Material on the topic: Scenario for the holiday in kindergarten "Mother's Day". Script for Mother's Day "Who Lives in the Magic World?"

Target: contribute to the creation of positive emotional experiences.

Tasks: encourage children and parents to actively participate. Teach children to be caring, gentle, affectionate.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter: In this world there are words that we call saints. And one of these holy, warm, affectionate and gentle words - "MOTHER". The word that the child says most often is word "MOTHER". A word that makes an adult, gloomy person smile is also a word "MOTHER", because this word carries warmth - the warmth of a mother’s hands, the warmth of a mother’s word, the warmth of a mother’s soul. And what is more valuable and desirable for a person than the warmth and light of the eyes of a loved one?

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day has appeared. It appeared quite recently - in 1998, according to the Decree of the President of Russia. But, although this holiday is young, no one can remain indifferent to this holiday. On this Day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection, who sacrifice a lot for the good of their children. Thank you! And may your beloved children say warm words to each of you more often! Let a smile shine on the children’s faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in their eyes when you are together! Happy holiday!

  1. Mother's Day is a special holiday,

Let's celebrate it in November:

Nature awaits winter,

And there is still slush in the yard.

But we are dear to our mothers

Let's bring joy to hearts!

We wish you warmth and smiles,

Huge for you children

Hi everybody!

Children sing the song “Zorenki is more beautiful and dearer to the heart”

2. There are many good words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

Two syllables, a simple word “mother”

And there are no words in the world more valuable than it.

3. There are many mothers in this world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer: “This is my mommy!”

  1. Mom is heaven!

Mom is the light!

Mom is happiness!

There is no better mother!

5.Mom is a fairy tale!

Mom is laughter!

Mom is a weasel!

Moms love everyone!

6.Mom will smile

Mom will be sad

Mom will regret it

Mommy will forgive you.

7.Mom, there is no one more precious than you,

Mom can do anything in the world

Congratulations to moms today,

We wish mothers happiness.

Guys, do you want to play with your mothers? Do mothers want to please their children? Then our first game. It's called "Find the child by touch." We will now see how well mothers know their children.

Game: “Find the child by touch.” Children stand in a circle, the mother of one of the children is in the center of the circle, she is blindfolded with a scarf. She will have to move in a circle, she can take the children by the hands, or the second option: feel the heads and try to find her child.

Presenter: Of course, every mother is able to recognize her child even with her eyes closed. This means that your mothers and guys feel you, know you very well and love you. Do you love your mothers? But now your children will tell us why they love you, mothers.

1 child:

Mom brings me
Toys, sweets.
But I love my mother
Not for that at all.

2nd child:
She sings funny songs.
We're bored together
Never happens.

3rd child:
I tell her all my secrets.
But I love my mother
Not only for this.

4th child:
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight.
Well, just for that
That she is my mother.

Dear mothers, today children want to prove their love to you and give you a great mood. And the youngest children are the first to give their congratulations.

Meet our babies with their debut.

Song-dance “Once palm, two palms”

And now, as a gift to you, dear mothers, we give you a fairy tale.

Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good things

And diligent work,

They tell you how to live

To be friends with everyone around you!

An old fairy tale in a new way

The kindergarten will show you around.

About the goat and the kids

Look at the guys!


Near the forest on the edge, there are three Christmas trees growing

The children and their mother live in their painted hut.

Like honey mushrooms in the forest, cheerful kids
In the clearing they play among themselves all day long.

The sun rises early, a new day is coming

Hey kids, run out and start your games (kids run out).

1 kid:

The animals of the entire forest know these little guys.
Everyone knows this fairy tale: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

2 kids:

We are funny little goats, jump-jump, jump-jump,

Very lively guys, jump-jump, jump-jump.

3 kid:

We will tell the story ourselves.

To know everything better,

4 kids:

We want to tell you straight: go around the whole wide world,

Our mother is the most beautiful of all, there is no one better than our mother.

5 little goat: He rises with the sun and tidies up our hut,

He will light a fire in the oven and bake us some rolls.

6 kids:

She is busy all day, but always full of ideas.

It's a very difficult job for seven people to raise children.

7 kid:

Our mommy is sweet and cheerful like the morning.

Our mother is slimmer, more beautiful, and kinder than everyone else.

The sun has set, look, the little goats are entering the house.

And now until the morning it’s time for all the kids to sleep

Baby hares and squirrels sleep, forest children sleep.


A ray of sunshine looks from the sky, mom ran into the forest.

As soon as I crossed the threshold, the Gray Wolf appeared.

Wolf (knocks on the door):

Open the door, little goats, and play with me.

Get out of here quickly, otherwise things will get worse!

Why are you little goats making noise, naughty guys?

Is this how guests are greeted?

It would be better if they treated us to tea.

You are a robber, you are a villain,

Get away quickly!

Apparently I won’t go into the house, I’d better go away then.

The wolf leaves and meets a squirrel.

What, neighbor, aren’t you walking cheerfully, hanging your nose from resentment?

I wanted to visit the goat, my mother’s holiday is coming up.

And I give you my word; there was no bad thought.

Apparently, Wolf, neither the kids nor the animals believe you.

Get yourself in order, then come and visit.

Be well mannered and be polite.

And don't forget about the gift.

I will certainly prove to everyone that Wolves are gentlemen too

(The wolf leaves, the Goat appears)

Hey little goats, open up

Hey guys, open up.

Your mother came and brought you gifts.

(The kids run out, a wolf appears, the kids hide behind their mother.)

Why did you come to us?

I'll ask you now!

It's not your place to compete with us, get away quickly!

Otherwise I can help with my horns and hooves.

Why are you making noise, neighbor, we rarely see you

I came to you with flowers, well, and you horned me (gives flowers)

Congratulations to all mothers in the world from the bottom of my heart

Be happy and rich, and healthy babies.

What should I tell you in response?

Thank you neighbor.

Apparently we've had enough of quarreling and fighting.


This is where the fairy tale ends.

And who listened - Well done!

And now we again invite mothers to play with their children.

Competition "Shopping"

Teams consisting of mother and child participate. There are replicas of food on trays on the tables. Opposite are the teams. The distance between tables and teams is 8-10 meters. Moms have a grocery list and a basket. At the signal, the teams of participants begin shopping. The mother names the first thing to buy from the list, the child runs to the table, selects the desired product and runs back, putting it in the mother’s basket. Then he does the same until he buys everything he needs. The team that completes the task first wins.

Mother's gift to her dear and loved ones is this song.

Boys perform the song-dance “Beauty Queen”

And a gift from my daughters, the dance “Tenderness”

Competition “Help Mom Get Ready for Work”

Teams consisting of mother and child participate. Mom is sitting on a chair, next to her on the table is a bag, jewelry, wallet, comb, keys. All teams have the same set of items. The children’s task is to help their mother get ready for work when given a signal (mothers do not help children; you can put your hands on your knees). For example, children should put clips, beads, a hat on their mothers, put a comb, a wallet and keys in their purse. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

The final song “Mom, always be by my side” During the performance of the song, slides are shown with photographs of pupils with their mothers..

At the end, children give gifts made with their own hands.

Leading: Good evening, we say to you. It is no coincidence that we have gathered today on this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mother’s Day. We welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our evening, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and, of course, the most beautiful, our mothers.

Today you can expect jokes and surprises, songs, poems, in general, you can’t count everything. But whether today will be fun depends on you, dear friends. Because we don’t have professional artists, but each of you, I’ll tell you a secret, is an artist if you encourage him a little and tune him into a lyrical mood.

1 child.

There are many kind words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

Two syllables, a simple word “mother”

And there are no words in the world more valuable than it.

2 child.

Many nights have passed without sleep

There are countless worries and worries.

Big bow to all of you, dear mothers,

But that you exist in the world.

3 child.

For kindness, for golden hands,

For your maternal advice,

With all our hearts we wish you

Health, happiness, long life.

Leading: Dear mothers! Accept a song as a gift.

The song “My Dear Mother” is performed.

Leading: There are many proverbs and sayings about mothers; we will now check whether our mothers know them. You need to complete the proverb.

Competition 1. Warm-up – mental gymnastics.

- When the sun is warm (when mother is good).

— Maternal care does not burn in fire (does not drown in water)

- The bird is happy about spring (and the baby is happy about the mother).

- Mother's affection (does not know the end).

- For a mother, a child (a child up to a hundred years old).

Leading: I think everyone in the room will be interested to know how well mothers know their children.

Competition 2. “Find the child by the palm of his hand.”

The mother must, with her eyes closed, find her child by the palm of her hand.

Leading: Where the song flows, life is easier there. Sing a humorous, humorous, humorous song.

1 child.

Our dear mothers

We'll sing ditties for you.

Congratulations to you warmly

And hello huge helmet.

2 child.

They say I'm a fighter

Combat, so what.

My mom is a fighter

Well, then who am I?

3 child.

Who said I was loud?

Who said I'm screaming?

It's me, from my dear mother

I'm leaving for my group.

4 child.

Why am I going to kindergarten?

It's not my fault at all.

But only a year will pass

And mom will sigh happily.

5 child.

Luda's mother asked

Wash dirty dishes.

For some reason Luda became

She's as dirty as dishes.

6 child.

Heated up the soup and porridge,

Salt was poured into the compote.

When mom came home from work,

She had a lot of trouble.

7 child.

I found a broom in the kitchen

And he swept the whole apartment.

But what remains is him

Three straws in total.

8 child.

Vova polished the floor to a shine,

Prepared a vinaigrette.

Mom is looking for what to do

There is no work.

9 child.

We stop singing ditties,

And we always promise you:

Listen to you always, in everything

Morning, evening and afternoon.

Leading: Our mothers have the kindest, most affectionate and skillful hands. But we will now check how rich imagination mothers have.

Competition 3. “Golden Hands”.

Mothers should use a scarf, a scarf, and bows to make an outfit for their child.

Leading: Special words are needed to thank our mothers for the care and affection.

1 child

Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful,

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

There is nothing more important to her than me – blue eyes.

2 child

Mom, I love you very, very much.

I love it so much that I can’t sleep in the dark at night.

I peer into the darkness, I hurry the morning

I love you all the time, mommy.

The sun has risen, it’s already dawn,

There is no one in the world better than mom.

3 child

There are many mothers in this world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer: “This is my mommy!”

4 child

I will kiss my mother deeply and hug her dear one.

I love her very much, mom, my sunshine.

Leading: A woman should be able to do everything: wash, iron, darn, cook. Mothers and grandmothers know how to do this, but girls are still learning. Now we will check how they sew on a torn button, their skill and dexterity.

Competition 4. “Who can sew a button faster.”

A grandmother, mother and girl from the same family compete. Each person sews a button separately from everyone else.


Rocking my cradle

You sang to me, darling.

And now I will sing too,

This song is for you.

The song “Lullaby” is sung by a girl and a boy.

Leading: You've listened to the song, now let's see if mothers have forgotten how to wrap their babies.

Competition 5. “Who can swaddle the doll faster?”

Mothers and grandmothers can participate.

Leading: I’ll ask everyone to stand up together, we’ll play now.

Game with a tambourine “Roll the merry tambourine”

Adults and children stand in a circle and pass the tambourine to each other, saying the words:

“You roll a merry tambourine,

quickly, quickly hand over hand.

Who has a tambourine left?

He will now dance (sing) to us.”

Leading: Dear mothers! You probably remember well how your children were small and you had to feed them porridge. Accept a song as a gift.

The song “Semolina Porridge” is performed.

Leading: And now I invite mothers to remember how they fed their children.

Competition 6. “Feed the child”

The mother sits blindfolded on a high chair and spoon feeds the baby grated carrots or fruit salad.

Leading: These lines are dedicated to our dear, dear, beloved and only mothers.

1 child

We wish to be the same as before,

But just a little more fun.

We wish that your hopes come true,

As early and quickly as possible.

2nd child.

So that everyday worries

The smile was not removed from his face.

So that you come home from work,

Without a shadow of sadness and sadness.

3 child.

So that the autumn breeze

I blew away the sediment from my heart of sorrow,

Only by laughing did he disturb the order.

Leading: I propose to hold a competition that will help test the erudition of our mothers, grandmothers and children in the field of poetry and fairy tales.

Competition 7. “Find the mistake and answer correctly.”

* Dropped the bunny on the floor,

They tore off the bunny's paw.

I still won't leave him,

Because he's good.

* Sailor's hat, rope in hand,

I'm pulling a basket along a fast river.

And the kittens are jumping on my heels,

And they ask me: “Ride, captain.”

* I sewed a shirt for Grishka,

I'll sew some pants for him.

I need to sew a sock on them

And put some candy.

* What type of transport did Emelya use (a sleigh, a carriage, a stove, a car)?

* Where should a bear not sit (on a bench, on a log, on a stone, on a stump)?

* What did Leopold the cat say to the mice (stop being naughty, come and visit, you are my friends, let’s live together)?

Leading: Everyone is probably tired from such a load, we need to rest a little. Now I invite everyone to dance together, because not only do they work, but mothers need to rest. Let's all dance together.

The dance “One – two – three on toes” is performed.

Leading: Today is the kindest, most important holiday - World Mother's Day! Without the affection, tenderness, care and love of our mothers, we could not become human. Now I give the floor to our children.

1 child.

We are finishing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers,

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, prettier.

2 child

We wish our mothers

Never be discouraged

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

3 child

May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week,

It was like a day off for you.

4 child

We want, for no reason,

They would give you flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wonderful beauty.

Leading: Our evening has come to an end. We thank all the participants of the competition, their attention to children, for the pleasure they brought and the festive mood. Let joint preparation for the holidays and your participation in children in kindergarten remain forever a good tradition of your family.

Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers and the happy eyes of their children.

For your participation in our holiday and for the fact that you are always with us, for the fact that you are the best, all mothers are awarded medals.

Each mother is awarded a medal with a different nomination: the most beautiful, the smartest, the most hardworking, the most active, the most responsible, the most artistic, the most cheerful, the most patient, the most serious, the most talented.

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Goals and objectives:



Goals and objectives:
- develop the emotional sphere and artistry of children;
- cultivate a sense of respect and love for parents and elders.

Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children,

To awaken in adults and children the desire to be friendly and trusting to each other.

The music hall is festively decorated with balloons.

Children of the 1st junior, 2nd junior, senior group, accompanied by musical accompaniment, enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Children from the preparatory group perform the “Polka” dance and sit down at the end of the dance.

The leader and 2 girls from the preparatory group enter the hall.

Ved: Good afternoon, dear mothers, grandmothers and everyone who came to our holiday on this autumn day - Mother's Day.

Mom is the most beautiful word on earth. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world.

Every last Sunday of November in Russia Mother's Day is celebrated. And our children should know about this. In this way we will cultivate in children’s hearts reverence, respect and love for their mother.

1. Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers.

This is the kindest holiday Anya

Comes to us in autumn

This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration,

A holiday of the best words.

2. I love you mom, I don’t know why.
Probably because I breathe and dream.
And I rejoice in the sun and bright day, Jennet
This is why I love you, my dear.
For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.
I love you mom, you are my best friend!

Ved: Happy Mother's Day, dears!

Let this holiday be bright!

Let sorrows go away and dreams come true!

Let people all over the world give you kindness and smiles!

And now our little pupils want to congratulate you.

Performance by children of the 2nd junior group: poetry, song_

Ved: Much has been said about mothers, but this does not make the words lose their essence and their value. I would like to repeat the words of love and gratitude again and again.

(Read by children of the older group)

3. We have gathered here today,

To congratulate our mothers, Milana

Great happiness and health

We sincerely wish you!

4. Mom caresses
Mom will cheer you up. Tanya
If he scolds,
He will always forgive.

5. I’m not afraid of my mother
No villain. Aminate
There is no kinder or more beautiful
My mom!

6. I’m not being naughty today,

I'm not a prankster!

Can you guess why? Dima

Because it's a holiday!

7. Because mothers are with us

There are smiles in the hall, Karina

Because this is a holiday

All the guys like it!

8. Gentle, kind, very sweet,

Happy holiday Sasha

And cheerful and beautiful,

Happy holiday to you, mothers!

9. We are the mothers of our kind smiles

We'll put it together in a huge bouquet. Kirill

For you, dear, beloved,

We're singing a song today!

Children sing the song “Dear Mommy, I love you”

  1. Rocking us in the cradle, Mothers sang songs to us,

And now it’s time for us to sing a song for our mothers

Chorus: Children call everything in the world mom

The best, the most expensive.

  1. When we grow up, we will take care of our mother ourselves.

In the meantime, let's bring her joy with our song.

Ved: Guys, let’s play the game “Mommy”.

I will ask you questions, and you will answer in unison, “Mommy.”
- Who came to me in the morning?
- Who said “It’s time to get up!”
- Who managed to cook the porridge?
- Did you pour some tea into my cup?
-Who braided my hair?
- Who kissed me?
- Who loves laughter as a child?
-Who is the best in the world?

Ved: How friendly you all are... Well done, guys!

Mom... There are no more precious words in the world!

Whatever path you take,

Mom's love shines over her.

To help you in difficult times.

Ved: Now Kirill and Ksyusha will sing a song for you.

Baby Mammoth's Song

Ved: Guys, you know that grandmother is also father’s or mother’s mother, so today we congratulate our dear grandmothers on this wonderful day.

(read by children of the preparatory group)

  1. Who's in the kitchen with a ladle?
    Always standing by the stove,
    Who darns our clothes, Dasha
    Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?
  2. Who is the tastiest person in the world?
    Kirill L. always bakes pies.
    Even dads who are more important
    And who is honored in the family?
  3. Who will sing us a song at night,
    So that we can fall asleep sweetly? Vova D.
    Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
    Well, of course - grannies!
  4. My grandmother and I

Old friends Andrey P.

How good is it?

My grandmother

Knows so many fairy tales

What can’t be counted,

And always in stock

There is a new one.

  1. And here are the grandmother's hands

It's just a treasure

Being idle for Grandma Lera

Hands don't tell

Golden, dexterous

How I love them

There are probably no others

You can't find them like that.

Ved: Our dear guests,

and now we'll play

Let's encourage our grandmothers and mothers,

May their smiles make you clear

It will make us happier!

Games with mothers and grandmothers.

  1. Game "Find your child" - 2 mothers, 5 children participate.

Target mothers are blindfolded trying to find their baby.

(dark eye masks - 2 pcs.)

  1. Game “Winders” - 2 mothers, 2 children participate. The goal is to quickly wrap the ribbon around the stick to the middle, and give each other a kiss when they meet.(sticks with ribbons - 4 pcs.) The game can be played 2-3 times
  2. Game-relay race “Cleanliness is the key to health” - 5 mothers, 5 children participate, possibly from different families. The goal is to collect scattered toys; each participant can take only one toy.

(2 cubes, 2 balls, 2 soft toys, 2 books, 2 plates)

  1. Game "Cargo Delivery" 4 mothers and 4 children - boys - participate.

The goal is to transport a car with a load on a string between the cones without dropping the load.(2 cars on a string, 2 cubes, 6 cones)

  1. Game “The Most Dexterous” 4 mothers and 4 girl children participate.

The goal is to carry the cube on a tennis racket without dropping it.

(2 tennis rackets, 2 dice, 2 stands)

Preparatory group performance

1. Everyone in the world loves mom,

Mom's first friend.

Not only children love their mothers,

Loved by everyone around.

  1. If anything happens

If suddenly there is trouble,

Mommy will come to the rescue

It will always help.

  1. Mom has a lot of strength and health

Gives to all of us.

So, really, there is no

Better than our mothers.

They sing the song “My Mommy”

Ved. We all live on this earth only thanks to our mothers. It was they who raised and raised children as they are,

and, I dare say, not bad at all, since the world still exists.

Speech by kindergarten workers:

  1. Take care of your children
    Don't scold them for their pranks.
    The evil of your bad days
    Never take it out on them.
    Don't be seriously angry with them
    Even if they did something wrong,
    There is nothing more expensive than tears
    That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.
  2. If you feel tired
    I can’t cope with her,
    Well, my son will come to you
    Or your daughter will extend her hands.
    Hug them tight
    Treasure children's affection
    This is a short moment of happiness
    Hurry up to be happy.
    After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,
    These golden days will flash by
    And they will leave their native hearth
    Your children have grown up.
  3. Flipping through the album
    With childhood photographs
    Remember with sadness the past
    About those days when we were together.
    How will you want
    Return again at this time
    To sing a song to them little ones,
    Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.
    And while there is children's laughter in the house,
    There's no escape from toys
    You are the happiest person in the world,
    Please take care of your childhood!

Ved. Dear guests, our holiday is already over,

What else can we say?

Let me wish you good health in parting

Don't get old, don't get sick, don't ever be sad!

Stay that young forever !

To the music, the children and their teachers leave the hall.

Mom, mom, mommy,
My best.
We are with you, mommy,
Friendly family!

I will listen to you
So that you always
Knew that the child
Yours is the best!

Our mothers are the best:
Kind, beautiful.
We want you to be
Happy every day!

We will obey, play,
Study in kindergarten.
So that mom doesn't feel sad,
Have fun with us!

Dear mothers,
Congratulations on the holiday.
You are beautiful with us
And so different.

We give you hugs
Songs and poems,
Let them be filled with sunshine
Autumn days!

You are as bright as the sun,
You're soft like clouds
You are as soft as a feather,
You are sweet like a berry.

You are strong like the ocean
Like a star - beautiful,
Like heaven - vanilla,
You are my beloved mother!

These bright cards
We made it for you
Our sweet smiles
We give on this day and hour,
And let's not forget to add:
- We love you very much!

A small bouquet
But with a big soul,
I'm bringing it to mommy
I'm already big!

Happy holiday, dear,
I say quietly
I, you, mommy,
I love it so much!

Mommy, honey, I love you,
I, my dear, value you very much.
I just adore you, dear
And with all my heart, I wish you happiness!

Kindergarten collected today
Our dear, kind mothers,
Who prepared the dance for them?
Who drew the picture?

We worked for a whole month
To give them a surprise
To know how much we love them,
Mom's laughter is like a prize for us.

Moms, mommies, mommies,
We congratulate you together,
You are so beautiful
Glad to have you with us!

We warmly congratulate mom,
And with all our hearts we wish,
Never lose heart
And shine like the sun!

A small child knows
The word "mommy" from the cradle,
Take your mother's hand,
And you won't find anyone happier.

In our kindergarten,
Our mothers are simply awesome!
We congratulate them today,
We don’t let go one step.

To all mothers on the planet
I give you my poem,
From all the children in the world
I say “Thank you”!

On Mother's Day I wish
All the best to all mothers,
Big, endless love
And happiness and warmth!

Mommy, beloved,
Most dear,
Kind, beautiful,
So cute.

Do you read a fairy tale?
And you will buy a toy,
You give tenderness, affection,
You love me dearly!

I always help
I am to my mother,
I greet you with a smile
Her at the door
I draw postcards
I give flowers,
After all, I am mommy
Love very very much!

I'll give it to my mom today
I am the most beautiful bouquet,
I'll sing her a song
I love her very much!

We wish mothers patience,
Always happy, bright days.
There is no one in the whole world sweeter than you,
Kinder, closer and dearer.

We are not children, but flowers,
Dear sons and daughters,
For my beloved mothers,
Everyone did something themselves!
We hasten to congratulate them:
Theirs are their own babies!

Every adult and child
They love mommy from the cradle.
For the smile and tenderness,
For care, serenity,
For warmth, for approval,
For universal patience.

Oh, what are you today?
Moms are smart,
And beautiful and sweet,
Ours are beloved,
Gifts are ready for you,
Songs, postcards,
And for you, our dear ones,
Glow - smiles!

We got up - dressed up,
Lined up in a row
May our loved ones be upon us
Moms are looking...

You, so much, mommies,
Kids love
And they'll sing you a song
Choir from the heart!

Municipal budgetary preschool institution "Kindergarten for the care and recovery of frequently ill and allergic children No. 25 "Nest" of the city of Novocheboksarsk

Chuvash Republic

Scenario for Mother's Day

“Come on, mommies...” for the eldest

preschool age.

Prepared and conducted:

MBDOU teacher

"Kindergarten No. 25 "Nest"

Zhuravleva Vera Valentinovna


November 2011

Scenario for the Mother's Day holiday “Come on, mommies...” for senior preschool age.

Target: development of children's play and creative activities; familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults, the formation of gender and family affiliation; nurturing love and respect for mother.


consolidate and enrich children's knowledge about Mother's Day;

introduce poetic and prose works of fiction on the topic;

enrich children's vocabulary and vocabulary; develop memory, expressive speech, and the ability to recite poetry;

create a festive, cheerful mood, create a desire to take care of your mother and help her.


Two easels with Whatman paper A-3, felt-tip pens, flowers (daisies) for displaying glasses, blindfolds, hoops, sports sticks, pre-made gifts for mothers (Butterfly needle cases).

Preliminary work:

Role-playing game "Family"; reading works of fiction on the topic “Love and respect for mother”; making gifts for mothers (Butterfly pincushions); drawing portraits of mothers; memorizing poems on the topic; learning songs.

Organization of children:Venue: music hall.

Progress of the matinee

To the music “Mom is the first word,” children enter the music room and sit on chairs.

1 presenter: - Good evening, dear friends!
2 presenter: - Good festive evening! Festive, thanks to the dearest, dearest, most affectionate, most tender – mothers!
1 presenter: - And let them not all be in this room now, but let our warmth, immeasurable love, gratitude, admiration reach them, despite the distances, despite the partings.
2 presenter: - The most, dearest person in our lives is our mother. It was she who raised us and educated us. She loves us both good and bad.
1 presenter: - The word “mother” is one of the most ancient on earth and sounds almost the same in the languages ​​of different nations.
2 presenter: - How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which is used to call the closest, dearest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age.
1 presenter: - And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50 - you always need your mother, her care, her kindness, her participation, her affectionate gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter her life!

2 presenter: - Everyone always needs a mother, because this is a shrine, a shrine...
1 presenter: - This evening is dedicated to you - smart, kind, hospitable, generous, everyone whose name is mother.

2 presenter: Many poets dedicate poems to their mother. And now, dear mothers, the guys will read poems about mother:

1. I will kiss my mother deeply,
I will hug my dear.
I love her very much.
Mom is my sunshine.

2. There are many mothers in this world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother.
Who is she, I will answer.
This is my mom.

1st and 2nd presenter: Well done! What wonderful words!

1 presenter: Our dear mothers, are you ready to start the holiday?

2 presenter: Teams line up! 2 teams take part in the competition. Let me introduce them!

1 presenter: Team "Cuties"

motto: Mom is super,

Mom class

There is no better person in the world!

2 presenter: Team "Cuties"

motto: We are beauties no matter where we are

Dads always love us!

1 presenter: Mom's hands do not know boredom. We all know that mom has the most skillful hands in the world! Only a mother can make a wonderful outfit out of simple things!

2 presenter: Now we will check how our mothers prepared.

Homework: “Sew an outfit for the child.”

1st and 2nd presenter: Well done! We have wonderful mothers!
1 presenter: As soon as something hurts us or we scratch our arm or hurt ourselves, we immediately run to our mother. Mother! Mother! And lo and behold!!! As soon as mom presses us to her, strokes where it hurts, and now the pain is half as much, or even completely gone. Now we recognize our mother by her hands.

Game "Get to know Mom"

Mothers stand in a circle, the child is blindfolded and he walks in a circle and touches the hands of all mothers until he finds his own.

1st and 2nd presenter: Well done! Everyone recognized mother’s tender and affectionate hands!
2 presenter: Mothers can sew clothes, cook soup, build a house, and drive a car! And this requires patience, speed and attention. Are all mothers like this? We will check this in the relay race"Slick Moms"

1 presenter: Well done! Our mothers know how to have fun. Our mothers are the smartest!

2 presenter: Let our mothers rest a little, and the guys read poetry to us.

3. I'm just waking up
I smile.
The sun kisses me tenderly.
I look at the sun
I see mom.
My sun is my dear mother.
4. Mommy, my mommy,
Mom, I love you.
The best,
Mommy is pretty.

1st and 2nd presenter: Well done! Wonderful poems about mom!

1 presenter: Our mothers have golden hands and we know that they will draw a beautiful portrait of their child with their eyes closed.Competition “Mom draw me!”

1st and 2nd presenter: What wonderful portraits you turned out!

2 presenter: The most beautiful word on Earth is “MOM!” Our mothers, like the sun, bring warmth and happiness to everyone. Guys, what does your mother affectionately call you?

1 presenter: Great, now we know what kind and warm words your mother calls you!

2 presenter: I suggest you guys call your mommy with kind and affectionate words!

Game “Call Mom Affectionately”

1 presenter: Well done! How many nice words you can say to your beloved mom!
2 presenter:

I want everyone to laugh
May your dreams always come true.
So that children have joyful dreams.
So that the morning is good,
So that mom will NEVER be sad.

Song "Baby Mammoth"

Across the blue sea to the green land
I'm sailing on my white ship,
On your white ship, on your white ship.
Neither the waves nor the wind scare me,
I'm swimming to the only mother in the world,
I'm sailing through the waves and the wind
To the only mother in the world.
I want to get to the ground as soon as possible.
I'm here, I've arrived. I'll shout to her.
I'll scream to my mom, I'll scream to my mom.
Let mom hear, let mom come,
May my mother definitely find me.
After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,
So that children are lost.
After all, this doesn’t happen in the world,
So that children are lost.

Children give gifts to mothers.

1 presenter : - That's all! Friendship wins, there are no losers, because the main thing in our holiday is participation and the ability to have fun. I think the holiday was a great success!

2 presenter: In conclusion, allow me to once again congratulate you, our charming mothers, on your holiday! We wish you all the best and invite you to tea.

We played great

And we're pretty tired

Wow, my throat is so dry!

Let `s have some rest,

Let's drink some tea at the same time!