The best essential oils for hair growth. Which oil is best for hair growth? Effective essential oils for hair growth

Eyelash extensions and perms in salons, incredible volume and length with the help of a miracle mascara...

Every year the beauty industry offers more and more new means to express the look of beautiful ladies.

Ophthalmologists are sounding the alarm: cosmetologists promise to achieve amazing length and thickness of eyelashes with the help of medications (forgetting to mention the extensive list of side effects and contraindications).

Let's think: is it worth investing a lot of money in services that are harmful to health?

Moreover, there is a large number of reliable, time-tested means. Created by nature, they are designed to make eyelashes not only beautiful, but also healthy.

We are talking about vegetable oils.

Let us immediately tell the skeptics: any oil of plant origin has a positive effect on eyelash growth. Why? Let's figure it out.

Eyelashes are the same hair. Only shorter, denser and tougher ones. Their growth occurs due to cell division of the bulb. As soon as the root of the new hair matures, the old one falls out. This natural process lasts a lifetime.

Like hair, eyelashes weaken, fade, and thin over time. This usually happens due to a lack of root nutrition and an aggressive environment.

Masks, applications, massage using oils:

  • stimulate hair follicles;
  • nourish eyelids and eyelashes with vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • help the formation of new cells.

As a result, eyelash growth accelerates. They become thicker and take on a healthy appearance.

Popular oils

Which oil is better?

All products obtained from oily plant raw materials are similar in chemical composition. They are distinguished by a large number of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, and biologically active microelements. The benefits of any component are beyond doubt.

There are several leaders who have proven their ability to accelerate growth over many years.


Distant ancestors used the unpleasant-tasting castor bean product as a universal remedy for all diseases.

Russian beauties generously lubricated their eyelashes, which is why they grew quickly and were especially thick, fluffy and soft.

The reason for this effect is the high percentage of ricinoleic acid (almost 90%), which activates the bulb and restores the structure of each hair.

Castor oil for eyelashes:

Top 10 proven castor oils:

  1. Aura Cacia organic (highest quality)
  2. Sky Organics organic, new brand
  3. Sky Organics organic, small volume (good for sampling)
  4. Heritage Store (also good)
  5. Heritage Store castor oil with roll-on applicator (convenient!)
  6. Heritage Store castor and rose oil serum with essential oils (good for hair, not on eyelashes)
  7. Now Foods budget oil, average quality
  8. Home Health good price for large volume, average quality
  9. Earth's Care new brand, quality unknown
  10. Cococare inexpensive castor oil


Burdocks, a headache for summer residents, are at the forefront in the fight for the beauty of eyelashes.

Obtained using fat extraction from the roots of the plant, it contains the valuable substance inulin. Natural polysaccharide supports metabolism at the cellular level and strengthens the hair follicle. The first assistant in the treatment of weak, brittle eyelashes.

It is especially effective after a salon eyelash extension procedure, as it helps restore their damaged structure.

Benefits of burdock oil:


Due to its pleasant aroma and light structure, a cold-pressed product from bitter almond seeds is often used in compositions with castor and burdock oils.

It is also effective as an independent means for the growth and quality of eyelashes. The composition contains a large amount of vitamins E (24 mg per 100 g of almonds) and B2 (0.65 mg). It is with their deficiency that hairs become dull, brittle, and growth slows down.

Almond oil does not leave a greasy residue. It can be used for daily makeup removal. A pleasant bonus will be elastic skin around the eyes and the disappearance of fine wrinkles.

Top 10 proven almond oils:

  1. Aura Cacia sweet almond oil (excellent quality and good price)
  2. Now Foods organic almond butter
  3. Sky Organics is also an organic oil, a new brand
  4. Now Foods almond butter is not organic
  5. Earth's Care almond oil
  6. Heritage Store Sweet Almond Oil
  7. Life Flo Health Almond Oil (Good Volume)
  8. Nature's Alchemy Medium Almond Oil
  9. Cococare almond oil, budget, but not the best quality
  10. Hobe Labs pure oil, average quality


As a means to grow and strengthen eyelashes, noble olive oil was used back in Ancient Greece.

The composition, enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, restores the bulbs. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are found in other vegetable oils, but in olive oil they are about 80%. It fights better than others against the negative effects of decorative cosmetics on eyelashes.

For cosmetic purposes, only cold-pressed oil should be used. With the hot method, most vitamins and beneficial elements are destroyed.

Top 10 proven olive oils:

  1. Spectrum Naturals Organic, Cold Pressed, Edible
  2. Bionaturae, organic, virgin, edible
  3. La Tourangelle, organic, cold pressed, can be used for food
  4. Now Foods organic, virgin, edible
  5. Flora organic, edible, first pressed
  6. Kevala organic extra virgin (cold pressed), suitable for food
  7. California Olive Ranch, not organic, but cold pressed, good for eating
  8. Gaea, not organic, but cold-pressed, can be ingested
  9. Nature's Alchemy, pure oil, 118ml, for external use only
  10. De La Cruz, pure oil, for cosmetic purposes only, but small volume

Sea buckthorn

The benefits are beyond doubt. It is known that in terms of vitamin C content, the plant is inferior only to rose hips. The carotenoids included in the composition nourish each eyelash, make them soft and fluffy, and give a healthy appearance.

Products obtained from oilseed plant materials have a beneficial effect on eyelash growth.

Peach, wheat germ or grape seed oils are balanced in the content of vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and biologically active minerals.

Which oil is best should be decided based on personal preference.

You can use different ones. Or choose the one that will give the best effect.

Top 7 best sea buckthorn oils:

  1. SeaBuckWonders Organic Himalayan Sea Buckthorn Oil, Excellent Quality
  2. Sibu Beauty sea buckthorn oil, excellent quality, reputable brand
  3. Leven Rose, organic sea buckthorn oil, good quality, reputable brand
  4. Weleda, organic sea buckthorn oil mixed with olive oil, excellent quality, reputable brand
  5. Life Flo Health non-organic sea buckthorn oil, famous brand, average quality, reasonable price
  6. DNC Mix for eyelashes and eyebrows with castor oil
  7. DNC Sea buckthorn oil for hair and skin

How to apply it to the eyes correctly?

This is not an idle question. The highest quality and most expensive oil that gets into the eyes can cause swelling of the eyelids and irritation of the mucous membrane.

The tool you can choose from is:

  • cotton ear swab;
  • mascara brush;
  • eyeliner brush.
Before the procedure, do not forget to remove makeup from your face. Instead of water, it is useful to use almond or peach oil.

Dip a cotton swab in oil and carefully move from the middle to the tips of the eyelashes. You don’t need to take too much liquid; it shouldn’t drip from the stick.

An old mascara wand can be a good option, as long as you apply the oil with extra care. A mandatory requirement is a soft bristle structure. Plastic or hard rubber will not be able to hold the liquid consistency of the oil. It will spread and fit poorly on the eyelashes. There is a high risk of contact with eyes.

You can use a cosmetic brush to line the eye contour. A thin, dense brush with beveled bristles captures a small amount of oil. It is convenient to distribute it along the length of the eyelashes. The tool must be chosen with natural bristles.

A cotton swab is a disposable tool and cannot be reused. The brush and brush should be washed thoroughly before each use and after the procedure.

Eyelashes can be smeared without the use of auxiliary products. Wash your hands thoroughly, dip your thumb and index finger in the oil and gently rub your hairs.

It should be remembered that you will not be able to get an instant result.

There will be no pronounced effect if you do the procedure occasionally.

Having decided to please yourself with beautiful long eyelashes, you need to tune in to a daily cosmetic session. The full course is one month.

Only after regular use of oils will eyelashes begin to recover and grow.

Vegetable oils are usually well accepted by any skin type. The problem may arise due to
individual intolerance to a particular drug. To avoid any trouble, you should do a test before first use.

Apply a small amount to the skin of your hand. If after 30 minutes no itching, rash or other unpleasant sensations appear, you can safely proceed to the cosmetic session.

Side effects occur more often due to improper use. Swelling of the eyelids and allergic reactions can be avoided if you know a number of rules.

  • Do not leave the oil overnight. Even the most neutral substance, if it comes into contact with the eyes, can provoke the development of inflammation. It is better to apply in the evening and remove before going to bed.
  • Observe the procedure time. For castor, burdock and mixtures with them, the session should not exceed 30 minutes. Almond, olive, peach can be kept for several hours.
  • It is advisable to warm the oil a little before use. It will lie down and be absorbed better.
At the end of the procedure, it is better not to wash off the oil. Blot the remainder with a cotton pad.

Growth oils can be applied individually. Masks and massage will give the best effect.

Mask of castor (or burdock) oil, aloe juice and vitaminA

Vitamin A (retinol) slows down the aging process of cells and actively participates in the formation of new ones, and activates the metabolic process. Thanks to retinol, eyelashes acquire a healthy shine and natural volume. It enhances the effect of castor oil, which itself is absent.

Aloe juice activates dormant hair follicles, which accelerates hair growth.

For the mask, mix oil and juice in equal proportions, add a few drops of vitamin.

Nourishing vitamin mask

For it you will need 3 drops of vitamins A, E, a teaspoon of fish oil and the same amount of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, burdock). Mix all ingredients and apply to eyelashes.

The presence of vitamin E in the composition makes the mask one of the best in the fight for eyelash length. Tocopherol actively nourishes hair follicles by improving blood circulation. Vitamin E restores brittle eyelashes and prevents their loss. Protects against exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Carrot juice mask

Take castor, sea buckthorn, almond (or peach) oils in equal quantities. Add carrot juice. A good addition would be parsley juice.

The juice must be squeezed out immediately before use.

Mask with vitamins and tea leaves

Mix castor or burdock oil, strong tea leaves, vitamins A and E.

This cocktail not only promotes rapid eyelash growth, but also gives them a rich color.

Eyelash massage

Any vegetable oil is suitable for the procedure. It should be slightly warmed up, a few drops of vitamins and a little fish oil should be added. It should be applied on both sides.

For several minutes, massage the eyelids with light circular movements (lower to the inner corner of the eye, upper to the outer).

If the mask must be washed off, it is better to use a decoction of herbs rather than water. Chamomile, cornflower and sage are considered the most beneficial for eyelashes.

What women say

Maria. I've been making masks for a year now. I apply it for a month, take a month off. Eyelashes have grown noticeably. Stopped falling out. I alternate castor and burdock, the most budget option.

Olga. I mix castor oil with almond oil and smear it on everything: eyelashes, nails, hands. Highly recommend. Now I’m not ashamed to call my short, dull brushes eyelashes: fluffy, soft, and have grown noticeably.

Svetlana. For two months I have been applying a mixture of olive, castor and linseed oils to my eyelashes. At first I made a big mistake: I left it overnight. I didn’t go to work in the morning: there were slits instead of eyes. I immediately wised up, and now I wash it off in an hour. I haven’t noticed much growth yet, but my eyelashes have become thicker and darker.

Where to go for healing oils

Burdock and castor oil can be bought at the pharmacy closest to your home. The price starts from 25 rubles. for 100 ml. Manufacturers offer oils already enriched with vitamins A and E.

There is no need to be afraid of fakes. Fraudsters are not interested in this product.

Olive oil is healthy if it is natural, cold pressed. It is worth studying the label; it should not contain other herbal ingredients. They are sold in supermarkets and can be ordered in online stores. The price range is wide: on average from 700 to 1500 rubles. for half a liter.

Natural, cold-pressed olive oil is never packaged in a plastic container. Use only glass bottles or metal tubes.

The inscriptions on the bottles “Special for children” are an advertising ploy that increases the price.

You should also not buy healing liquid in ceramic vessels. Only the price will increase, but not the quality of the product.

Cold-pressed flaxseed is sold in pharmacies for an average of 120-140 rubles (250 ml). They offer oil made in the USA for 600-800 rubles, and if it is organic, then it’s worth paying more!

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of oils for eyelash growth at affordable prices: peach from 40 rubles per 100 ml, almond 60 - 80 rubles. for 50 ml, wheat germ oil from 170 rubles for 100 ml.

Everyone decides for themselves which one is better to choose. If you don’t forget about daily care, the dream of having long, thick, healthy eyelashes can become a reality in just a month.

Eyelash care at home:

Slow hair growth, increased fragility, split ends, dull color, lack of shine - every girl has faced these problems. It’s not surprising, because frequent dyeing, styling, poor environment, and hard water worsen the condition of our hair.

But how to deal with these problems and grow gorgeous long locks? One of the best helpers will be a special oil.

Which of them accelerates hair growth, what to use in restorative masks made from natural ingredients? We'll tell you in our article!

Benefit, effectiveness

Properties of the funds:

  • restore damaged structure;
  • eliminates fragility, prevents splitting;
  • promote rapid growth;
  • make the strands soft and shiny;
  • impart elasticity and firmness;
  • Makes combing and styling easier.

Oil products can be used separately or as one of the components. They are suitable for accelerating growth. If you see that your curls are growing very slowly, are falling out, have lost their former shine, or are very tangled, you should try the oil.

Genetically, each person has a certain number of hairs. It is impossible to increase this figure. But some of the bulbs are at rest, that is, new ones are not growing yet.

You can wake them up with special natural cosmetics. With regular use, a person will develop many new small hairs and the density will increase. Oil is not capable of adding additional volume. On the contrary, people with straight hair often find that it smoothes their hair even more.

Another reason is that they affect growth and thickness, and significantly improve the condition of the strands if used along the entire length. This procedure is one of the best for hair care., and the visual effect appears after the first time.

But don’t expect miracles: significant changes in hair growth and condition are observed only after several months of constant use.

Nuances of use

The correct use of oil for hair growth depends on its properties and consistency.

Heavier nourishing oils (,) are recommended to be applied only to the roots of the hair, while light ones (,) can be applied to the entire length.

Oil masks are best done in courses of 2-3 months with a break of at least 1 month, so as not to make the roots more oily and not to oversaturate the strands themselves.

For damaged, colored hair and to accelerate its growth, we recommend using the product 2 times a week. For healthy hair, 1 time will be enough.

The oil is applied with massage movements to the roots or the entire length of the hair (only for light oil textures!). It is better to put on a shower cap and then a towel on top to warm your head and improve the process of nutrients entering the follicles.

You can do it in 2-3 hours, but it’s better to leave it overnight. You can rinse off with regular shampoo several times until you feel that your head is completely washed. Apply shampoo to the roots and wash the lengths with the resulting foam so as not to dry out the ends.

Oils wash the dye out of the hair structure. Owners of dyed curls should use this product very carefully.

With frequent use (several months in a row), the oil can clog the pores of the scalp: the hair will get dirty faster and lose volume.

A skin scrub will help you cope with the problem., which will eliminate dead cells with remnants of the peeling agent. You can buy a scrub at a cosmetic store or make it at home using regular sea or table salt.

Rating of the best cosmetic products

Clean means

To activate the follicles and accelerate growth, it is useful to use:

  • burdock– stops hair loss, provides necessary nutrition to the roots and scalp, and copes with dryness;
  • castor– is a mixture of oleic, linoleic and ricinoleic fatty acids. Effectively solves the problems of hair loss, fragility, dryness and section;
  • – awakens dormant hair follicles, making curls obedient and silky. Rich in vitamins A, E, B, F;
  • – enhances blood microcirculation in the scalp, fights hair loss and has a positive effect on the overall condition of the hair;
  • – used to activate growth, strengthen hair follicles, and impart a mirror shine.

Basic ones can be mixed with for a more pronounced effect. Usually the mixture is prepared in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. take a spoonful of base and 2-3 drops of essential oil.

What oil extracts can be used to accelerate hair growth and strengthen:

  • – promotes the growth of new hairs, strengthens hair follicles, and helps with hair loss. This product has one advantage - it helps to cope with increased oily scalp;
  • – strengthens follicles, restores weakened hair, intensively nourishes;
  • – has a warming effect, accelerates blood circulation;
  • – awakens dormant follicles, strengthens roots;
  • citrus fruits (grapefruit) - accelerate blood flow, increase elasticity, firmness;
  • – has a positive effect on the activity of follicles, eliminates dandruff.

They can be used as a separate product or as part of homemade masks.. To stimulate blood circulation and accelerate cellular metabolism, use tincture of red pepper, fresh onion juice or mustard.

To prepare such a mask, 1 tablespoon of pepper tincture, onion juice or mustard powder is mixed with the same amount of base oil. The head is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel to warm up, and then the mask is washed off after 20-30 minutes.

Attention: when applying the mask there should be a slight thermal effect. If you feel a strong burning sensation, wash off the product immediately to avoid burns!


Names of hair growth oils that can be purchased at a pharmacy or store:

  • Home recipes Strengthening complex– this is a package with strengthening ampoules, which contain grape seed and rosehip oils, panthenol, and plant extracts.

    Ampoules activate the follicles, strengthen and restore the hair structure, saturating it with beneficial amino acids, vitamins, and enzymes. The product is affordable - only 150 rubles per pack of 8 ampoules.

  • Tony Moly Silk Argan Oil– the main oil component is argan, proteins are added to it. The manufacturer promises accelerated hair growth, restoration, nutrition, mirror shine, and easier combing.

    The price of this cosmetic product cannot be called cheap; for a volume of 125 ml you will have to pay more than 1000 rubles.

  • Agafya's first aid kit Honey-herbal complex for hair– box with 7 ampoules, price - about 190 rubles. The components of each ampoule include oil extracts of propolis, bee bread, and royal jelly.

    The complex helps to cope with hair loss, strengthen hair roots, and promotes increased growth.

  • DNC Growth Activator– a complex that includes: burdock, soybean, castor, chamomile, bergamot, eucalyptus, vitamins A, B5. The product can be applied to the roots or to the entire length.

    The growth activator helps stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, nourish the roots with useful substances, make the strands softer, and eliminate dryness. The average price of a product is 60 rubles.

  • Gemene Growth stimulator– cosmetic complex. Its oil ingredients are burdock and soybean, calendula and wheat germ extract, lecithin. A product for the care of damaged, brittle, dry hair.

    Helps accelerate growth, improve structure, make silky and shiny. The price of the product is approximately 220 rubles.

When choosing a ready-made cosmetic product, study its composition. The components in it are arranged in descending order, i.e. if an ingredient is written at the very end of the list, it means there is very little of it in this product.

Try to find a product whose useful components will be located at the beginning or middle of the list.

It is ideal to choose a composition that will activate the growth of follicles and restore and nourish the strands. Usually, complexes of several basic or essential ones are produced with this effect.

Apply 1-2 drops of the product to an area of ​​skin (on the inside of the elbow), if no redness or irritation appears within 24 hours, you can use it.

  • Oil masks with pepper, mustard, and mint are contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pure esters should not be applied to the skin, as they can cause chemical burns. Be sure to mix them with the base in the right proportion!
  • The product should not be applied to damaged scalp.
  • To enhance blood microcirculation, the product is applied and washed off with light massage movements.
  • Pores may become clogged, therefore, use oil treatments only in courses, do not forget about the need to use a scrub.
  • Remember other aspects of hair care: try to avoid using a hair dryer and straightener, choose gentle dye, a high-quality comb, protect your curls from frost and UV rays, balance your diet.

    Then very soon you will see the first noticeable improvements.

    In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, many do not notice that our appearance has begun to deteriorate. This is not due to the fact that time does not stand still and we, alas, are getting old. The reason here is different. In the rapid running around in circles - home-family-work, we don’t even have a few seconds left for ourselves. When suddenly the time comes, it turns out to be too late. The skin, under the influence of negative environmental factors, has lost its freshness, and the hair, due to constant styling and coloring, no longer shines as before. They look lifeless, brittle at the ends, and sometimes actively fall out.

    Then we go to beauty salons for expensive and painful procedures, trying to regain our former beauty. But the effect of this is temporary, and there is still no satisfaction from contemplating yourself in the mirror.

    Beauty does not require sacrifice, it requires care. And indeed it is. After all, even with your own hands at home, it is very easy to maintain your attractiveness. How?

    Let's look at it in this article. And let’s find out what essential oils exist for hair growth, shine and thickness. And also, which of them are the most effective and how to use them.

    What are the benefits of essential oils?

    The fact that various oils are a real treasure trove of useful substances, both for hair specifically and for the body as a whole, has been known since ancient times. For example, there is documentary evidence that Cleopatra herself cared for her body with these cosmetics. And although many experts claim that the Queen of Egypt was not at all pretty, they still cannot dispute the fact that most men of her time considered her very attractive. And some idolized her so much that they even tried in every possible way to get closer to her. And these were very significant and attractive men. The most famous of them are Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. The latter even managed to conquer Cleopatra, but that's another story.

    So, for the beauty of the face and body, strengthening nails, hair growth and thickness, essential oils are the best, most effective and inexpensive remedy. After all, they contain biologically active substances that moisturize, nourish, and saturate the skin and hair with vitamins. That is why they are widely used in cosmetology, aromatherapy and even medicine. And, by the way, if you do fork out the cash and go to the most expensive spa, you can be convinced that the best treatments are based on the miraculous effect of essential oils.

    What hair problems can oils help solve?

    From time immemorial in Rus', girls with well-groomed, long and thick hair were considered the most beautiful. In the village, city and even in the capital it was impossible to find a representative of the fair sex with a short haircut. And it wasn’t about fashion or imposed standards. It’s just that our great-grandmothers were proud of their wealth and considered it a special magical gift. And they didn’t even think about cutting off such beauty.

    In the modern world, every second girl walks with hair length up to the shoulder blades, but more often to the shoulders. And why all? Because hidden knowledge is forgotten, and there is usually no time for self-care. As a result, thin, dull, brittle, weakened, and sometimes greasy hair, and even prone to severe hair loss, even if you manage to grow it back a little, looks very unattractive.

    But the situation can be improved. And in this matter, the best helpers are essential oils for hair growth and strengthening. Let's look at the most effective of them.

    Rosemary oil

    This oil is very popular both in home cosmetic procedures and in salons. This fact is not surprising, because it has wonderful properties:

    • deeply nourishes and moisturizes hair;
    • gives them strength;
    • prevents fragility and loss;
    • accelerates growth;
    • “revives” the ends, relieving the girl of the problem of split ends.

    Rosemary essential oil for hair growth, which also has a regenerating effect, will help restore beauty and health even to damaged hair. If you use it together with sage oil, a positive result can be achieved much faster.

    Cinnamon oil

    If you need to not only get your hair in order, but also grow it in the shortest possible time, cinnamon oil will be the most suitable lifesaver. Indeed, thanks to its warming effect, it has a beneficial effect on the scalp, stimulates blood circulation and “awakens” dormant bulbs.

    Ginger oil has a similar effect. However, it causes discomfort (burning) to the scalp. Therefore, many girls prefer to use more gentle essential oils for hair growth. For example, mint, burdock or lavender. The latter, by the way, helps even with baldness.

    Jojoba oil

    When hair is severely damaged by hair dryers, curling irons, special straightening irons, harmful environmental influences: winds, too low or, conversely, high temperatures and other factors, many girls feel that there is no way out. And only a short haircut can improve the situation at least a little, hiding the unhealthy

    However, in reality everything is not so bad. Because using jojoba oil will completely change the situation. And after just a few uses, you can see the result. Your hair will become shiny, silky and most importantly, healthy. In addition, this essential oil is extremely effective for hair growth and thickness.

    Melissa oil

    Often, many representatives of the fair sex complain that their hair quickly becomes greasy. They are difficult to style, and in addition, all this is accompanied by dandruff. And no matter what they do, there is no result, and frequent washing only makes the problem worse.

    But oil will also help with this problem. For example, lemon balm. Although it seems illogical to lubricate already oily hair with oil. However, we have already noted earlier that this is a universal lifesaver, which, thanks to its wonderful properties, helps solve many problems. Including greasy hair.

    Other essential oils have a similar effect for hair growth, eliminating oiliness and dandruff. These are the oils:

    • bergamot;
    • cornflower;
    • carnations;
    • geraniums

    As well as all citrus oils. Especially orange and grapefruit.

    Tea tree oil

    If hair loss is accompanied by dandruff and severe itching of the scalp, a course of tea tree oil is necessary. After all, it will not only solve these problems, but also accelerate hair growth and increase its thickness, “awakening” dormant hair follicles.

    Oils have the same effect:

    • fir;
    • eucalyptus.

    Thus, for the reader who is wondering what essential oil for hair growth can relieve itching and dandruff, experts recommend trying one of the miracle remedies presented above. Or include them in a comprehensive care program.

    Important: allergy test

    Very often, many of us have no idea about our ailments before we come across them, as they say, closely. That is why, in order to prevent negative consequences by purchasing the most effective essential oil for hair growth, before using it for various cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. It will help check the body's reaction to a new remedy.

    How to find out if you can start treatment:

    1. Choose an oil that has the desired effect.
    2. Place two or three drops on your wrist.
    3. Wait ten minutes.
    4. If the skin becomes red or irritated, the oil is an allergen.
    5. If everything is fine, you can start the procedure.

    Oil in the form of a mask

    Enough has been said about how effective different hair oils are. But the specifics of using cosmetic procedures based on them remain a mystery. But in order to spread medicinal oil on the entire surface of the head, you will need more than one bottle, and this pleasure is not cheap. But there is no need to worry - the procedure will not be burdensome for the budget.

    So, to dispel doubts and provide answers to all questions, below we will explain how to properly carry out care procedures using oils.

    What is important to know about masks for hair growth with essential oils:

    1. Let's start with the fact that such procedures require a foundation. For example, it can be burdock oil, coconut, almond, olive, sunflower and even castor oil.
    2. The proportion should be observed as follows: five drops of any essential oil - two tablespoons of base oil.
    3. Next, it is important to note that in order to achieve maximum effect, essential oils are recommended to be mixed.
    4. In order for the mixture to be better absorbed into the scalp and hair roots, it is recommended to heat the oil base to an acceptable temperature.
    5. Before the procedure, the hair should be thoroughly combed and the mixture rubbed into the roots. Then put a regular plastic bag and a warm hat on your head. You can also wrap your head with a towel.
    6. If desired, the treatment mask can be left on overnight. And wash it off with shampoo in the morning.
    7. If your hair is severely damaged or you want to grow it back as soon as possible, you should use a mask with essential oils for rapid hair growth in courses. The product should be used with a two-day break for a month.
    8. To maintain the beauty of your hair, it is important to carry out treatment procedures once a week.

    Oil and shampoo

    Modern life is very fast-paced, so we are always in a hurry to get somewhere. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, we cannot give ourselves the attention we deserve. However, I really want to be beautiful. That is why knowing one secret will help to make your hair beautiful and well-groomed, improve its health and appearance, accelerate growth, increase thickness, etc.

    If you don’t want to bother with a homemade medicinal mixture, you can add five to six drops of your chosen essential oil for hair growth to your shampoo, conditioner, rinse or store-bought hair mask. This will help you achieve the desired result without extra effort - beautiful hair, the condition of which will certainly be envied.

    Oil on comb

    Another equally effective, but very simple way to help weakened and damaged hair is combing. Just not the usual one, but using prepared oil. Or mixtures of oils.

    To carry out the procedure correctly, you must:

    1. Take a comb, preferably a wooden one.
    2. Add two or three drops of one of the effective essential oils for hair growth presented above.
    3. Rub them over the surface of the comb.
    4. Pass through hair several times. Trying to distribute the composition evenly along the entire length.

    If your hair becomes greasy very quickly, it is better not to get carried away with such procedures too much. Once every three to four days is enough. Normal hair can be nourished this way every day. It is better to apply at night so that the oil is absorbed into the follicles and fibers.

    Oil in the rinse mixture

    According to the reviews provided, essential oils for hair growth, shine and thickness can not only be rubbed into the scalp or into the hair itself. There is also another procedure that combines important properties - effectiveness and simplicity - everyone who has used it says so. The procedure does not require much time. In fact, you just need to follow the usual steps.

    So, to strengthen your hair, give it shine, remove fragility, activate growth, make it thicker and stronger, and also make it easier to comb, just do the following:

    1. Wash your hair as usual.
    2. You should rinse your hair with a nutrient solution prepared in advance.
    3. To prepare it, you need to take one liter of filtered water, add five drops of any of the essential oils described above or their mixture, and stir thoroughly.
    4. Dry your hair with a towel and leave to dry naturally. It is advisable not to use a hair dryer so as not to damage already weakened hair.

    Mask for maximum hair growth

    Every girl is looking for a product that will achieve the desired result in an extremely short time. Since in this article we are studying the best essential oils for hair growth, our super mask will be based on them.

    • castor oil - base - 5 tablespoons;
    • cinnamon oil - 3 drops;
    • lemon oil - 2 drops;
    • ground red hot pepper or mustard powder - half a teaspoon;
    • egg yolk - 1 piece.

    How to do:

    1. To prepare a mask for maximum hair growth, you need to beat the egg yolk into a foam with a whisk or a regular fork.
    2. Add pepper or mustard to it.
    3. Mix thoroughly, breaking up all lumps.
    4. In a separate bowl, mix the oils: castor, cinnamon and lemon.
    5. Pour them into the egg mixture.
    6. Beat again.

    Heat the finished mask so that the most effective essential oils for hair growth become more powerful. To do this, you need to put a pan of water on the fire. But the main thing is to take one that will fit a colander. Place the prepared mixture into it. Stirring, bring to an acceptable temperature - so that the mixture is not too hot, but not too cold.

    Then apply the mixture first to the scalp, thoroughly rubbing into the roots. And then distribute through your hair. Leave for at least two hours, or overnight. Wash off with baby shampoo.

    Essential oils are beneficial for the entire human body. They are widespread and popular in aromatherapy, skin and hair care, and in medicine. Let's find out what amazing properties essential oils have specifically for hair, and get acquainted with ways to use them to accelerate growth.

    Beneficial properties of essential oils in hair care.
    The properties of oils have been used since ancient times; they were revered by those who aspired to have beautiful, healthy and well-groomed hair. They contain active components, the complex work of which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, in particular, they contribute to its nutrition, strengthen the roots, add shine, and also have a stimulating effect on growth processes. By improving blood circulation in the hair follicles, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, thereby eliminating the problem of oily scalp, weakness and brittle hair, and the structure of damaged hair, including the condition of the ends, is somewhat improved.

    Essential oils for hair growth, when used systematically, allow you to “stir up” a certain number of “productive” hair follicles that are at rest. This in turn makes the hair thicker, stronger, preventing hair loss.

    Essential oils for hair growth.
    In the care and treatment of various hair problems, as well as for stimulating growth, essential oils such as ylang-ylang, clove, geranium, eucalyptus, juniper, bergamot, tea tree, cinnamon, fir, rosemary, lemon balm, sage, and citrus are mainly effective.

    Rosemary - has a stimulating effect on blood circulation in the scalp, regenerating damaged, brittle and dull hair, strengthening it.

    Sage - has a positive effect on the general condition of hair, has excellent cleansing properties, is effective against dandruff and regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands. A combination of rosemary and sage oils gives effective results.

    Bergamot - in addition to its ability to influence hair follicles, normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands and has an antiseptic effect.

    Cloves - considered a strong antimicrobial agent, effectively fights dandruff.

    Geranium is an excellent growth accelerator, a good antiseptic, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and eliminates dandruff.

    Cinnamon – stimulates blood supply to the scalp due to its warming effect.

    Melissa – fights dandruff, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and has a soothing effect on the scalp.

    Tea tree – strengthens weakened hair, eliminates itching and dandruff.

    Eucalyptus – fights dandruff, strengthens roots and stimulates hair follicles.

    Fir – helps stimulate follicles.

    Lavender - in addition to having a positive effect on hair growth, prevents hair loss.

    Cornflower – improves blood circulation, suitable for oily hair, it is especially effective to combine it with burdock or fenugreek oil.

    Mint – nourishes the roots, increasing blood flow in the scalp.

    White birch – soothes and cleanses.

    Ginger – accelerates blood circulation, strengthens follicles.

    Essential oils of marjoram, nutmeg and black pepper also stimulate hair growth.

    Basic methods of using essential oils.
    Essential oils to improve hair growth are good to add to ready-made shampoos and conditioners (two or three drops), enrich masks, and also include in home care products. Regular use of essential oils will give visible results within a few weeks. In this case, you can use different essential oils each time. Too frequent use of oil masks with essential components is not recommended for hair; for prevention purposes, one application per week is sufficient, for therapeutic purposes - two or three procedures.

    It is not recommended to use essential oils in their pure form for hair growth due to their high concentration, only in a mixture with base (fatty, vegetable) oil (almond, burdock, olive, flaxseed, etc.). Four tablespoons of warm oil requires six drops of essential oil.

    Recipes for masks with essential oils to accelerate hair growth.
    In order to stimulate and accelerate hair growth, it is effective to make masks yourself at home with the addition of essential oils. This kind of procedure must be done regularly, especially in the autumn-winter periods. Before each procedure, a new composition for the mask must be made, combining different essential oils. Apply the composition to the scalp and the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the roots, wrap the head with cling film on top and wrap it with a towel or a warm wide scarf. Oil masks with essential components are good to keep for half an hour or more. Then wash off the mask in the usual way, that is, using your regular shampoo. After this, rinse your hair well with a mixture of water and five drops of essential oil that you added to the mask.

    For the growth, nutrition and thickness of any type of hair, this mask is effective: grind an egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey previously melted in a water bath, then add two tablespoons of olive oil to the mixture (can be replaced with any vegetable oil), a few drops of fir essential oil and three drops of rosemary. Do this mask three times a week. The course of treatment lasts for a month.

    To accelerate the growth of dry hair, masks with olive oil combined with essential ingredients are useful. You can also combine 50 ml of sesame or almond oil with jasmine oil (three to four drops).

    For normal hair type, in order to stimulate growth, the following mask is suitable: combine two tablespoons of base (coconut, castor, almond, etc.) with rosemary essential oil (three drops), or take a drop of chamomile, lavender, patchouli to two tablespoons of base , geraniums, roses, ylang-ylang.

    The following recipe will also help improve growth processes: combine 100-150 ml of any vegetable oil with two drops of cloves and pine, add four drops of rosemary and cinnamon.

    To improve hair growth, a mixture of citrus oils is effective: take two drops of eucalyptus, orange, and patchouli to two teaspoons of almond oil. In addition, the mask will restore shine, improve the condition of split ends, giving your hair an overall healthy and well-groomed appearance.

    The combination of olive oil (10 ml) and cinnamon (no more than 2 drops) has an unsurpassed effect in hair care, stimulating hair follicles. Due to the powerful effects of cinnamon, it is recommended to test your skin for any allergic reactions before using the mixture.

    Adding orange, lemon, and tangerine oils to masks strengthens hair, has a lightening effect (especially important for blondes), and also prevents split ends.

    There is quite a lot more to list the benefits and effectiveness of essential oils for hair. It is important to put these properties into practice, not to be lazy, and then the effect will exceed all your wildest hopes and expectations.

    I repeat, test your skin for allergies before using oils!

    Damaged and weak hair is a widespread problem. What is an effective way to restore them? What oils help speed up hair growth and solve the problem of split ends and dandruff?

    Oil selection

    One of the options for hair problems is alopecia. It manifests itself most clearly in men, up to the complete loss of hair on the scalp. In a less pronounced form, it also affects women.

    Problems with hair are also manifested by a violation of its structure, which leads to dryness, brittleness, dullness and split ends. This can be caused by various factors:

    • General health.
    • Insufficient intake of vitamins from food.
    • Hormonal and age-related changes.

    Coloring, as well as aggressive cosmetics and hair drying, have an important influence. Do not forget about the impact of direct sunlight, precipitation and environmental conditions.

    Alas, not all reasons can be dealt with. But there are ways to provide all possible assistance. To keep your hair long, thick and with a healthy shine, you need to pay enough attention to it and take regular care of it.

    Among the many methods of strengthening hair follicles, the use of oils for hair growth occupies a special place. This option is one of the best. The cosmetic product allows for growth stimulation and proper care, and improves the condition of the scalp.

    There are many oils that have a positive effect on hair strands that you can use at home. Women with long, shiny hair often use various botanicals and praise their properties. Is there a significant difference between them? This can be judged by familiarizing yourself with the most used oils.


    It has long been used to detoxify and cleanse the body. Castor oil is rich in vitamin E, proteins and minerals. Contains castor acid, which fights inflammatory scalp conditions to help maintain a healthy scalp. It's very sticky and hard to wash off, but that's the only downside.

    Castor oil is suitable for treating dry scalp. In the field of cosmetology, it is valued for its moisturizing properties, as well as for preventing excessive hair loss and stimulating natural growth. In addition, this tool:

    • Has antibacterial properties.
    • Helps get rid of dandruff.
    • Increases blood circulation, thereby ensuring a better supply of nutrients to the roots and increasing local immunity.

    We can say that castor oil works wonders for hair. It should be applied to the scalp and rubbed over the entire length of the hair. It is recommended not to wash it off for three hours. For the best effect, leave it on all night. Wash off with gentle shampoo the next day.

    Regular application of castor oil will help achieve healthy, thick, shiny and moisturized hair.

    From avocado

    It is characterized by a high content of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly oleic. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in avocados is 13:1. This oil is a source of vitamins A, E (mainly alpha-tocopherol acetate), which nourish and strengthen hair while reducing hair loss. It perfectly stimulates growth.

    Avocado oil is a powerful remedy that can stop the process of hair loss. It can be used in mixture with others. It is one of the components of many cosmetic products for the care of the scalp.


    This is one of the best vegetable oils. In addition to being often recommended for general body care, it is also an excellent ally when it comes to hair restoration. Coconut oil for hair growth is a natural conditioner that contains lots of vitamin E and antioxidants.

    The product has the following properties:

    • Penetrating into hair follicles, it stimulates growth.
    • Provides moisture to hair that is too dry.
    • Makes hair soft and silky.
    • Helps solve the problem of split ends.

    If you add other ingredients to coconut oil, you will get a wonderful mask that will help with hair problems and make it grow faster in no time.


    If you want to improve the condition of your scalp, a bottle of flaxseed oil can be an effective and much cheaper option than specialized cosmetics or treatments. It contains omega-3 acids that promote hair growth and enhance follicle regeneration. In addition, it gives hair a healthy shine and leaves it properly moisturized. It also helps fight dandruff and solve other scalp problems.

    Flaxseed oil works best for high porosity hair, but remains effective for most other types. It's worth trying and waiting for the results.

    It is worth mentioning that flaxseed oil is effective not only as a mask. Eating it also has a positive effect on hair growth and appearance.


    It also contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which strengthen strands, skin, and nails. Olive oil contains a lot of vitamin E, which prevents hair loss and naturally stimulates hair growth. It has a high concentration of antioxidants that are beneficial for the scalp.

    Olive oil is a powerful moisturizer due to its consistency and oleic acid content, which easily penetrates the hair, locking in moisture. Gives curls softness and smoothness to the touch.

    Olive oil is a natural conditioner available in almost any store.


    It is often used as a base in many Indian preparations used for rapid hair growth. For example, this is the oil component of Bhringraj.

    Sesame oil nourishes both hair and scalp and is effective against dandruff. The vitamin E contained in this product can work wonders for restoring curls. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is recommended for the treatment of many skin fungal infections. It works best when warmed up.


    Argan oil is an excellent hair treatment. It moisturizes the curls, penetrates and deeply nourishes them. High content of vitamin E and vitamin F promotes shine.

    Argan oil for hair contains many antioxidants that repair damage, making it especially recommended for split ends. Also restores strands after damage when styling using hot curlers and a hair dryer.

    Known as "liquid gold" in traditional Asian medicine. It has recently gained significant popularity in the beauty world. Cosmetic companies have appreciated the features of this product and add it to many hair care products. So we can say that today everyone has heard about the positive effects of argan oil.

    Jojoba oil

    It is very beneficial for hair and skin due to its moisturizing and soothing properties. Regular use of jojoba oil will make your hair smooth and shiny.

    This product will help in removing excess sebum from the scalp, and will also facilitate the removal of all impurities that clog the hair follicles. Effective against dandruff.

    Jojoba oil is widely used in cosmetic preparations for skin and hair care.


    Oil obtained from rosemary is an ingredient often used in hair care cosmetics. It strengthens hair follicles, stimulates their growth, and activates blood circulation in the head.

    To make optimal use of its beneficial properties, you just need to add a few drops to your daily shampoo.


    It has pronounced warming properties and activates blood circulation. Has a very beneficial effect on hair and scalp. Restores and nourishes the bulbs and provides microcirculation especially intensively. It also has an antiseptic, antibacterial effect, contains many vitamins A, K, P and carotene, which enhances the effect.


    Has an anti-inflammatory, warming effect, and also:

    • Strongly stimulates blood circulation, which has a positive effect on hair growth.
    • Prevents hair loss.
    • Moisturizes hair.
    • Strengthens the bulbs.

    Ginger, mustard and bay oils are best used in combination with others. They are so strong that they can be irritating. They can be combined with coconut oil or avocado and jojoba oils in a ratio of 10-15%.

    Oil extracts

    In addition to the oils themselves, oil extracts are widely used to stimulate hair growth. Their main difference is in the use of oil as a basis for extracting active substances from herbs, and not as a primary active agent. Olive and linseed castor oils are used for this purpose, the beneficial properties of which have already been discussed.

    • Burdock root oil extract. Contains natural inulins, proteins, essential and fatty oils, tannins, mineral salts, vitamins. Due to its composition, it moisturizes and strengthens hair follicles, stops hair loss, accelerates hair growth, restores damaged structure, and works well in the fight against dandruff, dryness, irritation, and itching.
    • Nettle oil extract. Contains a rich set of biologically active substances that stimulate carbohydrate and protein metabolism, increases tension in the walls of blood vessels, eliminates itching of the scalp, and prevents dandruff and hair loss, as well as premature graying.
    • Clover oil extract. Includes mucilaginous tannin substances, alkaloids, carotene, ascorbic acid. It is used for seborrhea. Promotes rapid regeneration of skin epithelium.
    • Horsetail oil extract. Contains alkaloids, organic substances, silicic and ascorbic acids, carotene. It speeds up metabolism and is useful for getting rid of dandruff, irritation and itching of the scalp.

    How to use?

    Hair oil is best used on dry, unwashed hair. Using a gentle massage with your fingertips, apply a small amount to the scalp and strands along the entire length. It is important that the application of the oil is combined with a few minutes of massage to stimulate blood circulation.

    Hair must be covered after applying the mask. It is recommended to tie long strands with an elastic band and only then put the film on top. For better penetration of the cosmetic product, you should wrap your head in a towel. The mask will work as long as it remains on the hair for 1-3 hours (maximum - all night).

    The oil is washed off with a mild shampoo (preferably without silicones). To make it easier to rinse the product out of your hair, you can use conditioner. For best results repeat several times a week.

    Oil masks for hair growth

    While each of the above oils promotes rapid growth, the best results are achieved when combining them together.

    Homemade hair growth mask, ingredients:

    • 2 tbsp. tablespoons organic coconut oil.
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of honey.
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of apple cider vinegar.

    Method of preparation and use:

    1. Heat coconut oil until smooth.
    2. Mix it with honey. Then add apple cider vinegar.
    3. Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
    4. Apply the mask using a comb. It is better to start with the roots, then moving to the ends.
    5. Massage your head for a few minutes.
    6. Wrap the strands in a towel and leave for 15–20 minutes.
    7. Wash with shampoo.

    This procedure will eliminate the need for conditioner. For dry hair, leave the mask on for a little longer than 20 minutes.

    Mask using several oils for hair growth:

    • Half a cup of castor oil.
    • 2 teaspoons avocado oil.
    • 1 teaspoon rosemary essential oil.
    • 1 teaspoon of lavender oil.

    Method of preparation and use:

    • Mix all ingredients together in a glass bowl, then apply to hair.
    • During application, do a gentle massage.
    • Leave for one hour and then rinse thoroughly.

    Beautiful and healthy hair is not a pipe dream. Modern cosmetology offers various means for their restoration. Try, experiment and find the hair oil that suits you best. But remember that these remedies will not help solve the main problem that caused the deterioration of the hair.