Methods and technologies of working with teachers. Consultation for educators “Forms of methodological work with the teaching staff

Topic 16. Scientific and practical seminar as an effective form of professional development

Visual and methodological aids

1.Andreev, V.I. Competitiveness: a training course for the creative development of competitiveness. - Kazan. Center for Innovative Technologies, 2004. – 468 p.

2.Konarzhevsky, Yu.A. Management and intra-school management / Yu.A. Konarzhevsky. – M.: Center “Pedagogical Search”, 2000. – 224 p.

3. Burns R. Development of self-concept and education. M.: Progress, 1986.

Guided independent work of students

Drawing up a schematic map reflecting the essence and rules of organizing a scientific-practical seminar as an effective form of professional development

Forms of knowledge control

Conversation with undergraduates on the essence and rules of organizing a scientific-practical seminar as an effective form of professional development

Sample survey and analysis of speeches.

Lecture 28. Scientific and practical seminar as an effective form of professional development

Forms of methodological work

There are two groups of forms of methodological work:

· collective (group)

· individual

Collective (group) include:

· active lecture;

· "round table";

· Master Class;

· methodological consultation;

· methodical operative;

· methodological workshop;

· methodical KVN;

· methodical training;

· "brainstorm";

· scientific and practical conferences;

· seminars (didactic, problem-solving, psychological and pedagogical, etc.);

· panorama of pedagogical achievements;

· pedagogical discussion;

· pedagogical readings;

· workshops;

· problem-situational game;

· role-playing game;

· creative dialogue;

· creative report;

· reader and viewer conferences;

· school of excellence;

· fair of methodological ideas;

· festival of pedagogical ideas: kaleidoscope of lessons;

Individual ones include:

· individual consultation;

· accumulation of information on pedagogy, psychology, methodology, subject content;

· mentoring;

· Carrying out monitoring measurements in self-monitoring mode over the learning process and result;

· constant work on a methodological topic representing

· professional interest;

· work on a personal creative theme;

· work with a mentor;

· development of own visual aids;

· development of diagnostic procedures, tasks and tests;

· development of your own self-education program;

· reflection and analysis of one’s own activities;

· independent research;

· interview with the administration;

· internship.

An effective form of methodological work are thematic seminars - workshops. Such seminars are usually structured according to the following scheme: a short lecture on the problem, practical processing of the issue, drawing up and discussing thematic plans. Seminar/workshop sessions can be devoted to the study of technical teaching aids and methods of their use, development of the most important and difficult topics, etc.

A significant place in the work of methodological associations is occupied by reviews of literature, pedagogical journals, and the most interesting articles on issues of teaching and upbringing published in periodicals. It is advisable to do such reviews at each meeting of the methodological association. Timely information about new literature provides teachers with significant assistance in self-education and creates favorable conditions for introducing the achievements of pedagogical and psychological science into practice.

A timely result of methodological work during an academic year or two years is the holding of school pedagogical readings or scientific and practical conferences. They hear the most interesting reports and messages prepared by teachers, class teachers, educators, and accept recommendations on improving educational work and introducing the best teaching experience into practice. Pedagogical exhibitions should be timed to coincide with teaching readings and scientific and practical conferences, illustrating the main points of reports telling about the achievements of the teaching staff and individual teachers.

Methodological work will be truly effective and will have an effective impact on the quality of teaching and education only when its collective forms are organically connected with systematic classes and self-education

The main forms of conducting classes within the framework of the methodological association are seminars and workshops.

Seminar – a form of group classes on a subject or topic, which takes place with the active participation of all teachers.

The seminars cover current issues of the educational process, the content of new technologies, teaching methods and techniques.

This form of classes (meetings) is necessary to familiarize teachers with the latest achievements of science and effective teaching experience.

The characteristic features of the seminar are:

· compulsory work of teachers on self-education;

· collective discussion of its results;

When conducting a seminar, the information function is transferred from the head of the methodological association to the participants of the seminar. In the activities of the head of a methodological association, regulatory and organizational functions come first.

The effectiveness of the seminar requires special organizational measures during its preparation and conduct. These organizational measures include:

· allocation of special time for preparation of participants;

· providing participants with a list of references;

· scrupulous selection of questions in terms of quantity and quality for discussion;

· when formulating questions for discussion in methodological association classes, it is necessary to adhere to the following requirements: reliance on the internal logic of the material being studied; problematic; taking into account audience requests.

Workshop – a type of educational activity based on the application of knowledge, skills and abilities in solving practical problems. In the foreground is the development of skills to use theory in practice. However, practical exercises in the future contribute to the acquisition of new theoretical knowledge.

The workshop includes the following steps:

· organizational;

· goal setting;

· updating knowledge;

· briefing;

· activities aimed at work practice;

· summarizing.

Theoretical seminar. This form of classes is necessary to familiarize teachers with modern achievements of pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience. It requires speakers (scientists, specialists from educational authorities, heads of educational institutions, teachers) to provide accessible coverage in messages, lectures, reports of current issues of the educational process, the content of modern educational technologies, methods, methods and techniques of teaching.

Such seminars should be scheduled no more than two or three times a year to avoid overloading teachers.

A type of theoretical seminar is psychological and pedagogical seminar, To which is actively used in educational institutions of the republic. It primarily addresses issues of psychological support for the educational process. And the work of such a seminar is led by a specialist psychologist.

Workshop. This form of work requires very serious preparation, since at such a seminar teachers introduce their colleagues present to the experience of their work (educational, research, search), carried out for a certain time under the guidance of a consulting scientist or an education department specialist.

The focus of the workshop is not only on theoretical issues of the educational process, but also on practical skills, which is especially valuable for the growth of the professional level of teachers.

Workshops are an effective form of introducing teachers to creative, exploratory, experimental and research activities and improve their general pedagogical culture.

Scientific and practical conference - e It is a form of joint activity of scientists, teachers and students. Its main goal is to generalize, familiarize and promote the best work experience,

formation of one’s own research position, management skills, recommendations for improving this area of ​​activity of the teaching staff. carrying out experimental work on an educational and pedagogical problem. The defining features of the conference are: a large number of participants; the presence of participants invited from outside (from other schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, universities, scientific institutions); comprehensive coverage of the problem.

The practical part of the conference is carried out in sections and consists of viewing fragments of training sessions “live”, on video, modeling training sessions, demonstrating techniques, methods, tools, and teaching technologies. As a rule, the topics of scientific and practical conferences are determined by the most pressing problems of pedagogy, psychology and are related to the practical activities of an educational institution.

Methodical festival. This form of methodological work involves a large audience of participants and aims to exchange work experience, introduce new pedagogical ideas and methodological findings.

As a rule, the festival is a solemn summing up of the work of the teaching staff.

The festival program consists of various events: open lessons, extracurricular activities, competitions, exhibitions, presentations, invitations to the teacher’s creative laboratory, etc. At the festival, one gets acquainted with the best pedagogical experience, with non-standard lessons, approaches to solving pedagogical problems. During the festival there is a panorama of methodological discoveries and ideas.

The festival ends with honoring teachers who have shown high results in methodological work over the year, as well as summing up the results of the rating assessment of methodological activities and determining the winners.

Methodical bridge is a type of discussion and is carried out with the participation of teaching staff of other educational institutions, employees of the education department (department), research institutes, IPK, APO, and parents of students.

The purpose of this work is to exchange ideas, practical experience, discuss typical difficulties in the implementation of the educational process and identify ways to successfully resolve them.

The result of the work of the methodological bridge can be methodological recommendations for overcoming negative phenomena in advanced training and for improving, perfecting the professional training of teachers, for overcoming difficulties in solving the problems of the educational process.

Methodical ring as a group form of work, it is carried out with the aim of improving the professional knowledge of teachers, identifying their pedagogical and general cultural erudition.

There are several options conducting a methodical ring. The most common are: the ring as a type of discussion and the ring as a competition. Ring as a type of discussion carried out in the case when different views on the same issue or problem are formed in the teaching staff. It is advisable to reduce the number of different views and points of view to a minimum - up to two. Then opponents prepare in advance. Each of them forms the necessary support group, which provides assistance to their leader if necessary.

Leaders take turns “calling into the ring” with their ideas, proposals, and options for solving the problem. As the performance progresses, the audience asks them questions to clarify, clarify, and clarify the opponent’s position.

A specially created analysis group evaluates the level of training of leaders, the quality of protection of a certain version, and sums up the results.

During pauses between the rings, spectators are offered various game tasks, solutions to pedagogical situations, and tasks.

The second option for conducting methodological ring comes down to competition of methodological ideas in implementing the same problem. Creative groups for the defense of methodological ideas are formed in advance.

In this option, as in the previous one, an analysis group (expert group) is created, which evaluates the level of preparedness of the participants and the skill of presenting the material.

The competition of methodological ideas ends with generalizing conclusions.

Training- a form of work aimed at developing certain professional skills.

Target- development of certain professional skills and abilities.

Training(English) - a special training mode, training, can be an independent form of methodological work or used as a methodological technique when conducting a seminar.

When conducting training, pedagogical situations, handouts, and technical teaching aids are widely used. It is advisable to conduct training in training groups of 6 to 12 people.

The basic principles in the work of the training group: confidential and frank communication, responsibility in discussions and when discussing the results of the training.

The training can be used both as an independent form of methodological work and as a methodological technique when conducting a seminar.

When conducting training, pedagogical situations, technical teaching aids, and handouts are widely used. It is advisable to conduct training in small groups (from 5 to 10 people).

The basic principles of the training group: confidential and frank communication, mutual respect, sincerity, responsibility in discussions and when discussing the results of the training.

Video training- “training using video recordings of solving pedagogical sketches or extreme situations, which are analyzed from the position of mastery of not only verbal, but also non-verbal communicative methods of influence and interaction.”

The specificity of video training is the combination of the method and video equipment when training teachers.

The method consists in dividing the pedagogical act into individual technical techniques and pedagogical skills, which must be analyzed, corrected, and perceived. The tool in this case is a video recorder, with the help of which the steps and stages of the pedagogical process model are studied in detail, skills and abilities are practiced, and feedback is provided.

Video training is an indispensable assistant in the formation of reflective skills in teachers.

Discussion- purposeful exchange of judgments, opinions, ideas, carried out by members of methodological formations with the aim of searching for the truth.

An essential feature of the discussion is the equal dialogue of all its participants. And in order for each teacher to be an active participant in the process of discussing the issue, it is necessary to form small groups of up to 10 people. A positive aspect of the work will be the selection of participants

Carrying out pedagogical readings in educational institutions requires the involvement of all levels of the methodological service in their preparation, since these readings are a kind of summing up the results of the work of methodological substructures. As a rule, pedagogical readings are conducted on a specific topic related directly to the general school methodological topic. They are not random in nature, but reflect the experience of teachers, their achievements, successes, and record the difficulties that had to be overcome on the way to the intended result.

Teachers' presentations are accompanied by video materials, tables, diagrams, graphs, photographs, and student products.

All speeches are discussed by those present, often in a discussion form, since the optimally defined topic of the readings leaves no one indifferent.

It is desirable that pedagogical readings be planned to summarize the milestone and final results of the teaching staff’s work on a single methodological topic and priority problems of the educational institution.

Public lesson- This is a traditional form of working with teaching staff to improve their professional level.

Modern pedagogical literature quite widely covers the issues of designing, preparing, conducting and analyzing an open lesson, in which a highly professional teacher demonstrates to colleagues the use of the most effective technologies, techniques, methods and techniques in the process of teaching students.

Methodical decade(week) provides for demonstration of the best work experience of individual teachers or methodological units of an educational institution. It is carried out according to a pre-developed plan and is purely practical in nature. The content of the ten-day period should include the educational, methodological and extracurricular activities of teachers.

The work of the ten-day period ends with the publication of an information and methodological bulletin, the release of a newspaper or radio newspaper, and the creation of a video film. The best pedagogical products add to the data bank of teachers' work experience.

Methodical dialogue is conducted with the aim of discussing a specific pedagogical problem and developing a plan of joint action for its implementation.

As a rule, methodological dialogue is conducted between the leader and a group of teachers. Moreover, participants get acquainted with the topic of discussion in advance and prepare previously received theoretical homework.

The driving force of the dialogue is the active participation of teachers in discussing the problem. Also of great importance for the effectiveness of work is the general emotional atmosphere, which allows for the formation of a sense of internal unity among the participants. At the end of the joint work, conclusions are drawn and recommendations for further joint actions of the dialogue participants are determined.

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Effective forms of methodological work

A teacher remains a teacher as long as he learns.

K. Ushinsky

People learn throughout their lives. According to sociologists, they receive 20% of their knowledge through formal individual training in secondary educational institutions, universities, advanced training courses, and seminars. They gain the remaining 80% of knowledge and, most importantly, experience through informal learning at their workplace, as well as through interaction with other people. Today, many schools are aware of the fact that the main part of individual learning takes place within the walls of the school itself, at the teacher’s workplace. This is why there is a methodological service. In a modern school, the methodological service is a multi-level structure of various types and forms of work on training and personnel development. What end result should this activity be aimed at? – To create success, participation, and cooperation in the team; – to create an atmosphere of creative search and interest in the teaching staff; – to improve the teacher’s methodological skills; – to actively participate in teacher quality management; – for certification of teachers to a higher qualification category; – to improve the quality of the educational process; to improve the quality of students' knowledge; – to create a bank of innovative ideas and technologies; – for the development of creative original programs. Therefore, the methodological service must create conditions in which the teacher could fully realize his potential. There is a kind of starting point: the methodological service does not work, and this responds accordingly at the professional level of the teacher. In this regard, it is necessary to search for effective directions, forms and methods of methodological work. Forms of methodological work: – debate, discussion, – teacher council, methodological council, – organization of a methodological day, week, – creative report, – competitions, – festival of pedagogical ideas, – business game, – “Round table”, – pedagogical council, – presentation, – auction, – brainstorming, – experiment, – creative internship, – reports, speeches, – seminars, workshops, – discussion of problems, – scientific and practical conferences, – self-education, self-reports, – exhibitions, shows, – surveys, – mentoring, - master classes, - creative groups, - subject and interdisciplinary education, - methodological operatives, - psychological and pedagogical readings, - micro-research, - methodological consultations, - defense of original projects and developments, - departments, - meeting with the director, - conferences, – research laboratories. In the book by V. M. Lizinsky “On methodological work at school,” more than 40 different forms are described and grouped. What determines the effectiveness of these forms of work? First of all, it depends on the goals and objectives that the teaching staff sets for itself and, of course, on the level of development of the team. Every year, drawing up a plan for educational work, the administration sets a number of specific goals and objectives that the team will work on. Let's assume that one of them is increasing the level of education of the teaching staff. What forms of methodological work will be most effective? - seminars, workshops - organization of a methodological day, week, - methodological consultations, - psychological and pedagogical readings, - questionnaires, - methodological briefings, - subject and interdisciplinary training, - reports, speeches. And the teacher’s self-education will play a special role as one of the most important forms of methodological work. The main effect of self-education is the reduction or maintenance of a high intellectual and physical level. One of the domestic classics of NOT, P. M. Kerzhentsev, defined clarity and specificity of purpose as one of the principles of self-education. When a goal appears, a plan is usually drawn up in writing - what and in what time frame needs to be mastered, completed, done. In the organization of self-education, the time factor plays a very significant role: – if a person’s interest is directed towards increasing his competence, then there is time for it; – if self-educational motivation is low, then there is no or not enough time for it. Therefore, one of the most important features is the presence of a well-functioning system of methodological work that helps stimulate the self-education of teachers and ensures their professional aspirations. Forms of self-education within the framework of methodological work can be the following: – communication with highly qualified teachers, masters of their craft; – solution to a specific problem of a practical nature (introduction of technology, testing of a textbook); – critical review of periodicals; – a critical review of existing forms of lesson delivery; - abstract; – self-certification; – analysis and accounting of errors, mistakes, failures in subsequent activities. As a result of this approach to self-educational work, teachers gain confidence in their abilities, realize their true capabilities, and previously hidden abilities appear. In modern conditions, innovative methodological work is effective, the purpose of which is the introduction of innovative technologies through educational institutions, the design of innovative ideas, and the assessment of the level of innovative potential of teachers. But it can create a number of acute problems, up to the lag of methodological activity from the various processes rapidly occurring in education. This especially applies to those methodological services that are characterized by traditional functioning, with a conservative structure of the methodological service, where there is no substantive methodological study of new ideas and their effectiveness is not always tested. The traditional approach, as studies show, meets the expectations of providing methodological assistance to only 54% of teachers. What forms of methodological work need to be used to move the school into innovation mode? Brainstorming is used as an effective method of collective discussion, the search for a solution in which is determined by the free expression of the opinions of all participants. This is one of the best methods for activating cognitive activity, when in a short period of time participants must offer the largest number of ideas, options, approaches, and analyze them. All ideas are written down, at least by recording a keyword or phrase, and work is done in groups. From all the ideas, the groups select 4 best ones, then present them, justifying their choice. The jointly adopted program prescribes the step-by-step participation of each group member, the form of presentation, intermediate results, and the nature of the activity. One of the effective forms of methodological work is also the “Festival of Pedagogical and Methodological Ideas”. This is a solemn summing up of the work of the teaching staff, where achievements are presented both in the field of methodological work and in the organization of the educational process, amateur performances and creativity. The purpose of such festivals is to get acquainted with pedagogical discoveries and the creativity of individual teachers, pave the way for pedagogical invention and innovation, and stimulate the development of initiative and creativity of teachers. All teachers, students, and parents participate in the festival. The school shows the process, content, forms of education, diagnostics and methodological support, organization of educational activities, creative work of students, competitions, shows, and open events are held.

The teacher occupies a key position in the educational process and his qualifications and personal qualities determine what the educational system as a whole should be like today.

Great blessing to those who have learned to learn.

The purpose of the training: to develop teachers’ empathy, the ability for active interaction of all participants in the process, and a culture of communication.

  • to create in teachers the need to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses;
  • develop the need to know one’s abilities and personal qualities;
  • stimulate interest in creativity, initiative, and development of analytical abilities of members of the teaching staff.

“Mosaic” technique

All knowledge remains dead if...
initiative and initiative do not develop.

  • Subject teachers.
  • Heads of the Ministry of Defense (consultants, heads of creative groups).

Reason for participation:

  • personal interest;
  • conscious choice to participate;
  • empathy (understanding the emotional state of another person through empathy, penetration into his subjective world).

Workshop plan

1. Brief introduction by the training leader.

2. Theoretical part.

A) Performance by creative groups, exchange of opinions on the problem (learning process - content - forms and means of teaching).

B) Effective training. Conditions for choosing methods and forms.

C) Teaching methods and technologies.

3. Formation of working groups.

4. Work with training elements in groups.

5. Results of the training: presentation of the results of group work

6. Reflection.

Progress of the training seminar

The seminar takes place in the computer room.

I. Participants are offered short abstracts on the topic “Active forms of work and teaching methods”

Today, there is a demand for a teacher who is capable of creatively approaching the solution of any problem, comparing, analyzing, researching, and being able to find a way out of atypical situations. In accordance with this, the need arose to search for new ways to develop the creative personality of a teacher. Experts rightly emphasize that “the research element was, is and will be even more the most important element of practical pedagogical activity.” A teacher who can creatively solve various pedagogical problems and look for new solutions to pedagogical situations will be able to organize the learning process at a level that meets the requirements of modern society. (Slides 1-12. Presentation)

1) Glossary

Teaching method – method (Greek - “way”):

1) orderly activity of the teacher and students, aimed at achieving a given learning goal;

2) a set of ways to achieve goals and solve educational problems.

Active and interactive teaching methods:

Game, problem tasks,

Method of staging (dialogue, discussion, theatrical reenactment of events),

Idea generation method (brainstorming),

Organized dialogue, polylogue, discussion, dispute, debate, etc.

Types of lessons: - A binary lesson is often called integrated. Its main advantage is the ability to create a system of knowledge for students and help them imagine the interconnection of objects.

The beat lesson includes three elements: conversation, game, creativity.

Auction lesson. Before the “auction” begins, experts determine the “sale value” of ideas. Then the ideas are “sold”, the author of the idea who received the highest price is recognized as the winner.

- “Brainstorming” is similar to “auction”. The group is divided into “generators” and “experts”. MA develops students' creative thinking, increases confidence in the teacher, and makes learning “comfortable.”

Lesson like “What? Where? When?" The group of students is pre-divided into three groups, homework is distributed, team numbers and record sheets with the names of the players are prepared for the captains.

It is more convenient to conduct a business game lesson when repeating and generalizing the topic.

Lesson-excursion, full-time or correspondence trip. Explanation of new material through a simulated excursion - conducted by a guide, student, teacher, parent, boss, etc.

Lessons like KVN. For example, amateur artistic activities are possible - acting out interesting stories related to PCs, using puzzles.

Round table lesson. The main directions of the topic are selected, and the teacher offers students questions on the solution of which the solution to the entire problem depends.

Forms of work are the external expression of the coordinated activities of the teacher and students, carried out in a certain order and mode:

  • frontal,
  • individual,
  • collective,
  • group

Conditions determining the choice of method and form of training:

  • goals and objectives of training,
  • educational opportunities of students,
  • external conditions,
  • teacher's capabilities.

II. Theoretical part

Performances by creative groups with presentations on selected topics: “What distinguishes a modern lesson from a traditional one” (Slides 13-16),“Technology as a set of techniques” (Slides 17-21), “Problem-based learning” (Slides 22-31),"Brain attack" (Slides 32-37). Presentation materials are placed on computers - “Reference Materials”, they can be used by any group during subsequent work. (Electronic materials, disk included) The leaders of the creative groups that prepared materials for the training work as consultants.

2) Methodological warm-up: Game “At the School of Animals”.

The presenter tells a parable:

A school for animals was once created. The teachers were confident that they had a very clear curriculum, but for some reason the students were plagued by failures. The duck was the star of swimming lesson, but completely failed at tree climbing. The monkey was great at climbing trees, but got C's in swimming. The chickens were excellent at finding grains, but they disrupted tree-climbing lessons so much that they were sent to the principal's office every day. The rabbits were making sensational progress in running, but they had to hire a private swimming teacher. The saddest situation was for the turtles, which, after many diagnostic tests, were declared “unable to develop.” And they were sent to a special class, to a remote gopher hole.

Who is the loser here: the teacher or the students?

How to teach different students?

How to support diversity?

How to structure the educational process so that all children can feel good in it?

How to evaluate different children:

According to ability,

By diligence,

According to another (what?) principle?

III. Creation of working groups

Time requires radical changes in pedagogical technologies. In high school, instead of a traditional lesson, projective methods, training based on modern information and communication technologies, interactive teaching methods, etc. should be used.

The grade-driven curriculum must be seriously questioned because if students are rewarded or punished based on a single, compressed measure of their ability, then their energies are being misdirected. The grading system is competitive and distracts from the real goals of learning. Can we compare a successful student who doesn't have to put in much effort in class to get an A with a student who struggles in school and struggles every day to stay afloat? The more capable students can achieve brilliant results quickly and without apparent effort, while the less gifted are forced to mobilize all their mental and moral energy for even the most modest tasks. The teacher must be very patient, rejoice at the most modest achievements, and always remember that each of his young students develops at his own pace. It is the responsibility of the teacher to maximize their strengths and teach them to compensate for their weaknesses.

Group 1 – “Work in small groups”

Groups 2 and 3 - “Problem-based learning”

Group 4 - “Brainstorming”

Instructions for working in a group:

In 15 minutes, open the envelope with the task: create an eidos summary of a lesson, a fragment of a lesson, or formulate tips for creating a package of didactic materials “Pedagogical Findings. Recommendations for the lesson.” Provide advice to students who want to achieve academic success.

All group members must participate.

The following methodological ideas are expected to be used:

Application of game tasks;

Using active forms of learning;

Organization of group interaction among students;

Increasing the role of students’ independent work in the learning process.

Rules for communication in the group:

Keep it short.

Be specific.

Listen carefully.

Request additional information.

Don't explain your behavior.

Avoid making value judgments about group members.

VI. Project protection. Presentation of the result of group work.

V. Reflection. (Slides 38-45)

1) - What type of activity brought the greatest satisfaction?

What conclusions did you draw during the training?

What should be changed?

2) A reproduction of the painting “Oral Calculation” by N. Bogdanov - Belsky is offered. What feelings does the painting evoke?

Which of you would like to be in the place of the teacher in this picture? Why?

What modern technology is similar to the one depicted in the picture?

3) What methodological problem would you like to discuss during the next seminar?

4) Do YOU ​​agree with the statements of the greats? ( A teacher is one who kindly leads the wandering one onto his path. Quintus Ennius;

Teaching is the art of facilitating discovery. Mark Van Doren)

5) Filling out the form:

1. Today I was unhappy that...

2. I liked that...

3. I would benefit greatly if...

4. The most important thing for me today...

We wish everyone more methodological discoveries!

Be active and successful teachers!

  • 1.8. Education as a function of society. Principles of state policy in the field of education
  • 1.9. System of continuing education in the Republic of Belarus
  • 1.10. Scientific and methodological support of vocational education in the Republic of Belarus. Participation of teachers in scientific and methodological support activities.
  • 1.11. Innovations in the vocational education system
  • 1.12. The main stages of the formation and development of pedagogy
  • 1.13.Main stages in the history of pedagogical thought:
  • 1.14. The formation of scientific pedagogy. Didactics of J. A. Komensky.
  • 1.19. The pedagogical process as an integral system
  • 1.20 Pedagogical system: essence of the concept, structure and content
  • 1.23 Systems according to
  • 5.Structure and content of the operational-complex system.
  • 2.1. Institution of vocational education as a subject of management.
  • 2.2. Monitoring the quality of education
  • 2.4. Individual forms of methodological work
  • 2.6. Open lesson as a methodological event: goals, types and methods of implementation
  • 3.2. Personality-oriented approach: essence, features of implementation in the pedagogical process
  • 3.5. Basic methods of pedagogical research, their classification and characteristics
  • 4.3. Types of training, their characteristics.
  • 4.4 Laws and patterns of learning
  • 4.6. Developmental learning theory.
  • 4. Didactic system of developmental education by D.B. Elkon-V.V. Davydov:
  • 4.9. Diagnostic setting of goals for the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills and personality traits
  • 4.12. Forms of training, their characteristics, classification.
  • 4.13 Lesson as the main form of training
  • 4.14. Teaching methods: essence of the concept, classification and characteristics. Selection of teaching methods
  • 5.1. Pedagogical technologies in the education system
  • 4.18. Educational and methodological complexes: goals and principles of creation, structure and content
  • 5.1. Pedagogical technologies in the education system
  • 5.3 Project method. Design as a special type of intellectual activity
  • 6.1. Education in a holistic pedagogical process
  • 6.2. Conditions for the development of a humanistic education system in an educational institution
  • 6.5. Goal setting in the process of educational activities
  • 6.6. Principles of humanistic education
  • 6.8. Ecological and aesthetic education. Methods and forms of environmental and aesthetic education.
  • 6.9. Physical education. Formation of a healthy lifestyle.
  • 6.10 Methods of humanistic education
  • 6.12. Methodology of collective creative activity (CTD): essence, features of the methodology
  • 6.18. Educational institution as an educational system
  • 6.19. Organizational and pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process
  • 6.20. Priority areas of educational work in vocational education institutions.
  • 6.21. Social, pedagogical and psychological service of an educational institution: goals, priority areas, content of activities
  • 6.22. Socio-psychological climate and styles of pedagogical management
  • 6.23. Monitoring the quality of the educational process in vocational education institutions
  • 6.24. Methods for determining the level of education of an individual
  • 2.4. Individual forms of methodological work

    Individual methodological work– this is the teacher’s self-education, which allows him to choose a study mode that is convenient for him and the questions necessary for study. Pedagogical self-education ensures independent, targeted acquisition of knowledge in the field of the taught subject, pedagogy, psychology and mastery of teaching and educational methods. Individual methodological work, which is the main form of improving pedagogical skills, is carried out according to the following main directions:

    1) study of scientific, educational and methodological literature, regulatory documents related to practical activities;

    2) creation of comprehensive methodological support for teaching subjects and professions;

    3) study and implementation of modern teaching technologies in the educational process;

    4) analysis, adjustment, development of educational program documentation;

    5)participation in the work of the pedagogical council, methodological commissions, seminars, pedagogical readings, creative associations of teachers, etc.

    Methodical independent work is planned by each teacher for a year. The goals and content of the methodological work of teaching staff must be interconnected with the goals of the educational institution.

    Individual methodological work with teaching staff is carried out by the director, deputy directors, methodologist, chairmen of methodological commissions and heads of other methodological departments to assist them in improving pedagogical and professional skills, in developing educational program documentation, designing training sessions, creating educational and methodological complexes, in the development of original educational programs, teaching aids, etc.

    Activities of the teacher in scientific and methodological support:

    1.Develop educational program documentation.

    2. Compose educational and methodological complexes, develop their main components.

    3.Introduce modern technology into the educational process. ped. technologies, automated training systems, El. Training aids, training complexes.

    4.Create and develop the material and technical base of the educational institution (office).

    5. active participation in the work of the pedagogical council, medical commissions and other associations.

    2.5. Forms of collective methodological work are pedagogical councils, methodological councils, methodological commissions, creative groups, pedagogical workshops, experimental laboratories, etc.

    Pedagogical Council is organized as a permanent collegial body to discuss and resolve topical issues in all areas (academic work, educational and ideological work, educational activities, administration, extra-budgetary, organizational management , innovation) activities of the educational institution. It determines the goals, forms and content, but at the same time, the methodological service of the educational institution influences the decisions of the pedagogical council. The composition of the pedagogical council is determined annually by order of the educational institution. The operating procedure of the pedagogical council is determined by the Regulations on the pedagogical council, approved by order of the Ministry of Education. Materials about the work of the pedagogical council are documented in the book of minutes of the pedagogical council and are stored in the educational institution for 10 years. The decisions of the teaching council are binding on all members of the teaching staff.

    Commission method are created when there are three or more teachers (industrial training masters) of a certain subject (profession) or related subjects (groups of professions). If there is not enough teaching staff to create a methodological commission in an educational institution, cluster methodological commissions of teaching staff in relevant subjects (professions) from several educational institutions can be created. If necessary, interdisciplinary (interprofessional) methodological commissions can be created. Management methodological commissions are chaired by chairmen elected from among the most experienced and qualified teaching staff of the educational institution. Compound methodological commissions, chairmen are approved by the director and formalized by order of the educational institution. The heads of the educational institution are members of methodological commissions according to the profile of their teaching activities.

    Meetings of methodological commissions are held monthly. Commission work plans are an integral part of the educational institution’s methodological work plan and are drawn up for a year. Materials on the work of methodological commissions are documented in protocols that reflect decisions and recommendations on the issues discussed. They consider the following issues: analysis of the quality of the activities of all members of the commission, organization and conduct of subject weeks, identification of innovative experience, its generalization, development and transfer. In order to create conditions for the development of professional skills of teaching staff, organizing a general discussion of current problems of pedagogy, didactics, methodology, open lessons, seminars, workshops, business games, round tables, scientific and practical conferences, etc. can be held within the framework of methodological commissions. .

    Teacher's workshops– these are unique author’s classes, when teachers, masters of their craft, pass on their practical experience to other members of the teaching team. An educational institution may employ one, two, etc. pedagogical workshops. From year to year, these workshops can change: new masters grow in the team - the opportunity to create a new creative workshop arises. Pedagogical workshops are schools of mutual growth.

    Creative groups are created for:

    1.development of new educational program documentation;

    3.development of test tasks to control the quality of vocational education, etc.

    The most pressing problems for the solution of which creative groups can be created include the following: methodological support of the educational process; developmental education technologies; development of technical creativity of students; development of educational program documentation. Based on the results of the work of creative groups, reports, proposals, and methodological recommendations are drawn up, which are heard at a meeting of methodological commissions, pedagogical and methodological councils, at which the results of the group’s activities are assessed and a decision is made on the implementation of proposals and recommendations into teaching practice.

    Experimental laboratories are created on the basis of any office to start some research (innovative). Then the results of the study are tested and the overall result is brought up for discussion on the faculty. advice (whether the research conducted is effective or whether it can be implemented throughout the educational institution).

    The purpose of individual forms of methodological work is to assist a specific educator in solving those problems that only cause difficulty for him or which are the subject of his interests.

    Traditionally, such forms of work as individual consultations, conversations, mentoring, mutual visits, and self-education are distinguished.

    The basis of methodological work is observation educational work in groups. It must be purposeful. The more specific the goal is, the clearer your recommendations will be to help improve the quality of work. It should be taken into account that there should be no more than 2-3 recommendations, which are of a significant nature, and taking them into account in further work will help solve the problems that the teacher has. Observing the process of interaction between the teacher and children during games, classes, and other activities with a specific goal (for example, analyzing the nature of the teacher’s address to children in everyday life), you will certainly pay attention to other problems, but let this be the goal follow-up.

    Observation The educational process with children is given the largest place in the work plan of the senior educator. His presence in the group should not be an event, but a normal working atmosphere of the preschool institution. An indicator of the systematic nature of this aspect of a leader’s activity is an invitation to educators to attend this or that lesson, this or that routine moment. This can only be achieved through a kind, attentive attitude towards the teacher, and business recommendations that help improve the teacher’s work efficiency in a fairly short period of time. Each observation should end with a conversation between the senior teacher and the teacher, which is held at the end of the teacher’s working day. When leaving the group, it is enough to thank him, say goodbye to the children, and you can schedule a time for the teacher to talk. Where this work takes on the character of a system, educators themselves come to the methodological office at a certain time to talk with the senior educator. Such a conversation is of a business nature.

    Conversation- one of the most frequently used individual forms of methodological work in working with teachers. The purpose of the conversation is to clarify the teacher’s positions and views on the process of raising and educating children, identifying the teacher’s level of self-esteem, developing pedagogical reflection, expressing wishes, recommendations aimed at improving the observed aspects of teaching activity.

    The senior teacher must prepare well for the conversation if he wants to get some results. You cannot hope that somehow everything will work out by itself; you need to carefully think through the issues that you want to discuss with the teacher. The art of conducting business conversations must be learned.

    There are a few important things to remember recommendations on conducting business conversations. Their universal nature is based on the fact that in any conversation you must skillfully adapt to your interlocutor at the moment, regardless of what is being discussed.

    1. Listen carefully to the interlocutor to the end. The conversation always begins with statements from the teacher about the nature of her activity, why she used certain techniques, what worked and what didn’t, and why. In other words, self-analysis of your activities must be carried out.

    2. Never discount the importance of your interlocutor's prejudices. Don't allow your opinion to be formed before you have carefully weighed all the facts.

    3. Avoid misunderstandings and misinterpretations. If there is any ambiguity, immediately ask your interlocutor directly what exactly he means? Do not allow insufficiently clear terms or omissions in the conversation. The presentation must be clear

    systematized, concise and above all understandable and simple. This applies to both the teacher and the methodologist.

    4. Respect your interlocutor. Conversation technique is the art of communicating with people. Nothing affects the atmosphere of a business conversation more negatively than a contemptuous gesture, a grin, etc.

    5. Whenever possible, be polite, friendly, diplomatic and tactful. Politeness does not reduce the certainty of the recommendation or advice, but in many ways prevents the interlocutor from developing internal resistance. Of course, politeness should not develop into cheap flattery. You should always be careful to be polite in moderation. Friendly disposition increases the chances of successful completion of the conversation.

    6. Be adamant if necessary, but keep your cool when the temperature of the conversation rises. Do not perceive it as a tragedy if the interlocutor gives vent to his anger. An experienced and seasoned person in discussions will remain firm and will not be offended, but will be able to calm the interlocutor with confidence in tone and softness of speech.

    7. In any possible way, try to make it easier for your interlocutor to understand your recommendations and suggestions. Try not to give the impression that your interlocutor has given in under your pressure. Success will come when the interlocutor accepts your proposals because you gradually convinced him that you are right. Therefore, do not rush - give your interlocutor enough time and facts so that he gradually becomes convinced of the correctness of your ideas.

    8. The success of a business conversation largely depends on how correctly you understood the character traits of your partner and chose the right tone of conversation with him.

    The senior teacher should be a good psychologist, know that one teacher should be encouraged to talk with words of approval, a nod of the head, a smile, another should be guided, not allowed to be distracted by other topics, a third should be interested, give the conversation an attractive form, etc. How many people there are, so many features must be taken into account when preparing a business conversation.

    An important factor in increasing the professional level of teachers is self-education . It is defined as purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself; acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture. A constant desire for self-improvement should be the need of preschool teachers. Organizing self-education is one of the main and difficult tasks of a senior teacher at a preschool institution. Modernization of the preschool education system, granting the right to choose variable programs and methods of education and training, development of original programs and methods is a good incentive for organizing this work.

    Self-education as a permanent activity of a teacher includes research work on a specific problem; visiting libraries, studying scientific, methodological and educational literature; getting to know the work of your colleagues, exchanging opinions on the organization of the pedagogical process, methods of raising and teaching children; development and practical testing of a system of work for a specific section of the education and training program; creating your own teaching aids, attributes for children's games, etc. The direction and content of self-education are determined by the teacher himself in accordance with his needs and interests. Each teacher is obliged, during the academic year or another sufficiently long period, to study in depth either a problem in solving which he feels certain difficulties, or one that arouses the greatest interest.

    At this stage, the senior educator helps to identify the problem, the topic of self-education. By conducting observations of different aspects of the pedagogical process, pedagogical analysis, and monitoring the work of teachers, the senior educator helps to identify the issues that are most relevant for everyone. Individual conversations with teachers and answers to questions from specially designed questionnaires can help. It is also possible to carry out such a form of work as teachers giving themselves “grades” for one or another section of work, which are necessarily analyzed by the senior teacher and correlated with his own observations. It is important not only to convince the teacher to study a problem in depth, but also to constantly monitor how this work is progressing. The senior educator has the opportunity to involve educators in speaking at a meeting of the Council of Teachers on the topic of self-education, 51

    conducting individual or group consultations, organizing an exhibition of manuals, materials, etc., produced by them in the methodological room. The results of self-education work are a source of replenishing the teaching cabinet with various materials. These can be lesson notes, plans for collective activities, didactic games, recommendations for conducting certain routine moments, compiling a card index on a certain topic, and much more.

    The results of self-education work must necessarily become the property of the team. At the end of the school year, for example, an exhibition of works by teachers and children on self-education topics can be held, a round table can be organized to share experiences, or a “creative lounge” can be held, etc. It is necessary to develop certain requirements for the design of materials so that in the future they can be used by all kindergarten employees. It is also necessary to provide for certain measures to stimulate the most effective work of educators during the school year. The result of self-education can be the development of advanced pedagogical experience for preschool teachers.

    Topic 2. Innovative activities in a preschool educational institution in conditions of social partnership

    Topic 5. Features of modern approaches and pedagogical technologies of preschool education

    Exercise. Analyze the specialists’ work plan. Suggest topics for classes and excursions.

    How is the professional development of pre-school specialists carried out?

    Highlight the features of modern approaches and pedagogical technologies in the field of preschool education

    Integrated planning of specialists in MDOUMonths Topic, purpose of integrated classes Group teachers Specialists Musicians
    Cognitive activities Excursions, walks Integrative classes "Music living room"
    September “We are together again” (“Friendship”) Goal: developing the communicative abilities of preschool children "What is friendship?" (proverbs, sayings, stories, poems, tales about friendship) Organizing round dances during walks and bonding games "Wider circle" “Music has connected us...” (round dances, musical games for bonding)
    October “Golden Autumn” Purpose: to draw children’s attention to the beauty of autumn nature “The time of year is autumn. Three autumns" Excursions and walks around the neighborhood, to the park “The sky was already breathing in autumn” Musical works about autumn. (P.I. Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi)
    November “Kindness” Goal: introducing children to kindness as a human character trait “Kindness, kind person, kind fairy-tale characters” (kindness as a character trait) Excursion to the city exhibition hall (kind faces) "We do good" How music affects a person's character
    December "Hello, New Year!" Goal: to introduce children to the history of the New Year holiday “How we celebrated the New Year in Rus'” (about the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, the old and New Year, New Year’s Excursions to city squares where Christmas trees stand "Winter's Tale" Musical works about winter