Medvedev took up dacha partnerships. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces

The government is preparing to revise the law “On gardening, horticulture and summer cottage farming”, which has been outdated since 1998.

Innovations, as Dmitry Medvedev emphasized at a Cabinet meeting on Thursday, will affect, in fact, half of the country - 60 million people.

Changes in the field of summer cottage farming, gardening and vegetable gardening are long overdue. First of all, officials say, they are associated with discrepancies in legislative acts. For example, many holiday villages still exist in the form of “non-profit associations of citizens”, although such a concept has long been absent from the Civil Code. “Therefore, it was necessary to prepare a new document, which, on the one hand, will be more understandable, and on the other, more realistic, primarily from the point of view of law enforcement,” explained Dmitry Medvedev, promising that the bill developed by the Ministry of Economic Development will “really simplify life for everyone gardeners."

Firstly, its authors propose to assign a single legal status to all associations of summer residents, gardeners and gardeners - a non-profit partnership. Re-registration of existing associations does not seem to be required. But at the same time, all constituent documents, as well as the names of holiday villages, must be corrected, albeit within a fairly humane time frame - before January 1, 2027. Experts believe that the innovation will in any case entail additional costs for lawyers and possible confusion when registering plots and common property. By the way, it is now proposed to be divided among summer residents in shares, and not as joint property.

According to Medvedev, the bill will also regulate the issues of managing partnerships - “how to use common property, what contributions can be collected, what houses and buildings can be placed”... “The issues are purely everyday, but very important, around them some arise all the time.” then conflicts,” the prime minister explained. The authors of the document propose to recognize country houses and garden houses as suitable for permanent residence, “if the established sanitary requirements for residential premises are not violated.” At the same time, there is no need to change the type of permitted use of the land plot to individual housing construction. This norm is intended to finally legalize registration in gardening associations. Theoretically, summer residents still have this opportunity, but the registration process is fraught with numerous bureaucratic obstacles and has a lot of restrictions. The bill stipulates that dachas cannot be divided into separate apartments. And their maximum parameters - area and number of floors - will have to be set by local authorities. In addition, there is talk about making it possible for only citizens of the Russian Federation to register with SNT. According to experts, this will reduce the risk of the emergence of “rubber dachas” where dozens of illegal migrants are registered, similar to the “rubber apartments” in Moscow.

One of the main innovations of the document is the article on membership fees. Now gardening partnerships themselves determine who should pay how much, which naturally results in conflicts, litigation and outright hostility between neighbors. In many associations, in order to avoid discord, contributions are generally the same, regardless of whether a person owns a hut on chicken legs or a multi-level cottage. The authors of the bill propose to eliminate this “social injustice” by establishing a relationship between the size of the contribution and the area of ​​the land plot or the total area of ​​the house. “The innovation will help maintain a balance of interests of all members of the partnership and will lead to a fair distribution of costs between its members,” the Ministry of Economic Development notes. In addition, the document states for what purposes the board can spend the collected funds and how it should report to summer residents.

At a government meeting, Dmitry Medvedev said that in the near future he plans to hold a special meeting with members of gardening partnerships: “We will discuss the provisions of the bill and any additional proposals that may be.” Local authorities are also interested in such a conversation. In particular, the Moscow Region authorities have already expressed their concerns in connection with the legalization of registration in dachas. Potentially, the number of residents of the region could increase by 5 million people - the Moscow Region budget simply will not be able to finance the necessary social guarantees.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev believes that summer residents should pay for electricity at the same tariffs as rural residents. He stated this at a meeting with representatives of gardening and dacha farms in the Kursk region. However, the head of government noted, the final decision is left to the heads of the regions.

Dmitry Medvedev met with gardeners in the village of Shchetinka, Kursk Region. Photo: Ekaterina Shtukina / press service of the Russian government / TASS

Prime Minister Medvedev started the week with fresh apples. Kursk gardeners treated him to them. A few days ago, the government discussed the bill “On gardening, horticulture and summer cottage farming,” and the head of the Cabinet promised to certainly discuss it with the summer residents themselves. And so, finding myself in Kursk on Monday, I kept my word: I visited the horticultural non-profit partnership (SNT) "Khimpharm" in the suburbs. The partnership is large, uniting 1353 land plots, all of them are provided with water and electricity. But here, as it turned out, there are problems: it’s expensive to pay for light.

The Prime Minister nodded and explained that gardening partnerships are legally equal to the urban population in terms of electricity consumption. And he suggested a way out: to discuss the issue with regional leaders. “Regional authorities have the right to establish reducing coefficients for these tariffs, that is, to establish preferential tariffs, up to those that apply to rural residents,” he pointed out.

Many other difficulties faced by Russian summer residents are eliminated by the bill prepared by the Cabinet of Ministers. It is no coincidence that the government pays so much attention to it: 60 million Russians are eagerly awaiting the law - that is the number of city dwellers in the country who have the opportunity to grow cucumbers and strawberries in their own garden beds.

“This figure, of course, amazes the imagination: half the country is in one way or another connected with dacha farming,” Medvedev shared. “In fact, dacha farming is a unique phenomenon. Probably many people know that in foreign languages, at least in English language, the word "dacha" is borrowed from the Russian language, it sounds like this in English. In fact, this means that this is a purely Russian phenomenon. Of course, there (abroad) there are also houses in nature, but such a special dacha way of life there are none."

For a long time, summer residents in the country were treated rather dismissively: these are not farmers, they have six acres - and let them be happy. But in the 90s, it was these 6 acres that helped many survive. Now the state has come to the point of helping summer residents, first of all, to resolve many legal issues. After all, the previous law was adopted back in 1998. Since then, many norms of civil, land, and housing legislation have appeared, which often contradict each other. The so-called “dacha amnesty” helped partially alleviate the problem, but it did not concern all aspects.

“We decided that it no longer makes sense to change the current law, it is very outdated, and we need to do everything in a comprehensive manner, create a new law. Such work was carried out at the site of the Ministry of Economic Development,” Medvedev said and listed some innovations.

In particular, the bill systematizes the forms of gardening organizations, defines specific types of contributions that members of partnerships must pay, and establishes a list of areas on which they can be spent.

The bill determines the types of real estate that can be built on the land. “This could be a garden house, which does not require a building permit at all. Or you can build a full-fledged house on the site and you can register for permanent residence in this house,” Medvedev said.

Another important innovation: the document defines a unified, non-competitive procedure for allocating land owned by state or municipal property to gardeners. “The current law establishes a competitive, tender procedure. Now this requirement is being lifted. This will allow unused lands to be brought into circulation,” the prime minister explained.

He also pointed out that the law “establishes transitional provisions for existing partnerships, and no re-registration will be required, you will just need to change the charter and no more formalities.”

“I really hope that these innovations will not only be useful to our horticultural, gardening and summer cottage farms, but will simply make the lives of people who constantly use their garden plots easier,” the head of the Cabinet emphasized and said that he has so far sent the bill for revision.

Kursk gardeners hastened to take advantage of this delay and asked to take into account the problem of abandoned roads that land owners are forced to use when leaving the highway to the territory of the partnership. Most of them are ownerless and, according to documents, such roads simply do not exist. And ideally, the summer residents suggested, these access roads would be placed on the balance sheet of the municipalities.

The head of government did not immediately give a definite answer, but promised to consider the issue. This is understandable: if such a road is recognized as municipal, then the region will have to find money for its maintenance. Which is very difficult at the moment.

However, the gardeners and the prime minister ended their conversation on a happy note. Medvedev was asked to introduce Gardener's Day in Russia. He supported the initiative and even suggested a date - the second Sunday in September. So now the closing of the dacha season will become an official holiday for Russians.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev proposed an amnesty for summer residents who drilled water wells before 2006. For them, well licenses are planned to be renewed automatically and free of charge.

Summer residents near Moscow complained to the Prime Minister about the dominance of “controllers” demanding money for renewing the license allowing the operation of water wells.

Larisa Grigorieva, an accountant at SNT Khimpharm near Moscow, said during a meeting with Medvedev that “gardening partnerships are starting to conduct environmental inspections on the use of wells for water extraction.” “We are talking about having a license for wells. Fines for individuals are set at 3-5 thousand rubles, for partnerships – up to 1 million rubles,” she explained.

“Obtaining a license is not only an expensive process, but also quite lengthy. Are such inspections and fines legal? Is there any deadline established by federal law for obtaining a license for wells?” - the summer residents asked Medvedev.

In 2006, a new “Water Code of the Russian Federation” was adopted, among the provisions of which there was a requirement for mandatory licensing of drilling a water well (well).

But until 2015, there was no strict control over the implementation of the law, which led to the emergence of “intermediaries” selling licenses, and since 2016, checks on the legality of ownership of water wells began.

Summer residents near Moscow were the first to complain.

Medvedev called the requirements for licensing wells legal: “There are no doubts about the law here; it was specifically adopted in order to streamline the use of water.”

But compliance with the law is not always accurate; “some organizations” appear that are already beginning to collect “fines” and “fees” in order to quickly issue a license.

“Water is a value, we really need to control what happens to it. But the fact that some organizations are asking for money to obtain such licenses from established authorized state bodies is a complete disgrace. These licenses were not introduced for that so that the intermediaries can make money from them,” Medvedev said.

The head of government proposes an amnesty for owners of water wells who drilled them before 2006. For them, permits will be renewed automatically and free of charge.

Medvedev has already ordered such an amendment to the law to be worked out.

“Actually, I have already instructed my government colleagues and governors to work it out, this applies to all regions,” the prime minister noted. “If we are talking about the water use of an ordinary participant in a gardening partnership up to 100 cubic meters of water, this does not require licensing. These are quite decent figures , which allow a specific person to use water without excessive bureaucracy."

As for large consumers of water - gardening partnerships, their licenses will be renewed free of charge.

“It seems to me that this would be correct. And those who apply again, new partnerships, let them receive a license in the prescribed manner. I think this will be fair. And we will definitely bring this idea to life,” Medvedev assured.

“The fact is that many of our strong, large gardening partnerships use water in a centralized manner. They have artesian wells where there is good water, but not all of this is formalized,” the prime minister explained. “I asked the governor of the Moscow region. He has approximately "There are 20 thousand gardening associations, a rather large region, about 7 million people, and only a quarter have their water use somehow formalized. This means that three quarters will have to receive these licenses if there is centralized water use."

If they are forced to get a new license, then “each partnership will pay a million rubles (and for gardening this is a lot of money) just to be allowed to use the water that they already use, especially since most of these wells were dug for people's money."

At the General Meeting of Gardeners on August 20, 2017, the issue of the need to license the use of a well for the needs of SNT was discussed.

We attach the official response of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Moscow Region dated September 11, 2017 to the Chairman of the Polyanka Garden Non-Profit Partnership N.K. Dudareva. Incoming letter number - 24TG-13894

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Moscow Region (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) has considered your appeal. dated August 24, 2017 No. 240G-13538, on the procedure for obtaining a license for SNT.

In accordance with Article 31 of the Federal Law of July 29, 2017 No. 217-FZ, the extraction of groundwater by horticultural non-profit partnerships and (or) gardening non-profit partnerships for the purposes of domestic water supply of partnerships is carried out without conducting a geological study of the subsoil, conducting a state examination of mineral reserves, geological , economic and environmental information about subsoil areas provided for use, coordination and approval of technical designs and other project documentation for the performance of work related to the use of subsoil.

In accordance with Article 51 of Federal Law No. 217-FZ dated July 29, 2017, which came into force on the date of official publication - July 30, 2017, non-profit organizations created by citizens for gardening, horticulture or summer cottage farming have the right to extract groundwater for economic purposes. - domestic water supply to the specified non-profit organizations until January 1, 2020 without obtaining a license for the use of subsoil.

Consequently, non-profit organizations created by citizens for gardening, vegetable gardening or summer cottage farming are required to obtain licenses for the use of subsoil for the extraction of groundwater by 01/01/2020.

A license for the right to use subsoil is a document certifying the right of its owner to use a subsoil plot within certain boundaries in accordance with the purpose specified in it for a specified period, subject to the owner's compliance with pre-agreed conditions. Registration of a license for the use of subsoil plots of local importance is carried out on the basis of a decision of the state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to grant the right to use subsoil plots to a business entity, adopted on the grounds specified in Art. 10.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated February 21, 1992 No. 2395-1 “On Subsoil” (hereinafter referred to as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil”).

According to clause 3, part 1, art. 2.3 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil”, subsoil plots of local significance include subsoil plots containing groundwater that are used for the purposes of drinking and domestic water supply or technological supply of water to industrial facilities or agricultural facilities and the production volume of which is no more than 500 cubic meters meters per day.

On the territory of the Moscow Region, the authority to make decisions on granting the right to use a subsoil plot of local significance is exercised by the Ministry.

In order to obtain the right to use subsoil, an application is submitted to the Ministry in the prescribed form with documents attached.

The application form, the period for consideration of the application and an exhaustive list of documents necessary for the Ministry to make a decision on granting a subsoil plot for use are provided for by the Procedure for considering applications for the right to use a subsoil plot of local significance for geological study for the purpose of prospecting and evaluating groundwater, for the extraction of groundwater or for geological study for the purpose of searching and assessing groundwater and its production, approved by Order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Moscow Region dated March 12, 2015 No. 125-RM (hereinafter referred to as the Order).

The procedure and the changes made to it are posted on the official website of the Ministry on the information and telecommunications network Internet in the section “Documents / Rulemaking / Regulatory legal acts issued by the Ministry.”

Additionally, we inform you that the text of the Procedure is also available in the reference and legal systems “Garant” and “ConsultantPlus”.

The list and samples of documents, a list of contact telephone numbers for consultations on groundwater licensing issues are posted on the official website of the Ministry at the address: in the section “Documents / Areas of activity / Subsoil use / Groundwater licensing”.

The Prime Minister answered questions from the meeting participants.

Dmitry Medvedev visited the horticultural non-profit partnership (SNT) "Khimpharm" and inspected one of the garden plots.

SNT occupies an area of ​​82 hectares and includes 1,353 garden plots. More than 1,200 people are members of the gardening partnership. SNT is fully electrified, water is supplied to each garden plot. Khimpharm gardeners grow potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, apples, pears, plums, apricots, cherries, raspberries, grapes, strawberries, currants and other crops.

From the transcript of the meeting:

D. Medvedev: I am glad to have the opportunity to meet with you and discuss the problems that concern almost 60 million people in our country. This figure, of course, amazes the imagination: half the country is dacha residents, half of the citizens of our country are in one way or another connected with dacha and gardening. In fact, dacha farming is a unique phenomenon. Probably many people know that in foreign languages, at least in English, the word “dacha” is borrowed from the Russian language, and it sounds like that in English. This is interesting, but what it really means is that this is a purely Russian phenomenon. Of course, there are also houses in nature there, but they do not have such a special dacha way of life.

Therefore, the topics that we will consider today are indeed very significant for a large number of our people. I see the point of discussing all these issues so that we understand whether we are on the right track in terms of a number of decisions that we have to make. These are primarily legislative decisions, and related to various problems.

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Some of the problems arose back in the Soviet period, when enterprises and organizations allocated six hundred square meters to people and the citizens of our country somehow settled down, provided electricity, gas, water, and roads. Regulation then was very strict, there were all sorts of prohibitions, restrictions, limits on the size of the house, and so on. Then all this disappeared, and in the 1990s everything went by itself. Some continued to live in a standard seasonal house, while others built full-fledged housing on their garden plot. A huge number of gaps in legislation and various uncertainties have arisen that are still affecting us.

Let me remind you that the current law “On gardening, gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens” was adopted almost 20 years ago. It is, of course, largely outdated. During this time, the resolution of property issues, land, and urban planning has moved forward. And people continue to face a number of problems. The most seemingly elementary and important thing for a significant part of people: is it possible to register at the place of residence in the country? The Constitutional Court, as you know, answered these questions positively, but this provision still did not make it into the law, and uncertainty remains.

We are preparing amendments; just recently a “dacha amnesty” was held. This “amnesty” really brought a lot of positive things. Gardeners were able to register ownership of their plots and houses using a simplified procedure. This is good, because all this hung in an incomprehensible state, in an unsettled state, it was impossible to figure out who owned what, and it was simply normal to transfer rights to the land, the house, and everything related to gardening.

There are also problems associated with the management of gardening partnerships, including those relating to how contributions are determined, how they are spent, how the register of members of the gardening partnership is maintained, what issues are put to vote, how the rights of those who are members of the gardening partnership and those who owns real estate but is not a member of a gardening association. In general, this is a fairly large set of problems.

Therefore, we decided that it no longer makes sense to change the current law; it is quite outdated. We need to do everything in a comprehensive manner, create a new law. This work was carried out at the site of the Ministry of Economic Development. Minister of Economic Development Alexey Valentinovich Ulyukaev is present here. I want to inform you that last week we... I specifically suggested giving some more period for finalizing the law, keeping in mind our meeting with you. Because if some issues that were not included there, but should be integrated into the law, should be reflected in it, we will be able to do this after today’s meeting. We will listen to all the opinions that exist and submit the final bill to the State Duma.

This is very important, because this, in fact, is the “constitution” by which gardening and vegetable farming partnerships in our country will live in the next few decades.

I will outline a few fundamental points - they are legal, but most of the problems that gardening partnerships face are precisely of a legal and organizational nature.

Firstly, the types of real estate that can be built on garden plots are systematized. It could be a garden house - there are houses like those here, for example, which do not require a building permit at all and are intended for temporary, seasonal residence. Or (and this is a new rule of law, as they say, a novelty) it will now be possible to build a full-fledged house on the site from the very beginning, as an individual housing construction project, and you can register in this house at your place of residence. Thus, we are completely removing the previous prohibitions in this area at the legislative level. Or a garden house, or a residential house, if you want and have the opportunity to build such a house, and you can register in it.

Second. The bill defines a unified, non-competitive procedure for allocating land to gardeners that is state or municipal property. The current law establishes a competitive tender procedure. This requirement has now been lifted. This will allow unused land to be brought into circulation.

The third thing I would like to say is that the forms of gardening organizations are being systematized. Insignificant differences between a garden and a summer cottage, which spoiled people’s nerves, are abolished. Now two types of partnerships will be created - we offer horticultural and vegetable gardening.

The fourth is in terms of contributions. Contributions are also systematized. They can be of three types: introductory, target and membership. And various others are canceled in order not to create any uncertainties. A closed list of areas on which the collected funds can be spent is established, so that there is no doubt about the transparency of the expenses carried out by the partnership itself. This will reduce the scope for any abuse there.

Fifth, I would like to say: the right to the common use property of the partnership is brought into compliance with the law. This is similar to the apartment buildings in which many people live. That is, it is the property of common use that is not subject to any division.

Sixth. The bill specifies the procedure for creating partnerships, registering them, and allows households to unite within already built-up areas if there is a desire to create a gardening or dacha farm. The procedure for acceptance, exclusion from the partnership, as well as a number of other issues is determined.

A very important point that I would like to immediately draw your attention to: it directly establishes transitional provisions for all existing gardening partnerships; no re-registration will be required. You just need to change the charter, that's all. No formalities are required, only a change in the charter. There is no need to make changes to the title documents for real estate. If someone wants, then please, otherwise, in general, this will not need to be done.

I really hope that all these innovations will not only be useful to all our gardening, gardening and summer cottage farms, but will also simply make the lives of people who constantly use their garden plots and summer cottages easier, and will allow us to solve a number of other problems that are purely economic nature. We will, of course, talk about them today too - I mean connecting to electricity, gas, water supply, improving the general condition of roads that lead to farms, landscaping and a whole range of other tasks.

I briefly told you what proposals we have in this bill. If you have any other considerations, please speak directly about it.

V. Ivanov(member of SNT "Yagodka"): The 171st federal law, which amended the Land Code, allows today summer residents and gardeners to legalize the unintentional seizure of land, which arose due to a number of technical problems a long time ago, when the plots were measured in steps. This, of course, intensified the registration of land plots with cadastral registration, but at the same time, many gardeners were faced with the problem of deadlines. It's no secret that there is a massive overlap of land plots on top of each other or on common areas. To resolve these controversial issues, a long period is needed. Cadastral engineers who carry out land surveying give three months for this. Sometimes during this time it is not possible to solve all the problems, because, as a rule, an appeal to the courts is required. Is it possible to consider the possibility of increasing these deadlines for conscientious summer residents - from the moment of filing an application to the complete resolution of any controversial issues?

D. Medvedev: This is a very specific problem, it affects a large number of people. The only suggestion I have is: let’s abandon the term “unintentional land grab.” This is a thing of the past, this is not a seizure, it just needs to be properly formalized.

The 171st law that you mentioned is a really important law. He settled issues that relate to the provision of land, including issues related to cutting, issues that may be related to the imposition of one plot on another. In general, these processes are underway throughout the country, but if we talk about timing, this problem probably exists.

Since 2007, more than 12 million real estate properties of summer residents and gardeners have been re-registered using a preferential procedure. When we discussed this, we didn’t even imagine how many people it would affect. This means that it was absolutely the right decision. Because this state irritated people: you have something, but you don’t have the right to it; you invest money there, but it is not clear what the fate of this land or part of the house will be. This, of course, bothered the authorities, because it was unclear whether this was still a violation of the law or whether it was a legal activity that should be encouraged. As a result of the amnesty, this situation has been cleared up, and this is very good.

Regarding the timing of renewal of cadastral registration. This period is 10 working days. But if border crossings are identified, then the period you mentioned comes into force – three months. If I understand correctly, you think that three months is not enough; this does not fit into a three-month period. A new law on state registration of real estate comes into force, it is possible to extend this period; at the request of a citizen, the cadastral registration procedure can be extended to six months. To do this, you need to write a statement to suspend this registration. But if you think six months is not enough, we can consider a longer period. But it seems to me that it would be wrong to stretch this out endlessly, because the goal is not to stretch the deadlines, but to register everything. After this law comes into force, the period will be extended to six months. If necessary, we can introduce longer deadlines.

O.Polyakova(member of SNT "Khimpharm"): Polyakova Oksana Sergeevna, member of SNT "Khimpharm". For many gardening partnerships, for the majority, there is a problem of registering their dacha plots with cadastral registration for tax purposes. It turns out that neighboring plots have different cadastral values, and this is due to the fact that the assessment was carried out by different appraisers. The higher the value of land, the higher the owner pays land tax to the local budget, and appraisers often work in the interests of local authorities. In this connection, there is a proposal: to carry out cadastral valuation by state organizations according to a single standard in order to avoid poor-quality work of private appraisers.

D. Medvedev: It’s quite simple for me, Oksana Sergeevna, to answer your question. This topic applies to gardening partnerships and a number of other land objects. People complain all the time, and not only ordinary citizens, but even companies and legal entities, that assessments are carried out very differently, using different methods, and the results are very different. And it very often happens that two neighboring plots are not worth the same. The goals of appraisers may be different - both legitimate and completely unlawful, but the fact is that this situation needs to end. Our law “On State Cadastral Valuation” comes into force on January 1, 2017, and this will be dealt with by a budgetary organization, a budgetary institution. That is, in other words, this will be a unified federal methodology for With her country. So that it doesn’t turn out that one plot costs five times more than the one next to it. It is clear that the sizes may be different, and there may be all sorts of inconveniences, but nevertheless, the methodology should still be the same. Moreover, by this law, which comes into force on January 1 of the next year, losses that may be caused as a result of violations of this law when determining the cadastral value will be compensated in full at the expense of this institution. That is, this institution must work correctly, well, conscientiously, otherwise it will pay for it. It seems to me that this is a correct, good norm. And she will help.

V.Kotov (Chairman of the Tver regional branch of the all-Russian public organization "Union of Gardeners of Russia"): People developed most of the areas with their own funds, that is, they built roads and, in some cases, power lines with their own funds. Today, many power lines are on the balance sheet of SNT, and some are ownerless, and if some kind of natural disaster happens, for example a hurricane, broken wires, fallen poles, then it is very difficult to find the owner who will deal with the elimination of these consequences.

Electricity is sometimes the only resource in a gardening community, that is, gas is not available everywhere, and this is a very important point. Tariffs today are rising, they are different, and often SNT, which are located near cities, become part of cities, part of populated areas. Of course, I would like to see professional teams, that is, those regional and federal companies that are directly involved in this type of activity, engaged in uninterrupted maintenance of power supply. This would suit everyone.

But there is one more point: today city tariffs differ from rural ones, and most of our gardeners today pay for electricity at city tariffs. Often they are powered by one substation, and village residents pay at the rural tariff, and SNT participants pay at the city tariff. We have such a wish - to equalize this tariff so that all gardeners in Russia (and the majority of gardeners are pensioners) pay according to rural tariffs. And make sure that power transmission lines are transferred to regional network companies with experience and a good, impeccable reputation. Then we will have high-quality uninterrupted power supply.

D. Medvedev: You raised a slightly more difficult topic than legal adjustments, because writing the law is somewhat easier than making economic decisions. Nevertheless, the question itself is absolutely fair. Essentially, you raised two questions.

The first is what to do with the networks that exist in SNT, with the network economy, which was built in different periods for different reasons and is on different balance sheets. In general, we need to approve this approach in order to transfer these networks to the maintenance of special organizations that should deal with this, because this is still an infrastructure, and quite complex, and, in fact, an object of increased danger. Of course, there must be unified regulation, care and, ultimately, unified maintenance of the electrical equipment itself that was created.

It is not very easy to do this, because this is a large enterprise, but nevertheless, we have a strategy for the development of the electric grid economy, which directly stipulates that in the case where there are ownerless networks or networks that, for one reason or another, organizations refuse, they must be accepted on the balance sheet of electric grid companies. This is correct, based on the state approach. You yourself say that during any accidents it is very difficult to repair everything, it is expensive. Although legally, of course, it is the partnership itself that is responsible for this, which either once received consent to build the network or did not receive it, but in any case, this must be formalized now. This is a continuation of that very “dacha amnesty”, the legalization of the economy that has been created over decades, so in general I support this approach. We will strive to carry out such a transfer.

Now regarding tariffs. The situation here is this: in principle, the size of the tariff is not a federal decision, but a regional one. Different regions approach these problems differently, but according to the current rules, gardening partnerships are equated to a category of consumers called “population.” Electricity is supplied to them at government rates, and regional authorities have the right to set reduction coefficients to these tariffs, that is, establish preferential tariffs, up to those tariffs that apply to rural residents.

Therefore, we must discuss with our colleagues - regional leaders whether they are now capable of taking such steps in all gardening partnerships, because these will be their decisions. But as a recommendation - such a decision could be made - that regional leaders and regional energy commissions decide to equate gardening partnerships with rural residents. In any case, from the point of view of justice, this seems correct.

N. Didukh(member of SNT "Lavsan"): Horticultural Society "Lavsan", Didukh Nelly Petrovna. Every spring, summer residents flock to specialized stores to buy seeds. I must say that we sell quite a lot of seeds. Mostly seeds come to Russia from Poland and Holland. But, unfortunately, they are not entirely acceptable in our climatic conditions. There are, of course, domestic seeds, but there are big complaints about the quality - about 50% germination. Plus, there is always a mismatch: you plant one vegetable, but a completely different one grows. And the seeds are quite expensive. Since summer residents are mostly pensioners, this costs them a pretty penny. In this regard, I have a request from all summer residents to strengthen border control over phytosanitary products and imported seeds, and take a very strict approach to counterfeit products. And, naturally, we need to support our Russian seed producers, because our seeds really suit us better. Just make sure they are of good quality.

D. Medvedev: Nelly Petrovna, firstly, the problem of seeds, the problem of breeding and seed material, unfortunately, did not arise today. This is, if you like, a threat to national security. This is not only a problem of what kind of cucumbers and tomatoes we have in our garden plots, it is also a problem of whether at some point the flow of seeds will be cut off for us, and whether we will then be able to simply sow normally if we do not have our own material enough. Therefore, the number one task on a national scale is to support breeding production, breeding, genetics, and, of course, seed production. This has now become our priority for agricultural development.

More recently, we were puzzled by other questions - how to simply revive crop production, how to engage in normal livestock farming so that the number of livestock increases. Now these problems have been solved. We are doing very well, we have excellent harvests. In the Kursk region, for example, this year there will also be an unprecedented harvest, apparently. But the material, yes, is a problem. Therefore, we allocate a significant part of the money under the agricultural development program for these purposes. I hope that in the coming years both agricultural enterprises and ordinary gardeners will receive normal seeds, adapted to our weather conditions. This is also not an easy task, because we have a rather large country and the seeds used in the Leningrad region must differ in some way from what is used in the Kursk region, and so on. This is also a zoning issue throughout the country. This is the first.

The second is on border control over sanitary and phytosanitary requirements. I absolutely agree with this. This is generally a threat too, and needs to be monitored. Colleagues representing the Ministry of Agriculture and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Control are present here. We will definitely do this.

The last thing is about counterfeit goods. The problem is also absolutely obvious. When you buy seeds in a store, it is impossible to understand what will come out of it, despite the fact that they are sold in bright packages and have beautiful names on them. But what will come of this is unclear. Moreover, then it is almost impossible to make a claim to someone, because even if it is a reputable company, it will say: yes, you planted it in the wrong conditions and took care of it incorrectly. We need to switch to our own technologies here. We will definitely do this.

O.Lesnaya(member of SNT "Romashka"): In gardening communities, as throughout Russia, roads are the main problem. Access roads to partnerships must be managed by municipalities. But, unfortunately, gardeners either do not apply there, or they apply, but receive the answer that there is no money for this road, and they are forced to build this road and repair it themselves. Often these roads remain unfinished and not put on the balance sheet. The fact is that the municipality cannot put it on its balance sheet, since it did not build this road. And the gardening partnership, since it has not formalized the easement and has not legalized the right to the land, also cannot add it to its balance sheet.

We have a proposal: to put ownerless and existing access roads to gardening partnerships on the balance sheet of municipalities.

D. Medvedev: The problem, unfortunately, is much more complex. It’s not enough to put them on the balance sheet; you have to maintain them, and maintaining them means money. However, as a general approach, this is probably correct. Because, although our country is huge, there should not be ownerless roads in it, by the way, as well as ownerless electrical networks and substations. This is simply not businesslike, and sometimes even dangerous. That is why roads of general and local importance, in fact, should form the backbone of this kind of road infrastructure. Naturally, we will strive to do this.

Each region must have certain plans for itself, how it involves such roads into circulation, how it puts them on the balance sheet, of course, with the necessary financial support. Because otherwise it will mean that it was ownerless, of poor quality, and now it will simply be formally owned by the municipality, but this will not improve the quality. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously provide income sources. What could it be? This, of course, comes from the municipal road fund. Whenever possible, they should be directed towards these purposes. It is clear that there are no gigantic funds there, but nevertheless it is possible. Secondly, these are subsidies from higher budgets. In this case, the higher budget is the budget of the region - the Kursk region or any other region, by analogy with the federal budget.

So, step by step, we need to put these roads into use, because otherwise they will degrade and become unusable. And we also need to look at which areas are promising and which are less promising. So, if you think like a businessman, sometimes you definitely need to find money so that the road in the direction of gardening is repaired and brought into proper condition, because a lot of people travel. Some roads are hardly traveled at all, and the gardening partnership there, in fact, may have disintegrated or is not working properly, that is, here we must proceed from the principle of expediency. I will definitely give this kind of instruction to my fellow governors.

N. Asaul(Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation): In our law on road activities and in the law on gardening partnerships, the corresponding norms are spelled out. If a municipality or subject of the Russian Federation recognizes a road as a public road, then, accordingly, such a road is accepted on the balance sheet and additional powers or methods for classifying a particular road as a public road are not required. Subjects have such powers. As Dmitry Anatolyevich rightly noted, it’s all about expediency. If the road is truly passable, then you can take it on your balance sheet and maintain it.

D. Medvedev: If there are unresolved issues, the regions need to be helped at the level of the Ministry of Transport to make these decisions.

K. Tolkachev(member of the All-Russian public organization "Union of Gardeners of Russia"): Some roads are adjacent to railroad tracks. As a rule, these are areas of about 500 meters near railway crossings. And here an even more difficult problem arises. The municipality seems to be ready to invest money and take these plots, but Russian Railways is not giving them back.

D. Medvedev: We cannot seize these plots of land from Russian Railways, this is impossible, because Russian Railways is an independent huge organization, a source of increased danger, as they say. We probably need to think about and develop some kind of regulation on how to act in such situations, when there is a municipal road on both sides and there is a need to put in order some part of the road related to Russian Railways. I will instruct the Ministry of Transport and the Russian Railways joint-stock company to create a procedure for resolving such issues when, for example, it is obvious that repairs need to be done, and even, perhaps, there is money, but for some reason it is simply not in demand.

N. Fedorycheva(Chairman of the Ulyanovsk regional branch All-Russian public organization "Union of Gardeners of Russia"): We have a program to support the development of horticulture in 15 regions. It works differently, in some places it’s good, in others it’s worse, but everyone’s approach is different. And if we could combine this experience and develop uniform recommendations at the federal level for regions and municipalities, it would be great. Dmitry Anatolyevich, give this instruction.

D. Medvedev: Naturally, I will only be glad if, as a result of our and your work, some recommendations arise, best practices that could be used in all gardening partnerships.

O. Valenchuk(chairman All-Russian public organization "Union of Gardeners of Russia"): Chairman of the Union of Gardeners of Russia Oleg Dorianovich Valenchuk.

Gardeners are the largest investors in the Russian Federation. How much money does the average family invest in their plot? 50 thousand. This includes transport, repairs, purchase of seeds, etc. Now multiply 50 thousand rubles by 20 million families. Trillion!

I am in no way belittling global agriculture, this is the basis of the fundamentals, there are no questions, but gardeners are the younger brother of agriculture. Because if we take the numbers, then 90% of berries are grown by gardeners, 62–63% are gardeners’ potatoes, 64% are cucumbers and tomatoes. Yes, these are not commercial products, but on average 50% of the products remain with gardeners. If it remains, let's help them realize it. This will be additional powerful support for gardeners.

I have a request to you, Dmitry Anatolyevich: give instructions to your colleagues to form some kind of systematic institute for interaction between gardeners and our government.

And one more question. We have 79 organizations, in almost every region. And all of them, representing 60 million families, want to have their own holiday. We discussed this issue for a long time; the ideal date for the holiday of gardeners throughout Russia is the second Sunday of September.

D. Medvedev: Regarding the sale of products. The topic is actually absolutely correct and important. If in the 1990s, for many of our people, gardening partnerships and their own plots were a way to survive, but now the situation is somewhat different. Many people have certain opportunities to sell something. These opportunities must be used.

Regarding whether such production is of a commercial nature. I think this is a pointless debate. The quality of products, especially berries, for example, fruits that are grown in gardening partnerships, is higher than the quality of any fruits and berries that we receive from abroad, because it is all grown with our own hands, in excellent environmental conditions, as a rule. This should definitely be used and, if possible, if there is a surplus, sold. There is nothing wrong with this.

The development of opportunities related to weekend fairs, the creation of cooperatives, the creation of shops, shops - all this can only be beneficial. By the way, the culture of production and packaging will also grow. This is all a completely normal topic, it has developed this way in other countries, so I would support it in every possible way.

As for the relationship with the union, I think in this sense the union has nothing to be offended about; the relationship with the Government has been established. The result was exactly the same law that we talked about today. It is very good that, on the eve of the introduction of the law to the State Duma, we have gathered here in order to compare notes in order to understand whether we are on the right path. All the innovations that we have provided for there, all the new rules, including simplified registration, simplified involvement of land in circulation, continuation of the amnesty and a number of other provisions will benefit our gardening partnerships.

The last one is about the Gardeners' Day. If you think that some kind of common holiday is needed, then let's think about it. In any case, September is a wonderful month.

L. Grigorieva(accountant at SNT "Khimpharm", "Primorskoye"): The current situation in the Moscow region is now being actively discussed among gardeners. Gardening partnerships are beginning to conduct environmental inspections on the use of wells for water extraction. We are talking about having a license for wells. Fines for individuals are set at 3-5 thousand rubles, for partnerships - up to 1 million rubles. Obtaining a license is not only an expensive process, but also quite lengthy. Are such checks and fines legal? Is there any deadline established by federal law for obtaining a well license?

D. Medvedev: When I was preparing for our meeting, I looked at publications regarding well licensing, fines for refusal to obtain a license, for unissued licenses and all sorts of other problems, including fees that some organizations are already beginning to collect in order to quickly obtain a license. There are no doubts about the law; it was specifically adopted in order to regulate the use of water. Water is valuable; we really need to control what happens to it. But the fact that some organizations are asking for money to obtain such licenses from established authorized state bodies is a complete disgrace. These licenses were not introduced so that intermediaries could make money from them.

In connection with this, I came up with an idea. In fact, I have already instructed my colleagues in the Government and governors to work on it; this applies to all regions. If we are talking about water use by an ordinary participant in a gardening partnership up to 100 cubic meters of water, this does not require licensing. These are quite decent numbers that allow a specific person to use water without excessive bureaucracy. But the fact is that many of our strong, large gardening partnerships use water in a centralized manner. They have artesian wells with good water, but not all of this is documented. I asked the governor of the Moscow region. It has approximately 20 thousand gardening associations, a rather large region, about 7 million people, and only a quarter have their water use formalized in some way. This means that three quarters will have to obtain these licenses if there is centralized water use. Do you understand what this will entail? Each partnership will pay a million rubles (and for gardening this is a lot of money) just to be allowed to use the water that they already use, especially since most of these wells were dug with people’s money.

What's the idea? We absolutely need to control what happens to our water. This is truly a great value. In our country, even though it is very large and we have 20% of the world’s water reserves, we cannot refuse licensing. But for all users whose wells appeared before the entry into force of this law and who are already in force, all these licenses will be renewed automatically and free of charge. Just register it, say, there is a well, this well is known to us, it is located in such and such an area, has such and such coordinates, has such and such depths, and that’s it, and don’t take a penny. That is, in essence, we would hold an amnesty in this area. It seems to me that this would be correct. And those who apply again, new partnerships, let them receive a license in the prescribed manner. I think this will be fair. And we will definitely bring this idea to life.

We have been dealing with a topic that affects almost half of the inhabitants of our country. All the decisions that will be the result of our discussions with you will be embodied in the law and some other amendments. It is very important that we met and talked about this here.