

Some of you will receive an unprecedented monetary replenishment from a loved one, an older relative or a patron. Don’t be modest, thank your benefactor and go spend your unexpected money as quickly as possible.

In August, Capricorns should be attentive and prudent in all matters related to health.

Trips to the country, on vacation, to a park or forest area can be dangerous. Follow safety rules and do not put your health at risk.

Favorable days are 6, 9, 12, 15, 23; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 8, 17, 21.

Betting numbers – 24, 27, 56,70, 75 and 4

In August, Aquarius will have such a strong desire for change and a thirst for new sensations that their loved ones may well suffer from such impatience. The more offensive it will be to realize that your loved ones are absolutely not to blame. So, it’s better for you to moderate your harshness and not rush things. The horoscope for August recommends taking into account those around you, taking into account their interests and opinions.

Therefore, when making fateful decisions, you should use common sense and think through every step.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Aquarius will be overshadowed by conflicts created by them, and the reason is the conceit and stormy temperament of the representatives of the sign.

It will suddenly seem to you that all your current activities are incredibly boring, and your colleagues are unkind to you, and even your boss will look like a stingy and intriguing person in your eyes. Surely, everything is not so tragic, you just need to base your conclusions on fully proven facts and not trust premonitions. If you treat others kinder, many problems will go away on their own; only such actions will help you strengthen your position.

The financial situation of Aquarius in August can hardly be called favorable. At the very least, don't expect easy money and simple ways to solve money matters.

However, Aquarius should still be active and look for an additional source of income, then there can be no talk of an empty budget. You can try your luck in the lottery game, perhaps winning a certain amount will pleasantly surprise you.

Personal relationships, health

August is a difficult month for Aquarius in their personal lives. It is especially recommended for family representatives of the sign to keep themselves within limits. Even a short pause in work and rest from work can provoke rampant passions. Excessive emotionality will become your enemy, so it is worth remembering to control words and actions, otherwise major conflicts and stormy scenes will not be avoided in the family.

A whirlwind of passions will swirl new acquaintances and Aquarians free from marriage. Moderate your ardor and enthusiasm, be able to stop in time and weigh the situation so as not to make a fatal mistake. If you come to the conclusion that a new relationship is good for you, feel free to go ahead!

Oddly enough, huge expenditures of energy on the love and business fronts will not in any way affect the health of Aquarius at the end of summer. If you are overexerted, you will only need to rest a little and your strength will be restored.

Favorable days are 1, 2, 6, 7, 14, 19, 28; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 8, 9, 16, 17, 23, 26.

Betting numbers – 27, 32, 36, 48, 62 and 9

The horoscope for August advises Pisces: if you can mess around, do nothing. Otherwise you might ruin everything. Life is going well even without your “help”. But you will save energy to make a breakthrough in your career in the fall. You should pay close attention to yourself, pamper yourself, the time is right.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, try to avoid blockages in your work. In September there may be problems due to neglected cases. Your task is to work conscientiously. Don't expect big breakthroughs in your work at this time. You may even have to step back. But this measure is a kind of preparation for a leap forward. Try to refuse to carry out complex assignments, don’t promise anything to your superiors, and be as inconspicuous as possible.

The financial situation in Pisces in August 2017 is quite uncertain. From time to time they will have money, but they will not always be able to keep it. Most likely, the funds will come from playing lotteries or in the form of fees for minor work.

Personal relationships, health

You should expect calm days in your personal life. You will look at your partner with different eyes, and you will like what you see.

For lonely Pisces, the stars predict an unusual, emotional acquaintance. Don't rush things, you should get to know each other better.

All health problems for Pisces in August will be related to their state of mind. They may suddenly become ill simply due to unfortunate circumstances. Knowing this, spare your nerves.

Favorable days are 4, 8, 9, 16, 17, 22; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 29.

Betting numbers – 8, 23, 37, 45, 74 and 4

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We all know the expression “The stars aligned.” Of course, after all, humanity has been observing the heavenly bodies since its very appearance.

At first, it was enough for us to simply look at the beautiful luminous points in the heights, but later our ancestors began to look for certain patterns in the movement of cosmic bodies. This is how astronomy appeared, and after it astrology, which is a set of predictions based on the influence of stars on the destinies of people. Horoscopes, as one of the practices of astrology, were very popular in Ancient China, India, Greece, Mexico (Mayan civilization). Today, astronomical forecasts are not taken as seriously as in ancient times, and are considered more of a form of entertainment. To believe in them or not is everyone's business. Today we offer you a special lottery horoscope for December 2017 - the year of the Fire Rooster!

The most significant event of December will be the long-awaited transition Saturn to the constellation Capricorn. Well, astrologers have been waiting for this for two and a half years! And this is very good news, because in this sign, unlike the abandoned Sagittarius, the planet, so to speak, is really comfortable. By its nature, Saturn gravitates towards orderliness, regularity of existence and a clear trajectory of movement. Actually, this is how we can characterize the influence of December Saturn on the inhabitants of the Earth. One can even generalize by saying that the chaotic unrest in society will gradually fade away, and the regulatory authorities will finally begin to work as they should.

In December, special attention should be paid to Venus, which will change as many as two locations during this period. First the planet will move from Scorpio to Sagittarius (December 1-2), and then leaves the constellation of the archer and migrates to Capricorn sign (December 25). Such rapid movements of Venus will directly affect the emotional state and personal relationships of people. When Venus is in Scorpio, the relationship between lovers will be passionate, but short. In Capricorn, on the contrary, relationships will be less passionate, but more caring, tender and reverent. In addition to love affairs, Venus is also the patroness of finance, and in December the money situation will, unfortunately, not be very stable.

Another celestial aspect currently influencing the monetary sphere is Mars in Scorpio. The transition to this sign will take place 9th December and will entail many serious consequences. It is quite possible that a large corporation will go bankrupt or the price of its shares will fall. So astrologers recommend very thoughtfully managing your finances and all existing property during this period of time. You should not undertake serious foreign exchange transactions in December if you are not 100% confident in the successful outcome of the matter. As for large savings and real estate, we advise you to seriously think about improving your security system.


Lucky numbers for Aries in December: 5, 12, 39, 44, 52, 64.

The impulsiveness inherent in Aries can lead to unpredictable consequences. But given the favorable position of the stars, this will only play into their hands. Because taking risks on precisely marked dates on the sidereal calendar brings stunning success. Even the most “unreasonable” lottery bet pays off with a substantial win. The 7th and 9th can be considered lucky days in December. Moreover, between them there is a lucky Friday for the sign. In general, you should pay attention to all numbers associated with the number 7. Either multiples of it (14, 21, 28), or containing it (17, 27).

In the first half of December, Aries will feel an irresistible craving for knowledge, broadening their horizons and traveling. Well, this is definitely to your advantage, because December is the time to stretch yourself and successfully close the academic semester. But only then, with a clear conscience and a light heart, you can safely hit the road! Working Aries can use this favorable moment to learn a second foreign language, pass an aptitude test without any problems, or... get a driver's license.

At the end of the month, Aries should mentally prepare for possible job cuts, personnel changes, and transfers. Try to have time to show your boss your potential.

Lucky numbers for Taurus: 8, 12, 16, 20, 35, 58.

Despite the fact that the lottery horoscope in 2017 does not particularly pamper Taurus, their attentiveness to details can play a positive role. While others recklessly risk their fortunes, representatives of the most stubborn sign of the Zodiac are waiting for their chance. And he may appear to them on certain days marked by Fortune in the sky. These are numbers that are multiples of 6, and also contain a six in their composition (16, 26). In addition, December may bring success on one of the Sundays. The likelihood that it will be the 24th is extremely high. It is worth waiting for this date and not placing bets prematurely.

The last month of the year will bring considerable profits to Taurus. This could be a promotion at work, an additional order, a substantial bonus, or... winning the lottery. Whatever one may say, all options are good! However, you shouldn’t get too euphoric, but rather think about the practical side of getting rich. Don't be fooled by New Year's discounts and don't buy things you don't need. Better try to transform the existing amount into something more - invest it in a new business, expand your business. Pay off your debts, eventually, if you have any. The stars recommend spending the second half of December taking care of loved ones and loved ones. Be kinder and more attentive to them, and they will reciprocate your feelings.


Lucky numbers in December for Gemini: 2, 10, 17, 23, 33, 50.

Few people understand the stubbornness of Gemini when they go towards their intended goal. This is due to the invisible presence of the second Self, which whispers to a person secret paths to success. For such people, it is extremely important to listen to their inner voice, since their intuition rarely fails them. This is especially true for the lottery. There can be no exact calculation here, as in chess. In everything you have to rely solely on the stars. And they recommend that Gemini pay attention to Tuesday. In this case, the lucky numbers for bets should be considered the number one day ago. That is, all dates are Mondays (4, 11, 18, 25). This is important to remember.

The beginning and middle of December for Gemini will be a period of establishing family relationships. Try not to take the leading role in amorous affairs, but let your partner make decisions. You will see how much your troubles will be reduced and you will have more time for your personal needs. If you are in a quarrel with your spouse, then very soon you will have a chance to make peace and forget about the unpleasant incident. As for the material side of life, in December Gemini may experience minor financial difficulties. Most likely, you just went a little overboard with buying New Year's gifts. It doesn’t matter - it won’t last very long, unless, of course, you decide to get into debt. Seriously... not worth it.


Lucky combination for Cancer: 10, 19, 20, 34, 51, 62.

Favorable days in December: 2, 15, 17, 20, 29.

It is difficult to guarantee stability in the lottery when the numbers are flashing before your eyes. But Cancers famous for their strong grip. Knowing their lucky numbers, they will never miss theirs. The lucky number of this sign is considered to be two. However, in December the list of potentially successful numbers will expand somewhat. Any combination of numbers 1, 2 and 3 (11,12,13, 21, etc.) can be considered favorable for betting. They are the ones who can carry patient Cancers to the top of the money mountain. And since Saturday should be a good day for fateful events, it makes sense to invest in the number 23.

The first half of December will be very favorable financially for Cancers. You will be able to conclude a profitable contract for the supply of raw materials, find foreign investors, or save on some current expenses, which is also quite good. Cancers, who had not previously been in any way connected with business, will suddenly awaken their talent as a businessman... or obvious inclinations in this direction.

In family relationships, there will come a period of omissions, misunderstandings and resentments. Be a little more patient and just show care and support, even if you don’t always share the point of view of your other half. At the end of December, minor health problems may arise, but don’t worry - by going for an examination, you will get to a good specialist, and everything will end quickly and safely.

a lion

Lucky combination for Leo: 7, 16, 24, 39, 42, 73.

Leo is good with luck. Even if he does not see an immediate result, it is already waiting for him ahead. This is due to the solar nature of the royal sign. Therefore, their inherent certain imposing nature may be fully justified. Love for the number 3 should please you in the 12th month of the year (since 1 + 2 = 3). Therefore, in December it is strongly recommended to pay attention to all numbers with this figure. An ordinary lottery ticket can become a ticket to the stars.

In December, Leos will become real Cupids - messengers of love.

Not only will they flirt and flirt right and left, but it’s also terribly contagious. In general, where Leos are, there is fun, and the New Year celebrations are already beginning. As for work, finances and serious obligations, this will all happen next year. In some incredible, probably magical, way, Leo managed to close all reports and “go on vacation” a month earlier. Well, they deserve it! In December, Leos can allow themselves to get creative, pay attention to their favorite hobby, or just get a good night's sleep. At the end of the month, the stars advise Leos to take more care of their health. Don't catch a cold!

Lucky numbers for Virgos: 2, 19, 36, 39, 48, 50.

Favorable days in December: 5, 7, 10, 13, 29.

Virgo's prudence takes place even in such an unpredictable form of gambling as the lottery. The fact is that representatives of this sensual sign intuitively understand the background of any symbols. And numbers are no exception. Therefore, even a sharp change in decision before the final choice can be due to a sudden (read: stellar) insight. And it warns in advance about successful numbers in December. These should be numbers that are multiples of six, but without the 6 itself in the face value. This is hidden luck that only Virgos should see. There is also a chance of winning on Thursday.

In December, those born under the sign of Virgo will be filled with the desire to protect their home, create comfort and a warm atmosphere in it. At the beginning of the month, Virgos can start a grandiose rearrangement in the apartment, update the furniture and even start renovation work. Every little thing will be important to you for some reason - from the color of the curtains to the Christmas tree decorations. You will spend a lot of time and effort to create a truly magical holiday environment, and will try to instill this tradition in other members of your family. In general, during this period, Virgos will often catch themselves thinking that family is very important to them. It is she who is the center of your Universe.

Lucky combination numbers for Libra: 1, 6, 13, 27, 31, 58.

A successful year for Libra should end on a positive note. Libra can finally find balance and improve their financial situation. With stellar recommendations, even the most unpredictable lottery will bring the expected profit. The astrological forecast predicts that representatives of the fairest sign of the Zodiac will receive compensation for all their efforts throughout the year. And this should happen in December. All numbers containing a four should be considered lucky numbers. 4 marks a cycle that ends with achieving success. It is highly recommended to pay attention to the 14th of the month, since it falls on Thursday. And this is symbolic, isn’t it.

Until mid-December, Libra will take on the role of mediator, senior comrade and untouchable truce. You will have to communicate a lot, contact with different people, delving into the essence of the problem and helping equally in word and deed. But don’t think that you will do all this “for thank you.” As popular wisdom says: today you help, tomorrow they help you. On the personal front, the situation is similar - a minimum of passion and emotions, but your soul mate is your closest friend, comrade in arms and reliable partner. If at any point you feel like you're missing something in your marriage, try going on a little tour together. A change of scenery can be the spark that will help the love flame flare up again.


Lucky numbers for you, Scorpio: 15, 16, 22, 38, 41, 53, 64.

A passionate desire to win has always been inherent in Scorpios. Even by retreating, they can achieve his. Their faith in success is merciless to any obstacles and doubts. Therefore, it is not surprising that some representatives of the sign postponed their cash winnings until the last month of the year. This is their favorite game - to prolong the pleasure, knowing its inevitability. The stars can only suggest successful numbers in the lottery, since Scorpios have already done most of the work. And all numbers with one and eight in their composition should become like this. 1st place is the cherished goal, and 8th symbolizes infinity, a return to square one. When all the effort becomes worth it. So go for it, Scorpios. Your time has come.

The month, which was supposed to be a time of pre-New Year preparations, holiday shopping and joyful anticipation, alas, will not be such for Scorpios. This is not due to forced confinement at work and a bunch of urgent matters, but to the desire of the workaholics themselves. The fact is that in December the time will come for these signs when their potential will be fully revealed. Scorpios will be extremely focused, proactive and productive. And who would want to waste so much energy and opportunities? Anyone but practical and purposeful Scorpios. Perhaps at the end of the month they will even be able to get a new position or other promotion from their superiors. No problems with finances or health are expected, but it would be worth paying attention to your appearance

Sagittarius, your lucky numbers are: 3, 6, 14, 28, 37, 45.

Favorable days in December: 7, 8, 15, 20, 27, 28.

Sagittarians wait a long time before making their bet. This is due to their desire to get into the top ten. They are only interested in the jackpot and nothing more. And this imposes a certain responsibility. You have to risk everything at once, without wasting money on unsuccessful numbers. To be confident in their target, Sagittarius should turn to the sky. The stars know about Sagittarius' passion for victory, and are ready to help them with this. The number 7 and the enchanted number 17 should bring success. The latter is rarely chosen in the lottery, since everyone is afraid to try their luck. But not Sagittarius.

In December, for Sagittarius, the time will come for self-realization and real pleasure from the work done. Of course, the management will not put a spoke in your wheels and tell you what to do and how to do it, and this is the limit of all dreams. You will be able to really show your abilities and talents, without adapting to someone else’s vision, find new solutions to assigned tasks - in general, be creative to the fullest. If Sagittarius is ambitious enough, then he can quit his job altogether in order to direct his strength and energy to creating his own project. Regarding personal relationships, in the second half of December you will meet a person who will simply charm you. But remember that romantic relationships and courtship are quite expensive, so think about finances today.


Lucky numbers for Capricorns: 9, 14, 27, 36, 38, 41.

Failures have never stopped Capricorns. They know very well that mistakes are the path to success. That there will always be luck for the thousandth time. However, why wait so long if you can trust the stars? They are not against a person fulfilling his destiny faster. And with money it’s easier to do this. Lucky combinations in the lottery should be all numbers with 3 in them. However, that's not all. 5 can also help make dreams come true. The main thing is to make a choice between these numbers, since no one has yet canceled free will.

Capricorns will be mostly busy with housework in December. Due to new life circumstances, many responsibilities that were previously unfamiliar will now fall on your shoulders. You will have to deal with various little things, such as paying utility bills, repairing a leaking roof, or purchasing groceries. It is also possible to receive an unexpected inheritance in the form of real estate, which you will have to monitor and care for. But despite the troubles that have fallen on Capricorns, they will feel quite comfortable - in their element. After all, the makings of a commander or manager are in Capricorns’ blood, and interference from other people only irritates them.

Lucky combination for Aquarius: 4, 17, 33, 48, 56, 71.

If Aquarius has luck in his pocket, it will definitely manifest itself in December. Because the birthday is already close. And Fortune always strives to please a person on his holiday. It's just that not everyone knows about it. Therefore, the choice of representatives of the air element may coincide with the location of the stars. If this happens, the payoff will be enormous. Astrologists have tried to take into account all aspects of the planets to come up with potentially successful numbers. All clusters near decades should be like this. That is, 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21, as well as 29, 30 and 31. In addition, one of them should fall on Tuesday - a lucky day for Aquarius.

In December, Aquarians will not feel a lack of communication. They will be able to find like-minded people in work matters, establish friendships based on common hobbies, and even resume friendly communication with people who have long left their field of vision, such as classmates or very distant relatives. And, of course, not a single Aquarius will under any circumstances miss the New Year’s corporate party, where he will be the soul of the company and the main ringleader of the evening. It is possible that there he will be able to meet a special person for himself. In the last week of December, the stars advise Aquarius to eat a lot of fruits and get plenty of rest. Your immunity will be weakened, but still try not to get sick.


Lucky numbers for Pisces: 6, 12, 29, 37, 40, 66.

No one else has the same love for the lottery that Pisces has. They feel at home in the world of numbers absolutely free. At the same time, the driving motive for them is not passion. But the desire to connect with the eternal cosmos. Intuitively guess the location of your stars. This brings them a genuine feeling of happiness and inner comfort. For the month of December, numbers with 8 and 9 in the composition should be favorable. In this case, two whole numbers (8 and 29) fall on Friday, which is favorable to Pisces. Don't miss your chance to shine before the stars!

Pisces, if you think that December is not the most suitable month for employment (end of the year, holidays), then you are wrong! At the beginning of the month, unemployed Pisces will be lucky enough to finally find their dream job. You can consider this your New Year's gift or something like that. Pisces working in the field of show business will have the opportunity to shine and gain wider popularity. Quarrels or cessation of communication with a relative or close friend are possible. Fish athletes can count on victory in qualifying competitions. As for finances, in December there will be no special difficulties with money, nor any large income. Good luck!

The last month of autumn for many becomes a period of depression, decreased mood and immunity.

But in the middle of the month, many of you will be deceived and someone else’s selfish interference will occur, so listen to the forecasts of the lottery horoscope, play only on recommended days, on proven resources. Check all incoming messages, offers, phone calls.

In recent days, many have become victims of online scammers, succumbing to dubious messages about winnings from random and unverified sources - be careful, you cannot win without participating in lotteries.

At the end of the month, you can safely update programs and buy new equipment.

Don’t be discouraged, don’t become depressed – look for joy in everything in life, and the lottery is one of the sources of this joy.

A high level of enthusiasm and personal activity will be an important characteristic of Aries in November 2017. They will be torn apart by a burning desire for change in their environment and situation.

Here you should be patient; many of your relatives and friends are unlikely to like your initiative, and you will have to carry out the planned transformations without their help. However, you shouldn’t be upset, because a job well done is something you did yourself.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Aries in the last autumn month should obey one rule - do not waste your time on trifles!

It is more important to choose a single goal and concentrate your energy on it, without being distracted by extraneous things. Be patient, your desire to get everything instantly will most likely work against you. If you receive an offer to work overtime on weekends, do not be outraged, but be grateful for the chance to quickly complete current projects. Do not give in to laziness, otherwise, as the horoscope for November shows, you will not see good luck. Remember that reality is shaped by our dreams. The more detailed you think through your plan, the sooner and more clearly the picture will appear in reality.

Regarding financial circumstances in November for Aries, the most important rule should be thoughtful spending of money. Unexpectedly, you may receive a large sum, perhaps it will be a lottery win, someone's gift, a bonus, a bonus - do not rush to spend the money. In the coming month, you will urgently need money for important payments - taxes, bills, or you will urgently need to repay a debt or buy a gift for the holiday.

Personal relationships, health

Personal circumstances will not be easy for Aries in November 2017. It is likely that trouble awaits you - a quarrel with a loved one, deception or intrigue. It is worth showing some caution and not talking about sensitive topics with your loved one, and not rushing into heated confessions. Let your thoughts and deeds be imbued with spirituality; in such a mood it is good to plan a future together.

For those who entered into a relationship not so long ago and value it, it is worth taking care of it. A breakup can occur due to any rash act, everything is so fragile and unsteady now. Don't give your partner any reason to think that you are thinking about someone else. If he feels like an unimportant part of your life, he may try to start a new relationship with someone else.

A scenario is quite likely for lonely representatives of the sign - they will want to enter the same river twice and return to their former love.

A weakened immune system will become the cause of colds for many Aries; especially take care of your ears.

Favorable days are 1, 5, 8, 13, 14, 24; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21.

Betting numbers – 19, 29, 35, 49, 51 and 2

In November, the most comfortable place for Taurus will be the familiar home environment, and the stars recommend sitting down by their favorite hearth more often.

During this period, representatives of the sign are very selective in their contacts, and their social circle will be limited only to trusted friends and close people. Taurus will suffer from excessive suspicion and there will be practically no access to outsiders into their world. Focus on your inner state, think about your immediate and more distant plans for the future.

Try not to react to negativity.

When concluding transactions and agreements, be careful and careful. And if you can’t cope with your ambitions, direct them to improve your financial condition.

Career, finance

In your professional sphere, do not rush things in the last month of autumn, let things take their course. Grandiose transformations at this time are simply inappropriate, but no one forbids planning them.

November is a good time to engage in advanced training and self-education. Perhaps the management will like your desire to improve your professional level, and your training will be paid for, share this idea with your superiors, maybe, if there is no money, they will change your schedule to a more convenient one.

Mental work will not only bring you pleasure, but will also lead to good material results. The most important thing is don’t be lazy, don’t get distracted by little things, and there will always be a way to solve the problem.

The financial situation will allow Taurus to satisfy all reasonable desires. You may be able to earn a good income from regular lottery bets. Only when going to the store, stick to the list compiled by you and your loved ones.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Taurus in November, long-awaited peace and joy is coming. There will be practically no disagreements, grievances will disappear, and the mutual desire to be together will increase.

In the comfort of your home, you will feel and understand what the person close to you is striving for. Follow his lead, pamper your loved one, he deserves it.

Single Taurus people should finally stop pretending to be shy and doubting their abilities. You will still attract the attention of the person you are interested in, just forget about conventions and pacify your inner concerns and fears. What will help bring you closer to a potential partner? Joint activities related to events or creativity.

To be healthy in November, Taurus should not overuse physical activity. Pay special attention to your vision, you can even consult an ophthalmologist.

Favorable days are 1, 5, 9, 12, 16, 26, 29; Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 7, 11, 19, 20, 24.

Betting numbers – 13, 41, 64, 65, 67 and 8

In November, Geminis will by no means be good boys, they will be irritated by everything, they will want others to give them more attention, in addition, representatives of the sign will allow themselves an unacceptable tone in conversations.

The November horoscope warns and advises Gemini to keep their tempers, be as tactful as possible, otherwise you will have to waste time making excuses. At this time, manifestations of selfishness are unacceptable, you should give joy to others, then you yourself will enjoy harmony and warmth.

Career, finance

Setting themselves up for success in their professional activities, Gemini will be able to create a prosperous atmosphere, and they will not be bothered by people who want to unsettle them. Do not react too emotionally, maintain a reasonable view of your surroundings, and all misunderstandings will be resolved in the best possible way, which will have a good effect on your work and on the people whose fate you care about. It is likely that you will be promoted up the career ladder, even if you already occupy a high position.

Those representatives of the sign who need additional income should be active in early November. There is a high probability of meeting a reliable employer who will be your support for a long period. Just don’t rush to leave your main place of work, otherwise you may suffer greatly financially.

Gemini's money affairs in November can be either good or bad. It all depends on whether they will be able to restrain their impulsive nature, and whether they will not get involved in a risky adventure without thinking through their actions in advance. This also applies to the lottery game, control your gambling, play thoughtfully.

Personal relationships, health

In November, married Geminis will have to overcome temptation, because one of their new acquaintances is not averse to entering into a risky romantic relationship with you. It will not be easy to maintain a cool head during this period, but you will be able to turn the situation around. Don't be tormented by regrets about missed opportunities. It’s better to devote your time to a close and faithful person and don’t look for new problems out of the blue.

Free Geminis should be careful with new acquaintances; know that you will not be able to start a serious relationship during this period. The spark that flares up between you will not turn into an even flame, so if you want peace of mind, do not give in.

At the end of autumn, the health of Gemini can only be threatened by alcohol and overeating. It would be good to reduce the level of consumption of tonic drinks and coffee. You are already quite tense and active; stimulants are of no use.

Favorable days are 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 18, 28; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 7, 11, 16, 19, 20, 25.

Betting numbers – 13, 17, 27, 53, 64 and 4

For Cancers, November will be a time of seclusion; at least, they will want to be within their own walls more than going out in public, attending events and friendly gatherings. Many of those around them will even decide that Cancers are very unfriendly.

The stars advise you to remain calm in this situation, even despite everyday adversities, and difficulties will be overcome.

If you are confused and sad, then, regardless of conventions, do what you feel passionate about. You can draw, walk, sing, dance, watch your favorite TV shows or movies. There is no need to restrain emotions and freedom of thought. Don't be put off by the idea of ​​being funny or sentimental.

Career, finance

There will be a temporary pause in the professional activities of Rakov in November; it is not advisable to start or continue any new projects now. Don't get upset or complain about the situation. The key word here is “temporarily”. It will be possible to implement all your ideas after some time. For now, you need to work calmly, bring current affairs to readiness, and establish contacts with people or organizations that will later support you. You need to set real goals for yourself and not let down those who hope for your help.

You will receive tangible results in your professional field towards the end of November. Don’t even try to brag about your achievements to your colleagues; be more modest so as not to gain ill-wishers.

Most representatives of the sign will have a stable financial situation in November. The funds that will be available will be enough to buy the necessary things, and there will be no entertainment left. If the question arises whether to spend a certain amount or save some money for the future, feel free to spend as much as you can. By the way, you will be able to compensate for the costs in a very short time. Bonuses, gifts, lottery winnings or profitable additional work are possible.

Personal relationships, health

A strong desire to love and the need for reciprocal feelings will torment Cancers in November 2017. Unfortunately, your dreams will not be fully realized. You are advised to restrain excessive selfishness and not pursue only your own interests while completely ignoring your partner’s needs. In such a situation, conflict is inevitable. Don't panic, just wait until the controversial period passes. Just watch events unfold and don't plan anything for the future.

If you are looking for a new partner for a romantic relationship, dating sites or specialized agencies will not help you - their offers will not suit you. Look around - in your environment you will definitely find a person who treats you with sympathy.

In terms of health, beware of colds, take care of your ears and throat, they are especially vulnerable.

Favorable days are 3, 4, 10, 12, 19, 21; Monday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 9, 11, 19, 25, 28.

Betting numbers – 9, 20, 27, 36, 48 and 16

The horoscope for November 2017 advises Leos to pacify their temper, otherwise they will not be able to restrain their emotions, which will push them to actions for which even after a while they will be unbearably ashamed.

If you are burdened with difficult experiences, tell your older relatives about your problems. Their understanding, sensitivity, and good advice will help correct the situation.

Don’t start a heart-to-heart conversation with people you don’t know well, because everything you tell can be turned against you by unscrupulous individuals.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Leos will have to restrain themselves all the time. The mood in November will not be conducive to excessive diplomacy.

If possible, try to delegate all important negotiations to a more balanced colleague. By the way, among the employees there will be a person with whom it will be easy for you to come into balance, who will help make up for all your mistakes. At the end of the month there will be some decline in work. Many Leos will find it very difficult to give their best. Don’t scold yourself, don’t try to do something you’re not capable of right now, otherwise you’ll simply waste your last energy and ultimately achieve nothing. Put off time-consuming tasks for later, and for now, plunge into routine tasks, boring, annoying, but simple.

The money issue will become extremely acute for Leo representatives in November. The desire to work for money will leave them; they won’t care at all. Even the lottery game will not be interesting to you during this period. However, you will work for the sake of your loved ones.

As soon as such sentiments go away and the attitude towards work changes, the financial situation will improve.

Personal relationships, health

Leo's personal life in November will be complicated due to their touchiness and whims, due to their inability to reason sensibly in tense moments. Pull yourself together, don't look like a wolf at everyone around you. Don't forget that your loved one has to observe your sad mood and take your comments and complaints to heart. No matter how unbearable it may be for you, you should not end even a difficult relationship. Make an attempt to come to an understanding with your partner. You have the right to give up on everything, but after a short time you will regret the mistake you made.

The end of the month will bring some changes and important conversations will take place.

In terms of health, Leos should be wary of hypothermia, crowded places, and violations of hygiene rules. Mild diseases can develop into chronic ones; contact specialists in time.

Favorable days are 4, 5, 8, 9, 18, 23; Sunday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 3, 10, 12, 20, 28, 30.

Betting numbers – 4, 11, 28, 44, 69 and 9

Virgos will be very upset to learn that in November those around them will begin to pay less attention to them, or even not notice them at all.

There is no need to worry, it is better to prudently switch to current problems; you will be overwhelmed with work in the last month.

You need to behave in such a way that your loved ones do not find anything to blame you for. If a controversial situation arises, you should not throw accusations left and right, it is better to understand the true reasons for what is happening. In November, you may be involved in financial adventures; be careful, do not borrow any funds. If it's time to relax, choose active leisure.

Career, finance

Virgos may be hampered in their professional activities by unplanned circumstances, so it will most likely not be possible to realize everything planned. Don't despair, don't offend others, and don't get angry at yourself. Gather your will and make a ride to benefit from what is happening. Work without tension, systematically and calmly. Rest whenever you feel tired. If serious problems arise, feel free to ask your colleagues for help. Such a routine in the workplace will give you the opportunity to save internal resources, have time to do a lot and achieve impressive results.

If the work schedule or working conditions do not suit you, do not hesitate to discuss the problem with management, it is likely that everything will work out. Do not be overly assertive; briefly and logically present your vision of the controversial issue.

In the financial sphere of life there is a risk associated with monetary transactions, carefully consider your decisions to avoid disappointments. If you decide to change something in the lottery game, you should not take radical steps.

Personal relationships, health

Important family matters will be the subject of discussion for those Virgo representatives who are married. There may be a need to redistribute household responsibilities. When solving this difficult problem, think about how not to offend anyone. There is a possibility that your loved one will decide to engage in self-improvement and ask you to help him get rid of his shortcomings. He really needs your care and patience; be correct and methodically suggest, explain, guide, criticize and praise. Your joint efforts will give a good result, your partner will overcome serious difficulties without showing weakness or aggression. The health of Virgos will depend on their mood. The main thing for you is to overcome attacks of depression and negative emotions.

Favorable days are 6, 10, 12, 21, 22, 26; Wednesdays are suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 4, 13, 14, 24, 30.

Betting numbers – 10, 22, 32, 46, 69 and 23

The November horoscope promises Libra a decisive push for change. It doesn’t matter what it will be, renovation, remodeling or rearrangement of furniture.

All these events will become possible thanks to luck in material affairs, and, who knows, maybe because of winning the lottery.

In November, an unstable relationship with a loved one is likely. To maintain stability, you need to adapt to the situation and change if necessary. The chance of finding mutual understanding is very high. To successfully build a career, you need to remember about agreements and compromises, then you will be able to avoid creating a conflict when communicating with your superiors.

Career, finance

A rather unfavorable situation may arise for Libra in November in their professional sphere. Work discussions can turn into ordinary skirmishes, and, moreover, quite emotional ones. Try not to get drawn into quarrels, so wisely build a complex of psychological defense. Be calm, patient and don't neglect reasonable compromises.

In November, you will have to check all incoming information; fraud is possible. Don’t manipulate the facts yourself either; you need to be extremely careful during this period. Try to think positively, because everything that does not work out today will work out in the near future.

The excellent financial situation of Libra in November will be ensured by profitable money transactions, investments and winnings.

Personal relationships, health

Libra's personal life in November will be accompanied by tense relationships with a permanent partner. In response to your partner’s desire to clarify some issues, you will begin to wag and avoid direct answers, which will provoke dissatisfaction with your partner. Although conversations with him will be difficult, but they are necessary, do not try to avoid them. Controversial issues should be clarified for your own benefit. This is much more important than living in an atmosphere of total mistrust. If, in your opinion, the relationship has outlived its usefulness, then you don’t need to jump straight away, so that belated regret does not come later. Try to remain friends as a last resort.

In November, free Libras will find joy in shopping, communicating with friends, attending social events, exhibitions, and presentations. All these actions will become a source of new feelings.

The well-being of weather-dependent Libra in November will be affected by weather changes. Take action - hot foot baths and contrast showers, herbal infusions and strong tea will relieve you of weakness and headaches.

Favorable days are 1, 8, 9, 13 14, 24, Friday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4, 6, 15, 17, 25, 26.

Betting numbers – 7, 23, 29, 42, 56 and 21

In November, Scorpios should devote more time to implementing their own plans and to themselves. If you still don't have a pair, don't worry. While your partner is away, you have more opportunities to work on your projects. Continue to expand your horizons and educate yourself, November is a great time to learn a foreign language, go somewhere, at least on a business trip. During this period, you need to start strengthening your financial foundation. When communicating with others, dampen the desire for aggravation; you are wise enough to overcome aggression.

Career, finance

In your professional activities in November, make it a rule to work with soul and quality, but without overworking. Don't linger after work, take breaks. You will achieve success with the help of willpower, responsibility and quick mobilization in a difficult situation. Your efforts will be noticed and encouraged by management.

It is important to avoid any conflict situations; by making one enemy, you will set several more against you.

Scorpios should also be careful in terms of finances. Make a cash reserve, strengthen your financial foundation. Large operations should now be abandoned, including large-scale lottery games and extended bets; all investments during this period will not pay off.

Personal relationships, health

In November, family Scorpios need to give up even the idea of ​​having an affair on the side.

At this time, your partner may respond with destructive jealousy.

Those who have just entered into a relationship should not reinforce their declarations of love with rash actions that could offend their loved one. Don't boast about your abilities and achievements.

Lonely representatives of the sign will not be able to find new love this month. The unattainable ideal that you have pictured for yourself does not exist in reality. All new acquaintances will part with you very quickly.

In November, the greatest health risks for Scorpio can come from hypothermia and colds. Those who should should not avoid visiting the dentist.

Favorable days are 2, 3, 10, 12, 16, 25, 30; Tuesday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 6, 9, 18, 27, 28.

Betting numbers – 2, 12, 14, 19, 27 and 8

The November horoscope warns Sagittarius that their desire to do everything their own way will not please the people around them.

You should be very careful and try to be objective about your behavior.

Sagittarius will most likely question the correctness of their chosen path and will be troubled by anxieties and fears.

In November, Sagittarius will have to work a lot, which may affect their well-being - try to monitor your health, and you may not be able to do without a preventive examination. But on the love front everything will be fine.

Career, finance

The professional activities of Sagittarius in November will be marked by vigorous activity; representatives of the sign will simply gush with new proposals.

It is still premature to voice your plans and actively promote them, even if the project is very promising. You will undoubtedly be able to bring your ideas to life, only a little later.

The main driving force during this period will be your ambition and a great desire to demonstrate your abilities.

When making promises, be sure to consider whether you will be able to cope with the tasks set. Without calculating your strengths, you risk getting into a very awkward situation. Assess what is happening soberly and have no illusions. It is necessary to set tasks of small complexity and think in advance about ways to implement them.

As for finances, in November gambling, speculation and lottery betting are contraindicated for Sagittarius.

Personal relationships, health

Sagittarius will have a strong desire for stability in November. They will avoid intrigue, quarrels and disputes in every possible way. We will think a lot about feelings and our role in the current relationship. Try to stick to positive thoughts, don’t regret the impossible, and don’t exaggerate the difficulties.

Your loved one will help you feel protected from the hardships of life.

For those who have recently entered into a relationship, it is useful to learn more about each other. To avoid disappointment, do not idealize your partner, observe and think.

Sagittarius' health in November may be affected by high stress; they need to rest more and put off unimportant matters. Colds are also a risk factor, take care of yourself.

Favorable days are 1, 5, 13, 140, 18, 28; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 2, 7, 11, 20, 22, 30.

Betting numbers – 5, 8, 38, 60, 65 and 16

As the horoscope for November promises, during this period Capricorns, despite their distrust, can safely accept the help and support of their partners, as well as rely on their opinion.

It is worth listening if you are suddenly offered a new idea or project.

Tactfulness is your main weapon in November, which will save you money and time. You can safely join forces with like-minded people and colleagues.

If you are afraid that your relationship with a friend has reached a dead end, then don’t worry, it won’t come to the point of quarrels.

Career, finance

In their professional activities in the last autumn month, Capricorns will have to restrain themselves in every possible way, not show excessive self-confidence, and not take on additional responsibility.

No one argues that initiative is good, but not this time, remember logic, and even better, listen to the advice of experienced people, it’s never too late to learn from the mistakes of others.

Carefully select allies, because you have the ability to determine the qualities of people literally at first sight. Evaluate the capabilities of your colleagues and your own objectively, and always try to act fairly.

In money matters, in November Capricorn can safely get involved in resolving their own financial issues. Now any operation with money will be very successful, including the lottery game.

Personal relationships, health

In the personal life of Capricorn in November, situations will arise when they are torn by doubts. Suddenly it seems that a loved one has lost interest in you, but this is all your own speculation. Most likely, your significant other is immersed in work problems, but he really misses you and dreams of meeting you. Many representatives of the sign are unlikely to do without emotional nourishment; try not to drive yourself into a corner, otherwise you will simply break a lot of wood.

A varied vacation can be an outlet; the more options you choose, the more benefits you will bring to yourself.

In terms of health in November, Capricorn should pay attention to the thyroid gland and support it with a special diet, including foods containing iodine. Use dietary supplements with caution.

Colds are also a serious threat during this period, try not to get too cold.

Favorable days are 2, 9, 12, 20, 22; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 4.5, 14, 18, 26, 28.

Betting numbers – 1, 16, 36,41, 58 and 1

The stars promise Aquarius a completely comfortable existence in November; the month will be quite productive.

First of all, representatives of the sign should get rid of excessive nervousness.

Many of Aquarius did not show themselves very well at the beginning of autumn, but at some point you need to pull yourself together and bring the situation under strict control.

If you have a disagreement with one of your friends and you are offended, then you need to look for ways of reconciliation, because you were wrong.

Career, finance

In the professional sphere, Aquarius begins to be active; the configuration of the celestial bodies provides them with the opportunity to successfully implement projects and conclude profitable deals that will turn out to be very profitable and profitable.

You should address priority issues; you may need not only intellectual but also monetary investments. If you work conscientiously, your hard work will be highly appreciated and will bring excellent results.

Aquarians should hardly expect stability in financial matters in November, but a good solution could be investing money in the development of a personal business, or in a profitable project. Such actions will help solve your financial problems and other pressing issues in the future. Playing the lottery will also go with varying degrees of success, now you should be more careful or join a lottery group.

Personal relationships, health

Dull autumn days will also negatively affect the mood of many Aquarius, who will feel that their relationship with a loved one is just as dull.

Instead of moping, discuss the most pressing issues together - and thereby you will eliminate many far-fetched problems.

The bird of happiness often strives to fly away, hold it tightly, let it go - it will not be easy to catch it. By your actions you either bind or push away your loved one.

Advice for family representatives of the sign: be especially gentle, affectionate and courteous with your significant other. If you maintain a positive attitude in both him and yourself, the family environment in your home will become unique - warm and trusting.

Don't miss the opportunity to give your other half gifts.

The biggest danger in November will be a viral infection for Aquarius. The solution to the problem is prevention; you should not visit crowded places, it is better to walk alone and take vitamins.

Favorable days are 2, 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 30; Saturday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 6, 7, 9, 14, 25, 28.

Betting numbers – 35, 41, 42, 44, 51 and 21

Pisces in November will adhere to a strange policy; they will want to enter into arguments with everyone around them, at work and at home. Overall, November will be a pretty good month.

Pisces will be able to cope well with problems - you just need to plan things, be organized and control your emotions - this is the most important thing.

You can benefit greatly from listening to the advice of your friends.

Career, finance

The main mistake Pisces representatives will make in their professional activities in November will be rash actions.

One wrong step can lead to the loss of everything that has been built over many days and months.

You should not encourage those who are trying to control you, and you yourself should refrain from giving advice when others do not need it.

The middle of the month is not the best time to make important decisions; at this time you are not diplomatic and tactful enough. You risk finishing what you started dramatically, quickly and with great losses.

Avoid intrigues in the team; someone will try to misinform or deceive you. Stay away and your conscience will be clear.

The financial situation of Pisces in November will also be uncertain.

Be careful and prudent - this is the best defense in complex money matters. This rule also applies to the lottery game - don’t get carried away.

Personal relationships, health

Pisces will be filled with discontent and resentment in November.

You yourself know how you know how and love to be offended and dramatize events.

If your loved one does not want to discuss problems with you, is indifferent to your hobbies, etc., and you hide your disappointment, move away, radiate coldness - this is the path to quarrels.

Do not aggravate the situation, think alone, analyze your behavior and the actions of your partner, and then talk in a cozy, calm atmosphere, ask your chosen one to state his position, share your doubts.

The best way out of confrontation is a hug from a loved one.

Stress and loss of strength threaten the health of Pisces in the last autumn month. Do not overstrain your nerves, otherwise a breakdown is inevitable, and as a result - decreased immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, inflammatory processes, infections.

Favorable days are 6, 7, 10, 12, 21, 26; Thursday is suitable for betting.

Unfavorable days – 1, 8, 15, 18, 19, 28.

Betting numbers – 3, 15, 19, 25, 44 and 23