Mental body and mental exit. Mental Vision Theology and Lies

The mental body is next after the astral body. The mental body is the area of ​​thoughts, reception and intuitive comprehension of information.

If there is information about the mental body, then there is almost no information about access to the mental. But every person goes into the mental, constantly. Having transferred part of our consciousness into the mental body, we see fantastic worlds; while reading a book, we imagine the plot.

Written actions take place in front of us, and we often become participants in them. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? On the other hand, in this case, we do not transfer consciousness completely into the mental body, but only its part, which is responsible for vision. Mental vision superimposes a picture and, seeing the text of the book, we see the action. By dreaming we can create any events, but they do not materialize; there is little energy and concentration for this.

The transition to the mental body is possible with full consciousness and trance of the body. I’ll tell you about the exit technique in the next article.

How do sensations in the mental body differ from sensations in the astral body?

During astral exit, sleep paralysis is often observed, with the inability to move. The astral body is closer to the physical, and when they are separated, our body actively reacts. Consciousness, having partially transferred to the astral body, loses control over the physical body. All sensations of swinging and rotating are precisely sensations of the physical body.

When leaving mentally, the body is not felt at all, as if it is not there; if the body is felt, the mind has not completely transferred to the mental body. From secondary sensations, stretching through the sahasrara, as if the body is an empty jug, and air comes out of it through the neck.

You can return to the body at any moment, but you don’t want to do that, but want to go further up and prolong the feeling that is new to the mind. This is a plus and a minus. It requires constant concentration, if you get a little distracted, it immediately throws it away. It is advisable to do a mental exit in sitting poses, in a lotus or sitting in a comfortable chair.

The mind is in the mental body, just as long as the concentration of attention and energy is enough. Then you can gain energy from the mental world, but at first your energy is spent exclusively on output.

This is what you can see when you go into the mental.

At the first exits, spontaneous 3D pictures, various buildings, churches, castles, crystals, energy balls, people’s faces, writing, hieroglyphs, scraps of the past, visions of disasters, etc. Fantasy in the mental does not work well, weakening attention with subsequent ejection from the mental.

All the objects seen have meaning, but it escapes, just looking at the pictures, it captivates you. Can throw from one place and time to another. There are many different doors, old and new, which you cannot enter no matter how hard you try. Some open up on their own to you.

Later, people in gray and white robes appear. Possible spiritual teachers. You can enter the akashic chronicles. Indeed, information comes in the form of a library and books. You take the book you need and open it. A three-dimensional picture unfolds, as in an accelerated movie. I saw the creation of the earth, the origin of life, six-meter people, tall, but awkward. Still, the mind is looking for familiar objects; a book is information.

The smells are unusual, I walked in a flowering garden, there was a sweet, delicate smell, I have never seen anything like this in my life. I read the description of the smell, with the development of a clear sense of smell, the descriptions are similar. I picked and ate fruits that looked like apples with a honey taste and were not cloying. I felt the surface of the table, the roughness of the tree bark.

Anyone who had similar sensations, know that you went into the mental.

If you think these are my fantasies, this is not so, I have very little imagination. With my eyes closed I can’t really imagine a rose. In a state of meditation, I don’t imagine pictures, they appear on their own. More than ten years have passed since the first exit into the mental, and for a long time I did not believe and doubted. But there are too many coincidences. There are many descriptions of what I saw. Five people cannot see the same artifact without first knowing what it looks like and at the same time describe it exactly.

A nervous tic both under and above the eye is an involuntary muscle contraction. Almost every person in his life is faced with the fact that the nerve under his eye twitches. But not everyone knows why the eye twitches.

In this article we will talk about the main causes of nervous twitching and ways to get rid of it.

Reasons for contraction of the eye muscles

The reasons why the muscle under the eye twitches usually include the following cases:

  • Avitaminosis. Most often, a twitching eye occurs due to a lack of vitamins such as glycine, magnesium, and calcium.
  • Transmission of certain infectious diseases (flu, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections). Thus, the human nervous system reacts to the presence of infection in the body.
  • Presence of eye diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis and others.
  • Severe fatigue of the eye organs, which can occur as a result of insomnia, spending a long time at the computer, reading books in dim lighting.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye: with prolonged use of contact lenses, contact with a foreign object, allergies, dirt getting into the eyes.
  • Damage to the central nervous system. With such a disorder, a person’s muscle tone decreases, and the excitability of nerve reflexes increases. As a result, they are distorted, which leads to seizures.
  • Bad heredity. There are cases when in people (who experience nervous twitching of the eye organs), parents experienced similar inconveniences. Therefore, under such circumstances we can safely talk about a hereditary nervous tic.
  • Received head injuries.
  • Manifestation of a reaction to the use of drugs that affect the brain.
  • The presence of serious diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Tourette's syndrome, Bell's palsy.
  • Anxiety and childhood nervousness are a common cause of nervous muscle contraction in children.
  • Emotional experience. Often the left and (or) right eye may begin to twitch after experiencing stress.
  • Excessive caffeine consumption.

Eye twitching - what measures to take

When you start having an eye tic, first try to determine the possible cause of its occurrence. Analyze your daily routine. If you don’t get enough sleep, are experiencing emotional distress, have recently been ill, or work too much, then your body is giving you a signal that it is overtired.

To eliminate muscle contraction for these reasons, follow these steps:

  • try to get enough sleep;
  • try to rest;
  • drink sedatives: it is recommended to use herbal sedatives (motherwort, St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, valerian);
  • If possible, reduce your time working at the computer;
  • change your diet: eat more fruits, vegetables and greens. To enrich the body with magnesium and calcium, it is recommended to include nuts, sunflower seeds, legumes, bananas, sesame seeds, green vegetables, rye bread, hard cheese, buckwheat in the diet;
  • limit the consumption of alcohol, coffee, strong tea, spicy foods;
  • take breaks from work (15 minutes), you can also alternate work with eye exercises;
  • Avoid stressful situations whenever possible.

First aid

Primary measures to prevent involuntary muscle contractions include the following:

  • close your eyes and open your eyes (should be repeated several times);
  • blink your eyes for a few seconds;
  • close your eyes and relax, sit in this state for at least 10 minutes;
  • you can make a compress;
  • massage the arches above your eyebrows.

The need to seek help from specialists

If you twitch both under the eye and above it, and the nervous tic is not associated with overwork of the body and the above recommendations do not help, then you should not delay contacting a specialist. After all, constant prolonged twitching of the eye muscles can be a sign of a serious illness.

You should contact your doctor immediately when:

  • twitching does not stop for more than 10 days;
  • pain appears;
  • nervous tic increases;
  • muscle contraction is accompanied by deterioration of vision;
  • other facial muscles begin to contract.

When the cause of muscle contractions is an ophthalmological disease, an ophthalmologist will deal with the treatment. If the cause of the disease was nervous disorders, then you will have to visit a neurologist.

Preventive measures to prevent eye twitching include the following: adherence to a sleep and rest schedule (you should get a good night's sleep), avoid eye fatigue, ensure that your diet is balanced, and avoid negative and stressful situations if possible.

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One of the problems that prevents people from developing mental vision is that it is not likely to be correct. attitude(translator's note) to various kinds of flashes before the eyes. These can be lights, unclear flashes of fire, and sometimes even some unclear objects or events. Of course, when observing such manifestations of optic nerve activity, one should definitely remember(see source) that often all these flickerings cannot be attributed to phenomena of the subtle world. All this can arise in an unconditionally nervous system as a reaction to previously accumulated stress - nothing more. However, along with this, many people also see very real signs that may have the nature of a warning or simply carry some information that is unclear to many.

As for all kinds of warnings, we should always speak in relation to an absolutely specific person, although usually many of those who have dreamed of such signs can themselves figure out their meaning without any outside help help. But it’s worth talking in more detail about signs that carry other important information for people.

But first let's take a closer look at the definitely nervous system. It is hardly worth convincing anyone that all our body movements, from the point of view of the functioning of the central nervous(translator's note) systems are divided into thousands, or even millions, of nerve micropulses, which together allow the human body to move and exist. One of the most important tasks of meditation is precisely to develop in people the ability to respond to the smallest nerve impulses - ultimately turning this ability into subtle vision and hearing.

The development of the ability for subtle vision does not occur at the request of a person - either he wants and is engaged in it, or he does not want, and, accordingly, does not engage in it. This process is always controlled from the outside, and a person can only react in time to such help from the subtle world. And the flickerings considered here before the eyes play a very important role in developing people’s skills in responding to disturbances in their central nervous(translator's note) systems by sending impulses of energy from the subtle world.

For example, walking along a city street, someone may notice that either a line, or a dash, or something else trivial flashed “before” their eyes (relatively speaking). A person brought up in a modern spirit, as a rule, passes by such signs. However, it will be much more useful to stop in the same place where you saw such a sign, and, picking up any object that replaces a pencil (you can, after all, use your finger, who will judge you for this), try to reproduce the sign you saw on something. Do not be surprised if the sign drawn in your design will not at all resemble the one you saw. This will only prove the inadequacy of your central nervous(translator's note) systems to perceive signals from the subtle world and will encourage activities aimed at developing motor skills and other reflexes.

It will be a little more difficult for those who, after applying their own hands, end up with something that is vaguely reminiscent of what they saw, which may be their own eyes. You shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of practicing how to reproduce a fleeting vision as accurately as possible. The most stubborn will find out that what they see with their eyes and what they draw on a plane with their hand will not have the same identity - either your image does not have enough spatial volume, or something else that enlivens the space. From here it will be possible to make an important observation for yourself - images and phenomena of the subtle world cannot be conveyed using ordinary earthly graphics, since there is no movement and spatio-temporal orientation in the Universe.

And what will happen to the definitely nervous system(see source) those who ignore such flickers? From the point of view of the earthly mind - nothing. The flickering may one day stop, and from that moment the life of this person will go calmly and completely according to earthly laws. If you take a closer look at the definitely nervous system such people, then the processes that lead a person to the subtle world will cease to develop in it. Following this, already existing neural connections in the nervous tissues will begin to die (destroy), which could certainly contribute to development(that’s exactly what happened!) in a person such features as a penchant for painting and creativity in general, skills in particularly precise needlework, special respiratory activity, perhaps the ability perceive the world through one’s own (not a tendency to conformism), intuition, quick thinking, etc., etc. However, the most important thing is that the foundations of mental vision are destroyed in a person.

Moreover, the destruction of personality is likely person happens almost before our eyes - just a year or two ago, someone looked somehow special, stood out among those around him for his extraordinary abilities or talents, and then suddenly, for no reason at all, he stopped showing any activity and got stuck in the routine of everyday life.

So talented artists, naval commanders, geologists, pioneer scientists and spirit seers are not born into society. Due to the fact that the current developed machine civilization practically does not pay attention to the development in humans of perhaps the ability perceive signs of the subtle world in everyday life, very, very many children and adolescents part with their innate abilities to perceive the subtle world, never knowing about it.

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    Taoism - selected publications on the topic of Taoism. The ancient Chinese teaching about Tao - a single world law and the Way of life in harmony with nature and the natural order of things. The first written source that became the core of Taoism is the treatise Tao Te Ching, the authorship of which is attributed to the sage Lao Tzu.

    Perhaps it is for this reason that the vast majority of those who are involved in the knowledge of the subtle world strive to gain, first of all, the ability to hear the sounds of the subtle world. Although, in general, there is nothing to blame these people for. After all, even those who are considered to be the pillars of esotericism and theosophy, for example, Helena Blavatsky, Helena Roerich or Sri Aurobindo Ghose, did not pay attention in their mission to educate humanity to methods of developing human abilities for visual perception of images of the subtle world. In the written works of these people, much attention is paid to the knowledge of auditory hallucinations, including the ways in which students must learn to distinguish the quality of sounds according to one or another attribute:

    By vibration
    - by timbre,
    - by distance of the sound source,
    - if possible, repeat it in your own throat during a conversation with another person,
    - by the presence of an echo signal in the sound, distorting the sound beyond recognition,
    - finally, by color (any sound in the physical world of the Earth is inherent in the property of color, which can be developed in oneself after fairly simple exercises).

    Those familiar with Blavatsky's works The Voice of the Silence and The Seven Gates can understand the differences in the approaches to disciple initiation advocated in these sources from the one discussed in this article. Speaking about the so-called Voice of Silence, it should be noted that in Blavatsky’s understanding, the very possession of the ability to hear the voices of the inhabitants of the subtle is an achievement for the people of the Earth so extraordinary and outstanding that such a person can already be called an Arhat.

    As for the problem of spiritual initiation through the wandering of a person’s consciousness in search of certain “seven gates,” which represent the stages of a person’s spiritual growth, then in Blavatsky’s understanding, this is the highest Truth. At the same time, the author was somehow unaware that the entire process of searching for the treasured gates should take place in pitch darkness. And only at the very end, a person who has overcome all obstacles and passed all the tests of the spirit turns into a candle that illuminates space in the subtle world, which is placed in a phosphorus vessel for reliability.

    A similar picture of the subtle world of the Earth is painted in Roerich’s book “The Supermundane” - complete darkness, which is continually torn apart by explosions created by the boundless dark forces of the planet. Although some of Roerich’s books contain separate advice on the development of visual perception - exercises with colored strips of paper, etc. However, descriptions of ways in which almost every child under 13-15 years old can develop the ability to perceive without any overstrain of the nervous system systems of lights of the subtle world, understandable to ordinary people who are far from the problems of parallel worlds (familiar with them only from science fiction films), mental flights, and the terminology inherent in esotericism and mysticism in general, none of the above-mentioned authors have.

    In search of relevant recommendations, you can also look into the book “Lotus of Brahma”. There is a truthful description of the ancient method by which the so-called third eye was opened in a person. This was achieved through a surgical operation (drilling a small hole in the forehead) and subsequent prolonged torture of the student's physical body (in the confined space of a very small stone bag, without water, without food and even without movement). After such initiation, the necessary mutation (or improvement) occurred in the person’s consciousness, and he became able to see colored arcs and flashes around the bodies (or parts of the body) of people.

    The described ancient technique could well be promoted today. Maybe one day there will even be a whole fashionable wave in the world for such transformations of the human body - like tattoos or piercings. Why shouldn’t humanity teach itself to live with holes in the forehead, and even compete to see who will have more shapely, graceful, etc. At the same time, the natural way of gradually changing the nervous system, with the aim of adapting it to perceive multi-colored arcs, looks more practical energies of the subtle world.

    The advantage of visual observation of the phenomena of the subtle world over subtle hearing is that the sounds of the subtle world can be so distorted by the conditions of earthly life (starting from the state of the body of the sound receiver itself - that is, the body of the person himself) that it is not possible to distinguish them only by this quality . Even earthly ideas about the propagation of sound waves in the physical conditions of the Earth are still very far from explaining many phenomena common to our planet. For example, the penetration of sound into people’s bodies (which, by the way, always happens during people having sex) or the appearance of unusual dreams among residents living near the sea or large rivers. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the ability of the earthly imagination to prepare for how and in what way the sounds coming into a person’s consciousness from the subtle world should be perceived.

    Mental vision is vision emanating from the human spirit. We can, with the help of concentration, “turn on” it
    for some time. Mental vision is so called because it can see mental energy.
    These are all types. Energy of darkness, light, water, fire, psi (Although Psi is not mental energy, but with this vision you can see it.), Chaos, energy of death, etc.
    1) Mental vision is needed for the concept of working with energy. Such works are Energy ritual. That is, a ritual that
    directly related to energy control.
    2) Necessary in order to see energy beings. These are phantoms, spirits, demons, angels, dragons, etc.
    3) Mandatory for astral battles.
    Development of mental vision.
    Seeing with mental vision requires some training.
    1) Working with a sheet.
    You need to draw a black circle with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters in the center on an A4 sheet of paper. And paint it black.
    After this, sit at a distance of 1-2 meters from the sheet and look at the center of the circle. You should see after a while
    how a certain amount of energy flows into the center. These are fluids (A simple energy unit, a particle of mentality.)
    So concentrate on the circle for 10-15 minutes. After a certain amount of practice you will see the energy and learn how to use it
    see at any time.
    2) Reality gap.
    This method is for those who have a very high level of will. Stand in front of the subject. Better in front of a living being. Ideally a person. Now take a deep breath and strain your eyes. After 5-8 seconds of this state, exhale slowly, straining your chest. When the exhalation almost reaches the end, tensing all your muscles, try to break the invisible barrier.
    It may not work right away, but you have to practice; this method is considered fast and reliable.
    3) Concentration.
    This method does not work for all people. But this method is very easy and very fast.
    Place your hand in front of you and begin to concentrate by slowly exhaling and inhaling. We start with exhalation.
    So when you are collected, try to see your aura (Energy shell.) If you don’t succeed in
    After 15-16 exercises, this method is not for you.

    I want to immediately dispel dangerous misconceptions.
    1) Mental energy will not be as bright as you see the blue color in the physical plane. You will see a faint blue translucent glow.
    2) The color of mental energy is different. What type of energy is what color. Darkness is black, light is white, etc.
    3) A person’s aura has a color depending on the energy prevailing in him.
    4) You will not immediately begin to see with mental vision like “boom and here it is.” It will appear gradually and at first
    All pictures will not be bright and will not be noticeable. The better you see with your mental vision, the better the image.

    Opening the sixth chakra is only the first stage of working with the all-seeing eye, followed by daily training of your abilities.

    In this regard, most esotericists have a question about how to develop the third eye, exercises for which are often confusing and too complicated for beginners. Therefore, you should first pay attention to simple concentration sessions, then move on to working with clairvoyance and telepathy.

    Chakra Tuning

    If you are interested in how to adjust the open third eye, first decide on the purpose of this work. Attunement of Ajna can be carried out before exercises so that the energy moves more freely, and after all training to generalize the acquired skills.

    Frequency tuning

    Before starting the session, you should perform frequency tuning. Call on an angel to align its vibration with your body. Use these words for this:

    Kash bin sum tokhche, karatis kotin chukbis, erembi mashi so bin, sorotki toche chu bin, serembik in the world with ber.

    Imagine that from the pineal gland to the pituitary gland there is a certain etheric tube of the third eye, with the help of which you can create useful white magic. With the blessing of the Divine Mother, the pituitary gland becomes an instrument for human transformation, and now your all-seeing eye looks not into the external environment, but inside.

    Call your consciousness in the purest words so that it comes to the third eye through the visualized tube. You can use magic codes, i.e. say:

    Kesh harvavit esekhvi usutras, nenhar sabakhut ekleverevat, nensahakh skerevat skle-rutpraha, misanakh viresat harastu urekbi.

    This can ascend to a high level of consciousness and awaken a sleeping portal with passion.

    Strengthening the skill of seeing subtle matters

    The second type of tuning is used to enhance the skill of seeing subtle matters, incl. and auras. This stage will improve the focus of the third eye so that the pictures during clairvoyance are clear and detailed. The essence of the training is to view stereo images (when two images merge into one), which you can find on the Internet and download to a gadget convenient for you.

    A person’s task is to defocus his vision as much as possible and follow the statics, and then the dynamics of ancient symbols, which are called yantras. The first image - Sri Yantra - should attract attention in the area of ​​​​the directional peak, and the second - a yantra of multi-colored rings corresponding to the chakras - attracts the eye with its movement.

    It is advisable to combine practice with listening to binaural programs that help tune in to beta waves. During practice, it is also useful to remember to focus your consciousness on the third eye.

    Activation of the all-seeing eye

    Almost every lover of esotericism is interested in how to train the third eye, but few people think about how to correctly open the sixth chakra, which will make each exercise truly effective and necessary for spiritual growth. One of the simplest forms of working with the all-seeing eye is meditation.

    Start of activation

    Take a comfortable position, close your eyelids, calm your mind. Concentrate your attention in the Ajna area, feel your third eye. Try to look at yourself from the outside, and then feel how the air touches your skin. Visualize a screen in front of you where the answer to your question should appear.

    Focus on the central image of the question. Soon you will receive the information in the form of the desired image. Do not forget that breathing should be continuous and smooth.

    Relax completely during meditation, because then the blood rushes to the head and a slight pulsation is felt in the back of the head. The same feeling appears in the area between the eyebrows and under the earlobes. Concentrate on these physical impressions too.

    Volumetric visualization

    With the help of volumetric visualization, we also open the third eye. Exercises of this type help control the mind and correctly use its resources if performed 3-4 times a week for a month.

    • So, close your eyelids and imagine a white space in front of you. Place a black dot in the center of such a screen, which will move as you wish.
    • Achieve smooth movement of the point and add two more to it. Form lines that form a triangle and make it three-dimensional in your mind.
    • Add the last point, making a pyramid. Move it in space.

    After steely successes, the practice can be complicated by painting the pyramid in different colors. Ultimately, in just a couple of minutes the imagination should create any image.

    Coordination of breathing and movements

    You can activate the clairvoyance center by coordinating your breathing and movements.

    • Place your right palm on your forehead so that your index finger touches your third eye. Start rotating it clockwise to fill the chakra with energy through the power of your mind and heart.
    • At the same time, also rotate your eyeballs.
    • Then lower your palm, focusing on natural breathing through Ajna. The chakra should open with each of 5-10 exhalations.
    • With your inner vision you should notice how a hole opens in your forehead. Turn your palms outward and bring them to the area between your eyebrows. The pulsation of the eyes, forehead and hands will merge together. Imagine that the golden beam in front of your palms merges into a ball, and all the beauties of nature and the power of the cosmos are reflected in it.
    • As you inhale, feel your body gaining this natural energy.
    • Exhaling through your nose, remove all worries and sorrows from yourself. Then inhale and exhale again, having dealt once and for all with all the unclean forces in you.
    • Fill yourself with golden light and create a sphere of it inside your head. Streams of energy flow from there through the anterior channel, then enter the perineum, the tailbone and rise to the very top of the head, concentrating in the forehead.

    Follow this path along with powerful flows 5-8 times. Then concentrate the ball of light in Aja and compress it to the size of a pearl. Leave it in the sixth chakra and finish the practice.

    Activation of the eyebrow energy center

    • Shades of blue perfectly activate the energy center between the eyebrows, so exercises for opening the third eye often involve working with a similar palette.
    • Take a comfortable position, relax, become aware of inner silence.
    • For complete calm, you can turn on mantras, close your eyes and breathe calmly and smoothly.

    With your inner gaze, look at Ajna and imagine a blue ball there. It rotates at any speed that is optimal for you. Inhale and visualize the sphere beginning to attract pure blue energy from the world around you. The radiant energy carries only positivity and begins to be absorbed into the ball as you exhale. The sphere becomes denser, you feel pressure, tension and slight pain in the area between the eyebrows.

    This type of meditation takes only 15 minutes.

    Lessons for beginners

    People who are interested in how to develop the third eye should always remember the need to properly build energy in the body. This helps to independently engage with Ajna even at the highest level and at the same time change your own essence.

    Synchronization of the brain hemispheres

    It is enough to mentally imagine any object in full. It is advisable to get rid of the flow of thoughts. In 15-20 minutes of such work, you can develop a holographic perception of reality. With your eyes closed, you can imagine three-dimensional geometric images. It is advisable to visualize them in light colors, gradually darkening them.

    And don't forget to imagine how they rotate. In addition, it is useful for the growth of clairvoyance to imagine a tree in front of you, visualizing its simultaneous view from the front, top and back.

    Development of mental vision

    Be sure to practice with a candle. Light the flame and admire it without closing your eyes. If you want to blink, consider the color of the fire even with drooping eyelids. Also watch the image of the candle that remains on the retina.

    You can complicate the task if you drag the flame imprint to the area between the eyebrows. Development of the third eye is a particularly powerful practice when filling the pineal gland with energy, which largely determines a person’s skills in this area.

    To work with the pineal gland, you should also tune into the fire of a candle and imagine how a golden ray separates from the flame. It first penetrates the pituitary gland, clears the entire path and begins to illuminate the all-seeing eye from the inside. In a 20-minute session, you can cleanse the chakra and energize the necessary brain channels.

    Development of etheric vision

    The first stage of non-standard vision is considered to be etheric vision. You can practice it even before mastering astral practices.

    Take a comfortable position in the twilight, relax and clear your mind of thoughts. Extend your hands in front of you with your fingers spread. Look through your fingers for a few minutes so that you can notice a glow around each phalanx. Blink as little as possible.

    Then gradually focus your gaze on the area around your fingers so that the third eye improves its focus. If the exercise seems difficult, concentrate on only one finger. When you begin to progress in this lesson, you can move on to viewing the etheric shell of a person. It can be seen around the head of any interlocutor if you are focused and mentally relaxed.

    Study of Astral Energies

    The development of the third eye must necessarily include the study of astral energies. Take any red object no smaller than 10x10 cm in size and a sheet of white paper.

    Place the object in front of you and look at it for a couple of minutes. Then suddenly remove the object from the table and peer at the paper page. It will reflect an emerald glow that matches the shape of the object. This is the so-called astral color of the object.

    If you use blue things, the light on the paper will be of a different shade.

    Increased quality of clairvoyance

    A lesson on transforming energy into a quality flow will help you. You need to lie on your back and relax all parts of your body. As you inhale deeply, visualize energy entering your body through your feet. On exhalation, the wave leaves the body through the sixth chakra, i.e. between the eyebrows.

    Such an energy bath should last at least an hour so that a person has a physical sensation of the dynamics of a powerful flow.

    Exercise to study the aura

    The development of third eye vision cannot be imagined without exercises to study the aura, which is more difficult to notice than the human biofield.

    So, place one palm on top of the other so that the upper hand touches the lower one only with your fingers. Then connect to the flow of Reiki energy and begin to rotate the fingers of one hand, as if rolling a sphere of energy.

    After 10 minutes, move your hands to a dark background so that your fingertips are visible. Peer into the space in front of your palms to notice the aura of your fingers. It resembles a slight fog.

    Also, to identify the aura, you can, without blinking and relaxing, peer into the space around the head of any person who is standing against a uniform background. It is useful to look at the entire silhouette of the interlocutor, so that under closed eyelids you can see his colored aura imprint on the retina.

    Finally, you can try to take turns looking at a person’s etheric body, visually dividing it into squares.

    Exercise for developing clairvoyance

    You can work with a black blindfold. Relax your mind and imagine that your body does not exist. Ask someone to place any object on the table in front of you, and then hold your palm a few centimeters from the object. Focus on seeing the thing with your inner gaze, recognizing it.

    Repeat daily for 15-25 minutes. Then gradually complicate the exercise, also trying to determine the exact location of the object. At the end of the lesson, always take the object in your hand.

    An exercise to distract the mind from interesting objects

    If the main thing you are interested in after the third eye has opened is development, exercises for working with the chakra should be very simple, focusing more on your general skills than on extrasensory perception.

    To begin with, you can practice distracting your mind from interesting objects. This requires only mental effort: refuse to study an attractive subject, listen to your favorite music, or fly in your own fantasies. Switch your consciousness to other things at this moment.

    Ability to concentrate as much as possible

    It is equally useful to be able to perform activities with maximum concentration. Give all your attention and thoughts to one current activity. It is best to do the exercise in the morning to develop a psychological orientation towards focusing.

    Additional exercises can be done one minute at a time throughout the day, first doing the training with your eyes closed. For example, you can look at a flower and then imagine it with maximum precision in your mind.

    Exercise to gain self-confidence

    To do this, you can turn to mental exercises with geometric shapes. You can imagine a triangle of light floating in the air in front of you, or a similar square or circle.

    Training the third eye in this case consists of preserving visual images for as long as possible. Developing willpower and getting rid of stiffness is possible if you imagine a floating luminous cube and rotate it as you inhale and exhale with the power of your imagination.

    By imagining a tetrahedron made of quartz, you can visualize yourself walking around the figure on all sides and then sitting inside to enhance the feeling of security and peace.

    Contemplative activities

    Used by already trained esotericists. As part of this exercise, you can resort to different techniques. For example, it is recommended to enter the consciousness of an ordinary flower and imagine yourself as one. The completeness of perception should allow you to understand what you look like from the position of this plant.

    You can also choose an animal, a stone, or any natural object. Gradually, you should make the activity more difficult and switch to close people. In such a situation, it is important to feel the person from the inside, to move consciousness into the head of the interlocutor.

    At such moments, it is useful to wish well to the person whose body you are in, since this works as a kind of blessing.

    Next, you should work with the perception of the place in which you want to be. Feel yourself in it and work with different senses. The highest level of this exercise is considered to be leaving your own body and studying yourself through the eyes of an outside observer. You can walk around your body, examining it from different positions.

    Physical exercise

    Health practices for the all-seeing eye are an integral part of working with the chakra, because these are also rejuvenating actions that improve the dynamics of internal energy. It is better to repeat exercises for the third eye 21 times, but the load on the body must be increased gradually. This complex is called Five Tibetan Pearls.

    Exercise to give speed to energy vortexes

    Stand up straight and extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder level.

    Start spinning clockwise until you feel slightly dizzy. At the beginning, you need to make 3-4 revolutions, and after 1-2 weeks of regular training you will be able to make 21 rotations around your axis.

    Exercise to fill vortexes with etheric forces

    Lie on your back, but not on the cold floor. Stretch your arms along your body, press your palms to the floor. Raise your head slightly and press your chin to your chest.

    The goal is to lift your legs up in a vertical plane, keeping them straight and without lifting your pelvis from the floor. Those who have good stretching can be advised to raise their legs further, as if on themselves. Beginners, of course, are allowed relaxations in the form of bending their knees.

    If you have a hard time physically developing your third eye, videos with similar practices can be found on the Internet.

    However, remember that it is important not just to stretch the muscles, but to coordinate all movements with breathing. First, rid your lungs of oxygen by exhaling, and then take a slow and deep breath while raising your legs.

    Then lower your limbs and head to the floor, exhaling.

    Exercise to increase willpower

    Get on your knees with your thighs vertical. Press your palms to the area just below the buttocks, i.e. in the muscles of the thighs. Tilt your head until your chest touches your chin. Then throw your head back, straightening the front of your body and arching your spine.

    Place your hands on your hips and return to the starting position. Repeat several times, observing the breathing rhythms: first exhale deeply, inhale while bending, and starting point exhale again.

    Try to breathe as fully as possible. After just a month of such exercises, you can feel an increase in willpower.

    Exercise according to the method of Tibetan Lamas

    It takes about 2 weeks to master the following practice. At the same time, if you are really interested in how to develop a person’s third eye according to the method of Tibetan Lamas, try not to take a long pause between all the exercises.

    Sit down and stretch your legs forward, placing your feet shoulder-width apart. The spine is straight, the palms lie on the sides of the hips on the floor, but the fingers point forward. The head is lowered to the chest in the starting position, then thrown back far back while taking a smooth deep breath.

    Next, tilt your body forward to a horizontal position while continuing to inhale. As a result, the torso and hips will be in the same plane, and the legs and arms will be placed vertically. Then all muscles are tensed for a couple of seconds, holding the breath, and relax in the starting position as you exhale.

    Energy boosting exercise

    The last exercise in this set allows you to increase energy and improve the functioning of the immune system.

    You need to focus on lying down, bending over and leaning on your toes and palms. Make sure that your hips and knees do not touch the floor, and your hands point forward. The limbs are spread slightly wider than the shoulders. Tilt your head back, then press it to your chest with the movement of your neck.

    The person’s task is to simultaneously move the body and arms to another plane so that the torso is folded in half in the hip area. All limbs must be straight to form an acute angle with the apex at the top.

    When you return to the original position, arch your back further by arching your chest and straightening your shoulders. Don’t forget to also tense all the muscles of your body in those moments when you lift your torso to form an angle and then bend back to the starting position.

    Breathing should be gradual: first exhale completely, then take a deep breath when folding the body and exhale when returning to the beginning. The moment of muscle tension should coincide with small pauses in breathing.

    Third eye massage

    Shirodara is an ancient Indian teaching from Ayurveda about stimulating the sixth chakra of a person. The massage technique here is combined with special aromatic oils. The practice affects the brain centers in such a way that the production of serotonin increases and energy is released in the spinal canals.

    The main ingredients in third eye massage mixtures are sesame, almond, sunflower oils and canola essence.

    At the beginning of the procedure, a gentle massage is performed on the scalp, gradually going down to the neck and without touching the face. Only then the master touches bioactive points throughout the body. After this, the patient is blindfolded, placed on a couch and a bowl is hung over his head. Warm oil begins to flow from a small hole at the bottom of the container onto individual points on the forehead.

    The softened skin undergoes a peeling stage with coconut powder or sea salt, which is then brushed off the body. The remaining oil on the forehead is used for repeated head massage. At the end, a foot massage is performed and you are sent to a refreshing shower. Shirodara cleanses the mind and allows one to come to a state of spiritual peace. To establish connections with the Inner Self, oil mixtures with incense, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang are most often used.

    If you are concerned about how to develop your third eye, exercises can be chosen by you from any sources or even invented by yourself. Combine constant training of individual psychic skills with a general Chakra massage and, of course, do not forget about basic brain processes, such as concentration or visualization. Consistency and perseverance give excellent results, especially since anyone can master the art of controlling the all-seeing eye.