Massage for genital erection. How to massage the penis? List of useful products

Do you want to know the difference between a regular massage in Moscow and penile stimulation? Then you should definitely visit the salon with the mysterious name “7x7”. Our masseuses will prove to you that this session has nothing to do with the desire to relieve tension as quickly as possible. It has the right to be called a full-fledged form of relaxation, and not a banal warm-up before sexual intercourse.

Penile massage originated in Asia. And it is not surprising, because in the East male strength was extolled and revered. And the more attention a woman paid to her man, the more the latter felt like a real master (at least within his family). In India, in the old days, there were even schools where girls, preparing to get married, were trained and learned to please their husbands. And mastering such techniques has always been considered an incredibly important task during study.

Nowadays they don’t teach anywhere how to properly massage the penis. And in general, in family life the word massage is rarely used when talking about the center of male dignity. Usually this whole process bears rather disparaging names - “distort”, “suck”, “chase the bald one”. And the procedure itself has nothing to do with how men were pleasured before.

The correct technique for erotic penis massage

Exciting the penis is more than just a 10-minute erotic massage. This is an intimate ritual symbolizing a woman’s worship of the masculine. Massage appeals to primitive instincts, awakens in a man some primordial unbridledness and passion. In total, more than 20 techniques are used, which are performed by hand. Here are just a few of them.

  • Making fire. The masseuse is in front of the client and slowly, savoring the moment, rubs the lingam. Her movements resemble making fire. There is no sharpness or fuss in the movements; they are methodical, rhythmic and performed at the same pace.
  • Infinite input. Creates the feeling of an element of sexual intercourse - insertion of the penis into the vagina. In the erotic massage salon “7×7” girls manage to incredibly skillfully imitate an intimate act. Our masseuses literally drive their clients crazy, making them gasp with moans and sweet anticipation.
  • Infinite output. The technique, as the name implies, imitates the reverse process - the removal of the phallus from the vagina. The thrill is that these two methods are self-sufficient. That is, the girl’s hand makes unusual movements back and forth. Instead, the masseuse grabs the penis at the base, lifts a fold of skin, breaks contact for a split second, and then returns to the base of the phallus. And then everything repeats again and again.
  • Slip. This technique allows you to pay attention to all intimate places and massage the penis from the testicles to the head, and then back. You will tremble and beg for mercy, but at the same time secretly hope that this intimate relaxation will never end.

Such a professional and exciting massage in a Moscow salon will not repeat the magic that was possessed by the wives of men who lived long before us. However, our girls managed to capture the mood with which the procedure was performed, which, coupled with skillful use of various techniques, allows them to achieve a stunning effect.

Is it possible to enlarge your penis with massage?

It would be naive to believe that you can significantly enlarge your penis with just a couple of sessions. But the procedures will help achieve a more stable erection, increased tone and greater endurance of the phallus.

Penis enlargement through massage techniques such as “milking” or “tightening” has no proven effectiveness. However, visiting our establishment will help you gain self-confidence and realize that a woman loves you not for your length, but for the strength hidden in your manhood.

Are you interested in erotic penis massage? Take a look at the erotic massage salon “7×7” in Moscow. The procedure will pleasantly surprise you: no one has ever done this to your phallus!

Normal sexual intercourse cannot provide a uniform massage of the penis and vagina - folds in the vagina and the incorrect shape of the penis prevent this. To increase the uniformity of the massage, the Taoists developed a cycle of nine combinations of thrusts, including 90 movements. Not everyone can go through the entire cycle to the end at once: many men ejaculate earlier. However, you should not be upset about this, since even an incompletely completed exercise is very, very useful.

Continuing to practice, a man will gradually learn to go through the entire cycle of nine combinations, and perhaps he will go further, mastering several cycles. The Taoist technique of so-called injaculation helps to successfully master a cycle of nine combinations of thrusts.

Stage 3v injaculation

According to Taoist teachings, men can not only ejaculate, but also inyaculate. What does it mean? By pressing the yang-mo point, which is located on the perineum between the anus and the scrotum, ejaculation can be reversed, causing the seminal fluid to return to the blood and be absorbed. This does not deprive a man of voluptuous sensations, since pressing on the point does not suppress the orgasm, but turns it into a series of slow spasms, extending it up to five minutes. Despite orgasm, a man maintains an erection or quickly restores it, which allows sexual intercourse to last for a long time. And since he does not consume his vital substances, then, as the Taoists believe, he conserves energy. Seizing the moment, press on the yang-mo point in order to prevent the flow of seminal fluid into the urethra. Practice alone first. Don't press too hard or too light. If you press closer to the anus, the technique will not work. If you press too close to the scrotum, the seminal fluid will go into the bladder instead of into the blood, and when you urinate, you will see that the urine is cloudy with semen. You should not inject if you have a prostate infection.

"Cycle of nine push combinations"

This form of intercourse provides the vagina and penis with a massage that restores energy.

A cycle of nine push combinations

To perform the cycle, the couple must choose the position that is most comfortable for both. A cycle of 90 movements proceeds according to the following scheme:

1 The partner inserts only the head of the penis into the vagina and immediately removes it. He performs this small thrust nine times, then inserts the penis completely into the vagina once.

3 Seven small and three deep shocks.

4 Six shallow and four deep thrusts.

5 Five shallow and five deep thrusts.

6 Four shallow and six deep shocks.

7 Three small and seven deep shocks.

8 Two shallow and eight deep shocks.

9 And finally, one small and ten deep shocks.

Part 2


The “deer” exercise was invented by Taoists in China more than two thousand years ago: in ancient times, the deer was revered for its longevity and high reproductive abilities. The purpose of this exercise is to rejuvenate a man and increase sexual arousal. Taoists believed that a similar exercise was useful for women - it restores hormonal balance, increases sexual energy and helps to look younger.


The basis of the “deer” exercise is self-massage, so before exercise, vigorously rub your hands or hold them under a hot stream. Hands should be warm.


Support your testicles with one hand and place the other on your stomach below your navel. Massage the left side of your abdomen in a circular motion. After completing 81 circles, move to the right side.



It strengthens the muscles of the anus (anus), which in turn affect the prostate. Tighten your anal muscles tightly and freeze. Then release the tension for a minute and repeat the technique. Do this as many times as you can.

According to Tao, by tensing and relaxing the anal muscles, you can massage the prostate, which produces a special secretion and is responsible for sexual arousal.




Before you begin self-massage, vigorously rub your hands or soak them in hot water.


Gently massage your breasts in a circular motion: the right breast counterclockwise, and the left breast clockwise. Do at least 36 circular movements (preferably up to 360 times) in the morning and evening.


Sit cross-legged. Press the heel of one foot against the opening of the vagina. If this is difficult for you to do, place a ball between your foot and vagina. Pressure from the heel or ball stimulates sexual sensations and releases sexual energy.


Pressing one hand to the entrance to the vagina, alternately massage the breasts with the other. Tighten the muscles of the vagina and anus as if trying to hold back urination, then continue to contract only the anal muscles. Maintain tension for as long as possible, and then try to relax. Do the exercise 20 times. To check whether it is performed correctly, insert your finger into the vagina and try to “grab” it or at least squeeze it slightly.





Studying the smallest aspects of sensuality from the monuments of the Ancient East can make you the best among equals.

As you know, in order to experience sexual ecstasy, you don’t have to love the person you’re making love with. Often, lovers who barely know each other or old friends who, after many years of companionship, accidentally find themselves in bed, reach a state of ecstasy.

Even if everything turned out so well that you and your partner love each other, this does not guarantee you bliss in bed.

The fact is that the richness of your emotions and sensory experiences depends more on the state of your own spirit, and not on your relationship with another person.

Eastern cultures, unlike Western ones, have traditionally emphasized the importance of the integrity of an individual's sense of self, and sex has always been associated with spirituality.

According to Eastern beliefs, the soul and body are inextricably linked, and therefore good sex can be a source of positive spiritual experience.

Why massage your testicles? The male genital organs are a rather vulnerable part of the body, subject to various aggressive influences and dysfunctions. There are very serious problems associated with them that should be given the closest attention.

When is a massage necessary?

The testicles play a very important role. They produce the hormone testosterone necessary for the body and are responsible for its uninterrupted and complete production. The presence of testosterone directly depends on the health of men's testicles. If there is something wrong with them, then serious complications will begin with the functioning of the male reproductive system, which cannot please anyone and creates new problems, even the appearance of tumors.

The genital organs may be subject to destructive congestion, that is, the normal productive functioning of this organ slows down. First of all, the production of testosterone becomes less and less. This is the most important consequence of a defect in the testicular area.

What does this mean for men's health? Among the consequences, the following pathological phenomena mainly appear:

  • erection sharply decreases or stops completely, ejaculation becomes extremely weak, sexual dysfunction develops;
  • Decreased sperm production can lead to infertility.

On the contrary, if production increases, it will increase the body’s ability to perform its sexual function and the risk of infertility will sharply decrease.

To avoid problems with the functioning of the reproductive system, you need to carry out a procedure called testicular massage. With it, the ovarian area is massaged with certain movements, and the penis organ is also affected. This should be done periodically by almost all men, since sexual dysfunction has become very common nowadays.

There are many reasons for carrying out this procedure:

  • disruption of normal erection;
  • sexual weakness;
  • with low libido;
  • nervousness, depression, other irritants;
  • a person’s lifestyle, for example, addiction to bad habits.

First of all, massage is prescribed for men who suffer from impotence itself or with emerging infertility. If these two ailments haunt you, then massage is simply a must, and massage sessions should be regular. This is a kind of standard therapeutic course.

But not only people already suffering from ailments in the reproductive system can use this technique; it is advisable for healthy men to do it as well. In fact, massage is not only a means of therapy, but also a very good preventive technique. Regular massaging of the reproductive organs will help in the future to avoid many problems that will ruin a person’s life.

Benefits of massage

Massage of the testicles is not some kind of innovation; this procedure was performed in ancient times, because problems with the sexual component haunted people even then. Current testicular massage is essentially a technique from an old Chinese technique called shiatsu. It was this that became the basis of the modern procedure, which exists as detailed instructions. This method is used to massage the organs of the penis and testicles. The technique is in great demand due to its effectiveness.

This massage of the testicles leads to the following results:


  • Massage procedures help solve problems directly related to defects in the reproductive system, without resorting to the use of expensive medications or the services of specialists.
  • You can do this procedure yourself and at home.

These are the tangible benefits that massage of the testicles brings.

How to massage the testicles correctly?

A massage procedure based on the old, proven Shiatsu technique is simple enough that anyone can perform it at home, either independently or with the involvement of a partner. The procedure is performed with the fingers and palms. Preparation for a massage should include the following steps:

  • the body, in particular the ovaries, should be as relaxed as possible, the success of therapy largely depends on this;
  • hands performing the massage should be thoroughly washed and warm;
  • the scrotum hangs down, so you need to put something soft and warm under it.

The procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  1. You need to wrap a clean towel around the testicles and keep it there for several minutes. This will allow the body to further relax.
  2. You need to carefully pull back the skin that is located near the testicles. With two fingers you need to grasp the base, located near the scrotum, below the penis itself. Then you just need to pull down and carefully squeeze until the testicles themselves are clamped quite tightly, at the bottom of the scrotum. This action actually isolates the testicles, and they will not twist when subsequently massaged. This can cause very unpleasant sensations, but you need to be patient.
  3. Using the palm of your hand from the opposite side, you need to carefully apply gentle compression to the upper part of the massaged testicles. The further process takes place in circular movements. At the same time, you need to pull down your ovaries and scrotum, but you just need to do this carefully. This can cause severe pain, if you feel it, immediately relieve the pressure on your testicles. Avoid sudden and strong movements during the procedure.

This massage procedure lasts about three or five minutes. After the process is completed, the testicles, with the right approach, should be elongated and may even look larger than before the massage procedure. These phenomena occur because during massaging they become very swollen, which is explained, first of all, by a sharp increase in the circulation of blood masses in the reproductive system.

But in fact, this is a positive sign that indicates that the ultimate goal of the massage has been achieved. These changes occur because the testicles are slightly swollen due to increased blood flow. But there is no need to worry, since the purpose of the procedure was to achieve improved blood flow in the organs. The described phenomena that are observed after the massage mean that you have achieved the goal of the testicular massage.

The whole process must be done very carefully. You need to be especially careful with such a delicate organ as the testicles.

How often should you massage your testicles?

A healthy person with no serious sexual health problems can massage the penis and testicles approximately three or four times a week, usually before bed. More often than not, it’s not worth it, there’s no need for it and it won’t bring much benefit.

Another thing is for men suffering from physical complications, the struggle with which is very serious. In this case, the massage must be performed every day, without breaks. Problems such as infertility or inability to have normal sexual intercourse are treated through long-term massage therapy.

For the therapy to be effective, it is necessary to perform this massage three or at least twice in one day - morning and evening. Only a thorough massage will help.


Massage is widely recommended by specialists and doctors working in the field. This method of therapy and prevention is very popular today, even because of the simplicity of this procedure. However, it is worth noting that such a massage is not suitable for everyone, since it has its own contraindications. Massaging male testicles cannot be performed under the following circumstances:

  1. At an extremely acute stage of the disease in the male genital area. For example, with acute inflammation of the urethra, the testicles themselves or the prostate.
  2. In the presence of acute cystitis.
  3. For physiological injuries.
  4. For diseases affecting the rectum, for example, hemorrhoids or proctitis.
  5. In the presence of epididymitis.
  6. When the male genital organs are affected by tuberculosis infection.

If a man has any of the above, then no massage is acceptable, otherwise it can lead to complications of already serious health problems.

To excite a man, you don’t need to be a professional, but to make him remember the massage, you need to try.

Usually everyone starts with foreplay, caressing the body, and smoothly goes down, but you can do it completely differently. Hot breath will excite him faster if you, together with your hands, act on the genitals with your mouth. It is not necessary to give a blowjob if you are not ready, but close breathing, especially in unison, excites a man incredibly.

Looking for erogenous points

The body has many erogenous points that can be used for intercourse. Oddly enough, these are the feet, groin, neck and collarbone area, nipples, stomach and genitals. If you caress your genitals with one hand, then try touching your nipples with the other, and you will get an explosive effect.

Every movement should be affectionate and gentle; you should not handle parts of the body roughly. Light movements, like the touch of a breeze, excite gradually, and soon you will feel how your body bends in languor, surrendering to the power of your hands.

You should not focus only on the penis or testicles; many men also have sensitive thighs. You can walk with light movements up and down, and be sure to fix your hands on the genitals, as if caressing and securing the result.

You can caress not only the inner thighs, but also the places under the testicles and the path to the anus. Men enjoy having their testicles in their hands and gently squeezing them, or even pulling them down. Everything needs to be done very carefully, it all depends on the sensitivity of the partner. When stroking the testicles in a circular manner, it is best to use a lubricant; it does not give much friction, and wet lubricant additionally excites. For a regular massage, cream or medical Vaseline is used, but if you are planning to give a blowjob, you should not do this, they taste unpleasant.

Your partner will like it if you play lightly with his penis, pull the foreskin down, or, conversely, lift it up, making forward movements as with friction. If you do this rhythmically, the man may even cum. Raise and lower the penis up and down, lightly squeeze the testicles, make forward movements. Men excite themselves in this way when they want to quickly strengthen their erection or engage in masturbation.

Choosing toys and affection

You can choose various objects to enhance sensuality and use them for massage. If you are not squeamish and love your partner, then in addition to hands it can be lips, tongue, eyelashes, hair, or even the body. A man will be aroused by any touch if it is done with love.

When performing a massage, do not forget that you can use other objects that affect sensuality. You can take ice, a feather, silk fabric or another object that feels pleasant or unexpected to the touch, and test your partner's sensitivity. Of course, you shouldn’t crush him, prick him with your nails or hurt him; if you trust him and receive pain, a man will not forgive you. The scrotum and penis are quite delicate, so even inept rubbing or sudden movements can cause pain.

The stronger sex also has a G-spot, it is located under the testicles. Massaging it can give him great pleasure. It is best to carry out a massage when your partner is on his feet or on all fours above you, so you can better feel it. Not everyone, but some people love massage of the prostate gland, both inside and outside, the path to the anus and the groin area are especially sensitive. If the man doesn’t mind, you can caress him there too. It is best to do this while he is lying on his back or reclining so that the body is relaxed. You should not insist if the man is uncomfortable or is afraid of tickling. All movements should be gentle, soft, but quite noticeable, do not tickle, but rather caress, with little effort.

Many discover unusual sensations when a woman caresses the frenulum of the penis or testicles with her tongue. It all depends on proper stimulation of the sexual organ. The movements should be in a spiral, and carried out both with the tip of the tongue and the entire rough surface. Believe me, a man will be at the height of bliss if everything is done correctly.

Never jerk your penis or testicles sharply, as you may scare your partner. All movements are performed smoothly, but if desired, strongly, with pressure. Focus on his body movements and breathing. If he froze in anticipation, he likes it, and the moans and heated breath speak for themselves, then he is delighted.

If you have flexibility and know how to give a man pleasure, you can massage the genitals with your whole body. Rub your nipples and breasts against him, you can reach for his face, simultaneously pressing your whole body against his penis and testicles, rub your genitals against him. Caress that imitates sexual intercourse, but without penetration, is very exciting; if a man likes it, he will even try to enter you. It is also better to do all this with lubricants, because the body glides poorly and you may not feel comfortable.

Gently, even more tenderly

The more sensitive a man is, the more subtle caresses and massages should be. All movements should be light and gentle so that he enjoys light touches. You can even blow on the penis or scrotum and warm it with your breath, practically without touching it. This greatly excites and causes the penis to become erect.

The better you know your partner, the more interesting you can practice caressing. Try caressing his penis and nipples, or earlobe. Run your hand over your lips, touching your scrotum. Such caresses, different in trajectory, will force him to be distracted and experience new sensations. Perhaps a psychological relationship will even be built, and the next time you touch your nipples, he will become very excited, because he will remember how you caressed his penis.

Your toiletries can also be arousing, so if you're wearing silk panties, take them off and rub them over or under your balls. The gentle touch of cool silk is highly stimulating. And gives a stable erection. If the penis is very erect, it may not be as sensitive to gentle caresses; try pampering it when it is in a passive state.

The more often you massage the genitals, inner thighs and path to the anus, the more passionate your man will be. These are the most sensitive parts of his body. And he treats them with unprecedented love. If you love his genitals, a man will love you. Therefore, do not neglect caresses under any circumstances.

And treatments for erectile dysfunction have become widespread in modern society.

Testicular massage is a unique technique that came to us from the Celestial Empire, and is an easy-to-perform and affordable means of improving potency. In addition to the therapeutic effect, manual stimulation of the testicles can give your partner incomparable pleasure.

Regular massage of the testicles to increase potency is carried out to prevent congestion in the scrotum. The procedure is indicated for men with symptoms indicating insufficient blood circulation in the pelvic organs:

  • poor sperm quality, infertility;
  • or its absence against the background of a satisfactory state of health;
  • ejaculation too fast;
  • predisposition to infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • decreased sexual activity.

A common cause of decreased potency is low testosterone levels. Proper massage of male balls stimulates the production of sex hormones.

It is important to know! Massage of the penis and testicles plays an important role in the early diagnosis of cancer and benign tumors.

Careful palpation of the genital organs during the procedure allows you to identify even minor tumors.

Congestion and improper functioning of the male gonads can occur due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, alcohol abuse, and smoking. If present, it is recommended to massage the testicles for preventive purposes.

Efficiency of the procedure

The positive effect of the procedure is achieved by improving capillary blood supply. Blood flow to the pelvic organs normalizes spermatogenesis and prevents the development of inflammatory processes.

After just a few sessions of home massage of the testicles to increase potency, men note increased confidence in bed, an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse and more vivid sensations at the moment of climax.

The effectiveness of treating male infertility using scrotal massage is due to increased microcirculation of blood flow in the groin area.

The gonads begin to produce more seminal fluid, and the viability and concentration of sperm increases.

For married couples who practice testicular massage for men, regular procedures help not only to avoid problems with conception, but also to significantly diversify their intimate life.

Useful video: about massage of the testicles

Testicular and scrotal massage techniques

Mastering simple techniques for manual stimulation of the male genital organs does not require special skills or significant time investment. You can carry out manipulations independently or with the involvement of a partner.

Universal technology

A simple and effective technique. Suitable for self-massage or can be used as sexual foreplay.

The technique consists of a set of simple manipulations:

  1. Grasp the scrotum at the base, folding your fingers to form a ring.
  2. Move your fingers with gentle stroking movements, going down from the base.
  3. Lightly pull back the skin of the scrotum, first clasping it with your thumbs. You should act carefully without causing discomfort. If the technique is performed as directed, the man will feel sexual arousal already at the skin pulling stage.
  4. Fix the scrotum between your palms and smoothly proceed to rotational movements.
  5. Complete the procedure with light stroking from top to bottom.

If pain occurs in the groin area, it is better to interrupt the testicular massage and continue treatment only after the doctor’s approval.

Self-massage technique

  1. Holding the penis with one hand, moving it to the side, grasp the base of the scrotum with the fingers of your free hand, slightly pull the skin pouch, gently kneading the balls.
  2. To stimulate blood circulation, lightly tap the fingertips along the surface of the scrotum from the base downwards.
  3. Knead each testicle in turn, controlling the intensity of the pressure. Do not rotate the testicles inside the scrotum; such actions will lead to twisting of the spermatic cords.

The degree of pressure and intensity of kneading should be increased gradually with each subsequent session and only if the manipulations do not cause pain.

Massage with partner

It is much more pleasant when therapeutic measures to restore potency are an integral part of foreplay. Erotic massage of the penis and testicles awakens the desire of both partners, and moments of intimacy are filled with new vivid impressions.

You should start with light stroking of the scrotum, directing the movements of your fingers from top to bottom simultaneously with stimulation of the penis. A man's arousal increases when a woman massages the testicles and caresses the head of the penis with her mouth, helping herself with her tongue.
The scrotum massage continues with gentle circular movements of the palm and gentle pulling of the skin of the organ downwards.

It is important to carefully monitor the man's reaction. If manipulation of the scrotum causes discomfort in your partner, you should reduce the intensity of the massage or stop the procedure altogether.

There are more complex techniques: Japanese, Taoist, Thai. Each technique has its own characteristics and advantages, but to improve potency at home, it is enough to be guided by the general principles of massage of the male genitals.

Useful video: Taoist testicular massage

Regardless of the technique chosen, massage of the male testicles should be carried out in accordance with the general rules:

  • At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to lightly steam the scrotum. A hot bath, shower or terry towel soaked in hot water is suitable for this.
  • Before you start massaging the testicles, you should thoroughly warm your palms. All manipulations are performed with clean, warm hands.
  • Do not exceed the recommended manual exposure time. Allow approximately 2 minutes for each testicle. The total duration of manipulations is 5-6 minutes.
  • To achieve a sustainable result, the procedure is carried out regularly at the same time. According to reviews from men, evening massage is more comfortable than morning massage.
  • When performing any massage techniques, sudden movements and excessive pressure should be avoided. Failure to take precautions may result in unwanted injury and twisting of the spermatic cord.
  • Massage helps strengthen trust in married couples, but if a partner massages a man’s genitals, she should listen carefully to his feelings and act delicately.
  • Feelings of heaviness in the scrotum, slight swelling and drooping of the testicles after the session are indicators of the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Moderate signs of discomfort during the first sessions are normal. If severe pain occurs, qualified medical assistance is required.

Daily massage is advisable for treating sexual dysfunction.

As a preventative measure, 2-3 sessions per week are sufficient.

Despite the high effectiveness rates, the technique has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account before starting therapy:

  • infectious diseases of the pelvic organs in the acute stage;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • acute cystitis;
  • oncological diseases of the genitals;
  • varicocele 2, 3 degrees.

Remember! Good results can be achieved by strictly following the instructions; if you “mash the eggs” chaotically, you can cause harm to your health.

Useful video: Taoist massage of the penis and testicles. Increase potency and erection!


Even in the absence of visible contraindications, it is necessary first. The specialist will select the optimal treatment option and give recommendations regarding massage techniques.