Multilocular ovarian cyst. Structure and signs of multilocular ovarian cyst

Ovarian pathology is widespread among females with preserved reproductive capacity. The leadership among them belongs to cystic transformations of this organ. Statistically, a two-chamber cyst of the left ovary is slightly more common than the right one. This requires a separate consideration of the causes of development and treatment features of this pathology.

What is she like?

An ovarian cyst is a cavity neoplasm, which is almost always filled with liquid contents. It can have different qualitative and quantitative characteristics, which is determined by the origin of the cyst. With a two-chamber cyst, this cavity is not one, but two. This means that the cystic formations are enclosed in one capsule, but between them there is an additional septum that divides one cyst into two chambers.

Features of two-chamber cysts

  • Most often occur in the left ovary;
  • Occurs in young girls and women during the period of hormonal changes in the body, who have a burdened gynecological history;
  • Relatively more frequent occurrence against the background of mental lability and stress;
  • Always have large sizes;
  • Often complicated by rupture or torsion of the ovary;
  • May cause infertility.

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis

It is impossible to single out individual symptoms that characterize a two-chamber ovarian cyst. All manifestations are nonspecific and can be observed in many diseases of the uterine adnexa. These include:

The diagnosis of a two-chamber cyst of the left ovary can only be confirmed with the help of an ultrasound examination performed in the transabdominal and transvaginal mode. In doubtful cases, tomography or diagnostic laparoscopy is performed.

Treatment options

The presence of a two-chamber cyst in the left ovary is a direct indication for surgical treatment. As a rule, such neoplasms do not resolve with conservative therapy. The sooner the patient realizes this, the lower the risk of complications from such cysts. Their development is fraught with the loss of the left ovary.

Surgical technologies for eliminating this type of cyst are quite well mastered by all gynecological hospitals. The operation of choice is laparoscopic cyst removal. This type of intervention does not require a classic incision, since all stages of the operation are performed through punctures under the control of a video camera (laparoscope). With planned removal of the cyst, the ovary can be saved. Complications of the cyst by rupture or torsion may require open surgery through a standard approach.

A two-chamber formation - this could be a cyst. Today we will talk about how dangerous a disease such as a two-chamber ovarian cyst is, symptoms, danger, treatment of pathology, how it can be detected and cured.

Two-chamber ovarian cyst: symptoms and causes of the phenomenon

The causes of ovarian cysts have not yet been established, since they can be diagnosed at different ages and regardless of the lifestyle that the patient leads. However, most often the main cause of a two-chamber ovarian cyst is hormonal disorders. However, the symptoms can be very mild and almost unnoticeable. In relation to a two-chamber cyst, this is a particular danger, since the likelihood of rupture or twisting in this case increases. This threatens intoxication of the body due to rupture of the cyst, removal of the ovary, infertility, and the occurrence of other, more serious diseases. That is why regular gynecological examination in the prevention and timely treatment of double-chamber ovarian cysts is of particular importance.

Sometimes a two-chamber cyst can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

Menstrual irregularities, weak or heavy menstruation, the amount of which differs from the usual volume of discharge.

Malaise, weakness as a symptom of a two-chamber ovarian cyst.

Lack of pregnancy when trying to conceive.

Increased body temperature.

Two-chamber ovarian cyst: danger of disease

Let's consider the main dangers that arise when treatment of a two-chamber cyst is neglected:

Rupture of the cyst - the liquid contents of the cyst can penetrate the internal organs and lead to infection. Very often, peritonitis occurs against this background.

Twisted cyst is a two-chamber cyst larger in size than a normal formation, and torsion in this case occurs quite often. In this case, prompt surgical intervention is required, because this process leads to impaired blood circulation in the ovaries. If the disease is advanced, the ovary along with the fallopian tube may be removed. After this, it is difficult, and sometimes simply impossible, for a woman to get pregnant.

Two-chamber ovarian cyst: treatment

A two-chamber ovarian cyst is treated as follows:

First, the condition of the patient with a two-chamber ovarian cyst is studied using:

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;

Gynecological examination;

Computer tomogram;

Blood and urine tests;

By carrying out other procedures aimed at identifying a cyst, determining its type, and excluding pregnancy.

After this, the doctor prescribes hormonal contraceptives, vitamins, physiotherapy, balneotherapy, and diet.

If treatment does not lead to the desired result, and the two-chamber cyst continues to grow, surgery is performed. Laparoscopy is most often performed - the fastest, simplest and most effective method with minimal interference in the functioning of the reproductive system.

Remember that timely treatment of a two-chamber cyst is the key to women’s health!

A two-chamber ovarian cyst is a formation consisting of two chambers. This formation appears in women as a result of hormonal imbalance, excessive anxiety or physical activity. The tumor tends to twist or rupture, which leads to the outpouring of its contents into the peritoneum. Cyst rupture often results in peritonitis.

It seems possible to detect a two-chamber cyst during preventive diagnostics. If the formation is small, it does not bother the woman. The tumor causes discomfort as it grows. The disease has no clinical symptoms. It manifests itself as follows:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen that has a pulling character. By the middle of the menstrual cycle, pain intensifies. The pain is more noticeable during intimacy or during heavy physical exertion.
  • A small amount of spotting between periods.
  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Frequent urge to defecate or constipation.
  • Tension, pressure and a feeling of fullness in the lower peritoneum. On one side there is swelling.
  • Significant weight gain.
  • Fluctuations in body temperature.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Hormonal imbalances, as a result of which the patient experiences increased body hair, high oily skin and acne.


A two-chamber cyst of the left ovary does not occur in a woman without reason. The most common cause is hormonal imbalance in the body. It is manifested by menstrual irregularities, increased progesterone levels, and the presence of tumors of the corpus luteum. There is a high probability of formation in women carrying a child. During pregnancy, functional formations most often appear. Inflammation of the genital organs also leads to the appearance and growth of a two-chamber cyst. Retention formations form in women who have undergone various operations.

Note: If during pregnancy there are disruptions in the development of the embryo, significant changes occur in the structure of the genital organs. This is how a dermoid tumor appears. This tumor consists of embryonic layers. Its cavity contains nails, hair and sebum.

To date, the causes of two-chamber tumors have not been fully studied. The factors listed above influence the development of cysts differently in each woman.


In order to diagnose a two-chamber cyst of the right ovary, doctors send the woman for a series of studies. The doctor can determine enlarged ovaries and painful areas of the abdomen during a gynecological examination.

Ultrasound examination is the most informative diagnostic method today. Additional equipment (Doppler meter and vaginal sensor) makes it possible to obtain more accurate results. Using ultrasound examination, observation of a two-chamber tumor lasts at least two months.

Important! Gynecologists do not begin treatment of a complicated two-chamber cyst without puncture of the posterior vaginal vault. This procedure is performed to detect blood or fluid in the peritoneal area.

Magnetic resonance imaging in some cases gives more accurate results than ultrasound. This method allows you to determine the condition of the ovaries with a two-chamber cyst, which is difficult to diagnose.

In order to determine the type of formation, the woman undergoes a computed tomography scan. In order to exclude the possibility of the presence of cancer cells in the formation, the doctor refers the patient to have tumor markers tested. If the gynecologist suspects inflammation of the ovary or hemorrhage of the formation, the woman undergoes a general blood and urine test.

The patient must take a test for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin and a pregnancy test. These tests can detect a pregnancy that is occurring outside the uterus. If the doctor suspects that a two-chamber cyst could rupture or twist around its pedicle, he performs a laparoscopic diagnosis.


Compared to single-chamber cysts, double-chamber cysts pose a greater danger to the health and life of the patient. If you believe the statistics, these formations are more likely to become malignant than those that have one chamber. But do not worry in advance, since not all multilocular cysts have an unfavorable prognosis. Therefore, doctors do not begin to treat the disease until the woman undergoes a histological examination.

Sometimes two-chamber cysts can develop into malignant ones. But in addition to this complication, a number of others can be identified:

  • Tumor rupture.
  • Formation of pus in the cyst.
  • Tuboovarian abscess (spread of the inflammatory process to the ovary, uterine tubes and tissues).
  • Bleeding into the cyst cavity.

Most often, retention cysts burst. This occurs when the formation capsule is filled with enough liquid content. The tumor ruptures under the influence of certain factors: physical activity, inflammation, etc. This complication poses a threat to the female body, so it is very important to diagnose it in time. A woman needs to be attentive to her health, since the rupture of a cyst is accompanied by certain symptoms. This may be cramping pain in the lower abdomen that moves to the rectum. Sometimes there is a false urge to urinate or defecate. Some patients complain of general weakness of the body, low blood pressure and increased heart rate. Treatment in this case should be immediate.

Important! The formation of pus in a two-chamber cyst is accompanied by throbbing pain and high body temperature. The patient feels weak and slightly unwell. Often the analysis shows a high level of leukocytes in the blood.

In order to avoid the consequences listed above, a woman needs to pay attention to all the signals that the body gives, and also undergo routine gynecological examinations.

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The cyst can be detected in women from the beginning of sexual activity and up to 49 years of age. 80% of women and girls who have been diagnosed with an ovarian tumor believe that this bubble exists in the body without any manifestations, that is, symptoms, and it is very difficult to determine. Half were diagnosed with a cyst only during an ultrasound scan. A tumor of the right and left ovary is a formation, a growth that looks like a bubble filled with fluid. The left formation can exceed the volume of the right one by 5 times. The size of the neoplasm ranges from 2 mm to 19 cm, the cyst can be 1- or 2-chamber. Not only a disease such as an ovarian cyst can develop, but also cysts of other organs.

Two-chamber tumor of the ovary: right or left

A two-chamber cyst is a benign growth that consists of two parts (cavities) containing fluid. Most often, 2-chamber cysts are paraovarian cysts - these are congenital pathologies, and a follicular cyst (functional + cystic tumor). The choice of treatment method depends on the tumor (bladder size) and the woman’s age, as there is a risk of developing cancer. You should do special gymnastics (therapeutic), acupuncture, and follow a diet. The possibility of the appearance of a cyst on the right and left ovary is directly related to the structural features of the ovaries and their work. Doctors believe that the cyst occurs due to constant nerves, stress, depression, hormonal imbalances, diets and sexually transmitted infections.

A two-chamber cyst can consist of 2, 3 chambers, sometimes more. This disease is very dangerous and can cause severe complications, one of which is torsion of the cyst stalk, peritonitis. Gynecologists today cannot explain why a cyst appears on the right and left ovary. This disease can occur in women at any age, with any lifestyle. The disease is usually asymptomatic, but symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, pallor, severe, acute pain in the lower abdomen, irregularities and disruption of the menstrual cycle, and infertility are possible.


The causes of a 2-chamber tumor of the left organ can be different:

  • Abortions that lead to infertility.
  • Late sexual development.
  • Hormonal imbalance, taking hormonal medications (injections, pills), lack of hormones.
  • Psychological diseases (+ stress).
  • Early menstruation (up to 11 years).
  • Pathologies of the reproductive organs.
  • Disorders of the menstrual cycle.
  • Infectious infection.
  • Inflammation of the ovaries.

A tumor of the left or right ovary develops simultaneously with the occurrence of other pathological processes in the genital organs.


Complications may occur such as:

  • Tumor rupture (cyst torsion). Apoplexy is one of the most common complications; the tumor capsule is torn, and the entire content of the cyst passes into the abdominal cavity. In this case, the woman feels the following symptoms: pain that radiates to the lower back, anus and vaginal opening, all this can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness, pallor, dizziness. A rapid increase in intra-abdominal pressure (during sex, physical activity and constipation) - this also contributes to the rupture of the cyst.
  • Tumor torsion. Our ovary is attached to the walls of the abdomen by thin ligaments that hold the ovary in a certain position. When a tumor appears, the weight of the organ increases, and with sudden movements of the body it begins to twist around its own ligaments, because of this the blood vessels are compressed and the blood supply is disrupted. Symptoms: severe pain in the right or left side of the abdomen, loss of consciousness. Treatment of tumor torsion is carried out only by surgery.

Diagnosis of a 2-chamber tumor of the left organ

An ultrasound, urine and blood tests, a full examination of the body, laparoscopy (laparoscopic method), blood test for biochemistry, transvaginal examination (in this case it is the most effective) are performed. Gynecologists believe that it is best to perform an ultrasound on the 4th and 5th day of menstruation, thus obtaining the most accurate results.

Treatment of a two-chamber cyst on the left

Additional examinations are being done. After receiving the results, a consultation with a gynecologist is held, and a treatment method is selected. It directly depends on the patient’s age, the characteristics of her body, hormone levels, lifestyle, and environmental conditions. The doctor will announce the cause of the cyst after receiving the results of a full examination of the body.

Operations are performed only if the tumor exceeds 10 cm in size. Laparoscopy is used for removal. Surgery is performed only when the disease is in an acute stage, as well as in the presence of bleeding. There are 2 methods of therapy: laparoscopic - is less traumatic. Culdoscopy is a study by inserting an endoscope into the vagina. Drug therapy may be used, depending on the type of tumor and stage of the disease.

Disease of the right ovary

Reasons: disruption of the menstrual cycle, early onset of menstruation, infertility, infections, sexual diseases, menopause after 45 years, as well as women who did not breastfeed.


  • Menstruation failure.
  • Infertility.
  • Delay of menstruation.
  • Frequent bleeding and urination.
  • Constipation, nausea and vomiting.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Increased hair growth.
  • Acne.
  • Aching pain in the abdomen.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of blood and urine tests, bimanual examination, ultrasound, x-rays, and a complete examination of the body.


Depending on the test results, the type of treatment is determined. In the case of a mild stage of the cyst (follicular, corpus luteum), drug treatment and traditional recipes help. If the cyst is up to 5 cm in size, MRI, surgery, open laparotomy, and hormonal therapy are necessary.

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A two-chamber ovarian cyst is a phenomenon in gynecology that many women of reproductive age encounter. A benign growth, hollow inside and filled with liquid, is divided by a septum into separate cells.

The formation is more typical for the left ovary than for the right. A woman should know what it is, the reasons for the appearance of a cyst and be aware of the possible health consequences. If the formation is diagnosed late or the woman refuses to undergo the prescribed treatment, internal bleeding or the development of peritonitis if the cyst bursts cannot be ruled out.

Reasons for education

In gynecology today there is no clear answer to the question of what causes the development of two-chamber cysts. Information is constantly being studied and data is being improved.

Practicing gynecologists have identified only a few key points that can cause the appearance of formation.

  1. Hormonal imbalance. The reason is considered one of the main ones. Against the background of hormone imbalance, the formation of ovarian cysts cannot be ruled out.
  2. Physiological problems leading to menstrual irregularities. This reason largely provokes the development of a corpus luteum cyst.
  3. Pregnancy is one of the causes of the disease.
  4. Diseases of the genital organs suffered by a woman of an inflammatory nature that are of a bacterial nature.
  5. Surgery on the organs of the reproductive system.

These are just some of the reasons that provoke the appearance of a cyst. Gynecologists note that abortions and late puberty may be the cause of the disease.

It is also necessary to take into account the time of the onset of menstruation; there is an opinion that neoplasms appear more often if menstruation began early, at about 11 years of age.

Diseases of the reproductive system can provoke the development of benign formations.

Types of two-chamber tumors

There are several types of two-chamber ovarian cysts:

  1. Paraovarian. Education appears in the fetus during intrauterine development. This genetic anomaly is detected when a girl, as a rule, reaches 12-14 years of age; previously it was hidden and asymptomatic.
  2. Follicular. The cause of development is hormonal imbalance. Before ovulation, a follicle has already formed in the ovary; when it bursts, an egg is released. Under the influence of hormonal imbalance, without bursting, the follicle continues to grow, transforming into a cyst.
  3. Mucinous and serous cysts are benign formations that have the ability to transform into malignant tumors.
  4. The malformation is a dermoid cyst.

Education can occur on the right and left. According to doctors, it appears on the left side much more often; in this ovary, the follicle with the egg more often matures and bursts.

Double-chamber formations are considered more dangerous than single-chamber ones. It is important to identify them in the early stages, undergo adequate treatment, avoiding possible consequences.


A two-chamber cyst, which is small in size, does not show symptoms for a long time. A woman learns about the existing formation only during the next preventive examination by a gynecologist.

Symptoms characteristic of the pathology appear when the formation begins to increase in size.

A woman faces:

  • pain in the part where the affected ovary is located, where the growth develops;
  • intermenstrual bleeding of a spotting nature;
  • failures of menstruation;
  • periodic attacks of nausea;
  • the appearance of false urges to urinate, defecate;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • weight gain;
  • an increase in body temperature for no particular reason;
  • disorders of blood vessels, heart, tachycardia.

During palpation, the doctor feels tension in the abdominal wall. Hormonal imbalances lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of inflamed acne. A woman is faced with an increase in facial hair.


During an examination by a gynecologist, a specialist can determine the formation if it is already large in size or suspect its presence based on the symptoms present in the patient. To confirm the preliminary diagnosis, a number of studies are prescribed:

  1. Ultrasound with transvaginal, abdominal sensors.
  2. Laparoscopy, which allows you to identify the growth and remove it.
  3. CT results show the structure and exact size of the formation.
  4. The procedure for puncturing the posterior vaginal fornix allows one to accurately diagnose the presence of a formation, its size and the possibility of complications in the form of bleeding into the retroperitoneal space.

Additionally, a general blood and urine test is prescribed. This allows you to assess the woman’s condition.

The doctor must make sure that there is no risk of developing a malignant tumor; in addition, the woman is tested for tumor markers.

Treatment methods

Therapy for pathology begins with balancing the woman’s hormonal levels. This is precisely the problem that becomes key. It is solved by prescribing combined oral contraceptives. As soon as the hormonal levels return to normal, the tumor will begin to decrease in size or completely resolve on its own.

Selecting medications on your own is strictly prohibited. This is done by a specialist based on the obtained tests. Doctors often use another effective technique by prescribing a medicine containing the hormone progesterone. It helps to reduce the size of the cyst, and in the future it can resolve on its own.

If the treatment used does not provide the necessary effectiveness, the cyst is removed surgically. This decision of the attending physician is dictated by the parameters of the tumor, if it is more than 10 cm, and the onset of internal bleeding. The laparoscopy method is used. In the presence of an ovarian cyst, it is the least traumatic. The woman quickly recovers from it.

What could be the danger?

A small cystic cavity does not cause discomfort or anxiety about your health. As soon as the formation reaches 7-10 cm, the woman should understand that there is a risk:

  • rupture of the tumor, when its capsule is torn, all the internal contents pass into the abdominal cavity.;
  • torsion of the tumor - this is caused by the fact that the growth of the tumor makes the ovary heavier; it twists around the ligaments that attach it to the walls of the abdomen.
  • suppuration of the ovary and fallopian tubes with surrounding tissues.

Regular visits to the doctor, the correct selection of contraceptive methods, and control of the menstrual cycle are a small part of the preventive methods that should be adopted by a woman who wants to maintain reproductive health.