The best modern sniper rifles in the world. The longest-range rifles in the world

With a rifled barrel it is the main weapon of a soldier in any army. The American television channel Discovery once again pleased the world with its latest weapons rating, based on the results of which the best rifle of the 20th century was chosen. Despite some bias and bias in the Military Channel programs, I believe that it is always useful to get acquainted with a foreign perspective on a topic that interests us.

Each model was evaluated by military experts for accuracy of fire, combat effectiveness, originality of design, ease of use and reliability. The presented weapon models were created throughout the 20th century, which did not confuse the experts at all - in their opinion, good small arms have been used in the regular army for decades, and then get a second life in regional conflicts, which abound in the 20th century. To be convinced of the validity of these words, it is enough to recall the Mosin “three-line” model of 1891, the Kalashnikov assault rifle or the legendary “Colt” M1911 - the index speaks for itself, but even after 100 years the pistol does not seem like an anachronism and is still widely used throughout to the world.

10th place - A rifle that strikes on the spot.
Automatic rifle M14
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Muzzle velocity: 850 m/s
Rate of fire: 700-750 rounds/min.
Magazine capacity: 20 rounds

During World War II, the American army faced a major problem: each infantry platoon used three types of small arms with different ammunition: the standard M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle (caliber 0.30-06), the .45-caliber Thompson submachine gun and the manual machine gun "Browning" M1918 (7.62 x 63 mm). The result of work on the topic “universal small arms” was the creation of the M14 automatic rifle; the weapon was put into service in 1957 (complete with an M76 under-barrel grenade launcher). The M14 used a full-size 7.62 caliber cartridge (powder charge 1.5 times greater than that of the AK-47), giving the rifle a longer effective firing range and high lethality of the ammunition.

However, in practice, the new rifle turned out to be of little use for combat: the extremely powerful ammunition did not allow firing in bursts without the use of a bipod - at a distance of 100 meters, the 3rd bullet in the burst went 10 meters above the initial aiming point. Most rifles were issued to soldiers with the fire mode translator removed - firing in bursts from the M14 was nothing more than a waste of ammunition. After suffering with the M14 for several years, the Americans adopted a new automatic weapon chambered for a low-impulse cartridge. In 1964, the combat career of the M14 as the main army rifle ended, but the high power and excellent accuracy of this unsuccessful machine gun made it possible to create on its basis a line of special rifles - the M21 self-loading sniper rifle, the high-precision weapon for special forces - the M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle, the TEI M89 sniper rifle -SR for the Israel Defense Forces, rifle for the Lithuanian Armed Forces, etc.

9th place – First assault rifle
Sturmgewehr 44
Caliber: 7.92 mm
Muzzle velocity: 650 m/s
Rate of fire: 500 rounds/min.
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds

Such a unique weapon that its creation was hidden even from Hitler. In the middle of World War II, the Wehrmacht came up with the idea
creating a new small arms that combined the high rate of fire of a submachine gun and the power of a long-barreled rifle. German designers found an ingenious solution - an intermediate cartridge 7.92 x 33 mm. Now the recoil did not tear the machine gun out of the hands, however, the effective range and destructive power of the ammunition were quite consistent with a classic long-barreled rifle. And thanks to the reduction in the mass of the cartridge, the wearable ammunition load has increased.

Alas, Uncle Adolf himself stood in the way of the successful project - fortunately for our soldiers, Hitler did not appreciate the advantages of the intermediate cartridge and closed the project. But the enormous firepower of the machine guns impressed the military so much that in 1943 their mass production began under the “leftist” designation MP-43. During one of the inspection trips, the leader of the German nation was surprised by the request of the soldiers - they needed more assault rifles. Despite the revealed deception, Hitler independently came up with a sonorous name for the new “wunderwaffe” - Sturmgewehr 44 (“Hurricane Rifle”).

Despite the primitiveness of the design, the German assault rifle rightfully receives high praise for the innovative nature of its design - there is still debate as to whether the legendary Kalashnikov assault rifle was created under the impression of the StG 44.

8th place – American centenarian
Springfield M1903
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Muzzle velocity: 820 m/s.
Rate of fire: 10 rounds/min.
Clip capacity: 5 rounds

American rifle of the early twentieth century, one of many successful designs created at that time. Accurate and reliable weapon.
In 1941, American soldiers went into battle with the same rifles that their fathers had used 20 years earlier. There were simply not enough new M1 Garand rifles, and the Marines had to use the Springfield M1903 in battle, but objectively, the rifle at that time was not at all outdated, surpassing all Japanese models in its main characteristics. It was also used in Vietnam as a special sniper rifle (“What was there in this Vietnam!” the reader will exclaim, and he will be right - weapons from all over the world, from different time periods, fought there). Nowadays, “Springfields” are carefully kept in many American families.
A good weapon, but, in my opinion, the creators of the show could have found more interesting things for the rating. The Americans paid tribute to their traditions, and they have the right to rate them.

7th place - Back to front
Automatic rifle Steyr AUG
Caliber: 5.56 mm
Muzzle velocity: 940 m/s
Rate of fire: 650 rds/min
Magazine capacity: 30 or 42 rounds

The exotic design and technology of the Austrian Steyr AUG rifle became a real challenge to army traditions. The Armee Universal Gewehr small arms complex, which appeared in 1977, represented a new direction in the design of small arms - bullpup assault rifles, in which the magazine and bolt assembly are located behind the fire control handle and trigger. This made the rifle light and compact, and also increased the accuracy of fire. Other interesting features of the Steyr AUG include: a set of quick-release barrels of different lengths (replacement takes a dozen seconds), a built-in low-magnification optical sight, the absence of a fire mode translator (the selection of modes is carried out by the depth of the trigger press), a choice of the direction of ejection of cartridges - for the first time, a weapon has been adapted for right-handers and left-handers.

But, despite its outstanding technical characteristics and excellent Austrian quality, the Steyr is not widely used in the world - in addition to the Austrian army, it is produced under license in Australia, used in some Arab countries and in the US Coast Guard. The unusual appearance of the machine scared off most potential customers.

By the way, the experts were wrong - the first automatic rifle built according to the bullpup design was the Korovin assault rifle, created in 1945. Unfortunately, the unfinished design and the overall low technical level of performance did not allow it to successfully pass tests.

6th place - Hitler's favorite rifle
Bolt-action rifle Mauser K98k
Caliber: 7.92 mm.
Muzzle velocity: 860 m/s.
Rate of fire: 10-15 rds/min
Magazine capacity: 5 rounds

The Mauser K98 rifle, adopted by the Reichsheer in 1898, absorbed the most promising achievements of the then weapons science. These included smokeless powder, clips of cartridges that could simply be inserted into the magazine, and, finally, the bolt-action bolt action—quick and simple, still used in most hunting rifles today.

It is not surprising that the rifle pleased the young corporal A. Hitler. In 1935, a shortened version of the Mauser K98 was adopted by the Wehrmacht army, receiving the name Mauser K98k.

In 1943, when preparing the assassination attempt on Hitler (it was planned to land two elite snipers in the area of ​​Hitler’s Alpine residence), British intelligence was faced with the question: which rifle to use in the operation. The answer was clear: only the Mauser M98k due to its high accuracy. Gradually the situation changed, and along with it, plans to eliminate the mustachioed Fuhrer changed. In 1944, the British canceled the operation altogether: Hitler, with his stupid orders, was causing more harm to Germany than good.

On May 9, 1945, the history of the Third Reich ended, but the history of the Mauser K98k continued. The kosher rifle became the main small arms of the Israel Defense Forces (although the Americans are disingenuous - in the first years of the IDF’s existence, its small arms were a hodgepodge from all over the world, and the Mauser was far from the main one there, but not the last).

5th place – Right hand of the free world
Automatic rifle FN FAL
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Muzzle velocity: 820 m/s.
Rate of fire: 650-700 rds/min
Magazine capacity: 20 rounds

The FN FAL assault rifle has become a symbol of the struggle of Western civilization for the ideals of freedom and democracy - the weapon was supplied to 70 countries around the world, and is still produced in the USA. The “Big Belgian Barrel” was originally designed for shortened ammunition, but due to the standardization of weapons within the NATO bloc, it was converted to a powerful American cartridge of 7.62 x 51 mm. Despite the excessive power, the Fabric National engineers managed to achieve more or less acceptable accuracy of fire in automatic fire mode. The result is a heavy classic rifle with enormous destructive power, reliable and easy to use.

The FN FAL was the main small arms of the Israel Defense Forces during the Six-Day War, and was used in the jungles of Vietnam by units of the Canadian and Australian armies, where it showed itself better than the American M16. A funny embarrassment happened during the Falklands conflict - British marines and Argentine soldiers shot at each other from FN FAL.

4th place – Weapons of the winners in World War II
Semi-automatic rifle M1 "Garand"
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Muzzle velocity: 860 m/s
Rate of fire: up to 30 rounds per minute.
Clip capacity: 8 rounds

A true legend, a symbol of that great generation of Americans. A soldier armed with an M1 felt real power in his hands - a semi-automatic eight-shot rifle was the best weapon in the world for an infantryman at that time.
The M1 Garand, named after Canadian engineer John Garand, entered service in 1936 and remained the primary rifle of the US Army until 1957.

World War II poster - US flag has 48 stars (missing Alaska and Hawaii)

When millions of American soldiers went to fight on foreign shores, the M1 rifle suddenly developed a curious drawback: to increase the rate of fire, John Garand used automatic ejection of an empty pack in his weapon - after the eighth shot was fired, the clip instantly flew out of the rifle's bolt mechanism with a clang. A very convenient function in peacetime, but enemy soldiers quickly realized what a specific sound meant - the American GI was unarmed. But not everything is so simple - perhaps the cunning Marine clicked the spare clip on the bolt and threw the pack on the ground, waiting for the deceived Japanese to raise his head from cover.

Seriously speaking, the M1 Garand showed its best performance in a variety of climatic conditions - in the jungles of tropical islands, the sands of the Sahara or the snowdrifts of the Ardennes. There were no complaints about the reliability of the rifle. The Garand was simple, powerful and had excellent shooting accuracy. Soldiers armed with the M1 fought on all fronts of World War II; the rifle was used in Korea and, despite being officially retired, was often seen in the jungles of Vietnam.

3rd place – In the service of the Empire
Bolt-action rifle Lee-Enfield SMLE
Caliber: .303 British (7.7 mm)
Muzzle velocity: 740 m/s
Rate of fire: 20-30 rds/min
Magazine capacity: 10 rounds

Afghan Mujahid with Lee-Enfield SMLE, Kunar Province, 1985

For non-automatic rifles, the Lee-Enfield SMLE had a simply terrifying rate of fire thanks to a successful bolt design and a high-capacity magazine capable of holding 10 rounds (in this indicator, the Lee-Enfield SMLE was the leader throughout the first half of the 20th century). A trained shooter could fire up to 30 shots from it in a minute, turning a target into a sieve at a distance of 200 m. The “Crazy Minute” was one of the most spectacular numbers during the demonstration performances of the British Army.

The Lee-Enfield SMLE's fire density is comparable to that of modern semi-automatic rifles and carbines. It is not surprising that these weapons survived two world wars and were used all over the world for a long time, protecting the interests of the British Empire. Between 1907 and 1975, 17 million of these killer rifles were produced.

2nd place - Black rifle
Automatic assault rifle M16
Caliber: 5.56 mm
Muzzle velocity: 1020 m/s.
Rate of fire: 700-950 rds/min
Magazine capacity: 20 or 30 rounds

In 2003, alarming information began to arrive from the territory of occupied Iraq - too many Iraqi soldiers were killed by head-shots. The results of numerous brutal reprisals against prisoners are evident. But why are the bodies of the murdered lying everywhere? Did the experienced punishers really not even bother, at least for the sake of decency, to remove the evidence in the face of numerous international observers? Iraqi soldiers were shot in the head where they made their last stand, leaning out of tank hatches and house windows, in trenches and on barricades. Often in equipment and with weapons in their hands.

The Coalition Forces command explained this paradox by the superior accuracy of the M-16 rifles and the excellent training of American snipers. Thousands of people around the world stopped breathing thanks to the M16.

Comic for American soldiers: how to properly clean and disassemble the M16, 60s. Tastefully decorated


For 50 years, the M16 has been an indispensable attribute of the American soldier. Despite the lower barrel energy, the power of the low-pulse 5.56 x 45 mm cartridge was quite enough to stop a person; often, when it hit the body, the bullet began to tumble unimaginably, further enlarging the wound channel. At the same time, recoil was reduced and shooting accuracy increased. The design of the automatic rifle is made of plastic and alloyed aluminum, thanks to which the M16 had a minimum weight - only 2.88 kg without a magazine.

The "Black Rifle" was the nickname given to the M16 by American soldiers in Vietnam, but despite its stylish appearance, the new weapon had many problems. The machine mechanism did not tolerate dirt and sand. The problem was solved by sealing the rifle, for example, the window for ejecting cartridges is closed with a spring-loaded curtain. In a word, you need to try to get dirt inside the M16.

The Americans admit that the M16 has excellent shooting accuracy, but this “toy” also requires careful handling from its owner. The American assault rifle is not suitable for a partisan detachment; it is created for a professional army, in which cleaning and lubricating the weapon is the daily duty of every soldier. In return, the M16 makes it possible to shoot an enemy in the head from 500 m.

1st place – Thirty charges of rock and roll. The bad guys' weapons.

Automatic assault rifle AK-47
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Muzzle velocity: 710 m/s.
Rate of fire: 600 rds/min
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds

A universal killing machine, the most deadly weapon ever created by man - according to statistics, the number of people killed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle is many times greater than the number of victims of atomic bombings or killed by any other method. 1/5 of the world's small arms reserves are Kalashnikov assault rifles. Countless clones and modifications, 60 years of combat service in all hot corners of the planet. In terms of the number of armies that have adopted this weapon, Kalashnikov can only compete with the FN FAL. The AK-47 appears on the national flag of Mozambique.

How did the Russians manage to achieve SUCH an impressive result? American experts smile and shrug – this is probably the only time America lost to smithereens to the Soviet Union. The reasons for the wild popularity of the Kalash are low cost, ease of maintenance, reliability, reliability and once again RELIABILITY.

Osama Bin Laden and his Kalashnikov

Covered with rust and dirt, buried in sand or thrown with all its might onto the ground - the Kalashnikov assault rifle continues to fire in any conditions. All you need to service it is a finger and a rag. It is no coincidence that experts compared shooting from a Kalash to the game of rock and roll: the same drive, the same reckless hacking without stopping. True, experts found a “flaw” in the legendary assault rifle - a not very attractive design (but for some reason the ugly appearance of the Kalashnikov assault rifle did not at all affect its worldwide commercial success). Thanks to its simplicity and effectiveness in any conditions, the Kalash has become a faithful companion of bandits, partisans and terrorists around the world. “Kalash” was promoted with all its might in the United States - Hollywood specially worked to create its negative image: clearly, “Kalash” is the weapon of the bad guys.

Note: Many phrases and statements in this text may seem strange to you. The author just translated the funniest opuses of Military Channel experts.

Snipers have always been the elite of any country's armed forces, as they possessed a whole set of qualities that had to be either innate or acquired through years of training. We will tell you about the five best shooters in history.

Carlos Hascock

Carlos Hascock during the Vietnam War

Carlos Hascock was a famous American sniper during the Vietnam War. Having joined the army at the age of 17, he was greeted very coolly by his future fellow soldiers. Everyone doubted that the guy in the hat was capable of anything, but their doubts came to an end after the first shooting at the range. The young man did not miss a single time. The command could not miss such a talent, and in 1966 Carlos went to Vietnam, where at least 300 enemy soldiers died from his bullets. Ultimately, North Vietnam put a huge bounty on his head. Hascock's notable feature was the white feather he always wore in his hat, despite his fellow soldiers' concerns about camouflage.

One of Carlos' most famous shots was the killing of a Vietnamese sniper when the bullet went through the optical sight of his own rifle. This case formed the basis of many Hollywood blockbusters. In addition, Hascock was able to set a record for the range of a successful shot - 2250 meters, which was broken only in 2002.

But the war came to an end, and Carlos returned home without a single injury. He died in his bed, just short of his 57th birthday. Hascock is rightfully considered one of the most famous soldiers in the US Army.

Simo Häyhä

Next on our list is a sniper from snowy Finland. Simo Häyhä became not just a soldier, but a real symbol for both Finland itself and the Soviet Union. During the few months of the Winter War, which lasted from 1939 to 1940, Häyhä killed between 500 and 750 Soviet soldiers. A feature of the work of the “White Death” (this is the nickname Simo received among Soviet soldiers) was the use of weapons without an optical sight. History knows few examples of snipers using such rifles. The reliable distance at which the Finnish sniper’s bullets reached opponents is 450 meters.

The name of Simo Häyha raised the morale of Finnish soldiers even in the most difficult situations for them, and he himself quickly became a national hero of Finland. In addition to his small height (152 cm), which helped him with camouflage, Häyhä used various tricks: for example, he kept snow in his mouth so that the steam from his mouth would not give it away to his enemies while breathing, or he froze the crust in front of the barrel of his rifle with water so that when shooting Don't kick up the snow.

The famous Finnish sniper lived a long life and died in 2002 at the age of 96.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

The list could not help but include a sniper who frightened the Germans during World War II as much as the “White Death” frightened Soviet soldiers in its time. We are talking about Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper in world history. From the first days of the war, she was eager to fight and, having completed sniper courses, ended up in the ranks of a rifle company.

As Pavlichenko herself admitted, the hardest thing is to kill for the first time. In total, the legendary “Lady Death” accounted for 309 killed soldiers and officers.

Vasily Zaitsev

Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Zaitsev (left) during the Battle of Stalingrad, December 1942.

The name of another Soviet sniper terrified German soldiers. We are, of course, talking about Vasily Zaitsev. He, like many Soviet soldiers, mercilessly destroyed enemy soldiers, but the most famous battle was a sniper duel with a German ace sniper, who was tasked with destroying Zaitsev. After many hours of tense waiting, Vasily was able to calculate the sniper’s location by the brilliance of the optical sight and fire one accurate shot. The man killed was a major in the army of the Third Reich.

Zaitsev, who headed the school of masters, made a significant contribution to the development of sniper art, writing several books on combat and developing new tactics for sniper hunting.

Chris Kyle

One of the best snipers of our time, who has proven this title in real combat, is Texas native Chris Kyle, who from the age of 8 decided that accurate shooting was his life’s work. By 2003, the young man had experience participating in special operations, and the command decided to send him to Iraq. There he showed himself to be a real master. A year later, when he had more than 150 people on his account, the nickname “Shaitan from Ramadi” was attached to him, and a reward of $20,000 was placed on his head. The American sniper is famous for his shot from a distance of 1920 meters, when the bullet overtook the Iraqi militia who was threatening the advance of American tanks.

Chris Kyle was killed in 2013 by another Iraq War veteran who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. During his service, Chris Kyle defeated 255 opponents.

Illustration: depositphotos | BestPhotoStudio

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As usual, this article was inspired by Anna Lapshina. Previously, she inspired me to write the articles THE MOST POWERFUL AIR RIFLE, THE MOST POWERFUL AIR PISTOL, THE MOST POWERFUL CO2 AIR GUN and HOW TO INCREASE THE POWER OF AN AIR PISTOL. These articles can be read on the corresponding websites, and can be accessed through the main and side menus. For those who don't know. Anna is a rather strange girl who, with the persistence of a maniac, writes rather ignorant articles about weapons. But the most important thing is that Anna is either the wife or a relative of YANDEX, because he ALWAYS puts her articles in first place in the search results.

You can’t imagine how Anna’s relationship with YANDEX excites my imagination.
A small lyrical digression. It’s unlikely, but YANDEX does not recognize Putin as the president of Russia. You can read about this on this site in the article ALIEN AGAINST PREDATOR YANDEX AGAINST PUTIN
It would be nice if Anya were alone. And then there is also Tanya Zaitseva. Its powerful sniper rifles are not accepted for service but APPEAR ON SALE. Well, accordingly, American Navy SEALs have been lining up behind them since the night. It also has such a technical parameter as the initial speed of the CARTRIDGE. This is probably the sum of the velocities of the bullet casing and the powder gases.

Her article also ranks higher in searches than mine. Maybe YANDEX is a normal guy and loves all women?
But let's not talk about sad things and try to find out the truth. To begin with, let's clearly distinguish between anti-tank rifles that, by misunderstanding, ended up in the twenty-first century and on which some eccentrics installed optical sights. Sniper rifles have one feature - HIGH SHOOTING ACCURACY. It is on this basis that we will distinguish anti-tank rifles from precision weapons. You can, of course, add this parameter - the shooter must independently carry his weapon at least five hundred meters and not overstrain himself.
And another small technical digression. All powerful sniper rifles (especially those in twenty millimeter caliber) have powerful recoil. Therefore, they all have recoil devices of varying degrees of complexity and a muzzle brake.

A well-made muzzle brake looks very nice, but at the same time increases the sound impact on the shooter’s ears. Especially if it is a jet type with partitions angled towards the shooter, as in the top photo. That is, if you shoot without headphones or earplugs, you can simply injure your eardrum and remain deaf.

The most powerful sniper rifles chambered for the fifty-caliber cartridge

The cartridge known as the .50 BMG (Browning Machine Gun, metric designation 12.7x99) is one of the oldest machine gun cartridges

Many European and even more American sniper rifles are designed for the sniper version of the 50-caliber machine gun cartridge. 50 BMG (Browning Machine Gun, metric designation 12.7x99).
You can read about European and American large-caliber rifles in the article LARGE-CALIBER SNIPER RIFLES.
All are designed for the sniper version of our 12.7x108 machine gun cartridge.
The numbers ninety-nine and one hundred eight in the designation of cartridges indicate the length of the cartridge case in millimeters. The Russian cartridge has a larger case length and volume, and therefore a larger powder charge. Therefore, the American cartridge allows the bullet to reach a power of seventeen thousand joules, and the Russian cartridge allows it to reach eighteen thousand joules. These are average power values, the initial speed of the bullet and, accordingly, its power depend both on the length of the barrel and on the weight of the bullet itself.

In the photo, on the far right is our cartridge from a heavy machine gun, and next to it is an American one.

The most powerful sniper rifles for shells for anti-aircraft and aircraft guns

This is where a legal question arises - twenty millimeters is a cannon caliber. Therefore, it is not clear whether we can call a weapon of twenty millimeters a sniper rifle?

VULCAN aircraft gun and comparison of the sizes of sniper rifles chambered for a fifty-caliber cartridge and a twenty-millimeter caliber cartridge.

A powerful sniper rifle chambered for the VULKAN-M61 aircraft gun has been created in the United States of America. The caliber of the projectile is twenty millimeters. The length of the sleeve (and we remember that the power depends on the length and volume of the sleeve) is one hundred and two millimeters. A projectile weighing one hundred grams accelerates to a speed of 1030 meters per second. The power accordingly turns out to be fifty-three thousand joules.

Compared to a fifty-caliber cartridge, a twenty-millimeter caliber cartridge looks impressive. But if you compare it with its peers, it becomes clear that it (second from the right) does not have the largest sleeve volume.

The single-shot Anzio-Take-Down Rifle weighs seventeen kilograms and can theoretically be considered a rifle

But still, to carry it, it is disassembled and carried in two cases.

A variant of the rifle with a three-round magazine is called the Anzio Mag-Fed Rifle. The barrel length of both options is almost the same, therefore the power is the same - FIFTY-THREE thousand joules.
In my opinion, these two sniper rifles are the most powerful.

THE MOST POWERFUL AIR RIFLE - Korea, forty-five caliber.

Large-caliber sniper rifle NTW-20

This mini gun has been produced in the Republic of South Africa for quite a long time. But the question of whether it is a large-caliber sniper rifle remains open for me. The fact is that, firstly, there is no data on the high accuracy of this weapon, and secondly, the main ammunition is a fragmentation projectile, which looks somewhat strange for a sniper rifle. I would classify this system as a SMALL-CALIBER GRENADE LAUNCHER.
Initially, the NTW-20 was designed for a twenty-millimeter cartridge from a German aircraft gun from the Second World War. And the cartridge itself was at one time designed on a cartridge case from a German heavy machine gun MG-151 with a length of only eighty-two millimeters.

In the photo the cartridge for NTW-20 is on the far right. Such a poor relative compared to the neighboring heroes.

The weight of shells in different designs varies slightly, but on average it can be considered equal to one hundred grams. The initial speed of the projectile is seven hundred and fifty meters per second, which corresponds to a power of twenty-eight thousand joules. It turns out that the NTW-20 sniper rifle has a power almost two times lower than the American model.
True, there is a variant of the rifle chambered for the Soviet cartridge from the Vladimirov heavy machine gun - 14.5x114 millimeters. With a longer barrel than the twenty-millimeter version, our cartridge accelerates a bullet weighing 64 grams a little faster than a thousand meters per second. The power accordingly is thirty-two thousand joules. But again, this is a machine gun cartridge and not a sniper cartridge.
They say that when replacing the barrel, you can use cartridges twenty by one hundred two and also twenty by one hundred ten millimeters HS.404 and twenty by one hundred thirty nine millimeters HS.820.

The HS.404 cartridge (from the Hispano-Suiza aircraft gun) accelerates an armor-piercing projectile weighing 142 grams to a speed of eight hundred and forty meters per second, which corresponds to a power of fifty thousand joules. The cartridge from the VULCAN cannon (20x102mm), as we have already found out, produces fifty-three thousand joules. But I have not seen a single report on the use of these cartridges in this weapon, and there is no such data in the technical characteristics of the rifle.


NTW-20 26 kilograms
NTW-14.5 29 kilograms

NTW-20 1795 millimeters
NTW-14.5 2015 millimeters

3. Barrel length

NTW-20 1000 millimeters
NTW-14.5 1220 millimeters

4. Cartridge

NTW-20 20x82 mm
NTW-15.5 14,514.5x114 mm

5. Initial bullet speed

NTW-20 840 - 850 meters per second
NTW-14.5 1080 meters per second

6. Operating principles - manual reloading, sliding bolt

7. Magazine - box-shaped for 3 rounds

THE MOST POWERFUL Swedish AIR RIFLE - our favorite caliber is 7.62 mm.

Powerful Misunderstanding - RT-20

The designers, in my opinion, did a huge stupid thing. They took a powerful 20 x 110 mm Hispano Suiza projectile and used almost half of the power to combat the recoil. The rifle was equipped with a rocket engine, which took part of the powder gases and created thrust in the direction opposite to recoil. In addition to the fact that after the shot the shooter’s position was illuminated, the shooter himself also received free ass hair removal.

Experimental high power sniper rifles

The most famous example of a very powerful sniper rifle is the American 14.9 mm SOP. There are only rumors about it, apparently spread by the manufacturers of this weapon themselves. On the one hand, they talk about the unprecedented power of the new rifle, equal to SIXTY THOUSAND joules. On the other hand, they say that the cartridge for it was created on the basis of a SHORTENED cartridge case from the VULKAN cannon. How with a shortened cartridge case and a smaller caliber you can get more power than the original cartridge is a mystery to me.

Here is the rifle and the joyful maniac who made it.

The top photo shows a cartridge from a new rifle. In the middle photo you can compare the casings of 50-caliber cartridges and those from the VULKAN 20x102 mm cannon. In the bottom photo you can compare the size of the fifty-caliber cartridge case and what remains of the original cartridge case of the Vulcan gun. At first glance, eighty percent of the original volume remains. And how did they get sixty thousand joules with this, if the original version was only fifty-three thousand joules?

Of course, the rifle has a heavy bullet with a wonderful aerodynamic shape, allowing it to maintain high flight speed and power over long distances. But the question of where they got SIXTY THOUSAND joules of initial power remains open.


Austrian designers made a good Steyr AMR / IWS-2000 anti-tank rifle quite a long time ago (twenty years ago), and cannot figure out what to do with it in the twenty-first century.
The rifle is self-loading, automatic, with a moving barrel. Plus a sub-caliber bullet. All this negatively affects shooting accuracy, so the rifle is never a sniper rifle.

A sub-caliber arrow penetrates forty millimeters thick armor at a distance of eight hundred meters. But no one knows why or who needs it, so the rifle was not accepted for service.

My personal opinion. The smartest choice for a powerful sniper rifle is the 338 LAPUA MAGNUM cartridge.
You can read the article THE MOST POWERFUL AIR RIFLE on the AIR RIFLES website - it is located in the right column of the page.

Whose gun is bigger?

There are more and more fans of powerful weapons every day - people enthusiastically follow information regarding new weapons. There are several sniper rifles that are considered the most powerful.

The history of large-caliber rifles stretches back to the times of the Great Patriotic War, when anti-tank rifles were used. The era of the “new wave” in the development of large-caliber powerful rifles can be considered from the birth of the M500, released by the American company Research Armaments Prototypes in 1982. The most powerful sniper rifles interest men for their characteristics. The Barrett M82 rifle gained worldwide fame as a new type of weapon during the military operation Desert Storm. The Barrett M82 is a high-precision, long-range semi-automatic rifle that has no equal.

It is considered the longest-range rifle in the whole world. Despite the fact that it was introduced to the world back in 1982, it still has not lost popularity in its class, since it is not without reason considered to be the best. This is evidenced by its high characteristics. Its weight is 14 kg - this is a heavy rifle. To fire from it, it is necessary to strengthen the position, since the legs of the rifle are installed on a bridgehead.

Recoil is minimized by the weight of the rifle, as well as the muzzle brake. The dimensions of the rifle are impressive: the barrel length is 508 or 737 cm - about a meter is given to accelerate the bullet, which provides it with unsurpassed shooting accuracy and excellent speed. A bullet from a barrel flies at a speed of 900 m/s – that’s 3240 kilometers per hour. The length of the entire weapon is almost one and a half meters - it is not so easy to carry. The sighting range of the rifle is 1800 meters, and when fired, the bullet hits the target 100% even at this distance. The power of the Barrett M82 showed that after the intended path, the bullet flies along a lost path for about 500 m. The peculiarity of this rifle is that its magazine is designed for ten rounds. There is a rail on the rifle - various sights are attached to it, the main one being optical.

Powerful sniper rifles have different characteristics, where you can find both advantages and disadvantages.

"Sniper Nightmares"

Another “sniper nightmare” is presented by NТW -20 - this is the largest caliber rifle in the world today. The length of the rifle is 1795 mm - its appearance is quite menacing. The weight is 26 kilograms, so two people need to carry it. It is easily disassembled, and the barrel is made by cold forging, which increases the strength of the barrel. There are two shock absorbers inside the receiver: hydraulic in tension and spring in compression - they are connected by pins. The NТW -20 rifle uses a wide range of twenty-millimeter caliber ammunition in combat.

The most common are high-explosive fragmentation cartridges and domestically produced armor-piercing ammunition with a caliber of 4.5. The shot from this rifle is sharp and loud - you need to use headphones. The recoil is impressive, but the effect of the hit is simply stunning. After a twenty-millimeter high-explosive fragmentation projectile hit the target, all targets located within a radius of 7 meters were hit by fragments. To understand the power of this weapon, we can give an example: a shot penetrates four bricks of brickwork, then an explosion occurs behind it. The flash after the shot is very powerful. The undoubted advantages are the high firing range and destructive power, reduced recoil and mobility, as well as an expanded range of ammunition.

The RT-20 is considered another powerful large-caliber sniper rifle - it also arouses increased interest among those who are passionate about weapons. This model combines qualities such as large-caliber weapons and high range. Such a rifle requires high professionalism and excellent skills from the shooter - only in this case can the high potential of the rifle be fully revealed. The RT-20 is a heavy-duty sniper rifle with a jet exhaust, although it has a number of disadvantages. The rifle is a powerful weapon that hits living targets at long distances - it is also used to damage lightly armored vehicles.

There are several types of powerful sniper weapons in the world that can be used for various purposes. Having studied the proposed types of rifles, you can conduct a comparative analysis of powerful sniper weapons.

Opens the rating - ASVK or large-caliber army sniper rifle. The length of the equipment reaches 1400 mm with a weight without cartridges and optics of 12 kg. Five-round magazine, rate of fire 10 rounds per minute, sighting range 1500 m, muzzle velocity 850-900 m/s. In ninth place is a screw cutter. Its length does not reach 900 mm, and its weight without optics and cartridges is only 2.45 kg. The magazine holds 10 or 20 rounds, and the bullet speed at the beginning of movement will be 290 m/s. In eighth place is a rifle from the USA Calico M951S. Seventh place is occupied by the large-caliber sniper rifle Accuracy International AW50. In sixth place is the SVD (Dragunov Sniper Rifle) - the best large-caliber sniper rifle produced by the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant since 1963. Fifth place is occupied by the CheyTac m200 “Intervention” - one of the components of the American sniper system, produced in various modifications since 2001. It is distinguished by very high shooting accuracy at target distances from 1500 to 2000 m. Length 1220 mm with a weight without optics of 12 kg. In fourth place, the German AMP Technical Services DSR-1 rifle is used by various European formations such as special forces units of the German Federal Police. The length of the rifle is not great - 1000 mm, with the same small weight of 5.9 kg. Exceptional shooting accuracy can be achieved by using specialized ammunition and in the absence of wind. The third place in the ranking belongs to Accuracy International AS50 from the UK. Length 1369 millimeters, weight 14.1 kg without optics and cartridges. A sniper can quickly fold or unfold this rifle and bring it into combat readiness. High accuracy of long-range shooting, a device for mounting various, including night optics and additional accessories. Among long-range semi-automatic sniper rifles, the Barett M82 occupies a leading position. The almost meter long barrel is capable of accelerating a bullet to 900 m/s, and its decent weight of 14 kg makes it possible to strengthen its position. The rifle is capable of aimed shooting at a distance of almost 2 km. Ammo comparable to machine gun ammunition is fed from a 10 round magazine. The rifle takes an honorable second place. And finally, the leader of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare rating, which has had no equal since the mid-1980s. The UK uses it for military purposes, and modified models are used by special forces and police. The length of the equipment is a little more than a meter, weight 6.8 kg. without optics, the rifle's sighting range is 880 meters. Military Times is a magazine for those interested in the Armed Forces, their construction, history, wars... Our address on the Internet.