Material on the topic: Comparison of educational programs. Analysis of educational programs in preschool


Kazarina Daria Nikolaevna

5th year student

LPI-branch of Siberian Federal University

In modern conditions, preschool educational institutions are transitioning to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. We analyzed several preschool education programs for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. In the analysis we used the following programs: “Childhood” edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva, “Origins” T.I. Alieva, T.V. Antonova, L.A. Paramonov, “Dialogue” edited by O.L. Soboleva, O.G. Prikhodko, “From birth to school” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, “Birch” by V.K. Zagvodkina, S.A. Trubitsina.

The Federal State Educational Standard has replaced the federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, introduced in 2009. The new standard is intended to bring the structure of the program and the conditions for its implementation in kindergartens to uniform requirements, which will ensure continuity between preschool and primary education programs. The standard determines the status of kindergartens as entry-level institutions in the general education system: by the first grade of school, the child will have to reach a certain level of development. Preschool teachers face a difficult task - to teach and develop students in accordance with standards, but not to forget about the individuality and personality development of each child, which remains the main goal of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard.

The main emphasis in the standard is on the development of students through play, free conversation, dialogue, through communication with peers, older children, family, and teachers. The teacher must take a partnership position, comprehend new things together with the child in the form of cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.


Program "Childhood"

"Origins" program

Dialogue program

Program "From birth to school"

Program "Berezka"


    increasing the social status of preschool education;

    ensuring by the state equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education;

    ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of preschool education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs of preschool education, their structure and the results of their development;

maintaining the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education

to create for each child in kindergarten the opportunity to develop abilities, broad interaction with the world, active practice in various types of activities, and creative self-realization.

The program is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the child’s behavior, activities and attitude to the world.

Ensuring the full, comprehensive development of each child,

Formation of basic trust in the world and universal, including creative abilities to a level corresponding to age specifics and the requirements of modern society;

Creating equal conditions for the development of children with different capabilities.

to provide each child with the highest development dynamics appropriate to his age, the opportunity for self-affirmation: perception of himself as an individual, as a capable person, a confident start before entering school life.

1.creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, 2.formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, 3.preparation for life in modern society, 4.formation of prerequisites for educational activities , 5. ensuring the life safety of a preschooler.

designing social situations for the child’s development and a developing subject-spatial environment that provides positive socialization, motivation and support for the individuality of children through communication, play, cognitive-research activities and other forms of activity using Waldorf pedagogy.


    protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

    2) ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities);

    3) ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels (hereinafter referred to as the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education);

    4) creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

    5) combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society;

    6) the formation of a general culture of children’s personality, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

    7) ensuring variability and diversity of the content of Programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating Programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children;

    8) formation of a socio-cultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

    9) providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

1)protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being; 2) ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities); 3) ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs of preschool and primary general education; 4) creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

5) combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society; 6) the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities; 7) ensuring variability and diversity in the content of programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of children; 8) formation of a socio-cultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children; 9) providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

enrichment of child development, the interconnection of all its aspects. The implementation of the basic educational program ensures the child’s rights to physical, intellectual, social and emotional development (“Convention on the Rights of the Child”, Federal State Educational Standard for Education) at the preschool level and during the transition to primary school.

1. Formation of a child’s personal qualities based on the transfer of spiritual, moral and sociocultural experience of family and society, interaction with adults, other children, nature, and the world.

2. Targeted strengthening of the child’s physical and mental health; formation of stable positive ideas about the values ​​associated with a healthy lifestyle.

3. Formation of a child’s general culture based on his familiarization with universal human values, art, and the aesthetic side of life.

4. Formation in a child of stable positive motivation for various types of children's activities based on awakening interest in the objects of this activity and in activity as a process.

5. Formation of creative activity - based on amplification (enrichment) of child development.

6. Ensuring positive socialization - based on the development of cooperation, communication activities, as well as familiarization with various ways of handling information (taking into account the characteristics of the age stages of preschool childhood). 7. Implementation of the “algorithm for speech emancipation and development”; release and activation of the child’s speech resource; formation of creative speech behavior.

8. Implementation of the necessary prevention and correction of the psychological development of preschool children using neuropsychological methods.

9. Adequate satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities - based on a correct approach to creating special conditions for their educational activities.

10. Providing each child (taking into account his individual characteristics and inclinations) the opportunity to assert himself and increase self-esteem in the process of forming the self-concept.

11. Providing the child with opportunities for multifaceted choice: in play, cognitive, research and other activities, during routine moments, in free time; supporting children's initiative and independence in various activities.

12. Achieving the necessary degree of continuity of goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs of preschool and primary general education.

13. Creation of necessary and sufficient conditions for the implementation of the optimal variant of interaction between subjects of educational relations - interaction in which the interests of the child, teacher, and parents must be ensured.

creation of a program document that helps teachers organize the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and allows them to write their own educational program based on the Model Program.

Creating conditions for the maximum possible integration of educational content in various areas of development provided for by the standard;

Including the content of education in the context of the group’s daily lifestyle, using the educational potential of so-called regime moments;

Formation of a social and subject environment that promotes the assimilation of moral values ​​and norms of interpersonal communication through high-quality interaction and communication between children, as well as between children and adults;

Reviving the experience of children's mixed-age groups;

Development of free spontaneous children's play in a kindergarten;

Conscious partnership with the families of pupils.


1) full-fledged experience by the child of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

2) building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education);

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) supporting children’s initiative in various activities;

5) cooperation of the Organization with the family;

6) introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;

7) formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;

8) age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics);

9) taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

1. The principle of full-fledged living by a child at all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development.

2. The principle of constructing educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education and becomes the subject of preschool education. 3. The principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations. 4. The principle of supporting children’s initiative in various activities. 5. The principle of cooperation with the family.

6. The principle of introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state.

7. The principle of forming a child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions in various types of activities.

8. The principle of age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics).

9. The principle of taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

1. Implementation of the principle “from the general to the particular,” the specificity of which at this age is that every particular should appear to the child as a manifestation of something general, i.e. not in itself, but in a system of other objects or phenomena, on the basis of which their various properties and interdependencies are learned. As a result, children in older preschool age master the ability to “integrate” objects that are new to them into their already established systems and use this skill as a means of cognition. All this allows children to go beyond the specifics, which in themselves often do not make sense to the child, to make generalizations, conclusions, predict certain results and find creative solutions. This provides a systematic approach to organizing content.

2. An integrated principle of organizing the development of the proposed content, which, on the one hand, does not violate the integrity of each of the areas of knowledge (nature, native language, drawing, etc.), and on the other hand, significantly enriches them, contributes to their semantic deepening, expands associative information field of children. This activates children’s own interpretation of various phenomena 8 by both verbal and non-verbal means. Children develop broad semantic connections based on the “unity of affect and intellect” (L.S. Vygotsky).

3. Creation of problem situations characterized by a certain level of difficulty associated with the child’s lack of ready-made ways to resolve them and the need to search for them independently. As a result, children develop search activity, focus on achieving a goal, and the methods they find are generalized and freely used in new situations, which indicates the development of their thinking and imagination.

4. Visual modeling, showing children some hidden dependencies and relationships, for example, mathematical ones (part-whole, one-half, one-fourth, etc.), which contributes to the beginning of the formation of general categories and the formation of logical thinking. 5. Creating conditions for practical experimentation with different materials: both independent, before presenting any task to adults, and dictated by the conditions of the task proposed by the teacher. A broad orientation in the properties of the material significantly activates the search activity of children aimed at finding different solutions, which is one of the indicators of creativity.

6. Taking into account individual characteristics, both personal (leadership, initiative, confidence, determination, etc.), and differences in capabilities and pace of completing tasks, etc. This contributes to the successful development of each child and his emotional well-being.

7. Taking into account the basic styles of perception: some children better assimilate content based on visual perception (visual), others - on auditory (auditory), and still others - on motor and tactile (kinesthetic). And it is very important when the same content is told, shown, and played out by children through movements. In this case, children will be able, firstly, to better understand the material and assimilate it, and secondly, all children will gradually develop types of perception that are weaker for them.

8. Creating conditions for the children themselves to use the content mastered in classes in further free activities (playing, drawing, designing, creating carnival costumes, etc.), which contributes to both the development and self-development of children.

9. Taking into account the specifics in the development of boys and girls. So girls are more successful in a small space and therefore they can easily do small jobs, unlike boys; when perceiving texts by ear, girls react to how it is said (emotionally or not), and boys react to the meaning; in movement, girls are more expressive, and boys are more resilient, etc. (T.P. Khrizman). However, the excessive emphasis on gender orientation in education today is very alarming, which can lead to distorted ideas.

10. The current emphasis in current preschool education on organizing productive, result-oriented actions of children significantly impoverishes the result itself. In this regard, a balance is required in organizing the process of perception and productive actions.

1. Standard: a child’s full experience of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development. In the program the following principles correlate with it: positive preference; natural play; the predominance of novelty; optimal variety; “end-to-end” visualization; based on impressions.

2. Standard: building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education). The program correlates with it: the principle of taking into account individual educational standards; the principle of “shifting layers” (“educational elevators”); the principle of the path from the child (and not to the child).

3. Standard: the principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations. The program correlates with it: the principle of emotional equality of a child and an adult; the principle of joint “educational navigation”.

4. Standard: the principle of supporting children’s initiative in various activities. The program correlates with it: the principles of voluntariness and alternative actions of the child.

5. Standard: the principle of cooperation between the Organization and the family. The program correlates with it: the principle of productive activity of the Educational Community.

6. Standard: introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state. The program correlates with it: the principle of development of sociocultural creativity.

7. Standard: the principle of forming a child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions in various types of activities. The program correlates with it: the principle of free educational design.

8. Standard: the principle of age-appropriate preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics). The program correlates with it: the “crystal slipper” principle (disclosed, like the others, in the methodological Appendix to the Model Program). 9. Standard: the principle of taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children’s development. The program correlates with it: the principle of priority of national tolerance.

    corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;

combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the Program corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy and, as experience shows, can be successfully implemented in the mass practice of preschool education);

meets the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allowing one to achieve the set goals and objectives using a reasonable “minimum” of material);

ensures the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children, during the implementation of which such qualities are formed that are key in the development of preschool children;

is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

is based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process;

provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and the independent activities of preschoolers, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The main form of work with preschoolers and their leading activity is play;

allows for variations in the educational process depending on regional characteristics;

is built taking into account continuity between all age preschool groups and between kindergarten and primary school

    Imitation and example

    Rhythm and repetition

    Principle of integrity

    Reliance on the child’s experience of the world and himself

    Artistic and aesthetic general background

    Requirements for the quality of the subject-development environment

    The principle of a group of different ages

    Cooperation with children's families

    Integration of elements of traditional folk culture

Content Analysis


pp. 230-231

Thus, having analyzed preschool education programs for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, we came to the conclusion: educational programs do not contradict the federal state educational standard for preschool education.

Analysis of the program “From birth to school” based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education
The sample program “From birth to school” was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Order No. 1155 of October 17, 2013) and is intended for use in preschool educational organizations for the formation of basic educational programs (BEP).

The main task The goal facing the authors of the Program is to create a program document that helps teachers organize the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and allows them to write their own PEP based on the Model Program.

Leading goals of the Program— creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the safety of a preschooler’s life.

Particular attention in the Program is paid to the development of the child’s personality, the preservation and strengthening of children’s health, as well as the education in preschoolers of such qualities as:


Active life position;

Creative approach to solving various life situations;

Respect for traditional values.

These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: play, communication, work, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.
To achieve the goals of the Program, the following are of paramount importance:

Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

Creating an atmosphere in groups of a humane and friendly attitude towards all students, which allows them to be raised sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

Creative organization (creativity) of the educational process;

Variability in the use of educational material, allowing for the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

Respect for the results of children's creativity;

Unity of approaches to raising children in a preschool educational institution and family; . observance of continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary schools, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of education for preschool children, ensuring the absence of pressure from subject teaching.

Solving the goals and objectives of education outlined in the Program is possible only with systematic and targeted support by the teacher of various forms of children’s activity and initiative, starting from the first days of the child’s stay in a preschool educational institution.

The Program brings to the fore the developmental function of education, ensuring the formation of the child’s personality and orienting the teacher to his individual characteristics, which corresponds to the modern scientific “Concept of Preschool Education” (authors 8 V.V. Davydov, V.A. Petrovsky, etc.) recognition of the intrinsic value of the preschool period of childhood.

The program is built on the principles of a humane and personal attitude towards the child and is aimed at his comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and integrative qualities. The Program lacks strict regulation of children's knowledge and subject-centrism in teaching.
When developing the Program, the authors relied on the best traditions of domestic preschool education, its fundamental nature: a comprehensive solution to problems of protecting the lives and strengthening the health of children, comprehensive education, amplification (enrichment) of development based on the organization of various types of children's creative activities.
A special role in the Program is given to play activities as leading ones in preschool childhood (A. N. Leontyev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, etc.). The authors of the Program were based on the most important didactic principle - developmental education and on the scientific position of L. S. Vygotsky that properly organized training “leads” development. Education and mental development cannot act as two separate processes independent of each other, but at the same time, “upbringing serves as a necessary and universal form of child development” (V.V. Davydov).
Thus, development within the framework of the Program acts as the most important result of the success of the upbringing and education of children. The Program comprehensively presents all the main content areas of a child’s upbringing and education from birth to school.
The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle ensures that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education and makes up for the shortcomings of spiritual, moral and emotional education.
Education is considered as a process of introducing a child to the main components of human culture (knowledge, morality, art, work).

The main criterion for selecting program material is its educational value, the high artistic level of the cultural works used (classical and folk - both domestic and foreign), the possibility of developing the child’s comprehensive abilities at each stage of preschool childhood (E. A. Flerina, N. P. Sakulina, N. A. Vetlugina, N. S. Karpinskaya).

Program "From birth to school":
. corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;
combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the Program corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy and, as experience shows, can be successfully implemented in the mass practice of preschool education);
. meets the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allowing you to achieve your goals and objectives using a reasonable “minimum” of material);
. ensures the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children, during the implementation of which such qualities are formed that are key in the development of preschool children;
. is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;
. is based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process;
. provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and the independent activities of preschoolers, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;
. involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The main form of work with preschoolers and their leading activity is play;
. allows for variations in the educational process depending on regional characteristics;
. is built taking into account continuity between all age preschool groups and between kindergarten and primary school. Distinctive features of the program “From birth to school”

Focus on the development of the child’s personality
The priority of the Program is the education of a free, self-confident person with an active life position, who strives to creatively approach solving various life situations, has his own opinion and knows how to defend it.

Patriotic orientation of the Program
The Program pays great attention to instilling in children patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, pride in its achievements, and confidence that Russia is a great multinational country with a heroic past and a happy future. Focus on moral education, support for traditional values ​​Fostering respect for traditional values, such as love for parents, respect for elders, caring attitude towards children and the elderly; formation of traditional gender ideas; instilling in children the desire to follow a positive example in their actions.

Focus on further education
The program is aimed at developing cognitive interest in children, the desire to acquire knowledge, positive motivation for further education at school and college; understanding that all people need to receive education. Formation of an attitude towards education as one of the leading life values.

Focus on preserving and strengthening children's health
One of the main tasks that the Program sets for educators is to take care of preserving and strengthening the health of children, developing in them basic ideas about a healthy lifestyle, developing healthy habits, including healthy eating habits, and the need for physical activity.

Focus on taking into account the individual characteristics of the child
The program is aimed at ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, which is achieved by taking into account the individual characteristics of children both in matters of organizing life activities (bringing the daily routine closer to the individual characteristics of the child, etc.), and in the forms and methods of interaction with the child (showing respect for his individuality , sensitivity to his emotional states, support for his self-esteem, etc.).

Features of the structure of the program “From birth to school”
The most significant structural characteristic of the program “From birth to school” is the principle of presentation of the material - the content of psychological and pedagogical work is set out in the Program for educational areas, in each of which the main goals and objectives and the content of psychological and pedagogical work are indicated.
The content of psychological and pedagogical work in educational areas is presented in thematic blocks, within which the material is presented by age group. This structure of the program allows you to see the time perspective of the development of the child’s qualities, makes it possible to be more flexible in the choice of program content, and it is easier to introduce a variable part.
Flexibility in choosing program content based on the child’s developmental level
In each thematic block, material is presented by age group. For example, in the educational field “Social and communicative development” a thematic block “Moral education” is highlighted, in which the content of psychological and pedagogical work is presented by age groups. This makes it possible to see the time perspective of the development of the moral qualities of a preschooler, which allows the teacher to more fully take into account the individual characteristics of children in their work and set tasks based not so much on age recommendations, but on the individual level of development of the child. Coverage of all age periods (from birth to school)

The advantages of the “From Birth to School” program, of course, include the fact that it covers all age periods of children’s physical and mental development: early age - from birth to 2 years (first and second early age groups); junior preschool age - from 2 to 4 years (first and second junior groups), middle preschool age - from 4 to 5 years (middle group), senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years (senior and preparatory to school groups).

Easy to introduce variable part
Presenting the content of the Program in thematic blocks allows, when writing a PEP, to easily form a variable part (the part formed by participants in the educational process) - taking into account the species diversity of the educational organization, priority areas, introducing a regional component, etc. In particular, an educational organization can replace one or more semantic blocks to partial and proprietary programs or rewrite the content of these sections yourself. The only requirement is that the variable part must comply with the Federal State Educational Standard and should not contradict the goals and objectives of the “From Birth to School” program.

The presence of a separate section on the development of play activity is explained by the fact that in preschool age play is the leading type of activity and should be present in all psychological and pedagogical work, and not just in one of the areas. Recognizing the exceptional importance of developing the play activity of a preschooler, the authors supplemented the Program with a separate chapter devoted to play. This chapter reveals the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of gaming activity for each age period, which allows the teacher to comprehensively see all aspects of gaming activity in progressive development.

Interaction with families of pupils.
The section “Interaction between kindergarten and family” describes the main forms of work with parents of pupils, the use of which allows teachers to successfully implement the general education program of preschool education. An important advantage of the Program is that it is provided with aids for studying with a child at home - books from the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” series.
Variability of the content of the section on inclusive and correctional education Within the framework of variability, the Program presents two sections on inclusive and correctional education: “Inclusive practice in groups of combined orientation” and “Correctional work in preschool educational institutions (by educational areas).” Both sections correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard, but demonstrate different approaches to solving similar problems. Teachers can choose the option that is more suitable for working in a given preschool institution, or combine both options. The presence of an appendix with detailed lists in the modern edition of the Program; all approximate lists are included in the Appendix. This significantly reduces the content of the Program and makes it easier to understand. In addition, this construction of the Program allows you to see how the content of the sample lists changes depending on the age of the children. For example, it is now easy to see and analyze what is recommended for reading to children in each age group.

Development of a complete educational and methodological set for the Program
The obvious advantage of the Program is that it is provided with a complete educational and methodological set, including teaching aids on all lines and areas of child development, comprehensive thematic planning, visual aids and workbooks, as well as manuals on the work of a psychologist in preschool educational institutions, on inclusive education and work of a family kindergarten. At the same time, the educational and methodological support of the Program is a constantly developing tool of professional activity, reflecting modern achievements and trends in domestic and global preschool education.

Organization of monitoring of the conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education using the example of the “From Birth to School” program.
PLANNED RESULTS OF MASTERING THE PROGRAM Targets The specifics of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of the child’s development, a high range of options for its development, its spontaneity and involuntary behavior) do not allow requiring a preschool child to achieve specific educational results and necessitates the need to determine the results of mastering the educational program in the form of targets .

The targets for preschool education presented in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education should be considered as social-normative age characteristics of a child’s possible achievements. This is a guideline for teachers and parents, indicating the direction of the educational activities of adults. The targets outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education are common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, however, each of the exemplary programs has its own distinctive features, its own priorities, targets that do not contradict the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, but can deepen and complement its requirements.
Thus, the targets of the “From Birth to School” program are based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and the goals and objectives outlined in the explanatory note to the “From Birth to School” program, and in the part that coincides with the Standards, they are given according to the text of the Federal State Educational Standard.
The presented system for assessing the results of mastering the Program reflects current trends associated with changes in the understanding of assessing the quality of preschool education. First of all, we are talking about a gradual shift in emphasis from an objective (test) approach towards an authentic assessment.
Pedagogical diagnostics The implementation of the program “From birth to school” involves assessing the individual development of children. Such an assessment is carried out by a pedagogical worker within the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of the individual development of preschool children associated with the assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and - diagnostics are carried out during observations of the activity of children in spontaneous and specially organized activities.

Toolkit for pedagogical diagnostics - observation cards of child development, which allow recording the individual dynamics and development prospects of each child during:
. communications with peers and adults (how the ways of establishing and maintaining contact, making joint decisions, conflict resolution, leadership, etc. are changing);
. gaming activities;
. cognitive activity (how the development of children's abilities and cognitive activity proceeds);
. project activities (how children’s initiative, responsibility and autonomy develop, how the ability to plan and organize their activities develops);
. artistic activity;
. physical development.
The results of pedagogical diagnostics can be used exclusively to solve the following educational problems:
1) individualization of education (including support for the child, building his educational trajectory or professional correction of his developmental characteristics);
2) optimization of work with a group of children. During educational activities, teachers must create diagnostic situations in order to assess the individual dynamics of children and adjust their actions.


Kuzminykh Yu.I.

LPI - branch of Siberian Federal University

The objective of our research is to analyze preschool education programs for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. For analysis, we chose the following programs: “Childhood” (Authors: O. V. Akulova, T. I. Babaeva, T. A. Berezina, A. M. Verbenets, A. G. Gogoberidze, T. S. Gryadkina, V. A. Derkunskaya, T. A. Ivchenko, N. O. Nikonova, L. K. Nichiporenko, V. A. Novitskaya, Z. A. Mikhailova, M. N. Polyakova, L. S. Rimashevskaya, O. V Solntseva, O. N. Somkova, R. I. Yafizova), “From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, “” (Author S . N. Tsinovskaya), “Origins” (team of authors: Alieva T.I., Antonova T.V., Arnautova E.P., Arushanova A.G., Bogina T.L., Vasyukova N.E., Volkova E.M., Vorobyova I.N., Davidchuk A.N.¸ Ivankova R.A., Kazakova T.G., Kachanova I.A., Kondratyeva N.L., Lykova I.A., Obukhova L. F., Pavlova L.N., Paramonova L.A., Petrova V.A., Protasova E.Yu., Rodina N.M., Ryzhova N.A., Taruntaeva T.V., Tarasova K. V., Timofeeva E.A., Trifonova E.V., Uradovskikh G.V.) , “Golden Key” edited by G.G. Kravtsova.


Analysis of preschool education programs for compliance with Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education

Federal State Educational Standard

"From birth to school"

" Childhood"


"Golden Key"


The purpose of the education program

Designing social situations for a child’s development and a developing subject-spatial environment that provides positive socialization, motivation and support for children’s individuality through communication, play, cognitive-research activities and other forms of activity.

Creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, creating prerequisites for educational activities, ensuring the safety of life of a preschooler

To create for each child in kindergarten the opportunity to develop abilities, broad interaction with the world, active practice in various types of activities, and creative self-realization. The program is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the child’s behavior, activities and attitude to the world.

Ensuring the full, comprehensive development of each child, the formation of his basic trust in the world and universal, including creative abilities to a level corresponding to the age specifics and requirements of modern society; creating equal conditions for the development of children with different capabilities.

to create optimal conditions for the personal and mental development of children, for their emotional well-being and, at the same time, to ensure continuity between preschool and primary general education.

- creating conditions for the child’s development that open up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, the development of initiative and creativity based on cooperation with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities;

- creation of a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.

Thus, after analyzing the Federal State Educational Standard, we can conclude that the main goal is the social situation of the development of a preschooler. Having studied the programs, we see that educational programs such as “Childhood” and “” coincide in terms of the stated goal of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The rest of the programs have a different goal. The goal of the Golden Key program is aimed at the mental development of the child, the Origins program is aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual, and the From Birth to School program is aimed at personal culture.

Objectives of developing an educational program

1. Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being. 2. Ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities).

5. Combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society.

6. Formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.

7. Ensuring variability and diversity of educational work of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children. 8. Formation of a socio-cultural environment appropriate to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children.

Creation of a program document that helps teachers organize the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and allows them to write their own educational program based on the Model Program.

The priority tasks for the development and upbringing of children are:

- strengthening the child’s physical and mental health, forming the foundations of his motor and hygienic culture;

- holistic development of the child as a subject of activities feasible for a preschooler;

- enriched child development, ensuring a unified process of socialization-individualization, taking into account children's needs, capabilities and abilities;

- development, based on different educational content, of emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, and readiness to demonstrate a humane attitude in children’s activities, behavior, and actions;

- development of cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection, development of the child’s mental abilities and speech;

- awakening the child’s creative activity and imagination, the desire to engage in creative activities;

- organic entry of the child into the modern world, diverse interaction of preschoolers with various spheres of culture: fine arts and music, children's literature and native language, ecology, mathematics, games;

- introducing the child to the culture of his country and instilling respect for other peoples and cultures;

- introducing the child to beauty, goodness, non-violence, for it is important that preschool age becomes the time when the child awakens a sense of belonging to the world, the desire to do good deeds.

enrichment of child development, the interconnection of all its aspects. The implementation of the basic educational program ensures the child’s rights to physical, intellectual, social and emotional development at the preschool level and during the transition to primary school education

1) protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children of different ages and nationalities, including their emotional well-being;

2) ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, ethnicity, language, social status, religion, psychophysiological and other characteristics;

3) ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education in preschool and primary general education;

4) creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the cognitive and emotional development of the child, the disclosure and realization of his creative potential;

5) combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral, national and universal values, as well as socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society;

6) the formation of a general culture of children’s personality, their ability for intercultural communication, instilling a healthy lifestyle, the development of social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of each child, prerequisites for educational activities;

7) the formation of a holistic educational and educational environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children, based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values;

8) providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of children’s parents (or their legal representatives) in matters of their development and education, protection and promotion of health.

1. Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being.

2. Ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities).

3. Ensuring the continuity of goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels.

4. Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, development of the abilities and creative potential of each child.

5. Combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society. 6. Formation of a general culture of the personality of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities.

7. Ensuring variability and diversity of educational work of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children.

8. Formation of a sociocultural environment appropriate to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children.

9. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

Thus, we can draw a conclusion on the objectives of educational programs. Programs such as “Golden Key”, “”, “Childhood”, “Childhood” and the Federal State Educational Standard have absolutely the same tasks. They are aimed at protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, at ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics. To create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child. And also, on the formation of a sociocultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children, etc.

As for the “From Birth to School” program, the task here is aimed at creating a program document that helps teachers organize the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and allows them to write their own educational program based on the Model Program.

Principles of educational program education

4. Organization of the educational process taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children’s development, based on respect for different national cultures. Introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state. 5. The humanistic nature of the interaction between adults - parents (legal representatives), teaching and other employees of the Organization - and children; respect for the child's personality. Recognition of the child as a full participant in educational relations, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education; supporting children's initiative in various activities. 6. Orientation of education towards the development of the child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions, the development and harmonization of the emotional sphere, the formation of moral qualities of the individual and the socialization of the child

Program "From birth to school":

corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;

combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the Program corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy and, as experience shows, can be successfully implemented in the mass practice of preschool education);

meets the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allowing you to achieve your goals and objectives using a reasonable “minimum” of material);

ensures the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children, during the implementation of which such qualities are formed that are key in the development of preschool children;

is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

is based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process; provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and the independent activities of preschoolers, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The main form of work with preschoolers and their leading activity is play;

allows for variations in the educational process depending on regional characteristics;

is built taking into account continuity between all age preschool groups and between kindergarten and primary school.

1. The principle of full-fledged living by a child at all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development.

2. The principle of constructing educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education and becomes the subject of preschool education.

3. The principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations.

4. The principle of supporting children’s initiative in various activities.

5. The principle of cooperation with the family.

6. The principle of introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state.

7. The principle of forming a child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions in various types of activities.

8. The principle of age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics).

9. The principle of taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

The implementation of the content of all educational areas is based on the following principles:

1. Implementation of the principle “from the general to the particular,” the specificity of which at this age is that every particular should appear to the child as a manifestation of something general, i.e. not in itself, but in a system of other objects or phenomena, on the basis of which their various properties and interdependencies are learned.

2. An integrated principle of organizing the development of the proposed content, which, on the one hand, does not violate the integrity of each of the areas of knowledge (nature, native language, drawing, etc.), and on the other hand, significantly enriches them, contributes to their semantic deepening, expands associative information field of children.

3. Creation of problem situations characterized by a certain level of difficulty associated with the child’s lack of ready-made ways to resolve them and the need to search for them independently.

4. Visual modeling, showing children some hidden dependencies and relationships, for example, mathematical ones (part-whole, one-half, one-fourth, etc.), which contributes to the beginning of the formation of general categories and the formation of logical thinking.

5. Creating conditions for practical experimentation with different materials: both independent, before presenting any task to adults, and dictated by the conditions of the task proposed by the teacher. A broad orientation in the properties of the material significantly activates the search activity of children aimed at finding different solutions, which is one of the indicators of creativity.

6. Taking into account individual characteristics, both personal (leadership, initiative, confidence, determination, etc.), and differences in capabilities and pace of completing tasks, etc. This contributes to the successful development of each child and his emotional well-being.

7. Taking into account the basic styles of perception: some children better assimilate content based on visual perception (visual), others - on auditory (auditory), and still others - on motor and tactile (kinesthetic). And it is very important when the same content is told, shown, and played out by children through movements. In this case, children will be able, firstly, to better understand the material and assimilate it, and secondly, all children will gradually develop types of perception that are weaker for them.

8. Creating conditions for the children themselves to use the content mastered in classes in further free activities (playing, drawing, designing, creating carnival costumes, etc.), which contributes to both the development and self-development of children.

9. Taking into account the specifics in the development of boys and girls. So girls are more successful in a small space and therefore they can easily do small jobs, unlike boys; when perceiving texts by ear, girls react to how it is said (emotionally or not), and boys react to the meaning; in movement, girls are more expressive, and boys are more resilient, etc.

10. The current emphasis in current preschool education on organizing productive, result-oriented actions of children significantly impoverishes the result itself. In this regard, a balance is required in organizing the process of perception and productive actions.

1. Personally oriented principles:
The principle of adaptability.
Development principle.
The principle of psychological comfort.

2. Culturally oriented principles:
The principle of integrity of educational content.
The principle of a semantic relationship to the world
The principle of systematicity.
The principle of the orienting function of knowledge.
The principle of mastering culture.

3. Activity-oriented principles:
The principle of learning activities.
Creative principle.

1. Understanding childhood as a unique, valuable period in the overall development of a person. A child’s full experience of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), amplification of childhood, inadmissibility of artificially accelerating or slowing down the pace of child development.

2. Age appropriateness of preschool education: compliance of conditions, methods, requirements with the age and developmental characteristics of the child. Implementation of the Program in forms specific to preschool children: play, cognitive and research activities, creative activity, communication and joint activities with other children and adults.

3. Supporting childhood diversity. Taking into account the individual needs of the child related to his life situation and health status (including disabilities), which determine the special conditions for his education; focus on creating conditions and a developmental environment suitable for children with different educational needs.

4. Organization of the educational process taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children’s development, based on respect for different national cultures. Introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state.

5. The humanistic nature of the interaction between adults - parents (legal representatives), teaching and other employees of the Organization - and children; respect for the child's personality. Recognition of the child as a full participant in educational relations, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education; supporting children's initiative in various activities. 6. Orientation of education towards the development of the child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions, the development and harmonization of the emotional sphere, the formation of moral qualities of the individual and the socialization of the child.

Analyzing the principles of the content of the Federal State Educational Standard, we highlight such principles as the understanding of childhood as a unique, valuable period in the overall development of a person, the child’s full experience of all stages of childhood and the orientation of education on the development of the child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions, the development and harmonization of the emotional sphere, the formation of moral qualities of the individual and child socialization. These principles coincide with educational programs such as “Childhood”, “Origins”, “Golden Key” and “”
The principles of the educational program “From birth to school” are aimed at building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children.

Thus, all presented programs generally comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Omsk State Pedagogical University"

Department of Pedagogy and Childhood Psychology.

Comparative analysis

modern programs.

Speech development in preschoolers.

Completed by a student:

3 correspondence courses

Faculty of DPiP

Scientific adviser:

OMSK 2010

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ....... 3

CHAPTER I. Software in the field of preschool education .. 5

1.1. General requirements for preschool education programs........ 5

1.2. Basic preschool education programs.................................................... 6

1.3. “Harmony of Development” program................................................................. ........ 7

1.4. Program "Origins"................................................... ............................ 8

1.5. Education, training and development program in kindergarten........ 10

1.6. Comparative analysis of preschool education programs........ 12

Conclusions on Chapter I:................................................... ....................................... 14

CHAPTER II Speech development program for preschool children......... 15

2.1.Purpose of the program:................................................. .................................... 15

2.2.Program concept:................................................. .......................... 15

2.3. Theoretical foundation of the program.................................................. 15

2.4. Sections and tasks on speech development.................................................... 17

2.5. Objectives of educating the sound side of speech.................................................... 17

2.6. Vocabulary work tasks.................................................................. ............... 17

speeches of preschoolers.

Determine speech development goals

Identify some ways to develop a preschooler’s speech.

CHAPTER I. Software in the field of preschool education.

1.1. General requirements for preschool education programs.

General requirements for preschool education programs (comprehensive, partial) are contained in the methodological letter of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated April 24, 1995 No. 46/19-15 “Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions.” However, in this document the requirements are set out without taking into account the modern diversity of programs, which are defined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. In accordance with Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, general educational programs are implemented in preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation, which are divided into basic and additional.

The starting point when choosing any general education program (main, additional) should be considered the presence in it of the conditions necessary for the implementation of the child’s constitutional right to the protection of life and health, the receipt of an education that is humanistic in nature, respect for his individuality, and the adequacy of the content of education to age-related capabilities. and psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, all Russian general education programs, including preschool education (basic and additional), are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting it to life in society, and creating the basis for informed choice and mastering professional educational programs. Basic and additional preschool education programs are focused on universal human values ​​in raising children and at the same time take into account the best traditions of domestic preschool education, create conditions for the formation of a highly moral, spiritually rich personality - a person and citizen who loves his family, his Motherland, and respects its original national culture.

Basic and additional programs are based on the leading principles of modern preschool education: the implementation of an approach to preschool childhood as a valuable period in a person’s life, personality-oriented interaction between adults and children, the developmental nature of upbringing and education, comprehensive consideration of age-related and psychophysiological patterns of child development.

1.2. Basic preschool education programs.

The main preschool education programs determine the content of the preschool level of education, its level and focus, based on priority goals and objectives; they guarantee a necessary and sufficient level of preschool education for the comprehensive development of the child.

The modern era of preschool education is characterized by richness of content and variety of core programs. They are a key tool for updating the content of preschool education.

Each of these programs has a certain “backbone” - a mandatory part that provides basic preschool education, regardless of the type and category of preschool institution in which it is implemented, and also includes a variable part necessary for implementation, which is built taking into account the specific nature of the content of the program.

The content of the main program meets the requirements of complexity, i.e. it includes all the main directions of development of the child’s personality: physical, cognitive - speech, social - personal, artistic - aesthetic, and contributes to the formation of the child’s versatile abilities (mental, communicative, regulatory, motor, creative) , the formation of specific types of children's activities (subject, play, theatrical, visual, musical, design, etc.).

The main programs determine the features of organizing children's lives in the context of providing for all its aspects, taking into account the use of the following three forms:

· Classes as a specially organized form of training;

· Free time provided for the child in kindergarten during the day.

One of the main requirements for basic programs is maintaining continuity with general education programs. In addition, they should contain indicators of the levels of development of children at certain age stages of preschool childhood.

Taking into account these requirements, the following programs can be classified as the main comprehensive programs of preschool education:

· “Rainbow” - edited by;

· “Childhood” -, etc.;

· “Program of education and training in kindergarten” - ed. , ;

· “Development” - ed. ;

· “Harmony of Development” - ;

· “Origins” - ed. ;

· “Kindergarten is a house of joy” - ;

· “Krokha” -, etc.;

· “From childhood to adolescence” - under. Ed. ;

· “Golden Key” - etc.

These programs are certified by the Russian Ministry of Defense or the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. In addition to those listed as the main comprehensive programs, you can use others that do not have the stamp of the Ministry of Education, including those from the lists recommended by territorial education authorities.

1.3. Program "Harmony of Development".

The main idea of ​​the program is the comprehensive, harmonious development of a child aged 2–7 years, maintaining and strengthening physical and mental health; equivalent development of the intellectual, emotional and moral-volitional spheres of the personality of a preschool child; creating the necessary conditions for the full development of the creative potential of the child and teacher.

Built on traditional domestic culture and the achievements of the methodological system of Russian preschool education; on the principle of integration of different content types of children's creative activities (play, cognitive, speech, design, natural history, mathematics, etc.). At the same time, the main activity is fine art and various types of art, which makes it possible to organize in a fundamentally new way the artistic and creative activity of the child himself and the entire pedagogical process as a whole.

The program defines a number of pedagogical conditions that help the child, independently and with the help of an adult, to master certain material and spiritual values, to understand the world around him and himself in it; develops the ability to build relationships with the living and inanimate world.

The structure of the program provides for work in two interrelated areas: the accumulation of social experience of knowing oneself and the world around us (see, hear, play) and the implementation of this experience in conditions of independent creative activity (do, create). The transfer of social experience (knowledge, abilities, skills) is carried out in classes and in free activity. Training in classes is carried out with small subgroups of children (5 - 8 people) with the definition of a mandatory minimum of program material that each child can learn, taking into account his age and individual capabilities.

Focused on the child’s creativity, this program is also aimed at the teacher. It not only gives him ample opportunities to create favorable pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of the preschooler’s personality, but also rebuilds the teacher’s thinking, allowing him to realize the idea of ​​the child’s subjective position in cognitive and creative activity. The teacher is given the opportunity to actively engage in pedagogical search, master new ways of acting, solve non-standard pedagogical situations, creatively varying and predicting the result.

The teacher has the right to independently construct on the proposed basis other variable content and developmental environment, maximally adapting them to the specific conditions of the kindergarten, group and the tasks of the child’s upbringing and development. The program takes the teacher on the path of self-education, opens up the possibility of solving organizational and methodological problems that improve the quality of his professional activity.

“Harmony of Development” is an open-type program, so the teacher has the opportunity to use any teaching aids and teaching materials.

1.4. "Origins" program

This program defines the content and nature of the modern pedagogical process aimed at developing the basis of personal culture in a preschool child in kindergarten. It implements the most important principle of humanistic pedagogy - the principle of dialogue between an adult and a child, children among themselves, teachers with each other, and a teacher with parents. As an educational program of a new generation, “Origins” reflects the enduring importance of preschool childhood as an extremely important, basic period for subsequent human development.

The main goal of the program is the formation of a well-rounded personality from birth to 7 years, its universal, including creative, abilities, their development to a level corresponding to the child’s age capabilities: providing each child with an equal start in development; maintaining and promoting health.

The basis of the program is the concept of psychological age as a stage of child development, which has its own structure and dynamics, as well as the scientific position on the amplification (enrichment) of child development, the relationship of all its aspects.

The program has the following age stages:

· early childhood – infancy (up to one year);

· early age – from 1 year to 3 years;

· junior preschool age – from 3 to 5 years;

· senior – from 5 to 7 years.

For each age stage, the program identifies four leading areas of development:

· social;

· educational;

· aesthetic;

· physical.

The features of the development of these lines in infancy, early, junior and senior preschool age are revealed; a hierarchy of main types of activity is set (communication, objective activity, game). The program gives a special place to play activity as the main one in the development of the personality of a preschool child. The game permeates all structural components of the program and its content as a whole.

The program contains new, independent sections “Health”, “Speech and speech development”, “The world in which we live”, “Nature and the child”, “Culture of everyday life” and others, which significantly complement and enrich it.

The “Origins” program highlights basic and variable content of education.

The basic part, along with tasks for each area of ​​child development, includes:

· characteristics of the age-related capabilities of children;

· general development indicators;

· basic personality characteristics;

Variable approaches to program implementation are disclosed in the section “Content and conditions of teaching work.” They provide for the possibility of adjusting the content of the pedagogical process taking into account the specific operating conditions of the kindergarten.

The appendix to the program contains optional sections; “Teaching a second language”, “Computer in a preschool institution”, “The living world of nature in the City and the child”, which are intended for preschool educational institutions working in these areas.

Teachers, at their own discretion, taking into account their own professional experience and capabilities, focusing on the goals and parameters of the child’s development specified in the program, can, in the process of its implementation, use not only the methodological and educational literature recommended by the authors, but also creatively apply other teaching aids.

1.5. Education, training and development program in kindergarten.

The team of authors views basic preschool upbringing and education as introducing children to the main components of human culture (knowledge, art, morality, work). As the basis for the content of preschool education, it is advisable to take the social and historical experience of mankind, selected and adapted by scientists (teachers, psychologists) - taking into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children, which, according to domestic scientists, etc., includes four components: knowledge, skills and abilities, experience of creative activity (based on knowledge, skills and abilities, but not identical to them) and experience of emotional attitude to the world.

The formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is provided in a volume that will ensure the child’s comprehensive development. The program is primarily aimed at creating conditions for mastering a creative way of acquiring any knowledge, developing individuality, strengthening the physical and mental health, and emotional well-being of children (taking into account their age-related capabilities with an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children).

Particular attention in the program is paid to:

· Education as a means of child upbringing and development;

· Personally-oriented, individual approach of the child;

· Development of abilities – physical, intellectual, artistic;

· Development of curiosity as the basis of cognitive activity;

· Formation of different types of creativity - visual, musical, etc.;

· Formation of moral principles of personality, labor skills, social behavior;

· Formation of the beginnings of national culture and the foundations of world culture.

The program is based on the following principles:

· Recognition of the intrinsic value of preschool childhood as the most important period of human personality development;

· Ensuring a happy childhood for every child, taking care of his health, emotional well-being, timely all-round development;

· Creating in each age group such living conditions that will provide the child with comfort and security, emotional and psychological well-being, which will allow raising a sociable child, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity.

· Formation and development of the child’s personality in traditional activities.

· Use of forms, means and methods developed by pedagogical science and corresponding to the logic of personality development in the early and preschool periods of childhood.

· Interconnectedness of training and development. The program provides training that is developmental in nature, that is, it ensures timely physical, sensory, mental, speech, aesthetic, moral development of children, and creates conditions for their labor education.

· Integration of different types of activities in order to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical efforts, as well as save time for both children and teachers. It promotes the establishment of connections and interdependencies between objects and phenomena, contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world around us, and provides a reserve of time for children to play and engage in independent creative activity.

· Variability of tasks within the same content, allowing the child to learn what he can do and to be creative in accordance with his interests and inclinations.

· Respect for the results of children's creativity. The use of children's works in the design of a home, group, institution, in everyday life, on holidays and leisure.

· Coordination of approaches to training and education in a preschool institution and family for the productive construction of communication between adults and children (teachers - children - parents), which will ensure wider participation of parents in the life of the group and institution and their successful acquaintance with the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children.

· Providing conditions for the continuity of preschool and primary general continuous education, allowing for the successful adaptation of a preschooler to new conditions. Continuity in the work of the two links is ensured by scientifically based preparation of preschool children for school, eliminating mental and physical overload. Preparation is carried out in three directions (general comprehensive education and development of the child: psychological preparation and subject preparation) by selecting the content of training, the formation of children's activity, the child's creative abilities, his communication skills and other personal qualities.

1.6. Comparative analysis of preschool education programs.






Education, training and development program in kindergarten


comprehensive, harmonious development of a child 2–7 years old, preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health; equivalent development of the intellectual, emotional and moral-volitional spheres of the personality of a preschool child; creating the necessary conditions for the full development of the creative potential of the child and teacher.

the formation of a well-rounded personality from birth to 7 years, its universal, including creative, abilities, their development to a level corresponding to the child’s age-related capabilities: ensuring each child has an equal start in development; maintaining and promoting health.

creating conditions for mastering a creative way of acquiring any knowledge, developing individuality, strengthening the physical and mental health, and emotional well-being of children (taking into account their age capabilities with an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children).

Conceptual Framework

Built on traditional Russian culture and the achievements of the methodological system of Russian preschool education

The basis of the program is the concept of psychological age as a stage of child development, which has its own structure and dynamics, as well as the scientific position on the amplification (enrichment) of child development, the relationship of all its aspects.

As the basis for the content of preschool education, it is advisable to take the social and historical experience of mankind, selected and adapted by scientists (teachers, psychologists) - taking into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children, which, according to domestic scientists, etc., includes four components: knowledge, skills and abilities, experience of creative activity (based on knowledge, skills and abilities, but not identical to them) and experience of emotional attitude to the world.

Leading areas of development

accumulation of social experience of knowing oneself and the world around us (seeing, hearing, playing) and implementing this experience in conditions of independent creative activity (doing, creating). Transfer of social experience (knowledge,

skills) is carried out in classes and in free time


four leading areas of development:





Education as a means of child upbringing and development;

Personally-oriented, individual approach of the child;

Development of abilities - physical, intellectual, artistic;

Development of curiosity as the basis of cognitive activity;

Formation of different types of creativity - visual, musical, etc.;

Formation of moral principles of personality, labor skills, social behavior;

The formation of the beginnings of national culture and the foundations of world culture.

Guiding Principles

the principle of integration of different content types of children’s creative activities (play, cognitive, speech, design, natural history, mathematics, etc.

The most important principle of humanistic pedagogy is the principle of dialogue between an adult and a child, children among themselves, teachers with each other, and a teacher with parents.

Ensuring a happy childhood for every child, taking care of his health, emotional well-being, timely all-round development; The interconnectedness of training and development. The program provides training that is developmental in nature, that is, it ensures timely physical, sensory, mental, speech, aesthetic, moral development of children, and creates conditions for their labor education. Integration of different types of activities in order to increase

the effectiveness of pedagogical efforts, as well as saving time for both children and teachers. It promotes the establishment of connections and interdependencies between objects and phenomena, contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world around us, and provides a reserve of time for children to play and engage in independent creative activity.

Variability of tasks within the same content, allowing the child to learn what he is able to do and show creativity in accordance with his interests and inclinations.

Respect for the results of children's creativity. The use of children's works in the design of a home, group, institution, in everyday life, on holidays and leisure.

Coordination of approaches to training and education in a preschool institution and family for the productive construction of communication between adults and children (teachers - children - parents), which will ensure wider participation of parents in the life of the group and institution and their successful acquaintance with the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children.

Providing conditions for the implementation of continuity of preschool and primary general continuous education, allowing for the successful adaptation of a preschooler to new conditions. Continuity in the work of the two links is ensured by scientifically based preparation of preschool children for school, eliminating mental and physical overload. Preparation takes place in three directions (general comprehensive education and development of the child: psychological preparation and subject preparation) by selecting the content of training, developing children’s activity, the child’s creative abilities, his communication skills and other personal qualities.

Recognition of the intrinsic value of preschool childhood as the most important period of human personality development;

Pedagogical opportunities to create teacher-friendly opportunities. material that every child can learn, taking into account his age.

Age stages

child development 2–7 years old,

age stages:

Early childhood - infancy (up to one year);

Early age – from 1 year to 3 years;

Junior preschool age - from 3 to 5 years;

Senior – from 5 to 7 years.

From birth to 7 years

Conclusions on Chapter I:

1. All the programs presented are developed on their own conceptual foundations, but they all work towards the same goal: the formation of a well-rounded, developed personality, its creative abilities, taking into account age-related characteristics, maintaining and strengthening health.

2.Each program is based on its own principles, but they do not contradict each other.

3. The leading directions of development overlap with each other.

The main thing is that when selecting programs, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the educational process, the personnel potential of preschool educational institutions, as well as problems of program compatibility.

CHAPTER II Speech development program for preschool children.

2.1.Purpose of the program:

· Development of the ability to form names for baby animals (cat - kitten, dog - puppy, hen - chick)

· Teaching the ability to correlate the name of verbs - movements with the action of an object, person, animal;

· Compose sentences of different types - simple and complex.

2.8. Tasks for the development of coherent speech.

The tasks of developing coherent speech are as follows:

· Formation of elementary ideas about the structure of the text (beginning, middle, end);

· Learning to connect sentences using different communication methods;

· Development of the ability to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​a statement, to title the story;

· Training in constructing statements of different types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning; bringing to awareness of the content and structural features of a descriptive, including literary text; compiling narrative texts (fairy tales, stories, histories) in compliance with the logic of presentation and using means of artistic expression; learning to compose arguments with the selection to prove compelling arguments and precise definitions;

· Using different types of appropriate models (schemes) for statements that reflect the sequence of presentation of the text.

2.9. Some ways and techniques for developing speech in preschoolers.

The leading line of development for children aged 3–4 years is learning correct pronunciation. To develop the articulatory apparatus, onomatopoeic words and animal voices are used. For example, children are given musical instruments - a pipe and a bell, the pipe plays “doo-doo”, the bell rings “ding-ding”. Thus, the pronunciation of hard and soft sounds is reinforced.

Diction (distinct and clear pronunciation of words, syllables, sounds) is practiced with the help of jokes - pure sayings (“if - if - if - there is smoke coming from the chimney”), nursery rhymes, sayings, phrases containing a certain group of sounds (“The sleigh rides itself” ), exercises for finishing syllables, names of words that sound similar (mouse - bear).

Games and exercises on the same topic are created for the pronunciation of hissing sounds. For example, after looking at the picture “Hedgehog and Hedgehogs,” children are asked to clearly pronounce phrases with the sounds sh and zh. (Sha-sha-sha we bathe the baby; shu-shu-shu I’ll give the baby a mushroom; shi-shi-shi - where do the kids walk? Zha-zha-zha - we saw a hedgehog; zhu-zhu-zhu - we’ll give him a mushroom: zhi - zhi - zhi - zhi - where hedgehogs get mushrooms.)

To develop intonation sense, tempo of speech, and strength of voice, games “Recognize by voice”, “Whose voice is this?” are played.

In order to make sound statements, children need to be offered pure sayings, phrases from poems, so that they pronounce them with different voice strengths.

In vocabulary work, the main attention is paid to the accumulation and enrichment of vocabulary based on knowledge and ideas from the life around the child.

The main ways to determine the essential features of an object, characteristic features and qualities, actions are children’s ability to answer the questions: What is this? Who is this? Which? What is he doing? What can you do with them?

To form elementary ideas about the structure of the text, games with pictures “What first, what next?” are used.

Illustrated material is the main means for developing an understanding of words with opposite meanings (big - small), for understanding and the ability to use general concepts (clothing, toys, dishes, etc.), for becoming familiar with polysemantic words (sewing needle - hedgehog needle - a needle at the Christmas tree)

Learning to change words by case, agreeing nouns in gender and number is carried out in special games and exercises (small horse, long tail, long ears). The game of hide and seek makes it possible to master grammatical forms. Children hide in different places and name words with prepositions correctly: in the closet, on a chair, behind the sofa, near the bed, under the table.

To get acquainted with the methods of forming verbs, onomatopoeic material is used (sparrow chik - chirp - chirp), the name of musical instruments (dudochka - dudit).

Working on speech syntax develops the ability to offer different types of sentences - simple and complex. The technique of using game plots helps children finish sentences started by the teacher.

The development of coherent speech is achieved through retelling literary works and the ability to answer the question posed.

The development of the ability to see the beginning and end of actions is facilitated by tasks of arranging pictures depicting the actions of characters in their sequence.

The development of monologue speech is facilitated by the game “Train”, where children play the role of trailers and consistently compose a story, offering their statements.

Work on the development of children's speech takes place in a certain sequence according to the planning proposed by the program. At the same time, all speech tasks are solved: education of sound culture, formation of a dictionary, grammatical structure of speech. Work on developing the sound culture of speech includes:

· Formation of correct sound pronunciation;

· Ability to use speaking tempo.

The basic techniques for developing speech in the middle group are the same as in the younger group, but there are also some specific ones. Since in the middle group special attention is paid to the intonation expressiveness of speech, games - dramatizations, guessing riddles - help at this age. Understanding the meaning of riddles, comparing objects by size, color, and the ability to select not only actions to an object, but also an object to a particular action increase the volume of vocabulary.

Unlike children in the younger group, who retell literary works, children in the middle group compose short stories and learn to write stories from personal experience. At this age, it is necessary to learn to include descriptive elements in the narrative, dialogues of the characters, diversify the actions of the characters, and observe the temporal sequence of events.

The main task in working with children of senior preschool age in mastering the phonetic side of speech and the correct pronunciation of all sounds is to further improve speech hearing and consolidate the skills of clear, correct and expressive speech. Older preschoolers learn to select not only words that sound similar, but also entire phrases that rhythmically and intonationally continue a given sentence (“Bunny - bunny, where did you walk?” - “Danced in the clearing”). Children pronounce tongue twisters and couplets invented by them not only clearly and distinctly, but also with varying degrees of volume (whisper, sotto voce, loud) and speed (slow, moderate, fast).

In the preparatory group, sound pronunciation is improved, special attention is paid to the differentiation of certain groups of sounds (whistling and hissing, voiced and deaf, hard and soft). To develop the vocal apparatus, children pronounce tongue twisters with different voice strengths and at different tempos. At the same time, the ability to change intonation develops: children pronounce a given phrase with a questioning or exclamatory intonation (affectionately, angrily, plaintively, joyfully, sadly). Particular attention is paid to developing the child's creativity when they complete a rhythmic phrase started by adults. The types of classes for the development of coherent speech remain the same as in previous age groups - retelling literary works, telling stories from pictures and about toys, on topics from personal experience, creative writing on a independently chosen topic, but the goals of the classes become more complicated.

In storytelling based on a series of plot pictures, children compose the text collectively. At the same time, the options for displaying the paintings change each time: at first, only one painting is shown to the children, the rest are closed. Then, when the first group of children has composed a story, the next picture opens and another group of children composes a story. And then all the pictures are revealed, and the children make up a story based on all the pictures.

Children can draw the missing structural parts to the proposed picture.

The preparatory group uses all traditional forms of organizing work to develop children's speech. But the main thing is that the children’s motivation does not fade, the teacher needs to create problematic situations, pose search questions to the children, involve children in independently searching for a solution to the problem, rely on the children’s personal experience and previous knowledge, not rush to conclusions, but give children the opportunity to make their own decisions. encourage you to justify your judgments, help you master the norms of polite speech communication.

It is necessary to maintain children's active interest in literary works, help children learn to understand the actions of heroes, pay attention to literary language, and understand the means of verbal expression.

Conclusions on Chapter II:

At senior preschool age, one of the most important periods of a person’s life, his first “university,” ends. But unlike a student at a real university, a child studies in all faculties at once.

He comprehends the secrets of living and inanimate nature, learns the basics of mathematics. He also takes an elementary course in public speaking, learning to express his thoughts logically and expressively. He also becomes familiar with the philological sciences, acquiring the ability not only to emotionally perceive a work of fiction and empathize with its characters, but also to feel and understand the simplest forms of linguistic means of artistic expression. He also becomes a little linguist, because he acquires the ability not only to pronounce words correctly and construct sentences, but also to realize what sounds a word is made of, what words a sentence is made of. All this is necessary for successful studies at school, for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

In the development of children’s speech, the leading role belongs to adults: the teacher in kindergarten, parents and loved ones in the family. The success of preschool children in language acquisition largely depends on the culture of speech of adults, on how they speak to the child, and how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him.

It is necessary that the teacher’s speech corresponds to the norms of the literary language, literary colloquial speech, both in terms of the sound side (pronunciation of sounds and words, diction, tempo, etc.), and in terms of the richness of the vocabulary, accuracy of word use, grammatical correctness, coherence. Special attention should be paid to the sound side of speech, since its shortcomings are overcome by the speaker himself worse than shortcomings in word usage.


The starting point when choosing any educational program should be the presence in it of the conditions necessary for the implementation of the child’s constitutional right to the protection of life and health, for him to receive an education that is humanistic in nature, and respect for his individuality: the adequacy of the content of education to age-related capabilities and psycho-physiological characteristics preschool children.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, all Russian general education programs, including preschool education, are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general personal culture, adapting it to life in society, and creating the basis for an informed choice and mastery of professional educational programs .

The quality of preschool education and its relevance depend on the professionalism of teachers, their conscious choice and competent implementation of educational programs. In this, it becomes obvious how important it is to correctly ensure the development and balance of various programs with a focus on creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the abilities and interests of a preschool child.

In the context of the new educational policy, the diversity of programs is considered as the most important condition for compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Only the implementation of the principles of education differentiation and variability of its content can ensure the development of the child’s individuality, take into account the educational needs of each family, the level and focus of the work of a preschool educational institution, and contribute to the development of initiative and creativity of teachers.

As practice shows, when selecting programs, specialists from preschool educational institutions experience certain difficulties or do not always take into account the specifics of the educational process, personnel potential, as well as the problem of program compatibility.

Another problem of modern software is the independent development by specialists of a preschool educational institution of their own programs and technologies. In general, this progressive process has a positive effect on the development of teachers’ professional thinking and contributes to the growth of their creative initiatives. However, one cannot help but note the fact that independent development of programs is an extremely complex matter and is not always carried out by teachers at a sufficiently high scientific and theoretical level, as well as taking into account the new regulatory and legal framework of education.

Thus, the main programs determine the entire range of general developmental (including correctional) tasks and all substantive aspects of the educational activities of a preschool educational institution within the framework of the implementation of basic educational services.

Language learning and speech development are considered not only as mastering language skills - phonetic, grammatical, lexical, but also in the context of developing children's communication with each other and with adults, as the development of communicative abilities. Therefore, an essential task of speech education is not only the formation of a culture of speech, but also of communication.

The main thing is that the child creatively master the norms and rules of his native language, be able to apply them flexibly in specific situations, and master basic communicative abilities.

The development of speech is organically connected with mental education, since a person has verbal, verbal and logical thinking.

Speech education is closely related to artistic activity, i.e., aesthetic education. Proficiency in the expressive means of the native language is formed by familiarization with folklore and literary works.

A high level of speech development in a preschooler includes:

· Knowledge of literary norms and rules of the native language, free use of vocabulary and grammar when expressing one’s thoughts and composing any type of statement;

· Developed culture of communication, the ability to make contact and conduct dialogue with adults and peers: listen, ask, answer, object, explain.

· Knowledge of the norms and rules of speech etiquette, the ability to use them depending on the situation.

Thus, full mastery of the native language and the development of linguistic abilities are considered as the core of the full formation of the child’s personality.


1. Arapova – On the development of software in the field of preschool education.//Management of preschool educational institutions -2005 - No. 5 p.64//.

2. Speech development. “Lessons of rhetoric./ – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997 – p.224./

3. Bolotov V. About new current programs for preschool education/V. Bolotov // Preschool education - 2003, No. 1-9, p. 4./

4. Beloshistaya A., Smagi A. Developing coherent speech./A. Beloshistaya, A. Smaga //Preschool education - 2009-№7-p.20-25./

5. Volchkova classes in the senior group of kindergarten. Speech development./, Voronezh, TC Teacher – S.

7. We teach children to observe and tell./, – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 19 p./

8. Katalka’s speeches through imagination./ //Preschool teacher//-2008 – p.64/

9. Lebedeva, dedicated to the development of children’s speech./ //Preschool teacher// - 2008 -No. 11 – p.64 – 71./

10. Podrezova as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers/ //Educator of preschool educational institution -2009-No. 2 – p.122-129.

11. Development of speech and creativity in preschool children. Games, exercises, lesson notes./Ed. .- M: Sphere shopping center, 2007 – 144 p./

12. Speech development. Notes for classes with children of senior preschool age./Compiled by. L.E. Kylasova – Volgograd; Teacher, 2007 – 288 pp./

13. Development of speech in preschool children./Ed. , M: Education, 1984.

14. Speech development. The world. Didactic material for classes in the preparatory group./Compiled by. O.V. Epifanova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008 – 217 p./

15. Speech development / – M: Eksmo, 2006 – 64 pp./

16. About the program for the development of speech for preschool children./Management of preschool educational institutions - 2006 - No.: p.64./

17. Falkovich speeches Preparation for mastering writing./, –M: Vako, 2007 – 235 pp./.

An approximate list of main activities for a five-day week.

The goal of the program is to ensure continuity between preschool and primary education, to create optimal conditions for the personal and mental development of students.

The “Golden Key” family and social education program has the structure:

Explanatory note.

Organization of work in the family and public children's center “Golden Key”.

Principles of organizing life in a group.

Primary school – kindergarten curriculum.

Lesson topics for seven years of study.

The advantage of this program is that the program is designed to work with children from 3 to 10 years old. The primary school operates directly in the children's center. Schoolchildren come to their group in the morning, have breakfast, go to lessons, and then return to their groups.

Specialized programs.

Physical education program for preschoolers “Physical education for preschoolers.” Author L. D. Glazyrina.

The program is designed to work with children from 1 to 6.

The goal of the program is to optimally implement the health, educational and educational direction of physical education, taking into account the individual development capabilities of the child.

Program objectives:

1. health direction – ensuring high-quality work of preschool institutions to improve children’s health.

2. educational direction - ensuring the social formation of the child’s personality, the development of his creative powers and abilities.

3. educational direction - ensuring the assimilation of systematized knowledge, the formation of motor skills.

The advantage of this program is that for each age group there are various developmental exercises and their dosage, as well as various forms of work with children in physical education and their duration.

Aesthetic education program for children 2-7 years old "Beauty. Joy. Creation" developed by the team of authors T. S. Komarova, A. V. Antonova, M. B. Zatsepina.

The program contains sections: “Art in a child’s life”, “Aesthetic development environment”, “The beauty of nature”, “Acquaintance with architecture”, “Literature”, “Fine arts”, “Musical activities”, “Leisure and creativity”, “Creativity” "

The program is aimed at introducing children to a healthy lifestyle as a result of comprehensive education (development of various movements, strengthening muscles, etc.)

The advantage of the program is that the program of aesthetic education, education and development of children is holistic, integrated in all areas of aesthetic education, based on different types of art, carried out by means of nature, an aesthetic development environment, and various artistic and creative activities.

Artistic and aesthetic cycle program “With a brush and music in your palm.” Authors N. E. Basina, O. A. Suslova. The program is designed to work with children 3-7 years old.

The structure of the course “Introduction to the world of art” contains sections:

1. Material. Natural and non-natural material and its properties.

2. Color. Color as a sign of the material world and color as a means of art.

4. Emotions. As feelings experienced by a person and as an aesthetic experience of the world.

5. Movement.

Material from the site

Comparative? analysis of sample educational programs

Approximate name general education programs

Goals or Conceptual Framework for the Program

Program structure

Applications, teaching materials for the program

Brief conclusions

"From birth to school"

The Programna puts forward the developmental function of education, ensuring the development of the child’s personality and orienting the teacher to his individual characteristics.

The program is focused on the principles of a humane and personal attitude towards the child and is aimed at his comprehensive development, the formation of spiritual and universal values, as well as abilities and competencies.

The leading type of activity is play.

Development is the most important result of the success of raising and educating children.

The program is based on the principle of cultural conformity. The implementation of this principle ensures that national values ​​and traditions are taken into account in education and makes up for shortcomings

spiritual, moral and emotional education.

Education is the process of introducing a child to the main components of human culture (knowledge, morality, art, work).

- Leading goals of the Program:

* Creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life for a child in preschool childhood.

* Formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual.

* Comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics.

* Preparation for life in modern society, for studying at school.

* Ensuring the life safety of a preschooler.

The environment is an important factor in the upbringing and development of a child. The program provides for the identification of macro- and microenvironments and their components.

Thematic principle of constructing the educational process.

Explanatory note.

Organization of life and upbringing of children.

Final results of mastering the program.

A system for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the Program.

Working with parents.

At the end of the Program there is a wide range of benefits that can be used when working in a preschool educational institution. Teachers can independently choose the manuals they need for their work.

The program is a revised version of the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” in accordance with FGT, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. Therefore, all manuals for this program can also be used in work under the “From Birth to School” Program with preliminary processing for FGT. Along with teaching aids, the Program is provided with books for parents and children to use.

The program “From birth to school” can be called the most basic, fundamental program of preschool education. It covers ages from 0 (from birth!) to 7 years (with a focus primarily on passport age). The program is aimed at developing the child’s personality, and not at acquiring a certain set of skills. The most important condition for the implementation of the program is person-oriented

interaction between adults and children. Space is provided for children to independently engage in activities. Classes are not used as a form of training; game, story-based and integrated forms of educational activities are offered for work.

The program also makes it easy to introduce regional and cultural components and take into account the specifics of a preschool educational institution, which also makes it tempting as a basis for drawing up an individual preschool education program. A fairly wide list of teaching aids and recommendations makes this task even easier.


The name of the “Origins” Program reflects the enduring significance of preschool childhood as a unique period in which the foundations for future personal development are laid.

The purpose of the program: diversified development of the child; the formation of his universal, including creative, abilities to a level corresponding to age-related capabilities and requirements of modern society; ensuring all children have an equal start in development; maintaining and strengthening their health.

The program reflects the basic education of children from birth to 7 years and ensures the full and comprehensive development of the child.

At the heart of the Program psychological age concept(four psychological ages - infancy, early childhood, junior preschool and senior preschool age): each age includes special relationships between children and adults, types of activities, incl. and the leading type of activity, as well as the psychological achievements of the child.

The tasks of psychological and pedagogical work are set in seven groups, and the content is divided into four psychological ages, which makes the pedagogical process flexible.

The program is based on an activity approach: activities develop and change from age to age.

Early childhood:

Cooperation between the teacher and the family;

Developing subject-spatial environment of childhood.

Appendices 1 – 3.


The goal of the “Childhood” program: to ensure the comprehensive development (physical, emotional, moral, volitional, social-personal, intellectual development) of the child in the preschool period through a developmental environment appropriate to his age.

- Program motto: “Feel-Cognize-Create.” These three lines permeate all sections of the Program, giving it integrity and a single focus.

Objectives of the Program:


Main part.


The success of little Russians is the result of mastering the general education program of preschool education in the following areas:

Social and personal development

Unity of physical development and education of a culture of health

Artistic and aesthetic development.

The program complies with all principles of constructing OOP in accordance with FGT.

The fundamental difference between the Program and most programs is the exclusion from the educational process of children aged 3-6 years of educational activities, as not corresponding to the patterns of child development at the stage of preschool childhood. Formation prerequisites educational activity is one of the main final results of mastering the Program.

Explanatory note.

Age characteristics of children.

qualities of children 4-7 years old.


  1. System for monitoring children’s achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic general education program of preschool education: - monitoring of intermediate results of mastering the general educational program of preschool education; - monitoring the final results of children’s mastery of preschool education.
  2. Appendices 1 – 3.

The Program has three applications in which three electives are given: “Teaching a non-native language”, “Computer in kindergarten” and “The living natural world in the city and the child”. There is also a list of recommended literature, methodological and visual didactic aids, both published and being prepared for publication.

The “Origins” program, like the “From birth to school” program, reflects the education of children from birth to 7 years. However, the Origins program is based on the concept of psychological age.

This allows you to flexibly build the pedagogical process taking into account the uneven development of children and carry out its individualization. The traditional activity has not lost its value, but it persists mainly at the stage of familiarization with new material.

The program is based on an activity-based approach; each age has its own leading type of activity: infancy - communication, early age - object-based activity, preschool age - play. The program says little about integration between educational fields.


The goal of the “Childhood” program: to ensure the comprehensive development (physical, emotional, moral, volitional, social-personal, intellectual development) of the child in the preschool period through a developmental environment appropriate to his age.

The motto of the program: “Feel-Cognize-Create.” These three lines permeate all sections of the Program, giving it integrity and a single focus.

For the first time, the Program practically implements an approach to organizing the holistic development and education of a preschool child as a subject of children's activity and behavior.

Objectives of the Program:

* strengthening physical and mental health, forming the foundations of safe behavior, CPG;

* development in children, based on different educational content, of emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, and readiness to show a humane attitude;

* development of cognitive activity, curiosity, desire for independent knowledge and reflection, development of mental abilities and speech;

* enrich the experience of independent activity, awaken the creative activity of children, stimulate the imagination.

The Program complies with all eight principles of the Program structure approved by the FGT.

The program covers ages from 3 to 7 years.

  1. Introduction.
  1. The content of the teacher’s pedagogical activity in children’s development of educational areas: the fourth year of life, the fifth year of life, the sixth year of life, the seventh year of life (within each age, the characteristics of the age and organization of children’s lives, the tasks of education and development, and the content for each of the ten educational areas are reflected) .
  2. Kindergarten and family. The “Childhood” program in the practice of interaction between teachers and parents.
  3. Methodical set of the “Childhood” program.
  1. Additional part (regional component).

Today, the Program library consists of more than 70 manuals representing its scientific, methodological and methodological support. The entire methodological set for the Childhood Program is given at the end of the main part of the Program and is a list of scientific and methodological support, teaching aids, workbooks and visual teaching aids, albums and games. The additional part of the Program offers options for individual programs that deepen the basic educational content in accordance with current children's interests, family needs, regional capabilities and development goals of preschoolers:

*the child gets acquainted with his small homeland;

*the child gets to know his native country and the world;

*child in a multicultural and multiethnic family;

*child is learning English.

The “Childhood” program excludes young children from the educational process, i.e. it is aimed at children 3-7 years old (three psychological ages). The main idea of ​​the program is the socialization of the child, i.e. the child’s entry into culture through his awareness of his capabilities and abilities. In general, the child and his physical and emotional health are placed at the center of the program.

Self-knowledge of the child is actively lobbied for. The program offers rich educational content. Meaningful connections between sections make it possible to integrate educational content in psychological and pedagogical work.

Planning for this program is flexible; the Program itself does not contain conventional diagrams, tables, etc., which gives room for teachers’ creativity.

The name of the Program “Success” reflects the main mission of the entire system of continuous education of the Russian Federation - the formation of successful citizens.

The success of little Russians is the result of mastering the general education program of preschool education in the following areas:

Social and personal development

Unity of physical development and education of a culture of health

Artistic and aesthetic development.

The program is aimed at children 3-7 years old and ensures that children achieve physical and psychological readiness for school.

The program complies with all principles of constructing OOP in accordance with FGT.

The fundamental difference between the Program and most programs is the exclusion from the educational process of children aged 3-6 years of educational activities, as not corresponding to the patterns of child development at the stage of preschool childhood. The formation of prerequisites for educational activities is one of the main final results of mastering the Program.

Age-appropriate forms of working with children are experimentation, design, collecting, conversations, observations, solving problem situations, etc.

The main type of activity is play. This serves as the main criterion for choosing forms of educational work. Also independent, valuable and universal types of children's activities are reading (perception) of fiction, communication, productive, musical and artistic, cognitive, research and constructive activities, and work.

The program is built on the basis of an approximate calendar of holidays, which ensures that the child “lives” the content of preschool education in all types of children's activities. Holidays may be replaced by other significant events.

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Age characteristics of children.
  3. Organization of activities of adults and children to implement and master the Program.
  4. The content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational areas (“Health”, “Physical culture”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Safety”, “Reading fiction”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Music”, “ Artistic creativity").
  5. Planned results of mastering the Program.
  6. Appendices 1-7. (Indicators of physical development of children.)
  7. Approximate cyclogram of educational activities.

The appendix contains the following materials:

Anthropometric indicators of physical development and health of children.

Age-sex standards for physiometric indicators.

Average age-sex values ​​of indicators of physical development

qualities of children 4-7 years old.

Age standards for children’s motor activity for a full day in kindergarten.

Criteria for frequent (acute) morbidity in children based on the number of respiratory diseases per year.

Assessment of the level of biological maturity based on the timing of the eruption of permanent teeth.

Assessment of the functional state of the central nervous system.

Approximate cyclogram of educational activities.

At the moment, the program library is actively being filled with teaching aids, demonstration material, monitoring, etc.

A fairly new program aimed at children aged 3–7 years (young children are excluded). Its distinctive features are the event-based principle of constructing the educational process, the activity-based approach and the complete exclusion of educational activities for children aged 3-6 years. The program examines in some detail the process of integration between various educational areas.