Myrrh essential oil uses. Myrrh essential oil – Commiphora myrrha

Myrrh essential oil has been famous since ancient times. It is the resin of some trees, which oozes through the torn bark and has a truly wonderful aroma. After special processing, it produces a viscous liquid with a special intoxicating odor and numerous healing effects.

Myrrh essential oil has found wide application in folk medicine, aromatherapy, cosmetology and cooking. It is also often used in perfumes, religious ceremonies and esoteric rituals. The properties of the extract actively affect the human circulatory, nervous and reproductive systems.

Beneficial properties of myrrh essential oil

The most pronounced qualities of the product are:

  • disinfectant;
  • anticatarrhal;
  • enhancing the body's protective properties;
  • fixing;
  • tonic;
  • normalizing the activity of the lymphatic system;
  • wound healing;
  • has a positive effect on dental diseases;
  • reparative;
  • softening mucous membranes;
  • pronounced antimycotic;
  • strong anti-inflammatory;
  • analgesic;
  • increasing libido;
  • anthelmintic;
  • soothing;
  • antioxidant;
  • stabilizing the activity of the cardiac system, etc.

Myrrh essential oil is also used during seasonal peaks of respiratory diseases, because it effectively kills any pathogenic microflora. They can be used to gargle a sore throat and do steam inhalations. In addition, the extract lubricates the mucous membrane of the larynx.

For severe disorders of the digestive system, myrrh essential oil has a pronounced disinfectant effect, completely relieves heartburn and eliminates attacks of nausea. It cleanses the liver well and also normalizes general intestinal activity.

The extract perfectly stabilizes blood flow in the large and small circles, promotes the production of formed elements and has immunostimulating properties.

It has a powerful tonic effect on significantly weakened patients who have undergone severe abdominal surgery or are recovering from injuries.

Myrrh essential oil significantly enhances the body's protective properties. It actively stimulates intestinal motility and normalizes the tone of the uterus.

In case of menstrual irregularities, the extract quickly allows you to establish a clear schedule for the onset of menstruation in women and allows you to achieve unprecedented sensations during sexual intercourse.

In cases of infection with foot fungus, nail fungus or thrush, the product quickly helps get rid of the infection.

It also has a healing effect in case of severe cough, sore throat or bronchial asthma.

Application in cosmetology

With regular use, myrrh essential oil smoothes the face, increases the elasticity of the epidermis and improves blood circulation in the tissues. The extract is useful for oily, dry, normal and sensitive skin.

The product is especially useful for superficial and deep cells. It stabilizes their renewal, rejuvenates the face and neck, and improves color.

In the presence of severe acne or obvious traces of healed pimples, it completely evens out the skin texture and also smoothes out deep folds.

Myrrh essential oil effectively relieves severe hair loss in women and men, various skin diseases or too early aging of tissues.

Application for face

For a rejuvenating effect, use seven drops of myrrh extract, four drops of ether and half a teaspoon, ten grams of jojoba oil, apricot or olive oil. Good for getting rid of wrinkles.

As a lifting effect and to soften the skin, use a night or day cream, wash lotion, mask or tonic, to which two drops of extract are added.

For problematic facial skin, take one and a half glasses of warm boiled water, add seven drops of myrrh essential oil to it and completely soak it in the lotion solution. Keep them on the affected areas for at least twenty minutes. Has a disinfecting effect.

For age-related aging skin, the face is made from the extract and a glass of milk. Activates blood circulation in tissues.

Application for hair

  • grape seeds;
  • incense;
  • thymes;
  • etc.

To strengthen hair in women, the most commonly used homemade recipe. Take a balm-rinse and add seven drops of myrrh essential oil mixed with other extracts. In addition, after such a procedure, the curls are easy to comb.

To improve the color and volume of hair, take two hundred milliliters of boiled water and add seven drops of extract to it. It is also necessary to add here three drops of orange ether, jojoba, coconut, linseed, and olive oil. Then an active scalp massage is performed. The strands acquire a surprisingly fresh smell.

To normalize hair growth in men, take rose oil and add seven drops of extract to it. After this they stop falling out.

After washing your hair, it is recommended to rinse your hair with a solution consisting of a glass of milk, seven drops of myrrh and thyme essential oils, half a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of kefir and sea salt. They will become shiny and easy to comb.

Health Applications

Myrrh essential oil is used for severe insomnia, nervous tension and frequent mood swings.

The extract is useful to use if there are people with respiratory infections in the house. It also helps with a severe runny nose. The substance allows you to avoid infecting other family members.

Myrrh essential oil relieves headaches by relieving spasms and improving overall blood circulation.

It helps to improve well-being in cases of severe premenstrual syndrome, gynecological diseases and disturbances of desire between sexual partners.

The ether allows you to cheer up in case of chronic fatigue, attention problems, anxiety or after suffering severe stress.

It helps to quickly recover from serious illnesses and helps improve mental capabilities in senile weakness.

The extract has a pronounced anthelmintic effect, actively fights fungus and helps with skin diseases.

It is also used for arrhythmias, systemic circulatory disorders and vascular insufficiency.

Its action is especially important for dermatological pathologies, acne, wounds, bruises and burns.

The extract is able to soften mucous membranes, has a disinfecting effect and eliminates the inflammatory process.

Such numerous effects are explained by the presence in its composition:

  • minerals;
  • tocopherol;
  • bisabolene;
  • germacrene D;
  • humulene;
  • cadinene;
  • caryophyllene;
  • curtserena;
  • linalool;
  • selinene;
  • alpha-santhalene;
  • beta-bourbonene;
  • vitamins;
  • elements.

Therefore, a wide variety of beneficial substances contributes to a huge number of healing properties of the substance.

Using myrrh essential oil in everyday life

The extract is not widely used outside the field of traditional medicine and cosmetology.

It is most often used as an additive to homemade wines. After the drink is ready, four drops of the substance are added to it.

When making perfumes, eau de toilette and cologne, it perfectly fixes the base.

Myrrh essential oil is used in religious rituals along with incense. During meditation, it is recommended to apply its extract to the lamp or the nearest surface to improve concentration and relax muscles.

When working in an office for a long time, place a handkerchief soaked in a product to enhance intellectual activity on the table.

When preparing for exams or driving for a long time, you need to spray it in the air to achieve complete concentration, concentration, clarity of thought and speed of reaction.


Myrrh essential oil is used for:

  1. Apply to a comb (four drops). Causes increased hair growth.
  2. Aroma lamps (three drops of extract). Helps relax muscles and calm the nervous system.
  3. Diffuse in the air (five drops of myrrh, rosemary and sandalwood). To facilitate the functioning of the respiratory system.
  4. Water treatments (seven drops of extract). Softens the skin and eliminates dermatological pathologies.
  5. Carry out inhalations (five drops per solution). Kills infection and promotes tissue regeneration.
  6. Application to gums and teeth (seven drops of myrrh and thyme essential oil). Has a disinfecting effect.
  7. Massage procedures (five drops of extract). Helps eliminate cellulite and get rid of osteochondrosis.
  8. Compresses (seven drops). Improves blood circulation and relieves inflammation.
  9. Addition to creams (seven drops). Enhances the properties of a cosmetic product.
  10. Internal use: one drop per glass of water. Helps disinfect the digestive system and eliminate spasms.
  11. Reflexology (three drops of myrrh, thyme and sage). Helps relax muscles and relieve insomnia.
  12. Aroma medallions (three drops). Helps increase lymph circulation, normalize metabolism and improve skin condition.


Despite all the richness of its medicinal effects, it is better not to use myrrh essential oil for diseases of the liver and urinary system.

It should not be used for chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Those who are prone to allergic reactions should also refrain from using the product.

For all other people, myrrh essential oil will not only not harm, but will even have a positive effect on the body.

However, it is better to carry out a skin test first for complete reliability and peace of mind.

In addition, it is required to strictly follow the doses indicated in the instructions included with the bottle.

Due to its amazing qualities, myrrh essential oil has been distributed in all corners of the globe since time immemorial. It is mentioned repeatedly in the Bible, sacred texts and ancient manuscripts.

Myrrh essential oil is an oily liquid that is typically pale yellow, green-yellow, or yellowish-brown in color. It has a rather sudden aroma, bitterish, with camphor and spicy undertones.

Myrrh oil has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, wound healing and analgesic effects. The oil has a good effect on the skin, eliminating inflammation. It can also strengthen hair.

It can also be used as a diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, deodorizing, carminative, balsamic, cooling and astringent.

Myrrh oil is considered an excellent remedy for the rehabilitation of patients; it can speed up recovery after serious illnesses, as well as injuries, operations, etc. It has a good effect on the immune system, improves blood circulation, and helps with swollen lymph nodes. Myrrh oil also has a beneficial effect on the digestive system: it activates the stomach, normalizes the secretion of gastric juice, and stops bad breath.

Myrrh essential oil is considered an aphrodisiac, in other words it increases sexual desire in both men and women, making a person more sensual.

It is especially useful for the fair sex. Myrrh oil can simplify the passage of menstruation, normalize the functioning of the uterus, and have an analgesic effect during menstruation.

The smell of myrrh oil is also beneficial. It has a powerful impact on a person’s emotional background. Myrrh oil can calm a person and save him from depression. This smell is intended for a state of meditation, it helps to disconnect from everyday problems and improve your mood. It also helps with fatigue, has an invigorating effect, and fills you with strength.

It also has a good effect on human skin. Prevents skin aging, rejuvenating, tightening and revitalizing the skin, removes wrinkles and even helps scars and stretch marks resolve. Also, myrrh oil is a regenerating agent that promotes the healing of wounds and ulcers, allergic and neuro-humoral dermatitis.

Myrrh is an oil whose properties allow it to be used for medicinal purposes. So, it contains such healing substances as:

These are not all the substances that are contained in myrrh oil. But it is they who enable doctors to recommend this remedy in order to:

  • relieve the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • accelerate tissue healing after surgery;
  • restore immunity;
  • normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • restore uterine function;
  • adjust the menstrual cycle;
  • relax.

Myrrh is an excellent antifungal agent. A few treatments using this essential oil are enough to get rid of this problem. Its expectorant property is also widely used in medicine. Therefore, for bronchitis and all kinds of colds, inhalations with myrrh oil are necessarily prescribed.

Acne, rashes, and dermatitis of various types can quickly disappear if myrrh oil is used correctly. If you use it regularly, you can even tighten the oval of your face, get rid of small wrinkles and scars, say goodbye to venous networks, and restore your former elasticity.

For what purposes do cosmetologists use myrrh oil?

  1. For dry skin to eliminate cracks and restore normal water balance.
  2. For aging skin, to help cells regenerate, restore firmness and elasticity.
  3. For problematic skin, to remove all inflammation.

It is important to note that myrrh oil helps to cope with burns, remove post-operative scars, and also cure serious diseases such as lichen, eczema or even herpes.

Pictured is myrrh oil

The high price of the product and its popularity are due to the many beneficial properties of myrrh oil, namely:

  • The essential oil can smooth out minor wrinkles, tighten the contours of the face and neck, and refresh the complexion. This is a powerful anti-aging agent against wrinkles and sagging skin.
  • The ether promotes the resorption of scars and scars, reduces acne marks.
  • Myrrh oil effectively fights rashes, prevents infections from spreading, accelerates the healing process of wounds, reduces irritation, inflammation, rashes, and dries out pimples.
  • Suitable for sensitive skin, improves its condition, fights dermatitis.
  • Myrrh essential oil nourishes and moisturizes the skin, participates in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, renews dermal cells, delivers moisture and oxygen to them.
  • Relieves fatigue, puffiness, removes dark circles under the eyes.
  • Fights acne, blackheads, reduces pigmentation, tightens pores, improves skin microrelief.
  • It has a good effect on blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and treats spider veins.
  • Myrrh oil makes the skin soft, smooth, velvety, removes oily shine, and makes the skin tone even and matte.
  • It has a tightening effect on the body, makes the skin firm, smooth and elastic, reduces cellulite, fights dermatitis, and normalizes blood circulation.
  • Strengthens hair follicles, preventing hair loss. Leaves curls strong, soft, manageable, moisturized, shiny & healthy.
  • Heals the nail plate. Due to the large amount of vitamins in its composition, myrrh oil has a strengthening effect, heals wounds, promotes rapid growth of nails, and makes them less brittle.

Important! Since ether is made from resin, it can dry out over time. Therefore, always screw the cap tightly after use.

Product Feature

People began to extract oil from the myrrh tree back in the days of ancient civilizations. The people considered this liquid sacred and healing, and this is also mentioned on the pages of the Bible. Today, global industry resorts to the distillation method to extract that very valuable liquid. Surprisingly, when using water vapor or carbon dioxide, the amount of product extracted reaches only 10%.

When purchasing aroma oil, pay special attention to the packaging, which indicates the extraction method used. The manufacturer offers resinoid and distillate. The first is extracted by carbon dioxide extraction. This method gives it a rich, lasting aroma, as well as the ability to have an intense effect on the skin. Experts recommend using this type of natural oil with caution - the effects can be very aggressive. On the other hand, the healing properties of the resinoid are twice as strong as those of the distillate.

Myrrh oil, which has undergone steam distillation, has various colors - ranging from amber, light yellow to brown with a slight gloss. The resinoid is characterized by the rich color of wood resin - red-brown.

In principle, the smells of both oils are not very different from each other. The natural aroma is dominated by spicy, bitter, smoky notes. A distinctive feature of the distillate obtained by steam is the muted smell of dust. A balsamic tint in the aroma of oils is characteristic of both types.

Not everyone likes the aroma of myrrh extract, so in order to slightly muffle the smoky-bitter notes, you need to find a suitable pair for it from other essential oils. For example, a natural extract is perfect:

  • grapefruit;
  • juniper;
  • fir cones;
  • cypress;
  • neroli;
  • geraniums;
  • carnations;
  • incense;
  • patchouli;
  • rosewood.

You can also include pine, sandalwood, and lavender oils here.

Composition of myrrh essential oil

Myrrh essential oil contains substances such as linalool, beta-bourbonene, elemene, alpha-santhalene, caryophyllene, humulene, cadinene, selinene, germacrene D, curcerene, elemol and bisabolene. It also contains isomers of lindestrene, the substance that gives myrrh its pungent, bitter odor.

Myrrh is a tree native mostly to Northeast Africa and Southwest Asia, as well as the Arabian Peninsula and adjacent islands of the Red Sea and Indian Ocean. Now the plant is actively grown in the Middle East, and myrrh essential oil from Somalia and Yemen is valued above all else.

The history of myrrh oil is rich: it is believed to be one of the first essential oils and the most ancient healing and perfume remedy. According to legends, even before our era, shepherds extracted it by removing the resin from the wool of livestock, which rubbed against the trunks of the commiphora. In Ancient Egypt, bitter myrrh oil was used first as a means of mummification and in ritual ceremonies, and later as an aromatic and cosmetic substance.

From Africa it came to Ancient Greece, and there it was actively used for cosmetic purposes - warriors always carried bottles of myrrh oil with them as a means of excellent healing of wounds. Nowadays, ether is widely used in religious rituals, folk medicine, cosmetology and aromatherapy.

The balsam tree produces resin, from which myrrh oil is later made. To do this, small cuts are made on the plant and the resin is collected. It is then processed in one of the following ways to obtain ether:

  1. By carbon dioxide extraction. Resinoid is obtained. The substance is very concentrated, with a sharp, pronounced balsamic aroma. It has a viscous shape, and sometimes, in order for the liquid to drain, the bottle of oil needs to be heated a little in a water bath. The color is red-brown, matching the tone of fresh resin.
  2. By rectification. A steam distillate is obtained. This method is the most gentle, since the beneficial properties of myrrh oil are not lost during steam distillation at 100°C. The distillate also has a thick texture, but is more fluid. Color varies from light yellow to deep amber. The aroma is specific, woody, with smoky, tart, bitter and pungent notes, but unlike the resinoid, it is more subtle and refined.

Important! Before buying myrrh oil, you need to carefully read its composition and method of production, since you need to be more careful with the ester obtained by carbon dioxide extraction due to the high concentration of active substances.

The benefits of myrrh oil are due to its rich chemical composition and the presence of many beneficial substances, including: pinene, limonene, eugenol, codeine, selinene, linalool, caryophyllene, bisabolene, beta-bourbonene, germacrene, alpha-santhalene, humulene, lindestren, cadinene, germacrene D , kurtseren, elemol. It is these substances that determine the characteristic qualities of the product - color, aroma and beneficial properties.

Real ether is highly valued and cannot be cheap. It is believed that the price of myrrh oil for a 10 ml bottle cannot be less than the cost of 1 g of gold. Thus, the average price of this product is about 1000 rubles. and 331 UAH. for 5 ml.

Important! Due to its value and popularity, myrrh oil is often counterfeited, so if you come across a tempting “discount”, you can be sure it’s a fake.

The chemical composition of myrrh oil includes:

Myrrh tree oil is produced today in several ways:

  1. By distillation method.
  2. Carbon dioxide extraction.

If it is distilled oil, then the product will have more effective and gentle properties. It can be safely applied to sensitive skin. Oil obtained by extraction requires special attention. You need to apply it carefully and carefully, as it can easily cause allergies or other unpleasant symptoms.


Myrrh oil is a product that not only treats many diseases, but also helps prevent their occurrence.

The most significant beneficial qualities of the product:

  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • strengthening the central nervous system: relieves anxiety, irritability, stress, helps cope with depression, insomnia;
  • normalization of hormonal levels in women;
  • Providing a relaxing, sedative effect;
  • fight against premature aging: smoothes out fine wrinkles and folds;
  • assistance in losing excess weight;
  • removal of toxins, salts and excess fluid from the body;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration;
  • increasing the protective functions of the immune system;
  • providing a moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating effect;
  • use for the treatment of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • providing an expectorant effect;
  • elimination of acute diarrhea;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anesthesia;
  • getting rid of edema, swelling;
  • anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal effect;
  • fight against various dermatological diseases, including facial rashes, eczema;
  • weakening of PMS symptoms;
  • recommended for women who have been diagnosed with infertility;
  • treatment of various oral lesions: stomatitis, bleeding, ulcers, gum inflammation, periodontal disease;
  • getting rid of gynecological problems: itching, discharge, thrush, fungus.

The natural product is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. In addition, doctors advise conducting a test on the skin of your hand before use in order to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. Another special smell of myrrh oil can cause various unpleasant symptoms, which, in turn, will result in allergies. Therefore, it is recommended to bring the bottle of liquid to your nose to feel the aroma and understand whether you can use it often or not.

It is better not to use pure oil obtained with the help of carbon dioxide. It will perfectly demonstrate its beneficial qualities in combination with other oils. But steam distilled can only act alone. The first contact of the product with the skin will be accompanied by warming and tingling - do not be alarmed, this is a normal reaction.

Myrrh oil dosages:

  • room aromatization - 3 drops;
  • aromatic bath - 6 drops in any cosmetics (foam, gel, salt);
  • enhance the nutritional value of daily facial products - 2 drops;
  • massage - 5 drops massage oil (10-13 g);
  • for washing skin wounds, abrasions - 4 drops a tablespoon of water for rinsing;
  • to create aroma medallions - 2 drops are enough;
  • for oral administration (about 2 times a day) - half a spoon of honey and a drop of oil.

The product is generally safe for humans if it is not counterfeit and, of course, only with the correct use of myrrh oil. Some people may find the complex aroma of essential oil too rich and pungent, so before purchasing you should get to know it and decide whether the oil is right for you.

As with any other cosmetic products, an allergy test is mandatory. Apply a small amount of myrrh oil to your wrist, rub and observe the sensations. If there is no negative reaction, then you can continue to use the product. Mild tingling and redness is a normal skin reaction to the ether.

During pregnancy, the product is not recommended for use, as it is a strong stimulant and can cause uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage. During lactation, oil should also be avoided so that it does not harm the baby.

Avoid getting myrrh oil in your eyes or mucous membranes, do not take the ether internally, and always wash your hands after working with essential oils.

Please note that it is better to add only distillate and not resinoid to cosmetics for the body, hair and skin, since the latter can cause allergic reactions, especially when applied directly to the skin, while the distillate acts carefully, gently and effectively.

Despite the numerous beneficial properties of myrrh oil, it also has its contraindications for oral administration:

  • Liver diseases.
  • Intestinal inflammation.
  • Kidney infections.

The use of the plant and its extracts is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. It increases the tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Contraindications to the use of myrrh oil

Of course, myrrh oil is often used in cosmetology. It is added to various products for face, body and hair care. You can also use myrrh oil to make cosmetic products according to your grandmother's recipes, mixing it with other essential oils and real products. It is used to rejuvenate the skin, to relieve scars, ulcers, and stretch marks.

Also used for acne-prone skin, prone to inflammation, rashes and infiltrates. With regular use, the skin becomes matte and velvety, and its color improves. It also helps with hair loss. Myrrh essential oil enhances the functioning of hair follicles, thus strengthening hair, making it thicker and healthier.

To enrich a cream, shampoo, tonic or other product with a cosmetic effect, it is enough to add approximately 7 drops of oil to 10 ml of base. Compresses with myrrh oil are also performed. To do this, dilute 5-7 drops of myrrh oil in 1 glass of warm water. For applications, 5 drops of myrrh oil are mixed with 3 drops of orange oil and added to 10 ml of base oil (olive, linseed, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, etc.).

In aromatherapy, myrrh essential oil is used for insomnia, nervous exhaustion, depression, decreased tone, and to restore the nervous system after severe stress - physical or mental. To do this, add 5-7 drops of myrrh oil to the aroma lamp.

Also, inhalations are performed with myrrh oil to cure infections of the upper respiratory tract and pharynx. This remedy helps quite well with cough, runny nose, sore throat, bronchitis, catarrh, pharyngitis, loss of voice, sinusitis and hoarseness.

It is also used for diseases in the oral cavity. Myrrh oil is excellent for bleeding gums, inflammation, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and ulcers.

Also in medicine, myrrh oil is used to heal the digestive system. So, as studies show, it helps to get rid of diseases such as flatulence, diarrhea, and dyspepsia. Myrrh oil also helps with hemorrhoids.

Myrrh oil can also be used for women’s diseases that are associated with gynecology and urology. It works especially well during menstruation, reducing pain and normalizing the functioning of the uterus.

In addition to medicine and cosmetology, myrrh essential oil is also used in industry. It is considered an element in some pharmaceuticals, food, alcohol, cosmetics and perfumes.

This remedy has almost no contraindications. Pregnant representatives of the fair sex, as well as people with personal intolerance to any of the substances included in its composition, should treat it very carefully.

You need to use Mirra oil correctly. The application largely depends on the problem that needs to be overcome. To care for hair, body and face skin, you can add the product to already familiar cosmetic preparations. For every 10 ml of base foundation, 5-7 drops of oil are enough.

Do you have problems with your oral cavity? Myrrh is used for rinsing. Simply dissolve 2-3 drops of the product in warm clean water.

Muscle pain and frequent spasms can be overcome if you make compresses with myrrh oil. They must be cold. Add 7 drops of the product to a glass of water. A cloth made of natural material is dipped into the solution. Then it should be applied directly to the sore spot.

Myrrh oil is actively used in aromatherapy. It calms, helps get rid of insomnia, removes depression, severe stress and nervous disorders. 5 drops of the product should be added to the aroma lamp. This will allow you to fully enjoy the pleasant smell of myrrh and normalize your emotions.

Aromatic baths will help you relax. It is not necessary to completely immerse yourself in water with myrrh oil. You can make effective foot or hand baths. This will help you take a break from unnecessary hassle.

Myrrh oil and resin were widely used in ancient civilizations. Myrrh oil was used in religious ceremonies and folk medicine. Myrrh (myrrh) is the resin of a tree called Commiphora myrrha, growing in Africa and the Middle East.

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Myrrh oil is one of the most famous essential oils in the world. Throughout history, myrrh has been used as incense, perfume, and medicine to heal the spirit and body. In ancient times, myrrh was mixed with wine.

Myrrh oil is an ancient medicine with deep meaning.

Myrrh (myrrh in Russian translation) is one of the gifts brought to the baby Jesus. The three gifts of the Magi - gold, frankincense and myrrh - have a deeply symbolic meaning. Gold means earthly power, incense means divine power, then myrrh is a symbol of suffering, the transition from earthly life to heavenly. In biblical times, myrrh was used to embalm the dead.

Modern researchers have become interested in the healing properties of myrrh. Myrrh resin has high antioxidant activity, antitumor properties and antibacterial activity. Myrrh contains biologically active substances that determine its beneficial properties.

These are terpenoids and sesquiterpenes, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. The resin contains up to 75% sesquiterpenes, which are organic compounds that affect certain parts of the brain, particularly the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and amygdala.

The smell of myrrh helps relieve emotional stress and gain peace of mind. Other organic components of myrrh are pinene, cadinene, dipentene, limonene, eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, acetic acid, formic acid, etc.

How is myrrh oil extracted?

The tree Commiphora myrrha is native to parts of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Somalia and eastern Ethiopia. It reaches five meters in height. The tree is easily recognizable due to its small white flowers and gnarled branches.

Myrrh grows in harsh desert climates. Sometimes it takes on a curved, bizarre shape. This is due to harsh weather and strong winds. The tree has very few leaves due to dry conditions and lack of moisture.

To collect the resin, cuts are made in the tree, from which yellow resin flows out. When the resin dries, it is collected for processing. Myrrh essential oil is produced from the resin by steam distillation. For especially sensitive people, the resin flowing from deep cuts resembles bitter tears.

Myrrh oil has a smoky, sweetish, sometimes bitter odor. The word myrrh comes from the Arabic word “murr”, which means bitter. The oil has a yellow-orange color and a viscous consistency. Myrrh oil is used in perfumery as a base for perfumes and perfume compositions.

The sad story of Mirra

The ancient Greeks had their own explanation for the origin of the healing bitter resin. Mirra's story is sad and instructive. Mirra was the daughter of the king of Cyprus, Kinir and Cenchreida. The king had ten children. Mirra was the eldest daughter. She was inflamed with a forbidden passion for her father. Mirra was ready to die to get what she wanted. The maid helped Mirra get onto her father’s bed, taking advantage of the darkness and in someone else’s image.

After a storm of passion, the deception was revealed. The father wanted to kill his daughter, but Mirra managed to escape. The gods turned her into a myrrh tree, and her tears into healing resin. The maid pulled out a baby from a hole in the bark, who was named Adonis. In ancient Greece, the resin of Myrrh was always used at the festival in honor of Adonis.

Thousand-year history of using myrrh oil

Myrrh oil has been used for therapeutic purposes for thousands of years. Historically, there is evidence of the use of myrrh as:

  • Incense
  • For embalming
  • Food flavoring
  • When treating fever
  • As an antiseptic for cleaning and healing wounds
  • To stop bleeding
  • Emotionally, the scent of myrrh is the aroma of contemplation, calm, and spirituality.

In ancient China, myrrh was widely used as medicine. To this day, myrrh remains a part of traditional Chinese medicine. The Egyptians treated fevers and skin diseases with myrrh. In Ancient Egypt, myrrh was used in embalming.

The ancient Jews used myrrh for religious purposes. Myrrh was especially valued as a wound healing agent. In ancient Greece, soldiers took myrrh on campaigns to stop bleeding and heal wounds.

Myrrh oil was valued by ancient beauties and was used to rejuvenate the skin. It is known that Cleopatra loved the scent of myrrh and added the oil to milk baths to rejuvenate her skin. In ancient times, myrrh resin was transported by caravans from the depths of Africa to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, where brisk trade flourished.

In religious ceremonies, myrrh was often used in combination with frankincense. The resin was burned over hot coals to release mysterious spiritual powers before a religious ceremony. A resinous enveloping smell accompanied meditation and prayer.

The smell of myrrh was considered a symbol of suffering. Myrrh was smoked at funerals and other sad events. Later, myrrh oil was mixed with citrus fruits to produce a lighter, more uplifting aroma.

Beneficial properties of myrrh oil

  • Has high antioxidant activity
  • Has an antitumor effect
  • Antibacterial and antifungal agent
  • Used in skin care
  • Has a rejuvenating effect
  • Used for relaxing massage and baths

Myrrh oil is used similarly to other essential oils. The oil is inhaled, sprayed into the air, and added to aroma lamps. The aromas of oils are closely related to emotions. Olfactory receptors are located near centers in the brain that control emotions. It has been noticed that each essential oil evokes certain feelings. The aroma of myrrh accompanies meditation and fills the space with philosophical meaning.

Inhaling the aroma. For this purpose, a diffuser, aroma lamps and sprayers are used. Myrrh oil is inhaled to create a certain mood, for relaxation and meditation. The smell of myrrh relieves bronchitis, colds or coughs.

Myrrh oil has a skin regenerating effect. Essential oils should not be applied directly to the skin. A few drops of essential oil are mixed with the carrier oil. These are jojoba, almond, and grape seed oils.

Essential oils should be taken internally with caution. Often, a few drops of myrrh essential oil are added to a mouthwash solution. Taking large doses orally is not recommended. Myrrh oil can be added to home remedies for additional skin care, such as enriching a lotion or cream. To do this, add a few drops of essential oil to the base and apply to the skin.

Myrrh oil can be combined with other essential oils. The best combinations are citrus fruits, bergamot, grapefruit, lemon. Currently, myrrh oil is added to toothpastes, rinses, and ointments for bruises and minor skin lesions.

  • Myrrh essential oil is used to relieve cold symptoms.
  • Respiratory problems – myrrh oil relieves coughs, helps with colds and sore throats.
  • Digestive diseases - myrrh oil relieves indigestion, dyspepsia, indigestion, and flatulence.
  • Oral diseases - myrrh relieves toothache and freshens breath. Myrrh oil is used as a natural ingredient in mouthwashes and toothpastes.
  • Immune system - strengthens and activates the immune system.

Is Myrrh Oil Safe?

When used in moderation and the correct dosage (especially when used internally), myrrh oil is generally safe for adults. However, as with other essential oils, this oil should be used with caution. Myrrh oil is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, and children under six years of age. Before use, make sure there are no allergic reactions.

Myrrh essential oil is truly an ancient healing and perfume remedy. A short tree secretes resin, which, in turn, is subjected to steam treatment. The characteristic smell of wood and smoke is especially loved by connoisseurs of traditional medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Oddly enough, the beneficial properties of this aroma oil are not inferior to other popular extracts.

Product Feature

People began to extract oil from the myrrh tree back in the days of ancient civilizations. The people considered this liquid sacred and healing, and this is also mentioned on the pages of the Bible. Today, global industry resorts to the distillation method to extract that very valuable liquid. Surprisingly, when using water vapor or carbon dioxide, the amount of product extracted reaches only 10%.

When purchasing aroma oil, pay special attention to the packaging, which indicates the extraction method used. The manufacturer offers resinoid and distillate. The first is extracted by carbon dioxide extraction. This method gives it a rich, lasting aroma, as well as the ability to have an intense effect on the skin. Experts recommend using this type of natural oil with caution - the effects can be very aggressive. On the other hand, the healing properties of the resinoid are twice as strong as those of the distillate.

Myrrh oil, which has undergone steam distillation, has various colors - ranging from amber, light yellow to brown with a slight gloss. The resinoid is characterized by the rich color of wood resin - red-brown.

Oils differ not only in color and smell, they also have different consistencies. If the distilled product turns out viscous, slightly fluid, then the resinoid product comes out sticky, viscous, and is difficult to pour out of the bottle (requires additional heating).

In principle, the smells of both oils are not very different from each other. The natural aroma is dominated by spicy, bitter, smoky notes. A distinctive feature of the distillate obtained by steam is the muted smell of dust. A balsamic tint in the aroma of oils is characteristic of both types.

Not everyone likes the aroma of myrrh extract, so in order to slightly muffle the smoky-bitter notes, you need to find a suitable pair for it from other essential oils. For example, a natural extract is perfect:

  • grapefruit;
  • juniper;
  • fir cones;
  • cypress;
  • neroli;
  • geraniums;
  • carnations;
  • incense;
  • patchouli;
  • rosewood.

You can also include pine, sandalwood, and lavender oils here.


The chemical composition of myrrh oil includes:


Myrrh oil is a product that not only treats many diseases, but also helps prevent their occurrence.

The most significant beneficial qualities of the product:

  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • strengthening the central nervous system: relieves anxiety, irritability, stress, helps cope with depression, insomnia;
  • normalization of hormonal levels in women;
  • Providing a relaxing, sedative effect;
  • fight against premature aging: smoothes out fine wrinkles and folds;
  • assistance in losing excess weight;
  • removal of toxins, salts and excess fluid from the body;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration;
  • increasing the protective functions of the immune system;
  • providing a moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating effect;
  • use for the treatment of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • providing an expectorant effect;
  • elimination of acute diarrhea;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anesthesia;
  • getting rid of edema, swelling;
  • anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antifungal effect;
  • fight against various dermatological diseases, including facial rashes, eczema;
  • weakening of PMS symptoms;
  • recommended for women who have been diagnosed with infertility;
  • treatment of various oral lesions: stomatitis, bleeding, ulcers, gum inflammation, periodontal disease;
  • getting rid of gynecological problems: itching, discharge, thrush, fungus.

Contraindications and dosages

The natural product is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. In addition, doctors advise conducting a test on the skin of your hand before use in order to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. Another special smell of myrrh oil can cause various unpleasant symptoms, which, in turn, will result in allergies. Therefore, it is recommended to bring the bottle of liquid to your nose to feel the aroma and understand whether you can use it often or not.

It is better not to use pure oil obtained with the help of carbon dioxide. It will perfectly demonstrate its beneficial qualities in combination with other oils. But steam distilled can only act alone. The first contact of the product with the skin will be accompanied by warming and tingling - do not be alarmed, this is a normal reaction.

Myrrh oil dosages:

  • room aromatization - 3 drops;
  • aromatic bath - 6 drops in any cosmetics (foam, gel, salt);
  • enhance the nutritional value of daily facial products - 2 drops;
  • massage - 5 drops + massage oil (10-13 g);
  • for washing skin wounds, abrasions - 4 drops + a tablespoon of water for rinsing;
  • to create aroma medallions - 2 drops are enough;
  • for oral administration (about 2 times a day) - half a spoon of honey + a drop of oil.


In the field of cosmetology, myrrh extract has established itself as an effective anti-aging agent that has a positive effect on the deepest layers of the skin. A few drops of myrrh tree extract can smooth out visible wrinkles and reduce crow's feet. In addition, there is a visible lifting effect - the skin is fresh and tightened, the tone is even, there is a natural radiance, and it feels soft and smooth to the touch. Cosmetologists recommend using this product regularly, and after just a few weeks you can notice an improvement in color, matteness and velvety appearance.

Do not forget that aroma oil, in addition to everything, has antiseptic properties. With its help it is possible to get rid of various dermatitis, even those caused by food allergies.

The herbal remedy can quite quickly relieve skin inflammation and irritation, for example, rash, infiltration. In addition, it perfectly resolves scars and stretch marks. Myrrh oil is ideal for hair care. Its chemical composition helps strengthen roots, improve appearance, and restore natural shine. In addition, regular use of the substance will protect your curls from early thinning and loss. The perfume industry actively uses myrrh oil. True, in the production of its products it resorts exclusively to the use of a resinoid obtained through extraction with gas. This aroma oil is used only as a fixative.

By the way, at home you can use essential liquid to flavor drinks, such as wine. Simply add a few drops to the bottle. The dosage depends on the desired intensity of the aroma.

Sources and methods of obtaining

Myrrh essential oil obtained from the resin of the myrrh tree (Commiphora myrrha). Other names for the plant are myrrh, stacta. Receipt method– steam distillation. The yield of myrrh essential oil is approximately 3-5%.

Color myrrh essential oil – pale yellow, brown-red or amber. Consistency – viscous and sticky oil. Aroma – spicy, smoky, bitter with balsamic, earthy, pine and woody notes.

Compound: limonene, cadinene, dipentene, pinene, eugenol, cinnamaldehyde, m-cresol, cinnamaldehyde, acetic acid, myrroleic acid, formic acid, many resins and sesquiterpenes.

Compatibility: orange, benzoin, bergamot, vetiver, clove, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, ylang-ylang, camphor, cypress, lavender, incense, lemon, mandarin, juniper, neroli, palmarosa, patchouli, rose, rosemary, chamomile, sandalwood , pine, tea tree, eucalyptus and many floral scents.

Description of the ether carrier

Family: Burseraceae (Burseraceae).

Myrrh - a small tree reaching a height of no more than 5 meters. The plant has gnarled branches and small white flowers. The light yellow resin appears naturally in wood cracks. The hardened brown-red resin is called “tree tears” by locals.

The myrrh tree is native to the Middle East, India and Africa. The plant grows in the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East, Somalia, Arabia, Libya, Iran, Ethiopia, and North Africa. Myrrh prefers semi-desert areas.


The name "myrrh" comes from an Arabic word that translates as "bitterness."

There is a legend according to which myrrh oil was first extracted by shepherds. The goats rubbed against the trunks of the myrrh tree, and the shepherds collected the resin that stuck to their fur.

Myrrh essential oil has been used since ancient times as a perfume and remedy. The New Testament mentions that myrrh was one of the gifts that the wise men gave to the baby Jesus. It is known that the plant was described in the German herbalist Hildegard in the early 12th century, as well as in the British herbal pharmacopoeia as a remedy for gingivitis and mouth ulcers.

Ancient Greek warriors, going on campaigns, took myrrh ointment with them to heal wounds. In Ancient Egypt and Greece, the plant was considered precious; it was used in worship and ceremonial ceremonies as incense. The Egyptians mixed myrrh with frankincense to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin and to embalm mummies.

Myrrh oil, either alone or in combination with sandalwood and frankincense, has been used since ancient times for meditation and yoga to help open the third eye. Myrrh strengthened the connection between earthly and heavenly life.

Impact on the body

Myrrh essential oil:

  • stimulates the digestive system;
  • helps against flatulence, diarrhea and stomach disorders;
  • used in the treatment of diabetes;
  • optimizes blood circulation;
  • normalizes lymphatic drainage of the body;
  • reduces enlarged lymph nodes;
  • normalizes heart rate;
  • has a cooling effect;
  • eliminates stomatitis, inflammation, mouth ulcers, periodontal disease and bleeding gums;
  • treats infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
  • removes phlegm and mucus from the body;
  • freshens breath;
  • regenerates tissue in ulcers, fistulas and poorly healing wounds;
  • provides rapid rehabilitation after injuries, illnesses and operations;
  • is an aphrodisiac;
  • eliminates painful menstruation and frigidity;
  • helps with thrush, eliminates itching and discharge;
  • facilitates difficult childbirth;
  • promotes the conception of a child;
  • improves the human immune system;
  • relieves depression, nervous breakdowns, irritation and fears;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes sleep.

Cosmetic effects

Myrrh oil:

  • used for dry, inflamed and problematic skin;
  • rejuvenates the skin, removes wrinkles;
  • gives the skin a uniform tone;
  • relieves dryness, tones, tightens and cleanses the skin;
  • relieves ulcers, boils, eczema, bedsores, roughness and ringworm;
  • resolves fresh scars and stretch marks;
  • helps to lose excess weight;
  • relieves fungal infections of the feet, cracked heels, chapped lips;
  • improves hair structure and prevents hair loss.

Ways to use myrrh essential oil internally

Myrrh essential oil is used internally to stimulate digestion and relieve stomach and intestinal problems. To do this, mix 1 drop of myrrh with half a teaspoon of honey, jam or vegetable oil. Take 1-2 times a day.

You can use myrrh oil to flavor wine: 2-4 drops of essential oil per 1 bottle of wine (500-700 g).

Ways to use myrrh essential oil externally

Add myrrh essential oil to the aromapa 3-5 drops of oil per 15 sq.m. premises. Myrrh will help lift your mood, relax and help fight sleep. They will also help with this aroma medallions: 2-3 drops.

To treat respiratory diseases you need to do cold inhalations. Add 2-3 drops of myrrh oil to a glass of water. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes.

Aroma bath will help overcome fatigue, relieve pain and digestive diseases. Mix 5-7 drops of myrrh oil with 10 ml of emulsifier (cream, bubble bath, sea salt, etc.).

Myrrh essential oil can be used in massage for the treatment of rheumatic pain, as well as menstrual pain and other gynecological problems. Add 5-7 drops of essential oil per 15 ml of carrier oil.

Apply to inflamed and irritated skin, ulcers and eczema. compress from 4-6 drops of myrrh oil mixed with 10 ml of fatty or vegetable oil. For these purposes, you can wash the skin with 7 drops of myrrh and 30 ml of water.

Enrichment of cosmetics(creams, tonics, shampoos, rinses) allows you to accelerate the healing of wounds, eczema, bedsores and stretch marks, stimulates skin renewal and improves hair structure. To do this, mix 7 drops of myrrh oil with 10 ml of base.

To treat gum problems you should do: applications: 5 drops of myrrh essential oil to 10 drops of wheat germ oil.

Myrrh essential oil helps for diseases of the mouth: Mix 10 drops each of myrrh, tea tree and peppermint oils. Take 8 drops of the mixture per 150 grams of warm water. Gargle 3 times a day.

Other uses

Myrrh essential oil is used as a fixative in the perfume and cosmetics industries. It is also added as a flavoring in drinks and food.


Myrrh oil should not be used during pregnancy.