Best romantic movie quotes. The most beautiful forgotten quotes from famous films

Love is conquered only by flight.

Pietro Bembo (XV century)

Love helps you forget about time, time helps you forget about love.

The one who is cured of love first is always cured more completely.

Francois La Rochefoucauld


1. Don't meet him, don't call or write to him.

2. The easier way: get to know him better.

Wendy Cope

There is no cure for colds or love. They pass on their own.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

Passion: the only disease that can be cured by relapse.

Gerard de Rohan-Chabot

What motivates us to love a woman is how she differs from other women; and what she has in common with them cures us of love.

Jacques Deval

No one has yet been cured of love by good intentions.

Jerzy Broszkiewicz

A man always wants to be a woman's first love. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become a man's last love.

Oscar Wilde

-I really like her, but I'm not in love with her.

-And she’s in love with you, although she doesn’t like you very much.

Oscar Wilde

-How long could you love a woman who doesn’t love you?

-Which one doesn’t love? All life.

Oscar Wilde

Loyalty! Someday I will analyze this feeling. It contains the greed of the owner. We would willingly give up many things if it were not for the fear that someone else would pick it up.

Oscar Wilde

If you are away for a short time, I am ready to wait for you all my life.

Oscar Wilde

I consider superficial people to be those who love only once in their life. Their so-called loyalty and constancy are just lethargy of habit or lack of imagination.

Oscar Wilde

The love of a married woman is a great thing. Married men never dreamed of this.

Oscar Wilde

Those who are faithful in love only have access to its banal essence. The tragedy of love is experienced only by those who cheat.

Oscar Wilde

It is bad if the authorities test their strength through insults; It’s bad if respect is acquired through horror: you will achieve what you want much sooner with love than with fear. After all, when you leave, fear will disappear, but love will remain, and as it turns into hatred, so it turns into respect.

Old love, like a wedge with a wedge, can be knocked out with a new love.

Thoughts and aphorisms of the ancient Romans

You can't hide love and a cough.

Thoughts and aphorisms of the ancient Romans

Baths, wine and love completely destroy our body.

But life is also created by baths, wine and love.

Thoughts and aphorisms of the ancient Romans

A woman's film: a film in which a wife cheats on her husband throughout the entire session, and at the end he begs for her forgiveness.

Oscar Levant (1906 – 1972), American pianist and composer

All love scenes that begin on set end in the dressing room.

Alfred Hitchcock (1899 – 1980), English film director

The actress's kisses are the most unnerving. You never know – is this serious or just for practice?

Ruth Gordon (1896 – 1985), American actress and playwright

Exchanging kisses on camera means no more than exchanging glances on the street.

Jeanne Moreau (b. 1928), French actress

Love is an elegant golden box containing a carefully hidden bill.

Jan Zachariasevich

Love is the most proven way to overcome shame.

Sigmund Freud

Love is the drug through which popular mythology is able to digest sexuality.

Germaine Greer, Australian feminist

Love: a physiological function that has made a dizzying career.

Julian Tuwim

Love in the form in which it is accepted in our society is just a game of two whims and the contact of two epiderms.

Nicola Chamfort

Love is a game of cards in which both bluff: one to win, the other not to lose.

Henri Renier

Love is a game for two, in which both can win.

Eva Gabor

Love is a game in which he loses, she loses, and only the human race wins.

Andre Prevost

Let's see what platonic love is in the sayings and quotes of famous people.

Beautiful quotes about love from famous people

The ancient Greeks despised women as the inferior sex. Therefore, it seems to me, such a concept as platonic love arose - Plato also did not like women.

Olga Arnold, psychologist

PLATONIC LOVE: in the meaning of “homosexual love” this expression appeared in Marsilio Ficino (XV century); in the meaning of “ideal love” became widespread in England in the 17th century.

Henryk Markiewicz and Andrzej Romanowski. “Winged Words” (Warsaw, 1998)

Platonic love, of course, is possible, but only between spouses.

"Ladies Home Journal"

Platonic love: sex above the ears.

Tira Sumter Winslow

The greatest power over a man has a woman who, without giving herself to him, is able to make him believe that he is loved.

Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

Beautiful quotes about the love of God

Love for God is the highest form of all forms of love. Phrases about the love of God.

If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but do not have love, then I am a ringing gossamer, or a sounding cymbal.

Apostle Paul - 1st letter to the Corinthians, 13, 1

Others think that they have love for God or for Nature, when in fact they have hatred for people.

William Inge (1860 – 1954), British priest

Two people cannot hate each other if they both love God.

From the book by E. Mackenzie “14,000 phrases...”

The one who loves me takes away my freedom. What would fascinate me if I loved God is that God does not reciprocate my love.

Henri de Montherlant (1896 – 1973), French writer

Perfect fear drives out love.

Cyril Connolly (1903 – 1974), English critic

Love for God is the knowledge of God, love for the world is the knowledge of the world, love for man is the knowledge of man.

Nikolai Berdyaev (1874 – 1948), philosopher

In the main thing there is unity, in the secondary thing there is freedom, and in everything there is love.

17th century saying; attributed to Augustine and other Church Fathers

Love for God is more common than love for people because it is cheaper.

Alfred Bougard (1815 – 1882), French historian

Love Quotes from Movies

In life, you should not confuse real love and theatrical love. Quotes about love from films.

An artist must know everything about love and learn to live without it.

Anna Pavlova, ballerina

On stage, the main thing is to be able to laugh and cry at will. If I need to cry, I think about my love affairs. If I need to laugh, I think about my love affairs.

Glenda Jackson, singer

On stage I make love to twenty-five thousand spectators; and then I return home alone.

Janis Joplin, singer

The worst way actors perform love scenes is by falling into banality or exaggeration. Is it because there is no such component in their lives? How rare it is to find what everyone is talking about! It is like the center of a circle that is at rest although everything revolves around it.

Karol Izhikowski

I go to the theater to have fun. I don't need rape, sodomy, incest or drugs on stage. I can get all this at home.

Peter Cook

Every movie should be a thriller, even if it's just a low-key love story.

Bernardo Bertolucci

The South Sea natives do not speak English, but their vocabulary is enough to divide Hollywood films into “bang-bang” and “smack-smack”.

Marlon Brando

There are amazingly timely inventions. For example, large-format cinema appeared just when actors on the screen began to spend most of their time lying down.

Many films pass almost unnoticed for us, but quotes from them are remembered for a long time, others, on the contrary, leave an indelible imprint on our hearts, but individual statements are quickly forgotten. Today we will remember the most beautiful, sentimental and unfairly forgotten quotes from films that, perhaps, everyone has seen.

“One day you will know what true love is, it is both bitter and sweet; I think the bitterness is to better appreciate the sweetness.”

(Vanilla Sky, Cameron Crowe)

“It’s easier to become a victim of a terrorist than to get married after 40.

It is not true!

These are statistics."

(Sleepless in Seattle, Nora Ephron)

“When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

("When Harry Met Sally" by Rob Reiner)

“There will be poetry in my life. And adventures. And love. Love is the main thing. Not an artificial shadow of love, but love that transforms life. Spontaneous, unruly, like a heart attack. It will come - either death or delight.”

(Shakespeare in Love, John Madden)

“If you are a person, then love a person, and not some ethereal dream.”

(“Formula of Love”, Mark Zakharov)

“A man without a woman runs wild: a few days of solitude - and he stops shaving, washing, and purrs like an animal. It took man several million years to reach civilization, but you can return to the Neanderthal state in six days.”

(“Love lasts three years”, Frederic Beigbeder)

“Maybe we’ll go back? Shall we be born again? That's the only thing we can't have here. Finding each other... again and again. Fall in love. Make different decisions. Try again.

How will I find you?

I found you in hell. You don’t think I can find you in Jersey?”

(What Dreams May Come by Vincent Ward)

“We have forgotten how to do big good stupid things. We stopped climbing into the windows of the women we love.”

(“The Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!”, Eldar Ryazanov)

“Fear has enormous power - it takes away your freedom of choice. Now you let fear decide for you, and then that same fear will make you change your mind again. You don’t have to do anything out of fear.”

(The Sea Within, Alejandro Amenabar)

“It doesn't matter how people meet. They may be from completely different worlds, never walking the same paths, but one day they collide and their lives change.”

("The Chase", Adam Rifkin)

“We were together - I forgot the whole world.”

(“Forgive me for love”, Federico Moccia)

“If a woman wants something, then you must definitely give it to her, otherwise she will take it herself.”

(“The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”, Alla Surikova)

“If Amelie decided to dream and live in her own closed world, that’s her right. For ruining one’s life is an inalienable human right.”

(“Amelie”, Jean-Pierre Jeunet)

“And what are we going to do?

Good films serve as an excellent source of inspiration, they give a boost of energy and motivation to action.

Phrases with deep meaning from great inspiring films

And in my soul I'm dancing (Inside I'm Dancing)

Do not give up. You have no right to give up. Damn, the whole world is in your hands.

1+1 / Intouchables

Don't expect things to get easier, simpler, better. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise you won't have time.

August Rush

So only some people hear?
- Only those who listen.

The Pursuit of Happiness
There will always be those who will say that you won’t succeed. Don't listen to anyone if you really want to achieve something. They say it won't work because they couldn't do it themselves.

In Time

If you had a lot of time on the clock, what would you do?
- I would stop watching. I can say one thing, if I had time, I wouldn’t waste it.

Always say “Yes” (Yes Man)

The world is a playground. As a child you know this, but as you get older you begin to forget.


Do you want to understand how I do this? It's very simple - I'm not saving my strength for the way back.

Groundhog Day

The main thing is to take the first step. This is the hardest part.

The Lake House

I pushed away the person who was next to me, who wanted to marry me, ran away from him, and I would like to live my whole life with the person I can’t meet.

Scent of a Woman

Life is a tango, in which the main thing is movement. If you stop, the dance will stop, if you stop, life will stop.

Coco Chanel

Strength is based on failure, not success. I became strong when I swam against the current.

What Dreams May Come

Everyone has their own hell - it doesn’t have to be fire and tar! Our hell is a wasted life!

The Legend of the Pianist (La leggenda del pianista sull’oceano)

Here's the piano. The keyboard starts and ends. There are only 88 keys. They are not infinite. You are infinite, and the music that you extract from the keys is infinite.

Legend No. 17
You must live. Not for the sake of fame and awards. Live and play. And make a choice every day.

Million Dollar Baby

Every day in the world someone dies, sweeping the floor, clearing away the dishes, and the last thought is: “I didn’t take my chance.”

Changing Reality (The Adjustment Bureau)

You have no free will, only the illusion of freedom. You are free to choose the flavor of toothpaste or brand of wine, but nothing more. Humanity still lacks the wisdom to make important decisions.

Peaceful Warrior

Get the garbage out of your head. Garbage is everything that hides from you the only thing that makes sense... this moment. Here. Now. And when you are here and now, you will be surprised at what you can do and how you can do it.

Areas of Darkness (Limitless)

There are times in life when you know you have crossed your boundaries. Your old life is over. Van Gogh was my frontier. I got my chance.

Haven't played the bucket yet (The Bucket List)
It is difficult to realize the value of human life... some will say that it is measured by loved ones, some - it can be measured by faith, some will say - by love, while others do not see the meaning in life at all... Me? - I believe everyone judges themselves by the people who look up to them.

Anger Management

Self-control is the only thing you cannot get rid of by losing it.

Do you know any great quotes from movies that inspire? Share them in the comments!

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Love turns us into one. "To the Wonder"

There is no parting, there is only love... only love... "The Perfect Storm"

All love is legitimate if it is love. "The Same Munchausen"

Love is like an accidental death... Love is the most important thing... "Goddess: How I fell in love"

Love! Pure love will never lose its power! “Why are we getting married again?” (Why Did I Get Married Too?)

For love is strong as death... "Admiral"

Love is not one magical moment, not a fairy tale, or even love at first sight. Love is just love. "The Wedding Planner"

Love at first sight exists. "Amelie" (Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain)

Death cannot kill love. "If only"

Love is a terrible flaw. "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End"

Love and reason are incompatible! "Valentine's Day"

I have collected 31 love quotes from 31 movies.

The films are very different: thrillers, comedies and dramas. But all movie quotes are about love. Movie characters talk about love, give their assessments, rejoice or suffer. Quotes taken out of the general line of the film very often lose their original meaning or take on a different meaning. Therefore, I tried to choose moments and statements of the characters that, even apart from the plot, do not lose their meaning.

31 love quotes from movies.

One day you will know what true love is, it is both bitter and sweet; I think the bitterness is to better appreciate the sweetness.

Vanilla sky=

“It’s easier to become a victim of a terrorist than to get married after 40.”

- It is not true!

“These are statistics.”

Sleepless in Seattle =

There will be poetry in my life. And adventures. And love. Love is the main thing. Not an artificial shadow of love, but love that transforms life. Spontaneous, unruly, like a heart attack. It will come - either death or delight.

Shakespeare in Love =

If you are a person, then love a person, and not some ethereal dream.

Formula of love =

We have forgotten how to do big good stupid things. We stopped climbing into the windows of our beloved women.

Irony of fate or with light steam =

All love is legitimate if it is love.

The same Munchausen =

Love is like an accidental death... Love is the most important thing...

Goddess: How I fell in love =

- You need to marry an orphan!

Beware of the car =

People should not speak in tongues.

Soul! And if she doesn’t succeed, then what’s the use of wagging her tongues in vain?

White dews=

And you - love, love, la - la. And for divorce. They stopped having children. You will soon bring the country. When you go out into the street, there will be no one to say hello to.

White dews =

“I won’t let any husband come here.” My home is my castle. Here I am everyone's husband.

Womanizer =

- Let me admire you!

Big change =

Find someone you can love like a madman on the loose, and who will love you just as madly. You just have to try. If you don't try, then you will live your life in vain.

Meet Joe Black =

Can't fall in love? But life without love is simply terrible.

Moulin Rouge =

The only time you experience true loss is when you lose someone or something you love more than you love yourself.

It will be a good hunt =

Mom says that love is like a bus - the next one will definitely come. We just have to wait.

Lonely man =

You can erase love from your memory. Throwing it out of the heart is another story.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind =

Not everyone finds love because they are looking for the perfect one. But this doesn’t happen. True love is imperfect.

Dawson's Creek =

When love and duty are one and the same, it is a blessing.

Painted Veil =

Love cannot be misfortune. Misfortune cannot be love .

Delhi Dance =

It only takes a minute to fall in love. To get a divorce, sometimes you have to live together for twenty years.

= The same Munchausen =

Love! Pure love will never lose its power!

Why are we getting married again =

“I came back to say that you are abnormal, boorish, misogynistic, rude and a dork!”

- Besides?

- You are also a braggart!

- Understood. You fell in love with me!

= Taming of the Shrew =

From life to life, evil returns as evil. And love comes back like love. From life to life. Forever. Love brings souls together forever. The same souls in different people live together from century to century...

X-Files =

For two adults, we fight too often. Why do other couples go through life in a waltz?

- Waltz is easy! And you and I are dancing tango!

Desperate Housewives =

I won't let you die until you understand that you are loved. By many and so much... And by no one as much as by me!

Doctor Who =

There are only four questions of value on earth:

What is sacred?

What does the spirit consist of?

What is it worth living for?

What can you die for?

The answer is always the same: it’s love!

Don Juan de Marco =

We ate love and dried buns...

Bitter Moon =

It's good when you love someone. But when you can’t live without this person, that’s neurasthenia.

Habit of getting married =

I don't need anything in return: no gifts, no things, no demonstration of fidelity. It's enough to know that you love me too. Only your heart in exchange for mine!

Stardust =

- Do you love me?

- I can’t breathe without you...

Mister nobody =