The best natural antiseptics. Antiseptic plants: traditional medicine recipes Antiseptic medicinal plants

Antiseptics are widely used to fight germs. Almost everyone has a kind of “gentleman’s set” of drugs in their medicine cabinet that can save them from various infections: most often this includes such things as iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green and even medical alcohol.
But there are times when it is not possible to use these drugs. For example, how to treat an open wound? Iodine will only burn damaged tissue, and hydrogen peroxide may cope with the task, but will give you a lot of very unpleasant experiences.

Oddly enough, traditional medicine will come to the rescue. We, of course, do not offer you dubious methods, and in general we advise you to be extremely careful about the very idea of ​​self-medication. However, there are many natural remedies that have been tested over the years and experience, which act as excellent antiseptic drugs. We will talk about them.

Pharmaceutical chamomile

Perhaps the simplest and one of the cheapest to use means. Chamomile has a whole list of beneficial properties - antimicrobial, astringent and anti-inflammatory. The infusion is simple to make and may well help with gum inflammation. In winter, a decoction that should be used to gargle will easily relieve inflammation from the throat and sore throat.


Eucalyptus has a whole list of antiseptic, antibacterial and healing properties. Most often it is used to care for problem areas of facial skin. It is much better and much cheaper than many pharmaceutical drugs.

Pine buds

Getting this product will not be so easy. However, the therapeutic effect of pine buds fully justifies the time and effort spent on searching for them. Most often, decoctions and tinctures from the kidneys are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. There is also a whole list of pharmaceutical ointments that include pine tar - it helps with various skin diseases, even such serious ones as eczema and psoriasis.

Plantain leaves

This is probably the most famous way to disinfect a wound. We applied plantain leaves to skinned knees in deep childhood - it seems that nature initially endowed people with knowledge about the beneficial properties of this plant.


Garlic is used not only to get rid of vampires. In many small towns and villages of our country, this natural antiseptic is still prepared for the whole winter ahead, adding it to many dishes not only to add spiciness and taste, but also because garlic is an excellent preventative.


The same applies to horseradish. The roots of the plant have medicinal properties, but sometimes its leaves are also used. The roots contain a high amount of simple carbohydrates and vitamin C, and the range of uses of horseradish is very wide - from removing acne to treating sinusitis and otitis media. However, with the latest diseases, we still recommend that you consult a doctor.

Cornflower blue

Blue cornflower was known to the ancient Greeks - decoctions from it are indirectly mentioned in many myths. Colds and coughs, kidney swelling and inflammation of the bladder can be treated correctly with the help of this natural antiseptic. But it must be used carefully, since in large quantities, decoctions from this plant can have a negative effect on the body.


Sage leaves, also prepared as a decoction, can boast a strong antiseptic effect. Stomatitis, colds, sore throats - all these diseases will go away much easier if you use this decoction.


Diaphoretic, diuretic and soothing bactericidal properties are hidden in common heather. Decoctions from it can be used to treat and prevent colds, bronchitis and nervous diseases.


The essential oil, tannins, flavonoids and triterpenes contained in thyme have antimicrobial and even antiviral effects. Thyme essential oil can be used for inhalation, which increases its scope of application.

Some medicinal plants contain substances that can have an antiseptic effect: phenolic compounds, tannins, essential oils, phytoncides, flavonoids and organic acids. Such plants, prepared in the form of juices or concentrated infusions, can have an antiseptic (static) and wound-healing effect. Not all plants are antiseptics can be used internally, many of them are designed only for external use due to the fact that in addition to useful antiseptic substances they may also contain toxic compounds.

From the group of phenolic compounds, arbutin, obtained from the leaves of bearberry and lingonberry, and hydroquinone (an arbutin derivative), obtained by hydrolysis of arbutin, have an antimicrobial effect from the group of phenolic compounds.

Tannins (tannins)- these are polymeric phenolic compounds, which also have an anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect. Tannins have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties due to the fact that when tannin interacts with protein structures, proteins fold, forming a protective film (albuminates) that prevents the development of the inflammation process. TO antiseptics of plant origin, which have tanning properties, include: snakeweed (rhizomes), burnet (rhizomes), alder (cones), bergenia (rhizomes), cinquefoil erecta (synonym: galangal - rhizomes), oak bark, tea leaves, plantain leaves.

Plant essential oils soluble in ether, alcohol, oil, but insoluble in water. Easily isolated from plants using hot water or steam, but very volatile. Some essential oils have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects: chamomile (substance - chamazulene), thyme (substance - thymol), sage (leaves), calendula (flowers), fir (needles), eucalyptus (leaves), St. John's wort (aerial part of the plant) . The essential oils of clove and bay tree contain eugenol, which is considered a strong antiseptic.

Phytoncides– a group of volatile compounds that have an active antiseptic effect. Phytoncides are found in plants such as garlic, onion, nettle, St. John's wort, pine, oak, birch, juniper, radish, horseradish, lichens, plantain. The composition of phytoncides and their antiseptic effect vary depending on the season, climatic conditions, and the stage of plant vegetation. When the plant is destroyed (crushed) after a few minutes (or seconds), the release of phytoncides stops. But there are plants that produce phytoncides for a long time even when picked (garlic, onions).

Flavonoids, enzymes and organic acids in the juice from the leaves of Kalanchoe Degremona, aloe and plantain (seeds and aerial parts of the plant) have an anti-inflammatory, anti-granulation, anti-necrotic effect.

Antiseptics of plant origin can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of liquid extracts or ointments:

  • Rotokan (ingredients: chamomile, calendula, yarrow),
  • Chlorophyllipt (composition: essential oil and eucalyptus extract),
  • Rekutan (composition: chamomile extract),
  • Calendula tincture (ingredients: calendula flower extract),
  • Sophora japonica tincture (composition: Sophora japonica flavonoids and excipients),
  • Wundehil - ointment (composition: cinquefoil extract, yarrow extract, Japanese Sophora extract, calendula extract, propolis and excipients),
  • Calendula ointment (composition: calendula extract and excipients),
  • Altan ointment (composition: alnitannins and flavonoids from alder, birch family).

People have long known that many plants have a unique antimicrobial effect. They can not only disinfect the skin, but also prevent the entry and further spread of infection within the body. In this article we will look at the main natural antiseptics that can be safely used at home.

Pharmaceutical chamomile

One of the cheapest and most common folk remedies. This plant has many beneficial properties, as it has anti-inflammatory, astringent and antimicrobial effects. Easy to prepare, it helps tremendously with inflammation of the gums, sore throat and sore throat.

Bergamot essential oil

It is used to treat acne, as well as to eliminate many other skin diseases. It also helps increase the body's resistance to various viral infections and helps with coughs, runny nose or inflammation of the tonsils.


Horseradish has the most powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Its regular use in food helps strengthen the immune system. In addition, consumption of horseradish is considered an effective prevention of colds and flu.


This plant is used in skin care. It has pronounced wound-healing properties and helps with acne. It is recommended to wipe your face with a decoction of eucalyptus if you have acne, as well as wash your hair to eliminate dandruff. Indicated for those with oily and problem skin. With its help, the skin becomes elastic, and also acquires elasticity and a healthy color.

Tea tree oil

This oil is called the best remedy for fighting infectious agents. It perfectly cleanses abscesses and wounds from pus. In addition, it can be used to effectively treat furunculosis. It relieves irritation and redness of the skin, and also effectively eliminates itching.


Everyone is well aware of the bactericidal properties of onions. It can be used as a prophylactic during the spread of viral infections and influenza. Saucers with slices of chopped food placed around the apartment will not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply and enter the human body.

Common heather

Heather has a diuretic, diaphoretic, bactericidal and sedative effect. It is used for arthritis, bronchitis, cough, rheumatism and nervous disorders. Decoctions from this plant are used as an external remedy for eczema, purulent wounds, and allergic reactions.

The unique medicinal properties of this plant have been known to mankind for many centuries. It helps with coughs and colds and relieves inflammation of the bladder. Effective for diseases of the kidneys and digestive organs. In addition, cornflower is an excellent anthelmintic and antifever agent. It is often used for various eye diseases.

Plantain leaves

This is the most famous remedy used to disinfect wounds. Even in childhood, we all applied plantain leaves to our broken knees, thereby preventing infection from getting under the damaged skin.

Pine buds

Tinctures prepared from pine buds have a healing effect for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A decoction of these buds can be used as a remedy for flu and colds. Also today there are many pharmaceutical preparations that contain extract from pine buds. They effectively help with complex skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.

A decoction of sage leaves has a pronounced antiseptic effect. used for colds, stomatitis and sore throat.


Thyme essential oil can have antiviral and antimicrobial effects. It is often used for inhalation during colds.

Cedar and pine

These trees are rightly called excellent natural antiseptics. They secrete special healing substances - phytoncides, which are an effective remedy for the treatment of many respiratory diseases and especially tuberculosis.


There are pyracitamons. This substance can effectively prevent the proliferation of bacteria. Regular consumption of cranberries helps get rid of many genitourinary diseases and prostate diseases.


This is the most popular and sought after remedy, which is widely used in modern pharmacology. It is difficult to overestimate its analgesic, antiviral and antibacterial effect. Used to treat sore throat and various oral infections.


Various healing tinctures are made from calendula. They are used to gargle the throat and mouth when the tonsils are inflamed. Also, these tinctures are applied to burns, small wounds and cracks. The medicinal substances contained in calendula promote their speedy healing and disinfection.

Common blackhead (black gourd, etc.) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. Classified as poisonous! It grows in fields, forest edges, meadows, along roadsides in the European part of Russia, Karelia, Siberia, and the Caucasus. Grown in ornamental gardening for flower beds. It is used in folk medicine as a plant with anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic and a number of other valuable medicinal properties.

Liverwort noble or common (copse, blue snowdrops) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family with very decorative flowers. It will grow in shaded areas of deciduous forests in Europe and Asia. Liverwort is loved by gardeners and is also used in folk medicine and homeopathy.

The common strawberry tree or common arbutus (common strawberry, etc.) is an evergreen shrub or tree of the Ericaceae family. In nature, it grows on forest edges, clearings, and rocky slopes in the Mediterranean, Western Asia, Western Europe and America. Arbutus is valued in ornamental plant growing, cooking, as well as in folk medicine and homeopathy.

Adoxa musk (musk grass, musk grass, etc.) is a herbaceous plant of the Adoxaceae family, the flowers of which have a musky aroma. It grows in Europe, Asia, China, Korea, Mongolia, and North America. Adoxa musk is used in folk medicine, perfume production, and also in everyday life to repel mosquitoes and midges.

Djungarian fighter or Djungarian aconite is a poisonous perennial herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family. Distributed in Kyrgyzstan, China, Kazakhstan, and the Hindustan Peninsula. It is used in folk medicine as a plant that has analgesic, antitumor, antiseptic and a number of other medicinal properties.

Alpinia officinalis (Chinese galangal) is a perennial herbaceous tropical plant of the Zingiberaceae family. Cultivated in Japan and Southeast Asian countries as an ornamental, spicy and medicinal plant. Alpinia root is used in cooking, perfume making, medicine, homeopathy and aromatherapy. The beneficial effects of alpinia on the gastrointestinal tract are best known for its medicinal properties.

Navel nobilis (Anthemis, yellow chamomile, Roman chamomile, Italian chamomile) is a perennial herbaceous plant resembling chamomile. It grows wild in Crimea. The navel is grown in ornamental gardening, and is also widely used in folk medicine as a plant that has a number of valuable healing properties.

Common fennel (fennel) is a herbaceous biennial or perennial plant of the Apiaceae family, which has long been used in cooking, as well as in folk and official medicine.

Every day our body encounters a huge variety of microorganisms, many of them are not so harmless. Viruses and pathogenic bacteria can cause serious illness, especially when a person’s immunity is weakened. The body needs help in the fight against “uninvited guests”, which will be provided by natural antibiotics.

Many natural medicines have antibiotic properties, but some have more, some less. Like synthetic medicines, natural remedies have their own spectrum of action. Today we will look at the most powerful natural antibiotics.

Spectrum of antibacterial action of medicinal natural plants and honey

According to research by the Institute of Maternal and Child Health, Khabarovsk, head Ph.D. G.N. Chill

  1. Yarrow. Yarrow herb has a bacteriostatic effect (that is, suppresses reproduction) on white staphylococcus, proteus, and enterobacteria. It acts both bactericidal (i.e. kills) and bacteriostatic on E. coli. Weak effect on hemolytic streptococcus.
  2. Wormwood. The herb wormwood acts similarly to yarrow, in addition, it suppresses the proliferation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. But unlike yarrow, it does not act on enterobacteria.
  3. Ledum. Ledum shoots act similarly to yarrow, but do not have a bactericidal effect on E. coli (only suppresses its reproduction).
  4. Tansy. Tansy flowers act in the same way as wild rosemary. In addition, it has a bactericidal effect on micrococci.
  5. The plantain is big. Plantain leaves act similarly to tansy, in addition they kill white staphylococcus and E. coli.
  6. Eleutherococcus. Suppresses the proliferation of white staphylococcus, proteus, E. coli and enterobacteria. Eleutherococcus has a bactericidal effect on Escherichia coli, i.e. kills.
  7. Motherwort pentaloba acts in the same way as eleutherococcus.
  8. Pure honey is a strong natural antibiotic. It acts in the same way as yarrow, but also kills Staphylococcus aureus. According to studies, pure honey mixed with the extract of these plants increases their antibacterial activity several times, adding a bactericidal effect on Staphylococcus aureus. By combining fresh infusions of antibiotic herbs with each other and combining them with honey, you can get an excellent broad-spectrum antibiotic herbal preparation. However, these remedies are very unstable, so they must be taken freshly prepared.
  9. They have a strong bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on streptococci and staphylococci. sage, calendula, cetraria, celandine, eucalyptus. Eucalyptus has a powerful bactericidal effect on pneumococci, as well as those infections that cause genitourinary diseases in women.

Antiviral herb

According to research from the Institute of Naturopathy Meadowsweet(meadowsweet) has an antiviral effect. This herb can kill the influenza virus and stimulate your own immunity. With timely treatment, meadowsweet grass can even destroy the herpes virus (including genital). This herb shortens the period of ARVI symptoms from 7 days to 3. It has a positive effect on hepatitis and pancreatitis of viral origin. The use of tincture for these diseases significantly improves the condition of patients.

Another antiviral herbal remedy is Black elderberry.
Elderberry flowers successfully fight the influenza virus.

Herbalist: a recipe for a uroantiseptic, which is not inferior in strength to the strongest antibiotics(for cystitis, pyelonephritis, other diseases of the genitourinary system, prostatitis)

Eucalyptus leaf, calendula flowers, St. John's wort herb, echinacea herb, elecampane root - 1 part each;

elderberry flowers, lingonberry leaf, fireweed herb, meadowsweet herb - 2 parts; rose hips - 3 parts.

Mix the dry raw materials, take 1 heaped tablespoon, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos. Let it brew. Drink 0.5 glasses before meals, course 1.5 months. It is advisable for men to add fireweed, but for women it is possible without it. When taken in the morning, it is recommended to add 10 drops of Eleutherococcus extract.

Natural antibiotics

Herbalist: a recipe for garlic tincture to stimulate your own immunity after a myocardial infarction

Finely chop or crush 200 grams of garlic, put in a glass jar, pour in 200 ml of 96% alcohol. Place in a cool, dark place for 10 days, shake daily. Strain through a thick cloth. 2-3 days after straining, take in 50 ml of milk at room temperature 1 hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals according to the following scheme:

  • 1 day morning 1 drop, lunch 2 drops, dinner 3 drops
  • Day 2: morning 4 drops, lunch 5 drops, dinner 6 drops
  • Day 3: morning 7 drops, lunch 8 drops, dinner 9 drops
  • Day 4: morning 10 drops, lunch 11 drops, dinner 12 drops
  • Day 5: morning 13 drops, lunch 14 drops, dinner 15 drops
  • Day 6: morning 15 drops, lunch 14 drops, dinner 13 drops
  • Day 7: morning 12 drops, lunch 11 drops, dinner 10 drops
  • Day 8 morning 9 drops, lunch 8 drops, dinner 7 drops
  • Day 9 morning 6 drops, lunch 5 drops, dinner 4 drops
  • Day 10 morning 3 drops, lunch 2 drops, dinner 1 drop

Inhalation with garlic: During an epidemic, a little trick will help. Every day, when you come home from work, the first thing you do is wash your hands, put the kettle on to boil and finely chop the garlic or onion. Rinse the teapot specially designated for the procedure with boiling water. Place the garlic/onion there and close the lid. Warm the kettle slightly in the microwave (for a second) or on low heat on the stove. Inhale the resulting vapor through the kettle spout through your mouth and nose. Such inhalation will help neutralize pathogenic microbes in the respiratory tract and protect against infection.

Phytotherapist: recipe for infectious diseases

2 teaspoons of cetraria per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink 2 tablespoons 5 times a day before meals.

Phytotherapist: recipe for infections, for healing the liver, pancreas, lungs, restoring normal intestinal microflora

250 grams of kefir, 1 tablespoon of cetraria, a teaspoon of honey, mix thoroughly, let it brew for 15 minutes and drink for dinner.

  1. Ginger.
    Ginger roots not only have a spicy taste, but also powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.
  2. Onion contains phytoncides, vitamins and other substances with antibiotic activity. Onions should be consumed raw during colds and beyond. During the flu season, onion particles are placed in rooms to prevent the spread of infection.
  3. Essential oils(rosemary, tea tree, cloves, eucalyptus, sage, etc.) Essential oils of many plants are the strongest natural antibiotics. The spectrum of action of essential oils is wide. In addition to antibacterial properties, they have antiviral and antifungal activity. To prevent and treat infectious diseases, they do inhalations with essential oils, aroma baths, and use aroma lamps to disinfect the air in rooms.
  4. Viburnum bark is a strong antibacterial agent, especially for sore throats. In Siberian villages, a decoction of viburnum bark shavings is used to gargle. Viburnum berries are also an antibiotic.
  5. Cranberry exhibits antibiotic activity against colds and genitourinary infections. On its basis, drugs have been created for the treatment of the kidneys and urinary tract.
  6. Sap
    in large doses it is poisonous, and in small doses it is an antiseptic. For sore throats, a drop of pine resin is dissolved in the mouth. Turpentine is made from resin, which is used to take baths for colds, radiculitis, and exacerbation of urolithiasis.
  7. Poplar buds, birch buds, aspen buds- good natural antibacterial agents.

Herbalist: recipe

Take 2 parts of poplar buds, 1 part of birch buds, 1 part of aspen buds, fill with vodka 1:10, leave for 2 weeks. Take 30 drops diluted in water as an analgesic, regenerating, antibacterial agent. Treats cystitis, pyelonephritis.

You need to know that these drugs are not suitable for primary therapy. Natural antibiotics are often used for prevention, additional treatment, and rehabilitation after infectious diseases. In cases of severe, advanced infections, as well as with a pronounced decrease in immunity, the use of medicinal antibacterial and antiviral drugs cannot be avoided.